Salvador gave work with a description. Salvador Dali: paintings with titles and descriptions

Salvador gave work with a description. Salvador Dali: paintings with titles and descriptions
Salvador gave work with a description. Salvador Dali: paintings with titles and descriptions

, schedule, sculptor, director, writer


School of Fine Arts San Fernando, Madrid

Style: Famous work: Influence:

Salvador Dali (full name Salvador Felipe Hasinto Fa Resus Dali and Domasene Marquis de Dali de Pubol, Span. Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dalí I Domènech, Marqués de Dalí de Púbol ; May 11 - January 23) - spanish artist, painter, schedule, sculptor, director. One of the most famous representatives Surrealism. Marquis de Dali de Pubol (). Films: "Andalusian dog", "Golden Age", "Waiting".


Works were shown on exhibitions, he won popularity. In 1929, adjacent to the group of surrealists, organized by Andre Breton.

After coming to power, Caudillo Franco in 1936 was given to quarrel with surrealists standing on the left positions, and they are excluded from the group. In response, they did not declare without reason: "Surrealism is me."

With the beginning of World War II, they gave together with Galo, he leaves in the USA, where they live with in G. in G. Releases their fictional autobiography " Secret life Salvador Dali. " His literary experienceslike I. works of artAs a rule, turn out to be commercially successful.

After returning to Spain lives mainly in his beloved Catalonia. In 1981, he develops Parkinson's disease. Gala dies in the city.

Dali died on January 23, 1989 from a heart attack. The artist's body was molded in the floor in the museum Dali in Figueras. great artist During his lifetime, he won it to bury him so that people could walk on the grave. This room is forbidden to take pictures with a flash.

Board on the wall in the room where I gave

  • Design Chup Chups (1961) Enrique Bernat called his caramel "Cheups", and at first she had only seven tastes: strawberries, lemon, mint, orange, chocolate, coffee with cream and strawberries with cream. The popularity of "Chupe" grew, increased the number of caramel produced, new tastes appeared. Caramel could no longer be in the initial modest wrapper, it was necessary to come up with something original so that Cheups learned everything. In 1961, Enrique Bernat turned to his countryman, the famous artist El Salvadorus Dali with a request to draw something memorable. Brilliant artist I thought not long and less than an hour sketched him a picture, where the chamomile "Chupa Chups" was depicted, which in several modified form today recognizable as the "Chupa Chupa" logo in all corners of the planet. The honors from the new logo was and its location: it is not on the side, and on top of the candy
  • In honor of Salvador, they were given a crater on Mercury.
  • In 2003, Walt Disney was issued cartoon "Destino". The development of the film began with cooperation Dali with the American multiplier Walt Disney back in 1945, but was postponed due to the company's financial problems.

The most famous and significant works

  • Portrait of Luis Bunuel (1924) Like "still life" (1924) or Puristic Still Life (1924), this picture Created during the search gave their manners and style of execution, as the atmosphere resembles the canvas de Kiriko.
  • Flesh on the stones (1926) Dali called Picasso with her second father. This cloth Performed in the unusual Salvador cubist manner, as well as the previously written "cubistic self-portrait" (1923). In addition, several portraits of Picasso were written by Salvador.
  • Device and hand (1927) Experiments of S. continue geometric shapes. This mystical desert is already felt, the manner of writing a landscape, peculiar to the "surrealistic" period, as well as some other artists (in particular, IVA Tangi).
  • Invisible person (1929) Also called "invisible", the picture shows metamorphosis, hidden meanings and contours of objects. Salvador was often returned to this reception, making it one of the main features of his painting. This applies to a number of more late paintings, such as, for example, "swans reflected in the elephants" (1937) and the "phenomenon of the face and a vase with fruit on the seashore" (1938).
  • Enjoyed pleasure (1929) Interestingly, what opens the obsessive ideas and children's fears of Salvador. Also uses images borrowed from their own "portrait of the field" (1929), "The riddles of desire:" My mother, my mother, my mother "(1929) and some others.
  • Great Masturbator (1929) Hotly beloved by researchers, the picture is similar to "enlightened pleasures" is the field of study of the artist's personality.

