Arguments: The problem of historical memory. Arguments from works

Arguments: The problem of historical memory. Arguments from works

In cultural life, it is impossible to get away from memory, as you can not get away from myself. It is only important that the fact that culture keeps in memory has been worthy of her


What happens to us?

Only we have the right to change our destiny. So why many people try to destroy what the centuries were kept?

D.S. Likhachev conceived a lot on the problem of cultural heritage, and above what is preserved in cultural memory. He argued: "In cultural life, you can not get away from memory, as you can not get away from myself. It is only important that that the culture keeps in memory has been worthy of it. " It was these words that prompted me to start writing this work in order to prove that the preservation of cultural values \u200b\u200bis important for future generations. In addition, I would like to solve a number of tasks in this work:

.Find out what historical and cultural memory is.

2.Understand the methods of preserving cultural heritage.

.Remember the origins of our rich culture and understand how important it is to maintain and protect the cultural treasure.

.Understand how this problem is solved at the state level.

.Find out how relevant the problem of cultural heritage.

Each cultural heritage object is a unique value for the entire multinational people of the Russian Federation and is an integral part of the World Cultural Heritage. However, to date, the deplorable state of these facilities is a serious threat to the loss of the country's historical and cultural heritage and requires the adoption of immediate measures to preserve them.

According to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, about 90 thousand objects of cultural heritage and more than 140 thousand identified objects of cultural heritage are falling under state protection. To date, their adverse composition is not clarified and an inventory of these facilities and their physical conservation has not been carried out. In a good and satisfactory condition, 30 and 20 percent of cultural heritage objects are located, respectively, the remaining 50 percent are in unsatisfactory and emergency condition. What if today's owners of cultural heritage facilities turned out to be unfair when using public domain? The solution to the problem is unambiguously seen in the search for the objects of the cultural heritage of the maternity owner, which carry the burden of their content and responsibility for their preservation. Currently, in connection with the imperfection of the legislation, the process of attracting private investment in the restoration and reconstruction of cultural heritage facilities through their privatization, as well as by transferring them to rent. The lack of necessary legislative and regulations adversely affects, primarily on the situation of the monuments of history and culture itself, which in the absence of funding for their content and restoration are mostly in a deplorable state. Essentially, the uncertainty of the owner of each specific object of the cultural heritage, which carrying the burden of its content and responsibility for its preservation, will soon lead to the loss of many objects that are the historical and cultural heritage of the people of the Russian Federation.

To date, the Russian legislation has no clear and systemic approach to the protection of cultural heritage facilities, the conditions and procedure for the disposal of cultural heritage facilities, the procedure for establishing and fulfilling the requirements and restrictions on the preservation and use of the cultural heritage facility, including security commitments, are not clearly defined. and the procedure for monitoring their implementation.

The complexity of the above problems requires an integrated, systematic approach to solving them.

In this regard, the All-Russian Association of Privatized and private enterprises (employers) conducted a number of developments in the field of protection and use of cultural heritage facilities. The Association was developed by the Concept Implementation of Cultural Heritage Protection Activities, containing proposals for the implementation of measures necessary for a comprehensive solution to the conservation of cultural heritage facilities, attracting investments to maintain them in proper condition, restoration and reconstruction, as well as the composition of the priority measures, which will allow Ensure the preservation, restoration, restoration, content and efficient use of historical and cultural and architectural and urban heritage. The concept provides that the protection of cultural heritage facilities should be a unified system of legal, organizational, financial, information, material and other and regulatory acts in the field of conservation, content and use of these objects, as well as the system of organization of complex, interconnected work of state bodies Authorities for the protection of objects of cultural heritage and state authorities on control over their preservation, their territorial units, as well as citizens and public organizations on the protection of cultural heritage sites.

Culture is what remains when everything else is forgotten.

Eduard Errio

Culture Memories and Memory History

Culture reflects the forms of thinking, mentality, spiritual activities of individuals and groups in art, symbols, rituals, language, forms of life organization, and forms a universal field of interaction of thinking, practitioners and social institutions. Cultural memory can be consequently understood as the form of broadcasting and actualization of cultural meanings. At the same time, this is a generalizing name for the whole "knowledge" that manages the experiences, actions, all the life practices of people in communication and interaction in social groups and in society as a whole and which is subject to repeating from generation to generation to repetition and memorization. In this sense, cultural memory is different from both science and communicative memory based on the ordinary experience of individuals and groups.

It would be deeply wrong to believe that it was the memory that distinguishes a person from animals, making his advantage over them. If animals are capable of what in experimental psychology is called research - And psychology experimenters recorded this ability to have enough many representatives of the animal world, and therefore they have a memory. But this is a memory in the most general sense of the word: when it means the ability of a living being in some way to keep the impression of more or less frequently repetitive external influences, rebuilding in accordance with them "scheme" and "models" of behavior in relevant situations . It can be called natural or even bodily memory.

The peculiarity of human memory is that this is not natural and natural, but social and cultural memory. And since the culture is nothing more than aware of the history of human development, the continuously accumulating experience of its understanding, again and the newly immersed in the direct process of historical creativity to participate in it, the cultural memory is not mechanical , not telec , but historic . It is always the experience of experiencing history - a temporary process, the process of turning the future at present, the present - in the past, yesterday's past - in the day before yesterday, etc. This is always the experience of new and new attempts to cope with the processes. temperation - With an irreversible tendency of the annihilation of the past, dissolving it in non-existence. In this sense, a specific feature of cultural memory as a memory of historical is its orientation for the salvation of the past - a conscious struggle with oblivion, with the immersion of the past into non-existence.

Cultural memory is formed by centuries. Past Does not occur in our knowledge in itself .. the memories are not just a kind of "dance", but relating to the present, created by it "Public Construction", therefore, the question arises: what a "past" knows a historian engaged in learning cultural memory and what the conditions of this knowledge?

Responsible for all of us and not someone else, and in our power it is not to be indifferent to our past. It is ours, in our common ownership. D.S.Likhachev

So what is the memory

Memory - One of the mental functions and types of mental activity, designed to save, accumulate and reproduce information. The ability to continue to store information about the events of the external world and the reactions of the body and to repeatedly use it in the sphere of consciousness for the organization of follow-up.

Historical memory - a set of transmitted from generation to generation of historical messages, myths, subjectively refracted reflections on the events of the past, especially negative experience, oppression, injustice for the people. It is a type of collective (or social) memory. historical Memory Cultural Heritage

Historical memory is most often understood as one of the measurements of individual and collective (social memory) - as a memory of the historical past or, or rather, as a symbolic representation of the historical past. Historical memory is not only one of the main channels of transmission of experience and information about the past, but also the most important component of the self-identification of the individual, social group and society as a whole, for the revival of shared images of the historical past is such a type of memory, which is of particular importance for the constitution of social groups in present. Fixed with collective memory images of events in the form of various cultural stereotypes, symbols, myths act as interpretation models that allow the individual and the social group to navigate the world and in specific situations. Historical memory is considered as a complex sociocultural phenomenon associated with the understanding of historical events and historical experience (real and / or imaginary), and at the same time as a product of manipulation by mass consciousness for political purposes. "Historical memory - this constantly updated structure is an ideal reality that is as genuine and significant as the reality event. Culture unites all sides of the human person. It is impossible to be cultural in one area and remain ignorant in another. Respect for different sides of the culture, to its various forms - this is the feature of a truly cultural person, "said D. S. Likhachev.

About the cultural and historical heritage of Russia

More than 1000 years ago, Eastern Slavs after many other people of the world accepted Orthodoxy. With the Orthodox faith, they perceived the Orthodox culture, which was expressed primarily in the beautiful and majestic Orthodox worship. "The Tale of Bygone Years" reported to us a legend that the ambassadors of the Grand Prince Vladimir, being affected by the beauty of Orthodox worship, exclaimed: "We have not seen such beauty anywhere!".

Sincerely and deeply perceiving Orthodoxy, our ancestors very quickly learned to translate books, draw up original literary creations, to build magnificent temples, writing amazing icons on beauty, create wonderful chants, decorate their lives with the whole detention of Orthodox holidays. One hundred years since the baptism of Russia, and the Orthodox culture of the ancient Russian state reached such great accomplishments, which and Dynama will give Russia.

