Developing games in preschool education. Types of educational games

Developing games in preschool education. Types of educational games
Developing games in preschool education. Types of educational games

All types of educational games help the child successfully learn and learn the world around. Picking out the "workouts for mind", parents should be remembered that their rules must correspond to the age of Chad. It is necessary to alternate all the games, complementing their mobile, desktop, plot-role, sports elements. Thus, an escape child to a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

Development of children through the knowledge of the world

The goal of all kinds of educational games is one - the most accessible explaining to the child the device of the surrounding world, give him skills capable of helping in life. From what is busy at leisure a child, it depends largely, as far as he is able to adapt to the surrounding reality, what place he will find in it. Therefore, all educational games for preschoolers should be diverse and correspond to a certain age.

Games for memory development

Training a visual and auditory perception, the ability to memorize. For example, in the game "What / who did not become?" Adult sets a certain number of toys. The child remembers toys, then turns away. At this time, the adult cleans one of them and asks to call, what kind of toys are missing. It is used for both kids and for children older, complicating the game with the number and variety of objects. You can add books, pencils, cars, balls to toys.

Games for attention

We teach observation, attentiveness, intelligence, perfection, the ability to focus and think. Board game "What has changed?" Designed for both small and older children. 2 cards are offered for younger: a tree image without leaves (winter) and with leaves (summer). Next follows complication by age: cards are added with the image on the colors tree, then the fruit. For the guys older on the tree, birds and animals appear.

Logic games

Develop thinking, increase mental activity, the ability to argue and analyze. For example, in the game "Animal World" learn the child to build a logical chain. You can use both cards, toys and a computer game. An animals alternate in the game: two cats, two bear, two hare, one fox. The child is invited to continue the chain of the sequence by adding a pair of fox. For older children, you can complicate, increasing the number of toys and adding geometric shapes. You can also use a set of dolls, offering the child to put them in size. Collect the pyramid, fold puzzles.

Cognitive games

Expand the horizons, curiosity, develop intelligence, help the child to get the first necessary knowledge and skills.

  • The game "What is growing?". Children are offered to take a card with a picture of a basket and collect a crop from the garden, choosing pictures with vegetables. And to another basket to collect harvest from the garden - fruit. You can diversify the game with a song: "We are the guys-Well done, collect cucumbers and beans and peas. Harvest we are not bad. "
  • In the game "4 seasons", the child is invited to wear a doll or toy at the time of year. Summer - Summer Clothing: Dress, Skirt, Sandals. In the fall add an umbrella, raincoat, rubber boots. In winter - hat, fur coat, boots, mittens.

In the arsenal of the child, all types of educational games must be present, from simple to complex. Having entertained, the child rejoices, having fun, gets positive emotions, and most importantly - comprehensively develops.

At about the age of one year, the children begins a period of active growth and development. Your baby becomes active, independent - he is ready to study the world. In this article we will talk about educational games that will like children from the year to two years.

Playing hide and seek

A well-known children's game develops memory and visual perception and has many variations. You can start with the simplest: hide under the plaid and ask the child "Where is Mom?". Every time, tightening, the baby will rejoice at your appearance. Complete the game by showing the crumb, where you can still hide. You can play hide and with toys: Show the child three or four cache, where you can hide toys. When the kid closes his eyes, put a toy in one of them - let him take turns studying every cache. To play it was more interesting, hide and look for toys in turn.

Learn the name of the parts of the body

This developing game forms auditory perception, thinking and coordination. Help the baby remember as they are called and where they are eyes, nose, ears, palms. Try together to find where your eyes have a bear on a book or a spout of a hero in a favorite animation film.

We collect puzzles

Puzzles develop visual perception and thinking. Take two identical color pictures (no less than 10x10 cm), we cut one of them into two parts, and leave the second as a sample. Show the baby, how to assemble the whole image from two parts, and compare with an uncut picture. To complicate the game, you can cut the picture to a larger number of parts, do not use the sample when assembling or choosing a more detailed image. For example, a two-year-old child can cope with 4-5 elements. For playing in puzzles, you can use or special phone applications.

Imitate sounds

For the development of articulation and auditory perception, as often as possible, show the baby that it can reproduce the sounds that hear. For example, the palms make "clan-clap", the box falls with the sound of "Bach" and so on. Be sure to learn the votes of animals - the baby will like to portray and recognize animals by sounds.

We carry out instructions

Kids love to perform "important orders". Such game tasks are well developing auditory memory and coordination. Baby from the year to one and a half years offer one-baking actions: Turn the dad, give my mother's basket, throwing a fan from candy. Closer to two years you can go to twoness-handed actions, for example, take the ball from dad and take the grandmother. And then gradually move to multisaded actions. Your emotions and sincere involvement in children's games are the main stimulus for the development of the baby. We wish you to play with pleasure! Ask questions that exclude you about the development and education of children to our expert on children's psychology with

The essence of this wonderful game for all is that the leading word will give out the word or tells the conditions of some completely unusual situation, and players (children or adults) must solve the word or explain the situation by asking such questions to which one of five answers can be given : "Yes"; "not"; "Yes and no"; "There is no information about this"; "This is not essential."

Questions in "Best" are formulated directly during the game. The purpose of "DANTOK" - to teach children to ask strong questions, to teach to find the criteria for the classification of any objects of the surrounding world, learn to listen to others, to be attentive (not to repeat questions).

1. The game "Danque" has no restrictions on age. This game is quite excite and interesting for children and adults. All the trick in choosing a truly interesting object for this category of playing.

2. The game "Danque" is absolutely simple in conducting. For example: "I fucked the plant of the middle strip. For ten questions, determine the plant that I guess."

3. Easy to vary the level of difficulty game. For example, the initial situation: "I guess one of the heroes of the fairy tale" "Seven Catsat" "" is simple. But "I fucked the philosophical term" is more difficult.

Visual "nonsense".

On the table lay down a lot of objects or pictures. Ask a question: "What is the subject I guess?" Possible cutting questions:
- The subject lies in the right half of the table? "Yes".
- The item lies in the upper quarter of the table? "No", etc.
Reducing the search field on the "territorial" feature, you can use species signs: shape, color, weight.

Situational "nonsense."

Situational "nonsense" answer questions: how could it happen? How to get out of a dead end? How to explain the strange behavior of a person? Situational "nonsense" develop the ability to find causal relationships.

For example, explain the situation:

1. One person dug up potatoes, and his other twisted it firmly.
2. The person loved to fly very much, but from some time stopped using the aircraft.
3. At first they blew up each other in a huge chish, quarreled, then they met, and then got married. How could this happen?

Come up with the topic of situational "nonsense" ("mysterious") without a skill is not easy. If it is difficult for you to come up with a situation, entail these children. Turn the process of inventing those situational "genes" in a fun exercise for the development of wit.

