The argument is about the problem of nature and man. What role does nature play in the story "Olesya"? (Kuprin A

The argument is about the problem of nature and man.  What role does nature play in the story
The argument is about the problem of nature and man. What role does nature play in the story "Olesya"? (Kuprin A

Olesya Ivanovna Sedesheva
Conference "Man and Society"

Each human society

Each human unique and inimitable, but he can become a full-fledged personality only in society. Communication is the main condition and the main way of life human, only in communication and relationships with other people, human can feel and understand himself, find his place in the world. Communication always directed at another human... This other human acts not as a physical body or organism, but as a subject, as a person who is endowed with his own activity and his relationship to others. Orientation on the activity of another and on his attitude is the main peculiarity communication.

Hence it follows that communication is always mutual, mutual activity, assuming the opposite orientation of partners.

In modern conditions of rapidly developing societies the most important is the ability to interact in the process of communication with the outside world. Well-developed communication skills are of particular importance at all age stages of a developing personality.

First social experience human gets very early. The child, barely born, already comes into contact with the people around him, and these relationships over time become more and more complicated and transformed, thanks to communication with adults and peers.

The kindergarten group is the first social association of children in which children occupy different positions, establish social contacts with adults and peers. Children of older preschool age are able to coordinate their actions with their peers, correlate their actions with social norms of behavior.

According to G.A. Vartanyan, at this stage of preschool childhood, changes occur in the emotional sphere, due to the emergence of new interests and needs, as well as the establishment of a hierarchy of motives.

Each new social environment makes serious demands on the child, and the adult's task is to help the child understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults, since a child who communicates little with peers and is not accepted by them due to inability to organize communication, cannot be interesting to others.

The second important social association of children is the school.

Primary school makes such requirements for speech training, as the ability to answer questions, the ability to listen to the interlocutor and ask questions during the dialogue, when answering, adequately select language means, the ability to occupy oneself, the desire to join communication, caring attitude to the world of people's feelings and the objective world, the ability to arbitrarily control their behavior.

L.S.Vygotsky showed that the origins of the child's voluntary behavior must be sought precisely in communication child with adults and peers.

The necessary conditions confirming the existence of this communication, are: the desire to interact with peers and adults for a long time, the ability to emotional empathy, the ability to identify with others human, willingness to accept a different point of view.

A person who has highly developed such communication skills is defined in psychology as a subject communication... The child does not become a subject immediately and not by accident. Its development, the formation of activity, consciousness and independence occurs together with parents and loved ones, and then with the help of a teacher.

According to M.I. Lisina, the main factor influencing the formation of a preschooler - a subject of activity is communication with adults and peers.

B.F.Lomov emphasized that a distinctive characteristic of the subject-subject interaction in communication his independence, individuality and activity stands out. He believed that there are two forms of the subject's activity - activity and communication.

Communication and joint activities are important components of a preschooler's life. Thanks to them, the child learns and evaluates himself, those around him, learns to build relationships with other people, and develops personally.

Ability to communicate positively influences: - to interact with others; - on the child's self-esteem, its internal specifications: the adequacy of ideas about oneself and one's capabilities, self-confidence, emotional comfort, helps to learn the rules of behavior in different situations communication.

The inability of the child to organize communication can provoke personality and behavioral disorders, contribute to the appearance of isolation or feelings of rejection.

In preschool age, four forms successively replace each other communication child with adults:

situational and personal;

situational business;

extrasituational and cognitive;

extra-situational-personal (after M.I. Lisina).

Content changes communication, his motives, communication skills and abilities. One of the components of psychological readiness for learning at school is being formed - communicative.

It is known that communication carried out using various communication means. An important role in this is played by the ability to externally express your internal emotions and correctly understand the emotional state of the interlocutor, take into account the characteristic forms of the child's behavior in different situations, knowledge of the difficulties arising in the interpersonal communication.

And the earlier the acquaintance with the rules begins communication, the more conscious and natural will be those speech means (verbal and non-verbal, with the help of which the child will be able to express himself through speech and understand that he himself, his own thoughts, feelings, words and actions can be the path to success in life, to the possibility win the hearts of people.

