Snow Maiden Tale at night. Russian folktale

Snow Maiden Tale at night. Russian folktale
Snow Maiden Tale at night. Russian folktale

There were an old man with an old woman. Lived okay, together. All would be good, yes one grief - they did not have children. It came in winter snowy, hungry snowdrifles to the belt, the children poured out to play the street, and the old man with the old woman on them out of the window they think about their grief.

And what, the old woman, - says the old man, - let's do our daughter on their snow.
"Come on," says the old woman.

She put on the old man, they came to the garden and began to sculpt the daughter from the snow. They shot the snowball, handles, the legs were adjusted, the snow head was put on top. Put the old man nose, mouth, chin.

Look - a y Snow Maiden lips Pozkovovnel, eyes opened; She looks at the old men and smiles. Then she rinsed the head, made his handles, legs, shook off the snow - and left the snowdrift of a living girl.
Olders were delighted, led her to the hut. Look at it, do not pour.

And it began to grow in old people a daughter not by day, but by the hour; What is not the day, then everything becomes more painted. White itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta at all.

There are no old men on her daughter, the souls do not have a chance. Rights daughter and smart, and intelligent, and fun. With all affectionate, friendly. And the work at the Snow Maiden in the hands arms, and the song will heat - hear.

Winter passed. Beginning to harvest spring sun. Separated her grass on Protalinki, fry drank. And the Snow Maiden suddenly seal.
- What's wrong with you, daughter? - Ask old men. What are you so awesome? Do you need me anything?
- Nothing, father, nothing, Mother, I am healthy.
That's the last snow melted, blooms bloomed on the meadows, birds flew.
And the Snow Maiden day is all sadder, everything becomes silent. From the sun hiding. All her shadow is yes chill, and even better - rains.

Once the black cloud came out, a large degrees fell. The Snow Maiden Grada was delighted, exactly the pearl rolling. And how the sunucky and hail melted, the Snow Maiden was crying, and so bitter, like a sister in his native brother.

In the spring, summer came. Girls gathered in a walk in the grove, called the Snow Maiden:
- We go with us, Snow Maiden, walk in the forest, sing songs, dance.
I did not want to go to the woods in the forest, yes the old woman persuaded her:
- Go, daughter, have fun with girlfriends!

Girls came with the Snow Maiden in the forest. Steel colors to collect, wreath weave, sing songs, driving away. Only one Snow Maiden is still unequish.

And as SPRED, they scored a brushwood, laid the fire and let's jump over his boyfriend. Behind everyone and the Snow Maiden got up.
She ran into his cerebrals behind her girlfriends.

Jumping over the fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud. Rose cloud high and lost in the sky. Only heard girlfriends, as behind, something is complaints about: "AU!" They turned around - and there are no Snow Maiden.
They began to click her:
- Ay, ay, stubborn!
Only echo they responded to the forest ...

Russian folk fairy tale in pictures. Illustration.

There were an old man with an old woman. Lived okay, together. Everything is good, yes one grief - they did not have children.

So winter came the snowy, there were snowdrifles to the belt, the children poured out to play the street, and the old man with the old woman on them out of the window look yes about their grief they think.

"And what, the old woman," says the old man, "let's do our daughter yourself?"

"Come on," says the old woman.

She put on the old man, they came to the garden and began to sculpt the daughter from the snow. They rolled the snowball, hands, legs put on top, on top of the snow head. Cured the old man, painted his mouth, eyes.

Look - and at the Snow Maiden lips polished, the eyes opened; She looks at the old men and smiles. Then the snow shook off - and a live girl came out of a snowdrift.

Old men were delighted, led her to the hut. Look at her, do not pour.

And it began to grow in old people a daughter not by day, but by the hour; No matter, then everything becomes more painted. White itself, exactly snow, braza blond to the belt, only there is no Rumyanta at all.