You can offer such an algorithm. First, an unusual situation is invented, then it is described and the question is asked: how could this happen? For example, "the wind blew and a person was late for the meeting." And the situation could be played in this way. The car on which it was necessary to go to this person to the meeting, drove out of the garage. The wind blew, the continued garage gate came into motion and crippled the car.

If you come up with a situation, it will be difficult, then take the finished situation from the literary work, such as fairy tales. From the fairy tale, a key or unusual situation is chosen and beats the mysterious issues.

The simplest thing is to think about the hero of the famous children's literary work, fairy tales, poems, fables, even songs (Tatyana Larina, Pinocchio, Chernomor, Ivanushka-fool).

1. Baked him for people, and ate his fox. (Kolobok)
2. At first she loved him very much and explained in love, and he responded with refusal, then he loved her, explained in love, but she answered with refusal. (Eugene Onegin)
3. At first he caught her, talked and let go. Then she sailed to him herself, made gifts, but offended and sailed. (Gold fish)
4. At first it was done to eat, but did not eat, then he escaped and eat it. (Kolobok)
5. One genius said the second that he was a genius, for which he was poisoned by the second. ("Mozart and Salieri" A.S. Pushkin)
6. Someone boasted and stayed without breakfast. ("Voron and Fox" I. A. Krylov)
7. Four animated musicians climbed each other and scared the robbers very much. (The Bremen Town Musicians)
8. All frogs squaby. But one frog jacket so that she flopped from a large height in a swamp. What's the matter? (Frog traveler)

Themes for "Denetok" and possible continuing games.

What vegetable did I conceive?
- Is it root? (Carrots, beets, radishes)
- Is it a leaf vegetable? (Cabbage, salad)
- Is it a fruit vegetable? (Tomatoes cucumbers)

What name I guess?
- Is this a male name?
- The name begins with vowels?
- Is there a name in our group?

What part of the clothes did I conceive?
- Is it outerwear?
- Is it men's clothing?

What fairy tale did I conceive?
- Is it a Russian fairy tale?

What historical person did I conceive?
- This is a man?

What business I do in the morning?
What color did I conceive?
What is the property of ice cream, light bulbs, watermelon, I guess a pencil?
What country did I conceive?
What writer, storyter, poet, I conceived?
What famous battle did I conceive?

2. The game "Black Box".

Children show a "black box" or just a bag, a portfolio and offer for 10 questions to guess - what's there? Etc.
- There is a man-made object? Is something soft there? Is something metallic there? Etc.

3. Game "Riddles Pictures".

From the group of children is chosen one leading, the rest are sitting on the chairs, they must guess. The teacher has a big box in which small pictures are lying with the image of various items (you can use pictures from a children's lotto).

Driving comes to the teacher and takes one of the pictures. Without showing it to the rest of the children, he describes the subject drawn on it. Children offer their versions. The next leading becomes the one who first guess the correct answer.

4. The game "Parent pictures" (Development of mental analysis and synthesis operations).

Pictures of two sets of children's lotto are used. A group of children is divided in half. Each child receives four pictures. Children from the first group in turn describe the subject drawn on one of them they have, without showing them. That child who, in his opinion, is this picture, shows it. If the answer is correct, both pictures are postponed to the side (in a common box, for example). If the answer is wrong, the first child repeats its description by making it more detailed and detailed.

After all children from the first group described in one picture, the roles are changing. Now children from the second group also take turns describe their pictures, and children from the first group guess them.

5. The game "Detected toy".

Each child brings any toy. The group chooses one leading. For 3-5 minutes, he goes out of the door. In his absence, a teacher with the guys comes up with any story in which one of the brought toys is the main character.

All toys, including the selected gaming character, are placed on the tables or chairs. The watering child is invited. The guys from the group alternately tell him the invented story, without calling the main character, and the name of his name "he" or "she". The story is tested for 3-5 minutes. The leading should show the toy, which is the main character of the story told.

If guessing happened correctly, the other drive is selected, and the game is repeated. If the answer is wrong, the guys complement the story-tested story so as to help lead new items, without referring to the toy.

6. Game "Guess the toy".

Select one leading, which goes for 2-3 minutes from the room. In his absence, the children choose the one who will make a "riddle". This child must gestures and facial expressions to show what toy he has conceived. For example, the toy "Bunny" is conceived. The child jumps, "nibbles carrots" and so on. Delivery must guess the toy, choose it, take into hand and speak loudly. The rest of the children choir say "right!" or "wrong!".

If the answer is correct, another leading and other child is chosen, which will make a "riddle". If the answer is incorrect, show the "riddle" is offered to another child, and so until the correct answer is received.

7. The game "Excessive toy".

Children bring with them toys from home. A group of guys is divided into two subgroups. The first subgroup for 2-3 minutes leaves the room. The second subgroup selects 3 toys from those that are brought. At the same time, two toys should be "from one class", and the third is from the other. For example, a ball is put with a doll and a bunny.

If the guys easily cope with three toys, their number can be increased to 4 - 5, but not more than 7. Toys can be replaced with pictures from the children's lotto (then the game will be called "an extra picture"). This game can be done with the child and individually

8. The game "List objects".

From the group of children is chosen one leading. It comes out of the room for 2 minutes. At this time, 7 items are put on the table in the room and the situation is conceived. For example, the children think about the situation "I go to walk", then there should be 7 items from the clothes on the table.

The situation is invited, the situation is told and it is allowed to inspect the table within 1-2 minutes. Then he turns to the table with his back, and the face to the group of children and begins to list things on the table. After each correct answer, the group says "right!", After the wrong - "wrong!". If the leading listed not all items, the group says what items he forgot.

9. The game "Opposite".

The presenter shows a group of children one picture. The task is to name the word denoting the opposite subject. For example, the host shows the object "Cup".

Children can name the following items: "Board" (Cup convex, and a straight board), "Sun" (a cup does a person, and the sun is part of the natural nature), "Water" (water is a filler, and a cup is a form) etc.

Each child in turn offers his answer and necessarily explains why he chose this item.

10. Game "Find up a riddle."

From the group of children is chosen leading. Its task is to come up with a riddle. The group should guess this riddle. Next, another child comes up with a riddle, etc. Children of 6 years old love to invent riddles, the game passes lively.

Note: The game is suitable for individual classes with a child.

11. Game "Simple drawings".

Such drawings consist of contours of geometric shapes, arcs and straight. In them, there is no definite value when creating. Simple drawings need to be solved, that is, to find in them washed away, answer the question "What is it?".

The rules of the game are simple: you need to say that the subject is depicted in the picture. The more solutions, the better. The only limitation: no need to rotate the drawings. The lesson is very exciting! This game can be played with the whole family or use it as an intered and useful pastime on children's holidays.

Imagine that you seem to be listed all the options, how suddenly one more is being detected! Such moments deliver particularly great pleasure. We offer you for the game 40 simple drawings. Here they are.

