A sports holiday a hundred ideas for a hundred friends. Game entertainment program "one hundred ideas for one hundred friends"

A sports holiday a hundred ideas for a hundred friends. Game entertainment program "one hundred ideas for one hundred friends"

Irina Yamolova
Sports festival "One hundred ventures for a hundred friends"

Scenario sports event

"Hundred ventures for a hundred friends»

drama educator

I. V. Yamolova -

physical education teacher


Involvement of children and parents in a healthy lifestyle.


Urban sports festivalintended to facilitate:

Introduce children and their parents to physical education and sports;

Strengthening the health, development of the physical qualities of children;

Upbringing morally - volitional qualities: dedication, courage, endurance, organization, independence, persistence in achieving positive results;

Formation of motor skills and abilities in basic movements;

Development of attention, speed of reaction in preschoolers;

Fostering patriotic feelings in preschoolers;

Strengthening family relationships;

Fostering a sense of camaraderie, respect for rivals in the competition.


Teams of senior preschool age of the city preschool educational institution, consisting of 8 people (4 boys, 4 dads).

Requirements for participants

High level of physical fitness.

Unified team form.

Preparing for sports festival

Acquaintance of children with the history of occurrence holiday;

Conversations about the combat arms;

Scenario development, distribution of responsibilities between teachers;

Production of attributes, posters, selection sports equipment;

Preparation of applications for the participation of preschool educational institutions in competitions;

Selection of musical accompaniment and preparation of musical numbers by pupils of the preschool educational institution;

Team training;

Hall decoration;

Inviting guests.

The course of the holiday.

Leading: Hello dear guests! Sports holiday"Hundred ventures for a hundred friends» gathered all of us today. Everyone who values ​​their health, everyone who wants to live longer. Hello friendly sports families, we meet those who will be at the start. To achieve sports awards! We wish the teams success and victories!

The march sounds participants enter the hall:

1. Greetings to the family ... they are sure that if there is peace and harmony in the family, then there is sports lifestyle.

2. We meet the family…. Dexterous and brave, and skillful in everything.

Look at us, we are a family just class!

3. Our friendly team sports loves to study - the family lives under this motto ... we meet them with loud applause!

4. Family…. we have anywhere,

they are always friends with physical education.

All competitions are attended by the family,

always healthy, young and strong in spirit.

5. family .... they are sure

that the main business assistant is sport!

success is sport and laughter is sport!

And the most excellent resort is sport, sport, sport!

Your thunderous applause!

6. Meet the family ....!

They believe that it is best to start a new life not on Monday, but on the morning


7. Maximum sports, maximum laughter

This way we will achieve success faster!

The family is sure of this ...

8. Greetings to the family!

Their family motto: "Health and sport leads to success» !

9. Physical education, sport, health - they have the best friends!

And he knows for sure sport family ….!

Your applause!

Leading: To rewards sports to achieve, everyone will have to work hard! In frequent training, skill will appear.

On our guests are present: ___

Greetings to participants are provided by ___

Runs in Knop: I don’t understand what happened.

Am I in a dream or in reality?

Everywhere there is laughter, fun,

Everyone is in a great mood!

Maybe celebrating people,

Glorious New Year holiday?

Leading: You, my friend, did not guess!

Sports holiday gathered us all.

Everyone knows, everyone understands

That it is pleasant to be healthy.

You just need to know

How to become healthy!

Friendly with health sport:

Stadium, pools, court,

Hall, skating rink - everywhere we are welcome ...

Knop: Well, it's all fairy tales that you say,

How to believe it?

What sport is fashionable?

Isn't it better to sit at home in the warmth?

Do you watch cartoons on TV, watch movies?

Leading: You're wrong, Knopa!

Sport - is life!

And today we will try to convince you of this!

In our difficult age

In our stormy age,

No one without sports do not live forever!

A champion lurks in every person

A person must believe in this!

Knop: I want to be a champion!

How to become a champion? (scratches the back of his head)

Leading: And to become a champion,

You need to temper in the mornings and evenings,

We need to do physical education!

Let's see, Knop, how friendly our families are in the relay "Pass the ball".

The family will show…. ...

The team lines up in a column, the first participant has the ball. Pass the ball between the legs of each other, the latter runs to the basket, changes the ball and stands in front of the column, passes the ball, etc. to the rack.

Arrange the equipment!

On your marks! Attention! March!

Knop: That's how cleverly and amicably we handled the ball!

Leading: Knopa, tell me, please, can you jump rope?

Knop: Yes! Can show. (takes the rope, gets tangled in it, falls)

Oh, something's not working out!

Leading: Look how our athletes know how.

Correct performance of the relay "Rope" a friendly family will show….

