Gregory Mastt Biography. Machet Grigory Aleksandrovich - Tyubalin Central District Library named after L

Gregory Mastt Biography. Machet Grigory Aleksandrovich - Tyubalin Central District Library named after L
Gregory Mastt Biography. Machet Grigory Aleksandrovich - Tyubalin Central District Library named after L

Grigory Aleksandrovich Machtt (1852-1901) - Russian writer of Ukrainian origin, populist revolutionary.


The masts originated from England. The founder of the genus Manstell was recruited into the Army of Charles XII, and in Poltava battle served as an artillers. He was injured, he was captured and remained in Malorus.

Gregory Mastt was born 3 (15) September 1852 in Lutsk (now the center of the Volyn region of Ukraine) in the family of a county judge.

In 1865, excluded from the 4th class of Nemirovskaya gymnasium for the sympathy of the Polish uprising of 1863; In 1866-1868 he studied in Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium, from where he was also excluded for political unreliability. In 1870, he received permission to pass the exam on the title of teacher history and geography of county schools. Two years taught in the schools of Mogilev and Kamenets-Podolsk. Since 1871, he participated in the populistic revolutionary movement.

In 1872, with the aim of organizing agricultural communities in America left in the United States. Worked in black-workers, participated in the agricultural community. Returning to Russia, in 1875 settled in St. Petersburg.

Arrested in 1876, stayed in a single conclusion in the Petropavlovsk fortress. In 1877-1884, he was referenced in Shenkursk Arkhangelsk province, then in Siberia. In Ishim, in 1880 he married a political exile Elena Petrovna Medvedev, the participant of the process of 50. Upon his return lived in Tver, Zhytomyr. In 1891-1895, he lived in Zaraysk; The house was preserved where he lived (now is a monument of architecture of the first half of the XIX century).

In 1900, he received permission to move to St. Petersburg.

14 (27) August 1901 in Yalta died. Buried on the outskoe cemetery. Later, his remains were reburied on the Polikurov Memorial.


Master began writing in America. In 1873 published poems in the newspaper "Freedom", published by Russian emigrants in San Francisco. Upon arrival in Russia, he was published in the newspapers and journals essays from North American life ("Prairie and Pioneers", "in the American School", "with emigrants. From Europe to America," "in front of the American Court", "Frey Community", etc.) , Travel impressions of the trip to Germany and others, who made the cycle "Travel Pictures" (Collection "On Belo Light", 1889).

Tortured heavy unilies, you so much so much ... In the fight for the people's business, you honestly folded ... (2 times) I served for a short time, but honestly for the good of the earth ... And we, your brothers in the case, you The cemetery was demolished. (2 times)

In 1876, in London in the newspaper "Forward" anonymously placed a poem of the machette "Last Sorry", dedicated to the tortured student P. F. Chernyshev; Under the name "tortured heavy unilies" it became a popular revolutionary song.

The link "Stories from Siberian Life" has been created in the link (published in the "Observer", "Domestic Notes"); In the stories of the "worldly business", "we won", the "second truth" and others are shown to disabre the villages and the arbitrariness of the royal administration. They affected the populic idealization of the peasant community and at the same time a folk hatred of oppressors was clearly transferred.

After reference, the mastt published the novel "And one in the field of the Warrior" (1886) from the life of the fortress village of Western Ukraine and the story "The Blind Son" (1887) on the attitude of the intelligentsia to the people. In the story "Man with a plan" (1886) shows the appearance of Deltsov and Chasters in Russian soil. The mood of the revolutionary intelligentsia is depicted in the novel "At the dawn" (1892-1893), the stories "First fee" (1890), "First Lesson" (1894) and others.

In Zhytomyr (1896-1900), the mastt was typing in the newspaper Volyn essays, fechens, stories.

For creativity, mastta is characterized by journalistic sharpness, humanism, elements of melodramatism.

Edition of works

  • Full collected works, t. 1-12, Kiev, 1902;
  • Full collection of writings, t. 1-10, SPb, 1911-1913;
  • Favorites, M., 1958;
  • New doctor and other stories, M., 1960.


