Works about love animals to their young. Stories about good feelings and friendliness of animals

Works about love animals to their young. Stories about good feelings and friendliness of animals
Works about love animals to their young. Stories about good feelings and friendliness of animals

Society has repeatedly faced and, unfortunately, continues to face the problem of the manifestation of cruelty and violence over animals. This is an example of recent terrible events in the Russian city - Khabarovsk, which caused shock and loud horror from all compassionate people. Unfortunately, such stories are just a drop in a sea of \u200b\u200bconstant cruelty for fun and entertainment. And what's even worse: the authors of such pleasing can be almost more children.

You can talk a lot and loud about the costs of upbringing, adverse conditions, and so on, but as a children's writer, and in the past, a child for which other children's authors wrote their works, I want to talk about those books that one way or another instigate compassion and love for Little brothers. I am my little selection of works.

Gregory Punites "Bureau of Good Services"

I have already mentioned this book in the post "What I read. Children's books". In this fairy tale, what every zoovolonter dreams of: a real light, which can come all disadvantaged and defenseless animals. Once the street and drawn kitten hit the good wizard, who, fortunately, the fluffy noticed him and invited to live to his apartment. And then, who has already gone out of the kitten, thought that not all animals would be lucky, as he, and he decided to offer his owner to build a bureau of good services. Only here, as it often happens, there are nasty and evil sorcerers that do not really like the affairs of good wizards. I recommend this story to all children and adults. After reading it, it will immediately want to become, if not a wizard, is definitely better, kinder and merciful.

Boris Skodnika poems and fairy tales about animals

Love for animals is important to vaccinate from early childhood. Boris Sadier will help you with joy - the author of many poems and fairy tales about animals. It is to you and the "shaggy alphabet", and the "bird school", and my favorite verse "Mord, Tail and four legs." All these funny characters are so miles that they cannot leave any kind child indifferent. The well-deserved popularity gained and the prose of Boris Nodokhnika: the book of fairy tales "Martyushkino tomorrow", "Good Rhino", "lived-thereof", fairy tales "Gray asterisk", "Rusac" "Hermit and Rosa", "History of Crawler", "Why fish Silently "," Ma-Tari-Kari "," Tale about everyone in the world "and many others.

Eric Knight "Lessey"

This book immerses the reader into the world of a single dog that the whole story is involuntarily asked by the question: "What does Lessey mean?". What does it feel loneliness in doggy? What does the person mean for the dog, and one obligation one thing is that it is constantly spinning in the head: "To be exactly four hours near the school"? What does devotence and love mean? What do other people mean? And besides the lesses stubbornly, step by step, returns back to his native Yorkshire from someone else's Scotland, and the reader finds answers to his questions. For the first time I read this book at the age of 12, and she was for me quite heavy morally. However, such stories are forced to ask the very question that I raised above: "What does it mean to be another creature?". This question is much more important than it may seem. After all, we do not know what to feel something defined as another person, and even more so the creature of another kind. Of course, this work is just a reflection primarily by the author's relationship to dogs, his knowledge and observation of them, and his own dog Collie Tutsi served as a kind of prototype for Lessey. I recommend this book to all children and teenagers, because it has a place for the most important thing: compassion, understanding someone else's pain, whether it is from inflicted wounds, cold, hunger or loneliness. By the way, an entertaining fact: "Lessey - a fictional dog, which was awarded the star on the Alley of Glory in Hollywood."

Alexander Kuprin Story "White Poodle"

An excellent lyrical work about the stray troupe, consisting of the twelve-year-old Acrobat of Sergey, his faithful and trained in all the tricks of the Puddle of Arto and the most senior member of the team - Grandparents Martyn Lododzhina. Traveling along the rich cottages on the coast of the Crimea, the artists earned a simple money by performances before the inhabitants of these daches. But one day, during one such street performance, one very capricious boy Nikolai wanted to himself of Arto. Well, so that Crozy Nikolai no longer arranged hysteria and got what he wanted, his mother decided that the dog would be easiest to buy a dog in the stray artists. Taking into account only the material side of the world, she and other members of the Crisual Nicholas family, ceased to understand that the dog is first of all a thing and not an accessory, like a bag, a hat or a new toy. This is a friend. For Sergey and Grandparents, Martyn Poodle Arto was a full member of not only their team, but also a faithful companion in their unclean, often hungry and poor life. And friends can not be sold. Therefore, when the poodle is brazed, Sergey is returning to the country to give the rich, to rescue his shaggy friend from captivity. I read this story already in the junk already in adulthood, and honestly I do not understand why we studied at the school of his "pomegranate bracelet" and "Olesy", where there are still not very clear topics and questions for adolescents of thirteen-fourteen years, but such Beautiful things about the boy's friendship and dog - no.

Cesar Petrescu "Fram - Polar Bear"

The story of the circus bear named Fram, who returned to his native Arctic. One day, the famous Fram, who fell into the famous circus of Strotsky was still a bear, stopped performing the tricks and fell into the real "bear" depression. As it turned out, he simply rushed on his white snow homeland - the Arctic, which he is very vaguely remembers. This story is about how the beast tamed and used by people, again studied to be who he is actually a polar bear. Touching and bright, tragic and complete empathy, that the world of wildlife is a completely different world. Yes, he often is cruel, but not for the sake of profit, whim or fun, as it happens in humans. I recommend for family reading, followed by discussion of the differences in the world of wildlife from human jungle.

I made a selection of only 5 points. But if you are wondering, I will definitely write about other works that I remember how stories that they instill a good attitude towards animals.