Dad puts on the rope, the child holds on to the handles, jogging to the rack, around, and back in a straight line, mom jumps over the rope to the rack and back.

On your marks! Attention! March!

Knop: They're doing great!

Leading: If you, Knop,

One hundred fun rope and ball exercises!

You will do them without laziness,

You will also become a strong man!

Knop: Good! I will train. But I can do a lot of things with a hoop. (Twists the hoop around the waist, arm, leg, neck - it falls)

Leading: Oh, and you made us laugh, Knop! Look how agile and flexible our members are!

Correct performance of the relay "Gymnasts" the clever family will show….

Dad and mom are holding hoops. The child crawls through the hoops. Dad runs around mom, stands in front, mom runs around dad, stands in front, the child, without stopping, crawls into the hoops. Execution to the rack.

Teams! On your marks! Attention! March!

Musical pause

Knop: Hoops, balls, skipping ropes are good in the summer, in the sun. And in winter - what to do? Lie on the couch and watch cartoons!

Leading: You're wrong, Knopa! And in winter you can have fun together with health benefits! Never lose heart, hit the target with snowballs,

And ride down the hill on a sled,

And get on skis-

This is the secret of health.

Be healthy!

Knop: Fizkult - hello!

Leading: Guess a riddle.

In the courtyard in the morning there is a game

The kids played out

Screams: "Washer!",

"Past!", "Hit!" -

So there is a game…. (hockey)

Knop: I don’t know, I don’t play such games.

Leading: (appeal to fans) Guys, help Knop to name the game!

Children: Hockey!

Leading: Knop, come to the family, they will show you how to play hockey.

The child begins to lead the puck with a club "Snake", between the pins, scores into the goal, takes the puck, returns in a straight line, passing the stick and the puck to the next participant.

Arrange the equipment!

On your marks! Attention! March!

Knop appears with skis in his hands, with a rifle on his shoulder, addressing the teams.

Knop: We run fast on skis,

And we shoot at the target deftly,

What is the name of this species sports?

Everything: Biathlon!

Leading: Let's see how our members hit the target and ski fast!

The family will show the correctness of the relay ...

Each participant wears "skis", with a sliding step, runs to the hoop, throws 5 "Snowballs" to the basket., return to the starting line. The child runs to the nearest hoop to the basket.

Arrange the equipment!

On your marks! Attention! March!

Leading: We coped well with the relay.

Running fast is familiar to everyone.

Now let's jump friends!

Find out who we have the most jumping family?

Knop: (jumping hop) I AM! I AM! I AM! (Falls)

Leading: Next relay "Jumpers", the correct execution of the relay will be shown by the jumping family…. Look closely, Knopa! Memorize and you will succeed!

The child jumps on a hoppa to the rack, around the rack, and back.

Do the teams understand the task? On your marks! Attention! March!

Musical pause

Knop comes out with a large candy.

Knop: I’m hungry for something, I’ll help myself, I’m candy.

Leading: To become a champion, Knop, you need not only to do sports but also eat right!

No wonder the proverb says "Vegetables and fruits are a pantry of health!"

Knop. And I never heard that.

Leading. Come on, Knopa, let's see how families know how to choose the right food for a healthy lifestyle.

Knop. I will look, I will look, I will learn.

Leading: Correct performance of the relay "Vitamins" will show a cheerful family…. Each participant with a basket in his hands runs in a straight line, takes one object from the hoop, returns, passing the basket to the next participant. Everyone runs 2 times.

Arrange the equipment!

Are the teams ready?

Ready to start, attention! March!

Leading: Knopa, look what the teams didn't put in their baskets.

Knop goes looking into the hoops, what's left there,

Sports KTD are aimed at strengthening the health of children, fostering endurance and discipline in them. Physical activity of children is one of the main activities in the camp.

"One Hundred Things for Friends"

Breakdown: Participants are given one card with numbers written on them. Time is given for the participants to unite in teams so that the sum, made up of the numbers of cards, turns out to be equal - for one team - 21, for the other - 16.

Competition 1. "Archery".

The target is a bucket. Onions are onions.

The bucket is placed five meters beyond the finish line. The bulbs are at the finish line, their number is equal to the number of participants. The first participant, upon a signal, begins to move from start to finish, takes an onion and throws it into a bucket, and so on until the last participant.

Competition 2. "Figure Skating".

The teams are divided into pairs. Couples hold hands (right to right, left to left). Both raise their left foot at the signal and begin to jump from start to finish and back.

Competition 3. "Pencil dragging".

Two participants take up opposite ends of the pencil and try to pull it out of the opponent's hands. Participants' hands are smeared with something greasy. You can hold a competition among all those present for the title of the most "sticky-handed".

Competition 4. "Night orientation".

