Circle reading a preschooler. Children's literature and a circle of children reading a schoolboy reading circle as a component of reader competence

Circle reading a preschooler. Children's literature and a circle of children reading a schoolboy reading circle as a component of reader competence

Children's literature - This is a specific scope of general literature. Principles. Specificity of children's literature.
Children's literature - a part of the general literature, endowed with all the properties inherent in it, while focused on the interests of children readers and therefore distinguished by artistic specificity, adequate child psychology. Functional types of children's literature include educational and educational, ethical, entertainment works.
Children's literature as part of the general literature is the art of the word. A.M. Gorky called the children's literature "sovereign" region of all of our literature. And although the principles, tasks, the artistic method of literature for adults and children's literature are one, the latter is characterized only by her inherent in the features that can be called the specifics of children's literature.
Its features are determined by educational and educational tasks and age of readers. The main distinguishing feature is an organic fusion of art with pedagogy requirements. Under the pedagogical requirements are implied, in particular, accounting for the interests, cognitive opportunities and age characteristics of children.
On the peculiarities of children's literature as the art of the word in due time were the founders of the theory of children's literature - outstanding writers, critics and teachers. They understood that children's literature - there is genuine art, not a means of didactics. According to V. G. Belinsky, the literature for children should be distinguished by the "artistic truth of creation", that is, being a phenomenon of art, and the authors of children's books should be widely educated people standing at the level of advanced science of their time and have a "look at the enlightened items" .
The appointment of children's literature is to be an artistic and cognitive reading for the child. This appointment defines the important functions that it is designed to perform in society:
Children's literature, as well as literature in general, belongs to the field of art of the word. This defines its aesthetic function. It is associated with a special kind of emotions arising from reading literary works. Children are able to experience aesthetic pleasure from read to no less adults. The child is glad to dive into the fantasy world of fairy tales and adventures, compets the heroes, feels poetic rhythm, rejoices the sound and verbal game. Good understand the children humor and joke. Without aware of the convention of the artistic world created by the author, the children are hotly believe in what is happening, but such a faith is a true celebration of literary fiction. We enter the world of the game, where it is simultaneously aware of its convention and believe in its reality.
Cognitive (gnoseological) function of literature is to introduce the reader with the world of people and phenomena. Even in cases where the writer leads the child to the world of the impossible, he speaks of the patterns of human life, about people and their characters. This is carried out through artistic images that have a high degree of generalization. They allow the reader to see in a single fact, an event or character of a natural, typical, universal.
The moral (educational) function is inherent in all literature, since literature comprehends and illuminates the world in accordance with certain values. We are talking both about universal and universal values \u200b\u200band about local, related times and a specific culture.
Children's literature from the time of its origin performed the didactic function. The appointment of literature is to introduce the reader to the universal values \u200b\u200bof human being.
The functions of children's literature determine its important role in society - to develop and educate children by means of an artistic word. This means that literature for children largely depends on the ideological, religious, pedagogical plants existing in society.
Speaking about the age-related specificization of children's literature, several groups can be distinguished on the basis of the age of the reader. The classification of literature for children repeats the generally accepted age stages of human identity development:
1) Yasnel, junior preschool age, when children, listening to and considering books, master various works of literature;
2) Predosh-school age when children begin to master the diploma, reading technique, but, as a rule, in most part remain listeners of literature, they willingly look at, comment on drawings and text;
3) younger schoolchildren - 6-8, 9-10 years;
4) younger teenagers - 10-13 years old; 5) Teens (adolescence) - 13-16 years;
6) Youth - 16-19 years old.
Books addressed to each of these groups have their own characteristics.
The specifics of the literature for the smallest is determined by the fact that it is dealing with a person, almost nothing knows about the world and has not yet able to perceive complicated information. For children of this age, books, books, books, clamshell books, books, panorama books, coloring books ... Literary material for kid - poems and fairy tales, riddles, jokes, songs, patterings.
The series "We read with my mother", for example, is designed for children from 1 year and includes cardboard books with bright illustrations depicting unfamiliar baby animals. Such a picture is accompanied by either just the name of the animal, which the child gradually remembers, or a short poem, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bwho is depicted in the picture. In a small volume - often just one quadruple - you need to fit the maximum knowledge, with words should be extremely specific, simple , Proposals are short and right, because listening to these poems, the child learns to speak. At the same time, the poem should give a small reader a bright image, indicate the characteristic features of the described object or phenomenon.
Therefore, writing the like, at first glance, extremely simple poems, requires the author almost a virtuoso possession of the word so that the poems for the smallest can solve all these difficult tasks. It is not by chance that the best children's poems heard at her earlier age often remain in memory for life and become the first experience of communicating with the art of the word for his children. As an example, it is possible to name the verses of S. Ya. Marshak "Baby in a cage", poem A. Barto and K. Chukovsky.
Another characteristic feature of the literature for the smallest is the predominance of poetic works. This is not by chance: the children's consciousness is already familiar with the rhythm and rhyme - remember the lullabies and functions, and therefore it perceives the information in this form. At the same time, rhythmically organized text gives a small reader a holistic, finished image and appeals to its syncretic perception of the world characteristic of early forms of thinking.

