Project on the topic Favorite cartoons. Concept of cartoon. Cartoon history. Joint activities of children and parents

Project on the topic Favorite cartoons. Concept of cartoon. Cartoon history. Joint activities of children and parents
Project on the topic Favorite cartoons. Concept of cartoon. Cartoon history. Joint activities of children and parents

Maou "Abalak Central Secondary School"

Information - research project on this topic

« Cartoons

in the life of children »

Leader:Ushakov S.V.

teacher primary classes



Table of contents

Introduction ........................................................................ 3.

The type of measurement of the dependent variable is scalar, which is measured using the questionnaire with the specified values. An independent variable corresponds to the nominal type of measurement. The influence of television on the behavior of children will be measured using a liquet type questionnaire, which consists of 33 replies with five responses, where 5 fully agree, 4 agrees, 3 - no matter, 2 do not agree and 1 categorically disagrees.

To interpret the data, we used the program "Statistical Package for Social Sciences". The first difference was that women tend to identify more, with the characters of television programs than men. The second difference was found in comparison between age and behavior, which are exposed to television programs.

Chapter 1. Influence of cartoons on the development of children

1.1. How to appear genre - animation…………………... 4

1.2 Features of the content of domestic cartoons. . .5

1.3 Features of the maintenance of foreign cartoons ....... five

1.4 What dangers hide the cartoons in themselves ......... .. 7

Chapter 2. Practical Part

Finally, the differences were discovered in contrast to the type of program and behaviors that change when exposed to television programs. This means that children who watch television programs with explicit violence are more aggressive; identified with television characters, as well as with children who are watching television programs with explicit violence; It is more to imitate children who are watching television programs with explicit violence, and less imitate children who are watching television programs with implicit violence; Children who watch television programs with explicit and implicit violence are identified with the victim.

2.1. Questioning of students ........................................................... .. 8

2.2. Contest drawings "My favorite Hero from the cartoon" ... 9

Conclusion ..................................... .................................... 9

Literature ........................................................................ 10.

Applications ........................................................................ 11.


Purpose of the study - Find out the impact of viewing cartoons on the development of children.

Over the years, various conclusions have been made in various studies of television influence on children; in last years They became more studied and deeper in connection with the growing dominance of television and various media in modern society.

In this study, it was found that there are no differences in the influence of television between boys and girls of ages covered by the study; However, there are differences regarding the identification of television characters in children and girls; It was observed that girls are more often than boys identify their favorite television characters, getting very similar results in both sexes in the field of aggression, imitation and identification with the victim, so it can be concluded that both men as women have the same influence In these three areas.


    find out in the special literature, as a genre of animation appeared;

    find out what dangers hides the invented world;

    conduct the surcharge of learning 1- 4 classes in order to identify the most beloved and unloved cartoons and their heroes;

    explore how affect foreign cartoons on anxiety and aggressiveness of younger schoolchildren;

    As for the impact in different age, as in previous studies, it was discovered that children younger age More influence, eight-year-old children are more detected with the victim. Other studied areas are very similar in all ages, without distinction between age and the great influence of aggression, identification and imitation.

    In the area where the most a big difference, in the type of program; Children who indicate as a favorite program, some with explicit and inexplicable violence show higher rates in four areas under study. These data are an indication of the consequences of the fact that children are exposed to violent programs. Similarly, when analyzing the most viewed programs, it was found that they mainly disclose some types of violence.

    analyze the research results and draw conclusions;

    conduct primary classes among studentscontest drawings "My favorite Hero from the Multland", dedicated year Russian cinema.

The relevance of the project

Perhaps no in the light of the child who would not love cartoons. Students of our class love to watch cartoons. But our parents do not allow us to watch all the cartoons in a row. They argue that there are cartoons that negatively affect our development and psyche. We decided to explore this topic And find out whether this opinion is true.

Thus, it can be concluded that it is the television program that affects children regardless of gender or age. If a child is subject to violence of any kind, he will most likely be aggressive, identify himself with characters and, therefore, to imitate the behavior that he sees in them, violence, which is the example he has, and reproduce these behaviors to solve its Problems. Since this age is crucial due to the difficulty of differentiation between real and fictional, it is likely that the repetition of these behaviors encouraged television programswill cause a sample to follow adult life.