On December 3, 1961, an marble memorial plaque with the inscription was established at the house in Zaraisk: "In this house in 1891-1895. He lived and worked by the writer Grigory Aleksandrovich Mastut. "

) - Russian writer of Ukrainian origin, populist revolutionary.


The masts originated from England. The founder of the genus Manstell was recruited into the Army of Charles XII, and in Poltava battle served as an artillers. He was injured, he was captured and remained in Malorus.


Master began writing in America. In 1873 published poems in the newspaper "Freedom", published by Russian emigrants in San Francisco. Upon arrival in Russia, he was published in the newspapers and journals essays from North American life ("Prairie and Pioneers", "in the American School", "with emigrants. From Europe to America," "in front of the American Court", "Frey Community", etc.) , Travel impressions of the trip to Germany and others, who made the cycle "Travel Pictures" (Collection "On Belo Light", 1889).

Tortured heavy unilieces

Tortured heavy unilies
You are nice to death ...
In the struggle for the people's business
You honestly folded the head ... ( 2 times)

Served you for a short time, but honestly
For the benefit of the land of the earth ...
And we, your brothers in the case,
You were demolished in the cemetery. ( 2 times)

In 1876, in London in the newspaper "Forward" anonymously placed a poem of the machette "Last Sorry", dedicated to the tortured student P. F. Chernyshev; Under the name "tortured heavy unilies" it became a popular revolutionary song.

The link "Stories from Siberian Life" has been created in the link (published in the "Observer", "Domestic Notes"); In the stories of the "worldly business", "we won", the "second truth" and others are shown to disabre the villages and the arbitrariness of the royal administration. They affected the populic idealization of the peasant community and at the same time a folk hatred of oppressors was clearly transferred.

After reference, the mastt published the novel "And one in the field of the Warrior" (1886) from the life of the fortress village of Western Ukraine and the story "The Blind Son" (1887) on the attitude of the intelligentsia to the people. In the story "Man with a plan" (1886) shows the appearance of Deltsov and Chasters in Russian soil. The mood of the revolutionary intelligentsia is depicted in the novel "At the dawn" (1892-1893), the stories "First fee" (1890), "First Lesson" (1894) and others.

In Zhytomyr (1896-1900), the mastt was typing in the newspaper Volyn essays, fechens, stories.

For creativity, mastta is characterized by journalistic sharpness, humanism, elements of melodramatism.

Edition of works

  • Full collected works, t. 1-12, Kiev, 1902;
  • Full collection of writings, t. 1-10, SPb, 1911-1913;
  • Favorites, M., 1958;
  • New doctor and other stories, M., 1960.


  • On December 3, 1961, an marble memorial plaque with the inscription was established at the house in Zaraisk: "In this house in 1891-1895. He lived and worked by the writer Grigory Aleksandrovich Mastut. "
  • Vladimir Shulyatikov. Pameti Grigory Mastta. M. Gazeta "Courier", 1901, NO 229.

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  • Rosanova S. A. (Rus.). Brief literary encyclopedia. M.: OV. Encycle., 1962-1978. Checked July 9, 2013.
  • Democratic poets of the 1870-1880s. Library of the poet. Big series. - Soviet writer, Leningrad branch, 1968 784 p.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 tons. (82 t. And 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • or here