Features of references for preschoolers

After three years, the reading range changes somewhat: gradually the simplest books with short poems, they are replaced by more complex poems based on game plots, such as "Carousel" or "Circus" S. Marshak. The circle of topics naturally expands along with the horizon of a small reader: the child continues to get acquainted with the new phenomena of the world. Of particular interest among the younger readers with their rich imagination causes everything unusual, so the favorite genre of preschoolers becomes poetic fairy tales: children "from two to five" are easily transferred to the fictional world and are gaining in the proposed gaming situation.
The best example of such books still remains fairy tales K. Chukovsky: in a game form, in a language, affordable and understandable kids, they talk about complex categories, how the world is arranged, in which a little man has to live.
At the same time, preschoolers, as a rule, get acquainted with folk tales, first these are fairy tales about animals ("teremok", "bolobok", "repka", etc.), and later magic fairy tales with complex turns of the plot, with transformations and travel and unchanged happy ending, good victory over evil.

Literature for younger students

Gradually, the book in the life of the child begins to play an increasing role. He learns to read independently, requires stories, poems, fairy tales about his peer, about nature, animals, about the technique, about the life of different countries and peoples. Those. The specifics of the literature for younger students are determined by the growth of consciousness and the expansion of the circle of interests of readers. Works for children of seven-ten years are saturated with new information of a more complex order, in connection with this increases their volume, plots are complicated, new topics appear. For replacing poems, fabulous stories come, about nature, about school life.
The specifics of children's literature should be expressed not so much in the choice of special "children's" topics, and even submitted isolated from real life, as in the peculiarities of the composition and language of works.
The plot of children's books usually has a clear rod, does not give sharp deviations. It is typical for him, as a rule, a quick change of events and enormity.
The disclosure of character characters should be subject to objective and view, through their affairs and actions, since the child is most attracted by the actions of heroes.
Requirements for books for children are associated with the task of enrichment of the dictionary of the young reader. Literary language, accurate, figurative, emotional, warmed by lyricism, most corresponds to the peculiarities of children's perception.
So, the specifics of children's literature can be spoken on the grounds that it deals with the emerging consciousness and accompanies the reader during its intensive spiritual growth. Among the main features of children's literature, information and emotional saturation, the enormality of the shape and a peculiar combination of didactic and artistic components can be noted.

First books in the life of a child: books-toys, books-pillows and books for bathing. The subject and meaningful perception of the book by the child up to one and a half or two years. The value of book pictures in the formation of analytical and figurative thinking of the child. Takes to form the skills of "reading" of an illustration of the book.

A characteristic feature of children from 2 to 5 years is the extraordinary traction to the rhythmically organized speech warehouse, sonorous rhythms and rhymes, expressive intonation. Children love to listen and read poems, obviously preferring their prose. At the same time, they are rhythms dynamic, joyful, dance.

