Federal state educational standards set the deadlines for obtaining. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

Federal state educational standards set the deadlines for obtaining.  Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education
Federal state educational standards set the deadlines for obtaining. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

1. Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements provide:

1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2) continuity of basic educational programs;

3) the variability of the content of educational programs of the corresponding level of education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various levels of complexity and focus, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of students;

4) state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs and the results of their development.

2. Federal state educational standards, with the exception of the federal state educational standard for preschool education, educational standards are the basis for an objective assessment of compliance with the established requirements of educational activities and training of students who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and appropriate focus, regardless of the form of education and the form of training.

3. Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1) the structure of the main educational programs (including the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in educational relations) and their volume;

2) the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other conditions;

3) the results of mastering basic educational programs.

4. Federal state educational standards establish the terms for obtaining general education and vocational education, taking into account various forms of education, educational technologies and the characteristics of certain categories of students.

5. Federal state educational standards for general education are developed by levels of education, federal state educational standards for vocational education can also be developed for professions, specialties and areas of training for the corresponding levels of vocational education.

5.1. Federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general and basic general education provide the opportunity to receive education in native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, to study the state languages ​​of the republics of the Russian Federation, native languages ​​from among the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including Russian as a native language ...

(Part 5.1 was introduced by Federal Law of 03.08.2018 N 317-FZ)

6. In order to ensure the realization of the right to education of students with disabilities, federal state educational standards for the education of these persons are established or special requirements are included in federal state educational standards.

7. Formation of the requirements of federal state educational standards of vocational education for the results of mastering the basic educational programs of vocational education in terms of professional competence is carried out on the basis of the relevant professional standards (if any).

(Part 7 as amended by Federal Law of 02.05.2015 N 122-FZ)

8. Lists of professions, specialties and areas of training with an indication of the qualifications assigned for the relevant professions, specialties and areas of training, the procedure for the formation of these lists is approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. When approving new lists of professions, specialties and areas of training by the federal executive body in charge of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, the correspondence of certain professions, specialties and areas of training indicated in these lists to professions, specialties and areas of training may be established. specified in the previous lists of professions, specialties and areas of training.

9. The procedure for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

10. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov St. independently educational standards for all levels of higher education. The requirements for the conditions of implementation and the results of mastering educational programs of higher education included in such educational standards cannot be lower than the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards.

RF Law "On Education"- N 273-FZ - regulates public relations that appear in the field of education due to the realization by the population of the right to education. Provides state guarantees of freedoms and rights of people in the field of education and appropriate conditions for the realization of the right to education. Determines the legal status of the participants in the relationship in the framework of educational activities. Establishes the economic, legal, organizational basis of education in our country, the principles of state policy in the field of education, the rules for the operation of the educational system and the implementation of educational activities.

The draft standard was developed by the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education. Project development leaders: Kezina. //.// .. academician of the Russian Academy of Education; Kondakov A.M .. scientific supervisor // (IPO RAO. Corresponding member of RAO.

The structure of the Federal State Educational Standard. FSES is a complex of three federal state educational standards:

    for primary secondary education;

    for basic secondary education;

    for complete secondary education.

Each standard includes requirements:

    to the results of mastering the basic educational program of secondary general education;

    to the structure of the main educational program of secondary general education, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, for the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

    to the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of secondary education, including personnel, financial, material and technical and other conditions.

Requirements in various standards - for primary, basic, complete secondary education, are homogeneous in form (in terms of the composition of requirements), but different in content, taking into account the educational background, existing subject competence, age characteristics and student capabilities. At the same time, the task is to ensure the continuity of the basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, vocational education.

With a careful reading of the last paragraph of the above requirements, you can immediately notice that this is a requirement for the conditions of education, for the implementation of the educational process, and therefore for the educational environment. That is, the direct relationship between the FSES and the educational environment is determined. Moreover, this relationship is realized in the form of a complex of direct and feedback:

    the conditions of the educational process, expressed in the educational environment, affect its implementation and the results achieved;

    the achievement of the required results specified in the Standard presupposes the existence of requirements for the conditions of this achievement.

Therefore, the new Standard and the educational environment must be in a balanced combination. This means that their research, study is also interconnected: the study of the educational environment lies on the path of studying the content, features and new possibilities of the Federal State Educational Standard (Fig.1.2.).

Figure 1.2. Relationship between the requirements of society and education

It should be noted that FSES is part of the educational environment. This is a legal document expressing the order of the company, the procedure and conditions for its implementation. At the same time, it regulates not only the implementation and development of education, but also the development of the educational environment - directly and indirectly. In these aspects, we will consider it in the further presentation.

