“Methods for analyzing and evaluating children's work directly on educational drawing activities. View art classes

“Methods for analyzing and evaluating children's work directly on educational drawing activities. View art classes

The educational and educational value of each lesson is determined by the correct selection of program content, good organization, training of the teacher, the availability of appropriate equipment and visual materials, and clear guidance of the activities of children. The full-fledged educational or creative activity of children in class depends on the quality of all previous work, as well as on their preparation for this particular lesson. The preparatory work should correspond to the content of the upcoming lesson: before the plot-thematic drawing, you can conduct excursions to familiarize yourself with the environment, read work of fiction, show children illustrations, reproductions related to the topic of the lesson, conduct a conversation, show a filmstrip, successful children's drawings, etc.; before decorative painting in older groups, it is advisable to show samples of folk applied art, illustrations, children's drawings, hold a conversation, didactic game“Learn by description”, games with decorative mosaics, etc .; Before modeling lessons, introduce small-scale sculptures, invite children to choose a picture depicting animals they will sculpt, sketch a decorative plate, etc. Preparation for the lesson also includes independent toning of paper, making blanks for application, design.
The manager learns about the content of the preliminary work from a short conversation with the teacher. The supervisor finds out whether the teacher understands the program tasks correctly, gets acquainted with the lesson plan, looks through the synopsis, notes the presence of visual material and the correctness of its placement on the tables.
While watching the lesson, the supervisor notes the following points. Beginning of the lesson (3-5 minutes). Techniques by which the teacher switched children from play to class. Further, the content and methodology of the first part of the lesson is assessed - setting visual tasks for children and explaining ways of working.
It should be noted what techniques caused the mental and speech activity of children, their interest in the lesson (in junior groups ah - the use of play techniques, nursery rhymes, in elders - reliance on the experience of children, reading excerpts from songs, poems, fairy tales, etc.). Purposefulness of explanation, clarity and concreteness of explanations, questions to children. Allocation of stages of work. Checking the assimilation of explanations by children using control questions(for example, in what sequence the children will depict the object, which actions will be performed). Explanation relies on visual material - nature, a sample. The quality of the teacher's demonstration of the techniques of the image of the subject (if such took place in the lesson). Duration of explanations or instructions for the upcoming work. (It should be remembered that all preparatory work the teacher should conduct before class.)
How the children started to do the work: how much they began to draw (sculpt) immediately after the teacher explained, how much they thought about, and found it difficult. Did the children ask the teacher what they asked about?
Did the teacher achieve the assigned tasks during the lessons, did he use an individual approach. What instructions, advice did the teacher give to individual children. Whether mistakes were prevented by timely reminders of the most difficult elements of the assignment. With what techniques did the teacher encourage the students to self-esteem and self-control? The expediency of the instructions given and the quality control of their execution. Were there any children who were out of sight of the teacher.
Did the educator encourage the children to independently use the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills, to work creatively? Did the caregiver notice and correct incorrect seating and posture.
How children hold a pencil (brush, scissors, etc.) and whether they are used correctly. What technical skills and abilities they possess (see relevant program requirements). What the educator did to improve the skills and abilities of individual children.
How many students finished their work on time, how many earlier, how many did not finish. How much time did the children spend doing the work.
Did the teacher provide for a review of children's work at the end of the lesson and how it was organized (collective analysis, mutual analysis, self-assessment). Were the children involved in the analysis of the work performed, what criteria did they use when evaluating the work performed from nature, according to the model, according to the imagination. Does this assessment reflect the requirements of the program in general and the objectives of the lesson.
Do children correctly use words that define the properties of objects, color shades, visual and technical techniques. How long did it take to view children's works.