The study of Russia's Orthodox culture can be started with the famous Novgorod Monument "Millennish Russia". The history of the creation and the further fate of this monument is symbolic and very instructive for anyone who loves native land and native culture.

The solemn opening of the Millennium of Russia's monument took place on September 8, 1862 (September 21 - on a new style); On the same day, in 1380, a victory in the Kulikol field was obsessed. The means to create this monument were collected throughout Russia. At the burrow of the monument - sculptural images of 109 great sons and daughters of Russia, who have been honoring and the glory of domestic history and culture.

At this monument, we see Saints Cyril and Methodius - the enlighteners of the Slavs and the Rodonarchists of the Slavic Orthodox Culture, the Holy Princess Olga, who submitted ancient Russia, an example of baptism, the Holy Grand Prince Vladimir - the Baptist of Russia, Reverene Nestor of the Chronicler - one of the heroes of Russian history, Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky "The glorious defender of Russia, Rev. Sergius of the Radonezhsky - the Great Maker of the Russian Earth and a number of other saints that glorified Russian land. Next to these saints on the Millennium of Russia monument, we see great Russian poets, writers, scientists, artists, architects, sculptors, composers, teachers - the color of Russian culture - as well as the heroes of Russia, outstanding commander and government leaders.

Russia, celebrating in 1862 the millennium of his history and culture, erected this amazing monument. And why are we, thanks to this monument, after almost a half hundreds of years we can see how in the XIX century Russia glorified his great citizens.

In the 20th century, the Millennium Monument of the Millennium of Russia, like the whole of our Fatherland, had a chance to undergo a great test. The Mongol-Tatar Hordes in the XIII-XIV century did not disagree the Great Novgorod, because they did not reach it. And the fascist hordes in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, capturing this oldest Russian hail, wanted to overthrow over his shrines. In the frosty January days of 1944, the German invaders decided to kidnap the "Millennium of Russia" at the central square of Veliky Novgorod, in order to take him to Germany as a trophy, as people hijacked in the German slavery, as the cattle was hijacked, how many material values \u200b\u200bwere kidnapped and cultural treasures of Russia. The monument figures cast in bronze were torn off by the fascists from the granite pedestal. The monument was divided into parts and prepared for transportation. But the Lord did not judge to accomplish this atrocity. On January 20, 1944, Velikiy Novgorod was released by our troops, and the film of the military correspondent recorded the striking picture: the foot of the monument was strange and randomly lying human figures on snow. ... These were the bronze sculptures of the Great Sons and Daughters of Russia, which artist Mikhail Mikeshin (1835-1896 ) Created for the Millennium Russia monument. Even in those terrible years of military lipherette, people could not look at the photos made by living traces of this vandalism.

Although the Great Patriotic War continued, a monument "Millennium of Russia", which in the 20-30 years of the XX century almost did not remember because of its allegedly minor aesthetic value, was not forgotten. Already on November 2, 1944, a modest, but the solemn discovery of the revived monument was conducted.

When a monument "Millennia of Russia" was restored, on the historical panoramic cast in bronze, along with other great compatriots, grateful descendants again saw Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, with a sword in the hands of protecting Russia.

The sacred memory of Russia for us is inseparable with memory of those who first lived in Russian land, who cultivated it and defended. This connection perfectly expressed the greatest Russian poet A.S. Pushkin:

Two feelings are wildly close to us

The heart takes place in them:

Love for native ashes,

Love for the deputy coffins.

They are based on century

By the will of God

Understanding man, -

The key to his grandeur.

Life-giving shrine!

The land was safe for them;

Without them, our close world is a desert,

Soul - Altar without a deity.

Not only in the history of the Fatherland, but also in the life of every person, events occur in the life of a separate family, schools and the city - large and small, simple and heroic, joyful and mournful. These events sometimes become known to many, and more often visited only a small group of people or individuals. People for their own memory write diaries, memoirs. The memory of the people remained through oral legends. Chronicles recorded what they wanted to convey to the future generations. A lot in the cultural life of the Fatherland has been preserved due to manuscripts, archives, books and libraries. Currently, there are many new technical means - memory media. But in the Orthodox culture of Russia, the word memory always had and is primarily spiritual and moral importance. This word is sacred! It always reminds a person about the most important thing in the past and the future, about life and death, about the dead as a living, about our inesen debt to all relatives, who lived before us, before those who sacrificed their lives for us, and most importantly - about eternity and immortality.

"Human culture as a whole not only has a memory, but this is a memory of the advantage. The culture of mankind is the active memory of mankind, the same introduced into modernity, "the greatest connoisseurs of the national and world culture of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev (1906-1999) wrote in his" letters about the good and finest "in his" letters about good and beautiful ".

"Memory is the basis of conscience and morality, the memory is the basis of culture," accumulated "culture, memory is one of the foundations of poetry - aesthetic understanding of cultural values. Store memory, take care of memory - this is our moral debt to themselves and before the descendants. Memory is our wealth. " Now, at the beginning of the new century and the Millennium, these words D.S. Likhacheva about culture sounds like a spiritual testament.

A modern systemic approach to the study of the cultural and historical heritage of Russia suggests, first of all, acquaintance with its Orthodox culture. Speaking about the Orthodox culture of Russia, we mean not only the past of our Fatherland, but also modern life. The culture of modern Russia is not only museums, libraries or outstanding monuments of ancient architecture. These are recreated and reassembled temples, revived and first-founded monasteries, reprinted church books, as well as the multi-volume "Orthodox Encyclopedia" today.

Modern culture of Russia is, first of all, our speech, our holidays, our schools and universities, our attitude to parents, to their family, to their Fatherland, to other peoples and countries. Academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: "If you love your mother, you will understand other loving your parents, and this feature will not only be familiar to you, but also pleasant. If you love your people, you will also understand other peoples who love their nature, their art, their past. "

A.S. Pushkin, working on the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin," wrote lines that were not included in the final version of the novel. These reverent lines are told about how Onegin, and therefore A.S. himself Pushkin, saw how "the people of the past days" boil "on the square where the monument of the Millennium of Russia is now banging.

The need for earthly

Who in life walked big expensive,

Large expensive pillars ...

Onegin rides, he will see

Holy Rus: its fields,

Desert, hails and seas ...

Among the plains of the first one

He sees Novgorod the Great.

Raced the square - the range of them

Refractory Bell ...

And broken churches

Fights the people of the past days ...

More than a thousand years of the history of the Orthodox culture of Russia is one of the most striking in the world history of examples of living cultural continuity of various historical eras. If only a few monuments of Orthodox culture were left on the centuries-old cultural and historical development of Russia - Ostromiro Gospel, "Word about the Law and Grace" Metropolitan Illarion, the Temple of the Intercession on Nerli, Lavrentievsky Chronicle and Troitz, Andrei Rublev, then our domestic culture It would be famous for all over the world as the greatest and richest. Without exploring these monuments and contact with these shrines, it is impossible to familiarize with the cultural heritage of our Fatherland. This legacy testifies that it is Orthodoxy that largely determined the path of cultural and historical development of Russia.

The problem of preserving cultural memory and cultural heritage is increasingly distinguished by the public consciousness. The need for its study is explained by the fact that the past century was a century of social cataclysms, among other things, to the deformation of the unity of the cultural and historical memory of the peoples that are part of Russia, when a significant part of the cultural heritage has undergone. Under the conditions of threatening destruction, the material and intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia may be the basis of the spiritual unity of the civilization of Russia.

The role of cultural memory in the preservation of the unity of Russian civilization cannot be considered out of understanding of the civilization specificity of Russia. The problem of Russia as "subciliarization" considers Ji in its works. Vasilyev. I. Yakovenko proposes a characteristic of Russia's civilization as "civilization involved." Yu. Kobechnov develops an idea of \u200b\u200bRussia as a conglomerate of various civilizations. B. Erasov sees the specifics of Russia in its "unpivilus". The author of the study is solidated with the position of D. N. Zamyatina, V.B. Zemskova, Ya. G. Shemyakina, who consider Russia as border civilization.

