The reading program in the library for the year. Rest with a book: Summer reading

The reading program in the library for the year. Rest with a book: Summer reading
The reading program in the library for the year. Rest with a book: Summer reading

Friends, we have already started a summer reading program. For those who read about our program for the first time, I will say that in the TEGU "Summer reading program" you can "take a walk" for the previous years with our summer reading.

This year, our topic is relevant and very interesting, - Ecology! "The world is beautiful, the world is alive" "So she sounds, and, as you understand perfectly, books on this topic are much more than we offer in an exemplary recommendation list, to meet with whom.

But some books are already waiting for you in our library :)

Conditions of the program remain unchanged:

1. The program participants sign an agreement with the library and undertake to read the number of books (but at least 3) defined by them (but at least 3) until August 30, 2017.

2. The program participants make records of read books in the reader's diary.

3. The participants of the program are preparing a presentation (for 1-2 minutes) according to the book in free form: BookTerler, media representation, theatrical setting, etc.

4. Finalists of the program are participants who:
- fulfilled the contract with the library;
- No later than September 14, they submitted their reader diaries and presentation projects for consideration.

5. The holiday for the participants of the summer reading program "The world is beautiful, the world of living" and the award ceremony of the finalists will be held on September 24 at the address: Rostovskaya Nab., \u200b\u200bHouse 5.

The best diaries and presentations of the program participants will be posted on the Gaidari website.

We remind you that the program can be written in blogs and social networks. Use Hosteg @ # PLP2017 so that the reports of the work done it is easier to find and assemble in one place :-)

The record is already in full swing, diaries and special bookmarks are already waiting for you! We have an interesting book summer ahead!

Those who are difficult to navigate in the book world, we offer an annotated book list. But we remind: here are not all books on our topic. Suggest your options, ask questions - we will be happy to answer them :)

Join the summer reading program with Guyding! We are always very glad to new and old friends :-)

The organization of summer recreation of children and adolescents is the traditional direction of libraries. In the summer, the main task of all libraries is to cover as a meaningful holiday as many schoolchildren as possible, expand their horizons, teach creativity, communication, careful attitude towards nature, to instill love for the book.

Libraries collaborate with schools, children's gardens, with labor and recreation camps, sports camps to organize summer holidays.

How to fill out the free time of children and adolescents? How to make in the summer they were interested in with a book? To solve these issues aimedsummer programs . They are include:

· attracting children and adolescents to the library,

· Organization of their summer leisure;

· Development of a schoolboy's intellect through the game and the book;

· Joint creativity of children and their parents

Separate and profile summer programs come to replace individual measures, which reflect all the diversity of thematic areas of work, are drawn up with the specifics of various age-related categories, which increases the interest of children to all the events. Hereexamples of summer programs by which libraries can work:"Amazing holidays", "Summer Kaleidoscope", "Summer, Book, I am friends", "Summer with a book", "Journey through the Book Universe", "Vacation with a book", "Mystery in the book, a book - mystery."

These programs are interesting in that it allows you to combine reading with creative and game activity, discussing books with movies and cartoons.

In summer it is advisable to carry out work, applying such forms of work astravel, tournaments, ecological watches and lessons, creative workshops.

But summer is not only reading books. This is a big change that is given to the guys to strengthen their health, physical hardening. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out mobile games, sports holidays, Olympics.

The activities should be carried out with both organized children (attending summer playgrounds at schools, cultural houses, sports facilities), and with inorganized children - those who, for a number of reasons, did not go on vacation and was granted to himself.

In order to interest the children in the summer holidays, try creating gaming situation.You can choose a suitable role-playing game or come up with your own. The most common journey game. Draw a big travel map "By seas, by waves." The reader sits on the ship and takes the library with him. Summer reading can be compared with marine immersion. "Divide into your library this summer and join the sea adventure, to the summer literary game. Earn glasses, reading books, answering questions, participating in library events. What will you be a diver? With a mask, with aqualung, deep-water? ". The premises of the library can be issued by the details of the sea depths: fish, corals, divers, divers.

You can offer readers and such a game: "If you are interested in becoming modern Robinson and spend the summer with a book on your own uninhabited island, the library invites you to take part in the summerrobinson - 2012 program. During the game, children must fill in Robinson Diary, made in the form of a booklet.

Events conducted by libraries in the summer, distinguishes a large thematic diversity, covering various areas of knowledge: literary studies, ecology, geography, history, regional studies, etc., since here, in addition to filling out the leisure of children and attracting to read, is also a task obtaining new knowledge on various topics.

In addition to the software, you can offer leisure and cognitive literature with which you can get acquainted on colorfully decoratedexhibitions:

- "Summer reading secrets"

-"Summer is a small life"

- "King - Orange Summer"

Incremental attributes of these exhibitions can be bookmarks, memos, recommendation annotated lists of literature.