The first and main feature of the FSES Is the return to general education of the function of upbringing, expressed in the requirements and expected results:

    in the general provisions of the Standard, which indicates the orientation "towards the formation of the personal characteristics of a graduate (" portrait of a school graduate ")";

    in the results of subject learning, including general educational results;

    in the results of personal development.

The upbringing of the student is named one of the goals to ensure which this standard (FSES) is directed.

Achieving the goal of educating a student presupposes a significant increase in the requirements for the educational environment.

The second feature of the FSES. The new educational standard introduces a new pedagogical category - the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary, basic or complete secondary education (educational outcomes, learning outcomes). The concept of educational and learning outcomes was present in the pedagogical environment before. But these results were perceived as an expression of achieving the goals of education and subject learning, i.e. were derived from the content of goals, a reflection of purposefulness.

According to the new standard, educational results are becoming an independent concept of pedagogy and an element of the educational sphere. As a conceptual category, they are applicable to subject learning systems - to educational subjects, considered here as learning outcomes. As such, they become the subject of methodological research and constitute an independent component of the methodological system of subject teaching. Learning Outcomes.

The content of the results and the learning objectives should not duplicate (repeat) each other. The goals should be conceptual, define the learning strategy, its general focus. Whereas the results of subject learning should be more specific, expressing its goals and the concept of educational results of the Federal State Educational Standard - to make up a set of specific educational achievements planned in the methodological system of this training.

The component "Learning Outcomes" in the subject methodological system, program, teaching materials allows you to model learning, to formulate it in the form information model through the definition of the relationship between the content of the results, on the one hand, and the goals, methods, content, means and forms of training, on the other hand. That is, learning outcomes are a unifying, systematizing element in teaching an educational subject and in its methodology.

The third feature of the FSES- learning outcomes structured highlighting three main types of results - personal, metasubject and subject. Each of these types presupposes the presence of a certain orientation of education in general and subject teaching, in particular, as well as the presence of a certain set of requirements for the educational training of students.

The new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES, Standard) is focused on personal and meta-subject learning outcomes in the secondary education system:

“The standard establishes requirements for the results of students who have mastered the basic educational program of secondary (complete) general education:

personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination, the formation of their motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity, a system of significant social and interpersonal relations, value-semantic attitudes, reflecting personal and civic positions in activity, social competence, legal awareness, the ability to set goals and build life plans, the ability to understand Russian identity in a multicultural society;

metasubject, including the interdisciplinary concepts and universal educational actions (regulatory, cognitive, communicative) mastered by students, the ability to use them in educational, cognitive and social practice, independence in planning and implementing educational activities and organizing educational cooperation with teachers and peers, the ability to build an individual educational trajectory , possession of skills in research, project and social activities;

substantive, including the skills mastered by students in the course of studying a subject area, specific to a given subject area, types of activities for obtaining new knowledge within the framework of a subject, its transformation and application in educational, educational-project and social-project situations, the formation of a scientific type of thinking, scientific ideas about key theories, types and types of relationships, knowledge of scientific terminology, key concepts, methods and techniques. " (FSES).

Subject learning outcomes we need no less than personal and meta-subject:

Firstly, this knowledge and skills reveal the specifics of the studied subject and specialization in the subject area, allow you to achieve the required level of competence in this area. They are not universal and more specific, but, having the most direct relation to this subject, they create the necessary basis for the formation of other knowledge and skills, for the development of the student's personality.

Secondly, subject knowledge and skills are necessary as data for describing knowledge, elementary knowledge for the formation of knowledge of a higher order: without subject knowledge, it is impossible to count on a full-fledged perception of metasubject knowledge by students.

A special role in the Standard is assigned to subject results at the integrated (general) level:

"Subject results at the integrated (general) level should be focused on the formation of a general culture and the implementation of predominantly worldview, educational and developmental tasks of general education, as well as the tasks of socialization of students ”(FSES).

That is, the objective results at the integrated (general educational) level are designed to create the necessary basis for achieving personal results, increasing its ability to adapt in the social and informational environment, self-knowledge, self-organization, self-regulation, and self-improvement.

Spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students are named in the Standard among the main directions of secondary education that they provide.

According to the Standard, each educational subject should contribute to the formation of general educational subject results, develop, shape the culture and worldview of students by its own specific means and express them at the level of its characteristic forms.

