"He section me on stage! All night after the concert I sucked. " The former soloist "Leningrad" Alice Voks told about how Sergey Shnurov mocked her

"He section me on stage! All night after the concert I sucked. " The former soloist "Leningrad" Alice Voks told about how Sergey Shnurov mocked her

The fans of the Leningrad group are getting used to a new composition - in the summer, the bright and clockwork Vasilis Starshov left the team. And this is at the height of a huge tour on the occasion of the 20th anniversary. At first, the patient affected, and then admitted to Instagram:

"Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. I'm fine, I am happy, healthy, not tired, forces and energy in bulk. Thanks to all, for your kind words, excitement and support. Well, in the near future ... wait. "

To explain the cause of his departure Vasilisa did not. But now, all his posts in Instagram trying to prove to fans that life after Leningrad does not stop.

For a long time, the cords were shut down for a long time, but when the fans in social networks wanked questions "Where Vasya?", Replied that the girl was tired.

Who will understand the motives of women? Tired, probably, I wrote Sergey.

It is a pity, the fans crushed.

Regarding the past - the most unproductive occupation, - put the point in the conversation of the cords.

Now the female component in the group responds to Florida Changuuria. She took her cords in "Leningrad" with Vasilisa.

In the last clip of the group on the song "PCH" Florida played a major role. However, many fans of Leningrad believe that Basilisa is far from Harizma.

"Without your energy, without your young back and without your voice, the sound of Leningrad grouping is the sound." "Florida is boring. She doesn't have fire! Put! And some kind of too removed! "

So why are the soloist "Leningrad" run from the group? Recall the first girl in the team became red-haired Julia Kogan. She came to the team in 2007 as a back-vocalist, but a year later the project collapsed. In 2010, "Leningrad" is being revived, and the Kogan take the team already in the sorcelast site. Julia performed until the autumn of 2012, and then went to the decret. In 2013, the Kogan finally left the team.

At first, Yulia's care was explained by the birth of her daughter. But later it turned out that the cords and the Kogans stopped getting along with each other and the leader of Leningrad indicated the girl on the door.

A year later, Julia was engaged in solo career, released an album, filed to the TV host. Now the popularity rating of Cogan is far from the times of working with the cord. She still touches, but stadiums, as before, no longer collects. And on the boo billboards there is always an attachment of the "ex-vocalist of the Leningrad grouping".

In November 2012, a new back-vocalist Alice Vox, who later took the place of Yulia, in the club "Finnish Bay" with the Kogan.

Vox lasted in Leningrad for three years. During this time, she sang such hits as the "37th", "prayer", "bag" and, of course, the legendary "exhibit", the clip on which the Internet blew up. But suddenly at the peak of the popularity of Alice leaves the team.

"I decided to leave the Leningrad group and launch my solo project! She announced in Instagram. "Working with Sergey Shnurov gave me a huge experience of scenic life, I am infinitely grateful to him for the opportunity to develop and improve."

For a year and a half, a solo album released in single swimming Alice, removed several clips, none of which reached up to 500 thousand views.

Care Alice Vox from "Leningrad" cords explained simply: he called.

"According to his own whim, I make quite spars from medium singers," he wrote in Instagram. - Invent the image, material, promote. I decide how to submit them to love them. Well, not quite them, the image, of course ... the audience love the image made by us, and really do not want the end. But he is inevitable. The myth invented by me and made by the team of the heroine of the myth rather quickly and naively begin to believe in their divine nature. And we do not know how to godses. We burn pots here ... "

It did not feed a special love for Alice and the spouse Sergey. Once upon a time, Vox posted a photo from the Award of the magazine "Dog.ru", where she was invited as a lead. The girl thanked the publication for a good evening and in the comments got a catching from Matilda cord. Rocker's wife accused the singer in ungratefulness.

