Plan-abstract lesson on literary reading. Hungarian folk tale "Two bear" (grade 2)

Plan-abstract lesson on literary reading. Hungarian folk tale
Plan-abstract lesson on literary reading. Hungarian folk tale "Two bear" (grade 2)

Literary reading lesson in grade 3

Subject: Russian folktale " Cat and fox. "

Purpose: learn the reading and perception of the Russian folk fairy tale,

understanding its meaning.


    introduce the Russian folk fairy tale and its features;

    develop interest, expressive reading skills, skill yourself predict the content of the text of the title, by the name of the author, by illustration and keywords;

    express and argument your attitude to the read, including the artistic side of the text (which I liked from the read and why).

Type of lesson: integrated.

Program: Educational system "School 2100".

Age: Grade 3.

Equipment: tutorial Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. "In one happy childhood" a book for reading in grade 3, 1 part, an excerpt from the poem of Yu.ntin "in the world of fairy tales"; Portrait of V.M.vasnetsova; Pictures V.Vasnetsova "Alenushka", "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "carpet-plane";

plates with words, crosswords, excerpts from classical music Chopin, photo of the artist M. Solovyova and his illustration for a fairy tale, photo House - Museum V.M. Vasnetsova, an exhibition of Russian fairy tales, a house of fairy tales with teaching brothers.

Formation of a ogud


(Technology assessing study success)

I. . Arg.Moment.

Guys, the topic of the lesson you will know ourselves when they solve the crossword.

Everyone on the desk lies a crossword puzzle called "Who says these words?"

Guess the Crossword I. vertically You will have a word that will designate the topic of our lesson.

(Children solve themselves. At this time, the music "in the world of fairy tales" sounds).

Check crossword on board.

If all the words guess in crossword - green circle ("Well done!"),

If you guess 3-4 words - Yellow,

If 1-2 words were guessing or a single word did not go out - red.

II. .O


themes and goals.

So, the topic of our lesson is a fairy tale. (I open an entry on the board: "Russian fairy tale"

Do you like fairy tales?
- And I love. Merry and sad, terrible and funny, fairy tales familiar from childhood. Our ideas about the good and evil, about the world and justice are connected with them. Fairy tales love both children and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Speaks and movies are put on fairy tales, operas and ballets are created.

In fairy tales are committed by the most incredible wonders.
And today we will travel to this mysterious world of Russian folk tales.

Remember what the characters do their travels in fairy tales?

(On the carpet - an airplane, in boots - Spear, in a step)

Cognitive Uud.

1. Convert information from one form to another: retell small texts in detail.

2. D. eliminating conclusions as a result of collaboration of class and teacher.

3. O. rent on the textbook turn.

4. Find answers to questions in text, illustrations.


top of homepage

3) Reading the poem of Sapgira "Forest - Miracles" (Evaluate the responses of students)

IY. .



naya conversation

You already know a lot about fairy tales. Let's listen, something is spoken by Nastya and Dad. ( Reading on the textbook of the author's text., P.194)

Questions after reading:

When did the first fairy tales appear?

What fairy tales - folk or literary - tells dad?

Who composed fairy tales? (Simple people)

What were these fairy tales?

What did you know about fairy tales about animals?

Let's remember everything we already know about fairy tales. From the strips - "Bier" on the board was built a house fairy tales. But every brother - magical, it reports something about fairy tales. Read the questions and spread the logs on the issues to which they help answer.

(Pupils distribute "Brother" - answers on questions:

(The board has 2 student)

    What is a fairy tale?

Genre of oral folk art

2. What kind of fairy tales do you know?

Magic animalistic household boys

4. Who skillfully told fairy tales?

SPORTERS. (I show the picture of the teachers and tell about them)

The skill of the teacher was considered a profession, the people of this profession were respected, because they brought joy to people, without them life would be boring, monotonous. Everyone worked, and the teacher told and sang. And for his work, he received equal to all fee.

- And how do you imagine a person of such a profession? Draw a verbal portrait of a scope or a narrower. It is probably a small, bred old woman, in a handkerchief. She has a wrinkled face and good eyes. She speaks by a quiet voice, on an old manner; And maybe the narrator is a gray-haired ancient old man, with a huge beard. He says Basa, Naraspov.

(I show the pictures of the narrator)

In the meantime, the guys perform the task, read the excerpt from the poem Yu.ntin. "In the world of fairy tales" and tell me what fabulous sign is mentioned in the poem?

1) Reading Fear from the poem Y. Entin "In the world of fairy tales" (on the board)

There are many fairy tales of sad and funny.

We can not without light, we can not without them.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

Let good forever wins evil!

Do you agree with Yuri Entin that we can not without fairy tales?

Personal results

1. R. azvilivoy the skills to show their attitude towards heroes, express emotions.

2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation.

3. We form motivation to learning and targeted cognitive activity.


4 ) Story about artists-illustrators fairy tales.

- Fairy tales inspire the work of many talented people: artists, composers.

When the pencil and paint in the hands of talented people, any tale come to life.

Let's get acquainted with the work of the wonderful Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

(On the board of the painting "Alenushka", "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "carpet-plane".)

(Children speak pictures.

(Music Chopin sounds.)

Guys, I hope you paid attention to the magical, fabulous music that sounded. This is the classic music of the Polish composer Frederick Chopin in modern processing. Beautiful music from Chopin enhances the perception of the painting.

