W Perpric Cinderella Main characters fairy tales. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Cinderella"

W Perpric Cinderella Main characters fairy tales. Encyclopedia of fabulous heroes: "Cinderella"

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Full name: Ella (real name; film 2015, one day in a fairy tale), maid, Princess Cinderella

Rod classes: the maid of the family Tremene (earlier), Princess

Character Type: Positive

Pets: Bruno (dog), Major (horse)

Fate: married Prince

Purpose: get rid of his terrible life and gain happiness (achieved)

Live model: Helen Stanley, Scarlett Johansson

Present (s): Cinderella from the original fairy tale of Charles Perro

« How much light in the word "Cinderella" is simple
This name, as if the sun outside the window
In old shoes is always obedient and modest
The best of the princesses is worthy of becoming.

- Sample of the pure perfection of the Animation of the Walt Disney Studio. The picture was published in 1950. After the financial stagnation and employment in the production of educational films during the war, Disney was dreamed of back to large animation forms. Walt chose Cinderella's story for a touching plot, for the magic of the celebration of good over evil, for the emotional attractiveness, so necessary at that difficult post-war time. "I want to strike the viewer right in the heart" - said the master to his artists in the production process. In addition, the story of a poor dishwasher girl who turned into a princess was close to Walt and in similarity with his personal destiny.

Character Creation

Development of image and animation

The leading animators of Cinderella were Mark Davis and Eric Larson. When creating an image of a heroine, some "disagreements" arose between the two animators. As in the case of previous cartoons, at the insistence of Walt Disney, actors - models were hired to perform gaming scenes as a support for animators. Helen Stanley (which in the future will be a living model for Princess Aurora in the cartoon "" and Anita Radcliffe in the cartoon "101 dolraminets"). Artists painted Cinderella's animation frames by actress movements, it required great efforts. According to Walt Disney, such a procedure helped to avoid unnecessary spending on trial animation.

« Disney stated that all scenes with the participation of human characters should be first executed by alive actors to determine how they would look at how to start an expensive animation process. Animators did not like this way of work, they felt that it distract them from creating characters. [...] [Animators] understood the need for such an approach and later recognized that Disney coped with the situation with great subtlety.»

-Rister Finch.


Listening to the role of Cinderella was about 400 contenders, among which were actresses such as Dina Shor and Dina Durbise. But Walt Disney chose Eileen Woods, which at that time worked on the radio and knew nothing about listening to the role of Cinderella. Her work colleagues offered her to sing songs from the cartoon "Cinderella" and she agreed. Then, not to tell her a word, Eylin's friends handed over to the Disney office. After listening to the material, Walt Disney decided immediately that he found the voice to whom his main heroine should speak, and contacted Eilein. Immediately after that, Eileen Woods received a role.


Cinderella is a stubborn and independent girl who never allows anger or grief to take over his top. It is very good to others and is not shown naive or infantile.

Appearance description

Cinderella is a young girl with classically beautiful features of appearance. She has blond hair of medium length, smooth white leather and bright gray eyes. At the beginning of the cartoon wears a brown sundress-apron with a blue shirt, then puts on the ball a beautiful blue dress with crystal shoes.


Cinderella understands the language of animals and birds, and also knows how to communicate with his little friends on it.

What brought "Cinderella"

The premiere of the film took place on February 15, 1950, was a romantic gift for Valentine's Day from Disney Studio.

The "Cinderella" after the creative and financial decline of the military years was connected to Disney with a big risk - in case of failure of the studio, it would be difficult to recover from damage, because $ 2.5 million was spent on shooting. But the film "was doomed to success" and with The first issue brought $ 4 million, strengthening the financial position of the studio.

During the long years, the Cinderella's cartoon did not lose their magic charm. All new generations of children admire his excellent animation, alive emotions of heroes, wonderful music and a good humor. In Cinderella, as in the rest of the disney films, there is a soul, love and some invisible attraction, exciting the viewer from the first minutes and not let go to the very end.

Films, TV series and sequels

- American Full-length Music Fantasy Cartoon Film of 1950 Production of Walt Disney Productions Studio, shot based on the chalk fairy tale Perso.

Disney Studio spent on production of a film of 2.5 million dollars and six years of work, from 1944 to 1950. Much forces went to experiment with new animation technique, creating images with bulk forms and search for new expressive agents. Music accompaniment to the film "Cinderella" consists of 6 songs, each of which is organically connected with the plot and emphasizes the most important points. These are songs:

  • "The dream will arrive randomly";
  • "Sing, Solovushka";
  • "Cinderella at work";
  • Bibbidi-Bobbidi BU (Magic Song);
  • "My love".

The film was voiced by 9 actors and actresses. In addition to them, more than sixty people worked over the picture. Among them are multipliers, artists, writers, composers and many other specialists. And by all they were led by Walt Disney. After the premiere held in 1950, the film was refined and again produced on the screens every seven or eight years. It is duplicated on tens of languages, and look at all continents.

In the late 1980s, Cinderella was released on the home video of Walt Disney Classics. In Russia since the early 1990s, it was distributed in pirated copies in one-haired translations of Alexei Mikhalev, Mikhail Ivanov, Viktor Mahonko and others.


He lived-there was a Cinderella girl who lived with his widowed father. Considering that daughters need a mother, her father married the widow, who had two daughters - Driselle and Anastasia. After the death of her husband, the stepmother Cinderella showed its true "face" - anger, greed and hatred. She turned Cinderella into a housewife and rewrote all the inheritance for himself.

There was time, the girl was becoming more beautiful and more beautiful, despite the fact that the very black work was doing home. In addition, Cinderella was a good heart and soul, so all the animals who lived next to her house were friends with her. Houses at Cinderella were friends: Bruno's dog, Horse Major, as well as mice and birds who lived nearby. Especially Cinderella became friends with Jacques - senior of house mice. Other mouse Cinderella pulled out of a mousetrap. She called His. Every day, the girl had to perform a number of responsibilities: feed chickens, care for the shopping cat Lucifer, and also prepare food for stepmother and her daughters.

Once in the morning, Momnicker Gas fled from the Lucifer's cat he mounted behind him. Saved, he climbed under the tea cup of Anastasia. Anastasia, seeing that under the cup, a little mouse was attached, accused of all Cinderella. Steph added her work on the house. At this time, in the palace, the king was concerned about to marry his prince's son. He very much wanted grandchildren and therefore sent his duke to disseminate all young ladies of the kingdom invitation to the ball.

Meanwhile, at home Cinderella hand in invitations to the ball in the palace. She enters the room where at this time they are singing the daughter of stepmother. When Cinderella asks if she can also go to the ball, step-down sisters begin to laugh at it. On this Cinderella replies that every girl has the right to visit the ball. Stepmother agrees with her, saying that she can go to the ball if he alleged all the work on the house and find a suitable dress. To take the old dress of the Mothers Mothers of the Cinderella forbids, and, moreover, asks her a huge amount of homework. Wanting to help Cinderella, the mouse is successfully made by her dress.

However, sisters, seeing Cinderella in an excellent robe, a dress rut \u200b\u200bin a wild malice and drive a girl. After that, they go to the ball with the mother. Cinderella shirts. At this point, a shaft fairy appears and provides Cinderella to everyone that is necessary for a trip to the ball. She turns the mouses in the horses, Psa Bruno in Lacey, Major's horse in Kucher, pumpkin - in the carriage, and her torn dress in a beautiful snow-white ballroom dress. For all this, the fairy was enough to pronounce: "Bibby Bobby-bu!". Cinderella leaves for the ball, and the shaft fairy warns her that she should return to midnight, for all her magic will be back at midnight.

The prince does not pay any attention to the arrivals. This fact is very sad for the king. The duke already convinces him that the ball is in vain, but just at that time the Cinderella appears on the ball, the prince comes to her, and the king interrupts the speech of the duke. However, seeing Cinderella, the prince immediately takes her hand and start dancing with her. The king asks his duke to make no one interfere with them. Stepmother is trying to see Cinderella closer, but her duke bothes, torn the curtain, behind which Cinderella and Prince hide. Meanwhile, midnight came up. There was a fight of the clock, and Cinderella runs away.

Everyone rushed into the chase after her, but the girl manage to return home imperceptibly. One of the crystal shoes remained at her leg. Returning to the palace, the Duke tells the king about the victims of the victim, although before the king terribly dreamed and wanted to cut the duke until the latter showed a shoe. Then satisfied the king suggests looking for a bride of a prince on a shoe, which Cinderella lost when it runs down the stairs.

The next morning in the kingdom is announced that the girl who is suitable for a crystal shoe, and is the bride of the prince. Stepmother, having heard the news, reports this with his ugly daughters. Cinderella hears the conversation of stepmother with daughters, begins to hum, the melody that they sang with the prince when they danced, while going to the tower where she lives to change clothes. Understanding that Cinderella and there is the same girl with whom the prince danced, stepmother shouting her there.

Herzog arrives in the stepmother's house. Mouses are imperceptible to pull the key out of his pocket and carry it to Cinderella. They prevent them from the cat stepmother named Lucifer, but the dog bruno drives him. Cinderella opens the door. One of the daughters of the stepmother, Anastasia, begins to unsuccessfully trying to a shill, which turns out to be disproportionately. Then the shoe is trying to wear Drisella, as a result of which its feet is twisted until it is impossible.

