Driving role-playing games for the New Year's corporate party. Festing games for the new year: fun and nontrivial

Driving role-playing games for the New Year's corporate party. Festing games for the new year: fun and nontrivial
Driving role-playing games for the New Year's corporate party. Festing games for the new year: fun and nontrivial

When a holiday is celebrated within the Company, it is inevitable subordinate to contact with their bosses. In order for such a pastime, it is not boring-owner, you need to look for additional solutions. Great contests for the New Year's corporate party with jokes can be helped perfectly well, which will allow the whole vacationing public and spend the evening.

  • Movable
  • Musical and dance
  • Alcohol
  • Drinks


Road to the festive table

Time for this contest for adults is best to stay at the beginning of the New Year's corporate party. You need to divide everyone into two teams, which leading will make up comic (to put it mildly) riddles. Each correct response is accompanied by a step in the direction of the table, incorrect - step in the opposite direction. Here are what questions may be:

  • The hairy head is cleverly climbing the cheek - what is it? (Toothbrush).
  • What can be seen from the woman's risking leg, in the word 5 letters - the first "P", the last "A"? (Heel).
  • One place takes, the other gives - what is it? (ATM).
  • Why is the goat's eyes sad? (Because the husband's goat).
  • Where do not wock the hair even under heavy rain? (On Lysin).
  • Is it possible to kill cottage? (Yes, if you wrap the iron in it).
  • What is Adam in front, and Eva from behind? (The letter a").
  • Little, wrinkled, is in every woman - what is it? (Raisin).
  • Why do women in the morning scratch eyes? (Because they have no eggs).
  • What is a woman on the body, in a Jew on his mind, is used in hockey and on a chessboard? (Combination).
  • What needs to be done if you got into the car, and the legs do not get to the pedals? (Transfer to the driver's seat).
  • What end day and night? (Soft sign).
  • What are them more, the weight is less. What is it? (Holes).
  • What wheel does not spin at the right turn? (Spare).
  • What is: 15 cm long, 7 cm in width and really like women? (Banknote at $ 100).

Mystery for boss

To carry out this cool competition for the New Year's corporate, it is better to choose the time when the bosses will comply with the party. When the chief appears, all staff rises back to it, everyone has a hat from Santa Claus on her head. The chef must learn every employee from the back, without seeing his face. If he recognizes everyone to one, then the team will sing something for him, and if he confuses someone or forget - will have to fulfill the wish of this person.

New Year couple

When the New Year's company is already pretty enough and relaxed at the festive table, you can arrange a competition for the identification of New Year's couples. Everyone is broken into pairs (not necessarily by sexual sign), come up with funny names for them, for example, Estonian policeman and drunk Santa Claus, and the most appropriate characters with this characters. When all the couples will perform with their miniatures, the audience choose the most artist, which is awarded the prize.

New Year's police patrol

In order for the new year's competitions to be exciting and interesting, in the New Year's games from among the participants to the end of the party, you can choose a "police patrol", whose task will be to ensure that everyone smiles, no one saddled, did not hear away from participation in contests and having fun. For the despondency and sadness it follows a strict punishment - to fulfill the phantas of the team, otherwise it is not selected in the new year of premium.


The presenter prepares tokens with the names of fabulous characters and distributes them to the participants of the competition. Those should use the pantomime to understand the public whom they depict. The task can be somewhat simplified by narrowing the type of characters to New Year or, for example, to take only animals. Viewers will determine the most artistic mime of the labor collective.

Draw a New Year's boss

For this fun you need to prepare a sheet of watman paper and a marker. Competition participants pull out the turns of their phantas, in which part of the image of the boss, which they have to draw. Then, also in turn and blindfolded, participants are suitable for "chop" and draw their piece of chief. Since he should be a New Year, then his clothes should be like the vestment of Santa Claus, and an eye should be present on the face. Everyone will have to show intuition so that its part of the body is on a laid place, and after all, there is still a sleeve, deer, bag with gifts.

In general, Picasso would have envied the result obtained, and I will probably like the chief.

