A script for family reading in the library. Astrakhan Regional Children's Library

A script for family reading in the library. Astrakhan Regional Children's Library

On May 15, Russia celebrates the International Day of the Family, proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993. For this event, illustrated book exhibitions were arranged in the libraries of the Central Library System: "Family, Love and Fidelity" (Afoninskaya Village Library-Branch No. 16), "Island of Family Treasures" (Chernishikha Village Library-Branch No. 30), "Patron saints of the Family" ( Slobodskaya rural library-branch No. 23). For readers, literature reviews were conducted and electronic presentations were demonstrated.

May 14, 2015 in MBOU secondary school with. Works for junior schoolchildren The Rabotkinskaya Rural Children's Library - Branch No. 6 held an educational and game program "Family is the Root of Life". Children were not bored at the event. The game part of the holiday was filled with contests: "Collect a proverb", "Who is the most economical?" and "The Nimble Tailor". They took an active part in competitions for riddles about the family, remembered the books they had read.

On May 15, in the Bolshemokrinsk rural library - branch No. 31, together with the rural house of culture, a competitive game program "A family in a heap is not scary and a cloud" was held. The purpose of the event: to expand children's ideas about the family as the greatest universal human value, to show that peace in the family is the main condition for the well-being, happiness and health of all family members.

The event was fun and interesting. In the program, the children were to participate in educational and game competitions: "Draw a house blindly", "A house where a big and friendly family will live", "Let's help Cinderella", "When mom is not at home", "Tie a kerchief," My light, a mirror , tell". Workers of the rural House of Culture held a merry relay race "Sport is a Family Business". For the event, book exhibitions "The Image of the Family in Fiction" and "We and Our Family" were prepared, at which literature about family education and hobbies was provided, where you can relax with your family, how to spend your leisure time. The guys were happy to get acquainted with the drawings presented at the "My Family" stand.

Family reading. What for?

Reading in a family environment plays a special role. Reading a book together, communicating about what has been read brings family members closer together, unites them spiritually and fosters the need for children to read independently. The desire to revive the traditions of family reading did not arise in society by accident. So, if in the 1970s 80% of Russian families regularly read to children, today only 7%. The cult of the book in the family no longer exists in European countries. To solve this problem in Europe, the Public Initiative Funds “Germany reads aloud”, “Poland reads aloud” are being created; in Russia, libraries have taken on this role.

He expresses his opinion about family reading and reading aloud in his article “Family Reading. Why?" T. Stepicheva, lecturer at the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts: “Do you have family reading in your family? Yes, you say, we read bedtime stories to the child, and sometimes he asks to read his favorite book aloud. But as time passes, it turns out that reading aloud is akin to tying shoelaces on his shoes: while the child is small and cannot cope on his own, you do it for him. Gradually he masters the skills (reading or tying shoelaces), you control him for some time, and then you sigh with relief and safely let the child go into “independent swimming”. “How good it is to be able to read! You don't have to pester your mother, you don't have to ask your grandmother: "Read, please, read."

Family reading is an activity and, like any activity, requires an answer to the question "why?" Why do you and I need (if necessary) for the child to come off the TV and listen to your reading? Why do we need this book to be voiced out loud? Why, in the age of television and computer technology, did it take to resurrect a long-forgotten and outdated tradition for which there is neither time nor conditions, and which requires conscious and considerable efforts?

There are enough recommendations on how to get a child to read, how and what to read aloud. But one must first decide - why? Why is this tradition attractive if in the ten years that have passed since the beginning of the mass work of libraries in this direction, despite the absence of obvious results and a single line, the desire to revive family reading has not disappeared?

One of the obvious answers is that children began to read less, and this is one of the ways to encourage a child to read.

But reading aloud in itself is not an easy task, requiring a creative approach. And this is the beginning of solving the secret of his attractiveness.

Let's continue the analogy with watching TV, because it is the TV, along with the computer and the Internet, that are the main rivals of reading. What is there in reading aloud that the TV does not give? First of all, the opportunity for creativity and choice. You choose the book to read aloud yourself. Yes, the program for viewing too, but compare - the world fiction and the program guide for today - the possibilities for choice are incomparable.

But you choose not only the book, but also the manner of reading, its tempo and timbre of voice, the degree of dramatization, theatricality, climaxes to stop. Together with the author of the book, you create its content for those who listen to you, and this action is unique, like a theatrical performance, it excites and captures you and your listeners. This is the theater of one actor, in which it depends only on you what will remain in the memory and in the souls of your spectators and listeners, your home.

They are also not passive consumers, as is the case with television. Their empathy, empathy, sparkle of eyes or bated breath are the source of your inspiration. And the opportunity to talk, argue, discuss, cry or laugh together, and the opportunity to see each other in a new way - all this is given to your family by you, not the TV, and this is too essential to miss such an opportunity. You learn to see and hear each other, and not just exchange information.

Why does your child, despite the abundance of video tapes with cartoons, ask you to read aloud? He does not yet realize (neither on a conscious nor on a subconscious level) the usefulness of reading aloud for the development of emotionality and imaginative thinking, for the development of speech and improvement in his native language. He just wants you to be there. You, not the TV. This gives him a feeling of confidence, security, even if the child is much more than five years old, and he reads perfectly on his own (I dare add: even if this is not a child at all, but your adult and successful spouse in all respects). After all, at this moment you belong to each other, and not to the TV.

