Project (senior group) on the topic: Educational project on theatrical activities for children of the senior group "Teremok". Theatrical activity project for the senior group of the kindergarten

Project (senior group) on the topic: Educational project on theatrical activities for children of the senior group "Teremok". Theatrical activity project for the senior group of the kindergarten

Project for preschool children"Theater where the fairy tale lives"

The proposed project is necessary for the disclosure of the child's creative talents, for the successful implementation of his intellectual and creative potential, for social and communication skills, for family and kindergarten cohesion.
The project is aimed at teaching children the art of theater in all types of theatrical activities, at creating their own scenarios for performances by all project participants, at showing theatrical performances to children and parents.
Theatrical activity helps the development of the child's creative talent and his all-round development, teaches the child to see the beauty in life and in people, engenders the desire to bring the beautiful and the good to life.
Using the methods of fairy tale therapy, modeling fairy tales, various methods of development verbal creativity during the implementation of the project, the participants of the theater studio will create new fairy tales and scenarios for the performances.
Involving parents in teamwork will create joyful atmosphere joint creativity with the child. The project is designed for three age groups of preschoolers 4-7 years old.
Project participants: Creative group of teachers, children and their parents.
Relevance of the project
At preschool age, children very easily and quickly acquire new knowledge, abilities and skills. But at present, the child's communicative development is alarming. Unfortunately, the TV and the computer are different computer games began to replace communication and play activities. Children stop communicating not only with adults, but also with each other.
Only live communication enriches the life of children - we must not forget about it!
Many children communicative function speech is broken. Such children have poor memory, unstable attention, the child gets tired quickly, his cognitive activity does not develop enough, the grammatical structure of speech is disturbed. In preschoolers, this manifests itself in shyness, stiffness, they cannot always correctly formulate their thoughts, correctly answer questions, cannot ask a question correctly, children find it difficult to establish contact with both adults and peers.
In modern society, in the age of informatics, the social prestige of intelligence and scientific knowledge has sharply increased. All pedagogical attitudes are aimed primarily at the development of thinking.
The actual problem in our time is that the emotional and spiritual essence of the child becomes secondary value. Children, unfortunately, are much less likely to admire, wonder and empathize, more and more often they show indifference and callousness.
And problems arise in my work:
How to teach a child everything that will be useful to him in this complex modern life?
How to educate and develop his basic abilities: to hear, see, feel, understand, fantasize and invent?
How to awaken in children an interest in the world and in themselves?
How to teach children to empathize, understand the feelings of another, fantasize, build harmonious relationship with the outside world?
The shortest path to emotional liberation of a child, release of tightness, teaching feeling and artistic imagination is the path through play, fantasy, creativity.
All this can be given to the child by the theater, it is in theatrical activity that the child connects artistic creation and personal experiences.
In my work with children, important tasks are to reveal the creative talents of children, reduce the level of anxiety, self-doubt, and get rid of shyness. These tasks can be solved through theatrical activities.
From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as about the correctional possibilities of the theater and the development of gifted children. Therefore, for me, theatrical activity is the most basic and exciting direction in preschool education.
For effective work, the creation of favorable conditions and the manifestation of signs of gifted students, it is necessary to identify them early. creative opportunities and abilities, development and self-development of a personality capable of optimal creative self-realization.
Therefore, I had the idea to open in kindergarten a theater studio for more in-depth work with children on theatrical activities, starting with the middle group of preschoolers, with its stage-by-stage development, which would become the implementation of my project: "Theater where a fairy tale lives."

Objective of the project: Disclosure of the child's creative talent, the successful implementation of his intellectual and creative potential, contributing to social and communicative development, the creation of an optimal psychological climate for preschoolers through a children's theater studio.

Tasks for project implementation:
To acquaint children with different types of children's theaters: theater of masks, finger theater, table theater, walking theater, shadow theater, puppet theater, puppet theater "Bibabo", puppet theater, theater of actors. To teach manipulation techniques for children's theaters of various types.
To acquaint with the concepts of "emotions", "pantomime", the ability to recognize the emotional states of others. To develop the emotional and creative potential of preschoolers.
Maintain the desire for friendly contacts in joint dramatization games, create favorable conditions for the development of communication skills.
To expand the general awareness of the world around preschoolers on the basis of theatrical creativity; to form a certain elementary experience of professional actions in railway transport, about the work of railway workers and other professions through theatricalization.
Develop imagination, imagination in composing your own fairy tales using the modeling method. To form the independence of thinking, that is, to find own solutions, openly express bold ideas, hypotheses.
To form the ability to accept criticism without offense, as well as the ability to find flaws in their own judgments, assessments.
Develop the ability to adapt to people, correctly perceive and evaluate themselves and their actions, interact with them and establish good relationships in various social situations.
Develop an interest in making decorations, costumes, table theaters with your own hands together with parents and children.
Involve parents in joint work, creating a joyful atmosphere of joint creativity with the child.

Stages of project implementation

Stage 1 - Working with the middle group of preschoolers and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance of children with types of theater (finger theater, theater of masks, walking theater, puppet theater, shadow theater, puppet theater). Training in manipulation techniques for children's theaters of various types, puppetry skills.
2. Acquaintance with Russian folk tales, teaching the ability to retell them, playing with fairy tales in all types of theater.
3. Acquaintance with the concept of "emotions", recognition of emotions.
4. Creation of the parents' club "Theater workshop" for the production of theatrical puppets for home theaters.
5. Creation of a photo album "The world of the theater with your own hands."

Summer period (June-August)- Diagnostics for the study of children's creativity.

Stage 2 - Working with an older group of preschoolers and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct in the theater, famous theaters Russia.
2. Simulation of fairy tales at the choice of an object or plot.
3. Drawing up fairy tales by methods of developing verbal creativity together with parents.
4. Children to children. Show of puppet and shadow theaters for children of younger groups.
5. Theater of puppets "Dancing ostriches". Show of puppet skills at kindergarten holidays.
6. Theater of life-size puppets. Show children of the play through joint creativity of the target group of the project "We are saving Kolobok".
7. Creation of a collection of fairy tales of joint creativity of children and parents "Fairy tales of preschool children in a new way."

Summer period (June-August) - Diagnostics for the study of children's creativity.

Stage 3 - Working with children of the preparatory group and their parents
(September - May)

1. Acquaintance with the theater of actors, theatrical terms.
2. Acquaintance with theatrical professions (what kind of work people of these professions do in order to stage a performance).
3. Games for the development of acting skills "Land of emotions", "Say without words", "Pantomime", etc.
4. Staging performances based on scripts of his own composition by the method of modeling fairy tales:
“How seven kids went to kindergarten”;
“How the Little Engine Saved the Forest”;
"That's how absent-minded."
5. Attraction of parents to help in making costumes and decorations for performances.

Conditions necessary for the full implementation of the project
clear planning and implementation of theatrical activities throughout the entire continuation of project activities;
the presence and development of performances and children's interest in various types of theater;
the availability of a variety of costumes and availability decoration performances and performances based on works of art;
mastering by children the rules and techniques of one or another type of theatrical activity;
interaction of children, parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions;
a serious, emotionally-positive attitude of the teacher to the play of children in the theater.

Project implementation methods
The preliminary work on the project will be to carry out diagnostics to study children's abilities for creativity, which is important to carry out in cooperation with teachers and parents. In the middle preschool age, one of the main methods for identifying the signs of creatively gifted children is the observation method. As a rule, creatively gifted children are characterized by relatively easy, quick assimilation of ethical norms of behavior available to them, and positive social and emotional qualities.
Indicators of giftedness levels in childhood do not remain constant, therefore some techniques are carried out in all age groups.
Also, for the correction of the psycho-emotional state, theatrical activity is useful for shy children with high level anxiety. The complex of psychodiagnostic techniques for children of middle preschool age includes:
Methodology "Three Steps" for studying the child's self-esteem;

Personality study method "Three desires";
Methodology for determining the level of development of creative abilities "Sun in the room".

Description of the project

The work on the project starts with the middle group. Children of middle preschool age get acquainted with the types of theaters.
Types of theater required in project work with children:

1 the theater of masks
2.Finger theater
3 walking theater
4 table theater
5 shadow theater
6. Puppet theater "Bibabo"
7 puppet theater
8 mascot theater
9 actors' theater

Finger theater- this is an excellent material for the development of imagination, thinking and speech in children. Performing finger movements inductively leads to excitation in the speech centers of the brain and a sharp increase in the coordinated activity of the speech zones, which ultimately develops the child's brain, stimulates the development of speech, concentrates attention on one type of activity.

Dolls walking theater are arranged in such a way that the child can stick the index and middle fingers into her legs (behind) and force the character to "walk". From this, the doll "comes to life" in the eyes of the child. And you can work with different pairs of fingers, with different hands and with both hands at the same time.

Table theater Are toys and decorations that can be placed on the table. They can be made of cardboard, wood or rubber. Thanks to this type of theater, the primary development of the director's theatrical play takes place in children.

V bibabo theater, glove-type dolls are used: the doll, hollow inside, is put on the hand, while the index finger is placed in the head of the doll, the thumb and middle are placed in the sleeves of the suit, the rest of the fingers are pressed to the palm. Such a theater plays out behind a screen.

Shadow theater Is a screen on which flat cardboard or plywood figures touch the back of the screen and leave shadows. The screen is placed so that it is between the light source and children (the light source can be a lamp or a window). In the shadow theater, you can act out familiar fairy tales. it unusual view puppet theater. In the shadow-silhouettes, the child recognizes familiar characters, and the fairy tale comes to life in his imagination. Performances like these enrich inner world child, teach children to imagine, develop imagination.

Puppet theater... The puppet is a difficult doll to control, but it is “magic” - it seems that it lives separately from the person who controls it.

Thanks to these types of theater, children are taught the techniques of manipulating theatrical puppets. Being engaged in theater with children, the life of our pupils will be interesting and meaningful, it will be filled with bright impressions and the joy of creativity. And most importantly, the skills gained in theatrical games can be used by children in everyday life.
Also, children, playing in the theater, learn to retell Russian folk tales.
In the process of telling and showing a fairy tale, the child develops speech, fine motor skills, speech and gesture expressiveness, learns to independently convey the image of fairy-tale characters.
With the help of sketches-etudes, children get acquainted with emotions, the ability to recognize them.
Special role assigned to work with parents. The child and the parents are one. And the joint creative activity of children and adults is always effective. For this, it becomes necessary to create a parent club "Theater Workshop" for holding master classes on making theater puppets and theaters with your own hands. The members of the club will be parents with their children. Thanks to such methods of playing the theater at home, the child's self-esteem level, confidence in his abilities, and family cohesion increase. In the form of consultations and round tables, parents receive information about the importance of theater in raising children, as well as the opportunity to visit a particular performance with a child, and then discuss what they have seen with him and make illustrations.
At the end of the academic year (in May), together with all the members of the parent club, a photo album is created, which will contain all the work done by the theater workshop.

In the summer period (June-August), diagnostics of older preschool children is carried out:

Research methodology for anxiety in a child;
Methods for studying personality "Seven-color flower";

Game test "Three words" to assess the creative imagination.

