What denotes each line on hand. What do the lines do on the palm? Simple and affordable language

What denotes each line on hand. What do the lines do on the palm? Simple and affordable language

To date, there are many different methods for determining the further fate of a person. Among them are astrological forecasts, and fortune-telling on maps, and drawing up forecasts in accordance with the date of birth of a person. Also, similar methods of prophecy can also be attributed to the science that studies on the palms. Hiromantia, as it is customary is called, is a scientific way to determine the further flow of life and possible changes on the basis of lines in the hands. The drawn markup, accompanying every person from his first days of life and to the latter, can provide answers to the most popular questions. And today we will tell that it is a chiromantine, and what is the importance of the lines on hand, we will offer a description of each (line of fate, life, love, children, etc.).

Hiromantia, as the science of interpretation of drawings on a human hand, originates in ancient times, because then people have found the relationship of lines on his palms with events in their lives of their carrier.

First of all, to properly decipher the lines crossing the right and left palm field in different directions, you should familiarize yourself with the basic concepts. This information will help you in this article and the photos attached to it.

The information that the chiromantia provides us and the lines value allow you to quickly navigate, looking at the palm of a person. Having highlighting the main and auxiliary (no less important) dashs of fate, it will be necessary to carry out a thorough study of each.

The correct interpretation of the drawings in the arms is the key to the fact that as a result, the digestive will receive the highest possible information on the question of interest (about children and love, coming in life change, etc.).

How to highlight basic, fateful lines?

Among all the strips, cutting the palm of the left hand and right, allocate only a few "main" lines. They are mappings of major events in the life of a person accompanying him from birth to death. You can find such by guided by a detailed description of each and photo instructions (hand card).

Main lines:

  • The line of life is the main feature on the hand of each person (envelopes the Venus Bud, taking the beginning above the base of the thumb, going down to the wrist). She reveals the main secrets, telling about the quality of the life of the carrier, the cardinal interventions of fate. Also with the help of such a band, you can find out how long the life of the gadget will be;
  • Fate - a strip that is a mapping of rock, a safe fate (makes his way from the middle of the middle finger base straight to the wrist). Looking at this label on hand, you can learn about some events of the future person and the approximate path;
  • Health is a feature on the palm that can tell about the health of the gadget (hepatic line). Analyzing it, it can be understood how effectively the mechanism of human activity in general works. Also, with a careful inspection of this line, you can put an approximate diagnosis for each internal organ separately;
  • Hearts - carries a dual value and can be perceived as the mapping of human sensuality or, as a mirror of the heart of the heart, the cardiovascular system (it starts to a little higher than the reference point of the lifestyle and crosses the palm diagonally, heading towards the top hillside of Mars);
  • Heads / mind - this feature is a display of sound sensitory and willpower (starts between lifestyle and heart lines, ends on the site between the lunch of the moon and the upper tuberculk Mars). Guessing on it, you can find out how the departant person itself sees the course of his life;
  • Marriage - or a line of personal life (begins on the side of the palm under the foundation of the maiden, moving parallel to the Life Strike). It can be short, and maybe long, winding or solitary - depending on the nature of the personal life of the questioning, its romantic and intimate connections. The main value of the label is a hint about how many significant relationships with him will be;
  • Children - indicating the number of children the band / strip (processes located directly on the marriage drop). An experienced look at desposion in drawings on hand can in some cases even determine which sexuality will be children.

As you can see, the chiromantia is based on the study of the character of the lines on the palms of the right and left hands. Carefully studying each label, it will be possible not only to make a true prediction, but also to reveal the nuances that allow in the future to avoid problems, trouble.

What dashes are being analyzed?

As a rule, during this kind of divination, drawings are being studied, both on the right and left hand. However, the labels of each of them are excellent:

  • lines of the right hand - a person waiting for a person;
  • left - present.