Nature is all the natural wealth of the surrounding world that opens with a young man in the process of knowledge, labor and creativity. She lives in their laws, and man is important to understand these laws, since man and nature make up a single whole.
The task of the teacher is to help the child fully see and understand the beauty of nature, to bring up high moral qualities in it, which is necessary for its subsequent development and formation as a person as a person. Considering nature and morality as a whole, students have a need to communicate with nature, in careful about it.
Artistic literature on nature deeply affects the feelings of children. Through it, it is familiar with the surrounding world, which reveals his secrets with the help of the book, brings up moral, aesthetic and other qualities of a person, begins to form a person.
Books are a kind of platform where knowledge of nature is concentrated. Based on these books, the development of the ideas of a child about what the attitude towards the world around should be. To know the world with the help of a natural book - it means to be able to introduce a child with many important aspects of life for him.
In this paper, the stories of writers, who in their texts teach children not only to see the beauty of nature, but also carefully treat it.
The list of reading junior schoolchildren under the School of Russia program includes works on the nature of such writers as V. Bianki, K. Poist, E. Charushin, V. Beresov, I. Bunin, A.Pletchev, S. Jenin, I.Sokolov -Mikitov, m Svhains, etc.
The main theme of creativity M.M. Privain - man and nature, their relationships and mutual influence.
In his works, the author serves as an example of a careful attitude towards nature. His stories are able to awaken and develop those the best qualities of the person who is needed in life. Reading them, we expand the horizons of children, we obtain real information in which events can be contained actually similar to situations that can happen in real life. To love nature, you need to know it, and to know, you need to study it. It is necessary to systematically teach children with a careful attitude towards nature.
Privain perceives nature as a writer and as a scientist. He has very reliable and malicious observations, he has no random words - everyone is verified, weighed and flickened in the phrase. The main acting person in the stories of the Privain of Nature is: He himself: a hunter, an observer, a scientist, an artist - a seeker of words, accurate and poetic, seeker of truth. Estimation of childhood "through the hunting" ... This thought explains why so many hunting stories, as, however, and others, the writer addressed to children.
Speaking about the province that he is a hunter, it should be noted by his own expression: "After tea, I went on hunt for overwhelms, starlats, grasshoppers, gorns, butterflies. I didn't have a gun then, and now the gun in my hunt is not necessary. My hunt was and then, and now - in Nakhodka. It was necessary to find in nature such what I have not seen, and maybe, and no one else has met in life. " Thus, Svtain was a hunter for observations.
In his stories, the privine gives accurate real images, each image in his stories is individual and colorful.
The beasts and birds from the province "hiss, buzz, yell, dug, whistling, singing"; Each of them moves in its own way. Even trees and plants in the sending descriptions become alive: dandelions fall asleep in the evenings and wake up in the morning ("Golden mead"); precisely bogatyr, knocks out from under the leaves of the mushroom ("Silacha"); Wood whispers ("whisper in the forest"). The writer not only knows a great nature, knows how to notice that people often pass indifferently, but also has the ability to convey the poetry of the world in descriptions, in comparisons: "Spruce, as a lady in a concert dress to the earth, and around the young Christmas trees and holling around "(" Out ").
All his life, Svhavin kept a child in himself, looking at the beautiful world widely open, joyful and surprised eyes. Probably, that is why the stories of the writer are so easily perceived by children.

The characters of the stories and the mistakes M. M. Privina form ideas about how a person should be and how he should treat the world around him.
As my experience shows, children with phenomena and events that go beyond their personal life experience can be acquainted through literary works. The artistic skill of the writer contributes to the fact that complex topics become available.
For in-depth understanding and active perception, the conversations of the stories read are very useful. Teacher can ask children questions: Do you like the story? What is the main character in nature? What did you like in the actions of the hero, and what not? In the process of such a conversation, an elementary analysis of the work is carried out. Conversations can be divided into the introductory - before reading the work, and the final - after reading. In the introductory or preliminary conversations, the teacher appeals to the personal experience of each student, causes the corresponding associations in his memory. For example, if you get acquainted children with the story of Privina "talking rhok", you can help children remember everything they know about the rags, asking questions, view illustrations with the image of a bird. Tell the children that the grits are very useful and smart and only after that read the story itself.
During the conversation, it is important to use visual benefits that need to choose in accordance with the content of the work. Conversations about read allow you to find the response of children to the work. It is very important to encourage children to express their own opinion on the actions of various characters, especially moral and opposite types, to show responsiveness, the ability to regret, sympathize, rejoice, remember your negative and positive actions, which is also not unavailable, since the understanding of your actions is at a higher level. These tasks require a painstaking teacher, systematic work. Questions arise here: how to maintain and develop good feelings about children? How to create this situation in which they will actively act - help, protect justice?
The conversation about the read work is an important step in the formation of ideas about the world around.
In the stories, there is a lot of cognitive. For example, in the story "Yozh" ", children learn about the hoods of the animal, in the" Golden Luga "- that the dandelion goes to bed in the evening, closing his petals, and wakes up in the morning.
Children are very interested to know that not only their mother loves and cares for them, but also animals also have maternal love. Such maternal love can be seen in the stories of the "peak lady" and "moose". It turns out that they, like with us: parents protect and defend children. Children they have the same carefree misunderstands: climbed to the shore and let's play, not paying attention to the hunter, but played - and to mom, and she led them ...

