Music card file on the topic: Music and didactic games. Junior group

Music card file on the topic: Music and didactic games. Junior group

Methodical development. Music games for younger preschoolers

Author: Amermereova Nadezhda Veniaminovna, MBDOU music director MBDOU "Kindergarten №6" Malachite "Cities of Cheboksary of the Chuvash Republic.

This development will be useful for musical leaders and educators of kindergartens. It can be used both at musical classes and in leisure activities with junior preschool age.
Purpose: Formation of motivation to musical activity;
- development of musicality of children of junior preschool age.
- Education from the child interest in the world of musical and non-musical sounds, elementary muscitzing;
- development in children perception of musical and non-music sounds;
- enrichment of the musical experience of children;
- activation of emotional reactions of kids to music;
- development in children of musical and gaming improvisations, performing skills and creative abilities.

Junior group

"Guess the tool"
(Shirma is installed, there are musical instruments behind it: bells, drum, rattle, tambourine. The educator reads a quatrain, calling the name of any child from the group, Katya's doll plays on any musical instrument, children guess)
We are playing with the guys
What now sounds learn
Doll Katya play!
Quick, Olya, call!

"Silent and loud palms"
(Depending on the sound of music, children clap into your hands loudly, then quiet)
We will play in the palm
Loudly, we hit loudly,
Times, two, three, do not yawny
Loud, hit loudly!

We will play in the palm
Quiet, quietly, hit.
Times, two, three, do not yawny
Quietly, sleep quietly.
"Rhythmic legs"
(Children walk in the rhythm of music, then slowly, then quickly; at the same time, together with the steps, knock with chopsticks)
Slowly walk,
Raise the legs
In sticks playing
We hit together.

We quickly stepping,
Raise the legs
We play sticks.
We hit together.

"Children and Bear"
(Children walk throughout the hall, play rattles under the merry music; when the bear appears, the music changes to the march, the bear playing on the drum; all children are hiding from him - squat)
Children went out to walk
In rattles to play
That's how fun walk,
We play rattles.

A bear with a drum came out,
Boom boom boom, tram - there, there,
All the guys attached,
Here and there, here and there.

"Musical Mosaic"
(Children show a picture with the image, tell the verse, the child chooses the tool and depicts someone painted in the picture.)
Here is a frog on a swamp
Very fun live
You Listen guys
Kwa-kva-ku she sings!

Berloga bear came out,
Usually legs
Yes, how he began to roar,
So Mishane - Bear!

Rain drips on the roof,
Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk-Tuk,
Barely audible, barely audible
Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk-Tuk!

Sparrows slept
Severers grow up
From others do not lag behind
All peel, peck, peck.

Here is a river,
Seen his path is far away,
So murmuting, splashing,
Save tries!

"Funny balls"
(On the definition of contrast in music. On the first part of the music "balls" rolls each other or in the scattering, on the second part - at the place.)
Rolled, rolled
Ball on the track,
We are like ball balls
That's what legs!

Suddenly our ball burned
Fun so jumps
We are like balls now
Completely all ridge!

"Little Musicians"
(For the first, quick part of the music, children play on spoons, on the second, the slow part play on the tambourines).

"Chicken and chanterelle"
(Chicken overlook, pegs pegs, clean the dogs. Then the chanterelle will run away, catches the chicken: whom it will fall, it sits down)
Here's how the trees are keeily.
Here's how the trees are keeily.

Yes Yes Yes Yes,
Pynes I replace me.
Yes Yes Yes Yes,
Pynes I replace me.
(Lischka runs out)

The "intonation calendar of nature" ("Live painting in the window")

Didactic task. Educate intonational hearing; Activate aesthetic perception.

Game task.Pick up music for the mood of nature.

Gaming rules. Listen carefully, without turning during the sound of music, and determine the consonance of the play and the mood of nature.