In the context general problems of speech development, one of the topical aspects of her research is the formation of children's communicative readiness for school.

The child's communicative readiness for schooling is considered as a basic characteristic of a preschooler's personality, as the most important prerequisite for well-being in social and intellectual development, which includes the ability to recognize the emotional experiences and states of the adults and children around him, to express his own emotions in verbal and non-verbal ways.

The relevance of this problem in our time is determined by the fact that the modern child is experiencing a strong psychological stress, so

how the number of his contacts with the world of peers and adults is increasing

(family, preschool, school, internet space, shops, public transport). A child in different life situations should be able to behave correctly, master the basics of speech culture, which greatly facilitates the creation of a benevolent atmosphere communication and reduces the possibility of occurrence conflicts.

In modern conditions of preschool education, the communicative readiness of preschoolers for school often remains outside the attention of teachers, since more attention is paid to the development of cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Low level of development of communicative abilities: development of skills to communicate, understand the feelings of other people, sympathize with them, respond appropriately in difficult situations, find a way out conflict make the process of forming communicative readiness for school socially necessary.

The reason for this:

Theoretical unpreparedness of teachers, lack of interrelation of the main components in methodological developments (emotional, cognitive, behavioral) communicative readiness of senior preschoolers for schooling.

The pedagogical incompetence of parents in this problem:

1) parents mainly deal with the problems of everyday life and material security of the family and pay very little attention to children, communicating with them, are almost not interested in their inner world, their life in peer community;

2) children are at home most of all "Communicate" with a TV, smartphone and other devices;

3) parents themselves do not have pedagogical knowledge, on the problem of the formation of communication skills and abilities

Communicative function communication, the most natural and familiar, is not given to a person from birth... It is mastered in the same way as any type of activity, in the process of interaction with a more experienced partner-carrier of communicative culture. Education and skill can be passed on by the next generation only through the system of living and immediate communicating with them.

Communication includes the exchange of ideas, ideals, attitudes between people.

In Russian psychology, the term communication in the broad sense of this concept, expressing "Semantic aspect of social interaction", and the term « communication» most often used as equivalent.

“This approach presupposes, first of all, a clear awareness of the fact that communication ( communication, there is not so much a process of external interaction of isolated individuals as a way of internal organization and internal evolution society as a whole»

In the latest psychological dictionary, article "Communication" limited to link « communication» ... Closeness of terms "communication" and" communication"Is also confirmed by the presence in the psychological literature of many synonymous derivatives and phrases "Means of communication" and »funds communication», "Communication need" and »the need for communication».

Mass communication message, transfer. Systematic distribution of specially trained, socially significant messages, with the aim of meeting the information needs of a mass audience and influencing the behavior, views, beliefs, opinions of people; technically carried out using a variety of funds: social networks, TV, In social psychology, mass communication is understood as one of the forms of mediated communication... Most often, the following main functions of mass communications:

1. Informational (providing information on various areas social activities);

2. Regulatory (formation public conscience, public opinion, creating attitudes and stereotypes, manipulation, social control);

3. Cultural (familiarization with the achievements humanity, preservation of cultural traditions, intercultural interactions).

Ideally, mass communication is aimed at optimizing social activities, consolidating societies and the socialization of individuals.

V "Dictionary of Mass Communication" J. Faget functions of mass communication are determined on the basis of the proposed by R. Jacobson approach: sender (addressee) expresses itself (expressive function, it makes the process communication(poetic, or aesthetic function, correlates with reality, context (communicative, or referential function, comes into contact with its interlocutor (phatic function) According to Lasswell's scheme, the analysis of the structure of the communication process consists of five elements:

1) who is reporting? (addressee, communicator);

2) what does it say? (content analysis);

3) what channel? (analysis of funds);

4) to whom does he inform? (analysis audience: addressee, recipient, communicant);

5) with what success? (efficiency analysis)... Depending on the nature of the communication channel, recipients can act as listeners, readers, viewers, participants. The channel connects the addressee and the addressee, and messages directed either to known addressees, or to their probable set,

Today in many psychological, sociological and philosophical works "communication" is considered as the most important factor in joint activities, suggesting the activity of its participants.