Eurasians (N. S. Trubetskaya, P.N. Savitsky, P.P. Suvchinsky, V.N. Ilyin, G. V. Florovsky), who saw the uniqueness of Russia are that Russia has seen the uniqueness of Russia in the fact of the National Cultural Landscape It simultaneously belongs to the West and the East, without being neither the other. Eurasianism largely mystified the problem of the role of space in such as its aspects as a border position, the form of the country, the size, scale, the ratio of territorial forms, the methods of existence of states and societies, which does not remove the importance and theoretical invertation of this problem.

Pushkin Epoch was the epoch of self-knowledge in domestic culture. A.S. Pushkin brilliantly expressed the essence of the problem with words: "As Russia to enter Europe and remain Russia." P.Ya. Chaadaev approval that the fundamental negative side of Russian history is the separation of Russia from the present and past Europe, its independence and "enthusiasm", caused a discussion that divided Slavophiles and Westerns in relation to the cultural and historical memory. Slavophiles A. Khomyakov, I. Kireevsky, I. Aksakov, Y. Samarin appealed to the cultural past of Russia, defending its originality and uniqueness. In line with Russian conservative thought M. M. Shcherbatov N.M. Karamzin, N.Ya. Danilevsky, K.N. Leontyev, F. I. Tyutchev argued that Russia in its spiritual and historical basis retains "intact Christianity".

A characteristic feature of Russian philosophy is its connection with the literature, and the Russian culture of the XIX century - literary centers. It is not by chance that the work of N.V. Gogol, A.K. Tolstoy, F.I. Tyutcheva, F.M. Dostoevsky retain communication with that spiritual tradition, which is the value core of Russian culture. "Silver Age" occupies a ruble position in the culture of Russia. The passion for many Creators of the "Silver Century" by Nietzsche's philosophy with his appeal to block cultural memory brings them closer with the ideas of radical political flows. The creators of the Russian artistic avant-garde before the revolution of 1917 insist on the need for annihilation of cultural memory. The destructive impact of revolutionary events on the cultural heritage is comprehended at this time in the works of I.A. Ilina, N.A. Berdyaeva, G.P. Fedotova, V.V. Waidle. D.S. Likhachev, A.M. Panchenko, V.N. Toporov, A.L. Yurganov examine the phenomena of spiritual culture on the layer from the Middle Ages to a new time, when the problem of cultural inheritance was one of the most sharp. Again, the role of cultural memory in the preservation of the spiritual unity of Russia in the October and the post-Betyabrs period was O. Berdyaev, V.V. Zenkovsky, G.P. Fedotov, G.V. Florovsky. In the present period, the problem of preserving cultural memory and cultural heritage is represented by one of the most important tasks, without solving which it is impossible to preserve the integrity of Russia. Cultural heritage as a collective identification factor considered such domestic scientists as Yu.E. Arnautova, S.S. Averintsev, A.V. Buganov, D.S. Likhachev, D.E. Muza, V.M. Intersaev. S.N. Artanovsky studied the problem of cultural gauge.

The problem of cultural heritage at present

Following the news, I realized that this problem is quite relevant among the public.

The latest news that directly relate to the cultural heritage issue:

17:56 08/02/2011

Marina Selina, RIA Novosti:

Historic buildings and monuments of Russia can dramatically reduce the number in the coming years. The State Duma is preparing to consider in the second reading amendment to the federal law on the objects of cultural heritage. If the bill will be adopted in an existing form, then the exclusion function from the register of the cultural heritage object will be transferred from the government level to the departmental.

15:10 | 04.10.2008 | Last news

Petersburg and Krakow: common problems of preserving cultural heritage.

In St. Petersburg today discuss the problems of preserving historical monuments. Representatives of Poland and Russia are divided into each other in this area. St. Petersburg and Krakow - Potility cities, cultural capital with the same fate and similar problems. The main topic of the conference was the program of development, which would allow to preserve the historical heritage of two cities. Colleagues from Poland shared their methods to solve this problem. And even offered cooperation.

Yanush Sepel, Senator:

"I believe that Poland has a lot of experience in the restoration technician, and this could be the subject of cooperation. The second sector of cooperation could be the cooperation of the bodies of the citys of the city listed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site in terms of how to manage the processes that go around historical heritage monuments. "

Valeria Davydova:

"This is the problem of enough barbarous modern inclusion in the historic center: advertising, restructuring of buildings. These are very important problems. And it was seen that they are worried about the inhabitants of St. Petersburg and the residents of Krakow. "

According to the results of today's conference, in the coming year will publish a book in which the main ways to solve the problems of conservation of cultural heritage will be included. And a year later in St. Petersburg will again hold a conference: already to summarize the work.

Problems of the restoration of historical and cultural heritage in the modern sociocultural context of the development of Central Asia.

On November 26, 2005, the International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Problems of the Restoration of Historical and Cultural Heritage in Central Asian Region took place in Tashkent. The main development strategy". Its organizers were the representative office of UNESCO in Uzbekistan, the Foundation "Forum - Culture and Art of Uzbekistan", the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, the International Non-Governmental Organization "Restorers without Borders". Caravan-Sarai Culture Ikuo Hiroami in the days of the conference united specialists of restorers, historians, archaeologists, architects, art historians, cultural scientists with more than 20 countries of the world. The forum had not only scientific and theoretical, but also great practical importance: its result was the creation of a regional restoration center in Tashkent.

The concept of preserving the cultural heritage of the city will appear in Moscow.

In Moscow, with the participation of the public, the concept of preserving the cultural heritage of the capital will be developed. According to the report received by the REGNUM correspondent from the press service of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow, this was announced by the head of the Department of Alexander Kibovsky as part of a meeting with representatives of a number of public organizations that make their task to assist the preservation of cultural heritage.

This summary cannot but rejoice at least awareness that this problem is engaged, and, therefore, there is hope that our cultural heritage will disappear into obscurity. However, against the background of this, the devastating lawlessness is outrageously triumphantly, which the pre-war power is revealed.

Special cynicism was performed by the appeal of the governor of Valentina Matvienko to the premiere Vladimir Putin with a request to exclude St. Petersburg from the list of historical settlements, the authorities of which since July 2010 are obliged to coordinate urban planning documentation with Rosokhrankultura.

Fortunately, this monstrous statement immediately caused a huge resonance among non-indinced Petersburgers. Major cultural figures signed an appeal to Vladimir Putin, in which the premiere was asked to reject the proposal of Valentina Matvienko to exclude the Northern Capital from the list of historical settlements. The document was prepared by the St. Petersburg "apple" at the request of Actor Oleg Basilashvili.

"The practice of recent years convincingly proves that the city authorities cannot, and most importantly - do not want to protect the historical appearance of St. Petersburg. All new and new town planning mistakes, distorting the unique appearance of our city, is a direct consequence of permits and approvals issued by the city authorities. "," referred to.

According to the signatories, in all trials related to the preservation of the historical appearance of the city, the city authorities are actually opposed to ceremonic officers, "protecting the interests of developers." The appeal was signed in addition to Bassilashvili Boris Strugatsky, Chief Researcher of the European University in St. Petersburg, Boris Firsov, Professor Alexander Kobrinsky, and others.

Protection of cultural heritage

Here, first of all, there are in view of the monuments of material culture, although many spiritual values \u200b\u200bof culture often need to be protected (for example, the problem of the purity of the Russian language). What is the problem of protecting cultural monuments?

· physical security involves the presence of worshipers or special security systems assigned to one or another monument.

· restoration - one of the main ways to preserve the monument, it happens according to international standards that cannot be broken

· preservation - preservation of the monument in the form in which he reached us

· erecting "Novodelov", i.e. Creation of copies of once destroyed monuments or partial recreation of lost elements of exterior, interior, etc.

· museum, i.e. Comprehensive approach to the restoration of the monument, turning it into the object of the museum display

The processes taking place with cultural monuments are indicators of public health as a whole.