Create so many options for solutions as you can. If thoughts over the same drawing ended, go to the second, and after a while, return to the first drawing.

We also recommend to make this: come up with as many answers as possible to one drawing and write them down. Then offer your parents, friends, relatives, familiar to solve the same drawing. After that compare the answers. They coincided? Not?! Perfect - it is possible to compare their quality and originality. Remember that the originality of the solution is most important in this game.

You can come up with how many simple drawings and solve them. However, we want to warn from one common error: creating a new drawing, do not lay any meaning in it. This can hurt much later in case of soloing. There are no other restrictions.

12. The game "Who (what) will be?"

The game is good because you can play and together with a child anywhere. Ask questions to each other, watch the kid, answering the question, competently inclined the names of the nouns.

Who will be the egg? (maybe chick, crocodile, turtle, snake.)
- chicken - rooster;
- a boy is a man;
- Calf - Cow or Bull - Paper - Book
- Snow-water
- water - ice
- Seed - flower
- flour - pancakes

The game is the opposite: "Who was who?".
- horse - foal
- Flower - Seed

13. The game "lived - was ...".

Playing for the development of thinking, smelling, consolidation of knowledge of the environment. You can play together with a child or company, asking questions in turn.

The meaning of the game is to explain for a long time - we just give examples.

For children, less questions are simple, for older more complicated - with the "degree of difficulty" decide.

Adult asks the question "lived, was chicken, what happened to him then?" "He became a root."
"Was there, was Tuchka, what happened to her later?" - "The rain shed out of her"
"He lived, was the stream, what became with him?" - "Winter frozen", "Slow in the heat".
"There was a seven, what happened to him then?" - "From it, the flower has grown"
"He lived a piece of clay, what did it become with him?" - "From it made a brick (vase ...).

14. The game "Third Excess".

In this game, children learn to classify items on the grounds specified in the conditions.

Children 3-5 years old conditions are simpler.

For example:

Adult says three words - Owl, Crow, Fox. The child must analyze these three words quickly in the mind and determine that all three words relate to wildlife, however, Owl and Crow - Birds, and Lisa - no. Consequently, Lisa is superfluous here.

More examples for younger preschoolers:
- Milk, juice, bread - all three words mean edible. But milk and juice - drink, and bread eat.
- car, horse, tram;
- hat, handkerchief, boots;
- Rose, Birch, Christmas tree.

For children, 5-7 years old tasks are complicated:
- Rain, snow, river;
- doctor, tourist, chauffeur;
- shadow, sun, planet;
- Frost, Blizzard, January;
- stone, clay, glass;
- Door, carpet, window;
- Sea, river, swimming pool.

15. The game "What happens?".

Playing this game, children will learn to compare, summarize the properties of objects and, finally, to understand the meaning of such concepts as height, width, length; Classify objects in shape, size, color. First, questions ask an adult, and the child answers. Then you need to give the opportunity to reveal yourself.

- What happens to high? (tree, pillar, man, house). It is appropriate to ask what is higher - a tree or house; Man or pillar.
- What is long? (short)
- What happens to be wide (narrow)?
- What happens round (square)?

The game can include a variety of concepts: what happens fluffy, soft, solid, sharp, cold, white, black, etc.

16. Exercise "Who without anything will no longer".

Helps the child to learn to allocate essential signs. Adult reads a number of words. From these words, you need to choose only two, the most important, without which the main thing can not do. For example, the garden ... What words are the most important: plants, gardener, dog, fence, earth? What kind of garden can not be? Can there be a garden without plants? Why? .. without a gardener ... Dogs ... fence ... land? .. Why? "

Each of the alleged words is detailed. The main thing is that the child understand why this or that word is the main, essential sign of this concept.

Sample tasks:
Boots (laces, sole, heel, zipper, green)
River (Coast, Fish, Fisherman, Tina, Water)
City (car, building, crowd, street, bike)
Game (cards, players, penalties, punishment, rules)
Reading (eyes, book, picture, print, word)
War (aircraft, guns, battles, rifles, soldiers)
School (teacher, disciples, tables, chairs, books, notebooks)

Second option. We call the words, and ask: what can not be without this subject, for what or who is it most important?
For example: water, wire, pencil, glass, brick.

17. Live - non-living.

I know the child with the concepts of "animated" and "inanimate."
We first explain that we call all living objects "who", and the non-resident "what". We give a few examples.

Then play questions and answers. You can use books with plot pictures.
What is growing? Who grows?
Who flies? What flies?
Who floats? What floats?
Who is the biggest? What is the biggest?

18. What outside, what inside?

Adult calls a couple of objects, and the child says that it can be outside, and what - inside. House - wardrobe; Book - wardrobe; purse; wallet money; Pan - porridge; Aquarium - Fish; Booth - dog; Nora - Fox.

Then change roles - let the child makes a couple of words.

19. "Who is it?" Get acquainted with the professions.

To play well have cards depicting people of different professions and tools.

1 option: We ask questions: who treats patients? Who teaches children at school? Who is preparing lunch? Who works on the tractor? Who will pave letters and newspapers? Who sews a dress?

Option 2: Questions: What does the janitor do? What does the doctor do? What does the electric bowl do? What makes the teacher? What makes the chauffeur? What does the painter do? What does a hairdresser do?

3 Option: We come up with riddles. For example: This person works on the street, he has a broom, shovel.

4 Option: "Who needs?" What do you need a postman? What do you need a hairdresser? And on the contrary: who needs scissors? Who needs a needle?

20. Guess the subject by its parts.

This game can be played in two versions.

First option - Using cards with pictures. Participants of the game are the cards with the image of various items - furniture, vegetables, animals, transport, etc. A child without showing his card to other players, and not to mention exactly what is drawn, calls parts of the subject. The one who is the first guess what matters about, takes the card to himself and gets one point.

Second option - without cards. The meaning of the game remains the same. This option is good in that you can play together with a child anywhere. For example, on the way to kindergarten, sitting in line for a doctor, etc.

Four legs, back, seat.
Figures, arrows.
Letters, pictures, sheets.
Barrel, branches, leaves.
Root, stem, leaves, petals.
Screen, buttons, electric cord, remote.
Nose, handle, cover, electric cord.
Paws, tail, collar.
Paws, tail, trunk.

At first glance, everything seems too easy? But in fact, not all children can describe items. Try!

21. Guess the subject by the description.

The conditions of the game are the same as in the previous one. But the task is more difficult here. It is necessary not only to find the correct definitions of items, but also correctly agree on adjectives and nouns, as well as know such concepts as furniture, vegetables, fruits, insects, homemade and wild animals, etc.

Wild animal, lives in the forest, big, shaggy, loves honey.
Wild animal, tricky, redhead, with a fluffy tail.
Insect, with multicolored wings, looks like a flower.
Vehicles, large, heavy, wings and tail.
Vegetable, red, round, it is put in a salad and on borsch.
Sweet, small, in a beautiful piece of paper.