Sleight of hand

To carry out this competition for 4 participants, you will need a stool, 4 eye scarf and 4 tablespoons. The stool put upside down, the participants arouse near her legs back to a stool and tie their eyes. Agree, the most fun contests for the New Year's corporate party, where participants need to do something with closed eyes. So, the master gives them the team to make three full steps forward, after which everyone hands a spoon and puts the task to put a spoon on the "his" foot stool. Spectators can suggest, directing the "blind", but they are little capable of disassembled by the universal dust. The spectacle is thrilled.


Guests of the holiday silently water dance around the tree. The lead explains the rules - he will ask the question "We have all ...?", Ending with a part of the body. Hearing such a question, dance participants must take each other for the corresponding part of the body. All begins with innocent hands, but then the presenter moves to the ears, the noses, and then at all to the breasts and the "fifth point" (if the company allows).

Siamese twins

Competitions should participate arbitrary collected pairs, which are associated back to back. Further over them can be funful to mock - let them quickly make a circle around the tree or the waltz will be stacked, and even better - the sailor "apple". Oh, and embraces all such a "Siamese twin"!

Passionate meeting

This contest is intended for real - family pairs. Spouses put on some removal from each other, and between them an open bottle with an alcoholic beverage. The husband ties his eyes, they are well spinning, after which they are asked to approach his wife and passionately hug it. He cautiously trying to move in her direction, because it is afraid to overturn the bottle, but he is not uncommon that it has already been removed by this time.

Make a gift

After the presentation of gifts, you can spend such a contest. Snow Maiden chooses how the guests should carry their gifts: putting on the head, closing between the legs, on the shoulder, etc. It is important here that the gifts are not fighting and too hard.

Bag of Santa Claus

All participants in the feast are built in a row, at one end of which Santa Claus turns out, and on the opposite - his bag with gifts. When the music is heard, the extreme participant takes the bag in his hands, makes him the turn around him and passes into the hands of next. At some point, the music freezes, then the participant, in whose hands at that moment was a bag, should execute some room at the request of Santa Claus. And only when the bag makes all the way to his owner, he will start the distribution of gifts.


On the corporate partnership everyone loves funny contests with a non-native subtext. So if you are confident in adequacy and good sense of humor of all those present, enable this fun in your list.

To participate in this competition, volunteers are 5 female and 6 male. Women get into a circle face to each other, widespread legs, which form a mink's semblance. Men walk outside the circle under playing music. When the music breaks, each of them must instantly push her head into a free "mink". They need to be hurry, because one mink will not get. The governed player drops out of the game, giving way to a new one.

Want to add other contests "for adults" to your piggy bank? You will find them in another article on our website.

New Year Cricket for Men

We need four brave points, which master gives out the female stockulka, in which potatoes lies. The end of the stocking they fasten on the belt, so that the potatoes dangle between the legs. With this device, each participant must move a personal cube from one point to another. Who can cope with the challenge faster, the winner. Potatoes can be replaced with a banana or any other heavy item.


Two or more couples players can take part in the competition. Each pair is issued by the roll of toilet paper. The challenge is that one of the couple will wrap her second, turning it into the similarity of Egyptian mummy. The task of time, but also the quality of work is also evaluated.


Competed in the competition in pairs, each participant is given a snowflake (piece of wool) and a spoon. They must, without dropping the snowflake, bring her in a spoon from the start to the finish line faster than a competitor. Competition can be turned into the relay between two commands.

All participants of this fun and cool competition for the New Year's corporate party form a circle, holding hands. Nearby should not be sharp, beating and other dangerous items. Each player leads to the ear reports the names of two animals. And loudly explains to everyone that when he utters the name of any animal, the man to whom it was found, should quickly sit down, and his closest neighbors from two sides, having revealed this his intention, should prevent him, supporting his hands. It is necessary to do this in a fairly fast pace, without freight.

The thing is that the second animal leading to all players calls China. At first, he shouts the name of the one, then another animal with understandable consequences. But at some point he says "Kit!" - And everything is fun together on the floor, because they have no one to keep them!


