Psychological and pedagogical support of preschool children at different stages of development. Features of the psychological and pedagogical support of the development of children of preschool age

Psychological and pedagogical support of preschool children at different stages of development. Features of the psychological and pedagogical support of the development of children of preschool age


Chapter 1. The history of the development of psychological and pedagogical methods of diagnosis in special psychology

1.1. Development of psychological and pedagogical methods of research abroad

Chapter 2. Theoretical and methodological foundations of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of development disorders in children

2.1. Modern ideas about child development violations

2.2. Methodological principles of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of developmental disorders in children

2.3. Objectives of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of development disorders in children

Chapter 3. An integrated approach to learning children with developmental impairment

3.1. Medical examination in the system of comprehensive study of the child with deviations in development

3.2. Pedagogical study of children with developmental impairment

3.3. Socio-pedagogical study of microsococilities and their impact on the development of the child

3.4. Psychological study of children with developmental impairment

3.4.1. Methods of psychological study of children with developmental impairment

3.4.2. Experimental psychological study of children with developmental impairment

3.4.3. Tests

3.4.4. Neuropsychological study of children with developmental impairment

3.4.5. Approaches to the study of the identity of children and adolescents with developmental impairments

3.5. Speech therapy examination in the system of integrated learning children with developmental impairment

Chapter 4. Features of the psychological and pedagogical study of children with deviations in development in different age stages

4.1. Psychological and pedagogical study of children of the first year of life

4.1.1. Features of development

4.1.2. Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of children of the first year of life

4.2. Psychological and pedagogical study of young children (1-3 years)

4.2.1. Features of development

4.2.2. Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of young children

4.3. Psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children (from 3 to 7 years old)

4.3.1. Features of development

4.3.2. Recommendations for the psychological and pedagogical study of preschool children

4.4. Psychological and pedagogical study of school-age children

4.4.1. Features of development

4.4.2. Features of the psychological and pedagogical study of junior schoolchildren

4.5. Psychological and pedagogical study of adolescents with developmental impairments

4.5.1. Features of development

4.5.2. Objectives and objectives of psychological and pedagogical study of adolescents with developmental impairments

4.5.3. Features of the procedure for conducting a psychological study of adolescents with developmental impairments

4.5.4. Rules for building research programs

Chapter 5. Psychological and pedagogical study of children and adolescents with hearing impairments, view, musculoskeletal system, emotional development, complex developmental impairment

5.1. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with hearing impairment

5.2. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with violations of violation

5.2.1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of surveys of children with violations of violations

5.2.2. Requirements for children with violations of violations

5.2.3. Features of the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of children with violations of vision in different age periods

5.2.4. Principles of adaptation of diagnostic techniques when examining children of different age groups with violations of violations

5.2.5. Standardized diagnostic techniques adapted to work with children visual impairment

5.3. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with impaired musculoskeletal system

5.4. Psychological and pedagogical study of children with impaired emotional-volitional sphere (with early child autism)

5.4.1. General characteristics of disorders in autistic children

5.4.2. The procedure of psychological and pedagogical study of autistic children

5.5. Clinical and psychological and pedagogical study of children with complex developmental impairment

Chapter 6. Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Consiliums in Educational Institutions, Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commissions and Consultations

6.1. Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Consiliums in educational institutions

6.1.1. Objectives and Tasks PMPK

6.1.2. Organization of activities PMPK.

6.2. Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commissions and Consultations

6.2.1. Consultative and diagnostic work

6.2.2. Methods of psychological and pedagogical research of children in PMPK

6.2.3. Methods of experimental psychological research in PMPK

Chapter 7. Organization and maintenance of psychological counseling in the system of psychological and pedagogical support of the child with developmental impairment

7.1. The concept of psychological counseling

7.2. Methods of psychological counseling

7.3. Psychological consulting procedure

7.4. Basic principles and consulting strategies

7.5. Typical difficulties in the process of counseling

7.6. Objectives of psychological counseling families with children with deviations in development

7.7. Psychological counseling of children with developmental departures

Chapter 8. Psychological study of a family raising a child with developmental impairment

8.1. Family study methods

8.1.1. Little-formal techniques

8.1.2. Formalized techniques

8.1.3. Methods of studying the relationship of a child to parents and to society

8.1.4. Methods of studying the features of the identity of parents

8.1.5. Methods of studying parent-child relations

8.2. Family Psychological Research Procedure

Attachment 1

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3.

Appendix 4.


Tutorial "Psychological and Pedagogical Diagnostics" addressed to students of the faculties of special psychology and corrective pedagogy (defectological faculties) of pedagogical universities. The main goal of the publication is to familiarize students with the theoretical foundations of psychodiagnosis of violations of children's development and show the various approaches and ways to study children with different deviations in development.

The training manual contains actual material reflecting the features of the psychodiagnostic procedure for examining children with limited development capabilities, as well as the characteristics of methods and methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

  • 031500 - Typhroperation;

  • 031600 - Survyopedagogy;

  • 031700 - oligophrenopedagogy;

  • 031800 - speech therapy;

  • 031900 - Special psychology;

  • 032000 - Special pre-school pedagogy and psychology.
The book consists of preface, eight chapters and applications.

The first chapter provides a historical review of the development of psychological and pedagogical methods of diagnosis in special psychology.

The second chapter contains an analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations of psychodiagnostics of development violations in children. It also addresses tasks, principles and topical problems of psychological and pedagogical study of children with developmental impairment.

The third chapter shows the main components of a comprehensive approach in psychological and pedagogical diagnosis: medical, pedagogical, socio-pedagogical, psychological and speech therapy study of the child.

In the fourth chapter, the peculiarities of the psychological and pedagogical study of children at different age stages are considered.

Experimental methods of research of children began to be used in order to diagnose abilities. Some psychologists misunderstood the essence of mental retardation, considering it as a simple quantitative lag in the development of children's intelligence. They reduced the mental backwardness of violation of only individual functions and the experimental tasks were seen in the study of only these functions. Their methodical approach was measured by the "amount of mind" at the surveyed, which in practice led to significant errors in the diagnosis of mental retardation. This measurement was carried out using tests. Test - This is a test, which includes the implementation of a certain task identical to all subjects examined, using accurate equipment to evaluate success or failure or for a numerical recording of results (A. Pieron).

One of the first began testing English biologist F. Galton. He developed uncomplicated tests for researching individual differences. At the same time, he considered the main indicator of mental abilities. The condition of human sensory functions: visual sharpness and hearing, the rate of mental reactions, the ability to distinguish heat, cold, pain, etc. F. Galton has not yet used the term "test" in the meaning that is later investing in it. Bina. But it was the first departure from the tests and inspections based on intuition.

The idea of \u200b\u200bstudying physical and mental abilities to the method of tests has found its development in the works of the American psychologist J. M. Kettella. With his name, the appearance in the psychological literature of the term "Intellectual Test" is connected. J. M. Kettell created a series of test tests aimed at determining the state of simple functions, sensorotor reactions, the rate of mental processes, sensitivity, etc., to establish individual differences. The merit of ketttella had the idea of \u200b\u200bstandardizing tests in order to obtain more accurate information.

Measuring more complex mental processes (perception, memory, etc.) formed the basis of a series of test tests created by the German psychologist E. Fastener, who conducted a study of mentally ill. Describing the period before the beginning of the 20th century, scientists noted that he had a great influence on the development of psychodiagnostics and became a preparatory and simultaneous transitional stage in the way of developing psychological tests.

The subsequent development of intelligence tests is associated with the activities of the French psychologist A. Bina, who in 1897 expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe development of a "metric scale of reason", i.e. Such a system for studying the child, in which the measurement of its "mental age" is taken as the basis. At the same time, A. Bina put the task of creating tests, with the help of which the highest mental processes could be explored - thinking, memory, imagination. In 1904, A. Bina was invited to the Commission created by the Ministry of National Education of France to develop activities that ensure the proper education of mentally retarded children who cannot assimilate the program of the usual school. The task of determining the methods of selection of these children to special schools. A. Bina together with T. Simon for the first time lead tests into a certain system called by them "metric scale of mental abilities."

The first version of their "metric scale" was issued in 1905. It contained 30 tests located in the order of increasing difficulties.

These tests were aimed at determining children's type of memory, an understanding of verbal instructions, etc. In this embodiment there were no age indicators.

In 1908, the second, processed, option "metric scale" was released, in which the tests were grouped by age-related steps (from 3 to 15 years). For each age used from three to eight tests.