Excerpt characterizing mastt, Grigory Aleksandrovich

- Revolution and tsarubideism a great deal? ... After that ... Do you want to go to the table? - repeated Anna Pavlovna.
- Contrat Social, [Public Agreement,] - The Viscount said with meek smile.
- I'm not talking about the rearness. I'm talking about ideas.
- Yes, the ideas of robbery, murder and queuity, - again interrupted an ironic voice.
- these were extremes, of course, but not all the meaning, but the importance in human rights, in emancipation from prejudice, in equality of citizens; And all these ideas Napoleon resist in their entirety.
"Freedom and equality," Viscount said contemptuously, as if the decided, finally, seriously prove this young man with all the stupidity of his speeches, "all the loud words that have long been compromised. Who does not like freedom and equality? Another savior preaching freedom and equality. Did people be happier after the revolution? On the contrary. Mies wanted freedom, and Bonaparte destroyed it.
Prince Andrei with a smile glanced on Pierre, then on a viscont, then on the hostess. In the first minute, the tricks of Pierre Anna Pavlovna was horrified, despite his habit of light; But when she saw that, despite Pierre said sacrolled speeches, the Viscount did not leave himself, and when she was convinced that it was impossible to lean these speeches, she was going with the forces and, joining the viscont, attacked the speaker.
- Mais, Mon Cher M R Pierre, [But, my dear Pierre,] - said Anna Pavlovna, - How do you explain the great man who could execute the duke, finally, is just a person, without trial and without guilt?
"I would ask," said Viscount, "As Monsieur explains 18 Brother." Isn't that deception? C "EST UN ESCAMOTAGE, QUI NE RESSEMBLE NULLEMENT A LA Maniere D" Agir d "Un Grand Homme. [This is a chairs, not at all similar to the image of the great man.]
- And the prisoners in Africa, which he killed? - said the little princess. - It's horrible! - And she shrugged.
- C "EST UN ROTURIER, VOUUS AUREZ BEAU DIRE, [This is a passing, whatever you say,] - said Prince Ippolit.
Monsieur Pierre did not know who to answer, looked away and smiled. A smile was not like that, what other people merging with dying. He, on the contrary, when a smile came, then suddenly, instantly disappeared a serious and even a few sullen face and was another - childish, kind, even foolish and, as if asking for forgiveness.
A viscont, who saw him for the first time, it became clear that this Jacobin was not so terrible as his words. All silenced.
- How do you want everyone to answer everyone? Said Prince Andrei. - Moreover, it is necessary in the actions of the state person to distinguish the actions of a private person, a commander or emperor. It seems to me.
"Yes, yes, of course," Pierre picked up, delighted speaking to him.
- It is impossible not to confess, "Prince Andrei continued," Napoleon as a person is great at the Arkolki Bridge, in the Hospital in Jaffa, where he raises his hand, but ... But there are other acts that hard to justify.
Prince Andrei, apparently wanted to soften the awkwardness of Pierre's speech, raised, getting clinging to ride and feeding the sign to his wife.

Suddenly, the prince of Ippolit rose and stopping everyone signs and asking to sit down, spoke:
- AH! Aujourd "Hui On M" A Raconte Une Anecdote Moscovite, Charmante: Il Faut Que Je Vous En Regale. Vous M "Excusez, Vicomte, Il Faut Que Je Raconte en Russe. Autrement on Ne Sentira Pas Le Sel de L" Histoire. [Today I was told the adorable Moscow joke; You need to make them up. Sorry, Viscount, I will tell in Russian, otherwise the whole salt anecdot will disappear.]
And the prince of Ippolit began to speak Russian in Russian, how they say the French who have been told in Russia since the year. All suspended: so lively, strongly demanded the prince of Ippolit attention to its history.
- In Moscou there is one lady, Une Dame. And she is very stingy. She had to have two Valets de Pied [Lacey] for the carriage. And very big growth. It was her taste. And she had a UNE Femme de Chambre [Maid], even great growth. She said…
The prince of Ippolit thought, apparently with difficulty thinking.
"She said ... Yes, she said:" Girl (a la femme de chambre), put on livree [livery] and go with me, for the careta, Faire des Visites. " [Make visits.]
The prince of Ippolit snorted and walked much before his listeners, which made an impression disadvantaged for a narrator. However, many, including the elderly lady and Anna Pavlovna, smiled.
- She went. Strongly became a strong wind. The girl lost his hat, and the hair is broken ...
Here he could not stand more and began to laugh back and through this laughter spoke:
- And the whole world learned ...
Those anecdot and ended. Although it was not clear why he tells him and for which he had to tell himself certainly in Russian, but Anna Pavlovna and others appreciated the secular courtesy of Prince Ippolitis, so nicely ending with the unpleasant and obsertic face of Monsi Pierre. The conversation after a joke crouched into small, minor senses about the future and past the ball, the play, about when and where anyone sees.