This coincides with the requirements of education itself, an advanced pedagogical environment - teachers, methodologists, etc. That is, this is a condition of education, coming from the depths of education itself, suffered by it. Undoubtedly, this should be reflected in the development of the educational environment, its qualitative transformation.

However, the Standard gives priority to personal and meta-subject learning outcomes. Subject results are a necessary base on which others are formed - personal and metasubject. But this base should not be self-sufficient - it should ensure development.

Metasubject results. Modern knowledge requires not only fundamentalization, but also universalization, or rather, a balanced combination of fundamentalization and universalization. The fundamental nature of knowledge and professional competence is needed by a specialist whose activities are focused on a rather narrow direction.

Undoubtedly, the fundamentalization of education is necessary at the university. However, the modern constantly expanding world of knowledge requires their generalization, obtaining on their basis knowledge of a higher level. Consequently, the university also needs universalization in teaching.

A student is a personality system that is being formed, the cognitive interests of which have not yet been finally determined. Therefore, he needs more universal (metasubject) knowledge and skills. A certain degree of fundamentalization presupposes specialized training. Nevertheless, the presence of universal knowledge in the subject of learning always gives him additional opportunities and brings him to a new, higher level of knowledge. He is better oriented in the educational field, adapts in the educational sphere, has great abilities to acquire and acquire knowledge, to personal development and self-development. He has relatively large opportunities for productive knowledge of the world, including, self-knowledge.

The meta-subject results in the Standard are, first of all:

    interdisciplinary concepts that are used in various subjects, expressing specifically in them, and in fact represent a conceptual category;

    universal educational actions: regulatory, cognitive, communication, also having a wide (intersubject) scope of application;

    the ability for self-organization and educational interaction (cooperation);

    the ability to apply their knowledge and skills.

A special role in the formation of metasubject results is assigned to educational subjects, the content, methods of which are of general educational value - logic, language (spoken and formal), information processes and information interaction, communication (at the level of language and information technology). These subjects (mathematics, computer science, language) become metasubjects, sources of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills and, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, occupy a central place in education (mandatory for teaching).

For example... General educational philological (linguistic) knowledge is used in informatics when studying the topics "Designation and coding of information", "Programming languages", etc. At the same time, this knowledge itself is brought to a new meta-subject level - the implementation of direct and feedback.

Comment... The concept of meta-subjectness has another (no less important) meaning: as a description of the field of a given subject, a general interpretation of its content. This is also necessary: ​​the achievement of metasubject results presupposes the presence of a metasubject description and interpretation. Otherwise, meta-subject connections cannot arise. In this regard, mathematics, computer science, the native language can be considered as universal metalanguage means, subjects of the same name - as means of implementing their metalinguistic means in other educational subjects.

As you can see, the idea of ​​meta-subjectness, expressed in the Standard, also conceptually coincides with the ideas about it in the pedagogical (scientific-methodological) environment. The implementation of these ideas will allow to systematize the educational process and its results (into a single system of learning outcomes), significantly increase the potential of intersubject and metasubject communication.

With this implementation, significantly the role of the educational environment is increasing, as an area of ​​intersystem (intersubject) relations, a mediator, and therefore an active participant in these relations.

Personal results. Training is proposed to be carried out in the aspect of the following:

formation of the student's readiness for self-development and continuous education; design and construction of the social environment for the development of students in the education system.

Therefore, personal results suggest the presence of a combination of social, spiritual, intellectual qualities:

    the formation of "civic identity, patriotism", love and readiness to serve the Fatherland, a conscious civil position, responsibility, an active position of the subject, "consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values";

    the formation of the worldview in the aspect of the dialogue of cultures, forms of morality, art, religion; perception of the moral values ​​of society;

    "Readiness and ability for independent, creative and responsible activities (educational, educational and research, communication, etc.), education and self-education throughout life."

We did not reproduce here all the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the personal learning outcome (they are extensive - a sign of special attention to these results):

    firstly, they are multilevel (for three levels of education);

    secondly, work with primary sources is always more valuable than with their presentation. We limited ourselves only to reflecting the position of the Federal State Educational Standard on this issue, which, like the previous ones (in terms of subject and metasubject results), expresses the requirements and trends in the development of modern education, the position of advanced pedagogy.

Continuity of education of a person means the presence of her ability to self-education, self-education, self-improvement. Accordingly, the main task of training is teach to learn, to form the foundations of the culture of knowledge, cognition, social and legal relations.