Children of the older group, with the help of slide presentations, learn the rules of behavior in the theater, get acquainted with the theaters of Russia.
Scenarios of Russian folk tales are played out by children with various types of theater. Using the methods and techniques of fairy tale therapy, modeling of fairy tales, various methods of developing verbal creativity, you can come up with a new fairy tale, a script for the performance.
Using the method of fairy tale therapy, the child develops imagination, which is psychological basis creativity, making him capable of creating something new. For example, after reading and discussing the RNS "Kolobok", children are asked a number of questions: “What would happen to Kolobok if he lived in our city? Where would it go? If he lived on high floor? What needs to be done to prevent trouble with Kolobok? How would we help him? etc. Thanks to this method, children develop positive social and communicative qualities, friendly relationships, and a desire to help. Thus, with children, you can come up with new plot fairy tales "We are saving Kolobok".
The modeling method is one of the most effective methods for teaching children to write fairy tales, which allows them to form various skills in writing fairy tales (by choosing an object, plot, etc.). Since in our kindergarten one of the important areas of activity has been determined - this is work on early career guidance on the railway topic, then the bias in choosing the plot of fairy tales is on the topic of the railway. Ready-made fairy tales and there are few stories on the railway theme, so all the performances and performances staged by children are a product of children's imagination. The modeling of fairy tales occurs through communication, dialogue, with many leading questions, correctly set by the teacher beforehand. And the "right" questions encourage the child to think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations.
Joint creativity is proposed for the composition of fairy tales for children and their parents. Taking Russian folk tales as a basis and using the techniques of verbal creativity: "perverting a fairy tale", "add a fairy tale", "beginning and end", etc., new plots for fairy tales are obtained, which will later become theatrical performances.
Children's imaginations have no boundaries, and not all scenarios of the resulting fairy tales can be played on stage, but they can be played with other types of theater: finger, shadow, puppet theater.
Children of the older group consolidate the skills of puppetry techniques. Show finished performances to children of younger groups in the form of shadow and puppet theaters. Performs at kindergarten holidays, presenting their experience of manipulating puppet puppets (in March).
By the end of the school year (in May), the children of the older group are preparing a performance using life-size puppets "We are saving Kolobok".

Life-size puppet allows the child to quickly reincarnate in a particular role. The doll's legs are put on the child's feet, mittens are put on the handles, the doll's head on a strap is suspended on the child's neck - and the child “in the suit” of the chosen character.

Also, a collection of fairy tales on the railway theme "Tales of preschool children in a new way", invented jointly by children and parents (in May), is being created.

In the summer period (June-August), diagnostics of children of the preparatory group is carried out:
Methodology "Ladder" for studying the self-esteem of a child;
Research methodology for anxiety in a child;
Methodology "Diagnostics of natural memory";
Personality study method “If I caught goldfish»;
Methods for studying a child's creativity, Williams' creativity test "Draw a figure";
Fairy tale modeling technique.

In the preparatory group, children get acquainted with theater of actors.

Theater of actors. The largest and most laborious type of theater, in which the children themselves perform. Playing in the theater of actors, the child shows a steady interest in theater arts and theatrical activities, creatively applies in performances knowledge about various emotional states and the character of the heroes, uses various means of communication, shows initiative, coordination of actions with partners, creative activity at all stages of work on the performance.
With the help of slide presentations, children get acquainted with theatrical professions, theatrical terms. In order to develop emotional and creative potential and form non-verbal means of communication, children get acquainted with various emotions, pantomime.
Based on the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", combining the two holidays Mother's Day and the Birthday of the kindergarten, using the "beginning and end" technique, the children will show the play "How Seven Little Goats Went to Kindergarten" (November). On the basis of the fairy tale "The Little Engine from Romashkovo", taking as a basis the theme of ecology, the children will show the fairy tale "How the Little Engine Saved the Forest" (February). Using the method "add a fairy tale", the children will show the musical "That's how absent-minded" (May).
All fairy tales invented by children require a lot of preparation not only in memorizing roles, but also in making costumes, decorations, attributes, etc. Therefore, the parents of the pupils must be involved in theatrical performances, and as not only spectators, but also co-authors of the text, manufacturers of scenery and costumes. This will help them get to know their child better, especially his character and temperament.

(The scripts for the performances are attached in the heading in other entries)

In accordance with the target guidelines, which are indicated by the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education, a child at the stage of completing preschool education should have a developed imagination, show initiative and independence in various activities, actively interact with adults and peers. All these personal characteristics will develop especially brightly during the implementation of my project.
Presentation of fairy tales and funny scenes, invented personally by children with their favorite characters, are most loved for performances and contribute to the development of thinking, speech, attention, memory and creativity, allow them to show imagination.
Huge and educational value theatrical games. Children develop a respectful attitude towards each other. In addition, "playing" the fairytale hero, the child gets an idea of ​​good and evil, learns to understand human characters, empathize and help the weak, thereby giving self-confidence, and helping to get rid of their own fears. And speaking in front of an audience forms children's experience of social skills of behavior, contributes to the development of all components of speech in preschoolers. A theater in a kindergarten will teach a child to see the beauty in life and in people, and will engender the desire to bring the beautiful and the good into life himself.
Thus, work on the project reduces the level of anxiety, relieves of shyness, self-doubt, helps the development of the child's creative gifts, his all-round development. It is obvious that theatrical activity teaches children to be creative personalities, capable of perceiving novelty, the ability to improvise. Our society needs a person of such quality who would boldly, could enter the modern situation, knew how to master the problem creatively, without preliminary preparation, had the courage to try and make mistakes until the right solution is found.

Podelyakina Irina
Theatrical Activity Project


Theatrical games with older preschool children.

Performed: Podelyakina

Irina Nikolayevna

Stavropol, 2014

Relevance the project

In modern society, the social prestige of intelligence and scientific knowledge has sharply increased. Associated with this is the desire to give children knowledge, teach them to read, write and count, and not the ability to feel, think and create. The pedagogical attitude, first of all, on the development of thinking turns the emotional and spiritual essence of the child into a secondary value. According to the new requirements of the state education standard in Russian Federation the mastery by preschool children of means of communication and methods of interaction with adults and peers is defined as the most important integrative quality. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create. To become educated, easily adaptable in society, sociable, a preschooler needs to master communication skills.

Well, the most important thing is a holiday, an emotional outburst, delight from participating in the performance.

The novelty of this the project consists in the development of stage creativity by means theatricalization through project activities with children and their parents.

Participants the project: teachers - children - parents - music director.

Type of the project:

1. By dominant method: complex, practice-oriented, creative;

2. By the nature of the content: social and pedagogical;

3. By the number of participants the project: a group of children 6-7 years old (25 children, teachers, parents;

4. By time: long-term - 3 months (September - November);

5. By the nature of contacts: within the framework of preschool educational institution.

Form of work with children:

Educational activity

Games for the expression of various emotions

Playing sketches, fairy tales

Show of the play "Three Bears".

The purpose of this the project creative and all-round development of the child's personality by means. Tasks the project:

1. Create conditions for joint (staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, kindergarten staff, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones);

2. To promote the diversified development of preschoolers, the disclosure of their creative and spiritual potential for subsequent successful adaptation in the social environment;

3. Formation in children of a sustainable interest in works of art, theatrical activities;

4. Development of communication skills - the ability to communicate with other people, based on the rules of verbal communication;

5. To instill in children primary skills in the field theatrical art;

Methods and techniques.

Creative activity(play creativity, song, dance)

Games - dramatizations

Diction exercises

Transformation games

Working with parents.

The guiding idea is the active involvement of parents in creative process development theatrical activities of children.

Types of interaction with parents.

- oral questioning: "Do you play with your child theatre" (at the beginning and end the project)

Individual conversations

Visual information

Folder " Theater for everyone"with a description of the story theater, its types

Stages of implementation the project:

Stage 1 (organizational):

definition of goals and objectives the project;

selection of literature, manuals, attributes;

drawing up thematic planning activities.

Stage 2 (practical):

creation of a developing environment;

cycle organization dramatized classes, leisure activities;

holidays and entertainment for children and parents.

Stage 3 (analytical):


analysis project activities;

presentation of results project in the form of a presentation.

Implementation principles the project.

1. The principle of integration of the main educational areas in various types of children's activities;

2. The principle of consistency and consistency;

3. Taking into account age characteristics;

4. Interaction with family;

5. Maximum focus on the creativity of children, on the development of psychophysical sensations, emancipation of the individual;

6. Support for children's initiative;

7. Developmental education in theatrical games.

Predicted result:

Implementation the project will contribute to the integrated development of artistic abilities, musical creativity, the development of the emotional and sensory sphere and figurative thinking in children, the liberation of children and the development of their communication skills;

Formation of creative abilities of children in theatrical activities we suggest starting with special games-exercises with children for the development of imagination, facial expressions, pantomime, intonation and articulation.


Circle work Coll. activity itself. activity Individual

"Let's get acquainted"

Tasks: develop an emotional response to the actions of the characters in the puppet show, evoke sympathy and a desire to help

Game-situation "Protect the weak"/ filing cabinet


"How a cat, a puppy and a duckling became friends"... / filing cabinet Tasks:

theater Tasks:

Maintain an interested attitude to dramatization games, the desire to participate in this type of activity.

Work on the intonation expressiveness of speech.

Demonstration of ways of acting with various dolls

Oral survey “Do you and your child play theatre» / Appendix No. 1

Visual information "Organization theater activities in middle group »

Show of a puppet scene

"Who lives in the house?"

“I will change myself, friends. Guess who I am? "

"Sign language"

Circle work Coll. activity itself. activity Individual... work Working with parents Final event

"Understand me" Tasks: to form the emotional expressiveness of the speech of children; to bring up the ability to follow the development of an action in a fairy tale.

Game improvisation "Cheerful dialogue"/ filing cabinet

Play exercises "Our cute animals"/ filing cabinet

Dialogues-improvisation / card index Tasks:

encourage children to play with tabletop dolls theater, act out familiar fairy tales, poems.

Play exercises "The show begins"/ filing cabinet

Tasks: to shape the puppeteering skills of a rubber, plastic, soft tabletop toy theater.

Game improvisation: "Dolls take the stage"/ filing cabinet

Visual information

"Conditions for development theatrical games and involving children in theatrical activities».

Screening of a tabletop puppet show "Kolobok"

Reading a play "Turnip".

"The turnip has grown big - very large".

Rehearsal of the piece "Turnip".

We play a play "Turnip".

Circle work Coll. activity itself. activity Individual... work Working with parents Final event

"Animals in the yard"

Tasks: teach to evaluate the actions of the actors.

Screen device display

Exercise with music "My doll is dancing"

Etudes "Walk and Run", "Let's walk together"/ filing cabinet

Playing scenes in pairs


encourage children to play with tabletop dolls theater, act out familiar fairy tales, poems

Tasks: Teach children the tabletop puppetry techniques theater cone toys.

The exercise "Jump, my doll"

Demonstration of methods of action with dolls using a screen

Individual conversations

"Meaning dramatized education for preschool children ”.

Staging "Cheerful Bunny"

"Gloves" №1

"Gloves" №2

"Tales from the chest"

Implementation results the project.

Conditions have been created for joint theatrical activities of children and adults(staging joint performances with the participation of children, parents, kindergarten staff, organizing performances by children of older groups in front of younger ones);

during activities revealed their creative and spiritual potential for subsequent successful adaptation in the social environment;

children have developed an interest in works of art, theatrical activities;

children know how to communicate with other people, relying on the rules of verbal communication;

children in practice apply the rules of conduct in theater.

