Thematic week "Week of Music. Thematic Week "Music" game with clothespins "Take a handle a rattle"

Thematic week
Thematic week "Week of Music. Thematic Week "Music" game with clothespins "Take a handle a rattle"

In early May, the teacher plans a week aimed at the development of interest and love in children to music, the formation of knowledge about classical and folk music, famous composers, consolidating knowledge about musical instruments. According to GEF, this topic is reflected in all educational areas. The result of the week becomes a joint event "Music Living Room". Gaming exercises and finger games on the topic, Content Conversations with children You will find in the appendix to the plan "Thematic Week" in the world of music. "

Socio-communicative development

Preschoolers continue to master the receptions of relaxation, participate in washing toys and cleaning the territory, independently organize plot role-playing games, which contributes to socio-communicative development as well as the viewing of the painting in the spring, musical and plastic improvisation, viewing the "Nutcracker" .

Cognitive development

In the field of cognitive development, a presentation "Musical instruments of different peoples of the world" are planned, a virtual excursion to a symphony orchestra, experiments with air and wind, observation of the plantain, as well as board games and mathematical coloring on the topic "Musical instruments".

Speech development

The teacher offers children to draw up descriptive stories about musical instruments, exercise in the selection of double words. Speech development contributes to the game "Shloppy Figure" and reading fairy tales about musical instruments.

Artistic and aesthetic development

The week begins with considering the lilac branch and drawing it from nature. Preschoolers listen to different musical works and transmit impressions in manual work, visual activities. Artistic and aesthetic development occurs in the exercise "pick up a picture", compiling musical fairy tales.

Physical development

In the field of physical development, repetition of dance games is planned, familiarity with the games "Do this" and "do not do so", musical charges and fizminuts on the topic of the week. The result of the week is the dance evening, which will allow children to reveal their individuality.

Check out the fragment of the thematic week


OoCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 pdConversation "How I spent the weekend." Purpose: to promote the development of a coherent speech, the ability to speak in front of the group of children.Excursion to the mini-museum of musical instruments. Purpose: Secure the ability to classify brass, shock and string tools.The exercise game "Masha is a true friend, because ...". Purpose: intensify and enrich the dictionary, expand the ideas about friendship.Conversation "Why we need music." Objective: to expand the ideas of children about the meaning of music in life - to strengthen sincere and physical health.Musical charging. Purpose: Fix the skill to perform musical and rhythmic movements to music during charging, physical attack.
Work on a flower bed. Purpose: Attract children to cleaning the territory, learn to see the result of their work.The game "Weekly Stream". Purpose: Secure the sequence of the week of the week.The game "Come up with the word." Purpose: To form the ability to draw up two words.The conversation "Lilac is a victory symbol." View still lifes with lilac. Purpose: Continue the acquaintance of children with art.P.I. "Sovka". Purpose: Exercise in equilibrium.
2 pdCreative task "And no matter how I entered." Purpose: teaching to think over the consequences of their actions.Square division. Purpose: Continue to learn to allocate and correctly call part of the subject (one fourth, two sixth, etc.).Reading a fairy tale T. Domorenok "Music Key". Purpose: expanding knowledge about music through literature.Improvisation on children's musical instruments. Purpose: develop children's creativity.Moving games "Do so", "do not do so." Objective: to acquaint with games, form a sense of rhythm.


OoSocio-communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 pdConversation "Journey to the past musical instruments." Objective: to introduce children with the history of the origin of musical instruments.Interactive game "Funny Notes". Purpose: Secure the ability to determine the sound musical instrument.Game "Shloppy Rhythmic Figure". Purpose: develop a phonmematic hearing.Manufacturing with a subgroup of musical instruments from a cast material. Objective: to introduce children with some ways to manufacture non-traditional noise musical instruments.Board games on "Healthy Nutrition". Purpose: consolidate knowledge of harmful and healthy food.
Conversation "Forest Fire". Purpose: To form the basics of safe behavior, remember the rules of fire safety.EXPERITING WITH ENVIRONY IMENDS "HEARING MUSIC ALL" (Wooden, paper, plastic.). Objective: Find out that with proper use, even simple items can turn into musical instruments.The "chest" game. Purpose: To form the ability to draw up words with suffixes.The creative task "If I found himself in the picture ...". Objective: Develop imagination, the ability to emotionally perceive the content of the picture.P.I. "Korean and auscass". Purpose: Teach children move in the column, keeping with each other hard, without breaking the clutch. Armenian game "Bay in the drum". Objective: to acquaint children with the game, deliver joy from victory.