Stroke Game

The music director invites children to the window and offers to see what the mood of nature on this day. Children stand in a semicircle near the window, and they offer an unusual picture of nature in the window, as if in the frame. In the picture, everything is moving, as if the wizard painted a living picture: the general mood is changing depending on the lighting, the direction of wind movement, the season. Children are periodically observed this picture during the year and find changes that can occur every minute: the wind was not-avdrug flew away, the sun shone - MiG hid for the cloud

The music director talks with children by the window of the film that opened by him, teaches them to march the slightest changes. Then he suggests listening to and determine which musical paintings will suit this state of nature. Two contrasting musical works are performed, one of which corresponds to (consonant) the mood of nature (weather) on this day.

Children, together with the educator, mark only the main overall intonation of each of the contrasting works: cheerful-tangible; affectionate - alarming (angry); Similar to the breeze (light, movable) - calm.

Plan of the game:

Children look at the picture of nature outside the window;

The music director holds a conversation about the mood of the picture of nature, emphasizing words that are the key characteristic of its state;

Children continue to consider nature, and the music director plays two contrasting musical plays, one of which corresponds to the mood outside the window;

Children determine which play is suitable, consonant with the mood outside the window;

Music director once again plays two plays and comes to children;

Standing with children by the window, the teacher compares the picture outside the window with a play that is suitable for the mood;

The music director re-playing the play, the consonant mood of nature outside the window.

Game "What is playing?"

Didactic task. Develop timbre rumors; Learning to distinguish the character of music.

Game task. Hurry to hide from hunters (wolves, foxes).

Gaming rules. Hide only after changing the nature of music; To run away from the hunter only after the cry came: "Now I will catch!"

Stroke Game

Music leader leads children "on the lawn". Bunny walk on the lawn. (Dressed children - "Bunks" dance). Suddenly, the hunters seemed from the forest. (The teacher plays on spoons as if riders are jumping - the children are squatting and close their face - "hiding".) The riders did not notice the hooks, and the bunnies jump again. (Plays a doodie.)

Option game. Hunters can replace other characters: wolves came to the clearing, foxed fox, etc. Children must react on time to change the nature of music and tool timbre. At the end of the game, the teacher, depicting the hunter's voice, shouts: "I'll catch it now!" Children run on chairs.

Game "Loud -Tho"

Didactic task. Develop the ability to distinguish sound sounds.

Game task. Collect music in magic boxes.

Gaming rules. Collect music, distinguishing the strength of sound: Loud-in a bright box, quiet-in monophonic.

Stroke Game

Music leader (Shows two boxes). This is a shock box, bright, multicolored, but the box is modest, blue, imperceptible. In these boxes I keep music. Loud music put in a bright, multicolored box, quiet music is blue, imperceptible. Here I got notes. (Pulls on a large tray, stirring, stuffing - notes: bright, multicolored and monophonic, blue.) They sound loudly, then quiet. Loud music will be folded into this box, quiet-in the other.

Loud music sounds, and the tutor takes a bright color note and puts it into a multicolored box. Then the quiet music sounds, and the teacher, showing the notch children, puts it into a blue monophonic box.

Music leader. Help me, guys, collect music in magic boxes.

Music sounds. Children, depending on its dynamics (the degree of volume), alternately take a note from the tray and carry it into a multi-colored or monophonic box. Then the next musical passage sounds - loud or quietly, and children again take on one notch and carry in the appropriate box.

The game "Who is not sleeping?"

Didactic task. Teach children to recognize the nature of music and reflect it in motion.

Game task. Fucking dolls and walk with them.

Gaming rules. Play with dolls in accordance with the nature of the music.

Stroke Game

Music leader. In a doll corner, all dolls went to bed, only Katya doll sleeps. She can not sleep. What to do? (Appeals to the child.) Olya, is this your daughter not sleeping? Do you know how to help her? Usually, moms sing their children lullaby. How to sing? "Bai-Bay," like this, quietly and gently. (The girl sings the lullaby.) Look, Olya, your daughter fell asleep. Lullaby song helped Cate Cate. Children, see if your favorite dolls sleep? Do not sleep? Then you need to climb and sing the song, as Olya did.

Children take dolls in arms and sing their lullaby.

The teacher then shows the children drawn in the picture of the sun.

So the sun rose,

It became light in the sky.

Cockerel sings in the morning

Kids walking calls.

Children under calm music lead dolls walking.

The game is repeated, children play with dolls depending on the nature of the music.