Especially close children is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of man and nature. So in the story "Floors of the Forest" the author holds a parallel between people and animals. As people live in high-rise buildings on a certain floor, so birds and animals live on their floor. But if people can easily go down to another floor, changing the apartment to another, then the animals cannot do this: "The wrenches could not answer us, but, most importantly, could not understand what happened, where it was a tree where the tree was going to disappear Their children ... Then we took that big piece in which there was a nest, broke the top of the next birch and put on it our piece with a nest just for such a height on which there was a destroyed floor. " Only then the wrenches found their chicks.
Reading the works of Privhanina, the concept of good and evil is formed in children. So, the Svarvin in the story "Yozh" very well described his relationship with Hedgehog, showed how the wild animal can be tamed with the help of a good relationship: "So I got a job with my hedgehog. And now I, like drinking tea, certainly to myself on the table and then the milk to him in a saucer - drinks, then a bun ladies - eating. "
In the story of M. Privina "Guys and Ducklings" draws a meeting of a writer with children. The guys committed a bad act: they were knocked off with caps and caught wild cetings. However, after a conversation with the writer, I understood that it was not good, and let go ducklings.
The story teaches being humane, kind, generous, brings up love for nature, careful attitude towards birds.
The task of the teacher is to transfer the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe story (love and take care of nature, be a good owner of your edge), help understand that the guys did not feel good, and at the end of the story, when the children realized their mistake, rejoice for them.

Each mother loves her child. She seeks to protect him from danger, often sacrificing himself. It was the same problem of maternal self-sacrifice that Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin considered that the problem of maternal self-sacrifice.

Her self-sacrifice is natural, because the mother must protect and save children. This is the main thought of the text, which is contained in Proposition No. 20: "It was heroism, it was the self-sacrifice of the mother, but otherwise it could not be: because the cubs shouted so anxiously and so invalid."

In my opinion, the author's position is formulated in sentence №21: "I finally left, so as not to interfere with the mother to do my eternal, save my children." Vladimir Alekseevich Soloohin argues that the presence of the main character only interferes with the exhaust to save their children. Noticing a person, the animal becomes more careful and begins to slow, thereby it will not have time to come to the rescue.

We are convinced of this, reading the poem in the prose of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Sparrow", which describes the problem of maternal self-sacrifice. On a small plower, filled with a tree, a dog is thrown out. How suddenly the branch flies his mother and scares the beast, jumping on him. Dog, not expecting such from Sparrow, freezes. I think that the power of maternal love and self-sacrifice of this bird.

An equally striking example is the work of Dmitry Narcisovich Mine-Siberian "Emelya-Hunter", which indicates two situations associated with maternal self-sacrifice. The first case occurred with the daughter and grandson of the Emelia-Main Hero. The daughter lied wolves when she with a little griety evening returned from the village home. Mother, while predators gnawed her legs, closed the child with her body, and the boy stayed alive. The second case is the hunt of Emela on deer. When he was going to shoot in a deer, his mother tanned him. Remembering the heroism and self-sacrifice of the daughter, the main character stopped hunting animals. Having come to your hut, Emely told his grandchild, as deer saved his child from death.

Thus, animals, like people, love and protect their children. At any dangerous moment, the mother is ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of salvation of the child.

6. ).
- Universe, Universe, God (7.).


February 24 - the day of St. Vlasia (Patron Animals). Plusions, Bishop Sevastia, Sacred Martyr. He is asked about the healing of the throat disease and in concerning the removal of the bone, about helping in everyday affairs, about the blessing of God over the house, the conservation, welfare of livestock, about the abundance of earth fruits. Cm. .

According to the initial plan of higher strength, the Earth was intended for the animal kingdom, that is, for a variety of monads, which went here for the Great Creative Activities: enlightening the materiality of the three-dimensional world. Satan intervention distorted this idea, complicated the path, disfigured fate, horrifyingly stretched time. It was achieved mainly by the fact that from the very beginning of the organic life of the earth, it was subordinate to the law of mutual persistence.

Love for animals in the system of life values \u200b\u200bshould stand after love to the neighbor (woman / man, children ...). At first, the person should love himself, then the neighbor and then love can be distributed on animals.

Contacts the principle of spiritual value of love for animals can be called the principle of moral debt. Starting from the stage of a person, the debt of the creature in relation to the lower standing increases as it climbs into further steps. At primitive man, a duty was already awarded towards the tamed animals. And it was not that he consisted that a person had to feed them and guard: it was an even simple exchange, a duty in the lower, material, and not in an ethical sense, because for food and shelter a man took his pet or his work, or Milk and wool, or even his life (in the latter case, it, of course, has already violated the natural proportion of exchange). The ethical debt of primitive man was that he was supposed to be an animal that was tamed and who used to love. An ancient rider that fed a deep feeling for his horse, the shepherd, showing not only care for his cattle, but also a caress, a peasant and a hunter, who loved his cow or a dog, - they all performed their ethical debt.

Education of the animal consciousness is the task entrusted by the nature of a human family or a separate person. Animals in their aggregate should be considered by humanity as students or apprentices of life. Love and compassion is necessary not only to people, but also animals.
This elementary debt remained the universal norm to the present day. True, individual high souls, those whom we call the righteous, and the Indians are called a more accurate word - Mahatma, High Spirit, understood a new, much higher level of debt, naturally aroused from their spiritual greatness. The lives of the saints are full by stories about the friendship of the inkom and hermits with bears, wolves, lions. In other cases, this may be legends, but in other facts of this kind are prohibited historically accurately, for example - in testimony of the life of St. Francis of Assisi or St. .

Of course, a similar level of debt in relation to animals is only characteristic of the highness of holiness: he cannot be the lot of humanity, as well as three thousand years ago. But three thousand years - the term is considerable. And the thesis is not justified, as if we are now doomed to stay at the same level of primitive debt as our distant ancestors. If a person wandered in a close and turbid animistic world, could already love his horse or dog, for us it is at least not enough. Is the tremendous path made by us since then does not oblige us to more? Isn't we able to love those animals from which we do not get the immediate benefits - wild animals, at least those of them that do not harm us?
Why are so charming, so cubs of almost all animals?
Why, not to mention the wicras and imprint, even piglets and small hyenas do not cause anything but a good and touching feeling in us?
Because the manifestation of the demonic start in the animal begins only with the minute when he has to join the struggle for life, that is, to fall the law of mutual persistence. Little mute lands remind those images of the beasts that they possessed in the adjacent world, from where they came to our world. Even snakes in that layer were adorable creatures, merry, very abrupt. They danced, the famous of God. And even more wonderful, wisely and wiser, they would have to become in this world if not Satan.