Each era has its own problems and its own look at the protection of cultural heritage. So in the 17-18 centuries. No concept "Monument of History and Culture". There was not a single decree to Petrovsky about the protection of a monument. But there always existed a tight opinion that destroying any antiquity (icon, temple, tombstones, kurgan, etc.) is a sin.

Some of the first decrees of Peter (18 century) concerns the objects of art - "Curious things" or "that the bearer old, then unusually." However, objects that appeared on the memory of the living generation, as a rule, were not numbered to monuments.

In 1869, the "Project of the Provision on the Protection of Monuments" arises. In it, monuments are divided into the following groups:

Monuments of architecture (buildings, embankments, trees, mounds)

Monuments Written (manuscripts, old-line books)

Monuments of painting (icons, walloping)

Monuments of sculptures, threads, products made of gold, silver, copper and iron

And in 1877 the concept of "historical monument" appears.

After the October Revolution, a number of decrees about the protection of monuments appear, then the concept of "historical monument" began, and the monuments of the modern time were included in this category: houses, things of famous people. ® Historical and memorial - the same important criteria for the monument as temporary and artistic.

Since 1924, monuments are divided into two categories:

Movable, i.e. Exhibits of museums, works of art;

Real estate, i.e. Sculptural ensembles.

But as shown time, sometimes in case of extreme necessity and immovable monuments can become driven.

In 1976, a law was created on the protection of monuments, in which several types of real estate monuments are distinguished:

Archeology monuments (excavations)

Monuments of history (at home)

Architectural monuments (any monuments before arr. 19 century)

Monuments of art (mostly movable)

Documentary monuments (require special storage conditions)

Finally, a new term "heritage" or "Historical and Cultural Heritage" appears (70s.) - This is any kind of monument, which is a significant and important source of study of private or public life. There are also more abstract concepts: "memorable place" or "spiritual monument", for example, it can be a route of the cross move, which was committed by decades, places of battles, places of religious phenomena. Always any monument is considered in the context of social, economic, political. The main guarantee of the preservation of the monument is its registration.

Before 90s. Of the 10 thousand cemetery monuments in records consisted of "450 graves, and all of them belonged to the figures of the revolution, who died in the 20s, 30s. And the graves and tombstones of other people, the church graves did not consist of accounting, and they can It was demolished, to transfer, etc.

And one more concept is "Patina of Time". If the object is very old, ancient, then no matter what it represents, it needs to be saved. For Moscow, a large random is an additional monument.

For the protection and study of cultural monuments, an integrated approach is necessary, i.e. Preservation and study in the context of the medium.

Do not focus on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but wandering lights. A. Morua

What do students and students think about the problem of cultural heritage and cultural memory?

Student at the Faculty of Linguistics Lieberov Stas:

"Maybe I am too rude, but I think that most people in our city, and in general in the country, it does not matter their spiritual development. Of course, I mean our generation, older people are still appreciated what remains of history. For example, the same museums. Who goes into them? Do you think youth? Not. Not all of course, but most of it is not necessary. I consider this generation, our generation, disappears in the spiritual plan. "

Student of the International Gymnasium Petrishchev Vsevolod:

"If you judge on the latest decisions of our government, then in a few decades, we will not be proud of us, and our state will not have that rich cultural heritage, which we still have now. For example, various museums - estates, apartments. There are several such estates in my native Novgorod region. Suvorovskoye-Konchansky, Onega, Derzhavinskaya manor. From all these estates in the "living" there was only one left: the manor, in which the Suvorov reference was served. And the most discerning thing is that no one wants to restore these estates. The Novgorod government is responsible: we lack funds. Although if you judge the material state, you will not say that "not enough funds"! "

Student of the International Gymnasium Zhabbarova Lola:

"The problem of cultural heritage in Russia is very relevant, there are many evidence that historical monuments are in a terrible state. One example of this is the old church of the 17th century, it is a huge, beautiful building with bell tower and icons, but it has long been subject to urgent reconstruction. This church is located in the village of Village, where I spend the summer. For many years, the city administration closes his eyes to the problem of preserving historical monuments and in nearby villages there are a huge number of churches and temples to be repaired. "

After spending a social survey among students and students, I concluded:

% It believes that the problem of cultural heritage is relevant.

They are sincerely worried about the fate of many historical monuments.

% It is believed that this problem appeared due to the disinterestance of our state.

% It is believed that people themselves do not participate in solving this problem.

% believe that it's time to begin to think more widely, and think about the future, and not about the past.


Historical and cultural heritage is an important factor in the preservation of cultural identity, which is especially important for our country for a number of circumstances. The polyethnic nature of Russia's civilization determined the fact that the cultural heritage is the result of the contribution, which each of the people of Russia contributed to the treasury of Russian culture. The period of recovery of cultural memory in our country coincided with the growing of globalization processes. The openness of the information space of the Russian Federation, starting from the 90s of the last century, led to the massive impact of the standards of Western, primarily American culture. Greens up the gap between generations in the knowledge of domestic history and culture. The younger generation does not experience nostalgia in the past, its memory is not loaded by ideological stereotypes, which caused the worldview chaos of the 90s, when the information shaft hit the society, archives were discovered from which previously unavailable materials, cult figures of domestic history were extracted without painstaking processing The Soviet period is debunked, and at the same time the state has deprived support for memory storage - museums, libraries, archives. The collapse of the USSR and the growth of ethnocraticism in the former Soviet republics led to the revision of the most important events of the past. Traumatic shock, which experienced public consciousness, has led to emotional fatigue, which was expressed in reducing interest in the "unpredictable" past of our country. "The cultural landscape of Russia degraded. With the disappearance of the artistic environment, the spiritual memory of the people was degenerated. "

Immersion This in many people has been connected with the primary need to survive in new economic conditions.

At the beginning of the XXI century, Russia is facing the task of preserving its cultural identity, which implies the foundation in common for all those inhabiting its nations, which would actually realize its indestructible unity and the community of values \u200b\u200band meanings. Such a foundation may be the general cultural property of the peoples of Russia, which allows to preserve the total cultural identity of all peoples living in the Russian Federation. The cultural policy of the state should be aimed at preserving, restoration, classification of the property of past generations without withdrawal, which were made during the years of Soviet power regarding noble, merchaous, confessional and other subcultures. You can agree with the modern author, who writes: "The spiritual flow of society is associated with the historical and cultural heritage and not only with its protection and preservation, but, the main thing, with its creative perception and use in the name of the ideals needed to move towards the future" cultural The historical environment in its fullness and complexity is able to preserve the memory of peoples. The legacy as spiritual and intellectual potential is one of the most significant components of the national domain of Russia, which allows it to remain among the great world powers. Heritage objects create prerequisites for preserving identity, they enshrine a variety of national, ethnic and religious crops, a variety of nature.


1. Lihachev D.S. Notes on Russian // Likhachev D. S. Selected work in three volumes. Volume 2. - l.: Art. Lit., 1987. - P. 418-494.

2. Lihachev D.S. Art of memory and memory of art // Criticism and time: literary and critical collection / Sost. N. P. Utekhin. - L. Lenizat, 1984.

D.S. Likhachev Notes on the origins of art // Context-1985: Literary and theoretical studies / d. ed. N. K. Gay. - M.: Science, 1986.

Likhachev D.S. Destruction of architectural monuments // Favorites: Thoughts about life, history, culture / Sost. D. S. Bakun. - M.: Ros. Culture Fund, 2006.

Monuments of the history and culture of St. Petersburg. Issue 5. Publisher: White and Black, 2000.

Polyakov MA The protection of the cultural heritage of Russia. - St. Petersburg. Publisher: Drop Plus, 2005.

Smirnov V.G. Russia in Bronze: Monument "Millennium of Russia" and his heroes. - SPb.2007.

Fundamental problems of cultural studies. In 4 volumes. Cultural policy. - M. Publisher: Aletia, 2008.





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1) The problem of historical memory (responsibility for the bitter and terrible consequences of the past).

The problem of responsibility, national and human, was one of the central in the literature in the middle of the 20th century. For example, A.T. Tvardovsky in the poem "By the right of memory" calls for the rethinking of the sad experience of totalitarianism. The same topic is revealed in the poem A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem". The sentence of the state system based on injustice and lies, is carried out by A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the story "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

2) The problem of preserving monuments of antiquity and careful attitude towards them.

