Where the movie Hardcore was filmed. Only "Hardcore": as director Ilya Naisuller made his way to Hollywood

Where the movie Hardcore was filmed. Only
Where the movie Hardcore was filmed. Only "Hardcore": as director Ilya Naisuller made his way to Hollywood

"Shot in Russia for 124 shooting days. Making material, recording and mixing sounds took place in Los Angeles. Computer graphics were engaged in 13 studios, nine of which are American. directed by installation, which took 6 months, performed Vlad Captures and Steve Mirkovich, well-known work on such major projects as the "Passion of Christ" and "Air Prison". A 20-fold nominee for Oscar has been engaged in information on Sony Studios Kevin about "Connell.

The starting point and stylistic foundation for "A" was the music video "Bad Motherfucker", shot by Ilya Khasuller for his indie rock band Biting Elbows in 2013.

The roller became one of Youtube hits, got into news releases of federal Russian TV channels and was marked by the largest foreign directors, actors and musicians: Robert Rodriguez, Darren Aroneal, Samuel L. Jackson, Sylvester Stallone, Sasha Baron Coen, Tim mouth, Pakki Chhan UK, Jared SummerGroup Placebo. and others. One of the first video rated:

« I was struck by the freshness of the ideas and manner of shooting, I found the contacts of Ilya and on the same day he called him - remembers producer. "As a viewer, I wanted to see a full-length film, shot in the same manner, and suggested Ilya to work on him. He treated the idea wary, because before that no one did anything like this, but after some time Ilya still took up this experiment».

The film is completely removed on the Gopro portable chamber, popular with extremal athletes, which was fixed on the operator's head. With his eyes, the film will see the audience, who will be able to feel at the place of the hero of the plenty of the militant and face enemies literally face to face.

According to the plot, the protagonist of the film Henry comes to himself in a military-scientific laboratory for creating people-cyborg. He knows about himself only that once was happily married to Beauty Estel(Haley Bennet), Which just returned him to life. Not having time to deal with the past, Henry is forced to enter the war with the villain Akane(), Which kidnaps Estel. In search of beloved Henry destroys everything in its path. The only one who is not trying to kill him - Mysterious Jimmy(), who has his scores with Akan. Heroes will not only save the girl, but also to stop the creation of the kyborg army capable of putting the world to the legs of Akana.

For the sake of filming in "E", not only went to replace the usual role and played the villain, but also radically changed the appearance.

"According to the plot, my hero Akan is a villain who has the abilities of Telekins. When a bright wig was put on a bright wig for the first time, they put white eyebrows and inserted some unreal lenses, it became clear that the creators of the film perfectly feel the image, and I just decided to trust them. In general, it all developed in this project: an excellent idea, an unusual format, a special dimension that Ilya Hyasuller creates, and, of course, the role of the main villain. It's great that this is a debut film for many of his participants: they make high rates on it and belong to something new in their lives, which gives additional energy and creates a unique atmosphere on the set. "

A Hollywood actor became partner of the Russian star . He received world fame and love of the Cinema audience after the main role in the fantastic film "". A new splash of interest in the actor in the whole world occurred after his participation in the film "", where Matt Damon became a partner, and Fantnesia "Malefistent", in which Kopli challenged the Angelina Jolie itself.

« I also knew Timur - we considered the ideas of joint projects, but before that I did not fall out pleasure to work with him. Although, I confess, in relation to this film I had doubts: this is a serious challenge to me, and the whole team, because Hardcore is absolutely not similar to any picture that has ever went into film distribution. My first question Ilya Hyasuller, probably, was unoriginal: "The short film is great, but can you create a similar one for ninety minutes?" Today I have no doubt, and we all very much hope that the audience will look at "hardcore" in cinemas - for the sake of full immersion in the atmosphere of the film».

To get a high-quality and clear image that meets the requirements of a large screen, the creators of "hardcore" developed a unique system for stabilizing the camera. Gopro smooth motion managed to achieve with the help of magnetic stabilization and frame from a particularly durable material, which allowed cameras to transfer fights, pyrotechnic explosions, shooting, falling and other extreme situations. During the filming of such episodes, the camera was attached on the head of one of the cascaders, including the park; Sergey Valyaev. In one of the scenes, he had to climb along the walls of the height on the boilers of the embankment, to jump from the height of more than 80 meters. In order to achieve the maximum realism of what is happening and the feeling of complete dive, all styles Cascaders performed live: Computer graphics were used only for auxiliary purposes, for example, to remove insurance cables from the frame.

« We are joking our film "Caskader's parade": it will have a huge number of tricky scenes at a minimum of computer graphics, - explains Ilya Nasuller. - In addition to those already known, we came up with the tricks that no one removed us. Two teams were engaged in the designs of the tricks, under the leadership of Alexander Stetsenko and Oleg Poddubny. "

Reliable image from the first person The creators of the film was achieved by the unusual attachment of the camera at the chin level. Thus, the system operator could pry into the tiny monitor and understand what it removes it. At the same time, the size of the frame in the course of the action did not change to preserve the full emotional immersion of the audience. And they are waiting for a spectacle that cannot leave indifferent.

"In one day we shot on the old Arbat and, of course, could not block it completely, - Remembers the director. - Therefore, we just got the ribbon the necessary territory and asked people to bypass it. Several times the police came to the challenges of concerned citizens, until we guessed to cover the mannequin's cardboard, depicting a corpse: thanks to the team of Peter Gorshenin FX Design Group Int, which was engaged in plastic grima, everything looked so natural that passersby simply could not not be informed Responsible bodies ».

Watch the movie "Hardcore (2015)" in Russian Free Online

Hardcore - the first in the history of world cinema full-length fighter, completely filmed from the first person: over the one and a half hours the main character never appears in the frame. The filming of the film was conducted on the Gopro portable camera, popular with extremal athletes, which was fixed on the operator's head. With his eyes, the film will see the audience, who will be able to feel at the place of the hero of the plenty of the militant and face enemies literally face to face.

The decoration of the episode was the staircase of one of the Stalin's houses in the center of Moscow. The stairs are protected by on-screen security - the same young people in white shirts and strict black suits. While the techniques fill capsules with butt powder and blood, we talk with Ilya Naisinguller. The video clip of the Bad Motherfucker, filmed by the Biting Elbows leader, last year became one of Youtube and Vimeo hits, got into news releases of federal Russian TV channels and was marked by the largest foreign directors, actors and musicians - Robert Rodriguez, Darren Aroneal, Samuel L. Jackson, Sylvester Stallone, Sasha Baron Cohen, Tim Mouth, Pakki Chhan, Jared Summer, Placebo group and others. It is from music and our conversation begins.