The reading range in connection with this junior preschoolers constitute mainly the works of Russian folklore. This is a children's folklore - chastushki, sweatshirts, songs, games. These works best comply with the needs of the younger preschooler, as they combine the word, rhythm, intonation, melody and movement.

In the genres of children's folklore, where in ordinary, simple, short poems, the child is also told about the rules of personal hygiene (for example, "the driver, a driver, the mind of my face"), and about the rules of life among people, and about that high, which should be in Man, making him moral man. The child is just beginning to make the first steps, but he already talks about what awaits him in the future adult life.

With the help of folklore, not only the ideas about life, about morality, but are solved by the tasks of the development of the child. Folklore has a psychophysiological effect on children: causes joyful emotions, helps to coordinate movements, develop speech, teaches to overcome fear. Children's folklore promotes the aesthetic development of kids.

Children from 4 years old are clearly angry. This particular type of boom requires children to train intelligence.

Children of the 3rd and 4th year of life it is necessary to listen to fairy tales, stories, short poems, works of Russian and Soviet writers. Children of this age, fairy tales need not to read, but to tell and even play them, passing the action in the faces, in motion. Such fairy tales include cumulative ("kolobok", "repka", "teremok" and others); Folk (animals, magic "bubble, straw and lap", "Gus-Swans", any binding fairy tales). It should be noted that folk tales in classical treatments (both Russian and peoples of the world) are most effective for the development of children's thinking. The folk fairy tale can be considered as a multidimensional model, which includes an analysis of different life situations.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba work written specifically for younger schoolchildren, the child perceives intuitively and only when the literary event reproduces something similar to the life of the child himself. The fact is that children's literature, focusing on the peculiarities of the mental development of a small reader, does not offer complex scenes and plot, complex ideas. She is looking for ways to the child's consciousness, taking advantage of the arts that will be available to the reader of this age - from here and features of the style of works for children. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe child does not bring out of the text, but from personal experience. How and why he accepted such a decision, could not explain the little reader, and therefore it does not want to answer our questions like "Why did you solve you, why do you think so?". It would be correct to say that the idea of \u200b\u200ba work written specifically for children, the youngest schoolboy can independently realize at the level of everyday ideas, but to comprehend it in all depths, to rise to the level of artistic generalization. He is unable without help adults: the subtext is not perceived by a small child without Special learning.

The class of reading from class to class is gradually expanding the readership capabilities of children and their knowledge of the world around them, about their peers, about their lives, games, adventures, about nature and its protection, about the history of our homeland, helping the accumulation of socio-moral experience of the child, acquiring The qualities of "reader's independence."

Although the circle of reading younger students is largely determined by the school program (the classics of children's literature are being studied mainly), nevertheless, children are 7-10 years old, in terms of the reader of the reader, going beyond the software. It is difficult to imagine the development of a child of this age without works by R. Pogodina, V. Zakobobnikova, B. Krapivina, V. Medvedev, E. Velctistova, Yu. Oleshi, as well as A. Tolstoy, M. Zoshchenko, E. Schwartz, etc.

Of particular interest in younger students are able to call books, the characters of which are the same schoolchildren as they themselves, for example: "Vitya Maleev at school and houses" N. Nosov, "Multi-hard, full of adversity and dangers, the life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Yearbook" L . Davydichev, "Olga Yakovlev" C. Ivanova, etc.

For children of younger school age, the books of S. Lagerlef "The Adventures of Niels with Wild Goose", Prosisler "Little Baba Yaga", O. Waulda ("Boy-Star"), D. Tolkina ("Lord of the Rings"), R. Kipling ("Mowgli"), A. Exupery ("Little Prince"), Y. Korchaka ("King Matyush I"). For this age, most of the works of Astrid Lindgren, the books of E. Rasiye "Adventures of Munhausen", D. Swift "Journey Gullyer", D. Defo "Robinson Cruzo". Many children of younger school age are already available to Test Mark Twain "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Adventures Geclberry Finn", "Prince and Beggar", as well as individual works of Ch. Dickens. For girls in recent years in the series "An unfamiliar classic. The book for the soul" published a story of the American writer E. Porter "Polianna", which accounted for not only for children, but also adults. For reading girls, the book F. Bernett "Little Princess" is also recommended. For boys published and enjoys in great demand, the book of G, Bellya "Valley of the Spikes" and F. Bernett "Little Lord Fontler". These books awaken in children feelings of good and compassion.