Non-verbal communication is the most important means along with sound speech. communication of people.

Non-verbal communication is expressive movements (facial expressions and pantomime, gestures, use of objects.) Non-verbal communication greatly expands the ability to communication are often expressive and laconic. In the process of education and training, everyone human masters a certain system of verbal and non-verbal communication, uses it in communication

Dear friends! The 11th grade Russian literature program includes a large number of literary works: poems, dramatic and prose works. Many of them are quite voluminous and represent material of significant educational level. The program acquaints you with different periods in the development and formation of Russian literature, with different literary trends. You will get acquainted with the lyrics of the Silver Age, read the poems of A. A. Blok, A. A. Akhmatova, S. A. Yesenin. You will study the stories and stories of I. A. Bunin, A. I. Kuprin, M. Gorky, V. M. Shukshin, A. I. Solzhenitsyn, the novels of M. A. Sholokhov, M. A. Bulgakov, B. L Pasternak. All the literary texts that you have to study are unusually deep and interesting. In order to enjoy reading literary works, you need to learn and comprehend a lot, immerse yourself in the time and atmosphere of the events described. You will get acquainted with new literary genres and artistic techniques, learn to understand and feel the beauty of the author's word. After parsing and discussing each essay in class, the teacher's homework is usually to write the essay. Students often have difficulty generalizing their knowledge. The ready-made essays presented in the book will help you with this. Using the plan that is given for each essay, you can express your thoughts, give examples from the text, add or change the essay. Remember that each essay is an individual creative work, an expression of your personal judgments and impressions. At the same time, do not forget that any of your opinions should be based primarily on a good knowledge of the content of the work you are writing about, and on the theoretical knowledge that you get in literature lessons at school. Take your time to mechanically copy the finished essay into your notebook. Learn to independently express thoughts and feelings, form your own opinion. Let the essays in our book become teaching samples for you to help in the development of your writing. We wish you every success!

A series: Secondary School (Litera)

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company liters.

The clash of nature and civilization in the story of A. I. Kuprin "Olesya"

No matter how sad it is in this incomprehensible world, it is still beautiful ...

I. A. Bunin


I. Introduction.

A. I. Kuprin's prose.

II. Main part.

The main conflict of the story "Olesya".

1. The image of the main character of the story.

2. Ivan Timofeevich - the image of a civilized person.

3. The natural world and the human world.

III. Conclusion.

The tragedy of love in the story "Olesya".

Russian literature of the early twentieth century reflected the pessimistic, tragic perception of life by writers. Many of their works are full of mystical forebodings, a sense of impending catastrophe. The outstanding Russian writer Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin also created his stories and stories at this time. He continued the realistic traditions of Russian literature. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, as a rule, not very lucky, with many unresolved problems. But the stories and stories of Kuprin do not make a gloomy impression, do not cause painful sensations. The writer's prose is humane, light and light, his syllable is soft and a little sad.

Kuprin loves and sympathizes with his heroes. This is his famous story "Olesya", a sad work about love in the cruel real world.

The main character of the story, Olesya, lives in the forest with her grandmother, who is considered a witch in Polesie. Olesya is a child of nature, natural and spontaneous. She is graceful, beautiful and easily captivates the heart of the capital's resident Ivan Timofeevich. "The beauty of her face was in those large, shiny, dark eyes, to which thin, broken eyebrows in the middle gave an elusive shade of slyness, imperiousness and naivety." Before us is "an integral, original, free nature." Olesya is smart and at the same time childishly naive. She grew up in nature and is able to subtly feel its beauty.