22. Slug a picture.

For the game you will need pictures with schematic images of items: trailer, fungus, boat, snowman, chicken, house. In addition to the drawings, it is necessary to cook the geometric shapes carved from thick paper - circles, squares, triangles, trapezoids.

Show your child one picture, consider from how many parts it consists of what they are in form. Then offer to find the same among the geometric figures and ask the child to try to fold the picture from the geometric patterns by sample.

23. Let's invent (from 3 years).

Develop abstract thinking, speech.

For the game it will take a set of objects of different shapes (sticks, ball, ring, boxes, cylinder) and cards with a picture of different items of a certain shape - mirror, pencil, egg, apple.

IMPORTANT! Images in the pictures should be similar to items.

For example:

Pencil, fishing rod, needle, knife - like a wand in form;
Vase, glass, thimble - hollow cylinder.

The game is held about this way - the children (or the child) are sitting in front of the table, each set of items. Adult sits on the contrary, he has pictures with pictures. Adult shows the cards on one and asks: "Who has the subject like such a pencil?" A child who has a wand, answers: "I have!" And gets a card with a picture of a pencil.

Option on the contrary: in children cards with pictures, and in adult different items.
Children from 5 years old can play this game on their own and without pictures, inventing what a particular item can be like.

24. "I am the moon, and you are a star."

Game on the development of logical thinking, the speed of the reaction.

An option for the game together: one says, for example: "I am a thunderstorm!". Another must quickly answer anything suitable, for example: "And I detect." The first continues the topic: "I am a big cloud!". He can quickly answer:
"I am autumn." Etc...

An option for playing a group: There should be no less than six people in the game.
Everything except one sit on the chairs in the circle. In the middle there are three chairs, one of them sits on one of them. He says, for example: "I am a fire team!". Someone from the children who first will come to mind something suitable, sits down next to the free chair and says: "I am a hose." Another hurries to the second chair and says: "And I am a fireman." The child - "The fire team must choose one of two, for example:" I take a hose ". He hugs the" hose "and they sit on the chairs for other children. The remaining one child must come up with something new, for example:" I am a sewing machine ! "And the game continues ...

25. Comparison of objects.

French philosopher Helvetia wrote: "What is the mind in itself? The ability to notice the similarities and differences, compliance and inconsistencies that have different subjects among themselves."

Compare - it means to indicate similarities and differences.
For example: Compare Cucumber and Tomato.
Similarities: both vegetable, grow in beds.
Differences: color, shape, taste.

Comparison underlies all the great inventions. It is known that the "parachuts" of plants like a dandelion pushed the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a parachute. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of a hanging bridge occurred to the inventor when he watched the web. Create an airplane wing form helped with a bird wing.

Comparing, the child will not only know the world, but also develops mentally: he learns to find out the reasons for the similarities and differences in items and phenomena.

First you need to praise the child even for trying to compare one object with another.
Even better, if the child can find a really good comparison. Ask the child questions encouraging to explain the difference and similarity. Suggest it yourself search for objects for comparison.

Read the poems that are familiar with unexpected comparisons.

In the world, everything is like everything ...
(R. Sep. )

In the light of everything
For all
Seem to be:
Snake -
On the strap
Moon -
On round eye
Crane -
To skinny
Crane lifting;
Cat striped -
On pajamas;
I am on you
And you - to mom.

What is the difference.
(R. SEF)

What is the difference between sprats from the river,
What is the difference between the lamb
What is the difference between a cook from dinner -
Ask so interesting and necessary.

Talk at dusk.
B. Skod, (from Joe Wallace)

Exclaimed rabbit:
- I'm lucky!
I turned
In the helicopter!
Pay carrots for a ticket -
And fly away
All white light! -
And mushroom said:
- I became an umbrella,
After all, I'm all my life
Dreamed about!
From now on
In the rain of pouring
Who wants
Hang under me! -
Deer said:
- What am I Waiting for?
I am a hanger to serve I go!
But without candy
I will not give
Coat! -
Suddenly everyone heard owls:
- Pretty wander in reality!
Go to bed.
One owl
Decently calm at night! -
And everyone decided
What's owl
Quite right
Quite right.
You also have to sleep for a long time.
Good night, bastard!