Therefore, it is definitely worth finding an opportunity (maybe in a country house where there is no TV and it is raining like a bucket) to read something favorite to your family. Definitely a favorite.

Read the full version of the article on the Internet, address:


How to teach a child to book.

Dear Parents , the child himself will not pick up the book, he needs your help.

It is the parents who decide what, how and how much they read.to their preschoolers. They will read Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov,Charskaya and "Little Lord Fauntleroy" - it will be so, they will giveDisney's "turtle ninja" - it will be otherwise, justput in front of the "Vidic" and teach you how to change cassettes - something else will turn out.

Parental experience shows that the simplest and most reliablerecipe: read aloud to the child every day, even when he is alreadyowns literacy. And do it with pleasure: after all, we wantinstill more than a skill, more than a habit,- love to reading .

Teach your child to take good care of books!

Vandalism by relation to books during the first two years of a child's lifeis inevitable, and this must be resigned to. Make it so that the child canget only to their books. Constantlytell your child that you cannot take books in your mouth, tear them, draw in them.Try to "save" spoiled books: glue, sew, erasedrawn. Do it in front of the child, lamenting: "Poor little book, torn, now we will fix you." All this will teach the childto respect the book

Let already from a year (or even earlier) one of the permanent giftsthe child will have a book appropriate for his age. Try not toforce events - the complication of the material should occurgradually: if you see that your proposed book is too difficult for a child oris not interesting to him, put it aside for a while. But withdo not miss the moment when the child begins to "grow" out ofa certain type of books.

Offer your child only high-quality literature (as fordesign and content). It is in your power to instill in your child a tasteto good books. Do not try to interest him in the so-calledreading: various children's comics, "horror", lovestories and detectives, which are now in abundance in bookstorescounters. Try to ensure that the child learns aboutthe existence and content of such books. They are a child, maybemaybe he will be interested, but he will definitely not want to read Chekhov and Tolstoy.

Teach your child to use the library, sign up with him to the library, help him choose books.

Encourage your child to read.

From early childhood, read funny, interesting fairy tales and poems to your child. It is desirable that everyonea day, one of the parents had a free half hour - an hour for reading together with the child and discussing the reading with him.

The reader, carried away by the plot, seems to find himself in another world, he becomes not just an observer of what is happening, but also a participant, heworries about the heroes, eager to find out what will happen next, "lives" in the book.Parents can help their child learn to "fit" into the book. For it is necessary to develop the imaginative thinking of children in order tothe words read correspondedcertain images.

Play scenes from a book you read with a small child,experiment with the plot. Let the bun in your game run away fromfoxes, meet a dragon or a frog.Draw illustrations for what you read with your child,come up with what this or that hero might look like: what he is wearing,what things surround him.

Look for events in life that are similar to the plot of the book you read.For example, you ride a tram, as if scattered from Basseinaya Street, or you bring your grandmother gifts, like Little Red Riding Hood.

With an older child, compare the books you have read with the ones you have taken.on them films and cartoons, discuss what coincides inTV versions, and what - not, what can be added to the film or changed in it.

Teach your child to use quotes from what he read. Quoteappropriate verses. In the future, this skill will decorate and enrichyour child's speech.

Thanks to these techniques, the content of the books is closely intertwined with the daily life of the child, making reading something natural andnecessary, in addition, they contribute to the development of imagination and child's speech.

Typically, preschoolers parental choiceobey, and cannot modify it. Sometimes, very rarely, there are children who do not like to be read to them. These are children with hyperdynamic syndrome, for whom it is simply physically difficult concentrateattention to the readable text, and just sit onthe place is difficult for them. But here too the problem is quite solvable. For parentssuch children can be recommended reading short rhythmic poetryor short funny stories. Such children need to reademphatically loud and expressive. And you should not force the child to sit still while reading. Let him gesture, jump up withplaces, even if they represent what they read in their faces. The main thing is to keep his attention at least for a short time.

Become an example for your child.

Instilling culture in the childreading, remember thatthe most important example for him is yourself.

Teachers believe that modern children hardly see their parentswith a book. Reading together is a good way out.

1. Start an evening reading ritual, choose oneRead the book a little every evening.read for yourself, with older children read aloud by roles (for thesesuitable for Schwartz's plays) or in turn (for example, a childreads a paragraph, and you reads a page). Thus, you can read not only children's books, but also classical literature.

2. If the child flatly refuses to read, tryread to him about what he is interested in.

Don't put pressure on your child.

Don't chase reading speed, anymorepay attention to the correct reading of words, intonation and content.

It is better to start preparing homework with reading, sinceit helps the child get involved in the work.

But don't overload it with daily reading aloud - according to data psychologists, continuous reading aloud should borrow fromthe first grader has 8-10 minutes, and the second grader has 10-15 minutes.

So that reading does not cause negative emotions in the child, never force him to read instead of playing, walking, or watching TV shows! You can punish a child by depriving him of his eveningreading, but not vice versa.

Never dissuade a child from reading if he alreadyinterested in something. Reading something is better than nothing. Collection of links:

Dear Colleagues!

The reading of the younger generation needs support - first of all, from the closest people - parents. If reading is part of the lifestyle of adult family members, then the child catches and absorbs it. It is very important when a child comes to the library with his parents, when they choose a book together, read it together, discuss it. Such communication educates more than edifying words. To "make friends" the family around the book is the task of the library, for the solution of which we suggest you organize a number of events.