Readiness for self-education and self-study, in turn, means having the ability to:

    to self-organization, self-government, self-determination, self-regulation, to self-development;

    To self-knowledge as a spiritual and intellectual person, identifying their interests and needs, abilities and capabilities (potential).

The task of the educational environment, IEE is to fill all these requirements and positions with content that provides:

    identification and conceptual (semantic, sociocultural, aspectual) interpretation of the terms used;

    formation of knowledge and ideas about the content of the relevant concepts;

    personal perception and "appropriation" by students of basic social and human values;

    the formation of students' motivation and need for action and interaction in accordance with these values.

Knowledge, skills, competence of the subject of education can and, in fact, should be formed in subject learning as its results, including general education. As for the subculture, personal self-development, they are formed, developed, manifested mainly in the processes of independent interaction in the environment and with the environment, with the educational environment, ILE.

The fourth feature of the Federal State Educational Standard. The Standard introduces new concepts of "compulsory subjects", "optional subjects", "optional subjects":

    "Compulsory" - compulsory study;

    "By choice" - a choice from a certain set to a certain amount;

    "Optional" - a choice is possible on the basis of "educational services". The term "educational services" is also an innovation of the Federal State Educational Standard, although such services already exist in the field of education, and there is a need for them.

To a certain extent, the innovation of the Standard allows you to unload the training program (the total content of the subjects studied) for each specific student, provided that he (with the help of parents and teachers) determines the optimal teaching load in the paradigm compulsory subjects - optional subjects. But he can overestimate his strength by going through the "educational services". There may be personal information security problem student - overload with learning activities and information.

Obviously, since we are talking about the safety of a personal educational environment, the problem of its safety also relates to the educational environment (from general to personal). The choice of subjects studied can be a personal matter. However, personal safety is a public matter.

The fifth feature of the FSES is to achieve a logical closure of requirements. The conditions of education are diverse, and it is quite difficult to achieve a complete logical isolation of the requirements for it. However, the Standard makes a serious attempt to achieve a balance of educational, informational and educational and methodological requirements, requirements for ITS, infrastructure, financial and economic, personnel.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, each educational institution creates in accordance with the requirements and structure specified in it own Educational program, containing target, content and organizational sections, a system for evaluating results.

    Universal Learning Action Development (ULE) Program;

    curriculum of subjects and courses;

    a program of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students.

Organizational section contains curriculum and system of conditions.

Obviously, the system of conditions is, first of all, the conditions of the educational environment, the IEE of a given (each specific) educational institution, the requirements for their definition, organization, creation, functioning. The same applies to every educational subject.

Thus, each educational institution (school), each subject training according to the Federal State Educational Standard, each training course in this institution must develop a systematic description, information model, project of the corresponding ITS in the aspect of active interaction with it, relying on it to achieve the planned results.

State educational standard (purpose, structure)

Federal state educational standards are one of the main instruments for the implementation of constitutional guarantees of the human and citizen's right to education. With the adoption of the standard, not only the state can demand from the student an appropriate educational result. The student and his parents also have the right to demand that the school and the state fulfill their obligations. Regarding European and world education standards, it should be noted that the "blurring of boundaries" leads to certain obligations on the part of the educational institution, which guarantees not only the successful completion of studies, but also getting a well-paid job. On the other hand, the student has certain guarantees, but also the need to constantly and qualitatively replenish his knowledge, showing himself, which is very important - constantly, as a qualified employee. This presupposes continuous improvement of the student's qualifications, the desire to constantly be in demand. In this context, a standard is a means of ensuring the planned level of education quality. Being stable over a certain range of time, the standard of education is dynamic and open to changes, reflecting the changing social needs and the ability of the education system to meet them.

It is obvious that at present human activity is becoming more and more fundamentally innovative. Man's activity is growing in all areas of his activity. The processes of constant growth in the educational sphere can receive further effective development only in the conditions of the formation of an innovative education system - a system focused on new educational results. In this regard, the transition to the Unified State Exam is a certain significant stage on the way to improving the state educational standards of the Russian Federation.

Federal state educational standards should provide:

1. the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2. continuity of educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

Federal state educational standards include requirements for:

1. the structure of basic educational programs;

2. conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs;

3. the results of mastering basic educational programs.

Purpose and functions of state educational standards of the new generation

Today, the developmental potential of educational standards is becoming more and more important, ensuring the development of the education system in the face of changing needs of the individual and family, the expectations of society and the requirements of the state in the field of education.