Thanking Anna Pavlovna for her Charmante Soiree, [charming evening,] guests began to diverge.

Grigory Aleksandrovich Machtt

Machet Grigory Aleksandrovich (1852/1901) - Russian writer, poet, revolutionary, publicist. Many works are permeated with the spirit of protest, struggle. Mastt told for the transformation of folk life. The main works are "at the dawn", "and one in the field of the warrior", "man with a plan". He also belongs to the words to the song "Tortured heavy unilies."

Gurieva T.N. New literary dictionary / so-called Gurieva. - Rostov N / D, Phoenix, 2009, p. 168.

Master, Grigory Aleksandrovich Russian writer. Born in the family of intellectual intellectual. In 1865, it was excluded from the 4th class of Nemirovskaya gymnasium for the sympathy for the participants of the Polish uprising of 1863, in 1868, from Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium for political unreliability. Since 1871, he participated in the populistic revolutionary movement. In 1872, with the aim of organizing agricultural communities in America left in the United States. Worked in black-workers, participated in the agricultural community. In 1874 he returned to Russia, took part in the revolutionary struggle. Arrested in 1876, stayed in a single conclusion in the Petropavlovsk fortress. In 1877-1884 was in the exile in the Arkhangelsk province, then in Siberia. Upon his return lived in Tver, Zhytomyr. In 1900, he received permission to move to St. Petersburg.
Writing M. began in America. In 1873 published poems in the newspaper "Freedom", published by Russian emigrants in San Francisco. Upon arrival in Russia, he was published in the newspapers and journals essays from North American life ("Prairie and Pioneers", "in the American School", "with emigrants. From Europe to America," "in front of the American Court", "Frey Community", etc.) , travel impressions of the trip to Germany and others, which made the cycle "Travel Pictures" (Sat. "Belo Light", 1889). In 1876, anonymous poem of M. "Last Sorry" was placed in London in the newspaper "Forward", dedicated to the student Chernyshev; Under the name "tortured severe unilies" it became a popular revolutionary song. The link has created a series "Stories from Siberian Life" (publ. In the "observer", "domestic notes"); In the stories of the "worldly business", "we won", "the second truth" and others. Showing the Union of the village and the Arbitration of the Tsarist Administration. They affected the populic idealization of the peasant community and at the same time a folk hatred of oppressors was clearly transferred. After the link M. published the novel "And one in the field of the Warrior" (1886) from the life of the fortress village of Western Ukraine and the story "The Bluddy Son" (1887) on the attitude of the intelligentsia to the people. In the story "Man with a plan" (1886) shows the appearance of Deltsov and Chasters in Russian soil. The mood of the revolutionary intelligentsia is depicted in the novel "at Zare" (1892-1893), the stories "First Higrar" (1890), "First Lesson" (1894) and others. In Zhytomyr (1896-1900), M. Printed in the newspaper Volyn Essays, fechens, stories. For creativity M. Characterized journalistic sharpness, humanism, elements of melodramatism.

Materials are used: brief literary encyclopedia in 9 volumes. State scientific publishing house "Soviet Encyclopedia", T.4, M., 1967.


Russian writers and poets (biographical directory)


Full collected works, t. 1-12, Kiev, 1902;

Full collection of writings, t. 1-10, SPb, 1911-1913;

Favorites, M., 1958;

New doctor and other stories, M., 1960.


Tunakova K.S., N.G. Chernakova about G.A. Machette, in Sat.: The people - the hero of Russian literature, Kazan, 1966.

Gregory Kalinsky, grandfather's grandfather, when he was a junker of an Olviapolsky regiment, which came to the Northern Union of Decembrists.

1.2. Training

Left at a six-year-old age without a mother, Grigory Mastt studied and brought up at home under the guidance of German chunks. 1861 He was given to training in the Nemirovskaya gymnasium of Count Pototsky. Here he studied until the fourth grade. In 1865, he was excluded from the gymnasium, unfairly accusing in the commitment of the Polish Spirit (in reality, the mastt then was an avid Ukrainophil). In Soviet times, a memorial plan was established on the main facade of the former male gymnasium that mast studied here.