Does the content of the lesson correspond to the program of this age group, the time of the year, the visual abilities of children. Combination of new and familiar to children, connection with previous activities. Emotional and creative, academic load, educational and cognitive value of the content of the lesson.
Assessment of the organization of the lesson, the quality of materials and visual aids, the preparedness of children and educators (the ability to show work techniques). The role of the attendants in the preparation of the lesson, the combination of the work of the attendants with self-service.
The correctness and availability of the educator's explanations. The correspondence of the teaching methods used to the type of activity (for example, in decorative painting, a sample is used in the form graphic image, in the subject - analysis of nature and showing the ways of its image, etc.), the nature of the program tasks (new or repeated content), the age of children (for example, the leading method of teaching children of younger groups is showing, in older groups, along with visual methods of teaching great importance acquire accurate verbal instructions, tasks to independently determine in what way and in what sequence the work should be done).
The duration of the lesson by stages and in general, the reasons for the delay, if any.
The behavior of children in the classroom: organization, discipline, independence, interest, their sense of time, pace of work.
Analysis of children's work: the ability to work in accordance with the instructions received, technical and visual skills, creativity to the solution of the task, the thoroughness or negligence of the work.
The head, together with the educator, reviews and analyzes the work of each child, performed in this lesson. In some cases (if the quality of work is lower than that of most children), it is necessary to review the child's work performed in previous classes. At the same time, it is noted:
whether the work corresponds to the proposed topic and instructions, whether the child has finished his work;
whether there is a similarity between the image and the actual object (nature, sample);
what signs of the object are depicted: characteristic or insignificant, or both;
whether the structure of the object (the location of its parts) is correctly conveyed;
whether the difference in the sizes of the parts of the object is conveyed. Whether the child reproduces the color of the subject realistically. That testifies to the child's observation ability, to the work of his imagination. What was the manifestation of the child's attitude to what was depicted (in the colorful design of the picture, in the use of size, in the dynamics of images);
how the child filled the space of the sheet of paper. Does the child have ideas about the spatial arrangement of objects in accordance with their real and semantic connections (near, at a distance, in front of, behind, above, below, etc.);
whether the child independently reproduced the content of the proposed topic (to answer this question, it is necessary to compare the drawings of all the children in the group);
the quality of technical skills (whether the outline of the object is correctly depicted, whether the drawing is accurately painted over, whether the child uses the thin end of the brush for the image small parts whether the shape of the object is correctly reproduced in the sculpting, whether the surface is smoothed, whether the parts are firmly fastened, whether there are any deformed elements, whether the contour of the object is correctly cut, whether the parts of the object are neatly glued).
Overall assessment of the lesson, positive sides and disadvantages, what changes it is advisable to make in the methodology of this lesson.

"Kindergarten. A book for managers", ed. L.P. Tarasova. M., 1982

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Consultation for teachers: "Analysis of children's work on visual activity».

Prepared and conducted by a senior educator

January 2015

The analysis of children's work is a very important part of the direct educational activities of children in visual arts. The analysis should be based on the implementation of the program content, the implementation of its main goals.

During the immediate educational activities the teacher sets before the children the task of not only following this model exactly, but mainly to show independence in the performance of work. For example, in a lesson on decorative drawing, the teacher proposes to depict one of the patterns of a given sample, or to make a combination of two or three patterns, or, based on the same elements, to come up with your own, new pattern.

By the end of the work, the teacher already knows approximately what work will need to be paid attention to. When analyzing, he will show both execution exactly according to the model, and combined, and made independently.

The teacher should place the works in a pre-selected place. Before starting the analysis, the educator should give the children the opportunity to review the work, discuss them. The statements of the children will help the teacher in assessing children's creativity... The questions that the teacher will ask should be varied and aim children at a specific answer.

In some cases, the teacher invites children to tell in detail about the content of the work, about its composition, about the use of certain techniques, offers to critically evaluate the work, choose the appropriate epithets, drains from poems.

It is not recommended, of course, to take the same children for the analysis of the work, as this can lead to praise, to convince children that they always do the best. The teacher must find something worthy of attention in every work, so that every child is sure that he can do it no worse than others.

When analyzing, it is important not only to note whether the child completed the task correctly or not, but to emphasize the expressiveness of the solution, the beauty of color combinations, to note the nature of the composition, to pay attention to the drawing technique.

If, for example, the goal of children is to convey a similarity to nature, then the analysis will be comparative. The teacher's questions should prompt children to compare the work from nature, help to find out whether the structure of the object, its color is correctly conveyed, whether its component parts are proportionally depicted.

When assessing subject drawings, the teacher pays attention to the correctness of the image (shape, size of parts, structure, color), imagery, the ability to convey a variety of poses, movements.

In plot works, the teacher pays attention to the composition, to the expressiveness of images, notes the manifested taste, the sense of color, rhythm, the ability to act independently.

Analysis of works by design should begin with the question "What is depicted?", And then pay attention to the content, technique, decoration, design. In this case, it is imperative to emphasize the variety of ideas.

V decorative works it is important to note their brightness, brilliance, ability to combine colors, variety of composition.

The analysis of collective work should start with a general assessment: say how the children coped with the work, emphasize the ability of individual children to act in concert, help each other, and the ability to independently distribute work among themselves. Then one should consider some of the most interesting works.