The third option appeared in 1911. In it, A. Bina and T. Sheyim offered tests to examine children from 3 to 16 years. Tests were redistributed with their difficulty. For each age, five tasks were offered. But in this option, the choice of tests was not always psychologically justified. So, for one age, combination tests were proposed for another - to study the memory. This was pointed to A.M. Schubert in his preface to the Russian publication of tests. She noted other disadvantages of tests: in their difficulty, they are not always correctly attributed to any age, some are subjective in nature, the successful implementation of many tests depends mainly on the life experience of the child. So, children 9 years old in the fifth test offer questions: "What should I do if you are late for the train?", "What should I do if you are inappropriate to hit the comrade (girlfriend)?". It is required to give the right answers for 20 s. Children 10 years in the third test offer five questions. The answers are given by 40 s. Among these issues there is such: "In one of the first warm days, when the forests began to green and the fields, the woman took a sickle and went to harm me. What's wrong?". However, not every 10-year-old child living in the city knows when and how to burn rye! Children 15 years old in the fifth test is required to answer two questions, but both of them are associated with life situations that may be unfamiliar to the examined, for example: "A doctor just came to my neighbor, and then a priest. What do you think about my neighbor ? ". Thus, although Bina and Simon sought to explore the "clean" mind, the ability of judgment, they have not reached it.

The disadvantage of the "metric scale" was also the fact that 80% of tests were verbally. The predominance of verbal tests influenced the results of the examination of children of different social layers, the children of the poor were in the worst position. The unsatisfactory indicators were given and children with speech defects.

Of course, the point of view of the test authors was erroneous, which in determining the ability to record the knowledge and skills of the child only at the moment. They did not take into account the dialectics of development, did not take into account the qualitative changes in the psyche that appear at different stages of the child's development. L.S. Vygotsky, criticizing a similar approach, wrote: "The development of a child ... Myster as a purely quantitative process of increasing qualitatively homogeneous and equal units, fundamentally replaced on any level of development. The year of development is always a year, whether it is about promoting a child from six-year-old Seven years or twelve to thirteen age. Such is the main concept of Bina, whose year of development is always measured by five indicators, taking into account as a completely equivalent value of the determined mental growth of the child, be it an increase in the twelfth or third year of life " 1 . Fixing only the final results of working with the test, mechanically calculating the pros and cons, obtained for the answers, was not possible to trace the nature of the activities of children. All this led to difficulties and mistakes in the diagnosis of mental retardation, especially when children were examined with signs of light intellectual disorders.

In the same period, Professor of Psychology of the Rome University of S. De Sanctis, who studied mentally retarded children, proposed his series of tasks from six experiments to determine the degree of mental underdevelopment. Experiments were aimed at studying attention, volitional efforts, direct memory on colors, shape, ability to recalculate specific objects, visual determination of the size, distance. S. De Sanctis believed that experiments apply to children not under 7 years old. If the subject can only fulfill the first two tasks, then he has a "sharp degree" of intellectual decline, if it performs the first four, then he has a "average degree", if he copes with the fifth experience, then "easy degree". Children who perform all six experiments, do not relate to mentally retarded. Analysis of the S. de Sanctis method shows its unsuitability for the diagnosis of mental development. As a diagnostic criterion, mental processes were chosen arbitrarily, the boundary of the degrees of mental lag was conditionally. Many researchers pointed to these disadvantages. The most reasonable criticism was subjected to the S. de Shanntis method. Troshin. Wide in practice this method did not receive.

Tests A.Bin and Tysimon were the most popular abroad, and they began to be used in many countries of the world before revising the option of 1908.

About 60 authors were upgraded by the Bina scale - Simon, adapting it to the sociocultural conditions of their states. Changes in the scales made O. Detradre (Switzerland), V.Stern, Emeyman (Germany), H. Goddard, L.Termen (USA). The option of Bina - Simon, prepared by L. Termen in the University of Stenford, was, according to psychologists, most viable. One of the trends that was discovered in the process of system upgrading is to reduce the number of verbal tests and an increase in the number of tests (non-verbal).

In the process of reconstruction of the Bina scale - Simon L.Termen, introduced a new requirement to which the test adequate to its intended purpose: the results of its execution on a large sample of the studied should be distributed across the Gauss curve. Thus, the ranking of the subjects depending on the results of testing was suggested. (The Gauss curve, or the normal distribution curve, has the shape of the bell; This distribution of the results means that the overwhelming majority of the subjects perform the setting "moderately good", i.e. their answers create a high part of the bell; the minority performs the tasks very bad or very good, their The responses create peripheral parts of the bell.) To interpret the results of the test, L.Terman first began using the concept of "intelligent coefficient" ( IQ.), which is the ratio of mental age to chronological (passportable) age. Intelligence of the tested was estimated purely quantitatively by the amount of points scored by them.

V.STERN proposed the following formula for determining the intellectual coefficient:

IQ. =


Mental age is determined by the success of the relevant typical tasks. For each age, the tasks of a certain difficulty are envisaged. For each age typical IQ. It is 100 ± 16. This value is determined by the fact that the mental age is equal to chronological age: for example, a five-year-old child performs tasks corresponding to its age. Hence, IQ. =



. 100. The standard deviation from individual values \u200b\u200bdoes not exceed 16. Accordingly, all individual indicators on the test that have fallen into the interval from 84 to 116 are considered normal, appropriate age. If the test indicator above 116, the child is considered gifted; If below 84 - its intellectual development is lagging behind the norm.

However, no changes and "improvements" of the Bina scale - Simon did not save it from such disadvantages, as evaluating only the final result when performing a task; The difficulties that met the subject were not revealed. The role of help, as well as the influence of the medium, was completely unrecognized. Famous Swiss psychologist J. Piage criticized the tests for "mosaic", the variety of tasks included in the test systems. Negatively affected the final result and restriction in time allotted to solve the test, as well as the absence of a truly scientific evaluation criterion. One of the reasons for this was a different understanding of intelligence. There was no consensus between the discistnesses that intelligent tests should measure, so often the test batteries were based on the intelligence models contradictory.

You should specify that by the beginning of the XX century. The first attempts of a long study of children also include. Thus, in Belgium, on the suggestion of O. Detchrol, with auxiliary schools, they began to create special "observational" classes in order to clarify the diagnosis of individual students, as well as the development of some basic recommendations for subsequent work with them. "Observation" classes were one of the elements in the structure of the auxiliary school. However, in the future they were not widespread. Obviously, it was associated with the development and increasing application in that period of standardized test methods of examination, bribed researchers with their simplicity when used. Tests for tests caused a weakening of attention to the long ways to study the child.

In subsequent years, various psychodiagnostic technologies (tests, questionnaires, psycho-physiological methods, etc.) continue to be developed. Along with the tests of intelligence uses tests aimed at learning a person. Of particular interest among them are projective techniques - "Spots" Rorschah, Tat Merreya and Morgan, frustration test of Rosenzweiga.

Among the tests of intelligence is currently quite widely used test D. Waxer (the so-called Waxes-Bellevue scale). It was developed in the 40s - 50s. XX century, and in addition to the scales for adults (WAIS), there are scales and for children (Wisc). This test includes both verbal and non-verbal scales than differs from most mental development tests. In addition, it provides for the possibility of determining the nature of the lag in intellectual development (however, the critics of this test argue that the probability of erroneous qualifications of violations is very high). In our country, the test promissory adapted by A.Yu. Panasyuk. Standard IQ.The test calculated by the test has a mean value of 100 and the standard deviation 15.

Another popular test was the test J. Equal. It consists of 60 matrices, or compositions, with missed elements that should fill the subject.

It should be noted that the parameters for intellectual tests the effects affects how the authors determine the very concept of "mental retardation", which has undergone significant conceptual changes in the period 1960-1990.

Tests are being developed and for children of infant and early age. For example, the N. Bailey scale received widespread for the study of children from 2 months to 2.5 years. They are estimated in them the mental development (perception, memory, the primitiveness of verbal communication, elements of abstract thinking, learning), motor development (ability to sit, stand, walk, the development of small movements of the fingers), emotional and social behavior. Although the Bailey scales state only the level of the development of functions at the moment, without putting the forecast, they are nevertheless very useful for the early detection of certain sensory, neurological, emotional disorders.

