Children's games of the peoples of the north. Outdoor games of indigenous peoples of the Far North in the physical development of children

Children's games of the peoples of the north.  Outdoor games of indigenous peoples of the Far North in the physical development of children
Children's games of the peoples of the north. Outdoor games of indigenous peoples of the Far North in the physical development of children

Nekrasova Angela

Games of the indigenous peoples of the Far East are an essential part of the national culture. They are associated with specific historical events. The game is a "repository of information", which was perceived by ethnic groups as a magical action influencing the fate of a person.



Indigenous outdoor games

Siberia and the Far East

1. Sun
The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with a side step, make regular waves back and forth with their hands, and say cheiro at each step. The Sun Leader is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter when the sun rises and straightens (arms out to the sides).
Rules of the game ... All players must dodge the sun as it turns. On the signal "One, two, three - run quickly into the circle!" those who were not touched by the presenter return to the circle.

2. Nanai wrestling.

Play in pairs on a mat or carpet. The players take each other by the shoulders and begin to fight, trying to put the opponent on his back. The winner is the one who laid the opponent on his shoulder blades.

The rules of the fight ... You can only fight on the mat or on the carpet, without leaving it. Rough actions should not be allowed.

3. Hurry up to catch!
On the playground there are two equal groups of participants: girls and boys. The host throws the ball up. If the girls catch the ball, they start tossing the ball to each other so that the boys do not take possession of the ball, and, conversely, if the boys get the ball, they try not to give it to the girls. The team that can keep the ball longer wins.
Rules of the game ... Passing the ball, you cannot touch the player's hands and hold the ball in your hands for a long time.

4. Nanai races

This game involves at least 4 ice skating players.

This game came to us from the North, where it is often played during the winter holidays. They are played by two in pairs. They stand facing each other, holding hands, and begin to slide on the ice - one with their backs, the other gently pushes it forward. Having reached a predetermined place, they change places and slide back - now the one who was driving with his back forward pushes his partner. The couple that can travel there and back the fastest wins.

5. Musher and dogs.
On opposite edges of the site, two cords are laid in parallel. The players stand near them, three people at a time, and join hands. Two of them are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs in front of him. Children in threes at the signal "Let's go!" run towards each other from one cord to another.

Rules of the game ... You can only run on a signal. The winner is the triple that reaches the line faster. You can invite the players to overcome various obstacles.

6. Banners

2 teams of boys play. The participants in the game become a chain, catching each other with their elbows. A line is drawn between the teams. One team is trying to win the other over to its side.

7. Deer and shepherds.
All players are deer with attributes imitating antlers on their heads. Two leaders - shepherds - stand on opposite sides of the site, holding a maut (a cardboard ring or a long rope with a loop) in their hands. Deer players run around in a crowd, and the shepherds try to throw a maut over their horns. Horns can imitate twigs that children hold in their hands.

Rules of the game ... You need to run easily, dodging the maut. You can only throw a maut on the horns. Each shepherd chooses the moment to throw the maut.

8. Catching deer
The players are divided into two groups. Some are deer, others are shepherds. The shepherds join hands and stand in a semicircle facing the deer. Reindeer run along the delineated area. At the signal "Catch!" the shepherds try to catch the deer and complete the circle.

Rules of the game ... Reindeer can only be caught on a signal. The circle is closed when more players are caught. Deer try not to fall into the circle, but they no longer have the right to break out of the circle if it is closed.

9. Hands

The players are in pairs. The player tries to hit the opponent's hands so that he loses his balance. The winner is the one who has kept the balance.

10. Partridges and hunters.
All the players are partridges, three of them are hunters. Partridges run across the field. The hunters are sitting behind the bushes. To the signal "Hunters!" all the partridges hide behind the bushes, and the hunters catch them (throw the ball at their feet). To the signal "The hunters are gone!" the game continues: the partridges fly again.

Rules of the game ... You can run away and shoot only on a signal. You should only shoot at the legs of those fleeing.

11. Ice, wind and frost
The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:

Cold piece of ice
Transparent pieces of ice
They sparkle, ring.
Dzin, dzin.
They clap each word: first with their own hands, then with a friend. They clap their hands and say dzin, dzin until they hear the signal "Wind!" Children-ice floes scatter in different directions and agree who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. To the signal "Frost!" everyone line up in a circle and join hands.
Rules of the game ... Those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the big piece of ice with whom. Those who agree join hands. Movement can be changed only at the signal "Wind!" or "Frost!" It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, easy or fast running, side gallop, etc.