I'm talking about the life and work of V.vasnetsov.

(I show the portrait and photo of the house - Vasnetsov Museum)

Guys, what always helps the heroes of fairy tales in their adventures?)

What the quality needed in the relationship of people helps to overcome all obstacles and obstacles?

(Dance and song "Friendship" Barbarika)

Regulatory Wood

1. Determine and formulate the purpose of activity in the lesson using the teacher.

2. Try a sequence of action in the lesson.

3. Learn to express your assumption based on a textbook illustration.

4. Learn to work on the plan proposed by the teacher.

Guess the riddles.

Rising from the chest of drawers, crash - with Arshin,

Glazes - with a pitcher himself. (Cat)

Behind the trees, the bushes flames like the flame

Flashed, ran ... there is neither smoke nor fire (A fox).

Open with. 195 in the textbook.

Who is drawn in the picture? (Man).

How is he dressed? In modern clothes? (No)

What is strange noticed? (He has a knot on his stick, and heard from it: meow - meow ..

What can be assumed by picture? Where is he going? What carries in the nodule?

Read the name of the fairy tales.

So who will be the heroes of our fairy tale?

(I open an entry on the cat and fox board)

What are the fairy tales, where is the main character of the cat?

What is he in fairy tales (Defender, Savior, Sometimes Chestens ...)

What do you know fairy tales, where is the main hero of Fox?

What is fox in fairy tales?

- Let's check all our assumptions and let's start reading a fairy tale.

Recall that you need to pay attention to the expressive reading.

(Showing a sign)

Y. . Pervich


1) reading in parts.

1 part (by paragraphs)

1 paragraph

What was the cat?

How do you understand the meaning of the word "shkody"? (Sign with word)

Skoddy, resourceful, tricky - such will not disappear!)

How did the man decided to get rid of the cat?

Read how the cat in the forest lived.

How do you understand "and there is little burning"?

2 paragraph

Why didn't Lisa have ever seen cats?

What can you say about the cat?

How has cat changed and cat itself?

What is your name now?

Compare the name Kotofey with other names:

Timofey, Yeremy.

What does the fact mean that these names are now very rare?

What ends 1 part?

In the fairy tale met outdated words.

How do you understand them? Write down modern words:

1 part:

yes - in the meaning of the Union "and"

and burning him little - be indifferent not to worry

divided - surprising

did not know - not Vidal

challenge - Tell me

magnify - call for

no matter - dont know

sweat - treat

Communicative Woods

1. R. i put the ability to listen and understand the speech of others.

3. Make up your thoughts in oral and writing.

4. U. menia work in a pair.

2 part (independently)

Where did Lisa go for another day ??

Who met the fox?

What did Lisa say? What did she tell them?

What is the fox in this part? The faithful wife, the troubleshooting mistress, is relevant, the tricky, inventive.)

Wolf and Bear? (Respect power, gullible, cowardly.)

You have a task in working notebooks:

We were again met with outdated words. Sign modern.

2 part:

if - if a

shower hide

stupai idi

3 part "on the chain"

Which of the beasts turned out to be brave?

Tell how the cat scared wolf and a bear.

Why was the cat turned out to be a winner, because he was also scared of a wolf?

Who was cunning all? (Fox, she invented everything, wanted her husband to respect and were afraid, but at the same time and food for the winter stock!)

3 part:

look - Waiting

embed into full quickly ran

yes, give God's legs - help escape

wound on God's will - let it be

skying about the land - fell on the ground

Yii. . Work over the tale

In a fairy tale, there are many outdated words, but even pay attention to the names of the heroes.

Lizaveta Ivanovna is consonant with the word Lisa, Mikhailo Ivanovich - with the word Bear, Levon Ivanich - with the word lion.

What is made in the title? Subject, heroes , Home thought, genre?

Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale.

- Sometimes we lose not by force, but the mind, resourcefulness, cunning.)

How can you be entitled to different?

Find fabulous signs that are trapped in a fairy tale.

What is the staining and ending in a fairy tale?

Diagnostation 2 parts.

Can the guys were able to convey the characters of foxes, wolf and bear?

Generalizing conversation

In your tutorial, only one illustration for this fairy tale, but the artist Mikhail Solovyov has illustrated the entire fairy tale. That's what modern, living, perky, funny got the heroes of the fairy tale. In my opinion, very successful illustrations are written with a soft humor.

(Showing a portrait of an artist and illustration for a fairy tale)

Guys, differ pictures of Vasnetsov from modern illustrations?

Each artist has its own manner of writing, his handwriting, his style.

Here are illustrations for Russian tales of the Soviet artist Khokhlov. These illustrations were written in the 80s.

IX . Reflection

Did you like the fairy tale?

What is the episode illustrated in the textbook?

Is this a fairy tale fit?

What seemed to you in the lesson most interesting?

How would you rate your work at the lesson?

And what do you think, why do we need fairy tales? What do they teach? (Child response)
- Tales teach to be smart and kind, honest and hardworking, friendly and bold. They teach how to defeat evil, lies, deceit, never lose faith in good luck, love their homeland and protect the weak.

And now we want to give the crafts made by our own hands to our guests.

- Let this goldfish bring you good luck in the new year.

X. . Homework

Cat - Golden Lobik. Belorussian fairy tale

Lived grandfather with a woman. They were such poor predes that neither to eat had nothing to cook.