In addition, signs on the palm of the active hand (for the right-hander is the right, for the left-hander) displays the outer shell of a person. Having studied it, we can say about the nature, behavior, priorities and principles of man. At the same time, traces on passive hand will reveal the inner potential. With a careful inspection of the lines on the palm of the passive hand, you can look into the inner world of a person, in his thoughts. However, there is one nuance - the event of the future will certainly be fulfilled in the prophecy, if the sign that foresees him is duplicated on the other hand.

Therefore, at the beginning of the divination it should be clarified which man works most of all. As Chiromantia says, exploring the palm of the right hand, you can get the truthful and most accurate prediction.

How to "read" drawings on the palms?

Every label on hand (line of life, fate, children and marriage, etc.), as the Hiromantia teaches us, reveals a certain area of \u200b\u200bhuman life. And for those who want to correctly read the bloodstands, you need to learn to notice all the details.

It is important to pay attention to the nature of the main strips, as well as the processes, branches, figures located on it. Given age divisions for each line (see photo), it will be possible to determine the time interval of the manifestation of the prediction.

If we talk about the line of children who are interested in many married ladies and unmarried girls, then its interpretation is based on the external signs of the label. How the interpretation of signs is happening on the subject of how many children will be the woman, quite simple. This will tell the number of processes on the marriage band. But how to determine how the floor will the children will help, the next photo instruction will help.

Common figures

Also on the main fateful bands on the hand you can detect different figures. They are also signs of fate warning about certain phenomena.

The most common figures on the palms are:

  • the star is a symbol of a sudden phenomenon, the nature of the appearance of which does not depend on the deeds of a person;
  • cross / Cross - adverse omen, promising an accident or indicating an incorrect path;
  • the island - means "bad luck";
  • point / point - sudden events in life, surprises are not particularly pleasant.

There is no man who does not know where the life line is located. Someone she is short, someone is long, there is a palm with intermittent thread. But how it is interpreted and what is the value of the line of life on hand, let's understand more. Many mistakenly believe that a short life thread characterizes a small segment of the life path, and the long line speaks of long-livers. In practice, everything looks completely different.

Life road, this is the first thing that is formed in a child after birth. Already after 2 months, you can see a fold in the form of a life line, then the chains of fate and the heart appear.

The value of the lifetime on the palm can tell a lot, for example, about the valetricity of the gadget. This can be attributed to the level, life goals, as well as to tell about such characteristic features as energy, endurance and the power of will.

How to correctly interpret the life "road"?

What denotes the line of life that remotely "hugs" a thumb, around Venus Bud?

Note. The trait should be perfect and excellent visible on both palms.

Clear, correct line of life: What does it mean and how is interpreted?

  1. Holders of such a hand are distinguished by endurance, energy and vitality.
  2. The gone never stops on the achieved, and any business "arms" and communicates to the end with pleasure. Fatigue almost do not feel, and any work gives them pleasure.
  3. The gigger has a belonging to a healthy and active lifestyle, and sleep very quickly restores all the strength and energy balance.

Life "Road" is located near the thumb

What does the line of life on hand, which is located close to the thumb:

  • in most cases, such a combination speaks of passivity;
  • not energetic;
  • fast fatigue;
  • deprivation of vital activity.

Hugging a line of life on hand, what does it mean?

  1. Gone does not boast of active vitality.
  2. Owners of such a hand required to relax more.
  3. In this case, it is recommended to pay more time to health and physical exercises.
  4. Only due to physical procedures, gone can grow and gain health.

Big semicircle

If the semicircle moves away from the thumb, it means a huge vitality and human potential.

Lines of life on hand: meaning and interpretation in combination with other roads

Often you can see where the vital thread begins with the mental line together. Beginners of the chiromarts interpret the combination, as the difference in the mental characteristics of the owner of the hand. But this is far from that.

The photo "A" can be clearly clearly, as both threads depart from one point. What is the meaning of a living lifestyle on the hand?

  • The individual is distinguished by generosity, as they speak the people will give the "last shirt."
  • In a difficult minute, you can rely on such a person, it will decide any problem if possible.
  • But all the above, the listed qualities can be attributed only to friends or relatives.