In all cases, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness and accuracy of the work, to the ability to complete it at the specified time.

Depending on the type of visual activity, the following forms of analysis can be used:

1. Give an overall assessment of the activities of children.

2. Among the selected works, highlight two - the best Tories and explain why they were selected.

3. Arrange all the works in a certain sequence in accordance with the content of the topic. For example, drawing based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".

4. Offer to talk about any work you like.

5. Tell about the work indicated by the teacher.

6. Offer to find a job similar to the sample.

7. Compare the work with the sample.

8. Find two different jobs.

9. Find similar works.

10. Find a job with an error.

11. Find a job that is creative.

12. Find unfinished work.

13. Talk about your work (introspection).

14. Invite the two children to talk about each other's work.

15. Invite one of the children to pick up nature, consider and find a job by nature.

16. Offer to find a nature for work.

17 Highlight two or three of the tidiest jobs.

18. Find the most interesting drawing.

19. Select works with a beautiful color combination.

20. Find jobs with the most expressive images.

This is not a complete list of possible forms of analysis. For each specific activity, based on the program content, you can come up with new analysis options, diversify the already tested ones.


Direction: Fine Arts. Painting.

Target landmarks: shows the ability to hear others, owns basic movements, can control his movements and control them, master the methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in different types activities.

Target: exercise in the ability to draw sketches;
reinforce the ability to transmit characteristics specific
features, reflect them in the picture;
foster interest in the work of artists, respect for their work,
creative self-realization;
contribute to the formation of a positive attitude in children.

Material: Reproductions of paintings: I. Repin "Nadia Repina, the artist's daughter", B. Kustodiev "Portrait of I. Kustodieva with the dog Shumka", A. Venetsianov "These are father's lunch", I. Glazunov" Verochka ", A. Shilov" Mashenka Shilova ", general photo groups; pencils; 1/2 of a landscape sheet, a sheet of paper in A2 format, a diagram of a phased drawing of a person's face, teacher samples - portraits of a girl and a boy.

Preliminary work... Introducing children to portrait painting, its peculiarities, with the fact that artists paint portraits using different materials... Reading fiction about professions.

Designing the spatial subject-developing environment of the GCD in the group:
-exhibition of reproductions of children's portraits,

Fairytale character- artist (surprise moment).


1.Main approximate general education program"From birth to school" ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva // 2016.

2. Comprehensive classes in fine arts / preparatory group, author-comp. OV Pavlova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2016.- 191p.

3. Visual activities in kindergarten(6-7 years), preparatory group of the Federal State Educational Standard. Komarova T.S.

The necessary play, educational, material, and aesthetic conditions were created for the GCD. GCD included an organizational part; the main and final parts. All of them are united by a single plot - the game "Transformation into Artists".

In the first part - organizational - a minute was spent entering the “Friend” day to create play motivation in order to attract and focus the attention of children on the task at hand, for an introduction to the topic. The duration of the first part is 4 minutes.

In the main part of the activity, cognitive, social and personal, artistic and aesthetic tasks were solved. For their implementation, the main type of activity of a preschooler was used - a game. As well as the following methods and techniques: game situations, artistic word, staging problematic issues, search tasks, visual aids, showing the method of action ( phased stage drawing a portrait). The game method and an individually differentiated approach were used in teaching drawing to preschoolers. The task of the teacher is to emotionally set the children up for play activities, to liberate them, to direct them in time, to motivate them.

The children coped with the tasks of this part of the activity, worked with desire and interest.

Creating a favorable environment, emotional mood, ease, maintaining the interest of children throughout the activity, organizing children: the ability to obey certain rules behavior, independence, conscious discipline, activity auditory attention, concentration when completing tasks - speaks about the quality of the mastery of the GCD material by children.

The duration of this part was 18 minutes (at the 16th minute of the GCD, a physical minute "The wind is blowing" was held).

There are children in the group who are poorly prepared, since they did not attend pre-school education until the age of 5 and educational activities were not conducted with them. With such children, it is necessary to use not only an individually differentiated approach, but to organize such a developing environment so that the child himself becomes an initiator creative activity... We try to introduce new, varied, developing and teaching into GCD.

In the third and final part, they summarized the knowledge of children about the genres of painting, about an interesting transformation. To support the interest of children in the future, it was proposed to cut out ready-made portrait drawings and arrange them in a collective panel - general portrait children of the group. The duration of this part of the lesson is 7 minutes.