Here is a woman and says grandfather:

Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the Lesok, Srubi Dubok, take the market, sell, let me buy me flour. Let's lend bread.

Grandfather gathered, went to the fishing line, began to chop the oak. Jumping from oak cat - gold lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden foot, silver foot.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, that, my dull, I sent me an old woman to cut down a dub, take to the market, sell yes to buy a mere flour on bread.

Drive, grandfather, home: you will have flour! I arrived my grandfather home, looking - and his flour is full of brying!

Baked babe bread, herself agenated, grandfather fed and tells him:

It would not hurt to cook the grout now. Yes, I'll trouble: no salt. Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask Salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's kicker, my darling: there is bread, and there is no salt!

Drive, grandfather, home: it will be to you and salt! Had a grandfather home, look - and he has a whole piece of salt standing!

He baba wipes, herself was aired, santa fed and tells him:

It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Soch, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on the oak, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him cabbage.

Fashed by the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the leaf, knocking in the oak ... jumped the cat - golden lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden paw, silver foot.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, kicker, my drub: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Drive, grandfather, home: you will be cabbage! I came home, and his cabbage barrel. Says Baba:

Ah, how good! That would now be more Salz ... We would have headed with you, and I was refueling Salz. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take the ax, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him Salza.

He took the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the fishing line, knocking in the oak ... Jumbled Cat - Golden Lobik, Golden Uhko, Silver Ushko, Golden Silver, Silver Wool, Golden Foot, Silver Pad.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, that, my pigeon: asks the woman more than the saza to the cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

He comes home home, and he has a sala of a whole Cubeck!

Rad grandfather, Rada Baba. They began to live not to rush, kids tale talking.

And now they live, bread chew, humps. Here is a fairy tale, and I have a bunch of bunches.

primary school teacher

GKOU CO "Berezovskaya School"

"Journey to fairy tales."

Purpose: Organize leisure students, educate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, speech of students;
- Teach the guys to act well and organized;
- bring up a feeling of collectivism and partnership, interest in literature and reading in general.

Equipment: Illustrations for fairy tales, various books with fairy tales, drawings of children to fairy tales

The course of the event.


Guys! We start our "journey to a fairy tale." Probably not in the light of a man who would not love fairy tales. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Yes, we all love fairy tales. They play a considerable role in our lives. From the earliest years you began to get acquainted with fairy tales and continue to do it now. When you were very small, your moms, grandmothers told you a fairy tale about a rosy kolobka, about a chicken row, about repka. A little bit grown, and now your best friends are the heroes of the "phone", "Moydodyra", "Dr. Aibolita" from the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky, and then - Pushkin's fairy tales, Aksakov, Bazhova. And what do you think, why do you need fairy tales? What do they teach?

(Good, truth and justice, how to defeat evil, cunning, lie, etc.).

So today we will go with you in the footsteps of the heroes of fairy tales, remember some of them. Now we will check whether you know the content of fairy tales, do you learn a fairy tale in several striches.

1. "Says the old man's fool:

Go to the forest. On the edge of the Oak old you will see. Hello on it three times with an ax, and fall himself next and wait. When you see a ready-made ship, get into it and fly, but on the way take to myself on the ship of all the oncoming. " ("Flying ship")

2. "The frost came not at all in the soul, he brought the red maiden's chest high so heavy, full of every dowry." ("Morozko").

3. "Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat!"

4. "Was winter. It was January month. In such a time, in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door, looked like a blizzard, and then returned to the warm stove and told Padherce: "Would you go to the forest, I would have gained snowdrops there" ("Twelve months")

5. "And her mistress had three daughters. The older was called one-eyed, the average - double-to-key, and the smaller - the trial. " ("Tiny-Havroshchka").

6. "The girl lay on the largest bed, but it was firmly and uncomfortable." ("Three Bears").

7. "An old man lived with the old woman in the very blue sea. They lived in a wind farm exactly thirty years and three years. " ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish").

8. "She went, Ivan-Tsarevich, she came to the swamp, sees - a frog sits, picked up his arrow." ("Princess Frog").

9. "Here in the hut corners, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the furnace sama went down the street, straight to the king." ("By whining velin").

10. "And Baba Yaga clicked geese and sent them to the girl in pursuit." ("Swan geese").

11. "For a long time, a long crocodile sea extended with cakes and pancakes, and dried mushrooms." ("Confusion").

All that you know!


Guys, you know that there are main characters in every fairy tale. They are good and evil, funny and sad, insidious and simple, they are sent to different travels, where all sorts of adventures and miracles occur with them. Now we will check, all the characters of fairy tales you know.

1. From the flour he was a liver,

On the window was waved.

Ran away from grandmother with grandfather,

And the fox he became a dinner. (Kolobok.)

2.Burty her did not obey her

And here in the goat turned into

When waters from hoofs

He decided to get drunk in a hot day. (Alyonushka.)

3. I'm from the Bala of the Royal

Once running away

And crystal shoe

Accidentally lost. (Cinderella)

4. Babushka granddaughter loved very much,

Red hat gave her a hat.

Girl name forgot your own.

Well, tell me how to call it? (Little Red Riding Hood.)

5. Forest, on the edge

Three live in the hut.

There are three chairs and three circles,

Three beds, three pillows.

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? (Three Bears.)