No, of course, it is not. I do not pretend at all that I took the first to remove something from the first person. Of course, I played and Wolfenstain, and SMACK My Bitch Up had Prodigy. The thing is how we remove and that we remove. Our chip is that we remove the action, and we remove the Gopro cameras. The rest when they are removed from the first person, hang cameras on the shoulders, behind the back, these are huge smooth Mahina. With this, you will not rent an action, a movie that you look from the face of the hero killing 150 people. This is a purely achievement.

- How and why did you move from music to the director?

I am not a musician who has become a director. I am a director engaged in music. The director I wanted to become another 11 years. Already then imagined what I want to do. At 15 I thought that music was also cool. In music, everything is very fast, you wrote a song - I made a reaction of the hall. Cinema is a longer-term project, we remove from last June, and I have not yet get a reverse reaction that I am waiting. Therefore, music is necessary for me to maintain this exchange of energies. This is insanely important.

- Music in your life continues?

Continues. She will be in the film, quite a bit. In November, we will have a big concert, until November cinema in the foreground.

- What is the mandatory for the director VGIK?

Yes, well ... I know a lot of directors who have not completed VGIK. Stephen Spielberg did not end the VGIK, and nothing, the uncle goes well ...

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

- How simple would you transition to the position of the director?

Easier than I expected. I was immediately warned that after a week of filming, I would be unhappy everyone, I will think why I took it for it, I would want to quit everything. So it happened, but the way out of this is also very simple - shoot, remove and shoot.

In the meantime, a man appears on the site, dressed in a ridiculous helmet, enclosed with wires. The person's face is closed with large monitors, two small cameras are located at the chin level. It is this fixture, in fact, and is the main acting face of the picture. We find out the subtleties of working with an amazing device from the director:

- What exactly are you shooting today?

Today we remove the passage of the main character during the fulfillment of the first mission, for which the character sends the Hero Charlot Cupley. Our hero should get part of the body of one of the villains, we are making our way through the hordes of the guards. Today there are a lot of synchronous actions, in the frame at times 7-8 people are, so we rehearse.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

- How similar is your technology on the films of the Found Footage genre and what is the difference?

We are completely different. Found Footage is a convenient admission for those who take off for a penny. There are really good movies from a half or two since the "Witch from Blair". We go quite different way. It was shot on a bad camera what could be removed on a good to save, the only exception is the film "Monsters", worth 50 million. We have another point of reference, a new word in the genre of action. Our film is not just removed from the first person, it is a continuous, very close to the reality feeling of involvement.

Are you not afraid that this technology is essentially disposable? It is unlikely that such a reception can work from the film to the film.

Maybe. Now I had many suggestions to remove some pieces of films for Western studios in this style, offered to be a consultant. So next year, most likely, we will see such inserts immediately in several films. I hope that the audience will be susceptible to such technology. Our film will show.

- The viewer immediately will not demolish the roof from the effect of the first person?

Not. We very smoothly enter the viewer into this condition. We all starting with moderately, a lot of acting game, and to the final, of course, the drive is already excavating.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

- Have you ever since the camera for yourself?

Yes of course. Especially at the initial stage. It was necessary to understand how it would work, plus there was a lot of improvisation. I take off now, but where you do not shoot and where there is no danger to make himself hurt.

- And how is the feeling?

Oh, someone great said that when I would tell you, I wear shoes for two sizes less to do not talk long. So here - you wear this helmet, and I immediately want to shoot the first time, and not from the tenth double. And in general, I want to sit aside, watch monitors. Yes, and when you run, jump, it seems: "How cool!" - And then you look like a spectator and it seems: "so-so ..." Therefore, it's better to watch from the side. In addition, our technology and camera affect dramaturgy. We can not keep the camera with the help of the camera, we cannot do pauses. Behind all this needs to be followed.

In one of the interviews you said that you work for the maximum, we realize everything you can come up with this technology. After you will be "scorched Earth"?

After that conversation passed 50 shifts, and I had a huge number of ideas that we now simply do not have time to implement. If there is a continuation, then I already have a list that I still would like to try.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

- Before shooting, you said that there will be no special effects in the film.

So we thought, but when I was faced with production, we realized that some things simply unreal to grasp the camera. Special effects will be, but not three-dimensional objects, some cars or monsters, but rubbing wires, cables. In the process of filming it turned out that many things are not physically done and faster and faster and faster, but to fix it, to prick on post-sales. But all the tricks in the film are real. There is only one frame where we had to just throw off the camera, we did not have time to compose in time. Everything else that you see in the frame is a camera that hangs on the actor. This is our main advantage over all. In other films, some first-person jumps are removed by a large camera from a helicopter, and then glue some kind of superman's hands in front. It is cool, but it works otherwise. We have spectators feel every movement made by the actor.

- Why is the genre of fiction chosen?

The fundamental idea, from which everything went, was the task of making a film, in which the protagonist would not say. Because it is impossible to remove the movie from the first person, in which the hero would have talked, - the voice is not tied to the picture. If he simply does not speak - this is nonsense, if a tongue is cut off - it is cruel even for us, the third option - let's make it cyborg. With this we justified the fact that he jumps from the floor to the floor and runs as heated. That's how we did the Hero of Cyborg, he had a half-goal. He has a metal hand, half of his legs, in the brain something is not that cameras instead of eyes. So fantasy with us just helps reality.

On the site by this time Sergey Shnurov arrives, which is waiting for a difficult role. The musician himself refers to his participation in the film philosophically: "I am not afraid to die in the frame, here I am not superstitious. After all, we die in life many times - the first time I died in three, in kindergarten, when I played the war. " The only thing that worries the cord is that his nose was repeatedly broken, and he would not like to experience all the "joy" of the injury in a skirmis with the pliers. However, the requisites carefully prepared for the shooting - Sergey after a couple of seconds after acquaintance with the tool, it is already eagerly posing to photographers.

And we return to Ilya Nashuller:

- Which on the site playing Sergey cords?

He is one of the guards. It stands out among the rest of the fact that the hero has enough pliers behind the nose and pulls to identify information. Good idea, I know. This is not some kind of a personal revenge, I just like Sergey, like the Leningrad group. We had a list that we would like to see in this image, there was a cord. I was told that he would not agree, why he needed it, but I decided to ask him myself, we met, and he said: "Come on!"