Note. Generous can be called only in relation to loved ones. A stranger will not be able to help, but they also cannot be considered essentials.

What does the life road of a generous man look like?

There is a type of very noble people, the photo "B" shows such a palm. Seeing this combination we can safely say that you can always count on compassion.

Life and mental chains come separately

The line of mind goes separately from the line of life on hand. The value of such a combination says that the owner of a narcissist egoist. For such people, material benefits are much more important than spiritual. Such an individual is very greedy, and even for himself practically refuses everything.

The financial side of such people plays the most significant role. Very often such individuals due to their misfortunes lose even their friends. Such a lifetime on the palm of his face, its meaning suggests that giving likes to criticize others, but the criticism itself is not perceived in his address.

Such a combination of lines also speaks about pedanticity.

The video describes in detail how to find out the details about the life line and its importance on the palm of the person:

Often on life threads we meet some deviations: interrupts, additional branches, weak and deep lines. Let's look correctly how to find out the line of life on the hand of a person with additional signs?

There are combinations with several small branching. Such people will have a very bright life path, but at the end of their path they will be waiting for certain difficulties.

It is this plug indicates some scattering, a person goes to an unrealized goal all his life, although at the beginning the goal seems quite feasible. A person will chase a chain of failures that will be a certain obstacle to this dream.

Such people are very emotional and dependent on bad habits. Most often can not finish the work started. Palm owners are distinguished by pride and have a certain glory, but every year they have more detaineers who are just waiting for the fall.

To avoid trouble in life, the chiromers advise such personalities to control their emotional state. It is also recommended that you will take care of your old age.

In general, such a combination warns the client about a certain danger. Such a gap speaks of severe illness or death. Before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to carry out a deep analysis of the past period of time, since a person awaits health difficulties. Perhaps need surgical intervention.

Reasonably revealed reason: family, work, life failures, everything that may cause a painful state.

If after breaking the trait is restored, then everything will be fine.

Let's wonder how to find out the line of life after the break disappearing and not clear. It will be about a person who may not cope with his illness. Most likely it will take away from life and not hesitating.

The chirromants are not advised to deepen too much, since the lines on hand are just a warning, but not a sentence. They prevent certain situations that can be corrected.

Often on life thread you can meet some signs, for example, a small island. Such a sign warns about a certain illness, it can be, both in the physical plane and in a psychological aspect.

Sometimes such a sign can talk about deep emotional suffering (unrequited love, the fatal outcome of loved ones and other reasons).

When a similar sign is visible on the palm, this is a consequence of some internal injury that will leave his mark.

Such a hand suggests that giving lost his loved one or survived a love injury (small line).

Such a combination can be attributed to a person who divorced or lost relatives, the loss is very deep for him. Such people were shocked and had a deep psychological trauma.

On a certain segment, a person loses its meaning in life, after which it returns to his bed.

Holders of such a hand feel very happy and can be interpreted in different ways: financial achievement, love peaceful peace, long works will bring results.

In general, this combination means the implementation of all life plans.

What is the meaning line of life on hand, if there is a small parallel thread. This suggests that a man under the protection of the guardian angel.

A split line indicates a man's duplicity, in general, the owner can say one thing, but his actions speak of a friend.

Sometimes such a combination may indicate that the palm holder leads a double life. With such people, it is not recommended to conduct some cases or create a family.

If the line is split, for example, at 40 years of age. This says that a person up to 40 lived in one life, after which he had double standards.

If when reading, you see the "chain" on the life line, then before you a person who is quickly increasing in trust. This is an emotional personality, and life is overflowing with interesting acquaintances and events.

If such a chain has a life satellite, and the second half is distinguished by jealousy, the union may not be long. Such a person loves many fans and in this case the person may have several marriages or several partners.

What does the palm of the gadget, which is surviving for everything

Specially on the Venus Bugre can be seen a lot of lines that are sent to the life thread, these lines of the chirroma are called "lines of anxiety."