12. Take away the stick

A talnik stick is selected for the game. It is sanded, dried and polished to make it harder to hold in the hand. The length of the stick is 20-25 cm, the thickness is 3-4 cm, a mark is made in the middle - a small groove is cut out, which the rivals should not grab with their fingers.

Two players (boys with boys, girls with girls) stand sideways against each other, take the stick with one hand and squeeze it tightly, put the other hand behind their back. On command, the players begin to pull or pull the stick out of the opponent's hand. It is prohibited to leave the place. The one who snatched out the stick becomes the winner and chooses a new partner for himself. The game is played until a winner is identified.

13. Fishermen and fish.

There is a cord in the shape of a circle on the floor - this is a net. In the center of the circle there are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players - fish. Children-fish run all over the playground and run into a circle. Children fishermen catch them.
Rules of the game ... You can only catch fish children in a circle. Fish should run into the circle (net) and run out of it so that the fishermen do not catch them. Whoever catches more fish is the best fisherman.

14. Hello, catch up!
Players stand in pairs facing each other in the middle of the court. Then the pairs form two lines, which diverge at a distance of ten large steps from the cord. Get up the cord is at home. Each representative of the first rank goes to visit and gives his right hand to the one with whom he was paired,

saying "Hello!" The host child replies: "Hello!" The guest says: "Catch up!" - and runs into his house, the owner catches up to the line. Children take turns visiting each other.
Rules of the game ... You can only greet with your right hand. It is necessary to say "Catch up" outside the line from the partner player. The one who catches up wins. You can go to visit in different ways: it is important, not in a hurry; joyfully, skipping; walk like soldiers in a formation, like clowns in a circus, etc.

15. Brave guys
Children stand in two or three lines, depending on the area of ​​the room. Two or three presenters are chosen. Each leader in turn asks the children: for example, the first at the first rank, etc. (Children answer.)
- Are you brave guys?
- Brave!

I'll see how brave you are (slyly, with humor). One, two, three (pause). Who is brave?
- I AM! I AM!
- Run!
The first line runs to the opposite side to the line, and the leader catches the fleeing ones. This is how the game is repeated with the next group of children.
Rules of the game ... You should only run after the word “Run!”, Dodging the leader. It is impossible to catch by the cord.

16. Hide the thimble.A large number of players participate in it. They sit in a circle, each puts a fist of his right hand in a circle. The driver comes out to the circle, who is blindfolded with a handkerchief. One of those sitting in the circle hides a thimble in a clasped hand. After that, the leader's eyes are untied, and she looks for a thimble, approaching any participant and separating her hands. Only three participants can be approached. If the thimble is found, then the girl with whom it was found becomes the driver, and the driver sits down in her place. If the thimble is not found, then it is hidden and the driver continues the search in the same order.

17. Catching an object... Children sit in a circle tightly to each other, bend their legs at the knees, hands under the knees pass a stick or a handkerchief to each other. The one standing in the middle tries to grab the object, and the one caught with the object replaces it.

18. Playing the lasso Arkan (maut) is stretched in a circle, grabbed with both hands, standing with their faces inside the circle. The driver goes to the middle. The game consists in the fact that those who stood in a circle, intercepting with their hands along the lasso, run in one direction or the other. The driver also runs, trying to touch someone's hand, the one he touched leaves the game.

19. Jumping over a spinning rope

Develops strength, dexterity, coordination, endurance, a sense of rhythm, the ability to control your body.
Two people stand at a considerable distance from each other, hold a loosely stretched seal strap (rope) by the ends and turn it around. The belt flies over the floor at a distance of 15-20 cm. The players' task is not to touch the belt. You can only jump over the belt while standing on all fours. If the strap hits the bouncer, he is out of the game.

20. Hit the seal.
Boys participate in the game. The game develops accuracy in throws at a moving object, reaction, dexterity, and vigilance.
The player runs with a "seal" on a rope (soft toy). Hunters with spears (plastic bottles) are located on one side along a conventional corridor. The task of the players is to hit a moving seal with a spear. Whoever got into the "seal" was considered the most accurate, dexterous, and quickest.

21. Playing with sticks.
The game involves from 2 to 9 people. Dry wooden sticks are required - 20-25 cm long, 1.5-2 cm wide, 0.2-0.3 cm thick. This game requires dexterity and dexterity of the fingers, patience and perseverance of the players are developed.

The first player takes 10 sticks in his hand, throws them up, catches with the back of the hand, then again throws the sticks up with the back of the hand and catches only one of them with his fingers. The player puts the caught stick aside and continues the game. Thus, you need to catch all 10 sticks. Whoever does it faster becomes the winner. The player performs all actions with one hand. If the player caught 2-3 at once, etc. sticks, the game goes to another player, the caught sticks are not counted to him.