1865 13-year-old masttoma at all Osapotel: Father died, leaving five children only two cabinets with works of Russian and foreign classics.

Gymnasium in Kamenets-Podolsky, in which the mastt studied. Postcard of the beginning of the XX century

1866 mastt continued his studies in Kamenets-Podolsk male gymnasium. This contributed to the distant relative of Grigory - the world mediator Matrunin.

1868, shortly before the final exams, the machette was again excluded from the gymnasium. This time for the joint reading device and discussing forbidden books (among them - the works of Nikolai Dobrolyubov) and for keenness by bosses. In particular, the Inspector of the Gymnasium Alexander Danilovich Tulubu, who dismissively responded about Nikolai Chernyshevsky (they say, will go to the cattle walkway Chernyshevsky), the mastt said: "How you dare to call the one to whom we are not worthy of even unleashing the shoe belt."

Grigory received the "Wolf Ticket" (deprivation of the right to enter any educational institution of the Russian Empire), then he studied independently - with the help of comrades and teachers. The authorities of the gymnasium even insisted that the young men were sent from Kamenet-Podolsky, but the Podolsky governor refused such a step, motivating this by the fact that 16-year-old mastant is too young, so it can not be dangerous.

1870 One of the teachers of the Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium through the trustee of the Kiev educational district of Plato Antonovich, who in his youth himself took part in student speeches and was brought to justice, it achieved mastt to pass the exam for the title of history and geography of county schools.

1.3. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe commune

Two years, mastt taught in the county schools of Mogilev-Podolsky and Kamenets-Podolsky. But the school did not become for Grigori mastate the main thing. The main thing for him was to participate in the illegal circle, which led to the training for the organization of the agricultural commune.

Master seriously became interested in new ideas: the members of the "Americans" mug, whose adept was Vladimir Debogurian-Mokrievich, denied private property, considered an honest tool earning only physical work and dreamed of embrace communes almost the whole world. They decided to start North America, which was considered free.

1872 machette was fired from service - and again for political unreliability. He left abroad - first in Zurich, and at the end of 1872 there are two more Americans in the society - I. Rechitsky and A. Romanovsky - for the ocean, in the United States, in order to make a conceived.

Arriving in the United States, revolutionaries immediately went to the missessed Western states look for a place for the commune. There was a misfortune with them. This is how Sergei Kovalik wrote about this (another American ", which remained in Russia with comrades, expecting positive results from the top three):

Reality turned out to be different from youthful dreams: Master and Rechitsky had to work hard to work on farms to produce livelihood.

Since the idea did not succeed with the commune, in 1874, mastt returned to Russia. In St. Petersburg, he participated in the revolutionary people movement. "Week" and "Domestic Notes" willingly printed his foreign essays.

1.4. In the conclusion and in the link

Grigory Machet was part of the group of Ores Gabel, which took over the organization of the shoots of the arrested revolutionaries from the house of preliminary detention. In particular, masttet actively participated in the preparation of the escape of Porfirialsky and Sergey Kovalik. He managed to bribe the guard, consider the plan in detail, establish a correspondence with prisoners.

On August 14, 1876, Oesta Gabel was arrested, which was suspected of organizing shoots from the house of preliminary detention. On the same day, Bartoshevich adopted, who was also a member of the Gabel group. The mastta was arrested in two days (August 16, 1876) in the apartment Bartoshevich, where he came to destroy documents that could compromise Bartoshevich.

In July 1880, the mast was married to Elena Medvedeva. Elena Petrovna was a Muscovite, a daughter of the titular adviser, the former Zurich student, and in Ishim, served a reference for participating in the "illegal society" (process of fifty).

Elena Petrovna sick. To support the family, Grigory Aleksandrovich was taken for any job: it was a basement under the local merchant, gave lessons, served in Ishimsky District on the peasant cases of presence. In the link he wrote a lot, was a local press officer, he sent his works of Petersburg.