Such people are inclined often to worry about everything and worry what is happening around. If there are few such lines on the hands, then each of them can talk about a certain segment on the life path.

Note. There are people who have no such signs, this suggests that this person does not particularly worry something in life, he lives a measured calm life.

If the grid crosses the line of life, it indicates very serious trouble in life and may adversely affect human health.

On the video, you can learn in detail about the signs that are most dangerous and affect the fate of the fortunate:

The value of dots on the lines of life and their role

Such dots or specks speak of human soreness and the weakness of the body and health. Such people need to be especially preserved and often attend medical offices.

Threads that indicate changes in life and fate

Homorates believe that such lines are talking about numerous diseases at the end of life or about significant events.

Consider a Read more:

  1. The disease will be associated with a stupid act: a fight or some ridiculous accident.
  2. Saw spouse or spouse.
  3. On a certain period of time, the gadget all will work out perfectly.
  4. Frequent failures associated with the service, family troubles.
  5. Have a fairly happy marriage and mutual understanding.
  6. Frequent travels.

How to find out how many lives live: simple dating

The definition of a time period or detection of the date of life is quite difficult.

To do this, you can choose one of several ways:

  1. One of the most simple methods is an imaginary trailer vertically, which is carried out by middle finger. The intersection point of the life expensive corresponds to thirty-five years.

  1. The method provides for measuring the life "road". Full length is approximately 70 years old. The middle of the life line will be 35 years old.

Note. If you repel from the length of the line, we will be able to determine the approximate time of some periods in life.

There is another dating system if divided into a thread of fate and life on a 7-gothic segment.

We divide on a 7-year cycle

Many people would like to know their destiny without referring to psychic and fortune telkali.

To do this, there is a very interesting science - the Hiromantia, who came to us from our ancestors.

Thanks to her, it is possible to find out about the past and the future of a person, just having studied the palm.

If earlier than the chiromantia was available only to the sorcerers and magicians, today it is not necessary to be a chirromant to determine the level of longevity, it is enough to know what kind of hand looks like a line of life.

Location location

Looking at their palms, you can see a huge number of lines located in different directions. And they all respond to a certain event in the past and the future of man.

A lane of life on the palm is of particular importance. It determines the vitality of a person, indicates the duration of life, reveals human potential, therefore requires special care when "reading".

Some people do not know what hand the line of life in women and men is located. She surrounds the rim of the thumb - takes her beginning at the wrist and stretches up to the index finger.

To find out what hand is greeted by women and men, you can contact the experts' connoisseurs - they claim that there is a passive and active hand.

If the man is right, then the right hand is active.

If he operates more left, it is active, and the fate predicts on it.

Homirrants professionals ask for two hands immediately.

Since they claim that the past is seen on the left hand, and the right thing and the future. The outlines on the left palm point indicate that it is destined to fate, and on the right palm - they talk about changes in events.

Decoding value

The appearance of the life strip indicates the level of vitality and the physical condition of the person. Ideally, she should not be very deep and wide.

Well, if it is long, straight, without sharp turns and has one color.

Depending on the appearance, there is the following interpretation:

Special details

Not only in width or length you can identify life events. Sometimes there are geometric shapes on the lifestyle.

They also bear a definite meaning:

Around the life strip, you can observe a lot of small dishes.

These are external factors and human environment. By combining these screaks, you can determine who is next to the person and how affects his life.

Sometimes there are people who have a triple line of life, Chiromantia argues that they tend to have extrasensory abilities.

This phenomenon is very rare.

And if you have become an eyewitness of this, then you are very lucky.

Often, the life feature is gap.

This does not necessarily speak of death or diseases.

This can be a change of habits, a change in nature, worldview and prejudice.

Depending on which line of life on hand, the decoding can be different.

Therefore, you need to carefully consider each item.

Now that you know where there is a line of life on hand, you can predict the future not only yourself, but also to your loved ones.

But it is important to remember that it is possible to say a person about his fate only with his consent.

After all, even experienced chirromants do not always speak correctly, and no line will give accurate information about the future.