22. Jumping on one leg.
The game develops leg strength, jumping ability, endurance, dexterity, fosters courage, willpower, endurance.
All participants stand at the line, taking the starting position - standing on one leg. At the command of the teacher, they start jumping ki. The one who overcomes the distance faster becomes the winner. Jumping is allowed on either leg, but without changing legs.

From October 20 to November 1 in Brazil there is historical event- 1st Indigenous World Sports Games. This is not only a competition in sports, it is a festival of vibrant cultures, a celebration of the traditions and arts of the world's indigenous peoples.

In general, it is unusual, beautiful and interesting.

1.On October 23, 2015 in Brazil, the city of Palmas, the opening of the 1st World Games of Indigenous Peoples was held. (Photo by Ueslei Marcelino | Reuters):

2. The idea of ​​holding such Games has long been discussed at the international level, both among indigenous peoples and in the UN system. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

3. Opening ceremony of the 1st World Games of Indigenous Peoples in Palmas, Brazil, October 23, 2015. This is a Canadian. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

4. Opening ceremony. (Photo by Buda Mendes):

5. Bororo - Indian people in Bolivia (2 thousand people) and Brazil (1 thousand people). By the way, the opening of the Games coincided with the full moon. (Photo by Buda Mendes):

6. The schedule of the Games goes far beyond sports events and demonstrations in national sports. The cultural program of the holiday is extensive, including a craft fair, a dialogue platform and a beauty contest. (Photo by Ueslei Marcelino | Reuters):

7. New Zealander at the opening ceremony of the Games. (Photo by Ueslei Marcelino | Reuters):

8. The indigenous people of Brazil with bow, fire and arrow at the opening ceremony of the Games, October 23, 2015. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

9. Sports competitions have begun. (Photo by Buda Mendes):

11. If at the World Cup soccer is played with their feet, then here - with their heads. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

12. Although there is also regular football at the Games. Celebrating a goal against the Brazilian national team. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

13. From this perspective, it is clear how indigenous footballers differ from ordinary footballers. (Photo by Ueslei Marcelino | Reuters):

14. Women from the Xerente tribe. You can't get away from civilization anyway, that's why they have telephones and. (Photo by Ueslei Marcelino | Reuters):

15. Leader. 1st World Indigenous Games in Brazil, October 21, 2015 (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

16. The Brazilian Bororo came to the competition in all its glory. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

17. World Indigenous Games, Palmas, Brazil, 2015. Tug of War. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

18. (Photo by Buda Mendes):

19. Preparing for a beauty contest. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

20. Participant from Russia. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

21. This is how the beauty contest at the 1st World Games of Indigenous Peoples looked like. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

22. Participant of a beauty contest. (Photo by Ueslei Marcelino | Reuters):

23. Another one. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):

24. Satisfied viewers. (Photo by Buda Mendes):

25. Competition in archery, October 26, 2015. This is how the 1st World Indigenous Games are held in Brazil. The closing ceremony of the Games will take place on November 1. (Photo by Eraldo Peres):