It should be noted that in the process of developing and modernizing tests, the authors have improved the methodology for their use, seeking greater reliability and objectivity when evaluating the results. As noted by KM Gurevich, for most modern foreign tests, a high methodical level is characterized, high validity (i.e. adequacy and effectiveness of the test), as well as the representativeness of the samples on which standard indicators are obtained.
1 Vygotsky hp DIAGNOSTICS OF DEVELOPMENT AND PEDOLOGICAL CLINIC OF DETWORK Childhood // Cons. So: at 6 t. - M., 1984. - T. 5. - p. 273.
1.2. Development of psychological and pedagogical methods of research in Russia

In Russia, the development of psychological and pedagogical methods for diagnosing development disorders has its own history. The need to develop methods for identifying mental retardation in children originated at the beginning of the XX century. In connection with the discovery in 1908 - 1910. first auxiliary schools and auxiliary classes. Group of teachers and enthusiast doctors (E.V. Gerie, V.P. Kashchenko, M.P. Postovskaya, N.P. Postovsky, G.I. Rossolimo, O.B. Feltsman, N.V. Chekhov, etc .)) Conducted a mass examination of the unsuccessful students of Moscow schools in order to identify children whose unsuccessfulness was due to intellectual failure.

The study was carried out by collecting personal data on children, studying pedagogical characteristics, conditions of home education and medical examination of children. During these years, researchers experienced great difficulties due to the lack of scientific medical and psychological data on mental retardation. Nevertheless, it should be noted, to honor of domestic psychologists, teachers, doctors, that their work on the examination of children was distinguished by great thoroughness, the desire to exclude the possibility of errors in establishing mental retardation. Greater caution in determining the diagnosis was dictated mainly by humane considerations.

The issues of the methods of examination of children were the subject of discussion at the First All-Russian Congress on Experimental Pedagogy (December 26 - 31, 1910, Petersburg) and at the First All-Russian Congress on National Education (December 13, 1913 - January 3, 1914, St. Petersburg). Although most of the participants in the congresses were expressed for the use of the test method in psychological studies, the method of observation, as well as physiological and reflexological methods, was attached great importance. The question of the dynamic unity of the methods of studying the child was raised. However, the congresses did not allow disputes arising around the question of research methods, which largely can be explained by the scientific position that many psychologists, teachers and doctors occupied in those years.

The method of studying children created by the largest Russian neuropathologist G.I. Rossolimo. Being a supporter of experimental research in psychology, he defended the need to use test methods. G.I. Rossolimo made an attempt to create such a test system with which it would be possible to explore as many individual mental processes. G.I. Rossolimo studied (mainly with the help of non-verbal tasks) attention and will, accuracy and strength of visual perceptions, associative processes. The result was drawn up in the form of a graph-profile, hence the name of the method - "psychological profiles".

Full version of the test system G.I. Rossolimo contained 26 studies, each of which consisted of 10 tasks and lasted 2 hours, was carried out in three receptions. It is clear that such a system due to its bulkness was uncomfortable for use, so G.I. Rossolimo further simplified it by creating a "brief method of studying mental retardation." This method was used regardless of the age of the subject. It included a study of 11 mental processes, which were estimated at 10 tasks (in total on tasks). The result was depicted in the form of a curve - "profile". Compared to the Bina - Simon technique, an attempt was made in the Rossolimo technique, an attempt was made to a qualitatively quantitative approach to the evaluation of the results of the child's work. According to the psychologist and teacher P.P. Blonsky, "Profiles" G.I. Rossolimo most indicative to determine mental development. Unlike foreign tests, the trend of the multidimensional characteristic of the personality is manifested.

However, the Methodology G.I. Rossolimo had a number of shortcomings, in particular, not enough choice of the processes under study. G.I. Rossolimo did not investigate the verbal and logical thinking of children, did not give assignments to establish their trainee.

L.S. Vygotsky noted that decomposing the complex activity of the human person to a number of separate simple functions and measuring each of them by purely quantitative indicators, G.I. Rossolimo tried to summarize completely incommensurable terms. Characterizing general methods of tests, hp Vygotsky pointed out that they only give a negative characteristic of the child and although they indicate the impossibility of his learning in a mass school, but do not open what the qualitative features of its development are.

As already noted, most domestic psychologists, using tests, did not consider them the only universal means of studying the identity of children. So, for example, A.M. Schubert, which translated Bina's tests - Simon into Russian, noted that the study of mental giftedness by their method does not exclude the psychologically correct systematic observation and the testimony of school success - it only complements them. A little earlier, characterizing various test systems, it also pointed out that it was possible to find out the main defect of the psyche, only a long, systematic observation can be characterized, and only a multiple repeated and carefully delivered experimental and psychological studies of mental abilities can be taken to help him.

Many researchers who were engaged in the problems of mental retardation (V.P. Kashchenko, OB Feldman, G.Ya. Trophin et al. Especially important materials of comparative psychological and clinical studies of normal and abnormal children conducted by G.Ya. Troshin. The data they received enrich not only a special psychology, but also help in addressing differential psychodiagnosis issues. G.Ya. Trossin also emphasized the value of the observation of the behavior of children in natural conditions.

The first who created a special methodology for conducting targeted observations was A.F. Lazur - author of a number of works on the study of the human personality: "Essays of science of characters", "School characteristics", "Personal research program", "Personal classification".

Although the method A.F. Lazur also has drawbacks (he understood the activity of the child only as a manifestation of innate properties and offered to identify these properties to establish a pedagogical process in accordance with them), but there are many useful recommendations in its works.

Big Merit A.F. The Lazur was the study of a child in activities in vivo through objective observation and the development of the so-called natural experiment, including both elements of targeted observation and special tasks.

The advantage of a natural experiment compared to laboratory observation is that he helps the researcher to get the facts you need by a special system of classes in the familiar setting for children, where there is no artificiality (the child does not even suspect that they are observed).

Experimental lessons were a great scientific achievement in the study of schoolchildren. Characterizing them, A.F. Lazur noted that an experimental lesson is called such a lesson in which, on the basis of preceding observations and analyzes, the most indicative elements of this study subject are grouped, so that the individual characteristics of the students appear in such a lesson very sharply.

A.F. The Lazur has created a special program for the study of individual manifestations of children in lessons, indicating the manifestations to be observed, and their psychological significance. They also developed plans for experimental lessons, identifying personality qualities.

A special role in the development of scientific foundations of diagnosis of children with deviations in development belongs to L.S. Vygotsky, who considered the identity of the child in development, in an inextricable connection with the exposure that education, training and medium is applied. Unlike testologists who statively stated only the level of child development at the time of the examination, L.S. Vygotsky defended the dynamic approach to the study of children, considering it mandatory not only to take into account what the child has already achieved in previous life cycles, but mainly to establish the nearest possibilities of children.

L.S. Vygotsky offered not to be limited to the study of a child with one-time tests of what he can do himself, but to trace how it would take advantage of the help, what, therefore, the forecast for the future in his training and education. Especially acute, he raised the question of the need to establish qualitative characteristics of mental processes, identifying the prospects for the development of the individual.

Positions L.S. Vygotsky on the areas of the current and nearest development, about the role of an adult in the formation of the child's psyche are of great importance. Later, in the 70s. XX century, based on these provisions, an extremely important method of studying children with deviations in the development was developed - "Training Experiment" (A.Ya. Ivanova). This type of experiment allows you to evaluate the potential features of the child, the prospects for its development, determine rational paths of subsequent pedagogical work. In addition, it is extremely useful in differential diagnostics.

Very important requirement for hp Vygotsky study the intellectual and emotional and volitional development of children in their relationship.

In the work "Diagnostics of the Development and Pedological Clinic of Hard Childhood" L.S. Vygotsky proposed a chart of a pedology study of children, which includes the following stages.

  1. Carefully collected complaints of parents, the child, educational institution.

  2. The history of the child's development.

  3. Symptomatology (scientific stating, description and determination of symptoms) of development.

  4. Pedological diagnosis (opening the causes and mechanisms for the formation of this symptom complex).

  5. Forecast (prediction of the nature of child development).

  6. Pedagogical or medical and pedagogical purpose.
Revealing each of these stages of the study, L.S. Vygotsky pointed to the most important moments. So, he emphasized that it was necessary not to simply systematize the identified symptoms, but to penetrate the essence of the processes of development. Analysis of the history of the child's development, according to L.S. Vygotsky, implies the definition of internal relations between the parties to mental development, the establishment of a dependence of a particular line of child's development from malicious effects of the environment. Differential diagnosis should be based on a comparative study, not limited to the measurement of intelligence, and considering all the manifestations and facts of the maturation of the personality.

These positions L.S. Vygotsky is a great achievement of domestic science.