Great and versatile influence theatrical activities on the personality of the child allowed me to use it as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, which allows you to solve many urgent problems of the pedagogical and psychological plan, because the child, during theatrical performance, feels more relaxed, free, naturally, which allows you to more effectively assimilate cognitive information about the world around you, the laws of society, about the beauty of human relations and learn to live in this world, build your relationships.


1. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers... M .: Education, 1991.

2.. Doronova T.N. theatre: theatrical activity of children 4-6 years old: a methodological guide for preschool educators educational institutions.

M. Education, 2005

3.. Kutsakova L. V., Merzlyakova S. I. Raising a child preschooler: Programming manual.

M .: Humanit. ed. center Vlados, 2004

4. Makhaneva M. D. Theatrical activities in the nursery garden: A guide for workers in pre-school institutions.

“It's not for nothing that children love a fairy tale

After all, a fairy tale is so good

That there is a happy ending

The soul already has a presentiment ... "

Fairy world of theater

Why do we choose a fairy tale as the thread of communication with children? And how could it be otherwise, because in this strong thread, tested for strength over the years, it is destined to curl. Tied to human feelings, emotions and life situations, the fairy tale is close and understandable to children by its accessibility. Children want and love to play. Let's play a fairy tale, kid! It will bring you joy! In the life of a child, from his very birth, there is a fairy tale with its kind heroes, transformations and magic items... The child lives in a land of various fantasies. A child can find the embodiment of thinking that is not standard for an adult in a children's theater, where every minute he sees confirmation of his vision of the world around him. The tale is close and understandable to children, and he finds a reflection of his attitude in the theater. Children believe in miracles, and that somewhere on earth there is an extraordinary country in which birds and animals can talk to each other and live in friendship, where good always triumphs over evil. This magical land exists and it is called - Theater! The world of theater is a land of real fantasies and a kind fairy tale, a play of fiction and reality, colors and light, words, music and sounds. Theater is a fertile ground for creativity. Everyone who wants to take part in this action will find something to their liking. An adult can also take on any role and ... become a Wizard! One has only to wave the "magic" wand and everything around will be transformed: the fairy forest will come to life, birds and animals will speak human language, everything will be illuminated with mysterious light and filled with sounds, unprecedented adventures and amazing transformations will begin.

Children's theater is firmly included in the life of a child. Pictures appear before his eyes native nature, people with characters, everyday life. The images of the heroes of Russian fairy tales become an integral part of the child's life, revealing to him in accessible form concepts of good and evil, bringing up good feelings.

The child is imbued with good feelings, experiences together with the heroes of fairy tales, and at the same time comprehends the simple and complex, instructive and amazing truth of life.

Theater is an assistant in raising children. The theater encourages the activity of the child, has a huge emotional impact, promotes the development of the imagination. Each time, entering the world of theater, a child makes a small discovery for himself.

Theatrical activities help develop the interests and abilities of children, promote overall development, the manifestation of curiosity, the desire to learn new things, the assimilation of information and new ways of action, the development of associative thinking, perseverance and dedication, the manifestation of general intelligence, emotions when playing roles. Theatrical activities require decisiveness from the child, systematic work, hard work, thereby contributing to the formation of strong-willed character traits. Performances on stage contribute to the realization of the child's creative powers and spiritual needs, liberation and self-esteem. Theatrical activities teach the child to accurately formulate his thoughts, accurately feel and learn the world around him ...

Love to theatrical creativity, the desire to pass this love on to children, the desire to make the child's life happier, and the inner world richer, through theatrical skill, became the reference point for the creation of this project.

Objective of the project: Introduce children to theater culture.

Project objectives:

  1. To create conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities.
  2. Teach children various means of improvisation.
  3. Form children's ideas about various types of theater and theatrical genres.
  4. Create conditions for joint activities of children and adults.
  5. Provide conditions for the interconnection of theatrical and other types of activities.

Project participants:

  1. Pupils of the group.
  2. Educators of the group.
  3. Parents of the children of the group.
  4. Musical director.

How much the project is designed for: for the period of the child's stay in the preschool educational institution (4 years).

Expected results:

  1. Child development in all areas of educational areas.
  2. Significant expansion of children's ideas about theatrical culture.
  3. Creation of a subject environment conducive to the development of theatrical culture in children.

Forms of work:

  • organization of training, developmental and creative activities;
  • organization of joint events with parents;
  • organization of theatrical evenings (showing fairy tales and performances);
  • organization of visits to cultural events (senior group).

Forms of work with parents:

  1. Joint production of toys and manuals for the organization of a subject-developing environment.
  2. Involvement of parents in joint activities.
  3. Open screenings of classes and theatrical performances.
  4. Consulting parents on leading and current issues.
  5. Organization of visits to cultural sites and cultural events.

The main stages of the project:

Stage 1

Preliminary work

Study of methodological literature.

Acquisition didactic material for the organization of a subject-development environment.

Stage 2

Main job

Drawing up a program of activities for the implementation of project objectives.

Final work

Monitoring the execution of project tasks.

On final stage During the implementation of the project, the final testing of the pupils and the analysis of the subject-developing environment are carried out.

Stage 1

Preliminary work:

Study of methodological literature;

Organization of a subject-developing environment.


  1. Federal state educational standard preschool education.
  2. SanPiN.
  3. N.F Sorokina, L.G. Milanovic "Development of creative abilities in children from one year to three years by means of puppet theater "; "Iris - press", Moscow 2007.
  4. A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in a kindergarten with children 4-5 years old", Moscow, "Mosaic-Sintez", 2008.
  5. A.V. Shchetkin "Theatrical activity in a kindergarten with children 5-6 years old", Moscow, "Mosaic-Sintez", 2008.
  6. N.B. Ulashchenko "Organization of theatrical activities in younger group", Publishing house" Coryphaeus ", Volgograd.
  7. I.P. Koshmanskaya "Theater in kindergarten", Rostov-on-Don, publishing house "Phoenix".
  8. , Moscow, publishing house "Arkti", 2007.
  9. N.V. Smirnova, V.K. Shalaeva "The development environment of a preschooler: essence and structure", Ivanovo, 2009.
  10. S.N. Zakharova "Holidays in Kindergarten", "Vlados", 2001.
  11. N.V. Zaretskaya, Z.A. Root "Holidays in kindergarten", Moscow publishing house "Iris-press", 2001.
  12. V.V. Gerbova, M.A. Vasilieva, T.S. Komarov "Program of education and training in kindergarten" Moscow, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2005.
  13. Magazines "Preschool education", magazines "Child in kindergarten".
  14. Internet sites of preschool institutions, Internet portals.

Organization of a subject-developing environment.

For the successful implementation of the project's tasks, it is necessary to create an appropriate subject-development environment.

  1. Mini - stage with a screen and a microphone.
  2. Bi-ba-bo dolls.
  3. Horse dolls.
  4. Dolls on the hapite.
  5. Plane theaters.
  6. Flanelegraph.
  7. Finger toys.
  8. Rubber toy theater.
  9. Theater of soft toys.
  10. Theater of mugs.
  11. Puppet theater.
  12. Round table stage.
  13. Masks.
  14. Dressing room with a large mirror.
  15. The corner of the dressing-up.
  16. Theater of mittens.
  17. Shadow theater.
  18. Theater of spoons.
  19. Folding books.
  20. Cone dolls.
  21. Musical instruments (noise, percussion, keyboard, wind, strings).
  22. Attributes for dance improvisations.

Stage 2

The structure of the program for the implementation of project objectives.

The program is focused on the comprehensive development of the child's personality, taking into account his individuality. It systematizes the means and methods of theatrical and playful activities.

The main objectives of the program:

  1. Consistently acquaint children with various types of theater, introduce them to theatrical art.
  2. To contribute to the development of the most important competencies of preschool children.
  3. Stage-by-stage mastering by children of various types of creativity by age group.
  4. Improving the artistic skills of children.

Program structure:

The program consists of three sections corresponding to the age periods of preschool childhood (from 3-4 years old; from 4-5 years old; from 5-6 years old). The program distinguishes between two types of tasks. The first type is educational tasks, which are aimed at developing emotionality, intellectual and communicative competencies, by means of the theater. The second type is educational tasks that are associated with the development of artistry.

The program includes the following types of creative activities:

Game creativity;

Song creativity;

Improvisation on children's musical instruments;

Puppetry basics;

Basics of acting;

Puppet theater basics;


Song creativity, playing children's musical instruments, dance creativity, holidays, leisure activities are planned and conducted together with the musical director at music lessons and in your spare time.

Theater classes begin with the second junior group and are held 1-2 times a week. In the class schedule, it is usually planned in the first half of the week. The lesson can be held in the morning and in the evening at the discretion of the teacher. Starting from the middle group, you can have two lessons per week. The older group has two lessons per week.

The material for classes is taken from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons", Moscow, publishing house "Arkti" 2007.

Second junior group

  1. Stimulate interest in theatrical and playful actions, create the necessary conditions for its implementation.
  2. Encourage the participation of children in theatrical activities, form a positive attitude towards it.
  3. Strengthen ideas about the surrounding objects. Teach children to name items of theatrical and household equipment.
  4. Develop the ability to follow the development of actions in dramatizations and puppet shows.
  5. To develop the speech of children with the help of puppetry and other types of theater: enrich the vocabulary, form the ability to build sentences, achieving the correct and clear pronunciation of words.
  6. Encourage you to compose a fairy tale with the help of a teacher, while using a tabletop theater.
  7. Use improvisational forms of dialogues of characters in well-known fairy tales. Develop attention, memory, thinking in children.
  8. To form the ability to convey the main emotions of the heroes by means of facial expressions and pantomime, movements and gestures. Teach children an adequate emotional response to the state of other people or characters.
  9. To acquaint children with the techniques of puppetry of table dolls. To form the ability to concentrate on a toy, a theatrical doll.
  10. Teach children to accompany the movement of the dolls with a song or words.
  11. Encourage the desire of children to participate in improvisation, support the desire to play with musical toys, improvise on noise musical instruments.
  12. To develop the initiative and independence of children in playing with theatrical puppets.
  13. Develop a desire to speak in front of parents, kindergarten staff.

Theatrical lessons in the second junior group:

In theatrical lessons, children are taught the simplest techniques for controlling the puppets of the tabletop theater. You can offer to come up with small stories that happen with the toy, so that the child can compose dialogues himself, find expressive intonations. At the same time, help can be provided by leading questions, without giving a ready-made role model. No matter how primitive the stories composed by kids are, compulsory encouragement is necessary. The child needs to be encouraged to play with the doll. Playing out composed fairy tales spiritually liberates the baby and you need to pay attention to this. In theater classes, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of benevolence, mutual trust, and respectful attitude towards each other. A child can only create when he feels a benevolent attitude towards himself from peers and adults.

