Card Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group. Education area "Reading fiction"

Card Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group. Education area
Card Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group. Education area "Reading fiction"

Elena Shcherbakova
Face Literature Card in different educational areas in the senior group

TO artyotek


in different educational areas in the older group

According to the program "From birth to school" by ed. N. E. Veracstes

Amounted to: Shcherbakova E. V.

Moral education

rNS "Lisa and Jug" arr. O. Kapitsa Raising good feelings; Formation of ideas about greed and nonsense

rNS "Winged, shaggy and oily" arr. I. Karnukhova to teach children to understand the nature and actions of the heroes

X. Mekel. "Mr. Au" (chapters, per. With Fin. E. Uspensky

rNS "Havroshchka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy to educate the manifestations of good feelings in relation to each other;

rNS "Zayats-Busthan" arr. O. Kapitsa to educate the norms of moral behavior

rNS "Tsarevna-Frog" arr. M. Bulatov brought up kindness, feeling of mutual assistance.

B. Chergin "Rhymes" to bring up respect for people around

rNS "Squa Burk" arr. M. Bulatov to form in children the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, express their attitude to them

rNS "Finist-Clear Falcon" arr. A. Platonov to educate the feeling of compassion to others

V. Dragunsky "Childhood Friend", "Top Down, Decoration" to educate attentiveness, love, compassion for the Middle Comrade

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" arr. K. Balls to promote the upbringing of kindness, care and responsiveness to the native

"Zlatovlask", per. With Cache. K. Poist;

to educate the ability to empathize, to be generous, not to envy others; Relieve self-esteem, mutual assistance in work.

"Three gold hairs grandfather-ousebook", lane. With Cache. N. Arosnieva (from the collection of fairy tales K. Ya. Erbena).

V. Dmitriev. "Kid and bug" (chapters) feel and understand the nature of the images of the literary


L. Tolstoy "Bone" to educate moral qualities of personality: honesty, truthfulness, love for the family.

L. Tolstoy "Jump" awaken in children empathizing the hero of the story

N. Nosov. "Live Hat"; To form the ideas of children about morality standards with the help of children's literature.

S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus" to form a skill to evaluate his actions and actions of heroes, to educate the friendliness, the ability to interact with peers

A. Lindgren. "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again" (chapters, in Sokr., Per. From the Swede L. Lunkina

K. POUST. "Cat-Woruga" to educate moral qualities: a sense of compassion, empathy

Mitzkevich Adam "Friends"

To summarize and expand the knowledge of children about such concepts as "friend", "Friendship", "honesty", "Justice"

P. Bazhov "Silver Kopytz" to bring up a feeling of kindness, care for weak

R. Kickling. "Elephant", per. from English K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak to educate culture of behavior, friendship, mutual assistance, care for loved ones

V. Kataev. "Flower-sevenceticism" to form a skill to represent the peculiarities of their personality in the circle of peers, reflecting the achievements and causes of possible difficulties.

Child in the family and in societyrNS "Havroshchka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy to introduce various family relationships

Y. Koval "Grandfather, Baba and Alyosha" to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200ba family as people who live together, love each other, care about each other.

V. Dragunsky "Deniskin Stories" Formation of ideas about the characteristic qualities of boys and girls.

A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters)

Learn to evaluate the relationship between close people in the family, draw up characteristics of heroes

E. Grigoriev "Quarrel" to develop the foundations of social interaction between boys and girls; Friendly attitude to the opposite sex

A. Barto "Vovka - kind soul"

E. Bluginina "Sit in silence" continue to form a submission of children about a good attitude to mom

A. Usachev "What is etiquette" to continue learning the culture of speech communication in kindergarten and at home

"Breeding" N. Teshov to educate interest in fairy tales, to Russian traditions

Self-service, workrNS "Havroshchka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy To form the ideas of children about the hardworking person

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Education of cultural and hygienic skills

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount"

rNS "By whining velin", fasten the concept of the importance of human labor in children

A. Barto "Girl-Chumazay" to educate her tidy, careful attitude towards personal things, things of a comrade

Y. Tuvim. "Letter to all children on one very important case", per. with Polish. S. Mikhalkov

Formation of the basics of security S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa Militizer" Fastening the rules of behavior on the streets of the city

E. Segal "Machines on Our Street"

Cognitive development of FAMPCounting

Heroes of fairy tales

S. Marshak "Numbers" familiarity with numbers

Familiarization with the social world G. H. Andersen

Snowman Acquaintance with New Year's traditions of different countries

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" Acquaintance with the importance of any profession

"Wonderful stories about the hare named Leka, the fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa, per. O. Kustova and V. Andreeva; Acquaintance with the peculiarities of the peoples of West Africa

A. Gaidar "Fairy Tale about military secret, boyish - Kibalchish and his firm word"

Continue to expand the ideas of children about the Russian army.

nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" arr. K. Balls familiarity with the life of the peoples of the Far North

M. Boroditskaya "We are waiting for a brother" to form a desire to take care of the kids, develop a sense of responsibility of respect for younger comrades

A. Tverdovsky "Tankista's story" to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200ba feat of the people who stood on the defense of his homeland.

A. Barto "Game in the herd" to expand the knowledge of children about his kindergarten, draw attention to his history, clarify the ideas about the work of the children's garden staff

S. Makhotin "Senior Group"

O. Vysotskaya


T. Alexandrova "Domunok Kuzka" (chapters) to educate interest in the life of Russians in antiquity, love for the history of their people

M. Isakovsky "Go for the sea-Oceans" to clarify the knowledge of the native country.

B. diamonds. Gorbushka Promotion to Russian values;

Familiarization with the world of naturerNS "Zayats-Busthan" arr. O. Kapitsa to form a caring attitude of children to nature, the desire to take part in its protection and protection.

L. Tolstoy. "Lion and dog", "bone", "jump" to expand the ideas about the life of animals

G. Snagire "Penguin Beach"

K. POUST. "Cot-Voruga" to educate love and careful attitude towards nature, kindness;

V. Bianki "Owl" continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship and interdependence of living beings, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary genre "Cognitive Fairy Tale";

B. Skod "Gray Asterisk" to raise a sense of empathy and love for nature and man, the ability to resist evil

S. Yesenin "Cherry" help to feel the beauty of nature in the poem

R. Kickling. "Elephant", per. from English K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak to develop a small motility of hands, attention and interest in the animal world and his diversity

P. Bazhov "Silver Kopytz" to educate sensitive attitude to animals, love for nature

Speech development Development of all sides of speech

Acquaintance with genres

Explanation of strangers, outdated words

Artistic and aesthetic developmentPromotion to art V. Konashevich Meet the illustrator artists

I. Bilibin

E. Charushin

Activity Drawing illustrations for works

Musical activityP. I. Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" (fragments) Acquaintance with the musical image of heroes and images of works

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" (fragments)

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Tale of Tsar Saltan" (fragments)

S. Prokofiev "Peter and Wolf"

Physical development

Node and leisure in plots of works

Heroes of works

Publications on the topic:

NOD in the second youngest group. Reading fiction "My Bear" Z. Alexandrova Approximate technological map of direct educational activities. Type of educational activities: Reading fiction.

Reading, memorizing fiction in the older group on topics Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" Hello expensive colleagues. I want to offer your attention material by.

Card file of moving games of "different nations" African salts in a circle (Tanzania) play 10 or more people. Games: Need a sheet from a tree. Players get up in a circle face to the center. Per.

Abstract Node. Reading fiction in the preparatory for school "Nikita Kozhemyak" Developed: Bondareva Elena Dmitrievna. A student "Volgodonian pedagogical college" Purpose: Development of the ability to briefly retell.

The actual problem of modern society is the acquisition of children to read. It is no secret that already in preschool age hearing fairy tales Many kids prefer viewing cartoons, computer games. Naturally, in school, such a child will be difficult to love reading. Meanwhile, literature is a powerful means of intelligent, moral and aesthetic education. It enriches children's speech, emotions, forms humane feelings, makes it possible to reflement, fantasy. From the side of adults, it is extremely important in time to cause interest and love of the preschooler to the book, open the reader in the kid. And the first stage here will not be a library, but the activities of the educator, his pedagogical skill.

Why do preschoolers fiction

The tasks of reading fiction literature with children of the Central Group include:

  1. Formation in children of ideas that books contain many interesting and cognitive information.
  2. Deepening knowledge about illustrations, their meaning in the book.
  3. Formation of the skill of the moral assessment of the work.
  4. Development of ability to empathize with heroes.

In the middle group, children understand that from books you can learn a lot of interesting and educational

In the older group, the task list expands:

  1. The educator teaches preschoolers to listen to great works (by chapters).
  2. The teacher encourages children to express emotional attitude to the read, talk about their perception of the characters, reflect on the hidden motives of their behavior.
  3. A sensitive attitude towards the artistic word is brought up, the ability to notice bright descriptions, epithets, comparisons, feel the rhythm and melody of the poem.
  4. The formation of the skills of expressive reading poems, reading on roles.
  5. The concept of genre, genre features of the fairy tales, story, poem, are explained in the form of the Childhood.
  6. Preschoolers learn to compare illustrations of different artists to the same work.

Without poetry in kindergarten, no event does not do

The tasks of the preparatory group include:

  1. Improving the ability to understand the expressiveness of the language of the artistic work, the beauty of the poetic word.
  2. Development of preschoolers feeling humor.
  3. Development of ability to put yourself in place of a literary character.
  4. Working out of expressive reading skills, dramatizing the work (manifestation of emotions by intonation, facial expressions, gestures).
  5. Deepening the concept of "genre", the development of the ability to distinguish them.

How to plan and conduct artistic literature

In order to competently build a lesson for familiarizing the kids with any literary work, the teacher needs to think much.

What techniques and methods can be used

The following methods are applied to the artistic literature to read the educator:

  1. Reading the teacher by book or by heart. Such a literal transmission of text retains the author, best transfers the shades of the thoughts of the prose.
  2. Teaching (retelling). This is a freer content transfer: the educator can rearrange words, replace them with synonyms. But this form of the narrative gives more opportunities to attract child attention: you can take a pause once again, repeat key phrases, etc.
  3. Drawing - a method of secondary familiarization with the literary work.
  4. Usage by heart or retelling text with preschoolers (depending on the product genre).

So that the occupation has passed successfully, it is necessary to take into account the following:

  1. The occupation must be emotionally saturated. First of all, it concerns the manner of the speech of the educator, which should transmit the nature of the work and influence the mind and feelings of children. The guys must see the interested person of the teacher, his facial expressions and articulation, and not just hear the voice. For this, he must look not only in the book, but also on the faces of children to see their reaction.
  2. Prose articles (fairy tales, stories) can be told, and not read. As for the poems, they are usually read by the voice of average volume (although some need to tell quietly or, on the contrary, loud) and slowly, so that the preschoolers understand what we are talking about.
  3. For greater fullness, the classes can include audio recordings in it (for example, where K. Chukovsky himself reads his poetic fairy tales.
  4. In the process of reading, you do not need to distract pupils by disciplinary comments: for this purpose, the teacher can increase or lower the voice, pause.

Children must see the interested person of the teacher, to see his facial expressions while reading

A better understanding of the content of the work, the assimilation of expressive means of the language contributes to multiple reading. Short texts can be repeated immediately after the initial read. For the works of greater volume, it takes some time on understanding, and then the educator reread individuals, especially significant parts. Remind children The content of the material can be done after some time (2-3 weeks), the short poems, sweatshops, the stories can be repeated often (for example, on a walk, during the mode of moderators). Usually the guys love to listen to a lot of fairy tales in many times, asking the teacher to tell them.

How to explain unfamiliar words

The educator must explain to preschoolers the importance of unfamiliar words in the work. This reception provides a full perception of artistic text: the characters of the heroes, their actions. Here you can use various options: In the course of the story, it is synonymous to dwell on the narrative of the word and pick it up to it (for example, a lobby hut bunny means, it means a wooden; Burning is a room), explain unfamiliar words before reading (for example, before telling the fairy tale " The wolf and seven goat "The teacher shows a picture with the image of a goat, says the phrase:" Milk flows for snapshot, and with a smoothing of a hoofer "and clearly explains what a ditch is in the animal).

Illustrations will help explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

However, not all words require a detailed interpretation: for example, by senior preschoolers, "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish" A. Pushkin, it is not necessary to stop in detail on the phrases of the "pillar door", "Sable Doggreka" - they do not impede understanding the content of the work. Also, you do not need to ask the guys that they are unclear in the text, but if they are interested in what some word means, you need to answer in an affordable form.

How to spend a conversation with children on the work

After reading the work, a analytical conversation should be held (this is especially important in the older preschool age). During the conversation, the teacher brings children to evaluate the actions of the characters, their characters. No need to strive for children to reproduce text in detail in detail: questions must be thoughtful, contributing to a better understanding of the meaning, deepening emotions. The content does not need to tear off from the form: be sure to pay attention to genre, language features (for example, emphasize the attention of the kids on the repeated appeals of "goat-walled guys, retired, dried out!" Or name, which epithets are in a certain fairy tale to fox, wolves, hare).

Examples of questions for identifying an emotional attitude towards heroes:

  • Which of the characters fairy tale most liked and why?
  • Who would you like to be similar?
  • Who would you be friends with?

Questions to identify key meaning of the work:

  • Who is guilty of the fact that Mama-Sparrow lost his tail (M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko")?
  • Why is the fairy tale "Does your eyes are great" so called?

Questions for Motive Detection:

  • Why Mashenka did not allow the bear to relax on the way to Grandma and Grandfather ("Masha and the Bear")?
  • Why did Lisa smear the head of the test ("Fox and Wolf")?
  • Why did mom turn into a bird and flew away from his children (Nenets People's Tale "Cuckoo")?

An analytical conversation is especially necessary when performing works about nature or human labor (for example, S. Marshak "From where the table came," V. Mayakovsky "Horse-fire", S. Bajuadin "Who built this house?" And others).

With children need to discuss and analyze poems dedicated to man

The teacher should not from the content of the book to move to the morals and moral conversation about the behavior of individual children in the group. We must only talk about the actions of literary characters: the strength of the artistic image is sometimes more impact than notations.

How to memorize with children poems using mnemotable

To memorize the poems and the recovery of fairy tales to use mnemotables.They represent a schematic representation of the plot of works in the form of a number of pictures. Such a reception facilitating the memorization of text can be practiced from the average group.

Photo Gallery: mnemotable for preschoolers

Key fairy tale events are represented in the form of schemes on a poster schematically depict the main characters (girl, bear) and key points of the narration (forest, hut, pies, box) Each schematic picture corresponds to the line of poem

How to show kids illustration

A deeper understanding of the text and the artistic images embedded in it contributes to the viewing of illustrations. The method of using clarity depends on the age of preschoolers and the content of the book. But in any case, the perception of text and the picture should be holistic. Some books consist of a series of pictures with signatures (an example of this - A. Barto, "toys" or V. Mayakovsky, "that neither page is an elephant, then a lioness") or divided into separate chapters ("Snow Queen" H. Andersen. In this case, the teacher first demonstrates the picture, and then reads the text. If the product is not divided into parts, then you should not interrupt the story by showing the illustrations: this can be done after reading or shortly before it (the viewing of the book will cause interest from preschoolers To the plot). When reading cognitive literature, a picture is used for visual explanation of information at any time.

And younger, and senior preschoolers always consider illustrations for works with great interest

General Structure of Reading

The structure of reading artistic literature depends on its type, the age of pupils and the content of the material. Traditionally, three parts are distinguished:

  1. Acquaintance with the work, the purpose of which is the right and emotionally rich perception.
  2. Conversation about read, aimed at clarifying the content, language means of expressiveness.
  3. Repeated text reading (or its key episodes) to deepen perception and consolidate the impression.

Types of reading in kindergarten

You can allocate several types of artistic literature classes with preschoolers:

Motivating occupation

The key task of the educator is to prepare preschoolers to the perception of the work, motivate them on the hearing. For this, various ways are used.

The appearance of the game character

In the younger and middle age, classes are better to start with a surprise moment with the advent of the game character. It is always with the content of the work. For example, this is a fluffy teddy kitten (the poem of V. Berestova "Kotten"), a funny yellow chick (Tale of K. Chukovsky "Chicken"), Masha doll (Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bear", "Gus-Swans "And others, where the little girl appears).

The toy transmits the naughty character of the kitten from the poem of V. Berestov

The educator can show the kids magic chest in which the heroes of the fairy tale are. As a rule, it is works where many characters appear ("Rack", "Teremok", "Kolobok").

Message from the hero

You can use the motive of the letter - a message comes to the group from Kuzeneki home. He says that he lives in kindergarten - guards him at night, and he really likes to listen to the day, as the guys sing songs, play, play sports. And here Kuzya decided to make a gift to children - to give them their casket with fairy tales. Now at any moment the kids can get acquainted with the new fairy tale, which the teacher will read.

Kuzya Domovnok gives kids their casket with fairy tales

Preliminary conversation

In a senior preschool age, personal experience of preschoolers can already be used to create a motivation for reading. It may be an introductory mini-conversation that binds events from life with the theme of the work. For example, the teacher is interested in the guys, they like to fantasize. Then all together argue: why do people do not fantasize at all (to steal their interlocutor, to make him pleasantly, etc.). Then the educator smoothly moves to the reading of the story of N. Nosov "Fantasies". By the way, in the occupation on this topic you can also introduce a game character - I'm minted, because he also loved to invent and compose noby.

Additionally, children can be offered to paint

Another example - the teacher starts talking about the dream. After all, it is from any person. Adult asks to tell the guys, what they dream about. After that, the teacher leads preschoolers to the conclusion that it is impossible to sit back for the performance of his desire, but you need to work hard, make efforts, although, of course, there are cases when a person smiles good luck, and the dream comes true as if by magic. And very often, this is found in Russian folk fairy tales, for example, in the work "by whining velin" (or a friend, where the magic heroes or things that help the main character) are appeared.

Acquaintance with visual materials

To create a motivation to the reading, the teacher can start an occupation also from considering the picture, for example, the works of V. Vasnetsova "Three Bogatyr". After acquaintance with this work, the children probably listen with great interest to the world about Ilya Muromets or another Russian Vityaz.

After considering brave warns, preschoolers will be very interested to listen to the epic about Ilya Muromets

Shortly before the classes, you can interest the guys with a colorful cover book or her illustrations: the children will want to know who is depicted on it and what happened to the heroes in the work.

After looking at the illustrations, the guys will surely want to find out who is depicted on them and what happened to the heroes

Before reading the poems about some year, it is good to reduce children for a walk or arrange a tour of the autumn or winter park.

Examples of abstract occupations

Examples of occupation abstracts can be found here:

  • Karanova M.S., "Bear Bear" (second junior group);
  • Romanova N., "Reading and memorizing the poem of M. Khudyakova" Autumn "(middle group);
  • Konovalova D.V., "Let's talk about friendship (reading the story of V. Osseva" Who is the owner ")" (preparatory group).

Options for reading artistic literature

In each age group, the educator selects interesting topics of classes, focusing on the list of works of fiction recommended by educational programs. Some works can be repeated: if at an early age it is just a hearing, then in an older one has already been an in-depth analysis, retelling text with preschoolers, drawing, reading on roles, etc..

First younger group

  • The poem of A. Barto "Bear".
  • The poem A. Barto "Watching the Sun in the window."
  • Russian folk song "I went to a cat on Torzhok ...".
  • Russian folk song "Cockerel, Cockerel ...".
  • Russian folk song "Like a meadow, meadow ...".
  • Russian folk song "Like our cat ...".
  • "Bai-Bai, Bai-Bai, you, a dog, do not bark ...".
  • Russian People's Song "Chicken-Ryabushechka".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Goats and Wolf" in the processing of K. Ushinsky.
  • Russian folk song "Just like I love my cow ...".
  • Pooh A. Barto "Truck".
  • The poem of S. Kaputicyan "All Sleep".
  • V. Bestov's poem "Patient Doll".
  • Russian folk song "Goat Dereza".
  • Russian folk song "Hare York ...".
  • The story L. N. Tolstoy "Sleep the cat on the roof ...".
  • The work of S. Marshak "Tale of a stupid little face."

    Many fairy tales for children can be included in any regime moments (for example, the transition to day sleep)

  • The story L. N. Tolstoy "Was in Petit and Masha Horse ..."
  • Poem K. Chukovsky "Kotausi and Mausi".
  • Poem A. Barto "Elephant".
  • Outlet of "Oh, you, hacking-started ..." (translation from Moldovan I. Tokmakova).
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok" (in the processing of M. Bulatov).
  • Russian People's Song "Ai Du-Du, Du-Du, Du-Du! Sits raven on the oak. "
  • Poems S. Kaputyan "Masha lunch."
  • Pooh N. Saxon "Where my finger"
  • Pooh P. Voronko "Updates".
  • N. Songevsky "Assistant" poem.
  • Excerpt from the poem of Z. Alexandrova "My Teddy bear".
  • Pooh V. Khorol "Bunny".