Deer breeder
teach to throw the ball at a vertical target, observe the rules of the game, develop an eye.
The rules of the game: you can only throw the ball from a conditional distance.
A deer figure is placed on the side on the platform. Reindeer herders arrange themselves in a line facing the deer at a distance of 3-4 m from it. One by one, they throw a ball at the deer, trying to hit him. For each successful shot, the reindeer herder receives a flag. The winner is the one who has the most hits to the deer.
Fishermen and fish
exercise in running, develop quick reaction.
Game rules: you can only catch fish children in a circle. Fish should dodge fishermen. Whoever catches more fish is the best fisherman.
There is a cord in the shape of a circle on the floor. In the center of the circle there are three children - fishermen, the rest of the players - fish. Children-fish run all over the playground and run into a circle. Children fishermen catch them.
White shaman
Purpose: to teach children to follow the rules of the game, to develop auditory attention.
Rules of the game: if the recipient of the tambourine repeats the rhythm incorrectly, he leaves the game.
The players walk in circles and perform different movements. In the center of the circle is the driver. This white shaman is a kind person, he kneels down and beats a tambourine, then goes up to one of the players and gives him a tambourine. The recipient of the tambourine must repeat exactly the rhythm played by the driver.
Streams and lakes
Purpose: to teach children to participate in games with elements of competition, to coordinate their movements with the team; develop the ability to act on a signal; to bring up organization, justice.
The rules of the game: in the streams, children run after each other, without leaving their column. It is possible to form a circle only on a signal.
Players stand in five to seven columns with the same number of players in different parts of the hall (or area) - these are streams. At the signal "Brooks are running!" - all run after each other in different directions (each in his own column). To the signal "Lakes!" - players stop, join hands and build circles - lakes. The winners are the children who build the circle faster.
Hitting the deer
Purpose: to teach children to clearly follow the rules of the game; to consolidate the ability to throw the ball at the target; to maintain interest in the games of the peoples of the north.
The rules of the game: you can only throw the ball at your feet and only on a signal. You can only throw the ball from one place.
The group of players is inside the outlined circle - these are deer. Three shepherds are chosen, they are around the circle. At the signal "One, two, three - start the beat!" - the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer. The deer hit by the ball is considered caught, beaten off from the herd. Each shepherd beats five or six times. Then he counts the captured reindeer.
To a new camp
Purpose: to improve the motor skills and abilities of children; the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, dexterously, beautifully.
The rules of the game: you must start moving in accordance with the signal.
The players become pairs. In a pair, one is a deer, the other is a musher. The teams stand one after the other. The host says: "The reindeer herders are moving to a new camp." After these words, everyone ran along the edge of the site, while the mushers, urging on the deer, utter the sound "kkhkh-kkhkh." They stop at the signal of the leader - this is a halt. Mushers let go of the deer, which run scatteringly. At the signal "Team!" - everyone should line up in the same sequence.
Musher and dogs
Purpose: to teach to coordinate movements in a team; develop moral and volitional qualities: endurance, perseverance.
The rules of the game: you can only run on a signal. The winner is the triple that reaches the line faster. You can invite the players to overcome various obstacles.
On opposite edges of the site, two cords are laid parallel. The players stand beside them in three and join hands. Two of them are dogs, the third is a musher. The musher takes the hands of the dogs in front of him. Children in threes at the signal "Let's go!" run towards each other from one cord to another.
Deer and shepherds
Purpose: to teach to reflect the life of the peoples of the north in the game; exercise in imitating the movements of a deer.
The rules of the game: you need to run easily, dodging the maut. You can only throw a maut on the horns. Each shepherd chooses the moment to throw the maut.
All players are deer with attributes imitating antlers on their heads. Two leaders (shepherds) stand on opposite sides of the site, holding mauts in their hands - a cardboard ring or a long rope with a loop. Players - deer run in a circle in a crowd, and shepherds try to throw a maut over their horns. The horns can mimic the twigs that children hold in their hands.
Partridges and hunters
Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to commands, to change the nature of movements; learn to combine a swing with a throw when throwing the ball.
The rules of the game: you can run and shoot only on a signal; throw the ball only under the feet of the runners.
All the players are partridges, three of them are hunters. Partridges run across the field. The hunters are sitting behind the bushes. To the signal "Hunters!" all the partridges hide behind the bushes, and the hunters catch them - they throw the ball at their feet. To the signal "The hunters are gone!" the game continues: the partridges fly again.
Sun (heiro)
Purpose: to teach to coordinate movements in a large circle; educate justice, honesty.
Game rules: all players dodge the sun when it turns.
The players stand in a circle, hold hands, walk in a circle with side steps, with their hands they make uniform waves forward - backward and say "Heiro!" For each step. The Sun Leader is squatting in the middle of the circle. Players scatter when the sun rises and straightens up, extending their arms to the sides. On the signal "One, two, three - run quickly into the circle!" those who were not touched by the presenter return to the circle.
Ice, wind and frost
Purpose: to teach to bring the started game to the end; develop auditory attention; cultivate friendliness.
The rules of the game: those children who have more players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the piece of ice with whom. Those who agree join hands. You can change the movement only on the signal "Wind!" or "Frost!" It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, light and fast running, side gallop, etc.
The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:
Cold pieces of ice
Transparent pieces of ice
Sparkle, ring-
Dzin, dzin ...
They clap each word, first with their hands, then with a friend. They clap their hands and say "Dzin, dzin ..." until they hear the signal "Wind!" Children-ice floes scatter in different directions and agree who will build a circle with whom - a big piece of ice. To the signal "Frost!" everyone line up in a circle and join hands.
Deer catching
Purpose: to exercise while running; teach to follow the rules of the game;
The rules of the game: you need to run easily; catch deer at the signal; the circle is closed when more players are caught; the deer try not to get into the circle, but once they get into the circle, they no longer escape.
The players are divided into two groups. Some are deer, others are shepherds. The shepherds join hands and stand in a semicircle facing the deer. Reindeer run along the delineated area. At the signal "Catch!" the shepherds try to catch the deer and complete the circle.