The presenter is looking for three participants, which gives 3 ballolar balls, feltster and scotch. From this material they should make a snowman. The one who wins the fastest will manage and will not lose a single ball.

Almost Russian Roulette

The presenter causes 6 brands and places 6 chicken eggs, explaining that one of them is raw, and the rest of the booths. Further, participants must take turns to take the first egg and hit their forehead. Everyone is anticipating that someone is not lucky - a raw egg will get. Special sympathy will be given to the last player who is simply obliged to crash a malicious raw egg. What will be the relief in the brave, when it also turns out to be boiled. He is worthy to receive a prize for courage, if not afraid to break this egg.

Competitors can have several guys who are offered to choose from those present in a pretty lady. Then the lead asks men, what part of the body specific feminians attracted them. Those called them, for which they get a task to compose advertising these parts of the body. The most successful advertising option is encouraged by the prize.

In order

All participants in this competition leads the leads eyes and is found on the ear of his place in the queue. Then the signal sounds, according to which everyone must be lined up in accordance with its numbers, without pronounce no sound.

Get into goal

This is a well-known and very fun competition, which is more suitable for strong sex. For him, there will be empty bottles, and for each participant in pencils and pieces of rope length about a meter. Pencil is tied to one end of the rope, and the other refills for the belt. On the floor, before each participant, put an empty bottle in which he should be lowered his pencil.

Baba Yaga

This contest can be issued as a relay between several teams. The participants of the game should rush up with a broom (mop) to hell and back to their team, passing the relay and propumes the next player. Since "Stupa" is small, only one leg is closer to it, so the bucket need to hold the hand, and there will be a mop. Racing are very funny!


To carry out this competition, you need to write various tasks on the shreds, turn them and put them in the balloons, which then inflate. The presenter distributes ball players, and they should burst them without hands and remove them from there the task that they have to be performed. Jobs need to come up with cheerful, for example:

  • climb
  • to contact and declare that Santa Claus is approaching;
  • depict drifting chimes;
  • sing a new year song;
  • eat without sugar slicker lemon with a smile on face, etc.

Musical and dance

Best dance team

Top Merry New Year competitions are often associated with music. Those who wish to take part in this competition should be divided into 2-3 teams and give each of their song. For a short time, the team should come up with its motif original New Year's dance, where bows and support must be present. That team, whose dance will like the public most, should get some prize.

Guess the melody

If there are good musicians on the holiday, you can arrange the next competition with them. The orchestra is playing the melody of songs on the New Year's subject, and students must remember words from her. The participant will win, who picks up a greater number of songs. It is advisable to use not only the sinks that have stuffed asking themselves, but also rarely sounding songs so that the people would have to break her head.

Everybody dance

In this dance competition, everyone can participate in the New Year corporate. It is necessary to ask to launch either fast and movable, or, on the contrary, slow melody. Competition participants will need to dance only a certain part of the body in accordance with an elongated every card on which the active part of the body will be indicated, for example, head, fingers, legs, belly, "fifth point", etc., Whose dance will be the most expressive, Get a prize.

Go on the link, and you will find on our website even more New Year competitions for your corporate party.

Dancing on ice

When the first dance pause begins in the break of the feast, it does not use all guests. The presenter can easily take on the notes of such "lazy people" and mentally "sentenced" them to participate in the next competition. The newspaper sheet is put on the floor for each participant in the competition, which on the team begins to dance on it. Then the music is turned off, and the newspaper is folded in half. And again dancing, but already at a lesser area. And so several times until the newspaper turns into a piece of paper. The audience awards the best of the dancers to applause, and then everything is already moving to real dances.

SPO, Friends!

Musical competitions for corporate in the New Year are especially popular. In the described competition, all guests need to be divided into two choirs. At first, one chorus asks a question, sangs a line from some song, for example, "What do you give, my dear man?". The rival team must give a worthy answer: "Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses ...". The competition continues until one of the teams does not have a response.