The heroine's love for Ivan Timofeevich is sincere, strong and selfless. Olesya is the embodiment of natural beauty and strength. She surrenders to the first feeling without a trace. It is Olesya who makes the protagonist's heart beat faster. He begins to notice the beauty of the surrounding nature and appreciate it. “And all this night merged into some kind of magical, enchanting fairy tale. A month had risen, and its radiance bizarrely, variegated and mysteriously bloomed the forest ... Thin trunks of birches gleamed sharply and distinctly, and silvery, transparent, gas covers seemed to be thrown over their sparse foliage ... And we walked, embracing, among this smiling living legends, without a single word, suppressed by their happiness. " It is no coincidence that only the forest becomes a silent witness to the love of the main characters, keeping their secret.

For the sake of her beloved, Olesya was not afraid to go to church, showing considerable courage and not being afraid of the consequences. But the customs of the village are cruel. Residents cannot accept that the witch's granddaughter ended up in the church. “There were rude ridicule ... accompanied by laughter, then separate exclamations merged into a common shrill female hubbub ... Following her, along with cursing, laughter and hooting, stones flew away.” The heroine barely manages to avoid reprisals, but her emotional experiences turn out to be stronger than physical suffering.

Olesya feels that her love has no future. In the face of separation, it is she who consoles the protagonist, and not vice versa. A strong-minded girl says encouraging words to her beloved, instilling hope for the best: “So know, my dear, that you will never remember me badly or with evil ... As we part with you, it will be hard for you at first, oh, how hard ... You will cry, you will not find a place for yourself anywhere. And then everything will pass, everything will be blotted out. And without grief you will think of me, but easily and joyfully. "

Ivan Timofeevich is the protagonist of the story, on whose behalf the story is told. A gentleman, intelligent and educated, a resident of the capital, a secular person finds himself in Polesie, a remote province. Ivan Timofeevich is a typical hero of Russian literature. Smart, kind by nature, he is tired of living, his heart is "lazy." The hero was lucky to meet true love, reckless and sacrificial. But in this situation, he behaves like a weak person. Not understanding the fears of the main character, Ivan Timofeevich insists on her attending church. In this case, he is more concerned with external decency, worried about the opinion of society, and not the feelings of his beloved. The hero embodies a modern civilized person, not bad, cultured, intelligent, but weak, not sensitive, not capable of decisive actions.

The main events of the story unfold in the forest where Olesya lives and where she meets the main character. Wild majestic nature is beautifully described by Kuprin. Even a person as tired of life as Ivan Timofeevich is imbued with this beauty. Only in the forest he and Olesya find peace of mind. Nature is calm and solemn. But it can be a formidable and uncontrollable element. As if in response to Olesya's insult, rain and wind ruin the households of Polesie residents.

Love of Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich, mutual and sincere, turns out to be unhappy. She, as something natural and natural, spontaneous and extraordinary, is impossible in the prosaic world of people. Kuprin's love is "always a tragedy."

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The given introductory fragment of the book Ready essays on literature. Grade 11 (M.S.Selivanova, 2012) provided by our book partner -

Do you agree with the statement: "We perform feats for those who do not care about us, but those who need us love us and without any feats"?

Love is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person can experience. Love is a feeling of deep affection based on community of interests, ideals,sympathy. Every person wants to love and be loved. I agree with the statement: "We perform feats for those who do not care about us, but those who need us love us and without any feats."

Love ennobles, makes you perceive the world around you in a different way, admire and admire those you love. I believe that for the sake of a loved one, a person can and does feats. After all, when a person is in love, he wants by all means to attract the attention of the object of his love. He wants to show that he is the best, that he is worthy of love, that he is needed and can be loved. But sometimes a very sad situation develops: we perform feats for those who do not care about us. You cannot force another person to love you, because they sincerely love you not for any merits or deeds, but simply because you exist, you are needed with all your good and bad qualities. And your beloved does not need your exploits, because you cannot artificially evoke love. The accomplishment of a feat can evoke a feeling of respect, but not love. It is especially sad if the feat was accomplished for the sake of an unworthy person who not only did not appreciate the deed of a loving heart, but also did not understand his emotional impulse, and perhaps did not notice it.Feats in the name of love have been performed at all times. A feat, as stated in the dictionary, is a heroic deed committed in difficult conditions. In fact, it is not necessary for this act to be bright and defiant. And it is all the more unnecessary that only a man should perform it ...