    The poem of Khorol about the bunny - very rhythmic, which allows it to use it for motor exercises

  • The poem of M. Poznanskaya "Snow is coming."
  • Tale L. N. Tolstoy "Three Bear".
  • The poem of O. Tedisky "Cold".
  • V. Bestov's poem "Kothenok".
  • The poem of A. Barto "Bunny".
  • Poem A. Barto "Who screams?".
  • Fairy Tale V. SUTEEVA "Who said" Meow "?".
  • German song "Snegirek" (Translation V. Viktorova).
  • Poem A. Barto "Ship".
  • Russian folk song "Falled Fox Lesco with Body."
  • "In the store of toys" (chapters from the book of Ch. Yangcharsky "The Adventures of the Bear Ears", translation from the Polish V. Prikhodko).
  • Russian People's Channel "Sunshko Vödryshko".
  • Shaf "rain, rain, cheerful ...".

    Schedules and fun can become the basis for physical attacks or finger gymnastics

  • Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" (in the processing of M. Bulatov).
  • The poem A. Plecheyev "Rural Song."
  • "The wind on the sea walks ..." (passage from the fairy tale A. S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan").
  • The poem of A. Intrusion "Mouse".
  • The poem of Sapgira Cat.
  • Russian folk speech "Due to the forest, because of the mountains ...".
  • Tale V. Bianki "Foxes and Mouse".
  • The story of the gang of the "checker".
  • Poem A. and P. Barto "Girl-Rövushka".

    This poem is useful for working with crystal children, but do not allow such a child to start teasing the rest

  • Poem K. Chukovsky "Putanaca".
  • Tale by D. Bissset "GA-GA-GA" (Translation from English N. Shereeshevskaya).
  • Russian folk sweatshop "Ozerechik, Okuchechik ...".
  • The poem "Supozhnik" (translation from Polish in the processing of B. Nodokhod).
  • Poems B. Nodokhnika Mountain.
  • The poem of A. Brodsky "Solar bunnies."
  • "Friends" (chapter from the book of Ch. Yangcharsky "Adventures of the Bear Ears").

Second younger group

  • Reading the poem of Sasha Black "Breakfast".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Kolobok" (in the processing of K. Ushinsky).
  • Reading poems A. Barto from the "Toys" cycle.
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Three Bear".
  • Reading poems A. Plescheyev "Autumn has come", A. Bunny block.
  • Russian People's Songs-Flying: "Kiology-Mursenka".
  • Tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka".
  • Reading the poems S. Ya. Marshak from the cycle "Baby in a cage".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".
  • Russian folk tale "Repka".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and Wolf".
  • "Fairy tales about a stupid little mouse" S. Ya. Marshak.
  • Poem A. Troy Bosev.
  • Reading the story L. Voronkova "Snow is coming."
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Neveling and Fox".
  • Reading the Russian folk tale "Gus-Swans".

    The tale of "Geese Swans" is perfect for a conversation about obedient and naughty children

  • Reading the poem from Z. Alexandrova "My Teddy bear."
  • Reading stories V. Bianki "Foxes and a mouse", E. Charushina "Volchishko".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and hare".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Cockerel and leggings".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Mitten".
  • Examination of the poem V. Bestov "Petushka".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Goat-Dereza".
  • Reading the poem I. Kosyakova "All of it".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Fear eyes are great."
  • Reading the poem S. Ya. Marshak "Mustache-striped".
  • Russian folk tale "Teremok".

    "Teremok" is very popular in Dow as the theater statement with the participation of children themselves, although it is already put on average and older groups.

  • Reading Stories L. N. Tolstoy "True Total is more expensive", "Varya and Chizh".
  • Exploring the poem S. I. Belousov "Spring Guest".
  • Reading the poem A. Plescheyev "Spring".
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "Ryabina".
  • Reading the story Y. Thai "Holiday".
  • Reading the poem E. Blaginina "That's what mom!".
  • Reading the fairy tale K. Chukovsky "Chicken".
  • Examination of the poem V. Bestov "Kothenok".
  • Reading the Russian folk fairy tale "Bull - black barrel, white hoofs."
  • V. V. Mayakovsky poem "What is good and what is bad?"

Medium group

  • The story of V. Oseva "Watchman".
  • N. Sladkov's story "Autumn on the threshold."
  • Russian folk tale "Man and Bear".
  • The story of V. Oseva "Blue Leaves".
  • Russian folk tale "Fool and Bereza".
  • Poem of S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Ship".
  • The story of L. Voronkova "How the Christmas tree dressed up."
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Frost and Hare".

    Fairy tale "Frost and hare" will enrich children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature

  • N. Kalinina's story "About the Snow Skalok".
  • The story of V. Karaseva "Olya came to the Sadik."
  • Fairy tale V. Daly "Lisa-Lapoths".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Fox, Wolf and Bear."
  • Mordovian folk tale "How a friend's dog was looking for."
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Cockerel and leggings".
  • The story of V. Borozdin "StarLithmers".
  • Tale N. Sladkov "Bear and Sun".
  • The work of S. Prokofyeva "Tale about Mom".
  • Story S. Vangeli "Snowdrops".
  • Tale of V. Oseva "Three Soroi".

    For more dive in the topic of fairy tales, you can enable children audio recording with voice Soroki

  • Tale by D. Bissset "Grasshoper Dandy".
  • The work of M. Danzkovsky "Tale of a turned on turtle."
  • Reading a poem V. Paspaleeva "Forest Violet".
  • Story A. Gaidar "Cam".
  • The story of L. Tolstoy "I wanted a dwarf drink ...".
  • N. Sladkov's story "Nasluh".
  • Tale N. Pavlova "Strawberry".
  • Tale of V. Suteeva "under the mushroom".

Senior group

  • Reading the story L. Tolstoy "Lion and a dog".
  • A teller on the theme of the poem E. Trutneva "Summer flies."
  • Telling on the theme of the poem E. Trutneva "Falling Autumn".
  • Measuring the poem of M. Isakovsky "Go for the sea-Oceans."
  • Retelling the fairy tales K. D. Ushinsky "Quality to wait."
  • T. Alexandrova "Domovoynok Kuzka".
  • Talking the fairy tale P. Bazhova "Silver Kopytz".
  • Reading the story of Viktor Dragunsky "childhood friend."
  • Exploring the poem E. Blaginina "Sit in silence."

    Poems and fairy tales teach a child kindness, respect for others, support curiosity

  • Retelling the story of V. Chapina "Proteka".
  • Treat of Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog".
  • Reading the fairy tale N. Teleshova "Breeding".
  • Reading the heads of the story of Astrid Lindgren "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."
  • Using the poem of I. Surikova "Here is my village."
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "Zayats-Mislash" (in the processing of A. Tolstoy).
  • Reading the story N. N. Nosova "Live Hat".
  • Treating the work of V. P. Kataeva "Tsvetik-Semichetics".
  • Using the poem of S. Yesenin "Bereza".
  • Talking Nenetska Fairy Tales "Cuckoo" (arr. K. Shavova).
  • S. Gorodetsky "Kotten" (reading in faces).
  • Retelling the story of N. Kalinina "About the Snow Cobble".
  • Measurement of the poem M. Mosnova "Peaceful Review".
  • Treating the Russian folk fairy tale Nikita Kozhemyaka.
  • Reading the work of the city of Snegirev "Penguin Beach".
  • Reading of chapters from the story of A. P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek". Puppy modeling
  • Reading a poem A. Feta "The cat sings, the eyes quit ...".
  • Reading the poem Ya. Akim "My Rodna".
  • Talking the folk fairy tale "Squa Burk".

    Many plots of Russian literature passed after years, they knew more grandparents and grandparents

  • Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Bone".
  • Reading excerpts Work B. S. Zhitkov "How I caught a little man."
  • The memorization of the poem I. Belousov "Spring Guest".
  • Reading the poem of the city of Ladonchikov "Spring".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and Hare".
  • Retelling the story Ya. Thai "Train".
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "The fear of the eye is great."

    The fairy tale "Fear of the eye is great" - essentially psychological

  • Reading the work of I. Leskevich "Traffic light".
  • Drafting the passage of the Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".
  • Meaning the poem of the city of Vier "Mother's Day".
  • Talking the Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats".
  • Retelling of the Ukrainian folk fairy tale "spikes".
  • Reading a passage of the work of K. Paust "Cot-Voruga".
  • Exhausting the passage "At Lukomorye Oak Green ..." from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".
  • Favorite fairy tales A. S. Pushkin.
  • Reading the fairy tale R. Kipling "Elephant".
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka".

Preparatory group

  • Acquaintance with the passage from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "Sky in the autumn breath ..."
  • Reading and retelling by Nanaya folk fairy tale "Ioga."
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Fox-sister and Wolf".
  • Story K. Ushinsky "Four Desires".
  • The epics "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber".
  • Story K.G. Powers "Warm bread."
  • Using the poem of N. Rubtsova "About the Hare".
  • Reading the story A. Kookin "Elephant".
  • Reading the story of V. Bianki "Swimming Bear".
  • Acquaintance with the work of D. Mamina-Siberian "Medvedko".
  • Fairy tale sh. Perro Cat in Boots.
  • Story M. Zoshchenko "Great Travelers".

    Children with great interest belong to stories about their peers

  • The epic "Sadko".
  • Reading the fairy tale V. SUTEEVA "Warm-corrupt".
  • Tale of K. Ushinsky "Fox and Kozl".
  • Acquaintance with the work of I. Surikov "Winter".
  • The story of E. Permyak "First Fish".
  • Tale of folk scenes "Snow Maiden".
  • Heading the poem of S. Marshak "Melting a month of young ...".
  • The poem E. Moshkovskaya "Delighted until the evening."
  • Acquaintance with the work of P. Ershov "Konon-Gorbok".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Cockerel - Golden Grabbies and Grandfather."
  • Retelling the work of E. Charushina "Bear".
  • Poems S. Yesenin "Bereza".
  • Retelling the fairy tales "Fear eyes are great."
  • Reading the fairy tale x.-k. Andersen "Naked dot".
  • The story of V. Bianki "adapted."
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Vasilisa is beautiful."
  • The story of V. Dal "Starik-Godovik".

    In the senior preschool age, fairy tales perceived by children more fully, can be correlated with the past and future time of the year

  • The poem F. Tyutchev "Winter is not angry ...".
  • Tale x.-k. Andersen "Thumbelina".
  • Story E. I. Charushina "Kaban".
  • Story M. Svavina "Golden Lugu".
  • Edward Lira's poem "Limerics".
  • The story of V. Bianki "Forest Domiers".
  • Tale of the brothers Grimm "Porch Porch".
  • Story S. Alekseeva "First Night Taran".
  • Poem A. Block "in the meadow".
  • Pushkin fairy tales.
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka".

Circle for reading fiction in kindergarten

In kindergarten, a circle work on reading fiction is very often practiced. This direction is very important: children's literature today have a lot of "rivals" - cartoons, children's television programs, computer games. They do not require reflections from the guys, unlike the artistic work. There is also such a paradox: in bookstores, a huge range of colorful, educational and interesting editions is presented, however, reading with the child requires forces, attention and time that many parents are missing. In these cases, the task of the admission of preschoolers to the book falls on the shoulders of the educator. And well, if in addition to works asked by the educational program of kindergarten, he introduces the guys with other wonderful fairy tales, stories, epics, poems, as well as proverbs and sayings.

Today, books have many "competitors" in the struggle for the attention of the child

As for the subject of the literary mug, it can cover:

  • works of various genres (names of titles: "On a visit to the book", "Literary Living Room", "Magic World of Books");
  • only fairy tales ("fairy tales - good friends", "Visiting a fairy tale", "Tale of wisdom is rich ...");
  • poem (children express them expressly and memorize).

The occupation in the circle is usually held once a week in the afternoon.

As an example, you can consider a work program and a promising work plan for a "to visit book" (designed for three years of learning) E. V. Nazarova educator. His feature is that reading literature is combined with the holding of Russian national games similar subjects.

Elizabeth Vasilyevna Indicates the following mug tasks:

  • develop in children the ability to fully perceive the artwork, empathize with the heroes, emotionally respond to the read;
  • teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of the artistic work, expressive means creating an artistic image, develop the figurative thinking of preschoolers;
  • to form the ability to recreate artistic images of a literary work, to develop the imagination of children, associative thinking, develop the poetic ear of children, accumulate aesthetic experience of the hearing of the works of elegant literature, to educate artistic hearing;
  • to form the need for constant reading books, to develop interest in reading the fiction, creativity of writers, creators of the works of verbal art;
  • enrich the sensual experience of the child, his real ideas about the world and nature;
  • to form aesthetic attitude of the child to life, entitling it to the classics of fiction;
  • expand the horizons of children through reading books of various genres, diverse in content and subject, to enrich the moral and aesthetic and cognitive experience of the child;

The goal is to inhibit children with children's literature and book, to ensure the literary development of preschoolers, to reveal the world of moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200band spiritual culture accumulated by previous generations, to develop artistic taste, to form a culture of feelings, communication.

How to organize an outdoor viewing artistic literature

One of the important forms of reading work is open classes, during which the teacher demonstrates its innovative experience to colleagues. Novelty may affect various aspects:

  • application of information and computer technologies - ICT (slides with the image of the episodes of the work, its individual heroes);
  • retelling fairy tales by children with support for mnemotable (this direction is always of interest);
  • an innovative can be even physical attachment - a mandatory element of most occupations (for example, using pebbles to enhance the rhythm, by the way, this technique can be applied and when reading poems).

Classes using ICT always looks winning

An interesting idea is to connect to the event of the music executive or use audio recordings. For example, in the same fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", music will give music, as a girl collects mushrooms and berries in the forest, and a teddy bear walks through the forest. Children will simply be delighted with such a deep immersion in the work.

The final lesson finale can also be interested in to beat. For example, children give guests bookmarks for books that they have done with their own hands.

An open view cannot be rehearsed in advance with a group, for example, learn poems or work out answers to questions. It is always visible from: Children will not be so intrigued as if they perceived the work for the first time.

Features of holiday-leisure activities

Various festive events are promoted to raising interest in the book: literary leisure, entertainment, evenings, quiz. Their theme can be the work of a specific writer, poet (for example, A. Pushkin, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto), especially if you connect it with his upcoming anniversary.

The literary event can be coincided by the holiday, for example, the Day of Mother, the Day of the Birds, May 9th. For this, the divorce works (poems, small stories, episodes from fairy tales, proverbs, sayings) are selected, which are originally played.

The festive atmosphere always creates a union of various types of art - literature, theater, dance, music, iso. Also in such leisure you can include sports elements.

The structure of the literary holiday is similar to the construction of a matinee:

  1. Grand opening with the introductory word of the lead.
  2. Show concert numbers.
  3. Demonstration of book exhibition.
  4. Completion.

Combine parts of the event, except leading, game characters. They do not give to weaken child attention.

Pych declamination - an integral part of the literary holiday

Senior preschoolers can arrange a mini-concert for primary age pupils with reading familiar kids fun, a song, poems. At the same time, it is advisable to use visual materials - toys, pictures, various items.

An example of the abstract of the literary event on the works of S. Ya. Marshak (author A. G. Chirikova).

Video on the topic

Familiarity with fiction often turns into a small idea, on which the children themselves are.

Video: Reading the poems of Agnia Barto about toys (younger group)

VIDEO: TELLOWING AND INSOST OF THE TRAILY "Teremok" (second younger group)

Video: "Journey through Russian folk fairy tales" (open occupation in the middle group)

Video: Exchange-Journey on the Gus-Swan fairy tale (senior preschool age)

To bring the child to reading should be started from the very early age. In addition to parents, a kindergarten played a key role in this - the first social institute of the child. Of course, preschoolers are rather listeners than readers. The content of the artwork to them is brought to them the teacher, he also reveals the idea, helps children imbued with experiences for heroes. That is why the educator should be able to interest the kids to the book, being competent in the field of children's literature and highly owning expressive reading skills.

Education area

"Reading fiction"

Child in the world of fiction

In the seventh year of life in children there is a deepening and diff-reaction of reader interests, preferences appear inbore of species and genres of literature. Children of this age perceivethe work in the unity of its meaningful, semantic and expresssides, feel and seek to interpret the beauty of the literaturetour speech, project events and images of the heroes of works onhimself and relationships with others seek to explain andsplit the meaning of the work and its attitude to it in different kindscreative activity. As a result, the hearing, perception and pony of the literary text approaching the level of AESTE-tickening activities.

Tasks and content of work in this age group will be inin many ways to echo with what was carried out in the previous grouppo, due to the generality of the stage of the literary development of children 5-7 years.

Tasks for the education and development of children

1. Relieve value attitude to the artistic literature as the type of art, native language and literary speech.

2. Contribute to deepening and differentiation of reader interests.

3. Enrich the reader's readers from the works of more complex in content and form.

4. In the process of familiarization with the literature, ensure the formation of children in the children of a holistic picture of the world, to develop the ability of creativeness to perceive the real reality and the peculiarities of its expansion in the artistic work, to attach to socio-moral values.

5. Promote the development of the artistic perception of the text in
unity of its content and shape, semantic and emotional

6. Develop the ability to elementally analyze the content and form of the work (features of the composition structure, the environment of language expressiveness and their meaning), develop a literature.

7. Enrich ideas about the features of literature: about childbirth (folklore and author's literature), species (prose and poetry), about a lot of familiar genres and their some specific features.

8. Ensure the possibility of manifestation by children of independent and creativity in different types of artistic and creative activities based on literary works.

The development of the tasks of the literary development of children is carried out in
different types of joint and independent activities of children onthe basis of a wide range of folklore and literary texts.

The main methods of literary development Children 6-7 years are the following.

Reading (taking) adult, who introduces preschoolnikov with literary texts, as with their "good friends". At the same time, the teacher draws the attention of children to sources of receipt of the book: brought the educator or any of the children from the house, took the book in the library (including after the excursion), exchanged books with children of another group, advised to readinteresting person and so on. This will help make familiarization with the literature not didactic, and the humanitarian process, it seems to children that interest in the book that is (or must) in society.

Listening to records and view video materials , in which readers and artists perform texts, participate in production. This will contribute to the upbringing of the literary and artistic taste of children. Develop the ability to feel and understand the mood of the work, the value of the language of the language, capture the musicality, the temptation, the beauty and poetry of the Russian literary language.

View (listening) literary records texts themselves. Joint discussion of sounding speechschoolchildren when reading, telling, in theatrical postnew will ensure the development of a conscious attitude towards correctness andlanguage patterns, singularities of someone else's and their speech will beto enter the development of the ability to analyze and self-analysis of the correctness andequity of speech

Conversation after reading contributes to the deepening of the perception of the literaturetour text in children, formulation in speeching its attitude toheard in the process of its analysis. The conversation includes questionsaimed at expressing the relationship of children to the work, on establishing a variety of causal relationships (betweenevents, between structural parts of the text, development linesplot, heroes, etc.), on a holistic understanding of the images of heroes with accounting for the peculiarities of their behavior and character, the entire collisionkeeping, to awareness of the values \u200b\u200bof illustrative means of language, to understand the emotional and ideological subtextworks; as well as questions that encourage children to elementarygeneralizations and conclusions. It is important to help the child "stand over the hero",consider events from the author's point of view, to understand the position of the author of the artistic text and formulate their own judgments aboutthe work and events of life reflected in it.

Also, as in the senior group, the following methods will be relevant.

Reading with a continuation including "multi-volume" ages,united by common heroes. These include, for example, fairy talesA. M. Volkov on the adventures of Ellie and her friends, stories about MummyTruva Truva Jansson and others.

Conversations about books in which new tasks will be solved:coming with the history of books in the history of mankind, helprealize the meaning of books for the child himself.

Generalizing conversations about the main types and genres of folklore and
literature ("What is a fairy tale", "What time of year is more
sano poems "," Fairy Tales and Stories: On the same in different ways "and

Evenings of literary entertainment, literary holidays and te-atralaized views in the preparation of which more and morechildren will participate, including by organizing them for preschoolnicknames of younger age.

Thematic exhibitions in the bookcard and the center of art no-creative activity.

Project method. In addition to the ideas of project activities thatimplemented in the senior grouppreschors of 6-7 years will be important newtopics whose goal to help children seize with different means of speech expressiveness and fix the impaired views.

An important direction of working with the children of the preparatory groupwill be introduction to writers and poets, artists-illustrative strata of children's books, what implies a message to childreninformation from the biography of these people (it is advisable to select factsearly childhood, study, children's hobbies, relationships with childrenmi, that is, what is close and clear to preschoolers); as well as familiarwith the works of these authors and their elemental analysis(For the purposes of orientation in the author's art manner). Such workcan be built as project activities, the result of whichroy will make the design of the exhibition.