Games and toys of the indigenous peoples of the North

V.S. Fadeeva

Since ancient times, games and toys have taught children how to work and how to behave. Through games and toys, children discovered the world and values ​​of their people. In addition, they served as an excellent means of recreation and entertainment. On toy sleds, in which dogs were harnessed, children learned the rules of sledding and riding. Sometimes a reindeer sledding toy is made from pieces of reindeer fur.

From an early age, the child receives a knife and learns to work with an ax and other simple tools. Children's bows with arrows, usually from willow twigs, were often made as toys. In the old days, boys practiced shooting at fixed targets, they developed accuracy and visual acuity. Since ancient times, the bow has been the favorite toy among boys. The first bow was made for a child by adults. But at the age of 6 - 7, the boys already knew how to make bows and arrows for themselves. Toys - arrows were made for a child's hand lighter and shorter than for adults. But these were real arrows.

Of the national children's toys, the most common are toy images of deer, as well as sledges, bows, horns, and dolls.

A toy deer is usually a wooden block (10 cm x 2 cm) with a protrusion at one end (tail), an oblique cut at the other (head), and not completely chipped off, slightly curved splinters depicting horns.

Children's horn ( vyvko) consists of a plank (10 X 4 cm), through two holes in which threads (or a thread) from a deer tendon about 25 cm long are threaded, forming a loop. When twisting and unscrewing the loop, which is held stretched with both hands, the board hums.

Girls' toys consist of dolls, a doll wardrobe and a dollhouse. For the Nenets, a doll is an oblong piece of cloth with stripes sewn onto it. For male dolls, the head is the beak of a goose. The female dolls have a head - the beak of a duck. The dolls' heads were made from the beaks of waterfowl, since it was believed that migratory birds fly away to God every year ( Num`u) and are pure, innocent. However, at present these dolls are not given religious significance. They are usually sewn by the girls themselves. Dolls do not have legs, arms, face. This is a simple rag bundle with a bird's beak. But instead of a face, arms and legs, the doll had richly decorated clothes.

For dolls make toy cradles, pillows. Sewing accessories are stored in fur bags (padko). The people of the camp judge the skills of the future bride by her children's toys.

The Nenets willingly devote their free time from work to various board games. They borrowed checkers, chess, cards from the Russians. Many Nenets were able to carve both boards and figures themselves, usually, however, rather primitively. The coloring of the board margins was replaced by the deepening of some margins compared to others. The rules of the game were generally accepted.

Among the games and outdoor activities, national types of competitions should be noted.

Of the national types of competitions, the most common are reindeer sled races, throwing tynzei (lasso), ax, jumping over sledges, and pulling sticks. Nenets traditional sports games continue to this day.

Reindeer sledding races are a beautiful and exciting sight. The best deer are selected, the harness is decorated with ribbons, stripes of rainbow, multi-colored cloth. Depending on the season, four or six deer are harnessed. Competitions are held for speed, but those present invariably appreciate the beauty of the running of the deer, their color (the most beautiful were always the white deer).

Tynzei is thrown on a stick set up vertically, a trochee, on the heads of the sled. The ax is thrown at range.

Traditional sled jumping competitions are interesting. Several sledges (usually as many as there are empty empty sledges) are set parallel to each other at a distance of half a meter. Jumps are made with two legs together, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction, as long as there is enough strength. Good jumpers jump over 30 or more sledges without rest.

The stick is pulled while sitting, resting the feet against each other (there are options). All these types of competitions are for men. Women occasionally only took part in deer races.

Among other games and amusements in the open air, one can note women's games - blind man's buff, ring, - which differ from similar Russian games. So, for example, when playing a ring, it was often passed from hand to hand, and not along a rope.


1. Geography of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: Textbook. Tyumen: Tyumen State University Publishing House, 2001.328.

2. Culture of the peoples of Yamal / Borko T. I. Tyumen: Publishing house of the Institute for Problems of North Development SB RAS, 2002.

4. Bulletin of the Institute. Issue 3. Salekhard: YANOUUU, 2001.



Description of the game. The presenter agrees with the players so that they repeat any words after him only when he says the word “repeat”. Next comes the quick "firefight" dialogue,

- Well, let's start! Repeat
- "taiga". The players say:"taiga".

    Repeat - "deer"
    the players say "deer."

Tell - "gun",

Quickly - "hare", out loud - "fire", etc. The one who made a mistake leaves the game.

The game develops horizons, intelligence, attention.


