Tatar electronic library: Mikhail Georgievich Hadyakov. Khudyakov, Mikhail Georgievich were Popular roots Mikhail Khudyakova

Tatar electronic library: Mikhail Georgievich Hadyakov. Khudyakov, Mikhail Georgievich were Popular roots Mikhail Khudyakova

The book is devoted to the history of the Kazan Khanate - the state of the Volga Tatars, which existed in the basins of the middle and lower flow r. Volga from 1438 to 1552. The conquest of Kazan Khanate to the king Ivan IV was the most important historical milestone in the formation of the Russian state. The author of the book, prof. M. Khudyakov, traces in detail the periods of formation, development and fall of Kazan Khanate, analyzes the causes and investigations of the fall. The book is complemented by the Labor Bibliography M. Khudyakov. Recommended for a wide range of readers.

Mikhail Georgievich Hadyakov
Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate

About Mikhail Khudyakov and his book

The history of Kazan Khanate was not lucky. Both in the distant past and in our time.

In the past, the history of this state in Russian literature was covered, as a rule, only alone - in connection with the presentation of certain plots on the history of Russia, Russia. Therefore, facts, events from the history of Khanate were recorded selectively, as if "on the side". The picture, in essence, did not change in numerous "USSR stories", in which the comprehensive coverage of past all the peoples of our multinational country was actually replaced by the history of the formation and development of only one Russian state.

In the first time, the coverage of the history of the Kazan Khanate, with which the past of a number of peoples of the multi-ethnic region, did not go beyond the limits of the auxiliary chapters and paragraphs of the official history of the Tatar ASSR, according to the main concept of which the "genuine history" of the peoples began only ... since 1917. The presentation of the history of a whole state that has existed over a hundred years and left an indelible mark on the fate of a number of peoples, left much to be desired from the point of view of scientific understanding of real facts and complex phenomena.

Thus, a paradoxical situation has developed. As you know, pre-revolutionary historiography, with a rare exception, served the socio-political aspirations of constantly fought and expanding the feudal-landing empire, but especially paradoxically, this historiographic concept, having received the second breath in the times of the cult of the personality, began to function more sophisticated, purposefully, militant.

So the "bad luck" of the history of Kazan Khanate, similar to numerous facts of poor development of a number of aspects of history peoples The USSR as a whole, has a difficult attack ...

Only once a little clever appeared - an attempt was to present the history of this state from a scientific position, that is, from the perspective of a person researcher, sincerely wanted to understand the complex facts of the past, in facts created by similar ordinary People, not those who are created only for one-sided condemnation.

Such an attempt and appeared the book of Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov "Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate", developed and published in the first years Soviet power. It was in those years when the belief of honest people in the celebration of justice - both social and moral and ethical - was still sincere, and their mind and consciousness were not separated by a rzhoy fratricide gnawing party bons. It was in those years that the beliefs and aspirations of people of science were not infected with viruses of a stupid romance, antiguman messianism, imperial ambition disguised by demagogic declarations and in the field of historical thought. It was in those years when people had the hope of the destruction of the "prison of peoples" and building a truly equal in all respects of society - "the most fair, the very humane, happy", and, consequently, the most honest. Finally, in those years, people who were sincerely believe in the victory of the socialist revolution could not imagine the possibility of bloody repression of the 20s and 30s, the horrors of the Gulag, and the so-called "heyday", which expressed the genocide in the so-called "heyday" The attitude of dozens of nationalities, including those who found themselves on the verge of the cultural and spiritual catastrophe of the Russians, on behalf of which they loved to reason the organizers of this "experiment" - the most antichelovoe shabby ...

To the number of "sincere believers" people who lived and worked in those years, Relevant and M. G. Khudyakov. He was born on September 3, 1894 in the city of Malmome, which is on Vyatka. Education received in a troves and secured Russian merchant family. After the end of the first Kazan gymnasium, he studied at the Historical and Philological Faculty of the University of Kazan (1913-1918). His labor and scientific activity began in the walls of the Eastern Pedagogical Institute. In the 20s, he published a number of historical and ethnographic and archaeological studies on the history of the peoples of the region, both Turkish and Finno-fine. Among these works are the above-mentioned "essays ...", published in 1923 .

At the same years, M. G. Khudyakov takes the most active part in the organization of museums in Kazan, native little lament, in the activities of the Society of Archeology, History and Ethnography at Kazan University, the Scientific Society of Tatarov. In 1926-1929. He is studying in graduate school in Leningrad, after graduation, it is determined to work at the State Academy of the history of material culture, where he also continues to develop problems of the history and culture of the peoples of their native land - the Middle Volga region. In 1936, M. G. Khudyakov is approved to the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences. But on September 9 of the same 1936, he was arrested as the "enemy of the people", accused of "Trotskyism", and on December 19 he was sentenced to execution, which is performed on the same day ...

From this time, the name of the scientist was committed to oblivion, his works were prohibited, seized from libraries.

Published during the author of the author with small essays (the circulation of the i-th essays "essays" 1923 amounted to only 1000 copies) Works M. Khudyakova due to these reasons became bibliographic rarity. He was rehabilitated politically in 1957, but his works were not reissued and, therefore, turned out to be inaccessible to the modern reader up to the present day. The first step to return his works from obscurity was published on the Tatar language of some of his works ("Essays ..." and individual articles) on the pages of the Idel Magazine (1989, No. 1, 1990, No. 2 and Further).

