The structure of the formation of the Russian Federation. Education levels in Russia

The structure of the formation of the Russian Federation. Education levels in Russia
The structure of the formation of the Russian Federation. Education levels in Russia

The education system exists to implement human rights to education. Powered man has a need for education, information, training. The activities of the education system are to meet this need. The composition of the education system of the Russian Federation is defined in Article 8 of the Law "On Education" (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Structural elements of the Russian education system

Strengthening the role of knowledge, information, gradually transformation into fixed assets fundamentally change the role of educational institutions in the structure of public life of the modern world. In recent years, the ideas and concepts of the information society have passed from the sphere of socio-economic, socio-philosophical and sociological research in the sphere of national and international projects of the formation of the information society. In each of them, the central place is occupied by the development of the field of education. From the structure of the education system, educational institutions, their ability to meet the needs of personality and society in high-quality educational services fundamentally depend on the prospects for social development in the modern world.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" with the concept of "education system" unites the following objects: a set of interacting educational programs and educational standards, a network of implementing their institutions and organizations, as well as authorities of them. In this way, education system - this is a managed network, filled with substantive (educational) activities, the educational process, regulated by programs, carriers of the content of education, organization, motivation of teachers and participants in the process, their interaction; The result of the interaction of individual infrastructure links and achieving the objectives of education.

The network of educational institutions is a set of diverse and interrelated forms, types and types of educational institutions engaged in educational activities on the basis of educational programs and standards to meet the diverse needs of people and society in general in education. A network of educational institutions is an important characteristic of the education system. Its main properties include: the composition of educational institutions, their functional purpose, a way to interrelation of institutions into a single whole.

The network of educational institutions of the Russian Federation is large-scale and qualitatively diverse. In 2000/2004 academic year, 140.4 thousand educational institutions operated in it, in which more than 5.7 million people worked and 33 million people were trained. Thus, at present, almost 39 million people work and learn in educational institutions, which is more than a quarter of the entire population of Russia.

Separate areas of educational activities, depending on the age of consumers of educational services and the provided level of education, are an integral part of the structure of educational institutions, forming sectors, or subsystems, education in age and level verticals: for example, a general secondary education sector, higher education, pre-school education, additional education , primary vocational education. At the same time, continuing education involves the interaction of a number of sectors, the existence of a system-forming factor determining the presence of a single structure of such institutions. The problem of forming a holistic structure of educational institutions in Russia is due to the need to maintain the main parameters and continuity in the educational process - from kindergarten to postgraduate retraining. Such interaction and continuity - the task is extremely difficult, and its solution depends on the joint efforts of the management bodies of all levels.

Up to the 90s. Xx in. The structure of educational institutions has developed in accordance with the objectives and objectives of the planning and administrative system. Thus, in school education there were no social and active objects of the humanitarian cycle, a foreign language was given very limited "portions", the informatics was taught at extremely low high-quality level, sometimes even without the use of technology, while in schools of developed countries, three blocks of subject areas were taught: Communicative (native language, foreign languages, informatics); Naturally scientific (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, etc.); Socio-humanitarian (economy, law, political science, sociology, history, social anthropology). The third substantive knowledge block was practically absent in the Soviet school, only recently he became step by step into the Russian school (social studies, basics of economic knowledge). In general, in its content, Russian education inherited from the Soviet complete desoqiolysis, it does not study the forms of human interaction (individual, group of individuals, individual communities, strata, society as a whole, the world community).

The educational institution carries out the educational process, i.e. Works on one or more educational programs, ensures the content and education of students, pupils.

Educational institutions in their organizational and legal forms may be state, municipal, non-state (private, public and religious associations). The state status of an educational institution (type, type and category of the educational institution, determined in accordance with the level and focus of the educational programs of them) is established in its state accreditation.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation refers educational institutions to non-commercial organizations, therefore, in their names there should be an indication of the nature of educational activities.

Depending on the educational program being implemented, the following types of educational institutions are created:


general educational, including three steps: the initial total, main general, medium (full) general education;

primary, medium, higher and postgraduate vocational education;

additional adult education;

additional education of children;

special (correctional) for students, pupils with developmental deviations;

for orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Species namesinstitutions are determined in accordance with the levels of educational programs being implemented and activities. So, preschool educational institutiontype of educational institution working on educational programs for pre-school education of various focus. It provides upbringing, training, leaving, care and recovery of children aged 2 months to 7 years. In accordance with this, pre-school educational institutions are divided into the following types: kindergarten; kindergarten kindergarten type with the priority implementation of one or more directions for the development of pupils (intellectual, artistic and aesthetic, physical); Kindergarten compensating type with the priority implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and psychological development of pupils; Children's garden of supervision and improvement with the priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and wellness activities and procedures; Kindergarten combined type (the composition of a combined kindergarten may include overall, compensating and wellness groups in different combination); The child's development center is a kindergarten with the implementation of physical and mental development, correction and recovery of all pupils.

General Educationinstitutions carrying out the educational process, i.e. implementing one or more educational programs and ensure the content and education of students, pupils. The following types of institutions are created: elementary school; basic secondary school; secondary school; Average secondary school with in-depth study of individual items (a specific subject can be specified: a foreign language, chemistry, physico-mathematical or humanitarian profile); Lyceum; Gymnasium; Evening (replaceable) secondary school; education Center; Open (replaceable) secondary school; Cadet school.

Community boarding schools Institutions created to assist the family in raising children, the formation of their skills of independent life, social protection and comprehensive development of the creative abilities of children. Children in need of state support are mainly accepted in such institutions, including children from large and low-income families, children of single mothers under guardianship. This type of institutions include: primary education school; boarding school of medium (complete) general education; boarding school of medium (full) general education with in-depth study of individual items; boarding gymnasium; lyceum boarding school; Sanatorium and forest school; Sanatorium boarding school.