To plan work in this direction, we suggest using "FAMILY CALENDAR".



8 - International Women's Day(In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialists in Yetkin, she proposed annually to hold the Day of Solidarity of Working Women from all over the world. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1913)

20th - International Day of Happiness


1 - Birthday of the Brownie.

18 - Mother's Day of Russia

5 - Children's Day.

15 - International Day of the Family(Celebrated since 1994 by UN decision)

17 - International Children's Helpline Day.


1 - International Children's Day(Established in 1949 at the Moscow session of the Council of the International Democratic Federation of Women)

8 - International Day of the Housewife and Householder.

9 - International Day of Friends.

21 - International Father's Day.


6 - World Kiss Day(20 years ago approved by the UN. Invented in the UK)

8 - Day of Peter and Fevronia. All-Russian day of family, love and fidelity. It is considered lucky for lovers. (Celebrated at the initiative of the State Duma deputies since 2008)

20 - Friend's Day.

28 - Parents Day.


1 - 7 - World Breastfeeding Support Week.


10 - Grandparents Day(USA)

15 - Day of Honoring the Elders. Day of respect for age. (Japan)


7 - World Men's Day(Arose on the initiative of the President of the USSR, celebrated on the 1st Saturday of November)

20th - World Children's Day(Celebrated by a UN decision since 1954. November 20 is the day the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted in 1989)

25 - International Day against Violence against Women.

preschool education, schools, parents and the media

All work should be carried out through the combined efforts of the library, preschool institutions, schools, parents and the media.

You can get additional information about the child reader and his family by questionnaires of parents "Family of the 21st century and the library".

"Family of the 21st century and the library"

(questionnaire for parents)

Dear Parents! This profile is for you!

It will help both you and the staff of our library to correctly assess the possibilities and prospects of raising a gifted reader - your child!

  1. What place do books and reading take in your family's life?
  2. What does reading books give to a modern child?
  3. Does your family have a home library?
  4. How often do you replenish it?
  5. What kind of literature do you prefer to buy?
  6. How often do you read aloud to your child?
  7. Name the children's books that, in your opinion, must be read by your child.
  8. What is your child's favorite book?
  9. Do you think the books will be preserved in their form in the future?
  10. Can the Internet replace a book?

Your wishes for the library:

You have answered the questions. Many thanks! We are waiting for you and your child in the library!

The questionnaire will allow the librarian to get as much information about the child as possible, to convince the parents that the family and the library can work together to raise a gifted reader, to draw the attention of parents to the importance of the home library in the upbringing and development of their children, to find out what parents expect from the child's communication with library.

Getting familiar with the library's capabilities should start with creating advertising posters, messages, announcements, invitations and their distribution.

The best way to attract preschoolers to the library is to invite their parents directly. This can be done with a letter of the following content. Letter can be donated at the library or through the child's institution.

Sample letter to parents of preschoolers

Dear parent! (Dear Parents)

I would like to suggest that you enroll your child (your children) in our library. And start getting to know her by participating in summer reading events. The fact that your child cannot read yet does not mean that he or she is too young (small, small) to take part in the Program. Our series of events is designed not only for those who read themselves, but also for children who are read by parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers.

We would like to help your child develop a love of books and learning. Research shows that early exposure to books and participation in Reading Programs do play an important role in a child's life. Please review the summer activities plan attached to the letter. It contains the dates and all the details of all the activities planned for the summer for the children in the library.
The events are free and easy to participate in. Nothing is required of you except the time you spend reading to your child and sharing the pleasure of the book with him.

If you have any questions or need more information, please visit me or call me at the library. I hope to see you soon.

Sincerely ________________________

(surname, position)

For adults: moms, dads, grandparents and caregivers, the library should become one of the few places where they can freely discuss their problems and try to find ways to solve them. They can be offered memo "Simple Truths" on literature on family pedagogy, a recommendation list "When my mother reads a book to me ...", thematic index "Faculty for Parents". And do it in time family excursion by library "Book universe"

For both children and their parents, the library should become not only a place where you can get an interesting or necessary book, but also a space for communication and development. This will help review cycles for parents "Reading Together", "Science of Family Relations", "Book + Family = Good Friends" and conversations "Say a word about a good tradition", "A reasonable family - a reading family", "Secrets for adults, or How to become ideal parents" other . The happiness of a family depends on each of its members. That's why conversations family relationships should be carried out with both adults and children “The Art of Hearing Each Other”, “To Parents About Children”.

And as always, we must start our work with families with analysis of collections of literature for family reading and family pedagogy. And to reveal all the variety of literature available in the library will help book exhibitions: "The Joy of Family Reading", "Science of Family Relations", "Healthy Family - Happy Family", "Kind Hands of the Family" other.

It will be good if it becomes a tradition of libraries to hold family events "Reading family scale", holidays: "Book wisdom - family wealth" ,"The first ball for Mom, Dad and Baby" ( on which to present to young parents memo "How to Grow a Bookman"), "Books for Growth", "Holiday of Sunny Childhood", holiday dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom "Day of Love and Marital Fidelity" , Family reading days "Your family will be happy if they are passionate about reading", "My Grandmother's Tales", during which both adults and children will be able to participate in literary quizzes, contests, fun games "If I were in the place of a hero." “The whole family is happy with the magazines - there is everything in the magazines. What you need. "

Feast dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom "Day of Love and Marital Fidelity." Children should be invited to this family holiday together with their fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters. The program of the holiday can include musical and dramatic performances performed by children, quizzes, poetry reading, a librarian's story about Peter and Fevronia of Muromsky. A competition of proverbs and sayings about the family will arouse some interest among the children. Questions for the competition should be printed on chamomile petals - the symbol of this holiday. At the end of the holiday, the participants of the event can gift each other postcards - caress, which they themselves will do, with wishes of love and family happiness.