Picture "Constancy of Memory", 1931

  • Memory constancy (1931) Perhaps the most famous and discussed work of Salvador Dali. Like many others, it uses ideas from former work. In particular, it is a self-portrait and ants, soft watches and Kadaques Coast, the Motherland of Salvador.
  • Riddle of Wilhelm Tel (1933) One of the frank bullying was given over the communist love Andre Breton and his left views. The main character According to Dali himself, it is Lenin in a cap with a huge visor. In the "genius diary" Salvador writes that the baby is he himself, wearing "he wants to eat me!". Here there are also crutches - the indispensable attribute of creativity was given, which retained their relevance throughout the life of the artist. By these two crutches, the artist supports the visor and one of the pilots of the leader. This is not the only well-known job on this topic. Back in 1931, Dali wrote "Partial Hallucination. Six phenomena of Lenin on the piano. "
  • Hitler's mystery (1937) He himself was given about Hitler responded in different ways. He wrote that his soft, chubby spin of the Fuhrera was attracted. His mania did not cause special enthusias among surrealists who fed sympathy to the left. On the other hand, Salvador subsequently talked about Hitler as a finished masochist, who started the war with one goal - to lose it. According to the artist, somehow he was asked for an autograph for Hitler and he put a straight cross - " full opposite The broken fascist swastika.
  • Phone - Omar (1936) The so-called surrealistic object is an object that has lost its essence and traditional feature. Most often was called upon to cause resonance and new associations. Dali and Jacometty were the first to create the fact that Salvador himself called "objects with a symbolic function."
  • Mei West's face (used as a surreal room) (1934-1935) The work was implemented both on paper and in the form of a real room with furniture in the form of a lip sofa and other things.
  • Metamorphosis Narcissa (1936-1937) Or "Transformation of Narcissa." Deeply psychological work. The motifs were used as the cover of one of the Pink Floyd disks.
  • Paranoic transformation of the face of Gala (1932) As if the painting instruction of the paranoid-critical method was given.
  • Retrospective bust of women (1933) Surreal object. Despite the huge bread and cob - the symbols of fertility, Salvador, as it were, emphasizes the price, which all this is given: on the face of a woman full of her ants.
  • Woman with heads from roses (1935) The head of roses is rather tribute to Archimboldo, an artist, hotly beloved surrealists. Archimismo long before the appearance of an avant-garde as such wrote portraits of court husbands using vegetables and fruits for their compilation (nose-eggplant, wheat hair and the like). He (like Bosch) was something like a surrealist to surrealism.
  • Supplementary structure with boobs: Premonition of the Civil War (1936) As written in the same year "Autumn cannibalism", this picture is the horror of the Spaniard, who knows what is happening with his country and where it moves. This is a fabric of the Grannie Pablo Picasso.
  • Sunny Table (1936) and Poetry of America (1943) When advertising tightly entered the life of everyone and everyone, gave it to it to create a special effect, a sort of unobtrusive cultural Shock. In the first picture, it would randomly drop into the sand in the sand cigarette "Camel", and in the second - uses a bottle of "Coca-Cola".
  • Venus Milosian with basin (1936) The most famous Dalian object. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe boxes is present in his painting. Confirmation of this can serve "Giraffe on fire" (1936-1937), "Anthropomorphic locker" (1936) and other paintings.
  • Sleeping market with the phenomenon of invisible Bust Voltaire (1938) One of the most famous "optical" paintings was given, in which he skillfully plays with color associations and an angle of view. Another extreme famous work This kind is "Gala, Looking at the Mediterranean Sea, at a distance of twenty meters turns into a portrait of Abraham Lincoln" (1976).
  • Sleep, caused by a bee flight around a grenade in a second before awakening (1944) This bright picture is inherent in the feeling of ease and instability of what is happening. In the background - a long-legged elephant. This character is in other works, like the "Temptation of St. Anthony" (1946).
  • Nude Dali, contemplating five ordered bodies that turn into corpuscles, of which Leda Leonardo unexpectedly creates, fertilized by the face of Gala (1950) is one of the many paintings related to the period of passion from Salvador with physics. It breaks the images, objects and faces on row corpuscles or some similarity of the surname rogues (another obsessive idea demonstrated in diary records). And if an example of the first reception is "Galatia with spheres" (1952) or this picture, then the "explosion of the head of Raphael" (1951) was built on the second.
  • Hypercubic body (1954) Corpus Hypercubus - a canvas depicting the crucifixion of Christ. Dali appeals to religion (as well as mythology, for example, which serves "Colossus Rhodes" (1954)) and writes biblical plots In its own way, bringing a considerable share of mysticism into the paintings. An indispensable character now and "religious" paintings becomes the wife of Gala. Nevertheless, Dali does not limit themselves and allows you to write pretty provocative things. Such as "Sodomsky satisfaction of the innocent virgin" (1954).
  • Mystery evening (1955) Known clothdemonstrating one of the biblical scenes. Many researchers are still arguing about the value of the so-called "religious" period in creativity. Pictures "Guadalup's Mother of God" (1959), "Opening of America Sleep Sleep of Christopher Columbus" (1958-1959) and " Universal Cathedral"(1960) (on which they were captured by himself) - bright representatives Cleansing of that time.