A special place in the book assembly for children of primary school age belongs to the Bible, as well as the "Myths of Ancient Greece", without reading which it is impossible to understand the great works of art created on their plots. So, the youngest schoolchildren addressed the book "Babylonian tower and other biblical legends." Of particular value are reprinting the children's Bible. For selective reading, you can recommend younger schoolchildren to get acquainted with the book N. Kuna "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" or Book V. and L. Uspensky "Myths of Ancient Greece".

Of the historical books, books about our fatherland are of particular value, named after the revolution, namely: Golovin N. "My first Russian story: in the stories for children," and the book A. Ishimova "History of Russia in stories for children."

In the textbooks of R. N. Buneeva and E. V. Bunayeva there are a lot of fairy tales of different peoples of the world, for example, "Ivan Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" (Russian folk fairy tale), "Golden Khokholok boy and a Golden Spit girl" (Lithuanian fairy tale), " Dykanaka and Dev "(Kyrgyz Fairy Tale)," Bogatyr Appoint "(Dagestan Tale)," The Globe of the Wild Cat Simba "(African Tale)," Why the hare of the lip of the dissection "(Estonian fairy tale)," like a rooster fox deceived "(Latvian fairy tale ).

Problem Formation of a children's reading circle has existed long ago. The ability to correctly form a circle of child reading is the basis of the professional activity of the teacher. Without possessing this skill, you can not grow a talented reader in the child.

The concept of a schoolboy reading circle as a component of reader competence

Before the elementary school there is a difficult task - the formation of the desire, skill and sustainable habit of choosing and reading books, that is, the formation of a schoolboy reader. The idea of \u200b\u200bforming a younger schoolboy as a reader develops in the federal state standard of primary general education, according to which the "priority purpose of learning literary reading in elementary school is the formation of the necessary level of reader's competence of a younger schoolboy, awareness of itself as a competent reader who is able to use readership as a means of self-education" .

The problem of forming a younger student as a reader was delivered in the 60s of the XX century in the works of N.N. Svetlovskaya. In our time, the problem of the formation of the reader competence of younger schoolchildren is engaged in E.L. Goncharova, N.N. Saintanenikov and others.

The most general definition of reader competence gives N.N Smetanenikov. In her opinion, "Reading Competence is the quality of preservation, formed on the basis of a human general culture, ensuring the possibility of solving emerging educational and academic, social and professional tasks, adequately situations in broad social interaction and educational activities."

E.L. Goncharova examines reading competence as a psychological system. She believes that all the components of this system are subordinated to its main function: transforming the content of the text into personal, semantic, cognitive and creative reader's experience.

Objective reader competence indicators are a steady need and the ability to read books on the conscious choice, applying all knowledge, skills, the skills that the reader has to the moment of reading.

The developers of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education in the content of the concept "reader competence" include the ownership of reading techniques, adoption of an understanding of the read and listened work, knowledge of books and the ability to choose them independently, the formation of the need for a book and reading.

In our opinion, in this definition, not all essential signs of reader competence are named. We believe that in addition to these signs of reader competence, an aesthetic attitude to reality, reflected in the fiction and formation of the moral values \u200b\u200band the aesthetic taste of the younger student, understanding the spiritual essence of works should be considered an aesthetic attitude. One of the components of reader competence is a reading range.

Circle of reading is a circle of those works that read (or listen to) and perceive the children themselves.

The ability to correctly form a circle of child reading the basis of the professional activity of the teacher. Without possessing this skill, you can not grow a talented reader in the child.

Problem Formation of a children's reading circle has existed long ago. Even in the ancient era of its development, a person cared for what children should read. The subject of adults in the first place was the content of books readable by the younger generation. Already then there was a sustainable idea that in children and adults, a different circle of reading.