Babich Anna Petrovna
Music and didactic games in the second youngest group

1. Didactic game "Bird chicks"

2. Didactic game "Find out the sound and name musical instrument»

3. Drawing songs "Two merry geese lived with granny"

Software tasks: Develop sound hearing.

Be able to distinguish sounds in height.

Develop timbre rumor.

Learn to learn musical instruments, call them.

Carry the children with a figurative presentation of songs, involving them in the dramatization process.

Awaken interest in theatrical activity.

Equipment: Forest, Two birds, Metallallophone, Chest, Bubrentes, Bell, Wooden spoons, Rattle, Drum, attributes: Caps of geese, cake, skirt,

(Children are sitting on the backs of highchairs)

B. Babes in the house are sitting,

And in the window look.

Someone in a hurry to visit them,

Chick - Chirik, Chick - Chirik

Sparrow - mischievous

Sun brightly he is glad

And welcomes the guys - children go to the middle and jump on two legs.

B. Merry birds, well done, please feel good.

Birds flew to us. This is a big bird, she sings in a low voice, listen (I play the lowest note on the metallophone).

D. low. (2-3 responses)

D. high. (2-3 responses)

B. Now we will play with you, I will play the screen on the metalfone, and you should learn what kind of bird sings, large or small. If a big bird sings a low voice, then it must be put on a low ladder (show)

What step do we put a big bird?

D. on low. (2 -3 response)

B. If you hear that she sings a little bird with a high voice, then it must be put on a high step of the ladder (show)

What step do we put a little bird?

D. on high.

(I play on the metallophone alternately the lowest and highest notes, and the children are determined and called which bird sings, small or large and respectively, exhibit birds, 2 - 3 times)

V. Well done guys, you were very careful and correctly recognized and called what kind of bird sings. The birds really liked to play with you, and they decided to stay in our group.

B. See what beautiful chest we have appeared:

(The educator speaks on behalf of the chest)

S. I am a wonderful chest.

You guys, I am a friend.

I really want to know

How do you like to play?

V. Sinnok, chest, what did you bring us?

S. I brought you toys.

V. Thank you. And what toys did you bring?

C. I heard that you like to sing, dance and play on musical instruments. I brought you musical instruments. (The tutor takes turns musical instrument, children call them, listen, as he sounds musical instrument)

V. Guys, and now we will play the game "Find out the sound and name musical instrument»

(behind the screening teacher plays each musical instrument, children call them)

V. Well done guys, you listened very carefully and correctly called musical instruments.

B. Blow into the twin

Bates in a spoon.

Babusy came to visit us

And two cheerful goose.

(girl and two boys dress in costumes: The girl puts on a golk and skirt, boys put on the haze hats, the rest of the children take cooked musical instruments, sing a song playing on musical Tools and perform the corresponding movements.)

Babi lived, - perform spring

Two cheerful geese

One gray, other white,

Two cheerful geese.

Stretched the neck, - geese pull the neck

Who has longer.

One gray, other white,

Who has longer.

Soaps geese paws - wash one paw other

In the puddle at the groove.

One gray, other white,

Hid in the groove - squat

Here shouts granny, - Clamps heads

Oh, gossi disappeared, - shakes his head

One gray, other white,

My geese, geese.

Went gesean, - climb and bowabi

Baked babus.

One gray, other white,

Babius was bowed - they take their hands, drive away the dance.

B. What are your wonderful artists. Well done!

Game with umbrella

Umbrella jumps on the leg,

And we slam in the palm.

There will be an umbrella our spinning,

And we clap, have fun.

There will be an umbrella.

Mouse and cheese. A. Chugaykina

Children stand in a circle, the circle is cheese, the hands are clicked and raised by the broth, the barns are holes in the cheese. Running through the broth children hold in the hands of mice (soft toys). The keyword "close" - the progress closes.

Mice, mice, here are the plots,

Real thieves.

Scraped our favorite cheese,

Look - how many holes!

Need to catch mice,

In the raw hole closure!

Game "Hunter and Proteins"

Wrap-trees are laid on the floor, proteins are sitting on the trees. "Hunter" without hoop. All sing a song:

On the forest hunter wanders,

Nowhere protein finds!

