Hood literature in the middle group Analysis of classes. Reading fiction in kindergarten - acquaintance of preschoolers with an amazing world of books

Hood literature in the middle group Analysis of classes. Reading fiction in kindergarten - acquaintance of preschoolers with an amazing world of books

Self-analysis of open classes "Journey through Russian folk fairy tales"

Analysis classes on the topic: « Traveling in Russian folk tales»

Occupation corresponded to the training program.

The topic is taken from a perspective plan.

A type classes: Generalizing

Presented Abstract - Built in accordance with the didactic and common-goal principles:

Continuity principle ( occupation It was built on the basis of previous classes and joint actions of the teacher and children)

Principle of activity (Motivation and interest was maintained)

Principle of accessibility (Compliance with the individual characteristics of children)

The principle of psychological comfort (confidence, calm, goodwill)

In the course classes Solved the following tasks:

Didactic: summarize the idea of tales, its features and species: Magic, domestic, fairy tales about animals;

improve the ability to learn fairy tale, by passage (i.e. on characteristic features and actions of heroes).

Correctional: Correction of visual perception "Look, find, spread".

Educational: Raise the emotional attitude of children by meeting with heroes tales and gaming activities. Bring up interest, love for oral folk creativity.

During the preparation of this classes preliminary work with children:

1. Reading russian folk fairy tales(Enrichment of the dictionary of children)

2. Consider illustrations to russian folk tales.

3. Coloring pictures based on russian folk fairy tales

4. Footage fairy tales"Kolobok", "Repka" Using the desktop theater.

5. View cartoon « russian folk fairy tales» .

6. Holding didactic games: "Find out fairy tale by pictures» , "Whose headdress?", "From what tales of the hero» etc.

At the organizational stage, a positive attitude was created in pupils to include them in educational activities. Reflection "Mood" Emotionally painted occupation and allowed me to identify the mood of children before start classes.

Thus, the temporary representations fastened.

For interest in the correctional exercise included a surprise moment with the advent of fox.

When developing a correction exercise, a visual perception took the basis, since it is through this analyzer that the basic amount of information is received. Applicated a differentiated approach, which allowed us to account for the individual characteristics of each and thereby contributed to the maximum inclusion of them into working behavior.

At the next stage classes Through an artistic word introduced children in the topic, stimulating interest in her. The guys were invited to go to traveling in Russian folk talesThey took the game plot with interest, tuned to joint activities (using relaxation for the development of the ability to relax and imagine, which is very difficult for our children).

The main task of the main stage classes - to summarize the knowledge of children about russian folk tales, about the main characters of these tales.

In the structure classes Included tasks for the development of the cognitive activity of children, creative abilities.

In the main part of the motive to participate in lesson appeared:

Show slides in conjunction with explanations and questions;

Health-saving technologies: Gymnastics for the eyes smoothly turning into a physical attachment combining with the theme; Fizkultminutka « Story» It was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate speech with the movement.

The appearance of Baba - Yagi contributed to the preservation of the emotional attitude to the future activities of children.

Holding a game with Baba - Yaga "Guess a riddle", contributed to the consolidation of knowledge of children about russian folk talesabout the main characters tales;

Fite fairy tales"The wolf and the seven Young goats" - contributed to the development of children's initiative and independence, removal of compression and stiffness. Thus, children are actively in showing fairy tales The character's condition was expressed with the help of facial expressions, voices, intonation in the image of the characteristic features of the heroes. Actively participated in the preparation fairy tales.

At the final stage, children were invited to remember what tales they visited, What the most important thing in Russian folk fairy talesWhat they were interested and remembered most. The participation of each child was marked by a praise, positive assessment. In the end classes Children received coloring with heroes russian folk fairy tales.

Outcome classes Reflection passed for guys in a game form, for yourself, to identify the mood of children at the end classes.

purpose classes achieved, children enriched knowledge about russian folk tales, their main characters

Use above listed techniques contributed to classes In a comfortable emotional - painted atmosphere. Throughout everything classes children were activeinterested in.

Duration classes Complies with standards.

Output: The tasks set, in my opinion, were fulfilled.