The duke is already going to go away, as Suddenly, Cinderella appears on the stairs and asks to try on the shill. Steph tries to prevent this, saying that Cinderella is a simple maid, but the duke strictly reminds her that a girl should try on a shoe. Laki runs to a cinder with a shoe, but at that moment the stepmother puts his cane, the lacquer falls, drops the shoe and it is broken. The duke is scared, not knowing that now he threatens from the king. However, Cinderella from the pocket of the apron takes the second shoe. The duke is delighted, and the stepmother is shocked by such an unexpected turn. Then the sisters understood that the girl was on the ball and asked for forgiveness from Cinderella for all the offenses that she suffered from them. And Cinderella forgave them from the bottom of his heart. The cartoon ends with a scene of a cheerful and happy wedding.


The Disney of 1930s released at the junction of the initial work in 1940, Cinderella was taken critics less enthusiastic. Cinderella has become the first cartoon released after World War II (", 1942). World War II and, as a result, decline in rental, forced Disney to release a number of low-cost movies, such as "" and "" during 1940s. The short version of the cartoon created Walt Disney himself back in 1922.

The cartoon received the Golden Bear prize at the Berlin Film Festival in 1951. Walt Disney for the cartoon received a special premium at the Cannes Film Festival in 1950.

The actress Ingrid Bergman became the prototype for Cinderella.

The key to the success of Cinderella was to lie in combination with the famous, polished story, with wit and cheerfulness, which would refresh the fairy tale and adapted it to the modern audience. "Cinderella" was for a disney great risk - if he failed with her, the studio would probably cease to finance the full-length films. But the film was successful and already for the first release gathered $ 4,000,000, which raised the financial situation of the studio to the highest level since 1938. Walt Disney has reduced the risk in working on a cinder to a minimum. There was no two-appreciation, not a single "wrong turn", which could reduce the income from the film. Instead of starting endless and expensive experiments on the structure of history and the natural movements of heroes, Disney decided to use live actors to create most frames. The filtered films were assessed as much as possible, and the main movements are carefully tracked. One of the artistic techniques in the film was the complex color modeling of Costax Costa and Mary Blair. Cold colors were largely used to create the backgrounds so that heroes seemed even brighter and alive in the contrast to them. The same reception was later used by Michael Jaimo when creating "" (1995).


At the beginning of the Disney project, I wanted to turn to the image of Snow White, but ultimately decided to reveal the world a completely new princess, which would be a decent successor to all beloved Snow White.

An 18-year-old actress Helen Stanley was attracted to create an image of an excellent maid, who breathed life into her fabulous character. Eric Larson, one of the studio artists, highly appreciated the role of Helen in creating Cinderella's character, recognizing that the actress was a great source of inspiration for animators when creating a convincingly realistic girl. In 1956, helen even recreated his actions in the role of Cinderella, putting her actions in the role of Cinderella, putting the same suit that was on her with the sketches of the film.

It is noteworthy that Helen Stanley served as a living model and for her sister-in-sister Drisella.

Also, a popular influence on the creation of a Cinderella's heart image was provided by the popular radio singer Ilen Woods, having endorallying a beautiful princess wonderful voice. It is noteworthy that after samples of 350 Valt Disney performers, hearing the singing of Ilen, he was spoken. The singer was immediately hired for Cinderella's voice. Songs from the film became hits at the time of its release and remained so to this day.

As a result, the image of Cinderella is perfectly disclosed in the animation - the heroine turned out to be alive and touching, the viewer feels her pain, joy, sadness and, at the same time, the presence of a strong spirit.

As in Snow White, surrounded by funny dwarves, the new princess required a dynamic comedy environment. "We must create a Cinderella of little friends" - said Walt. These cheerful characters have become ... mice - smart jacket and chubby Gas made up a delightful comic duet.

Interesting and other animals surrounding Cinderella. Especially noteworthy cat Lucifer.


The shooting of the picture lasted six years, from 1944 to 1950. A few dozen people worked on the film. Among them are the actors who voiced heroes, directors, artists, multiple artists, writers, composers and other creative specialists. The entire workflow was led by Walt Disney himself.

Especially a lot of effort was spent in search of new animation techniques, the creation of bulk forms and the use of new expressive means. And, as always, the animation of the cartoon meets the highest standards.

Almost all the picture was created using the newest technical reception time Live Action - first filmed real actors first, then they were described.

One of the creative techniques of the picture is complex modeling of colors. The most part of the film's background is cold colors, shadowing heroes and make them even brighter and alive.

Characters characteristics are reflected in their appearance. Each hero has its own personality, his facial expression: Cinderella is kind and honest, the stepmother is cold and evil, the king is good-natured and a bit strict. Drawn heroes are so similar to living people! What is the junction Cinderella, funny molds mice, dark from the anger of stepmother!

Mark Davis, who created an unforgettable moment of turning Cinderella's loamat in a flickering dress with sequins, recalled that the question of the guest of the studio about the most beloved animation Walt Disney replied: "Well, I think this is the one where Cinderella got his dress."

Landscapes paintings and fabulous, and realistic at the same time. Causes admiration for detailing nature, Cinderella and the Royal Palace - so beautiful and reliably depicted all the details. It is felt that in the film invested incredible work and soul of its creators. Maybe that makes Disney's films with such unique, unforgettable and loved ones.

Gorgeous and film music. The history of Cinderella is accompanied by six songs, each of which emphasizes the most important points of the plot: "Cinderella", "Cinderella at work", "Bibby Babbidi-bu", "Yes, this love", "Your dreams are born in the heart" , nightingale. " Beautiful voices and melodies make songs memorable.

The magic song "Bibby Babbidi-bu" ("Bibbidy-Bobbidi-Boo") was nominated for an Oscar Award as the best song.

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Awards and nominations

1950 year - Special Prize of the Venetian Film Festival, nomination for the Golden Lion;

1951- the prize of the Berlin Film Festival "Golden Bear" for the best musical, the prize of visual sympathies "Big Bronze Plate";

1951 - Nominations of the American Film Academy on the Oscar Prize for the best sound, better song and the best soundtrack for musical paintings;

1960. - Nomination of the Berlin Film Festival on the Golden Bear Prize.

It is interesting:

      • Cinderella is also the second princess Disney and the eighth of them for seniority - she is 17 years old.

        Cinderella's stepmother looks outwardly similar to the Malefisent - the evil sorceress from the "Sleeping Beauty".

        When Cinderella sings "Sing, cute nightingaws," three air bubbles form ears and heads of Mickey Maus - the brand name of Disney Studio.

        After the release, the film was refined every seven or eight years.

        Cinderella is translated into many languages, they look and love throughout the world.

        The transformation of Cinderella's ramotions in the ball outfit was the most favorite point of the animation of Walt Disney from his film.

        Cinderella is the second official princess Disney, joining the franchise in 1950 after Snow White (1937).

        Although it was only the second introduction of the Disney Princess, the history of the main character was preceded by Snow White in the 1922 short cartoon.

        Cinderella is the first Disney Princess, whose image was based on the fairy tales of Charles Perp (the second became Aurora).

        Cinderella is the second princess Disney, which received a feature film after many years after the original cartoon. The first was Aurora, and the third will become Bell.

        Cinderella is the second on the seniority of Princess Disney after Elsa, which at the time of coronation in the cartoon Cold heart Was 21 years old.

        Cinderella is the first princess whose childhood was shown on the screen.

        Cinderella's hair color causes large spores among fans. In the original cartoon they seem light red. In a franchise and disney fleets, Cinderella's hair are bright yellow.

        Cinderella features and facial expressions are similar to Alice of cartoon Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Wendy from the cartoon Peter Pan (1953).

        Cinderella is the second princess orphan.

        Like Snow White, Cinderella is most of life without a father. Instead, it is under guardian and envious stepmother. Both heroines were forced to become a servant in their own home.

        Shoes also became a symbolic message. Cinderella is so delicate that it can walk in crystal shoes and not break them.

        Cinderella is the only princess that wears a simple maid outfit in the castle. Other princesses wear royal outfits when they are in their kingdom.

Cinderella 2: Dreams come true

- The full-length cartoon, released in 2002 The Walt Disney Company, release took place immediately on DVD. The cartoon is the sequel of the 1950 cartoon "Cinderella". The cartoon combined 3 stories in the style of the animated series. The same reception was used in.


Mice Gus and Jacques are very rushing to the fairy tale about Cinderella. They are late for a fairy tale, so they ask to tell a new one, but the fairy says that there is only one tale about Cinderella. Then mice appears the idea to write your book with stories about Cinderella. Fairy helps them with magic, and mouse, remembering some interesting history associated with Cinderella, immediately record it in their book.

The first story describes the first days of Cinderella after the wedding in the castle. The prince asks her to arrange a royal holiday, promising to help, but it turns out that the king is planning another event of state importance. Then he takes a prince with him on a trip, leaving Cinderella in the care of Prudens - the court lady with hard-in theirs, who adhered to old men. Her task is to make a real princess from Cinderella before the king and the prince return. But Prudens Methods do not quite like Cinderella, and she decides to do everything in his own way ...