It should be noted that in a difficult socio-economic situation in the country in the 20s - 30th. XX century Advanced teachers, psychologists, doctors paid a lot of attention to the problems of learning children. In the Children's Inspection Institute (Petrograd) under the direction of A.S. Griboedov, at the medical and pedagogical experimental station (Moscow), led by V.P. Kashchenko, in a number of surveys and scientific and practical institutions among various studies in the field of defectology, the development of diagnostic techniques occupied a great place. It was during this period that the active activities of pedologists were noted. With his first priority, they considered the help of school in learning children, choosing tests as a tool in this work. However, their efforts led to the fact that mass testing began in schools. And since not all used test techniques were perfect and specialists did not always use them, the results turned out in many cases unreliable. Children of pedagogically and socially launched admitted mentally retarded and headed for auxiliary schools. On the inadmissibility of such practice and was indicated in the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) dated July 4, 1936 "On the pedology perversion in the system of drug addresses". But this document was perceived as a full ban on the use of any psychodiagnostic techniques during examination, and especially tests. As a result, psychologists have ceased research in this area for many years, which caused great damage to the development of psychological science and practice.

In subsequent years, despite all the difficulties, enthusiasts-flaws, psychologists, doctors were looking for ways and methods of more accurate diagnosis of mental abnormalities. Only in cases of explicitly pronounced mental retardation, a survey in medical and pedagogical commissions (IPC) of children without trial training in school was allowed. Specialists of the IPCs sought to prevent erroneous conclusions about the state of the child and the incorrect choice of the type of institution in which it must continue learning. However, the lack of developing methods and criteria for differential psychodiagnostics, the low level of organization of work of medical and pedagogical commissions has adversely affected the quality of the child's survey.

In the 50s - 70s. XX century The attention of scientists and practical workers to the problems of the acquisition of special institutions for mentally retarded, which means that the use of psychodiagnostic techniques has increased. During this period, intensive studies in the field of pathopsychology under the leadership of B.V. Zeigarnik, neuropsychological methods of research research under the leadership of A.R. Luria. Studies of these scientists have significantly enriched the theory and practice of experimentally psychological study of mentally retarded children. Great merit in the development of principles, methods, ways to explore children when having special institutions for mentally retarded children belongs to psychologists and teachers G.M. Dulna-Wu, S.D. Pubrase, A.Ya. Ivanova, V.I. Lubovsky, N.I. Nepomnyazing, S.Ya. Rubinstein, J.I. Shif and others.

In the 80s - 90s. XX century The efforts of specialists in developing and improving organizational forms and methods for studying children with development deviations in need of special education and education are increasingly activated. Early differential diagnosis is carried out, psychological and diagnostic research methods are being developed. At the initiative of the education authorities, the Council of Society of Psychologists in 1971-1998. Conferences, congresses, seminars on psychodiagnostics and recruitment of special institutions for abnormal children are held. The Ministry of Education annually organizes training courses and retraining, which directly carry out this work. Research in this area continues to this day.

Unfortunately, as V.I. notes Lubovsky (1989), not all scientific provisions and methodological approaches to the diagnosis of developmental deviations developed by L.S. Vygotsky, S.Ya. Rubinstein, A.R. Luria and others are currently used, and actually psychological diagnostics are carried out "on the intuitive-empirical level" depends on the experience and qualifications of specialists.

Negatively affects the results of diagnostic studies and the fact that psychologists began to arbitrarily use individual fragments of test batteries, individual tasks from classical tests (for example, from a test of a ventilation), without receiving a holistic picture of the child's development.

At the present stage, research of V.I. has great importance for the development of diagnosis of deviations in development. Lubovsky. Back in the 70s. XX century He was engaged in the problems of diagnosing mental development and put forward a number of important provisions designed to make the diagnosis of more accurate and objective. So, noting the presence of general and specific disorders for each category of children with deviations in development, V.I. Lubovsky points to the prospects for the development of differential diagnosis, emphasizing the importance of a combination of a quantitative assessment of the level of development of mental functions with high-quality, structural analysis - with the predominance of the latter. In this case, the level of development of a function or another is expressed not only in conditional points, but also has a meaningful characteristic. This approach seems very fruitful, although its real implementation will become possible after the painstaking work of scientists and practitioners in this direction.

Enrich modern diagnosis of mental development neuropsychological methods, which in recent years have become increasingly used. Neuropsychological techniques make it possible to determine the level of formation of cortical functions, help to identify the main radical violation of activity. In addition, modern neuropsychological techniques make it possible to use a qualitatively quantitative approach, objectifying the results, identifying the individual structure of violations.

Control questions

  1. What social problems was due to the development of the first methods of diagnosing development violations in children?

  2. What contribution to the domestic science was made by. Lazur? What is a natural experiment?

  3. What is the essence of the position of L.S. Vygotsky on the study of the "zone of the nearest development" of children?

  4. What trends in the study of children with developmental impairments have been planned in recent decades abroad and in Russia?

  5. Why did the identification of mental retardation initially been mainly a medical problem?

  6. When and in connection with which the establishment of mental retardation became a psychological and pedagogical problem?


  • Anastasi A. Psychological testing: in 2 kN. / Ed. KM Gurevich. - M., 1982. - KN. 1. - P. 17-29, 205-316.

  • Introduction to psychodiagnostics / Ed. KM Gurevich, E.M. Borisova. - M., 1997.

  • Vygotsky hp DIAGNOSTICS OF DEVELOPMENT AND PEDOLOGICAL CLINIC OF DETWORK Childhood // Cons. So.: 6t. - M., 1984. - T. 5. - P. 257 - 321.

  • Gurevich K.M. On the individual psychological characteristics of schoolchildren. - M., 1998.

  • Padded S.D. Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of the mental development of children. - M., 1995. - Ch. P.

  • Zemsky. FROM. The history of oligophrenopedagogy. - M., 1980. - Ch. III, IV.

  • Lubovsky V.I. Psychological problems of the diagnosis of abnormal development of children. - M., 1989. - Ch. one.

  • Psychological diagnostics / ed. KM Gurevich. - M., 1981. - Ch. 13.

  • Elkonin D.B. Some questions of the diagnosis of mental development of children: the diagnosis of educational activities and intellectual development of children. - M., 1981.

  • Lazur A.F. On the natural experiment // Readerness in age and pedagogical psychology / ed. I.I. Ilyasova, V.Ya. Laudis. - M., 1980. - P. 6-8.

  • Schools for mentally retarded children abroad / ed. TA Vlasova and J.I. Shif. - M., 1966.

Lysenko Nina
Features of the psychological and pedagogical support of the development of children of preschool age

Currently, there is an acute problem psychological and pedagogical support All participants in the educational process. This position entails a free development and becomes an integral part of the activity preschool institutions. The main component for performing an educational process must be created by security. developing Environments and professional competence of teachers.

Getting acquainted with numerous studies of S. A. Amonashvili, O. S. Gazman, A. V. Mudrick and others. You can trace the problem of organization psychological and pedagogical support of the development of children of preschool age. Support Considered as special The view of the professional activity of an adult who tries to solve certain problems of the identity of the child and their tasks. The child acts in the pedagogical process as an object and a subject of self-education and self-development. Under the object is understood not the child himself, but its quality, methods of action, conditions of his life.

In the dictionary of the Russian language S. I. Ozhegova there is a following definition " Support - Follow with someone, being near, leading somewhere or going for someone. "

M. R. Bityanova is considered « support» As a move along with the child and near, or ahead to answer the questions that have appeared. The teacher tries to listen to his interlocutor and tries to help the Council, but does not control it.

L. G. Subbotina combines psychological and pedagogical components. Under « psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of students» Subbotina L. G. understands the holistic and continuous process of studying the personality of the student, its formation, creating conditions for self-realization in all fields of activity, adaptation in society at all age Stages of school learning, carried out by all the subjects of the educational process in interaction situations. " Meaking with the experience of L. G. Saturotina to see that in order to interact the subjects of the educational process, implementing personality-oriented training, are characterized by the following features;

1 Equality psychological positions of subjects of interaction regardless of social status;

2 Equal recognition of the active communicative role of each other;

3 psychological Support each other.

The main direction for the formation of the basics psychological and pedagogical escort The professional activity of the educator became a personal-oriented approach, which makes it possible to select techniques for high levels of professional development. purpose psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the preschooler - help implement your abilities, Knowledge, skills and skills for successful achievement in various activities.

For the creation of socio psychological conditions of successful upbringing and development of a child in their age Periodization is necessary to psychological and pedagogical support Performed as a professional activity system. Support It is understood as a system of professional activity of various specialists in creating the conditions for making optimal solutions in various situations of life selection.