One person from the team participates. They go to the start, in front of each is a chair, they are blindfolded. They must reach the obstacle, go around it and come back. Teams can prompt players.

Competition 5. "Synchronized Swimming".

Two people are invited from each team. Couples stand opposite each other at a distance of one step. Each pair is given one balloon filled with water. The first player throws the ball to his pair, if the second player catches the ball, he takes one step back, etc. The winner is the pair that, without bursting the ball, has dispersed from each other to the maximum distance.

"These funny animals"

Breakdown: Participants are given cards on which animals are drawn. All herbivores unite in one direction, all carnivores in the other.

Competition 1. "Penguins".

Penguins walk very interestingly, and they also manage to carry the eggs of their cubs between their legs so that they do not freeze. The players clamp the ball between their knees and carry it to the mark and back in this way (you cannot jump, you need to go). To prevent the "cub" from freezing, it is necessary to pass it to the next player from feet to feet, without using hands.

Competition 2. "Turtle".

The most striking distinguishing feature of this animal is the house on its back and graceful slowness. Relay participants need to "turn" into turtles. Their shell will serve as a basin, put on the back, and so that it does not fall, you need to crawl on all fours, and very slowly!

Competition 3. "Spider".

In this relay, 4 people from the team take part at the same time. They depict a spider: they hold their hands together, turning their backs to each other, then run to the mark and back, passing the baton to the next four. (The path of the "spider" may not be straight, but winding - along the line drawn on the ground - the "cobweb".)

Competition 4. "Centipede".

The centipede is known to have many legs and therefore runs fast. The first member of the team runs to the mark and back, then takes the second member with him (the second holds onto the belt of the first) and makes this path with him. Then the third, fourth, etc. are added to the pair.

Competition 5. "Caterpillar".

Unlike the centipede, the caterpillar moves slowly, in “waves”. All team members run at the same time, holding hands. (On the path of the "caterpillar" movement, 4 - 5 obstacles are set, under which it must crawl or climb over them.)

Competition 6. "Boa constrictor".

The whole team participates in this relay at once, except for three people. They stand on the line of the relay at an equal short distance from each other and do nothing, just stand. And the players of the rest of the team at this time turn into a "boa constrictor". Participants need to line up in a column and all players put their hands on the shoulders of those in front. The captain will be the "head of the boa constrictor", and the closing of the column - the "tail". The "boa constrictor" is ready to move, and it moves, as you know, wriggling. Our "boa constrictor" will also have to wriggle, that is, bend around the players on the relay line. The winner is determined by the "tail of the boa constrictor", that is, by the last participant.

"Higher, faster, stronger"

Breakdown: cards with various sports attributes.

Competition 1.

Each team comes up with a name and chant. All teams receive the same score (starting points).

Competition 2.

Place as many inflated balloons as possible in the clothing of one of the team members.

Competition 3.

Each team stands in one line, each person puts his hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Two "snakes" are formed, which, on command, begin to move forward, bending around obstacles (pins).

Competition 4.

Teams are given light lumps of cotton wool. On command, they toss them up and blow on them. The goal is to keep the cotton in the air for as long as possible.

Competition 5.

Imagine a hundred opened a sculptural gallery with the name "Victims of Sports". Create a sculptural composition for this gallery with the name:

v a weightlifter who did not have time to jump off the bar;

v the goalkeeper who caught the puck with his teeth;

v a parachutist who forgot to open his parachute.

Competition 6.

Cards with numbers, for example, from 1 to 18 (according to the total number of participants in both teams), are scattered on the floor down, face down, in a random order. The facilitator assigns sequential numbers to all participants. Task: as soon as possible each of the team members to find their serial number, but if they find a wrong number on the floor, it is forbidden to transmit! You must return the card face down to the floor.

"Always together"

Breakdown: Atoms and Molecules. All the players move randomly around the playground, at this moment they are all "atoms". Atoms can be converted into molecules. A molecule can have two, three, or five atoms (depending on how many commands are needed). Those who play on the leader's command will need to create a "molecule", i.e. several players will need to grab each other. If the presenter says "a molecule of three atoms", it means that three players - "atoms" merge into one "molecule". The very last number of atoms to combine into molecules should be the number of team members.

Competition 1.

The first team members must run around the chair, while hitting the ball on the floor and pass the ball to the next participant. He repeats the actions of the first. And so on until all team members run.

Competition 2.

At the command of the presenter, all participants take off their shoes and put them in a straight line with toes to the heels. The team with the longer snake wins.

Competition 3.

The team forms a column near a chair, on which there is a plate of water and a spoon. At a certain distance from this chair, there is another chair with an empty glass. It is necessary to transfer as much water as possible into the glass with a spoon in the allotted time.

Competition 4.