"Alice, surprisingly, there was no place for any ice, where 12 thousand spectators looked at you, nor for Moscow concerts with a complete fellow. You have a majority of subscribers here - fans of the Leningrad group. "

By the way, many fans believe that Matilda plays a last role in the fate of the soloist group. Not so long ago, Sergey posted a joint photo of his wife and Florida in Instagram. And judging by him, the problems with the wife of the head of the current soloist "Leningrad" are not yet.

However, relax Florida seems to be not worth it.

When do we wait for a new female representative as a soloist? - asked Sergey in Instagram.

Always, "answered the cords. - In the world somewhere 5 billion women. We must see everyone.

None of the Leningrad group leaves himself! - said in an interview with the "World of News" a friend of the cord, as well as in the past, the participant of "Leningrad" Stas Baretsky. - Soloyski hosted, and they were removed from the team. But they pretended to be gone with proudly raised head.

A new vocalist in the group is like a new wife in the family, relatives (in this case, the audience) are not immediately taken.

Florida: People really painfully react to all new. We, in principle, were ready. When they went to the first concert, none of 8 thousand spectators was aware that in the group new girls, . To us then, by the way, it was quite comfortable, as if it was necessary, all her toed. And then I started reading in social networks Comments, a lot of shit was poured on us: they say, return the vox, these girls are no, mediocre punoisse, there are no votes ... first upset. And the next morning found that several hundred people subscribed to me at once, who write to the director of support words and rejoice at us. It's just necessary to get used to everything. Alice Voks herself also worked in karaoke, we started with her together in the "Plywood" bar for about seven years ago.It immediately it was clear that it would break, very stubborn and targeted.

Vasilisa: We will never sing like a vox, and Vox will not sing like us. It is not so stupid to say "Leningrad" is no longer one, "because we do not force us to adjust the execution of Alice or Yuli Cogan and serve the songs so that the fans do not seem to notice the substitutions. No, Sergey introduced us to the public, and now new material is written. We already have quite hit songs: I have "Sobble glasses", Florida "Roll". In general, the main thing is that in the group there are Sergey cords, the female vocal gives a certain chic, but from changing girls worse "Leningrad" does not become.

Florida: It's funny when you begin to invent something about us. My mother sent an article in which it was said that we were actually named Angela and Snezhana, and what was seen in some bath, where we danced the striptease on Pilon.

Vasilisa: I did some time on Pilon, as a sports load. Yes, and in the bath theredetox, all things. N.oh not bothat the same time (laughs).

Florida: And by the way, Florida is my real name. Mom still went to a cruise on the ship and heard some woman so called her daughter. So, no pseudonyms.

How did your parents react to the fact that you now sing a mat from the scene?

Vasilisa: OK, it's creativity. In my life, I don't swear. Besides, I do not drink and do not smoke.My mother always supported me. True, it was upset when I threw a conservatory, but I was clearly not a place there: all such classic, academic opera singers, and I came with a green pink on my head, then with Pink Hyer. Local frit. My mother and I have long agreed that I bring a diploma for education, at least some, and calmly engage in creativity, making music. As a result, I am a cook-confectioner, I can also arise the feather. And now also consists in the most steep Russian group.

Florida: I also adhere to the call. After casting P.i got acquainted my mother with the creation of the group, at first she did not understand, and then he was penetrated. March 30, on my birthday, Mom came to a concert in Chelyabinsk,when the performance ended, she She said that he was proud of me. I cried.

Did you meet Matilda, the wife of Sergey?

Florida: Yes, on the first rehearsal. She reacted very friendly to us, gives recommendations on style.

Vasilisa: For the first concert, together with Sergey, and went to DLT to choose costumes, it was wildly fun.

Florida: And we were in, there is very tasty. The only thing that did not like is black caviar, I first tried it. Sergey said that you need to get used to.

What was the famous?

F. lorida: It did not happen in one day, but the latest events are really developing rapidly. We had six concerts, and while I still catch flashbacks: I'm standing on the scene inJelsomino.and feeding the uneven black "I can't live without her, I'll scream:" This is mine! ", But I'm already on stage, in front of me the thousandth hall. And it seems like the line the same, but everything is completely different.