Naturally, working out the history of the Kazan Khanate and the peoples of the region, M. G. Khudyakov highlighted and allowed not all questions at the same level. As he himself repeatedly pointed out, much remains unclear. This was due to both the level of historical knowledge of those times in general and with the state of the development of the source base of the problem, in particular. As a tortured reader sees, not alien to M. G. Khudyakov and a certain naivety in the interpretation of some complex issues. Sometimes it makes itself felt and characteristic of the 20s simplified sociologist when approaching complex social issues, which arose under the influence of M. N. Pokrovsky. "Essays ..." places are not deprived of and obvious miscalculations and ordinary properties. Comment on them, noting both the natural ability and the unconditional advantages of observations and the conclusions of the scientist, and carry out the academic essay of "essays" and its other works is the matter of the future.

1. Historical essay of the city of Malmya (Chapter I. Cheremsky period). // Tvuak, 1915, vol. II-III, Department III. from. 6-20.

2. Materials on the history of Tatars of the Malymzhsky County. // there, vol. II-III, department III, p. 1-5.

3. Chronological information about churches of the city of Majma. // there, vol. II-III, department III, p. 30-32.

4. About Vyatka coat of arms. // there, vol. I, Department III, p. 111-112.

5. Report on excavations in Bulgarians in the summer of 1914 // IOOA, Kazan, 1916, T, 29, Issue. 5-6, p. 197-230. (Joints with Pokrovsky S. I., Klowlenberg B. E.)

6. Ancient times of the Malymia County. // Tvuak, 1917, vol. I-II, department III, p. 1-59.

7. Old-timers of the city of Malmya. // ibid, s. 60-64.

8. From the biographies of Malmyzh historians. // ibid, s. 67-68.

9. Chinese china from the 1914 excavations in Bulgarians. // IOAIE, 1919, vol. 30, vol. I, p. 117-120.

10. Intelligence in Biilysk in the summer of 1915. // IOAIE, 1919, vol. 30, vol. I, 1919, p. 59-66.

11. Bulgarians. // Exhibition of Culture of the Peoples of the East, Kazan, 1920, p. 10-22. (Joints with Vinogradov Z.Z.)

12. Vote generic divisions. // IOAIE, 1920, vol. 30, vol. 3, p. 339-356; Ioaee, 1920, vol. 31, no. I, p. 1-16.

13. To the history of Kazan architecture. // KVM, 1920, No. 5-6, p. 17-36.

14. To visit Kazan V. A. Gorodsev (in 1920). // KVM, 1920, No. 7-8, p. 117-118.

15. Figures V. I. Korsuntsev. // KVM, 1920, No. 5-6, p. 86.

16. Peter Alekseevich Ponomarev 1847-1919. // IOAIE, 1920, vol. 30, vol. 3, p. 245-260.

17. Old - Youth. // KVM, 1920, No. 1-2, p. 24-28.

18. School historical museums in Kazan. // KVM, 1920, No. 7-8, p. 48-597.

19. From the history of local edge. // Bulletin of Enlightenment, Kazan, 1921, No. 1, Stla. 40.

20. O. M. Dyelifua. // KVM, 1921, No. 1-2, p. 142-143.

21. The plan of cultural and historical excursions in Kazan. // Bulletin of Enlightenment, 1921, No. 3-4, Stlb. 85-94.

22. The ruins of the Great City. // KVM, 1921, No. 1-2, p. 78-83.

23. Muslim culture on the Middle Volga region. Kazan, 1922, 22 s.

24. On the need for translations of Tatar literature. // Bulletin of Enlightenment, No. 1-2, Stlb. 43-52.

25. 1000th anniversary of Muslim culture in the Volga region. // ibid, 1922, No. 1-2, p. 1-12.

26. Ed.: On the book: Nikolsky N.V. "Abstract on the history of folk music in the populations of the Volga region." Kazan, 1920, 72 p. // ibid., No. 1-2, Stla. 126-130.

27. Ananyan culture. // Kazan Province Museum for 25 years. Kazan, 1923, p. 72-126.

28. Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate. Kazan, 1923, 302 p.

29. REC: on the book: Illarionov V. T. "Review of archaeological discoveries in the Nizhny Novgorod province." N.-Novgorod. 1922, 60 s. // KVM, 1923, No. 2, p. 306-307.

30. Wooden architecture of Kazan Tatars. // KVM, 1924, No. 1, p. 23-28.

31. REC: on the book: Balod F. V. "Old and New Shed: the capital of the Golden Horde." Kazan, 1923, 63 s. // KVM, 1924, No. 1, p. 119-120.

32. REC: on the book: Denik B. P. "Art of the East". Kazan, 1923, 250 s. // KVM, 1924, No. 1, p. 117-119.

33. The origin of the American person. // NIT. L., 1925, № 5, p. 2-3.

34. Stone Age in China. // NIT. L., 1926, № 5, p. 6-7.

35. The capital of the ancient Aztecs. // NIT. L., 1926, № 3, p. 7-8.

36. Tatar art. // Vestnik Knowledge, L., 1926, № 26, p. 125-130.

37. To the question of the origin of Chuvash. // News of the Society of Survey and Study of Azerbaijan. Baku, 1927, No. 4, p. 135-146.