Each team occupies one corner of a room or playing field. At the signal, each team tries to move as fast as possible to the diagonally opposite corner of the playing field, having previously announced exactly how they are moving. The group whose members are in the opposite corner before the others wins. You can move as follows:

v just run across;

v go backwards;

v jump on one leg.

It is necessary to warn the participants about the observance of the rules of mutual courtesy.

Competition 5.

The ball is tied with a long rope to a peg driven into the ground. The player stands against the ball, he is blindfolded. Objective: go forward 6 steps and kick the ball. This can be done quite rarely.


Breakdown: children draw out cards on which two types of shoes are drawn - sneakers and sneakers, thus, two teams are obtained.

Competition 1.

Couples of children compete in a run of 20-30 m. Couples, holding hands, run, touching their backs to each other. Having run to the finish line, they return to the start. It turns out that the player runs normally in one direction, and backs away in the other.

Competition 2.

The guys stand one after another at intervals of up to 5 steps. The head must be bent and bent by ourselves, leaning on the leg bent at the knee. The latter runs up and alternately jumps over everyone standing in front, resting his hands on his back. The players gradually straighten up, increasing the jump height. Everyone who has jumped is in front. The one who fails to jump is eliminated from the game.

Competition 3.

And in this relay, the team is divided into pairs. In each pair, one will be the "horse", the other the "rider". The "rider" sits on the "horse" as if it were all the same, as long as his legs would not drag along the ground. Start! And the "horse" rushes forward, trying not to drop the rider. The turn, the way back, the transfer of the baton ... The winner is the team whose "horses" are more "fast" and the "riders" are more "assiduous".

Competition 4.

This relay also requires pairing. One of this pair will have to become a "wheelbarrow" - a relict cargo transport with one wheel and two handles. Only here, instead of a wheel, there will be hands, instead of handles - legs. So, the player-"wheelbarrow" lays down on the ground, focusing on his hands, at this time the player-driver of the "wheelbarrow" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "wheelbarrow" is parallel to the ground. The "Wheelbarrow" is ready to move. The signal, and the "wheelbarrow", moving on its hands, "reaches" the turning flag and returns back, where a new "wheelbarrow" is already ready to move. The strongest and fastest win.

Competition 5.

Siamese twins. The players will have to "grow together" like Siamese twins with their backs. To do this, you need to stand with your backs to each other and grab your hands tightly. You can only run sideways in this position. Therefore, the first pair stands sideways on the start line, runs sideways and returns in the same way, passing the baton to the next "fused twins". The players' backs must be pressed tightly against each other throughout the run. The most consistent and fastest team wins.

"Forward, people!"

Breakdown: team captains are appointed and they take turns choosing team members from all participants.

Competition 1. "Running with a hoop".

All team members take turns running to the pivot point and back, twisting a hoop on their belt. The most flexible and fastest win. The following tasks can serve as complication of the relay: to twist the hoop around the neck; twist the hoop on the arm; jump over the hoop like a rope.

Competition 2. "Three jumps".

To perform this relay, it is necessary to put a rope and a hoop at a distance of 8 - 10 m from the start line. After the signal, the first participant, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and rushes back to pass the baton to the next one. The second participant, having reached the lying objects, takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it (like over a rope). The third participant again takes the rope, and so on, there is an alternation. The arrival of the last team member at the start line marks the end of the relay. The fastest win.

Competition 3. "Lifebuoy".

The hoop will be a lifeline that will help to get across the “river” in this relay. The starting line will be one "coast", the line opposite - the other. The team captain puts on the hoop and, holding it at the waist level, runs to the set mark. Returning, he grabs the next member of the team with a hoop and runs with him, “ferrying” him in a “life ring” to the other “shore”. So, in turn, the captain "forwards" the entire team to the opposite side. The winner is the team that quickly moved to the other "shore".

Competition 4. "Eye of the Needle".

Along the line of the relay there are two or three hoops on the ground. Starting, the first participant must run to the first hoop, pick it up and thread it through himself (like a thread passes through the eye of a needle). Then, having reached the next hoop, do the same exercise with it. And so with all the hoops on the direct and return path. The winner is the team, all the participants of which will thread the "thread" faster, that is, they will do all the operations with the hoops.

Competition 5. "Running with a rope".

The first member of the team runs on signal to the turn flag and back, jumping over the rope. Then he passes the rope to the next one, and so on until victory or failure.

Calm relaxing music sounds.

Leading. I hasten to tell you - hello!
To wish you good health.
I hasten to tell you - goodness!
To wish you new happiness.
I hasten to tell you - Joy!
Good luck, success and luck!
To wish everyone in the hall
Great mood.
Let songs, dances, games, jokes
They will come to us in a moment here.
So friends, I start -
Good evening, gentlemen!