"The Last Supper" is one of the most amazing craftsmen of the Master. It presents in their totality of the Scene of the Bible (actually the evening, the walking of Christ on water, crucifixion, prayer before the betrayal of Judas), which are surprisingly combined, intertwining with each other. It is worth saying that biblical theme In the work of Salvador, Dali occupies a significant position. The artist tried to find God in the surrounding world, in himself, representing Christ the center of the pristine universe ("Christ San Juan de la Cruz", 1951).


  • 1500+ paintings, biography, resources (English), posters (eng.)
  • Salvador Dali (eng.) On the Internet Movie Database website

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Salvador Dali without exaggeration can be called the most famous surrealist of the 20th century, because his name is familiar with even those who are completely distant from painting. Some people consider him the greatest genius, others - madness. But first, and the second unconditionally recognize unique talent artist. His paintings are an irrational combination real objects, deformed paradoxically. Dali was the hero of his time: the work of the master was discussed both in the highest circles of society and in the proletarian environment. He became the real embodiment of surrealism with the patripping of breath of breath, contradictory and dipping. Today, anyone who wants to be available masterpieces, the author of which is Salvador Dali. Pictures whose photos can be seen in this article are capable of impressing every fan of surrealism.

The role of Ham in the work of Dali

Huge creative heritage Left after himself Salvador Dali. Paintings with names that cause many mixed feelings today are so attracting art lovers that deserve detailed consideration and descriptions. The inspirational, model, support and main fan of the artist was his spouse Gala (emigrant from Russia all his most famous canvases were written in the period life together With this woman.

Hidden Meaning "Constancy of Memory"

Considering El Salvador Dali, it is worth starting with the most recognizable work - "constancy of memory" (sometimes it is called "time"). The canvas was created in 1931. Inspired by the artist to write a masterpiece of his wife Gala. According to Dali himself, the picture plan has arisen at the sight of a melting under sunshine what he wanted to say the master by portraying the soft clock on the canvas on the background of the scenery?

Three soft dials adorning the foreplay of the picture are identified with a subjective time that flows freely and unevenly fills everything free space. The number of hours is also symbolic, because the number 3 on this canvas indicates the past, present and future. The soft state of items indicates the relationship between space and time, which for the artist has always been obvious. Present in the picture and the hard watches depicted by the dial down. They symbolize the objective time, the course of which comes against humanity.