Plan - Abstract directly - educational activities with preschooliaks B. medium group.

Theme of the week: « Miracle sounds Music»

Purpose:Introduce me to children With musical instruments ; learn game for children's musical instruments, develop creative abilities

Integration of educational regions


1. Learn right handle musical instruments (safety)

2. Develop the ability to classify musical instruments (cognition)

3 . Develop research skills (find similarities and differences in musical instruments) (cognition)

4. Less and intensify the dictionary: Dudge, metallophone, bell, etc. (communication)

5. Form Desire to play plot role-playing games(socialization)

6. Forming the ability to make small stories (communication)

7. In productive activities to develop creative abilities (artistic creativity)

8. Wear interest in the fiction literature (reading. l.iT)

9. Promote the development of shallow motility to fingers by finger gymnastics (physical culture)

10.The parents in active cooperation.

Methods and techniques Visual: Consider illustrations, pictures with musical instruments, considering the applications of children on the topic. D / and "loudabout- quiet", "Guess-ka, "string, percussion and noise musical instruments", cut pictures.Wonderful: the game "Our legs". Drawing up small stories. Conversations "What musical instruments we have in a group", "on which musical instrument would like to learn to play," reading poems , Magnifying riddles.

Practical: Games on musical instruments , musical, didactic, wallpaper printing games, plot-rally games.

Materials and equipment: pictures on TEMe "M.recognizing toolnTU " scene pictures. Texts of poems, mysteries. Plasticine, Paper, Paints, Colorpaper, glue for manual labor. Attributes to plotabout- role players "we musicians »

Forms of organization of joint activities

Children's activity

Forms and methods of organizing joint activities


Finger gymnastics "Castle", "Oh, Ladushka" .prague "Palm-cam-edge"

Fizpaus. Games with movements "birds fly","Playing with rattles"

Moving games "Sun and rain", "Where is the rattle?", "Ai YOU DODCH DUDE"

Plot role-playing games "Musical instrument store", "m s- Musicians »

Games with rules. D / and "loudabout- Quiet, "Guess-Ka", "String, Shock and Noise Musical Instruments»


Model Little Dudge "

Painting "Calling rattles"

Applique "My cheerful drum"

Cognitive research

Notice changes in the sound of music


Questions of the teacher to children. Conversations with children in the themes:

« On which musical instrument would like to learn to play ""What musical instruments we have in a group"

Music about- Art

Hearing "Waltz", "March", "dance"

Hearing and execution of the song "Fun Musician", BUT . Filippenko, Sl. Volgina.

Music game "Tuben"

Reading (perception)

Reading fiction and view illustrations "Hedgehog and drum" ,PeP. frommold. I . Akima

"Rural Song" A. Plescheev, "Song of Friends" S.Mikhalkov

Magnifying mysteries

ExploreA. Barto "Drum"

Logic of educational activities



Activities of pupils

Expected Result

The teacher brings the box

Children look into the box and see musical instruments. They look at them and call them

Motivation on the game

"M.s- Musicians »

Educator reads


I listen to the poem

Development of free communicationsO

Offer tell about Beloved musical instrument

Talk to children I.pedagogue, about your favorite musical instruments

Development of free communication with children and adults, the ability to respond to the teacher's questions

Asks a question "On which musical instrument would like to learn to play? »,

Talk to children I. pedagogue On which musical insdrum they would like play

Development of free communication with children and adults, the ability to respond to the teacher's questions

Offers Games oE Exercise"Ladoshka-fist-edge"

Children perform exercise

Development of shallow motility hands

Magnifying mysteries

Gay riddles

Development of free communicationwith adults and children

It proposes to draw "Call rattles"