The problem of careful attitude towards cultural heritage has always remained in the center of general attention. In a difficult post-revolutionary period, when the change of political system was accompanied by the overtaking of previous values, the Russian intellectuals did everything possible to save cultural relics. For example, Academician D.S. Likhachev prevented that Nevsky Prospectus was built up with typical high-rise buildings. At the funds of Russian cinematographers were restored by the estate of Kuskovo and Abramtsevo. Caring for monuments of antiquity is distinguished by Tulyakov: the appearance of the historic city center, church, the Kremlin remains.

Conquerors of antiquity burned books and destroyed monuments to deprive the people of historical memory.

3) the problem of attitude to the past, the loss of memory, roots.

"Disrespect for the ancestors is the first sign of immorality" (A.S. Pushkin). A man who does not remember the kinship of his who lost his memory, Chingiz Aitmatov called the mancourt ( "Brown half-wings"). Mancourt - a man forcibly devoid of memory. This is a slave that has no past. He does not know who he comes from where he does not know his name, does not remember childhood, father and mother - in one word, does not realize himself with a human being. Such misunderstanding is dangerous for society - a writer warns.

Most recently, on the eve of the great holiday of victory on the streets of our city, they polled young people, whether they know about the beginning and end of the Great Patriotic War, about who we fought, who is the city of Zhukov ... Answers were depressing: the younger generation does not know Dates of the beginning of the war, names of the commander, many have not heard of the Stalingrad battle, about the Kursk arc ...

The problem of oblivion of the past is very serious. A person who does not respect history that does not honor his ancestors is the same mancourt. So I want to remind these young people a piercing cry from the legend of Ch. Aytmatov: "Remember, whose are you? What is your name?"

4) the problem of false goal in life.

"A person needs not three Arsshina of the Earth, not a manor, but the whole globe. All nature, where on the square he could show all the properties of free spirit, "- wrote A.P. Chekhov. Life without purpose There is a meaningless existence. But goals are different, such as, for example, in the story "Gooseberry". Her Hero - Nikolai Ivanovich Chimsza-Himalayan - dreams of buying his estate and plant a gooseberry there. This goal absorbs it entirely. As a result, he reaches it, but at the same time almost loses the human appearance ("spread, flickering ... - Togo and looked, sculpts in the blanket"). False goal, looping on material, narrow, limited man urgent. He needs a constant movement, development, excitement, improvement ...

I. Bunin In the story of "Mr. from San Francisco" in the Kazakh of the fate of a man who served as false values. The wealth was his God, and he worshiped this God. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that under-linous happiness passed by man: he died and not Uz-Nav, what is life.

5) the meaning of human life. Search for a life path.

The image of Oblomov (I.A. Goncharov) is the image of a person who wanted a lot to achieve in life ---. He wanted to change his life, wanted to rebuild the life of the estate, wanted to grow children ... But he had no strength, so that these desires would bring to life, so his dreams remained with dreams.

M. Gorky in the play "At the bottom" showed the drama of "former people", which have lost their strength to fight for themselves. They hope for something good, understand that it is necessary to live better, but nothing is done in order to change your fate. It is not by chance that the play of the play begins at the night and ends there.

N. Gogol, the accuser of human vices, tincturing, looking for a living human soul. The portrait of Plushina, who became a "band on the body of mankind," he passionately calls the reader who comes out in adulthood, to take with him all "human movements", not lose them on a life road.

Life is a movement on an endless road. One travels on it "with a treasury need," asking questions: why did I live, for what purpose did I born? ("Hero of our time"). Others are frightened by this road, run to their wide sofa, for "life touches everywhere, gets" ("Oblomov"). But there are those who, mistaken, doubting, suffering, rise to the tops of the truth, gaining their spiritual "I". One of them - Pierre Duhov - Hero of Roman-Epopea L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

At the beginning of his way, Pierre Dalo from the truth: admires Napoleon, is involved in the Golden Youth company, participates in the hooligan tricks on a par with Doolohov and Kuragin, too easily leaving a rough bowel caused by which his huge state becomes. At one stupidity, another: marriage to Helen, duel with Doolokh ... and as a result - a complete loss of the meaning of life. "What is bad? What well?

What should I love and hate what? Why live and what am I? " - These questions are scrolled in the head that is scrolled, until there is a sober understanding of life. On the way to Him and the experience of Freemasonry, and monitoring simple soldiers in the Borodino battle, and the meeting in captivity with the popular philosopher Plato Karataev. Only the world moves with love and a person lives - Pierre Duhov comes to this thought, gaining his spiritual "I".

6) self-sacrifice. Love for neighbor. Compassion and mercy. Suitable.

In one of the books dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the former blockade recalls that he, Umury, a teenager, during a terrible hunger saved the life of a living neighbor, who brought the jar of stews sent by his son from the front. "I'm old, and you are young, you still live yes live," said this man. He soon died, and the boy saved by him for his whole life retained a grateful memory about him.

The tragedy occurred in the Krasnodar Territory. In a home for the elderly, where sick old men lived, a fire began. Among the 62 burned alive and the 53-year-old nurse Lydia Pacinseva, who was on duty on the night. When the fire broke out, she took old people under his arms, brought to the windows and helped them escape. That's just not saved - did not have time.

W. M. Sholokhov is a wonderful story "The Fate of Che-Loveken". It tells about the tragic fate of the soldier who lost all the relatives during the war. Once he met Til the boy-siroto and decided to turn his father. This metrophage says that love and desire to do good give a person for strength to life, forces in order to confront fate. Sonya Marmeladova.

7) the problem of indifference. Surround and soulless attitude towards man.

"Satisfied with people" who are accustomed to comfort, people with minority interests are the same heroes Chekhov, "People in case". This is the Doctor of Elders in "Ionche", and teacher Belikov in "Man in a case". Recall how the chubby, red "Dmitry Elders Jonle, and Kucher's Panteleimon," Also Puffy and Red ", shouts:" Prerava Hold! " "Prerava keep" - this is the desepace from the troubles and human problems. There should be no interference on their prosperous life of life. And in Belikovsky "No matter what happened" we see only indifferent attitude towards other people's problems. The spiritual cloister of these heroes is obvious. And no, they are not intellectuals, but simply - the mothers, the inhabitants who have impaired "owners of life".

8) the problem of friendship, comrade debt.

Front service - the expression is almost legendary; There is no doubt that there is no more strong and dedicated friendship between people. Literary examples are many. In the story of Gogol "Taras Bulba", one of the heroes exclaims: "There is no ultrasound lighter companionship!". But most often this topic was revealed in the literature about the Great Patriotic War. In the story of B. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ..." and the Genitian girls, and the captain of Vaskov live according to the laws of mutual support, responsibility for each other. In the novel K. Simonov "Live and dead" Captain Sintsov makes a wounded comrade from the battlefield.

9) The problem of scientific progress.

In the story of M. Bulgakov, Dr. Preobrazhensky turns the PSA into man. Scientists drive thirst for knowledge, stringing to change nature. But sometimes the progress turns on terrible consequences: a bite creature with a "dog heart" is not yet a person, because there is no soul in it, there is no love, honor, nobility.

In print, it was reported that the immortality elixir will appear very soon. Death will be defeated finally. But many people have this news did not cause joy, on-mind, anxiety intensified. What will be wrapped for a person this is a mortal?

10) The problem of the patriarchal rustic lifestyle. The problem of charms, the beauty of moral and healthy rustic life.

In Russian literature, the theme of the village and the theme of the Motherland was often united. Rural life has always been perceived as the most serene, natural. One of the first, this idea was expressed by Pushkin, who called the village with his office. ON THE. Nekrasov in the poem and poems paid the attention of the reader not only on the poverty of the peasant rally, but also on how friendly peasant families, as hospitable Russian women. There is a lot about the originality of the farmers, the epopea of \u200b\u200bSholokhov "Quiet Don". In the story of Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera" an ancient village is endowed with historical memory, the loss of which is equivalent to death for residents.