The main tasks of educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, this creation of favorable conditions close to homemade, contributing to the mental, emotional and physical development of pupils; ensuring their medical and psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and social adaptation; Protection of the rights and interests of pupils. Based on the individual characteristics of children (age, diagnosis of the disease), the following types of institutions can function in the education system: orphanage (for children of early, preschool, school age, mixed); Children's House-School; boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care; Sanatorium ornament; Special (correctional) orphanage for orphans and children left without parental care, development deviations; Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with developmental deviations. In institutions of this type, the content and training of pupils are carried out on the basis of complete state support.

The nomenclature of educational institutions of Russia includes such a type of institution as special educational institutionfor children and adolescents with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior. Types of such institutions also depend on the age and health status of pupils: a special secondary school; Special (correctional) secondary school for children and adolescents with developmental deviations; Special vocational school; Special (corrective) vocational school for children and adolescents with development deviations.

Training of qualified specialists with secondary vocational education are educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary special educational institutions). These include: technical schools (schools, schools); colleges; Technical schools-enterprises. A distinctive feature of the college is that it provides elevated (compared to the technical school) the level of qualifications of students. The technical school enterprise conducts educational and vocational training of students.

The third stage of professionalization is the highest professional education - provides training and retraining of specialists of the relevant level and satisfies the needs of the personality in the deepening and expansion of education on the basis of the average (full) general and secondary vocational education, which are carried out by learning in higher education institutions.

Higher Professional Educationprovide identity needs in acquiring higher education and qualifications in the selected area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activities. This type of institution is divided into: university- Higher education institution, whose activities are aimed at developing education, science and culture through fundamental research and training at all levels of higher, postgraduate and additional education on a wide range of natural-scientific, humanitarian and other directions of science, technology and culture; Academy; Institute. Academy, unlike university, he prepares specialists of the highest qualifications and retraining of management specialists of a particular industry (mainly one of the areas of science, technology, culture). Institutean independent higher educational institution or a university structural unit (academy), working on professional educational programs for a number of directions of science, technology and culture. At the same time, the structure of learning changes, attempts to move away from the traditional 5-year course of training, sharing it into two steps - undergraduate and magistracy.

The main form of training of scientific and scientific and pedagogical personnel is graduate school on the basis of higher vocational education. Persons who have received higher education are given the opportunity to receive postgraduate vocational education to improve the level of education, scientific, pedagogical qualifications and a degree of scientist. Postgraduate vocational education can be obtained in graduate school, ordinacy, adjuncture created in educational institutions of higher vocational education and scientific institutions.

The formation of adults has become an important direction of the work of educational institutions and will clearly turn into an independent sphere of services, having its organizational, theoretical, scientific and methodological features. In most developed countries, adult education functions as a special and fairly independent structure. In recent years, the institutions of distance education have been played an important role in teaching adults abroad. In Russia, a variety of educational institutions are engaged in the formation and retraining of adults: evening schools, vocational schools, vocational training courses, correspondence and evening secondary special education institutions; correspondence, evening and day universities; Faculties and advanced training courses.

Advanced Adult Educationin addition, first of all, the establishment of additional professional education is to improve the qualifications. The functional purpose of this type of institutions is to increase the level of professional knowledge of specialists, the improvement of their business qualities and preparations for the performance of new labor functions. Based on the implemented educational programs (advanced training, internship, professional retraining), various types of institutions are being created: Academy; industry, inter-sectoral and regional institutions of advanced training, institutions of improvement; courses (schools, centers) advanced training; Employment training centers.

main destination additional education institutions of children -the development of personality motivation, mainly between the ages of 6 and 18, to knowledge and creativity, the organization of meaningful leisure of children. The list of types of institutions belonging to this type is so large that they should be classified at consolidated groups: palaces, houses and centers of children and youth creativity; Stations of young technicians, tourists, naturalists; centers of additional education of children of traditional culture, folk crafts; schools in various arts; sports schools, including the Olympic reserve; Clubs of young sailors, border guards, parachutists, etc. In the 2003/2004 academic year, 8.7 thousand institutions of additional education of children were functioning in Russia, in which 9 million children were trained and 203.6 thousand adults worked.

In addition to educational institutions, a wide network of institutions ensuring an educational process, the so-called other institutions, is also included in the education system. First of all, these are scientific and methodological centers, medical and psychological and pedagogical services, films and video recordings, centralized accounting, technical supervision services for the progress of major repairs and construction of educational facilities, services for the economic content of buildings.

According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Russian education is a continuous system of successive levels, on each of which state, non-state, municipal educational institutions of different types and species function.

Institutions is the main link structure of the education system of the Russian Federation. Educational institutions are led by educational work. A brief education system in the Russian Federation is very difficult to describe, since it is diverse and is based on different components. Educational institutions and all sorts of teachings are addressed to the Russian system of continuing education, which combines such types of learning:




The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and requirements;

2) organizations carrying out educational activities, pedagogical workers, students and parents (legal representatives) minors studying;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, and local governments;

4) organizations carrying out educational activities, assess the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of implementing the right to education throughout life (continuing education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented by education levels.

The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) pre-school education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) Higher education - undergraduate;

3) Higher education - specialty, master's train;

4) Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

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More on the topic Article 10. Structure of the education system of the Russian Federation:

  1. 7. Education system in Russia. The concept and structure of the educational system of society. Regulatory legal documents in the field of education.
  2. 1. The usual concept of pedagogical systems in vocational education. The main elements of the pedagogical system: the purpose of education; the content of education; Methods, funds, organizational forms of education and upbringing.
  3. B) the concept and structure of the educational system of society (educational standards, programs, a system of institutions and education authorities).