Work on sketches is of great importance in the second junior group. This is a kind of school that helps children learn the secrets of managing theater puppets, the basics of acting. Kids playfully learn to express their feelings and understand the feelings of other people. This will help them avoid difficulties in communicating with peers and adults. Working on sketches develops the child, gives him the necessary skills to participate in puppetry and other performances. Only by creating an atmosphere of creative cooperation, you can start staging the performance. In the second junior group, you can play well-known Russian folk tales with table dolls: "Hen-Ryaba", "Masha and the Bear", "Bychok-Resin Barrel", "Zayushkina Hut". Here you can also invite children to come up with a dialogue for themselves. By the end of the second junior group, children should already have mastered the skills of controlling table dolls, they can fully concentrate their attention on the doll, listen carefully to their partner. Also, children can independently compose a small fairy tale

September-November (second junior group)

Types of creative activity Classes and repertoire
Game creativity Involve children in writing short stories and stories Tabletop Rubber Toy Theater "Meeting in the Woods", "Bear and Donkey" (children compose)
Song creativity Accompanying the movement of the doll with a song invented by a child Any tabletop theater Any song from a fairy tale or music for example. "The Bear is Dancing" by M. Protasov
Dance creativity Evoke an emotional response and a desire to move to the music Soundtrack of any rhythmic music Invite children to come up with and dance a dance of any of the characters from the "Turnip" fairy tale
Arouse interest and desire to play with musical toys Balalaikas, pipes, button accordions, pianos Simulate playing these instruments
Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. To acquaint children with the puppetry techniques of the table theater Table theater Sessions 1-4, 5-8, 9-12

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Puppet theater basics To cultivate the ability to follow the development of an action in a fairy tale, to lead children to an expressive performance of a role. Table theater, table dolls, toys, soft toys
Basics of acting Cultivate attentiveness, develop the imagination and imagination of children Work at the mirror
Develop interest in dramatization games, maintain a cheerful, joyful mood, encourage a benevolent attitude towards each other, encourage people to join dramatization games Dramatization in costumes, in a subject environment, with decorations Based on the tale "Turnip"
Involve in telling fairy tales, arouse interest in what is happening on the stage, enrich children with vivid impressions Attributes for a concert setting, costumes Staging of the tale "Turnip", open viewing of the tale

Second junior group (December-February)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes, repertoire.

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Encourage the desire of children to come up with dialogues of characters in fairy tales Tabletop Cone Toy Theater "Grandmother and Granddaughter", "Fox and Cat", "Visiting Santa Claus" (children compose)
Song creativity Invite children to compose songs for individual syllables in the genre of a lullaby or dance Large soft toy "Lullaby for the Bear", "Dance of the Doll"
Dance creativity Encourage children to improvise the simplest dance moves to diverse music Phonograms and discs with diverse music, attributes for dance improvisations (flags, sultans) Dance improvisations: "Dance of the Petrushek" (music by D. Kabalevsky), "Dance of the Snowflakes" (music by PI Tchaikovsky)
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Give ideas and methods of sound production on children's musical instruments Spoons, rattles, tambourines, drums, bells Invite children to play along with a soundtrack on musical instruments
Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. Teach children the puppetry techniques of a tabletop cone toy theater Cone toy Zan. 13-16, 17-20, 21-24

Pages 25-52. N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Lessons 17-18 - to assess the skills and knowledge of children in theatrical activities for the fall

Puppet theater basics To develop an emotional response to the action of the characters of the play, to evoke sympathy and a desire to help, to form the emotional expressiveness of speech Cone Toy Theater
Basics of acting To form in children characteristic gestures of repulsion, attraction, opening, closing Work at the mirror Any sketches for the expressiveness of the gesture "Hush", "Come to me", "Go away", "Goodbye"
Basic principles of dramatization Arouse the desire to participate in dramatization games, lead children to create the image of the hero, using gesture and facial expressions Costumes, decorations, subject environment. Ex. "Animals visiting the Snow Maiden"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment To develop actively participate in the holiday, develop the imagination, fantasy of children. Encourage children to play with tabletop puppets Leisure, holiday attributes "Holiday of the Christmas tree",

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (episode-production)

Second junior group (March-May)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Support the desire of children to collectively compose small fairy tales, stories, coming up with dialogues of the characters Small soft toy table theater "Birthday of the Elephant", "The Tiger is Sick," Masha and the Bug "(children compose)
Song creativity Encourage children to compose songs for a given text and use them in puppet shows and dramatizations Tabletop cone toy theater, costumes, decorations and attributes The song of the cockerel from the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"
Dance creativity Instill interest and love for music, develop musical ability child, develop an emotional attitude to music through dance movement Phonograms, hats of animals and birds, soft toys, dolls Free dance of goats and kids from the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Dance improvisation with dolls

Improvisation on children's musical instruments Encourage the desire of children to use children's musical instruments with a sound of indeterminate pitch in dramatizations and puppet shows Phonogram, sounding toys - instruments with a sound of an indefinite pitch Orchestral accompaniment of free dances in the performance and dramatizations "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "Zayushkina Hut"
Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. Form children puppet skills of a soft toy table theater Soft toy Zan. 25-28, 29-32, 33-36

Pages 52-73 N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Lessons 35-36 - monitoring

See page 73

Puppet theater basics They will develop the ability to give the actions of the characters in the play. Continue to form the emotional expressiveness of children's speech Soft toy theater
Basics of acting Develop the ability of children to understand the emotional state of another person and be able to adequately express their Work at the mirror Sketches "The Fox Eavesdrops", "Delicious Candies",

"New doll", "Fox is afraid", "Vaska is ashamed", "Silence"

Basic principles of dramatization To form a steady interest in dramatization games, to encourage children's independence in the choice of expressive means for creating images Costumes, decorations, attributes "The wolf and the seven Young goats"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Arouse in children a desire to perform in front of their parents, instill a love for theatrical art.

Encourage children to participate in dramatization games

Costumes, decorations and attributes necessary for leisure and entertainment Show a fairy tale at the discretion of the teacher

Middle group

  1. To foster a steady interest in theatrical and playful activities.
  2. Lead children to create an expressive image in sketches, dramatizations, song and dance improvisations.
  3. Expand ideas about the surrounding objects. To develop the ability to isolate the signs of objects (color, shape, size), to determine the material from which toys, decorations, attributes to theater performances... Expand knowledge of the characters involved in theatrical and play activities.
  4. Replenish and activate the children's vocabulary (nouns, adjectives, verbs to indicate the actions of characters). To form the ability to determine and name the location of theatrical characters, objects, scenery (right, left, right, side), to characterize the state of mind and mood of the characters. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Improve the clear pronunciation of words and phrases. To form intonational expressiveness of speech. Develop the dialogical speech of children.
  5. Consolidate knowledge of the rules for manipulating riding dolls.
  6. Using riding dolls, encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, stories, invent new ones, with the help of a teacher and without him.
  7. Stimulate children's attention, memory, thinking and imagination. Develop ideas about the moral qualities of a person, the emotional state of oneself.
  8. Teach children to accompany the movement of the doll on the screen with a song, to come up with a given text on their own.
  9. Continue to develop in children the desire to participate in dance improvisations with and without dolls.
  10. Support the initiative of children in improvisation on the metallophone
  11. Encourage children to play with theatrical puppets on their own.
  12. To form in children the desire to include song and dance improvisations in independent games.
  13. Maintain a desire to perform in front of children, parents, staff.

To improve the theater skills in the middle group, it is recommended to devote more time to individual work in the afternoon.

Theater classes in the middle group:

In the middle group, work with table dolls continues. Children remember puppetry techniques, come up with small scenes with table dolls. Work continues on the development of creativity. Children can independently come up with dialogues of the characters, relying on the plots of well-known fairy tales.

At the end of September, children can be introduced to the theater screen. At this time, it is good to introduce children to a doll on a hapite (a hapit is a stick on which a doll is planted. Controlling a doll on a hapite requires endurance, patience, certain muscular efforts from the child, since the hand must lead the doll along the edge of the screen, not leaning on it To make it easier for the child to control the doll, they are made as light as possible (it can be made of cardboard).

In theatrical classes, children can already be introduced to the techniques of puppetry. For this purpose, sketches with a doll are used, the purpose of which is to teach the child to focus his attention on the performance of a clear, rhythmic action by the doll. Development studies are also used. emotional sphere, which develop in children the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, the ability to adequately express their own. These sketches help the child to look at himself from the outside, contribute to the formation of self-control, and increase self-confidence.

Work continues on the development of creativity, which also uses hapita dolls. Children can compose short stories and songs that accompany the movements of the dolls. Gradually, noise instruments (tambourine, drum, rattle) can be introduced into action, which give a new sound to the song composed by a child, develop a sense of rhythm

With children, you can play Russian folk tales "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip", while using dolls on the hapita. Playing fairy tales with theatrical puppets allows you to better assimilate the content of your favorite work, makes it possible to show creativity.

Middle group (September-November)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Continue to compose fairy tales with the children with the help of the teacher and without his participation.

Encourage the desire of children to independently create playful images using gesture and facial expressions.

Spoon theater

Hats of animals and birds

"Grandma and Fox", "Hare and Bear", "Gingerbread Man and Grandfather"

"Teremok" (mouse, frog, bunny, fox, bear, wolf)

Song creativity Invite children to compose song characteristics of the characters in the puppet show Costumes, decorations, attributes required for this performance Songs of the characters of the fairy tale "Teremok"
Dance creativity Encourage children to compose the dance characteristics of the characters in the folk dance genre Costumes of the characters of the performance, phonograms "Dance of the Fox and the Bear to the fairy tale" Teremok "
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Introduce children to toys - instruments that emit a sound of a certain pitch, with which you can reproduce various rhythms Svirel, flute, horn Accompaniment of dance improvisations for the fairy tale "Teremok"
Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. To acquaint children with the theater screen, with the techniques of driving riding puppets Screen or mini stage equipped with a screen, riding dolls "Mom walks", "Two mice", "Grandfather and a turnip."

Zan 1-4, 5-8, 9-12

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Puppet theater basics Develop children's interest in puppet shows, encourage participation in this type of activity Theater of spoons, screen
Basics of acting Activate children, develop their memory and attention Phonogram, attributes for exercises "Pay attention",

"Remember your place", "Remember your pose"

Basic principles of dramatization To form a positive attitude towards games-dramatizations. To teach to act out performances according to acquaintances literary subjects using expressive means (intonation, movement, facial expressions, gesture) Dramatizations in costumes and scenery "Teremok"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Foster a desire to please parents with their performance. Develop interest in various performances. Encourage children to play out familiar fairy tales Phonogram, puppet dolls, scenery for the performance Puppet show "Visiting Vasilisa"

Middle group (December-February)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity To develop the desire of the blowers to compose short stories, inventing the dialogues of the characters. Lead children to create in-depth images, familiar characters with the help of movements, facial expressions, gestures. Horse dolls

Caps of animals, birds

"Visiting Snow White", "The Dwarf and the Fox", "The Dog and the Wolf" (children compose).

"Jolly goat", "Frightened goat", "Kitty recovered"

Song creativity Invite children to compose songs in the genre of march and waltz for a given text Costumes and attributes For example:

Chanterelle song (waltz), wolf song (march)

Dance creativity Lead children to compose dance improvisations of the heroes of the play in the genre of march and waltz Costumes and attributes At the discretion of the educator
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Teach children the techniques of playing toys-instruments with a diatonic scale, be able to accompany dance improvisations on one sound Metallophone, phonogram Squirrel dance, "March of the Dwarfs"

S. Prokofiev

Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. Teach children how to drive riding dolls on the screen Riding dolls, screen "Meeting a fox and a hare", "Conversation of a mouse with a frog", "Dance of animals"

Zan 13-16,17-20,21-24

N.F. Sorokin "Scripts theatrical activities in kindergarten "

Puppet theater basics Continue to instill in children a love for puppet theater, arouse the desire to participate in puppet shows Riding dolls, phonogram, screen
Basics of acting To develop in children the ability to correctly understand emotionally expressive hand movements, to use gestures Soundtrack, attributes, work at the mirror "This is me", "This is mine", "Give back", "Icicles", "Humpty Dumpty", "Petrushka Jumping"
Basic principles of dramatization Maintain an interested attitude to games-dramatizations, the desire to participate in this type of activity Dramatization in costumes, scenery, subject environment
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Develop a steady interest in speaking to parents, develop the ability to understand the content of fairy tales. Involve children to play with riding dolls on their own Attributes and costumes necessary for this leisure At the discretion of the educator

Middle group (March-May)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Encourage children to collectively compose stories by activating children's verbal communication.