Funny New Year competitions for the corporate party never cost without alcohol, and so that the team does not just drank, but at the same time entertained, you can drink a drink into the game. For example, in this competition will not need to jump, run or squat, but only drink.

Teams of 3 people must participate, each of which is awarded a bottle of champagne. The presenter gives an otmashka, the perky music and the teams open the bottles and try to cut them as quickly as possible. On three it is not so difficult. The team that first will raise up a devastated bottle is declared the winner.

New Year's cocktail

A few people leading to the tied eyes and Barman participate in the competition. The latter must prepare each volunteer personal cocktail from any drinks present on the festive table. Barman takes a bottle of a bottle behind a bottle and asks the "leader": "This?". When he answers the affirmative, the bartender pours the ingredient into a glass, and so while in the glasses of each participant will not be 3 different ingredients. After that, it remains toast toast and drink a cocktail.

Champagne in a cup, mandaring in mouth

Participants are divided into teams of 3 people, each issued a closed bottle of champagne, crude mandarin and cups. By writing the lead team, you must open your bottles, pour a drink and drink it, then clean the mandarin, divide on the slices and eat. That team that will manage to manage everything, will become the winner.


Fade away from the second half

Competitions and entertainment for the new year can lead to anything, therefore it would not hurt in advance to come up with an explanation of different situations for their second half. Participants pull out Phants, which describes a specific situation for which they have to come up with witty excuses. Situations may be like:

  • on the gate shirt traces from lipstick;
  • in pocket pants found a napkin with a number of Tamara;
  • wife came home in male boots;
  • what makes in your handbag male tie?;
  • my husband has a panties in the opposite;
  • on the phone comes SMS "Thank you for the hot evening", etc.

Treasure for chief

For this competition, it will be possible to judge how the boss knows his team well. The presenter receives from all participants a feast one personal thing and folds them into a box or bag. Naturally, the head of this should not see. Then the lead offers the chief to pull out one thing from the bag and guess the name of its owner.


Between moving fun and games should not forget about the packaging contests at the New Year corporate, because they help a little restore forces, but at the same time they do not let the team at the table.

The presenter prepares several uncomplicated phrases, for example, the "Bar of the Heaven of the Heaven." The participants of the game should take turns to pronounce it, but on their manner, giving different intonations: questioning, exclamation, sarcastic, sad, angry, etc. From the game, the player is dropped out of the game, the fantasy of which in the choice of intonation dried. One who came up with the last pronunciation option.

You can remake this contest at the table: the master himself calls each participant an intonation with which he must say the phrase. Wins the one who was most convincing.

What competition did you like most? Do you know other interesting contests for New Year's corporate events? Share your opinion and experience in the comments - our readers will be useful!

Figgy contests for the new year entertain and have a journey company. Interesting games and quiz will give guests the opportunity to get acquainted with each other closer. Merry comic competitions will laugh all sitting at the table to tears and create a relaxed relaxed atmosphere.

    Participants are divided into 3-4 teams of 2-3 people. Each group presenter issues a leaf with a handle and welcomes some word. The task of the team is to write an urgent telegram, and all the words of the telegrams should begin on a certain letter of the word, which was guessing the presenter (the first word - on the first letter, the second - on the second, etc.). Text, if possible, should turn out to be connected and understandable. For example, the presenter fucked the word "mask". You can make such a text of the telegram: "Mikhail addressed to the Americans' stationery."

    Words for each group must consist of the same number of letters. The team wins, which was the most funny and peculiar telegram.

    Examples of words: Metro, dish, descent.

    "Cooker" game

    Everyone participates in the game. The presenter distributes each player on the handle and the leaves. The task of participants is to compose as much words as possible, which contains other vowels, except "a". For example: attack, ditch, carnival, Tamada. The task is given for 5 minutes. After the expiration of the time the host counts the number of words from each player. The participant wins with the greatest number of words. Words in which other vowels are found are not counted.

    The task can be modified: specify any other vowel letter.