Elena Petrovna due to illness (tuberculosis) was allowed to leave it and live in the Caucasus. In December 1885, she left in Kutaisi (now Kutaisi), but in the road I got sick and in May next year, I died in Moscow.

1.5. Under grievous supervision

House mastta in Zaraysk

From September 1886, the mastt lived under a unknown supervision in Moscow, from March 1887 - in Odessa.

In November 1894, when a manifesto on the coronation of the Russian emperor Nikolai II was published, and after the tradition, all sorts of pardon and gifts, the mastt with Zaraiski wrote Vladimir Korolenko: "Just read Manifesto and I think they will remove the restrictions that so far We are talking to me, and I will get permission to live in St. Petersburg. " The mastta's hopes were not justified.

In 1897-1900, the writer lived in Zhytomyr, where he served in excise control, was in Kiev.

Modern view of the house in Kiev (the tithe alley, 7), where in the nineties of the XIX century there was a mast

In the late 1890s, mastt often spoke with fechens in the Zhytomyr newspaper Volyn. He was still under the unlawful supervision of the police, he was forbidden to live in St. Petersburg.

Mikhail Kotsyubinsky

In Zhytomyr, a mastate acquaintance with the Ukrainian writer Mikhail Kotsyubinsky (the last in Zhytomyr lived half a year - from November 1897 to March 1898). First, Mikhail Mikhailovich did not manage to catch the machette at home. However, the acquaintance still took place. And just in the house of Gregory Aleksandrovich Kotsjubinsky, how can you judge from his letters to his wife, felt good enough.

1.6. Friendship with forests Ukrainian

Lesya Ukrainian

During his stay in Ukraine, Mastt met and made friends with the literary center of the family of Koschak - Elena Pichilka, the forests of Ukrainian, Mikhail prudentive (under such a pseudonym brief brother Mikhail was printed). In a letter to Brother Mikhail in September 1889, the mastta recalls, as an old friend, wrote that Tarasovskaya Street (i.e., Kiev students who preferably settled near Kiev University in private houses on Tarasovskaya Street) to Korolenko, who was supposedly supposed to come to Kiev, will be more supportally than a mastta. In another letter, she offers to translate among other authors and mastta, in particular his works "he and she", "and one in the warrior field."

The personal meeting of the Lesia Ukrainian and Grigory Machetta must be the appearance of wonderful improvisation "When Nicotian flowers ..." - the poetic response of the Lesia Ukrainian to the question whether it can write Russian. About this episode told in memories Lyudmila Staritsky-Chernyakhovskaya:

1.7. Second marriage

1890 masts married. Natalia Alekseevna Goltseva told about the circumstances of this marriage (Publicist's wife Viktor Goltseva) in the memoirs "Purchase Past":

With daughter Tatiana

"Currently, a rather interesting person appeared on our horizon - the singer Evgenia Eduardovna Papritz, who collected Russian folk songs. It was an ugly middle-aged girl, but a wonderful performer of Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Dargomyzhsky and other composers. Gregory Aleksandrovich was completely carried away by her, constantly I've been to her. And she was probably also fascinated by them. Therefore, we assumed that their relationship would end with marriage. Already friends Paprits, her friends were waiting for this event, how suddenly Grigory Alexandrovich reports that he marries a very young girl who It was only 18 years old - with some Olga Nikolaevna Rodzevich, a niece of the famous publisher of the newspaper "Moscow Telegraph" Gnata Ignatovich Rodevich. Everyone was very surprised, and many papritz friends did not even want to keep acquaintance with mastt. Evgenia Paprits soon went abroad and went out Marry Linev engineer. "

Olga Rodzevich was the daughter of Nikolai Ignatievich Rodevich - a lawyer, and then the urban head of Ryazan, a member of the State Duma of the Fourth convocation from the Ryazan province.

In the second marriage, the mastt had two children - the daughter of Tatiana and the son of Taras. The family lived in need, the service was tired of all the forces, demanded a large nervous tension, almost no time for creativity.