The heroine Kuprin from the work "Olesya" performs the feat in the name of love. Olesya is a girl who was born and lived all her youth in the Polesie thickets, wild, uneducated, alienated from people. The heroine did not know how to pretend, to be a hypocrite, so her love could not be fake. Olesya loved Ivan sincerely, sacrificially.

The girl was an outcast of society. For the sake of Ivan, she commits a heroic act: a young witch for the sake of a loved one goes to church, although she is not allowed to enter there due to her occupation and origin. She makes it clear to the hero that he will commit this brave act, which may entail irreparable consequences, but Ivan, realizing this, does nothing to stop Olesya. He shows cowardice, weakness and cowardice. The heroine is brutally beaten by an angry crowd.

Fearing that society will condemn Ivan for his love for the witch, Olesya leaves, flees from his native forest. Due to public opinion, fear of losing his reputation, Ivan neglected Olesya's sincere love, which means, in my opinion, did not love her. In the soul of a "civilized" hero there is some kind of moral flaw that prevents him from being happy and giving happiness to another person. The hero of the story by A.I. Kuprina is mentally deaf and indifferent to the person who loves him, he simply does not know how to take care of others, hear them and understand them. Unfortunately, Olesya performs a feat for the sake of a person unworthy of her.

I believe that those who need us love us and without any feats. Sometimes the one who truly loves cannot explain exactly why he loves another person. A loving person accepts a loved one for who he is, notices only good in him, but does not pay attention to shortcomings. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote that people are loved not because they are good, but because those who love them are good.

The heroine of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", Tatiana, gave her heart, her soul to Onegin for life. She could not imagine another person who could take possession of her feelings. She needed a hero without any feats in spite of his causticity, callousness, and arrogance. She accepted him as he was: with all the good and unsightly human qualities.

Despite Onegin's rebuke, Tatiana never ceases to love him and think about him. After visiting the deserted estate of Eugene, the heroine came to the conclusion that he was not at all the hero she created in her imagination, not the person to whom she wrote the letter. But Tatyana's love did not disappear from this. Love for the hero, she carried through her whole life. Tatyana accepted Onegin without any feats, she wanted him to be there, dreamed of protecting her beloved, tenderly taking care of him. A truly loving person does not need the deeds of a loved one.

Thus, those who sincerely love us need us without any heroic deeds. And if a person is not interested in us, then no matter how many deeds we perform for him, no matter how many peaks we conquer, we will never win his love.

In the 90s of the XIX century, a number of new writers appeared in Russian literature, in whose work a gravitation towards realism was clearly traced. Aware of all the shortcomings and vices of society, these writers objectively illuminated them in their works, exposed the very foundations of social relations. Expressing a resolute protest against public evil and violence, writers and poets strove to find lofty ideals, tried to artistically explore and rethink the era. One of the brightest representatives of this trend is Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. He went down in the history of Russian literature as a singer of the brightest and healthiest human feelings. The reality that Kuprin described in his works determined, in most cases, tragic motives. But with all this, a kind of cheerful, optimistic worldview is felt in his stories and stories. Optimism and faith in a living human soul, which, in my opinion, were most clearly manifested in the story "Olesya", prompted him to search for the ideal of a certain "natural person".

In this work Kuprin delves into the sphere of folk life, showing, as always, the unique skill of psychological analysis. The author was deeply sympathetic to the common Russian person, seeing in him the sources of the spiritual revival of the entire Russian people. Therefore, with such light and rainbow colors, with such tenderness and love, he recreates the psychological portrait of the main character.