Educator reads

Children listen

Development of free communicationsO adults and children about the read

Offers to compare the size of musical instruments

Children compare

Form the ability to compare musical instruments in size

Suggests to blind a little dull

Children pested

Development of creative abilities

Offers the game "loud -quiet"

Children play musical instruments and answer questions

Development of auditory perception

Explore poemsA. Bort "Drum"

Children learn

Develop memory

The educator asks what the loudest instrument n.t. and proposes to make an applique

Children answer and make appliqué

Development of creative abilities

Final Event: Organize Music Orchestra

Parents with children are actively involved

The interaction of the family and kindergarten to achieve the goals of the Node

Anna Belyunis
Calendar - Thematic Planning "Musical Instruments"

Calendar-thematic planning educational work

Group: Preparatory to school group

Theme of the week: « Musical instruments» .

purpose: Creating conditions for familiarization with the main types musical instruments.

Learning to distinguish the timbres musical instruments, listen attentively music, rhythmically playing for children musical instruments.

music, develop a sense of rhythm.

Educate love k music, careful attitude to musical instruments, Communication culture with peers.

Final event: visiting Omsk Philharmonic

Date of implementation 03/18/2015 Responsible___

Morning gymnastics



Self-service and elementary household work

Cognitive-research conversation "Why does a person need a person music»

Z.: To introduce the main species musical instruments.

Repeat songs and dance about spring.

D. I. "Spring"

Z.: To form the ability in children's knowledge of autumn will accept. Develop thinking, speech.

N. I. "Checkers"

M. P. I. "Do so".

Z.: To form a skill to coordinate movements with words. Develop attention. Relieve respect for each other. Articulats. Gymnas. from (Maxim, Violet, Nikita). Speech situation "Behavior for breakfast"

Z.: Visit the skills of behavior at the table.

To charge and rub dust from indoor plants.

Z.: To educate hard work.

Remind the rules of the new game. Independent activities in activity centers.


in the corner of nature, on the dining room, on the node.

Attributes to games. Conversation with parents that it is necessary to comply with the mode of the day of the house.

Suggest parents to get acquainted with the Word of the Week. Individual conversations and consultations on requests of parents

1. Speech development

2. Physical development

3. Art. - Estet. development


Node by plan speech therapist"The formation of sound testing"

Theme node: « Musical instruments»

Tasks: Learning to distinguish the timbres musical instruments, listen attentively music, rhythmically playing for children musical instruments.

Develop the ability to move in accordance with music, develop a sense of rhythm. Educate love k music, careful attitude to musical instruments, Communication culture with peers. Form a positive attitude, interest in content musical works. Raise an artistic taste by listening to classic and folk music.

By plan musical leader

Illustrations on the topic.



Lunch game


Pon Breeding

Communicative observation of the trim clouds.

C.: Forming the ability to see the beauty of the sky; Develop a creative imagination to develop a desire to fantasize. Educating love for nature.

Snack: "A lot of white clouds appeared on the cider clouds - to the rain. Reading poem "Cloud"

D. I. "And I" p. 44.

Z.: Develop the intelligence, excerpt, sense of humor.

B. N. I. "Arrows" Page 28.

Z.: Develop childhood dexterity, eye meter, fast reaction. To work right - left with Dasha R, Danil, Nikita. Situational conversation "Claimed book of nature".

Z.: Give the concept of the Red and Black Books of Nature, about the fact that the person can harm with its activities, animals and plants nature. Develop an understanding of human and nature relationships.

Conversation with children about PB on the site.

Secure the ability to dressed and undress.

Instruct to scat out snow.

R. Before bedtime, read the poems on the topic of the week. Proan Work on duty on the dining room.

Individual work

Self-service games


Pon Breeding



Articulats. gymnastics "Smile at the expense", "Fence".

D. I. "What musical instrument

Z.: To form the ability to select the signs of the subject. Develop thinking, memory, speech

N. I. "Mosaic (spring Flower)»

Z.: Develop attention, thinking, fine motility hands. Employed.

Evening touches O. musical instruments. Reverse and direct account with Dasha R, Sabina, Maxmom). Scene-role the game: "Symphony Orchestra"

Z.: Consolidate kids about musical instruments. Forming the ability to distribute roles. Educating the ability to friendly treat each other.