Contents section integratewith other sections of the programwe. The most relevant relationships with the "Communication" sections(enrichment of the content of adult communication with child and children withpeers discussing listened texts, familiarity withsamples of the literary language, the development of the form of children'sspeech by means of familiarization with language expressivenessworks, practical development of the rules of constructionof different types of texts, enrichment of the dictionary, etc.), "Cognition" (formmating of a holistic picture of the world, the development of intellectual andpersonal qualities, the expansion of the horizon, the development of the ability topour, analyze, compare, the development of cognitive interestsowls and "heuristic" vision of the surrounding reality andetc.), "Socialization" (personal development of children as representatives;society, deepening knowledge and relationships to the main moral and thesei have acquainted with the norms and rules of behaviorrelationships in society, etc.). No less important connection withlamen "Music" and "Artistic Creativity" in view of the availability of generalconcepts of formation of different types of artistic activitieschildren: from perception and development of special skills to independentthe creativity of children, as well as the direction of these subsections to develop the imagination of preschoolers. Possible communication practicallywith all other educational areas.

Orientation of children in the educational area

What do children recognize

Children have a rich literary experience incorporatingreceptions of different species, genres and subjects. Calls in three or four lu-beamy works of different types and genres. In the list of reading a child6-7 years old include a variety of genres of works of Russian and Zarafolklore, classic and modern poetic productionconduct, prosaic texts (stories, were, fairy tales, fairy talesty, children's novels). Preschoolers are interesting works withcomplex subtext, ambiguous images of heroes basedat the collision of characters, confrontation of good and evil forces. Themtexts with new cognitive information are becoming available,elements of business style (fragments of children's encyclopedias). Childrenlove texts with a continuation, including novels-story,writing about the new adventures of familiar heroes.

Preschoolers 6-7 years old understand that the book is a special (Hu-eliminated) way of knowledge of the surrounding reality,human relationships and social values.

Children know the names of 5-6 writers, poets, individual facts of their biography, some features of their creativity.

Preschoolers understand the meaning of some means of the language,expressiveness. Know the main stylistic features of the LITERthe directional language of works of different types and genres, noting itbeauty and imagery. Master the ideas about some featuresits literary genres such as a fairy tale, story, poetry, bass.

Children understand and arguely explain the meaning ofin the book, know the names of two or three artists-illustrators,which features their creativity. Understand that the book is reas a result of the writer, artist and employees of the printing house,aware of the great importance of books for people and, in particular, for themselves.

Preschoolers have ideas about theater: its appointment,building of buildings, scenes, specifics of people of different pro-festers working in the theater. Know different types and genres of theatrical art (dramatic, musical, puppet, theaterray, Clownada and Others).

Children know and use different ways to express theirwearing a literary work in various types of speechand artistic and creative activities.

Organization of the experience of mastering the educational region

What are mastering children

Expand the reader interests of children

The teacher supports and encourages the desire of children toto join the book, the desire to learn to read and becomeactive reader.

Stimulates the development of the beginning of aesthetic responsiveness and taste tohigh-level literature. Activates the manifestation of children of love for artistic literature, interest in the content of the work andvalue attitude to its form.

The teacher supports the selectivity of preschoolers in relationrests to works of a certain species, genre, subjects.

Ensures the realization of the needs of children in communication overliterary works with adults (teachers and parents) and other children (peers and more younger children).

Problem and gaming situations are created to deepen inte-resa children to tell, reading the artistic textov, inventing creative monologues based on them, to the discussiontheatrical performances and independent theatrical decaught.

Help the right perception of literary text

In the process of organizing the listening of literature, viewingillustrations and reproductions of paintings of different artists, listeningmusical works, conducting conversations with children teachercontributes to the deepening of perception by preschoolers of the literaryworks in the unity of its content and form.

The educator ensures the development of general and special methodschildren on which the artistic perception of the Lite-Foreign Work is based. This is the development of emotional responsiveness byrelation to the content of the work, its meaning and emotionnalia subtext, images of heroes, artistic form. Formcognitive activity in the establishment of significant relationships in the work, in the awareness of the integrity of the images of heroes, in comprehending the author's plan. Education of aesthetic sensitivity to kra-siem of literary speech, figurativeness of the artistic language. Pedagogueseeks to maintain the conservation of unity of the immediate reliving and understanding by children of literary text.

We organize creative activities based on literary text

Educatesorganizes the communion of literarytexts, theatrical performances, theatrical games, ensuring the development of the ability to analyze the artistic text and expressivespeech performers, contributing to the development of literary speech,development of the aesthetic taste of children.

Create educational and game situations for the development ofblowing skills:

Expressively retelling newly read literaryworks close to the text; retell stories and fairy tales frompersons of the literary hero.

Offer your options to continue the storylinekeeping, composing fairy tales and stories based on folklore and leforest texts.

The teacher supports the desire of children to preserve the stylistic and genre features of literary texts in selfthere is an activity on their basis.

Initiates the development of children to use the complexmeans of expressiveness in different types of artistic and speechincluding in the process of project activities.

The educator plans creative tasks, literary and Chitatel Games for active development by preschoolers of lectureblue and intonational expressiveness, for the development of skillscreative speech activity.

Adult holds conversations about books, creative activitywriter, illustrator artist, artist-designer, signmIT of children with the features of typography for the development of skills,wake around for making preschool children of children's homemadebooks, magazines and encyclopedias.

During the organization of children's project activitieschildren move the ability to reflect the results of perception of literarytexts in different types of art and speech activities (crossingwriting, writing, reasoning) and visual activities(Drawing, Application, Design, Design).

The teacher encourages improvisation and creativity of pupils inartistic and speech, game, visual and theatricalnoi activity based on literary texts. Providesthe possibility of manifestations of independence and creativity incessa selection of texts for children's performances, preliminarypersecution and registration of "theatrical action", insearch for ways to implement a conceived image with the help of variousverbal and non-verbal expressive means.

Results of the development of the content of the educational region

Achievements of a child (what pleases us)

1. The child exhibits aesthetic taste, the desire to continuously communicate with the book, the desire to learn to learn himself.

2. Detects the electoral attitude to the works of determiningtopic or genre, to different types of creative activitiesbased on the artwork.

3. Calls favorite literary texts, explains what they like.

4. Knows the last name of four or five writers, individual facts of their biographics, calls their works, with the help of an adult argues about the peculiarities of their creativity.

5. Knows the names of three or four artists who illustratelee books or writing pictures on fabulous and epic stories,decorated theatrical productions, knows some features their visual manner.

6. Distinguishes the main genres of literary works (poemsrhenium, fairy tale, story), has ideas about some of themfunny.

7. Perceives the work in the unity of its content and forms,it is attracted to the images of the heroes, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

8. Expressively performs literary works.

9. Creatively active in speech, visual and theatrical gaming activities based on artistic texts.

10. Expressively transmits images of literary heroes in theatricalbathroom activities, manifests creativity, seeks to imprintzoom.

Causes concern and requires joint efforts

teachers and parents

1. Interest in literature is not pronounced, literary experiencefear niche. The child reluctantly reacts to the suggestionslearn to read.

2. With difficulty calls familiar books, can not explain than they.he likes.

3. Does not know the genres of literary works. Distinguishes fairy talethe story and poems at an intuitive level, to explain their specials-tapes cannot.

4. When perceiving the literary work understands itsO holding, it makes it difficult to interpret the subtext, can notunderstand copyright position, not sensitive to language, drawsattention only to traditional speech expressions.

5. Inexpressively reads short poems, tells fairy tales anddistributed the tales can not come up with a fairy tale by analogy refusesinventing mysteries, participation in literary games.

6. Passive when discussing books, does not show initiatives in visual and project activities based on literarytext. In theatrical games is either a viewer or a non-discompatinent-proof, simplifiedsecondary hero.

Circle of reading in children 6-7 years old continues to expand and complicate both from the position of the content of texts and on the part of theirjewelry shape (a variety of composite structure, stylesspeech, expressive means). Compared with the previous age, the group varies mainly the prose that children listened. They are becoming affordable and interesting "Reading with continuedwe are large in terms of work. First of all, thistales - Tale, including fantastic and adventurewhose contents in which more complex images of ge-roots are presented, various options for their social interaction.

The educator of a pre-school educational institution should form interest in reading fiction in children-preschoolers through games, illustrations and a variety of expressive means and literary genres. In addition, the task of the educator is the development of monologic and dialogical speech of preschoolers, their socialization and training for school. To implement these purposes and tasks, it is necessary to competently plan each occupation.

Objectives and tasks of the educator in artistic literature reading

Before the educator, there are important tasks: upbringing, training and development of children. Fiction is the best assistant in solving the tasks. Each particular occupation should:

  • train attention and memory;
  • develop thinking and speech;
  • rail interest in intellectual classes.

In addition, all studied artworks are focused on different directions of the child's life. The most important for children of the preparatory group are:

  • moral education;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • socio-communicative development;
  • development of independence, self-service.

For example, the tale of the "tiny-havel chief" refers to the field of moral education. The specific purpose of the lesson may sound like this: "to raise a good attitude to each other." Russian folk fairy tale "By whining omen" refers to the development of independence. Studying her, the teacher can put a goal of "explaining the importance of human labor." Socially communicative development occurs when reading the work of D. N. Mamin-Siberian "Medvedko", the goal of classes on this fairy tale: to acquaint with the world around the world, with a planet.

Reading in the preparatory for school, pay special attention

Reading fiction, discussion, situational conversation - this is how the goals set goals are implemented in the classes. The educator does not explain the meaning of the fairy tale immediately after reading - it allows children to independently understand it, helps children to see and understand the problem described, for example, with a conversation.

The use of the question-response form of communication is the optimal method of development in preschoolers of speech thinking.

For example, when studying the Gus-Swan fairy tale in a conversation, such questions can be included:

  1. Who speaks in a fairy tale?
  2. Where are the mother with father going?
  3. What mother asks her daughter?
  4. How did his daughter behave after the parents went to the city?
  5. What happened to the brother?
  6. Who are the geese swans?
  7. What decision takes the girl?
  8. Why does the stove, apple tree and dairy river wanted to help the girl?
  9. Where did the girl came running?
  10. Who saw in the hut?
  11. How did the girl manage to save the brother?
  12. Why on the way back the stove, apple tree and dairy river help the girl?
  13. Could it be that the stove, apple tree and dairy river talked to the girl?
  14. Where can we meet talking animals and speaking objects?

A series of questions for conversation should be built logically: first simple questions (by content), then clarify, interpretative ("why ..."), estimated and creative.

It is important to remember that the classes are one, and several tasks.

The educator at each occupation solves the following tasks:

  • educational;
  • educational;
  • developing.

For example, when studying the tale "Scarlet flower", the following tasks should be solved. Educational: to bring up a good attitude to each other. Educational: To acquaint with the literature, develop a coherent speech, to form an understanding of the text on a rumor. Developing: develop speech hearing, melody-intonation side of speech.

Each occupation should have a unique topic and a goal, may be subtitric, additional to the main one. On the example of the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog", it is possible to determine the goal: "Develop the cognitive activity of children, to learn to respect other people's interests," the topic "Listening to the fairy tales" and the orientation "obedience and self-employment in a fairy tale ..." (moral education). During the conversation, children should understand what obedience and their own behavior, which is expressed, what follows them, as needed to behave and so on. Motivating children to independently understand these issues, the educator will achieve the goal.

Reading in the preparatory group should be informative. A teacher, developing cognitive interest, brings up a conscious reader, who in school years will affect himself and read books with pleasure.

Motivation of preschoolers in classes

In pedagogy, four types of motivation of senior preschoolers are distinguished:

  1. Game. It will help the child to shift the focus with the technical difficulties of the reading process. Didactic Games: "Reading of Nevbyts", "The Word is lost", "find out the hero."
  2. Help adult. It is based on the desire to communicate with adults, because he will approve and show interest in joint activities. For example: Take the images of the heroes fairy tale and ask children to help you choose or draw outfits (sundress for chanterelle, shirt for the bear).
  3. "Teach me." The basis is the desire of each pupil feel smart capable. For example: if a child knows a fairy tale, tell him that they forgot the sequence of actions or do not understand the actions of the heroes. So he will confidently discuss the material studied.
  4. "Do it yourself". Internal interest to do something as a gift or for relatives. Drawings, crafts, postcards, - All this can be done in reading classes, but children must definitely voice all their actions.

As a motivating start, the lessons for reading fiction can be used games, illustrations for the work, riddles, problem situation. For example, when studying the Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and a jug", the educator can show children pictures with the image of fox, jug, rivers, use the elements of theatricalization, games for the development of intonation (Fox exclamations).

Questions for conversation:

  1. What tells about this fairy tale?
  2. How did the fox hit the jug?
  3. How did she first talk to the jug?
  4. What words did she speak?
  5. And how did Lisa become then talking?
  6. What words did she speak?
  7. How does the fairy tale ends?
  8. What is the shown fox in this fairy tale and where does this come from?

To expand and enrich the dictionary, you need to discuss the words: greed, stupidity, kindness.

Games for the development of intonation:

  • Guess intonation;
  • Say gently;
  • Say angrily.

When studying the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Bone", you can also use the images of the main characters, plums, elements of theatricalization, didactic games ("Swari Compote"). Questions you need to discuss with children: honesty, struggle with temptation, love for the family, the ability to admit, tell the truth.

Materials for the introductory stage can be different, it all depends on the interest and fantasy of the educator. For example, when studying the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Mrs. Miselitsa" children attracts and motivating music. When studying the Tatar folk fairy tale "Three daughters" you can use riddles (about mom, sisters, a squirrel, a bee) to introduce the heroes and include in active activity.

  • Who is the nail to all in the world?
    Who loves very children?
    I will answer the question straight:
    - Our Mileu is all ... (Mom).
  • Who loves me, and Bratz,
    But does it like to dress up? -
    Very fashionable girl -
    My older ... (sister).
  • With twig on a twig
    Jumps, sports,
    Agile, agile,
    Not a bird. (Squirrel).
  • Flew over flowers
    Flying over the fields.
    Fun buzzed.
    Scored nectar.
    And mining suffered
    Right into the house to yourself ... (Bee).

For a fairy tale sh. Perso "Cat in Boots" Teacher can take a cat toy and present it to children as guest.

The emergence of such a wonderful guest will cause delight in children

Structure of classes

Each lesson with children must comply with the FGE structure before and consist of the following parts:

  1. Introductory part (Motivation Creating).
  2. Creating a problem situation.
  3. Main part.
  4. Analysis of activities (after each type of activity).
  5. Fizkultminutka (one or more).
  6. Final part (solving a problem situation).

In working with children of preschool age, it is necessary to plan a very competent occupation. So that it turns out to be the most productive, it is necessary to alternate various activities. In addition to reading fiction, you can use game, motor or communicative activity.

For example, one of the mandatory elements of each class is physical attack. It helps children relax from active activities, prevent fatigue, improve emotional state and so on.

Forms of conducting physical attacks:

  • generalizing exercises;
  • moving game;
  • didactic game with movements;
  • dancing;
  • movement for reading a poem.

In the study of artistic literature, the educator can use any of the above forms, but most often the motion of the poem is used as physical consulting.

Example of physical attacks for reading verse

In addition, it is necessary to make a temporary plan of classes. The educator must remember that the occupation that lasts more than thirty minutes is inefficient.

Structure of reading and temporary plan for the older group.

  1. The introductory part. 1-2 minutes.
  2. Creating a problem situation. 2-3 minutes.
  3. Main part. 23-25 \u200b\u200bminutes.
  4. Final part. 2-3 minutes

Card files

Fiction card files are constituted in different criteria. For example, by lexical topics: fruits / vegetables, trees, bread, seasons, mushrooms / berries, birds, home / wild animals, land / water, etc.

  • D.N. Mamin-Siberian "Gray Shaika";
  • N. Nosov "Cucumbers";
  • G. B. Oster "Kitten named Gav".

Also, the card file can be made on moral and patriotic education: homeland, society, family, friendship, holidays, citizen, and so on.

  • N. Nosov Mishkin Poros,
  • D. Gab "My Family",
  • Ya. Segel "How I was my mother."

Criterion for combining works can also be safety: fires, traffic rules, behavior rules in nature and so on.

  • A. Barto "Thunderstorm";
  • O. Smirnov "Steppe Fire";
  • G. Shalaeva "Do not eat unfamiliar berries in the forest."

Popular also a card file made up by E.V. Shcherbakova under the program "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Veracses. Criteria: educational areas.

From the field of moral education:

  1. Russian folk fairy tale "Tiny-Havroshchka";
  2. Russian folk fairy tale "Hare Bowls";
  3. Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog";
  4. B. Chergin "Rhymes";
  5. Russian folk fairy tale "Squa Burk";
  6. Russian folk fairy tale "Finist - Clear Falcon";
  7. V. Dragunsky "friend of childhood", "from top to bottom, macash";
  8. S. Mikhalkov "And what do you have?";
  9. Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo";
  10. "Zlatovlask" (per. With Czech. K. Powesta);
  11. K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

The book of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" must be studied in Dow

Table: An abstract classes C. V. Tovmasyan on the topic "Honesty in the fairy tale L. N. Tolstoy" Bone ""

Stage NodeStage content
Goal and tasksTo form an idea of \u200b\u200bhonesty.
  • educational: Learn to listen and understand the text on the rumor, develop analytical thinking;
  • educational: to educate the ability to empathize, understand the emotional state, to educate love for reading and books;
  • developing: develop speech hearing, expand and enrich vocabulary.
  • fairy Tale text;
  • portrait of L.N. Tolstoy;
  • illustrations for a fairy tale;
  • pictures with images of different berries: Raspberry, plum, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, gooseberry.
Opening partGreeting and setting to work.
- Good afternoon, good hour!
How glad I see you.
At each other looked
And quietly all sat down.
- How is your mood?
Game "Find a bone"
- Look at these pictures. The berries are depicted here. Find among them a berry with a bone.
Acquaintance with a portrait of a writer.
- Look at this portrait. Nikolayevich Tolstoy is depicted on it. This is a great Russian writer who gave us a lot of interesting stories, fairy tales, poems and even mysteries. He loved the children very much: he opened the school in a clear Polyana (this is a manor in the Tula province), taught them on the "alphabet", which he wrote himself.
- Today we will discuss the story of L.N. Tolstoy "bone". Want to know what he is and why is it so called?
Main partThe educator reads the story.
Questions for conversation:
- What did mom bought?
- How did Vanya behaved?
- Who noticed that the plums did not?
- Why did Vanya decide to eat plum?
- Why did he not admit?
- Why did the dad worried?
- How did Vanya have to do?
The educator reads verse children and gives instructions on movements:
  • One, two, three, four, five!
  • We will jump and jump! (jumping in place)
  • The right side leaned (tilting the body to the left-right).
  • One two Three.
  • Left left side.
  • One two Three.
  • And now raise the handles (hands up).
  • And they will be totding to Tuchka.
  • We sit on the track (crossed on the floor),
  • Let's get out of the legs.
  • Bend the right leg (bend your legs in the knee),
  • One two Three!
  • Bend the left leg,
  • One two Three.
  • Legs high raised (raised legs up).
  • And a little supersed.
  • The head was shaking (moving heads).
  • And everyone got together together (stood).

They say: "All the secret early and late becomes apparent." Do you agree with this? Give an example from the story "Bone".
- Tell me, is it necessary to hide something and be dishonest if the truth still recognize?
- The story was the expression "blushed as cancer." Look at the illustration to the fairy tale. Did you understand what it means? How else could it be described?
- What does the word "found" mean? Hill is that?

Final part- What is the name of the story, which we discussed today?
- Why is it so called?
- What would you do in place Vanya?
- You all worked very well today, well done.

The quality work of the educators on planning and in the study of artistic literature is the key to the productive work of each child. Poems, riddles, didactic games - all this is necessary in the class, regardless of the selected work. Classes in the preparatory group must be positive and fascinating for all children, so the tasks need to be elected interesting and varied. Only so you can instill with children love for reading and literature.

Card Card Node Abstracts in the Elder Dow Group. Education area "Reading fiction"

Department of Education Administration of the Balashovsky Municipal District of the Saratov Region

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten combined type" Ivushka " Cities Balashov Saratov region.

Detergery (Reading fiction)

Speech therapy group "Droplet" .

Card Subject: "Flower-seven flowers" Software tasks:

1. clarify and enrich the knowledge of children about oral folk creativity, about

works of Russian writers.

2. Teach children to associate the content of artistic works with a certain color.

3. Enrich the dictionary of children by the expressions of verbal courtesy.


1. Exercise in the ability to guess fairy tales, riddles, remember

the appearance of heroes in fairy tales.