It is important to show that a library is not only a house where books are kept, but also a place where you can learn a lot, relax, get advice, take part in library affairs, and get acquainted with novelties in literature.

Popular today and discussion forms of work, such as "Confession of Addictions" (stories of readers about the role of the book in their family), discussion tribunes "Family Reading: Yesterday and Today", "Family. Book. Library", meeting of generations "The light of books does not go out in our house", "Favorite books in my family" other. All this introduces children and their parents to joint reading and creative activities.

Family chat hours "Favorite Books of Childhood", "Union of Family and Books", "Family and Book: United by Reading", "How to Raise a Wonder Child", and get-togethers - read aloud "Favorite books of our moms and dads", "The joy of family reading", "Kind hands of the family", and book cabins - companies "For talented children and caring parents", "My baby and me", "Bright colors of children's literature", "Parents about children's writers", library-based activities will help parents build even closer relationships with their children.

Reading aloud- the most accessible, but now a little forgotten form of work with younger readers. Such reading contributes to the creation of imaginative representations in children, tunes in to a special emotional wave, helps to interest the child, can make him want to continue reading on his own, teaches them to listen carefully to the text. wrote: “Children love to listen more than to read, just because in the first 2-3 years the very process of reading still tires them. In addition, it is necessary to teach children not only to read, but also to listen carefully, and then to assimilate and transmit what they have heard. "

Loud readings: "Be friends with the book from an early age", "Books for young adults", "Read to me!", "Read to your child", "The little book is cute for the baby" - this is a great opportunity to attract the whole family to the library and establish contacts with kindergartens, etc.

It's good if the libraries will be created creative family associations, family clubs, family living rooms. The meetings of such associations can be very different: “Together with my grandmother - on the Internet”, “We are good together”, “Home holiday in the library”, “Book by inheritance”, “With bookish warmth, under mother’s wing”, “Favorite books of my family”. We recommend inviting psychologists, teachers, educators, readers to the events, in whose families reading books is a long tradition. One of the directions can be the organization of meetings-interviews with famous people of the region, city, rural settlement, which can be called not only successful, but also actively reading.

You can declare stock "It's fun to read together"“We are a family, which means we can cope with any task,” "Reading as a gift to mom", during which to invite children to make a book for their mother - a baby or learn a poem.

And participation in family contests "House of My Dreams", "The book is a family rarity", "The best book mom" will help to form in children the need for reading and a reading culture, expand their literary horizons.

The main task of libraries today is to convey to parents the idea that their life, study, behavior, moral character, character and, ultimately, fate really depend on what children read or don’t read today.

Compiled by L. A. Potokina, methodologist

It is with the family that the world for the child begins. Here he takes his first steps, pronounces the first words, gets acquainted with the first books. It is the father and mother who leaf through the pages of the baby with bright pictures, drawings, teach them to worry, wonder, admire the first literary heroes, their fates and adventures. If parents and a child often pick up a book, then spiritual unity, peace and love reign in the family. The reading atmosphere should become a family tradition. After all, it is from the book that you can take food for the soul and heart. It is important that books do not simply turn into sources of information or means of entertainment, but play a general educational and cultural role.

Not only kindergarten teachers and literature teachers at school should instill a love of reading. This is something that parents should do at the earliest stages of a child's development. To reunite the efforts of parents and professionals, a family reading library is under way in many localities. Librarians invite parents to various activities to increase children's interest in books. Well, we invite you to get acquainted with the goals of joint classes with parents, an example of a family reading program in the library, the expected results. This joint work of the library and parents can be called complex.

Reasons for introducing family reading in the library

In the last decade, researchers have noted the formation of the following attitudes towards reading in children and adults:

  • The number of children who read only the works of the school curriculum is growing.
  • Every year fewer young people spend their free time reading literature.
  • The penetration of the preschooler into the culture of books is happening more and more slowly.
  • As adults grow older, everything weakens.
  • The reading circle of children and adolescents is influenced by popular culture, which leads to the popularity of detective stories, horrors, and stories based on television series.
  • Many children read just for fun.

The Importance of Family Reading in the School Library

Let's talk about the benefits. But first, let's find out what it is - family reading in the library? Activities of the continuous psychological and pedagogical process of joint reading of children and parents with subsequent analysis, discussion - this is the concept of family reading. The analysis of works can be oral, written, game. Similar events were held during the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. Researchers have found one record on a papyrus from that period, where a father's appeal to his son is written, asking him to direct his heart to books.

During antiquity, family reading was also widely practiced. One of the Roman rulers wrote The History of Rome himself and studied it with his son. This practice was used both in the Middle Ages and in the Age of Enlightenment. In the 19th century, family reading was common among noble families. Modern practice already combines home reading with library reading. Professional librarians invite their parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers and sisters together with their children. A whole family reading program is being developed in the library. What is it for?