Object of study : Domestic and foreign cartoon films, students grades 1-4

Hypothesis : Russian and foreign production cartoons in which more good will contribute harmonious development The child, and those in which there are many violence, develop anxiety, fears, aggressiveness, insecurity in communicating.

Therefore, it is important that parents are informed about programs that see their younger children to help them distinguish between reality and fiction so that they realize that in real life Problems are not solved aggression and violence. Childhood, violence and television: the use of television and perception by children violence on television. Psychoanalysis fairy tales. Television violence and children. Dictionary of technical terms of psychology.

Television: their cognitive impact on children of different socio-economic and ethnic groups. Forecasting the impact of television violence and its use. Positive effects of television for social behavior. Influence of cruel television on public school children in Bogota, Colombia. Journal of public health. 7.

Research methods:

    Selection of material on the topic, study of special literature, survey, experiment, analysis of the results

Project implementation period : Medium duration (1 month)

Main part

Chapter 1. Study of the influence of cartoons on the development and psyche of children.

Piaget J. Mental development Child. Children drew their forecasts regarding eggs. Inside the emergency eggs and in the eggs of a nugget. Children began to ask questions about chickens and eggs. Do you put more eggs "nugget"? How to find out if an egg fertilized? Can we eat eggs of all animals? In which part of your body, the eggs make a chicken? Where do eggs come from? How does chicken know what eggs belong to her? Maybe a nugget has chickens? What chickens eat? How do egg chickens come out? How many rooms need a chicken in her house? What do we need to build a chicken coop?

  • What made eggs from?
  • All shells are difficult?
  • How is the shell made?
  • What is he made from?
  • Why did our chickens cease to put eggs, nugget?
Students did drawings, watching nuggets, our chicken.

1.1. As a genre appeared - animation

Cartoon cartoon, animation, animation cinema - type of cinema, whose works are created by shooting the consecutive phases of the hand-drawn motion (graphic or hand drawn animation) or volumetric (volume or puppet animation) of objects. The word "cartoon" has various valuesform-based visual arts and illustration. Artists who produce cartoons are known as cartoonists. Animation (Animation) - derived from Latin "Anima" - Soul - Consequently, animation means an animation or revival. In our cinema, the animation is more often called animation (literally "reproduction").

Nuggett, Figure Liam. Children predicted why the nugget stopped laying the eggs. Carlos said: "Maybe we scare a nugget, and therefore he did not put more eggs." Fernando said: "Because we need a member so that he could be dad." Victoria said: "Because the chicken thinks that we will take them." Iez said: "Because the chicken has a stuck egg that does not come out."

After several discussions, the disciples offered several things that we could do to push the eggs again began to put eggs.

  • Make signs that say: "Please do not look inside the cell."
  • Bring a rooster to make nuggets to marry it.
The group of students decided to make boards to cover the house of the nugget so that no one bothered her, and she could put the eggs.

The animation arose in the 17th century. The invention of the magic lamp belongs to the Dutch scientist Christian Guygens, and the Danish mathematician Thomas Valhentine first introduced the term "latern" magic "(the art of projection) and became the main popularizer of the apparatus, traveling with showing European cities. The device of the magic lantern is very simple: it is a wooden or metal housing with a hole and lens, in the housing of which the light source was placed (in the 17th century - a candle or lamp, later - electric lamp). The pictures of the magic lantern were always shown in a completely dark room. On a white wall or on a stretched white canvas. The magic lamp was placed behind the screen, so the viewer saw only the screen on which appears and disappear different pictures. The age of magical lanterns turned out to be rather long. The image projection machine was widely distributed in 17-20 centuries.

Another group of children has drawn drawings to hang them around the school so that other children will not make noise near the nightlock cage. Patriciio wrote: "Please do not look inside." Dan wrote: "Please silent." We covered the box with our drawings and waited a few days, but it was still not postponed eggs. Then we decided to try something else.

The whole cell was covered by the work of children. We began to discuss what we should try now, and decided that it was time to introduce a rooster to school. The children decided that the nugget should marry a rooster so that he could lay the eggs. Finally, we decided to continue the plans of the children and respect their desires. However, we also decided that if we need to organize a wedding, children will need to learn to plan and hold a similar event.

Attachment 1

Appendix 2.

Questions questionnaire:

Do you like to watch cartoons?

What are your favorite cartoons?

Name the cartoons that you do not like. Why?

What cartoons do you prefer to watch domestic or foreign?

What cartoon characters do you like, and you would like to be like them?