Today, people show care at all as before: hairdressers, hotels and even atelier for dogs and cats, in abundance appearing around, make their lives like human. The owners gladly play this game without thinking - is it all necessary for all the animals? Does it benefit from such humanity? When the owner feeds a dog or a cat in what he eats himself, dresses into clothes and stacked to sleep, he seems to replace his failed relationship with another person.
Forcing his dog or parrot to live almost human life, people care not so much about his genuine desires, how many of their own needs that for some reason they cannot satisfy. Try, for example, to fill the lack of tenderness or lack of confidence.

"The discussion of the slightest details of their life, character and habits is often masked by our narcissistic need to be the center of attention," said psychoanalyst Anna Skatitin, "and it is often found in people who are difficult to talk about themselves."
In the Holy Scripture it is said: Blessed, who is pretty cattle (Proverb.-12.10).

One girl went to the lake behind the water. For her puppy rinsed. The case was late in the fall, the lake was covered with thin ice, and it closed him in the snow. The dog ran through the snow, and failed. Wants to get out, and the ice is clogged. The girl says:
"I wanted to get it a rocker, and she was scared, but sailed from me next. I had to rush in cold water to catch her and pull out. Pulled out, and she throws me with such joy to me. Runs around, shakes, barks from joy, Jumps; rejoices that he saved her. The next day I dream of sleep. I see the same puppy. He comes up to me and a human voice says:
"Matronushka! I pray for you for you!"

Global Love for Animals It is very rare, most often love for animals is expressed as a human preference for a particular animal.

Most of us are able to experience a sympathy or real attachment, or aesthetic admiration. In addition, many are still characteristic of general compassionate sympathy for animals: partly this sympathy of the animal world is obliged to the fact that in many countries there are even legislation on their protection and is functioning a network of voluntary societies, this security is specially dedicated. In conjunction with such a powerful ally, as a utilitarian concern that the species in fishing attributes are not completely exterminated, this emotional relationship made it possible for the establishment of reserves. And in order of exception, some reserves do not at all have a utilitarian meaning - for example, existing nutritional points for pigeons in many places.

Brahmanism has long been forbidden to bind various varieties of meat, the actual human nutrition has reduced the dairy and vegetable food, the treatment of leather and fur has declared sinful and unclean affair, and a cow and some other species proclaimed sacred animals. And perfectly done.

The psychological foundation of the cult of the cow well explained Gandhi. He pointed out that the cow in this case is the personification of the entire living faithful of the person; The humble worship of her, serving her in the form of a disinterested care, caress and decorations expresses the religious idea and the ethical sense of our debt before this world of living beings, the idea of \u200b\u200bpatronage and help to all the weak, Lianess, everything that has not had time to develop to higher forms; Moreover: it is also an expression of an irrational feeling of deep universal guilt before the animal kingdom, because a person has stood out of this kingdom of the price of lagging and degradation of weaker. Stood out - and, having stirred, aggravated his guilt with merciless exploitation of the weakest; Over the course of centuries, this universal wine grew up like a snowball, and finally reached unbarrous, uncooked sizes.

Glory to the people who managed to rise to such an understanding, not in the mind of units, but in conscience of many!

Animal lovers are a special breed of people with a noble soul, empathetic, perhaps a little prone to sentimentality, but with a clean and responsive heart.

The Russian psychologist Boris Leonidov as a result of many years of observations for people came to strange at first glance conclusions about the relationship of preference by a person of a particular animal and his own character.
According to B. Leonidov's classification, the one who loves dogs for their loyalty is usually reliable and devoted.
The dog is ready to perform a certain role in the family. For example, watchman or nanny.
Different reasons lead to the fact that people are breeding a dog. Those who decided on this step can be open, emotional or restrained people, but they all unite the increased need for warm filled with emotions. The owners of dogs are especially appreciated in their pets their ability to loyalty, not dependent on any external circumstances.
What are the dogs teach us? Focus in the situation before tie relationships. The dog is an attentive observer, surprisingly thinly feeling a variety of emotions and intentions of people. Once in a new team, the dog needs some time to understand how the roles are distributed here who is a leader who has a root who will play and walk with her. And only oriented in the system of relations between people, the dog establishes its special relationship with each of the team members separately. Her tact and ability to adjust contact with people depending on their individual characteristics and preferences really should learn.

If only people could love like dogs, the world would be a paradise "- James Douglas

Cats preferred with the symbol of independence of cats prefer those who also seeks to maximize independence, and even emphasize that they do not need anyone.
The cat is unobtrusted in communication, she carefully dispensates the signs of her love and decides herself to do what to do.
The rash stereotype, attributing the cat to the lover, is a single dreamer, not so far from the truth. To live with her in Lada, the owner must respect its territory and rhythm of life, and this suggests in it a tendency more to reflement than to action.
What can cats teach us? To live and give live another. The cat knows what he wants, and unmistakably chooses what she really comes best. That is why many tend to consider it cold and selfish. But it is incorrect: the cat is a very sensitive being, and its attachment to the owner, even if not so obvious, like a dog, makes it a faithful friend, ready to support and calm down - mainly through delicate touch. Thus, the cat gives us a beautiful lesson of how you can respect the balance between your own interests and the needs of others.
The Egyptians considered the cat with the embodiment of the God of the Sun on Earth, built monuments to her and buried on a separate cemetery with all the honors and proper expensive attributes. She was attributed to the extraordinary magical properties, believed that the cat guarded the living people from the shower of the dead.
And in our time, it is believed that cats bring happiness into the house, especially three-color. It is only worth stroking such a kitty - and all your dreams will come true. In the Middle Ages, the cats fell into disfavor. Probably because they were really mysterious creatures. Especially inquisitors embarrassed phosphorecating in the dark cat eyes. They were called devilish. Cm.