- With the rest of the actors, everything was just as simple?

Yes. We just need to try. At the very beginning, one smart man said: "Try. What do you lose? Not? No, until next time. " While all we wanted to see we have gave consent.

- How did you choose the actors?

Everything went from the plot. When I realized that I could not have a 90-minute clip, I began to write a plot. At first, I wanted to make one of the heroes of the Ukrainian, but then we thought we need an English-speaking actor so that we could start a film to international rental. Began to think of who of the Americans, the British could be called. When I personally asked me, I suggested Charloto Cupley. Everything turned out to be simply, I gave him Skype, we talked for several hours, and he agreed. At first, not even agreed, but to come to talk. But we already understood that since he decided to go to a distant country, to an unknown director, in a non-name project with an incomprehensible budget, then he is already our.

Sergey cords on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

No, we use it as an actor. Not such that he will appear for two seconds, and then we will put it on the poster.

- And Danil Kozlovsky was difficult to get?

Not. The actors also love to surprise the audience with new genres and new images. If Kupley has already played in science fiction, then Danila - no. We needed a Russian actor, because we wanted to leave some kind of Russian part in the film, this exotic is very appreciated in the world. Therefore, we abandoned the American actor as a villain and called Danil.

- The image of the blind albino was registered in the script?

- In the clip you were present in the frame. Here appear?

- Is this a big role or will you get away again?

I will not tell you, you will see. I really want to be an actor and know what I get.

Well, there I had an excellent director. Roman Karimov knew that he wanted from me. I just performed.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

By the way, about colleagues Ilya. Public praise from the masted directories, actors and musicians to the music video shot by Nasuller, became a real surprise for himself and his fans. This is what the news hero himself thinks about it:

- Did you realize what your clip hooked so that such famous people paid attention to him?

There is enough enough here. We did something new, something interesting, and did it qualitatively. Plus we are unknown, it helps a lot at the first stage. When all these estimates appeared, I did not expect. I have not watched a roller a year and a half, I recently looked and understood in principle that people hooked. But then yes, it surprised. Well, the subharled us then, of course ... - In Russia, you got under the scope of Bazelevs. How large was the effect of producerTimur Bekmambetova on a new movie?

We had a hundred shift, we remove more than a year, but besides support and respect for what I am doing, we did not hear anything from Timur. All at the level "Do you want to try this? Do. " I really liked his words that Bekmambetov told me at the very beginning: "This is your train. I just want to drive on it. " And here we are going in this train, Timur peeps sometimes in the coupe and says: "You are great. The train is cool. " On the site he was only twice, and it is very cool. So, there is complete confidence and mutual understanding.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

The final shift comes to an end, and we want to return to the beginning and at the same time look into the future:

- Ilya, what seemed the most difficult before the project's launch?

I was afraid that I could not make a movie from the clip. Five minutes of running in the clip - it's fun, for a 90-minute film you need more fillings. But nothing, I sat down, thought, scored a violence, lotions for a whole film. Be sure to need a plot, without the plot, the film will not work. We invented the story.

How did you manage to combine action and dramaturgy in this story? Will the spectator do not fall on dialogues and will not be hurried to leave the hall from the lack of thought?

We made the first assembly of the installation, the sensation of the skew to some of the sides we did not have. The timing is still shortened, everything will become more compact, it is more dense, we expect that it will not be bored by anyone. There is no predetermined ratio between the drama and action, but we will try to be as close as possible to the ideal. In addition, we have wonderful actors who pull playwright on them, they will be interested to look at them. For that I do not worry.

- Casse already prevented?

I will say so. Money is a bonus. This is my love letter video games and films. I really hope that "Hardcore" will be released in Russia, in the States they want to see our cinema, what I have shown is already praised. Our task is to do everything as high quality and interesting. And then - as it goes.

On the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe movie "Hardcore"

- What will the continuation of all this?

The release of the film "Hardcore" is expected in February 2015. It remains only to wish Ilya Hyasuller good luck at the post-grade stage and expect the final result in the cinema - an unusual experiment film, which will definitely be headed to each viewer.

"It seemed to me that a good director should take serious films. And then I thought: no need to be anyone, you need to do what I like, says the director and the musician Ilya Khasuller. - If you like to play the soldiers, let's make a movie for a 15-year-old dude, which I would do for myself 15 years ago "

Ilya Knisuller was one of ten people who played the main hero of his debut film

The film Ilya Naisuller "Hardcore" (Hardcore Henry international rental) was released on screens in more than 30 countries in April 2016 and gathered $ 14.3 million - a very good result for the picture, the filming of which cost about $ 3 million (not counting the advertising budget ). The film itself was possible thanks to the success of the viral video, which appeared due to the music, which Huzzuller took up at the time when she also wanted to be a serious director.

"I knew that I am cool"

"I wanted to make a movie that people would watch and then talk to friends: you saw, no? Sit, you're now *** eat! " - Frankly describes Našuller, the idea of \u200b\u200b"hardcore", unscruiting spicy tea latte and tightening the electronic cigarette. For the first time, I saw the actor Tim Rota, who met in California and persuaded to play in the episode of his debut film, he adds as if to the Word.

The director Nasyuller dreamed of becoming since childhood. "My father was an ambulance resuscitation, and on the side traded pirated cassettes, we had a huge number of these cassettes. Mom said: Do not see horror and pornography. " And I watched everything on this principle, "he recalls.

Enrolling in the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. MA Lithuania, Naisuller threw him in a year and a half, setting around to work at Mosfilm: "She was held a cunning system of skips and was looking for an assistant one every day. Bil in the flap, wore coffee, was an assistant, translator, driver. " In parallel, Hasuller wrote a script for a large spy drama and played hard indie rock in the Biting Elbows group created in 2008. It is for his group in March 2013, he took a clip for the song Bad Motherfucker - a short fighter, in which the hero is fighting from numerous enemies in the office and on the streets of the city. The roller, shot on the Gopro video camera, fixed on the face of the main character, which gives a "eye view", as in computer games, has become viral and in the first ten days they scored more than 10 million views.

$ 255 thousand The graphics and sound gathered film producers through the platform indiegogo.com

As far as the shooting of a mini-film cost him, Nasuller does not disclose, he only says that because of the financial difficulties removed for almost a year. The initial sponsor refused to contract, seeing the footage in which the dog is thrown out of the window: at that time, Ilya had already half of the removed clip and debt of 350 thousand rubles, which he took to shoot.