Salvador Dali also depicted his self portrait on this web. The picture "Time" contains on foreground Incomprehensible raising item framed by eyelashes. It is in this way that the author painted himself. In a dream, a person releases his thoughts, which in a state of wakeful he is carefully hiding from others. Everything that can be seen in the picture is a dream given by the result of the celebration of the unconscious and the death of reality.

Ants crawling through the body of solid clocks symbolize the decay, rot. In the picture insects are built in the form of a dial with arrows and indicate that the objective time destroys itself. Fly sitting on soft clockFor the painter was an inspiration symbol. The ancient Greek philosophers spent a lot of time surrounded by these "Mediterranean fairies" (this is exactly what Muh called). The mirror, visible in the picture on the left, is evidence of time impermanence, it displays both objective and subjective worlds. Egg in the far plan symbolizes life, dry Oliva - forgotten antique wisdom, and - Eternity.

"Giraffe on fire": interpretation of images

Studying the paintings of El Salvador was given with a description, you can deeper the artist's creativity, it is better to understand the subtext of his canvases. In 1937, "Giraffe on fire" was published from under the brush of the painter. It was a difficult period for Spain, since a little earlier in it began in addition, Europe was on the threshold of World War II, and Salvador Dali, as well as many progressive people of that time, felt her approach. Despite the fact that the Master argued that his "Giraffe on Fire" was not related to political events, shaking the continent, the picture is saturated with horror and anxiety.

In the foreground, Dali drew a woman standing in the posture position. Her hands and face are sharpened, it seems that the skin is sodden. A woman looks helpless, she is unable to resist the impending danger. Behind it is shown a lady with a piece of meat in his hands (it is a symbol of self-destruction and death). Both figures stand on Earth due to the subtle backups. They were often given in spoken in their works to emphasize the weakness of man. Giraffe, in honor of which the picture is named, is drawn in the distant plan. He is much less women, the upper part of its body is covered by fire. Despite its small sizes, it is the main hero of the canvas, embodying a monster carrying the apocalypse.

Analysis of the "Premonition of the Civil War"

Not only in this work, Salvador Dali's premonition expressed his premonition. Pictures with names indicating its approach, appeared by the artist repeatedly. A year before the "Giraffe", the artist wrote a "soft design with boobs boobs" (otherwise it is called "Premonition civil War"). Construction of pieces human bodydepicted in the center of the canvas, reminds contours of Spain on the map. The design from above is too cumbersome, she hangs over the ground and can collapse at any time. At the bottom under the construction of the beans scattered, which look here are completely inappropriate, which only emphasizes absurdity political eventsTaking place in Spain in the second half of the 30s.

Description "Faces of War"

"Face of war" is another work left by the surrealist to his fans. The picture dates back to 1940 - time when Europe was covered by combat actions. On canvas is depicted human head With frozen in agony face. It is surrounded by snakes from all sides, instead of eyes and mouth have countless skulls. It seems that the head is literally stuck with death. The picture symbolizes the concentration camps, who have lost their lives in millions of people.

Interpretation of "sleep"

"Sleep" - the picture of El Salvador Dali, created by him in 1937. It depicts a huge sleeping head, holding on eleven thin backpoints (exactly the same as in women on the Giraffe canvas). Crutches everywhere, they support their eyes, forehead, nose, lips. There is no body in humans, but there is unnaturally elongated thin neck. The head personifies sleep, and crutches indicate support. There is only every part of the face to find their backup, as a person will collapse into the world of dreams. Support is needed not only to people. If you carefully look at, in the left corner of the canvas you can see a small dog, whose torso is also relied on the crutch. You can consider the backups as a thread that allow your head to soar during sleep, but do not give it to completely break away from the ground. The blue background of the canvas even more emphasizes the detachment of what is happening on it from the rational world. The artist was sure that the dream looks like. The picture of Salvador was given in the cycle of his work "Paranoia and War".