38. VOROBYEVSKY AND WICHMARY MOGULTS. // IOOA, 1929, vol. 34, no. 3-4, p. 72-82.

39. A brief statement of excavations in the Vyatka lips. // Messages Haimk, L., 1929, vol. 2, p. 198-201.

40. Epole-shaped cocks. // Collection Himk. Postgraduate Bureau. T. 1, L. 1929, p. 41-50.

41. The Institute for the Study of the Peoples of the USSR. // Ethnography, 1930, No. 4, p. 85-86.

42. To the question of dating of Bulgar buildings. // Protection materials, repair and restoration of the monuments of the TASSR. Kazan, 1930, vol. 4, p. 36-48.

43. Maclasheevka II grain. // Materials of the Central Museum of the Tassr, No. 2 (1929). Kazan, 1930, p. 11-14.

44. Tatar Kazan in the pictures of the XVI century. // Bulletin of the Scientific Society of Tatarology. Kazan, 1930, № 9-10, p. 45-60.

45. From the folklore of the Nizhny Novgorod Territory (legends about the grave of the Mari Prince Chatter). // SE, 1931, № 3-4, p. 171-180.

46. \u200b\u200bTo the question of crumbs. // Messages Himk. 1931, № 7, p. 11-14.

47. To the question of the Perm zero style. // Messages Haimk, L., 1931, No. 8, p. 15-17.

48. A few words about the new exposition of the Historical Museum. // Messages Haimk, 1931, No. 9-10, p. 71-72.

49. 1st Volga Museum Conference. (5-8 June 1931 in N.-Novgorod). // SE, 1931, No. 1-2, p. 173-176.

50. Essence and importance of jaquetidology. L. 1931. 56 p. (Library Haimk, No. 1).

51. Finnish expansion in archaeological science. // Messages Haimk, 1931, No. 11-12, p. 25-29.

52. Great-based chauvinism in Russian ethnography. // Ethnography in the class of class enemy. Sat Critical articles. L. 1932, p. 22-100. (Library Haimk, No. 11).

53. On the question of dating archaeological monuments. // Messages Haimk, 1932, No. 5-6, p. 21-23.

54. Kazan in the XV-XVI centuries. // materials on the history of the Tatar ASSR. Pisch books of the city of Kazan 1565-68 and 1646 L., 1932, p. VII-XXV.

55. The political importance of Multansky affairs and its echoes in our time. // SE, 1932, No. 1, p. 43-62.

56. Archeology in Volga regions and republics for 15 years. // Pimk. L., 1933, № 1-2, p. 15-22.

57. Pre-revolutionary Russian archeology in the service of exploitative classes. L., 1933, 162 p. (Library Haimk, No. 13).

58. Pre-revolutionary Siberian region and archeology. // Pimk. 1933, № 9-10, p. 135-143.

59. Zuevsky grave. // Antiquities of Kama at the excavations of A. A. Spitsyn in 1898 L., 1933, p. 5-12. (Antiquities of Oka and Kama, Issue 2).

60. Cult horse in the Kama region. // Izvestia Himk, No. 100 L., 1933, p. 251-279.

61. Metallic production on average Volga region in the era of the decomposition of the generic system. // Pimk, 1933, № 7-8, p. 29-34.

62. The Nargondinski I and II grains. // Ancient times Kama on excavations A. A. Spitsyn in 1898 L., 1933, C, 15-19. (Ancient times of Oka and Kama, vol. 2).

63. Speech on the report M. M. Zvibaka "The main issues of the history of feudalism in Russia". // Izvestia Hymk, No. 103. 1934, p. 263-267.

64. To the history of the initial period of the Finnish archeology. // PIDID, 1934, № 6, p. 88-93.

65. Cult-space ideas in the Kama region in the era of the decomposition of the generic society. // PIDID. 1934, № 11-12, p. 76-97.

66. REC. On the book: Podists V. M. "Essays on the history of Komi (Zyryan and Permyakov)", t. 1. Syktyvkar, 1933, 320 p. // SE, 1934, № 3, p. 127-131.

67. Archeology in artistic literature. // PIDID, 1935, № 5-6, p. 110-118.

68. The contribution of A. V. Schmidt to the Archaeology of Kamaje and the Survival. // PIDID, 1935, № 9-10, p. 129-143.

69. Questions of the history of the Volga region in the works of N. I, Marra. // One-day newspaper "Memory N. Ya. Marra". L., 1935, December 20.

70. The 25th anniversary of the scientific activity of Professor P. S. Rykov. // SE, 1935, No. 2, p. 155-158.

71. On some works N. Ya. Marra in connection with the works of F. Engels. // PIDID, 1935, № 3-4, p. 105-120.

72. Essay in the history of primitive society in the territory of the Mari region. Introduction to the history of the people of Marie. // Izvestia Haimk, No. 141, L., 1935, 135 p.

73. REC, on the book. "Catalog of the International Exhibition of Monuments of Iranian Art and Archeology", Issue. I, L., 1935, 616 p. // SE, 1935, No. 6, p. 168-170.

74. REC. on the book: Orbssley I. A., Treveve K. V. "Sassanid Metal: Art objects made of gold, silver and bronze", M., - L., 1935. // ibid, 1935, № 6, p. 170-172.