Especially popular such forms of library work Like: Theatrical submissions, reviews, literary cruises, geographical information, art historical investigations. In short, not only reading is limited to the leisure of children and adolescents in the summer in the library. Some guys seek to shine with erudition, solving crosswords and charades, answering the questions of the Quiz. Others prefer to show themselves in literary creativity - they write poems, stories, letters to the favorite heroes. Third try themselves as artists-illustrators, embodying the images of book heroes in the drawings.

Despite the moving summer fun, the guys can offer to visit classes with enthusiasm"School of Morality", "School of Young Pedestrian", "Magic School of Politeness", Which open in the summer during libraries.

The cycle of computer literacy lessons helps the guys to communicate with this smart technique on "you".

Special attention must be paid to exhibitions focused on a specific reader audience. Teenagers can offer an exhibition-crossword"I am looking for a reading friend." To solve this crossword and find the right answers, they had to read the books presented at the exhibition.

For interestors of intellectual leisure activities, the libraries can be introduced a new form."Erudes-cafe." This is the cycle of cognitive classes with children not only in the walls of the library, but also the way out of its limits: excursions to the local lore museum, in the Park of Culture and Rest. The topics of meetings in the cafe are the most diverse: conversations about love and friendship, partnership, local lore quiz about their native land and famous countrymen, literary contests and intellectual fights.

Many libraries can actively use their technical capabilities for creating video galleons, video clubs, organize the display of cartoon films and slides, karaoke-tournaments, checkers and checkered tournaments.

Interesting such a form of work as the organization of the summer reading room. The purpose of this work is to advise reading books and periodics through the reading room in the open sky. An important aspect of its functioning is information and educational and leisure activities. Designed for a children's and adolescence audience, this work includes the conduct of fun games, cognitive quizzes, interesting competitions.

Libraries open mobile items in summer wellness camps and day stay school camps. Recreation there can be invited to the walls of the "book kingdom", where they are introduced to novelties of literature, children's newspapers and magazines.

During summer holidays, many libraries can attach children to library activities. You can organize school"Young librarian", "Corner of Book Aibolit", Book repair mugs"Penykina Hospital", conduct an action "Live long, book!". It is also possible to attract children to edit directories and card files.

Traditionally, all the events held during the summer holidays reflect several priority areas:

Environmental education

Regional science

Moral and aesthetic education

Increasing interest in reading

Creative childhood development

Such a variety is the undoubted advantage of libraries and a guarantee of the successful sale of a summer campaign. Supply in more detail on each of these directions.

Environmental education

His goal is to upbringing environmental literacy in children through acquaintance with the work of naturalist writers: Sladkov, Svavina, Powesta and others.

Work forms are the most diverse: loud readings, games, intellectual lotto, quiz and riddles, discussion of works. Guys with great pleasure can take part in a round table meeting "Earth is our home", You can suggest creating your own "Declaration of Nature",take an active part in creating an environmental book.

To increase interest in the native land, its nature, see and try to solve his problems, the libraries carry out events with way out:

· "We go to the campaign" - Environmental Game

Can be organized "Ecological landing" For cleaning the forest survey area from garbage.

Constant success in children and adolescents enjoyed the game-imagination "Forest book of complaints and suggestions", Health Dayon which is compiled "Tree of healthy habits", Evaluation excursion to the forest, for which for all the rules it is necessary to equip the ecological expedition of young local historians "on the forest paths".

Constant interest causes a literary biological KVN in the forest "Bear Games", which ended with a forest harvesting from domestic garbage and the preparation of treats for forest residents; Share on gardening "Blooming planet of childhood", In which the most active readers of libraries take part.

Regional science

Without this direction of work, the library's activities cannot be submitted today, especially children. Library workers are in constant search for the most effective forms of working with a local lore book, propaganda of local lore knowledge.

Summer readings can pass under the motto "Remember: Do not know the world, not knowing your edges." The program can be called "My land is homeland big". The work of libraries in local lording enlightenment includes three main directions:

· "Our common friend is nature" (nature, edge ecology)

· "Writers and poets of the native land"

· "By native third party"

Within the framework of the summer holiday program, children need to organize a variety of activities:

· My Native Street is a cognitive hour

· "The Edge of Miracles" - the local history game-quiz,

· "It's better to see once" - a local history journey.

The symbol of the program "My area of \u200b\u200bthe native - part of the Motherland is big" - Grandpa-Region. It is from his face to develop a booklet insert with tasks.

This is what the words drawn Grandpa-Region to participants reading: "Dear friend! I am glad to meet you. I am the Grandpa-Region, leading you with the help of cards, books, mysteries, competitions in the amazing world of nature, will introduce the story and literature of the region, I will tell you how to see unusual in the usual one. At the end of the summer holidays, it is possible that you will get one of the prizes in the nominations: the leader of local lore reading, the artist reader, reader-writer, reader-aidator. "

The results are summarized on the general library holiday, where the award of the winners of summer readings will be held.