2. Exercise in the selection of adjectives with the opposite value to the noun.

3. Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking, the ability to act agreed.


1. Rail interest in Russian culture and love for oral folk art.


Flanhegraph with a fairy tale scheme "Kolobok" , chest, ball with letter, seven-flow flowers (on the rack), Petals Flower-seven-fisheries, Fox cap, basket, illustrations to fairy tales, cards with a picture of fabulous characters, petals for assessing children's classes, gifts to children.

Travel course:

Children enter the hall. Sit on chairs

Educator: Hello guys! Today we have an occupation is not usual, but fabulous.

Fairy tale, children were waiting very much

Fairy tale kids visible!

Tale here are already friends

The tale came here again!

Guys, a letter came to us. (is reading). This is what I read it now:

"Dear Guys! I am home to Kuzya! I live in your kindergarten, guarding it at night. And in the afternoon I like to listen to how you sing good songs, listen to fairy tales! So I decided to make you a gift.

My gift lies at the bottom

In my magic chest

Open the chest will help children

Magic sevenflower flowers.

As a piece of leaflets, you will immediately take!

So, so home-made Kuzya! I asked us a riddle! The chest stands on it weighs the castle. And the castle is really not easy - is the middle of the flower. So, if we find the petals of flowers and sevenflows, we can open the chest. Are you ready for traveling? But what are we going to go on the road? We have neither a car, nor trains, no ship. But we have a top top Tobus!

Speech game "Forest path"

Forest path (stepping with each other)

In the fairy tale we will go.

Flower-seven flowers

Quickly gather.

Birch twigs (swing hands)

Laskovo rustle.

Forest wonders and fairy tales,

Take guys! (bow)

Where are you, petal (They look alternately from under the right and left hand) Find you, friend!

Help flower gather,

All riddles guess! (clap your hands).

Educator: We came with you in a fairy tale. Look, a seven-flow flowers bloomed here. He will tell us what color the petal needs to be found. Let's start with this petal. What colour is he?

Children: Yellow

Educator: Guys, what time of year reminds this color?

Children: autumn. Educator: Of course! Yellow reminds Beautiful autumn. What do people do in the fall in the garden?

Children: in the fall people in the garden collect a crop.

Educator: Look, what an incomprehensible picture. What is shown on it? Maybe a fairy tale?

Children: Fairy Tale "Kolobok" .


Educator: Which of the heroes is depicted in the diagram?

Children: Grandfather, Grandma, Kolobok, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox

Educator: Well done, you coped with the task, and get a yellow petal.

Educator: What color petals will look for the next.

Children: blue.

Educator: Blue color as endlessly sea. What fairy tales is the sea?

Children: A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish"

Educator: We will now turn into the sea waves and play the game "The sea is worried about once!"

The sea is worried - once!

The sea is worried - two!

The sea is worried - three!

Marine Figure Zamri!

Educator: Guys, and here are blue petals. Well done!

Educator: Tell me, what color leaves will be next?

Children: Orange.

Educator: How can I call an orange color?

Children: Redhead.

Educator: Who is in Russian folk fairy tales the most famous redhead hero?

Children: Fox.

Educator: Name the fairy tales in which we meet a chanterelle?

Children: Fairy Tales "Kolobok" , "Zyushkina Hut" , "Fox and pitcher" , "Teremok" , "Fox with a rill" , "Mitten"

Educator: Do you know the fox riddles?

1 child:

Sandy Cheating, Redhead Head

Fluffy Tail - Beauty

And her name is (a fox)

2 child:

Fluffy Tail, Golden Fur

In the forest lives, chickens in the village


Whose animals

Tail of fluffy and long?

Children, chanterelle came to us today (child)To play with us.

(children play with fox "Flying scarf" )

Educator: chantery, what did you bring us in the basket?

Fox: Orange petal.

Educator: Thank you, chanterelle. Now we have an orange petal.

What color petal will be next?

Children: green.

Educator: Guess, guys, my new riddle: "And the Arrow of Ivan Tsarevich in the most swamp ..." Excerpt from what fairy tale did you hear now?

Children: excerpt from Russian folk tales "Princess Frog" .

Educator: Is it possible to call this fairy tale green? Why?

Children: the main heroine frog, she lives in a green swamp.

Educator: Guys, do you want to turn into merry frogs?

Educator: Then play the game "Frogs and Heron"

(Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Educator: I will give frogs I am a green petal,

So that you quickly assemble your flower!

What color petal next?

Children: purple color.

Educator: Guys, look, the arrows of purple color lead here (to Shirma) So, a purple petal is hidden here. Let's play in the game

"Pick up the word" . In this fairy tale (show):

  1. Snake Gorynych Angry, and Masha (good).
  2. Zaolets cowardly, and fox (tricky).
  3. Bull and Bear cowardly, and cock (brave).
  4. Teremok small, and a bear (large).

Fairy tales you all guess

And the comparisons were called.

And for the correct answer

Purple color.

Guys, what color petal next?

Children: black.

What strange color is black. What do you think he personifies -

Good or bad

Children: Evil

Educator: Let's play the game: I will make riddles if the answer to the mystery is a positive character, then you will clutch into your hands, and if negative -top.

Knocked on our door

Unusual miracle beast -

He is in a brown shirt

Ears-saucer horsepower. Cheburashka

  • Life is lying in Larz

And the casket is in the palace,

And the palace - in the forest we dense,

The forest grows on a black cloud. Koschey shameless

  • On the broom yesterday flew

From the height of the big fell.

Hey, hut, curiped legs,

Roll to Granny on the track. Baba Yaga

  • In the red hat goes

Patty brings with them.

Behind the bushes of the wolf sits

And behind the girl watches. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD

Well done guys, correctly guess all the riddles. Get black petal.

What color petal will be the next?

Children: Red.

Educator: Name the fairy tale sh. Perro in the clothes hero, whom

there is a red.

Children: Cat in boots

Educator: Now we will play the game "Pick up a couple" And we will help the cat in boots and other characters of fairy tales find your pair. While the music plays, we will go on the rug, music will stop - form a pair of pictures.

Guys, you played so fun, get a red petal. You are great! Well worked and collected all the petals of flowers - seven-density. Now the castle on the chest opens, and in it gifts for children. (Children get gifts).

Educator: What did we do in the lesson today? (Children's responses) Look, I have multicolored petals. Come (child name) And choose the petal of this color, whose task you liked more. Now they will go to rate the lesson boys, and then girls. On this, our occupation ended.


Topic: "Russian folk fairy tale" Havroshchka "

Purpose: Development of fantasy, figurative thinking, imagination through theatrical activity. Creating a positive atmosphere to remove the emotional and bodily voltage of children.


  • Awaken the fantasy and figurative thinking of children by traveling on a fairy tale "Havroshchka" .
  • Exercising children in the skill with the help of etudes to portray the state of a person in different life situations, understand the moral side of the actions around others.
  • Teach children emotionally discharged, reset clamps, "Way down" Hidden deep in the subconscious fear, anxiety, anxiety. With the help of participation in a fairy tale, balancing the psyche of children, shoot emotional and bodily voltage. To form the ability to adjust the processes of excitation and braking: develop the ability to quickly switch from active activities on passive and vice versa.
  • Continue to activate and enrich the vocabulary of children. To develop the ability to listen carefully to the fairy tale, to answer the questions of an adult, express your thoughts when answering questions.
  • Develop the coordination of movements, the ability to listen to music, independently change the movements in accordance with the change in the nature of the music and quickly respond to tempo changes.
  • Develop imagination, memory, attention, the ability to maximally concentrate on what is happening.

Structure occupation

Org moment: children with an educator stand on the carpet, smile at each other

Look, what is the wonderful weather today, the sun shines, everyone has a great mood.

All children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Hands up with my hands and smile to each other.

Entrance to the fairy tale

- Guys today we will have an unusual meeting. Look, a cow came to visit us (soft toy).

What do you know about a cow?

D.kov is a pet. Man is cared for her. It benefits: milk, meat. She is might and comes. Cow herbivorous animal. At the cow calf.

- Do you want to get acquainted with a fairy tale from which she came to us?

And in order to get into the fairy tale, it is necessary to take hands and clearly repeat the magical words behind me:

"Ra-Ra-Ra - in the fairy tale we have to go.

Guy-Guy - we, cow, help. "

Children sit on the chairs. Music sounds.

There are good people in the world, but there are also those who are not ashamed of their brother. Troychka-Havroshka got into such a tiny. She remained the orphan, they took these people, they scrambled and disappeared: she hurts, she closes, she and he answers everything.

Exercise 1. "Cleaning a pan"

"The guys, a tiny-havelchiech, had to clean the pans. Show how she was one hand she kept a large saucepan, the other intensely, with force, cleaned the walls and the bottom of the pan.

In the course of performing a gaming task, the teacher draws attention to the tensions of the muscles of the hands of children when exercising.

Children are resting after "Cleaning" , shook hands, leaning slightly with all the body forward. Change hands and perform an exercise again.

Exercise 2. "Floor cleaning"

- Imagine, and depict as Havroshchka "Wetted a rag in the bucket" And with power "Pressed" her.

Children perform an exercise.

- Guys, in which part of the hands are the greatest fatigue, the greatest tension? Let `s have some rest.

Children "Throw" A rag on the floor, shaken with tassels. (Fingering gymnastics)

Give a milk Burerenushka

Though a droplet on the bottom

Waiting for me kittens

Small guys

Give them cream spoon

Cottage cheese little

Oil, crust,

Milk for kashkin

Health gives everyone

The mistress has three daughters. Senior - one-eyed, medium - double-chapted, and the smaller - trigube. The daughters only knew that the gate was sitting, to look out on the street, and the Troshchka-Havroshchka worked on them: they were trimmed, for them, naught and did not hear the words for them. It comes out, there was a tiny-havel in the field, it will hug your ripple cow, will fall on her neck and tells how hard it is to live.

Exercise 3. "The sadness of the tiny havelchi"

- Guys, heavily lived Havroshchka? What feelings did she have experienced? (sadness, grief, annoyance, insult, etc.) Try to portray how the havel chief cry? (covered her face with his hands, wiped the tears, etc.)

- How can I regret Havroshchka? What can I say or do it?

- Let us regret Havroshchka and tell her any gentle words.

Korovushka spoke Havroshchka:

"Red maiden, get to me into one ear, and to another get out - everything will be worked out."

So came true. The hawloshchychka will fit into one ear, will get out of the other: both Natkano, and whiten, and in the pipes are palpally.

She takes the canvas to the hostess. She will take a look, worsch, hide in a chest, and a tiny-havel even more work will be tasked.

The mistress called his daughter to one-eyed and tells her:

"My good daughter, my friend's daughter, look to see who Sydote helps: both a clan, and hang, and rolls into the pipes.

I went to one-eyed with Havroshchka in the forest, went with her in the field and forgot Matushkino ordered and fell asleep.

Exercise 4. "Dance of meadow flowers"

- Many on the clearing were different colors, smelled of herbs. Let's take the dance of flowers on the meadow. Our flowers move to the music smoothly, gently, beautiful. And now quietly sit on the rug and fall.

Sleeping one-eyed, and Havroshchka sentences:

- Sleep, eyes, sleep, eye!

The eyes from one-eyed and fell asleep. While one-eyed slept, the cow all the midges, and twisted, and rolls the pipes. So nothing hostess was not realized.

She sent the second daughter a two-chapter. She went with Havroshchka forgot Matushkina orders. On the sun was spread, on the grasshop ruled and fell asleep. Natkal's cowhumps, twisted, snapped into the pipes. And the two-chapka sleep all.

Exercise 5. "Test Words"

Children repeat the words from which two-chapped "Sleep the eyes, sleep another" (Gymnastics for the eyes)

The old woman was angry and sent the third daughter, and Syrote asked even more work. The trigger jumped, jumped, splamen on the sun and fell on the trickle.

Havroshchka sings:

- Sleep, eyes, sleep, other! And about the third eye forgot.

Two eyes had trigubs, and she sees the third eye and he sees everything: like a havel chief of a cow in one earlot climbed, and the finished canvases came to another.

The trigue returned home and the mother told everything.

The old woman was delighted, on the other day she came to her husband:

- Dir ripple cow!

Nothing to do. He began to sharpen the old knife. Havroshchka about it has conceived, ran into the field, hugged a ripple cow and says:

- Mother's cow! They want to cut you. And the cowhow is responsible for her:

"And you, a red maiden, my meat do not eat, and my bones collect, in the handkerchiefs there, in the garden of their Schoroni and never forget me. Havroshchka did everything that the Korovka was taught.

And the apple trees rose, so what! Apples on it hanging bulk, the leaves are noisy gold, the twigs bent silver. Whoever goes by - stops who passes close - looks around. Many time has passed, you never know one - one-eyed, double-to-key and triguity walked around the garden.

Exercise 6. "Dance in the garden"

- Imagine how sisters have fun in the garden. And depict their dance. To do this, you can take handkerchiefs.

At that time, a strong man was driving - rich, walking, young. Saw bulk apples in the garden, began to ask girls:

- Beautiful maiders, who will bring me an apple from you, will marry me.

Three sisters rushed alone before the other to the apple tree. Sisters wanted and knocked down - the leaves of the eye fall asleep, they wanted to break - the bits of the braid ruin. No matter how fought, they have been stuck - the hands were overraged, but could not get it.

Exercise 7. "Image discontent"

- What feelings were sisters who did not manage to rip apples? (evil, envy, discontent, chagrin, etc.)

- Guys, what do you think, when a person envies, he has any person? (evil, coarse, tense, ugly). That's right, because when a person is angry, jealous, shows discontent, impatience, then this condition is reflected in the movements and on the face. Let's depict them discontent.

- And now we lower the remnants of anger, rudeness, tension. I breathe calmly, gently. We become beautiful, kind and listen to the fairy tale further.

Havroshchka approached - the twigs were baptized, and the apples dropped to it. She treated that strong man, and he married her. And she became good in good. Lich not to know.


That ended our journey around the fairy tale.

What fairy tale did you meet today?

Name the main heroes of the fairy tale

Who helped Havroshchka?

As the hostess belongs to Havroshchka; And to your daughters?

Why did the hostess ordered the cow?

Who did you like the heroes of the fairy tale and why?

What was Havroshchka?

What is the name of a person who loves to work?

What ended the fairy tale?

What did this fairy tale taught you?

Kids go back to kindergarten. Let's stand and repeat the magic words

"Ra-Ra-Ra - Returning to us"

And in memory of today's journey, Havroshchka sent you treatments - apples from their magic apple tree.


Topic: "Visiting a writer S. Ya. Marshak".

Goals and objectives: to summarize the knowledge of children about the writer, his works. Continue learning children to memorize the poem. Develop the intonational expressiveness of speech, artistic abilities of preschoolers.

Educating interest in the literature, the desire to get acquainted with the work of Marshak.

Equipment: Books S. Ya. Marshak, illustrations for his works, portrait of a writer, attributes of costumes for reading-dramatization of poems, schematic drawings for learning by heart, crafts origami, color pencils.

Preliminary work:

Reading children and hearing in audio recordings of the works of S.Ya. Marshak. Wonderful games and exercises on the development of tempo, timbre, melody speech and logical stress. Instrueming by heart of passages from the poems "Usat - striped", "That's what scattered", "Baggage", "lesson of politeness" and their staging. Manufacturing with children Origami "Cat"

Structure occupation

Today we will go on a visit to the writer and Poet S. Ya. Marshaku. Take a look at his portrait. He lived a long life - 77 years. His books you know, your moms, dads and even grandparents.

Now the children of our group will appear in front of you. And you look, listen and remember the names of these works.

1) I became a girl learning kitten talking:

- Cattle, say: Mi-Chick.

And he says: meow!

- Tell me: Horse.

And he says: meow!

- Say e-leak-three.

And he says: meow-meow!

All "meow" yes "Meow"!

That's what a stupid kitten!

2) he sat in the morning on the bed,

He became a shirt to wear.

In the sleeve glanced hands

It turned out, these are trousers.

He went to the buffet

Buy yourself a ticket.

And then rushed to the cashier

Buy a bottle of kvass.

3) issued a lady at the station

Four green receipts

About what received luggage:

Sofa, suitcase, saczozh,

Picture, basket, cardboard

And little dog.

4) Bear of five-six years

Teach how to behave:

- Visiting, Bear

It is impossible to roar

You can not bend and digit.

Familiar need to bow

Take a hat

Do not step on the paw.

And now take a look at these illustrations. Do you know what fairy tales or poems are they drawn?

Fizminutka: "Poodle"

One day old woman (Walking in place)

Went to the forest.

Comes back, (turns left to the right with

A poodle disappeared. lifting shoulders)

I was looking for an old woman (shaking his head,

Fourteen days, clasping her hands)

A poodle on the room (on-site jumping,

Ran over her. hands bent before breasts)

Guys, you know, it turns out, Marshak studied in England in the University of London and drove a lot around the country. During these trips, he recognized different English poems, fun and translated them to Russian.

Today we will learn by heart a small poem called "conversation"

Aunt Trot and Cat

Got at the window,

Sat down near the evening

Chat a little.

Trot asked: Kis-Kis-Kis,

Do you know how to catch rats?

- Murr, - said the cat,

Having a little bit.

Text analysis. Approximate questions to children.

  1. Name the main heroes of the poem.
  2. What do you think Aunt Throt What is the mistress for your cat? Describe her character.
  3. How does Aunt Throt talking to a cat?
  4. What intonation is heard in her voice?
  5. And what is the cat? Tell me about her.
  6. What do you think I wanted to say the cat to your "Murr"?

Consider schematic pictures that will help learn this poem.

Children are told at the request of a poem according to the scheme with the help of an educator, and then on their own.

At the end of our classes, I suggest to paint the "cats" origami, which we made in advance. Let your cat be your own painting and your own character.


Topic: "On the fabulous yard."

Goals and objectives: Recall the meaning of the word "fairy tale" with children. To summarize the knowledge of children about familiar fairy tales. Teach children creative telling; To connect the selected objects into a single storyline, form the ability to draw up fabulous text. Learn the children on the basis of a familiar story fairy tale invent a new fairy tale, meaningfully and emotionally to tell it, using expressive means, the tradition of the beginning of the fairy tale and end. Develop the speech creativity of preschoolers. Brief interest in literature, love for the book, friendly and correct attitude towards each other.

Equipment: Set of plane figures of fabulous heroes, multimedia equipment (projector, screen).

Structure occupation

- Guys, today we will talk about fairy tales. What is a fairy tale? What do you think?

(Children's responses)

Who comes up with fairy tales?

If the fairy tale is knocking on the door,

You are impassing her

Because the fairy tale is a bird

Slightly squeeze - and not to find.

I suggest you play with fairy tales.

Let's bring a bouquet of familiar and your favorite fairy tales. Call fairy tales and look at the screen.

Interactive game "Bouquet of fairy tales"

- And now I will check how well you know fairy tales.

Listen carefully and guess what kind of fairy tale:

Interactive game "Guess the fairy tale"

He left grandfather

He left grandmother.

Round yourself, ruddy side,

And called ... (Kolobok)

Only behind the goat the door closed,

Here, how is the hungry beast here ...

He knows a fairy tale. Each of the guys:

It … (Seven kids)

Emely lay on the furnace

Long tormented by idleness.

And then went lucky,

Everything … (At a pickest courage)

It is not low, not high,

And not locked on the castle,

All of the bricken, from the board

Stands in the field ... (Teremok)

Where and when this happened?!

The mouse broke the egg gold.

Grandfather burned. And Baba sad ...

Only cluck ... (Roast chicken)

Pull Dage, grandmother, granddaughter,

Pulls a little bug

Cat with a mouse pulls tightly ...

Guess? It … (Repka)

Fabulous fizminutka "Buratino"

Buratino reached out

Once bent, two bent,

Hands on the sides spread

Show the key did not find.

To get the key to

It is necessary to get up on the socks.

Guys, do you like to write fairy tales? Try now to do it yourself. I think you will succeed.

I suggest you split into three groups in the color of your bagekov. Each group comes to your table. Heroes from what fairy tales came to visit you? (Ryaba chicken, bun, three bear). But pay attention, among friends of fabulous heroes, there are new characters. Try now to compose a fairy tale on a new way, while the plot is preserved, but the end changed. What would happen in your fairy tale if new heroes turned out to be in it?

Your tale should be small, finished. Remember, in the fairy tale always welcome evil.

(Work in small groups with fairy tales)

And now let's listen to your fairy tales. (Listening to fairy tales)

Guys, what are you great! You got interesting, unusual, not similar to the fairy tale. A little later, in your free time you can draw drawings to your new fairy tales.


Topic: "Journey to the fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky."

Goals and objectives: to summarize the knowledge of children about the writer, his works. Forming the ability to determine the content of literary works for ripping from books and illustrations. Develop imagination, reticory abilities in children. Brief interest in literature, love for book and reading.