    All sitting at the table participate in the competition. The lead offers one of the company to guess any item. The task of the participant is to tell about the subject, as if he sees his eyes. For example: "I have a lot of brothers and twin sisters. The only thing that distinguishes us is an increase. We can be different colors: black, white or brown. Sometimes we can combine several colors. " If the participants did not guess what it was, the story continues: "If the owner does not help us in time, we become dirty and start sticking to each other." Once the participants realized that it was hair, the relay moves to the next participant.

    The winner must withstand the intrigue most.

    The game "Traditions of the New Year"

    5 people participate in the game. The presenter reads the tradition of holding a new year in a specific country. The task of the players is to guess in which country is such a custom. Wins the one who will give more correct answers.


    "In this country, Santa Claus is called Babbo Natal" (Italy)

    "In this country, instead of Santa Claus gifts distributes Queen of Luchii's light" (Sweden)

    "In this country, people for the new year throw various items from the windows, ranging from bottles and ending with furniture" (South Africa)

    "On New Year's Eve, ancient fairy tales are played here" (England)

    "New year here is called Hogmani" (Scotland)

    "The branches of the blooming peach - a symbol of the new year in this country" (Vietnam)

    5 people participate in the competition. It is necessary to prepare several different items in advance and attach them to the rope (participants should not see them).

    The first contestant is invited to the hall (the rest are outside the door). The presenter tie his eyes and takes turns to make every item. The task of the participant is to call for 5 seconds that it is hanging before it, not a touching item with hands. It is allowed to use only the nose, that is, the contestant must be a shuffle that it is. The participant is defeated, who gave birth to more objects.

    Object options: Apple, bottle of beer, piece of newspaper or book, money, tea bag.

    The game "All secret becomes clear"

    The game involves all sitting at the festive table. One half of the participants on the leaves writes arbitrary questions that interest them. Another half records answers by type "Yes", "slightly", "categorically no". After that, there are questions in one box, and the other are answers. The first player pulls the question. Before he begins to read the question, says who addresses him. He pulls the answer from another box.

    The couple, which turned out the most original question-answer, becomes the winner.

Still ahead. What to take guests in the remaining time?

You can, of course, slowly by saving sandwiches and snacks, to watch the "Irony of Fate" or, writing, discuss the details of the public and personal life of the stars of show business periodically appearing on the screen. But maybe it will be much more interesting to have fun with something new? If such an idea is like you, then it is possible that these drinking games and contests will be useful to you for the New Year.

"Tell your neighbor"

It is necessary to take an apple, orange, mandarin or other round fruit. Click it under the chin and without the help of hands to transfer in a circle to each other. The winner will be the one who will not drop fruit. Crops dropped out of the game.

"Fashionable outfit"

"Well, let's go out!"

The chair is placed raw potatoes and cover them with a piece of fabric. One of the participants sits on him and, Yerzaya, trying to count the number of tubers. Make it is not as simple as it seems.

"Find a spouse"

Men participants are sitting in one row, and whose spouse with blindfolded eyes, trying to find her husband for some part of the body, such as a ear or nose. At this point, the fun of all those present is provided. Then, women and men can change places.

"Well, eat!"

Guests are divided into pairs. You can continue to sit at the table. Each couple of participants is given on candy. It must be deployed and eat without help. The winner will be a couple who coped first with the task.

"Try Find"

Guests are divided into couples - woman and man. Clothespins are trained on clothes of one of the partners. To music, blindfolded, the second partner must find them and remove them. What a couple will quickly cope with the task, that and will become the winner of the competition.

"Total striptease"

Chairs are put in the center of the room - for each participant - one by one. Under mercury music, guests go around the chairs, and when it ends, everyone removes some thing with himself and puts the chair with him. So need to do several times. The degree of dyeing participants will depend on the heat of the company.

Then, everyone goes in the opposite direction and, on the contrary, put on any thing in hand at the time of stopping music. After full dressing, the spectacle will be unforgettable! Cook by this moment the camera.

Merry new year you, friends!

Chit nights in search of cool contests for corporate party? Relief in this article.