Education in the Russian Federation is a single process aimed at raising and teaching the future generation. During 2003-2010 The domestic education system was subjected to serious reform in accordance with the provisions contained in the Bologna Declaration. In addition to the specialist and graduate school, such levels of the Russian Federation were introduced as

In 2012, the Law "On Education of the Russian Federation" was adopted in Russia. Levels Education similar to European states make it possible to free movement for students and teachers between universities. Another incomprehensible plus is the possibility of employment in any of the countries that signed the Bologna Declaration.

Purpose, function

Education is the process and result of the transfer of knowledge and experience, which was accumulated by all previous generations. The main goal of training is the introduction of new members of society to the well-established beliefs and value ideals.

The main functions of learning are:

  • Education of decent members of society.
  • Socialization and admission of a new generation to the values \u200b\u200bthat have developed in this society.
  • Providing qualified training of young professionals.
  • Transfer of knowledge that relate to work with modern technologies.

Criteria for education

An educated person who has accumulated some knowledge of knowledge is able to clearly define the causes and consequences of a particular event and can be thought to think at the same time. The main criterion of education can be called the systemic knowledge and thinking, which is reflected in the ability of a person, arguing logically, restore gaps in the knowledge system.

The value of learning in human life

It is with the help of training that the culture of society is being transferred from one generation to another. Education affects all social spheres of society. An example of such an impact may be improved learning system. The new levels of vocational education in the Russian Federation as a whole will lead to an improvement in the quality of the state's working resources that, in turn, will have a significant impact on the development of the domestic economy. For example, obtaining a lawyer's profession will help strengthen the legal culture of the population, as each citizen must know its legal rights and obligations.

High-quality and systemic learning that covers all spheres of human life allows to bring up a harmonious personality. Significant affects training and individual. Since, with a modern situation, only an educated person can climb on the social staircase and to achieve high status in society. That is, self-realization is directly interconnected with obtaining high-quality learning of the highest level.

Education system

A number of organizations include a number of organizations. These include institutions:

  • Pre-school education (development centers, kindergartens).
  • General education (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums).
  • Higher Educational Institutions (Universities, Research Institute, Academy, Institutes).
  • Medium special (technical schools, colleges).
  • Non-state.
  • Additional education.

Principles of education system

  • The priority of universal values.
  • The basis are cultural and national principles.
  • Scientific.
  • Orientation on features and level of education in the world.
  • Humanistic character.
  • The focus on environmental protection.
  • The continuity of education, consistent and continuous character.
  • Training should be a unified system of physical and spiritual education.
  • Encouraging the manifestation of talent and personal qualities.
  • Mandatory presence of initial (basic) education.

Types of education

In terms of independent thinking, these types of learning are distinguished:

  • Pre-school - in the family and in preschool institutions (the age of children is up to 7 years).
  • Primary - carried out in schools and gymnasiums, starting from 6 or 7 years, lasts from the first to the fourth grades. The child is trained by the basic skills of reading, letters and accounts, much attention is paid to the development of the personality and the acquisition of the necessary knowledge of the environment.
  • Average - includes basic (4-9 classes) and the overall average (10-11 classes). Carried out in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. Completed by obtaining a certificate about the end of general secondary education. Students at this stage acquire knowledge and skills forming a full-fledged citizen.
  • Higher - one of the stages of vocational education. The main goal is to train qualified personnel at the necessary areas of activity. It is carried out at the University, Academy or Institute.

By character and orientation, education happens:

  • General. Helps to acquire knowledge of the basics of sciences, in particular about nature, man, society. Gives a person the basic knowledge of the environment, helps to acquire the necessary practical skills.
  • Professional. At this stage, knowledge and skills are acquired, which are necessary for the execution of educational labor and service functions.
  • Polytechnic. Training basic principles of modern production. Acquisition of the skills of using the simplest instruments of labor.

Education levels

The organization of training lies such a concept as "the level of education in the Russian Federation". It reflects the separation of the training program, depending on the statistical indicator of the study by the population as a whole and every citizen separately. The level of education in the Russian Federation is a finished educational cycle for which certain requirements are characterized. The Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" provides for the following levels of general education in the Russian Federation:

  • Preschool.
  • Initial.
  • Basic.
  • Average.

In addition, the following levels of higher education of the Russian Federation are distinguished:

  • Bachelor. Enrollment is made on a competitive basis after the exam. The bachelor's degree student receives after he acquired and confirmed the main knowledge of the specialty chosen by him. Training lasts 4 years. At the end of this level, the graduate can pass special exams and continue their studies on a specialist or master.
  • Specialty. This step includes basic education, as well as training on the selected specialty. Full-time learning time is 5 years old, and in correspondence - 6. After receiving a specialist diploma, you can continue learning to a master or enroll in graduate school. Traditionally, this level of education in the Russian Federation is considered prestigious and does not particularly differ from the magistracy. However, with employment abroad, it will lead to a number of problems.
  • Master. This step releases professionals with a deeper specialization. The magistracy can be received at the end of the undergraduate and specialist.
  • Preparation of highly qualified personnel. Measures training in graduate school. This necessary preparation for the degree of full-time learning lasts 3 years, on the correspondence - 4. The scientific degree is awarded at the end of the training, protection of the thesis and the delivery of final exams.

Education levels in the Russian Federation for a new law contribute to the receipt of diplomas and applications to domestic students who are listed by higher educational institutions of other states, and therefore make it possible to continue learning abroad.