11) Labor problem. Delight of meaningful activities.

The theme of labor was repeatedly developed in Russian classical and modern literature. As an example, it is sufficient to recall the novel I.A. Thrycharov "Oblomov". The hero of this work Andrei Stolz sees the meaning of life not as a result of labor, but in the process itself. This example is visible in the story of Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Yvor". His heroine does not perceive forced labor, as a punishment, a punishment - it refers to work as an integral part of existence.

12) The problem of the influence of laziness per person.

In the sketch of Chekhov "My" She "lists all the terrible consequences of the influence of laziness on people. Goncharov "Oblomov" (image of Oblomov). Image of Manilova (Gogol "Dead Souls")

13) The problem of the future of Russia.

Many poets and writers affected the topic of the future of Russia. For example, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in the lyrical retreat of the poem "Dead Souls" compares Russia with a "brisk-rongged top". "Rus, where are you going?" - he asks. But the author does not have an answer to the question. The poet Eduard Asadov in the poem "Russia began not from the sword" writes: "It gets up dawn, light and hot. And it will be so mature indestructible. Russia began not with a sword, and therefore she is invincible! ". He is sure that Russia is waiting for a great future, and nothing can prevent her.

14) The problem of the effect of art per person.

Scientists, psychologists have long argued that music can have a different impact on the nervous system, to the Nus of man. It is generally recognized that the works of the Bach are improving and developing intelligence. Music Beethoven awakens compassion, cleans the thoughts and senses of man from negative. Schumanim helps to understand the soul of the child.

The seventh symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich has a subtitle "Leningrad". But the name "legendary" is suitable. The fact is that when the fascists were besieged by Leningrad, the 7th Symphony of Dmitry Shop-Kovich was presented on residents of the city, which, as eyewitnesses evidence, gave people new forces to fight the enemy. (Wed with attitude to the art of Bazarov - "fathers and children").

Nekrasov "Who in Russia ..." (Ch. Rural Faith ")

15) The problem of anticulture.

This problem is relevant today. Now on television is the dominance of "soap operas", which significantly reduce the level of our culture. As another example, you can recall the literature. Well the topic of "discoughurization" is disclosed in the novel "Master and Margarita". Massolite employees write bad works and have dinner in restaurants and have cottages. They are enthusiastic and their literature worship.

16) the problem of modern television.

In Moscow, the gang was worn for a long time, which was distinguished by special cruelty. When the criminals grabbed, they admitted that their behavior, the American film "Babied Killers", which they watched almost every day, had a great influence on their behavior. Hughs of the heroes of this picture they sought to copy and in real life.

Many modern athletes when they were children watched TV and wanted to be like athletes of their time. Through television broadcasts, they met sports and his heroes. Of course, there are also rates when a person acquired the dependence on the TV, and it had to be treated in special clinics.

17) The problem of clogging Russian.

I believe that the use of foreign words in their native language is justified only if there is no equivalent. With the clogging of Russian language borrowings, many of our writers fought. M. Gorky pointed: "It makes it difficult for our reader to stack in the Russian phrase of foreign words. It makes no sense to write a concentration when we have our good word - condensed. "

Admiral A.S. Shishkov, who took some time the post of Minister of Enlightenment, offered to replace the word fountain invented by him clumsy synonym - water vessels. Exercising in the wordness, he invented the replacement of the borrowed words: he offered to speak instead of the alley - the prosidation, billiards - scarocate, cue replaced with a pike, and the library called the book. To replace the words of Kalosha, who did not like him, he came up with another - mocomantage. Such care about the purity of the tongue can not cause anything other than laughter and irritation of contemporaries.

18) the problem of the destruction of natural wealth.

If you began to write in the press about thieving humanity in the last ten to fifteen years, then Ch. Aitmatov in the 70s in his story "after a fairy tale" ("White Steamer") spoke about this problem. He showed the degradation, the hopelessness of the way, if a person ruins nature. She takes revement, confusion. The writer continues the same topic and in the next its works: "And the longest century lasts the day" ("Brons of the Film"), "Floa", "Tavro Kassandra".

A particularly strong sensation produces a novel "Floch". On the example of the wolf family, the author showed the destruction of wildlife from human economic activity. And how terrible it becomes when you see that when compared with a person, predators look more humane and "human" than the "crown of creation." So for the sake of which good in the future, a person brings his children on the falla?

19) imposing his opinion to others.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. "Lake, cloud, tower ..." The main character - Vasily Ivanovich is a modest employee who won a pleasant trip to nature.

20) The topic of war in the literature.

Very often, congratulating your friends or relatives, we wish them a peaceful sky above their heads. We do not want their families to undergo heavy war testing. War! These five letters carry the sea of \u200b\u200bblood, tears, suffering, and most importantly, the death of the expensive to our heart of people. There are always on our planet war. Always the hearts of people overwhelmed the pain of loss. From everywhere where the war is being heard, the moans of mothers, crying children and deafening explosions that tear our souls and hearts. To our big fortune, we know about the war only from feature films and literary works.

A lot of tests of war fell to our country. At the beginning of the XIX century, Russia shocked the Patriotic War of 1812. The patriotic spirit of the Russian people showed L. N. Tolstoy in his novel-epic "War and Peace". The guerrilla war, Borodino battle - all this and much more appears in front of us. We are witnessing the terrible weekdays. Tolstoy tells about the fact that for many war became the most ordinary thing. They (for example, Tushin) make heroic exploits on the battlefields, but they do not notice it. For them, war is the work that they must accomplish in good faith. But the war can become commonplace not only on the battlefields.

A whole city can get used to the thought of war and continue to live, setting up with her. This city in 1855 was Sevastopol. About the difficult months of defense of Sevastopol narrates L. N. Tolstoy in his "Sevastopol stories". There are especially reliably on occurring events, since Tolstoy is their eyewitness. And after he saw and heard in the city, full blood and pain, he set a certain goal - to tell his reader only the truth - and nothing but the truth. The bombing of the city did not stop. New and new fortifications were required. Sailors, soldiers worked under the snow, rain, half-starved, dirty, but they still worked.

And here everyone just amazes the courage of their spirit, the power of will, huge patriotism. Together with them in this city lived their wives, mothers, children. They were so bored with the situation in the city, which no longer paid attention to either shots or in the explosions. Very often they brought dinners to their husbands directly to the bastions, and one shell could often destroy the whole family. Tolstoy shows us that the worst in the war happens in the hospital: "You will see doctors there with hands bloody by elbows ... busy near the bed, on which, with open eyes and speaking, as in delusions, meaningless, sometimes simple and touching words , wounded under the influence of chloroform. "

War for Tolstoy is dirt, pain, violence, whatever goal is: "... You will see the war not in the right, beautiful and brilliant strictly, with music and drumboats, with fluttering banners and glossy generals, and you will see the war in Its expression - in the blood, in suffering, in death ... "The heroic defense of Sevastopol in 1854-1855 shows again to everyone, as a strong Russian people love their homeland and how boldly becomes on its protection. I do not regret the strength, applying any means, he (Russian people) does not give the enemy to capture his native land.

In 1941-1942, the defense of Sevastopol will repeat. But it will be another Great Patriotic War - 1941-1945. In this war with fascism, the Soviet people will make an extraordinary feat that we will always remember about. M. Sholokhov, K. Simonov, B. Vasilyev and many other writers dedicated their works by the events of the Great Patriotic War. This difficult time is also characteristic of the fact that in the ranks of the Red Army, women fought with men. And even the fact that they are representatives of the weak floor, did not stop them. They fought with fear inside themselves and committed such heroic actions, which seemed to be completely unusual for women. It is about such women that we learn from the pages of the story B. Vasilyev "and the dawns here are quiet ...".

Five girls and their combat commander F. Baskov turn out to be on Siniukhina ridge with sixteen fascists who are sent to the railway, absolutely confident in the fact that no one knows about their operation. In a difficult position, our fighters were: it is impossible to retreat, but to stay, so the Germans of them as seeds are serving. But there is no way out! Behind the homeland! And these girls are committing a fearless feat. At the cost of their life, they stop the enemy and do not allow him to carry out his terrible plans. And what carefree was the life of these girls before the war?! They studied, worked, rejoiced lives. And suddenly! Airplanes, tanks, guns, shots, screams, moans ... But they did not break and gave for victory the most expensive thing they had, - life. They gave life to their homeland.