Remind children about what you need to follow your appearance.

Doll care work.

Attributes to games.


Observation of the patch clouds.

C.: Forming the ability to see the beauty of the sky; Develop a creative imagination.

Develop a desire to fantasize. Educating love for nature.

B. N. I. "Arrows" Page 28.

Z.: Develop childhood dexterity, eye meter, fast reaction.

Publications on the topic:

1 groups of children with OVD I quarter (36 hours) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Personal Development I Ned. Topic: "My day mode" goal: acquaintance.

Calendar-thematic planning - swimming classes The middle group September is a goal: to develop a desire to play in water, feel joy from meeting with water. Exercises: "Whales", "Crocodiles,.

Calendar-thematic planning September 1-2. Knowledge day. Develop cognitive interest, interest in school, books. Fasten knowledge about why you need to learn who and.

Calendar-thematic planning The structural division of "preschool education of children" of the state budgetary general education institution of secondary general education.

Calendar and thematic planning OD to aviamodule Month the topic of the goal of materials September "lived was an airplane". Call joy from reading a poem, teach children to teach words.

Leave a comment on this page, and take a gift - Collection of tasks for

holding the thematic week "Autumn"!

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After confirmation of the subscription, you will immediately receive all the materials of the thematic week.

For the week to really become open, we suggest to share your impressions about walks in the comments for each day of the week. You can also post photos of your classes, ask questions to the leading week and communicate with other participants.

Among all the participants of the weeks who will publish reports about all 5 classes, we will play free participation in the project ""!

Hello, my name is Olga Pirozhkov, I bring up a daughter Yulya (2.4 years old)!
I am a supporter of early development, so immediately after the birth of my daughter, I began to pay a lot of time to developing classes. I have a musical education, so we play musical instruments almost every day, listen to the melodies of different genres and play music games. I did not even suspect that a two-year-old child, it turns out, can distinguish the sounds of violin from the guitar, and the sounds of the tube from the tube. I suggest you to get acquainted with our classes on an open musical week and spend them with your babies, and you will see that children from birth have musical abilities that just maintain enough.

My name is Svetlana Ivanova, I am a mother of Veronica baby (4.6 g), the author of the site "We grow and develop with my mother."

As soon as Veronica turned 1.5 years old, I began to deal with her creativity. Seeing that the daughter really likes, such classes I began to make new elements in them, and soon they have become full-fledged developing classes.

I invite you to spend interesting and educational classes with a child!

I am Mom Irina and Veronchik's daughter (2.3 years old). We want to say Many thanks to Svetlana for organizing our summer lessons! My daughter and we replaced the place of residence - from Volgograd came to St. Petersburg. And this means a change and weather, both places of games and walks, and environment. And at first we just got acquainted with a new place. And then Svetlana offered to participate in the free week "Summer"! And it helped us great!

Week flew in one breath! Every day, new tasks, new materials. There was no longer bored. We also did houses on the materials of the week (reading, music, charging, creativity) and diversified our walks. I really liked the material of the week, the one in the format in which he was filed, and we purchased another 4 thematic weeks on different topics. And our adventures continue ... Develop our creative abilities, logic and intelligence, read, watch cartoons, play on the street. We had lessons even on your favorite fairy tales! And the most important thing is that such classes are very much like my daughter! Yes, and I'm in joy to deal with her.

I would like to say that we have at least 5 subjects of thematic weeks, but the material is so voluminous and saturated that it is enough for much longer. And the next summer will already do what to do)))

And one more important moment - these weeks will be a fantasy of mom! I can now come up with a lesson on the topic that is interesting to my daughter. And I want to continue to actively deal with her! There are so many ideas!

Svetlana, thank you very much! We are waiting for your new projects!

Irina Tratikova and Daughter Veronica (2.3 g)

Hello! Svetlana, thanks for such a good stimulus! I finally started systematically engaged with my children (how much can already be "to postpone"). I really liked the presentations for each week! The days are wonderful, Mom has finally appeared some kind of system and sense of satisfaction !! Svetlana, thanks for such a great opportunity, I gladly spent this time!