Every day we experience emotions, perform various actions - all this is reflected in the hands, gradually folding in order lines, hills or rings.

Deciphering these signs will provide them with a lot of useful information and will open the secrets about which he may not have guess.

Main lines on human palm

To comprehend the Ase of the Homanty forces to everyone, the essence of it lies in the ability to determine the type of sign and understand its meaning.

Lines on the palm: meaning on the right hand, which means lines on the palm of the left hand described in detail in this article.

Total several types of lines on the hands of a person, 6 of which are the main. Others belong to the secondary.

Home Line What do the lines on the palm of the right hand What do the lines on the palm of the left hand
Life lineQuality of life in the futurePotential received from birth
Health LineIndicates possible health problemsNature health
Line Um.Intellectual achievementsInheritance potential
Heart lineEmotional state of manBasic traits of his character
Line of the Sun.Way to successStrengths of personality
Line of FateThe result of decisions takenEvents that will occur naturally

Active and inactive palm

The first thing from which should be started - the analysis of the location of the main lines.

However, their value can carry various information, it all depends on how lines are located on the palm: the value on the right hand is often different from decryption features left.

When reading the signs of the left hand, you can find out that the person is destined to see his heredity.

The lines on the right talk about events that will result in decisions taken, in fact, to them a person will lead to his conscious actions in life.

Chomands call palm "active" and "inactive", the first case is usually the right hand, if the man is right or left, if left-handed.

There is another way to identify hands - just ask a person to show palm. In most cases, each intuitively submits exactly active.

Definition of a sign of life

The most good value is the trait of lifewhich crosses the palm and comes between big and index fingers, envelopes the hill of thumb and ends at the wrist.

Some people may not be absent, it means that a person is in finding himself, his destination in life. For the same reasons, this line can periodically appear and disappear.

A clear and pronounced line indicates stability, purposefulness, suggests that a person puts a certain task in life and tries to follow them, realizes its potential.

Raznitsa assume sharp changes in life, while there is a big difference, which is nearing what hand it is interrupted.

When reading the values \u200b\u200bon the left hand, you can find out that a person is destined to see his heredity. The lines on the right palm talk about events that will result in the decisions taken.

If the line of life is a dotted or interrupted on his right hand - this means that the person himself will become the initiators of change, and if on the left (inactive) palm - all events will occur by itself.

Sometimes you can see small branches - these signs indicate important events. They will be bad or good can be found in their direction - down or up, respectively.

The fork in the outcome of the feature of life means craving for long-range travels, adventure, vivid impressions.

The location itself is also the location of the line, in energetic and solid personalities, it originates closer to the index finger and envelopes the hill wide. The shift to the thumb opposite speaks of a weak character, about a pronounced tendency to fear, uncertainty.

Also chirromants say that on the length of the line of life, you can roughly define, at what age certain events will occur.. To do this, all its length should be divided into 12 parts, each of which is equal to 7 years. However, such calculations are very conditional.

Health Line

On the state of health throughout life, you can judge the health line (value on the right hand, which means this line on the palm of the left hand is described below) . Usually it represents several segments that can be linked to each other or form gaps.

The sign begins with the Mercury Hill, which is located at the founding of the maiden, and ends in the middle of the palm of the wrist.

The most negative factor is its touch lineThis suggests that diseases will have a certain impact on the fate of a person.

In many people, this line is absent, or only the beginning and the end is a good sign, it means that a person has excellent health, and this applies to all areas: physical, emotional, mental.

When the line passes through the entire palm, without touching other signs, it also testifies to the absence of serious diseases.

If the line fragments are enjoyed on each other, it speaks of a successful fight against any diseases, Interrupt indicates that the disease will periodically retreat.

In this case, it is reasonable to make special attention to my state, responsibly approach treatment and comply with the recommendations of doctors.

What does the mind line say

The lines of mind or head begins from one point with a line of life or near, and crosses the palm horizontally.