Alisa Voxa is the Russian singer who received popular recognition as a soloist of the Leningrad group. Resident club d'12. The artist is known for the club public under the name MC Lady Alice.

Alice Mikhailovna Kondratieva was born and grew up in St. Petersburg. Mom girls from an early age instilled daughters desire to go on stage. Back at 4 years old, the mother recorded Alice into the Ballet Studio at the DC named Lensovet and kept her daughter on the strictest diet. But when it turned out that the child had no predisposition to academic choreography, then Alice was transferred to the children's studio Music-Hall. It was there on choral classes in the girl a talent was discovered to vocals.

Another preschoolcars Kondratieva performed a major role in the play "New Year's Adventures of Alice, or the Magic Book of Desires" directed by Andrei Skvortsov, and also sang a lot and danced in other children's productions. Thus, by that time, when I had to go to school, the lessons at the Alice of time simply did not remain.

Due to poor performance at school, parents took the daughter from Music Hall, but Alice insisted to continue training to vocal skill with a teacher. In addition, Alice was a member of the dance sports Federation and even represented the area at urban competitions.

After school, the girl goes to Moscow and enters Gitis to the pop compartment. There, Kondratyeva's teacher became Lyudmila Afanasyev, who robbed a far from one celebrity. A vocalist forced Alice to believe their own strength and engage in hard. However, due to the lack of finance, a beginner singer was difficult to live in the capital, and part-time in karaoke bars did not bring much income. Therefore, at 20, Alice Voks threw the theater institute, returned home and entered the local university of culture and arts, to the separation of pop-jazz vocals. After the university, the girl worked as a vocalist in a restaurant-cabaret "NEP", as well as leading on corporate parties and weddings.


First success came to Alice Vox, when the actress began to cooperate with the club "Duhless". The singer improvised on stage, singing lines from famous songs under the electronic bit of DJ. Soon this direction that received the name of Vocal Hosting was in demand, and Alice under the name MC Lady Alice began to learn and invite to speeches into nightclubs. On the radio channel "Record", where the singer once did not accept the radio host, Alice began to record jingles.

In 2012, the girl heard Casting in the well-known group "Leningrad". The team required a new vocalist-session, as she went to maternity leave. At listening to Alice showed itself confident and even joking. As a result, the singer was adopted in the group. Moreover, if first the girl was only a studio assistant, then from the fall of 2013, he already went on stage as a full member of the team. Thanks to the participation in the creative life of "Leningrad" Alice became known to the public under the pseudonym "Vox".

Interestingly, on the stage, the soloist Alice Voks and the leader of the group allowed themselves to lead on the verge, and sometimes beyond the fauce and arranged very candid scenes, but they were restrained behind the scenes of their relationship. The singer was even a long time called the cord by name and patronymic.

In the Leningrad group, Alice Vox recorded many songs that were super hits. Among them are the sensational sms "Patriot", "Fire and Ice", "37th", "Bag", "crying and crying". Especially highlighted the song "Exhibit", known on the line from the chorus "on Labuten" and became a super-hit in many respects thanks to Alice's vocals. The number of views of the clip to this musical composition reached 60 million.

In 2014, in protest against the ban on the use of obscene Brani in performances, the artist was completely undertaken on the stage of the concert of the Leningrad Group in Moscow during the fulfillment of the musical composition "loves our people." Initially, the girl was half a naked, but at the end of the song Alice went behind the back of Sergei Shnurov and removed the panties left on it, throwing underwear into the hall. Photos and video scandalous performances hit free access on the Internet and scored a large number of views and likes.

Nevertheless, worked together for almost 4 years, the vox and cords came to the mutual decision. The singer decided to complete the scandalous stage of his own creative biography and go into free swimming. At the end of March 2016, Alisa announced the departure from the Leningrad group and the beginning of the solo career. One of the last songs with the participation of Alice Vox and Sergey Shnurova was the musical composition of Prayer.