Recently, the role of reading in society has been lost, the prestige of education and knowledge is falling, young people are guided by non-book forms of culture. General cultural, aesthetic, emotional needs are drawn from books. The literacy of young people is falling every year, as well as the level of necessary reading and writing skills. The majority of children have not formed an awareness of the value and significance of books, newspapers, magazines, electronic information. Therefore, reading in a family environment plays a special role. A story or story read together, its discussion makes family members closer, unites them spiritually. Unfortunately, fewer and fewer families are acquiring home libraries. Thus, illiterate children grow up among unreading parents. Improving children's reading can only be done in tandem between school, library and family.

Along with business, normative, educational, entertaining, self-educational reading, family reading takes a special place. In the course of this process, the child acquires various skills and abilities, acquires the basis of a reading culture. After all, the family is the first and main intermediary between the book and the child. There, interest in the book is formed, and the reader's taste develops. In Russia, the work of a family reading library has deep roots. It includes a comprehensive program, various forms of work with children and their parents. It is not for nothing that the program for family reading in the library is often called "Warm House".

It is the family all over the world that is considered as a social value. Family relationships form a person's personality. The staff of rural and settlement libraries know many families well and try to influence their relationships through the book. They are the ones who become social educators, organizers of family reading in the library. This is also possible in the school library. The motto of such an integrated approach to the study of books can be taken: "Let's create a country of readers!"

Significance Factors of Reading with Parents

Interest in the revival of family reading in the children's library has been growing lately. Reading is seen as an educational environment. Its importance has its own factors:

  • Ever since childhood, kids are told fairy tales, read small biblical stories, then myths, poems about nature and animals. This is the oldest and most proven way of educating a person even before he learns the alphabet. Reading activity and culture is shaped by listening and speaking.
  • Such reading contributes to the deepening of children's attention, the formation of the need for books. If such a need is laid in a child from childhood, then he will read a lot even in adulthood.
  • Family reading activities in the library are a guarantee of early and correct mastery of native speech. Early reading helps kids grow up as communicative people. After all, the passive speech of children (silence) needs to be developed.
  • On the basis of books, an emotional and aesthetic perception of the world is formed. Sounding words strongly influence children, teach them to triumph, rejoice, be sad, sad, joke, laugh. Words give children bright, emotional impressions.
  • As a result of joint reading, the ability to perceive artistic images develops. Children include imagination, visual representations. They learn to rejoice and grieve along with literary heroes.
  • not only for kids, but also for older people. It is important not only to listen, but also to perceive and retell what you read. These activities can help older people cope with loneliness more easily and pass on their experiences to children. Also, adults can thus observe the spiritual development of children.
  • Joint reading in the library helps the socialization of the younger generation. The ground is created for the exchange of opinions, emotional enrichment takes place.
  • Such exercises serve as the prevention of aging, stimulate active mental activity.

It is not for nothing that the library is considered to be the territory of family reading. It is an alternative to all types of study books. This practice was actively introduced by the Lomonosov Family Reading Library (a town near St. Petersburg). The library's qualified staff is there to help families choose their books. There are many activities for this family program: various local history competitions, literary readings, classes for the teenage club "Yunta".

Library services for family reading

What a librarian can offer in the framework of family reading:

The goals of such events

What can be achieved as a result of such events in the library? Librarians set goals for themselves:

  • to involve children and parents in reading together;
  • develop the creativity of children;
  • to satisfy people of different generations;
  • to increase the spiritual and moral development of the family;
  • support family reading;
  • to orient family members to joint communication during the study of books;
  • help to find mutual understanding and common interests;
  • increase reading efficiency.

Joint reading tasks

The target program for the development of a family reading library can be guided by the following tasks:

  • study the information needs of readers, analyze and develop relevant topics for information;
  • orient elders to joint communication with the child in the process of reading;
  • to promote friendship between adults and children with a book, to achieve their mutual understanding;
  • to improve pedagogical education, psychological and methodological preparedness of parents;
  • develop in children the ability to think independently after reading;
  • help children and parents look at reading as a means of interpersonal communication;
  • develop the creativity of the younger generation;
  • coordinate activities with schools and teachers;
  • use all active bibliographic forms and methods of work;
  • study and implement advanced library practices.

Expected results

Choosing the right family reading library and classes there yields the following results:

  • the prestige of the book increases in the eyes of the younger generation;
  • reading becomes a favorite pastime;
  • the library is respected and honored;
  • a love of reading is formed among the youngest visitors;
  • the traditions of family gatherings over favorite books are being revived;
  • the creativity of children develops.

Description of similar projects

The challenge for librarians is to organize such classes for parents and children. It is necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere for such intellectual communication. For this, the book fund needs to be completed with highly artistic literature, which will include books, periodicals, and electronic publications.

The organization of the library space is very important today. A modern library should be varied and diverse. It can be used to organize "noisy" and "quiet" areas, open spaces and secluded recreation areas. It is necessary to think over every corner of the room, making it attractive to visitors.

It's not just modern design that makes library space cozy. It is important to think over and organize an interesting fund for the reader. The main thing is to arrange the literature correctly so that you can freely approach it. The most effective ways to attract the attention of readers will be various actions, exhibitions, evenings, round tables. The image of the library will be raised by spectacular information.