Analysis of cognitive classes

The new topic contains many new words, which enriches and activates their vocabulary. The equipment was prepared in advance. Structure: Org.Moment, Repetition, New Material, Fomoon, Fastening, Results. Stages are logically related from the repetition of the occupation of 10 minutes. The volume and complexity is selected in accordance with the age characteristics. To consolidate, a game was organized on the topic, in the game the children better and more efficiently enshrine their knowledge. Each child accepted a meeting participation in the game. Objectives are achieved.

Analysis of Claim on Communication and Reading Artistic Literature

Type - new material. Structure: Org. Moment, new material, physical. Minute, consolidation, results. Stages are logically and consistent, related to each other. The product used is available to the understanding of children.

Used the following methods and techniques: reading, showing illustrations, conversation, questions. Children actively participated in the conversation, answered questions. Objectives are achieved.

We analyze the lesson

The intensive development of innovative processes in the public, economic, political life of the country puts new problems to the formation of new problems, both across the state and in a specific educational institution.

Analysis is the dismemberment of the phenomenon on parts, elements, followed by studying them individually as parts of this whole.

Pedagogical analysis is a control function along with management, control, coordination, correction aimed at studying the actual state of affairs and the validity of the use of various methods, to achieve goals, as well as on an objective assessment of the results of the pedagogical process and the development of regulatory mechanisms for the translation of the system in a new Qualitative condition.

In my practice there were enough analysis of various types of activities (these are the schemes taken from the recommendations of K.Yu. Bel, and the schemes developed by our Pedagogical Institute, etc.), everything would be fine, but our kindergarten works under the program OM. Dyachenko (L.A.Verger) "Development" and many schemes for the analysis of classes are not suitable. Before me, as before the Methodist, the problem was, how to better develop a developing occupation and analyze it from all sides.

Thinking, having read the methodological literature and putting contact with the teachers of Igii. P.P. Hershova, we have developed a memo for educators for the formulation of developing goals (Appendix No. 1).

I also had to think and develop a reference scheme for analyzing and constructing classes (Appendix No. 2).

Based on these schemes, it is easier to analyze me as a manager and teacher to make self-analysis.

At the end of the school year, I propose to offer your open events for the next academic year yourself, and then analyze and make a schedule of open events. And on an annualized plan, I reflect the plan for visiting groups and a schedule for the control of educational and educational work and open views.

For me, as for the methodologist, most importantly, during a visit to the occupation, see the creative spark in the work of the teacher with children, that is, as a teacher creatively and inadequate, he will take children into the world of knowledge, how it will use, what methods, forms, techniques and novelties it uses This lesson.

Educational aspect:

Specifying the norms and the level of learning knowledge for each child

Clear definition of the level of formation of any skills and skills

Liquidation of specific gaps in the knowledge and skills of a particular child

Educational aspect:

Provide the progress of a child in the types of activities that contribute to the formation of creative activity, socially significant personal qualities (hard work, independence, initiative), moral qualities (sympathy, empathy, humane attitude)

Provide situations aimed at the formation of skills and skills of cognitive activity, social experience.

Setting the goals of the developing classes.

The formulation of the goal of developing classes is not an elementary definition of designs, but a logical determination of the direction and results of the movement (points of gradual movement to the target on a specific route).

The purpose of pedagogical activity is a mental anticipation of the process results. In their wording, the pedagogical goal should reflect the quality on the development of the pedprocession.

Developing goals:

1. Objectives focused on the development of a personality-semantic attitude to the material studied and the process of their own cognitive activity: the relevance and personal meaning of the topic studied for children, help children in the awareness of the social, practical and personal significance of the material being studied.

2. Goals focused on the development of value relations of children to the surrounding reality: to promote the awareness of children of the values \u200b\u200bof the material being studied, help children realize the value of joint activities.

3. Objectives aimed at developing in children of intellectual culture: to arm (ie, create organizational and meaningful conditions for the development of skills) in methods (techniques) of mental activity: to teach children to analyze the cognitive object, develop the ability to compare, summarize, classify, correlate, see patterns, find a contradiction, etc.

4. Objectives focused on the development of research culture (research skills): to promote the development of children to use various methods of knowledge: observation, hypothesis extension, the ability to analyze the object, allocate its essential signs, compare various facts, draw conclusions.

5. Objectives focused on the development of an active culture in children: the development of the abilities in children to set a goal, plan their activities (exercise control, self-assessment and self-correction of their activities).