Description of the game. The presenter asks the children to inspect the classroom, the playground and name as many objects in it as possible, starting with the letter "B" or "K". Guys can name items one by one. Further, you can ask to "notice" round or semicircular objects, square and rectangular. Then wooden, then metal, then glass objects. You can also refer to the color, coloring of objects: black, blue, green, etc.

The game develops visual memory, attention.


Description of the game. The presenter calls the word quickly. Children should mentally rearrange the letters of the e "gogo word the other way around and immediately write them down on the board with chalk or on a piece of paper with a felt-tip pen" back to front ", for example: the presenter says the word" gunpowder ", the child writes" chorop ", etc. You can start with short words, and then replace them with longer ones (forest - sat down, weight sowing).

The game develops memory, attention, intelligence.


Description of the game. The facilitator invites the children to write in alphabetical order for 10-15 minutes. the names of the objects around them and things in the room or room. You can write several objects per letter. The main difficulty is to find objects for all letters of the alphabet. The winner is the one with the longest list. In addition, children must be sure to show where the named object is located.

The game develops visual memory, observation, ingenuity, requires patience and resourcefulness from the player.


Description of the game. The players sit in a circle in pairs. The distance between the pairs is two meters. The organizer of the game invites each player to come up with the name of the beast inhabiting our north, or the name of a flower or other vegetation of the tundra, taiga. The presenter asks who named himself what. Everyone listens carefully and must remember all the names. After that, one of the players, appointed by the driver, goes to the middle of the circle, and the one left without a pair must call for himself a new pair, loudly calling its name (animal, bird, flower, etc.) The called out runs and sits down next to the caller on free place. The game goes on until one of the players is late to call for a pair. The driver tries to take an empty seat before the seated player calls himself a pair. With those who often succumb to the influence of his gesture, you should play separately, reducing the number of objects on the table.

The game develops attention, intelligence, quickness of reaction.


Description of the game. The participants of the game sit in a circle and throw the ball to each other. In this case, the thrower speaks out loudly half of the word, the one who catches should name the second half. For example, snow is a move, tyn is a zyan. Any player can throw the ball. You need to answer quickly. For every mistake or delay, the player is eliminated from the game. Its conditions can be complicated, the presenter says half a word to each child sitting in the circle. And everyone should go on with the second half. If the competitor cannot continue the name, then he receives a penalty point. The presenter begins to say his half of the word, for example: "le", children continue "arctic fox" "loop", etc.

The game develops attention, intelligence, memory, coordination of movements.


Description of the game. The players are divided into two groups and sit on both sides of the table. One group receives some small object - a coin, an elastic band, a button - and begins to pass it from hand to hand under the table. Suddenly the driver says: "Hands on the table!" Immediately, the entire group passing the object should place both hands on the table, palms down. Someone must have an object under the palm of their hand. The second group has to guess who has it. If they guessed correctly, then the subject goes to them. Then this group begins to pass the object under the table, and the first group guesses who has it. If you have not guessed correctly, the item remains in the same group, and that group wins one point. This is how they play until the agreed number of winning points.

The game develops intelligence, dexterity


Description of the game. The game takes place at any time of the year. The number of participants is not limited. The players are located in a semicircle opposite the presenter. The presenter calls any of the players and asks him to instantly "decipher" the proposed word-image, that is, to remember to list everything that has been accumulated in his memory by past observations. For example, what can be said about the word-image “deer”: antlers, meat, reindeer lichen, etc.

At the end of the game, the best players are determined who fully revealed the word-image.

The game develops horizons, attention, memory, ingenuity




Description competitions. The competition is held at any time of the year, the number of participants is not limited. Participants are divided into several teams and stand in columns of two at the start line. Before giving the command to run, the couple ties their touching legs. At the signal, the couples with their legs tied run to the designated object and come back. The couple that comes running first brings the team a point. The team with the most points wins.

The competition develops dexterity, quickness, coordination of movements, sip legs.

Homeless hare

O writing the game. The game is held at any time of the year, the number of participants is not limited. The players are divided into groups of 3 people. Each group, holding hands, forms a circle - "house". "Houses" are placed in different parts of the site. Inside each "house" there is a "hare". One homeless "hare" runs between"Houses", and the "hunter" is chasing after him. If the “hunter” catches up with the hare, then they change roles, the “hare” becomes a “hunter”, and the “hunter” becomes a “hare”. To escape the "hare" can run into any "house", then the "hare" standing there runs out and becomes homeless. At the end of the game, the best player is determined, who has never been a driver.

The game develops dexterity, quick wits, attention, coordination of movements.


WITH Staying is carried out at any time of the year. The number of players is not limited. The distance of "running" is arbitrary and depends on age data, the level of physical fitness.