1.a tool for organizing and coordinating the education system, serve as a guideline for its development and improvement, a criterion for assessing the adequacy of educational activities to new goals and values ​​of education;

2. a means of ensuring the unity and continuity of individual levels of education in the context of the transition to a continuous education system;

3. a factor in regulating the relationship between the subjects of the education system (students, their families, teachers and heads of educational institutions), on the one hand, and the state and society, on the other;

4. one of the guidelines for creating a modern education infrastructure.

At the same time, the new version of the standard should create conditions for a more effective implementation of the traditional functions of standards as a means of legal regulation of the education system.

1. securing the right to a full-fledged education, which consists in ensuring, through the standard guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “equal opportunities” for every citizen of “obtaining a quality education”, that is, the level of education that represents the necessary basis for the full development of the individual and the possibility of continuing education;

2. ensuring the unity of the country's educational space, which is a transition to a variety of educational systems and types of educational institutions, requires a regulatory mechanism designed to stabilize the education system in the country. Education standards must fulfill this stabilizing and regulating role. Without limiting the development of specific regional approaches, the presence of various types of schools, variable programs, educational standards fix the requirements for the results of mastering basic general education programs. The actual educational programs of a particular educational institution in their content may differ significantly in both the volume and the depth of the training they offer, but they are all obliged to ensure the implementation and achievement of the requirements of the standards. This will ensure the guaranteed quality of training for school graduates within the country, which can be relied upon in organizing further education. The standard is the most important factor in solving many demographic and social problems in the context of possible migration of the population, it will become the basis for recognizing the equivalence of educational documents obtained in different regions, etc .;

3. ensuring the continuity of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education;

4. criterion-evaluative, which stems from the essence of the standard as a benchmark, aligning with which the education system develops. Separate components of the system of documents that ensure the functioning of the standard carry requirements for the content of education, the volume of teaching load, procedures for assessing the educational results of graduates, are an integral part of the assessment of the educational activities of teachers, educational institutions, the education system as a whole;

5.increasing the objectivity of assessment, the implementation of which is associated with the possibility of a radical restructuring of the existing system for monitoring and assessing the quality of educational results on the basis of a criterion-oriented approach to assessing and using a system of objective measures of the quality of graduate training and the effectiveness of educational institutions, the education system as a whole, determined by the standard ...

Obtaining reliable information about the real state of affairs in the education system will create conditions for making informed management decisions at all levels - from the teacher (choice of optimal methods, timely correction, differentiation and individualization of education, etc.) to leaders of public education (development and adoption of measures to improve the state of education at the regional and federal levels, making changes to programs and textbooks, improving the organization and management of education).

Along with this, the Concept of federal state educational standards for general education is being developed: project / Ros. acad. education; ed. A. M. Kondakova, A. A. Kuznetsova. - M .: Education, 2008., p. 19:

1. approximate (basic) educational plans and programs;

2. systems for assessing the compliance of the content and quality of training of students with federal state educational standards in the process of attestation of graduates in various forms;

4. examination of textbooks, educational equipment and teaching aids for a general education school;

5. certification systems for teaching staff;

6. control measuring materials for an objective assessment and monitoring of educational achievements of students within the framework of the all-Russian system for assessing the quality of education;

7. approaches and methods of calculating mechanisms of budgetary financing of the education system, tariffication of teaching staff.

Thus, the State Educational Standards in the system of the existing legislative field of the education system are becoming the most important normative legal act establishing on behalf of the Russian Federation a certain set of the most general norms and rules governing the activities of the general secondary education system V.S. Senashenko. On the conceptual foundations of federal state educational standards higher professional education / V.S. Senashenko / / Alma mater. - 2008. - N 9., p. 14.

The introduction of state educational standards into the system of ensuring the development of education is provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state educational standards act as the most important regulatory legal act in Russia, establishing a system of norms and rules that are binding on any educational institution that implements basic educational programs.

The existing state educational standards at the federal, regional and educational institution level, in accordance with the document, are replaced by the federal state educational standard, which will include requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs carried out by an educational institution.

At the same time, the implementation of higher vocational education programs can be carried out on the basis of educational standards and requirements independently established by federal universities, the list of which is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the right of an educational institution to form the curriculum is preserved, as well as the ability of educational authorities to influence its content, taking into account regional and national characteristics.