Phase 1: Wedding Rooster and Chicken

We are talking and telling personal stories about the weddings. Several children in the group shared their stories with the group. Then we talked about what we needed to do, and we shared this work.

Phase 2: Wedding Rooster and Chicken

The students team worked on a wedding invitation design.

We chose Andrea design to make invitations. We saw many invitations to choose from and found that all invitations were the initials of the bride and groom. The children learned what logos were, and developed their own logos. Another team was responsible for writing the text of the invitation. Children understood that it was necessary to include at what time and where the event would happen. Therefore, they went with the secretary to ask the direction of school.

Questions Questionnaire for Grade 3:

1. Do you like to watch cartoons?

2. What cartoons do you prefer: Foreign or Russian?


3. Nose favorite cartoon. Why do you like him?

4. Nose unloved cartoon. Why don't he like him?

5. How often do you watch a cartoon?

A) every day.

The girl asked the school secretary about the address of the school. Shairan recorded the school address. Then they wrote the text invitations on the computer. Children who were part of this team returned to the computer laboratory and corrected the text. The third team of children was responsible for finding out the cost of paper to make invitations. They interviewed a person responsible for buying school supplies for school.

Seeing different invitations, we found that invitations included cards with instructions to get to the site where an event will occur. Some disciples made cards to include them in the wedding invitation of nuggets and a rooster. Valeria drew a map showing how to get from our class to a sorrog cage.

B) sometimes.

C) on weekends.

D) rarely.

6.Where do you watch a cartoon?

A) on TV.

B) on a computer.

C) by DVD.

D) in the cinema.

Project "Amazing World of Cartoon" Project "Amazing World of Cartoon" Municipal State Preschool educational institution Kindergarten 7 of the overall view with the priority activities on the artistic and aesthetic development of children Developer Tretyakov Ksenia Mikhailovna, educator of the city competition of professional skill "Educator of the Year - 2012"

Others made envelopes for invitations. They gathered them together, embroider the side of the ladder, and then marked them with the names of the people who were addressed invitations. Liam and Victor made envelopes. Children made a list of guests and decided to invite all the staff and students of the school.

Tel and Lyutetta announced a big event, while all the children were formed on the Internet in the morning and invited everyone to take part in the wedding. During class meetings, the children talked about things that still needed to do. Bake the pie to share with our guests after the ceremony. We drew a cage, where it is impugn and the rooster was going to get married.

Probably, all teachers know how important it is to be interested in doing this or that activity so that their faces will radiate joy, and their eyes burned with delight. How to achieve such an effect? My experience shows that one of the most important conditions. successful development children's creativity - diversity and variability of work with children. The novelty of the situation, a variety of materials, interesting for children, new and original technologies, the possibility of choice is that it helps to prevent one-minded and boredom to children's activities, ensures the liveliness and the immediacy of child perception and activities. It is important to create a new situation every time so that children, on the one hand, can apply the skills learned earlier, on the other, were looking for new solutions, creative approaches. That is what causes children positive emotions, a joyful surprise, the desire to create. This is also stated in federal state requirements that offer a variety of methods, funds, forms of education and children's development. Child observation, studying them age features, interests allowed me to conclude that the senior preschoolers possess large quantity Knowledge and inexhaustible fantasy. Parents of pupils have the need to develop creative abilities of their children. In search of methods that promote the development of creative thinking of the child, I turned to animation, as it is now called, - Animation. RELEVANCE

We made a wedding cake. We have developed a format for recording the confirmation of our guests. The team of children moved from class to class and interviewed teachers to find out if they will be attended at the wedding. Confirmation of pre-school students. Eduardo, Teli and Patricio made a speech for someone who read during the ceremony.

Phase 3: Wedding Rooster and Chicken

Rooster - very good dick. You, nugget, do you take a rooster as your husband? You, cock, do you take a nugget as your wife? My students came to school, dressed in better clothes, because they knew that smart clothes need to be worn in special cases, and this is definitely one of those cases.