Some sources of information indicated that the leader of the musical team was the initiator of the rupture, and the singer himself ran away from commenting. On social networks, scandal broke out: many of the group fans expressed disagreement with the departure of Alice Vox and threatened to stop going to concerts.

Personal life

Alisa Voks married before acquired fame around the country. The spouse of the singer was a professional photographer Dmitry Burmistrov. The girl took the surname of her husband and even at the bills sometimes combined her with a pseudonym, signing by Alice Vox Burmistrov. The singer repeatedly emphasized that the spouse is a wise person who is not jealous because of the spicy speeches, as it knows how perfectly knows how to distinguish the show from real life.

However, at the end of 2015, Alice began to appear in public without a wedding ring and deleted all photos of her husband from social networks. Soon the public became known that Vox and Burmistrov.

Alisa Vox now

In 2016, Alice Voxa immediately began to create solo musical compositions. The first album of the singers contained a cable version of the songs of the Rod of the Ukrainian Musician who quail Alice. On television and on the Internet, the artist made his debut with a clip called. At the end of December of the same year, Alisa announced the release date of the second solo clip on the hit of the "night" in the "Instagram". Both songs entered Alice studio album called "Sami". The song "Prolyubov", "Ships", "Silence" also hit the debut disk.

Alice Voxa positions itself as a vocalist operating in the style of "Electro-Pop".

In the spring of 2017, Alice released the video to the musical composition "Kid" "antiopposition" focus, for which the singer, by rumors, received 2 million rubles from representatives of the Kremlin administration. Fans of the artist negatively perceived the appearance of this clip. Alice Vox Ratings began to fall sharply. In August, the vocalist removed the clip from his own channel on Youtube video hosting. In the same year, the network appeared new clips of the singer "Inexplicable", "Eyes", "Queen of Disco".

Now the singer is preparing for the release of the next album "New Alice Vox", the pre-order of which can be done by contacting the page of vocalists in the network

Vasilis Starshova (22), which came to the change of Alis Vox (30) last year, yesterday announced that he leaves "" - she did not even spoke at the anniversary concert on July 13. Her nipple of Florida Changturia (27) was one. For this reason, I remember all the girls of the group.

Julia Kogan (2007-2012)

That same redhead, Julia (36) came to "Leningrad" in 2007 as a backstage vocalist and performed (44) and for two years - until the group broke out due to creative disagreements. "Leningrad" did not give concerts and did not write songs. Then Julia joined the team of St. Petersburg team. Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review. And in 2011, "Leningrad" gathered together again, and Julia came to the cord again.

Together they released the album "Henna", and after that Julia left forever - to leave the project had to be taken due to pregnancy. At the beginning of 2013, the singer gave birth to a daughter of Lisa from the photographer Anton Bout.

Alisa Vox (2012-2016)

Alice came to "Leningrad" to replace the Kogan - Blonde easily passed the audition, then her voice. The popularity of the singer brought the scandalous song "Exhibit" (the same, about Labuten). But shortly after the release of the track and the clip, the Voks left the team. Alice said that he had left voluntarily and on his own, but the sources claimed: the cords could no longer tolerate the behavior of the "grooved" Vox and kicked it out of the group. And literally a day after the departure, Alice wrote in Instagram: "I did not promise anything to anyone. According to his own whim, I make a lot of stars from medium singers. Invent the image, material, promote. The myth-invented by me and made by the team of the heroine of the myth quickly and naively read themselves believe in their divine nature. And we do not know how to godses. We burn pots here. "

After "Leningrad", the Vox launched, which the audience did not like the audience. After the release of the debut clip Alice on the song "Keep" the cord said "correctly expelled", and recently the vox released the video for the song "Kid" (yes, it's there, where "Errors on a poster four in two words" and "Learn about errors No later, if the heart wants change, then start with yourself "). They say (and not without reason) that the song and the clip is to order the Kremlin. And even voiced the price - 35 thousand dollars. On the roller more dyslaike than likes, and the Vox reputation is no longer restored.