But on Earth there is a civil war on which a person can give life and not learning what. 1918. Russia. Brother kills his brother, father - Son, son - Father. Everything is mixed in the heat of the malice, everything depreciates: love, relatives, human life. M. Tsvetaeva writes: Brothers, here it is a bet of extreme! The third year already abel with Caine beats ...

People become a weapon in the hands of power. Crashing two camps, friends become enemies, native - forever strangers. I. Babel, A. Fadeev and many others narrate about this weight.

I. Babel served in the ranks of the first equestrian army of Budenny. There he led his diary, who later turned into the famous work of "Konarmy". In the stories of "Konarmy" speaks of a person who was in the fire of the Civil War. The main character of Litov tells us about the individual episodes of the campaign of the first equestrian army of Budenny, which was famous for its victories. But on the pages of the stories we do not feel the victorious spirit.

We see the cruelty of the Red Army, their composure and indifference. They can kill the old Jew without the slightest oscillation, but that is more terrible, they can finish their wounded comrade, without a second not thinking. But what is all this? The answer to this question is not given by I. Babel. He leaves his reader the right to reflect.
The topic of war in Russian literature was and remains relevant. Writers are trying to convey to readers the whole truth, whatever it is.

From the pages of their works, we learn that the war is not only the joy of victories and bitterness of defeats, and the war is the harsh weekdays filled with blood, pain, violence. The memory of these days will live in our memory forever. Maybe that day will come when the moans and crying mothers, salts and shots subsided on Earth, when our land will meet the day without war!

The fracture in the Great Patriotic War occurred during the Stalingrad battle, when "Russian soldier was ready to rush the bone from the skeleton and to go to the fascist" (A. Platonov). The cohesion of the people in the "Google Godina", its durability, courage, daily heroism - this is the true cause of victory. In the novel Y. Bondarev "Hot Snow"the most tragic moments of the war are reflected when the crowns of Manstein's tanks are rushing to the grouping surrounded in Stalingrad. Young artilleryrs, yesterday's boys, inhuman efforts restrain the onslaught of fascists.

The sky was bloody-smoked, the snow melted from the bullets, the earth burned under his feet, but the Russian soldier surrendered - did not let the tanks. For this feat, General Bessonov, despite all the conventions, without premium papers, hands orders and medals to the remaining soldiers. "What can I can ..." he says bitterly, applying to another soldier. General could, and power? Why does the state remember about the people only in the tragic moments of history?

In the text proposed for analysis, the Russian Soviet writer Valentin Petrovich Kataev puts the problem of the disappearance of cultural and historical heritage.

To attract the attention of the reader to this problem, the author tells about the beauty and elegance of the Moscow monuments. The writer notes that each monument can tell his story about a person who was devoted to this monument. So in the sentence 9 we are talking about the connection of the monument to Gogol with the life of this writer: near the monument was "... a mansion, where according to legend, the writer burned in the fireplace the second part of the" dead souls ".

V. Kataev focuses on the fact that works of art, once filling the streets, even disappearing, are stored in the memory of people. This thought is traced in the 12th sentence 12 "... only ghosts are left in memory of now no existing, abolished streets, alleys, stuffy ...".

The position of the author lies in the following: Each monument is a story, and destroying the monuments to historical personalities, a person destroys the part of the world history and history of his life, the moments of which can be associated with cultural objects on the streets of the hometown.

I fully divide the point of view of the writer. Indeed, a person must respect the works of art, while maintaining the cultural heritage, and not destroying it. Let us turn to the literature and confirm the arguments expressed thought. Recall the poem A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman", in the first part of which emphasis is on the history of this monument, the person depicted on this monument and the city whose part is the copper rider. Also in this poem, the author indicates that historical and cultural facilities can exist with centuries, while maintaining the history of the events taking place and then telling it new generations.

In life, you can give an example of an indifferent attitude to monuments and their history. Once I happened to visit the Polish city of Pennezho, there I saw a monument to the General of the Soviet Army I.D. Chernyakhovsky. I was proud for the fact that the story of the heroes of the Second World War remains to this day not only in the countries of the former USSR, but also in Europe. However, in 2015, I learned that this monument was decided to demolish, thus depriving many people with the opportunity to get acquainted with such an outstanding person, the hero of the Second World War.

In conclusion, we can say that everyone's debt to preserve the cultural heritage of their country, because all monuments, monuments, streets, buildings are our story that we must save for future generations.

Updated: 2018-02-09

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In this material, we focused on the reader's attention on the main problems raised in the texts on the exam in the Russian language. Arguments illustrating these problems are under the appropriate headlines. You can also download a table with all these examples at the end of the article.

  1. IN tale V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera" The author affects the problem of the conservation of natural heritage for the whole society. The writer notes that without the knowledge of the past it is impossible to build a worthy future. Nature is also memory, our story. So, the death of the island of Matyor and the same little village is the cause of the loss of memory of the beautiful days of life in this area, her former residents ... Unfortunately, only the older generation, for example, the main heroine of Daria Pinigina, understood, Mattera is not just an island, this is a connection with Past, the memory of the ancestors. When Mattera disappeared under the waters of the raging hangary, and the last resident left this place, the memory died.
  2. History of heroes science fiction story American writer Ray Bradbury "And rushed Thunder"it is also a confirmation of the fact that nature is part of our overall history. Nature, time and memory - all these concepts are woven together, and it emphasizes the science fiction writer. The death of a little creature, butterfly, caused the death of the future of the whole world. Interference in the life of the wild nature of the prehistoric past was very expensive to residents of the planet Earth. Thus, the problem of preserving the natural heritage in the story of Ray Bradbury "and rushed thunder" rises so that people think about the value of the environment, because it is inextricably linked with the history of mankind.

Preservation of cultural heritage

  1. In the book of the Soviet and Russian philologist and the culturologist D.S. Likhacheva "Letters of good and beautiful" The problem of preserving cultural heritage is revealed. The author makes his readers think about what the cultural monuments are meaning for a person. The doctor of philological sciences reminds us that, unlike natural objects, architectural structures are not capable of self-healing. He urges everyone to take an active part in conservation of memory frozen in clay and gypsum. In his opinion, no one should reject the culture of the past, since it is the foundation of our future. This statement should convince each not indifferent person to try to resolve the problem of preserving the cultural heritage set by D.S. Likhachev.
  2. IN roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" One of the main characters, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, is confident that culture is indispensable in people's life. The author is trying to convey through this hero thought about the importance of cultural heritage not only Nigilist Evgenia Bazarov, but also to all readers. Without the healing influence of the art of Evgeny, for example, I could not understand myself and realize that he was a romantic, and also needs warmth and affection. It is a spiritual sphere that helps us know ourselves, so we cannot deny it. Music, pictorial art, literature make a person noble, morally beautiful, so it is necessary to take care of the preservation of cultural monuments.