At all times of its existence, humanity showed attention to the moral problems of works for children, considering their first-axis formation of a person in the child. The special care of adults was historical reading, since without the knowledge of the country's history it is impossible to become a worthy citizen. Disputes constantly walked about what to consider a child's product to what criteria it should correspond.

Questions of children's reading circle were raised in the XVIII century. (I. Posochkov, N. Novikov) and developed in detail in the XIX century. In the works of V. Belinsky, N. Chernyshevsky, N. Dobrolyubova, L. Tolstoy, K. Ushinsky. But so far, this problem remains difficult in the method of children's reading due to its multi-mindedness: a person involved in child reading must have equally deep and versatile knowledge in the field of Russian and foreign folklore, Russian and foreign children's literature and children's reading. He needs to have good pedagogical and psychological training, as the children's reading circle is formed, taking into account the age characteristics of the perception by a child of a artistic work. The one who deals with the Question of Children's Circle must constantly follow the trends in the development of children's literature, children's book publishing, be able to give a faithful critical assessment of the innovations of the book market, know where you can get information about what is published for children of a certain age. He himself needs to be a competent reader, believe due to the impact of the artistic word per person and understand that the formation of a children's reading circle is a process requiring a serious and painstaking relationship.

What depends on the content of the children's reading circle?

  • 1. From the age of the reader, its addictions and preferences. As a child, the child's interest in a certain genre (fairy tale) is manifested, a certain type of literature (poetry), to a specific author and book. Children remembered by them can listen without tired.
  • 2. A special role in the formation of a children's reading circle is played by knowledge of a person in the field of literature, his awareness. As the younger schoolboy is not particularly rich in knowledge, nor extensive information, then it should be told about the knowledge and ideas of an adult man about children's literature. The wider and more fuller, the more interesting the children's book will be presented to the child.
  • 3. From the state and level of development of the literature itself.
  • 4. The monotony of the literature made the same circle of children's reading. In the children's reading of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. The fairy tale and literature of nonsense prevail, which does not contribute to the upbringing of a versatile reader.
  • 5. From the status of public and family libraries. The more fully and more diverse they, the more correct it will be possible to form a circle of children's reading.

A large influence on the formation of a children's reading circle is the time in which the reader lives: his ideas, ideals, requests. Choosing a book for reading, we must think about the formation of the positive emotions of the child, its positive activity as a result of understanding the content of the work.

Creating a children's reading circle involves guidance of children's reading. On this occasion, there are polar opinions. Some believe that children's reading leadership deprives the child's free choice of books for his own reading. Others talk about the need for qualified child assistance.

Children's circle of reading cannot and should not be the same. Along with reading, the content of which depends on the educational program performed in the institution, there is homework, family reading. Home reading is a variable part of reading, the content of which depends on education, knowledge of children's literature, taste and capabilities of parents. Reading variability plays a positive role, as it helps to preserve the uniqueness of the child reader.

The formation of a children's circle of reading is a serious theoretical and practical question that requires constant update. It is impossible to approach it only from a pedagogical point of view.

Very often, morally affects the perception of the younger schoolchildren - ethical installations of the family, the environment, the time in which he lives, and understands the work depending on personal moral experience.

Only a careful selection of works for reading and monitoring the process of perception of a book by an adult will lead to the achievement of the target.

Forming a circle of children's reading, it should also be paid to the fact that children's literature is peculiar to the phenomenon of the set. It manifests itself in different ways. Often we are faced with the fact that writers create a large number of works on related topics in which the same heroes act. We celebrate the repeatability of the plots, the same artistic techniques, and at some point the reader begins to seem that "writers began to work out the quantitative" norm "." Each writer has its own reasons for such creative behavior, for example: the requests of readers continue the cycle of Alexander Volkova, the recognition and attractiveness of the hero in Sergey Mikhalkov. The writer of this kind may remain in the history of literature and reading memory, associated with anything: Alexander Volkov - with the history of the Emerald City, Sergey Mikhalkov - with the image of the uncle Stepa. But not always such work is prepared a long life.