Develop the ability to compare different images using intonation, facial expressions, gesture

Horse dolls

Hats of animals and birds, phonogram

"Forest School", "Housewarming", "Animal Hospital" (children compose)

"Goat and Wolf", "Fox and Hare", "Cat and Mouse"

Song creativity Lead children to songwriting. Composing recitatives on a given topic Horse dolls At the discretion of the educator
Dance creativity Teach to compose dance improvisations in the polka genre Dolls, soft toys, phonogram "Polka with toys" (Czech melody)
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Encourage children to improvise with toys, instruments that emit sounds of indeterminate pitch, and diatonic scales Spoons, rattles, tambourines, drums, bells, flutes, pipes, horns "Funny Musicians"

L. Isaeva

Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. Continue teaching children how to ride riding dolls Riding dolls, screen "Joyful meeting of the Grandfather with the Bug", "Unpleasant conversation", "Playing blind man's buff"

Zan. 25-28, 29-32, 33-36.

Puppet theater basics To instill a sustained interest in puppetry, to encourage the active participation of children in puppet show Riding dolls, screen, attributes for classes
Basics of acting Develop the ability to adequately understand the emotional state of another person and be able to adequately express their mood Work at the mirror "Surprise", "Flower", "North Pole", "Angry Grandpa", "Guilty"
Basic principles of dramatization Continue to foster an interested attitude to dramatization games, improve the improvisational abilities of children Costumes, decorations, subject environment Ex. "Under the mushroom", V. Suteeva
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Arouse a desire to participate in matinees, instill an interest in Russian folklore. Maintain interest in what is happening on stage. Attributes required for the celebration Folklore performance

Senior group

  1. Continue to develop a sustained interest in theater and play activities
  2. Improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image, using play, song and dance improvisations for this.
  3. Expand children's ideas about the surrounding reality. Clarify ideas about objects, toys, decorations that surround them. Be able to identify the essential features of the subject. Improve the ability of children to navigate in a group, in a kindergarten room. Foster respect for the work of adults, respectful attitude to dolls, toys. Strengthen children's ideas about various types of puppet theater, be able to distinguish them and name them.
  4. Continue to enrich and activate the children's vocabulary, using nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions in speech. Reinforce the correct pronunciation of all sounds. Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech. Continue teaching children to use direct and indirect speech in staging fairy tales. Develop dialogical and monologue speech. To improve the ability to retell fairy tales and stories coherently and expressively without the help of a teacher. Support children's attempts to compose short stories on their own using marionette puppets.
  5. Consolidate knowledge about the rules of manipulation with puppets, dolls with a "living hand".
  6. Encourage children to improvise on the theme of familiar fairy tales, stories, invent stories of their own, individually and collectively, using puppets and dolls with a "living hand". Stimulate the desire to look for expressive means to create a game image of the character, using for this movement, facial expressions, gestures, expressive intonation.
  7. Develop memory, thinking, imagination, attention of children.
  8. To continue to foster humane feelings of children, to develop the desire to be responsive to adults and children, to show attention to their state of mind, to rejoice at the success of their peers and to be upset in case of their failure, to strive to come to the rescue in difficult moment... To teach to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of comrades, as well as the actions of the characters of the puppet and dramatic performances.
  9. Encourage children to use improvisation on a given text in the genre of song, dance, march to create the image of a character in puppetry and dramatic performances. Lead children to collective essay children's opera on a poetic text.
  10. To continue to develop in children the desire to participate in dance improvisations, the desire to create a bright, memorable image with the plasticity of your body.
  11. Encourage the desire of children to pick up familiar tunes from different sounds, including them in play improvisations.
  12. Foster a desire to play with theatrical puppets.
  13. Develop the ability to use song, dance, game improvisations in independent activity.
  14. Support the desire of children to actively participate in holidays and entertainment, using the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom and in independent activities.

Theatrical lessons in the senior group:

In the older group, at the beginning of the year, work continues with dolls in hapit. To do this, you can make a theatrical screen, dolls from different fairy tales and gradually invite children to come up with small stories with these dolls. Composed sketches can be used as material for sketches, allowing you to consolidate the skills of playing with a doll. In some stories invented by children, dolls play blind man's buffs, catch up, take part in dances. At this moment, the guys can pay more attention to the position of the doll on the screen.

Working on sketches enables the child to find and emphasize the characteristic features of each doll.

These sketches with dolls alternate with sketches for the development of acting, which makes it possible to master the basic nuances of speech, learn to penetrate into the world of artistic images.

At the end of September, children get acquainted with puppet puppets, learn that puppets are set in motion with the help of a wagi (a wooden cross from which a doll is suspended on a string). Holding the waga horizontally by the middle and directing it to the right and left, the puppeteer sets it in motion.

In order to rhythmically organize the movement of the dolls, Russian folk melodies are used. When children learn the principles of controlling a doll, they are invited to read nursery rhymes about animals. This is how the play "Visiting Vasilisa" appears, based on Russian folk nursery rhymes.

With puppets - marionettes in Russian costumes, kids lead round dances, improvising dance moves while humming any Russian folk song.

In the second half of the year, children get acquainted with a new kind of dolls - with a "living hand". These dolls have bright expressive capabilities, are convenient for dance improvisations, as well as improvisations using children's musical instruments. They are able to convey the subtlest nuances of the moods and experiences of the hero, they have expressive gestures that are inaccessible to other dolls.

By the end of the year, the children of the senior group acquire the necessary skills to control the cheeks of various systems (tabletop, in hapit, puppets, with a "live hand"). Children use all their skills and abilities in the puppet show "A Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales", which combines small scenes learned earlier. The performance in this form is the final and sums up the work with children for three years, gives them the opportunity to express themselves in various activities, to demonstrate their skills.

Senior group (September-November)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Encourage children to get used to the image, constantly improving it, finding the most expressive means for embodiment Animal hats, soundtrack "Playful Bears", "Toy Store", "Zaychata"
Song creativity Invite children to compose music in the genre of march and dance (folk dance, march, waltz, polka) Soft toy "Along an even path", "Like ours at the gates", "Summer" (waltz), "Bear with a doll"
Dance creativity Encourage children to compose dance performances of puppet theater characters Puppet theater, phonogram
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Teach children to play tunes built on the interval of a second Glockenspiel "Rain-Rain", "Magpie-Magpie", "Accordion"
Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. To acquaint children with puppet puppet techniques Puppets: horse, cockerel, cat, mice, soundtrack "A horse has come to us", "Mice and a cat", "A cat and a cockerel"

Zan 1-4, 5-8, 9-12

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical classes"

Puppet theater basics Arouse interest in the puppet theater, desire to participate in the performance Puppet puppets, Russians folk costumes, phonogram
Basics of acting Develop the memory and imagination of children Work at the mirror Sketches at the discretion of the teacher
Basic principles of dramatization Continue to develop the ability of children to act out a play based on a familiar fairy tale Dramatization in costumes, scenery "Spikelet"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Introduce to folklore. Teach to emotionally react to the performance of children Puppet puppets Performance at the discretion of the teacher

Senior group (December-February)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Encourage the initiative and activity of children when creating images of characteristic characters, opposing the character of one character to another Animal hats, costumes, soundtrack "The Bunny and the Fox", "The Cat and the Goat", "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf"
Song creativity Encourage children to collectively compose songs in the character of their hero Beast hats, costumes, puppets "Shadow-shadow", "Lamb and Petya", "Bunny and Bear"
Dance creativity Develop the ability to improvise waltz and polka movements using puppet puppets Puppet theater "Leopold the Cat" (music by Reznikov)
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Teach children to perform tunes within the scale Glockenspiel "Cock", "Cap-Cap-Cap", "March" E Tilicheeva
Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. Encourage children to create dance compositions and play improvisations with puppets Puppets in Russian costumes, phonogram Zan. 13-16,17-20, 21-24, Pages 166-187

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical classes"

Puppet theater basics To instill a strong interest in puppet theater, a desire to improvise with puppets Puppets, attributes to the performance, phonogram
Basics of acting Develop the expressiveness of the gesture. Work at the mirror "This is what he is", "Playing with pebbles",

"I want to sleep", "Cinderella"

Basic principles of dramatization To develop the initiative and independence of children in playing out a play based on a familiar fairy tale Dramatization in costumes, with decorations, in a subject environment "Little fox-sister and the gray wolf"
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Foster a positive attitude towards the holidays, teach children to correctly evaluate actions Attributes, costumes required for a specific holiday At the discretion of the muses. hands and educator.

According to the thematic plan

Senior group (March - May)

Types of creative activity Methods for developing creativity Creativity tools Classes and repertoire

Classes are used from the book by N.F. Sorokina "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Game creativity Encourage children to collectively create character images, constantly feeling their partner, trying to play along with him. Phonogram, costumes, necessary attributes "Karabas-Barabas and Buratino", "Malvina and Pierrot"
Song creativity To cultivate a steady interest in songwriting. Table theater "Grimy Girl" A. Barto
Dance creativity Encourage children to search for expressive movements to convey the character of the characters Costumes of the characters of the play, attributes for improvisations Dance improvisations to the fairy tale "Buratino"
Improvisation on children's musical instruments Encourage to pick up familiar tunes from different sounds and include them in game improvisations Metallophone, dolls with a live hand. Russian folk melodies.
Essential theatrical skills Methods for the formation of theatrical skills Means of the formation of theatrical skills Content of work, classes
The basics of puppetry. To acquaint children with the techniques of driving dolls with a "living hand" Dolls with a "living hand" Zan. 25-28, 29-32, 33- 36

Sessions 33-36 on performance evaluation.

N.F. Sorokin "Scenarios of theatrical puppet lessons"

Puppet theater basics Develop interest in puppet theater with a "living hand" Dolls with a "living hand", phonogram
Basics of acting Teach the expression of various emotions and the reproduction of certain character traits Work at the mirror Lost, Kittens, Little Puppy, Sculptor, Timid, Liar Chef
Basic principles of dramatization Use the improvisational capabilities of children in theatrical activities Costumes, decorations, riding dolls A fairy tale at the discretion of the teacher
Holidays, leisure, entertainment Foster a love and interest in music, develop a desire to improvise Costumes and decorations necessary for celebrations Drive to the theater. Holidays at the discretion of the teacher and muses. hands.

Stage 3

Monitoring the implementation of the tasks of the "Theater-Children-Theater" project (teacher's assessment)

Criteria for evaluation:

1. The group has created conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in theatrical activities:

Encouraged performing arts children (children play various roles in theatrical performances and performances, expressively read text material in the classroom, matinees);

Children are calm and relaxed when performing in front of adults and peers. The active participation of each child in performances and other performances is ensured;

Children actively use mimicry and pantomime for improvisation;

Distinguish between different experiences and emotional state of the characters;

Children independently choose the means for improvisation and self-expression.

2. The group has created conditions for introducing children to theatrical culture:

The subject-developing environment is organized taking into account the active involvement of children in theatrical culture (there is a stage, a curtain, a wardrobe room, etc.);

The teacher organizes a visit to the theater, shows slides and videos about theater and theatrical performances, there is a demonstration material on the study of theatrical genres;

The group has various types of theater: bi-ba-bo, finger, shadow, table, puppet, etc.