In the final part of the GCD - reflection was carried out, a collective assessment of the activities of children, drawings. The material for the GCD was selected at a level accessible to children, corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational to meet the goals and objectives. The children were interested. They were active, attentive and comfortable. All this is confirmed by the results of activity and reflection.

In general, the educational activities directly achieved the set objectives, we are satisfied with the results of the activity. The only omission is that finger gymnastics was not performed. All elements of GCD are logically combined with each other. common theme.

This structure of the lesson is quite justified. Since each part of the lesson is aimed at solving certain pedagogical problems and offers a choice of adequate methods and techniques. The content of the lesson corresponded to the set goal and objectives. Activities at GCD are characterized as joint, creative, individual.

1. Verbal (questions to children, clarification, encouragement);

2. Visual demonstration (step-by-step picture-diagram);

3. Practical ( step by step drawing portrait)

4. Game (a minute of entering the day "Friend", playing around the situation "Turning into artists" physical minute);

5. Methods of control (analysis of completed tasks, assessment of performance results);

In the process of GCD, the following technologies were used:

Play activity;

Activity approach;

Developmental education technology;

Alena Kochkina.

1. The figure shows a Russian nesting doll. She has a scarf, a sundress; eyes, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, lips, eyelashes, hair are visible on the face. The content of the work is rich and varied.

2. There are all parts of the nesting doll, the picture is marked.

3. The structure of the object: all parts are located correctly, each part is in its place.

4. The transfer of the proportions of the subject in the image is accurate.

5. The composition has correct image, the construction on the sheet is accurate (not elongated and not crowded), there is proportionality of all parts of the construction, as well as the symmetry of the parts. The image is enlarged: as noted on the sample, it is located throughout the sheet.

6. There is no transmission of movements - it was not required.

7. The color of the composition is not quite accurate, but real colors of objects prevail, saturated bright colors prevail in the image, there is a multicolored coloring of parts and objects of the image; predominance of 3 primary colors and additional ones.

8. The character of the lines is strong, energetic; the line is continuous, clear, clearly visible. Coloring with large strokes, however, fills in within the outline, adjusts the pressure. A slight inconsistency with the color of the folk sample decorative painting admitted.

9. The following materials were used to create the image: a simple pencil, colored pencils, a nesting doll template and a sample.

10. The level of independence of the work is estimated at 4+! My help consisted of explanation, advice, praise! Alena turned to me with a request to help her draw the contour of the face, eyes and hand. I independently added eyelashes to the image, and also made a background on the sheet.

11. Alena did the job with pleasure, desire, interest. I carefully painted parts of the face. He loves to draw very much, takes any type of task with interest. At the end of the work, he evaluates his own result and the results of other children. She is happy with her creation and there is a desire to show her composition to her mother. Violently discusses the work of other guys and tries to find disadvantages in their work.

12. I did not use specific means of expressiveness to create a sample, as it was not required.

13. The girl did the work creatively, added eyelashes and a background to the image. Strive to do the job beautifully, is a peer leader. I was pleased with the work done.

Varya Khokhrina.

1. The figure shows a Russian nesting doll. She has a scarf, a sundress; eyes, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, lips, hair are visible on the face. The content of the work is rich and varied.

2. The transfer of the form is complex, accurately conveyed.

3. The structure of the subject: all parts are located correctly, each part in its place assigned.

4. The transfer of proportions in the image is respected: true, accurate, correct.

5. The composition has the correct ratio on the sheet (not elongated and not crowded), the unity of the composition is observed, there is a proportionality of the construction, however, there is not much asymmetry of the construction (the level of the eyes and eyebrows), the image is enlarged, correct, as in the sample. The image is on almost the entire sheet, the drawing on the sundress is shown quite large.


7. The image is dominated by saturated bright colors, there is a multicolor coloring; 4 primary colors and additional colors prevail. The transfer of the real paint of the object is not entirely accurate, I wanted to use my colors to paint the clothes of the matryoshka, but everything else is correctly transferred.

8. The nature of the lines: prominent pressure, continuous line. Coloring with large strokes, adjusts the pressure, but goes beyond the contour lines. A slight inconsistency with the color of the sample of folk decorative painting is allowed.


10. The level of independence is estimated at 4. My help was required in advice, praise, explanation. Varya asked to help her draw the contour of the face, scarf, lips.