Approximate plan of lessons in the library with parents and children

It is very important to think over a family reading program in the library. We offer you a monthly approximate planning of such events:

  • In January, three events can be held: a lesson of family harmony "Family Portraits", a bibliokvest "In Search of a Country of Health", a lesson with a psychologist "Do we know our children".
  • In February, you can hold an intellectual battle "You have the floor, erudites", a large book fireworks "Journey to the world of new literature."
  • In March, it is appropriate to hold a reader's conference "The most important word is family", brainstorming "Connoisseur of fiction".
  • April is the time for an event-dialogue "Traditions to Preserve and Multiply", an exhibition of creative works "We pass on wonderful creations from generation to generation", a media review "CD to help learning".
  • In May, you can hold a family reading holiday "We are a family, which means we can cope with any task", a discussion "Family reading - a passing tradition or an eternal value?"
  • In June, schoolchildren will be happy to take part in the action "Reading with the whole family", in the gourmet evening of Pushkin's fairy tales "In the blue sky, the stars are shining."
  • In July, the competition and entertainment program "Our family - friends of books" will become interesting.
  • In August, you can hold an exhibition of creative works "Mom, Grandmother and I - a handicraft family."
  • In September it is possible to bring to life the literary box "Autumn Spun in the Sky", the book exhibition-council "Family Chitimer".
  • In October, it is advisable to organize a photo collage for the Day of the Elderly "When the soul is in the pattern of time", a family game room "Super-grandmother".
  • In November, an event dedicated to Mother's Day "The world is beautiful with mother's love", a holiday of national culture "Nature in the works of Russian writers and poets" is held.
  • In December, you can organize a day of family communication in the library "I open the world with a book", New Year's confetti "Fairy snowfall".

Description of some events

Many librarians begin family reading activities with the How to Get to the Library. To do this, they hang up posters with an invitation to come to the library. For adults, special propaganda leaflets and invitation bookmarks are distributed. On the central square of a district or square, a poster "Who goes where, and I go to the library" is sometimes hung. Family reading traditions and methods of transmission are very diverse.

On New Year's Eve, adults and children often decorate a Christmas tree in the library room, make a symbol for the next year, which then pleases visitors. Children and adults are very attracted by various exhibitions: "Favorite Books of Our Childhood", the magazine exhibition "Baby and Me", "My Child", "Mommy's School". There are a lot of family reading library scripts. It would be nice to have a few guided tours of the bookshelves. In the room, you can place a special box as a "Piggy bank of book wonders". Children and parents will put notes in it, in which they will record interesting facts and events that surprised them when reading books.

It is important for a librarian to take into account that children are interested in works of an adventurous nature, where some magical powers are present ("Harry Potter", "The Hobbit"). On a family day in the library, children may be asked to compare a book to a movie to prove that it is more interesting than a movie. Children can be interested in reading with original paradoxes. For example, they must read to a certain point and find an answer to an intriguing question. They often experiment with holding discussions between children and adults about the pages they have read.

Family competition "The whole family to the library"


1. Instilling a love of reading fiction.

2. To involve parents in organizing the leisure of their children.

Holiday progress:

The song is playing

A. Rybnikov and Yu Entin "Knizhkin House"

Host 1. 1
Attention! Attention!
Children and parents
Would you like to fight?
Who is the best book reader
And who is whose favorite hero?

Lead 2
It is not without reason that it is said in clever words:
“We owe all the best books.
Books are read by both young and old
Everyone is happy with a good book. "

Lead 1
I read books - it means I think
I think means I live, not sour.

Lead 2
In the book there is wisdom, tears and laughter,
There are enough books for everyone today.

Lead 1
Children and parents, would you like it or not, it's time to start our game
"The whole family to the library."

Lead 2 .

Today our guests are families who love reading and books, great connoisseurs of literature. At the end of each competition, the jury sums up the results. The correct and complete answer will be estimated at five points.

Lead 1. And who of them is the most-most reading family, will be determined by our jury.(represents the jury members) .

Golovyashkina N.V., school director

Pozdnyakova S.V., methodologist

Lead 2 ... Family teams are taking part in our competition today ...(represents team members).

1 team - the Starkov family: mother Irina Borisovna, daughter Alina;

2 team - the Postnikov family: mother Natalya Nikolaevna, daughter Julia;

3 team - the Belolipetskiy family: mother Olga Viktorovna, daughters Olesya and Elizaveta.

4 team- the Lebedevich family: mother Oksana Borisovna, sons Yaroslav and Zakhar

In our competition, we will draw lots to determine the order of the teams' performances.

Lead 1 ... To determine who will start first, we will draw lots, which will take place in an unusual literary way. Our magic box contains tasks with encrypted numbers, that is, with works with numbers in their names. Enter the correct answer and you will find out your serial number.

    E. Veltistov “Million and ……………. (one) day of vacation "

    E. Schwartz "……. (Two) brothers"

    Yu. Olesha "... ... (Three) fat men"

    K. Ushinsky “……. (Four) desires)

Lead 2

1 competition is called "Crossword". After answering the questions of the crossword puzzle, you will find out the name of the first book printer.

The first book printer.

    A card where the reader's data and the title of the book are recorded.

    It demands a book after a slob-reader.

    A book that will tell you everything.

    The place where you can take the book home.

    Activity consisting of questions and answers.

    Part of the book.

    Part of the book where you can find out about the poem or story you need.

While the teams are solving the crossword puzzle, the fans and I will hold a quiz.

Lead 1

2nd competition. Flower legends

The legend is read out - to find out which flower we are talking about.