6. In the world he wants

He treats patients with animals,

And once hippopotamot

He pulled out of the swamp.

He is famous, famous

This is a doctor ... (Aibolit).

7.The it loves invariably

Who would not come to him.

Guess? This is a gene

This is a gene ... (crocodile)

8. Father had a strange boy

Unusual, wooden,

But loved dad son

Chalube ... (Buratino).

9. Tired Kalachi,
Driving a guy on the furnace.
Rolled around the village
And married the princess. (Emel)

10.In the wild jungle he lives
Wolf he is his father calling.
And the Break, Panther, Bear -
Friends of a wild boy. (Mowgli)

11. The son of Melnik in Marquis turned,
Then the king's daughter married him.
At the same time, I will open you a secret,
It was like a mouse, eaten cannibal. (Puss in Boots)


And now let's turn to the books themselves. You see what colorful they are. We guessed fairy tales on passages, according to the main characters, and now let's try on pictures.

(There is guessing fairy tales in drawings and illustrations from books)


Mail arrived. Here we are waiting for telegrams, you need to guess from whom they are.

1. The wolf and ate my six goats (goat)
2. Bought seeds, planted, come, help pull.

(Grandfather "Repka")
3. I will wash in the morning and evenings (boy "Moidodyr")
4. Family, everything will disappear exactly at midnight when the clock is trying 12. (Fairy "Cinderella")
5. Lisa took my house, and I was kicked out. Help! (Hare)
6.The money, I bought a samovar, I invite you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
7. Thank you, swallow, for wonderful salvation. (Thumbelina)
8. The tip took out. I will soon. (Buratino)
9. We always always wash the dishes. (Fedor)
10.Shvost found, cry stopped. (Orsko IA)
11.The guests are not insertion. Motor enolaner. Need jam. (Carlson)


Well done! You know a lot of fairy tales, you know their text and you can guess a fairy tale in the picture. Read fairy tales, they will help you in life. Fairy-lies, yes, there is a hint of good well done lesson!

Description: This development is intended for teachers and teachers organizers for the organization of summer leisure in school camps or recreation camps. The tasks of different types are offered, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, interest in literature. Take part in the game can guys of different ages.

2 1 2 3 4 2 3

Working with the text of the fairy tale.

1. Working with text before reading.

1) Reading titles and answers to questions.

Read the title of text. (Slide 5)

- Who will be the main character of the fairy tales? How did you guess? (Slide 6)

(Yes, the cat. But not home, but wild.)

- What do you think, where does he live?

- What does the word meanavenue ? What word can be replaced?

Replace synonym. (Adventures.)

- Why does the cat have such an interesting nickname - Simba?

(This is an African fairy tale.)

- What do you know about Africa? And you want to know what animals can be the characters fairy tales? (Slide 7)

2) Working with riddles.

Guess the riddles.

1. A lot of power in it,

He is just a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose of a thousand grew. (elephant)(Slide8.9)

2. All night flies-and mine mined.

And it will become light flies in the hollow. (owl)(Slide 10)

3. Maybe I am known to you

With the name "Hippo"? (Slide 11,12)

And the people call me

Very simple - (hippo)

4. Little head,

Need even short (Slide 13,14)

The paws as if she stayed,

Loves to recover! (dove)

3) Consider illustration - Page 63.

- What is the cat here?

- What is the cat? (Although the cat is a good face, but sly eyes, sharp claws are ready to serve him the service.)

2. Working with text while reading.

1) Reading out loud on paragraphs with comments.

a) Part 1.

1st paragraph.

"Why did Simba's cat began to speak in a gentle voice, and did not shout?"

- What can king cats?

2nd paragraph.

- Why did the pigeons voluntarily walked to the cat?

- What can be said about the pigeons, what are they?

- And cat Simba?

3rd paragraph.

- Why did the owl decided to help the pigeons? (They were friendly with her, Owl sympathized with Poland.)

- Why is the word owl written with a capital letter?

4th and 5th paragraphs.

- How did the owl decided to "check" the boasting of the Simba?

6th and 7th paragraphs.

- What means: there will be only a wet place?

- What rescued Simba?

- Did Simba be punished for boasts?

(And yes, and no. Pigeons will not believe him anymore, but he saved and honey.)


Here is the window opened. (hands to the side)

Cat came out on the cornice. (Imitation soft, cat gait)

Looked at the cat upstairs (Throw back head, look up)

I looked at the cat down. (Lower your head, look down)

Here is the left turned, (Rotate your head left)

Purchased Muh. (Rotate the head right,)

Reached out, smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat on the cornice. (sit down)

b) Part 2.

Work in pairs. One student reads to the words "Simba came to the river on the appointed day." Another student is watching the reading correctness.

Then change roles.

Task after reading: prepare two questions by the passage of the part that I read the student.

Questions ask some students, while others respond to them.

(Pay attention to the emergence of new characters, on the fact that wordsHippos, elephant Written with a capital letter.

Among the questions should be aimed at clarifying the lexical meaning of words and expressions:hippopotams, embarrassed from the forces.)

3. Working with text after reading.

Does Simba cat look like an African fairy tale on the Russian cat of gray Lobik Vaska? Than?

What is the idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale?

Is it "hidden between lines" or expressed directly?


4. Test to the fairy tale.

1. Who did Simba cat hunt?(Slide 10).

a) on mice;

b) on pigeons;

c) on Vorobiev;

d) for snakes.