75. REC. On the book: "The problem of the origin of domestic animals." Vol. 1. L. 1933. // PIDO, L., 1935, No. 5-6, p. 183-186.

76. REC. On the book: Yulkasv Ya. "Materials for the bibliographic pointer for marifinia." 1762-1931. Yoshkar-Ola, 1934, "108 s. // SE, 1935, No. 3, p. 151-152.

S. F. Muhamedyarov

In the trodovit and secured Russian merchant family. He graduated from the 1st Kazan gymnasium with a gold medal (1906-1913), he studied at the Historical and Philology Faculty of Kazan University (1913-1918). In 1918-1924, he worked in Kazan: a school teacher, a librarian of the Society of History, Archeology and Ethnography at the Kazan University, since 1919 - the keeper of the archaeological department, then the head of the Historical and Archaeological Department of the provincial museum, taught in the North-East Archaeological and Ethnographic Institute. From 1920, he also worked in the Museum Department of the People's Commissariat of Enlightenment of the Tatar ASSR; One of the organizers and secretaries of the Tatar Scientific Society. Participated in the organization of the museum in his native little lament. In the 1920s, published a number of historical and ethnographic and archaeological works on the history of the Turkic and Finnish peoples of the region. The "essays on the history of Kazan Khanate", printed in 1923 play a special role.

The work of Khudyakova was one of the first works of Russian historians dedicated to the Kazan Khanty, whose history in the writings of the outstanding historians of the previous generation was considered exclusively in the context of Russian history. His look differed from the works of previous authors by the fact that the author sympathizes the Tatar people and shows the policies of the Moscow state, as a connable and colonial. At the same time, he tries to preserve scientific objectivity. In his work, the author expressed his gratitude to the number of Orientalists, who apparently to some extent shared his concepts: Gayazy Maxudov and G. S. Gubaidullin, N. N. Firsov, M. and, Lopatkin, S. G. Vakhidov.

In 1923, a prominent Bolshevik M. H. Sultan Galiyev was convicted on charges of nationalism and the government of autonomy was dissolved, some members of which refused to condemn Sultan Galiyev. After these events, Khudyakov leaves Kazan. Since 1925, he lived and worked in Leningrad as a researcher of the State Public Library. In 1926-1929 he studied in graduate school of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture (Himk). In 1927, he took part in the works of the Meadulilian expedition in Chuvashia. During the 1920s, the Udmurt epic was recorded. From 1929 he taught at the University of Leningrad, from 1931 Associate Professor Lily and the Leningrad Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History (Lifli). In 1929-1933, he consisted by the secretary and scientific officer of the Commission on the study of the tribal composition of the USSR population at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. From 1931 Researcher of the 1st category Hymk (Institute of Professional Society), from 1933 goes to the feudal formation sector. In 1930-32, critical accusations of Sultagalievshchina and Turkkom Nationalism were nominated against him, which were limited to public "elaborations". In 1931, he took part in the "criticism" of the arrested archaeologist S. I. Rudenko. Actively promoted by official support for marrism. In 1936 without the defense of the dissertation, he was awarded a scientific degree of doctor of historical sciences and the title of a valid member of the Institute of Professional Society Himk.

September 9, 1936 Arrested by the Office of the NKVD of the Leningrad Region under Article 58-8, 11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR as an "active participant in the counter-revolutionary Trotsky-Zinoviev Terrorist Organization"). On December 19, 1936, the exit session of VC, the USSR SSR was sentenced to the highest punishment, with the confiscation of all personal property. Shot on the same day in Leningrad.

Works M. G. Khudyakova were prohibited and seized from libraries. It is rehabilitated in 1957, but his works were not reprinted. The first step on the return of his work from obscurity was publications in the Tatar language of some of his works ("Essays ..." and individual articles) on the pages of the Idel Magazine, since 1989, the re-edition of the book was published in 1991.