Gory Images

His beloved wife also drew Salvador Dali. Pictures with the names of "Angela Gala", "Madonna Port Ligata" and many others directly or indirectly indicate the presence of deacone in the plots of the works of genius. For example, in Galatee with the areas "(1952), he portrayed his companion of life in the form of a divine woman, whose face is shifted through a large number of balls. Spouse genius boil over real Mir in the upper essential layers. Musa became his the main heroine Such paintings like "Galarin", where it is depicted with nude left breasts, "Atomic Leda", in which Dali presented a naked spouse in the form of the Sparta government. Almost everyone female imagespresent on the canvas, inspired painting his faithful wife.

Impression of painting

Photos depicting the paintings of El Salvador Dali, high resolution allow you to study his creativity to the smallest details. The artist has lived long life And left behind several hundred works. Each of them is unique and incomparable inner worldDisplayed by a genius named Salvador Dali. Pictures with names known to all since childhood can inspire, cause delight, bewilderment or even disgust, but no person will remain after viewing indifferent.

Well, here the biography of Salvador Dali. Salvador is one of my favorite artists. I tried to add more dirty details Delicious interesting facts And quote from friends from the environment of the Matra, which is not on other sites. Available short biography Artist's creativity - see navigation at the bottom. A lot taken from the film Gabriella flights "Biography Salvador Dali", so - carefully, spoilers!

When inspiration leaves me, I postpone the brush and paint to the side and sit down to scribble anything about the people I inspire. So it goes.

Salvador Dali, biography. Table of contents.


In the United States, Chet Dali will spend the next eight years. Immediately at arrival in America, El Salvador and Gala rolled the grand orgy of PR shares. They staged a costume party in a surrealistic style (Gala sat in the costume of the unicorn, HMA) and invited the most prominent people from Bohemian parties of their time. Dali was quite successful to exhibit in America, and his shocking antics were very loved by the American press and Bohemian Tusovka. What, and such a virtuoso-artistic Shiza, they have not yet seen.

In 1942, the surrealist publishes his autobiography "The Secretary Life of El Salvador Dali, written by him". The book for unprepared minds will be slightly shocking, I immediately say. Although it is worth reading, interesting. Despite the obvious oddity of the author, read quite easily and easily. IMHO, gave, as a writer, pretty good, of course.

Nevertheless, despite the huge success of critics, Gale again it was difficult to find buyers of paintings. But, everything changed when in 1943 the exhibition was given a wealthy couple from Colorado - Reynold and Eleonor Mos became regular buyers of Salvador paintings and family friends. Chet Mos acquired a quarter of all Pictures of El Salvador Dali and later founded the Salvador Museum Dali in St. Petersburg, but not in that in which you thought, but in America, in Florida.

We started collecting his work, we often met with Dali and with Gang and we liked, because we liked his paintings. Gala loved us too, but she needed to maintain his reputation of a person with a difficult character, she burst out between a sympathy for us and his reputation. (c) Eleonor Mos

Dali works tightly as a designer, participating in the creation of jewelry and scenery. In 1945, Hichkok invited Matra to create decorations to his film "Walking". Even Walt Disney was conquered magic world Dali. In 1946, he ordered a cartoon that would introduce Americans with surrealism. True sketches came out so surround that the cartoon will not appear in the box office, but later, it will still be completed. It is called Destino, Cartoon Schizophaza, very beautiful, with high-quality rice, and it is worth looking for, unlike Andalusian PSA (do not look at the PSA, honestly).

Beveling El Salvador was given with surrealists.

While all the artistic and intellectual community hated Franco, as he was a dictator, the strength of the republic. Dali, nevertheless decided to go against universal opinion. (c) Antonio Piccot.