This The sign defines mental abilities and intellectual achievements of a person. To make the right conclusions, you must compare both hands. Deciphering lines on the palm of hand, the value on the right hand will characterize the achievements of a person, its intelligent growth.

If the left line is less pronounced than on the other, it means that a person effectively implements its natural potential, in the case when the clarity and length are the same - there is something to think about.

This location indicates that mental abilities, data from birth, do not develop. In young age, this can be justified and explained, but for an adult person it is a reason to change his lifestyle and try to achieve more.

There is an erroneous opinion that the deep and clear line of the mind always talks about impeccable intellectual possibilities. In fact, this is not always the case, a pronounced sign characterizes a person, a very devoted to his work, perhaps a professional in any industry.

Basic decodes:

  1. A short line - mental work man prefers physical.
  2. Long across the entire palm - a sign of a logical mind, a tendency to analytics.
  3. Zigzag or in the form of a wave - it is difficult for him to concentrate in one case, it often switches attention from one object to another.
  4. If the line is reduced to the bottom - the person is unnecessary and trusting.
  5. The beginning of the feature does not coincide with the line of life - a seeker, a traveler in life, a lover of commemorant, learn a new one.
  6. About fateful, important solutions indicate strokes and crosses on the line.

The value of the heart line

The heart line gives deciphering the emotional psychological component of man. Her beginning goes from the palm rib, under the little finger and can reach an index or nameless finger.

When you fortunate, the chiromarts pay attention to how the line ends:

  1. Between middle and index fingers - Characteristic for the lungs in communication people. This is usually full-fledged extroverts - positive and non-merging people. Naturally, these individuals attract the attention of others, cause the opposite sex. However, if the value of the line on the palm of the left and right hand is different, this suggests that a person consciously changed his habits.
  2. At the base of the middle finger - Before you, the egocentric person who takes care only about their feelings. People with such character are attractive, but quickly tire the partner, ignoring his emotional needs.
  3. Closer to the indicable - Inherent with maximalists, they give everything, try to evaluate every situation objectively. It is comfortable to spend time with them, they are attentive to loved ones and do not accept the relationship "half".
  4. In the field of maiden or nameless finger - This is an unlimited person who keeps all his feelings under control.

It is easy to understand what the lines on the palm of the left hand mean - these character traits are transferred to a person inherited, but in his power to change. Actively can read the future, and a comprehensive analysis should be carried out by different signs.

Sometimes the refusal to change its character leads to negative consequences, for example, a person can lose work or family, if he is selfish and does not want to change anything.

Line of the Sun.

The sun line is infrequently reflected on hand palms, if it is visible, it is usually stretched from the middle of the wrist or palm and comes to the nameless finger.

The sign will help determine how one or another person can succeed and happiness in life. Thin nature, which appreciates and loves creativity, gives a short line. These people understand art, music.

Communication with such a person is pleasant and easy - such personals know how to express their thoughts and willingly share them with those surrounding.

lines on the palm of the left hand - these character traits are transferred to a person by inheritance, but in his power to change.

The line in the form of a wave also talks about the tendency to workHowever, such a person gives back pessimistic sentiment, fear, unrest. Negative emotions clearly interfere with it to achieve their goals or set a definite goal.

Interesting the fact that they mean lines on the palm of the left hand - they point to the strengths of the nature, data from birth. The features of the right palm helps to determine in which area a person can achieve success in the present and future.

Deciphering the line of fate

The line of fate passes vertically or with a small deviation from the middle of the wrist.

Read the sign from below:

  1. A smooth vertical feature speaks of success in all endeavors, brilliant career and self-realization.
  2. If the line is expressed weak, it means that a person is dissatisfied with the situation that has. Perhaps it concerns career, personal life or other important areas.
  3. Streetings in the form of strokes or crosses speak of a frequent change of direction in professional activities.
  4. When the feature originates where the line of life begins, this indicates life difficulties in the early years of life.

Reading the lines on the palm of the palm, the value on the right hand (or active) will open the events that will occur in the future. All of them will become a natural result of the acceptance of certain solutions, so a person should pay special attention to the person.