Man and cat ...
Scottish whiskey
Lonely man and his lonely cat
In the morning, I'm inserted, reached, as in principle it was always ...
And then these two were sitting, laughing, at the window ...
Could not divide the croissant for two, then trouble ...
And sat, sharing the window sill, who on the right, who left ...
Substituting the sun to the sun, two different faces ...
On one, washnathes, I read "I'm all the queen" ...
On the second, slightly unshaven, shinned zadorny's eyes ...
And doping cappuccino, and a cat is a cream plate,
Looking at each other, the eyes said: It's time!
He went to work, pouring her in a cup of olives ...
Here is such a strange cat with a man lived ...
And waiting for him, look green sliding along the track,
Because one day he suddenly approached the frozen ...
And he said: "Sorry, I have long been dreaming about a cat for a long time ..."
Maybe you will be mine? Suddenly I did not accidentally find it? ..
And she agreed. Well, how was the cat answer? ..
"He is so lonely, like me ... and nothing eyes ...
Yes, and smells nice, cookies, how only children smell ...
This one will not be offended ... "- thinking. And it became ...
Since then, lonely, strangely strange ...
Sometimes he reads poems for the cat until the morning ...
And when falling asleep, then a cat with a green-mysterious look
Guards him ...
opening two white wings ...

© Copyright: Scotch Whiskey, 2009

The one who admires the flight of the eagle is characterized by the speed of the reaction and the ability to instantly navigate any atmosphere. He is not afraid to make decisions and likes to keep in the ultrasound surrounding. In a word, a born leader.

Many love penguins who are awkward on land, but they move perfectly in water. Such a duality is also peculiar to people who distinguish penguins from all other animals: they are sociable, but at the same time are often secretive.

Lyubo lovers are powerful people, which manifests itself both at work and in partnerships. Like the king of animals, they strive for recognition and reverence.

Fish closed and calm in their hermetic aquarium, they demonstrate to us peace of mind, which should learn.
The one who starts the fish is rather contemplative and restrained. Fish that do not require emotion or active participation in their own owner will become ideal companions for such a person. In addition, the fish are often hardened by people who are accustomed to control everything.
What do the aquarium fish teach us? Relax. It has long been noticed that aquarium fish is an excellent meditation facility. In the rigid conditions of a big city, many of us simply have lost the ability to rest with soul and body, while the aquarium helps us restore this invaluable skill. In addition, it allows us to organically combine admiration for the unpredictability and beauty of wildlife with a natural desire for peace, comfort and safety: aquarium is a real ocean in miniature, but in this ocean never happens neither tsunami or storms.

The main feature of rats is curiosity. In search of food and new impressions, this little creature is ready to explore the most remote corners of the human dwelling. Rats are easily leaving for training, distinguish people by smell and unmistakably recognize the owner among them.
Rats are hardened original nature: as a rule, they like that these rodents do not require special care, and in virtue of an inquisitive nature are perfectly adapted to any situation. These qualities make a rat excellent companion: you can constantly carry it with you, take on trips and demonstrate others. In addition, rats are often choosing people who lack tactile sensations in everyday life: their miniature pets do not just like to crawl around the hands, shoulders and the head of the owner, but also get great pleasure from it.
What do rats teach us? The appearance of a close creature Contrary to the resistance of others: the ancient stereotypes that attributing the rat mass of negative qualities is still strong enough, and a person who risks you to start this animal, will have to argue his feelings for him, despite the condemnation and misunderstanding of others. In addition, despite the well-known unpretentiousness, the rat still needs to be compliance with some norms (so, in her cell, it should always be purely), which teaches a person responsibly and respecting the observance of other people's interests - however, in a fairly soft and unscrewing form.

Watching the animals, we learn to understand without words, develop our intuition and observation - I think, first of all, it is precisely a positive effect of communicating with them.

Since ancient times, people have doubled to animals: on the one hand, many of them are a permanent hunting object, on the other hand, the human society is interested in filling their population, and, therefore, it is necessary to establish relations with them, and will be redeemed with their guilt - tells Anthropologist Artem Kozmmin. - That is why today, as in ancient times, good hunters are "talking" with those who should become their prey; In many tribes living hunting, the bones of the murdered and eaten beasts are buried with honors ... Perhaps our pet love, partly, continues the tradition. Surrounding the cattle and attention of cats, dogs, horses, we unconsciously reach the mass killing of cows, pigs and sheep. "
In other words, attachment to the pet allows a person to remove the guilty for the extermination of animals, whose meat we eat daily, in the fur and the skin of which we dress.
In communication with pets attract their non-critical attitude towards us, unconditional emotional adoption and attentiveness to our actions and emotional states. Many skills that we acquire, living next to them help to communicate with others and deeper to understand themselves.

Animals teach us to take and give their love, do not be afraid to express their feelings. In other words, our relations with pets do not replace, do not imitate human relations - they serve only useful and enriching the addition to them.


Totem is defined as a living being with consciousness and capable of moving.
Totem can be described as a source of powering force in the appearance of an animal, driven by reason.
The totem is an energy scheme that gives shaman those properties and attributes with which it has. These properties, attributes belong not to a separate animal, but the ideal "group soul" of a particular type of animals, whose "echo" is contained in the human energy system, since it is an aspect of its own animal nature.
This is a vital force in the image of archetype, which can find an expression in terms of human consciousness. Therefore, although the totem has all the qualities of their terrestrial analogue, it gives physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy, which can be assimilated by a person. Connecting with this source of force, a person can use it with special properties. Cm.