In the second story, the main character is becoming the best friend of Cinderella, a mouse of Jacques, who, mistakenly believing that he is no longer needed Cinderella, as she is now a princess, wanted to become a man. He thought so he would have less problems. The shaft fairy fulfills his request with the help of a magic wand - makes out of a man. But it turns out that he is not adapted to human life, and he becomes a lot more problems than when he was a mouse ...

In the third history of the anastheis, the Soviet sister of Cinderella, walking along with his mother and sister on the village market in search of the best tissue for a ballroom, enters the bakery and meets with a bake. A mutual sympathy arises between them, and the conversation is tied, but Lady Tremain, pre-criticizing the baker, as not even evenly, takes the girl and leaves. For this situation, Cinderella and her friends are watching the bakery window. They, by all means decide to join the lovers.

By adding the book, the mice rushed to Cinderella to please her gift.

Cinderella 3: evil spells

- Full-length animation film "Disneytoon Studios" studio, published in 2007 at once on DVD. The cartoon was released on February 6, 2007 and on the assessment of MPAA received a G rating (no age limitations).


Cinderella and Prince celebrate the anniversary of their wedding, and the good fairy together with Jacques and Gas, Cinderella's mice friends, arrange a festive picnic for them in the forest. During the celebration, the Fairy accidentally loses his magic wand, and the wand falls into the hands of the angry stepmother Lady trapeyman. She and her daughters decide to take revenge on Cinderella. With the help of a magic wand of the stepmother, returning time by the time the duke searched throughout the kingdom a girl who lost his shoe on the ball. Thanks to the magic wand, the shoe came out Anastasia. When Cinderella comes, it turns out that it's too late - Anastasia and Duke went to the castle.

Cinderella decides to go to the castle - after all, the prince remembers who he danced. But stepmother has time to smoke the prince, and now he thinks he danced with Anastasia. Cinderella finds a prince, but he no longer remembers it. She learns that stepmother has a magic wand, and decides to steal it, but fails. Steph orders the guards to plant Cinderella to a ship that sails today. Mice find a prince and tell him that stepmother has hypnotized him and that in fact he loves Cinderella.

The prince is trying to have time to sail the ship. Cinderella returns and begins to prepare for the wedding, but the stepmother penetrates the Cinderella's room, lily-saying, as if she agreed that the prince would marry her, but in fact she turned Anastasia to Cinderella. They ordered the Lucifer to take care that Cinderella can never be able to return to the castle. A wedding begins, and Cinderella, shaped with a treacherous cat Lucifer, manage to escape and have time before the wedding start. Lady Treyman and Driselle turn into the toad, and Anastasia turns into itself. A good fairy appears and takes himself a wand. Cinderella and prince married again.


When Frank Nissen, the director "Cinderella 3", ended the work on another Cartoon Disney "", the studio administrators offered him to direct a new film about Cinderella, to which Nissen agreed. The process of filming "Cinderella 3" lasted about two more than two years, from early 2004 to the end of 2006.

The role of characters "Cinderella 3" Frank Nissen chose the same actors that they voiced the characters in the previous sequel "Cinderella 2: Dreams come true." According to the director Nissen:

Everyone knows their voices. They are the voices that the company uses everywhere. Every time they need Cinderella somewhere, whether it is a radio, or something in the parks [Disneyland], where the voice should be part of the show, they use these people. They really know the characters well, and they are very good actors. It is just an inseparable thing.


Music and Songs "Cinderella 3", such as "Best of the best" (eng. Perfectly Perfect.), "More than a dream" (eng. More than a Dream), "Song Anastasia" and "On the Ball" (English. At the ball.) Were written by composers Alan Zakari and Michael Wainer. The final composition to the cartoon "I still believe" (eng. I Still Believe.) It was written by other composers: Matthew Herrard and Bridget Benenate, and was executed by American actress and singer Hayden Pantieter. Later, a video clip was removed on the song included in additional materials to the DVD-edition of Cinderella 3. The official Soundtrack to the cartoon has not yet been released.

Entertainment Centers "Disney"

Cinderella Castle - an attraction in the "Magic Kingdom" park, which is part of the Center for Entertainment "Disneyuorld", which is an official symbol of both the park and the entire center. Also, there is a similar castle in Disneyland in Tokyo. In addition, the role of Cinderella in front of visitors to parks is performed by actresses in heroine costumes. In 2012, Cinderella Together with other Disney princesses was the heroine of the Princess Fairytale Hall attraction in the "Magic Kingdom" park, replacing the Snow White's SCARY Adventures attraction.

tell your friends

Many girls have a favorite fairy tale - Cinderella. But even more they love the heroine itself. Here you will learn how to please your little princesses magic moments from a fairy tale.

Although the fairy tale "Cinderella" was written back in the 17th century by the French writer Charlf Perso, it is still very popular. The story of how a nice and kind girl became a zamuhrenchka and a servant for his stepmother in the house of his own father. Then she magically fell to the royal ball, met a beautiful prince and they got married. It is not surprising that this story likes not only young girls, but also their moms. There are more than 15 shields of the tale "Cinderella". But for us, more close is the film shot in the USSR in 1947 by the hope of Kosheverova and Mikhail Shapiro. Although for girls beloved heroine is still, modern Cinderella from the cartoon "Disney".

However, dear parents do not forget to explain to your daughters, that you should not touch all the time in front of the mirror and wait for the prince. After all, the most important thing is not a dress Cinderella. Cinderella was worked, honest and with a good heart girl, which is why her awarded life. So the small amateurs of Cinderella need to try to teach to a little homemade duties - to propose to rub dust, get into the room, bake pie together. And we want to offer you a few ideas of how to bring the fairy tale to your child's life.

Registration of the children's room "Princess Cinderella"

The girl's room can be issued in the style of this fairy tale. On the doors in the room hang sign "Cinderella". Paint the walls in a gentle pink color, draw a castle on them, flowers, red hearts and clouds. If you set the purpose of creating a room for a real princess, then a bed made in the form of a carriate or a wardrobe, which is similar to the Royal Castle in the online store of furniture.

If you can not afford expensive furniture or you do not have time to repaint the entire room should not be desirable. Different little things may well give the room a fabulous look. On the floor bed, the rug with flowers, buy bedding with the image of Cinderella characters, decorate the bed with pink decorative pillows with ruffles, hang poster on the wall with a cinderingast. The windows can be decorated with pink curtains or tuna, and over the bed, make a baldahin of light white cloth.

Old furniture you can transform with the help of paints - draw the crown on the chair, on the heart and flowers on the table, on the door of the cabinet Cabinet. If there are no abilities for drawing, you can always buy decorative stickers, they will also help create a festive atmosphere. If you fail to find the desired stickers, simply print pictures from the tale "Cinderella" and with a carting, pass the outlines to the surface you need. You can paint such drawings without any difficulty.

Children's holiday home "Princess Cinderella"

Holiday can also be made thematic. For example, arrange a real royal reception. Together with the child, make invitation cards from pink or blue paper. On the first page, draw or make the crown in the form of appliqués, stick the satin bows. In the invitation, indicate what kind of reception will be, for example, "I have the honor to invite you to the royal tea party."

The room will need to be issued in the form of a royal dining room. Shut down a beautiful tablecloth, put a disposable dish with the image of Cinderella, and on the backs of chairs, tie large bows of light translucent tissue type of fatama or organza.

Gifts for Little Cinderella

The writing

Cinderella (FR. Cinderella) - the heroine of the fairy tale Sh.perro "Cinderella" (1697). "Good, friendly, sweet" - so characterizes the author of his heroine. This is really one of the thinnest and charming images among fabulous heroines. Cinderella is modest, hardworking, the emphasis, friendly. The daughter of a venerable and a noble person, Cinderella, oppressed by the evil stepmother, lives in his own home for the rights of the maid, performing, and completely badly, all black homework. It cleans the boilers and pans, the staircase washes; Cares at the consolidated sisters who pay to her with black ungratefulness, sleeping in the attic under the roof itself, on a barbed straw litter, and silently blows all the insults, not deciding to even complain to Father. Cinderella nicknamed her for eternally loosening ash dress. The tale is a fairy tale, and Cinderella hits the ball. She helps her godfather - Fairy. Cinderella is so beautiful that the prince allocates it from all those present to the ladies, and guests are also fascinated by a stranger. And there would be a Cinderella to take revenge on his sisters and a stepmother, to make something unpleasant to them, but she, on the contrary, "found them, said to each a few nice words, treated with oranges and lemons who brought her the prince himself." Coming out for the prince of marry, Cinderella immediately forgave his sisters all the insults, because, as Perro writes, "she was not only good, but also good." The image of Cinderella conquered many artists. German talers brothers Grimm (1814) created his version of the history of Cinderella. The Italian composer D. Thusini wrote to this plot lyrical comic opera (1817), and S.S.Prokofiev - the same ballet (1944). The domestic film "Cinderella" (1947) with Ya.Zhimimo in the lead role (on the play and scenario E.L. Shvarza) recognized as a classic of children's cinema.