On the left hand, you can judge what will happen by the will of fateIf it is to give in to the flow.

Minor lines on hand

Line secondary value is not found at all. Deciphering signs together with the main features you can make a more complete and informative map of life (so the chirromates call the whole process of reading hand).

For example, a line of wealth that forms a triangle, sitting between the features of fate and the mind.

If she is clear and even, it speaks of a stable financial situation, and in combination with a pronounced line of fate, it can be assumed that a person will acquire wealth thanks to a successful career.

However, the cause of welfare may be marriage, receiving an inheritance or successful intention, for example - lottery. More clarity in reading will bring other lines on which the corresponding marks will be.

There is another secondary trait - guardian angel line. This sign talks about luckSuch people are lucky in any situations, and the troubles bypass them.

The mark on the hand is located in parallel with the line of life, but shifted closer to the thumb, sitting on his hill. It can be expressed or barely noticeable, but the very fact of her presence is a good sign.

When the guardian angel line is on an inactive palm - this means that a person at birth and the whole life is given a patronage, if the line on the right hand, then over time it can disappear.

This means that protection against failures is provided with fate for a while and should be used with the mind.

Romantic relations and marriage - read by hand

The line of marriage is a horizontal trait under the little finger, by the way, there may be several. Clear, deep signs indicate marriage or marriage, weak - on romantic relationships.

If the sign is interrupted - this indicates a divorce or temporary break of relationships, double lines talk about relations with two partners at the same time.

The separation is judged by the presence of development, the reason for this may be a long business trip or coincidence.

Vertical dashes from this line indicate how many people have children. Moreover, on the left (or inactive) hand, you can find out that it is destined for fate, and on the right - what a decision will take a person. Therefore, the number and position of signs on different palms is different.

There is one more Line associated with family relationships - Damage Damus. It is angry with the base of the patient's finger. The lack of such talks about a strong family life either about its absence.

Full information about fate can be obtained only after analyzing various lines, often different features are talking about the same, or vice versa, contradict each other.

It is worth paying attention to other signs, such as a marriage line. Moreover, the analysis should be carried out on both palms, not always, what is destined, it happens in life, sometimes cool solutions help to avoid annoying errors.

The results of the decryption cannot be reed 100%, A map of fate should be perceived as recommendations, tips, instructions. Chiromantia does not apply to the list of approved sciences, but this teaching was built for a very long time.

For decades, people collected and analyzed the information, created a certain statistic, so it cannot be considered as a kind of fortune telling. Thus, she has every reason for use in practice.

What do the lines on the palm say:

Value on the right hand, which means lines on the palm of the left hand:

Hiromantia is an oldest divination system for hand or skin-skinned palms. It is already known since ancient times, since the time of Aristotle. The very first books where the system of chiromantia is carefully described, appeared in Germany in 1448. The times are also known when she was taught at universities.

In general, divination by hand is a way of divination, with the help of which you can learn about the spiritual qualities, talents and future successes of a person. Opening this veil of the future, a person learns about his fate and that he is destined in the future.

If you think about learning how to guess hand, we will try to help you in this. Here you do not need to memorize a large amount of knowledge. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the foundations of the Hiromantia, practicing from time to time for friends, acquaintances and loved ones. If you really want, having effort and patience, you can become an excellent chiromerant.

General inspection of hands

In order to find out the character of a person, it is not necessary to delve into the chiromantia itself. It is enough to look at your hands, that is, to make a general inspection. For this, the leading hand is taken.

If a certain coherent of the skin is noticed when touching his hand, it means that the holder of the hand is rectilinear. Cold and thin hand, on the contrary, speaks of refinement and tenderness.

If you look like a hand form, it is easy to see that it is all different. The owner of a square palm is likely to have a direct and practical character. The elongated palm talks about the impressionability and constancy of its owner.