There are no old men on her daughter, the souls do not have a chance. The daughter and smart, and intelligent, and cheerful. And the work of the Snow Maiden in the hands arms, and the song is driving - hear.

Winter passed.

Beginning to harvest spring sun. Separated her grass on Protalinki, fry drank.

And the Snow Maiden suddenly seal.

- What's wrong with you, daughter? - Ask old men. - What have you become so sad? Do you need me anything?

- Nothing, father, nothing, Mother, I am healthy.

That's the last snow melted, blooms bloomed on the meadows, birds flew. And the Snow Maiden day from the day everything is sadder, everything becomes silent. From the sun hiding. He would be a shadow yes chill, and even better - rains.

Once the black cloud swept, a large hail fell. The Snow Maiden Grada was delighted, exactly the pearl rolling. And how the sunucky and hail melted, the Snow Maiden was crying, and so bitterly, like sister in his native brother ...

In the spring, summer came. Girls gathered in a walk in the grove, called the Snow Maiden:

- Let's go with us, Snow Maiden, walk in the forest, sing songs, dance!

I did not want to go snow maiden in the forest, yes the old woman persuaded her:

- Go, daughter, have fun with girlfriends!

Girls came with the Snow Maiden in the forest.

Steel colors to collect, wreath weave, sing songs, driving away. Only one Snow Maiden is still unequish.

And as SPRED, they scored a brushwood, laid out a fire and let's join everything over his boyfire through the fire. Behind everyone and the Snow Maiden got up. She ran into his turn for girlfriends.

Jump over fire and suddenly melted, turned into a white cloud.

Girlfriends turned around - but there are no Snow Maiden.

They began to click her:

- Ay, Ay, Stub!

Only echo they responded to the forest ...

Well Il-had a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife of Marya. Ivan da Marya lived in love and harmony, only they did not have children. So they aged alone. Strongly, they defeated their misfortunes and only looking at the children comforted. And there is nothing to do! So, it can be seen, they were destined. So one day, when winter came, it hit the young snow on his knee, the children were poured on the street to play, and our old people were hidden to the window to look at them. The kids ran, they humbled and began to sculpt the Baba of Snow. Ivan with Marya gone silently, leaving. Suddenly Ivan grinned and says:

Would go to us, wife, yes to make a woman!

On Mary, it can be seen, also found a fun hour.

Well, "she says," let's go, we are walking at old age! " Only on what the woman you can sculpt: it will be with you and me alone. Slopim is better than a child from the snow, if God did not give alive!

What is really true ... - said Ivan, took the hat and went to the garden with old man.

They really began to sculpt the doll from the snow: they shot the torso with handles and legs, put on top of the round room and enveloped the head out of it.

God to help? - Someone said, passing by.

Thank you, thanks! - Ivan answered.

What do you like?

Yes, that's what you see! - Pollit Ivan.

Snow Maiden ... - said Marya, shook.

So they cut the spout, they made two thousands in the forehead, and just Ivan did the mouth of her mouth, as he suddenly removed the warm spirit. Ivan in the horses took his hand, only looks - the pits in the forehead began to hang out, and here the bloveless eyes are glanced, so the sponges like raspberry smiling.

What is it? Is there any reason? - said Ivan, putting a cross sign on himself.

And the doll tilts the head to him, exactly alive, and made his handles and legs in the snow, like a breast child in diapers.

Ah, Ivan, Ivan! - crossed Marya, trendy from joy. - This is the Lord Child gives us! "And rushed to embracing the Snow Maiden, and from the Snow Maiden, all the snow fell off, like a shell from the egg, and in his hands, Marya was really a lively girl.

Oh, you, my deserter dear! - said the old woman, hugging his desired and unexpected child, and ran with him to the hut.