Forms of education

Training in Russia can be conducted in two forms:

  • In special institutions of education. It can be carried out in full-time, correspondence, part-time, external, remote forms.
  • Outside education institutions. It implies self-education and family training. Provides the passage of intermediate and final

Subsystems of education

The learning process combines two interrelated subsystems: training and education. They help to achieve the main objective of the formation process - human socialization.

The main difference between the two data in the fact that training is aimed primary on the development of the intellectual side of a person, and education, on the contrary, is on value guidelines. There is a close relationship between these two processes. In addition, they complement each other.

Quality of higher education

Despite the fact that not so long ago in the education system of the Russian Federation, reform was carried out, there was no special improvement in the quality of domestic learning. Among the main reasons for the lack of shifts to improve the quality of educational services can be allocated as follows:

  • Outdated management system in higher educational institutions.
  • A small number of foreign teachers with a high degree of qualifications.
  • Low rating of domestic educational institutions in the global community, due to weak internationalization.

Problems related to the management of the education system

  • Low level of remuneration of education workers.
  • Lack of personnel having a high degree of qualifications.
  • Insufficient level of logistical equipment of institutions and organizations.
  • Low education in the Russian Federation.
  • Low cultural development of the population as a whole.

The obligations to address these problems are assigned not only to the state as a whole, but also at the levels of municipal formations of the Russian Federation.

Trends in the development of education services

  • Internationalization of higher education, ensuring the mobility of teachers and students in order to exchange best international experience.
  • Strengthening the direction of domestic training in the practical side, which implies the introduction of practical disciplines, an increase in the number of practitioners practitioners.
  • Active introduction into the process of formation of multimedia technologies and other visualization systems.
  • Popularization of distance learning.

Thus, education underlies the cultural, intellectual and moral state of modern society. This is the determining factor in the socio-economic development of the Russian state. Reforming the education system today has not led to global results. However, there is a small shift for the better. The levels of education of the Russian Federation in a new law contributed to the emergence of the possibilities of free movement of teachers and students between universities, which suggests that the process of Russian training has taken a course for internationalization.

1. The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and / or orientation;

2) organizations carrying out educational activities, pedagogical workers, students and parents (legal representatives) minors studying;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, and local governments, carrying out management in the field of education created by them advisory, deliberative and other bodies;

4) organizations carrying out educational activities, assess the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

2. Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (continuing education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented by education levels.

4. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) pre-school education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

3) Higher education - specialty, master's train;

4) Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

6. Additional education includes such subspecies as additional education of children and adults and additional vocational education.

7. The education system creates conditions for continuing education through the implementation of the main educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the possibility of simultaneous development of several educational programs, as well as accounting for existing education, qualifications, practical experience in obtaining education.

Comment to Art. 10 of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Commented provisions are not new to domestic educational legislation, since the norms on the structure of the education system contained the system-forming acts of educational legislation: and the Law on Higher Education (Article 4). Meanwhile, in the article under consideration, the corresponding provisions of these regulations are somewhat redesigned and synthesized into the regulatory material, taking into account the multi-level education nature.

1. In the commented law, a new approach to the definition of a system of education, taking into account changes in the system of educational relations in general, is proposed. It lies in the fact that:

first, the system of education includes all types of existing sets of mandatory requirements for education: federal state educational standards, federal state requirements, as well as educational standards and educational programs of various types, level and (or) orientation.

In order to ensure the quality of education, the legislator provides for: federal state educational standards for major general educational and professional programs, including for pre-school education, which has not previously been envisaged. However, this does not mean the need for certification for students at this level. The law introduces a ban on the conduct of both the intermediate and final certification of students in preschool educational organizations;

federal state requirements - for additional prefest programs;

educational standards - for educational programs of higher education in cases stipulated by the commented law or decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The definition of the educational standard is given in paragraph 7) Art. 2 of the law N 273-FZ, but we discover its more accurate interpretation in Art. 11 of the law (see).

Educational programs are also included in the education system, since a complex of basic characteristics of education and organizational and pedagogical conditions are also included. This allocation is due to the fact that in case there are either federal state educational standards, or federal state requirements, or educational standards, the educational program is drawn up on their basis. In the event that the specified are missing (according to additional general and with certain features, according to additional professional programs * (14); Vocational training programs are developed on the basis of established qualifying requirements (professional standards), educational programs are the only set of requirements for obtaining this kind of education. .

Secondly, the education system includes, along with organizations that carry out educational activities, also pedagogical workers, students and their parents (legal representatives) (up to the age of adulthood of the student), which makes them full participants in the educational process. Of course, such a position should be supported by specific rights and guarantees for such subjects. To this end, the legislator introduces Chapter 4 dedicated to the student and their parents, and dedicated to pedagogical, leadership and other employees of organizations engaged in educational activities (and).

Thirdly, the education system includes along with the authorities carrying out management in the field of education at all levels of government created by them advisory, deliberative and other bodies. The sign of the jurisdiction is not allocated, instead of it, a sign of the body creation by the body carrying out management in the field of education is introduced. The fundamental differences does not carry such a replacement. At the same time, the former formulation of "institutions and organizations" could not allow, for example, public advice to the education system.

Fourth, the education system includes organizations engaged in educational activities, assess the quality of education. The specified is explained by the need to understand the education system as a single inseparable process of movement of knowledge from the teacher (educational organization) to the student. This process includes estimated information processing centers, and attestation commissions, etc. This circle does not include individuals (experts, public observers, etc.).