The help came from where they did not wait: the Austrian manufacturer of vodka NEFT vodka, allegedly created by the Siberian oil workers, was the sponsor of the roller, allegedly created by Siberian oil workers: a recognizable bottle of this vodka appears in his hand at the main character. "They gave me the amount that completely covered the video," recalls Nasuller (vodka manufacturers refused to communicate with RBC).

The next day, after the clip was posted on Youtube, Hasuller received a message from a person from which at that time was not familiar: "You got very cool with Bad Motherfucker. I would like to talk to you. Timur. " A week later, he and the second producer of Clepa Ekaterina Kononenko sat in Los Angeles in the office of the author of the message, director of Timur Bekmambetov, discussing the details of the filming of the full-length film.

"It was for us as a dream, which unexpectedly became a reality. Two young people, director and producer, suddenly, with any of them find themselves in Los Angeles at negotiations with a huge number of agents who make us different tempting proposals, "recalls Ekaterina Kononenko.

True, Hasuller was not at all so sure that on the basis of a shock, but a short clip could be a no less effective semi-third-hour film. "Agents in vain offered to me to cooperate, and I asked them: Guys, do you understand that this is a clip, maybe I won't do anything else? That is, I knew that I was cool. But how do they know it? They didn't even see other work, "he laughs.

Timur Bekmambetov, producer, founder of Bazelevs film companies, saw a video for the song Bad Motherfucker on YouTube, after which Ilya Nasuchuller offered to Gopro a full-length film. Investor and Copod film, and Bazelevs has been engaged in its rental in Russia

The interlocutors of Ilya doubted it much less. "I was not just a guy from Russia, but a guy who made a roller who looks the whole world. I met in the states of absolutely different people, from the vendors of a guitar to the world-class director who told me a hand and said that they were hoping that Hardcore would be the same level as this video, "says Naşuller.

Despite third-party proposals, according to Kononenko, after conversations with Bekmambetov, it was decided not to sell the right to the future film, but to make it independently in partnership with Timur. "There was no feeling that an adult and a powerful producer takes us under their wing and we tremble," says Catherine.

Naisuller admits that if not Bekmambetov, he would not have occurred to shoot a cheerful and bloody fighter. "I wrote a very serious movie - spyware, dramatic, psychological, after it to switch to such a fan was difficult," he explains. To shoot a big film decided everything on the same camera Gopro.

"When we shot the final scene with cyborgs on the roof for 2.5 weeks, we poured a 40-50 liters of artificial blood per day - on the mass, on the floor, on the walls. It was a very complicated shooting, "- recognized Ilya Khasuller (Photo: Andrey Kovalev for RBC)

Extrabudgetary experiment

Initially, the producers "hardcore" planned to meet in the budget in the amount of 100 million rubles, but at the time of signing the contract it was not clear how much artists, music and stunting tricks cost, says Ekaterina Kononenko. "Since it was an experiment, no one has not yet done such a movie and at the stage agreement was not the final scenario, it was not clear how many tricks and Cascader scenes would be. Ilya came up with completely dizzying things, and we understood that the budget would grow, "she says.

About 200 million rubles went to the production of the film in the first two years. About half has invested Timur Bekmambetov, the rest is Russian investors who attracted Hasuller (they refused their names). "These were familiar acquaintances who were invested in the movies. Of course, it was easier for them to make a decision when I said that I already have a part of the money from Timur, "says Ilya.

They decided to remove in Moscow - they could be in Hollywood, but the whole world had already seen in the movies, as Los Angeles looks like. The Russian capital from this point of view seemed to Nasuller less brought. As idem, the viewer sees the whole "hardcore" through the eyes of the main character, cyborg Henry, who saves his wife from the villains. At the same time, Henry himself does not appear at all in the frame from the side, so the main "face" of the film is Jimmy, an accomplice of Cyborg. His fashionable South African actor Charlot Copli played, before that, she starred in the films "District number 9", "Oldbi" and "Malefistent".

Sergey Shnurov starred in the episode of "hardcore" as a businessman who leads a detachment of aggressive guards

Copli was familiar with Bekmambetov and saw the clip of Bad Motherfucker, and therefore became interested in the project, says Našuller. "I was panicked for a week that it would be for a character from which Charlot could not refuse. Then I realized that the actor would not refuse to play many roles at once, and invented the idea that Jimmy was constantly reincarnated. And he, of course, immediately caught fire, because he loves the characters, he, what is called, a characteristic actor, "he remembers. In the role of the villain agreed to answer Danil Kozlovsky, Sergey Shnurov, Cyril Serebrennikov and Tim Roth in the role of Father Henry flashed, the last, according to Nasuller, he suggested him to play a small cameo himself.

But a week before the start of filming, Charlot Kopli suddenly refused to participate, motivating the refusal by the fact that the director would not have enough money and experience and the film would not have time to reach the beginning of his filming in the "Robot Chappi" Nile Blyomampa. Naisuller, in a panic, flew to Berlin to persuade him, discovered that the actor had already changed his mind and leaves an agreement in force: it turned out that he persuaded the risk actor George Clooney, with whom he had dinner on the eve.

"According to Charlot, Clooney said: if it turns out complete Ahinea, the film will not even come out or no one will look. But if it turns out something normal, the whole world will actually look, so it must be accounted for, "says Naisingler. "I took with him NEFT vodka as a little souvenir and left it at the hotel where George stopped. I do not know, he drank her or not, but I wrote to him: Thank you for prompted by Charloto not to give up my film, "he laughs.

According to the director, Copli did not raise the high fee, agreeing to get part of the profit. "The actors of this level live in network hotels, go on executive cars with protection, so Rider Charloto costs us more than his fee," recalls Ekaterina Kononenko.

Ekaterina Kononenko, producer, met Ilya Naisinguller still in student times. It was a congene video clip on the song Bad Motherfucker, and together with Ilya engaged in the development of a full-length spy drama, when the proposal from Timur Bekmambetov to remove Hardcore was received. Supervised the production of the film as a producer. In addition to Hardkore, he participated in the producing of paintings "Loves does not like" Kim Shipenko (2014) and "oxygen" Ivan Vyrypayev (2008).

As advertising sponsors through Bazelevs, already familiar Austrian NEFT vodals, as well as the manufacturer of mineral water "Arkhyz" and Sportswear Reebok (companies did not respond to questions RBC). According to Nasuchuller, the global placement amounted to only 5-10% in the total film budget, because the shooting was dragged out: instead of the alleged one and a half years, three years have passed before the release of the film on the screens and one week.