Thinking is one of the highest forms of human activity. This is a socially determined psychic process that is inextricably related to the speech. In the process of mental activity, certain techniques or surgery are developed (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, concretization).
Mix three types of thinking:
1) by manipulating objects
2) with the help of subjects of objects, phenomena
3) with the help of concepts, words, reasoning
Visibility-effective thinking is particularly intensively developing in a child from 3-4 years. He comprehends the properties of objects, learns to operate with objects, establish relations between them and solve a variety of practical tasks.
Based on visual-effective thinking, a more complex form of thinking is formed - visual-shaped. It is characterized by the fact that the child can already solve tasks based on representations, without the use of practical actions. This allows the child, for example, to use schematic images or read in mind.
To six-seven years begins a more intensive formation of verbal and logical thinking, which is associated with the use and conversion of concepts. However, it is not leading preschoolers.
All kinds of thinking are closely related. When solving problems, verbal reasoning is based on bright images. At the same time, the solution even the simplest, the most specific task requires verbal generalizations.
Various games, design, modeling, drawing, reading, communication, etc., that is, everything is what the child is engaged in to school, they develop such mental operations, as a generalization, comparison, abstraction, classification, the establishment of causal relationships , Understanding interdependencies, the ability to reason.
Who loves what?
Pictures with images of animals and food for these animals are selected. In front of the child lay pictures with animals and separately pictures with the image of food, offer everyone "feed".
Name in a word
The child read the words and ask to call them in one word. For example: Fox, hare, Bear, Wolf - wild animals; Lemon, apple, banana, plum - fruit.
For older children, you can modify the game, giving a generalizing word and offering them to call specific items related to the generalizing word. Transport - ..., Birds - ...
The child gives a set of pictures with the image of various items. Adult asks to consider them and decompose into groups, i.e. Suitable with suitable.
Find an excess picture
Development of mental processes of generalization, distraction, allocating essential features.
Choose a series of pictures, among which three pictures can be combined into a group by any common feature, and the fourth is superfluous. Offer the child to find an extra picture. Ask why he thinks so. What are the pictures that he left.
Find an excess word
Read the child a series of words. Offer to determine what word is "superfluous." Examples:
Old, Dry, Small, Old
Brave, angry, bold, brave;
Apple, plum, cucumber, pear;
Milk, speech, sour cream, bread;
Hour, minute, summer, second;
Spoon, plate, saucepan, bag;
Dress, sweater, hat, shirt;
Soap, broom, toothpaste, shampoo;
Birch, oak, pine, strawberries;
Book, TV, Radio, Tape recorder.
Offer the child to draw, paint or drive beads. Please note that beads must alternate in a certain sequence. Thus, you can lay out a fence from multicolored sticks, etc.
Answer fast
Adult, throwing a child with a child, calls color, child, returning the ball, must quickly call the subject of this color. You can call not only color, but any and quality (taste, form) of the subject.
Offer the child to call as many words as possible designating any concept. - Name words denoting trees; shrubs; Flowers; vegetables; fruits. - Name words related to sport. - Name words denoting animals; pets ; land transport; air Transport.
Speak on the contrary
Offer the child game "I will say the Word, and you too say, only on the contrary, for example, big - small." You can use the following pairs of words: cheerful - sad, fast - slow, empty - full, smart - stupid, hardworking - lazy, strong - weak, heavy - light, cowardly - brave, white - black, solid - soft, rough - smooth and etc.
Happens no
You call some kind of situation and throw the ball to the child. The child must catch the ball in the event that the title happens, and if not, then the ball must be discarded.
Situations can be offered different: Dad went to work; The train flies across the sky; Cat wants to eat; The postman brought a letter; Apple salty; The house went for a walk; Glass shoes, etc.
Speed \u200b\u200bthinking
Offer the child to play such a game: you will start the Word, and he is to finish it. "Guess what I want to say!" A total of 10 syllables are offered: by, on, for, mi, mu, before, che, puzzling, ku, zo.
If the child quickly and easily copes with the task, invite him to come up with one word, and as much as he can. Fix not only the correctness of the answers, but also the time that is an indicator of the rate of thought processes, intelligence, speech activity.
Comparison of objects
The child must imagine what it will compare. Ask him questions: "Did you see a fly? And the butterfly?" After such questions about each word, offer them to compare. Ask questions again: "Looks like fly and butterfly or not? What are they like? And what differ from each other?"
Children are particularly difficult in finding similarity. The child of 6-7 years should properly compare: allocate the traits of similarity, and differences, and for essential features.
Word pairs for comparison: fly and butterfly; House and hut; table and chair; a book and a notebook; water and milk; ax and hammer; piano and violin; prank and fight; City and village.
Guess the description
The adult proposes to guess what (about what a vegetable, animal, toy) he speaks and gives a description of this subject. For example: This is a vegetable. It is red, round, juicy (tomato). If the child makes it difficult to answer, they lay pictures with various vegetables in front of him, and he finds the right one.
Who will be?
The host shows or calls items and phenomena, and the child must answer the question how they will change, who will be. Who (what) will be: egg, chicken, acorn, seed, caterpillar, cheek, flour, wooden board, iron, bricks, fabric, leather, day, student, patient, weak, summer, etc.
There may be several answers to one question. It is necessary to encourage the child for several answers to the question.
Describe in order
Used ready-made series of plot consecutive pictures. Child give pictures and ask them to consider. Explain that the pictures should be decomposed in order of deploying events. In conclusion, the child is a story on pictures.
Decoration of Nesbylits
An adult tells about something, including several nonplerin. The child should notice and explain why it does not happen.
Example: I want to tell you what you want. Yesterday - I am going on the road, shining the sun, dark, the leaflets are blue under your feet. And suddenly, from around the corner, how to pop up the dog, how he grows on me: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" - And the horns have already followed. I was frightened and ran away. Would you be afraid?
I go yesterday in the forest. The circle of the car ride, traffic lights blink. Suddenly I see a mushroom. There is grows on the branch. Among the leaves of the green hid. I jumped and threw it.
I came to the river. I look - sits on the shore of the fish, the leg fell on the leg and chews the sausage. I approached, and she jump into the water - and sailed.

Memory Development Games
Memory can be visual, auditory, emotional, motor. For pre-school age, involuntary memory is the most developed. In order to start training and at the beginning of school learning, mechanical memory prevails. Children remember the material due to multiple repetitions. The tasks of schoolchild training should include the formation of comprehected logical memory, which is improved by mastering various auxiliary means, receptions and methods of memorization and remember.
A number of tasks are aimed at the development of the ability to keep the specified instructions in the memory. Such work should be carried out regularly, since it is often the reason for non-compliance with the learning tasks is the "loss" conditions of the problem, the inability to keep the given actions in the memory. These tasks are also forming concentration, concentration and switching attention, self-control skill.
Work on the formation of memory is advisable to conduct on non-trapped material in various life situations.
Regardless of whether the child's good or bad has a memory, overload it is harmful.
Material: lockers gloves made of 4 or more match boxes, minor items. Game move: adult hides a toy into one of the boxes in front of the child. Then the cabinet is removed for a few seconds and is shown again. The child is asked to find a toy.
What disappeared?
On the table lay out several items or pictures. The child considers them, then turns away. An adult cleans one subject. The child looks at the remaining items and calls that it disappeared.
What changed?
On the table lay down a few toys. The child offers them to consider and remember. The child turns away, one toy is added, or toys change places. The child answers what has changed.
The child plays the role of the artist. He carefully considers who will draw. Then turns away and gives his verbal portrait. You can use toys.
Remember and reproduction
Option 1. Child is called numbers and ask them to reproduce. The number of numbers in the row is gradually increasing.
Option 2. Child call words and ask them to reproduce them (from 4 to 10 words).
Option 3. Child is called numbers (words) in any order, asked to reproduce in the reverse order.
Remember and show
Children are invited to reproduce the movement of familiar objects (for example, by the wings of a bird, a kosolapoy bear, crawling caterpillar, stunned rooster, etc.).
Chain of action
The child is offered a chain of actions that must be performed sequentially. For example: "Come to the closet, take a book for reading, put it on the middle of the table.
- If the child makes it difficult to remember the words that you called him, give him paper and color pencils. Offer for each word to make a drawing that would help him then remember these words.
The same can be done when memorizing phrases. The child himself chooses what and how it will draw. The main thing is that it helps him then remember the read.
For example, you call seven phrases.
Boy cold.
Girl crying.
Dad is angry.
Grandma rests.
Mom reads.
Children walk.
Time to sleep.
Each phrase, the child makes a drawing (scheme). After that, offer him exactly reproduce all phrases. If difficulties arise, help the prompt.
The next day, again ask the child to repeat phrases with its drawings. Check if the drawings help him. If he remembers 6-7 phrases - very good.
- Retelling. If the child can not retell the text, read him the story again, but ask him to pay attention to the individual specific details. Ask him the question: "What is this story?" Try to tie reading with what is well acquainted with a child, or with some similar history, compare these stories (what is the similarity and difference). Answering your questions, the child thinks, summarizes, compares, expresses his thoughts in speech, manifests activity.
Such a conversation significantly activates the memory and thinking of the child.
Ask a child to retells again and you will make sure how much it became accurate and comprehended.

Ilyina M.N. Development of a child from the 1st day of life up to 6 years. C-PB., 2001.