Fifth, in addition to associations of legal entities, public associations in addition to associations of legal entities, public associations are associated with employers and their associations operating in education. This position is due to the activating direction of integration of education, science and production; Understanding education as a process ending with employment and orientation in this regard to the requests of the labor world. Employers participate in the work of educational and methodological associations (), are involved in conducting state final certification for the main professional educational programs, to conduct a qualifying exam (the result of vocational training) (,); Employers, their associations are entitled to conduct vocational and public accreditation of professional educational programs implemented by an organization engaged in educational activities and draw up on this basis ratings ().

Clause 3 of Commented Article 10 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation introduces a system of education species, divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training.

Professional training, despite, it would seem, the missing "effect" of educational activities - an increase in the educational qualification of the student, implies the need to master the educational program of secondary general education, if it is not mastered.

This system should allow to implement the educational needs of a person throughout life, that is, not only the opportunity to get an education at any age, but also to get another profession (specialty). For this purpose, a variety of educational programs are introduced.

The system of education levels is changed, according to which the structure of general education includes:

1) pre-school education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education;

In the structure of vocational education:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) Higher education - undergraduate;

3) Higher education - training of a specialist, magistracy;

4) Higher education - preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The main innovation is that: 1) pre-school education is included as a first level of general education; 2) primary vocational education is not standing out as a level; 3) Higher vocational education absorbs training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (previously implemented in the framework of postgraduate vocational education).

The change in education levels is caused by the prescriptions of the Bologna Declaration, the International Standard Classification of Education.

The question arises: what are the consequences of changing the system of education levels?

Modernization of the education levels system affects the system of educational programs and types of educational organizations.

Changes in educational programs repeat the corresponding changes in education levels.

Punching at first glance looks like the introduction of pre-school education into the system of education levels. According to the rule, this implies the presence of federal state educational standards with confirmation of the results of the development of the pre-school educational program in the form of final certification. However, in this situation, the law provides for a "large" exception to the rule, which is justified, given the level of psycho-physical development of children in such an early age. The development of educational programs of pre-school education is not accompanied by interim certification and total certification of students. That is, confirmation of the fulfillment of the requirements of federal state educational standards should be expressed not in the form of checking knowledge, skills, skills of pupils, and in the form of reporting workers of the preschool educational organization on the work done to implement the requirements of the standard. Pre-school education is now the first level of education, but the legislator does not introduce it as a mandatory.

Law N 279-FZ now provides primary general education, basic general education and secondary education as separate levels of education. In the former law N 3266-1, they were the steps of education.

Since the level of initial vocational education "falls", it is replaced by two programs introduced into secondary vocational education, which are a successful combination of skills in primary vocational education with knowledge and skills necessary to fulfill work, requiring the level of secondary vocational education. As a result, the main programs of secondary vocational education are divided into training programs for qualified workers and programs for training middle-level specialists.

The change in the higher education system leads to its separation into several sublevels:

1) undergraduate;

2) training of a specialist, graduate;

3) Preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel.

The term "professional" itself is no longer applied to higher education, the latter is still in the system of vocational education.

Bachelor's already familiar to us, graduate and specialty retain their legal importance, neighboring now with the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel. The specialty, as an educational program, is envisaged where the normative term for the development of the educational program at a specific preparation direction cannot be reduced.

It should be noted that in the system of formation levels, the selection of sublevels is dictated by different tasks. If we talk about high school, then the acquisition of primary education is considered as incomplete education and parents are obliged to ensure the receipt of children of the initial, basic general and secondary general education. These levels are mandatory levels of education. Students that have not mastered the main educational program of the initial general and (or) basic general education are not allowed to study at the following levels of general education. The requirement of the obligation of secondary general education in relation to a specific learner remains strength until it reaches the age of eighteen, if the appropriate education was not received earlier.

The selection of supremes in higher education is dictated by the need to designate the independence of each of them and self-sufficiency. Each of them is evidence of higher education without "subjunctive ignition." Judicial practice on this occasion based on the 1992 Education Law, as follows to the estimation of undergraduate, as the first level of higher education, is insufficient for classes, requiring high training, such as judges. This approach is implemented in the entire system of courts of general jurisdiction, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation * (15).

From here, the concept of incomplete higher education may only apply to the fact of an incomplete regulatory term for the development of a particular educational program of a certain level of education. Therefore, when the educational program is not fully developed at a specific preparation direction, it is impossible to talk about the passage of a particular level of education with the issuance of a document on education, which confirms the judicial practice * (16).

It should be noted that in regional legislation there are examples of ranking depending on the "level" of education (specialist, master), for example, wage coefficients. This practice is recognized in inappropriate legislation, since in this case the provisions of Part 3 of Art are not taken into account. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. and 132 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation prohibiting discrimination in the field of labor, including discrimination in establishing and changing the conditions for remuneration.

Following the logic that each of the "species" of the level of higher education, whether undergraduate, a specialty or magistracy confirms the completed cycle of education, characterized by a certain unified set of requirements (Art. 2 of the Law, "Basic Concepts"), no restrictions Be set for one of the species compared to another.

However, this statement requires clarification: certain restrictions are already provided for by the law itself. What regulatory prescriptions it follows? We discover the answer in Art. 69 "Higher Education", which says that persons with secondary general education are allowed to master the undergraduate programs or programs of the specialist (types of equivalent).

Persons having a higher education of any level are allowed to master the magistracy programs. Thereby emphasizes the higher position of the magistracy in the hierarchy of higher education.

However, we further see that the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), the ordinature, an internship assistant, is possible by persons who have no lower education (specialty or graduate). That is, in this case, we see that the finishing specialty corresponds to the level of its preparation of the magistracy. But the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel is the next level of higher education.