An important role in understanding this image is played by her portrait, which fully reflects the external and internal features of Olesya, in their unity and direct connection. Before us is "a tall brunette about twenty or twenty-five years old," who "kept herself light and slender." "The original beauty of her face, once seeing him, could not be forgotten, but it was difficult, even getting used to it, to describe him. His charm lay in those large, shiny, dark eyes, which thin, broken in the middle of the eyebrows gave an elusive shade of guile, imperiousness and naivety; in a dark-pink skin tone, in a peculiar curvature of the lips, of which the lower, somewhat fuller, protruded forward with a decisive and capricious look. " This portrait alone sets the heroine apart from all the other inhabitants of the village, contrasting her with the local "girls", "whose faces, under ugly bandages covering the forehead above, and below the mouth and chin, wear such a monotonous, frightened expression." With the skill of a real psychologist, the writer also draws Olesya's inner world, so unlike the inner world of other heroes.

By carefully analyzing the relationship between people, the author shows the various states of thoughts and feelings of the characters. The heroes of the story, with all the differences in characters and feelings, are similar in one thing - they seem to bear the stamp of general ill-being, and as a result - spiritual emptiness. And all these people, united by a common avarice of feelings, emptiness of soul, joylessness of life, cannot and do not want to understand and accept the "forest witch" Olesya, calling her "a witch", "devil", accusing her and her grandmother of all imaginable and inconceivable misfortunes , although the residents themselves (and no one else!) are to blame for all their troubles. And Olesya is a pure and bright girl, endowed with a sensitive soul, able to truly empathize, love, be happy and sad. She can even sacrifice herself if it is required by her nature, her heart, her feelings and beliefs. Only she deserves real happiness, which, unfortunately, in real life cannot last forever for her.

According to Kuprin's firm conviction, only a natural life in the bosom of nature, which Olesya led, close communication with her harmonious world can preserve and educate the human soul unclouded, unspoiled, sincere and beautiful. Everything in Kuprin's story is subordinated to the desire to fully reveal the spiritual world of the daughter of the forests, Olesya.

A special role is assigned by the author to the description of the richest beautiful untouched natural world of Polesie. The surrounding nature lives its full, rich, constantly changing life. And the main thing in this world is absolute harmony, brightness and fullness of feelings. It is the feelings of the heroes that are designed to emphasize all natural phenomena. And nature itself comes to life under the pen of the writer: "foaming angrily", streams run, "quickly twirling chips and goose down", deep puddles reflect the endless blue sky with "round, like swirling, white clouds" rooftops, filling everything around with a magical sound, and the sparrows scream "so loudly and excitedly that nothing can be heard ... behind their cry." Everywhere in the natural world one can feel the "joyous, hasty anxiety of life."

It is nature, the attitude towards it that appears in the story as a kind of criterion for human feelings. Only a person with a rich inner world, capable of sincere, real feelings, can see the beauty of the world around him, feel himself an integral part of it. The hero of Kuprin also has such a rich inner world, a pure and bright soul. Therefore, together with the spring air, he also breathes in "spring sadness, sweet and tender, full of restless expectations and vague forebodings." And along with this air, the image of the beautiful Olesya appears in his mind's eye.

Against the background of nature, which sees everything, understands everything and keeps all human secrets, the most important events of the story take place. It is nature that illuminates the most beautiful moments in the lives of heroes. The night that young people spend together, when they forget about everything, enjoying their happiness, merges "into some kind of magical, enchanting fairy tale." "A month has risen, and its radiance, strangely variegated and mysteriously blossomed in the forest, lay in uneven, bluish-pale spots on the gnarled trunks, on curved branches, on the moss, soft like a plush carpet.

Thin trunks of birch trees gleamed sharply and distinctly, and silvery, transparent, gas covers seemed to be thrown over their sparse foliage. In some places the light did not penetrate at all under the dense canopy of pine branches ... And we walked, embracing, among this smiling living legend, without a single word, suppressed by our happiness and the terrible silence of the forest. "

And yet, for all the immensity of their happiness, the love of the heroes is doomed. It simply cannot be otherwise in a world where people's feelings are dying, where hearts have hardened under the influence of external circumstances.