Equipment: books K. I. Chukovsky, portrait of a writer, illustrations for his works, attributes of costumes for reading - dramatizing poems, drawings on fairy tales K. I. Chukovsky.

Preliminary work: reading children and hearing in audio recordings of Chukovsky works. Excursion to the city library. Exhibition of drawings of children and parents "My friends from Chukovsky books.

Structure occupation

Educator. Today we will go on the journey. And where - guess yourself. From what poem these lines, and who is the author?

Like our gate

Miracle tree grows,

Miracle Miracle, Miracle, Miracle


Neither leaves on it,

Neither flower on it.

And stockings and shoes,

Like apples!

Masha will go in the garden

Masha from a tree will ruin

Shoes, boots,

New blinds.

And for Murochka such

Tiny blue

Knitted shoes

And with pomponchiki

Here is a tree!

Children: "Wonder Tree" K.I. Chukovsky.

Educator: That's right. (Rates the phone, the tutor takes the phone.) My phone rang. Who says?

Children: Elephant.

Educator. Where?

Children. From camel.

Educator. What do you want?

Children. Chocolate.

Educator. And how do you know all this?

Children. From the book K.I. Chukovsky "Phone"

Educator. That's right, these verses wrote k.I. Chukovsky.

Look at his portrait. The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky lived for a long time, when your grandfathers and grandmothers were the same small as you are now. He had four children: two daughters and two sons. He loved them very much, he often played with them in hide and seek, in the salting, bought with them, ride them on the boat, read the books to them. But one day it happened misfortune. His little son is seriously ill. The boy had a high temperature, he could not fall asleep, cried. Chukovsky was very sorry for his son, I wanted to calm him down, and he began to invent and tell him a fairy tale. I liked the fairy tale, he stopped crying, he listened carefully and fell asleep at the end, and after a few days he was completely recovered. After this incident, Chukovsky began to compose fairy tales. And there was a lot of them invented.

- Do you like fairy tales?

Our children prepared a surprise. They will tell you passages from the works of Kornea Chukovsky, and you try to guess the name.

1 child:

Jump, yes jump

Yes chick chirik

Chiki-Rica Chichari!

Took and nailed a cockroach,

So there is no giant.

FIECH Giant Sew,

And the mustache is not left of him. ("Cockroach")

2 child:

Oh you, my poor orphans,

My irons and pans!

You go, unwashed home,

I am a key to the root,

I clean you with a sand

Will be boiling to boil

And you will be again

Sun shine. ("Fedorino Mount")

4 child:

I zlodeya shoved!

I looked at you!

And now, the soul-maiden,

I want to marry you! ("Fly Tsokotukha")

5 child:

I tell you, the villain,

Split the sun soon!

And not that, looked - I will catch

In half fracture.

You will be, Nevezh, know

Our sun steal! ("Stolen Sun")

- What characters do these fabulous names belong?

Aibolit - (doctor)

Barmalei - (Robber)

Fedor - (grandmother)

Doodle - (shark)

Moydodyr - (washbasin)

Totoshka, Kokoska - (crocodiles)

Costume - (fly)


Reading the story of N. Nosova "Fantashers"

Software content:

1. Educational tasks:

  • Continue to acquaint preschoolers with the work of the children's writer N. Nosova;
  • To form the ability to give brief and deployed answers to questions on the text;
  • Improve the skills of building reasoning, compose small fantastic stories;

2. Educational challenges:

  • Bring up interest in artistic literature;

3. Developing tasks:

  • Develop a sense of humor, creative image.

Methodical Takes: Game Motivation (Prying); di "Learn a story on the subject" ; Reading the story of N. Nosova "Fantashers" ; Questions of the educator; Fizkultminutka "Fantastic" ; Analysis of classes; homework "My fantasy" .

Preliminary work: reading stories N. Nosov for choosing an educator, viewing and drawing illustrations for stories; Reading a poem B. Nodok "My imagination" reasoning on topic "Fantasy" .

Materials and equipment:

  1. Doll Dunno;
  2. Collection of stories N. Nosova;
  3. Illustrations for the story;
  4. Demonstration board;
  5. Wonderful bag;
  6. Objects to N. N. Nosov Stories: Hat, Cucumber, Pistol, Machine, Lollipop, Telephone, Pan.

Individually differentiated approach:

  1. Teach children with a high level of development to give deployed answers, to the teacher's questions, justifying the events of the replies of logical conclusions;
  2. Children with an average level of development to learn to give full answers to the teacher's questions, retelling certain excerpts of the text;
  3. Children with low levels to encourage answers to the proposed questions, bring them on the right conclusions.

Structure occupation

Educator: Guys, do you like to fantasize?

Children: Yes, love.

Educator: Why do you think people fantasize?

Children: To cheer up another person. To make him nice.

Knock on the door.

Educator: Guys, Listen, someone is knocking. A fabulous hero came to visit us, who loves to fantasize, invent, compose. And who he, I think you will answer the choir, in rhyme:

Mischievous, funny boy,

He is an artist and poet.

He is a fun short,

Hello everyone from him!

You will find out it now!

The hero came to us ... (Dunno)

Who came up with a doctrine and all his friends? (N. N. Nosov)

Educator: Guys, Dunno knows a lot of nose stories and loves them very much. He gathered different items from his most favorite stories, but accidentally confused, which object, from which story. Will help him understand?

Children: help

D / game "Find out the story of N. Nosova on the subject" :

Telephone - "Telephone" , hat - "Live Hat" , saucepan and cook - Mishkin Poros , rowan brush - "Knock-Knock" , cucumber - "Cucumbers" , sand - "On the hill" , shovel - "Garders" , pants with a patch - "Patch" .

Educator: Well done, guys, helped to figure it out. See, Dunno, our kids also know a lot of stories of the nose and love them, did you read the story "Fantashers" ?

Dunno: Yes, I myself am a good thought! But I did not read this story, I would like to know what they are there for the fantasies.

Educator: Well, then listen with the guys another story Nicholas Nosov "Fantashers"

Reading the story of N. Nosova "Fantashers"

Questions on the text:

  1. Did you like this story N. Nosov?
  2. . What is it called?
  3. And why, as you think the story is called "Fantashers" ?
  4. Which of the heroes can be bolded to call fantasies, why?
  5. Does all the boys talked fictional stories?
  6. And what is the story of Igor differ from the stories of Mishutka and Stasik?
  7. What story did he tell them?
  8. Why did the guys wanted to be friends with Igor?
  9. How can you distinguish a lie from fantasy?

Fizkultminutka. Now we will rest. Let's draw a fantastic fizminutka.

One, two, three, four, five

We start to play!

All eyes closed their own (Close your eyes with your hands)

And the heads lowered (Sat)

And when open your eyes (get up)

Let's get into the stories, fairy tales, (raise up hands)

The fairy tale will give us a rest.

Relax - and again on the road!

Malvina advises us:

There will be a waist aspen,

If we lean

Left - right 10 times, (slopes left - right)

Here is a kind of word:

  • So that there was a back straight

Close to socks,

As if he is grown to flowers. (Stand on socks, hands raise up)

One, two, three, four, five

Repeat-ka again:

One, two, three, four, five, (repeat)

Red Cap Tip:

If you jump, run,

You will live for many years.

One, two, three, four, five, (jumping in place)

Repeat-ka again:

One, two, three, four, five, (repeat)

Gave us a fairy tale to relax!

Rested? Backway!

Quick eyes close, (close your eyes with your hands, squat)

Again in the kindergarten! (Get up, raise pens up)

Educator: Well, Dunno, did you like our journey?

Dunno: I liked it very much, and you guys?

Educator: What did you like and remember most?

Children: game, fantastic physical attack.

Dunno: And I guys really liked the stories of Misheutki and Stasik! Here I will be back, today in the sunny city to your friends, and we have mercy with them together! It is a pity that it came to say goodbye to you. Goodbye, guys!

Children: Goodbye, Dunno!

Educator: Guys, we learned with you today, what fantasies of the heroes of our story. And I suggest tonight for you, too, fantasize with moms and dads, come up with training stories, and tomorrow to tell them to each other in kindergarten.


Subject: "Silver Kopytz" . Abstract Artistic Literature Reading

Software content:

Educating love for art, interest in folklore. Relieve suddenness.

Learning to distinguish the tales from the epic. Learning to see and understand the beauty of literary works.

To introduce a writer P. P. Bazhov, his tales.

Develop a sense of empathy and support, communicative abilities.


P. P. Bazhov "Ural Skazy" , from. 233.

Structure occupation


Remember and tell me what folklore is?

What language did this word come from us?

What works relate to folklore?

Name the epics? Main characters?

"Today I would like to introduce you to a writer who loved the oral folk creativity very much and called his literary works.

"Tale" - The word is very similar to the word "story" . And indeed, the tale is the oral tradition in which the fairy tale is bizarrely intertwined with real life. In these tales, the actors are ordinary earthly people. And next to them - fabulous.

These are such tales and wrote the writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov. This man became a writer in very mature age. When his first work was printed, he turned 57 years old. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov was born in 1879 (150 years ago, in the Master's Family, who worked at the Mountain Plant near Yekaterinburg (city in the Urals). The boy was lucky with a Russian teacher and literature. The teacher loved Russian literature and his love passed his disciples. At the nine-year-old aged, Bazhov knew entire collections of poems of Russian poets by heart. Pavel Bazhov could become a priest - he graduated from the Permian spiritual seminary. But he became a teacher of the Russian language, he taught first in Yekaterinburg, then in Kamyshlov. During the war (civil) He fought in the Red Army, was in captivity, and after escape - in the red partisan detachment. After the war, engaged in journalism. The journal of the junction was interested in folklore, studied folk wisdom. In his tales, Bazhov talks about the difficult work on the mountain plants, the joy of creativity, about the careful attitude towards nature. The writer said: "The Russian man does not live without a rainbow" . Bazhov gathered all his tales and printed a book "Malachite Box" . Today we will get acquainted with a tale from this book. And called O. "Silver Kopytz" .

Reading said "Silver Kopytz"


Name the name of the tale.

Who is the main character of this work?

What was the name of the girl?

Why did she get to Kokobani?

How do you imagine darke? Cocona?

What fairy tale told the old girl?

Is there a fabulous moment in a tale? What?

Name ordinary heroes and fabulous?

Why silver hoofs giving girl precious stones?

Did you like the tale? Why?

Exercise on the development of emotions

"I regret, make a good"

Fizkultminutka "Christmas trees"


What writer did we meet in the classroom?

How did he call his literary works himself?

What "Tale" ?

What are the actors of the tales?

What kind of tale got acquainted in the classroom?


Subject: "Acquaintance with the Russian folk fairy tale" Tsarevna-Frog "

Purpose: to form interest and need to read books (fairy tales)

Tasks: To form in children the concept of genre "story" ; Fasten the ability to use in speech from different types (independently with the help of an adult); raise cognitive interest; Develop speech, attention, memory, to educate a sense of partnership, the ability to give way to each other.

Integration of educational areas: "Reading fiction," Communication " , "Cognition" , "Art Creativity"

Course of activity

1. Watch who came to visit today? Yes, this is a familiar teacher fairy tales. So where will we go today? Right.

Today we will continue traveling in the country of fairy tales. Want to?

Let's remember what a fairy tale is?

What are fairy tales?

Well done! Today we will also go to the fairy tale. Which, you will learn, guessing the riddle.

I flew Arrow and got into the swamp,

And someone raised her in this swamp.

Who, having sneaked with green skin,

Mug a mig beautiful, agencies?

True, this is a fairy tale of the Tsarevna Frog.

2. Shoot to find out what happened in this fairy tale? (Yes)

Then take the posture of the listener. (reading a fairy tale)

3. Conversation after reading:

Did you like the fairy tale? Than?

What features of the folk tale can you call?

Name the main characters. Which of them did you like most?

What is Ivan-Tsarevich in a fairy tale? And Vasilisa to do?

Why is Vasilisa call a premotra?

What magic did you notice in a fairy tale?

Why do you need miracles in fairy tales?

What kind of fairy tales does it applies?

Why a fairy tale is called "Princess Frog" ?

Fizkultminutka "Two frogs" .

We see scum in the edge

(Turns to the sides.)

Two green frogs.

(Semi-mans to the right and left.)

Jump-skok, jump-skok,

(Step from the sock on the heel.)

Jump from the heel on the sock.

On the swamp two girlfriends,

Two green frogs

(Hands on the belt, semi-mans to the right and left.)

In the morning it was too early,

Towel rubbed.

(Perform movements in accordance with the text.)

Heads stole

Handles clapped.

Right leaked

Left leaked.

Here's health in what a secret,

(Walking in place.)

All friends physical attire!

4. The wizard from the country of fairy tales sent questions for you and wants to check if you listened to the fairy tale.

View presentation.

  • -Well done boys. What does this fairy tale take?

5. - On all the questions you answered, and the fairy tale invites you to find out what fairy tale we will go next time. Decide - if you correctly fold the puzzles. (Children fold puzzle)

What fairy tale is waiting for us next time? (Fox and crane)

Outcome activity

What fairy tale did you meet today? What is the fairy tale? What does she teach?

What did you like most today?

In the evening you can draw illustrations for this fairy tale.


Subject:. Memorizing poem E. Blaginina "Sit in silence"


  1. Teach children to memorize a poem, read quite loudly, with an expression. Develop memory, expand the cognitive interests of children. Educate interest in the literature of different genres
  2. Involve children in a conversation during the viewing of the painting, items. Repetition of interesting passages
  3. Develop free communication with adults. Listen and answer asked questions. Expand and vocabulary
  4. Keep the health of children
  5. Learn to listen to music
  6. Deliver joy to children.
  7. Fix memorizing poems
  8. To form the ability to expressively read the poem, intonationally express emotions


The board on which the printed pictures are placed corresponding to the lines of the poem. mirror.


Preliminary work: I will read the poem of the city of Vier "Mother's day"

Introduction: Children are seeded with a semicircle on the chairs. I take the mirror and inject a Solnifberry rage per child, then to another, etc. (Children consider the sunshine)

Then show the children pictures placed on the board. Children recall that in the morning they read the poem of the city of Vier "Mother's day" (Children view pictures)

I offer children to listen to the poem E. Blaginina sit in silence "

Main part

I read a poem

(Children sit on

chairs semicircle)

Mom sleeps, she is tired ...

Well, I did not play!

I do not start a wolf,

And sat down and sit.

My toys do not noise,

Quiet in the room is empty.

And on my mother's pillow

The ray is mounted gold.

And I said the beam:

- I want to move too!

I would like much:

I would have sang a song

I would wake up

Yes, I want a little!

But mom is sleeping, and I am silent.

The ray darted along the wall,

And then slid to me.

"Nothing," he whispered as if, "

Sit and in silence.

I ask questions to children: - You have a poem (liked) -Why did not play a girl (Mom sleeps, she is tired)

Whom the girl does not start (Wolf)

Who is not noise in the room (toys)

Who steals on the mother's pillow (Ray)

What did the girl say (I also want to move)

What would the girl do if moms did not sleep (I would like a lot, read, ball ride, sing, swimming)

(A few children looking at the picture and read the poem)

I read again then I appeal to children:

I have a mirror who wants to post the sun bunny that is a ray? Go Leila (I give a girl in the hands of the mirror and helping the beam on the children. Leila is looking at the cortiers and read the poem, during the difficulty I felt and suggest her.

Movable game "Catch bunny"

I turn on the music while it sounds on the layer flashes a sunny bunny, the music ends the music bunny and the track, who will let the sunny bunch wake up the most active child (The game lasts 5-6 times)

How to make children that we can play on this game for a walk

(Children get up and catch on the wall of the sunny bunny)

Final part

I clarify what a poem called (I sit in silence, who wrote (E. Blaginina, what we played today (caught a sunny bunny (recall answered questions)

Subsequent work


Together with the children play the game. Remember the poem and pronounce it.

(All children are frolic on the veranda)

Individual work with Sasha, trying together with it somewhat hard-to-reach for her lines


Conversation on Nanaya Fairy Tale "Ioga"

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with the work of the small peoples of the North; bring up a respectful attitude to the culture of other peoples; Continue to enter into speech emotional and estimated vocabulary; Perform art and speech performing skills; bring up the ability to experience compassion, sympathy; Forming qualities: responsiveness, kindness, sympathy.

Equipment: drawings with the image of Nanian girls, masks, music record. passages

Structure occupation

Guys, stand up in a circle, holding hands with your friends. Smile to each other. Listen to the heart knocking.

How can I say about the heart? (kind, indifferent)

Speaking of the heart, we are talking about the man itself, about his character.

Now we will read the Nanaya fairy tale and get acquainted with two girls

(Show drawings)

One kind, affectionate, other indifferent, cold.

The fairy tale is called "Ioga"

Reading fairy tales


What of the drawings is the isoga, right or left?

How did you guess?

Tell me, what was Iory? (proud, evil)

Who is depicted on another picture? (neighbor girl)

Tell us about her.

They say: "Man is not a face, but actions" .

How do you understand that?

This proverb is suitable for a fairy tale "Ioga" ?

What actions you did not like?

What happened to Iiogo?


Try to imagine yourself at the site of the ai.

Turn in geese. (flew)

-Tell, how the Ioga arms waves, the neck pulled out:

"I don't need anything, go-th"


Yes, heaic was hurt, did not give her a cake mother.

Got a neighbor girl.

Why did she do that?

Long mother asked the IOG for water to go. Recall how it was, Tanya, Lisa, Anya will help us.

Drawing Felt Fairy Tale

Who would you like to like?

What did you like the girl?

And what kind of good things are you doing? (sweep the floor, my dishes)

Now you will hear two music. Jought.

Determine which melody reflects the character of the IOG, and what a suitable neighbor girl?

(Listening to the melody)

What girl did you pretend?

What music is in character? (Gentle, affectionate)

Picture the character of the girls.

Music improvisation

Guys, today we met a fairy tale "Ioga" .

What is she in mood? (sad)

What should Iog do to turn into a girl again? (good)

Do you believe that IoW will change?

Do you want a fairy tale over another?

Tomorrow we will come up with the continuation of the fairy tale with a happy ending.


Subject: "Talking the Russian folk fairy tale" Squa-Burk "

Software content:

Educational goals

Teach children to understand the meaning of the fairy tale concluded in her morality.

Consolidate knowledge about genre features of the fairy tale;

Developing goals

Develop sensitivity to the figurative of the tale language, the ability to reproduce and realize the figurative expressions;


To bring up in children emotional susceptibility to the figurative content of the fairy tale, the ability to empathize person-zham;

Preliminary work.

Visiting the exhibition B. "The city of Masters" , viewing layouts of various fairy tales.

Consider illustrations with the image of various heroes of Russian folk fairy tales.

Conversation about what children know fairy tales, where different animals help the main characters.

Organization of a group exhibition of books brought by children "My favorite fairy tales"

Equipment and materials.

Books fairy tales "By magic" , "Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf" , "Squa Burk" , "The Little Humpbacked Horse" P. Ershova, illustrations to fairy tales.

Travel course.

1. Opening part

A visit organized in the book exhibition group, conversation:

Guys, I invite you to open our exhibition "My favorite fairy tales" . Let's look at the books you brought.

(2, 3 children talk about their books)

Remember how these fairy tales are called. (Russian national). Why are they called that? (they have no author, the fairy tales were composed of a long time and passed from the mouth, in the mouth)

Guys, name the several main characters of these fairy tales? (Emelya, Ivan-Tsarevich, etc.)

In all these fairy tales, various animals were helped by the main characters: in the fairy tale about Emel. (Pike, in the fairy tale about Ivan Tsarevich. (Gray Wolf).

And in every fairy tale, the heroes knew the cherished word to call her friend in a difficult moment. Remember what words did the Emel spoke?

("By whining omen, in my opinion" )

2. Reading fairy tales

- Now you will hear the Russian folk fairy tale "Squa Burk" In which the animal also helps the main character also the animal, and what, you have to find out yourself, listening to this poem:

Gallant steed

Well, download in the gallop!

You fly, horse, soon, soon,

Through rivers, through the mountains!

Still in the gallop - gop gop!


Trick, cute friend!

After all, keeping it becomes forces.

Lynx, trot, my horse!


Do not turn into my friend!

True guys. In fairy tale "Squa Burk" The main character will help the horse, listen carefully and remember how the cherished word will be the horse of Ivanushka and how a horse will help him.

(The educator reads a fairy tale)

3. Conversation for the content of fairy tales

Who is the main characters fairy tales "Squa Burk" ? Which of the heroes would be called positive, and who are negative?

Why did you decide so.

Tell me how the friendship of Ivanushki and Kony began? What proverb could be used to tell about it? (There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.) Why this is this proverb?