Ivan Nasil came to his senses from such a miracle, and Marya was without memory from joy.
And here the Snow Maiden grows not by day, but by the hour, and that day, then it's better. Ivan and Marya do not enjoy it. And they have fun in their house. Girls from the village of them hopelessly: I am amused and clean the daughter, like a doll, talking to her, sing songs, they play with her in all sorts of games and learn it to everything that they have. And the Snow Maiden is so intelligent: everything is noticeable and adopts.

And she became for the winter exactly the girl of the years of thirteen: everything will say, he says about everything, and so sweet voice that hear. And such she is kind, obedient and friendly. And she is white, like snow; Eyes that there is no easy, light-colored braid to the belt, one Rumyanta is not at all, as if there was no living blood blood in the body ... Yes, and without that, she was such a fitting and good, that poured. And how, it happened, she will play, so so comfortable and pleasant that the soul rejoices! And everyone is not poured by the Snow Maiden. The old woman is marrying the soul in it.

Here, Ivan! She used to say with her husband. - Give us god joy to old age! Camely sorrow my sincere!

And Ivan told her:

Thanks to the Lord! Here the joy is not eternal, and sadness is not infinite ...

Winter passed. Havomily played in the sky spring sun and noded the earth. On the rogs, Murava got selected, and soldered the larks. Already the red girls gathered in the dance under the village and sang:

Spring-red! What came to what came to? ..

On the slochku, on the harrow!

And the Snow Maiden was bored.

What's with you, my child? - She said more than once to her Marya, cheating her. - Are you sick? You're all so awake, completely slept from the lyrics. I did not smooth you a unkind person?

And the Snow Maiden answered her every time:

Nothing, grandmother! I am well...

That's the last snow bent Spring with its red days. The gardens and meadows were blooming, soldering the nightingale and any bird, and everything became living and more fun. And the Snow Maiden, hearty, even more to be bored, the girlfriends swells and hides from the sun in the shadow, like the valley under the tree. She was only anyone that it was that splashing at the student key under the green Ivushka.

Snow Maiden all would be a shadow yes chill, or even better - frequent rains. In the rain and dusk, she became more fun. And how once a gray cloud came out, yes sprinkled with a large hail. The Snow Maiden was so happy to him how other would not be Rada and Pearl rolling. When, again, the sun and Grad took a water, the Snow Maiden shouted so much as if she wanted to break down with tears, - as his native sister is crying for his brother.

Spring has come to the spring; Fit Ivanov day. Girls from the village gathered on a walk in the grove, went over the snow Maiden and stuck to grandmother Marya:

Let me let the Snow Maiden!

Marie did not want to let her, did not want to go with the Snow Maiden; Yes, could not speak. Besides, Marya thought: His stubbank was walking! And she knocked her, kissed and said:

Look, the child is mine, have fun with girlfriends! And you, girls, look take care of my stub ... After all, I have it, you yourself know how gunpowder!

Good good! They shouted the fun, picked up the Snow Maiden and went to Guryboy in the grove. There they walked themselves wreaths, knitted bundles of flowers and hooked their funny songs. Snow Maiden was abruptly with them.

When the sun rolled out, the girls left the bonfire from the grass and a small twig, lit him and everything in the wreaths became in a row one for another; And the Snow Maiden put behind everyone.

Look, - they said, - as we run, and you also run next to us, do not fall behind!

And that's all, tightened the song, pushed through the fire.

Suddenly, something behind them is keen and groaned complaints about:

They looked around in fright: there is no one. They look at each other and do not see the Snow Maiden.

And, right, hid, Salunya, - they said and fled to look for her, but could not find anywhere. Click, Aukali - she did not respond.

Where would it go? - Girls said.

It can be seen, I ran away home, "they said later and went to the village, but there was no Snow Maiden and in the village.

I was looking for her for another day, I was looking for on the third. Established all grove - a bush for a bush, a tree for a tree. Snow Maiden was not all, and the trace disappeared. Long Ivan and Mary burning and cried because of their Snow Maiden. For a long time, the poor old woman went to the grove to look for her every day, and she clicked, like a cuckoo is cake:

Ay, ay, stubborn! Ay, ay, Golubushka! ..