    An old Slavic legend tells: the bold Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. Once, in the moonlight, she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud princess turned away and went. Tears rolled from her beautiful blue eyes, and only the moon witnessed how these pure tears turn into delicate flowers, studded with magic pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. (Lilies of the valley)

    Her homeland is Persia. There is a poetic legend: once the goddess of flowers and youth Flora, accompanied by the Sun and the goddess of the rainbow Iris, descended to earth. After mixing all the colors and colors of the rainbow, they began to shower them on the meadows and forests. Having reached the northern corners of the Earth, the goddess found that all the colors were spent, only purple remained. Then Flora splashed lilac paint on the bushes, and a luxurious one grew…. (Lilac)

    The Latin name of this flower "Galactus" comes from the Greek words "gala" - milk and "Actus" - a flower, i.e. milky white flower. An ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her, several snowflakes turned into a flower. Hence, hope became the symbol of the flower. (Snowdrop)

    In England, this flower is sung by poets, in fairy tales it serves as a cradle for little fairies and gentle elves. His homeland is Persia, from there he migrated to Turkey, and in the 19th century he came to Europe. In Holland there was a cult of this Flower. In Amsterdam, two stone houses were bought for three flower bulbs. (Tulip)

    According to one of the legends, Hercules mortally wounded the ruler of the afterlife, Pluto, and the young doctor healed his wounds with the roots of a plant, which he named after the doctor. This flower is considered the king of flowers and a symbol of longevity (Peony)

    She is present in the coat of arms of the city of Rhodes. Ancient Iran, the country of the Persians, was named after it Polistan. According to Anacreon, she was born from the snow-white foam that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess of love came out of the sea. Who is she, the queen of flowers? (The Rose)

    In the East, there is a legend about a cruel Chinese emperor, who once learned that a sun flower grows on distant islands, from which an elixir of youth can be prepared. Of course, the emperor immediately wanted to get it, but he could not do it, since only a person with a pure heart could pick this flower. The emperor sent hundreds of young men and girls for the flower, but the young people, conquered by the beauty of the island, remained to live there. So on this island the land of the rising sun was founded, and the flower was made a symbol of Japan. (Chrysanthemum)

    What flower admires itself all its life: looks at itself and cannot get enough? (Narcissus)

    They say that this flower grew from a small speck of dust that fell to Earth from a star at a time when vegetation on the planet was born. (Aster)

Lead 2

3rd competition "Working with a book"

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Artist.

A) Give the definition of "Ancient art"

B) What can you tell about the panorama (there is also a diorama) by the artist F.A. Roubaud "Battle of Borodino".

C) Name one of the most famous paintings by K.P. Bryullov. Tell us about her.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Athlete .

A) Give the definition of "Substitute"

B) Tell us about the sports competitions of equestrian in Russia. Who is the founder of equestrian sports in Russia?

Q) Surfing - what is it?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist

A) tell us about the oldest human companion (Bird)

B) What is an arboretum?

C) Who is I.V. Michurin?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Technician

    Give the definition of "tape recorder"

    Tell us about the fight against corrosion.

    Who is Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.

Lead 1

4 competition "Meeting at your request."

You will see and hear the hero of the fairy tale and have to guess: who he is, from which work, who is the author of this work. You write down your answer on a piece of paper and quickly give it to the jury.

First hero: "Good afternoon! I was in such a hurry to see you that I did not have time to put my dress in order. You see, it is torn here and there, crumpled, and there are so many stains ... But all this is not because I am a slob. I just have no time these frills broke when I climbed a tree in the menagerie. And these - when we ran in complete darkness, tearing the bushes, to the palace, pastry shop. And all the stains I got already in the pastry kitchen, when we were looking for Wow, what was going on there: we overturned cans, plates, dishes, and it all flew with a clatter and thunder. The scattered flour spun like a column, And suddenly I found it - a saucepan without a bottom! Did they recognize me in this form? Yes? (Suok, Yu. Olesha, "Three Fat Men").

Second hero: Trouble happened to my named brother. And to save him, I had to go a long way. It was very difficult and sometimes even dangerous. I met a lot on my way, many helped me, but I could only save my brother myself. A friend of mine asked a wise woman for me: "Can't you give the girl something that will make her stronger than everyone else?" And the woman replied: "Stronger than she is, I cannot make her. Can't you see how great her strength is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she passed barefoot half of the world. If she herself cannot to penetrate the queen's chambers and help her brother, then we will not help her even more! Now tell me, what are the names of me and my brother? (Gerda and Kai, H.H. Andersen, "The Snow Queen").

Third hero: Good day! Wow, how many boys you have! Interestingly, and who is involved in their upbringing? Isn't this a very difficult matter? Here I recently had to deal with one boy. How rude he was! Do you know how he sat? - bending your leg under you. He drank coffee straight from the pot, stuffed almond pies whole in his mouth and swallowed without chewing. And he climbed into a vase of jam with his hands and sucked them. Of course, I forbade him to behave like that. And besides, this boy was devoid of any ability for arithmetic. You are probably already clear who I am and who this boy I am trying to raise? (Malvina and Pinocchio, A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key and the Adventures of Pinocchio")

Lead 2

5 competition ... Now is the time to present the homework to the family teams on the topic “Reading family ". The teams will share with all of us their thoughts on reading, talk about their favorite childhood books, and perhaps recommend them to modern schoolchildren. Very important and significant is the fact that it will be family teams that will compete. I cannot but quote the words of the great Plutarch in this connection:"The essence of upbringing is not the acquisition, but the use of books" , and I think that the stories of our families will be a vivid confirmation of this.