2. Who helped them cope with the cat?(Slide 11).

a) man;

b) dog;

c) owl;

d) lion.

3. Where did Simba cat landed?(Slide 12).

a) in a jug;

b) to the river;

c) in the hay;

d) in the chimney.

4. What was the Simba cat?(Slide 13).

a) fish;

b) honey;

c) sour cream;

d) meat.

5. Who caused a cat Simba to duel?(Slide 14).

a) hypopotam;

b) giraffe;

c) crocodile;

d) Kangaroo.

6. Who had to pull the other end of the rope?(Slide 15).

a) bear;

b) lion;

c) giraffe;

d) elephant.

7. Which of them won?(Slide 16)

a) first;

b) the second;

c) no one;

d) another answer option.

Answers: 16, 2V, for, 46, 5a, 6g, 7B.

- What did we do? (Read the text, answered questions about the text, showed their attitude towards heroes.)

- What skill of formationwhether?

Belarusian folk fairy tale "Cat - Golden Lobik"

Cat - Gold Lobik

Here is a woman and says grandfather:

Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the Lesok, Srubi Dubok, take the market, sell, let me buy me flour. Let's lend bread.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, that, my dull, I sent me an old woman to cut down a dub, take to the market, sell yes to buy a mere flour on bread.

Drive, grandfather, home: you will have flour! I arrived my grandfather home, looking - and his flour is full of brying!

It would not hurt to cook the grout now. Yes, I'll trouble: no salt. Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask Salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's kicker, my darling: there is bread, and there is no salt!

Drive, grandfather, home: it will be to you and salt! Had a grandfather home, look - and he has a whole piece of salt standing!

It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Soch, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on the oak, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him cabbage.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, kicker, my drub: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Drive, grandfather, home: you will be cabbage! I came home, and his cabbage barrel. Says Baba:

Ah, how good! That would now be more Salz ... We would have headed with you, and I was refueling Salz. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take the ax, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him Salza.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, that, my pigeon: asks the woman more than the saza to the cabbage.

Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!

He comes home home, and he has a sala of a whole Cubeck!

Rad grandfather, Rada Baba. They began to live not to rush, kids tale talking.

And now they live, bread chew, humps. Here is a fairy tale, and I have a bunch of bunches.

Belarusian folk tales - Cat - Golden Lobik read

Lived grandfather with a woman. They were such poor predes that neither to eat had nothing to cook.

Here is a woman and says grandfather:

Grandfather gathered, went to the fishing line, began to chop the oak. Jumping from oak cat - gold lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden foot, silver foot.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Baked babe bread, herself agenated, grandfather fed and tells him:

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

He baba wipes, herself was aired, santa fed and tells him:

Fashed by the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the leaf, knocking in the oak ... jumped the cat - golden lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden paw, silver foot.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

He took the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the fishing line, knocking in the oak ... Jumbled Cat - Golden Lobik, Golden Uhko, Silver Ushko, Golden Silver, Silver Wool, Golden Foot, Silver Pad.

A young literature literature, we firmly convinced that you will be pleased to read the fairy tale "Cat - Golden Lobik" and you can extract lesson from it and benefit. Just and affordable, nothing about everything, in instructive and outlined - everything is based on the basis of this creation. Inspiring the objects of life and nature, creates colorful and fascinating paintings about the surrounding world, making them mysterious and mysterious. It is amazing that sympathy, compassion, strong friendship and unshakable will, the hero always manages to resolve all the troubles and attack. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages to rethink itself is crowned with a success. All environmental descriptions are designed and set out with a sense of deepest love and appreciation to the object of presentation and creation. Once again, rereading this composition, you must definitely open something new, useful and edifying, essentially important. The fairy tale "Cat - Golden Lobik" read free online will be fun and kids and their parents, the kids will be happy to end, and moms and dads are happy for the kids!

Well or grandfather with a woman. They were such poor predes that neither to eat had nothing to cook.
Here is a woman and says grandfather:
- Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the Lesok, Srubi Dubok, take to the market, sell, let me buy me flour. Let's lend bread.
Grandfather gathered, went to the fishing line, began to chop the oak. Jumping from oak cat - Golden Lobik, Golden Uhko, Silver Uhko, Golden Silver, Silver Shell, Golden Foot, Silver Foot.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that, that, I, my dull, sent me an old woman to cut down a dub, take to the market, to sell yes to buy a mere flour on bread.
- Drive, grandfather, home: you will have flour! I arrived my grandfather home, looking - and his flour is full of brying!
Baked babe bread, herself agenated, grandfather fed and tells him:
- It would not hurt now and grout to cook. Yes, I'll trouble: no salt. Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask Salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that's, that's, my darling: there is a bumpish, and there is no salt!
- Drive, grandfather, home: it will be to you and salt! Had a grandfather home, look - and he has a whole piece of salt standing!
He baba wipes, herself was aired, santa fed and tells him:
- It would not hurt to taste the cabbage. Soch, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on the oak, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him cabbage.
Fashed by the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the leaf, knocking in the oak ... jumped the cat - golden lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden paw, silver foot.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that's kicker, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, no cabbage!
-Ged, grandfather, home: there will be a cabbage! I came home, and his cabbage barrel. Says Baba:
- Ah, how good! That would now be more Salz ... We would have headed with you, and I was refueling Salz. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take the ax, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him Salza.
He took the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the fishing line, knocking in the oak ... Jumbled Cat - Golden Lobik, Golden Uhko, Silver Ushko, Golden Silver, Silver Wool, Golden Foot, Silver Pad.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that's kicker, my dull: asks Baba more Salz to the cabbage.
- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!
He comes home home, and he has a sala of a whole Cubeck!
Rad grandfather, Rada Baba. They began to live not to rush, kids tale talking.
And now they live, bread chew, humps. Here is a fairy tale, and I have a bunch of bunches.