3. The teacher provides conditions for the relationship of theatrical and other types of activities in the pedagogical process:

Dramatization games are used in speech development and music lessons;

Dramatization games are used when reading fiction;

In labor classes, attributes for theatrical performances are made.

4. Conditions have been created for joint events in theatrical activities of children and adults:

Joint performances are held with the participation of children, teachers, parents;

Performances for kids are organized.

Assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of children

Assessment of the results of theatrical and gaming activities is assessed in the following areas:

Etude training (skill of the actor)

  1. Diction (nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, pure twisters).
  2. Gestures (sketches for the expressiveness of a gesture, including "Tell poems with your hands").
  3. Mimicry (studies for the expression of basic emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits).
  4. Movements (sketches with musical accompaniment).

Games - dramatizations

  1. Desire to participate in dramatization games;
  2. Ability to communicate with a partner;
  3. Ability to improvise when creating an image.

Sketches with dolls

  1. Desire to play with a doll;
  2. Ability to manage it;
  3. Ability to improvise with a doll.

Puppet shows

  1. Desire to participate in performances;
  2. Ability to communicate with a partner using theater puppets;
  3. The ability to create an image using theater puppets.

Anastasia Lisina
Project for theatrical activities in the preschool educational institution

In kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Theater is a magical world... He gives lessons in beauty, morality and morality. And the richer they are, the more successful development is. the spiritual world children ... " (B. M. Teplov)

In a preschool educational institution theatrical activity one of the most accessible types of art for children, it enables the child to satisfy his any desires and interests, to get acquainted with the world around him in all its diversity, to activate the vocabulary and sound culture of speech. Theatrical activities is an inexhaustible source of development of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries of the child.

It is known that children love to play, they do not need to be forced to do it. While playing, we communicate with children on "Their territories"... By entering the world of play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And the words spoken by the German psychologist Karl Gross are in this connection relevant: “We play not because we are children, but childhood itself was given to us in order for us to play”.

We know that getting to know theater takes place in an atmosphere of magic, conviviality, high spirits, so to interest children theater is not difficult.

Relevance. In the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, one of the basic principles of preschool education, reflected in The standard: “Implementation of the Program in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game, cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity, providing artistic and aesthetic development of the child. "

Theatrical activities in kindergarten - this is a great opportunity to reveal the creative potential of the child, education of the creative orientation of the individual.

Target the project: Introduce children to theater culture.

Tasks the project:

1. Create conditions for the development of creative activity of children c.

2. Teach children various means of improvisation.

3. To form children's ideas about different species theater and theatrical genres.

4. Create conditions for joint activities of children and adults.

5. Provide conditions for interconnection theatrical and other activities.

Participants the project:

1. Pupils of the group.

2. Educators of the group.

3. Parents of the children of the group.

Expected results:

1. Child development in all areas of educational areas.

2. A significant expansion of children's ideas about theater culture.

3. Creation of a subject environment conducive to development in children theater culture.

Forms of work:

Organization of training, developmental and creative activities;

Organization of joint events with parents;

Organization theater evenings(show of fairy tales and performances);

Organization of visits to cultural events (senior group).

Forms of work with parents:

1. Joint production of toys and manuals for the organization of a subject-developing environment.

2. Involvement of parents in joint activities.

3. Open screenings of classes and theater performances.

4. Consulting parents on leading and current issues.

5. Organization of visits to cultural sites and cultural events.

The main stages of implementation the project:

Preliminary work

Study of methodological literature.

Acquisition of didactic material for organizing a subject-developing environment.

Main job

Drawing up a program of measures for the implementation of tasks the project.

Final work

Monitoring task execution the project.

At the final stage of implementation the project final testing of pupils and analysis of the subject-developing environment is carried out.

Preliminary work:

Study of methodological literature;

Organization of a subject-developing environment.


1. Federal state educational standard of preschool education.

2. SanPiN.

3. N. F Sorokina, L. G. Milanovich “The development of creative abilities in children from one to three years old, by means of puppetry theater»; "Iris - press", Moscow 2007.

4. A. V. Shchetkin Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children 4-5 years old ", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008.

5. A. V. Shchetkin Theatrical activity in kindergarten with children 5-6 years old ", Moscow, "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008.

6. N. B. Ulashchenko "Organization theatrical activities in the younger group", Publishing house "Coryphaeus" Volgograd.

7.I.P. Koshmanskaya « Kindergarten theater» , Rostov-on-Don, publishing house "Phoenix".

8.N.F.Sorokina "Scenarios theatrical puppet lessons» , Moscow, publishing house "Arkti", 2007.

9.N. V. Smirnova, V. K. Shalaeva "Development environment preschooler: essence and structure " Ivanovo, 2009.

10.S. N. Zakharova "Holidays in kindergarten", "Vlados", year 2001.

11. N. V. Zaretskaya, Z. A. Root "Holidays in kindergarten", Moscow publishing house Iris Press, year 2001.

12.V. V. Gerbova, M. A. Vasil'eva, T.S. Komarova "The program of education and training in kindergarten" Moscow, publishing house "Mosaic-synthesis", 2005 year.

13. Magazines "Preschool education", magazines "Child in kindergarten".

14. Internet sites of preschool institutions, Internet portals.

Organization of a subject-developing environment.

For the successful implementation of tasks the project it is necessary to create an appropriate subject-developing environment.

1. Mini - stage with a screen and a microphone.

2. Bi-ba-bo dolls.

3. Horse dolls.

4. Dolls on the hapite.

5. Plane theaters.

6. Flanenelegraph.

7. Finger toys.

8. Rubber Toy Theater.

9. Soft toy theater.

10. Mug theater.

11. Puppet theater.

12. Round table stage.

14. Dressing room with a large mirror.

15. Corner of dressing up.

16. Shadow theatre.

17. Spoon theater.

18. Folding books.

19. Cone dolls.

20. Musical instruments (noise, percussion, keyboards, winds, strings).

21. Attributes for dance improvisations

Diction exercises (articulatory gymnastics) ;

Tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness;

Transformation games, figurative exercises;

Exercises for the development of children's plastic;

Rhythmic minutes;

Finger game training;

Exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of pantomime;

Theater etudes;

Playing mini-dialogues, nursery rhymes, songs, poems;

Viewing puppet shows.

Starting work on this topic, we studied the literature on theatrical activities of preschoolers: tasks, means, methods of work. Using in the education system of children in preschool educational institutions, we tried to solve a complex of interrelated tasks in all educational areas by FGOS DO.

Social and communicative development

Formation of positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;

Fostering a culture of cognition for adults and children (emotional states, personal qualities, assessment of actions, etc.) ;

fostering a child's respect for himself, a conscious attitude towards his activities;

Development of emotions;

Education of ethically valuable methods of communication in accordance with the norms and rules of life in society.

Cognitive development

The development of versatile ideas about reality (different types theater, the profession of people creating the performance);

Observation of natural phenomena, animal behavior (for transmission by symbolic means in a game-dramatization) ;

Ensuring the relationship of design with theatrical a game for the development of dynamic spatial representations;

Development of memory, learning the ability to plan their actions to achieve a result.

Speech development

Promoting the development of monologue and dialogical speech;

enrichment of the vocabulary: figurative expressions, comparisons, epithets, synonyms, antonyms, etc.;

Mastery of expressive means communication: verbal (by adjusting the tempo, volume, pronunciation, intonation, etc.) and non-verbal (facial expressions, pantomime, poses, gestures) ;

Artistic and aesthetic development

Introduction to highly artistic literature, music, folklore;

Development of imagination;

Introduction to collaborative design activities modeling of costume elements, decorations, attributes;

Creation of an expressive artistic image;

Formation of elementary ideas about the types of art;

Implementation of self-creative children's activities.

Physical development

Coordination of actions and accompanying speech;

Ability to embody mood, character and process of image development in creative movement;

Expressiveness of the performance of the main types of movements;

Development of general and small motor skills: coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hand, removal of muscle tension, formation of correct posture.

In our work with children, we use various tricks: diction exercises (articulatory gymnastics); tasks for the development of speech intonation expressiveness; transformation games, figurative exercises; exercises for the development of children's plastic; rhythmic minutes; finger game training; exercises for the development of expressive facial expressions, elements of pantomime; theatrical sketches; playing mini-dialogues, nursery rhymes, songs, poems; viewing of puppet shows.

To identify the interests of children in groups, exhibitions of books with fairy tales were made, a quiz was held "Visiting a fairy tale".

For organizing children's theater dolls of various systems are needed that form certain skills and abilities in children that stimulate children's creativity (song, dance, play, encouraging improvisation on children's musical instruments. theater corners in groups... Of all kinds of puppetry theater in kindergarten is the most popular picture theater, dolls bi-ba-bo.

In our work, we used different types theater:

1. Finger theatre- promotes better control of the movements of one's own fingers.

2. Theatre dolls on the table - contributes to the mastery of the technique of controlling dolls on the table theater(dolls made of paper cones, cylinders, boxes, toys made of fabric, fur, foam rubber, etc.)

3. Spoon theater, riding dolls (bibabo, hapita dolls *)- acquaintance of children with theater screen, the basics of puppetry.

4. Puppet puppets, dolls with a "living hand

5. People-dolls and cane dolls.

Participating in the holidays as a presenter, in the role of a fairy-tale character, teachers, by their own example, try to show children how interesting reincarnation is.

Preschool education involves the interaction of all participants in the educational process: children, teachers, parents. The recognition of the priority of family education requires a relationship between family and educational institutions that is determined by cooperation and trust.

In his work on theatrical activities I actively involve parents and other family members of pupils, as I consider this cooperation necessary and effective in the upbringing and education of children.

Parents are actively involved in creating a developing environment for their children. Having set yourself the task - to interest parents in creating a developmental theatrical environment, dhow educators they offer to help them in sewing costumes for children and adults, making various attributes, hats, and decorations.

Introducing parents to different species theaters, a story from what and how they can be made for kindergarten and for home at consultations, screen-moving ( "What theatre» , "First steps to the stage"). Parents actively help in everything, thanks to which in each group and in music hall there is everything you need for theatrical activities.

In almost every event (whether it be a holiday, leisure or entertainment) the roles of some characters are played by parents or children of older groups. We practice staging performances, both by adults and together with children. Preparing for performances is always fun, on an emotional upsurge. This brings us together, parents and teachers are full of optimism, interest, children get tremendous pleasure from the process. Watching such performances and participating in them gives children the opportunity to fully adopt the experience of adults. This allows you to more effectively solve the assigned pedagogical tasks, develop artistically - aesthetic taste and Creative skills children, as well as maintain the relationship between the kindergarten and the parents in the common cause of the upbringing, education and development of the child.

The results of the done work:

Children master the skills of expressive speech, rules of behavior, etiquette of communication with peers and adults.

Show interest, desire to theater arts.

They are able to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gestures, intonation.

They independently perform and convey images of fairy-tale characters.

Children try to feel confident during performances.

Subject-spatial developmental preschool environment supplemented with different types theaters, manuals, drawings, card files of creative games.

Close contact has been established with parents.

Catching up with children theater, my goal is to make the life of our children interesting and meaningful, fill it with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity. I strive to ensure that the skills acquired in theatrical activities, children were able to use in everyday life.