Moral and aesthetic education, instilling interest in reading

Organization of leisure children, attracting them to reading, expanding the horizons and the formation of aesthetic perception of children of the surrounding world has always been the priority areas in the work of libraries in the summer.

In addition to the traditional children's reading week, which passes during the spring holidays, especially much attention to the children's reading "not by the curriculum" is given to libraries in the summer. "Unusual Adventures": Literary Quiz

Traditionally, many libraries campaign for organizing work in the summer begins with Pushkin days. The libraries are carried out blittures, literary marathons, quizzes dedicated to the heritage of the Great Poet.

"Literary gazebo" - Under this title, you can organize the program of summer readings in the library. Program participants have the opportunity to show their literary abilities in it, develop fantasy, acquire communication skills.

Such events are not just entertaining, but they carry rich information, the charm of the book, awaken fantasy. The creation of a gaming situation removes a painful "check of abilities" for children, and their inclinations and habits are revealed more fully.

Libraries can organize a whole city with their "entertainment area", "crossroads of hobbies", "Health Boulevard", "Street of Good Deeds", and its own publishing house.

Events conducted in libraries in the summer period are developed taking into account the interests of children and adolescents, their age features and are distinguished by multiplicity: it is watches, puppet performances, theatrical performances, role and literary games, contests "The book gives inspiration", Pictures "My favorite fairy tale", Works "Favorite book of my family."

The creative and fruitful work of libraries in the summer period confirms the demands of libraries, increases their prestige in society. With confidence it can be said that summer is the most active season in working with readers, the time of creativity, fantasy, the revitalization of all forms of individual and mass work.\u003d2168&r\u003d4.

The organization of summer recreation of children and adolescents is the traditional direction of libraries. In the summer, the main task of all libraries is to cover as a meaningful holiday as many schoolchildren as possible, expand their horizons, teach creativity, communication, careful attitude towards nature, to instill love for the book.

Libraries collaborate with schools, children's gardens, with labor and recreation camps, sports camps to organize summer holidays.

How to fill out the free time of children and adolescents? How to make in the summer they were interested in with a book? To solve these issues aimedsummer programs . They are include:

· attracting children and adolescents to the library,

· Organization of their summer leisure;

· Development of a schoolboy's intellect through the game and the book;

· Joint creativity of children and their parents

Separate and profile summer programs come to replace individual measures, which reflect all the diversity of thematic areas of work, are drawn up with the specifics of various age-related categories, which increases the interest of children to all the events. Hereexamples of summer programs by which libraries can work:"Amazing holidays", "Summer Kaleidoscope", "Summer, Book, I am friends", "Summer with a book", "Journey through the Book Universe", "Vacation with a book", "Mystery in the book, a book - mystery."

These programs are interesting in that it allows you to combine reading with creative and game activity, discussing books with movies and cartoons.

In summer it is advisable to carry out work, applying such forms of work astravel, tournaments, ecological watches and lessons, creative workshops.

But summer is not only reading books. This is a big change that is given to the guys to strengthen their health, physical hardening. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out mobile games, sports holidays, Olympics.

The activities should be carried out with both organized children (attending summer playgrounds at schools, cultural houses, sports facilities), and with inorganized children - those who, for a number of reasons, did not go on vacation and was granted to himself.

In order to interest the children in the summer holidays, try creating gaming situation.You can choose a suitable role-playing game or come up with your own. The most common journey game. Draw a big travel map "By seas, by waves." The reader sits on the ship and takes the library with him. Summer reading can be compared with marine immersion. "Divide into your library this summer and join the sea adventure, to the summer literary game. Earn glasses, reading books, answering questions, participating in library events. What will you be a diver? With a mask, with aqualung, deep-water? ". The premises of the library can be issued by the details of the sea depths: fish, corals, divers, divers.

You can offer readers and such a game: "If you are interested in becoming modern Robinson and spend the summer with a book on your own uninhabited island, the library invites you to take part in the summerrobinson - 2012 program. During the game, children must fill in Robinson Diary, made in the form of a booklet.

Events conducted by libraries in the summer, distinguishes a large thematic diversity, covering various areas of knowledge: literary studies, ecology, geography, history, regional studies, etc., since here, in addition to filling out the leisure of children and attracting to read, is also a task obtaining new knowledge on various topics.

In addition to the software, you can offer leisure and cognitive literature with which you can get acquainted on colorfully decoratedexhibitions:

- "Summer reading secrets"

-"Summer is a small life"

- "King - Orange Summer"

Incremental attributes of these exhibitions can be bookmarks, memos, recommendation annotated lists of literature.