Attention is focusing on something. It is associated with interests, inconsistencies, the vocation of a person, from its features, such qualities of personality depend on the observation, the ability to celebrate in the subjects and phenomena of poor, but essential signs. ATTENTION is one of the main conditions that ensure successful assimilation by the child accessible by the volume of knowledge, skills and the establishment of contact with adults. If no attention is not, the child cannot learn how to imitate the actions of an adult, nor act according to the sample nor perform verbal instructions. The development of attention is closely intertwined with the development of memorization.
The volume is the number of objects perceived simultaneously with sufficient clarity and discrimination. The amount of adult is from four to seven objects at the same time. The amount of child's attention is 1-5 objects. For a child of preschool and younger school age, each letter is a separate object. As the technique is mastered, the reading technique increases and the amount of attention required for fluid reading.
Stability is the duration of retention of attention to the same subject or activity. An indicator of sustainability is the high productivity of activities for a relatively long time. If attention is unstable, then the quality of work is sharply reduced.
The intensity is characterized by relatively high nervous nervous energy and when performing this type of activity. Attention in one or another activity can manifest itself with different intensity.
Concentration is a degree of concentration. Concentrated is called attention aimed at any object or type of activity and not extending to others.
Distribution is the ability of a person to hold the focus of a certain number of objects at the same time, i.e. This is simultaneous attention to two or several objects while performing actions with them or observing them.
Switching is a conscious and comprehensive movement of attention from one object on another or from one activity to another in connection with the formulation of a new task. In general, the switching of attention means the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult situation.
A distractions - involuntary movement of attention from one object to another.
Dispelness - inability to focus on something defined for a long time. Scattered may appear a) in the inability to concentrate; b) in excessive concentration on one object of activity. Scatleton is also called debit of attention, as a result of the disease, overwork.
Excessive focus of attention is a permanent transition from one object to another, from one activity to another with low efficiency.
Inertia - small mobility of attention, pathological fixation in a limited circle of representations and thoughts.

Development of optic attention
Find two identical objects
A card depicting five or more objects is offered, of which two subjects are the same. It is required to find the same items, explain your choice.
Exception of Lish
A card with an image of 4-5 objects is offered, one of which is different from the rest. It is necessary to find it.
Find differences
A card depicting two pictures that have several differences are offered. It is necessary to find these differences as quickly as possible.
Pattern layout
The child is offered to lay out from mosaic (or chopsticks) by sample letter, digit, pattern, silhouette, etc.
Hanoming beads
The child is proposed a sample or a beads of beads (for example, -Ofocho-thuohhhoo -Orochokhokhukhoo-), thread or wire, beads. The child collects beads.
Drawing through cells
The child is given a sheet into a cell (large or fine), a drawing sample (ornament or closed figure), a pencil. It is necessary to redraw the pattern in the cells.
Go through the labyrinth, tracing the path with the eyes, in case of difficulty with a finger or pencil.
Name the subject
The child is given drawings with disguised (incomplete, crossed, superimposed on each other) images of objects. You need to call them.
How much why?
the child is asked to inspect the room and call as many available items beginning with the letter "K", "T", "C", all glass or metal, all round, or all white items.
The child is invited to call, which is missing in the image of items and drawing them. Examples: House without windows, machine without wheels, flower without stalk, etc.
The child is offered a table where familiar objects or geometric shapes are depicted in several rows. You need to cross, for example, all the Christmas trees or all squares.
Material: Sheets with large printed text. Ask a child to find and cross out in the text any letter. Watch it to move through the rows. Fix the quality of the child's work (time for which it scans 3-5 lines, the number of errors), encourage it for progress.
The child is invited to consider a rather complicated storyline and remember all the details. Then the adult asks questions about this picture, the child responds to them.

Hearing attention
What sounded
The child demonstrates the sound of different items (sounding toys, musical instruments). Then these items are sounded behind the screen, and the child calls that he sounded.
Four forces
The players are sitting in a circle and perform movements according to the words: "Earth" - hands down, "water" - pull hands forward, "air" - raise your hands up, "fire" - to rotate with hands in the rays-up and elbow joints. Who is mistaken, is considered to be a loser.
Listen and reproduce
The child is proposed to play on the pattern asked for adults, rhythmic blows with a wand on the table.

Games for the development of motor-motor attention
Who flies?
Adult pronounces words. If he calls a flying subject, the child responds "flies" and depicts what waves wings. If you are called a fluttering subject, then the child is silent and does not raise his hands.
Edible - inedible
Depending on the subject of the subject (it is edible or not), the child should catch or beat the ball thrown into him by adults.
Ear - Nose
The child listens to the team: "Ear" and touches ear. "Nose" - touches nasal. An adult first performs the task along with the child, then deliberately allows errors. The child must be attentive and not mistaken.
Forbidden move
The presenter shows the children a movement that cannot be repeated. Then he shows different movements with his hands, legs. The one who repeated the forbidden movement drops out of the game. Any movement or combination of movements can be forbidden.

Boryakova N.Yu. and others. Workshop on correctional and developing classes. M., 1994.
Paint S.D., Kostnikova Yu.A. Developing classes with children. M., 2001.
Kataeva A.A., Strebelieva E.A. Didactic games and exercises in learning mentally retarded preschoolers. M., 1993.
Osipova A.A. Diagnostics and correction of attention. The program for children is 5-9 years old. M., 2001.
Fomina L.V. Sensory development. A program for children aged (4) 5-6 years. M., 2001.
Shmakov S.A. Joke games, minute games. M., 1996.

Games for the development of shallow motility hands
Systematic exercises in training the movements of fingertips have a stimulating effect on the development of speech. This is proven by a number of researchers (M.I. Koltsova, E.I. Inesenina, A.V. Antakhakov-Fomina, etc.). It is advisable to carry out the work on the development of shallow motility of hands systematically, paying for 5-10 minutes daily. For this purpose, a variety of games and exercises can be used.
To form thin movements of the fingers of the hands can be used games with fingers, accompanied by reading folk poems
"Sit protein ...
Sites squirrel on the cart
It sells nuts:
Sister chantechka,
Sparrow, Bin
Mishke Tolstophal,
Zainke's tasty.
Adult and the child with the help of the left hand bend in turn of the fingers of the right hand, starting with thumb.
Friend in our group of girls and boys
(Fingers are connected to the "lock").
We and I am welcome little fingers
(Rhythmic touch of the finger of both hands).
One, two, three, four, five
(alternately touches the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers),
Start counting again.
One, two, three, four, five.
We finished considered
(Hands down, shake with brushes).
"House and Gate"
In the meadow, the house is ("house"),
Well, the way is closed to the house ("Gate").
We open the gate (palms unfold parallel to each other),
In this house we invite ("House").
Along with such games, a variety of exercises without speech escorts can be used:
the tip of the thumb with the right hand alternately concerns the tips of the index, medium, nameless fingers and the mother's;
the same exercise is performed with fingers of the left hand;
the same movements are simultaneously the fingers of the right and left hand;
"Fingers greet"
Connect the fingers of both hands "house". The fingertips take turns in turn clap each other, greet a large with large, then index with index, etc.
straighten the index finger of the right hand and rotate them;
the same left hand;
the same two hands;
index and middle fingers "run" on the table;
the same movements to produce fingers of the left hand;
the same movements at the same time to produce both hands at the same time ("children run rugs");
pull out the index finger and the little finger of the right hand;