Accompanying the child in the pre-school process learning implies the implementation of the following principles:

Following natural development of a child on this age stage of his life path.

Escort relies on mental, Personal achievements that really have a child and make up a unique luggage of his personality. Psychological Wednesday does not carry the influence and pressure. Priority of goals, values, needs development The inner world of the child himself.

Orientation of activities on the creation of conditions allowing the child to independently build a system of relations with the world surrounding people and himself, to make personal significant positive life elections.

Maintenance requiresSo that the teacher can own the technique of communicating with the child, move along with him, to be near, sometimes a little ahead. Watching your children, we, teachers, notice their successes, help the examples and advice to solve problems encountered on their life path.

Psychological and pedagogical support educational process can change preschoolerBut only an individual approach should be applied.

Intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment associated with an extended idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose of education where goals are included development, upbringing, ensuring physical, psychic, psychologicalMustotal and Social Health children. With this approach psychological and pedagogical support acts as the main element of the education system, in solving the tasks of training, upbringing and development of a new generation.


1. Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of Russian language: OK. 57000 words / ed. L. Skvortsov. "Onyx-Lit", "Peace and Education" 2012

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 20, 2011 No. 2151 "On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program preschool education"

3. Subbotina L. G. Model of interaction of the entities of the educational process in psychological and pedagogical accompaniment Students // Sibirsky psychological magazine. 2007. № 25.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation "Model of psychological and pedagogical support of professional growth of pedagogical workers" In the context of modernization in the system of Russian preschool education, the development of personnel potential is the most important activity.

Diagnostics as a form of psychological and pedagogical support of participants in the educational process One of the important components of the basic component of the teacher's activities - the psychologist of the kindergarten is a screening diagnosis,.

Individual route of psychological and pedagogical support of the artistically gifted child Individual route of psychological and pedagogical support of the artistic and gifted child ___ senior group.

Individual route of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of a capable pupil The individual route of psychological - pedagogical accompaniment of the capable pupil is prepared for the School of the Rainbow Group of MDOU.

Individual route of psychological and pedagogical support of the pupil, having difficulty in development The individual route of psychological - pedagogical support of the pupil, having difficulty in development in the II junior group "Rainbow".

Psychological and pedagogical support of preschool children at different stages of development

The leading methodologist of the department of socio-pedagogical support for the management of the administration of the administration of Omsk CJSC Natalya Anatolyevna.

Based on the topic of psychological and pedagogical readings, the main questions that we will consider with you today are - the features of the psychological development of children of preschool age at different age stages, as well as the system of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process.

The work of the psychologist's teacher of a preschool educational institution is impossible without knowledge of the theoretical foundations and patterns of development of the child of preschool age.

In preschool age, the foundations of the development of children are laid, and on how we (psychologists' teachers, educators, parents) are developing children, their further fate depends largely.

The knowledge of the age characteristics of children to build the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is especially important.

You, of course, know that at the base of periodization there are theoretical justifications of different authors, (bring some of them briefly) so for example by L.S. Vygotsky defined the age characteristics as the most typicalfor children of one or another, pointing to general Development Directions on one or another stage of life.

The formation of a child's personality occurs in his active activities. The author of this theory is A.N. Leontyev. The basis of this theory is the idea that is that at every age stage the lead is certain activities (communication, game, teaching, work) due to the main changes in personality.

According to theoretical provisions, A.A. Bodaleva, A.A. Lomova, A.M. Matyushkin Authorities, Systems and Mental Functions of the Child are developing with different intensity and not in parallel. There are periods during which the body becomes especially sensitive to certain impacts of the surrounding reality. Such periods are called sensitive.

Accounting of the above theoretical justifications is the main criterion of age periodization in domestic psychology.

Infant age (0 - 1 year);

Early children's age (1 - 3 years);

Pre-school age (3 - 7 years).

(As we see on the slide)

In accordance with the periodization, preschool childhood It is considered the period from 3 to 7 years. Preceded by him period of infancy (from 0 to 1 year) and early age (from the 1st year to 3 years). We will not affect the period of infancy (from 0 to 1 year), I think the reason for this is clear, this is due to the fact that children of this age do not attend kindergarten.

Due to the fact that the system of pre-school education often includes nursery groups that visit young children from 1.5 to 2.5 years, let us touch the singularities of their development. Consider the age characteristics of young children.

From 1 year to 3 years

The most important mental nephorification of early age is the emergence speech and visively effective thinking.During this period, the active speech of the child and the understanding of the speech of an adult in the process of joint activity occurs.

There is one famous psychological fairy tale of a boy who spoke in 5 years. Parents from the legs were shot, leading it in doctors and psychics, but all their efforts remained in vain. And once, when the whole family sat down to dine, the child said clearly: "I have nothing!". In the house, the stir, mom in fainting, dad does not remember himself from happiness. When Euphoria passed, the child was asked why he was silent all this time. The baby answered quite reasonably: "Why did I need to talk? You and so everyone told me "...

For the successful development of the child's speech, it is necessary to stimulate the statements of the child, encourage him to talk about his desires. With development hearing and understanding Messages, the use of speech as a means of knowledge of reality, as a way of regulating behavior from an adult.

Main method of knowledge The child of the surrounding world is a method of samples and errors.

Evidence of the transition from the infancy period by the period of early childhood is the development new relationship to the subject. Who begins to be perceived as thinghaving a certain purpose and method of use. Game activity Wears subject-manipulative character.

To three years, the primary self-esteem appears, awareness of not only its own "I", but also the fact that "I am good", "I am very good", "I am good and no more", the consciousness of this and the emergence of personal actions navigates the child to a new level development. The crisis of three years begins - the border between the early and preschool childhood. This is the destruction, the revision of the old system social relationship. By expression D.B. Elkonina, the crisis of highlighting his "I".

L.S. Vygotsky described 7 characteristics of the crisis of 3 years: negativism, stubbornness, plumpness, protest riot, despotism, jealousy, and toast.

The formation of the person's personality during the crisis of 3 years occurs in cooperation with adults and peers. The crisis of the 3rd years resembles a small revolution. If we remember the signs of the revolution, it can be noted that some do not want to live in the old way, while others cannot take taking place. A very large role in this period is given to an adult, since the successes of the child's development depend on it. It is an adult determines the nature of the interaction, manages the act of communication, stimulates the understanding of each other. And on how he reacts to the formation of a "self" depends on the formation of a child identity.

Reactions to "I myself" are two types:

first- When an adult encourages the child's independence and, as a result, happens smoothing of difficulties in relationships.

In second If an adult, despite the qualitative changes in the identity of the child, continues to maintain the previous type of relationship, then there is an aggravation of relations, the manifestation of negativism.

The next period we will stop - preschool childhood. Preschool childhood - a long time in the life of a child: it continues from 3 to 7 years. At this age, in relation to the child surrounding the child, its own position is formed. The activity and tightness of babies is manifested in constant readiness for activities.

Consider the features of the development of children of 3-4 years.

At this age, the child perceives the subject without an attempt to surveys. Based on visual-effective thinking to the 4th year in children is formed imagination. Gradually, the child's action takes place from a particular subject. Speech becomes connected, the vocabulary is enriched with adjectives. Prevailing restal imagination. Memorywe are involuntary in nature, and is characterized by image . Learning prevails, not memorization. Well remembered what is interesting and emotionally painted. Nevertheless, everything that is remembered is to be preserved for a long time.

The child is not able to hold his attention for a long time on some one subject, it quickly switches from one type of activity to another.

Method of knowledge - Experimentation, design.

In 3-4 years, children begin to absorb rules of relationships in the group of peers.

The mental development of children is 4-5 years old is characterized by the use of speech, as means of communication and stimulation, expansion of a horizon of a child, the opening of the new faces of the world around them. The child begins to interest not just any phenomenon in itself, but the causes and consequences of its occurrence.

Therefore, the main question of the child of this age "Why?". The need for new knowledge is actively developing. Thinking - visual-shaped. The big step forward is the development of the ability to build conclusions, which is evidence of the separation of thinking from the immediate situation. This age period ends the formation of active speech of children.

Attention and memory continue to wear an involuntary character. The dependence of attention from emotional saturation and interest is preserved. Actively develops fantasy. Way of knowledge The surrounding world are adult stories, experimentation. Game activity Wears a collective nature. Peers becomes interesting as partners According to the story, claim preferences on sexual sign. Gaming associations are becoming more stable.