  • Chinese china from the 1914 excavations in Bulgarians. Joaeque. 1919. T. 30, vol. 1. P. 117-120
  • Bulgarian. Exhibition of culture of the peoples of the East. Kazan, 1920. P. 10-22 (together with Z. Z. Vinogradov)
  • Old - young. KMV. 1920. No. 1/2. P. 24-28.
  • To the history of Kazan architecture. KMV. № 5/6. P. 17-36.
  • Muslim culture on average Volga region. Kazan, 1922.
  • Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate. Kazan, 1923.
  • Tatar art. Bulletin knowledge. 1926. № 2. P. 125-130
  • Stone Age in China. Science and technology. 1926. No. 5. P. 6-7
  • A brief report on excavations in Vyatka province. Messages Haimk. 1929. T. 2. P. 198-201
  • On the date of dating of Bulgarian buildings. Materials on the protection, repair and restoration of monuments of the Tatasse. 1930. Vol. 4. P. 36-48
  • Tatar Kazan in the pictures of the XVI century. Volume. 1930. № 9/10. P. 45-60
  • Critical study of government. SE. 1931. No. 1/2. P.167-169
  • On the question of crumbs. Messages Haimk (State Academy of the History of Material Culture). 1931. № 7. P. 11-14
  • On the question of the Perm animal style. Summary of Himk. 1931, № 8. P. 15-17
  • Finnish expansion in archaeological science. Communication Himk, 1931, № 11 / 12. P. 25-29
  • Kazan in the XV-XVI centuries. Materials on the history of the Tatar ASSR: (St. Book of the city of Kazan in 1565-68 and 1646). L., 1932. S. VII-XXV
  • Ethnography in the class of class enemy. (Library Haimk, 11). L., 1932 (together with S. N. Bykovsky and A. K. Supinsky)
  • Archeology in the Volga Autonomous Regions and Republics for 15 years. Pimk. 1933. No. 1/2. P. 15-22.
  • Pre-revolutionary Russian archeology in the service of exploitative classes. L., 1933.
  • Cult horse in Prikamye. Igimk. 1933. Vol. 100. P. 251-279
  • Pre-revolutionary Siberian Obstival and Archeology. PIDI. 1934. No. 9/10. P. 135-143
  • The cult and space performances in the Kama region in the era of the decomposition of the generic society: ("Sun" and its varieties). PIDI. 1934. No. 11/12. P. 76-97
  • Archaeologists in fiction. PIDI. 1935. No. 5/6. P. 100-118.
  • Graphic schemes of the historical process in the works of N. Ya. Marra. SE. 1935. No. 1. P. 18-42
  • 25th anniversary of scientific activity P. S. Rykov. SE. 1935. No. 2. P. 155-158
  • Essay in the history of primitive society in the territory of the Mari region: the introduction of the history of the people of Marie. L., 1935 (Ighaimk. Vol. 31)
  • Resellers of group marriage and matriarchate in the Volga region: (from Marie and Udmurts). Proceedings IEE Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1936. T. 4. P. 391-414
  • Song of the Udmurt Batira: (from the folk epic of Udmurt). Problems of the epic tradition of Udmurt folklore and literature. Ustinov, 1986. P. 97-132
  • Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate. M., 1991.
  • HockerBestattungen Im Kasanischen GebieT. Eurasia septentrionalis antiqua. T. 1. Helsinki, 1927. S. 95-98.


  • Yashin D. A. Experience to the creation of the Udmurt epic: (About the manuscript of M. G. Khudyakova "From a Nar. Epos Vyatyakov") Problems of the epic tradition of Udmurt Folklore and Literature. Ustinov, 1986. P. 82-96;
  • Yashin D. A. The ratio of folk and author in Epos M. G. Khudyakova "Song of the Udmurt Batira" XVII All-Union Finno-Ugric Conference. Ustinov, 1987. Vol. 2. P. 290-292; RVOST. № 5. p.104;
  • Bayramova F. Forgotten Son of the Peoples of the Volga region. Evening Kazan. 1990. 20 Nov;
  • Usmanov M. A. About Michael Khudyakov and his book. Khudyakov M. G. Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate. M., 1991. P. 5-9;
  • Muhamedyarov S. F. Kazan Khanate in Lighting M. G. Khudyakova. Ibid. P. 309-313;
  • Kuzminy S. V., Starostin V. I. Leningradsky years in the life and creative path of M. G. Khudyakova. St. Petersburg and domestic archeology. P. 157-172;
  • Kornilov I. Mikhail Georgievich Hadyakov: Mustions of biographies. Echo centuries. 1995. № 5. P. 211-214;



  • People and fate. Bibliographic dictionary of Orientalists - victims of political terror in the Soviet period (1917-1991). St. Petersburg: Petersburg Oriental Studies, 2003


  • Personalia alphabetic
  • Born on September 3
  • Born in 1894
  • Born in Malm
  • Dead December 19.
  • Dead in 1936
  • Scientists alphabetically
  • Alphabetic historians
  • Graduates of the first Kazan gymnasium
  • Historians of the USSR
  • Archaeologists of the USSR
  • Ethnographers of the USSR
  • Repressed in the USSR
  • Shocked in the USSR
  • Doctor of Historical Sciences

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Khalansky, Mikhail Georgievich
  • Monument to Mikhail Glinka (Kiev)

Watch what is "Khudyakov, Mikhail Georgievich" in other dictionaries:

    Khudyakov, Mikhail Georgievich - (1894 1936) Aircraft, researcher of the history and culture of the peoples of the Volga region. Rod. in the village of Malemzh Vyatka lips., In a merchant family. OK. 1 Yu Kazan gymnasium with a gold medal (1906 13), IFP Kazansky UNIT (1913 18). In 1918 24 worked in Kazan: Pre ... Bibliographic dictionary of Orientalists - victims of political terror in the Soviet periodWikipedia

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    State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art - The breastplate sign of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded from 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding ... ... Wikipedia

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September 3 (15) September 2004 turned 110 years since the birth of a historian, archaeologist, ethnographer, author of the book "Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate" Mikhail Georgievich Khudyakov.

On October 12, historical and literary readings dedicated to the anniversary were held in the Literary Museum of Gabdulla Tuquet. Their organizers were the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, the National Museum of the Republic of Tajikistan, where Mikhail Khudyakov in 1919-1925 was headed by the Historical and Archaeological Department, and the Museum of Tukau.

The reports were made by famous scientists: Ramil Hyrutdinov, Ravil Amirkhanov, Damir Ishakov, Fayaz Khuzin, Guzel Valeeva-Suleimanova and others. It was not only about the life and work of Khudyakov, but also about the new reading of the history of Russian-Tatar relations.