The problem of memory in family relationships

  1. In the story K.N. Powesty "Telegram" Nastya for many years forgot about his mother, did not come, did not visit. She was justified by everyday employment, but no matter will be equal to importance with their mother. The history of the main character is given by the author to edify the reader: the care and love of parents should not be forgotten by children, because one day it will be late to repay them the same. So it happened with Nastya. Only after the death of the mother, the girl realized that very little time paid the one that she defended her sleep from a crib.
  2. The words of the parents, their instructions sometimes are remembered to children for many years and even for life. So, the main character Tale A.S. Pushkin "Captain's Daughter", Peter Grinev, very clearly understood for himself a simple truth of the father "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda". Thanks to parents and their instructions, the hero never gave up, did not blame anyone in his problems, with honor and dignity took defeats, if the life required. The memory of parents was something sacral for Peter Grneev. He respected their opinion, tried to justify confidence in himself, subsequently it helped him to become happy and free.
  3. The problem of historical memory

    1. In the novel B. L. Vasilyev "in the lists did not mean" The main character did not have time to celebrate on the fighting, as the bloody Second World War began. He invested all the young forces in defending the Brest Fortress, during which everyone died. Even left alone, he did not stop losing horror on the occupiers with his nightly tags. When Pluzhnikov caught, the enemies gave him the honor, since the Soviet soldier struck them with his courage. But the name of the novel tells us that many of these nameless heroes are lost in the days of days when they simply did not have time to contribute to the next list. But how much they are unrecognized and forgotten, made for us? In order for us at least to be kept in our memory, the author dedicated the feat of Nikolai Plugnikov a whole work that became the most monument of combat fame at the fraternal grave.
    2. In Aldos Huxley Antiutopia "On the wonderful new world" Describes society that deny its history. As we see, their ideal, not overshadled life has become only a shown and meaningless similarity of the real life. They have no feelings and emotions, families and marriage, friendship and other values \u200b\u200bthat determine the person. All new people are pacifiers existing according to the laws of reflexes and instincts, primitive creations. On their background, a savage is distinguished, whose education was built in touch with the achievements and defeats of past eras. That is why his individuality is indisputable. Only historical memory expressed in the continuity of generations allows us to develop harmoniously.
    3. Interesting? Save on your wall!

Arguments in the composition of the part with the exam in Russian on the topic "The problem of preserving cultural heritage"

Text from the EME

(1) Yakakov climbed the path through the wasteland, not noticing - where, without noticing the lifting. (2) And the legs are tired, dismounting from irregularities. (3) And then from a high place where he wandered, he looked around with reasonable eyes, trying to understand where he was. (4) Earth under his feet in brick wreckages, in crushed, in a bits of glass, and some kind of tricking the seed saraticle or booth next door, and the remaining fence behind the large area under the not started construction. (5) And in the hill of this, subjected to a strange desolation near the center of the capital, were white steps, about seven, then they stopped and began, it seems again.

(6) Some kind of deaf memory was broken in the Yakonov at the sight of these white steps, and where they led the steps, poorly different in the dark: the building of a strange form, at the same time as if destroyed and surviving.(7) The staircase rose to a wide iron door, closed tightly and littered with a swarming crushed.

(8) Yes! (9) Yes! (10) Splitting the memory of the Yakonova. (11) He looked around. (12) Low-lanted lanterns, revealed river far downstairs, strangely familiar radiating leaving the bridge further to the Kremlin. (13) But the bell tower? (14) She is not. (15) Or these piles of stone - from the bell tower? (16) Yakonov has become hot in the eyes. (17) He clogged, sat down quietly. (18) On stone debris, torn down.

(19) Twenty two years ago in this very place he stood with a girl who called Agnia. (20) That in the evening, in the evening, they went alleys from the Taganskaya Square, and Agniya told his quiet voice, which hardly heard in the city rumble: - (21) Want, I will show you one of the most beautiful places in Moscow? (22) and led it to the fence of a small brick church painted in white and red paint and a converted altar in a curve Unnamed alley. (23) Inside the fence was closely, it was only around the church a narrow track for the godflow. (24) And immediately, in the corner of the fence, grew up the old big oak, he was above the church, his branches, already yellow, dome and dome, and the lane, why the church seemed completely tiny. - (25) This church, - said Agnia. - (26) But not the most beautiful place in Moscow. - (27) And wait. (28) She spent it to the porch of the main entrance, left the shadow into the flow of sunset and sat onto a low parapet, where the fence was broken and the gateway began - (29) so look! (thirty)

Anton painted. (31) They seemed to be immediately falling out of the city's tesnin and went on a cool height with a spacious open distance. (32) River burned in the sun. (33) Left lay Zamoskvorechye, blinding the yellow glitter, almost under his feet in Moscow, the river was poured, the carved contours of the Kremlin rose to the right, and the Five Cavroel-Golden Dresses of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. (34) And in all this gold radiance of Agnia, in the twin yellow should, who also seemed golden, sat, squinting in the sun. - (35) Yes! (36) This is Moscow! - captured Anton pronounced. - (37) But it goes away, Anton, -proplah Agnia. - Moscow - leaves! .. - (38) Where does she go there? (39) Fantasy. - (40) This church will be demolished, Anton, - told his Agniya. - (41) How do you know? - angry Anton .- (42) This is an artistic monument, they will still leave him. (43) He looked at the tiny bell tape, in the slots of which, to the bells, looked oak branches. - (44) demolish! - Confidently propheted Agnia, sitting still still, in the yellow light and in Yehli Shawl. (45) Yakakov woke up. (46) Yes, ... destroyed the tent bell and blown the stairs, descending to the river. (47) I could not even believe that that sunny evening and this December dawn occurred on the same square meters of Moscow land. (48) But everything was also a distant review from the hill, and the same was the tweeza of the river repeated lanterns ...

(by the text of A.I. Solzhenitsyn)


Save past, expressed in monuments, old buildings, works of art, our main task. It is important to do for the sake of future generations that have the right not only to know what happened before, but also to be able to feel the past materially.

Unfortunately, often in the name of some domestic needs, historical monuments and cultural monuments are not restored, destroyed, are demolished, and modern shopping centers are built in their place.


The problem of preservation of cultural heritage raises A.I. Solzhenitsyn on the example of the loss of the ancient church, which had a great cultural significance, while much meant personally for the hero of the Yakonov text.


The text begins with the fact that Yakakov goes in a small, barely noticeable path, overcoming fatigue, irregularities. The path it is covered with glass, rubble and bricks wreckage. Once on the spot, he discovered the remains of the booth and prepared, but a long-abandoned place for construction. On a hill, almost in the center of the capital, Yakakov saw several white steps, which were forced to cut the memories in the heart of the hero. Because of the twilight, it was not to distinguish where these steps were conducted. Only a large iron gate, hidden by a blind rubble, were visible.

He was remembered by the currently at the bottom of the river, the bell tower, which now was no longer. From the awareness of the destruction of the bell tower, the Yakonov felt the strongest pain in the heart, clogged, sat down.

And then it was painted: 22 years ago he was here with a girl named Agnia. Then the autumn evening they walked from Taganskaya Square, and the girl suggested showing one of the most beautiful places in Moscow.

They went to a small brick church for a long time. In her fence was closely, only a narrow path was accomplied, to accomplish the procession. There was a huge, high long-term oak, from his height the church seemed completely miniature.

Agnia said that this is not the most beautiful place, it was located at the bottom where the river burned, where the whole Moscow was shining in the sunset sun. Agnia said that Moscow this goes that this place is going to destroy, the church will demolish. Anton did not believe in it, he argued that the artistic monument would remain inviolable.

When Yakakov woke up, he realized that the prophecies of Agnes came true, the bell tower and the staircase were destroyed. He could not believe it.


The author expresses his pain through the experiences of the lyrical hero. For him, it became a real shock. A.I. Solzhenitsyn calls on to maintain cultural monuments, because it is not only historical memory, these are also memories of people, their spiritual memory.

Own position

It is necessary to treat the legacy of the past very reverent, giving the opportunity to the descendants to feel the spirit of the past time, enjoy the story that is right in front of the eyes and which you can easily touch your hand. The destruction of monuments of history and culture entails a break of times, destruction of the continuity of generations.

Argument 1.

In the work of V. Solowkina "Black boards" suggests that many ancient icons, churches were destroyed after the revolution. He promotes that the walls, grandfathers and great-grandfathers were crowned, are not worthy of the best fate. Our compatriots buried their ancestors in them. Are these seats of such pass worthy? Soloohin warns that the destruction of churches is not far to the abuse of graves. The writer argues that destroying the monuments of the past, we lose the human appearance.

Argument 2.

In another work, V. Solowhina "Letters from the Russian Museum" the author argues about the reconstruction of Moscow, recalling that there are now emptiness, unfinished or not started by construction on the site of the greatest, most valuable historical monuments of architecture. By giving up the past, we practically put the cross on your happy future, as the experience gained by generations disappears with him.


Destroying the monuments of the past, our cultural heritage, our historical architecture, we will enjoy our historical roots, destroy the memory of the past.