Like many organizers of all kinds of events, we spend a lot of time, composing various contests for parties, well, and simultaneously monitoring various sites where you can get different jokes. For the most part, everything and everywhere is offered the same ... One word Tamada-Style. Dear reader, SmartyParty.Ru offers your attention a kind of top 7 contests that will be accurately perfect in any company. Something has been pemporated, something is invented, the fact is that these pieces are perfect in any company.

But before that - see a cool congratulatory video from the star of the show "Dances" on TNT:

Competition 1. Calling.

A great contest that is suitable for the start of your New Year's program. The lead offers to all play the game. It is necessary to guess the original calls of films on "inverted" versions. In order for the participants better understood the essence, it is possible to bring them an example. You can come up with your list of fluttering, that's what we offer:

Transferred - movies

1. "Seventy-one eternity of the fall" ("Seventeen Moments of Spring").
2. "Trouble with the surname of the Hippo" ("Dundee on the nicknamer crocodile").
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. "The cape of the French Republic" ("Crown of the Russian Empire").
5. "Everything on the street" ("one house").
6. "Glass Leg" ("Diamond Hand").
7. "VOROVSKY PTU" ("Police
8. "Cadets, back!" ("Midshipmen, ahead!").
9. "Black Moon of Jungle" ("White Sun of Desert").
10. "Home Cactus" ("Wild Orchid").
11. "Cold Feet" ("Hot Heads").

Calling - the names of movies (second option).

1. "Devil Liver" ("Heart of Angel").
2. "Sing, sing!" ("Dance Dance!").
3. "Uryupinsk smiles trusts" ("Moscow does not believe in tears").
4. "I will die after the environment" ("Let's live to Monday").
5. "Vasil is kind" ("Ivan Grozny").
6. "In the rock all men" ("in jazz only girls").
7. "Little Hike" ("Big Walk").
8. "Cat under the straw" ("Dog on Seine").
9. "Posada Pope by Plane" ("Remove mom from the train").
10. Sidorovka, 83 "(" Petrovka, 38 ").
11. "Short lesson" ("big change").

Perevils - lines from songs

1. "Over the gender of His shag" ("under the roof of my house").
2. "A painter who smears the snow" ("The artist that draws rain").
3. "Wake up, your girl is sick" ("Sleep, my boy is small").
4. "Striving green sock" ("Stylish orange tie").
5. "With you, I will live a hundred years" ("I do not live without you a day").
6. "The tree was lying on the tree" ("The grasshopper was sitting in the grass).
7. "Russian in the house is not waiting for the sunset" ("Chukchi in a plague is waiting for dawn").
8. "I, I, I'm in the morning and in the evening" ("You, you, you at night and day"),
9. "That night damage to the bullet does not smell" ("This day of victory is gunpowder").
10. "Polonais of the Black Dash" ("Samba White Motilla").
11. "He hates tomatoes on fire" ("She loves strawberries with ice").

Competition 2. Where am I?

Another contest of a conversational genre, which is also good to start a festive program.

Four participants are required for the game. They become in a row back, and each on his back is hanging in advance in advance prepared poster with some of the following records: - Pull-facing - public bath - restroom - public transport.

Participants themselves do not know what is written on the posters that they hang on their back. Next, the lead is asking questions, turning to each participant in turn. Questions must be as follows:

- Do you often go there?
- Going to where you take with me?
- What are you doing there?
- What are you experiencing, having been there?

- Do you want to come there even once?

Inscriptions on "signs", of course, can be changed. Say, you can make signs:
- Nudist beach,
- Store "Intim"
- Pedicure

Competition 3. Boxing Match

Before the competition, the presenter causes two real men, which for the sake of the ladies of the heart are ready for everything. Heart ladies are present immediately to have a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. Cavaliers dress boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. The task of the master - as much as possible to pump the situation, to suggest which muscles it is better to smoke, ask to even spend short fights with an imaginary opponent, in general, as in this ring. After the physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring, welcome each other. The lead, he is the judge, reminds the rules, like: Below the belt does not beat, bruises not to leave, the battle is before the first blood, etc. After that, the host presents the fighters along the same candy, preferably caramel (they are harder to deploy, especially when they have mercy), and asks for their ladies to turn this candy as soon as possible, without removing boxing gloves. Then they give a beer bank, it needs to be discovered and drink it yourself. Wins one who earlier the opponent will cope with the task.