(The music changes in mood to a fun and rhythmic one).

Leading. I am glad to welcome everyone who came to this hall today! I am also very glad to welcome those who really wanted to come, but did not come. In turn, I want to wish everyone present and even those who are absent happiness, kindness and love!

Impromptu "Smiling Auction".

Leading. Answer me without error - friendship begins with ...
Party participants:"Smiles!"
Leading. And in most cases, it is the acquaintance that begins with a smile.
A smile - it costs nothing, but it is very valuable. It lasts for a moment, and sometimes it remains in memory forever.
Shakespeare believed that more can be achieved with a smile than with a sword. Do you want to win friends? - Smile!
Take a look around, what smiles surround us! Anyway, what kind of smiles are there? ... The last one who picks up an epithet for the word "smile" wins ... But the one who comes up with the most original epithet wins too.
(A competition is held according to the rules of a game auction: participants name their options - charming, friendly, affable, seductive, charming, etc. Authors of the last and original answers are awarded).
Comments: It is estimated that ninety-seven shades of a smile are mentioned in the works of Leo Tolstoy. Who knows, and your players can make the auction endless. Remember: do not delay, know how to stop in time, take control of the situation.

Impromptu "Blitz - acquaintance".
Leading.(Approaches one of the spectators.) Good evening! My name is ______. What is your name, dignity?
Viewer.(For example.) Natalia!
Leading.(Into the hall.) Is there still Natalya in the hall? Please stand up ... Thank you!

Leading. Good evening! I was born under the constellation Cancer, what zodiac sign were you born under?
Viewer.(For example.) I am Aries!
Leading.(To the hall.) Are there those in the hall who were born under the constellation Aries? .. Show yourself, please.… Thank you!
(The leader approaches the next participant).
Leading. According to the Eastern calendar, I belong to the year of the Goat. And you?
Viewer.(For example.) I was born in the year of the Tiger!
Leading.(Into the hall.) Are there any more tigers here? Excuse me, those who were born in the year of the Tiger? ... Thank you!
(The leader approaches another participant).
Leading. I work in the field of culture. What is your profession?
Viewer.(For example.) I'm a teacher!
Leading... (Into the audience) Are there any teachers among you? Show yourself ... Thank you!
(Approaches another participant).
Leading. As Pushkin wrote in his time "Love of all ages is submissive!", So I still dream of great and bright love. What are you dreaming about? ...
Viewer.(For example.) You know, I also dream of love!
Leading. Friends, who else dreams of her, that is, love? ... Thank you!
(The presenter returns to the center of the hall).
Leading. Dear ones, I have a question for you: do you have a good memory? ... Great!
Then tell me, how many of those named Natalya are in the hall? ... (Answer of the audience.)
How many are those who were born under the constellation Aries? ... (Viewers answer.)
How many people out of those present belong to the Year of the Tiger? ... (Answer of the audience.)
How many teachers are with us? ... (Response of the audience.)
How many are those who dream of great and bright love? ... (The answer of the audience.)
What was the first question I asked all of you? ... (Viewers answer.)
Still, the first question was: do you have a good memory?

Impromptu "Catch Hello".
Leading. Remember how it was with the poet: "I came to you with greetings ...! I also came to you with greetings ...
True, my "hello" must be caught. And catching him is not easy, but very simple. Do you hear the music? ...
(Cheerful rhythmic music starts to sound loud).
Leading. Applaud to the beat of the sounding music ...
(Everyone present begins to clap their hands to the music).
Leading. Now I will approach each of you, and you, without ceasing to clap your hands, try to catch my "hello".
(Participants of the program (party), either sitting or standing, clap to the beat of the music. The presenter approaches each participant in turn and provokes them to catch his "hello" his palm, as if shaking hands with him, but immediately removes it when the player's palms are joined.
The player who manages to grab the leader's palm, that is, catch his "hello", is invited to the center of the playing area (hall). Thus, the presenter "recruits" three participants.)

Impromptu "Choose me".
Leading. And now, our dear participants, let's play "elections". (To three participants.) You need to choose a pair for yourself. Whom? ... Whom do you see fit. Or who you like the most in this room. Take a close look at the audience ... Define a goal ... Have you chosen? ... And now we will close our eyes.
(The presenter puts on "blind" masks on the participants so that they cannot see anything).
Leading.(Addressing the audience.) Dear friends, I ask you to stand up and change your places of deployment.
(Spectators change seats).
Leading.(To the players.) And now you go to the masses and choose a pair for yourself. You can't communicate, you can't touch the chosen ones either. And who will fall for your bait, you will see a little later. So, make your choice, gentlemen!
The song is playing "Choose me", players make their choice.
Leading. We take off the masks ... Are you surprised or pleasantly surprised? ... But the choice is the choice. Let's continue.
As they say, our regiment has arrived. (To the players.) We leave you alone with each other. No, you do not need to retire, you just talk a little, learn about each other as much as possible. And in two or three minutes we will return to you ...