"I'm sorry for women who still buy a real fur. They do not know what to be a woman is to have a heart and soul. " Jane Meduse, actress.

"Do not deprive the child of the joy of communicating with animals. After all, no one can teach a small man with compassion and responsibility so masterfully, as the four-legged friends do. No stories and morals will make the heart of your child become responsive to someone else's grief. If only people could love like dogs, the world would be a paradise "James Douglas

I am ready to dive into his skin
And bull all his troubles
You will shout me "fool!"
When I punle the sky ...

Do not throw animals, and do not treat them as to things! They are alive and feel much more than some people !!!

I just want ... so that the animals did not throw away like old toys ...

"For animals, a person is God.
As we ask for help from God, so they ask for help from a person. "
Paisius Svyatogorets

Through the radiation of love, kindness, gratitude and joy, all nature will eventually return to the pristine state of Eden, where "the wolf will live with a lamb, and Bars will lie together with the goat; And the calf, and the young lion, and the will will be together, and the small child will drive them ... "(Isaiah 11: 6)

12. Daniel Andreev. Rose of the world. M. 2001.


One of the writers whose works entered the circle of children's reading was Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak(1852-1912) Its writings for children of various genres (stories, fairy tales, essays on various topics) are addressed to readers of different ages.

"Sibiryak" is a writer's literary pseudonym, whose childhood and youth passed in the Perm province. The writer well remembered the time spent in the Urals and his works

reveal the amazing world of nature, show life of people living in the Ural Wildness. These are the stories "Emelya-Hunter" (1884), "Zimovier on the student" (1892), "Acceptance" (1893), "In the wilderness" (1896), "Rich and Eromka" (1904), "Pimka-Zhigalok" ( 1911), Essays "On the Chusovaya River" (1900), "In the steppe" (1900), the story "White Gold" (1897).

Prose D.N. Mamin-Siberian for children is distinguished by thematic and genre manifold. In addition to the social and domestic agents and stories, realistic works about animals in the children's reading circle also includes publicist chronicles and art essays of the writer ("Sovlen City Velikiy Novgorod", "Conquest Siberia", "on the Chusovaya River"); Landscape etudes ("Green Mountains"); Satirical, household and informative fairy tales; Stories reflecting the psychology of young children ("Funtik", "Poor Powder", "Puppet Store").

In the Ural Stories, the Mine-Siberian clearly sounds two main topics: "human relationships with nature and public evil."

In the story "Spit" The tragic fate of the boy is revealed to the reader, working in the granite workshop. From the very beginning of the story, the opposition of light and darkness is introduced: the sun bursting into the gloomy room cannot illuminate a dark angle, in which a prosper works for its sharpening wheel, performing the most black work. In his life there is not only sunlight, but also human heat. And the worst lies in the fact that he forgot about how warmth could it be, and therefore he is so unusual for the ineptful concern of the Barynie, who visited the workshop with his children. For one of them, Volodya, severe Pokhn labor - like the game, which he then suits in his children. And the lady can not understand that the satisfying food, which she tries to feed the past, cannot replace his maternal warmth. The pros is dying, fades behind his sharpening wheel, which he twists until the latter, since he consists in a gift from someone else's bread. There is no open conflict in the story, does not occur in the life of the characters anything out of the outgoing. Everything is everyday and usually. But the most tragic thing is this: life itself determines the conflict, which is that the abnormal becomes the norm of existence.

Stories telling about man and nature, open the possibility of other world order: in them, nature involves a person in such relations that are natural for living beings, and a person discovers good and compassion.

Make a friend about each other dog and watchman, abandoned in the forest Cordon and deceived by merchants (story "Winter on the student "), Industries hunting, surprised by the wisdom of nature, an old man of Emel ( "Emelya Hunter" ). Nature in such stories does not serve as a background - it comes with a hero in a kind of dialogue, sometimes severely experiencing it. So, in the story "Emelya-hunter", the old man is trying to leave the grandson of Grisheutka and goes on the hunt for a deer, which a boy dreams about. But, having seen how the deer substituted himself under the bullet, selflessly defending his cub, an old man, struck by the behavior of the beast, could not make a deadly shot for him. The story ends happily. The grandfather tells the grandchild that I saw the deer - yellow, with a black face and black hoofs and how he ran into the forest. This turns out to be enough for the boy to experience joy.

Plot "Acceptance" develops consistently and leisurely. This is a narrative of a small segment of the life of an old hunter Taras. He cares about the young swan, whom he saved and tamed when "the hunters from the Lord" for fun shot his parents. In addition to the swan, Taras lives a dog so much. The content of the work is a description of the touching relations of a person, animal and birds. Exactly a child, Looks by the Swan Taras, calls it acceptable. The dialogue between him and the author-narrator, which became the participant of all the events described, helps to understand: the old man is confident that the swan will live with him always, as it is good here - satisfying the water. However, immediately notes that "one thing is indicated one, and the bird is another ...".

He tells the old man about the friendship of the Swan and the dogs, whom Mamin-Sibiryak gives human features: "The dog misses when the swan floats away," and the swan turns out to be a proud bird: "I can not give it to her, and do not suit it." In the fall, the enemy flies, arguing the power of the laws of nature, and the old man is experiencing parting with the swan, separation from which it means for Taras the arrival of real old age, and we see that the love of a person to nature can be a source and joy, and sadness.