Tale of Charles Perro "Cinderella"

The main characters of the tale "Cinderella" and their characteristics

  1. Cinderella, young girl 18 years old, very kind, very beautiful, worker. Generous, charming, has all imaginable positive qualities.
  2. Prince, young and beautiful, persistent, faithful. Easy fell in love with Cinderella.
  3. Step, evil and not good. He loved only her daughters, and with Cinderella handed very badly.
  4. Sisters, daughters of stepmother, the character went to her mother.
  5. Father, quiet and obedient man, repeater
  6. Fairy, a wizard that works good.
Plan of Recover Tales "Cinderella"
  1. Death of mother
  2. Evil stepmother
  3. Evil sisters
  4. The prince gives the ball
  5. Mac and Moch
  6. The appearance of Fairy
  7. Magic
  8. Cinderella on the ball
  9. Beans and Gorok.
  10. Cinderella loses a shoe
  11. Prince is looking for princess
  12. Weddings Cinderella and sisters.
Summary of the tales "Cinderella" for a reader's diary in 6 proposals
  1. Father Cinderella after the death of the wife marries an angry stepmother.
  2. The prince gives the ball, and stepmother with daughters goes to the ball.
  3. Fairy gives Cinderella Caret and horses, beautiful dress, but warns about midnight
  4. I like Cinderella to everyone, but for the second day I forget about time and loses a shoe.
  5. The prince is looking for an excellent stranger and a shoe is suitable for Cinderella.
  6. Cinderella marries a prince.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Cinderella"
Beauty, the ability to forgive and goodwill are the most beautiful human qualities.

What teacher tale "Cinderella"
This tale teaches us to appreciate his positive qualities in man. Do not pay attention to the appearance, and judge a person in his actions. He teaches not to keep evil on the envious and be able to forgive what you can forgive. Teaches that good will always be rewarded.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Cinderella"
Fairy tale "Cinderella" I really like, because it is a completely happy ending. Of course, the behavior of the stepmother and her daughters deserves the cure, but the Cinderella forgive them and it's just fine. Cinderella was very beautiful and at the same time very kind, and therefore she earned her happiness with the prince.

Signs of a magical fairy tale in the tale "Cinderella"

  1. Magic transformations: careta, horses, kucher, lackey, dress
  2. Magic assistant, fabulous creature - fairy and magic wand.
Proverb to the tale "Cinderella"
Beauty until the evening, and kindness forever.
That is done, all for the better.

Summary, short retelling Tales "Cinderella"
Up to 16 years old Cinderella lived happily with his parents, but then mom girls died.
Two years later, the father of Cinderella married another and the stepmother began to force Cinderella to do all the work on the house, so the girl always went dirty and in ash.
Cinderella sisters were the same evil as a stepmother and quenched the Cinderella because of her beauty.
Once the prince announced that she gives ball for several days and stepmother and sisters was going to go to the ball. Steph counted to give one of the daughters for the prince, and the other for the minister.
She gave Cinderella Task to separate the poppy grains from millet and left with daughters.
Cinderella rolled out, but here the beautiful fairy appeared and the Mig separated the poppy from millet.
Then she told Cinderella to bring a pumpkin and made a carriage out of it. Six mice from mousetrap became horses, and rat - Kucher. Fairy's six lizards turned into Laces, and Cinderella's dress in a beautiful outfit made of gold and silver brocade. Also, the Fairy gave Cinderella's beautiful shoes and warned that at midnight her magic would lose force.
Cinderella went to the ball and everyone was amazed by the beauty of an unknown princess. The prince himself constantly danced with Cinderella and treated her fruit.
And Cinderella shared oranges with her sisters and spoke politely with them.
Five twelve Cinderella left the palace.
When stepmother and sisters returned, they told a lot about the princess and were angry that all the work on the house was performed.
The next day the stepmother and sisters were again left for the ball, and the Cinderella went to the next, because the Fairy helped her again - separated the bag of pea from the bean bag.
This time, Cinderella forgot about time, and when the clock began to beat midnight, hurriedly ran away, having lost his shoe on the road.
Stepmother and sisters believed that the Prince was in love with an unknown princess.
And indeed the prince told all the girls in the country to try on a shoe.
The sisters of Cinderella and sisters were tried out, but no one came up with nobody.
Then the prince was going to leave, but his father remembered about Cinderella and the prince gave her to try on a shill. The shoe fell at the time, and Cinderella got the second.
The prince recognized his princess, and Faii again turned the Cinderella dress in an elegant.
Cinderella married a prince, and sisters issued for nobles.

Illustrations and drawings to the tale "Cinderella"

Cinderella (FR. Cinderella) - the heroine of the fairy tale Sh.perro "Cinderella" (1697). "Good, friendly, sweet" - so characterizes the author of his heroine. This is really one of the thinnest and charming images among fabulous heroines. 3. Modest, hardworking, stack, friendly. The daughter of a venerable and a noble person, 3. He who oppressed by an evil stepmother lives in his own home for the rights of the maid, performing, and completely badly, all black homework. It cleans the boilers and pans, the staircase washes; Cares at the consolidated sisters who pay to her with black ungratefulness, sleeping in the attic under the roof itself, on a barbed straw litter, and silently blows all the insults, not deciding to even complain to Father. Cinderella nicknamed her for eternally loosening ash dress.

The tale is a fairy tale, and 3. hits the ball. She helps her godfather - Fairy. 3. So beautiful that the prince is precisely it allocates from all those present to the ladies, and guests are also fascinated by a stranger. And here it would be there 3. to take revenge on your sisters and the stepmother, to make something unpleasant to them, but she, on the contrary, "found them, said every few nice words, treated with oranges and lemons who brought the prince himself." Coming out for the prince married, 3. I immediately forgave the sisters all the insults, because, as Perro writes, "she was not only good, but also good."

The image 3. conquered many artists. His version of History 3. Created German Fairy Tale Brothers Grimm (1814). The Italian composer D. Thusini wrote to this plot lyrical comic opera (1817), and S.S.Prokofiev - the same ballet (1944). The domestic film "Cinderella" (1947) with Ya.Zhimimo in the lead role (on the play and scenario E.L. Shvarza) recognized as a classic of children's cinema.


Values \u200b\u200bin other dictionaries

Jourdain (Fr. Jourdain) - Hero of the comedy Moliere "Moentilhomme - letters, translation -" bourgeois-nobleman ", 1670). Mr. Zh. - one of the funniest characters of the Great Comedy. Fucking on it equally and actors of the play, and readers, and spectators. In fact, that can be absurd for others, than an elderly trader, unexpectedly stirred in the black ...

Julien Sorel

Julien Sorel (Fr. Julien Sorel) - Hero of Roman F.Standal "Red and Black" (1830). The subtitle of the novel - "Chronicle of the XIX century". Real prototypes - Antoine Berta and Adrien Lafarg. Berta is the Son of the Rural Blacksmith, the pupil of the priest, a teacher in the family of Bourgeois Misha in the town of Brang, near Grenoble. Ms. Misha, the mistress of Berth, upset his marriage with a young girl, after which he tried to shoot her ...

Types of characters fairy tales "Cinderella"

main character

Before we turn to the consideration of the main character, it should be noted that in its content the tale of Cinderella carries a deep social character. The main conflict of this fairy tale can be denoted by the conflict between the stepmother and the stepdaughter, which has deep historically established social roots.

So, the main character of the fairy tale is Cinderella, whose name is named after the fairy tale itself. It is easy to see that in all the fairy tales of Charles Perp the main characters do not have real names. The author gives them certain nicknames, pushing out most often from the peculiarities of their appearance on the principle of the stylistic means - metonimia. So in the case of Cinderella. In the string of fairy tales, we see an explanation of the nickname given to her: "Lorsqu" Elle Avait Fait Son Ouvrage, Elle S "ALLAIT METTRE AU COIN DE LA CHEMINEE, ET S" ASSEOIR DANS LES CENDRES, CE Qui Faisait QU "On L" Appelait Communement Dans Le Logis Culcendron. La Cadette, Qui N "Etait Pas Si MalhonneTe \u200b\u200bQue Son Ainee, L" Appelait Cendrillon ". Thus, Cinderella received his nickname due to the fact that he constantly went, smeared ash. Naturally, it's not about her here. Sanidishness. Together with this nickname and the cause of his occurrence, we see that the low position that the girl occupies in the family, which forces it to climb, compare the intimidated little animal, in the farthest, dusty corner of the house.

Of course, interest is the word formation of these two words, expressing directly attitude towards the Cinderella of two sisters. So, in the original French version of the fairy tale, these two nicknames sound like Cuendron and Cendrillon. First, the decreasing suffixes -ron / -llon help us intuitively determine the age and collection of the girl. Secondly, as we have already indicated above, they can also indicate us the attitude of two sesters to their pivot sister and partly determine their level of moral qualities. So, in the word Cuendron, consumed by one of the sisters, which as indicated, the author is more angry, we hear the shades of a derogatory nature. At the same time, this nickname is emphasized, the patient of the heroine, expressed in humility with this unpleasant name. In the word Cendrillon, used by the youngest, more kind sister, we hear persistent notes of a friendly relationship due to the burning suffix -illon.