Main pedagogical value of animation as kind modern art It is primarily in the possibility of an integrative personality development. In addition, it is the animation that helps to bring the interests of the adult and the child to the most closeness and the uniqueness of the genre. With it, you can make the learning process for preschoolers. The positive impact of animation can be an excellent developing manual for refraction of thinking, development creative potential. Children of five-seven years of age are famous "worshipings". Infinite "why" require a response and serve as a basis for the formation of own representations, world-up -ring and for creative modeling of the picture of the world, which is immediately embodied in children's drawings. Children really value with their drawings, because in each of them they put a piece of themselves by showing creativity. You can make exhibitions of children's work, keep children's drawings in folders. And it can be done so that the drawings of children "came to life," began to move and live their own life. Many psychologists confirm that animation is great way Open young diving Creative deposits, develop communicative abilities and leadership qualities. Considering the foregoing, I proposed on the basis of our kindergarten to organize a children's Art - the Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel" and implement creative project « Amazing world animation. "

Some six-year-old children offered to play a violin, while Pancho and Marselo, school porters, went through the aisle with the bride and the bridegroom. The ceremony continued to read the speech of Ines and Eddie, and then four witnesses signed a marriage certificate that was previously developed by children.

Pancho and Marcelo went through the aisle with a rooster and self-catering. Eduardo delivered speech. Marriage Act: "We are here to celebrate the love between nuggets and a rooster." Six summer children play a violin at the wedding. We all perfectly spent time at the wedding. After the wedding, there were days, and the children were patiently waiting for the egg put the egg. But nothing happened. We spent another group discussion and decided that it was time to try something else. Some children commented that, perhaps, did not like his house himself and offered to build a new chicken coop.

The type of project is information and creative. The duration of the project - the long-term participants in the project - an educator, parents, pupils of senior pre-school groups. Project goal - Creating conditions for development creative abilities Senior preschoolers through the use of various animation techniques. Project information

Educational 1. introduce children with the history of the emergence and development of animation. 2. To introduce children with the process, means and techniques of animation. 3. Expand the knowledge of children about professions such as screenwriter, animator artist, shooting operator, sound operator. Developing 1. Develop creative thinking and imagination. 2. To form art skills and skills. 3. Develop temporary and spatial attitudes in animation. 4. Develop the Svyagnoy Skills, the ability to use a variety expressive means. 5. Develop information culture and logical thinking Children. 6. Develop the skills of the artistic taste and design design of the project. Educational Problems of Project 1. Support the desire of children to reflect their ideas through animation activities. 2. Rail a aesthetic feeling of beauty and harmony in life and art. 3. We instill a responsible attitude towards your work. 4. Rise in children the ability to work in small project groups with peers and adults.

Planned results for kindergarten: 1. Creating conditions for the development of the child as an individuality. 2. Update the content of education and qualitative change in the educational process and dOU activities. 3. The possibility of providing additional educational services to parents to develop children. For a child: 1. The interest of children to fine activities. 2. Caught to transmit creative ideas With the help of various types of arts and is actively included in the process of creativity. 3. The child got the opportunity for joint creative interaction with peers and adults. 4. Rose the level of information culture. For parents: 1. Satisfying the need for a variety of additional services for the development of children. 2. High degree Parents awareness about the development of the child. 3. Creative activity of parents through active inclusion in the project. For teacher: 1. Raising professional level In the field 2. Information and computer technology. 3. Implementation of creative potential. 4. Satisfaction with your own activities.

The novelty of the project allows you to integrate a variety of arts (literary, musical, theatrical, fine creativity). Connection of innovative I. original technician Fine and decorative applied creativity and animation cartoon techniques. The practical significance of a variety of animation animation technologies can be used in the practice of kindergartens of the city, parents, and not only the pupils of our kindergarten can visit the studio, but also the pupils of other kindergartens.

The first stage - organizational (2012) includes the creation of all required conditions To ensure the introduction and development of innovation. Second Stage - Practical (2012 - 2013) Practical project activities in accordance with thematic planning Works of the children's Art - Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel". The third stage is the final (2013) presentation of the author's cartoons (individual and group). Stages of project implementation

Materials and resources The materials and resources necessary for the implementation of the project are necessary for the implementation of the project digital and technical means: 1. The camera and a tripod to it. 2. Computer 3. Printer 4. Scanner 5. Projector and screen to it. 6. Microphone connected to a computer to record voice (Cartoon audio solution). 7. Multistan stores (a special table having a top tier with an embedded sheet of plexiglas - for characters and lower tier from plywood sheet). Software: 1. Selection musical works (for sound cartoon). 2. Microsoft PowerPoint. 3.Paint. 4. Windows Movie Maker.