Impromptu "Bless you!"

Leading.(Addressing the audience.) Dear friends, there was a belief in the old days: if someone sneezes during the holiday fun, he was considered a happy person. So I invite everyone to sneeze together ...

(The leader divides all those present into three groups: the first shouts the word "Box", the second - "Cartilage", the third - "Matches"; at the signal of the leader, all three groups shout out each their own word at the same time and the result is a friendly one: "Achhi!").
Leading. Be healthy! Or, as the people say: "Be healthy for a hundred years!" I see that happy and cheerful people have gathered here.
And there is another sign among the people: what if you sneeze on an empty stomach:

on Monday - to the guests,
on tuesday - to the news,
on wednesday - for a delicious treat,
on Thursday - to the desired congratulations,
on friday - to a love date,
on Saturday - to a new friend,
on Sunday - to the daring fun.
So, good people, sneeze to your health and live richly!

Impromptu "Mind reading".
Leading.(To the players.) So, you had enough time to learn some information about each other. I will now ask you questions that will need to be answered without deliberation.
What we say is text. And what we think about is subtext. I don't remember where I read this bold statement, but we will be testing it on our esteemed players.
First I ask a question, then you answer it. Then I put "magic antennas" on your head and they will reproduce your thoughts. And we will find out how your words coincide with your thoughts.
("Magic antennas" are foam bunny ears with a plastic rim).
(The success of this impromptu depends on its good preliminary preparation and the coherence of the presenter and DJ.
It is necessary in advance to make a "cut" of phrases from different songs, think over questions for the "cut" phrases, and the DJ must include the necessary tracks for the question asked. Below is an example of such communication and "mind reading").
Communication with the first couple.
Leading.(Addresses a member of the first couple.) What is the name of your chosen one (chosen one)? ... What is your first impression of her (him)? ... And now let's listen to your thoughts ...
(The presenter dresses the participant with "antennas", the phonogram contains a phrase from the song: "Oh, what kind of woman, what kind of woman, I would like this ..." if the participant is a man. Or "And he is as cold as an iceberg in the ocean ..." if the participant female).
Leading.(He addresses another member of the first pair.) And what are your impressions of him (her)? ... And now your thoughts on this matter ...
(The presenter puts on "antennas" for the other participant, the phonogram contains a phrase from the song: "There are different girls ..." if the participant is a man. Or "Call me with you ..." if the participant is a woman).
Communication with the second couple.
Leading.(To the participant of the second pair.) Are you glad that the choice fell on you? ... Would you like to continue our acquaintance? ... And what did you really think, we will hear now ...
(The presenter dresses the participant with "antennas", the phonogram contains a phrase from the song: "I looked around to see if she looked back ..." if the participant is a man. party woman).
Leading.(He addresses another member of the second pair.) How do you assess the current situation in relation to your chosen one (chosen one)? ... But let's listen to your thoughts ...
(The presenter dresses the participant with "antennas", the phonogram contains a phrase from the song: "I'm afraid of your love, sometimes cold, sometimes hot ..." if the participant is a man. Or "I don't want, I don't want to be calculated ..." if the participant is a woman ).
Communication with the third couple.
Leading.(He addresses the participant of the third pair.) What did you like most about your chosen one (chosen one)? ... But what will your thoughts sing to us about ...
(The presenter dresses the participant with "antennas", the phonogram contains a phrase from the song: "These eyes are opposite a kaleidoscope of lights ..." if the participant is a man. Or "Your cherry nine ..." if the participant is a woman).
Leading.(He turns to another member of the third pair.) And what captivated you most in the person opposite? ... But to be honest ...
(The presenter dresses the participant with "antennas", the phonogram contains a phrase from the song: "We honestly want to tell you, we don't look at girls anymore ..." if the participant is a man. Or "And I love military, handsome, hefty ..." if the participant female).
Leading. Thank you for your sincerity and excuse us for exposing your thoughts a little. Take our souvenirs, which have already become yours, as a souvenir. Believe me, from a pure heart ...
(Souvenirs are given to the participants of the impromptu).

Impromptu "Song shape-shifters".

Leading. For the finale of our meeting, let's remember the songs. Or rather, we will not remember, but we will guess. I will call you a line from the song, "turning" the words to the opposite in meaning. Guess which song is in question. For example: "The clips were thrown, and they all lay down in a row." In the original, the words sound like this: "They hung the beads, stood in a round dance." Now it's your turn.