The first to what we pay attention to when meeting Cinderella is its moral qualities, which is the initial goal of the author when describing the main character. So at the beginning of the work the author writes: "Le Mari Avait de Son Cote Une Jeune Fille, MAIS D" UNE DOUCEUR ET D "UNE BONTE SANS EXEMPLE; Elle Tenait Cela De Sa Mere, Qui Etait La Meilleure Personne du Monde. Mention of mother's mother and her kindness is also not accidental. Thus, from the very beginning, the author gives us the possibility of opposing female began, if you can put it, represented by representatives of two different families, in two generations. And here, it seems to us acceptable to note the principle of binary, expressed in opposition negative and positive beginnings. And it is on this opposition that the main conflict of fairy tales is being built. The author emphasizes that the good temper of Cinderella served as the birth of hate by the evil stepmother, which "Ne Put Souffrir Les Bonnes Qualites De Cette Jeune Enfantes" Qui Rendaient Ses Filles Encore Plus Haissables. " This manifests the discrepancy of the characters of this fairy tale, generated by the envy of the mother, in relation to the soft-grateful stepdaughter, which was superior to her daughters and in moral and physical plane. Cinderella not only above them spiritually, but much more beautifully outwardly: "... Cependant Cendrillon, Avec Ses Mechants Habits, Ne Laissait Pas D" Etre Cent Fois Plus Belle Que Ses Soeurs, Quoique Veetues Tres MagnifiQuement ". Thus, in heroine Cinderella We see an idealized image of an excellent and kind girl, which is impossible to spoil anything.

So, the initial situation of the fairy tale is associated with the family conflict between the persecution of Padderitsa, her stepmother and consolidated sisters. The author represents us a degradable girl who oppressed in all respects, whose name tells us about her low social status in the family she gained after the death of his mother. About her position in the family says not only her speaking name, but also by the author of her toilet's items, surrounding her things, duties imposed by the stepmother: "... Avec Ses Mechants Habit ....", "Elle La Chargea des Plus Viles Occupations De La Maison: C "ETAIT ELLE QUI NETTOYAIT LA VAISSELLE ET LES MONTEES, QUI FROTTAIT LA CHAMBRE DE MADAME, ET CELLES DE MESDEMOISELLES SES FILLES ...", "... Elle Couchait Tout Au Haut De La Maison, Dans Un Grenier, Sur Une Mechante Paillasse ... "Thus, in the face of Cinderella, we see a typical heroine sacrifice. But you should not forget about its true origin. So in the exhibition of the fairy tales, the author writes about the father of Cinderella:" Il etait und Fois Un Gentilhomme ... "Consequently, Cinderella, being his native daughter, in fact, was the girl of the highest light, to which her skills, skills and secular manners indicate, without which she could not make a tidy impression on the ball. In confirmation of the foregoing, we give Example The following excerpts of phrases: "Elles Appeleren Cendrillon Pour Lui Demander Son Avis, CAR ELLE AVAIT Le Gout Bon. Cendrillon Les Conseilla Le Mieux Du Monde ... "," Elle Dansa Avec Tant de Grace ... ".

Interesting the fact that during the entire development of the plot, Cinderella is not subject to tests as such that we used to meet in other fairy tales. She does not fight, not fighting, does not seek something and does not solve difficult tasks. However, from the context of the fairy tales, we understand that the very existence of Cinderella as a servant with his stepmother and consolidated sisters, to which it addresses "you" and calls the young ladies, and there is a kind of testing of her moral qualities, namely her kindness , tolerance. In a situation when the sisters gather on the ball, asking for a council from Cinderella, despite all their ridicule, a kind girl does not seek to obsolete: "Elles Appeleren Cendrillon Pour Lui Demander Son Avis, Car Elle Avait Le Gout Bon. Cendrillon Les Conseilla Le Mieux DU MONDE, ET S "OFFRIT MEME A LES COIFFER; CE QU" ELLES VOUULURENT BIEN "," UNE AUTRE QUE CENDRILLON LES AURAIT COIFFEES DE TRAVERS; MAIS ELLE ETAIT BONNE, ET ELLE LES COIFFA PARFAITEMENT BIEN. This is manifested by a child who can certainly be awarded, according to the laws of a magical fairy tale.

An important stage in a fairy tale can be called the holding of the Royal Ball. He is a turning point in the fate of Cinderella on the way to possible happiness. The narrative of this important event begins with the phrase "Il Arriva Que ...", which indicates us for some intrigue that will have certain consequences. The next episode that tells us about the preparations of two sesters is also of interest from a historical point of view, as it reveals with a certain culture of French nobility in the specified period. But, at this stage, we are interested in the immediate role of Cinderella in this episode. And here we again meet the testimony of its low position in the family: "Nouvelle Peine Pour Cendrillon, Car C" Etait Elle Qui Repassait Le Linge De Ses Soeurs et Qui Godronnait Leurs Manchettes ". It can be assumed that the above classes represented considerable difficulty in the era of the Board of Louis The fourteenth, but Cinderella had to fully fulfill them and it was for her only a new concern, which certainly oppressed her morally.

Preparing for such an important event as the Royal Ball, Sisters ask the Council at Cinderella, which demonstrates the hidden importance of the poor girl in the family and its open exploitation.

Interestingly, despite my low position, Cinderella hoped to get to the royal ball. It was unusually important for it and she wished it with all his heart, although in her case it was an unreserved event. We feel that the existence of Cinderella in such conditions was becoming unbearable for her. We can imagine the feelings of a young girl who felt injustice towards themselves from the members of her family who do not give her the opportunity to open, find themselves, their true "I", which was selected from her with the advent of evil stepmother. But she only remained silently worrying and this injustice: "Enfin L" Heureux Jour Arriva, On Partit, Et Cendrillon Les Suivit Desu Yeux Le Plus Longtemps QU "Elle Put; Lorsqu "Elle Ne Les Vit Plus, Elle Se Mit a Pleurer". A happy day should be paid to the phrase, which can be considered double. On the one hand, it is a happy day for Cinderella sisters who go to the ball, but on the other hand, We understand that for Cinderella, this day was not happy. In this situation, we see the element of the shortage, expressing in injustice towards the poor Cinderella, which felt very unhappy, comparing the capabilities of their sisters and their own. And then the main action begins .

Cinderella With the help of its shaggy and wonderful transformations, it is possible to get to the Royal Ball: "Elle Part, Ne Se Sentant Pas de Joie." At the entrance to the palace, she meets the prince, who reported to some kind of noble princess arrived. The prince enters it into the hall, and then the author begins to describe, the impression that Cinderella produced in all its beauty: "... Tant On Etait Attentif A Contempler Les Grandes Beauses De Cette Inconnue", "Le Roi Meme, Tout Vieux QU "Il Etait, Ne Laissait Pas De La Regarder et de Dire TuT Bas a la Reine Qu" Il Y Avait Longtemps QU "Il N" Avait Vu Une Si Belle et Si Aimable Personne "," Toutes Les Dames etaient Attentives a Considerer SA Coiffure Et Ses Habits, Pour En Avoir Des Le Lendemain De Semblables ... " It is its beauty, the appearance of Cinderella in loved by the prince. She seemed to all unknown beautiful princesses. And the prince loved her as an excellent princess, and not as the chumasian Cinderella. Thus, we see that in this situation, it is the "masquerade" of Cinderella gives her the opportunity at first glance to conquer the heart of the prince, and by no means its internal qualities. Unusual for Cinderella's outfit became for her way to become the one who was not at the moment. A similar technique, reincarnation is often used in magical fairy tales and is a certain step towards the well-deserved happiness of the main characters.

On the Ball Cinderella, having met his sisters again shows his kindness and unlocking readers: "Elle Alla S" Asseoir Aupres De Ses Soeurs, Et Leur Fit Mille Honnetetes: ELLE LEUR FIT PART DES ORANDES ET DES CITRONS QUE LE Prince Lui Avait Donnes, Ce Qui Les Etonna Fort, Car Elles Ne La Connaissaient Point.

The last episode of fabulous action finally reveals the true face of Cinderella, which was hiding behind the rags of the maras, then behind the beautiful outfits of the princess. Cinderella is trying to a shower that everyone surprisingly turns it at the time. And here we also find the veiled proof of the extraordinary beauty of Cinderella, its origin, since at any time, the small foot in Europe was considered a sign of beauty, miniature and high origin of the girl. The motif of shoes in this fairy tale itself is interesting, since it is known that the trickery of the shoes has long been a sign of election or erection.

The search for a real hero is safely completed, Cinderella receives social independence from its stepmother and sisters, and also acquires the love of Prince.

Thus, Cinderella is awarded for all those tests for her good and patientity, which fell to the share of the girl. The fabulous justice of the magic fairy tale hurriedly. The author also suddenly changes the usual stroke of the traditional fairy tale. So harmful and evil sisters are not punished with a Cinderella, but on the contrary, she gently forgives them: "Cendrillon Les Releva, Et Leur Dit, En Les Embrassant, QU" ELLE LEUR PARDONNAIT DE BON COEUR, ET QU "ELLE LES PRIAIT DE L" AIMER BIEN Toujours. "Married with a prince, finding his happiness, she seems to share these happiness with his step-by-siders, having issued them to marry the nobles:" Cendrillon Qui Etait Aussi Bonne Que Belle, Fit Loger Ses Deux Soeurs Au Palais, Et Les Maria Des Le JOUR MEME A DEUX GRANDS SEIGNEURS DE LA COUR. Thus, Cinderella retained all its moral qualities to the end, in whom also the beauty of the fairy tales and its raising aspect.