Props - 2 pairs of boxing gloves, caramel candy, 2 beer banks

Competition 4. Star of the dance floor

Super mobile competition, which will be perfectly in front of the musical pause for heating. It all depends on the lead, you need, of course, to tear and joke over the contestants and cheer them. The competition was carried out not on one hundred corporate events, and he always met laughter and fun!

- Well, now the competition called "the star of the New Year's dance floor" will be held for you. For this competition will require the participation of the 5 most active employees of the company. Your task is just to dance very, very, very actively, because the most inactive dancer is eliminated. Go! (Plays rock and roll) (after 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most active and under the applause asks him to leave the dance floor).

Now you have only four. Imagine that you have tangled for an hour and so tired that your legs were treated, but the real stars are so simply not surrender! So, your task is to dance no less actively, but without the help of your feet. (Plays "Hands Up - Well, where are the handles"). (After 20-30 seconds, the presenter chooses the most active and under the applause asks it to leave the dance floor).

You are left only three, and you are finely tired, it's time to sit down. Now dance actively sitting, you can move only with your head and hands. (Caste - Blessed number). After 20-30 seconds, the lead chooses the most active and under the applause asks him to leave the dance floor.

And we have two real super-stars of the dance floor! The last jerk remained. And, of course, at the end of such a dance battle, the whole body does not eat, but the stars are never lost, because the face is still alive! Your task is not moving by anything, to dance facial people! Let's go! (Rock and Roll).

After a 30 second "trust" of rye leads with the help of applause from the audience chooses a New Year's star of the dance floor!

Competition 5. A piece of bread

It is not even a contest, but just an interesting test for the guests of the corporate party. You can spend it in some interruption, but you can argue with someone for 1000 rubles)))

The essence of the competition is that the presenter proposes to argue with someone that he will not be able to eat a piece of bread (standard half) per 1 minute, without drinking. It seems like a very simple task and from that capture participants try their strength. But in fact, it is practically impossible to do it. Doubt? Try yourself at dinner.

Competition 6. Ice, Baby, Ice!

Very interesting test that is ridiculous to do. True, a small clutch with a propulsion is required.

The presenter causes three winds to participate in the competition and says that the task is "easier than a simple" - it is necessary to wear a T-shirt on yourself, that's all. After the participants are found. The presenter puts three good twisted and frozen in the freezer T-shirt. The task of the participant is to wear a t-shirt faster than all.

Competition 7. Kiss for departure

Also a pretty simple free-free competition, which always goes well in a friendly company and may well be an excellent completion of your party.

The presenter causes 8 participants - 4 male and 4 beautiful. We put people in order - Mr. Ms. Then they say that you need to pass a kiss in a spider, everything is kissing next to the cheek. At any time, the music is broken and the stop dropping on com. The host must imperceptibly command DJ when you need to stop music. At first, you can do so that the girls and guys and guys drop out alternately, but it is necessary to adjust to the ending so that three or two guys remain. It becomes very funny exactly when only men remain in the competition.

Well, that's all, dear noise organizer and fun! We hope you liked our contests. In this blog we will lay out them very much and very much, so do not forget to subscribe, and we will do everything so that you march the most fun new year in your life.

Remember SmartyParty is a boxing solution for corporate on your own. If you and your colleagues do not want and can not waste time and frish with the search for the props and the preparation of the holiday - give them a box. In it, you will find everything you need to organize a superweight party.

After active dances, sitting at the table, guests participate in the next competition. The presenter proposes to remember all the New Year attributes. Guests take turns call the Christmas tree, Santa Claus, etc. Wins the one whose definition will be the last.