Dali was a monarchist, he talked with Franco and told him that he was going to restore the monarchy. So Dali was for Franco. (c) Lady Main

Painting Salvador at this time acquires especially academic character. For the paintings of this period, the classic component is especially characteristic of this period, despite the obvious plot. Also, Maestro writes landscapes and classic paintings without any surrealism. Many canvases also acquire a distinct religious nature. Famous paintings Salvador gave this time - Atomic Leda, Last Supper, Christ Holy Juan de la Cruz, etc.

The prodigal son returned to Lono catholic church And in 1958, Dali and Gala got married. Dali was 54 years old, Gale 65. But, despite the wedding, their novel changed. Gala turned El Salvador world celebrityBut although their partnership was much more than business, Gala loved young stallions, so that she was on the hour without a break, and Salvadorych was not the same. He no longer looked like a kind of extreme extravagant Efer, whom she knew before. Therefore, their relationship was marked by that time, and Gulu was increasingly seen surrounded by young Alphonses and without El Salvador.

Many thought they gave just a showman, but it was not. He worked for 18 hours a day, admiring the local landscapes. I think he was in general simple person. (c) Lady Main.

Amanda Lir, the second large love of Salvador Dali.

All his life, annealing Salvador with burning eyes turned into a shaking unhappy animal with a cross-looking view. Time does not spare anyone.

Death Gala, Surrealist's wife.

Soon the maestro waited for a new blow. In 1982, at the age of 88, Gala died from a heart attack. Despite enough fastening in lately Relationships, Salvador gave her stem with death, lost his rod, the basis of his existence and was similar to the apple, who has rotted the core.

For gave it was the strongest blow. As if his world fell apart. There was a terrible time. Time deep depression. (c) Antonio Piccot.

After death, Gang Dali rolled over the inclined. He went to the poubol. (c) Lady Main.

The famous surrealist moved to the castle, bought for his wife, where the traces of her former presence allowed him to somehow brighten his existence.

I think it was a big mistake to retire in this castle, where he was surrounded by people who did not know him at all, but in this way Lady Maine ladied mourned.

Once a well-known partner Salvador, the house of which was always full of people drunk from rose champagne, turned into a recluse, who admitted only close friends to himself.

He said - well, let's meet, but in complete darkness. I do not want you to see what I became gray and old. I want that that I remember me with a young and beautiful (c) Amanda.

I was asked to visit him. He put a bottle of red wine on the table, a glass, put the chair, and remained in the bedroom with a closed door. (c) Lady Main.

Fire and death Salvador Dali

The fate, previously the balding gave luck, decided, as if in retaliation for all previous years, to throw a new misfortune to Salvador. In 1984, a fire happened in the castle. None of the round-clock on duty nurses did not respond to the screams given about help. When Dali saved, his body burned 25 percent. Unfortunately, fate did not give artist lung Death and he recovered, even though he was exhausted and covered with scars from burns. Salvador's friends persuaded him to leave her castle and move to the museum in Figuene. Last years Before death, Salvador Dali spent surrounded by his art.

Five years later, El Salvador Dali died in the hospital in Barcelona from a heart stop. So it goes.

Such an end seems too sad for a person who was crowded with life and so differed from others. He was incredible person. (c) Lady Main

This is you Vrubel with Van Gogh tell me.

Salvador Dali enriched our life not only with his paintings. I am glad that he allowed us to know him so close. (c) Eleanor Mos

I felt that it was over the huge, very significant part of my life, as if I lost my own father. (c) Amanda.

Meeting with Dali for many was a real opening of a new huge world, unusual philosophy. Compared to him, all these modern artistswho are trying to copy his style, look just a pity. (c) ultraviolet.

Before his death, Salvador Dali bequeathed to bury himself in his museum, surrounded by his works, under his feet of his delighted fans.

Surely there are people who do not even know what he died, they think he just no longer works. In a sense, it was not important or dead. For pop culture, he is always alive. (c) Alice Cooper.

Today, May 11, the birthday of the Great spanish painter and sculptor Salvador Dali. . His legacy will forever remain with us, because in his works, many find a part of themselves - the very "insaneness", without which life would be boring and monotony.