As a fairy tale describes the Squa Burk, whether it differs from ordinary horses (Description with the use of accurate phrases from a fairy tale)

What cherished word called Sivku-Bourca Ivanushka? How in a fairy tale says how he called the horse?

("Will be in a purely field, hangs, garkna ..." )

In Russian fairy tales, all important events usually happen three times, repeated three times. What happened three times in a fairy tale "Squa Burk" ?

("Three nights, three brothers, three times drove into the city, three times the sill of a horse" )

4. Talking fairy tales

Guys, now we will try to tell the fairy tale "Squa-Burk" .

We tell us expressive so that we understand that the heroes feel so that the tale will come to life. Who would like to start?

(They tell all children, by a small passage, the educator ensures that the text is as close as possible to the original, the same verbal turnover, figurative expressions) were used)

5. Final part

Consider illustrations with access to productive activity

Guys, you liked how you taught a fairy tale?

Please look at the board, what do you see? This illustration for a fairy tale "Squa Burk" and other Russian folk fairy tales.

What do you feel when looking for these illustrations? You can feel the character and mood of the hero.

Everyone has your own, favorite fairy tale, I suggest to draw your favorite fairy-tale hero, and we will decorate our group with your drawings, make an exhibition "Favorite fabulous heroes" .


Subject: "Reading the children of the literary work" Gray Star " B. NEXTER ".

Purpose: familiarization of children with fiction.

View: reading children.

Topic: Reading Boris's Fairy Tale "Gray Star" .

Software content:

  1. Educational - informative tasks: convey the ideological content of the work to children: ugly - does not mean bad and useless. Expand the knowledge of children about the peculiarities of the life of the toad. Motivated to treat the actions of heroes, give the characteristic of the heroes.
  2. Speech task: continue to teach children to speak connected, clearly, consistently.
  3. Word problem:
  • Enrich: slug, caterpillar.
  • Clarify, secure: trees, bushes, flowers.
  • Activate: Star, Butterfly, Toad, Skzorets, Birthdays.

4. Educational task: to educate interest in the work of Boris Nodokh.

5. Developing task: to develop memory, attention, perception, thinking.

6. Correctional tasks: develop an active dictionary; learn correctly change words in kind, number, case; Learning to associate words in the proposal; Learn to use the right pace, speech breathing.

Preparation of children: familiarity with other works B. Nodoka (story "Rusac" , verse "Letter" I " ) .

Preparation of the teacher: picked up the work, clarity; Desdided the abstract.

Equipment: magnetic board, illustration for work, magnets.

Logic directly educational activities:

I part. Opening.

Guys, today we have a very interesting lesson with you, but before you say what, I will make you riddles. They are very simple, so you are quickly guessing them. Ready?

1. under the pines, under the Christmas tree

Lies a bag with needles. (Hedgehog.)

How did you guess?

2. Not a beast, not a bird,

Everyone is afraid

Calls flies -

And in the water - plume! (Toad.)

How did you guess?

3. On the Six - Palace,

In the palace - singer,

And his name is ... (Starling.)

How did you guess?

II part. Main.

1. What are you great! Guys, now I will read you the work of you, about the toad, about the scientist Skwort, about the hero and a lot more about that. And called it "Gray Star" And he wrote this work Boris Sadoka.

  • Guys, what do you know about heroes? What are they?
  • And toad? How do you imagine toad? I start reading the work and in parallel I exhibit pictures on the plot on the magnetic board.
  • And what is pansies, daisies, roses, bells, Ivan - yes - Marya, Astra? And what is all these colors?

Well done, you know a lot. Well, now let's go comfortable, I start reading. Listen carefully, after reading, I will ask questions and understand how you remember well and how carefully listened. (Reading the work.)

2. Conversation for the content read. I ask children questions:

  • Guys, what is this work? (About the gray stars (the toad, which everyone loved and which brought the benefits of flowers.)
  • What do you remember most? (That the flowers loved her as it is.)
  • Who wrote this work? (The work wrote Boris Nodoka.)
  • Why did everyone love a gray star? (For the fact that she defended flowers and bushes from enemies - slugs and caterpillars.)
  • Why did a stupid boy threw stones in a gray star? (Because he thought she was poisonous.)
  • Correctly acted a stupid boy? (Not.)
  • And a gray asterisk, in your opinion, did a good thing? (Yes, defended plants from enemies.)
  • Did you like this work? (Yes.)
  • And what does it teach? (What you can not look only for external signs, you need to see the essence.)

Guys, we all dressed, let's get up on the fizminutka.

(Step on the spot.)

(Clap in your hands.)

We can relax too.

(Jumping in place.)

Hands behind the back put

(Hands behind the back.)

We will raise the head above

(Raised the head above.)

And easily easily.

(Deep breath.)

Tighten on the socks -

So many times

Exactly as much as the fingers

(Showed how many fingers in the hands.)

You have on your hand.

(Climb on socks 10 times.)

3. Repeated reading the work.

4. Conclusions. I ask children questions:

  • So what did we want to tell the author? (That the toad is not really bad, even despite the fact that they are ugly. They benefit.)

III part. Final.

Now play the game. It is called "Name the first sound" . I will call the word and take turns to throw you the ball. You will need to call the first sound in the word and cross the ball to me. You can not prompt, be patient, you all take part in the game.

The goal of the game: Secure the ability to call the first sound in the word.

I give a general analysis of classes: Guys, you actively answered questions, were attentive, especially Tanya, Katya, Misha, because when I read, they were not distracted and listened very carefully.


Topic: Story V. Bianki "Forest houses" .

Software content:

Communication. Reading fiction.

  1. To acquaint children with the work of Vitaly Bianki.
  2. Expand the ideas that each bird wakes a special nest and why.
  3. To acquaint children with proverbs that reflect the love of a person to their native home.

Enrichment of the dictionary: Tower, Chomga.

Activation: Swallow, Falcon, Dust, Pigeon, Oriole, Penoch.

Daman Material: Illustrations, Postcards and Other Bird Images: Swallow, Falcon, Dust, Pigeon, Oriole, Foam, Chomga.

1. Acquaintance with the work of Vitaly Biianki.

Educator: Guys, I want to introduce you today with the stories and fairy tales of the wonderful writer Vitaly Biianki.

(Viewing a portrait of a writer)

We have already read a lot of stories V. Bianki, for example: stories about forest, animals. In the first forest trip V. Bianki, went when he was five years old. Since then, the forest has become a magical country for him. The main forest teacher Bianki considered the father. It was he who taught his son to record his observations. After many years, they transformed into fascinating stories and fairy tales. Bianca himself called his works "Fairy Tale-Non-Tale" . There are no "Magic wand" , Or what does not happen, but, reading them, we seem to live with birds and beasts, listen to their conversations, participate in their adventures.

2. Reading the story "Forest houses"

Educator: Today I suggest listening to the story, which is called: "Forest houses"

3. Conversation on the content of the story.

Educator: And now, I suggest answering questions.

Who was the main hero of this story (child response) -Leschochka -Beregovushka.

How did it happen that the coast lost his home? (fragment of the event of events by one willing from children)

Who did the first to meet the coast? (Little yellow bird with a black tie on the neck named Zuka.)

Tell us what conversation from them turned out. (Fragment of the Recode)

What kind of house was Zuyka and was sheaven to spend the guard in it?

Did you like the blueberry house dove? Tell me how he was?

What birds visited a walk? Tell us about their houses.

(Ivoli has a house of suite from stalks, hairs, fur, yes birch peel: hanging on a branch yes swinging. At the foam - a shalashik from dry grass, a pig right on the ground. Chewing is a floating island of dry cane.

Why was the foam uncomfortable in these nests?

And what are the swallows at home? (like holes on the steep bank of the river, similar to mink.)

What is interesting we learned from this story? (Each bird has its own house, not similar to others.)

4. Consider the pictures with the image of different bird nests.

(viewing pictures)

What do you think, why did the shroud of our own house like the shore? (Because there was her mom, there was her warm babysitter from bladeing and feathers.)

5. Acquaintance with proverbs about the house.

Educator: Everyone most of all loves his native home in the world, the place where he was born where he lives.

I suggest you to listen to proverbs about your hometown, for example: "Good visiting, and at home is better" , "Where who was born, came in handy there" . The educator invites children to explain the meaning of proverbs.


What do you think, why birds have such different houses, what does it depend on? (Each bird lives his nest where it lives: in the grass, on the branches of trees, on the water, etc. Yes, it is still trying to make it imperceptible to other people's eyes)

The educator gives an objective assessment of the activities of children at the lesson, as an option asks to appreciate his comrades.


Retelling of the Ukrainian folk tale "Earlings"

Topic: retelling of the Ukrainian folk fairy tale "spikes".

Objectives: 1. Teach children to retell a fairy tale on their own, re-give by intonation the characters characteristics, their attitude to person-zham; learn to tell in faces (changing voice, intonation); Teach to understand the figurative content and the value of proverbs.

2. Develop the ability to invent various options for new epipples fairy tales; develop imagination, fantasy; De-Tay's coherent speech; Continue to develop attention.

3. To bring up friendly relationships, interest in the lesson.

Material: book with illustrations; Attributes for the dramatization.

Travel course:

You are familiar with the proverb "Who does not work, he does not eat."

What does it mean?

(children's responses)

Now I will read you the Ukrainian folk fairy tale "spikes".

Reading a fairy tale.

How the meaning of the proverb is revealed in a fairy tale, "who does not work, he does not eat"?

Guys, think what mice? What words can Ska-toss about them? How did you understand it?

What cockerel? What words can I say about him?

Tell me how the cockerel worked. What did he do with the cooler?

What did the mice do at this time? How did the rooster teach us? What did he say to him?

Listen to this fairy tale again. After you will retefting it.

Retelling fairy tales by children (individually, collective re-scale)

Guys, in the fairy tale said: "And mice just knew what they jumped and danced." Come up with the mice have fun, and when you retell a fairy tale, tell me about it.

Analysis of children's stories. Promotion in the form of praise.

Staging a fairy tale using attributes.


Topic: Retelling the story L. N. Tolstoy "Bone"

Software tasks: develop monologic speech, the ability to mean and expressively retell literary text, grammatically the proposal of the proposal. Intensify the dictionary on the lexical theme. Develop auditory perception; Exercise in distinguishing non-sound sounds, voice timbre. Enrich the dictionary with figurative language expressions. Develop a literary speech; Promotional to verbal art, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste. Develop memory, logical thinking, arbitrary attention. Educating sensitivity, justice, the ability to recognize the error.

Dictionary: Burning, blushed as cancer, found, turned pale.

Methods and techniques: reading the story, conversation, questions, promotion.

Equipment: Fruit Vase; Portrait of L. N. Tolstoy; Side pictures with the image of boiled cancer, flax; Tape recorder, record noise of autumn.

I introductory

Children enter the group under the musical work A. Vivaldi "Fall" .

Guys, did you like this musical work?

What mood it caused you?

What time is this music suitable more?

Yes, indeed, autumn is so different and only in the fall is such a riot of paints. This is all and showed the famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi, in his musical work. "Fall" , the passage of which we have now listened to you.

All the time of year, composers compose music, artists write pictures, poets dedicate poetry. Let's remember the passage from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Fall" .

Reading a poem by a child.

In the fall matures a large harvest. What?

Vegetables, fruits, grain crops (rye, wheat)

Look, and I have a crop on the table?

Vintage fruit.

What fruit? (peaches, apricots, plums)

And where grow fruit?

In the garden on fruit trees.

I know that you all love fruit very much. And why? What is inside each fruit?

Inside each fruit there is a bone.

And how do you need to eat fruit?

They must be washed, so that there are no microbes. And the bone is thrown into the trash can.

Well done boys.

Acquaintance with the topic.

Today I will introduce you to the story of the fair Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "Bone" (Portrait Show)

Sticked part

  1. Reading the story
  2. Conversation in content

Educator: What did mom bought?

Children: Mom bought plums.

Educator: How did Vanya behave?

Children: Vanya walked around the plum and all their sniffed.

Educator: Why did they interest Vanya?

Children: He really liked him, he never ate drained.

Educator: How did Vanya behave when he left one in the room?

Children: Vanya could not resist, grabbed one plum and eaten.

Educator: Who noticed that one plum did not become?

Children: Mom cleaned the plum and noticed that one lacks one.

Educator: Did Vanya admitted in his act?

Children: Children replied that the plums they did not eat and Vanya said, too, that he did not eat drain.

Educator: Why did the dad worried?

Children: He said that if any of the children sinks - it's not good; But the misfortune is that there are bones in plums, and if anyone swallows the bone, then every day will die.

Educator: What did Vanya replied?

Children: Vanya said that he threw the bone in the window. Educator: Why did Vanya cry?

Children: Vanya cried because he became ashamed for his act.

Educator: What would you do on the site of Vanya?

Children: I would wait when my mother herself gives drain. If I had eaten a plot without demand, I would admit to this myself.

Educator: There is such a proverb "The secret always becomes clear." . How do you understand her?

Children: you need to immediately admit that I made a bad act, because they still know about it.

3. Wise work

The story has such an expression: "Flushed like cancer" What does it mean?

Children: from shame has become red, like boiled cancer.

Educator: What is the hill?

Children: Bright, beautiful room.

Educator: How do you understand the word "Those" ?

Children: counted.

Educator: Pailed?

Children: Became white, pale from fright.

Guys that you said that the fruits grow in the garden on the fruit tree. Let's try to get them.

4. Speech with movement "On a branch"

Here on the branch - apricot, pull up hands up,

He grows in the sun! Divide hands on the sides

You're pulling him, pulling, climb on socks, stretch out hands up,

But look, it is not not possible! Quickly sit down

5. Re-read the story with the retelling installation

Educator: Now I will read you a story again, and you listen carefully, and you will retell it. (Re-reading the story)

6. Retelling the story by children

Educator: Tell the story about the boy Vanya. (Study of the story by children)

And now we will complicate the task and try to retell this story in the faces. Then retelling on behalf of the mother and on behalf of the Pope, on behalf of the bone.

Sh. Final part

Outcome, Evaluation:

What is the name of the story that you retell? Who is his author in his musical work? Whose story did you like more and why?

What is the name of the musical work that we listened to you? Who is the composer?

I liked all your stories, you tried to retell close to the text. Well done!

Do not forget at home to tell the story about the boy Wana parents, sisters and brothers.


Subject: "Reading Nenets People's Fairy Tale" Cuckoo "

Purpose: Understanding the morality fairy tales

Tasks: Learn to understand the moral of fairy tales, expand the ideas of children about the fairy tales of different peoples, about the traditions and customs of the peoples of the North. Develop attention, thinking, memory, attention. Relieve the ability to sympathize, responsiveness, respect for the mother.

Dictionary: Chum, Malitsa, Pima, Tundra.

Equipment: Illustrations: Plague, Malitsa, Pimov, Casket, Golden Key, Thrust, Colored Strips (blue, red, yellow) Each child, a book, the baby's tale "Cuckoo", Rus.

Structure occupation

1. The game moment. "Key, the key is golden!

Fairy tale new open! "

Who can read the name of the fairy tales? What do you think about whom this fairy tale? Who is a cuckoo? What do you know about her? Replies a prepared child. (Cuckoo is a migratory bird. She does not build a nest, his eggs put in other people's nests. Never take care of your offspring.)

What are fairy tales? (about animals, magic, domestic) What kind of peoples do you know? (Russian, Kazakh, Ukrainian, etc.)

"Cuckoo" is a Nenets folk tale. Who are the Nenets? Replies a prepared child. (Nenets are residents of the north. They are engaged in reindeer herding. In the north is a very long and cold winter, so people wear warm clothes from fur and deer skins.)

2. "Word Workshop"

Something lies in the box. (illustrations) What is the Chum? Prepared child: Chum - This is the dwelling of the northern peoples, covered with deer skins, like a slash. What is Malitsa? Prepared child: Malitsa is clothes from deer skins hooded fur inside. What is pima? Prepared child: Pima is the northern peoples fur boots.

3. Talking a fairy tale as an educator.

4. Fizminutka. (The educator reads, children show actions)

He lived on the ground a poor woman. Children's clothing wet, and a woman is dried. Snow falls, and the mother is cleaned. And she caught fish on the river. Mother sick feared from life. She lies in the plague, asks to bring her water. Mother stood in the middle of the plague, Malitsa puts on. Takes mother board, it turns into a tail. Instead of hands, the wings rose. The mother turned around the bird, flew out of the plague.

5. Individual task. (5 children guess the rebus on the first letters of the subject pictures. Each one word.)

6. Conversation on the fairy tale: Why did the mother turn into a bird and left his home? How do you feel about your moms? What helps your loved ones and relatives? What words are you talking to your moms when they get tired?

7. Proverbs and sayings. What are the proverbs and sayings about the mother? ("With the sun, warm, with the mother of good," "there is no such friend like a native mother", "Mother's caress does not know the end") What do they mean?

The guys gave the rebus. Call your words. ("Mother's heart is best warming up") Who can repeat the proverb? How to understand?

8. Outcome. Reflection. What is the name of the fairy tale? Who is her author? What is the fairy tale? Did you like the end of the fairy tale? What is the end of the fairy tale would you suggest? From three colored stripes, select two: The first is your mood at the beginning of the fairy tale, and the second is your mood at the end of the fairy tales. What stripes chose you? Why? I chose three stripes: at the beginning of the fairy tale I had a calm mood so the yellow strip, blue - in the middle, because the mother got sick and the children did not give her water, the red stripe at the end of the fairy tales because the mother flew away and the children remained alone.


Subject: "The told of the Russian folk fairy tale" Hare - Busthan " .

Purpose: Remember the names of Russian folk fairy tales with children and introduce them with a new product: a fairy tale "Hare Bouncen" . Forming the ability to retell a fairy tale using the scheme close to the text. Expansion of the vocabulary at the expense of words: Khumno, Sheaf, Misk.

Travel course.

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the tutor. At the teacher on the hand of hare from the Bi-Ba-Bo.

Educator: Guys, let's remember which hare is in fairy tales?

Children: cowardly, scythe, with mustache and long ears.

Educator: Today I will tell you a fairy tale, which is called "Hare - Bouncen, listen carefully, then we will retell it with you.

The educator reads a fairy tale. After reading the fairy tale, the teacher asks questions.

Educator: Why did the hare called Missile?

Children: Because the hare boasted.

Educator: How did the hare boasted?

Children: I do not have a mustache, but more. Not paws, but lapins. Not teeth, but teubeys.

Educator: Where did the hare lived, and how did he live? (Answers).

Where did the hare walked in winter? (Answers. The teacher explains the meaning of words: Khumno, Sheaf).

What did the hares of the aunt - Voronene told? (Answers).

How did the crow punished a hare? (Answers).

What happened to the raven? (Answers).

Who helped her? (Answers).

What did the crow to the hare?

Children: You are well done! NOT MISS, and the brave!

Educator: Let's remember and depicting how the hare boasted to other hares.

The game is held - dramatization for this passage. The tutor puts the hare mask. Assesses the intonation expressiveness of execution.

Educator: And now we will retell this fairy tale. In order to retell it it was easier, we now draw a scheme.

A tutor on a sheet of paper draws a fairy tale scheme, telling it again, and asking children questions "What was next? What did the hare say? How do we draw a mustache? And so on. When the scheme is ready, the educator asks children: who wants to tell a fairy tale?

A wishing child tells a fairy tale according to the scheme.

Educator: Well done! Guys, and if we did not know how to draw? What could help us when leasing a fairy tale? (Answers). There is such a game "Magic circles" . (The educator gets a box with the game). White circle - hare, black - crow, light brown - dogs. Does anyone want to try to tell a fairy tale with the help of circles?

Wishing a child tells a fairy tale. The tutor helps if a child has difficulty. Then the teacher asks another 1 - 2 children.

Educator: We told a fairy tale, and now let's play. The game is called "Homeless Hare" .

Educator: Our main character today had a hare. Now we will make a hare for the desktop theater with whom you will play.


Subject: (on the work of N. N. Nosova "Live Hat" )

Purpose: Formation of a holistic picture of the world through the attachment of children to the work of N. Nosov.


Develop the ability to naturally expressly retell passages from N. Nosov's story "Live Hat" .

Promoting the development of sensitivity to the expressive agents of artistic speech, the ability to reproduce these funds in their stories.

Fasten the ability to decorate ready-made items using various materials to decorate hats, developing aesthetic taste, accuracy.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition.

Brief interest and love for artistic literature.

Types of children's activities: Communicative, labor, educational and research.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, artistic creativity, work, safety, socialization, music, reading fiction.

Planned results and development of integrative qualities: The child shows curiosity, interest in the information that receives in the process of communication is able to support a conversation, expresses his point of view, consent or disagreement with a response to a comrade, is able to reason. The child has a skill and skills necessary for labor activity. Accepts living, interested participation in the educational process. Owns monologic speech and constructive ways of interaction with children and adults.