Ekaterina Zakharova and Son of Yura (4.4 g), daughter Nastya (2.4 g)

When I started thinking out the topic "Music", hoped for short classes literally a couple of days. But then I understood how much you can tell on this topic, to introduce a lot of concepts and interesting facts.

The purpose of the classes: to introduce a child with tools, divide them into groups: string, brass, keyboards, drums or noise. Pay attention to the tool shape. Listen to the sound of all musical instruments that will be able to find. Read the fairy tales about musical instruments. Find out professions related to music. Learn notes. Learning to find them on the keys and understand them on a lot.

1. Acquaintance with the tools began with the "Peace on Ladoshka" "My Little Orchestra" cards. In Yoytube, I managed to find many interesting videos, where we listened and looked at all sorts of musicians. Even Gusli, Arf, Mandolin, we listened. On some instruments even played. We have houses of kastagnietia, bayan, synthesizer, guitar, dull. Maracasi were, but broken. Instead, they sent rattles and kinder surprises with a chicken back.

2. Discussed professions of musicians. Singers, instrumentalists, conductor.
Composers write music for songs, performances, films, as well as for performance in concert halls. Naping any melody on the keys. This is our essay.

Conductors are the leaders of the orchestras. We distribute to our toys tools-cards turn on the symphony and conduct a stick.

The concertmaster of the entire Orchestra is the first violinist - before the start of the game, he bypasses all the musicians and, if necessary, rules the system of instruments, he also replaces the conductor if necessary. You can slightly twist the slices on the father's guitar while it is at work)).

In the usual schools and kindergartens, those who raises music - Music Teachers and Music leaders work. We have not seen them yet, but Matvey has a music teacher on the video. He goes to the "Circle" "Merry Notes" at school.

3. Played in the Lotto of the "profession" in SSH 3+ "What are the professions" from the total mass of the cards you need to find cards related to the musician profession.

4. We consider the tools and expand them by groups, depending on which geometric shape is like their silhouette.

To do this, we will need patterns of simple geometric shapes. And we also repeated the shapes that you can find around us. What are all the same wonderful books "Developing stickers for kids"! I told in the previous post, I bought a full set of these books. I like books with stickers on a transparent basis. Stickers fit perfectly into the picture, even if you stick "not correct." The Book "Form" contains the main forms: a circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, oval. I didn't even scroll through these books. I looked only especially liked. In particular, the book "In the House". Illustrations - Charm! Such warm and home.

5. Pay attention to the size of the tools. We divide the tools on those that stand on the floor during the game on them, and those that the musician holds in his hands.

6. We study notes. Draw them on a not one. We are looking for a synthesizer. We read a wonderful book in verses "Rota does not know notes." This is not just a book with verses. She is also with interesting tasks. On each page you need to stick a sticker, count something, find, label the labyrinth, find the same. And the illustrations in it I like me madly.

7. And, of course, we sing. Julia, so loves to sing! Charm! That's just removed on the video does not allow. And she so beautifully sings songs from the cartoon "UMK": "My neighbors are sleeping white danduei .." Mi-Mi-Mishna my girl! "Abakaaaaaa, Be ... Given Lasks, Abaka, ... .kiyii" "Twinkle Twinkled Lita Staw ..."

There is even a deeper study of this topic with the help of the Academy "Profession. Culture and art" . They, of course, are cool, but we will return to them in 3. I will keep in mind that the topic of art will be happy to repeat a little later.

Usually after the night of Julia in the morning he wants to eat not much, so we are engaged in breakfast because she wants. Often it is drawing. Therefore, it turns out) in the photo of Julia, this is all sleepy, shaggy)). The other day we were engaged in the theme "wild animals" and necessarily connected English. Many English phrases repeated, looked at books. And served a table in English. Skylark to help us. Still played in the game where it was necessary to insert the missing "circle" to the picture. Thus, we completed the huge topic of "wild animals".

Before, sticking paper balloons, the julior first painted their paints. EMWM "Stickers" all, we finished this album! We loved him very much.

547 - Champion's number)) Matthews at competitions .. all weekends in the forests. Grandfather on March 7 leaves for the Urals on the marathon.