Well, squirrel, do not yaw!

Quickly lodge change!

With the last word, all "proteins" must be changed their house. A "Hunter" to occupy a hoop.

The game "Snowflakes fly". Music L. Voliferova

Children stand a swarming around the hall, the teacher sings the song, children depict flying snowflakes. They are easily running around the hall in different directions, smoothly by swaying with their hands.

Snowflakes fly, fly, fly.

Snowflakes fly, fly, fly.

And well, everyone gets up in pairs ...

(And well, rather get up in the circles)

For 2 part, children find a couple of themselves and circling. With the beginning of a new check-in - again run around the hall.

Game "Rooster and Children"

Children stand in a circle, a child in a rooster hat - in the center.

Tuchi-Tuh, Tuchi Tuh-Tuh,

Walks around the yard rooster.

Himself with spurs,

Tail with patterns.

Under the window is worth

It screams to the whole courtyard.

Who will hear, he runs.

All stopped dramatically, turn the face into the circle and lower their hands. The rooster shouts: "Ku-ka-re-ku!", Spinning on the spot, waving wings and runs for children, trying to catch someone.

Game "train" Ragon

The teacher sings a song. The lady's child stands in the center of the circle, under the singing of an adult moves inside the circle to a handing step. Children forming a circle perform movement, standing still.

Here and there, here and there

On the platform noise and gaps.

Here is a beep in the way call:

Soon the train will move away!

with the end of the part of the train stops, takes a couple of times, next to whom it stopped, performing any movements together, the rest of the children clap them. Next, the locomotive "clings" to itself the trailer, and they move in a circle. At the following playing, both trailers themselves for one more participant of the game, etc. While the whole group will not be in the composition.

Game "Hypers with mom"

Attributes: Transparent handkerchiefs.

Moms with children sing and go in a circle. Children hold handquarters in hands:

1. Together with my mother we go.

Family song and sing.

La la la la la la,

Family song and sing.

Children sit in the center of the circle and hide under the boots, and moms go in a circle.

2. Under the boots, I hide.

Mommy, find me!

La la la la la la,

Mom find me.

3. Where is the daughter? Where is the son?

Where is your favorite friend?

La la la la la la,

Where is your favorite friend?

The teacher says: Moms, moms hurry and find their children.

4. Here and the daughter, here's son,

I found you, my friend.

La la la la la la,

I found you my friend!

La la la la la la,

Right me, my friend.

Moms sing and circling in pairs with their children, at the end - hug.

Size: px.

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1 "Music and didactic games" for the second youngest group of the hare. Purpose: Development of auditory perception and musical memory. Tasks: Exercising children listen to music. Distinguish the nature of the music: cheerful, dance and calm, lullaby. Game Rules: Listen to the end of the melody, do not interfere with the response to others. Gaming actions: guessing the nature of music, choosing an image corresponding to it or show relevant actions. The course of the game: the teacher tells the kids that hares lived in the same house. They were very fun and loved to dance (shows the picture of the "Hares dance"). And when they were tired, they went to bed, and Mom sang a lullaby song (the picture "Sleeps"). Next, the teacher offers children to guess the picture, what are the hares? And to portray it with your actions (the children "sleep", children are danced), to the music of the appropriate character.

2 Who lives in the house. Purpose: Development of visual and auditory perception. Tasks: To be able to distinguish high and low sounds. Recognize familiar melodies. Game rules: Listen to a musical fragment, do not suggest another. Gaming actions: Guess the melody, choose the image corresponding to it. The course of the game: A teacher introduces children with sound with the same melody in different registers (low register and high), for example, "Cat" Alexandrov. When children learn to distinguish high and low sounds, transmitting the images of a cub and mother, respectively, they are invited to play. At the same time, the teacher says that moms live in a large house on the floor, on the second of their kids. One day everyone went to walk in the forest, and when they returned, they confused who lives where. We will help everyone to find their rooms. After that, the teacher loses the "Bear" melody of Levkodimov in different registers and asks children to guess who it is: a bear or a bear.