« Surrealism is me"," The artist crashes loosely, and it is impossible to disagree with him. All his works are impregnated with the spirit of surrealism - both paintings and photographs he created with unprecedented skill. Dali Proclaimed complete freedom from any aesthetic or moral coercion and walked to the most limits in any creative experiment. He did not disappear to incarnate the most provocative ideas and wrote everything: from love and sexual revolution, history and technology to society and religion.

Great masturbator

Face of war

Atom splitting

Gitler's mystery

Christ of Saint Juan De La Cruz

Dali began early to be interested in art and still at school I took private painting lessons by the artist Nunies , Professor Academy of Arts. Then, at the School of Fine Arts at the Academy of Arts, he became close to the literary and artistic circles of Madrid - in particular, with Louis Burniel and Federico Garcia Lorco . However, at the Academy, he did not long long for a long time - for some too bold ideas were expelled, which, however, did not prevent him from organize the first small exhibition of his works and quickly become one of the most famous artists Catalonia.

Young women

Self-portrait with Rafael Neck

Basket with bread

Young woman seen from the back

Thereafter Dalimeets Gala I got it " museum of Surrealism" Arriving K. Salvador Dali. With her husband, she immediately pushed the passion for the artist and left the spouse for the sake of genius. Dali The same, absorbed by his feelings, as if he did not even notice that not one "Muse" came. Gala it becomes his companion of life and the source of inspiration. She also became a bridge connected to the genius with the entire avant-garde community - her tact and softness allowed him to support at least some relationship with his colleagues. The image of the beloved was reflected in a variety of works. Dali .

Portrait of a gala with two lamb rubber, balancing on her shoulder

My wife, nude, looks at your own body, which has become a ladder, three vertebrae columns, sky and architecture


Nude Dali, contemplating five ordered bodies, turning into a carcupus, from which Leda Leonardo is unexpected, fertilized by the face of the gala

Of course, if we talk about painting Dali , It is impossible not to remember his most famous work:

Sleep, mounted bee flight around a grenade, for a moment before awakening

The Persistence of Memory

Burning giraffe

Swans reflected in elephants

Supplemental structure with boobs (premonition of the civil war)

Anthropomorphic locker

Sodom's Satisfaction of the innocent Virgin

Evening spider ... Hope

Ghost of Vermer Delftsky, able to serve and table

Sculpture Dali brought his surreal talent on new level - With the plane of the canvas, they jumped into three-dimensional space, having acquired a form and an additional volume. Most of the work became intuitively familiar to the viewer - the master used in them the same images and ideas as in their canvases. To create sculptures Dali I had to deal with a few hours of waxing, and then create forms for casting figures from bronze. Some were then cast in an enlarged size.

Among other things, Dali was an excellent photographer, and in the century of the very beginning of the development of photography together with Philip Khalsman He managed to create completely incredible and surreal pictures.

Love art and enjoy the works of Salvador Dali!

In the article - the pictures of Salvador were given with names, and also - the work of Salvador was given, his way as an artist and how he came to surrealism. Below links to more full collections Pictures of El Salvador.

Yes, I understand, the paragraph looks at the top so that you have blood from the eye, but Google with Yandex have several specific tastes (if you understand what I mean) and it came to them well, so something is scary to change it. Do not be afraid, there further, though not much, but better.

Creativity Salvador Dali.

Signs, actions, pictures of Salvador Dali, Everything wore an easy madness. This man was not just an artist Surrealist, he himself was an embodiment surrealism.

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Nevertheless, Dali came to surrealism far from immediately. Creativity Salvador Dali It began primarily with the hobbies of impressionism and the study of the techniques of classical academic painting. The first paintings were given by the landscapes of Figueras, where there were no traces of surrealistic vision of the world.