form two mugs of large and index fingers of both hands, connect them;
pull up the index and middle fingers of the right hand, and the tips of the ring finger and the little finger to join with the tip of the thumb;
the same exercise to perform with fingers left hand;
the same exercise was performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands;
raise both hands with palms to yourself, put your fingers wide;
"Birds fly"
fingers of both hands raised to themselves, produce movement up-down;
"Fingering-extension of fingers"
alternately bend the fingers of the right hand, starting with the thumb;
perform the same exercise, only bending your fingers, starting with the mother's mother;

bend the fingers of the right hand into the fist, alternately straighten them, starting with the thumb;
perform the same exercise, only straighten your fingers, starting with the mother's maiden;
perform two previous exercises with fingers of the left hand;
"Barrel with water"
bend the fingers of the left hand into the fist, leaving the hole on top;
folders of both hands bent slightly and apply to each other;
connect the fingertips of the right and left hands at the angle;
hands in the same position as in the previous exercise, only index fingers arrange in a horizontal position in front of the roof;
hands in a vertical position, press the palm of both hands to each other, then slightly push them out, rounded your fingers;
"Roots of the Plant"
press the hands with the back side to each other, drop the fingers down;
at the same time turn the hands of the hands up the palms - the back side, accompanying the movement by the poetic text: "Grandma bakes pancakes, very tasty";
hand brushes at the same time squeeze into the fist - squeeze, with each movement of the fists and palms to put on the table;
put the hand brushes on the table: one hand is compressed in a fist, the other is revealed. Simultaneously change the provisions.
on the plane of the table, three positions of the hand consistently replace each other. It takes 8-10 times with the right hand, then left, then with both hands.
The above games and exercises provide a good finger training, contribute to the development of isolated movements, the development of the accuracy of the movement of the fingers.
Manual motility development also contributes to:
Classes with plasticine, clay, salted dough, small building material, designer;
Handing beads, beadwork;
Lad out from matches of drawings, letters, folding of wells;
At the same time with the left and right hand to fold the buttons into the box;
Drawing on stencil letters, geometric shapes, hatching;
Drawing at points, dotted lines;
Massage hands.
It is performed first on one hand, then to another.
Finger kneading: Intense circular movements around each finger
Exercise "Soroka-Beloboka"
Intensive thumb movements back-back, up-down, in a circle
Flexing-extension of all fingers at the same time
Flexing - Hand Extension in Kistere Sustain
Intensive rubbing of each finger
Point massage of each finger between the phalanges from the side and frontal-round sides
"Fingers go to bed"
Alternate bending of fingers, then their simultaneous straightening accompanied by poem:
This finger wants to sleep,
This finger jump in bed,
This finger torn,
This finger fell asleep.
Quieter, finger, not hype,
Brothers do not wake.
Finger stood up, cheers!
It's time to go to kindergarten.
"Fingers greet"
Repeat the first exercise.

Games for the development of sensorotor and speech spheres
In 2-3 months, stimulate the child to fix the view on moving and stationary items, encourage it to a longer concentration on the subject.
Take a bright ball in your hand, when the child will catch him with a gaze, move the ball from left to right, up-down. At the same time, ask the baby: "Where is the ball? Look, here he is where!"
During this period, use toys emitting various sounds. Moving sounding toys Attract the attention of the baby. Rape toy on the left, right, top and bottom. Ask: "Where does Right? Din-Ding! And now where?"
Give the opportunity to make as many feeling movements as possible with your hands. At the same time, the child should see the item that he feels. To do this, invest in the child's hand and attract his visual attention to this subject. The form, the value of such items should be diverse, but convenient for capturing.
Try the sounds that heard earlier from the kid: "Abu", "AGU", "Buba", "A-A-A", "Oh,", "ha-ha", etc.
Encourage any desire to move. Put on the side of the child a soft, beautiful toy so that she attracts his attention, and help the child pulling towards her carefully turn the back on the belly.
For training crawl, put a toy at such a distance from the child so that he can not grab it. Help the baby get closer to her, substituting the palm to the feet of the feet so that he can continue and push off.
Play with a child in hide and seek. Take a handkerchief on your head. Ask: "Where is Mom? Where is mom hid? Find mom." Help the child, if it does not work, open and praise. Now sketching your shawl on the child, as if he hid himself. "And where is an Anutochka? No Anutka. Where did she run away? - Remove the shawl: - A-ah, that's where Anguka!" Continue to play with the child while it is interesting for him, inventing different options for this game.
Put the child to your knees and, luraged book with colorful images of animals, show and ask for a child: "This is a pussy - meow, meow. Show, where is Kisa? This is a dog - Av-av. Show where the dog is?" etc. Offer a child different books, consider the pictures together, talk to him.
From the second half of the year, giving a child various toys, at the same time call them ("Lyalya", "BBB", "Misha").
Try to stimulate the subject and game activity of the child as often as possible (tapping the subject of the subject, the layout of the cubes from the box, throwing the subject, removing the rings with the pyramid, shifting from one hand to another, etc.).
Form the initial situational understanding of the speech to the child and the submission to individual verbal instructions: "Kiss mom", "give a handle", "Say: Goodbye", "Show what you are big." How, for example, develop the execution of the request "give a handle"? Stretch your hand to the child and ask the "give a handle", at the same time take the child's hand and invest it in your own, stroking it gently, shook. Then free the hand of the child, stretch your hand again and ask "Let the handle", slightly directing the movement of the child's hand. And so several times in a row, while the child himself will not stretch his hand to this instruction.
If you see that the baby is already doing attempts to get on his feet, sticking to the crib, hold the bright toy at such a distance so that he can grab it only when he gets up.
Your child is already free standing by holding hands for support. Stimulate it to walking. To do this, go to his gestures, toys or objects that it is especially attracted.
Give the child multicolored cubes (no more than 6 pieces). Show how you can put one cube on the other and build a tower. Help your child, drive it hands and gradually complicate games, for example, you say: "First give me a red cube, no, it's yellow, and this is this one. Now green. Where is green?" etc. Play with cubes of different values.
In the process of bathing the child, play with him, for example, in such a game: "Come on, julia, wash the doll lyrco. Where is her eyes? Where does she have a spout? Show me. Now let's wash her handles. Where do the doll hands ..
Play with a child in "Teremok". To do this, make a house of cardboard and 3-4 toys: a cockerel, a bunny, a dog, a cat. "Look who lives in Teremokhka? Who, who lives in a low? Well, go out, who lives there. Ku-Ka-Re-ku! Who is it? Cockerel - Golden scallop. Here, to polish him. Well, go back In the house, Cockerel. Who, who else in the Teremchka lives? Who is this sulfur? This is a bunny. Cut the bunny again in his house. Who else lives there? Av-av. I am a dog. Watch , ran away, hid. But look who meowles there? Meow meow. Who is this? This is a kisa. Purchase Kisu. Saved Kisa. Everyone hid in the house. Let's call them. Alone their handles. That's all came running. Cockerel, bunny , doggy, kisa. When a child remembers the names of all animals, replace them with others.