Thus, the multi-term problem of the formation of a children's reading circle indicates the need for the adult person to be a competent reader, owning the practice of assessing artistic works, principles and criteria for their selection.

At all times of human existence, people showed special attention to works for children, considering them the most important in the formation of a person in the child.

Questions about the Children's Day circle rose in Russia in the 18th century, and in the works of N. Chernyshevsky, V. BELINSKOGO, N. Dobrojubov, L. Tolstoy in the 19th century.

But still the acuteness of the issue remains in modern Russia of the 21st century.

A man involved in child reading issues must have versatile knowledge in the field of Russian folklore, and foreign creativity, writers of Russian and foreign children's literature. As well as for the formation of a children's reading circle, it is necessary to have excellent pedagogical and psychological training. It is most important for him to track trends in the development of the children's literature market, children's book publishing, to read much and believe that the artistic word can affect and influence the person.



Circle of child reading.

At all times of human existence, people showed special attention to works for children, considering them the most important in the formation of a person in the child.

Questions about the Children's Day circle rose in Russia in the 18th century, and in the works of N. Chernyshevsky, V. BELINSKOGO, N. Dobrojubov, L. Tolstoy in the 19th century.

But still the acuteness of the issue remains in modern Russia of the 21st century.

A man involved in child reading issues must have versatile knowledge in the field of Russian folklore, and foreign creativity, writers of Russian and foreign children's literature. As well as for the formation of a children's reading circle, it is necessary to have excellent pedagogical and psychological training. It is most important for him to track trends in the development of the children's literature market, children's book publishing, to read much and believe that the artistic word can affect and influence the person.

So what is a circle of child reading? This is a circle of works that listen, read and perceive children. They wrote, passed from adults, were understood and accepted by children. The circle of child reading includes:


Books for children

Children's creativity,

Children's newspapers and magazines,

As it is known that each year of the child's life corresponds to certain works: the four-stroke robberies and the studs in an early preschool age, to the romance fairy tales in the senior preschool age.

From this, the question begins - from which the circle of children's reading depends?:

From the age of the child, from his preferences. So, in the youngest listeners prefer fairy tales, functions, verses written by a certain author, a certain book.

From the development of the literature itself. What to say, the state of the development of children's literature of the end of the 20th century remained low, poems for children were practically not printed, very few historical and realistic works that did not contribute to the upbringing of a versatile reader.

From the selection of literature for children's reading. In the foundations of urban and rural libraries, from books in families, a great influence has a great influence in which a child lives.

The children's reading circle cannot be the same for everyone, and should not. After all, the child is able to choose a book for himself, even the smallest, on an attractive cover, by illustrations.

The educational program that is performed in the preschool institution contains a certain list of recommended literature to read children, according to the age category.

Along with this, there is a family, home reading. This is a variable part of reading, which depends on the knowledge of children's literature, taste, preferences, parents' formation and it plays a positive role in preserving the uniqueness of a child's listener, a child reader.

In the circle of children's reading there are a number of works, mandatory, without which pre-school childhood is not possible to imagine. These are works that have been checking by many generations of readers, classic works:

Folk tales,

Works by K. Shukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, N.Nosova,

Fairy Tales Sh.perro, H.andandsen, A. Londgrand.

V. G. Belinsky, argued that children had a special perception of the heard, about the importance of the role of the book in the education of the child. After all, the "wrong" book can lead to the distortion of moral ideas, destroy the aesthetic feelings, and about its place in the surrounding world.

Preschoolers perceive the art of non-context: may be an injured inanimate objects, changes the works at their discretion, making him a hero of themselves or their friends. The book you like has a strong impression on the child, and he uses the plot in his games, lives, includes in his real life.

Literature, as a kind of art helps in the upbringing of a competent listener and reader, but it should be remembered that it will be better perceived when a special emotional atmosphere is created, the child's attitude to read the book.