Especially popular such forms of library work Like: Theatrical submissions, reviews, literary cruises, geographical information, art historical investigations. In short, not only reading is limited to the leisure of children and adolescents in the summer in the library. Some guys seek to shine with erudition, solving crosswords and charades, answering the questions of the Quiz. Others prefer to show themselves in literary creativity - they write poems, stories, letters to the favorite heroes. Third try themselves as artists-illustrators, embodying the images of book heroes in the drawings.

Despite the moving summer fun, the guys can offer to visit classes with enthusiasm"School of Morality", "School of Young Pedestrian", "Magic School of Politeness", Which open in the summer during libraries.

The cycle of computer literacy lessons helps the guys to communicate with this smart technique on "you".

Special attention must be paid to exhibitions focused on a specific reader audience. Teenagers can offer an exhibition-crossword"I am looking for a reading friend." To solve this crossword and find the right answers, they had to read the books presented at the exhibition.

For interestors of intellectual leisure activities, the libraries can be introduced a new form."Erudes-cafe." This is the cycle of cognitive classes with children not only in the walls of the library, but also the way out of its limits: excursions to the local lore museum, in the Park of Culture and Rest. The topics of meetings in the cafe are the most diverse: conversations about love and friendship, partnership, local lore quiz about their native land and famous countrymen, literary contests and intellectual fights.

Many libraries can actively use their technical capabilities for creating video galleons, video clubs, organize the display of cartoon films and slides, karaoke-tournaments, checkers and checkered tournaments.

Interesting such a form of work as the organization of the summer reading room. The purpose of this work is to advise reading books and periodics through the reading room in the open sky. An important aspect of its functioning is information and educational and leisure activities. Designed for a children's and adolescence audience, this work includes the conduct of fun games, cognitive quizzes, interesting competitions.

Libraries open mobile items in summer wellness camps and day stay school camps. Recreation there can be invited to the walls of the "book kingdom", where they are introduced to novelties of literature, children's newspapers and magazines.

During summer holidays, many libraries can attach children to library activities. You can organize school"Young librarian", "Corner of Book Aibolit", Book repair mugs"Penykina Hospital", conduct an action "Live long, book!". It is also possible to attract children to edit directories and card files.

Traditionally, all the events held during the summer holidays reflect several priority areas:

Environmental education

Regional science

Moral and aesthetic education

Increasing interest in reading

Creative childhood development

Such a variety is the undoubted advantage of libraries and a guarantee of the successful sale of a summer campaign. Supply in more detail on each of these directions.

Environmental education

His goal is to upbringing environmental literacy in children through acquaintance with the work of naturalist writers: Sladkov, Svavina, Powesta and others.

Work forms are the most diverse: loud readings, games, intellectual lotto, quiz and riddles, discussion of works. Guys with great pleasure can take part in a round table meeting "Earth is our home", You can suggest creating your own "Declaration of Nature",take an active part in creating an environmental book.

To increase interest in the native land, its nature, see and try to solve his problems, the libraries carry out events with way out:

· "We go to the campaign" - Environmental Game

Can be organized "Ecological landing" For cleaning the forest survey area from garbage.

Constant success in children and adolescents enjoyed the game-imagination "Forest book of complaints and suggestions", Health Dayon which is compiled "Tree of healthy habits", Evaluation excursion to the forest, for which for all the rules it is necessary to equip the ecological expedition of young local historians "on the forest paths".

Constant interest causes a literary biological KVN in the forest "Bear Games", which ended with a forest harvesting from domestic garbage and the preparation of treats for forest residents; Share on gardening "Blooming planet of childhood", In which the most active readers of libraries take part.

Regional science

Without this direction of work, the library's activities cannot be submitted today, especially children. Library workers are in constant search for the most effective forms of working with a local lore book, propaganda of local lore knowledge.

Summer readings can pass under the motto "Remember: Do not know the world, not knowing your edges." The program can be called "My land is homeland big". The work of libraries in local lording enlightenment includes three main directions:

· "Our common friend is nature" (nature, edge ecology)

· "Writers and poets of the native land"

· "By native third party"

Within the framework of the summer holiday program, children need to organize a variety of activities:

· My Native Street is a cognitive hour

· "The Edge of Miracles" - the local history game-quiz,

· "It's better to see once" - a local history journey.

The symbol of the program "My area of \u200b\u200bthe native - part of the Motherland is big" - Grandpa-Region. It is from his face to develop a booklet insert with tasks.

This is what the words drawn Grandpa-Region to participants reading: "Dear friend! I am glad to meet you. I am the Grandpa-Region, leading you with the help of cards, books, mysteries, competitions in the amazing world of nature, will introduce the story and literature of the region, I will tell you how to see unusual in the usual one. At the end of the summer holidays, it is possible that you will get one of the prizes in the nominations: the leader of local lore reading, the artist reader, reader-writer, reader-aidator. "

The results are summarized on the general library holiday, where the award of the winners of summer readings will be held.