1.8. Sudden death

At the end of 1900, the mastt finally managed to achieve permission to move to the capital of the Russian Empire. In December, the writer settled in St. Petersburg. There he hoped to realize numerous creative ideas and plans. But on the night of August 14, 1901 (according to the old style), being in Yalta on vacation, Grigory Alexandrovich died of paralysis of the heart. It happened in the apartment of his sister (modern address - Volodarsky, 10). After three weeks, the writer was supposed to be 49 years old.

The testament of the writer, printed a few days after his death, contained, except for purely business orders, and such a line: "And to the children of their own, Taras and Tatiana, let's work and love people."

The Zhytomyr newspaper "Volyn" for a month every day, starting from August 15, printing articles (mainly memories) dedicated to the memory of the late writer.

The first two (out of eight) couplets of the Ukrainian version of the song look like this:

Despite the sad beginning, the finals of the song is quite optimistic:

2.3. Artistic prose

The writer also belongs to the novel "and one in the Warrior field" (1886), written in Ukrainian material. Another of his novel "At the dawn" (1892-1893) is devoted to public revolutionaries.

For prosaic works of a writer, Literary critic Galina Krayevskaya concludes: "It should be noted that it is quite obvious in the works of the machette on the Ukrainian topic is the influence of Nikolai Gogol and it is quite appropriate to emphasize that the work of this writer should be considered in line with not only Russian, but also Ukrainian culture .

"His stories are more like fairy tales, parables and allegories. He writes with extreme pathos and puts everything quite schematically: if the villain is disasters from head to heaven, if a good man is an angel. Young readers who do not look at fiction exclusively with artistic artistic The point of view, it is this straightness of the mastta that touches. The best of his stories are of great popularity. I like the mast and barbarians, who do not notice his deviations from Russian reality and appreciate only the author's passionate appeal to good and light. "

The story of the machette during his life was translated by Polish, French, English, Bulgarian, Greek, Georgian, Czech, German and Danish languages. The Ukrainian language stories Machetta translated Konstantin Arabazhin. His translations were published in 1889 in


Whiteboard; Rod. in 1852; On his father, a member of the county court in Lutsk, the descendant of the British of Manspen, who entered the Swedish service and captured under Poltava, for the mother - close to the Polish gentry. He studied in Nemirovskaya and Kamenets-Podolsk gymnasium, but was excluded for the "passion for the ideas of Chernyshevsky." In 1870, he was allowed to keep the exam on the county teacher. He served until 1872 by the teacher in Mogilev and Kamenets-Podolsk, M. went to America, where he stayed 2 years, earning the means to the life of a suitable work, mainly on the West farms. Settled in 1875 in St. Petersburg, he made a literary field with essays of American life in the "Week" and travel observations over Germany in "Ovech. Zap.". These essays later consisted of the book "On Bella Light" (M., 1889). In 1876, M. was arrested and exiled to the Arkhangelsk lips., Then in Siberia; In 1884 he returned to Russia. During the link, the essays printed and a story in "Wet. Zap.", "Week" and "Observer", later - in the "Russian Vedas", "Russian thought", "South West.", "Details reading." Separately cameras: "Tale and Stories" (2 ed., M., 1887-89), "Silhouettes" (2 ed., M., 1888-1895), "Living Pictures" (M., 1895), " New stories "(M., 1891)," At leisure "(1896), as well as a story:" JU "(M., 1888 and Odessa 1887)," White Panna "(M., 1889)," Chronicle of one day "(1892). M. - a hot adherent of the pesting ideas of the 60s and 70s; All his literary activities have a sermon of these ideas in a fictional form. He is the opinion that "the little flyer must give not portraits, which we have a whole gallery, and wake the mood"; Therefore, his stories resemble fairy tales, parables and allegories. He writes with extreme pathos and puts the positions completely schematically: the villain is so the villain, from the head to the legs, a good man is so an angel. In readers of young and not looking at fiction solely from an artistic point of view, it is this straightness of M. that excites sympathy. His best stories enjoy popular. I like M. and foreigners, who do not notice the retreats from Russian reality and appreciate only the enthusiastic call for good and light. The stories are translated into Yaz. Polish, French, English, Bulgarian, Novogreic, Georgian, Czech, German and Danish. M. Stories from Siberian Life: Melodramaticities in them are much less than in the stories of him from Ukrainian life ("one in the field", etc.), and there are some of them, the developing provisions are very interesting and subtle. Such, for example, the stories "two truths" and "worldly business", original and brightly illustrating an unsolvable collision, which other times come among themselves the theoretical and truth of life.