Children should have time to read, and nothing should interfere or distract. Children need to explain that it is impossible to read during meals, in transport, on the go. Do not constantly read the same book. When reading, you should not hurry, clearly and clearly vote sounds and letters. Adults must remember that it is unacceptable to force a child to listen if he is tired, distracted, wants to change the type of activity. Only attentive caring attitude towards preschoolers, a thorough choice for reading a work will lead to the desired result.

In the selection of children's reading circle, special attention should be paid:




Dynamic plot,

Educational value of the work.

So what should be included in the circle of children's reading?

All types of literature:

Prose (Epos), poetry (lyrics), drama, fiction;

Folklore genres- folk fairy tales, lullabous songs, cubes, sweatshirts, sentences, faithfuls, non-liberty, children's folk songs, horror stories;

Scientific and popular genres (encyclopedias);

Works of the literature of the peoples of the world.

The theme of the works should be so diverse as the reader requires:


Children's game, toys;

Nature, animal world;

Relationships of children and adults; family, debt to parents and relatives; internationalism; honor and duty to the homeland;

War and heroism;

Historical periods;

Man and technique.

It is important to take into account the sexual differences between the children. For girls you need to read books about women's virtues, about keeping at home, about women's destination. The boys will be interested in literature on courage, the courage, heroes, about traveling, inventions, about the behavior of people in difficult situations.

Children's literature is a sacrificing type of verbal artistic creativity, which plays an important role in the development and raising of the child. V. Ulunin so noted: "I must confess you that I am not writing for you, but for yourself!".

Genre peculiarity of works

The concept of the genre determines the form of the work necessary to implement the content. Genres of children's literature were formed in the process of its development and are associated with the specifics of the perception of works by children of different ages.

It can be said that this literature is represented by almost all genres that have developed in the "adult" literature. And at the same time, there are most preferred genres for children used more often than others. So, in prose is fairy tales, stories, stories, in poetry - poems and songs. In drama - short plays consisting of one or two acts.

Particularly distinguished such genres as riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales - works, independently published mainly for children readers.

For children of younger ages, short works are preferred. Moreover, the spatial framework should be narrowed, limited, and temporary - stretched. This is due to the specificity of the relationship of children to the surrounding reality, how long it seems to the child the day, how far is his kindergarten! But, gradually an adult, he begins to feel that the day takes less time, but, going to school, notes that kindergarten is just two steps away.

That is why in works for children, as a rule, the place of action is limited, and there are small intervals between scenes. Consequently, one of the genre features of works is their relatively small volume.

Naturally, the younger children, the simpler according to the composition there should be a work. Minimization of the genre is carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception.

The concepts of "children's literature", "literature for children", "Circle of children's reading" in book publishing

When preparing publications for children, not only children's, but also "adult" literature is used. Therefore, in publishing and editing, several concepts characterizing the area of \u200b\u200breferences for children and young people are used.

They distinguish such concepts as "children's literature", "literature for children", "Circle of children's reading." Already from the names themselves it is clear that they intersect with each other and at the same time have independent content.

Understanding the meaning that is invested in each of these terms, it is primarily important from the point of view of a general approach to book publishing, since they define the organization and methodology for the formation of the repertoire of publications, sources of work selection, features of the editor with the authors.

Consider the concept of "children's literature"; It is it that is the initial for the characteristics of the entire publication area for children.

Children's literature is created specifically for the children's reader's audience. The writer takes into account the specifics of children's perception, trying to make his work well understood and learned the readers of a certain age.

Of particular importance is the ability of the author to recognize children's psychology, focus on interests, the preferences of children, the possibility of perception with them of certain facts. It is said that to create a work of children's literature, it is necessary to preserve the "children's vision of the world", which allows you to clearly imagine the properties and quality of children's perception. Children's writer must understand and know the child and, of course, have a special talent, which determines the skill of the author, - to create lively unforgettable paintings of the surrounding world recognizable by the child and teesting it.

When creating children's literature, the specificity of a certain age is taken into account.