Moral and aesthetic education, instilling interest in reading

Organization of leisure children, attracting them to reading, expanding the horizons and the formation of aesthetic perception of children of the surrounding world has always been the priority areas in the work of libraries in the summer.

In addition to the traditional children's reading week, which passes during the spring holidays, especially much attention to the children's reading "not by the curriculum" is given to libraries in the summer. "Unusual Adventures": Literary Quiz

Traditionally, many libraries campaign for organizing work in the summer begins with Pushkin days. The libraries are carried out blittures, literary marathons, quizzes dedicated to the heritage of the Great Poet.

"Literary gazebo" - Under this title, you can organize the program of summer readings in the library. Program participants have the opportunity to show their literary abilities in it, develop fantasy, acquire communication skills.

Such events are not just entertaining, but they carry rich information, the charm of the book, awaken fantasy. The creation of a gaming situation removes a painful "check of abilities" for children, and their inclinations and habits are revealed more fully.

Libraries can organize a whole city with their "entertainment area", "crossroads of hobbies", "Health Boulevard", "Street of Good Deeds", and its own publishing house.

Events conducted in libraries in the summer period are developed taking into account the interests of children and adolescents, their age features and are distinguished by multiplicity: it is watches, puppet performances, theatrical performances, role and literary games, contests "The book gives inspiration", Pictures "My favorite fairy tale", Works "Favorite book of my family."

The creative and fruitful work of libraries in the summer period confirms the demands of libraries, increases their prestige in society. With confidence it can be said that summer is the most active season in working with readers, the time of creativity, fantasy, the revitalization of all forms of individual and mass work.\u003d2168&r\u003d4.

purpose Programs: Make reading with pleasure.
Maintenance tasks programs:
- organization of summer leisure children;
- development of children's readers;
-Forning in children continuous reading and self-education skills;
- identification and development of children's creative abilities;
- Attracting new readers to the library.

Traditionally, in the summer, the library works with its social partners - School, the administration of the village and parents.

In June, for children from a school camp, a variety of massive measures were held, aimed at promoting a book and reading.

Very interesting past theatrical holiday "Let there always be summer!". Children of different ages gathered on the summer playground to play together, dance, sing funny songs, talk and meet in the summer.
An unexpectedly appeared on the summer platform, Baba Yaga caused delight in children. She splashed on them with water, tried to throw off all books from the exhibition "Open the page - the door, in the book of the most different beast" and confuse the guys when they gave the summer riddles. But the guys gave out not only the riddles of the summer, but also the cunning riddles of Baba Yaga, the funny dance "Aram-Zam-deputy," remembered the songs about the sun and summer. And Baba Yaga, yielding to the general mood, decided to hold rolled games for the guys. And in conclusion, the summer treated all the guys with candies. Smoothly shouted the children "Hurray!" Vacation and a little upset when it was time to part with the heroes of a wonderful holiday.

Within Pushkin Day in Russia For the recreation camp was held The game-quiz "On the road in Lukomorye". Entering 2 teams and choosing captains, the guys received route and estimated sheets and went on the road. At each of the stations, the guys met the librarian, gave tasks and estimated the answers. During the game, children solved crossword puzzles with interest, answered questions about the biography of the poet, carried out literary tests, read the rows from Pushkin's fairy tales, chose items related to certain fairy tales, guess the fairy-tale heroes who sent them the telegrams, and so on.

For the Day of Russia for readers was held the action "We are part of the country, we are a corner of Russia". The event took place in the form of a dialogue with children. The guys answered the leading questions very actively and lively: "What is the name of our homeland?", "What is our state called?" And others. Children learned what state symbols are why all states of the world are different. The guys got acquainted with the history of the flag, learned what changes the Russian flag had undergone since the appearance, determined the symbolic importance of the colors of the Flag of Russia.

In the framework of the day of memory and grief for children from the school camp took place the evening of grief "War went through the children's fate of Grozno".

Also was conducted Ecological journey "Beyond the mountains, for forests". It took place in the form of the game "Cross-Noliki". The guys answered the questions of environmental quizzes, competed in the knowledge of plants and animal forests, the speed was defended from letters and remembered signs that help people do not get lost in the forest. Timelors learned a lot of new and interesting on nature and animal forests, remembered the rules of behavior in the forest.

Regional science is one of the most important areas in working with children in the library.
For guys from the summer labor detachment of the school Historical and local history readings "My Edge Pensive and Gentle". Many new things learned the guys about the history of the native village. Living on Lenin Street (in the people of Zlatova, named after the participant of the Second World War, the former Honored Teacher and School Director Golden A.I.), the guys never thought about those who belong to this name and what this person knows. Readers showed a true interest in the identity of this wonderful person and found out why the residents of the village decided to call the street with his name. "

Not bypassed the library to the attention and prevention of negative phenomena among adolescents. To this end, the library spent International Olympic Day In memory of the revival of the Olympic movement in its modern form. In the Olympic charter, it is written: "The Olympic movement has its goals to bring up young people with the help of sports in the spirit of the best mutual understanding and friendship, thus contributing to the creation of a better and more relaxed world." Nonune of the International Olympic Day, as well as to the Day of Combating Drug Abuse, Kriushinsky rural library organized for their readers sports-game Hour "Fabulous Relay".