Vasilisa Starshova (2016 - 2017)

Vasilisa came to the change of Alice - for the first time the group fans saw it at a concert on March 24, 2017. Then the cord said: "I am asked everything - where is Alice? In my opinion, a stupid question, as it can be seen that it is not here. But we will answer the song. " And the group sang well a very obscene song with a shared message: "Go far away." In Leningrad, Starshova stayed for a long time and yesterday announced his care at Instagram. "Rebans, Healthy! These are. Yes, I no longer sing in Leningrad. I'm fine, I am happy, healthy, not tired, forces and energy in bulk. " So and from Vasilisa we are waiting for solo creativity!

Florida Chanturia (2016 - present time)

Florida fell into a group with Vasilisa. She graduated from the University of Culture and Arts in the specialty "Pop Jazz Vocal" and after him went to work as a singer in karaoke bars. Once her friend called the girl and said that he gave the room to the guys from Leningrad. They called and invited her audition. Florida, by the way, is her real name!

"Leningrad" is a Russian group with many years of history and scandalous glory. Provocative texts with an abundance of mat, non-standard shows on the verge of public morality at concerts, while there is no powerful rotation on radio and television - not to notice this team is impossible, even if you do not like the style of music performed by him. At the time when attention to the group from journalists was somewhat dressed, a new song appeared ... about the men's sexual body. The composition, despite the rudeness and abundance of abnormative vocabulary, instantly became folk, and Julia Kogan - Soloist "Leningrad" at that time - once woke up by the famous for the whole country. However, quite soon the team began to speak with another girl, entrusted to her all the women's vocal parties.

Group "Leningrad": soloist Alice Vox Burmistrov

In 2012, he decided to become a mother and gathered on the decree. It is worth noting that the vocalist worked in a group on a par with her permanent leader Sergey Shnurov. In the last albums there were more than enough songs involving male and female vocals or even more female. Accordingly, to act without a soloist for the collective at that moment meant to abandon half of the updated repertoire. The team did not solve this step, and then the search for a new vocalist began. She became Alice Vox Burmistrov. The girl can not be considered a fully "discovery of" Leningrad ". Before joining the group, she was well known as a resident of many St. Petersburg clubs, in particular, D'12. The new soloist "Leningrad" was popular and as a presenter. Initially it was assumed that Alice would only replace Yulia at the time of the decree, but as a result, the girl remained in the group.

Who dismissed Julia Kogan?

Quite soon after the birth of a child, the ex-vocalist began to appear in public, to give interviews and filmed in a talk show. At this time, the Leningrad Group went to the tour, and in many cities the audience was waiting to see the team in the old habit. Waiting for fans did not justify, the new - Alice was invariably. And soon there were reports on the official and final dismissal of Julia. According to some sources, this decision took it precisely he wanted to make the soloist of the Leningrad Group Julia Kogan forever left the team. The official version comes down to the discrepancy of creative interests. Cords and previously spoke in his interview that he was sometimes not easy to work with Yulia. It is worth noting that the overall experience of the Kogan in the group is about 5 years, she came to Leningrad in 2007.

New soloist is not worse than old!

Some time after recruiting changes in the favorite group, the most loyal fans tried to discuss and compare Alice with Yulia. The conclusions were different, someone initially did not like a new composition. However, with the time Alice proved that he knows how to sing and excellently feels all the mood of the team. Today, she already knows how the main vocalist and is looking forward to at concerts. The new soloist "Leningrad" was noticed and in the scandals typical of the group, for example, once, along with Sergey Shnurov, undressed in the public in protest against the law prohibiting the mat.

Is there any life after "Leningrad"?

Many fans are interested in what happened to Julia Kogan after dismissal from the group? In his interview, this bright and, out of doubt, a talented girl emphasizes that even the news of his resignation surprised her, but not too upset. Today, the ex-soloist "Leningrad" has a TV presenter on the channel for Girls "Yu", and also has a solo musical project. Julia claims that she liked to work in the group, but this is only a certain stage in her creative career. Dismissal from the team only stimulated it to work and develop further.