Full name: Ella (real name; film 2015, one day in a fairy tale), maid, Princess Cinderella

Rod classes: the maid of the family Tremene (earlier), Princess

Character Type: Positive

Pets: Bruno (dog), Major (horse)

Fate: married Prince

Purpose: get rid of his terrible life and gain happiness (achieved)

Live model: Helen Stanley, Scarlett Johansson

Present (s): Cinderella from the original fairy tale of Charles Perro

« How much light in the word "Cinderella" is simple
This name, as if the sun outside the window
In old shoes is always obedient and modest
The best of the princesses is worthy of becoming.

- Sample of the pure perfection of the Animation of the Walt Disney Studio. The picture was published in 1950. After the financial stagnation and employment in the production of educational films during the war, Disney was dreamed of back to large animation forms. Walt chose Cinderella's story for a touching plot, for the magic of the celebration of good over evil, for the emotional attractiveness, so necessary at that difficult post-war time. "I want to strike the viewer right in the heart" - said the master to his artists in the production process. In addition, the story of a poor dishwasher girl who turned into a princess was close to Walt and in similarity with his personal destiny.

Character Creation

Development of image and animation

The leading animators of Cinderella were Mark Davis and Eric Larson. When creating an image of a heroine, some "disagreements" arose between the two animators. As in the case of previous cartoons, at the insistence of Walt Disney, actors - models were hired to perform gaming scenes as a support for animators. Helen Stanley (which in the future will be a living model for Princess Aurora in the cartoon "" and Anita Radcliffe in the cartoon "101 dolraminets"). Artists painted Cinderella's animation frames by actress movements, it required great efforts. According to Walt Disney, such a procedure helped to avoid unnecessary spending on trial animation.

« Disney stated that all scenes with the participation of human characters should be first executed by alive actors to determine how they would look at how to start an expensive animation process. Animators did not like this way of work, they felt that it distract them from creating characters. [...] [Animators] understood the need for such an approach and later recognized that Disney coped with the situation with great subtlety.»

-Rister Finch.


Listening to the role of Cinderella was about 400 contenders, among which were actresses such as Dina Shor and Dina Durbise. But Walt Disney chose Eileen Woods, which at that time worked on the radio and knew nothing about listening to the role of Cinderella. Her work colleagues offered her to sing songs from the cartoon "Cinderella" and she agreed. Then, not to tell her a word, Eylin's friends handed over to the Disney office. After listening to the material, Walt Disney decided immediately that he found the voice to whom his main heroine should speak, and contacted Eilein. Immediately after that, Eileen Woods received a role.


Cinderella is a stubborn and independent girl who never allows anger or grief to take over his top. It is very good to others and is not shown naive or infantile.

Appearance description

Cinderella is a young girl with classically beautiful features of appearance. She has blond hair of medium length, smooth white leather and bright gray eyes. At the beginning of the cartoon wears a brown sundress-apron with a blue shirt, then puts on the ball a beautiful blue dress with crystal shoes.


Cinderella understands the language of animals and birds, and also knows how to communicate with his little friends on it.

What brought "Cinderella"

The premiere of the film took place on February 15, 1950, was a romantic gift for Valentine's Day from Disney Studio.

The "Cinderella" after the creative and financial decline of the military years was connected to Disney with a big risk - in case of failure of the studio, it would be difficult to recover from damage, because $ 2.5 million was spent on shooting. But the film "was doomed to success" and with The first issue brought $ 4 million, strengthening the financial position of the studio.

During the long years, the Cinderella's cartoon did not lose their magic charm. All new generations of children admire his excellent animation, alive emotions of heroes, wonderful music and a good humor. In Cinderella, as in the rest of the disney films, there is a soul, love and some invisible attraction, exciting the viewer from the first minutes and not let go to the very end.

Films, TV series and sequels

- American Full-length Music Fantasy Cartoon Film of 1950 Production of Walt Disney Productions Studio, shot based on the chalk fairy tale Perso.

Disney Studio spent on production of a film of 2.5 million dollars and six years of work, from 1944 to 1950. Much forces went to experiment with new animation technique, creating images with bulk forms and search for new expressive agents. Music accompaniment to the film "Cinderella" consists of 6 songs, each of which is organically connected with the plot and emphasizes the most important points. These are songs:

  • "The dream will arrive randomly";
  • "Sing, Solovushka";
  • "Cinderella at work";
  • Bibbidi-Bobbidi BU (Magic Song);
  • "My love".

The film was voiced by 9 actors and actresses. In addition to them, more than sixty people worked over the picture. Among them are multipliers, artists, writers, composers and many other specialists. And by all they were led by Walt Disney. After the premiere held in 1950, the film was refined and again produced on the screens every seven or eight years. It is duplicated on tens of languages, and look at all continents.

In the late 1980s, Cinderella was released on the home video of Walt Disney Classics. In Russia since the early 1990s, it was distributed in pirated copies in one-haired translations of Alexei Mikhalev, Mikhail Ivanov, Viktor Mahonko and others.


He lived-there was a Cinderella girl who lived with his widowed father. Considering that daughters need a mother, her father married the widow, who had two daughters - Driselle and Anastasia. After the death of her husband, the stepmother Cinderella showed its true "face" - anger, greed and hatred. She turned Cinderella into a housewife and rewrote all the inheritance for himself.

There was time, the girl was becoming more beautiful and more beautiful, despite the fact that the very black work was doing home. In addition, Cinderella was a good heart and soul, so all the animals who lived next to her house were friends with her. Houses at Cinderella were friends: Bruno's dog, Horse Major, as well as mice and birds who lived nearby. Especially Cinderella became friends with Jacques - senior of house mice. Other mouse Cinderella pulled out of a mousetrap. She called His. Every day, the girl had to perform a number of responsibilities: feed chickens, care for the shopping cat Lucifer, and also prepare food for stepmother and her daughters.

Once in the morning, Momnicker Gas fled from the Lucifer's cat he mounted behind him. Saved, he climbed under the tea cup of Anastasia. Anastasia, seeing that under the cup, a little mouse was attached, accused of all Cinderella. Steph added her work on the house. At this time, in the palace, the king was concerned about to marry his prince's son. He very much wanted grandchildren and therefore sent his duke to disseminate all young ladies of the kingdom invitation to the ball.

Meanwhile, at home Cinderella hand in invitations to the ball in the palace. She enters the room where at this time they are singing the daughter of stepmother. When Cinderella asks if she can also go to the ball, step-down sisters begin to laugh at it. On this Cinderella replies that every girl has the right to visit the ball. Stepmother agrees with her, saying that she can go to the ball if he alleged all the work on the house and find a suitable dress. To take the old dress of the Mothers Mothers of the Cinderella forbids, and, moreover, asks her a huge amount of homework. Wanting to help Cinderella, the mouse is successfully made by her dress.

However, sisters, seeing Cinderella in an excellent robe, a dress rut \u200b\u200bin a wild malice and drive a girl. After that, they go to the ball with the mother. Cinderella shirts. At this point, a shaft fairy appears and provides Cinderella to everyone that is necessary for a trip to the ball. She turns the mouses in the horses, Psa Bruno in Lacey, Major's horse in Kucher, pumpkin - in the carriage, and her torn dress in a beautiful snow-white ballroom dress. For all this, the fairy was enough to pronounce: "Bibby Bobby-bu!". Cinderella leaves for the ball, and the shaft fairy warns her that she should return to midnight, for all her magic will be back at midnight.

The prince does not pay any attention to the arrivals. This fact is very sad for the king. The duke already convinces him that the ball is in vain, but just at that time the Cinderella appears on the ball, the prince comes to her, and the king interrupts the speech of the duke. However, seeing Cinderella, the prince immediately takes her hand and start dancing with her. The king asks his duke to make no one interfere with them. Stepmother is trying to see Cinderella closer, but her duke bothes, torn the curtain, behind which Cinderella and Prince hide. Meanwhile, midnight came up. There was a fight of the clock, and Cinderella runs away.

Everyone rushed into the chase after her, but the girl manage to return home imperceptibly. One of the crystal shoes remained at her leg. Returning to the palace, the Duke tells the king about the victims of the victim, although before the king terribly dreamed and wanted to cut the duke until the latter showed a shoe. Then satisfied the king suggests looking for a bride of a prince on a shoe, which Cinderella lost when it runs down the stairs.

The next morning in the kingdom is announced that the girl who is suitable for a crystal shoe, and is the bride of the prince. Stepmother, having heard the news, reports this with his ugly daughters. Cinderella hears the conversation of stepmother with daughters, begins to hum, the melody that they sang with the prince when they danced, while going to the tower where she lives to change clothes. Understanding that Cinderella and there is the same girl with whom the prince danced, stepmother shouting her there.