The new structure of the standard includes:

1.requirements for the results of mastering basic educational programs (for general, social, professional competencies, as well as knowledge, skills and development of students' personal qualities, ensuring the implementation of the relevant competencies);

2.requirements for the structure of basic educational programs, including requirements for the ratio (volume) of the components of the main educational program (humanitarian, natural science, mathematical, etc.), as well as for the ratio of the compulsory part of the main educational program and the part that is formed by the participants of the educational process;

3. requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs (ie, requirements for ensuring the implementation of the basic educational program).

The fundamental difference between the educational standards of the second and third generation should be their orientation towards the result of education. Educational results, which essentially express the goals of education, are inextricably linked with the conditions in which the educational process is carried out. The goals reflect the needs of the individual, society, and the state in education. Conditions reflect the possibilities of society (state) in providing education.

Also, the law spelled out state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the educational process.

1. staffing - characteristics of the required qualifications of teaching staff;

2. financial and economic support - the parameters of the relevant standards and the mechanisms for their implementation;

3. material and technical support - general characteristics of the infrastructure of general education (including the parameters of the information and educational environment);

4. information support includes the necessary regulatory legal framework for general education and the characteristics of the expected information links of the participants in the educational process.

Thus, the introduction of a federal state educational standard will allow the Concept of federal state educational standards for general education:

1. to ensure the unity of federal requirements for educational programs and the conditions for their implementation throughout the Russian Federation, the continuity of educational programs at various levels of education and the continuity in the historically established culture of the formation of educational programs;

2. to increase the exactingness of the development of the content of education by educational institutions of all levels, as well as to create the preconditions for a more objective control over their activities;

3. to contribute to the development of academic freedoms of educational institutions and to take into account the peculiarities of the formation of educational programs for the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

All of the above will ultimately contribute to improving the quality of education, the competitiveness of Russian education at the international level and, as a consequence, the quality of life and well-being of Russians.

An important feature of the development of education in our time is its globality. This feature reflects the presence of integration processes in the modern world, intensive interactions between states in various spheres of public life. Education from the category of national priorities in highly developed countries is moving into the category of world priorities.

Modern civilization is entering a fundamentally new informational (postindustrial) stage of its development, when the globalization of social and cultural processes on Earth is recognized as the leading world trend. However, globalization, along with positive aspects, has generated a number of serious global problems: social, economic, environmental and spiritual and moral. In accordance with the strategy of sustainable development of modern civilization, adopted at the UN conference in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, a new concept of education is required, ahead of the prospects of the 21st century. The global mission in the field of education is carried out by the UN University (headquarters in Tokyo), founded in 1975 and is part of the UN system. The University is a unique educational research structure, which is a community of scientists and serves as a forum for the search for new conceptual approaches to the development and solution of world problems.

For the transition to the European level of education, the State Educational Standards are undergoing rethinking and significant changes. Educational outcomes, which are also the goals of education, are inextricably linked to the conditions in which the educational process is carried out. The goals reflect the needs of the individual, society, and the state in education. Conditions reflect the possibilities of society (state) in providing education. The result of education is determined by the following directions of the formation of personality traits:

1. personal development;

2. social development;

3. general cultural development;

4. intellectual development;

5. communicative development.

Thus, the State Educational Standards are becoming the most important normative legal act, establishing on behalf of the Russian Federation a certain set of the most general rules and regulations governing the activities of the general education system.

It is increasingly mentioned in the education of the Federal State Educational Standard. What are new educational standards and how have they changed the national education system? We will try to find answers to these important and topical questions.

What are the new educational standards

This abbreviation stands for Federal State Educational Standard (FSES). Programs, requirements depend not only on the specifics of the academic discipline, but also on the level of education.

The Purpose of Second Generation Standards

What is the purpose of the FSES being introduced? What is UUD? To begin with, we note that not all developed countries have uniform educational standards. In the Russian Federation, they are designed to ensure continuity between the individual levels of education. After completing one stage, the student must have a certain level of training in order to move on to the next educational stage.

The federal state educational standard for general education, intended for pupils with health limitations, is characterized as a system of requirements that are mandatory in the implementation of an adapted program for children with disabilities.

2nd generation standards requirements

Each class contains certain requirements for the level of training and upbringing according to the standards. FSES assumes certain requirements for the structure of programs, the volume of material. They also take into account the conditions for the implementation of educational basic programs, including the material and technical, financial, staffing of the process. If the FSES of the 1st generation were aimed at the assimilation of theoretical material by schoolchildren, then the new standards are intended for the harmonious development of the younger generation.

Components of the new standards

FSES of the 2nd generation appeared in 2009. They include three main parts.