Psyomotoric Development Games
For a child from 1.5 months, a good exercise for the development of psychomotorika is a massage. Massage must be made necessarily warm hands, lubricated children's cream. Light movements of stroking you massive your hands from the brush to the shoulder, then the torso, the chest from the middle to the sides, the belly, the back of the neck to the buttocks. Next, the buttocks are slightly pinching with the fingers, stroking the legs starting from the foot. Crop the feet of a child from fingers to the heel and back. It is good to do such a massage daily, before bathing the baby. Duration of exercise 5-6 minutes.
From four months do special gymnastics with the child.

Folk games for the development of the psycho-emotional sphere of the child
Under the influence of various games and flows, the baby learns to receive unconscious pleasure from a special rhythmic intonation that distinguishes the flow from the usual speech.
While the child has no one and a half years, the content does not have much importance. The effect itself is important. Such little children more appreciate various sounds, phrases and rhythmic structures.
Pestees have a comprehensive developing effect on psycho-emotional, speech, intellectual scope of a small child.
Let's give some examples.
"Going a cat's goat". Lean over the child, smile, catch it and sentenced it:
Going goat cat
There is a goat Bodataya,
Legs top top
Flame clashes:
"Who doesn't eat cereal,
Milk does not drink,
That I feed, I feed, I feed. "
"Load" a child with your fingers, make it up. Play more often in such a game and you will see that at first the child will smile, listening to your voice, then it will make joyful sounds and lively moving your hands and legs. Such a response testifies to the development of positive emotions, visual and auditory perception.
"Ladushka-ladies." Take a child in your arms and, clapping it with his palms, say:
Where were you? - By Grandma.
What ate? - Pitch.
What drank? - Major.
Kashki tree
Prayer was drunk -
Shu-U-y ... flew!
On the head sat down.
With the last words, raise the child's handles to the head. Play this game at every convenient case. First, you do all movements for a child, and then he can be in his hands and raise the handles to the head. ATTENTION, memory, conceptual thinking, emotions are developing.
The game "Soroka-Beloboka" is well developing the fine motility of the fingers of the fingers, is an excellent incentive for speech development, gives the baby joyful body contact with mom. (Do this exercise necessarily on the right and left hand). Very useful to the massage of fingers.

The game develops and pleases the child, makes it happy. In the game, the child commits the first discoveries, experiences moments of inspiration. The game forms the main knowledge, its imagination is developing, fantasy, and therefore, the soil is created for the formation of an initiative, inquisite personality.

S. L. Novoselova

"What do you most like to do?" To this question, most children will answer in one word: "Play!" Children play at home, in kindergarten, on the street, visiting. Any fascinating occupation is denoted for kids in the word "game". Through the game, the child will know the surrounding reality, its inner world.

In infancy, through the game, the senses of the kid are developing, the accumulation of visual, auditory, tactile, taste sensations is accumulated. During this period, the basis of cognitive activity and physical activity of the child is laid. The child with passion explores the items, while applying all the ways available to it: to consider, touch, try to taste. With age, the game becomes more meaningful, subject, but its goal is knowledge of the world - remains unchanged. In the game, the child recreates the model of its environment, heats various situations, trying on one or another role. But the game invented by the child does not always fully contribute to its harmonious development. Therefore, the main task of adults - educators and parents - at this stage there are joint gaming activities, allowing to reveal the potential capabilities of the kid. Oddly strange it sounds, but adults must teach a child to play.

Parents are the first mentors of their child, opening it this world. The fact that the baby will see and, above all, as he sees it, first of all depends on his closest environment. Young parents are increasingly facing the term "early child development." This topic deals with many methodical developments, scientific articles, periodicals. None of the opponents have repeated the opinions that early development is a useless and unnecessary thing. It has been scientifically proven that the brain of the child under the age of three years is particularly susceptible to the information and can absorb it in a sufficiently large amount. According to experts, it is in this age period that the basis of future intelligence is formed.

Starting from a three-year-old, the child goes into the discharge of a preschooler. But the assignment of such a "solid" status should not be misleading the parents seeking to immediately begin preparations for school and burdensome children with tesitory studies on account learning, reading and writing. Adults must remember that the child on this age stage cannot be forced to do something, make it be attentive and trembling. The baby is simply physically not capable of it - all the systems of its body are at the initial stages of their development and are not subject to hard wrestling control. But the child can be injured, to interest and develop its intellectual, emotional and physical potential through the creation of game situations. Classes in the game form will help develop dexterity from the child, observation, figurative thinking, memory.

The main activity of children in preschool age is the game, and the task of adults - to make the game as productive as possible without infringe upon the interests of the child. Educational games will help.

What do they give? The basis of the educational games are the two principles of training - from simple to complex and "independently according to the abilities." This union allows you to allow several problems associated with the development of creative abilities at once.

First, educational games can give food for mind from early age.

Secondly, their tasks-steps always create conditions that lead the development of abilities.

Thirdly, rising every time on their own to its "ceiling", the child develops most successfully.

Fourth, educational games can be very diverse in their own content, and in addition, like any games, do not tolerate coercion and create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity.

Fifth, playing these games with kids, dads and moms are imperceptibly acquired for themselves very important skill - to hold back, do not interfere with the child himself think and make decisions, do not do for him what he can and should do himself.

The characteristic features of the game are:

Performing a variety of practical actions;

Widespread use of didactic material;

Development of orientation skills on the plane and in space;

Not only the formation of ideas in practical activity, but also their widespread use in everyday life, game, work, that is, a variety of activities.

The use of educational games is most effectively compliance with the following conditions:

1. Organization of phased application of games with consistent complication of didactic and developing tasks.

2. Systematization and classification of the game on the proposed tasks.

All games must be selected with the development of children. The rules of the game should require them not to repeat certain actions, but to accustom to perform the work meaningfully.

3. Inclusion of educational games with problem-search tasks and the implementation of the interaction of a teacher with a child.

Educational games lots of. You can come up with your own - it all depends on the fantasy and creativity of the adult, the desires of the kid.