In five, six-year-old, the child's interest is directed to the sphere relationship between people. Adult estimates are exposed to critical analysis and compared with their own. By this period, the child accumulates quite a large luggage of knowledge, which continues to be intensively replenished. There is a further development of the cognitive sphere of a preschooler. It begins to form figurative, planning a function of speech, development occurs targeted memorization. Main method of knowledge - Communication with peers, independent activities and experimentation. Further deepening occurs interest in the Partner of the gameThe plan is complicated in gaming activities. The development of volitional qualities, which allow the child to organize their attention in advance on the upcoming activities in advance.

Slide 13. Consider the age-related features of children 6-7 years

So, by the end of the preschool age, the child knows what is "good" and what is "bad", as well as can evaluate not only someone else's, but also their behavior. Extremely important mechanism is formed sports of motifs.The strongest motive for the preschooler is encouraging, receiving award. Weak - punishment, even weaker - own promise. Another important line of personality development is the formation of self-awareness. The child to 7 years appears self-control and arbitrary behavior, self-esteem becomes more adequate.

Based on the generalization of theoretical approaches in solving problems of readiness for school, a number of its signs can be distinguished.

1. Strong desire to learn and attend school (ripening learning motif).

2. A fairly wide range of knowledge about the world around.

3. The ability to perform basic mental operations.

4. Achieving a certain level of mental and physical endurance.

5. Development of intellectual, moral and aesthetic feelings.

6. A certain level of speech and communicative development.

Thus, psychological readiness for school education is formed in a child throughout the preschool childhood, i.e. from 3 to 7 years and is a complex structural education, including intellectual, personal, socio-psychological and emotional-volitional readiness.

Thus, the psychological and pedagogical support of preschool children is the psychological features of children at every age stage of development, crisis periods, as well as psychological neoplasms. The problem of the implementation of developing learning can be solved through a clear awareness of the laws of the development of the child's personality, its sources and movement.

In the methodological recommendations on the psychological and pedagogical support of students in the educational process in the context of the modernization of education (Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 27.06.2003 No. 28-51-513 \\ 16)it says that:

The object of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment iseducational process (educational process);

The subject of activity is the situationchild's development as a child's relationship system:

n with the world;

n with surrounding (adults, peers);

n with yourself.

Purposepsychological and pedagogical support for the development of the child in educational process It is to ensure the normal development of the child (in accordance with the norm of development at appropriate age).

Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support.

n prevention of the problems of the child's development;

n help (assistance) to a child in solving the actual tasks of development, training, socialization: educational difficulties, problems with the choice of educational and professional route, violation of the emotional-volitional sphere, problems of relationships with peers, teachers, parents;

n Psychological support of educational programs ;

Let me remind the main directions of psychological and pedagogical work.

Directions of work on psychological and pedagogical support

n. Prevention- This is one of the main activities that allows you to prevent the emergence of certain problems. The prevention feature in preschool age is indirecting the impact on the child through parents and educators.

n. Diagnostics(individual, group (screening)). Given the age-related features, as well as the goals and objectives of the psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process in a preschool institution, it is possible to allocate the main directions that must be accompanied in the preschool institution, and therefore diagnose them: first, since we are tracking the country's development rate, and We know the crisis periods and neoplasms of different age-related stages, it is possible to distinguish problem areas, such as adaptation period to a pre-school educational institution (from 1.5 years and older), because Children come to kindergarten at different ages. Support crisis of 3 years. We have already spoken about him in detail. Tracking age-related neoplasms According to the main criteria on each age period, which has already been listed. As well as accompany readiness for school learning. I would like to note that you have assistants of teachers, which also track the effectiveness of pedagogical activities.

Analysis of the reports of psychologists teachers shows that in fact, only 9% of experts track the development and adaptation of children of the younger and middle group, 68% of psychologists' teachers keep track of the development rate of children of the senior group and all -100% of specialists - diagnose readiness for school education .

n. Consulting (individual, group), is carried out as a rule according to the stated issues with both teachers and parents.

n. Developing work (individual, group).

n. Correctional work (individual, group).

If in correctional and developing work, a specialist system of escort has a certain standard of mental development, to which a child seeks to bring up, in developing work, it focuses on the average age development standards for creating such conditions in which the child will be able to rise to the optimal for him level of evolution. The latter may be both higher and below the average. For the correctional work, the meaning of "correction" of deviations is enshrined, and for the developing - the meaning of the disclosure of the potential features of the child. At the same time, developing work is not just a training of a certain ability, but is focused on working with other factors that determine promotion in academic work.

n. PSYCHOLOGICAL EDUCATION AND EDUCATION: Formation of psychological culture, the development of the psychological and pedagogical competence of children, administration of educational institutions, teachers, parents.

The statement of the paradigm of developing, personal-oriented education (and all of all developing programs have been written), the tasks of increasing the professionalism of pedagogical personnel require a transition from the traditional model of psychological education to the development model of psychological competence of teachers. (in our opinion, we are talking about the methodological function of the teacher-psychologist) It is necessary to move away from the model when the teacher-psychologist acts alone, the efforts of the entire pedagogical team should be combined, and for this it is important to equip teachers with anthropo- and psychotechnics, allowing to solve topical development tasks and Raising a child, his learning. The next direction of work is

n. Expertise(educational and training programs, projects, benefits, educational environments, professional activities of specialists of educational institutions).

Today, in the system of psychological and pedagogical support, along with traditional activities, such an integrated area is being implemented as participation in the development (design) of educational institutions development programs, as well as their psychological and pedagogical support. In our city in all pre-school educational institutions, development programs are developed and protected in which, psychologists' teachers play not the last, but a leading role.

First, they describe a block of psychological and pedagogical support program development.

Secondly, perform an examination of content other program blocks from a psychological point of view.

Program - This is a regulatory model joint activity People defining a sequence of actions to achieve the goal. Consequently, for its implementation, a team of like-minded people, specialists in their field are necessary. In a preschool educational institution, these are: senior educator, teacher-psychologist, teachers working on groups of children, honey. Employees (speech therapists, defectologists, if any). "There is safety in numbers".

n Early diagnosis and correction of disorders in development;

n Security Preparedness

At the level of the institution The task of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is the joint activity of all specialists ( in the optimal version combined into service, consilium, etc.) By identifying problems in development Children and primary assistance in overcoming difficulties in learning knowledge, interaction with teachers, parents, peers. At this level, preventive programs are also being implemented, covering significant groups of students, an expert, advisory, educational work with the administration and teachers is carried out.

· First, age features of children at different periods of development;

· Secondly, psychological and pedagogical areas of activity.

Psychological and pedagogical support today is not just the sum of the diverse methods of correctional and developing work with children, but acts as comprehensive technology, special culture of support and assistance to the child in solving the tasks of development, training, education, socialization.

This suggests that a psychological and pedagogical support specialist not only owns the methods of diagnosis, consulting, correction, but also has the ability to systemic analysis of problem situations, programming and planning activities aimed at resolving them, co-organizing for these purposes of participants in the educational process (child, peers, parents, teachers, administration) (In essence, be a managerial).

Building an effective support system will solve problems of development and teaching children inside the educational environment of the institution, avoid unreasonable redirection of the problem of the child to external services.

Thus, it should be concluded that the intensive development of the theory and practice of psychological and pedagogical support in recent years is connected with the expansion of ideas about education, among which are included in the development goals, education, the provision of the physical, mental, psychological, moral and social health of children. With this approach, psychological and pedagogical support can no longer be considered as "service sector", "Service Service", and acts as an integral element of the education system, an equal partner of structures and specialists of a different profile in solving the tasks of training, education and development of a new generation.

Today, at the psychological and pedagogical readings dedicated to the problem of building a system of activity, taking into account age characteristics, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of work on psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of preschool children, taking into account age characteristics.

The beginning of school learning is one of the most serious moments in the life of the child. This period is associated with a large number of different types of loads, which primarily include socio-psychological changes in the child's life - new relations, new contacts, new responsibilities, new social role "student", with its advantages and minuses. The post of a student requires the child awareness and his own role, and the position of the teacher, and the established distance in relations, and the rules on which these relations are being built. For painless and successful entry into learning activities, the child must be healthy and comprehensively prepared.

A special role in the successful learning activities of first-graders plays intellectual development, which is significantly in the process of learning. It is in the younger school age that an educational activity becomes the lead. Since the receipt of a child to school, she begins to mediate the entire system of his relationship. In the process of learning activities, the child is developing knowledge and skills developed by mankind. But he does not change them. It turns out that the subject of change in training activities is himself.

Educational activities determines the intellectual development of children from seven to ten, eleven years. In general, with the arrival of a child to school, its development begins to be determined by various types of activities, but it is within the training activities of the child of younger school age that the basic psychological neoplasms have peculiar to him.