When the first film installation option was already ready, the producers decided to attract additional financing for the finalization of the film through the crowdfunding campaign on the Indiegogo.com platform. Depending on the size of the donation, users were offered gifts - from T-shirts and posters with the symbolism "Hardkore" before mentioning the credits. Through the platform, it was possible to collect almost $ 255 thousand, then spent on sound, graphics, music and other post-sales, says Nasuller: "For the movie it is not enough, but for crowdfunding it is the top 1% of all campaigns. And then, profit in the advertising sense, which this campaign brought is huge, because everyone wrote about it. "

The post-sales for the film was about 25% of the total cost, it was made a total of 13 companies. "One company could not pull 1800 frames for processing, especially with our budget," explains Ilya. According to him, many manufacturers went to meet and made discounts: for example, the chart in the scene of the chase on cars The Boston company Zero VFX agreed for only $ 100 thousand, although the average price was $ 350-400 thousand. "They just wanted a show reel (sample shooting For portfolio. - RBC) And believed that it would be a big movie, "says Naşuller.

"At first, we had the idea that the hero kills 166 people to get into the Guinness Book of Records. But after a week of filming, I realized that I needed to engage in movies, and not records, "says the director" Hardkore " (Photo: From the personal archive of Ilya Khasuller)

"Wild violence in the form of a joke"

Hardcore Henry has become one of the world's first full-length films, almost completely shot at the Gopro chamber. The main character with the camera on the face for the whole film does not say a word, all the action takes place around it, but this action is a lot: fights, chase, explosions, running away from a tank and drop from clouds in a glass capsule. The shooting of Cascader scenes in the film was taken by 90 shifts, which went through the bulk of the budget, recalls Naisingler.

The main tricks performed the Cascaders team from Tula under the leadership of Alexander Stetsenko, which the film was invited by the second director Zaur Skeev. As RBC Stetsenko told, thanks to the use of Gopro, all the tricks were made a little different than usual. "On the one hand, the team of providing the trick could hide behind the camera. Since the camera was on the cascader, we knew where the camera looks and what she sees, and it greatly simplified life, "he remembers. Nevertheless, such a camera removes the distance, and all the tricks had to be performed in very close contact. "If you take the usual chamber, then the cars chase each other at a distance of 3 m, and it looks fine. And here we had to approach literally by 50 cm to create the right effect, "says Stetsenko.

"Hardcore" became one of the first films almost completely shot on the Gopro video camera. During the filming, I was smashed out of one dozen cameras, remembers Ilya Nasuller (Photo: From the personal archive of Ilya Khasuller)

Due to the features of shooting on the Gopro, the graphic graphs have risen in price by 35-40% to the original budget: unlike professional filmmocamers, the software for creating graphics does not automatically process video from GOPRO, and everyone had to finish manually. But the Gopro company supplied the Khardkra team for free to cameras, software and round-the-clock support in the face of a specially dedicated engineer.

"We were seventh in the world who received such a software. He was received by George Lucas, Michael Bay, dudes who did Need for Speed, - in a word, all serious people. And then such novice guys from Moscow: they say, we have helmets and we want to run. When you do an interesting movie, people themselves are tightened, "says Nasuchuller.

Relieved decided in English. "It would be illogical in Russian. Why do you limit the CIS countries if you can limit yourself to the whole world? " - the director believes. It helped the film to become successful internationally, says the director of the film distribution department "Twentieth century Fox CIS" Nikolai Borukov. "For American and generally Western viewer, it is very important that not only the language, but also cultural features, cultural values, understandable to their society. Mind exclusively national paintings in the US is very difficult, there is very bad in principle, European cinema works as such and Russian in particular, "said Borukov.

After some, Hyasuller refused a very serious tone of the picture and rewrote the script. "I wanted people to laugh at us, and with us, so the film works worldwide. When wild violence in the frame, and then a suddenly joke, you have everything because of the contrast, "says the director. In addition, he wanted to make a film as high quality and rich action. "I thought people should o *** from action. They have to watch the movie and think: I have never seen this! I was invented, and I had the perfume from this, because I myself had never seen this, "explains Nasuller.

According to Box Office Mojo, Hardcore Henry has reached more than 30 countries and collected more than $ 14.3 million in global box office, of which $ 9 million falls on the US and $ 2.7 million to Russia and the CIS. Could collect more if it were not for the restriction for viewing 18+ and Rating R, assigned by the film because of the abundance of bloody scenes and the surrounding vocabulary, Kononenko believes. Mitigate the rating producers did not want, although the film is largely designed for adolescents, she says: "There is violence-violence, and there is an attraction violence. And we work in the attraction plane. "

$14,3 - Film fees in global box
175 million rubles. - fees in Russia

Sources: Box Office Mojo, Kinopoisk.ru

The most important is the second

The rights to the international rental of the film bought out for $ 10 million in 2014 small American company STX Entertainment, the rental in Russia bought Bazelevs Timur Bekmambetova. "Estimate for hire was somewhat overwhelmed, but in the end everyone was satisfied," says Kononenko. "We did not make a dizzying coup in world cinema, but our distributors and we paid for the costs."

According to Ilya Khasuller, after purchasing rights, the company STX has invested in the final of the film about $ 600 thousand: the film was renounced, they added the graphics and releasing the final scene, thereby bringing the final budget with the post-sales to more than $ 3 million. A separate line was worth advertising I paid for Bazelevs in Russia and STX in the United States: according to Kononenko, the advertising budget was comparable to the production part of the film.

Director Ilya Knisuller (left), partially played by Kyborg Henry, and South African actor Charlot Copli as his accomplice of Jimmy in Harkdore fell away from villains, applying remedies (Photo: From the personal archive of Ilya Khasuller)

According to the portal Kinopoisk.ru, the fees in Russia amounted to 175 million rubles. - An impressive amount of fees for militant thriller, says Nikolai Borukov from the Twentieth century Fox CIS. "In this genre, rarely when the paintings earn a fundamentally more thriller on the border with horror with elements of unconventional feed. This film is difficult to classify in one or another category, but for this genre and for this picture is a very successful commercial result, "said Borukov.

Now the film producers impose great hopes for its online sales (since July 12) and on DVD and Blu-Ray, which will begin on July 26th. "The target audience in the concept of Americans - video cameras - does not go into cinemas. There are a bunch of examples when movies for video cameras did not collect anything in the cinema, so now the most interesting thing is starting for Hardcore, "Ilya hopes.