Thus, the education system according to the Education Act is a unified system, starting with pre-school education and ending with the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel, as the necessary level of education for the occupation of certain types of activities or individual posts (for example, the residency).

The change in education levels has led to a change in the types of educational organizations: the expansion of opportunities to create various types of organizations engaged in training. In addition to the actively educational are actively involved in the education system, according to the law, organizations that have educational units in their structure.

Additional education is a type of education and includes such subspecies as additional education of children and adults and additional vocational education. Each of them involves the implementation of individual educational programs.

Additional educational programs include:

1) Additional general education programs - additional overall programs, additional prefigation programs;

2) Additional professional programs - advanced training programs, professional retraining programs.

The allocation of various types of educational programs, including within the framework of additional education, allows for continuity of education throughout life. The proposed system of educational programs provides the possibility of simultaneous development of several educational programs, accounting for the existing education, qualifications, practical experience in obtaining education, training on a reduced learning program.

Article 10. Structure of the education system

1. The education system includes:

1) federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, educational standards, educational programs of various types, levels and / or orientation;

2) organizations carrying out educational activities, pedagogical workers, students and parents (legal representatives) minors studying;

3) federal state bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education, and local governments, carrying out management in the field of education created by them advisory, deliberative and other bodies;

4) organizations carrying out educational activities, assess the quality of education;

5) associations of legal entities, employers and their associations, public associations operating in the field of education.

2. Education is divided into general education, vocational education, additional education and vocational training, ensuring the possibility of realizing the right to education throughout life (continuing education).

3. General education and vocational education are implemented by education levels.

ConsultantPlus: Note.

On the compliance of educational and educational and qualification levels in the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal value of Sevastopol, see Art. 2 of the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 N 84-FZ.

4. The following levels of general education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) pre-school education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary general education.

5. The following levels of vocational education are established in the Russian Federation:

1) secondary vocational education;

2) Higher education - undergraduate;

3) Higher education - specialty, master's train;

4) Higher education - training of highly qualified personnel.

6. Additional education includes such subspecies as additional education of children and adults and additional vocational education.

7. The education system creates conditions for continuing education through the implementation of the main educational programs and various additional educational programs, providing the possibility of simultaneous development of several educational programs, as well as accounting for existing education, qualifications, practical experience in obtaining education.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a combination of interacting structures, including:

Education system: concept and elements

The definition of the concept of the education system is given in Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". It is a combination of intrinsic subsystems and elements:

1) state educational standards of various levels and focus and continuity educational programs;

2) networks implementing their educational institutions; 3)

bodies engaged in education in the field of education and subordinate to them institutions and organizations; four)

associations of legal entities, public and state-social associations carrying out activities in education.

The system-forming factor in this case is a goal, which is to ensure human right to education. The system under consideration is a certain integrity, orderliness and interrelation of different parts of the structure of such a complex phenomenon as education. If education is understood as the process of upbringing and learning in the interests of man, society and the state, the system of education in the most general form can be represented as an ordered set of relations between the subjects of the educational process. The main subject of the educational process is a trainee. It is no coincidence in determining the formation given in the preamble of the specified law of the Russian Federation, the interests of a person are put on the first place. All the named elements of the education system are designed to ensure their implementation.

Three subsystems can be distinguished in the education system: -

functional; -

organizational and managerial.

The informative subsystem reflects the essence of education, as well as a specific content of this or that level. It largely determines the nature of the relationship between the rest of the subsystems and elements of the education system. The elements of this subsystem are state educational standards and educational programs. The functional subsystem covers educational institutions of various types and species that implement educational programs and directly ensure the rights and interests of students. The third subsystem includes the bodies of education and subordinate institutions and organizations, as well as associations of legal entities, public and public-public associations of educational orientation. Obviously, in the context of this legal norm, there are no educational, and other institutions that are managed by education management bodies (for their designation, specialists apply the term "subordinate infrastructure of education"). These can be scientific and research institutes, printing enterprises, publishing centers, wholesale bases, etc. In the education system, they play a rather important role, organizationally ensuring its effective functioning.

The inclusion in the education system of various types of associations that operate in the sector under consideration reflects the state-public nature of education management, the development of democratic institutions and the principles of the interaction of the state, municipalities, public associations and other educational structures in order to the most effective realization of the rights of the individual For development by increasing the educational level.

2. Forms, species, levels of education (Art 10 and 17)

2. The concept of "education."

The term "education" can be considered in different values. Education is one of the most important areas of social life. Education is the social sphere industry and the economy industry. Often talking about education as a qualifying requirement when substituting certain positions, when concluding an employment contract.

Under education is a targeted process of education and training in the interests of man, society, the state, accompanied by a statement of achieving a citizen (educational) established by the state educational levels (educational qualities).

Thus, education is a process that meets the following features:

1) focus;

2) Organizations and handling;

3) Completion and compliance with quality requirements.

3. Education levels.

In educational legislation, the concept of "level" is used to characterize educational programs (Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), educational centes (Art. 27). In art. 46 It is envisaged that the Treaty on the provision of paid educational services should also determine the level of education among other conditions.

The educational level (educational qualification) is the minimum required amount of education, determined by the state educational standard, and the permissible limit of the lower level of development of this volume of content.

The Russian Federation has six educational levels (educational centers):

1. Basic general education;

2. Average (full) general education;

3. Primary vocational education;

4. secondary vocational education;

5. Higher vocational education;

6. Postgraduate vocational education (paragraph 5. Art. 27 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

7. Additional education.

Achieving this or that educational cencing is necessarily confirmed by the relevant documents. The development of a certain educational level is a prerequisite for continuing training in the state and municipal educational institution of the subsequent educational level. The presence of professional educational censes is a condition for admission to certain types of activities, to the occupation of certain positions.