It was not easy for him.

Mikhail Khudyakov was born in the city of Malmome (now it is the Kirov region) in the family of a merchant of the Second Guild. Got a good home education, which continued in 1904-1912. In the first Kazan gymnasium. He graduated from her gold medal, after which he entered the University of Kazan.

Even on the school bench, Khudyakov began to be interested in archaeology, participated in gymnasium tours to Austria, Hungary and Constantinople. Having received a higher historical education, in 1918-1925. He taught in one of the Kazan schools. At the same time, in the same period (1919-1925), he was the head of the Historical and Archaeological Department of the provincial museum. In addition, Mikhail Georgievich taught in the East Pedagogical Institute and worked at the Museum Department of the People's Commissariat of the Enlightenment of the TASSR.

In 1925, he moved to Leningrad, where he worked as a researcher in the library named after Saltykov-Shchedrin, from 1926 to 1929 he studied in graduate school of the State Academy of the History of Material Culture, since 1931 he worked in this academy. Led in the museums of Samara, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod.

In 1936, Khudyakov without the protection of the dissertation, for the aggregate of scientific papers on the history of reports of Volga-Kamya, was awarded the degree of doctor of historical sciences.

The circle of scientific interests Mikhail Khudyakova was wide, but he focused on studying the history and culture of the Tatar people, as an archaeologist, conducted excavations on the territory of the ancient cities of Bulgar and Bilyar, he was the author of the archaeological map of the Tatar ASSR.

Articles Khudyakov, appearing in the press, and on topics, and on the formulation of problems were very original for that time: "The ruins of the Grand City" (1921), "1000th anniversary of Muslim culture in the Volga region" (1922), "On the need for transfers of Tatar literature "," Wooden architecture of Kazan Tatars "(1924) ... In Leningrad, the topics of his scientific research remained the same - Muslim culture of the Volga region. Many of his work are directly related to the history of Tatars, others, covering the problems of culture, literature, architecture, ethnography and archeology of the whole Volga-Kamya, one way or another related to the history of the Tatar people.

In total, the scientist wrote about 60 work on the history and culture of the Tatar people.

September 9, 1936 Khudyakov was arrested. His surname called the colleague - Leningrad scientist A. Prikhin. In turn, Mikhail Georgievich also called a number of surnames- "partners"? Thus, signing yourself and other death sentence. He admitted that he was in the counter-revolutionary group, which was associated with the agents of the Fascist Gestapo.

Khudyakov was shot like "Trotskyist and the enemy of the people", along with others who preparing the villain murder of S.M. Kirov and other KVP leaders (b). It happened on December 19, 1936, on the night after making sentence of the military board of the Supreme Court of the USSR. Mikhail Georgievich was then 42 years old.

Only in twenty years, June 27, 1957, Mikhail Khudyakov was rehabilitated. His main book - "Essays on the history of Kazan Khanate" - reissued only in 1991 and 1992 in Moscow and Kazan, in 1996 she saw the light on the pages of the collection "At the junction of continents and civilizations".

During the years of restructuring, Mikhail Khudyakov's works were adopted by the leaders of the Tatar National Movement. In 2004, the book of Fausia Bayramova "Mikhail Khudyakov in the history of the Tatar people" was published in the light, in 2007, another edition of the author appeared - "Mikhail Khudyakov and the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples of the Middle Volga region."

We bring to your attention a fragment of the book of Mikhail Khudyakov.

"My brother, Prince Great Ivan Brother beats"

With the erection of Khan Mohammed-Emina to the throne, the first, the brilliant period of the history of Kazan Khanate, who began victories of Khan Ulu Muhammed, ended. The second period began: the domination of the Russian party, the era of dependence on a foreign state. The Russian government reached what it was striving for: Kazan was taken, and it was introduced desirable for Russian regime ...

In his victory, Ivan III accepted the title of Prince Bulgarian. Dental relations between Russians to Kazan were discontinued: seeking liberation from the Tatar yoke and destroying in 1480 the dependence on the Chanov Sarai, Ivan III could not but strive to be the same in relation to the Kazan Khanov, and he reached this goal in 1487. From Danistanan and Breakfunge of Kazan Khan, the Moscow Grand Duch turned into an independent and independent sovereign.

The Kazan government recognized the official equality of both parties, and in the correspondence between his sovereign, both sovereign called each other by the brothers: Khan turned - "Great Prince Ivan Vasilyevich All Russia, his brother, Magmet-Amen brow beats," the great prince answered - "Magmet-Amine King , my brother, the prince of the great Ivan bell beats. "

Russian historians exaggerate the influence of Ivan III on Mohammed-Emin and are not transmitted by the legal ratio of both sovereigns, but rather the actual state of affairs, when they decide to call Mohammed-Emin to the Grand Duke.

Solovyov says: "Magmet-amine's renal relations to the Moscow Great Prince are not expressed in no way in the forms of their literacy ... But despite the equality in the forms, Ivanov's letters to Magmet-Amina enclose orders."

At the same time, he refers to the presentation of the Russian government facing Khan in the following form:

"You would in Kazan and in all our land commanded all our people to".

We can't recognize this form for the order - rather, it is an expression of wishes: without the opportunity to publish within the Kazan Khanate to their own orders, the foreign government expresses his wishes that Khan issued the appropriate order.