(There is a knock on the door).
Lead 1:

Who's there?
Postman Pechkin: It was me, postman Pechkin, who brought you telegrams, only the senders are unknown, find out who sent you the telegrams.

6 Contest "Telegram"
1. “Let people, birds, animals be friends with you!
We wish you every success! Tom and Jerry.)

2. Let the snitches disappear, you know-it-alls!
Hello and congratulations from ... (Dunno.)

3. A film about me is a great picture!
I wish you a lot of happiness! .. (Buratino.)

4. Prefer transport on foot,
Go to the forest! Greetings ... (Goblin.)

5. I wish you, friends, a long road!
I will save you from the flu! .. (Cipollino.)

6. Let your body be strong, strong!
One of the turtles ... (Donatello.)

7. I promise everyone a piece of the pie!
And chicken legs! .. (Baba Yaga.)

8. Let the white fluff fall to the ground!
More gifts for you! .. (Winnie the Pooh.)

9. Eat more fruits and vegetables!
Iron health to you! .. (Kaschey.) "

Host 2. 7 Contest "Guess the melody"

Many popular works have been made into films, cartoons or feature films have been made based on them. And the songs that sound in them are no less popular than the pictures themselves. In the "Guess the melody" contest you have to guess the melody, name the hero who sings it, or the film where this song sounds. And also name the author and the title of the work for which the films were staged.

    The song is about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (Song of Little Red Riding Hood from the movie "Little Red Riding Hood". Charles Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood")

    A song about the professional secrets of furry scammers.

The song of the fox Alice and the cat Basilio from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio". A. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

    A song about the benefits of winter recreation in the countryside. ("If there was no winter" from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino". Eduard Uspensky "Winter in Prostokvashino")

    The song of a malevolent old woman capable of bad deeds. (Song of the old woman Shapoklyak from the cartoon "Crocodile Gena". E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena")

    Song about friendly support in a long journey (Song of friends from the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians". The Brothers Grimm "The Musicians of Bremen")

    The song is about the perfect nanny. "Lady Perfection" from the movie "Mary Poppins, Goodbye". Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins")

    The song is about a disinterested approach to choosing a life partner. "Song of Fun from the cartoon" The Flying Ship "Andrei Belyanin" The Flying Ship ")

    The song is about one of the spring months spent in an interesting and favorite place in the city. ("Winged swing" from the film "The Adventures of Electronics" Veltistov E. "The Adventures of Electronics")

    A song about the possibility of traveling to the future ("Beautiful is far away" from the film "Guest from the Future" Kir Bulychev "Guest from the Future"

8 contest Ask your opponent ..

Each family asks the rival team about the question.

Lead 1

9.competition. "Write a story"

Nine words are called

Travel, adventure, island, cave, mystery, note, boat, book, treasure.

Assignment: Create a 9-sentence adventure story in five minutes.

Staging of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" in a new way

Jury. The family is recognized as the most reading family today ... The head of the family is presented with a book ...

Lead 2.

Well, friends!
The time to say goodbye came so quickly!
We say goodbye to everyone!
Until next time!

Lead 1.

We wish you happiness!
So that all dreams come true
With nice mood,
So that you do not part!
I wish you health for hundreds of long years!
And this, really, is worth a lot.
There are many creative victories in work,
In family life - peace and quiet!

Joke questions

    A garden story about a family contract. ("River")

    A sewing accessory that contains a mortal danger for a long-liver. (Needle)

    Gift of the forest that poor girls went after (Brushwood)

    The braggart who rolled (gingerbread man)

    Initial product for cooking fabulous cabbage soup or porridge (Ax)

    The friendliest communal apartment (Teremok)

Guys, in front of you is a chest, it is not simple, but magical, it contains various fabulous objects, and which ones, you will find out.

Goroshina - G. Andersen - "The Princess and the Pea"

Umbrella - G. Andersen - "Ole Lukkoye"

Lemon - D. Rodari - "The Adventures of Cipollino"

Shoe - Ch. Perrault - "Cinderella"

Basket - Ch. Perrault - "Little Red Riding Hood"

Washcloth - K. Chukovsky - "Moidodyr"

walnut shell,






1. In what fairy tale do fruits and vegetables act as living beings? (J. Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino")
2. What is the name of the policeman's uncle in the work of Sergei Mikhalkov? (Stepan Stepanov)
3. In what fairy tale does a girl go to the forest for flowers in winter? (S. Marshak "Twelve months")
4. With what words do many Russian folk tales end?
5. In what fairy tale did the children not recognize the mother's voice and got into trouble? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

Lead 1 ... While the families are working, we will read the "Fairy Announcements" and guess their addressees.

1. Who wants to exchange an old broken trough for a new one or an apartment for a new house? Turn into a fairy tale ...(A.S. Pushkin. "About the fisherman and the fish")
2. Fashionistas and fashionistas! Who wants to get a magic mirror that can speak? Our address…
(AS Pushkin. "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs")
3. For work on the farm you need: a cook, a groom, a carpenter. Bonuses and remuneration are paid based on the results of the work for the year. My address…
("The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda")
4. For those who cannot wake up in the morning when the alarm goes off, we offer you to buy a cockerel made of pure gold, which will help you out anytime, anywhere! Address…
("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")
5. Trading company "Buyan" offers imported goods: sables, black-brown foxes, Don stallions, pure silver, gold. And all this at affordable prices! The firm is waiting for you! Company address ...
("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")