6. Objectives focused on the development of communicative skills (culture) of children: to promote development in children the ability to communicate, ensure the development of monologic and dialogical speech in children.

7. Goals focused on the development of the reflexive culture of children: to create conditions for the development of the abilities in children to suspend their activities, allocate the nodes of their or someone else's activities, to ensure the development of the skills to object activities.

7.9. Observation and analysis of the organization

group of physical education events

Complex Morning Gymnastics

Outlooking exercises

1-2 week practice

Ball I.P: Legs slightly put, hands behind the back. Bend hands, brush in fist, closer to mouth and inflate the ball. Dilute your arms to the sides, straighten up - inflated. Hands up to see - flew, return to I.P. Where knees I.P. Sitting, legs apart, hands focusing behind. Tilt forward, palm on deer, look at deer, straighten up. Talking "Here" the ball I.P. Legs slightly arrange, hands down. Lightly bend and straighten legs - soft balls. 8-10 bouncing - bulls, alternation with walking 3 times

3-4 weeks of practice - with a handkerchief

BUY I.P. Legs are slightly placed, handkeys omitted. Handkerchiefs before breasts, pour on it, strong wind. Omit, say "no wind" with I.P. Feet apart, handkeys omitted. Tilt forward, handkerchiefs in the face - hid. Lower the handkerchiefs, straighten up sitting up I.P. Legs slightly arrange, handkerchiefs on the floor. Sit on the handkerchief, in front of him, behind him, about. Stand, say, "sat down"

Outdoor games

Rolls kolobok

Purpose: develop major torso muscles, unload the spine. Cause sense of satisfaction from the movements

Shaggy dog

Objective: To teach children to listen to the text and respond quickly to the signal

Pass through the cross

Purpose: Develop a feeling of equilibrium, dexterity, eye

Sun and rain

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to run a swarming, not encountering each other, quickly respond to the signal

Analysis of Morning Gymnastics

Gymnastics is carried out in the physical education room, after each group is carried out, at the end of the wet cleaning of the room and inventory, which corresponds to hygienic conditions.

The gymnastics begins with warming exercises, the exercises first correspond to the age dosage, the exercises are performed first for the neck, for the limbs, then the body. The main types of movements are used: walking, running, jumping duration and intensity corresponds to age standards. Ending gymnastics smooth, performing breathing restoration exercises. Children organized and actively perform movements. The educator gives clear accessible instructions and commands. Watch out the correctness of execution, posture. Music support is not used. Conducting morning gymnastics to teachers complies with hygienic conditions and age standards, individual features are taken into account.

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

Child Development Center - Kostbok Kindergarten

Samoa naliz

classes in familiarization with fiction

and development of speech

Senior group


Mazepa Svetlana Aleksandrovna


Group characteristics.

In my group, 23 people, of which 13 girls, 10 boys. There were 10 children in the class, according to the terms of the competition.

The degree of trainee of children of this subgroup is high enough, and the skills necessary for successful work in classes are formed as follows:

High level of training: 100% - 4 people

Middle Leader: 89% - 3 people

78% - 3 people

Low level: no

Subgroups of children are not constant, modified.

Project characteristics.

This area is acquainted with the Russian folk fairy tale "Gus-Swans" first. The reading of the fairy tale I carried to pre-work, as the volume of fairy tales is great, thereby saved the time for the creative task of children.

The purpose of the classes: continue to get acquainted with the Russian folk fairy tale "Gus-Swans". Secure the ability of children to answer questions about the content of fairy tales. Develop imagination; Inventing new fairy tale episodes. Development of ability to designate their attitude to fairy tale characters using symbolic means.

In my lesson, I made: Gaming motivation - the arrival of a fairy tale, the problem situation at the end of the lesson - "Would you be a geese if you were not in Baba Yaga, and Masha with Vanya?" The occupation graduated with poetic lines, allowing children to more pronounce the content, because Poems contribute to the easier memorization of the material, and also activate the attention of children who perfectly assimilate information on rumors.

A brief structural presentation of the lesson: For better assimilation of the software, I thought about the landing of children, inviting them to an improvised glade from flowers, and also used technical means: Music works of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky "Snowdrop" (modern processing using bird votes).