The goals of the event are the promotion of Olympic values \u200b\u200band ideals, the popularization of the Olympic Movement and Sports in general, attracting the younger generation to regular physical education, sports and a healthy lifestyle.

The task of the library is to work on promoting a healthy lifestyle, to give warning information, to protect the younger generation from trouble.
The event took place in nature. At the beginning of the event, the children knew about the Winter Olympic Sports, about the history of White Olympiads and about prominent Russian athletes, about the XXI Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver and, of course, about the XXII Winter Olympics in Sochi. The guys scrolled up the Olympic dictionary pages, learned about the symbols, talismans, medals of the Olympiad in Sochi-2014, the relay of the Olympic Fire. Then the sports competitions began with the Olympic anthem. Sporting excitement among those present aroused acquaintance with the Olympic Sports, as well as with the winners and members of the Russian Olympic team, which they learned from the short story "Olympic Games". Teenagers noted that everyone experiences a huge sense of pride for making our country is ready to host the most important sports games in the world.

The guys competed in a fabulous pentathlon. The following sports disciplines were included in it: "Running on unknown tracks", "Jumping printed frogs," throwing a magic glider "," fabulous miles "," WORKING ", playing volleyball. The meeting ended quiz. During the game, the children learned about the history of the Olympic Games, remembered winter sports. In the competitive program, children were tested with sports equipment, and also performed sports physkultminuts. Also, from a short story, the guys learned about the destructive influence of durable funds on the body of a teenager and the consequences of their use.

Actively and emotionally included in the discussion of the question proposed by him "Why will I not try drugs?"

Humanity struggles with addiction by all available means, one of which is the living word of classical literature. Excerpts were read from works M. Bulgakov, Ch. Aitmatova. One of the drugs against drug addiction is the truth about it. "Warned, it means, armed" - Public Proverbs says. Knowing the truth about drugs, children will not only themselves victims, but also stop their friends. The meeting was completed by the Olympic Quiz. In the competitive program, children were tested with sports equipment, and also performed sports physkultminuts.

At the conclusion of the event, the guys promised to engage in Morning gymnastics, sports, then be proud of their achievements and delight relatives and loved ones with their sports victories and health. Also, throughout the life, follow the motto "We are for the sport!". All participants received prizes and a charge of cheerfulness and good mood, as well as memo with information on promoting a healthy lifestyle, prevention of drug addiction, indicating the "single hotline" phones, "phones trust. " At the event there were 10 people.

3 creative tasks were performed:
-Creative workshop "Eco Palette" (crafts and drawings of children)
- "Fairy-tale heroes" (Crafts from plasticine)
- Crafts-heroes From the favorite magazine Murzilki "

The summer reading program "Book Rainbow" is implemented in the Minusinsky district over the years. It is one of the events of the subprogramme "Library Service of the Population of the book and the development of interest in reading", implemented in the framework of the municipal program of the Minusinsky district "Development of Culture" for 2016-2018.

The goal of the program is to attract as many children as possible, regardless of age, to reading the literature, organize the cognitive leisure of children in the summer, develop creative abilities. To attract the attention of children and inform them about summer events, the library distributed information leaflets and booklets with a logo of the summer program.

The librarians of the district were held to the Amusement on the organization of the summer reading and recreation of children, in which they were familiar with various models of the library work with readers - children in the summer. The program of summer reading children "Book Rainbow" is financed at the expense of the local budget in the amount of 15,700 rubles. This money purchased prizes and winners.

Each library is drawn up its own summer reading program with conditions and tasks for children.

On September 8, in the Caucasian settlement library, a seminar on the basis of the Summer Reading Program "Book Raduga", in which each library submitted its report on the conduct of the summer reading program (presentation, distributing material). Following reports, the winners of the summer reading program are identified:

1st place - "Equelo in! Circle of books "(s. Znamenka);

2nd place - "Book Rainbow" (P. Sukhoe Lake);

3 place - "Summer Mosaic" (s. Lugavskoye);

Incentive prizes received librarian minus minus and east for programs "Girls and boys! Read the summer books, "" Our common friend is Nature. "

In the Znamensky inter-segment library program of summer reading was called "Ekoleto! Circle book » , Each member of the program made a trip to Eco-site: Eco - Shelf, Eco - Polyanka, Eco-workshop, Eco-cinema hall, eco-cafe. Program condition: to visit the library, take part in events and perform tasks. By completing the task, for each correct answer and visiting eco-sites, the participant received a zaton in the form of a symbol of the program - "green bag". The results are posted on the stand in the reading room of the library, and the photo of the program's winner is posted on the first page of the library newspaper "Meeting Good Friends".