Materials for the lesson: Portrait of N. N. Nosova, Schemes for the story of N. Nosova "Live Hat" , pictograms, carpet, hat for playing, hats for design, blanks of decorations, glue, stapler, scotch, audio record of musical accompaniment.

Children in the group are playing on their own. I appeal to children:

Guys, do you want to play with me? Then I invite you on a trip to the city of Masters.

Children stand in a circle, read the poem:

I see a wide circle

All my friends got up.

We will now go right away

Now let's go left

In the center of the circle, we gather

And let's return to the place.

Smile, we will come to

Travel start.

Guys, what can you travel on? (children's responses). And what we will go on the journey, you will understand, guessing the riddle.

"This is a vehicle of a rectangular shape,

flies through the air, it happens only in fairy tales " (carpet plane).

And here is the carpet - the aircraft. (Estimated, children get up on the carpet close to a friend to a friend.) Get closer to each other, press everything to fit on it. Remember the saying about tightness?

Children say "In crowded but not mad"

Space music sounds.

You, carpet, carpet fly

We are on the sky of rolling,

Above, rise above

Quieter, quieter, do not seek.

Do not scare my guys

Well they stand.

So we are in the city of Masters. Look at how many different hats.

What material of the wizard was used to make these hats? (fabric, cardboard, artificial fiber). What are they? Who is wearing hats today? (Men, Women, Children)

Music sounds, I suggest children game "HAT" . The hat is passed to the music in a circle, when you stop music, a child who has at the moment the hat is calling any kind of headdress.

What you now listed in the game, call in one word. (hats) Survey of several children

Tell me, are there any hats alive? (Children argue) Why do you think so? Who wrote a story about a live hat? (N. Nosov) What is it called? ("Live Hat" ) .

Guys, let's remember the story about a live hat together. And we will help us geometric shapes.

- Who is the main characters in the story? (Boys - Vovka and Vadik and Kitten Vaska). What geometric figure can be replaced by the main characters

Vadik and Vovka? (oval) Cat Vaska? (a circle)

Remember what items met in the story? (Dresser, Hat, Table, Kocherga, Potatoes).

What geometric figure can be replaced with chest of drawers? (table, potatoes, poker, hat).

Who wants to tell in the first scheme?

Schemes of passages from the story are set alternately in accordance with the sequence of actions of the heroes. (1- How the hat fell, 2- how the hat came to life and the boys were frightened, 3- fight with a hat with a kocherg, 4- Secret opened). I call children a plan of the story sequence using schemes. I exhibit the first scheme and suggest children to tell with the support of it. And so in all schemes.

Guys, as you think about everything is told in this passage, or something can be added. (Praise for good and detail retraced passages)

N. Nosov Wonderful Children's writer, he understood the children so well, and so exactly and colorfully described their feelings in different life situations that we could easily present them in their imagination. These feelings that Vadik and Vovka were tested throughout the story are called emotions that we are displayed on the pictograms.

What did Vova and Vadik felt when the hat crawled? (fear)

Show how they scared? (children are depicting fright).

I propose to show the desired pictogram. Children show, and one child places its pictogram under the scheme of the appropriate episode.

What feeling arose from the guys when they found under a cat's hat.? (surprise).

What feeling came to replace surprise? (joy).

Picture how the guys expressed their joy. (Working with pictograms and schemes.)

Guys, with you today in the city of Masters and played and remembered the story of N. Nosova "Live Hat" but where is the master?

Keep children to workshop caps.

What do you think, where did we come? (children's responses).

This is a workshop for the manufacture of fashionable hats. Who works here? (Master). Let's turn to the masters, let them tell you that they know how to do?

Master: "We, in this workshop we make hats and hats for ladies and cavaliers. So that everyone was beautiful and fashionable. Do you want to learn to decorate hats? Will you help us? "

Children and masters decorate hats with joint efforts using materials, decorations cooked on the tables. Work is performed standing. Children put on hats and under the music pass in a circle, demonstrating their elegant hats. Children say goodbye to the craftsmen, stand on the carpet, Space music sounds,

You, carpet, carpet fly

We are on the sky of rolling,

Above, rise above

Quieter, quieter, do not seek.

Do not scare my guys

Well they stand.

So we returned to our group.

I propose to continue the games started earlier, hats remain in the use of children at their request.


Subject: "Reading the fairy tale N. Teleshova" Breeding "

Objective: to acquaint children with a new fairy tale, with the author - N. D. Teleshov.


Educational: to educate interest in fairy tales, to Russian traditions.

Developing: Develop an active dictionary of children, connected speech, attention, memory, thinking, imagination.

Educational: continue to teach children to tune in to listen to a fairy tale, be able to express their emotions: surprise, joy, experience.

Planned result: expresses positive emotions (surprise, admiration) When listening to the fairy tale N. TV "Breeding" ; Conducts a conversation on the content of the work, actively and friendly interacts with the teacher and peers.

Methods and techniques: reading, questions, conversation,

Visual learning tools: Book N. Teleshova "Breeding" , buckwheat, portrait of women - Yagi (several options, porridge, book "Tales of women Yaga" .

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk fairy tales, viewing illustrations, conversation about economic cultures, d / and "Cereals"

Structure node

I. Org. moment (viewing the exhibition on the topic "Russian folk tales" ) .

II. Main part.

  1. Consider portraits of Yaga Baba and talk about her.
  2. Reading a fairy tale, conversation in content.

I. Children come to the exhibition and consider books.

II. 1) Do you like fairy tales?

2) What do you like them?

3) Guys, we know a lot of fairy tales.

4) And what is the fabulous hero meet in fairy tales most often?

Well, of course, - Baba Yaga?

In different fairy tales, B. Yaga is different. Now we will look at our exhibition. Here B. Yagi (Grandma-Yushka) They arranged a whole competition. Look more carefully on them and tell me, are they all the same or different?

Yes, all B. Yagi are different, there are both kind, there are also evil and furious.

Let's remember the fairy tales where B. Yaga lives and what it is. (Children's responses)

  1. Geese - Swans - evil?
  2. Tsarevna - Frog - kind?
  3. Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka - evil?
  4. Masha and B. Yaga - kind?
  5. King - Maiden - B. Yagi?

Well, today, guys, I will introduce you to a new fairy tale, I wrote it by N. D. TV. Called a fairy tale "Breeding" And why the so called, you will now understand.

The teacher reads a fairy tale, after reading asking questions.

  1. Who is a brunt?
  2. What happened to her?
  3. Who helped the brunt from trouble?

Guys, but want to know why the princes have such a name?

He was given by her by chance, so called a simple woman who met her father. What happened to the breeder further - you know. And where she from a simple grain turned into a girl again. Pink small flowers grow, grains appear. In honor of the girl - Tsarevna, these grains called a crop, brunt. Of them prepare a very tasty porridge, (show grains).

And then they treat each other's sister, sing songs so that the beauty - Tsarevna heard and helped grow a good buckwheat harvest.

And people say this porridge people said: "Buckwheat Porridge - Our Kormilitsa!"

III. - What fairy tale did we meet today?

What fairy tales are still?

What did you like?

And now I invite you to try to try this porridge - "Breeding" .


Topic: Exhausting by izurovka from the poem of I. Surikova "Childhood" .

Tasks: intensify the dictionary with words "Multi-storey" , "One-storey" , "Fun" ; strengthen the experience of the child in the formation of an exaggerative value of adjectives; Learning to select signs of these nouns; Develop the ability of the child to the formation of single-handed words without calling the term. Educate love for fiction literature.

Structure occupation

In front of the children are drawn illustrations with the image of houses.

Educator: What do you see in these illustrations?

Children at home

Educator: What is it at home? Compare!

Children: high and low.

Educator: Where are the high houses build? And where is low?

Children: High houses are built in the city, low in the village.

Educator: In a high house a lot of floors. It is called multi-storey. A low house is called single-storey.

Educator: Who lives in homes?

Children: People.

3. Educator: And now let's play the game "Good Promotor" . We learn what people live in houses. For example: I say the word kind, and you add in the beginning of the word - pre. - Pre-denotes very.

Good - Promotor

Angry - Premise

Cheerful - Pleasped

Sunny - prechitra

Beautiful - stopping

Sloppy - more disseminated

Brave - prokraby

4. Children live in homes. All children love one time of year, and what, you will help guess the mystery.

I have a lot of affairs -

I am a white blanket

All the land shelting

I clean in the ice of the river

White fields, at home.

My name is…

Children: Winter.

Educator: What do you like to make children in winter?

Children: run, jump, ride icecalls, sculpt a snowman.

Educator: How can I call all this in one word? (Fun).

What is fun? (These are jokes, funny games, entertainment, interesting lessons)

5. On one of these fun, I now read the passage from the poem I. Surikov "Childhood" .

The educator reads:

Here is my village

Here is my home native

I'm rolling in sledding

In grief cool.

Sledge curls

And I'm on the side - clas!

Kubarem Rocus Ya

Under the mountain in a snowdrift.

And friends - boys

Standing should be standing

Fun laughing

Over my misfortune.

All face and hands

He shoved me snow

I'm in a snowdrift grief,

And the guys laughter.

Educator: And now, listen to the passage again. Listen carefully, we will memorize it.

To easily memorize a poem, symbols will help us.

(The educator reads a poem, discussing with children designation).

(Then read 2-3 children)

Fizkultminutka "Fun"

This is light fun

Turns left - right

We know everyone for a long time

There is a wall, and there is a window.

Sat quickly, deftly

Here you need snarling

To develop muscles

We need to squat a lot

And now walking on the spot

It is also interesting!

6. Wonderful games

The game "Who"

Educator: I call the word, and you call a sign (what).

Educator: Sanki.

Children: Fast

Educator: boys, hill, house, snowdrift, face, hands, laughter.

(Children call adjectives to these words)

The game "Who's doing what"

Educator: I call the subject, and you call an action (what is he doing)

Educator: Sanki.

Children: Rout





The game "Guess the action"

Educator: I call an action, and you call the one who can perform this action.

Educator: Jumps

Children: baby boy, ball, grasshopper




Wash out

Look out

The game "Professions"

Educator: Boys and girls have dads and mothers who work. I will call a profession, and you - what they do at work.

The educator raises

Shofinger - Shoferit



Educator: And now I will read the passage again. Did you like today's occupation? Today at the lesson was one interesting task. What? And there was also one lightweight task. What?


Topic: Retelling the story of Lion Tolstoy "Lion and dog"

Software content: Teach children retell text, improve the intonational expressiveness of speech, to achieve a sequence in presenting the content, enrich the vocabulary with definitions, adverbs, verbs, an anonymies.

Structure occupation

Guys Listen to one of the works of L. Tolstoy "Lion and dog" (The educator reads a friend).

Guys, what do you think this is a piece of genre? Tale, poem, story?

Why? (there is no fabulous plot, no rhyme).

This is the best, as the basis for the real events that really happened.

What events occurred: sad or funny?

What words can still be called this work, these events? (Sad, sad, dreary).

Where do events occur? (in Zveztz).

Who is the leading hero? (lion and dog).

What can be said about Lev? What is he? (majestic, big, mighty, shaggy, king beasts, beautiful, graceful).

And what is a dog? (small, cowardly, mild, kind, playful, fun, friendly).

What was at the beginning? (The dog was thrown into the cell lion to eat).

How did the lion behave when they threw a dog to him? (Lion sniffed a dog, touched her paw looked at the dog, turning his head from the side to the side, and did not touch the dog).

How did the dog behave? What did she do? (Initially, she pressed the tail and pressed into the corner of the cell, then lay down on his back, lifting the paws, and began to wave a tail, became on the rear paws in front of the lion).

How did the lion and the dog live in the same cell? (They became friends. When the lion gave a piece of meat, he tear off the piece and left the dog. The dog slept putting his head on the paw of the lion. They fired together, slept together, and sometimes played.)

What happened once? (Barin came to the Wisther and, having learned his dog, wanted to pick it up.)

How did the lion behave when the dog tried to take from the cage? (The lion was sophisticated and buried).

How long did the lion and the dog live in one cell? (Whole year.)

What happened then? (The dog fell ill and died).

How did the lion behave after the death of a dog? (He stopped there, Nyukhal, licked the dog, tried her paws. He wandered, sadly, Bunning, Rummer).

When in a cell, Lion rushed another live dog, what did the lion?

(immediately rip it into pieces. He hug his dog in his paws and lay five days later)

What happened to the lion? (He died.).

Guys, what do you think, why did the lion died? (He died of grief, longing, from pain, sadness.).

How could you call this job? ("Sad story" , "Case in Zelinz" , "How lion dog loved" , "Dog and Leo" .) .

Guys, would you like the end of this story to be different?

What would, in your opinion, could this story end?

Now I will read you by L. Tolstoy "Lion and dog" again; Listen carefully and remember.

I read the text.

Guys, retelling, do not forget that it is necessary to speak clearly, clearly, clearly, loud, consistently and expressive.

Retelling story.


Subject: "Measurement of the poem I. Belousov" Spring Guest "

Software content: educate love for native nature, form interest in poetry. Learn to listen carefully, remember, answer questions, read the poem expressively. Develop memory, perception, creative abilities.

Material: illustration with the image of spring, migratory birds, albums for drawing, color pencils.

1. Opening conversation:

- What time of year in the yard?

What birds flew to us?

Showing pictures with the image of the swallow

Who is it?

2. Topics message.

Expressive reading poem I. Belousov "Spring Guest" tutor without installing for memorization.

3. Checking perception.

What did you mentally presented, as if I saw during my reading?

What did your mood appear? Why?

4. Conversation for the content of the poem and how to read it.

5. Repeated reading a poem with a tutor with a memorization setting.

6. Reading poem by children.

7. Final reading as an educator.


Suggest draw a picture to the poem



Subject: "Measurement of the poem E. Trutneva" Autumn "

Software tasks:

Correctional educational:

  1. Activate the use of verbs;
  2. Secure the skill of sound, syllable words.
  3. Activate and expand the dictionary on topics "Fall" ,
  4. continue to develop poetic hearing of children: the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem;
  5. exercise in the selection of epithets, comparisons, metaphor to describe autumn landscapes;
  6. continue to develop the poetic hearing of children;
  7. Teach children to expressly read by heart poem "Fall" - transmitting intonational calm, sadness, autumn nature.


  1. Develop the thin movements of the fingers and coordination of movements.
  2. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking and creative imagination.
  3. Develop and encourage cognitive activity in children, interest in knowledge of the new.
  4. Develop logical thinking, the ability to make conclusions.
  5. Develop the ability to build expressions of the area of \u200b\u200breasoning.

Correctional educational:

  1. To form cooperation skills, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.
  2. Develop the ability to defend their opinion, prove its right.
  3. To form knowledge about the relationship of all living in nature.

Equipment: children's drawings on the topic: "Birch in the golden autumn decoration" , poplar leaves, birch, linden, oak, maple.

Activities: Game, Communicative, Muscular, Productive.

Preliminary work:

  1. Viewing on trees illustrations, leaves;
  2. Reading "Children's encyclopedia about animals" ,
  3. Listening to audio recordings "Forest noise" ; Photovicorin "Find on the leaflet" .

Form of conducting node: group.

Total duration of educational activities: 30 minutes

Directly educational activity

Main part:

Poem E. Trutneva "Fall"

It was suddenly lighter twice

Yard as in sunbeam,

This dress is golden

Birch on the shoulders

In the morning we go to the courtyard

The leaves will rain with rain,

Under the legs rustle

And fly ... fly. fly

Pathinks fly

With spiders in the middle.

And highly from the ground

Flew cranes.

All flies! It must be

Falls our summer.

Educator: Guys, what is the period of autumn, is it a poem? (Golden autumn)

Educator: How did you understand it? Why was the lighter in the courtyard? (Trees have become gold.)

Educator: Remember, as it is said about the autumn reflection of birch. ("This dress is golden in the birch on the shoulders" ) .

Educator: And really, birch, like a girl in a gold dress, stands fashionable, in summer a green dress wore, and in the fall - golden. And maybe better to say "In the gold coat" ? Why not better?

Educator: The wind breaks down the leaves, and what do they do? (Fly, roll, rustle.)

Educator: The poem says: the leaves will rain with rain. " Think why did the poetess said so? (Leaf fall).

The educator re-read the poem.

Educator: Since the end of summer and to the leafflower spider, the spider buffets, as if they want to delay the leaves on the trees, but the wind takes along with leaves and spiders. Remember how this is stated in the poem.

Physical traffic with leaves.

Educator: I read the poem again. Try to remember it. Notice what voice I will read. And now the poem will read you yourself.

Children read a poem by memory, if, there is difficulty tutor helps.

After reading the poem, the tutor comes to the drawings.

Educator: Look at your drawings. Find what is said in the poem.

Educator: The poem speaks of a gold outfit, but in the autumn there are other paints. What trees fall in autumn? Colorful, multicolored. ...

Educator: What are the autumn leaves like? Select comparisons for the word leaves. Leaves fly like ... (birds, parachuts, as if dancing). Maple leaf is like (asterisk, horse, acacia sheet on (coin, birch leaf on (golden heart). What do leaves do? Fly, fly away, break off, rustle, fly, worn.

Educator: And if we want to say that this happened to the leaves, then how do we say?: (Wish, shielded).

Educator: Well done, all coped well with the task


Topic: reading a fairy tale V. Kataeva "Flower-seven flowers" .

Let's smile at each other. I am glad to see your faces, smiles. Let's play in the game "I'll start, and you will continue ..." .

(Children stand in a semicircle on the carpet).

On the magnetic board: Portrait - V. Kataev; Figure - Girl Zhenya; picture - "Flower-seven flowers" .

Didactic game "I'll start, and you will continue ..." creating a motivation for the lesson.

Rule of the game: I will start, and he will tell you to, will continue ...

Familiar to you these words:

Fly, fly, petal,

West east,

North, south,

Come back by making a circle,

Just touch you land -

I wonder!

Who spoke these magic words? (girl Zhenya)

What fairy tale? ("Flower-seven flowers" )

Who wrote this fairy tale? (V. Kataev, portrait of the writer)

(children go into the second zone)

Motor exercise "We are walking" .

We walk along the paths,

We walk along the paths.

On the track went

And the flower found.

(Children sit on the chairs)

Working with a model of a magic flower.

On Molbert "Smemcetic flowers" With missing petals.

  1. petal -
  2. petal -
  3. petal -
  4. petal -
  5. petal - orange,
  6. petal - purple
  7. petal - blue.

What happened to the magic flower? (children's responses)

What petals are missing? (yellow, red, blue, green)

Where did the petals disappeared? (children's responses: Performed Zhenya's wishes)

(on the table lie pictures from a fairy tale "Flower-semi-seventive" )

Task: Remember the color of the petal and the desire of the girl.

Yellow - led me to be at home with a ram!

Red - led to Mine Favorite Vazochka to make a whole!

Blue - led that I am now on the North Pole!

Green - led that I immediately walked again on our yard!

Difficulty in the gaming situation.

"Fabulous labyrinths game" (TRIZ)

Guys, do you want to flowers - sevenicetics to fulfill your desire? (children's responses)

Well, he will fulfill your desire with the condition that you will be taken to a desert island and you will be alone.

Do you use the desire?

How will you choose from a desert island if you get tired of being alone? (children's responses)

Motor exercise "Ran" .

Ran down, ran,

Only legs were knocked.

Through the forest leads the path -

Here is a birch, here is a row.

On the clearing came running

And there are fun jumping.

(stop on the signal "Bunch of Bubne" )

(children sit on chairs)

Opening a new knowledge or skill.

Guys, whether you want to know what desires to fulfill the magic flower for Zhenya "Flower-seven flowers" ? (children's responses)

We are a fairy tale in the world of magic invites you to wonders for children

surprise and recalculate and teach something.

Reading a new text with stops.

(The main techniques of reading this text - joint prlaimating and negotiation)

Reversed the orange petal, threw and said: (Fly, fly ...)

Zhenya on the stairs - (toys for her)

Zhenya on the balcony - (toys for her)

Zhenya in the attic - (toys for her)

Torn the purple petal and said: (Fly, fly ...)

Rejected the last petal - blue ......... (and fell by a subtle voice, trembling from happiness: Fly, fly ...)

Conversation about read

Which of the girls wishes was the best?

(Healing of the Sick Boy)

Why did the fulfillment of the rest of the desires not brought great joy to his wife? (children's responses)

Play new in a typical situation.

On Easel Picture: Girl Zhenya surrounded by toys.

Let's try "Revive" Heroes fairy tales.

(on the table masks and toys)

Music sounds.

"Revival" Pictures.

Repetition and developing tasks.

(children occupy places behind the tables)

On Molbert: the picture is a girl in Russian folk sundhene; Picture - Girl in a children's dress.

Girls at first glance are different, but I will tell you the secret that they are somehow similar. Want to know ... Help!