3 "Music and didactic games" for the middle group Musical locomotive. Purpose: Development of visual and auditory perception. Task: learn to determine the nature of music. Gaming rules: Listen to a musical fragment. Gaming actions: Guess the melody, select the corresponding image. Game Travel: The manual includes a locomotive with a trailer depicted on a sheet of cardboard. At the location of the windows in the car there are pockets, which are inserted cards with symbols depicting the nature of music. The teacher shows the children a manual, reports that this is not an ordinary, but musical steam locomotive. Music is "riding". And in every cat, your music has fun, calm, terrible (shows cards). After that, children are invited to listen to the music of each window and determine the character, to invest an appropriate card.

4 "Who met a kolobok?" Objective: Development of auditory perception. Task: develop in children's ideas about registers (high, average, low). Gaming rules: Listen to a musical fragment. The course of the game: The teacher offers children to remember the fairy tale "Kolobok" and her characters (wolf, hare, bear), while it performs the appropriate melodies, for example: "Bear's Bear" in the lower case, "bunny" in a high register, etc. d. When the children digeant the sound of which register corresponds to the artistic image of each animal, they are invited to play and determine on rumor, which character is depicted in music and choose the appropriate picture

5 "Music and didactic games" for the senior group. Quietly loud. Purpose: The development of musical memory for the dynamic perception of music. Task: Fasten the ability of children in distinguishing dynamic shades of music: Quiet (P), loud (F), not too loud (MF). Gaming actions: Guess the sound of the sound of music, select the appropriate color tone. The course of the game: Children are distributed game canvases with the cards of the same color, but different tone saturation, explaining that the blue color corresponds to quiet music, dark blue loud, blue is not too loud. Next, the teacher performs a song with alternating dynamic shades. Children are invited to cover the card. The corresponding dynamic tint of music. Recommended color combinations: Blue blue dark blue. Different music may sound. Shades should learn to distinguish. Loud and quietly, I will handle, listen carefully to guess.

6 Find and show. Purpose: Development through auditory perception sounding hearing. Tasks: Discerge the sound at height (re lama) game rules: listening to the musical question, answer it the opposite in the height of the sound by singing. Gaming actions: to guess who is called, sucking appropriate sound resistance. The course of the game: the teacher introduces children with high and low sounds, using familiar tear-powders. Draws attention to the fact that moms sing low voices, and children are high, thin; To do this, he tells the children that the duck with ducks lived in the same yard (shown pictures), goose with geusing, chicken chicken, and on a tree a bird with chickens, etc. Once, a strong wind blew, it rained, and everyone hid. Mom birds began to look for their children. The first one was the name of my kids mother-duck: Where are my ducklings, cute guys? Quack quack! And she ducklings answer to her: Mask-Varya, we are here! Duck was delighted, that I found my ducklings. Mamakuritsa came out, etc.

7 "Music and didactic games" for the preparatory group. Quietly loud. Purpose: The development of musical memory for the dynamic perception of music. Task: Fasten the ability of children in distinguishing dynamic shades of music: Quiet (P), loud (F), not too loud (MF). Gaming actions: Guess the sound of the sound of music, select the appropriate color tone. The course of the game: Children are distributed game canvases with the cards of the same color, but different tone saturation, explaining that the blue color corresponds to quiet music, dark blue loud, blue is not too loud. Next, the teacher performs a song with alternating dynamic shades. Children are invited to cover the card. The corresponding dynamic tint of music. Recommended color combinations: Blue blue dark blue. Different music may sound. Shades should learn to distinguish.

8 Three pigs. Purpose: The ability to distinguish with the height of the sounds of major sober. Tasks: develop musical memory and sounded rumor. To be able to distinguish between the auditory perception of high, low and medium sounds within a major sober: pre-la-Fa. The course of the game: the teacher offers children to remember the fairy tale "Three Pigs" and Her Characters. He says that piglets now live in one house and love to sing, only all their name is different and sing in different voices. Nif-Nif has the highest voice, the lowest nufa, and Naf-Nafa is medium. The piglets hid in the house and seem only when the children guess which of them will be singing with such voices and repeats his song. When performing these conditions, children show a picture with a picture of a pig.