The structure of the classes provided for several blocks of tasks, namely:

entry into a fairy tale

creative task of children,


The following methods were used in the lesson:

Wonderful Methods (This perceptual aspect) was used repeatedly:

when creating a game motivation "Visiting a fairy tale",

inventing new fairy tale episodes,

analysis of work performed.

Visual methods used in the next point. Show illustration from a fairy tale (Book-Theater "Gus-Swans")

This method was aimed at children who perceive more information on the visual image.

Practical methods (perceptual aspect). Performing a creative task - the creation of rugs for the hut Baba Yaga, and for the Masha and Vanya house.

For the removal of the fatigue of children spent a short physical culture card: plastic etude "Butterflies".

Control methods. Since the occupation was conducted with a subgroup of children, and their number was small, it was appropriate and possible to conduct a frontal test of knowledge and skills of children. Individual assistance was provided only to children in need. In the lesson, the methods of stimulation were used, the result was summed up after each part of the classes, in the form of approval, praise.

The duration of the occupation is 24 minutes, which corresponds to the standards of San Pina.

Analyzing, the conducted occupation can be said that the tasks

were successfully completed.

I believe that the occupation is logical, and the stages of classes are interrelated.

The logical of the construction of the classes allowed to hold it without going beyond the time of time to perform the task.

I think that the play motivation caused interest in children and activity was quite high. However, two children worked in their pace, and the creative task was performed a little later due to slowness, due to their individual capabilities. Although this does not indicate that they are less skills and knowledge.

The children pleased me that the kindness of the children's soul was reflected in their own essays. Each hero was positive.

But, however, the children surprised me by the fact that creative stories were less meaningful than could be. According to the child survey, after the class, it was revealed that the occupation of the children liked, and they would like to continue.

Occupation "Journey Kolobka."Holded With a subgroup of children of middle preschool age.

purpose This lesson is aimed at developing the communicative function of speech and consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales using talekotherapy.

Selection of contentit is carried out taking into account GEF.

The occupation is based on the principle of integration of educationalregions: Communication, knowledge, socialization.

The plot of occupations is built in the form of the game "Journey Kolobka".

When planning classes, the principle was taken into accountavailability of content for pupils: Games, game exercises, didactic tasks are selected with the age-related featuresgroups of children and their individual capabilities.

Suitmentimported on the basis of the TRIZ-technology adapted to the preschool age, Svetlana Ivanov Gin and Methods of Larisa Borisovna Fesyukova "Education of the fairy tale"

In pre-workgames were used - staging on Russian folk fairy tales, viewing presentations, didactic games in Russian folk fairy tales, cognitive games that contributed to the search activity, the development of speech, creative imagination.

At the organizational stagea positive attitude was created in pupils to include them in educational activities. Pupils were invited to go on a journey through Russian folk tales, children took the game plot with interest, tuned to joint activities.

The main task of the main stage Classes - to expand the knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales, about the main characters of these fairy tales, teach the retelling fairy tales.

The structure of the classes includes games, exercises, tasks for the development of speech and cognitive activity of children, creative abilities, to expand and activate the dictionary, connected speech.

The didactic game "Vegetables and fruits" contributed to the formation of abilities to respond to questions with complete proposals, expansion and activate the dictionary of children.

Didactic game "Hedgehog" aims to develop mental activities, logic, motility hands

Conducting didactic games "Name a fairy tale", "Guess the riddle", contributed to the consolidation of knowledge of children about Russian folk fairy tales, about the main characters of fairy tales.

The fizminutka "for glass doors" was aimed at developing the ability to coordinate with the movement and on the development of the intonational expressiveness of speech.

At the final stagechildren were invited to remember which games they played, traveling in a fairy tale, which tasks were performed that they were interested and remembered most. The participation of each child was marked by a praise, positive assessment. At the end of the class, children received as a gift ...................

The actual course of classes // corresponded to the scheduled time. Throughout the lesson/ / Children were active, gladly performed the proposed games and exercises.

The purpose of the exercise is achievedthe children fastened the names of the Russian folk fairy tale, her main characters, learned to recognize the fairy tale on the riddle and models. The use of game techniques contributed to the conduct of classes in a comfortable emotional - painted atmosphere.

The cycle is designed for a year, one occupation is carried out per month. The occupation of this type allows to continue working on the development of a connected speech from preschoolers