No, not a launch of the beast, I was meant her in a dense forest, and not a predatory bird took her to the blue sea; And when the Snow Maiden ran after her girlfriends and jumped into the fire, she suddenly stretched up with a light steam, twitched into a thin cloud, melted ... and flew into the height of the subway.

Stranger, we advise you to read the "Snow Maiden" fairy tale, and your kids, this is a wonderful work created by our ancestors. All the surrounding space depicted by bright visual images is permeated with kindness, friendship, loyalty and indescribable delight. Surprisingly easily and naturally combines text written in the past millennium, with our modernity, it has not been relevant at all. And the thought comes, and behind it and the desire to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, win the love of the modest and primera princess. The plot is simple and old as the world, but every new generation finds something relevant for myself and useful. Faced with such strong, volitional and good qualities of the hero, involuntarily feel desire and transform himself for the better. Devotion, friendship and self-sacrifice and other positive feelings overcome all opposing them: anger, cunning, lie and hypocrisy. Fairy Tale "Snow Maiden" read free online will be fun and kids and their parents, the kids will be happy to end, and moms and dads are happy for the kids!

The world is going on, about everyone in the fairy tale says. Lived, were grandfather da Baba. In total, they had plenty - and a cow, and sheep, and a cat on the stove, but there were no children. They were very sad, all grieved. Once in winter fell on the snow on the knee. The guys neighbor on the street poured out - ride on the sledding, rushing snowballs, and they became a snowbabo to sculpt. She looked at them grandfather from the window, looked and says the Baba:
- What, the wife, when you sit sit, you look at other people's guys, let's go and we, we are walking at old age, Slopim and we are a snowbaby.
And on the old woman, right, I also rolled the joyful hour. - Well, let's go, grandfather, outdoor. Only what a woman scream to sculpt? Let's cut off the daughter of the Snow Maiden.
No sooner said than done.
Let the old men go to the garden and let the snowy daughter sculpt. Heat her daughter, inserted two blue beads instead of the eyes, made two sneakers on the brushes, from the scarlet ribbon - the rotch. Where as good snowy daughter Snow Maiden! Look at her grandfather with a woman - they do not look, admire - do not push. And at the Snow Maiden, the rotch smiles, the hairs curl.
He moved the Snow Maiden with legs-handles, it was moved from the spot and went through the garden to the hut.
Grandfather and Baba were definitely lost to the place of interest.
- Grandfather, - Baba shouts, - Yes, we have a daughter lively, the Snow Maiden is dear! And I rushed to the hut ... That's the joy!
Snow Maid grows not by day, but by the hour. Not a day - Snow Maidest is more beautiful. Grandfather and Baba do not look at it, do not miserable. Or is the Snow Maid - like a snowflake white, eyes that blue beads, a blond braza to a belt. Only the Rumyanta at the Snow Maiden is not like yes in the lips neither blood buoylook. And so good stubborn!
Spring-clear came, ponabucheli kidneys, bees flew in the field, soldered the larks. All the guys are happy Radyzheny, girls spring songs sing. And the Snow Maiden was bored, sad began, everything looks in the window, the tears pour.
That summer came red, blooms bloomed in the gardens, ripen bread in the fields ...
The forest of the former Snow Moon frowns, everything from the sun hides, everything would be in a shade yes in chill, and it is better for rains.
Grandfather da Baba all ahaut:
- Are you healthy, daughter? - Healthy me, grandmother.
And everything is hiding everything in the corner, does not want to the street. Girls in the forest in the berry are gathered once - in Malinka, Blueberry, Alu Zemerichko.
Steel and Snow Maiden with Hall:
- Let's go, let's go, Snow Maiden! .. - Let's go, let's go, girlfriend! .. reluctance to the Snow Maiden in the forest Go, reluctant to the Snow Maiden under the sun. And then Grandfather and Baba veils:
- Go, go, Snow Maiden, go, go, Baby, have fun with girlfriends.
He took the Snow Maiden body, went to the forest with girlfriends. Girlfriends walk in the forest, wreaths weave, dance water, sing songs. And the Snow Maiden found a jettle river, it sits near him, it looks in the water, the fingers in rapid water waters, drops, like pearls, plays.
So the evening came. Girls were played out, put the wreaths on the head, the bonfire was burned out of his poultry, began to jump across the fire. Reluctant to jump by the Snow Maiden ... Yes, girlfriend stuck to her. Snow Maiden came to the fire ... It is worthwheeling, in the face there is no blood buoy, the blond braza crumbled ... screamed girlfriends:
- Jump, jump, Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden fused and jumped ...
She kept over the fire, groaned complaints, and did not become snow maiden.
The white couples stretched over the bone, twist in the cloud, flew the cloud to height in the height.
Snow Maiden melted ...