In the Lugava settlement library, the lobby on the summer day turned into a cozy living room, where the guys became active participants in master classes on applied creativity, photo laboratory, where the guys became phototnifers "An interesting frame." The results of the work of the Summer Mosaic program are published on the stand, in the library newspaper. The guys themselves added news in which they were able to speak about read books, recommend to read the works, talk about the summer adventure, congratulate on the holiday or birthday, place ads. In the summer, the eco-land worked. To become a member of the program, it was necessary to fill out a ticket, to create it colorfully, to make a plan for reading books for the summer.

The 25 libraries of the Minusinsky district organized creative workshops, game, video schools, library lawns, which visited more than 1,500 people.

In the summer, the work of circles and clubs in interest was fruitful in the libraries. In p. Big Inya was opened by the summer communication club "Read - Company", the guys chose an asset, came up with the emblem and motto: "Read, play, know!". In the work of clubs, at least 320 people were involved.

In the banner, the project was implemented - 2 (lane of gaming entertainment). Now you can play games right on the floor in the library or on the street! Thanks to the guys Scherbakov Nikita, Tkacheva Victoria, Dresventykina Sophia, participants of the spring session "Territory 2020", there was a gaming space. This is the 5th youth project that has been launched into our lives. These players on the battlefield felt young people and adults who took part in a shower tournament right on the street, at the time of the 280-year-old anniversary of the village of Znamenka. The playground that was posted to play checkers, attracted many people.

Master classes for the development of children's creativity in libraries are becoming increasingly popular in the reader's environment. Master class in the library - the phenomenon is useful and unique. After all, it is, in the library, in such classes at the same time occurs a working lesson, a lesson of artwork, at the same time teenagers create their creations. An example of all this is the implementation of the project Creative Studio "Ladoshki", which became the winner of the spring session "Territory 2020", in the Sucho-Archor Settlement Library. Throughout the summer, the library visitors were conducted and participated in the following master classes: "Gifts from natural material", "funny paper flower", "Production of bouquets of threads", "Summer fantasies in a Qulation technique", etc.

As part of the project "Book Armock", readers of the Verkhnekoy settlement library during the journey in Japan visited the Master class on the manufacture of Japanese paper fans. Japanese fans are a real work of art that requires a lot of effort and time to create. It was the Werewar who became a real highlight of Japan and its distinctive feature. The creation of Japanese fans was and remains a separate craft that can not be comprehended. Japanese fans are highly appreciated worldwide, because they reveal the true beauty and brightness of this beautiful country.

On the basis of the Kholmskaya settlement library, the Volunteers forces created the theater - dolls "Filipple" for children from among representatives of various nationalities living in the village. Within the framework of the project, high-profile readings of the "Decade Minutes" were held, the master classes on acting skills, the "Theater and Children" week. Exit puppet performances will be organized in the village of Small and Big Exanya, pos. Prutubinsky.

In the village of the town appeared Astafevsky corner "We read Astafeva together" in order to preserve and promote the work of our countryman Viktor Petrovich Astafieva. The implementation of the project contributes to the spread of works V.P. Astafieva, as the best samples of the domestic literature, the introduction of children to reading, to the cultural values \u200b\u200bof their people, employment of children, reducing the number of offenses among children and adolescents, the development of the creative potential of children of children.

For the summer of the library took part in various district holidays, promotions. The holiday "Golden Sunflower", dedicated to the Day of the Minusinsky District, was held in the framework of the 100th anniversary of the revolution in 1917. The library system was organized avenue "on the pages of the October Revolution." On the avenue, guests of the holiday could get acquainted with the facts and photographs of the times of the October Revolution, see, Polystay, read books telling about the revolution, order their delivery to any village of Minusinsky district, take part in the master class "Red Revolution" on the manufacture of revolutionary attributes, take pictures In the photographer on the background of the banner "100 years of revolution" and attributes of Soviet Russia, check and replenish their knowledge of the revolution, taking a question from the famous Capka Ilyich, to participate in the photovicorine "Who is who?" On the topic "Deattelius of the revolutionary movement."

District Libraries - Participants in the Network Promotion "Russia is us." On June 12, the kiss "Russia" quiz questions, viewed the Slide - the presentation "History Russia" and drew symbols of Russia (on asphalt, on Watman, from colored sand).

The libraries took part in the organization and holding a district action "Lent a candle" dedicated to the Day of Memory and Grief. A master was held - a class "Draw a symbol of the world", a presentation was held "And tomorrow was war," and in the evening the rally was held and the memory candles were lit.