Innovative project technologies Picturesque animation in the technique of shifting technique of the shifting allows you to make cartoons faster and easier. They are inherent in such features as detailed detailing, some conditionality of the character of the characters and the limited one plane. Plasticine animation in the blackhead technique due to its extraordinary adhesiveness of plasticine over the years remains one of the most favorite materials of multipliers. The child really likes to create its bright plasticine heroes. Figures can be sculpt both bulk and flat, as if it is a drawing or bas-relief.

Puppet animation used dolls made from different materials (Fabric, tree, paper, thread, etc.). The figures can be removed by placing them right in front of the photo camera and take pictures of the frame, and in its position, minimal changes are made so that the illusion of motion is created during installation or removed on a real-time video camera. Magnetic animation Heroes unfold on the background and move with the help of magnets that are located under the Watman sheet. Removed by the camera with the function "Video camera" and voiced in the mode of real shooting or through the microphone. Picturesque animation (according to the principle of the diameter) is based on this technique, the principle of the film film is based, that is, each figure is a separate frame. Movement as in the present animation cinema is not, the picture "does not come to life", but the child can voice his cartoon with a microphone.

An animation as a modern integrated type of art and learning allows you to solve questions art Development preschoolers; expand the boundaries of knowledge; actively include children in the process of creativity; form aesthetic estimates and preferences; Intensify freedom of creative manifestation. Calculation classes help see the usual in a new way, to understand the beauty of the surrounding world and human relations. In process cartoon film Children develop sensorobic qualities associated with the actions of the child's hand that ensure the rapid and accurate absorption of technical techniques in different types activities, perception of proportions, features of the form, the nature of lines, spatial relations, colors, rhythm, movement. The art of animation develops creative thought, forms the ability of the original supply of the vision of the surrounding world. Consequently, animation activity, as a creative activity, plays an invaluable role in creative development Children. I believe that the creation of cartoons in children's garden - It is not only possible, but also very useful for the disclosure of children's talents. Conclusion

Appendix 1 Another ten thousand years ago ancient artists depicted running people and animals, showing their legs in several positions. If the film was in their hands, they could remove their drawings of the phase phase, and the animation would be as ancient art as music, drawing, dance. In 1832, the artist's scientist from Belgium Joseph Plato invented the first of numerous stroboscopes. The figures were placed around the perimeter of the rotating cardboard circle. When looking through the slots, located between the figures, the latter came to life. Perhaps it's not by chance that the hero of the first stroboscope was a child: a little girl jumped through the rope. And, finally, on September 28, 1892, the first view of the cartoon, or moving pantomime took place in Paris. By this time, neither the film chamber nor the film was existed. The author of the first "cartoons", toy affairs Master Emil Reyno, painted every Kadrik on a transparent plate and glued them between themselves with a piece of fabric. With the help of two drums, the system of lenses and mirrors this "film" was projected onto the screen. But how were our favorite modern cartoons created? The history of the emergence of animation

1. Search for the idea of \u200b\u200bthe future film. 2. Writing a script. 3. Development and manufacture of characters. 4. Movie animation. 5. Sound clearance of the film. 6. Mounting the film. 7. Joint watching film, its discussion and analysis. Stages of creating a cartoon Script writing Requirements Annex 2 The script should consist of the following parts: Zaguka. Development of action. Culmination. Junction.

The first stage - organizational (2012) includes the creation of all necessary conditions for ensuring the introduction and development of innovation. The implementation plan of the 1st stage of the project of the Events 1. Acquisition of digital and technical means: a camera and a tripod to it. Computer printer scanner projector and screen to it. Microphone connected to a computer for voice recording (cartoon audio solution). Cartoons. 2. Examine and master computer programs: Microsoft PowerPoint. Paint. Windows Movie Maker. 3. Develop a Regulation on Children's Art - Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel"

Education area Project Topics Number of hours Physical culture "Hare - Champion" 4 Knowledge familiarity of children with a history of animation, with various technicians Cartoon. 4 "On Merry Polyanka" 4 Fiction "Fairy tales around us" 4 Communication "Meeting with Muranth Kuzezi" 4 Safety "Buratino in the city of road signs" (Rules road) 4 "Teremok" ( fire safety) 4 Artistic creativity "Multicolored World" 4 Socialization "Give a Smile Mire" 4 Health "Visiting Queen Vitamins" 4 Appendix 3 Second Stage - Practical (2012 - 2013) Themed Plan Works of the Children's Art - Studio of the author's cartoon "Carousel"