Cat - Gold Lobik

Lived grandfather with a woman. They were such poor predes that neither to eat had nothing to cook.
Here is a woman and says grandfather:
- Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the Lesok, Srubi Dubok, take to the market, sell, let me buy me flour. Let's lend bread.
Grandfather gathered, went to the fishing line, began to chop the oak. Jumping from oak cat - gold lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden foot, silver foot.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that, that, I, my dull, sent me an old woman to cut down a dub, take to the market, to sell yes to buy a mere flour on bread.
- Drive, grandfather, home: you will have flour! I arrived my grandfather home, looking - and his flour is full of brying!
Baked babe bread, herself agenated, grandfather fed and tells him:
- It would not hurt now and grout to cook. Yes, I'll trouble: no salt. Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask Salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that's, that's, my darling: there is a bumpish, and there is no salt!
- Drive, grandfather, home: it will be to you and salt! Had a grandfather home, look - and he has a whole piece of salt standing!
He baba wipes, herself was aired, santa fed and tells him:
- It would not hurt to taste the cabbage. Soch, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on the oak, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him cabbage.
Fashed by the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the leaf, knocking in the oak ... jumped the cat - golden lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden paw, silver foot.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that's kicker, my darling: there is bread, there is salt, no cabbage!
-Ged, grandfather, home: there will be a cabbage! I came home, and his cabbage barrel. Says Baba:
- Ah, how good! That would now be more Salz ... We would have headed with you, and I was refueling Salz. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take the ax, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him Salza.
He took the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the fishing line, knocking in the oak ... Jumbled Cat - Golden Lobik, Golden Uhko, Silver Ushko, Golden Silver, Silver Wool, Golden Foot, Silver Pad.
- Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?
- Yes, that's kicker, my dull: asks Baba more Salz to the cabbage.
- Okay, grandfather, go home: there will be fat!
He comes home home, and he has a sala of a whole Cubeck!
Rad grandfather, Rada Baba. They began to live not to rush, kids tale talking.
And now they live, bread chew, humps. Here is a fairy tale, and I have a bunch of bunches.

Belorussian fairy tale

Belarusian folk fairy tale

or grandfather with a woman. They were such poor predes that neither to eat had nothing to cook.

Here is a woman and says grandfather:

Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the Lesok, Srubi Dubok, take the market, sell, let me buy me flour. Let's lend bread.

Grandfather gathered, went to the fishing line, began to chop the oak. Jumping from oak cat - gold lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden foot, silver foot.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, that, my dull, I sent me an old woman to cut down a dub, take to the market, sell yes to buy a mere flour on bread.

Drive, grandfather, home: you will have flour! I arrived my grandfather home, looking - and his flour is full of brying!

Baked babe bread, herself agenated, grandfather fed and tells him:

It would not hurt to cook the grout now. Yes, I'll trouble: no salt. Take, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask Salt.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's kicker, my darling: there is bread, and there is no salt!

Drive, grandfather, home: it will be to you and salt! Had a grandfather home, look - and he has a whole piece of salt standing!

He baba wipes, herself was aired, santa fed and tells him:

It would not hurt to taste the cabbage now. Soch, grandfather, Topor, go to the fishing line, knock on the oak, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him cabbage.

Fashed by the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the leaf, knocking in the oak ... jumped the cat - golden lobik, golden ear, silver ear, golden fur, silver wool, golden paw, silver foot.

Grandfather, grandfather, what do you want?

Yes, that's, kicker, my drub: there is bread, there is salt, there is no cabbage!

Drive, grandfather, home: you will be cabbage! I came home, and his cabbage barrel. Says Baba:

Ah, how good! That would now be more Salz ... We would have headed with you, and I was refueling Salz. Do not be lazy, grandfather, take the ax, go to the fishing line, knock on Dubok, maybe the cat will pop up - Golden Lobik: Ask him Salza.

He took the grandfather of the Toporok, went to the fishing line, knocking in the oak ... Jumbled Cat - Golden Lobik, Golden Uhko, Silver Ushko, Golden Silver, Silver Wool, Golden Foot, Silver Pad.

Lesson's plan in grade 2

Literary reading


Subject: Hungarian folk fairy tale "Two bear"


Educational: Formation of students' presentation of the fabulous genre (fabulous beginning and end, fabulous heroes).

Developing: Speech development, vocabulary of students due to the introduction of new words; Long hearing skills; The ability to respond to the questions about the playback of events in the text.

Educational: Education of the desire to make good actions and affairs.

Equipment: illustrations

During the classes

1.Bested with class.

What animals are found in fairy tales?

What animals mention when they say:

    clumsy how ...

    slow like ...

    cowardly like ...

    cunning like ...

2. Retelling the fairy tales "Cat - Golden Lobik"

3. Message Topics lesson and formulation of educational tasks.

Today we will continue to familiarize with oral folk creativity, we will travel to the mysterious and beautiful world of fairy tales.