There was a peasant Ivan, and he had a wife of Marya. Ivan da Marya lived in love and harmony, only they did not have children. So they aged alone. Strongly, they defeated their misfortunes and only looking at the children comforted. And there is nothing to do! So, it can be seen, they were destined.

So one day, when winter came, it hit the young snow on his knee, the children were poured on the street to play, and our old people were hidden to the window to look at them. The kids ran, they humbled and began to sculpt the Baba of Snow. Ivan with Marya gone silently, leaving. Suddenly Ivan grinned and says:
- To go to us, wife, yes to make a woman!
On Mary, it can be seen, also found a fun hour.
"Well," she says, "let's go, we are walking on old age!" Only on what the woman you can sculpt: it will be with you and me alone. Slopim is better than a child from the snow, if God did not give alive!
"What is true, then the truth ..." said Ivan, took the hat and went to the garden with old man.

They really began to sculpt the doll from the snow: they shot the torso with handles and legs, put on top of the round room and enveloped the head out of it.
- God to help? - Someone said, passing by.
- Thank you, thanks! - Ivan answered.
- What do you like?
- Yes, that you see! - Pollit Ivan.
"Snow Maiden ..." said Marya, shook.
So they cut the spout, they made two thousands in the forehead, and just Ivan did the mouth of her mouth, as he suddenly removed the warm spirit. Ivan in the horses took his hand, only looks - the pits in the forehead began to hang out, and here the bloveless eyes are glanced, so the sponges like raspberry smiling.
- What is it? Is there any reason? - said Ivan, putting a cross sign on himself.
And the doll tilts the head to him, exactly alive, and made his handles and legs in the snow, like a breast child in diapers.
- Ah, Ivan, Ivan! - crossed Marya, trendy from joy. - This is the Lord Child gives us! "And rushed to embracing the Snow Maiden, and from the Snow Maiden, all the snow fell off, like a shell from the egg, and in his hands, Marya was really a lively girl.
- Oh, you, my deserter dear! - said the old woman, hugging his desired and unexpected child, and ran with him to the hut.
Ivan Nasil came to his senses from such a miracle, and Marya was without memory from joy.

And here the Snow Maiden grows not by day, but by the hour, and that day, then it's better. Ivan and Marya do not enjoy it. And they have fun in their house. Girls from the village of them hopelessly: I am amused and clean the daughter, like a doll, talking to her, sing songs, they play with her in all sorts of games and learn it to everything that they have. And the Snow Maiden is so intelligent: everything is noticeable and adopts.
And she became for the winter exactly the girl of the years of thirteen: everything will say, he says about everything, and so sweet voice that hear. And such she is kind, obedient and friendly. And she is white, like snow; Eyes that there is no easy, light-colored braid to the belt, one Rumyanta is not at all, as if there was no living blood blood in the body ... Yes, and without that, she was such a fitting and good, that poured. And how, it happened, she will play, so so comfortable and pleasant that the soul rejoices! And everyone is not poured by the Snow Maiden. The old woman is marrying the soul in it.
- Here, Ivan! She used to say with her husband. - Give us god joy to old age! Camely sorrow my sincere!
And Ivan told her:
- Thanksgiving to the Lord! Here the joy is not eternal, and sadness is not infinite ...