New fame gives new opportunities, and as long as Hasuller-director wins Hasuller-musician (Ilya continues to play in the group).

"When Bad Motherfucker, Pixies (American alternative group came out. - RBC) I handed us through the agency: they say, we will give your group to warm us in New York and Los Angeles, but you will have to take us off the clip. A very advantageous offer, but because of "hardcore" had to refuse: during the filming there are no other life, "says the director.

Naisuller is very seriously preparing for the next film. "The most difficult thing is the first movie, the most important thing is the second, because it shows if you just lucky with the first," he says. In June of this year, he, together with the producers, Catherine Kononenko and Ruben Adamyany founded the company Versus Pictures - LLC "Kininka" White Umbrella ", with the help of which it plans to search and directly by the production of films in Russia and the United States (Naisingler registered the company along with another co -oder "Hardkore" Ingoy Weinstein-Smith).

The remaining part of the Hardcor's fee (His Ilya does not disclose) Nasuller invested in the development of two scenarios: one of them is for the horror thriller in collaboration with the Russian scenario Nikolai Kulikov, the author of scenarios for the film "Crew", "Gorky", "Legend № 17 ". The second is an eight-grade "spyware" television film in English along with American Will Stuart.

There are no specific sales or orders yet, but they will be, if there is a cool idea, I consider Khasuller. "Today, art is what is relatively easy to do, but not so easy to come up. Therefore, you decide how to invent, and you go, all tools are, "says Ilya.

April 7, 2016. of the yearbazelevs film companies will release Action in Russian rental "Hardcore" Producer Timur Bekmamebtova and director Ilya Naisuller. "Hardcore", completely filmed from the first person, suggests the viewer a unique immersion experience in a dynamic fantastic action - nothing like that on the big screen has not yet been. Movie in the film performed Charlot Kopliand Danil Kozlovskywho first played the real villain. The film also involves: Tim mouth, Haley Bennet., Sergei Shnurov, Daria Charusha Ravshana Kurkov, Svetlana Ustinova, Polina Filonenko, Alexander Pal, Kirill Serebrennikov And others. Daria Charusha performed on the project not only as an actress, but also as a composer. Soundtrack "Hardkore" included songs of Queen groups, The Temptations, The Sonics, The Stranglers, Biting Elbows, which purchased a new sound in the film. Another musical decoration of the project was a track specially written by a vocalist of the famous System of A Down group Serzh Tankian.

In Russia, the film "Hardcore" will be released in partnership with free multiplayer online Warface shooter Game division Mail.Ru Group.. IN Warface. More than 30 million users from Russia and the CIS are registered. The film and the game brings not only the first-person view, but also an incredible saturation of the action, an integral part of which each observer becomes.

"Hardcore" is shot in Moscow, and the installation of the material, the recording and mixing of sounds took place in Los Angeles. Computer graphics were engaged in 13 studios, nine of which are American. Directed by mounting, which took 6 months, performed Vlad Captures, as well as Steve Mirkovich, well-known work on such major projects as "Passion of Christ" and "Air Prison", and William Ye., by the shoulders of which the film "Equilibium". Twenty-fold Nominee for Oscar has been engaged in the sound of sound on Sony Studios Kevin O'Connell,worked on such iconic pictures with paintings as "spy games", "The best arrows", "rock", "Armageddon", "Pörl Harbor", "Spiderman" (2002) and "Transformers".

In the US, Hardcore will be released in a wide range of April 8 called Hardcore Henry for 3000 screens.

The world premiere of "Hardkore" took place on September 20, 2015 on International Festival in Toronto (TIFF.). According to the results of the voting of the audience, Hardcore was recognized as the best film program Midnight Madness.The picture also received positive estimates of international film pressure:

THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER: "Special effects are performed perfectly, which makes visual gigs juicy and bright ... You will be drunk and the action itself, and excellent technical performance."

The Action Elite.: "What I did not expect, so it's how fun will the film succeed; He is incredibly cruel, but violence in it in the spirit of the video game is more like a joking, rather than insulting. The picture has several fabulous innovative ideas and a considerable supply of adrenaline. It is filled with action from the very beginning to the end and easily deserves the title of the most original action film. "

Twitch Film.: "The main ability of Našuller in" hardcore "is his ability to constantly raise rates. Fights are getting longer, the enemies grow among them, and the tricks are impressivestrong. All concerns about the fact that he will not be able to surpass the action from an impressive clip "Bad Motherfucker", quickly dispel. "

Nerdist: « Luxuriously furnished, extremely brutal combat scenes and chase allow you to forget that you look at the movie, and in fact feel like you are Henry. The film was dark (oh yeah, damn gloomy!), But it resembles the work of Quentin Tarantino rather than the work of Quentin, because there is a lot of black humor. "

The starting point and stylistic foundation for Hardcore was the music video "Bad Motherfucker", shot by Ilya Khasuller for his indie rock group Biting Elbows in 2013. The roller became one of Youtube hits, got into news releases of federal Russian TV channels and was marked by the largest foreign directors, actors and musicians: Robert Rodriguez, Darren Aroneal, Samuel L. Jackson, Sylvester Stallone, Sasha Baron Coen, Tim mouth, Pakki Chhan UK, Jared SummerGroup Placebo. and others.

One of the first video rated Timur Bekmambetov:

« I was struck by the freshness of the ideas and manner of shooting, I found the contacts of Ilya and on the same day he called him - remembers producer. "As a viewer, I wanted to see a full-length film, shot in the same manner, and suggested Ilya to work on him. He treated the idea wary, because before that no one did anything like this, but after some time Ilya still took up this experiment».

The film is completely removed on the portable Gopro portable Gopro camera in the athletes-extremal, which was fixed on the operator's head. With his eyes, the film will see the audience, who will be able to feel at the place of the hero of the plenty of the militant and face enemies literally face to face.

For the sake of shooting in "hardcore" Danil Kozlovsky Not only went to replace the usual role and played the villain, but also radically changed the appearance.