In 1903, A. I. Kubrin, reviewing the tale of Kipiling "Bold Maritmen," rightly noticed about Mamina Siberian:

I am not mistaken, saying that from modern artists only one Mamin-Sibiryak can and can write those charming stories for children, the mystery of which is that they are irresistible to capture adults. The last condition can be considered the most unmistakable sign that the work is written talented and that it will find the way to the children's heart ...

In the literary heritage of Belletrist, a special page is tales for children. The master of the scientific fairy tale in the preface to one of the collections advises children to observe the "mysterious life of nature that boils continuously around." The fairy tales of the nature of the Mine-Siberian continue the tradition of a scientific and educational fairy tale, laid out in Russia of the XIX century V.F. Odoevsky and continued by children's writers-naturalists of the 20th century V.V. Bianki, E.I. Scharushin and others. In a fascinating fabulous form, the writer introduces a child with the features of trees, forest herbs, flowers, with the nightlife of nature inhabitants, with the natural selection and interspecific struggle.

The charm of the artistic world, created in the literary fairy tales of the Mine-Siberian, is in wise, good looking at nature and "smaller brothers." So, "Forest fairy tale" - This is an exciting history of the death of old ate and her young offspring. From wounds of cut-off trees, tears will be considered, which people do not notice, taking them for an ordinary resin. Weeds in vegetable garden ("Green War ") Arrive for the best place under the sun, showing every individual face. The prickly repeat loves to apieve. Burning nettle to everyone constantly annoys and grumbling. Stripping from the folk animal epic, the prose creates his original fabulous poetics. It gives demonological characters with completely real, recognizable features of character. Water grandfather is the keeper of forest moisture. Lessel - cheerful and crazy old man. Mermaid is a little girl who is amused by a luminous worm. She all love and gently called the "squirrel".

In fairy tale "Gray cervical" Loving duck-mother flaruse due to the upcoming separation with his beloved daughter, and the father's spleen is more restrained in his feelings: he has to take care of all the dinner family. Veroger Fox pronounces affectionate speeches, and herself with cunning and deception so badly to grasp. Gray hare Although sympathizes a lonely clarification, but it is very cowardly, and therefore worries only about his own salvation. Bear from Mine-Siberian Playing ( "Medvedko "). Sparrow Bezovat ( "Old Sparrow" ). Petersburg cat Vaska is a lover of light profit, Zabyaka and Fall ( "Vasily Ivanovich's National Day" ). In the fairy tale about animals, the writer introduces characters from children's sweeps and booms: mosquito, flies, a cyavochka. Their images discloses according to the laws of realistic psychological art, the masterfully passing the point of view of the hero on the world, which is not at all typical for folk works.

In the fairy tales of Mine-Siberian a lot of joking, comical. Sparrow It seems that he is the only and sincere friend of man and, ofly, a beautiful singer ("The fairy tale about Sparrow Sparrow, Yershu Yershovich and the Masha Masha"). Room Fly is sure that a good mammy three times a day covers on the table in order to feed it to full ("a fairy tale about how she lived was the last fly"). The very born Kozhevoy sincerely believes that the world is beautiful and belongs to her one ("a tale about the goat"). And Murka's cat is convinced that the bird in the cage is kept exclusively for him ("Parable about milk, oatmeal and a gray china Murke"). Animal adventures are funny, but instructive.

The best fabulous collection of Mine-Siberian - "Alenushkina Fairy Tales" (1896). Here the writer showed himself not only an expert on children's psychology, but also a smart educator. The contemporaries have no longer determined the creative manner of the author of the cycle as "Mamin Slog". The feat of the paternity, imprinted in "Alenushkaya fairy tales," was intimen and was not intended for publication. Some of the writer's friends came to make a happy thought of a single book to publish works that composed for the sick daughter of the writer, Elena Dmitrievna Mamina. After all, in them, the enlightenment of the writer, in the children's fairy tale of the victim

spring sunshine, which makes the dormant forces of the soul and causes the growth of seed thrown on this noble soil.

The power of love is a smart, kind, talented Mine-Father opens the boundaries of his own fairy tales into reality, forming the reader to confidence in people and peace. This is the main artistic and pedagogical achievement of the writer. It is no coincidence that in a letter to the mother in December 1896, Mamin-Sibiryak noted: "This is my favorite book - her love itself wrote her, and therefore it will survive all the others."

Questions and tasks

1. As in the stories of D. N. Mine-Siberian, the relationship between humans and nature is revealed?

2. Tell about the fate of the boy's boy from the story "Spit". What artistic means does the author use to emphasize the trackism of the child's position?

3. How does the mysterious life of nature reveals in the fairy tales of the siberian?

Tales V. M. Garshina

The famous Fairy Tale "Frog-Traveler", in the children's reading has become a shittomatine, is the last work Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1855-1888), early and tragically spent from life. At the same time, the writer has a little more than ten years to the literary work: from 1877 to 1887. The more value his contribution to Russian children's literature.

In the literature for young children Garin entered as the author of several fairy tales. The writer's interest in the fabulous allegorical forms of the narrative arose under the influence of the democratic direction in the literature of time. Great influence on Garshina was provided by Satyric fairy tales M.Ye. Saltykova-Shchedrin, having an axiological nature: they talk about peace and man from the standpoint of eternal values \u200b\u200band moral truths, all adopted without evidence. Allegorical meaning, in general, characteristic of Russian prose the last third of the XIX century, have such well-known works of the writer, like "Attalea Princeps" (1880), "Red Flower" (1883), "Fairy Tale and Rose" (1884), "Frog" - Constant "(1887).