"" Above the floor of his hut ... "(" Under the roof of my house ... ".)
"" The painter who paints the snow ... "(" The painter who paints the rain ... ".)
"" Not a trendy green stocking ... "(" Stylish orange tie ... ".)
"" A beetle clung to a tree ... "(" A grasshopper was sitting in the grass ... ".)
"" Last night of defeats did not smell like bullets ... "(" This Victory Day smelled like gunpowder ... ".)
"" Tango of the black crow ... "(" Samba of the white moth ... ".)
"" Goodbye, boy - major ... "(" Hello, girl - second-hand ... ".)

(If karaoke is available, it is appropriate to holdblitz karaoke singing competition ).

Leading. I thank you for the game communication. Yes, our life is a game, and it is important not how long it will last, but how it will be played. I wish you a successful game!

Family sports event for children from 5 years old and their parents

"One hundred ventures for a hundred friends"

In riding: Dear friends! Our today's sports holiday is dedicated to the glorious Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, it is especially pleasant to see grandfathers and dads in the hall. Here they are in front of us - vigorous, fit, collected. We sincerely congratulate our brave, responsive men and wish them to continue to maintain the same combat readiness to participate in our common affairs, which only benefit from their participation.
Fans and guests, let us greet everyone who will start today. We wish our teams success and victories!

Children are divided into teams. Joke, Counting and Riddle come out.

Joke: The queen of entertainment, the lady of games ...
Mystery: With his cheerful retinue, he wants to be at the feast.
Reader: It's time for you to meet her,
Let's shout together all "Hurray!"

Disturbing music sounds. Runs out Focus

Wait, don't make a noise
Don't call the Queen!
To call her for us,
You need to know the spell.
So let's hurry
You will go through all the stages.
Try it! And then
The game will come to us here!
Leading: Teams will be invited in turn. At the end of the relay, each team will receive a word-spell. When all the teams have passed the relay, it will be necessary to make a spell out of the words.

Teams with numbers 1 and 2 are invited. Formation in a team in pairs: adult - child.


1. An adult and a child hold hands. The child should run on the bench (an adult holds his hand). Then they run together to the chair, go around it and come back (the child again runs along the bench, holding the adult's hand). The relay is passed to the next pair with a handshake.

2. Running with balls.
In each pair, dad throws the ball on the run, claps his hands, catches the ball
etc., and the child hits the ball on the floor (running to the chair and back). Then the balls are passed to the next pair.

3. The child stands in front of the adult, holding his hands. Both jump to a chair on their right leg, and back on their left. The relay is passed to the next pair with a handshake.

Teams 1 and 2 get their word.

Leading: Teams numbered 3 and 4 are invited.


1. The child must crawl on the bench (in any way). Dad from his pair is jumping over the bench as best he can. Then both run around the table and come back the same way. The bench is passed to the next pair.

2. Dad has to get through two large hoops. The child must put on 4 hoops in turn.

3. Cheerful relay race "Garden".
Children stand at the start, adults are waiting for them on the opposite side. There are "bumps" between them. Suddenly, it starts to rain heavily. The child must put on a raincoat, take an umbrella and run across the bumps to the "vegetable garden". There, his dad takes him in his arms and runs with him back along the "bumps". The raincoat and umbrella are then passed on to the next child.

Teams 3 and 4 get their word.

Leading: Teams numbered 5 and 6 are invited.


1. The child must crawl through the tunnel. At the exit, dad meets him, puts him on his shoulders and runs with him back to the starting point. The relay is passed by a handshake.

2. An adult dribbles the ball between posts or chairs. At this time, the child jumps from hoop into hoop (4 pcs.) On two or one leg. On the way back, the same movements are performed.

3. "Cheerful Train".
The whole team, holding hands, need to run back and forth between the pins.

Teams 5 and 6 get their word.

Leading: Have you played? Are you tired? Have all teams got spell words? Show them!
Now let one representative from the team come out. They should form one common phrase from these words.
We picked up all the words
The spell was learned.
Let's say them in chorus,
We'll call the Queen.

Cast the entire spell. Fanfare sounds. The Queen comes out.

Queen: Hello guys! Hello adults!

The retinue brought me a message,
That you have a clue
I see you were not bored here.
Did you like the game?
They found the spell -
So it's time to meet.
And so now
I bring games for you.

I offer you fabulous relay races in which you will portray fabulous heroes.

Relay "Baba Yaga"

All participants are invited, numbered 1 and 2.

In what fairy tales is she found? Well done. And now we will try to portray Baba Yaga.
For this we need a bucket and a mop. You put the bucket on your leg, take the mop in your hands and, pushing off with it, jump on one leg to the chair; there you change your leg and jump back.

E staff "Serpent Gorynych"

All participants are invited, numbered 3 and 4.

Now you need to show the Serpent Gorynych. Your task is to get up three people at a time, hold hands and jump together to a chair and back.