In libraries with. Taper, s. Znamenka, with. Lugavskoye, p. Big Inya, p. The upper keeper was organized by the action "We are for the purity of the village". Librarians with readers spread leaflets among the inhabitants, held conversations "so that our village was always clean" and gathered trash from the surrounding territories. Over 80 people were involved in the shares.

In Pushkin's Day, round tables were held in all libraries, the literary quizzes "Visiting Pushkin Fairy Tales", "these fairy tales know since childhood," book exhibitions "There on unknown tracks" were issued, and a cognitive-game program was conducted, relaxation day -Bnigotherapy "Listen to the fairy tales and poems A. S. Pushkin", questioning "Who was born on this day?"

One of the areas of libraries in the summer period was the propaganda of a healthy lifestyle. Excursions were held in the forest and to water bodies, which were accompanied by advisors, riddles and contests (S. B., S. Balky).

Participation in the youth district holiday "Days". Librarian A. Voznesenskaya, O. Khanakova, E. Goluboynaya organized the "Book Boulevard" platform, which included "Eco-Regiment", "Eco-workshop", Eco-Quiz "Guess the Writer". On the "eco-regiment", everyone could get acquainted with the plants and information stickers about their therapeutic and useful properties, in the "Eco-workshop" to make out the natural materials of souvenirs and crafts. Receiversants of the "book boulevard" were able to guess the names of modern writers affecting in their The work of the ecology, and for correctly guessed answers to taste the "Molding Apple".

On June 5, the World Environment Day, the Krasnoyarsk Regional Children's Library held the regional campaign "Reading the Day out loud" read with me! " The action is dedicated to the year of ecology. The motto of the day of reading out loud: "Nature is a fascinating book. Only begin to read it, you will not break up, "Nikolay Sladkov. For participation in the promotion, more than 350 institutions from all over the Krasnoyarsk Territory were registered, including 15 libraries of the Minusinsky District. During the day in libraries, schools, kindergartens, orphanages, art and popular science books about nature, such authors as V. Dragunsky, V.V. Chaplin, V.P. Astafyev, V. Bianki, R. Kipling, K. Powesty, E. Charushina.

From August 15, an interdepartmental action "Help to go to learn", the heads of libraries and librarians were organized: an overview of book-illustrative exhibitions "To help the school program", "Travel to the country of knowledge." Library lessons: "Native speech", "such different books ...", "Books are our faithful friends!". Excursions (for future first graders) "Book Temple", "And we are pleased!" With the delivery of the memo "You are the reader!". Collecting things, school supplies for children from low-income and disadvantaged families on all libraries of the district.

23 branches took part interregional campaign "Book on her palm". The organizer of the action is the municipal budgetary institution of the culture of Samara "Centralized system of children's libraries." On August 28, at the same time in all agencies of the participants in the shares, children were read out loud literary artworks of modern children's writers.

Every year traditional "Harvest Holidays" is held annually in the villages of the Minusinsky district. This means an autumn meeting, farewell to summer warmth and waiting in cold weather. From this time, the people could have a break from work, and nature itself is preparing for the winter sleep. August 26 on SDK SDK. Small minus passed the "Harvest Holiday". The library on the playground "Baby hands are creating wonders!" He held a competition for the best handicraft from the "summer gifts", as it is the time of abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. The villagers and guests of the holiday could sit with the children behind the table, see and read the colorful children's books of Oster "38 Parrots", S. Kozlov "Lionok and Turtle", A. Usacheva "Winter Tale", S. Mikhalkov "Tales and about cats , and about mice "etc. For painting lovers, a table for drawing and desktop games was decorated. The librarian Ksenia has long spent the master - the class of "toys from the Ranetki", where animals, birds and various fabulous characters came from under the children's fingers.

Mallonichkan and Bolshenichkaya settlement libraries took part in the competition "Mushroom Festival". The site "On Forest Polyanka" was framed with an overview of the exhibition, a children's quiz-coloring, drawing contest.

On August 27, the federal campaign "Night of the movie" in Russia passed the second time. As part of the action, the audience saw the winners selected during the Internet voting. This is the "time of the first", "kitchen. Last battle "and" 28 Panfilovtsev ". In the children's program, the finalist became the cartoon "The Snow Queen - 3: Fire and Ice". Bible Selivaniy Selivani, Big, Znamenka connected to this action and organized the exhibition for villagers "from book pages", "Man. Universe. Cosmos, Photocouple, magic tickets with questions about the development of space in the 60s, responding to which one could show their erudition, and also enjoy watching movies.

Library events were not limited to library walls. Many rolling games and contests took place on the lawn near the library.

The activities of the libraries were aimed at promoting reading among children and adolescents, the activation of their creative and cognitive abilities.

Total for 3 months (June, July, August) 2017 was conducted 551 Events for children visited them 13476 human.

On the site Oxtemp AMR, MBC "MBS" Minusinsky district, group VK