Herzog arrives in the stepmother's house. Mouses are imperceptible to pull the key out of his pocket and carry it to Cinderella. They prevent them from the cat stepmother named Lucifer, but the dog bruno drives him. Cinderella opens the door. One of the daughters of the stepmother, Anastasia, begins to unsuccessfully trying to a shill, which turns out to be disproportionately. Then the shoe is trying to wear Drisella, as a result of which its feet is twisted until it is impossible.

The duke is already going to go away, as Suddenly, Cinderella appears on the stairs and asks to try on the shill. Steph tries to prevent this, saying that Cinderella is a simple maid, but the duke strictly reminds her that a girl should try on a shoe. Laki runs to a cinder with a shoe, but at that moment the stepmother puts his cane, the lacquer falls, drops the shoe and it is broken. The duke is scared, not knowing that now he threatens from the king. However, Cinderella from the pocket of the apron takes the second shoe. The duke is delighted, and the stepmother is shocked by such an unexpected turn. Then the sisters understood that the girl was on the ball and asked for forgiveness from Cinderella for all the offenses that she suffered from them. And Cinderella forgave them from the bottom of his heart. The cartoon ends with a scene of a cheerful and happy wedding.


The Disney of 1930s released at the junction of the initial work in 1940, Cinderella was taken critics less enthusiastic. Cinderella has become the first cartoon released after World War II (", 1942). World War II and, as a result, decline in rental, forced Disney to release a number of low-cost movies, such as "" and "" during 1940s. The short version of the cartoon created Walt Disney himself back in 1922.

The cartoon received the Golden Bear prize at the Berlin Film Festival in 1951. Walt Disney for the cartoon received a special premium at the Cannes Film Festival in 1950.

The actress Ingrid Bergman became the prototype for Cinderella.

The key to the success of Cinderella was to lie in combination with the famous, polished story, with wit and cheerfulness, which would refresh the fairy tale and adapted it to the modern audience. "Cinderella" was for a disney great risk - if he failed with her, the studio would probably cease to finance the full-length films. But the film was successful and already for the first release gathered $ 4,000,000, which raised the financial situation of the studio to the highest level since 1938. Walt Disney has reduced the risk in working on a cinder to a minimum. There was no two-appreciation, not a single "wrong turn", which could reduce the income from the film. Instead of starting endless and expensive experiments on the structure of history and the natural movements of heroes, Disney decided to use live actors to create most frames. The filtered films were assessed as much as possible, and the main movements are carefully tracked. One of the artistic techniques in the film was the complex color modeling of Costax Costa and Mary Blair. Cold colors were largely used to create the backgrounds so that heroes seemed even brighter and alive in the contrast to them. The same reception was later used by Michael Jaimo when creating "" (1995).


At the beginning of the Disney project, I wanted to turn to the image of Snow White, but ultimately decided to reveal the world a completely new princess, which would be a decent successor to all beloved Snow White.

An 18-year-old actress Helen Stanley was attracted to create an image of an excellent maid, who breathed life into her fabulous character. Eric Larson, one of the studio artists, highly appreciated the role of Helen in creating Cinderella's character, recognizing that the actress was a great source of inspiration for animators when creating a convincingly realistic girl. In 1956, helen even recreated his actions in the role of Cinderella, putting her actions in the role of Cinderella, putting the same suit that was on her with the sketches of the film.

It is noteworthy that Helen Stanley served as a living model and for her sister-in-sister Drisella.

Also, a popular influence on the creation of a Cinderella's heart image was provided by the popular radio singer Ilen Woods, having endorallying a beautiful princess wonderful voice. It is noteworthy that after samples of 350 Valt Disney performers, hearing the singing of Ilen, he was spoken. The singer was immediately hired for Cinderella's voice. Songs from the film became hits at the time of its release and remained so to this day.

As a result, the image of Cinderella is perfectly disclosed in the animation - the heroine turned out to be alive and touching, the viewer feels her pain, joy, sadness and, at the same time, the presence of a strong spirit.

As in Snow White, surrounded by funny dwarves, the new princess required a dynamic comedy environment. "We must create a Cinderella of little friends" - said Walt. These cheerful characters have become ... mice - smart jacket and chubby Gas made up a delightful comic duet.

Interesting and other animals surrounding Cinderella. Especially noteworthy cat Lucifer.


The shooting of the picture lasted six years, from 1944 to 1950. A few dozen people worked on the film. Among them are the actors who voiced heroes, directors, artists, multiple artists, writers, composers and other creative specialists. The entire workflow was led by Walt Disney himself.

Especially a lot of effort was spent in search of new animation techniques, the creation of bulk forms and the use of new expressive means. And, as always, the animation of the cartoon meets the highest standards.

Almost all the picture was created using the newest technical reception time Live Action - first filmed real actors first, then they were described.

One of the creative techniques of the picture is complex modeling of colors. The most part of the film's background is cold colors, shadowing heroes and make them even brighter and alive.

Characters characteristics are reflected in their appearance. Each hero has its own personality, his facial expression: Cinderella is kind and honest, the stepmother is cold and evil, the king is good-natured and a bit strict. Drawn heroes are so similar to living people! What is the junction Cinderella, funny molds mice, dark from the anger of stepmother!

Mark Davis, who created an unforgettable moment of turning Cinderella's loamat in a flickering dress with sequins, recalled that the question of the guest of the studio about the most beloved animation Walt Disney replied: "Well, I think this is the one where Cinderella got his dress."

Landscapes paintings and fabulous, and realistic at the same time. Causes admiration for detailing nature, Cinderella and the Royal Palace - so beautiful and reliably depicted all the details. It is felt that in the film invested incredible work and soul of its creators. Maybe that makes Disney's films with such unique, unforgettable and loved ones.

Gorgeous and film music. The history of Cinderella is accompanied by six songs, each of which emphasizes the most important points of the plot: "Cinderella", "Cinderella at work", "Bibby Babbidi-bu", "Yes, this love", "Your dreams are born in the heart" , nightingale. " Beautiful voices and melodies make songs memorable.

The magic song "Bibby Babbidi-bu" ("Bibbidy-Bobbidi-Boo") was nominated for an Oscar Award as the best song.

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Awards and nominations

1950 year - Special Prize of the Venetian Film Festival, nomination for the Golden Lion;

1951- the prize of the Berlin Film Festival "Golden Bear" for the best musical, the prize of visual sympathies "Big Bronze Plate";

1951 - Nominations of the American Film Academy on the Oscar Prize for the best sound, better song and the best soundtrack for musical paintings;

1960. - Nomination of the Berlin Film Festival on the Golden Bear Prize.

      • Cinderella is also the second princess Disney and the eighth of them for seniority - she is 17 years old.

        Cinderella's stepmother looks outwardly similar to the Malefisent - the evil sorceress from the "Sleeping Beauty".

        When Cinderella sings "Sing, cute nightingaws," three air bubbles form ears and heads of Mickey Maus - the brand name of Disney Studio.

        After the release, the film was refined every seven or eight years.

        Cinderella is translated into many languages, they look and love throughout the world.

        The transformation of Cinderella's ramotions in the ball outfit was the most favorite point of the animation of Walt Disney from his film.

        Cinderella is the second official princess Disney, joining the franchise in 1950 after Snow White (1937).

        Although it was only the second introduction of the Disney Princess, the history of the main character was preceded by Snow White in the 1922 short cartoon.

        Cinderella is the first Disney Princess, whose image was based on the fairy tales of Charles Perp (the second became Aurora).

        Cinderella is the second princess Disney, which received a feature film after many years after the original cartoon. The first was Aurora, and the third will become Bell.

        Cinderella is the second on the seniority of Princess Disney after Elsa, which at the time of coronation in the cartoon Cold heart Was 21 years old.

        Cinderella is the first princess whose childhood was shown on the screen.

        Cinderella's hair color causes large spores among fans. In the original cartoon they seem light red. In a franchise and disney fleets, Cinderella's hair are bright yellow.

        Cinderella features and facial expressions are similar to Alice of cartoon Alice in Wonderland (1951) and Wendy from the cartoon Peter Pan (1953).

        Cinderella is the second princess orphan.

        Like Snow White, Cinderella is most of life without a father. Instead, it is under guardian and envious stepmother. Both heroines were forced to become a servant in their own home.

        Shoes also became a symbolic message. Cinderella is so delicate that it can walk in crystal shoes and not break them.

        Cinderella is the only princess that wears a simple maid outfit in the castle. Other princesses wear royal outfits when they are in their kingdom.

Cinderella 2: Dreams come true

- The full-length cartoon, released in 2002 The Walt Disney Company, release took place immediately on DVD. The cartoon is the sequel of the 1950 cartoon "Cinderella". The cartoon combined 3 stories in the style of the animated series. The same reception was used in.


Mice Gus and Jacques are very rushing to the fairy tale about Cinderella. They are late for a fairy tale, so they ask to tell a new one, but the fairy says that there is only one tale about Cinderella. Then mice appears the idea to write your book with stories about Cinderella. Fairy helps them with magic, and mouse, remembering some interesting history associated with Cinderella, immediately record it in their book.

The first story describes the first days of Cinderella after the wedding in the castle. The prince asks her to arrange a royal holiday, promising to help, but it turns out that the king is planning another event of state importance. Then he takes a prince with him on a trip, leaving Cinderella in the care of Prudens - the court lady with hard-in theirs, who adhered to old men. Her task is to make a real princess from Cinderella before the king and the prince return. But Prudens Methods do not quite like Cinderella, and she decides to do everything in his own way ...