Cheerful mittens

Guests are in a large circle near the tree, a fun New Year's music sounds and a mitten with a phanta goes in a circle. The presenter at any time can turn off the music, trying to do it so that the mitten is from each guest. On whom music will stop, he gets a phanta from the mittens and performs a certain action, for example, a hopak is dancing or reincarnated into the president and congratulates his people, and maybe it sits on the twine or kisses the neighbor. In general, the phantas can be completely any (it all depends on the company).

New Year's chimes (funny)

When guests are collected, some of them are in the entrance tokens with a task, you can even sell for greater intrigue. In constructions, it is indicated that at certain times the invited must perform some task. Very funny when one of the guests suddenly snaps up or starts to dance twist on the table.

New Year's villager

For this contest, you need to print a few photos (pictures) of the New Year's villain, for example, Baba Yagi or Greencha - a kidnapper of the holiday. From the integer photos, the presenter must make some mosaic with scissors (just cut every photo in chaotic order). The mosaic of each image with the New Year villain is packaged in a separate box or package. Guests are divided into teams about 3 people. Each team receives boxes with pieces of pictures and on the "Start" team, guests begin to fold the puzzle. But that's not all. A whole picture (photo) with New Year's villain Budge hanging on the tree. And as soon as some team successfully folded the puzzle and saw who is the New Year villain, its participants should find this villain on the Christmas tree and save the new year from him (just disrupt the picture from the tree). Who did - he won.

Everybody dance

All stand around the tree. The presenter includes the merry New Year's music and the hero calls each song. And the participants should dance in the appropriate style, for example, they are dancing snowflakes now, and now - hares, and now - sea seals, and now - shy Snow Maiden and so on. The most artistic and moving prizes are relying.

Gorge it fire

In China, there is a rite - burn money for the new year so that in the coming year there was prosperity and happiness. This competition is best carried out in the midst of the holiday, when guests after champagne are full of courage and zador. Which of the guests will burn (with the help of a lighter and bowls) more than the rest (in the amount) of money, he is recognized as the winner, and at the same time the richest man of the coming year.

Symbol of the year

When everyone is tired of running, jump and jumping, you can pay the time to the competition for fantasy and creativity. Each participant should come up with something in 5 minutes from what to do and actually make a symbol of the year, for example, from food on the table to make a muzzle or all the lead (dog, rooster and so on). The symbol of the year can be made of everything that comes to mind (money and coins; Christmas decorations or any other interior items). According to the results of voting, all guests will determine the most beautiful and creative craft, and its author will be given a prize.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden of different nationalities

Guests are divided into couples and not necessarily only: a guy girl. Each pair is determined by their Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Each couple takes turns from the bag of its phanta, which indicates a specific nationality, for example, Chinese, Germans, ancient Russians, Egyptians, Armenians, Georgians, and so on. After all the couples pulled out their phantas and recognized their nationality, each couple in turn goes to the center and congratulates guests in the relevant nationality. Everyone will be fun and interesting to take New Year's greetings from Santa Claus - Chinese and his Snow Maiden or from the Old Slavonic heroes of the New Year. And the prize, as always, the most artistic and active.

In mask

All guests are fairly covered with eyes, leading to everyone puts on masks. Only the master is known, what kind of masks who will get it, the guest itself will not see his mask. When the masks are put on, guests open their eyes and consider each other. Some time guests of the holiday should communicate with each other as it applies to communicate with the "hero" in a particular mask, for example, a lion can be offered meat and call "His Majesty", or "Tsar", at Santa Claus, you can ask when there are gifts or How long to fly on the sleigh in our country and so on. Guests who quickly guess, the mask of which hero they are worn, receive prizes.

Dolphins in a snowdrift

Participants are divided into two teams with an equal number of people and are lined up. Before each team is a chair on which there is a pelvis or other capacity, full of cut snowflakes. Among these snowflakes, the same amount of sweets, as participants in the team, should be acclaimed. According to the team "Start", each of the participants in turn runs up to the bowl, dives there his head and takes one candy, then the second, third and so to the end. Whose team will cope with the task faster and will be tested, and is the winner.