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Music and diagnostic classes. The methodology for conducting diagnostic research to identify musical abilities in preschool children includes tasks that can be built in

1 Lesson in the Children's Association "Musical Steps" Subject: "Executive expressiveness. Gestles »Section" I will know the world "of an additional educational program of the task: Personal:" Musical steps "

Consultation for parents "Musical Development of Children 2-3 years old in the family" Your crude has already gone for the 3rd year. The tasks of musical development are complicated. At this stage, parents need: 1. Thinking

Correction lessons with the inclusion of productive activities for children 4 5 years, having problems of cognitive and speech development (in the context of educational and health institutions) Yershov

The final lesson on the topic: "To visit the Raduga" prepared and held an educator: Lyudmila Nikolaevna Shirinova 2015. Final lesson on the topic: "On a visit to the Raduga" Objective: consolidation of children's knowledge of the main

Music salon Subject: "Musical noise tools Music director Fetisova Svetlana Nikolaevna 2014 Purpose: Transfer of the experience of the music manager for the manufacture of homemade noise

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Nefteyugansk "Kindergarten 13" Cheburashka "Abstract of directly educational activities" Masha lost "in the middle group amounted to:

The scenario of the holiday on March 8 for children of younger "Naughty Muscular" Scenario of the holiday of March 8 "Naughty Mouse" for younger age. The script is based on the fairy tales S. Ya. Marshak "Tale

Pre-school educational institution Linenesk municipal kindergarten 2 "Chamomile" Abstract of organized educational activities for children 2-3 years on the topic: "My favorite dad!" Educator: Yershechenko

Appendix 7 Lesson 1. For children 4-5 years. Topic: Forest fairy tale. to form an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious rates of music (music is fast and slow); Develop a sense of rhythm: teaching a simple

Practical material for parents Teacher-speech therapist: Tereshkina O.S. Development of speech breathing game "Determined the place toys" goal. To seek the skill with one exhale, utter a phrase of five and six

To help parents! "Complete Proposal" (use of complex proposals) Mom laid bread ... Where? (in the breadman) brother put satuned sugar ... where? (in Sugar) Dad brought candy and put them ...

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Istin Central School" Abstract music lesson in grade 3 on the topic: "Journey to Noteburg Castle" Music Teacher of the Higher Qualification Category

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten 80 "Firefly" An abstract of classes: "Gus-Swans". (Medium Group) Nizhnevartovsk Abstract for FMPs in the Medium Group "Geese - Swans"

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region Primary school "Harmony" P.G.T.Benechuk Municipal District of the Bezenchuksky Samara region Abstract directly educational

The Magic New Year's Tale of the New Year's Matinee Scenario in the Middle Group The host enters the hall and congratulates guests with the holiday. Children run into the hall to the hall and get up around the Christmas tree. Leading. For all of us

Scenario of entertainment for the second youngest group of kindergarten, theme: "In our group of housewarming!" Author: Borisova L.N. (MKOU "Knos") 10.02.2014g. Task: make it easier to facilitate the process of adaptation in the new group,

Collection of musical and didactic games Music and didactic games are one of the means of developing a preschooler musical culture. They contribute to the development of musical hearing, feelings of rhythm, creative

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 35 combined species" "Unusual journey to a fairy tale" An abstract of classes in the senior group Compiler: O.B. Voronova, educator

Music - Didactic game "Cheerful Cube" Music occupies a special place in the upbringing of preschool children. This is also explained by the specifics of this type of art, and the psychological features of preschoolers.

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 3" Continuous educational activities on a gaming basis using ICT on the formation of mathematical representations "Adventure

Tips for those who want to teach a child to sing. Each person gets from the nature of a special quality musical instrument. In order to create the foundation of the child's musical culture you need to teach

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined species 44. Lipetsk Consultation Topic: "Organization of game-classes on the grammatical system of speech in the younger age" (from personal

Leisure in the preparatory school group in the form of the game "Melniki and Mistnie" This material helps to summarize the knowledge and skills of children in the direction of development (speech, cognitive development) and form

Card file of didactic games on the development of logical thinking for children of younger fish worm game teaches argumenting their answers, expand the horizons required inventory: animal pictures