It can be concluded that the level of education is determined by the level of the educational program being implemented. Community programs are implemented at such levels of education as preschool, primary general, the main general, secondary (full) general, and professional educational programs - at the levels of primary, medium, higher and postgraduate education. Additional educational programs (Art. 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") are carried out within each level of vocational education.

Pre-school education (Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") pursues the goal of education of children of early age, the protection and strengthening of their health, the development of individual abilities of children and prepare them for school training.

General education includes three stages corresponding to the levels of educational programs: the initial general, the main general and secondary (full) education. The tasks of primary general education are the upbringing and development of students, learning them to read, writing, account, the main skills of educational activities, elements of theoretical thinking, the simplest skills of self-control, culture of behavior and speech, as well as the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. Primary general education is a base for the acquisition of basic general education, which should create conditions for education, the formation and formation of the personality of the study, for the development of his inconsistencies, interests and abilities to social self-determination. It is a base for obtaining medium (complete) general education, as well as for primary and secondary vocational education. The average (full) general education should develop in the study of interest in the knowledge of the surrounding world, their creative abilities, form the skills of independent training activities on the basis of learning differentiation. At this stage of learning, additional items are introduced on the choice of the trainee itself in order to implement its interests, abilities and opportunities. Thus, the primary professional orientation of schoolchildren is carried out.

The initial vocational education (Art. 22 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") provides training for workers of qualified labor (workers and employees) in all major areas of socially useful activities based on basic or complete general education.

The secondary vocational education (Art. 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") is aimed at the preparation of middle-level specialists, meeting the needs of the personality in the deepening and expansion of education. The base for it may be the main or complete general and primary vocational education. Average vocational education can be carried out at two educational levels - basic and elevated. The basic is implemented on the main professional educational program that ensures the training of middle-level specialists, which should include general humanitarian, socio-economic, mathematical, common natural-scientific, general professional and special disciplines, as well as production (professional) practice.

The term of study on the basis of basic general education is at least three years. Increased level of secondary vocational education provides training of middle-level specialists in high levels of qualifications. The main professional educational program at this level consists of two components: a mid-link specialist training program for the relevant specialty and additional training program, which provides for in-depth and (or) extended theoretical and (or) practical training on individual academic disciplines (disciplines cycles). The term of study in this case is at least four years. The education document makes an entry on the passage of in-depth training in the specialty.

Higher Professional Education (Art. 24 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") is aimed at the preparation and retraining of specialists of the relevant level. It can be obtained on the basis of medium (full) education or secondary vocational education.

The main educational programs of higher education can be implemented continuously and in steps.

The following steps of higher education are established:

Incomplete higher education;


Preparation of graduate specialists;


The minimum training deadlines on these steps are two, four years, five and six years, respectively. The first level is incomplete higher education, which should be carried out in terms of the main educational program. The completion of this part of the program allows to continue higher education or, at the request of the student, without the final certification, get a diploma of incomplete higher education. The second level ensures the training of specialists with the qualification "Bachelor". It is completed by the final certification and issuance of the appropriate diploma. The third level of higher education can be carried out on the educational programs of two types. The first of them consists of a bachelors training program at a certain direction and specialized research or scientific and pedagogical training in the amount of at least two years and is completed by the final certification, including the final work (master's dissertation), with the award of the qualification "Master" certified diploma. The second version of the educational program involves the preparation and state final certification with the award of the skills of a specialist (engineer, teacher, lawyer, etc.), which is also confirmed by the diploma.

Postgraduate vocational education (Art. 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education") provides an increase in the level of education, as well as scientific, pedagogical qualifications based on higher education. It can be obtained in postgraduate, adjuncture and doctoral studies created in educational institutions of higher professional education and scientific organizations. It can also be divided into two steps: preparation and protection of dissertations for the degree of candidate of science and doctors of science in the specialty.

Professional education should be distinguished from vocational training (Art. 21 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"), which is aiming the goal - the accelerated acquisition of the student skills necessary to fulfill certain work. It is not accompanied by an increase in the educational level of the studying and can be obtained in educational institutions of primary vocational education and other educational institutions: in intershotok training plants, educational workshops, training sections (shops), as well as in educational units of organizations with relevant licenses, and In the order of individual training from specialists who have passed certification and having relevant licenses.

Additional education forms a special subsystem, but it is not included in the structure of education levels, since it is intended to provide additional educational needs of citizens, society and the state.

4. Forms of education.

Determining the formation of as a targeted process of learning and education in the interests of a citizen, society and state, it is necessary to take into account that it can be obtained in various forms that most fully meet the needs and capabilities of the subjects of the educational process, first of all the learning. The form of education in the general sense can be defined as a way of organizing the educational process. The classification of formation forms is carried out in several grounds. First of all, depending on the method of the participation of an educational institution in organizing an educational process, education in an educational institution is distinguished and outside.

In an educational institution, training can be organized by full-time, part-time (evening), correspondence forms. The differences between them are mainly in the volume of the audit load, more precisely, in the ratio between the audit load and the independent work of the studying. For example, if with a full-time form of training for the audit work, at least 50 percent of the entire amount of hours, allocated to master the educational program, then for students in part-in-block form - 20, and in correspondence - 10 percent. This causes other features of the organization of the educational process in various forms of training (in particular, determining the number of consultations, methodological support, etc.).