Theatrical Games help a caregiver who loves his children to create a joyful, relaxed atmosphere in the group. Catching up with children theater, the teacher sets a goal for himself - to make the life of his pupils interesting and meaningful, to fill it with vivid impressions, interesting deeds, the joy of creativity.

It is very important that children develop their own attitude to the actions of people, the ability to approve of some actions and condemn the opposite. For this we used the technique "Moral plays", which are built on a single scheme: Abusive child violates the rights of another child victim. The third participant - the defender restores justice. The theme of such plays was enough varied: "Alien cube", "Swing", "Spoiled drawing", "Fallen Saucer", "A pebble in a shoe" and so on. The teacher played the play with the help of dolls-characters, and the children then gave their assessment of the actions of the heroes.

Various game exercises were used ( "Affectionate name", "Smile at a friend", "Praise your comrade" etc., discussion problem situations ("Why did they quarrel", "How to make peace", "Do not laugh at the trouble", "I want to help a friend" which also contribute to the formation of social skills in children.

The system of work on the formation of friendly relations in children of different age groups in theatrical the game includes the following types productive activities of children, artistic and aesthetic, theatrical.

A work plan was developed for the formation of goodwill relations among preschoolers in age group... The repertoire was selected taking into account the ages of the children and the national component. For children, both familiar fairy tales and new ones were used. Tatar fairy tales... In the free activities children were also allowed to use theatrical attributes, which they gladly did. As a result of our work, it was possible to replace that children were less divided into microgroups by age.

The plan included various activity: registration theatrical corner with children, conversation on the topic « Theatre» , didactic game "Learn a fairy tale", in which children recognize a fairy tale from a picture, a conversation on the topic "My Favorite Hero of a Fairy Tale" reading a fairy tale Bean seed, a conversation on its content, solving riddles and puzzles in a fairy tale, reading and playing with a puppet theater according to a Tatar folk tale "three sisters"(ch kyz, reading a fairy tale "Under the mushroom" preparing heroes for flannelegraph theater playing out a fairy tale on a flannelgraph.

In addition to all of the above, work was carried out with the educator to form goodwill relations in children with the help of theatrical activities... Also, the kindergarten participated in the municipal competition for the best theatrical play, where he was awarded by the jury in the nomination "The best puppet theatre» Children showed a Tatar folk tale "Three sisters".

In addition to the planned activities, it cannot be ruled out that in free play, children also wanted to use various theatrical games... For them, we have prepared sets of finger theaters, magnetic turnip and kolobok theaters... Using them, children could combine heroes from different fairy tales and come up with your own. Observing this activities of children, we noticed that when inventing their fairy tales, children play up the problems of morality, benevolence and humanity that concern them. For example, such as the friendship between a panda and a hare, or the mutual help of a mouse and a chicken - pockmarked. I would like to note that here we also work with the national-regional component and foster tolerance towards people of different nationalities. We make it clear to children that they need to protect their ethnic culture, but at the same time respect other nationalities, religions and confessions.

Activities for the formation of friendly relations among preschoolers in theatrical play

Work with children

Activity Purpose

Registration theatrical corner Prepare conditions and children. Psychological rapprochement of children. Learn to organize a joint activities of senior and junior.

Conversation on the topic: « Theatre» Display of illustrations and photographs. Introducing children to theater.

The game "Learn a fairy tale" (by illustrations, by excerpts) To consolidate knowledge of the texts of fairy tales. Develop memory.

"My Favorite Hero of a Fairy Tale" Form the interests of children. Promote the ability to convey the personality traits of a beloved hero. Teach to tell the younger about the heroes of fairy tales with whom they are unfamiliar

Reading a fairy tale "Bean seed"... Conversation on its content To acquaint children with the plot of the tale. Work on intonation, expressiveness, diction

Riddles, word games according to the text of the tale "Bean seed" Strengthen the knowledge of children about the fairy tale. Promote the development of imagination, speech, speech breathing. Develop a sense of empathy, empathy for heroes

Acquaintance with the text of the Tatar folk tale "Three sisters" Remember the plot of the fairy tale with the children. Work with text. Teach children to characterize the characters themselves and their actions. Develop empathy, empathy, respect for elders.

Registration theatrical corner to show fairy tales "Three sisters" Preparation of dolls, theatrical scenery... Form the emotional atmosphere and activity of children. Involve all children in the creation of decorations and dolls age categories... Promote the rapprochement of children of different ages

Theatrical fairy tale presentation "Three sisters" To educate children in the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale. Form diction, intonational expressiveness

Fairy tale "Under the mushroom"... Acquaintance with the text of the fairy tale To promote the ability of children to convey the content of the fairy tale in their own words. Form memory, speech. Develop humane feelings.

Preparing heroes for a fairy tale on a flannelgraph Unite children of different ages with the help of a joint activities

Show of a fairy tale on a flannelgraph "Under the mushroom" To acquaint parents with the results of children's work. Teach them to show respect for the children who perform

Fairy tale decoration "Kolobok" from papier-mâché to unite children, teach to work together, amicably

Theatrical performance"Kolobok" for primary school students Promote the ability to perform on stage, develop diction and coherent speech, the formation of friendly relations between dhow students and primary school students

Moral plays With the help of puppets, play out various situations in order to form all the humane qualities in a child

Foster goodwill and contact in relationships with adults and peers in different situations

Play exercises

"Affectionate name", "Smile at a friend", "Praise your comrade"... etc. To promote the formation of friendly relationships between children

Problem situations

"Why did they quarrel", "How to make peace", "Do not laugh at the trouble", "I want to help a friend" Promote the socialization of children in society, their rapprochement.

Develop a desire to show empathy and empathy for those who need them.

Form an idea of ​​honesty, fairness, kindness

Sketches The variety of the same image promotes the development of imagination and creativity. For example: each child in his own way conveys the image of the same character, choosing facial expressions, gestures, movements. At the same time, the child's emotional sphere develops, he sympathizes with the characters, empathizes with the events being played out.

Reading and preparing to play around with a fairy tale "Zayushkina hut" by using « theater on spoons» To teach to put oneself in the place of another, to better understand the reasons for the actions of the hero of the work, to develop sympathy and empathy

Working with parents

Individual conversations "Formation of ideas about the norms of morality", "Education by a fairy tale".

Consulting "Development of the emotional sphere through theatrical activities», "Give joy to children".

Clamshell folders "We are a reading family", "Children's friendship", "Dramatization games as a means of introducing children to family values".

Parent-teacher meeting "Teach Children to Feel", "Journey through the pages of books".

I involve parents in making theatrical costumes and attributes for games. Parents help children learn roles.

Working with teachers

consultations "Organization theatrical activities in kindergarten», "Fostering goodwill relations in preschool children" « Moral education across theatrical activities».

Open event on theatrical activities"When my friends are with me"

Municipal competition Best theatrical play»

The project of organizing theatrical play as a means of forming dialogue speech among older preschoolers.
Pedagogical project"Theater Thursday".

Planning theatrical activities for older preschoolers.

Melnikova Valentina Nikolaevna, educator of the first qualification category, Moscow, ZAO, GBOU School No. 1238 with in-depth study of English language, preschool department.
Description: This material will be useful for teachers music workers, parents in order to familiarize children and adults with theatrical games, as well as in organizing events with older preschool children.
Relevance of the project: Today the concept preschool education is aimed at the development of the child's personality, taking into account his individual characteristics in the mental, emotional and physical realm. Every year the number of children who have problems with speech, pronunciation, pronunciation of sounds is growing. In this regard, the problem of finding effective ways to eliminate deficiencies in the development of speech, improve the health of pupils, prevent diseases and increase physical activity, as a strong factor in the intellectual and emotional development of children, becomes urgent. Educational:
to teach pupils of dialogue speech (prepared and unprepared);
to form knowledge about the theater, theatrical culture, about theatrical professions, about the structure of the theater (auditorium, foyer, wardrobe);
introduce the following concepts into the active vocabulary of children: actor, make-up artist, costume designer, director, sound engineer, decorator, illuminator, prompter, etc.
develop creative imagination, memory, thinking, communication skills of preschoolers through various types of theatrical activities;
develop the artistic skills of children;
develop cognitive ability children;
contribute to the development of plastic expressiveness and correct articulation, diction.
to awaken in the soul of every child a sense of beauty and instill a love for theatrical art;
to form the need for children to spiritually enrich themselves through theatrical activities;
encourage in children the ability to vividly imagine what is happening, ardently sympathize, empathize with the heroes.
Project participants: senior preschool pupils, educators, music director, parents.
Project type: cognitive and creative.
Duration of the project: long-term (9 months).
Resource provision: multimedia equipment, music Center, audio and video library, Russian folk and classical children's musical instruments; books with fairy tales, books - panoramas, fabulous coloring pages; didactic games; puzzles - on the theme of theater and heroes of fairy tales, art albums with illustrations of fairy tales; various types of theaters; masks, costumes.
Props: costumes, masks, decorations; photo - gallery "Our little artists", a book of reviews, posters, invitations, theatrical programs, photo-album-archive.

Project hypothesis:

the study was based on the assumption that the design of theatrical play as a means of forming the dialogue speech of older preschoolers can be effective under the following conditions:
in preschool education, the creation of a communicative - dialogue basis for the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers;
creation of a single center for cooperation between teachers and parents of pupils on the basis of understanding the essence of the problem, forms and methods of effective formation of the dialogue speech of preschoolers through theatrical play;
organization of a developing subject-spatial environment acting as a stimulator, driving force in the integral process of personality formation.

For the organization of theatrical activities, and the design of a developing subject-spatial environment with older preschoolers, the following principles:
the principle of psychological comfort, freedom and independence - the creation of conditions in which pupils feel "at home", an independent choice "to their liking";
the principle of flexible zoning and creativity (creativity) - the construction of non-overlapping spheres of activity, which will allow children, in accordance with their desires, to freely study without interfering with each other; gaining their own experience of creative activity,
the principle of a holistic view of the world - the formation of a holistic picture of the world and personal relationship pupil to the acquired knowledge, as well as the ability to use them in their practical activities;
the principle of variability and novelty - the development of variative thinking in pupils, i.e. understanding the possibility of various options for solving problems, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, overcoming stereotypes and monotony of the environment;
the principle of taking into account the individual characteristics of pupils and ensuring their advancement, the teacher taking into account the individual characteristics of each pupil: their character, temperament, etc.

Expected Result:

development of dialogue speech;
development of creative potential, active, independent, emotionally responsive, socially competent and developing personality;
the formation of skills to express their understanding of the plot of the game and the character of the character (in motion, in the game);
education of moral, communicative and strong-willed qualities (sociability, politeness, kindness);
development of initiative, intelligence, independence in children;
the formation of a spiritually rich personality of the child, as an active participant in the project;
the formation of skills to come up with a plot of your story, to be able to tell a fairy tale, a fable; compose a dance, etc.
organization of pedagogical search through the implementation of innovative programs;
increasing the theoretical level of professionalism of teachers;
introduction of innovative technologies, modern forms and new working methods;
self-education and self-realization of educators.
getting the opportunity to observe your children, which makes it possible to better understand the issues of child development;
the formation of a higher assessment of the achievement of their children and pride in them;
developing a deeper understanding of the learning process for preschool children;
the emergence of trust in kindergarten educators and teachers.
The project was implemented in several stages (preparatory, main, final)

Preparatory stage:

Dates: September
Teacher activities:
study, analysis and generalization of methodological and fiction literature on the theme of the project "Theater Thursday";
diagnostics of the levels of speech development of older preschoolers;
determination of the content of the activities of all project participants;
creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of dialogue speech among pupils on the basis of motor-game joint activity;
selection of literature for conversations with pupils, and music for composing dance compositions;
creation of an educational situation and a play environment;
development of consultations and conversations for parents on the topic: "Theatrical activity - as a means of expressiveness of speech."