Relay "Turnip"

All participants numbered 5 and 6 are invited.

The first participant runs to the chair and back. The second joins him, now they are running together, etc.

E Staffet "Puss in Boots"

One dad from each team and three moms from the fans of each team are invited.

We now have 6 dads and 6 hats.
Your task is that you should bow to your ladies three times, but the bow should not be repeated.
And we'll see which of you will play the role of the most elegant Cat - though not in boots, but in a hat.

Queen: So my fabulous relay games are over. While we were playing here, my entourage summed up the results of the competition. Now you will be solemnly awarded the title of "most-most". Teams, line up!

"The most fun"!
"The most agile"!
"The most restless"!
"The most resourceful"!
"The most friendly"!

Teams are awarded prizes.

I see you are having a good time.
I hear - singing songs.
Well, I have to go.
Promise kids
Always be obedient
And be naughty only sometimes!
Do you promise?
It's fun to live in harmony
All sorts of games to love.
We wish you success
And jolly laughter.
If you are friendlier
You will find a hundred friends.
And now we all have to go
Goodbye friends!

The moment of goodbye has come
Our speech will be brief:
We say goodbye
Until a happy new meeting!

Target: to familiarize children with universal human values ​​- humanism, patriotism, collectivism and friendship; to promote the increase in the working capacity, resilience and endurance of children, to create conditions for the natural satisfaction of the needs of children in movement, play;
To foster positive emotions, free and easy communication between adults and children.
Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, 2 large chairs, 4 balls, 2 jump ropes, tunnels, small hoops, 8 small chairs, skittles, 2 buckets, 2 brooms, prizes.

Holiday progress

Leading: Dear friends!

Today's sports festival is dedicated to a glorious day - Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it is especially nice to see grandfathers and dads in the hall. Here they are in front of us - vigorous, fit, collected and invincible.

We sincerely congratulate our brave, responsive men who are always ready to help.

And here are the mothers! They are always in shape. Constant training in women's triathlon makes itself felt: stove, running around the shops, washing. Today they will be active, caring fans.

Finally, our children! Today they are participants in funny relay races and will demonstrate their agility, courage, resourcefulness.

We, the fans, sincerely welcome and congratulate everyone who will start today. Good luck to our teams and victories!

Leading: Friends! Today, at our holiday, no doubt, you will experience experiences, but I ask you not to pale with fear, do not lose heart and look more cheerful. Ready? Let's start!

The teams walk around the hall and take their places.

Leading: Teams will be invited in turn. At the end of the relay, the team will have a word for the motto. When all the teams have passed the relay, the words can be used to form a motto.

So, teams with numbers 1 and 2 are invited. Formation in a team in pairs: adult-child.

Relays for teams

  1. WITH BALLS. Dad, while moving, tosses the ball, claps his hands once, catches, etc., moving up to the chair and back in the same way. The child rolls the ball on the floor. The balls are passed to the next pair.
  2. "FIGURE SKATING". The child stands in front of the adult. Holding hands. They raised their left legs and jumped on the right ones - up to the chair, changed their legs, on the left back. With a handshake, they passed the baton to the next pair.
  3. An adult and a child are holding hands together. The child runs along the bench. An adult holds his hand, then they run to the chair, around him and back along the bench. With a handshake, they passed the baton to the next pair.

The teams get words on the signs.

Leading: Teams numbered 3 and 4 are invited.

Relay races for teams.

  1. The child is crawling on the bench. Dad jumps over the rope to the chair. You need to run around the chair, back the same way. Pass the rope to the next participant.
  2. "SKIP THROUGH THE TUNNEL". The child is crawling in the tunnel. Dad meets him, sits on his shoulders and walks back. They pass the baton with a handshake.
  3. "FUNNY TRAIN". The whole team runs back and forth between the pins.

The teams are given the words on the plates.

Leading. Have you played? Are you tired? All the words of the motto were received. Show them! Now let one representative from the team come out. They make up a motto from the words on the tablets: we, nowhere, not, friends, in, lose heart, trouble, not, leave.

We picked up all the words

And we learned our motto.

Let's say it in chorus.

Everyone pronounces the motto: "We do not lose heart anywhere, we do not leave friends in trouble!"

Leading: And now I offer you a fabulous relay race in which only children will participate. Before each relay race, my assistants will show its correct implementation. And then it's your turn.

Children numbered 1 and 2, 3 and 4 are welcome.

1st relay. "BABA YAGA". In what fairy tales is she found? ( Answers). Well done. And we will now try to portray Baba Yaga. For this we need a bucket and a mop. You put a bucket on your leg, and take a mop in your hands and, pushing off with a mop, jump on one leg to the chair, there you change your leg and back.