Look at the desk. Let's read the poem, which is written there.

In a fairy tale to all be

Everyone wants you believe.

In the book fairy tales

Maybe a fabulous door

Who reads fairy tales,

There often gets,

About all fabulous heroes

He learns everything there.

A. Okhmatova

4. Preparation for primary perception "Fox and crane. "

1) Form of preparation: introductory conversation on the topic.

Tell me, in your life you often heard the word "greed." What does it mean?

Which color can you portray greed?

And now listen to the poem.

Greedy! Raise your hands!

Greedy Zhadjigi!

No hands ...

Suddenly the greedy did not become

No matter how it happened.

Well, at least a little!

Two or three pieces!

Raise your hands,

Greedy girls

Greedy boys ...

Raise at least fingers!

How many greedy?

We also need to know!

Five? Twenty five?

How many greedy

Look carefully.

There are no greedy?


E. Moshkovskaya

Guys, can you call the greedy man?

Why wonderful if there are no greedy children in the class?

Are greedy animals in fairy tales?

2) Wordwork:

Well done, and now we will meet another fairy tale, but for starters, let's look at new words, look at the board.

Pushcha stronger, more.

Plutovka - Suncharger.

With ukrrisian - Condemingly, with reproach.

5. Primary perception and verification of primary perception.

1) The method of organization: Expressive reading of the teacher.

2) Questions for inspection of primary perception:

    Did you like the fairy tale?

    What heroes met in a fairy tale?

    What moment did you like more?

6. Preparation for re-reading.

1) reading words characterized by one letter:

Table - pillar;

Ox - count;

Pain - salt;

Goats - braids;

Ball - scarf;

Home - Down.

2) Preliminary reading words with additional litters:

Honey / ve / di / ka;

Bra / Tick;

Per / ka / per / la;

SPO / RI / Li.

3) Reading a pyramid:


To me






Ran out

7. Repeated reading and analysis of the work.

1) View of re-reading: reading on the chain.

2) conversation-thinking about read.

    Where did the old marsh and her bear live?(In the woods)

    Why did the bear gone from the mother?(Because they wanted to find happiness)

    What kind of fence did they get?(Never part with each other)

    Where did you immediately go cubs?(To the edge of the forest, and from there - in the field)

    What happened soon?(All the supplies ended)

    What they found cleaning on the road?(Cheese Head)

    Did they share the cheese porovna? Why?(No, because greed has overcome them)

    How do you understand the expression "greed overcome"?(Began to experience a feeling of greed)

    What feared bearings?(That another will get a big part)

    Who came to help animals?(A fox)

    Did Lisa share the cheese porovna?(Not)

    How did she decide to fix what the cheese broke on a big and small piece?(She bit off a piece from more so that a little smaller piece became a big)

    Has it helped?(Not)

    How was the further detention of cheese?(Fox in turn biled from each piece of cheese)

    By the time the pieces were equal, was the cheese bears?(Not)

    What did Lisa told bearings?(Read it)

    What did the fox taught the Lisa?(What can not be greedy)

    Select the words "ponor", "the smallest", "came up" close by the meaning of the word.

    "That will lose everything who is greedy." Explain the meaning of the saying.


Hands raised and shocked -

These are trees in the forest.

Hands bent, hands shook -

The wind blows the dew.

On the sides of the hand, smoothly feasible -

This birds fly to us.

How they will sit too

Wings fold back.

8. Final conversation in works.

Did you like this fairy tale? How do you feel about the heroes of the fairy tale?

2) Detection of the main thought.

What do you think, what does this fairy tale teach?

(What can not be greedy, you need to share, do it so that everything would be equal.)

Let's read the patter on page 39.

Did you like this patter?

And why do we need patters?

9. Creative activity in the footsteps read.

Form of dramatization:

analysis of illustrations from the point of view of expressiveness of the Mimici and the pantomimics of the heroes depicted on it.

Let's look at the illustrations that hang on the board.

Are they suitable for our fairy tale?

What animals are depicted?

Do you like the costumes cubs?

Describe the nature you see in the drawings?

What emotions do we see in fox?

Why is she satisfied?

And which cubs?

What feelings do they test?

10. Summing up the lesson.

What product did we meet today?

What did this fairy tale taught you?

11. Homework.

P. 34-39, VIS. Thu., Retelling.

Topic: "Story L.N. Tolstoy "Kitten"

Objectives: to acquaint students with instructive stories L.N. Tolstoy; learn to make a plan; Develop attention, logical wrestling, creative abilities; improve reading technique; the ability to give a characteristic of heroes based on their actions; The development of creative thinking through the interaction of the student's student to educate honesty, good attitude towards animals.

Planned results:

students should be able to perceive artwork for rumor;

relate the meaning of the proverb and prosaic work;

draw up a story plan, retell the text in detail, selectively;

characterizes the heroes based on the analysis of their actions, the author's attitude towards them.

Personal learning results:

- (emotionality) The formation of the ability to realize and determine their emotions;

- (empathy) The formation of the ability to realize and determine the emotions of other people, sympathy, empathy;

Formation of interest in reading, reading need;

The formation of a valid attitude towards the preferences of other people, -ORentations in the moral content and sense of their actions and actions of other people.