In the second story, the main character is becoming the best friend of Cinderella, a mouse of Jacques, who, mistakenly believing that he is no longer needed Cinderella, as she is now a princess, wanted to become a man. He thought so he would have less problems. The shaft fairy fulfills his request with the help of a magic wand - makes out of a man. But it turns out that he is not adapted to human life, and he becomes a lot more problems than when he was a mouse ...

In the third history of the anastheis, the Soviet sister of Cinderella, walking along with his mother and sister on the village market in search of the best tissue for a ballroom, enters the bakery and meets with a bake. A mutual sympathy arises between them, and the conversation is tied, but Lady Tremain, pre-criticizing the baker, as not even evenly, takes the girl and leaves. For this situation, Cinderella and her friends are watching the bakery window. They, by all means decide to join the lovers.

By adding the book, the mice rushed to Cinderella to please her gift.

Cinderella 3: evil spells

- Full-length animation film "Disneytoon Studios" studio, published in 2007 at once on DVD. The cartoon was released on February 6, 2007 and on the assessment of MPAA received a G rating (no age limitations).


Cinderella and Prince celebrate the anniversary of their wedding, and the good fairy together with Jacques and Gas, Cinderella's mice friends, arrange a festive picnic for them in the forest. During the celebration, the Fairy accidentally loses his magic wand, and the wand falls into the hands of the angry stepmother Lady trapeyman. She and her daughters decide to take revenge on Cinderella. With the help of a magic wand of the stepmother, returning time by the time the duke searched throughout the kingdom a girl who lost his shoe on the ball. Thanks to the magic wand, the shoe came out Anastasia. When Cinderella comes, it turns out that it's too late - Anastasia and Duke went to the castle.

Cinderella decides to go to the castle - after all, the prince remembers who he danced. But stepmother has time to smoke the prince, and now he thinks he danced with Anastasia. Cinderella finds a prince, but he no longer remembers it. She learns that stepmother has a magic wand, and decides to steal it, but fails. Steph orders the guards to plant Cinderella to a ship that sails today. Mice find a prince and tell him that stepmother has hypnotized him and that in fact he loves Cinderella.

The prince is trying to have time to sail the ship. Cinderella returns and begins to prepare for the wedding, but the stepmother penetrates the Cinderella's room, lily-saying, as if she agreed that the prince would marry her, but in fact she turned Anastasia to Cinderella. They ordered the Lucifer to take care that Cinderella can never be able to return to the castle. A wedding begins, and Cinderella, shaped with a treacherous cat Lucifer, manage to escape and have time before the wedding start. Lady Treyman and Driselle turn into the toad, and Anastasia turns into itself. A good fairy appears and takes himself a wand. Cinderella and prince married again.


When Frank Nissen, the director "Cinderella 3", ended the work on another Cartoon Disney "", the studio administrators offered him to direct a new film about Cinderella, to which Nissen agreed. The process of filming "Cinderella 3" lasted about two more than two years, from early 2004 to the end of 2006.

The role of characters "Cinderella 3" Frank Nissen chose the same actors that they voiced the characters in the previous sequel "Cinderella 2: Dreams come true." According to the director Nissen:

Everyone knows their voices. They are the voices that the company uses everywhere. Every time they need Cinderella somewhere, whether it is a radio, or something in the parks [Disneyland], where the voice should be part of the show, they use these people. They really know the characters well, and they are very good actors. It is just an inseparable thing.


Music and Songs "Cinderella 3", such as "Best of the best" (eng. Perfectly Perfect.), "More than a dream" (eng. More than a Dream), "Song Anastasia" and "On the Ball" (English. At the ball.) Were written by composers Alan Zakari and Michael Wainer. The final composition to the cartoon "I still believe" (eng. I Still Believe.) It was written by other composers: Matthew Herrard and Bridget Benenate, and was executed by American actress and singer Hayden Pantieter. Later, a video clip was removed on the song included in additional materials to the DVD-edition of Cinderella 3. The official Soundtrack to the cartoon has not yet been released.

Entertainment Centers "Disney"

Cinderella Castle - an attraction in the "Magic Kingdom" park, which is part of the Center for Entertainment "Disneyuorld", which is an official symbol of both the park and the entire center. Also, there is a similar castle in Disneyland in Tokyo. In addition, the role of Cinderella in front of visitors to parks is performed by actresses in heroine costumes. In 2012, Cinderella Together with other Disney princesses was the heroine of the Princess Fairytale Hall attraction in the "Magic Kingdom" park, replacing the Snow White's SCARY Adventures attraction.

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Cinderella is a central heroine of the fairy tale sh. PERRA "Cinderella, or a fierced fuzzy" ("Cendrillon Ou La Pette Pantoufle de Vair", publ. 1697), Daughter of the nobleman, the girl "meekness and kindness of unparalleled".
At the insistence of stepmothers performed all the black work on the house. She prepares dresses and combing a stepmother and her two daughters for the Bala, who gives the son of the king. The Great Mother (Magician) sees Cinderella's mountain, which they did not take to the ball, and helps her go there, turning mice, pumpkin, etc. In the carriage with horses, her kojoy dress in a luxurious outfit, giving her shoes confused by fur, but putting the condition to leave the ball until midnight, when magic ends. Cinderella went to the ball twice, and then he heard the stories about the beautiful princess, who was carried away by the prince from the stepmother and her daughters. But for the second time she was barely late to leave the ball until midnight and, running out, dropped one shoe. The prince in search of an excellent stranger orders to approx the found shoe to all women: the one to whom it will fit, will be his wife. The shoe was too small for the machemia daughters, but Cinderella went out, then she got a second shoe. The godfather appeared turns the Cinderella's dress to an even more beautiful outfit than those in which she appeared on the bala. Sisters ask her for forgiveness for evil entry, and the Cinderella forgives them. The prince marries Cinderella, and she gives married his two sisters for noble courtesy.
The name of the heroine in the fairy tale is unknown, only nicknames are given (pots, Cinderella). Her appearance is indefinable: stepmother and sisters can not learn it in another outfit (Wed. Wolf in the "Red Cap", a cat in the "cat in boots", donkey skiing). The fabulous world of Perro strange: there are no people visible in it, voices do not distinguish, have a certainty only things. Such is a fill-swipped fuofer (due to the fact that in some French editions the word "VAIR" - "Fur for a sprinkler" was mistakenly replaced by the word "verre" - "glass", in translations of PRR fairy tales to a number of languages, including And to Russian, an exquisite, but incomprehensible image of a "crystal shoe") appeared.
The fairy tale emphasizes the kindness of Cinderella, which corresponds to the principal position set forth in the preface to the publication of three poems of fairy tales (1695), which was directed against the appeal of "ancients" to imitate antique samples: there are no moral instructions in the ancient fairy tales, but "not such a fairy tale Our ancestors for their children - they told them not with such grace and decorations, which Greeks and Romans were decorated their myths; They always had a very careful about the fairy tales of them to enter into themselves commendable and instructive morality. Everywhere in them, virtue is rewarded and the vice is punished. All of them seeking to show how to be honest, patient, reasonable, hardworking, obedient and what evil comprehends those who are not such. " However, the poems "Moral", finalizing the fairy tale, says not about kindness, but about the grace, which only one can conquer the hearts: "Neither step without him, but at least to the kingdom with him."
Another more playful thought in the "other morality": "But the best gifts will be useless, / until he wants to locate / at least a naughty, although Kumanes is kind ...". This contradiction was eliminated by the fact that the consciousness of the reading public was perfted by the poetic "morality", only the main plot was preserved.
Cinderella's source refers to ancient times and to early stages of human society. The representative of mythological school P. Seniv considered that Cinderella is the "queen of ash", personifying the arrival of spring and spring carnival; Steph is an old year, and her daughters - January and February (the months of the new year); Cinderella's suit, her carriage, her servants wear a ritual-carnival character. V. R. Koks in the study of 1893 allocates 345 scene options about Cinderella. In the literature, he first meets in the "geography" of Greek scientist Strabo (approx. 63 BC. E. - OK. 20 G. N. E.), who relied on the preposed ancient Egyptian

Year of writing: 1697

Genre: story

Main characters: Cinderella, stepmother, fairy-godfather, prince


Hardworking and good Cinderella lives with his father, stepmother and summary sisters, a brutal stepmother loads the girl with work and does not care about it. When guests are going to the ball in the palace, the stepmother gives Cinderella a lot of work. But in this moment a fairy-godfather appears and helps the girl to go to the royal palace, but warns that it should return to 12 hours.

Prince, of course, became interested in a cute girl, and she forgot about time. At 12 o'clock, her elegant dress appealed to the poor, the coach, Kucher and Lacey disappeared. Therefore, I had to urgently run away from the holiday, leaving a crystal shill on the stairs. For this shoe, the prince finds a girl and takes her to his wife.

Conclusion (my opinion)

There are many similar stories about the merciful and patient girl who did not get out of the tests that have fallen on her share, but remained all the same sweet and responsive. Probably, therefore, the fate and rewarded it, at distant from cruel machem and stupid and rude sisters.