"According to the plot, my hero Akan is a villain, which has the abilities of Telekinza, -tells Kozlovsky, - When a light wig was put on a bright wig for the first time, they put white eyebrows and inserted some unreal lenses, it became clear that the creators of the film perfectly feel the image, and I just decided to trust them. In general, it all developed in this project: an excellent idea, an unusual format, a special dimension that Ilya Hyasuller creates, and, of course, the role of the main villain. It's great that this is a debut film for many of his participants: they make high rates on it and belong to something new in their lives, which gives additional energy and creates a unique atmosphere on the set. "

A Hollywood actor became partner of the Russian star Charlot Copli. He received world fame and love of the Cinema audience after the lead role in the fantastic film "District No. 9". A new splash of interest in the actor in the whole world occurred after his participation in the film "Elysium: Paradise not on Earth", where Matt Damon became partner, and Fantnesia "Malefistent", in which Kopli threw the challenge of Angelina Jolie:

« I also knew Timur - we considered the ideas of joint projects, but before that I did not fall out pleasure to work with him. Although, I confess, in relation to this film I had doubts: this is a serious challenge to me, and our whole team, because "hardcore" is absolutely not like any picture that ever went tofilm distribution. My first question Ilya Kzasuller, probably, was unoriginal: "The short film is great, but can you create a similar one for ninety minutes?" Today I have no doubt, and we all very much hope that the audience will look "hardcore" in cinemas - for the sake of full immersion in the atmosphere of the film».

« We jokingly call our film "Parade of Caskaders": it has a huge number of tricky scenes at a minimum of computer graphics, - explains Ilya Nasuller. - In addition to those already known, we came up with the tricks that no one removed us. Two teams were engaged in the designs of the tricks, under the leadership of Alexander Stetsenko and Oleg Poddubny. "

Reliable image from the first person The creators of the film was achieved by the unusual attachment of the camera at the chin level. Thus, the system operator could pry into the tiny monitor and understand what it removes it. At the same time, the size of the frame in the course of the action did not change to preserve the full emotional immersion of the audience. And they are waiting for a spectacle that cannot leave indifferent.

"In one day we shot on the old Arbat and, of course, could not block it completely- recall the director. - Therefore, we just got the ribbon the necessary territory and asked people to bypass it. Several times the police came to the challenges of concerned citizens, until we guessed to cover the mannequin's cardboard, depicting a corpse: thanks to the team of Peter Gorshenin FX Design Group Int, which was engaged in plastic grima, everything looked so natural that passersby simply could not not be informed Responsible bodies ».

Hardcore (HardcoreHenry.)

Country: USA, Russia, 2015
Genre: action, Thriller, Comedy
Production: B.Azelevs., Versus Films.

Producers: Timur Bekmambetov, Ilya Knishuller, Ekaterina Kononenko, Inga Weinstein Smith
Producer: Ilya Kzhasuller
Written by: Ilya Kzhasuller

Director operators: Vsevolod Captures, Fedor Lāss, Pavel Kapinos
Operators: Sergey Valyaev, Andrei Dementiev

Strucks of tricks: Alexander Stetsenko, Oleg Poddubny, Dmitry Tarasenko
Designer artist: Margarita Ablaeva
Mounting directors: Steve Mirkovich, William Ye, Vlad Captures

Cast: Charlot Kopli, Danila Kozlovsky, Tim Mouth, Haley Bennet, Sergey Shnurov, Rodhina Kurkova, Svetlana Ustinov, Daria Charussa, Polina Filonenko, Alexander Pal, Kirill Serennikov, Andrei Dementiev, Sergey Mezentsev, Alexander Mavrin, etc.

Age limit: 18+

The main hero of the film Henry comes to a military-scientific laboratory for creating people-cyborg. He knows about himself only that once he was happily married to Beauty Estel ( Haley Bennet.), who just returned it to life. Not having time to deal with the past, Henry is forced to enter the war with the villain Akan ( Danil Kozlovsky) who kidnaps Estel. In search of beloved Henry destroys everything in its path. The only one who is not trying to kill him - Mysterious Jimmy ( Charlot Kopli), who has his scores with Akan. Heroes will not only save the girl, but also to stop the creation of the kyborg army capable of putting the world to the legs of Akana.

Video selection of how the movie Hardcore was filmed

April 7, Hardcore came to Russian and international rental - film Ilya A, which became one of the main filmmakers of the year. Fully filmed from the first person, this action rose from the clip "Bad Motherfucker", which Ilya shot for his group Biting Elbows. After the wonderful success of this video, Bekmambetov appealed to Hasuller with a proposal to make a full meter. In numerous interviews in the course of the last three years of shooting, Nasuller did not fully reveal the details of the plot, but he said that all the action scenes were invented first, on top of which history was composed. Now that the film was shown at the Film Festival in Toronto, and then went to the screens, "Gazeta.Ru" met with the director to talk more to the industry.

- You said that first came up with all the action. How did it happen?

- I had 90 ideas on action, I pretended that and where it was possible to remove, but in the course of the filming, everything was constantly changing, it was repeated, there was a lot of improvisations. Approximately 35% of what you see on the screen was not in the script.

- And the plot as appeared?

- We had many options, as a result, everything was not exactly how it was planned initially - I first had aliens there at all ... And so just sat down and began to write. I quickly realized that we have a movie about the fact that the mountains can be collapsed with the correct motivation. Then I realized that since the main character is a spectator, then the heart of the film should be his friend who played. Then it was necessary to write a role for him from which he could not refuse, "this appeared Jimmy with his many larva. This is also the only character whose story was to tell, for the rest it was not required, and the fate of Jimmy should have been emotionally clinging the viewer.

Ilya Kzhasuller

Valery Melnikov / RIA "News"

- Do you know the prehistory of the rest of the heroes?

- I always knew everything about everyone, of course. And these plots are in the comic on the film. We even had a line in the script about where the hero of Kozlovsky Akana had such power, but I realized that it was not interested in me. Zadolbalo: Parents died at Batman, the Spiderman bit the spider ... We had an option in which Akan joked that he was bitten by a spider, but this was also thrown away.

- What was the most difficult during filming?

- Three points. First, all that is associated with the plot; It was not immediately clear how to shoot conversational scenes, given that the hero could not speak. Plus, all movements should be mounted on it: you can't just take a close-up if you need it. The second heavy moment was associated with the pursuit on the motorcycles, and the third one with the final brawing, in which Henry is fighting one against hundreds of opponents. It was psychologically difficult: we have been filmed two and a half weeks in the pavilion, 50 people of extras, 35 cascaders, 70 liters of blood every day, fire smoke, and in the winter street it is impossible to ventilate. When it was later needed to take a few frames there, I remembered with horror, as it was, and was delighted that all the horror is already behind.

- And there was no fear that the audience would not stand the vestibule apparatus? From "hardcore", in my opinion, drunk viewer can point, otherwise it is worth it.