The passion for impressionism gradually gone to no and gave began to try himself in cubism, drawing inspiration from Pablo Picasso's cloths. Even in some Surrealistic works of the Master, the elements of the Cubism are traced. For the work of Salvador Dali a huge impact The painting of the Renaissance era also provided. He said many times that modern artists are nothing compared to the titans of the past (and even earlier vodka was sweeter and herb greener, familiar song).

Learn to draw and write as old masters first, and then do what you want - and you will respect. Salvador Dali

The formation of a surrical style actually in the paintings of Salvador was given to approximately at one time with the exception of the Academy and his first exhibition in Barcelona. Only at the sunset of your life Dali Some will go away from surrealism and return to more realistic painting.

Despite the tense relations of El Salvador and actually the surrealistic part of that time his image became the personification of surrealism and the entire surrealistic in the consciousness of the masses. The expression was given by "Surrealism I am" in the modern world it became true in the eyes of millions. Ask any person on the street who is associated with the word Surrealism - almost anyone will answer, without thinking: "Salvador Dali". His name is even familiar to those who do not quite understand the meaning and philosophy of surrealism and those who are not interested in painting. I would say that Dali became a kind of mainstream in painting, despite the fact that the philosophy of his work is incomprehensible to many.

The secret of Salvador's success Dali

Salvador Dali possessed a rare ability to shock others, he was the hero of the lion's share of secular conversations of his era. About the artist spoke all, from Bourgeois to the proletariat. Salvador was perhaps best actor From artists. They gave boldly, it was possible to call the genius of a pian, like black and white. Salvador possessed the magnificent ability to sell and promote himself as a brand. The pictures of El Salvador were the embodiment of an extravagant personality, strange and crazy, which are an uncontrolled subconscious flow and possess a peculiar recognizable style.

Pictures of Salvador Dali

Pictures of Salvador Dali are one of the brightest samples of the embodiment of the manifest of surrealism, the very freedom of the spirit bordering the madness. Uncertainty, chaotic forms, a mix of reality with dreams, a combination of thoughtful images with delusional ideas from the global subconscious, the combination of impossible with possible - that's what pictures were given.

With all the monstrisms of Creativity Salvador Dali, it possesses an inexplicable attractiveness, emotions arising from watching the artist's work seemingly simply not able to exist together.

Master's canvas can be divided into three types: impressionism, cubism (early gave), surrealism. Sometimes surrepreneurs hyperealism, as in the painting "Basket with Hlebmm." The general public Salvador, of course, is known exactly surrealistic picture. Therefore, the work is that they are posted here, belong to surrealism. For the sake of interest and comparison, it may be added another couple of cloths of other styles, but so far so.

The most famous pictures with descriptions.

Each picture is a reference to an article with an analysis and description of the canvases. I tried especially water not to pour, but when we are talking About descriptions of paintings, make it can not only everything, few can do it. In general, I tried in the case and in facts, without an elevated nonsense, as it turned out - judge for yourself.

Pictures of El Salvador Dali with names

Small remark.
My acquaintance S. surrealism It was precisely S. Salvador Dali.. I remember when I was given an album in my childhood for the birthday of the birthday with reproductions - it was a real holiday, because then there was no such a variety of free pictures on the Internet. Actually, classic surrealism in my understanding is - this is Salvador. Pictures of other surrealists of that time have no feelings for me, except Rena Magritte, of course, and perhaps Yves Tangi.

Update 2018. Guys, do not read this feeder, he was then young, green and did not know that besides Dali and Magritte there are also

By the way, early work Dali is very similar to the pictures of Yves Tangi, I would not distinguish. Who borrowed from whom it is not clear, the system one grandmother said claims that they gave birth to Tangi's style (but it is inaccurate). So - Warm kill borrow with the mind and awaits you success. However, it is not so important who was the first (and the first was in a similar style Max Ernst - it was he who came up with carefully write schizoid images). It was Salvador, thanks to his artistic skills, developed and completely embodied the ideas of surrealism.