Description competitions. OptionI . Before the start of the competition, at the beginning and at the end of the distance, the start and finish lines are drawn. Participants are located along the starting line, taking the starting position - standing on all fours. At the command of the judge, a "bearish run" begins, which is performed as follows: pushing off with 2 hands, pull the legs to the chest and land on both legs, while simultaneously extending the arms as far as possible. The winner is the participant who "came running" in this way first to the finish line.

Option 2. The distance is not limited, the winner is the one who "bearishly" runs the longer distance in a certain time.

"Run like a bear" develops the strength of the legs, arms, coordination of movements, dexterity, dexterity. Promotes the education of will, perseverance.

Mystery: There is a bright star behind the village. (Bear).


O writing the game. The game is held at any time of the year, the number of participants is not limited. One of the playing in the hands of the tail-fox or arctic fox. The driver tries to catch up and tarnish the one who runs with the tail. However, it is not so easy to do this: the participants in the game on the run pass their tails to each other. When the "hunter" spots a player with a tail, they switch roles. At the end of the game, the best player is determined, who has never been a driver.

The game develops speed, agility, responsiveness, endurance, and coordination of movements.


O writing the competition. The competition is held at any time of the year, the number of participants is not limited. Running distance depends on age and fitness level. Competitors are divided into several teams. Balls (rubber balls in a net) are tied to the right and left feet of each runner. These will be the "traps". At the command of the leader, the team members race to the control landmark and return back. The winner brings the team a point. The team with the most points wins.

The competition develops speed, leg strength.


Description of the competition. WITH The stay is held at any time of the year, the number of participants is not limited. A circle is drawn with a diameter of 1.5-2 m. The rivals (cubs) squat in it, stretch their arms forward with their palms. It is necessary to push the opponent out of the circle by hitting his palm, or force him to touch the ground or floor with any part of his body. Whoever manages to do this is the winner.

The competition develops sipu, dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, volitional qualities.


The competition can be held both outdoors and indoors. Deer antlers are tied with ropes to the head.

Description of the competition. Two players stand against each other, resting on their horns. The task of the rivals is to throw the horns off each other's head, while keeping them

hands are prohibited. The loser leaves the game, and the next player takes his place. The winner is the one who managed to throw off the horns from more opponents than others.

The competition promotes the development of dexterity, strength, fosters will, perseverance.


Description of the competition. The competition is held at any time of the year. The number of participants is not limited. Participants are divided into two equal teams. A circle is drawn, the players enter it, each of them has a left hand tied to the body, a hat on the head. The task is simple and difficult - to take off the enemy's hat and not allow him to take off his. For each shot

the team's cap gets a point.

The competition develops coordination of movements, quickness, dexterity, reaction, attention, courage.


writing the game.
The game takes place at any time of the year. The number of participants is not limited. Several circles are drawn on the site. Each of them contains a vazhenka and two deer. The wolf sits behind a hill (at the other end of the site). To the words of the presenter:

- A vazhenka wanders in the tundra, with her - deer. Little deer stomp through the puddles, patiently listening to the instructions of their mother ...

The playing deer run freely "! On the tundra, bend over, eat grass, drink water. The words" the wolf is coming! " fawn and deer run away to their houses (circles) The wolf takes the caught fawn with it.

Rules of the game. Perform movements in accordance with the text. The wolf begins to catch only on the signal and only outside the house. At the end of the game, the best player is determined, who has never been caught.

The game develops agility, reaction, quick wits, attention, coordination of movements.

Be a reindeer herder

O writing the competition. All players are divided into several teams. Each team has one tynzyanu-lasso. At a distance of 10 meters from the start, a goal is set - a trochee up to 3 meters long, which is inserted into a tripod or a hole dug out in advance for the trochee. On command, the first numbers perform the throwing of the tyn-zyan-lasso at the trochee, etc. The throws are performed according to the sequence of the guys standing in the column. You cannot replace or rearrange players. The winner is the team with the most points.

The competition develops an eye, dexterity, professional skills of a reindeer breeder, fosters patience and perseverance in achieving the goal.


O writing the game. The players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle. Approaching one of the players, he says one of four words: "air", "water", "earth", "wind" - and counts up to 5. The player must name during this time (depending on the word that was given to him) a bird, a fish, an animal, or spinning in place (wind). Whoever did not have time to give an answer leaves the circle. Then the leader turns to another, etc. Suddenly, instead of these four words, the leader says “fire”. With this word, all the players must change places and the driver takes someone else's place in the circle. The last one who did not have time to stand in the circle becomes the driver.

The game develops horizons, memory, attention, intelligence.