Master, Grigory Aleksandrovich

Whiteboard; died in 1901


Master, Grigory Aleksandrovich

Russian Belletrist (1852-1901). His attitude to the Jews was expressed in the story of "liquid" (2 ed. In "Russian Thought", 1888), imbued with humane feelings. M. gives the type of a Jewish doctor, David Gourweis, who left the poor environment in the 70s. 19th century It is an ideal good person, ready to always sacrifice for others. In Serbian war, he was a volunteer and showed loyalty to his duty - he did not leave the wounded, despite the enemy bullets (this bright picture of M. is in many texts); Self-sacrifice reaches the apogee when Gourveyes takes a lubrication dressing, falling from the stairs during the Jewish pogue and defeated his apartment. Despite all this, David Gourveyis for the Russians remains the creature of the lower, which at best you can regret, but which is everywhere and always remains only "liquid". The work as a whole is not distinguished by artistic dignity.

(Heb. ENT.)

Master, Grigory Aleksandrovich

Russian writer. Rod. in Lutsk in the family of county judge; was excluded from the gymnasium for the "free spirit"; was a Zemsky teacher; Two years spent in America, where he was black-upped. Prints from 1874 (in the "week" and in "domestic notes"). In 1876 he was arrested and sent to the Arkhangelsk lips. And then to Siberia. From 1882, he was completely given to literary work.

At the request of S. A. Wengerov, what a writer should be, mastant answered: "the little girl should give not portraits, which we have a whole gallery, and wake the reader's mood with pictures of life." M. always follows this principle, whether he sketches the paintings of the hungry rebound in the German factory or unemployment in America; Stories and stories from the Ukrainian life are full of longing and indignation about the atrocities of Doreform Baria ("and one in the Warrior field") of the ignorant of the masses ("Witches", "at the dawn"). The best works of M. is a story and stories from Siberian life; Especially it is necessary to highlight those of them, where M. shows a person - carrier of the idea - for the most part of the virtuous and heroically sublime. In the story of "J.", such is the noble Person of David Gourveyis, a doctor, a Jew, from school years ready to suffer for the team; Honest and selfless doctor, he is ready to die for the ideals of humanity. With the populists M. brings his negative attitude towards capitalism in all kinds - from the village fist to the Operator-manufacturer - and deep belief in the leading role of the intelligentsia.

For works M. Typical publicist speech, the saturation of the plot of events and melodramaticism of the provisions.

Bibliography: I. Full Camp. Sochik., 12 tt., Kiev, 1902; Full Cathedral Sochik., ed. And with critical biographical. Essay D. P. Silchevsky, 10 tt., Ed. "Enlightenment", St. Petersburg, 1911-1913; Letters of mastta in Sat. "Cometa", SPb, 1905, and in Sat. "Memory V. A. Goltseva", M., 1910.

II. Arsenyev K., Critical etudes, t. II, St. Petersburg, 1888; Mihaylovsky N. K., "Russian Wealth", 1901, IX, Dep. II; Skabichevsky A., History of the latest Russian literature, ed. 7th, SPb, 1909; Nalimov A., Singer conscience, "Images.", 1902, VII - VIII.

III. Mesiere A. V., Russian Literature with XI in the XIX century. inclusive, h 2, spb, 1902; Dictionary of Members of the Oblast Lovers of Russian Literature at Moscow University, M., 1911; Hungarian S. A., sources of dictionary of Russian writers, t. IV, P., 1917; Vladislavlev I. V., Russian writers, ed. 4th, Giz, L., 1924.

(Lit. ENZ.)

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