Obviously, the writer, contacting children's literature, should be different with a special attitude towards life, to imagine how surrounding reality is perceived by the child, to celebrate an unusual, bright - what is interesting to his future readers.

Developed certain methods of writing the work of literature specifically for children. Here is just one, a fairly common reception associated with the special position of the author of the work - he looks at the world around the world as if from childhood, which describes. The writer does not observe his heroes from the side, but considers the events of their eyes. The writer is reincarnated in his characters, not allowing himself for a minute to take off and look at them with the eyes of an adult. Apparently, it is just a look at the world from childhood reports the content of the book one of the most significant for the works of children's literature - the quality of the reliability of the described, clearer for the reader.

Thus, children's literature is specifically created on a certain age category of readers, taking into account the specifics of children's perception.

One of the important tasks editor is the creation of an asset of children's writers. Meanwhile, it is difficult to find these writers, since children's writers are writers who have a special gift to remember and understand childhood. V.G. Belinsky wrote: "It should be born, and not to become a children's writer. This is a kind of calling. It requires not only talent, but a kind of genius ... there is a lot of conditions for the formation of a children's writer ... Love for children, deep knowledge of needs, features and shades of childhood there is one of the important conditions. "

Consider a wider concept - "literature for children." This concept is indicated by children's literature, and an adult, which is of interest to children and understandable to them.

The writer N. Teshov recalled: "Chekhov assured ... that there is no" children's "literature. "Everywhere only about the balls Yes, they write about Barbosov. What is this "children's"? This is some kind of "dog literature."

In a letter to Rossolimo on January 21, 1900 A.P. Chekhov notes: "I don't know how to write for children, I write for them every ten years and I do not like the so-called children's literature and do not recognize. Andersen, "Froat" Pallada ", Gogol is readily read by children, adults as well. We must not write for children, but should choose from what is written for adults. "

And himself A.P. Chekhov specially for children did not create, but its stories, such as "chestanka", "boys", willingly read the guys.

We give the opinion of the modern writer. In response to the question about the specifics of children's literature, which contained in a special questionnaire at home of the children's book of Children's literature, A. Markusha wrote: "Now a lot argue about the specifics of children's literature. I do not believe in any particular specifics. There is literature (and it is not enough), and there is still "literature" (and a lot of it). Children should read adult books written by real masters, let them understand and not everything, at least, will get used to the real art, and not to brings up for surrogates ... Children need to know more about adults! " (From the materials of the house of the children's book).

Thus, the reading of children covers not only specially written works, but is replenished and at the expense of adult literature. This is how the repertoire of publications for children is formed. It makes up children's literature and works written for adults, but of interest to children.

With regard to children's reading, the reading circle has its own characteristics. Let us dwell on them.

"Children's reading circle" includes books that must be read in childhood and which determine the reading of a child of a specific age. This is a dynamic phenomenon, since as the child grows, the borders of the literature coverage that he reads is expanded. The reading range shows the interests and preferences of the person, individual editions "return" if the reader appeals to them is not one day. The composition of publications is constantly changing depending on the changes in the interests of children and the repertoire of manufactured publications, and the richer, more diverse the repertoire, the greater the possibilities of influence on the child, since the circle of his reading will be to one degree or another to reflect this wealth and diversity to one degree or another.

Children's literature forms and determines the circle of reading each child, changing and structuring its composition, and gradually this literature is supplanted with "adult", leaving outside the interests of the reader actually children's literature. Considering that certain books can work most effectively on the reader who are intended, we can assume that the literature included in the children's reading circle must be read at the appropriate age; Books that did not "fell down" to the reader on time cannot have an influence on him that the author sought, and, therefore, their social functions perform, there is no full. Indeed, the impact on the preschooler, a senior schoolchild, an adult, a fairy tale, is different, since every age is of interest to "their" aspects of the work. Consequently, the reading range determines the degree and nature of the effect on the reader of the content of the work and is associated with the features of the properties of various categories of readers.

When organizing book publishing for children, especially in the process of forming a repertoire, the editor focuses on a children's reading circle, selecting works for reprinting and including new literature issues.