Winter passed. Havomily played in the sky spring sun and noded the earth. On the rogs, Murava got selected, and soldered the larks. Already the red girls gathered in the dance under the village and sang:
- Spring-red! What came to what came to? ..
- on a slochku, on the harrow!
And the Snow Maiden was bored.
- What's with you, my child? - She said more than once to her Marya, cheating her. - Are you sick? You're all so awake, completely slept from the lyrics. I did not smooth you a unkind person?
And the Snow Maiden answered her every time:
- Nothing, grandmother! I am well...

That's the last snow bent Spring with its red days. The gardens and meadows were blooming, soldering the nightingale and any bird, and everything became living and more fun. And the Snow Maiden, hearty, even more to be bored, the girlfriends swells and hides from the sun in the shadow, like the valley under the tree. She was only anyone that it was that splashing at the student key under the green Ivushka.
Snow Maiden all would be a shadow yes chill, or even better - frequent rains. In the rain and dusk, she became more fun. And how once a gray cloud came out, yes sprinkled with a large hail. The Snow Maiden was so happy to him how other would not be Rada and Pearl rolling. When, again, the sun and Grad took a water, the Snow Maiden shouted so much as if she wanted to break down with tears, - as his native sister is crying for his brother.

Spring has come to the spring; Fit Ivanov day. Girls from the village gathered on a walk in the grove, went over the snow Maiden and stuck to grandmother Marya:
- Let me let the Snow Maiden!
Marie did not want to let her, did not want to go with the Snow Maiden; Yes, could not speak. Besides, Marya thought: His stubbank was walking! And she knocked her, kissed and said:
- I look, my child, have fun with girlfriends! And you, girls, look take care of my stub ... After all, I have it, you yourself know how gunpowder!
- Good good! They shouted the fun, picked up the Snow Maiden and went to Guryboy in the grove. There they walked themselves wreaths, knitted bundles of flowers and hooked their funny songs. Snow Maiden was abruptly with them.
When the sun rolled out, the girls left the bonfire from the grass and a small twig, lit him and everything in the wreaths became in a row one for another; And the Snow Maiden put behind everyone.
"Look," they said, "as we run, and you are also running after us, do not fall behind!"
And that's all, tightened the song, pushed through the fire.
Suddenly, something behind them is keen and groaned complaints about:
- Ay!
They looked around in fright: there is no one. They look at each other and do not see the Snow Maiden.
- And, right, hid, Salunya, "they said and fled to look for her, but could not find anywhere. Click, Aukali - she did not respond.
- Where did it go? - Girls said.
"It can be seen, I ran away home," they said later and went to the village, but there was no Snow Maiden and in the village.
I was looking for her for another day, I was looking for on the third. Established all grove - a bush for a bush, a tree for a tree. Snow Maiden was not all, and the trace disappeared. Long Ivan and Mary burning and cried because of their Snow Maiden. For a long time, the poor old woman went to the grove to look for her every day, and she clicked, like a cuckoo is cake:
- Ay, ay, stubborn! Ay, ay, Golubushka! ..
And more than once she was heard, as if the voice of the Snow Maiden responded: "Ay!". Snow Maiden is not all like! Where did the Snow Maiden disengaged? Is the beast briefly drank her in a dense forest, and did not the predatory bird damaged to the Blue Sea?

No, not a launch of the beast, I was meant her in a dense forest, and not a predatory bird took her to the blue sea; And when the Snow Maiden ran after her girlfriends and jumped into the fire, she suddenly stretched up with a light steam, twitched into a thin cloud, melted ... and flew into the height of the subway.