Additional information also gives the length of the fingers. Short fingers are usually among energetic and superficial people. The presence of long fingers speaks about the pedantic and persistent character. If a person has a medium length fingers, then it does not have such a pronounced nature, that is, it is also stubborn, and superficial in moderation.

Main lines

After examining hands, you can proceed to gadania. Each hand has its own pictures and all of them are different. In the form of pictures in the Chiromantia, 4 main lines are considered: the line of the heart, head (mind), life and fate, and the latter is not found in all people.

To begin with, we will define what hand guess. In many books it is written that when choosing a hand, who is guessing: a man or a woman. It is best not to bother about this, but to choose this principle: the dominant hand (if you are right-handed, then the right hand) will tell you about the past and the present, and the other hand (not dominant) - will tell about future events.

Heart line

To the gadania in the hands you need to treat with all seriousness. Otherwise, joking and fun, you can make a completely incorrect fate.

The heart line will tell its owner of emotional stability, about the degree of romanticity and heart health. It begins under the little finger from the edge of the palm and in the form of a curve goes to the index finger.

The values \u200b\u200bof the heart line in different characteristics:

  • If it ends between the index and middle finger, this means that a person has an open character, he has many friends and acquaintances who are valued and loved.
  • If it is rather short, then its owner is restrained in emotions, not romantic.
  • If it ends with the middle finger, it means that a person is more concerned about his problems than those who are about others.
  • If it goes to the base of the index finger, then the person is a perfectionist and requires people of appropriate behavior, close to the ideal.
  • Long and curve - indicates a slight expression of emotions.
  • A circle crossing the line means sadness or depressive character.
  • The gap indicates the transferred emotional injury.

Head line (mind)

The second main line in the chiromantia is the head line. It shows how exactly its owner of mental abilities.

  • If it is short, then its owner rests on his logic than fantasy and imagination.
  • Uneven and curved - means about the presence of creative abilities.
  • Long - about clear and concentrated thinking. A man with such a line loves all things to end.
  • Circles and crosses will be married about the emotional crisis.
  • Straight line talks about realistic thinking.

Life line

The line of life will tell about the prevalence of man, about love for himself and others.

Many believe that its length is directly related to the life expectancy of a person. Fortunately, this is an erroneous opinion that many scares and brings to stress.

Its values \u200b\u200bfor various characteristics:

  • If the line is quite far from the thumb, then the person has a large vital energy and vitality.
  • If it is located close to the finger, it means that its owner lacks vital energy.
  • If it is short and shallow, then the person is easily amenable to manipulation from foreign people.
  • The presence of several lines of life speaks of high vitality and good health.
  • Circles talk about the hospital and possible diseases.
  • If it has the appearance of a very pronounced semicircle, then the person is breathing with great strength and enthusiasm.

Line of Fate

When you fortunate on your hands, the line of fate is not found in all people. Starting at the base of the palm, it often crosses the head and heart line.

Its values \u200b\u200bdepending on some characteristics:

  • If it is rather deep, then a person's life is controlled by fate.
  • If it crosses the line of life, it means its owner has greater support from parents and friends.
  • If it crosses the line of life in the middle of his line, then a person will think not only about himself, but also about people close to him.
  • If it starts simultaneously with the line of life, then the man himself creates his fate.

Line of children

Taking advantage of ghosting by hand, women will not miss the opportunity to learn about the number of children possible. Learn about the number of children, as well as the floor of the future child can be quite simple.

At first, when you fortunate on your hand, you need to find a marriage line, which displays the number of children. It is necessary to remember the fact that the hand is displayed on the hand, but does not mean that the person will have exactly the amount that is displayed on the hand.

Consider a visual example of your hand.

Two marriages are displayed on this hand. They are marked in red and parallel to the heart line. On the first line of marriage №1 there are no vertical dashes. So in this marriage there was no choice at all.

On the second line of marriage there are two vertical dashs. That, which under №2, short, means to be born a girl. Damn under No. 3 - long, which means the birth of a boy. Consequently, in the second marriage the number of possible children will be two, namely, the boy and the girl are like.