MetaPered Learning Results:

Regulatory Wood:

The formation of the ability to independently formulate the theme and objectives of the lesson, to be placed ways to solve the problem;

To form the ability to evaluate your work in the lesson.

Cognitive Wood:

Formation of critical thinking;

The formation of the ability to extract information presented in different forms to build arguments.

Communicative Wood:

To form the ability to express your thoughts orally, express and justify your point of view;

Mastering dialogic and monologic speech;

The formation of the ability to ask questions in joint activities to negotiate, come to a general solution.


development of the level of reader competence, general speech development (reading aloud and to ourselves, elementary techniques for analyzing text), the use of different types of reading, the ability to consciously perceive and evaluate the content of the text, participate in the discussion, to give and justify the moral assessment of the actions of heroes.

Equipment: textbook on literary reading for grade 2 (part1) aut. Klimanova L. F., etc., cards, computer, multimedia projector, presentation

During the classes

1. The organizational moment.

- Hello guys! Let's smile to each other, you will delight our meeting. The sun. Remember: "Smile to the world, and the world will smile to you." (Slide1). Today, guests came to our lesson, welcome them with their smile and give them a part of a good mood. Give hell with the partner on the shoulder (let five), in the face. . Installed and prepared. We wish each other fruitful work in the lesson.

My signal is the structure of the CLP

Conclusions to do and reason

And so that the lesson passed to each future,

Actively in work Turn around, friend!

2. Articulation charging

- To work, we need an assistant - our tongue. Let's prepare it for work.

Let's try to inflate the balloon, and suddenly it is blown away at (1, 2), (1, 2, 3).

Breathing exercises. Now we will warm up voice ligaments:

blow off a snowflake with palm

"Radiote theater": voicing the fairy tale (the wind blows, buzzing insects, rides the horse)?

    Checking homework.

Compilationa verbal portrait of the main character in structure (slide3). Round Table

(Slide4). Forgive (one went to school), fearless (did not scare dogs) timid (embarrassed to an unfamiliar man), inquisitive and intelligent (learned to put letters when Brother read), purposeful (really wanted to learn).

Repeated. I am bold, fearless, timid, curious and intelligent, purposeful

4. Studying a new material.

Today we will continue to get acquainted with the work of L. N. Tolstoy, and with what product will learn if you guess the riddle:

Reading riddles students.

(Slide5) . What a beast playing with me:

Not might, not rzhet, does not bother,

Attacks girls

Hides in the foot of the claws?

What product L.N. Tolstoy We will get to know today's lesson? (L.N, Tolstoy "Kotten")

What purpose we will put today in the lesson

Goal of our lesson - what account is the work

Lion Tolstoy called this product to be

- How do you understand the meaning of this word?

(Slide5). It is what was actually there

5. Text Hearing (audio recording)

6. Strangerspres.

- In the text you met the words that we now hear rarely, and maybe you know their meaning

barn - Shed, where grain is stored;

beside- about, near;

away - On the other side;

sorrel - edible plant with sour flavor leaves;

what was the spirit - very fast.

7. Chain reading

    Contest in content. Such.

When did the cat disappear?

Where did you find the kittens?

How many were there?

How did the kitten stayed alone?

What danger threatened a kitten?

Who saved a kitten?

- Have you worried when they listened to the story?

- Who worried about? (For the kitten, for Vasya).

- Who worried about more? (For the kitten)

    Primary consolidation by structure Jot Tuts

Creative application and acquaintance in the new situation (problem tasks)

Now we will conduct a mental reception, which is called Cards grade (mental reception, developing information classifying skills.) Let's repeat everything together. Excellent! We need to divide cards from 1 to 3 groups. Carefully view all the words and try to find a connection between them. What are they similar and what are different? Create and divide your ideas into groups. You have 2 minutes for this.

Think as you can call these groups. You have 30 sec.

Record the names of each group on separate leaves and put over the list of words. You have 1 minute. Go! (Coppie)

What character traits have our heroes from the story?

What do you think I wanted to tell us, readers, L. N. Tolstoy with his story?

Yes, L. N. Tolstoy wanted to show this story that we must take care of our pets. And if we do not do this, they will die

What is the main meaning of this work? How do you now understand?

Answer: - This story about what we must be responsible for animals we start. This story about liability to the brothers is smaller.

On the board opens a prepared in advance phrase:

Does the phrase of the French writer A. SENT-EKZYUPERI reflect the main thought were L.N. Tolstoy?

(Slide6) . "You are forever responsible for all who tamed ..."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

(Slide7). - Which of the phrases is closer to the topic

No friend - look, and found - take care.

All is well that ends well.

We are responsible for those who have tamed.

12. Listen to the poem.

Everything meowed kitten in the courtyard under the bush,

I wanted a kitten to call someone to the house.

Suddenly with a bush lonely walked a yellow leaf,

It seemed that the kitten was called "Kis-Kiss".

He jumped from happiness, he rushed to call,

Only the door turned out to be locked on the go.

-Sad poem, right?

- This did not happen, never do not forget your little friend and you need to take care of it.

- Well done! You worked well today at the lesson. Thank you for the lesson! Estimates.

13 House.

(Slide8). Homework


1. Write a story about my favorite and draw it.

3. Create questions to the text.

(Slide9.) So that the lesson passed not in vain

I wish you friends

So that you are friends with books

And were brought up.

13. Summing up, reflection. (Slide10)