According to the concept of Elkonin D.B. and Davydova V.V., educational activities are a combination of the following components: motivational, operational and technical, assessment.

The ultimate goal of educational activities is a conscious educational activity of the student throughout primary learning. The training activities organized by the original adults should turn into independent activities of the student in which it formulates the learning task, produces curricula and control actions, evaluates, i.e. Educational activities through the reflection on it of a child turns into self-study.

Of great importance for the intellectual development of junior schoolchildren has the expansion of the sphere and the content of their communication with the surrounding people, especially adults who act as teachers, serve as samples for imitation and the main source of a variety of knowledge. Collective forms of work, stimulating communication, nowhere are so useful for general development and mandatory for children, as in the younger school age.

With the arrival of a child to school under the influence of training and develop the main human characteristics of cognitive processes (perception, attention, memory, imagination, thinking, speech). From "Natural", by V. V.S., these processes by the end of younger school age should become "cultural", that is, turn into higher mental functions related to speech, arbitrary and mediated. This is due to the fact that children are included in the new activities for them and the interpersonal relationship systems requiring them to have new psychological qualities. The common characteristics of all cognitive processes of the child should be arbitrary, productivity and stability.

Attention in preschool age is involuntary. According to Ermolaev O.Yu., throughout the youngest school age, significant changes occur in the development of attention: the scope of attention is increasing, its sustainability increases, the switching and distribution skills develop.

Age patterns are marked in the process of developing memory. By 6 - 7 years, the structure of memory undergoes significant changes associated with the development of arbitrary forms of memorization and recall. Incoming memory, not related to the active attitude to current activities, is less productive, although in general this form of memory preserves the leading position. There is a significant role in the development of memory for younger school students, therefore, the process of improving the memory of the child goes in parallel with the development of speech. In the formation of domestic memory, the central role belongs to the speech. Having mastered various forms of speech - oral, written, external, internal, child by the end of younger school age gradually learns to subjugate the memory of his will, reasonably control the storage stroke, manage the process of saving and playing information. Perception at the age of 6-7 years loses its affective initial nature: perceptual and emotional processes are differentiated. Preschoolers perception and thinking are closely interrelated, which indicates a clear-shaped thinking that is most characteristic for this age.

The accumulation of great experience of practical actions, a sufficient level of development of perception, memory, thinking, has a sense of confidence in their abilities. It is expressed in the formulation of increasingly diverse and complex purposes, the achievement of which contributes to the development of volitional regulation of behavior.

Thus, the youngest school age is the most responsible stage of school childhood. The main achievements of this age are due to the leading nature of educational activities and are largely defining education for the next years in school. Therefore, it seems to us to consider the features of the process of escorting the development of the intellectual potential of first-graders in the process of training activities.

After analyzing various points of view on the problem of psychological and pedagogical support in the education system, it can be summarized that under the psychological and pedagogical support it is understood as a continuous and holistic process of studying the personality of the student and its formation, as well as creating conditions for self-realization in all areas of activity and adaptation in society At all age-related stages of school, which is carried out by all the subjects of the educational process in various situations of interaction.

For more efficient development of the first-grader's intelligence, psychological and pedagogical support for the development of the intellectual potential of first-graders in the process of training activities should be used and applied in the pedagogical practice.

An analysis of the literature showed that not all existing programs of psychological and pedagogical support are not effective enough, but, it means that it is necessary to create an effective psychological and pedagogical support program using the basis of existing ones.

Thus, the purpose of our study is to study the psychological and pedagogical support of the development of intellect in first-graders.

In the empirical part of the study, we used an experimental method consisting of three stages: a statement of a statement that shakes the experiment, as well as the test stage of the experiment. The basis of the study was MBOU SOSH No. 61 of the city of Bryansk. The study was attended by 56 students of 1 grades.

At the first stage, we revealed the level distribution of the development of intelligence among students of the first classes. For this, we have implemented a statement stage of a psychological and pedagogical experiment using the test "analogies" (Melnikova N.N., Poleva D.M., Elagina OB) to assess the level of intelligence. The results are presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Results of studying the level of intelligence of first-graders

As can be seen from the table, the low level of intelligence is observed in 48.2%. The results obtained give us reason to talk about the insufficient formation of a system of thought operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalizations, abstraction) almost half of the first-graders of our sample. Also, as can be seen from Figure 1, high levels have 25% of students, and the average level is 26.7%. This may mean that they have higher intellectual data, as well as intensive pre-school training.

At the emerging stage of experimental activities, taking into account the data of the stating experiment (the distribution of participants in the control and experimental selective combination), as well as on the basis of the theoretical analysis carried out, we used developed by Konyachina V.N. Psychological and pedagogical program of support of first-graders. In this program, the essential block is given to the development of intellectual potential.

At the third stage (control experiment), we implemented a set of methods to assess the effectiveness of the program of psychological and pedagogical support of the development of first-graders intelligence. Analyzing the results of the development of intelligence, it should be noted that the level of intelligence in the control and experimental groups has almost the same indicators, among which the low level of intelligence prevails ("EG" - 43%, "kg" - 53%). However, after the formative experiment, changes are noted. The results are presented in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. The results of studying the level of intelligence of first-graders before and after the formative experiment

As can be seen from Figure 2, in the experimental group the number of subjects with a low level of intelligence decreases and the number of first-graders with high indicators increases. At the same time, in the control group, the number of first-graders with low levels is also reduced and increases with high and medium, but in minor indicators that are clearly visible in Figure 2.

To determine the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical program for the adaptation of first-graders, we used the method of mathematical and statistical data processing, a comparison of average values \u200b\u200busing a parametric T-criterion of Student. Statistical processing of the data obtained was carried out using the SPSS program.

Statistical indicators of the shift of values \u200b\u200bon the scales and indices of the methods used and testing at the control experiment phase are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Statistical indicators of shift values \u200b\u200bin control and experimental groups
according to the test "Analogies" Melnikova N.N., Poleva D.M., Elagin O.B

Experimental group

Control group

Average values

t Student

p-level significance

Average values

t Student

p-level significance



Test results

As can be seen from Table 1, and in the experimental group there are statistically significant differences in the level of intelligence (T \u003d -5.22 at p \u003d, 000), and in the control group (T \u003d -4.788 at p \u003d, 000). Despite the presence of significant differences in two groups, the level of intelligence in the experimental group has changed better (up to 6.18; after 8.21). These results suggest that the resulting experiment influenced the intellectual development of the first-graders of our sample. From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the program of psychological and pedagogical support of first-graders is effective for the development of first-graders intelligence, since after it conducts results in the experimental group, acquiring a positive trend.

Thus, we examined the features of the psychological and pedagogical support of the development of first-graders intelligence in training activities. A positive tendency to increase the intellect in first-graders participating in the program of psychological and pedagogical accompaniment of first-graders was discovered. The detected trend requires a deeper analysis, which will be one of the main issues of our further research.

Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children

The problem of psychological support for the development of preschool children is relevant at the present stage of education. Pre-school age has a special value for the subsequent development of man.

Based on the psychological and pedagogical support, there are age-related features of children at different periods of development.

Psychological and pedagogical support begins with the first days of the child's arrival in kindergarten - this is an adaptation.What is adaptation? Under adaptation (from lat. Adaptatio - adaptation, adjustment) It is customary to understand the body's ability to adapt to various conditions of the external environment. Without adaptation is impossible, be it a kindergarten or other institution. Arrange with you to work - how hard to adapt to the new team. Also children. We prepare children to school. To make them easier to adapt. Someone goes to the Malyshkin school and for a whole year he adapts to the new team, teacher.

Early children are vulnerable and not adapted to changing conditions. It should take into account the level of development of such children at this age and with this accounting to structure work with children. Features of the psychological and pedagogical support of young children are reduced to the comprehensive development of the child, the creation of a comfortable atmosphere for him. For the successful adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool institution, it is necessary to form a positive attitude to a kindergarten, attitude towards it. It depends first of all fromeducators from their skills and desire to create an atmosphere of heat, kindness, attention in the group.

For example, with young children recommended:

    Use elements of bodily therapy (hugging, stroking, take on hand).

    Use in speech sweepers, songs, finger games.

    Games with water and sand.

    Listening to music.

    Creating a situation of laughter.

Maintenance of the adaptation period is also peculiar to children of preschool age, for example, the child switched to another group - these are other walls, an educator who newly received children.

    Use mobile games, fabric items, music therapy.

    Install emotional and emotional-tactile contact with the child using certain games.