In recent years, due to the development of information technologies (computerization, Internet resources, etc.), remote educational technologies are becoming increasingly distributed. Educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication technologies with mediated (at a distance) or not fully mediated interaction of the student and pedagogical worker are called remote (Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). It provides access to education for those citizens who for some reason do not have the opportunity to receive education in traditional forms (living in remote areas, suffering from those or other diseases, etc.). Remote educational technologies can be used with all forms of training. The procedure for the use of remote educational technologies was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2005 No. 137. Along with traditional information resources, specialized textbooks with multimedia escort, training videos, audio recordings, etc. are used to ensure distance learning process. Current control and intermediate certification can be carried out by traditional methods or using electronic means providing identification of the individual (digital electronic signature). Mandatory summary certification is carried out in the form of a traditional exam or protection of thesis. Manufacturing practices Educational practices are held as usual, while training can be organized with the use of remote technologies. The ratio of the amount of training, laboratory and practical classes using remote technologies or by directly interaction between the pedagogical worker with the student is determined by the educational institution.

Outside the educational institution, family education, self-education and externalation are organized. In the form of family education, only secondary programs can be mastered. This form of education is relevant for certain categories of students who may experience difficulties in the development of educational programs under normal conditions. It is also possible to obtain assistance to teachers working on a contractual basis, or parents. In any case, the study passes intermediate and state final certification in an educational institution.

For family education, parents (other legal representatives) of the student conclude with a general educational institution a corresponding agreement, which may include providing guidelines for the development of an educational program by teachers of the institution, conducting individual classes for all or several subjects of the teachers of this institution or their independent development. The educational institution according to the Treaty provides textbooks and other necessary literature for the time of study, provides him with methodological and advisory assistance, provides the possibility of practical and laboratory work on existing equipment and interim (fourth or trimester, annual) and state certification. The work of teachers whom the educational institution attracts to work with the student under this form is paid on the terms of hourly payment on the basis of the teacher's tariff rate. The procedure for taking into account the exercises is determined by the educational institution itself.

For the development of educational educational programs, parents together with the educational institution are responsible in full. Parents should pay additional funds in the amount of the cost of the formation of each study at the corresponding stage of education in the state or municipal institution. The specific amount is determined based on local financing standards. Payments are made in accordance with the treaty from the Educational Institution Funds Fund. Additional expenses of parents on the organization of family education,

exceeding the established standards are covered by them at their own expense. Parents have the right at any stage of training to terminate the contract and translate the child to another form of mastering the educational program. The educational institution also has the right to terminate the contract in case of failure of students in two or more quarters on two or more subjects, as well as in case of failure to commend the year on one or more subjects. In this case, the re-mastering of the program is not allowed in this form.

Self-forming is an independent development of the educational educational program. It acquires legal importance only in combination with external. Under the externalate it is understood as certification of persons who independently developing an educational program. External is allowed both in the system of general and in the system of vocational education. The provision on obtaining general education in the form of externalation was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2000 No. 1884. Any learning entitled to elect an external as a form of learning. For the design of the externalation, it is necessary to submit an application to the head of the general education institution no later than three months before the certification and submit an existing certificate of interim certification or a document on education. The exist is provided with the necessary advice on educational subjects (including pre-examinations) in the amount of at least two hours, literature from the library fund of the institution, the ability to use subject rooms for laboratory and practical work. Externally undergo intermediate certification in the manner determined by the institution. If they have passed the certification for the full course of the translation class, they are transferred to the next class, and at the end of a certain level of learning, admit to the final certification.

According to a similar scheme (though, with some features), professional educational programs are implemented in the form of external. For example, the provision on external in state, municipal higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of October 14, 1997 No. 2033, provides the right to receive higher education in such form faces with a secondary (full) general or secondary vocational education. Reception and enrollment in universities are carried out in general. In addition to the student ticket and a test book, an attestation plan is issued. It is provided with free software training programs, tasks for control and coursework, other educational and methodical materials. The current certification of externals includes receiving exams and tests on the disciplines provided for by the main educational program in a selected direction of training or specialty; reviewing control and coursework, reports on industrial and pre-diploma practitioners; Reception of laboratory, control, coursework and practice reports. The reception of the exams is carried out by the Commission from three staffing professors or associate professors appointed by the decade of the Dean of the Faculty. The exam passage is logged by members of the Commission. The protocol is attached written answers and another written material accompanying the oral response. Other types of current certification are carried out orally. The assessment is exhibited in a special attestation statement, which is signed by members of the Commission and is visited by the head of the department. Positive estimates are then affixed by the Chairman of the Commission in the credit book. The final certification of externals is carried out in the general order and provides for the delivery of state exams and the protection of the graduation project (work). Certification can be carried out both in one and in several universities.

In the system of professional education, the right of students to choose from individual forms of training may be limited taking into account the specifics of training according to certain specialties. For example, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 22, 1997 No. 463 approved a list of specialties, the receipt of which in part-in-country (evening) form and in the form of external in educational institutions of secondary vocational education is not allowed; Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1997 No. 1473 approved a list of areas of preparation and specialties, for which it is not allowed to obtain higher vocational education in absentia and in the form of external. In particular, such lists include some specialty in the field of health, operation of transport, construction and architecture, etc.

Educational legislation allows a combination of various forms of education. At the same time, for all its forms, within the framework of a particular basic educational program, there is a single state educational standard.

5. Conclusion.

Thus, education as a system can be viewed in three dimensions, which is supported by:

- social scale of consideration, t. e. Education in the world, country, society, region and organization, public, public and private education, secular and clerk education, etc.;

- stage of education (preschool, school, secondary professional, higher professional with different levels, advanced training institutions, graduate school, doctoral studies);

- Education profile: general, special, professional, additional.