- Well, you know, we did a night showing in Toronto at the festival, several people left, but no one was sick, although not all the audience were sober. A similar picture was on other shows. It's like American slides: Always in the company there is one person who is afraid, but he just needs to say: "Not sole, everything will be fine." Would I lead my grandmother on this movie? It is unlikely, but at home I would try to show. And then, from the "Monsters", hesion is much stronger - we have one twentieth in the sense of the ability to say.

- You immediately understood that you would shoot in Moscow?

- Yes. As soon as we started discussing the project with Timur, I already knew that we would shoot here. Moreover, I knew the location for the final. I also understood that the film would be built around the fact that the boy saves his girl. Visually a film was very fresh, so I needed a very simple, uncomplicated story.

- Why nevertheless in Moscow? Becmambetova probably had the opportunity to agree on shooting in the States.

- Well, I will immediately say that the financial component is not the most important. Yes, it was possible to shoot in Los Angeles. But the whole world saw Los Angeles, it is not interesting. My favorite movie franchise is, and I always had a kaifovo to look at other countries where he rides, it's like film-based. "District No. 9" Blomammpa also fired in part due to the fact that most viewers have never seen Rubbing slums of Johannesburg. Therefore, I rented in Moscow - it gives an additional charm.

- Many directors say that Moscow is a neinogenic city.

- With the help of good operator You can make any place to make kinogenic. Here is the desert kinogenic? How much can you look at these dunes? If you are removed, you can watch forever. Or the forest - we saw him a million times, but you look "the survivor" and understand that you have not seen this before.

"When" Night Watch "came out, critics wrote that such Moscow had not yet been. What kind of Moscow for you?

- Moscow is a colder and angry version of New York. These are identical cities, with the exception of the level of hatred and temperature. If we talk about whether I like to live here, is not very. The nearest to my house is a tree located ... Now the Christmas tree was removed, and I don't even know where. It's not very good. But here is a wonderful subway.

- Did you somehow represented the viewer for which you make a movie?

- It's just a person who goes to the movies. Now all over the world people write that they are waiting for "hardcore", including people of all races and skin color, - it's wildly pleasant to me. When I started writing music, I had a dream, so that someone heard her at the other end of the world and enjoyed. It was the same here: I wanted the same person as me, at the other end of the world went to the movies and I liked it. We did not make a film specifically, for example, for gamers. I wanted to do exactly movies.

- You used to live on two countries. Something has changed?

- I was not in Moscow for five months and now I realized that I could not remember the names of the streets. I do not really understand how to treat it. In principle, I think about moving ...

- In New York?

- In Los Angeles. I don't like it very much in New York - you can not leave Moscow. In Los Angeles, it is cool to live, if there is a job, and if there is no - hard. There is not enough motivation: you are already in paradise, you have palm trees ... But while I will live on two countries - here is my family, my friends.

- You made a movie for three years, now you already understand what's next?

- The decision is now made on a large studio project in America. I also think that we will produce something with Timur - it is very cool to work with it, structurally and productive. Something tells me that we still have joint projects.

- From your words there is a strange feeling. You shot the video and immediately found themselves in America, now the film is coming out of several dozen countries, you are discussing further Hollywood projects and tell about it as something of granted. Tell us how you still managed it?

- I will say this: there are not so many good directors in the world. Studies, channels, producers need content, need projects. When there is someone who did what they liked ... not even financially - I do not know how much "hardcore" will gather, and not be surprised by anything. Judging by the conversations that I had with the most different people, fees no longer matter. The film was worth a penny, he had already paid off on international sales, producers and investors are happy, people are interested. The main thing is that the film is cool. And this is not just my words - professionals say that such a film comes out once every 10 years. After the show in Toronto, for two weeks every day he drove throughout Los Angeles from the studio to the studio, and at meetings with the producers I did not offer ready-made scenarios, and asked what I had. At some point, I was offered to write a script for a stop film. I was even confused because I was used to thinking in a small scale, about what I can do a couple of millions in Moscow or in Russia. Now you have to think in a completely different scale, it is a completely different state of the brain. We can enter any door, there are no problems with this. The question is how we will come out from there, but it will already show an autopsy.

- I heard you do the series. Tell me a little about him.

- We wrote eight episodes - I looked at the first season of the "real detective" and finally decided on the format. This is a spy story, eight countries. The film grew out of the project, which I wrote to "Hardkore", and wrote him, dreaming that Tim Mouth will play in it. He has already given prior consent.

- With Charlot Kopli, as far as I know, Timur reduced you, and with Tim Mouth, how did you meet?

- When I arrived in America after the success of the clip "Bad Motherfucker", the producers began to offer everything that I want, and I asked to organize a meeting with Tim Rot. I came home to him, we sat down by the pool, he praised the clip, asked what I'm going to do next. I said that further we are going to do "hardcore", and told that before that I wrote a script for him. Tim broke up in a smile and said that the idea sounds cool and that if he needed for Hardcore, he is ready.

- Let's go back to Russia. You can somehow explain why Russian cinema is not even a great success even from the domestic viewer?

- My subjective opinion is most people from us make a movie for the sake of the process, and not for the sake of the result. They want to earn not on the film released, but on theft and savings in the process of filming. It's the most important. There is a second point that I felt on myself. From the states after the success of the clip, suggestions fell on me, and from Russia, approximately a year and a half projects were proposed. There is nothing terrible in this, but this suggests that in Russia producers either do not follow what is happening in the world, or they are simply anyway. Timur saw "Bad Motherfucker" and immediately thought that it could work in the movies. His difference is that he can see the potential. Well, of course, new elements of censorship, to put it mildly, do not contribute to the development. The influence of these laws is not as great, but it is just another restriction for creativity. There was a wonderful moment when the "Night Watch", "Day Watch" came out, people believed in Russian cinema. But after that, people appeared who began to shoot a garbage and try to earn on it. And if you went to the Russian movie ten times and saw that it was a garbage, then you will not go to the eleventh. Trust in domestic cinema was thus refused.

- And for you, it was fundamentally writing a script in English and generally make a movie, initially oriented to international rental?

- I have three last scenarios in English. I always believed that there is no need to remove with the restriction for the CIS, if you can make the movie potentially for the whole world. My favorite films are not in Russian. So I do not sing in Russian - I like very little from Russian music, I can listen to little with pleasure. And then I want my cinema to watch everywhere, from Siberia to Brazil, and in Brazil the film will not look in Russian.

- Do you generally call yourself a Russian director?

- I can call himself a director, and the fact that in the passport is not important. At the place of birth, I'm Russian, I grew here. But Hollywood do not care where you come from, it is important that you imagine.