The first part contains requirements for the results of mastering the educational program by schoolchildren. The emphasis is placed not on a set of skills and knowledge, but on universal educational actions, involving the independent acquisition of the necessary information through the use of modern technologies, as well as on communicative qualities.

In addition, the standard indicates the expected results of training in each educational area, describes the qualities that will be formed in schoolchildren: a healthy lifestyle, tolerance, respect for nature, respect for their native land.

The GEF lesson assumes elements of design and research activities. The new standards pay special attention to extracurricular activities in the form of creative studios, circles, clubs. The requirements for the competence and professionalism of the teaching staff of educational institutions are indicated.

The country's development strategy, developed for 2020, is aimed at forming a competent citizen who is able to take responsibility for his actions, ready for self-development and self-improvement.

Specific features of GEF LEO

Let's continue our consideration of the Federal State Educational Standard. You have found out what the new standards for the school are. Now let's reveal their differences from the traditional educational program. The content of the program is aimed not at gaining knowledge, but at the formation of spirituality, morality, general culture, social and personal development.

Particular attention is paid to the physical development of the younger generation. Requirements for learning outcomes are indicated in the form of subject and personal results, this distinguishes the new standards from the first generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. What is UUD?

The updated standards suggest an increased focus on extracurricular activities. Its organization is carried out in the following areas: social, sports, moral, spiritual, general cultural development.

How is the supplementary group formed? FSES involves the holding of disputes, conferences, the organization of scientific school societies, competitions, olympiads. The time that, according to the new standards, is allocated for extracurricular activities is not included in the main workload of schoolchildren. The alternation of extracurricular and educational activities is determined by the educational institution, taking into account the wishes of the students' parents.

Distinctive characteristics of the new standard

What are the distinguishing features of the FSES? Grade 5 is considered the beginning of the second stage of education, where the main emphasis is placed on the formation of metasubject and personal results.

The main goal of the new standard was the activity approach, which is aimed at the development of the student's personality. General educational skills are considered the core of the FSES, therefore, specific educational actions have been developed for each subject.

An important stage in the formation of UUD at the initial stage of education is the orientation of junior schoolchildren to mastering communication and information technologies, as well as to the competent use of modern ICT tools.

Modern digital tools and communication environments are indicated in the second generation standards as the best option for the formation of a UUD. There is a special subprogram aimed at developing information competencies in the younger generation.

Primary education in new realities

The standard assumes certain requirements for the results of schoolchildren who have mastered the primary education program. Personal UUD presuppose the desire and ability of schoolchildren for self-development, the formation of positive motivation for learning and learning, semantic and value attitudes of students, which reflect their individual positions, social competencies.

Primary school graduates must have a civic identity and personal qualities.

In metasubject competencies, children are meant to fully master educational actions: communicative, regulatory, cognitive, thanks to which they master the basic competencies.

Subject UUD involve obtaining information on certain disciplines, transforming, using information, forming a full-fledged scientific picture of the world on the basis of the knowledge gained.

For example, a child learns to independently select a title for the text, write down the theses of the text. An elementary school graduate is obliged to draw up a thesis plan, to think over the retelling of the material, according to the ready-made heading.

The importance of ICT in educational institutions

The realities of our time are such that, in addition to classical writing, a child practically simultaneously masters a computer keyboard. Many parents who use a computer in their professional activities understand the importance of ICT in modern school. Acquaintance with the outside world, conducting experiments and research these days involves the use of digital cameras, microscopes. To summarize the results obtained in the course of practical activities, schoolchildren use digital resources.

Design methodology

Information technology is also needed for the project method, which is an indispensable element of the modern school by the second generation standards.

The integrated approach to teaching, used in the second generation standards, is associated with the active application of knowledge gained in another lesson. For example, work with texts, descriptions, carried out during the Russian language, is continued when getting acquainted with natural phenomena in the lesson of the surrounding world. The result of such activities will be a video report that describes natural phenomena, pictures of the environment.

Information and educational environment

It should be optimal for informatization of the student and teacher. It is through the information environment, according to new federal standards, that remote interaction of participants in the educational process is ensured, including the extracurricular period. What is included in IP? Multimedia devices, computers, access to the World Wide Web, access to electronic resources.

It is through the information environment that the teacher interacts with children who, for health reasons, cannot attend regular lessons and extracurricular activities.

The standard applies not only to lessons, but also extracurricular activities. It includes individual lessons, homework, group consultations.