AND The game is held at any time of the year. The number of players is not limited. Before the game, the playing area (its boundaries) is determined.

Description of the game. With the help of a rhyme, the driver is selected, he must catch up with any of the participants in the game and touch him with his hand. Players try to run away, dodge the driver within the boundaries of the playing area. If the driver catches up and touches the player with his hand, then the participant becomes the driver, and the former driver becomes a field player. At the end of the game, the best player is determined, who has never been in the role of a driver or has been a driver fewer times.

The game contributes to the development of speed, dexterity, endurance, in winter it is a good tempering agent.


O writing the game. The game takes place at any time of the year. The number of participants is not limited. With the help of a counting tool, "hare" and "wolf" are selected. The rest of the players are “pines”. Each "pine" defines its place on the site - a circle drawn on the snow (floor). The game starts at the signal of the host. The "hare" runs away from the "wolf" who is trying to tarnish him. The "hare" can only escape under the "pine", for this he needs to run or jump into the circle where the player representing the "pine" stands (arms out to the sides, up).

If The "hare" ran into a circle, it becomes a "pine tree", and the player, performing the role of the “pine” leaves the circle, fleeing from the “wolf” to another “pine”. If the “wolf” manages to stain the “hare” or the “pine” that has lingered and remained in the circle, then the stained participant becomes the leading “wolf”, and the game continues farther. At the end of the game, the best player is determined, who has never been in the role of a driver or has been a driver fewer times.

The game develops dexterity, quick wits, attention, coordination of movements.

Mystery: Who stood outside the forest door like a pillar under a pine tree and stands among the grass with ears larger than a head? (Hare).


Description of the game: The game takes place at any time of the year. The number of participants is not limited. Participants are divided into several teams. Objects are placed on one straight line (trochee, chumps). The player must go around them with a snake, moving his back forward, trying not to touch anything. Before starting to move, he carefully studies his path. The second time he should bypass it as quickly as possible, and the third time very quickly. The rest of the guys are doing the same. After that, five objects are placed on one straight line, which the guys also go around with a snake, with their backs forward and each time accelerating the pace. Then the number of items on the line can be increased. For each object hit, the players are awarded one penalty point. The team with the most points wins.

Option 2. The competitor is blindfolded and must walk around objects facing forward.

The game develops visual memory, dexterity, coordination of movements.


O competition writing: The competition is held at any time of the year. The participants are divided into two teams. For this competition, you need a round log up to 2 m long, 25-30 cm in diameter, which is sawn in half and installed with the sawn part down, and the round surface up. You also need two boards up to 1 meter long, which are laid up on a round surface.

Competitors stand on a rocking chair facing each other, at arm's length. At the signal of the driver, the participants push each other, the one who stayed on the rocking chair becomes the winner and receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

The competition develops agility, coordination of movements.


Description of the competition. This competition requires a 2-3 m long rope and two pebbles (cones). Two competitors grab the ends of the rope (for convenience, you can tie knots or make loops at the ends of the rope) and part, pulling it. A pebble (cone) is placed at the same distance from each player. At the signal, everyone tries, having pulled the opponent * ka, to get his pebble (cone). The winner is the one who took out his pebble (cone).

The competition promotes the development of strength endurance, coordination of movements, and dexterity.


O writing the competition. The competition is held in the winter season. This requires a thick rope 5-6 meters long, the ends of which are tied with a strong knot, so that a large rope ring is obtained.

Option 1. Two participants in the competition, being inside the rope ring, stretch it in different directions, twisting the rope iodine of the shoulder blade and grabbing it with both hands. In the middle between the participants, drawing is carried out. At the signal, both, moving backward, try to pull each other over the line.

Option 2. Competitors stand with their backs to each other, rope at chest level. The winner of the competition is the participant who has pulled the opponent over the middle line.

The competition promotes the development of vulture, strength endurance, dexterity, and fosters strong-willed qualities.


O writing the competition. The competition is held at any time of the year.
The number of participants is not limited. Participants are divided into teams.
The competition is divided into several stages: Stage I - participants
run, jump over sledges (number of 5-10 pieces); Stage II - from bump to bump (jumping from two feet along the markings, the distance between the markings is taken into account depending on the physical
readiness); Stage III - throwing the ball (bumps) at the target (deer figure); Stage IV - participants need to identify the tracks of animals, birds (drawn on paper, snow or ground); Stage V - crawl under the chorea lying on the sleds (distance 5-10 m). The winner is the team that scored the most points during the competition.

The competition promotes the development of quickness, jumping endurance, coordination of movements, accuracy, and eye.