Even more inaccurate representation of S.M.Solovyev on the financial relationships of both governments. He says:

"At the Kazan parliament was superimposed by the famous file, which went to the Moscow treasury and gathered by Moscow officials; So Magmet-Amen complained to the great prince that some Fedor Kiselev oppresses the Civil residents, takes extra duties. "

In fact, in the diplomatic correspondence it was not about any petachi in the Moscow treasury from Kazan volosts, but about customs duties, which Russian border officials were charged with Kazan in Nizhny and Murom with junk against the established tariff, and this circumstance was forced as Civilian The inhabitants and other Kazan people ride with goods through the Mordovian and Cheremis lands, bypassing Russian cities and avoiding the payment of duty, because of which the correspondence arose.

Formally equal to each other, completely independent one of the other, regulated their relations with treaties that fastened the oath. This oath also appeared to distort the historical facts by Russian authors. When fastening the contract, the Kazan government brought an oath, but loyalty is not a great prince, but to his contract. This is confirmed by the fact that the Russian Sovereign, in turn, gave a cross kissing when concluding contracts between both states.

Such were the formal relationship between the Kazan Khanate and the Russian government, but in fact the degree of Russian influence on the affairs of the neighboring state largely fluctuated, at times reaching a really big height and largely justifying the certification of some khans as the Grand Prince's girlfriends.

Almost all of the second period of the history of Kazan Khanate is the era of the Zasili from the Russians, and the Russian Party stood in power. Contracts that regulate the relations between Moscow and Kazan in this period, usually concluded three conditions: the Kazan government was obliged to 1) not fight against Russia, 2) Do not choose a new Khan without the consent of the Grand Duke, 3) to protect the interests of Russian people in Khanate .

Thus, the relations of the two states were represented by the Union, and the contract meant to guarantee the world between them and the invariance of existing relationships - this was ensured by the consent of the allies for every change of the government, which could entail a change in foreign policy.

As for the relationship between the Kazan government and Russian citizens, the latter were in Khanate in the position of citizens, as it were, the most conducive power and enjoyed the patronage of the local government, which was to protect their interests.

This item of the contract suggests that within the Kazan Khanate, a significant number of Russian people lived - merchants, industrialists and entrepreneurs, and that the Russian government tried to ensure their safety, inviolability of goods, damages and other trading interests.

In the event of war, all these persons became the victim of a hostile state, people turned into slaves, the goods were plundered, the capital of their gibbles. The Russian government sought to eliminate the possibility of war and guarantee a long world.

This predominance of trade interests sounds greatly in contracts, and the diplomatic negotiations of this era were topically crowned with the conclusion of the "eternal world" between both states (1512). If the situation has actually changed a little with the political side with a change in the Kazan government, then essentially the whole case came down to the struggle for the markets, and the desire of the Russian government to ensure the interests of industry and trade completely clearly emphasizes the economic nature of rivalry between both states.

All the interventions of the Russian government in the affairs of the Kazan Khanate was determined by the desire to master the Volga region as the market. Economic requirements come forward everywhere, the desire to guarantee the profit by Russian entrepreneurs, and for a long time, the Russian government, pleaseing the economic benefits, did not combine the requirements of territorial concessions.

The Muhammed-Emin government sincerely complied with the terms of the concluded agreement. Soon, on joining the throne, young Khan married; The daughter of the Nogai Prince Muses was chosen in the bride; But before the marriage was concluded, the Kazan government found it necessary to inform from the Allied Russian Sovereign, whether he doesn't have anything against this marriage, which was largely a foreign policy act and under adverse circumstances could cause diplomatic complications.

The choice of the bride did not cause any protest, and the marriage was concluded. In 1490, the Kazan residents participated in the war against the Sarai Khanate in the Union with the Russian and Crimean governments. The United Moscow-Kazan army, with a detachment of Casimovsky Tatars, made a good hike and reflected the attack of the Sarai troops to the Crimean Khanate. The Russian Party, who captured the power with the help of foreign troops was not popular in the country.

Despite the execution of the prominent leaders, the eastern party was not destroyed, and by the mid-1490s the opposition to the government was fully formed. At the head of the opposition stood 4 representatives of the Kazan Aristocracy - Prince Kel-Ahmed (Kalimet), Urah, Sadyr and Agish. The Eastern Party decided to rely on military support from its natural allies - the eastern neighbors. The Siberian Tsarevich Mamuk was scheduled for a candidate for the Keanian throne.

The Siberian Government Khan Ibak supported Kazan emigrants and opposition. In the spring of 1495, the applicant moved to Kazan with a numerous army, but the Kazan government, having learned about the movement of the enemy, reported to the Moscow government and asked for the support of the Allied Troops. The Russian government moved to the rescue from the lower border detachment.

When the Russians approach Kazan, the heads of the eastern party decided to escape from the capital, so as not to subjected to repressions and lead the continued course of events. It was managed to fulfill it. The Russian detachment joined Kazan and prepared for her defense, but the Siberian army notified by the emigrants on the arrival of reinforcement suspended its offensive.

Believing that the danger has already passed, the Russian squad left Kazan and returned to Russia. Then the eastern party told his like-minded people, and the Siberian army raised to Kazan quickly movement. The capital surrendered without resistance.