The image of the palm tree under the Garshin-Fairyman's pen becomes a symbol of the irrepressible desire for freedom ( Attalea Princeps). The fabulous collision (the collision of the opposite forces, interests, aspirations) of this work characterizes his mindset as a romantic substantially: a dream of freedom, like any dream, most often seems to him unattainable. And even more so the dream of southern beauty-palm on the motherland. But the realistic foundations of the writer's creativity are just as strong. To create a fairy tale, according to his own statement Garshin, he was pushed by a genuine case in the Botanical Garden: one palm tree struck the glass roof of the greenhouse and frozen.

Having experienced a steady interest in children's literature, together with the brother Evgeny Mikhailovich Grhins (1860-1931), the writer performed as a bibliographer of works for children, as the editor of the reviews of modern children's literature. He often printed his works in children's magazines. It was in the children's journal "Rodnik" for the first time a tale of Garshin appeared "Frog-traveler", who has become the most famous work of the writer.

The spatial-temporal organization of this work is taken from the fairy tale. It begins like this:

He lived, was on the light of a frog-cuckoo.<... > Once she was sitting on a bitch who stood out of the waters.

And the accuracy and realistic attractive details are from a realistic story: to the south to fly "three thousand versts", the ducks decided to change "every two hours"; Ducks fly to the south in the fall, "above the compressed fields, over the yellowed forests and above the villages, full of bread in the skirds." As it should be wise to the storyteller, Harshin knows what everyone's characters feel about and what they feel. But the writer is interesting to tell not so much about what exactly happened. It is important for him to explain to a growing person, how and why it happened. Actions of fabulous heroes, he motivates: these are the laws of writing, not oral literature.

The main sign of the fabulous world is his implausibility. But in the work of Garshin, all copyright comments appear as a manifestation of quite reasonable, all explaining the point of view of the character itself (frogs), and this quality of the writer's fairy tale is original. The author of the "Frog-traveler" seems to translate the story from the conditional, fabulous reality - in reality is valid and reliable. From the folk epic on animals Garshin takes into service the principle of anthropomorphism (aligning animals, manifested in the transfer of thoughts and speech of character characters) in combination with zoomorphism (the preservation of the appearance and hawking of animals, characteristic of them in a real, non-resident habitat). You can see in the fairy tale of the writer also echoes characteristic of folk fabulous ideas about a grateful animal, indicating a person path. Rethinks the author of the "Frog - Traveler" and the basis for the folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-frog" the classic motive of the wisdom of a creature, which has a magical connection with his first-term. But as a genre sample, the magic oral tale of garbage is not used. The initial situation of "frog travelers" is characterized by well-being. There is no violation of the prohibition, no activity of the pest, there is no shortage characteristic of folklore - all those jolts in the development of action that the hero from "misfortune" can lead to "happiness". And the whole century the frog "would have lived safely - of course, in the event that I did not eat her stork."

But in a fairy tale, and even more so in life, there is always a place of chance. However, it is not, and exclusively by its own qualities of a literary-fabulous garbage character, the achievement is determined or not achieving the hero of the ultimate goal. The difficult task of the hero decides on its own. And the most unusual itself appears at the writer as explained, and in the framework of the proposed explanation is natural. The fabulous law "Everything is well ends" is carried out according to the realistic scheme. In it, sending the hero (journey frogs) is lining with another sense: the journey is not worse and not more dangerous to their opposite - stay at home. And the Garshinsky frog is close and understandable to the reader, although far from perfect. The properties of its character do not undergo a wonderful change during the events. Two qualities - mind and vanity - are connected by a writer in one character, and the plot conflict by the author of "Frog-traveler" from the external, physical space is translated into the internal, psychological world of the literary hero, almost a person, which is not in an oral fairy tale, nor in Basna .

The heroine "Frog-traveler" Garshin fails to avoid sin of self-examination and boasting. The trouble is that she cannot cope with its own emotions, with his "pride of authorship." I want a very frog so that everyone knew that it was her to travel in such an unusual way:

I came up with! I found! - she said. - Let two of you take a twist in our beaks, and I traveled for him in the middle. You will fly, and I go. You only need you to crack, and I did not quack ...

But she jacket, screamed from the whole urine: "This is me! I!". And as a result, "flew up upside down to the ground" and only miraculously remained alive, "bursting" into the dirty pond on the edge of the village. But the Garshino frog in Russian swell: hitting it seeks, can turn out. The heroine explains his unexpected appearance in a new place:

I drove to you see how you live<... > I will spend time before spring until my ducks come back, which I let go.

But ducks never returned. They thought the cuckoo crashed to the ground, and very spare her.

After all, with all its shortcomings, it is a creature inquisite. And curiosity, as it says the rumor, is not a vice.

But the toad is "Tale tales and rose" Garshin is really disgusting, and not only externally. It is unlocked internally: envious, angry, avenge. Full opposite to her rose, a symbol of harmony. According to the author, the conflict of good and evil, beauty and deformity, life and death is eternal. But as always in the world in the world other values: compassion and self-sacrifice, love and friendship, participation and striving for effective assistance. This is the law of life, uniting all living things: people, animals, plants.

The motives and images of the allegorical philosophical paraders V. M. Garshin sometimes unusual. But after all, everything is happening in the fairy tale. There and frogs travel! And the fact that the fictional reality is subjected to Garshin's fairy tales of realistic understanding, it is also important: in its development, a growing person is obliged to make a timely step from the game to reality. Helping a child to grow up, Garshin is experiencing sensitivity and foresight. Maybe, first of all, it was this that I.S.Turgenhev, assessing the writer's talent as a "undoubted" and "original".

Questions and tasks

1. What features of Russian folk fairy tales can be found in fairy tales V. M. Garshin? What distinguishes the fairy tale writer from folklore?

2. How is the topic of beauty reveals in the "Fairy Tale and Rose"?

3. How is it revealed in a fairy tale V. M. Garshina ATTALEA princeps theme of freedom?