    Ensure the game activities of the teacher with other children next to the new child.

    To organize the situation of success - to praise the child, which he joined the game, performed an exercise.

Today is not just the sum of the diverse methods of correctional and developing work with children, but acts as a comprehensive support technology and assistance to the child in solving the tasks of development, training, education and socialization.

Areas of work Psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers:

    enrichment of the emotional sphere of the child with positive emotions;

    development of friendly relationships through the game, communication of children in everyday life;

    correction of emotional difficulties of children (anxiety, fears, aggressiveness, low self-esteem);

    teaching children ways to express emotions, expressive movements;

    expanding the knowledge of pedagogues of a kindergarten about various versions of the emotional development of children, about the possibilities of overcoming the emotional difficulties of preschoolers;

    increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of all participants in the educational process;

    informational and analytical support;

    the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance to the participants of the educational process.

The model of psychological and pedagogical support of children presents the following activity:

    organization of the work of the PMP (K) (identification of psychological and pedagogical features of the development of preschoolers, which allows you to get a complete picture to develop a child's personality and plan correctional activities);

    systematic observation of children in different activities and permanent fixation of observation results;

    implementation of monitoring the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities and planning individual work with children through building individual educational programs.

The proposed accompaniment model includes changes not only in the content of education, but also covers the organization of the whole process of children's life.

Psychological and pedagogical support It will be successful if initially in relations between the accompanied and accompanying will be attended:

    openness in the relationship of all participants in activities;

    accounting for individual characteristics of the teacher;

    success orientation;

    professional competence of a person implementing psychological and pedagogical support.

Consider the main directions and technologies of pedagogical activity as part of the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of preschool children.

Direction first . Organization of gaming activities.

It is the game that causes qualitative changes in the psyche of the child. The game contains the basis of educational activities, which then becomes leading in the younger school childhood.

The game forms emotional stability, adequate self-assessment of its capabilities (not to be confused with self-esteem), which creates favorable conditions for the ability to relate desire with real possibilities.

The game allows you to reveal the level of development of many personal qualities of the child, and most importantly - to determine its status in the children's team. If the child refuses the general games or plays secondary roles - this is an important indicator of some socio-psychological disadvantage.

When organizing children's plot-role-playing games, teachers are desirable to adhere to the following recommendations:

1. It is open not to interfere in the distribution of games roles, those who have emerged spontaneously in the group of children (in their free time, on the street, etc.). The most favorable position is attentive observer (researcher).Not included position Adult gives him the opportunity to hidden learning the children's relations, manifestations of moral qualities, the psychological features of each child. Skillful, subtle analysis allows you to notice in time and overcome dangerous trends that are manifested in the "playing" of roles when the emotions are overwhelmed, the volitional control of behavior is lost, and the development of the plot acquires an undesirable turnover (the game begins to threaten the health of children, the child swung a toy).

Obsessive intervention, petty guardianship, adult dictate quenched in children interest in the game, encourage them to play away from a prying look. Therefore, obsessive control is perhaps more dangerous than complete uncontrolcity, although both of these extremes agree on their undesirable consequences.

2. Selection of plot games taking into account various possibilities with such a calculation. This is achieved not only by choosing roles, but also by constant adaptation of children who are not confident in themselves, who have not mastered the rules, hotly experienced failures.

3. Avoid identification and fetishization of the game.

Identification - This is when the child is perceived by adults as not well developed. Such a look at the game is the most common and most "grievous" delusion of adults. Consequences - a closure, inability to seriously look at life, fear of humor, increased vulnerability. (they say the child, go play, do not bother)

Fetishization game - Other extremes. The game is perceived by adults as the only and main form of child's life. He is deprived of the opportunity to seriously look at the world. In the life of the child, you can not do without a game, but you can not turn the game.

Second direction .

Formation of material needs.

Material needs are formed at the earliest stages of the child's development, and the role of the pedagogical influence of this business is difficult to overestimate.

It is impossible to tear the material needs from spiritual.

But spiritual needs are much deeper than the material, the process of their occurrence and formation is much more complicated and therefore much more difficult to teach the pedagogical management. Material needs for preschoolers in the first place, although in the future begin to dominate them.

Thus, the formation of material needs is the foundation of the spiritual structure of the individual. In turn, the higher the spiritual needs, the more sensible material.

Third direction .

Formation of humane relations in the team of preschoolers.

The practice of working with children on the problems of relationships of preschoolers in the team show that there are complex relations between children who carry the imprint of real social relations that are in the "adult society".

Children stretch to peers, but, falling into children's society, they can not always establish a constructive relationship with other children.

Observations show that there is often a relationship in the group between children, which not only do not form in children of humane feelings to each other, but, on the contrary, they give rise to egoism, aggressiveness as the quality of personality. The specificity of this team is that an expressive, carrier of the guidelinesthe asset is the teachers . A huge role in the formation and regulation of children's relationship is played by parents.

Methods humane raising children :

    IN humane feelings - It is an effective love for the child itself.for example : Lask, good words, stroking.

    Praise For good children's attitude to plants , animal, other children, adults.

    Respectful attitude towards others - Never leave negative emotions, actions forrelation to other children , parents, animals, etc.

    Example, joint activity, explanation of an adult, organizing behavior practices. for example : The child will see that you regret another child, who cries, soothe him, and next time he will regret his friend.

    Ability to define emotions - The older the child becomes, the better it, it turns out to be read from the face of emotions and determine the state of a person (for example, exercises with emotions"sad" , "Offended" , "poor" , "unhappy" etc.).

Fourth direction .

Organization of collaboration of the teacher with parents of pupils "

For a moment, we will include a fantasy and imagine .... in the morning mom and dad lead children to kindergarten, politely say: "Hello!" - And go. The whole day, children spend in kindergarten: play, walk, do ... and in the evening parents come and, saying: "Goodbye!", Damage the children home. Teachers and parents do not communicate, do not discuss the successes of children and difficulty with them, do not find out what the child lives that he is interested in, pleases, sadness. And if you suddenly have questions, then parents can say that there was a survey and we told about everything. And teachers will answer them like this: "After all, there are information stands. Read, everything is said there! " It happens to you and with us.

Agree, the picture turned out to be joyless ... and I want to say that it is simply impossible. Pedagogues and parents have uniform tasks: to do everything so that children grow happy, active, healthy, vitality, sociable, so that they become harmoniously developed personalities. Modern preschool institutions make a lot for communication with parents to be rich and interesting. On the one hand, teachers retain all the best and time-tested, and on the other, they are looking for and seeking to introduce new, effective forms of interaction with families of pupils, the main task of which is to achieve real cooperation between the kindergarten and family.

Difficulties in organizing communication with parents a lot : This is also a misunderstanding of the parents of the importance of a kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, the lack of unity of demands in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult for communication with young parents, as well as with parents from disadvantaged families or having personal problems. They often belong to educators condescendingly and negligently, it is difficult to establish contact with them, to establish cooperation, to become partners in the general business of the child. But many of them would like to communicate with the teachers "on equal", as with colleagues, to come to the trust, "spiritual" communication.

Who owns a leading role in organizing communication? Of course an educator . To build it important to enjoy communicative skills, focus on the problems of education and family needs, be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher must give parents to feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents that he sees partners in them, like-minded people.

The teacher competent in the field of communicating with his parents understands why it is necessary to communicate, and what it should be, knows that it is necessary that communication is interesting and meaningful, and, most importantly, actively acts.

Working with family is painstaking work. It is necessary to take into account the modern approach in working with the family. The main tendency is to train parents to independently solve life tasks. And it requires certain efforts from teachers. And the teacher, and the parent - adults who have their psychological features, age and individual traits, their own life experience and their own vision of problems.

Based on the above, the expected resultpsychological and pedagogical escort Preschoolers are the following aspects:

    the use of optimal motor modes for children, taking into account their age, psychological and other features;

    early detection of shortcomings in the development and special educational needs of preschoolers;

    an increase in the share of children's identified health capabilities that received psychological correctional assistance in a timely manner;

    reducing the degree of severity of pathology, its behavioral consequences, preventing the emergence of secondary deviations in the development of the child;

    preservation and increase in the intellectual and creative potential of children;

    continuous cooperation between kindergarten teachers and parents for efficient work with children;

    assisting teachers in advanced training, implementation of innovation activities, etc. Currently, the introduction of innovation is a prerequisite for the development of a pre-school educational institution;

    reducing psycho-emotional stresses of teachers through a decrease in negative experiences;

    creating special socio-psychological conditions to assist educators having problems.