The game "Confusion" .

(on the tables lie pictures from fairy tales)

Task: Which of the girls belong these things?

Comparing fairy tales "Chems ..."

Girls capricious: one - I do not want, the other - I want!

Travel: Geese - Swans, dog.

Assistant: Hedgehog, magic flower.

Act: the salvation of the brother, the healing of the boy Viti.

Forecasting the topic of future reading.

On the magnetic board: drawing a girl from a fairy tale "Ioga" .

Next time we read a fairy tale "Ioga" And we learn a lot of interesting and instructive.


Why is it important to do good?

What good actions you can do yourself without hoping for magic? (be kind, honest, attentive to others)

I wish you always to be good and responsive, attentive and honest, so that the semicweetics should not be corrected by your mistakes.

After all, the magic is only in fairy tales!


Subject: "Reading the fairy tale" Moroz Ivanovich " (V. Odoyevsky)»

Software tasks:

  1. To introduce children with a new fairy tale, learn to express your opinion about the actions of heroes.
  2. Fasten the ability to fully respond to questions on the content of the text.
  3. Dictionary: Needlewoman, Sleavitan, affectionate, rude, fair.
  4. Rail interest and love for Russian folk tales.
  5. The development of theatrical - artistic skills.

Preliminary work:

Reading fairy tales, viewing illustrations, talk about the heroes of fairy tales.

Materials and equipment:

Prepare paper and flavors for drawing. Envelope with letter, frost costumes Ivanovich, Lenivians and needlewomen. Song phonogram "Santa Claus"

Travel course.

1 part. Opening:

Organizing time:

Select children on chairs.

Creating interest:

Educator. Guys, look at some envelope lies on the table. The tutor opens the envelope and takes out a note. Is reading. "Children, do you want a gift from me? Then you have to make envelopes, write the address and in the envelope to invest a gift drawing that you want to learn.

Your Santa Claus. "

Children, what good santa frost! He wants everyone to do a good deed. Does he do good deeds? Listen to the fairy tale about Santa Claus, and you will learn about it.

2 part. Main:

The educator reads a fairy tale.

Educator. What is the name of the fairy tale? - This is a tale of Russian folk.

What did the girls called in a fairy tale? - Needlewoman and Sleavitan.

Why is one girl called the needlewoman? - She knew everything to do: sweep, cook, embroider.

Educator. And why was the other Lenivian? "She was lazy and did not want to do anything and did not know anything."

What girl was good? - Needlewoman, because she was also kind, affectionate and patient. So that Santa Claus asked her, she did everything.

And the other? - The Sleavita was bad: lazy, rude.

Who and how the Santa Claus awarded with gifts, tell us. Children tell.

Why in this fairy tale is not just Santa Claus, and frost Ivanovich? - He's kind, fair.

Such people respect and respect themselves by name and patronymic. The educator reads passages at the request of children.


Educator. Let's sing a song about him. Children get up in the dance, sing and make movements (Santa Claus)

And now we will see the scene in the forest when Moroz Ivanovich talks to the needlewoman, and then with the lazy.

The educator distributes roles, and children play.

Final part:

Well, that ended our occupation. What new and interesting did you find out from the fairy tale? What did you like best? Now all the guys will help their parents and caregivers, in our group there will be only needlewomen, and not the Lenivians. And at home, you together with your parents glide the envelope and write a letter to the Grandfather Frost, it will be your homework.


Subject: "Measurement of the poem of S. Yesenin" Birch "

Tasks: Continue to improve the artistic and speech executive skills of children when reading a poem, intonationally transmitting tenderness, admiring the picture of winter nature. Continue to develop the interest of children to the artistic literature. Use expressive means (figurative words and expressions, comparisons). Assist to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work. Develop the productive activities of children. To educate the love of the native nature with the means of visual art. Helping children to explain the main differences between literary genres: a fairy tale, a story, poem.

Representative work: observations on a walk for birch, viewing illustrations, excursion to the library, drawing birch, wood modeling.

Activation of the dictionary: Baim, brushes, silver, fringe, feeling, artist, poet, composer.

Individual work: Improve the artistic and speech executive skills when reading the poem.

Demonstration Material: Reproductions of paintings about the nature of Russian artists, Portrait of S. Yesenin, CD - recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", Baima, Bakhroma.

Distribution material: color cardboard, gouache, brushes, plasticine, napkins, nail polish.

Children we are in the artistic mini gallery, where the reproductions of paintings are exhibited.

Who writes pictures?

Artist Isaac Ilich Levitan wrote a picture "Spring. GREAT WATER."

Igor Grabar depicted a birch in February, and the famous artist I. Shishkin "Birch grove".

Did you like these pictures? What did you like?

What mood cause you these pictures? What do everyone unites them?

Artists did not accidentally depict Russian birch in their paintings. Birch - a symbol of Russian nature.

Now I will read the work of Sergey Yesenin "Bereza".

In this work, the words of Kaima, fringe are found, as the author compares the brushes, the decoration of birch. (The educator examines with kaima and fringe). Reading.

Questions for children:

What literary genre is the work of S. Yesenin "Bereza"?

What is the difference between the poem from the story? And from the fairy tale?

What is this poem?

Did you like it?

Reading poem again.

White birch

Under my window

What did the white birch bore?

Snapped with snow

Precisely silver.

What does the poet compare the snow?

What branches were brushed in what branches?

On fluffy branches

Snow border

Blossomed brushes,

White fringe.

What silence is birch?

And worth Bereza

In sleepy silence,

And burn snowflakes

In gold fire.

And dawn lazily,

Coming around.

Sprinkle branches

New silver.

What would you compare snowflakes?

Insert your words into the poem. Was the rhyme?

Sergey Yesenin picked up rhyme words

And burn snowflakes,

In gold fire.

Reading a poem of children (whole, pair, chain)

Nature - has always been a source of inspiration of poets, writers, artists, composers. And you will now be small creators when creating New Year's postcards.

The educator offers to choose from children colored cardboard, gouache, plasticine, brushes for productive activities.

During operation, the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" sounds.

What is your birch?

What words from the poem Sergey Yesenin can be said about your birch?


Subject: "Fairy Tale" Morozko "


To form the ability to distinguish a fairy tale from other genres.

Develop the ability to talk about his perception of a specific act of a literary character.

Improve to determine your attitude towards the situation of the dispute, explain its point of view.

To form the ability to simulate a fairy tale using geometric shapes, retell it using the algorithm.

Develop the ability to understand the fairy tale, the ability to retell it using models.

Materials: homemade books of babies, geometric shapes made of adhesive paper, multicolored mugs for self-esteem, Balls Su-Jock for finger gymnastics.

1. Organizational moment

Where can you see miracles?

Everywhere! You enter the forest, look at the skies.

Nature gives us his mystery.

Just carefully around you look.

And where are animals, how do people say?

And good wizards do wonders there?

You will answer without tips.

Well, of course, this ... (Fairy tales)

2. Guessing mysteries.

As you already guessed, today we will talk about a fairy tale, but as it is called, you will be helped to understand the riddles.

Without hands draws,

Without teeth biting (frost)

Not fire, but burn (frost)

To autumn not wet,

Not rascis from water

He turned the puddles in the glass,

Made snowy gardens (frost)

Who without briced bridges builds? (frost)

- You correctly guessed that the answer for all these mysteries is one - frost. And our fairy tale is called "Morozko" .

Got together

Reached out.

We are birchings,

We woke up.

Our branches were injected

Solny's forces scored

And now it's time for us to sit down.

To you, friends, questions.

3. Conversation on the fairy tale

Guys, quite recently, we met with you a fairy tale Frost.

Did you like a fairy tale? (Yes)

Why does this work refers to the genre of a fairy tale? (Because it has fabulous characters Morozko, Baba Yaga, an old ladder, a towering dog, a magical road).

- Compare stepdaughter and native daughter from a fairy tale. Their attitude to other people, to work, their mind and modesty.

- Name the qualities inherent in stepdaughter? (Kind, hardworking, modest, with respect refers to the elders).

- And the native daughter of women? (Lazy, evil, shows disrespect for the eldest).

- Who do you want to be like? (On Nastya)

- clarify the heroes of the fairy tale "Morozko"

- Which of the heroes did you like most and why?

- How did the daughter of the old man lived? (Bad)

- Why the old man took his daughter to the forest? (Stepmother ordered)

- Why did Morozko regretted Nastya? (Because it is kind, modest and reacted with respect).

- Why did the old woman sent her daughter to the forest? (From greed, she wanted to frost her daughters, too gave silver chest).

- What does a fairy tale teach us? (The fairy tale teaches us kindness, resourcefulness, respect for older, hardworking. Makes himself bad features of character. Teaches us, do not judge a person in appearance, look deeper, to evaluate people in their mental virtues, their deeds.)

Guys, and now I suggest you to play a little, do you agree?

4. Movable game.

Along the path, along the track,

We are on the right leg,

And on this along the track,

We are on the left leg.

Along the path will run

Before the lawn you willing.

On the lawn, on the lawn

We jump like bunks.

Stop. Slightly rest

Fairy tale go down. (Perform movements on the text).

5. Problem situation

You can not believe in a fairy tale

You can check a fairy tale

The fairy tale can truth to be

Fairy tale need not to forget.

And so that we do not forget her, I made little books with pictures so that we could see and remember the plot of fairy tales. But that these are all pictures from my fairy tale, it is probably Baba Yaga all the pictures stole. How now to be what to do? (Can be drawn).

You can, but it will take a lot of time.

How can I replace the drawings? (They can be replaced by models from geometric shapes).

6. Credit for modeling a fairy tale.

To simulate a fairy tale, we will use geometric shapes made of adhesive paper: a circle, triangle, square.

Guys, in our fairy tale there are positive heroes and negative. Let's test it too. Who knows how can this be done?

Let's remember and call positive characters. (Nastya, Morozko, Old Lesovka).

Negative characters. (Stepmother, Martus, Baba Yaga, Old man).

The negative heroes from the fairy tale we denote the geometric figures of black, and positive heroes in red or blue.

7. Situation of failure.

8. Fingering gymnastics

Guys, before proceeding with the task, I suggest to spread our fingers and play with our hedgehog. Agree?

Lived in the woods of the prickly hedgehog,

It was a glomerus and without legs.

Hedgehog prickly, but not angry!

Hedgehog, hedgehog priggy

Hide your needles.

Once, and no needles!

Start making books.

9. Fairy tale modeling (Independent work of children).

10. Retelling fairy tales with a support on the algorithm.

Guys, did you get everything you thinking?

It was difficult to make the plot of fairy tales using models?

Now we will check it. With the help of your book you will retell a fairy tale. You will tell you on one page from the book by passing it to each other. (Retelling fairy tales by children with a support on the algorithm).

11. Reflection

You tried, mastered, it was hard not to get tired! Bottled from the soul, all works are good!

And why did we do these books? (In order not to forget the fairy tale).

Why don't you need to forget this fairy tale?

What does she teach us? (Kindness, resourcefulness, respect for seniors, hardworking, not judge a person in appearance, look deeper, to evaluate people in their mental virtues, their deeds).


Topic: Russian Folk Tale "Havroshchka"

Purpose: Formation of an emotional attitude to the literary work


Develop the interest of children to fiction.

Attract children's attention to book design, to illustrations

To form skills carefully and stake listening to fairy tales.

To form an emotional attitude of literary works.

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation.

Improve the dialogic form of speech.

Develop speech as a means of communication.

Improve the ability to transfer images of fairy tales characters.

Equipment: book and illustrations; riddle; Toy cow with a bell on the neck; Tale "Havroshchka"; colour pencils; Album sheet A4.

Previous work. In the morning I put in the book corner the book "Havroshchka", if possible, separately drawings of artists on this work. Children, considering illustrations trying to determine what it is for the book, what she is. At the beginning, I am interested in children about their assumptions.

Travel course.

The introductory part.

I make a riddle to children:

There are hooves and horns,

In the summer goes to the meadow.

So that everyone is healthy

Milk give. (cows)

That's right guys. Look, a cow came to visit us. - Do you want to get acquainted with a fairy tale from which she came to us? Children: Yes. -The it is necessary to touch her, call the bell, which is on her neck, and then we will be transferred to you in a fairy tale. Ready? Children: Yes. - Crane eyes and wait for my touch. To whom I was touched, he will immediately be in a fairy tale, which is called "Havroshchka".

Main part. I read a fairy tale, periodically showing illustrations. Incomprehensible words and expressions (They were fascinated, disappeared, tick, potato, hard, trustur, beging, broke, did not realize, shuddered, fell, dot, showed, siens, wrapped, screamed, do not know Lich) Replacing synonyms without interrupting reading.

Guys, did you like the fairy tale? Children: Yes. - What is it called? Children: Havroshchka. - What people got a tiny-havel chief "? Sonya: to an evil stepmother and her lazy daughters. - How many daughters were and how were they called? Masha: stepmother had three daughters - one-eyed, two-headed, trial. - And what were they? Rita : They were lazy. - What did Havroshchka do? Oleg: She worked on them. - Who helped Havroshchka? Nastya: she helped the cow. - What did she help her do? Vary: the cow helped to do all the work. - What ? Boria: Wlipe into one ear, to another get out and everything will be ready. - How did the hostess know who helps Havroshchka? Alina: The mistress sent her daughters so that they were all designed. - And what did everyone tell them from the daughters? Zakhar: Triglack Everything told Mothers. - What happened next? Rita: Stephech ordered a cow. - What did Havroshchka do? Dasha: she gathered all her bones and planted them. - What rose on the place where Havroshchka planted bones? Oleg: on that place Apple tree rose with bulk apples. - Who drove past the garden, and that happened next? Vika: Barin was passing past the garden and asked him to treat him with an apple. - Why did the machekhni daughters can't treat the Barin? Masha: Because the apple tree began to beat them and whipped with twigs. - And who treated Barin? Maxim: Tinch - Havroshchka. - What ended the fairy tale? Grisha: Barin married her. - Molders, children.

- Guys, let's take a little rest. Become a circle. Cut the physical attachment:

Once, two, three, four, five we start to play! All eyes closed their own (Close your eyes with your hands) And the heads lowered (Sat) And when open your eyes (get up) Let's get into the stories, fairy tales (raise hands up) The fairy tale will give us a rest. Repex - and again on the road.

Final part.

Guys, who did you like in this fairy tale and why? Rita: I liked Havroshchka, she was very kind and hardworking. - What were the stepmother and her daughters? Masha: They were evil and envious. - What does this fairy tale teach us? Children (in turn): The fairy tale teach us to be kind, hardworking, help each other, love each other.

(I take the bell and call)

The fairy tale ended, the bell rang and the magic fairy tale suffered us back to our group. "Look around, see, in memory of today's lesson, Havroshchka sent you treatments - apples with their magic apple trees. - Guys, our occupation ended, all the well done, listened carefully and actively answered questions.


Abstract integrated node on oo "Speech Development" (fiction)

Subject: Your defenders. Reading and retelling the story of L. Kassile "Air"

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with defenders of the Russian army. Develop interest in fiction through the story of Lion Kassil "Air" from book "Your defenders"



  • Introduce children with the story of Lion Cassil "Air" from book "Your defenders"
  • Teach to understand the content of the work.


  • Develop the ability to respond to questions using complex and complex proposals.
  • Develop the ability to retell the story based on the scheme (co-renovation), Listen to comrades, do not interrupt, not repeat.


  • Railing patriotic feelings, emotionally positive attitude towards the warriors-defenders.
  • Fasten the presentation of children about the defenders of the Russian army.
  • "Speech Development" (Speech Development)
  • Develop a coherent language in children, memory, thinking.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about the Russian army, about the homeland, warriors;
  • memorizing poems of military;
  • heading songs for the holiday on February 23;
  • viewing albums, illustrations on which the kind of troops are depicted, military equipment;
  • consider painting- V. Vasnetsov "Three heroes" ;
  • reading epics "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale robber" ,

stories L. Kassille from the Book of Military "Your defenders" ,

stories S. Bajordin "Fucking Soldier Street"

Educator: Guys, I am now standing in front of you in military uniform, guess, about whom we will talk to you today? (About the military, about the defenders of our Motherland)

In ancient times - long-standing times, in ancient Russia, they were on guard of our homeland, very strong people - hero. About them the people folded songs, fairy tales, epics. Nowadays the country's defender is the Russian army. As before, our homeland is protected by strong, bold men. Our warriors are distinguished by resourcefulness and exposure.

Guys, what holiday will our country celebrate on February 23? (Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

And what do you think, who are the defenders of the Fatherland? (These are those who guards, protects, protects their homeland. These are warriors who warn about danger. These are soldiers, officers, military sailors, tankers, paratroopers ...)

What qualities should the defenders become? (They must be brave, courageous, courageous, strong, patient, dexterous, courageous. Must be honest, brave, hardened, endless, disciplined. Must be able to endure difficulties, know a lot, to be able to play sports, to shoot, quickly run.)

1. Guess the riddles and name the profession profession.

Di: "Guess the profession"

1. Rushing the fortress all in armor.

Drags gun on yourself

(Tank, Profession - Tanker)

4. What kind of bird is brave,

Did you rush across the sky?

Only white path

It remained from it.

(Airplane, Profession - Pilot)

2. There is such a great house,

Do not stand still.

Do not go to it in any way

After all, he runs through the waves.

(Ship, profession - sailor)

5. Rockets in the air are started,

And the guns are loudly pourable,

In battle, they are always ready

Pot in the opponent shell!


3. Under water Iron Whale,

During the day and night, Kit is not sleeping.

Not until the dreams of the Whale,

Day and night in post

(Submarine - submariner)

6. He guards the border,

Everything knows how he knows.

In all matters soldier excellent

And called? (Border guards)

Guys, about whom were riddles. (About military, guarding our homeland)

2. And what poems you know about the military. Which of you want to read.

Children read by heart poem about the military

Border guards

Birds fell on the branches,

Stars in the sky are not burning.

Casting the border guards a squad.

Border guards do not dreamed at the native turn:

Our sea, our land, our guardian sky. S. Marshak

On the mast our three-color flag,

On the deck there is a sailor.

And knows that the seas of the country,

Ocean borders

And during the day, and at night should -

Under the watchful security.

N. Ivanova

Everywhere as if all-terrain

On the caterpillars tank will be held

Tire trunk ahead,

Danger, enemy, do not come!

Tank strong armor protected

And be able to meet the battle! N. Ivanova


Parameters per minute

Go down from heaven.

Unlocking parachutes

Dark forest will be cleaned,

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

They will find a dangerous enemy. N. Ivanova

3. Today I would like to introduce you to the story of Lion Cassil "Air" From his book about the military "Your defenders"

Lion Cassillia "AIR!" (phased reading using schemes)

1. It happened. Night. People sleep. Quietly circle. But the enemy is not sleeping.

Fascist aircraft fly in the Black Sky. They want to throw bombs on our homes. But around the city, in the forest and in the field, our defenders attached.

Day and night they are guarded. The bird will fly - and that will hear. The star falls - and will notice it.

Guys, what does the text say? (children's responses)

(The enemy is not sleeping, but our defenders are guarding the birthplace)

2. Surchased the defenders of the city to auditory pipes. Hear - rush in the embroidery motors. Not our motors. Fascist. And immediately the call to the head of the air protection of the city:

The enemy flies! Be ready!

Guys, what aircraft fly and want to attack our homeland? (Answers)

What did our defenders do?

(I heard the defenders of the rice of fascist aircraft and warned about the danger of the head of the opposite protection of the city)

3. Now on all streets of the city and in all houses, radio spoke loudly:

"Citizens, air alarm!"

At the same moment the team is distributed:

Guys, what was the radio inevitals of the city!

(Correct, about danger, about air alarm)

4. And the motors of their planes are fighter pilots.

And they are lit facelight spotlights. The enemy wanted to spoil imperceptibly.

Did not come out. He is already waiting. Defenders of the city on the ground.

Dai beam!

And the rays of spotlights threw around the sky.

By fascist aircraft fire!

And hundreds of yellow stars jumped in the sky. It struck anti-aircraft artillery. Highly up beaten anti-aircraft guns.

"Won where the enemy, Bates him!" - Say chiefs. And the straight bright rays challenge the fascist aircraft. The rays come together - the fascist plane was confused by a fly in a web.

How, the city defenders began to protect the city?

(Floodletors brought yellow rays to enemy planes, and the anti-aircraft workers hit fascist aircraft)

5. Now it can be seen. Anti-aircraft trains.

The fire! The fire! Once again fire!

Zenitchikov is a closer eye, a faithful hand, an accurate cannon. The searchlights are a strong beam. Do not break out the fascist.

The fire! The fire! Once again fire! - And the trafficking projectile hit the enemy to the most motor.

Thought the black smoke from the aircraft. And fascist plane crashed to Earth.