The main stage:

Dates: October - April
Joint activities of children and a teacher:

conducting a thematic conversation with children using visual material;
participation of pupils and teachers in urban theater competitions;
organization and conduct of excursions to the school museum "Puppet Theater";
reading fiction to children and considering illustrations with Russian folk tales, listening to music;
staging of the fairy tales "Turnip", "Fox with a rolling pin" for children of early, junior and middle preschool age;
winter entertainment for senior preschool children “Visiting grandmother Nastasya. Children walk on Christmastide. "
folklore entertainment: "Winter sport competitions... How Winter and Spring were measured against strength ”;
the final entertainment for senior preschool age children for the Children's Day "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain";
organization of thematic exhibitions, stands, screens of folders-travels, albums about various theaters; selection of musical accompaniment;
preparing children for the final theatrical entertainment (memorizing poems, songs, dances, their roles, etc.);
making dolls for showing Russian folk tales;
holding thematic conversations using visual material;
keeping a "Diary of Achievements" for each pupil;
organization of direct educational activities using theatrical attributes;
conducting the final theatrical and game entertainment.
Joint activities of children and parents:
joint participation in regional theater competitions;
joint production of costumes and attributes to create images of game characters;
participation of parents and children in the exhibition of drawings in Russian folk tales“Visiting a Fairy Tale”;
assistance in decorating the hall for holding game activity;
competition for the best project name;
viewing various children's performances;
participation in the final theatrical entertainment.
Independent activities of children:
organization of theatrical games: toy theater, finger theater, on hapits, "Rukavichka", on magnets, theater of wooden figures, table theater, puppet theater, theater on cones and cylinders, on spoons, etc .;
fairy tales, poems, songs for self-production;
independent choice required attributes and scenery for the future performance, the ability to distribute responsibilities and roles among themselves;
in independent activity, use outdoor games of various content, with the use of masks, hats, etc.; as well as lotto, mosaic, dominoes, etc., the ability to independently organize games, play the role of a leader, coordinate their actions with the actions of the leader and other participants in the game; independently solve the assigned tasks.

The final stage:

Dates: May
"Parents' lounge" rewarding, certificates, photo-archive;
video clip (cutting of interesting moments of performances);
conducting final pedagogical diagnostics to identify speech skills and abilities;
multimedia presentation of theatrical entertainment "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain", summing up the results of the pedagogical project.

The following means were used in working with children:

Playing poetry, songs, nursery rhymes, mini-sketches, fairy tales, fables;
possession of a doll, toy and all available types of theater;
working with a toy or a picture, role play;
sound recording, video materials.

When designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activity of children, the following were taken into account:
individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;
features of his emotional and personal development;
individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;
curiosity, research interest and creativity;
age and gender-role features.

In our work, we relied on the following principles:
a unified approach of teachers and parents to the process of raising a child;
mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;
a differentiated approach to each family;
respect and goodwill for each other;
openness of the preschool institution for parents;
equality and responsibility of parents and preschool teachers.
In addition to traditional forms of work with the family, actively used innovative forms and working methods:
"Round table";
thematic exhibitions;
questionnaires of parents, diagnostics, tests, a survey on any topic;
family creative meetings;
open classes for parents to view;
"Parents' Lounge";
“Family Talents” competition;
a portfolio of "Family Success" and keeping a "Diary of Achievements" for each pupil;
"Day open doors»;
group newspaper "Preschooler";
Internet group "Solnyshko";
website GBOU School number 1238;

When organizing and designing a developing subject-spatial environment for practicing theatrical activities, we relied on the following principles:
the principle of ensuring the right to play, a fundamental principle that allowed pupils to exercise their right to theatrical play, to choose the theme, plot, place and time of theatrical games;
the principle of systematicity, the assimilation of the material was given to pupils in a certain order, system;
the principle of aggregation and flexible zoning, living space the group made it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity, this allowed the pupils to engage in theatrical activities, in accordance with their desires and interests, without interfering with each other;
the principle of activity that stimulated activity and cognitive activity children, allowed them freedom of choice and action;
the principle of freedom and independence, which allowed the pupils to independently determine their attitude to the environment: to perceive, imitate, create; independently choose what he likes;
the principle of novelty, which made it possible to overcome the stereotype and monotony of the environment;
the principle of universality, which made it possible to change the gaming environment, transform it, simulate the development of the game, make it rich and mobile, etc.

To organize and equip the theatrical corner of the senior group, theatrical and play equipment was needed:
large and small screens, fences, simple decorations made by parents and children;
rack-hanger for suits,
costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for setting fairy tales.
In theatrical activities, we used various types of puppet theater: picture theater, finger theater, glove theater, tabletop, shadow theater of figures and masks, puppet puppets, etc.
For theatrical and gaming activities, technical means were used: audio recordings of musical works, recording of sound and noise effects, video library of literary works, an interactive board.

The structure of the "Theater Thursday" project includes the following sections:

1. "Culture and technique of speech";
2. "Fundamentals of theatrical culture";
3. "Fundamentals of Puppetry";
4. "Basics of acting"

Additional sections:

5. "Conducting thematic theatrical holidays";
6. "Conducting thematic leisure and entertainment";
7. "Productive activities: modeling, applique, drawing, design"
The pedagogical project "Theater Thursday" ends with the staging of an entertainment dedicated to the Children's Day, entitled "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain".
(see Appendix + photo)

Forms of work:

Theatrical games.
Musical lessons.
Educator's stories about the theater.
Organization of performances, open classes for parents to watch, showing performances for kids.
Production and repair of attributes and manuals for performances.
Reading children's literature.
Album design about the theater.
Forms of the parent meeting "Round table", "Family creative meetings", "Parents' living room".
Thematic exhibitions, competitions.
Questionnaires, diagnostics, tests, a survey on any topic.
Family Success portfolio.
"Open Day".
Group newspaper "Preschooler".

At the end of the theatrical project, the pupils of the senior preschool group are able to:
interact in a coordinated manner, being involved in action simultaneously and sequentially;
memorize given poses;
memorize and describe appearance any child;
pronounce tongue twisters at different rates, in a whisper and with different intonation and diction;
expressively read a dialogue poetic text, correctly and clearly pronouncing words with the necessary intonations;
make sentences with given words;
compose sketches based on fairy tales; build a dialogue.
Thus, we have come to the conclusion that the implemented project contributes to the formation of the dialogue speech of pupils by means of theatrical activity; promotes the improvement of relationships between parents, educators and children; fosters an interest in children to conduct joint theatrical and play activities, forms a desire to jointly participate in performances, productions, theatrical entertainment and leisure activities, strengthening the health of children through exercises and gymnastics; we achieved our goal, with the help of experienced - experimental work, namely, a pedagogical project proved that the design of a theatrical game as a means of forming dialogue speech among older preschoolers is effective when:
creating a communicative - dialogue basis for the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers;
uniting teachers and parents on the basis of understanding the essence of the problem, forms and methods of effective formation of the dialogue speech of preschoolers through theatrical play;
organization of a developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the integral process of the formation of a pupil's personality.

Application + photo 1.Section "Culture and technique of speech":
Topic 1. “Warming up massage. Articulation gymnastics for lips. Exercise on the pronunciation of the vowels "I", "E", "A", "O".
Topic 2. “Warming up massage. Exercise on the pronunciation of vowels and consonants "U", "Y", "P", "B".
Topic 3. “Warming up massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise on the pronunciation of the vowels "K", "G", "T", "D".
Topic 4. “Warming up massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise on the pronunciation of the vowels "T", "D".
Topic 5. “Warming up massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise on the pronunciation of the vowels "L", "P", "H", "M".
Topic 6. “Warming up massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise on pronunciation of vowels "S", "З", "Ш", "Щ".
Topic 7. “Warming up massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Repetition of tongue twisters, tongue twisters. Speech game with movement "Petrushka".
Topic 8. “Warming up massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. "The Conductor Game".
2. Section "Fundamentals of theatrical culture":
Topic 1. "What is theater?" Types of theaters: tabletop, magnetic, hapit theater, cone theater, cylinder theater, Rukavichka theater, finger theater, etc.
Topic 2. "Theater - the magic kingdom of the game." Acquaintance with various types of art: literature, painting, music, choreography.
Topic 3. "Tales from the grandmother's chest." The concept of theatrical profession: make-up artist, costume designer, actor.
Topic 4. “Quiet! The play is underway! " Familiarization of children with the rules of conduct in the theater: in auditorium, foyer, wardrobe, buffet.
Topic 5. "All about the theater." Examining illustrations about the theater. Manufacturing theater tickets.
3.Section "Basics of Puppetry":
Topic 1. "The amazing world of dolls!" Types of dolls: table dolls, dolls with a "living hand". Demonstration of methods of action with dolls.
Topic 2. "A fairy tale on the table." Features of table theater. Learning how to act.
Topic 3. "Dolls on the stage". Appointment and convenience of the theater screen. Screen capabilities.
Topic 4. "These funny animals!" Acquaintance with the elements of acting: imitation and imitation of the movements of the heroes of a fairy tale.
Topic 5. "This is how I can!". Sketches for the development of facial expressions and gestures. Articulatory gymnastics.
Topic 6. "Theatrical warm-up". Training of the speech apparatus, various muscle groups, breathing.
Topic 7. "Young actors". Dramatization of the fairy tale "Who Said:" Meow? "
4.Section "Basics of acting":
Topic 1. "Dreamers". The concepts of "gesture", "facial expressions", "intonation", "dialogue".
Topic 2. "At the zoo". Musical-figurative characteristics of animals, birds, plasticity of gestures.
Topic 3. "Travel to the world of animals." Imitation of animal habits. Figurative characteristics.
Topic 4. “Guess the mood”. Acquaintance of children with pictograms: joy, sadness, resentment, fear, anger, surprise, etc.
Topic 5. "What we did, we will not tell, but what we did, we will show!" Concept: stage costume... Intonational expressiveness of speech.
Topic 6. "Mini - scenes from a familiar book." Concept: director, decorator. Playing with scenes that are small in volume.
5.Section "Conducting thematic theatrical holidays":
Knowledge Day;
"Golden autumn";
"New Year's Fireworks";
“March 8 - Mothers' Day”;
"Victory Day".
6.Section "Conducting thematic leisure and entertainment":
"The Tale of the Droplet";
"Holiday of the Wooden Spoon";
"Road Alphabet";
“Visiting grandmother Nastasya. Christmas Carols ";
"Profession - postman";
“Winter sports competitions. How Spring and Winter were measured against strength ”;
The final theatrical entertainment "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain", dedicated to the Children's Day.
7.Section "Productive activities: drawing, modeling, application, design
Decoration of art exhibitions: "Knowledge Day"; "Golden Autumn", "Winter Fireworks", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", etc.
Leisure attributes according to the traffic rules "Road ABC"; "Immersion in a fairy-tale situation", "Christmas festivities"; Pancake week".
Design of exhibitions: "Soldiers were walking ata-bats!", "March 8", "Day of Laughter", "Victory Day".