The content of such activities is reflected in the educational main program of the educational institution. Federal State Educational Standards allow for extracurricular work of junior schoolchildren in the amount of ten hours a week. At the first stage of education, it contributes to ensuring equal opportunities in obtaining high-quality general primary education, upbringing, moral development of schoolchildren, and the formation of their citizenship.


In connection with the change in the social order in Russian education, there is a need for significant transformations. Instead of the classical system, in which the main attention was paid to obtaining the maximum amount of theoretical knowledge, Russian schools are introducing programs aimed at the self-development of the younger generation. FSES of the second generation provide an opportunity to receive primary education in their native language, to master the cultural and spiritual values ​​of their people.

Thanks to the use of innovative teaching methods by teachers, each child has the opportunity to build his own educational and upbringing trajectory, gradually move along it, and improve his skills. The standards of the second generation are aimed at satisfying the social order - educating a citizen and a patriot who loves his country, who is proud of it.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", education standards (or educational standards) have been introduced in our country.

The concept "standard" comes from the Latin word "standard", meaning "sample", "norm", "measure". Under the education standard is understood a system of basic parameters taken as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal.

The main objects of standardization in education are: its structure, content, volume of teaching load and the level of training of students. The norms and requirements established by the standard are taken as a benchmark in assessing the quality of the main aspects of education.

What caused the standardization of education?

The need for standardization of education is caused by fundamental changes in the field of education as a social phenomenon. Russia's turn towards democracy, market relations, and individual rights and freedoms demanded a rethinking of education policy. The sphere of education is now focused primarily on meeting the spiritual needs of the individual, and not on the interests of the state. This, in turn, led to significant changes in the organization of education. Educational institutions have acquired greater independence in the choice of content, forms and methods of teaching.

The standardization of education is also associated with the fact that the transition of schools to new, more free forms of organization of the educational process, the change in the status of many schools, the introduction of new curricula, a freer choice of school subjects and volumes of study of the latter, the introduction of alternative textbooks, the creation of new teaching technologies, multilevel and differentiated education - all this required care about preserving the basic unity of the educational space, which would ensure a single level of education received by students in different types of educational institutions (lyceums, colleges, general education schools, both state, municipal, and non-state, private). The state educational standard is the mechanism that ensures the existence of a single educational space in the country.

The standardization of education is also caused by the desire of Russia to enter the system of world culture, which requires, when forming general education, to take into account the achievements in this area of ​​international educational practice. This provides Russian citizens with the recognition of their education documents abroad.

The idea of ​​standardizing education for Russia is not new. It existed back in Soviet times. Although in the USSR, as a rule, the concept of the state educational standard was not used, but its role was actually performed by uniform curricula. They descended into the republics and were the basis of real school curricula. The curricula and plans of those years were distinguished by excessive ideologization, limited teachers in initiative, and students in the choice of the content of education in accordance with their interests and abilities. Nevertheless, unified curricula, as it were, equalized education throughout the territory of the Soviet Union. In fact, the idea of ​​introducing educational standards was tested in practice.

The current state educational standards do not subordinate the educational process to a rigid template, but, on the contrary, open up wide opportunities for pedagogical creativity, for creating around the obligatory core of content (which is the standard) variable programs, various teaching technologies.

State educational standards are developed on a competitive basis, are updated at least once every 10 years, are established by federal law, and are mandatory for all educational institutions of the country, regardless of subordination, types and forms of ownership.

The educational standard distinguishes three components: federal, national-regional and school.

Federal component the standard determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space of Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture. The federal component provides a basic standard of education in various subjects throughout the country.

National-regional component the standard defines those standards that are within the competence of the regions (for example, in the field of native language and literature, geography, art, labor training, etc.). At the expense of the national-regional component, the needs and interests in the field of education of all peoples of the countries, the national identity of culture are taken into account.

School component the content of education reflects the specifics and focus of a particular educational institution. At the expense of the school component, taking into account the federal and national-regional components, each school itself determines the amount of study time allocated for the study of certain academic subjects, the depth and nature of their study, depending on the type of educational institution.

The federal component of the standard is an invariable part of it, which is rarely revised; the national-regional and school components are variable parts that are systematically updated and revised.

In 2001, an experiment was started to transfer to a twelve-year school. In the experimental basic curricula of general education institutions from the first to the twelfth grades introduced student component. Due to the hours of the student component, new forms and methods of organizing the educational process are implemented, which provide personal orientation, including the organization of individual and group search and research work, project and active motor activity of students.