Mikhail Khudyakov

The beginning of the second chapter "The Epoch of the Russian Protectorate (1487-1551)

The selection was prepared by L.Ageev

"Kazan stories", №22-23, 2004

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Attention. The writings in this section write the same students as you. The text may present a different kind of errors.

Essay on the topic "betrayal".


(1) He used me on eight kilometers. (2) Eight thousand meters around the grilled land, (3) I still remember his hot back, sweat, which, as if acid, drove the skin on his arms. (4) And white distance, as if a starchy hospital sheet ... (5) I remember all this, I remember in detail, in detail, in the paints. (6) But still nothing can understand. (7) And today, after many years later, when I remember that case, my wisdom, having lost the balance, helplessly walked in a thick clog ...: I think the incomprehensible and strange our whole life, especially if you try to understand it. ( 8) We were then thirteen - to me and my dusty friend Sergei Leontyev. (9) We went fishing for the thirty lands on the old, crushed pond. (10) I suddenly got refreshing, and I climbed into the water, but did not have time to do and the step, as I cried out from acute pain in my leg. (11) A servant rushed to me, he drags me ashore. (12) I was horror saw that the bottle of the neck sticks out from the heel, and on the grass droplets thick blood. (13) Eight kilometers serving me on me. - (14) SERYUT, CHRACT YOU! - I whispered with dry lips. - (15) Not! - hoarse friend. (16) It was like a movie: a friend takes a wounded friend from the battlefield. (17) Pullets whistle, the shells rush, and he would at least henna. (18) He is ready to sacrifice his life, give his heart, his soul, ready to give everything in the world ... (19) My head spisled my weakness, and suddenly, I myself do not know why, I said to Sergei: - (20) Seryen, if I die, then give me hello to me pebbles Korshunova! (21) Tell her that I loved her. (22) Silge, blowing away from the face of a drop of sweat, tears his T-shirt on the flaps and from fatigue, it seems, no longer consumed that I am talking. (23) He dotted me to the hospital, then breathing heavily, sat on the couch and watched the doctor handles my wound. (24) And the next day, when I, chrome, went out into the courtyard, everyone already knew that before my death I asked to convey hello to pebbles Korshunova. (25) And I became the loss of the whole school. (26) My appearance now everyone has aroused the convulsions of mumble giggling, and I, from nature a cheerful boy, became closed and shy to soreness. (27) 3 And he told them about my hello? (28) Maybe he just outlined all the details of that case, not supposing that my request would be so laughing? (29) Or maybe he wanted his heroism to look more impressive against the background of my vanity actor? (30) I do not know! (31) 0N used me eight kilometers along the sunny heat than the road. (32) But I still do not know, I saved me or betrayed me. (33) The scar on the foot was almost completely bored, but my heart is still bleeding. (34) And when I have been told: "You gave you such a hello," I am a chain from horror and goes goosebumps on my back.

(According to M. Khudyakov *)

* Mikhail Georgievich Hadyakov (1894-1936) - historian, archaeologist, folklorist, author of a number of ethnographic and archaeological essays on the history of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples.

The writing:

what Such a betrayal? The betrayal is a violation of loyalty to anyone or non-payment of debt before anything. The betrayal always has the price. A person is aware of what good he receives, having committed or without doing anyway. But most often the benefit of betrayal is much lower than the values, ideals, beliefs that betray.
what I wanted to get Earring Leontiev, betraying his friend? Universal recognition? Fame? In any case, having getting any of this, he loses the confidence of one of the closest people, he loses his confidence of his best friend. The act, perfect by the earrings, is so badly aiming the soul of the main character of the text, that the usual and everyday phrase "you give you such a hello," introduces it into a stupor. The main character at least trying to justify his ex-friend, but he understood deeply in the soul that it was the most real betrayal on his part. The soul wounds are still bleeding and are in no hurry to delay.
Betrayal There is a betrayal. That's where we see the copyright position. At least Seryozha and saves his friend on fishing, followed by the actions he grips his image of the hero. He makes a low act.
I can notdisagree with the author, because friendship has its own laws that need to be observed, and first of all need to remember what pain can be applied to a close friend, without any action. You need to be able to be friends ..
Betray It is possible both its combat regiment, even the fatherland, as Alexey Shvabrin made from the story of A.S. Pushkin "Captain Daughter". When Schvabrin understands that the siege of the fortress is not to keep, he throws his comrades and moves to the side of Pugachev. He also betrays a favorite girl who refused to be in the proximity, and his friend, Peter Greeneva. This is quite enough to torment the flour of conscience to the end of your life. But the fact that such a small traitor, like Schvabrin, is fully aware of all the lowestness of his neighbor deeds.
Betrayal You can see in the story of M.A.Sholokhova "The Fate of Man". The roof is ready to give friends for his life. "Your shirt to the body is closer," he says. Andrei Sokolov is against him, a true soldier, ready to give his own life for his comrades and his homeland. He kills this miserable traitor, thereby not letting out their commander of the detachment. After that, Sokolov does not even feel pity, but only disgusting: "... As if not a person, and some kind of reptile smoking ...".
Betrayal- The lowest act of mankind. It hits most of all. Therefore, never dare to disturb the oath of loyalty given to loved ones, what it would not be worth it. After all, fame, wealth, success will not bring you true happiness, which you can experience with your own man ..