The tragedy of their love is that they risked being themselves in this world, keeping their souls intact and pure. And the world, which at one time rejected Olesya and her grandmother, dooms both the heroine and her love to death. The author also draws the tragedy of the heroes, the death of their happiness against the background of the raging natural elements. Nature feels the inevitable grief and bursts out with a thunderstorm: "The lightning shone almost continuously, and the glass in the windows of my room trembled and rang from the thunder." And as if in confirmation of the irreparable misfortune that had happened, "a huge piece of ice suddenly hit one of the glasses with such force that it broke, and its fragments scattered with a clang across the floor of the room." It would seem that the enraged "bulk" is winning. But in fact, she does not have the strength to defeat real feelings, true love. Because a crowd of soulless, empty people cannot defeat nature itself.

A unique artist of the word, A.I. Kuprin enchants with the accuracy, clarity and noble simplicity of transforming the psychological life of people. He possesses simple and surprisingly wise word magic. A master of language, a master of plot and composition, a master in depicting nature and human feelings, the writer left us a legacy that, in terms of its artistic level, is a worthy example of Russian classics.

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Kuprin in his story "Olesya" refers to the romantic theme of "natural, natural man", which has a long tradition in Russian literature. Lermontovskaya Bela from the novel of the same name, which opens the novel "A Hero of Our Time", is one of the representatives of female literary images associated with this topic.

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The heroines have something in common: integrity of character, clarity of mind, moral purity. The heroines who grew up in a natural environment, not spoiled by the bad influence of urban civilization, are spiritually independent, internally free personalities. They are capable of strong feelings, of selfless love, but love turns into trouble for them. A meeting with a representative of a secular society or, as in Olesya, an urban intelligentsia, destroys their lives.

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In Kuprin, his heroine, raised by mother nature, is opposed not only to the "city" man - Ivan Timofeevich (on whose behalf the story is being told), (but also to the villagers). The consciousness of the peasants is entangled in age-old prejudices, they believe in damage, in the effectiveness of a spell, in the reliability of fortune-telling. Manuilikha, Olesya's old grandmother, was once kicked out of the village due to the fact that a young woman who had a quarrel with an old medicine woman got sick and a child died: “... . "

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Ivan Timofeevich is eager to get to know the "witch" - after all, he came to this remote corner of the Volyn province in order to gain impressions for his future books. A visit to Manuilikha at first disappoints him. Nothing unusual ("... neither an owl, nor a black cat"), except that "two pockmarked solid starlings" look from the stove, and on the walls instead of "ordinary hunters with green mustaches and purple dogs and portraits of generals unknown to anyone" there are beams dried herbs and roots. This is an important detail indicating the hostess's indifference to the imaginary cultural values.

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There is nothing artificial, demonstrative, deceitful and in Olesya. First, Ivan Timofeevich hears her “fresh, clear and clear” voice, and then a tall, laughing girl appears, carrying hungry chicks in an apron: “Look, grandmother, the finches followed me again ... look how funny ... Hungry at all ". In the portrait of the heroine, the author emphasizes the natural beauty of the girl, points to the traits that make it possible to judge her character. Olesya "kept light and slender. A spacious white shirt loosely and beautifully wrapped around her young, healthy chest", the special charm of her face was "large, shiny, dark eyes, which thin, broken in the middle of the eyebrows gave a tinge of slyness, imperiousness and naivety."

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Olesya is endowed with a special power that allows her to predict fate, make a person stumble on level ground, or make him fear at a distance. From the point of view of Ivan Timofeevich, Olesya's abilities are explained by the fact that she "has access to those unconscious, instinctive, vague, acquired by chance experience, strange knowledge", which, ahead of science, live among the people, "passed on as the greatest secret from generation to generation."

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Whatever the source of Olesya's "sorcery", she is from birth endowed with clarity of mind, observation, intuition - qualities that in the natural environment where Olesya grew up under the supervision of a loving, wise grandmother, could not be overshadowed by bad education, false foundations of society and received decent development. Perhaps it was intuition and observation that allowed Olesya to give an accurate description of Ivan Timofeevich, “predict the fate” that awaits him. “Although you are a kind person, you are only weak ... Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not master of your word, ”the girl says to her interlocutor.