11. Varya performed her work with desire and interest. I was happy to paint flowers on a sundress. She is deeply interested in art, because she was passionate about work and listened carefully to my explanation, loves to draw, sculpt. He especially prefers subject and plot drawing, says he likes to fantasize and is easier to depict. He gives an assessment of his work and compares it with others, discusses the results of his activities with the children.


13. The girl is creative, proactive, attentive, but did not bring anything new to the image, striving to perform beautifully.

Albina Vychegzhanina.

1. The figure shows a Russian nesting doll. She has a scarf, a sundress; eyes, nose, cheeks, eyebrows, lips, hair are visible on the face. The content of the work is rich, but not diverse enough, since the top of the sundress and the shirt do not have a pattern.

2. The transfer of the form is complex, accurately conveyed.

3. The structure of the object: all parts are located correctly, an inaccuracy was made (cheeks below the level).

4. The transfer of proportions in the image is observed almost correctly, only the cheeks are lowered to the lips.

5. The composition has the correct ratio on the sheet (not elongated and not crowded), the unity of the composition is observed, there is a proportionality of the construction, but there is not much asymmetry of the construction (level of the cheeks), the image is enlarged, correct, as in the sample. The image is on almost the entire sheet, the drawing on the sundress is shown quite large.

6. There is no transmission of movements - this was not required.

7. The image is dominated by bright, but not sufficiently saturated colors, 2 primary and additional colors prevail, the scarf and shirt merge, are drawn in one color - a mistake was made. Mostly real color rendering. A slight inconsistency with the color of the sample of folk decorative painting is allowed.

8. The nature of the lines: medium pressure, continuous line. It paints within the contour, neatly, in one direction, large strokes.

9. Materials used to create the image: a simple pencil, colored pencils, a matryoshka template and a sample.

10. The level of independence of work is rated at 5! Albina did all the work on her own, she only needed praise, not significant advice.

11. Albina did her job with interest and desire, she was only in a hurry. She loves to draw, she always appreciates her work and other guys, prefers plot drawing, is very happy when everything works out for her, loves praise.

12. I did not use specific means of expression, it was not required.

13. A creative girl, however, loves to draw only what she likes and, then, is imbued with work, which is successful. There was no desire to more fully express what was conceived.

Output: Based on these works, it can be concluded that the productive skills of children are age appropriate. The children coped well with this work, completed the work to the end, marked all parts of the image, kept the proportions of the parts and coped well with symmetry.

Recommendations for parents: you need to engage in productive activities with children as often as possible, because children become proactive, liberated, diligent, inquisitive. Praise the guys as often as possible and find the pluses in the work, but tactfully point out the minuses, turn each work into a game and are not afraid of the mistakes they made, give more independence.

Recommendations for the educator: it seemed to me that few children like to draw decoratively - applied arts, you need to find new approaches to drawing decorative arts, use new techniques, methods, find a "zest" in this activity in order to arouse a huge and deep interest in this kind activities.

Task number 9

Analysis of the lesson on the artistic processing of materials (manual labor) in middle group: "Bed for Katya's doll."

1. The guys will make a bed for a doll from matchboxes, cardboard, pieces of fabric.

2. The organization of the place for labor activity children and educator. Handouts and equipment were laid out for the children in advance, instructions were given on the rules for using sharp-pointed objects, a conversation about the rules of conduct in manual labor classes, the room was ventilated.

3. The children showed a positive attitude towards artistic manual labor, and their interest in the upcoming activity was noticeable. Such techniques were created for a favorable mood as a surprise moment (the appearance of a guest - Katya's dolls), preliminary work (guessing riddles, examining illustrations), a conversation on the topic "Furniture", the game "What furniture is in our group" and plot - role-playing game: "Daughters - Mothers".

4. The attitude towards manual labor was caused by the interest in making the most beautiful bed for the doll and so that she would choose it.

5. The desire of children to work was caused problem situation: Build the doll's bed as quickly as possible.

6. Techniques for teaching methods of action and methods for solving problems of education and development:

a) in the first part, tasks were defined in accordance with age, equipment was selected, preliminary work was carried out, and motivation for future activities was created.

b) In the course of guiding the activities of children, a sample was presented to perform program tasks, explanations and advice were given during the work, assistance was provided to children who were experiencing difficulties, actions were shown and an algorithm was created for the sequence of actions.

v) at the end of the lesson, an analysis of each work was given, praise and evaluation criteria for each work were introduced: the most beautiful bed, the most original, bright, high, wonderful, comfortable, etc. etc.

7. Labor organization form: frontal. In the process of labor activity, a favorable, positive, collective, friendly atmosphere prevailed. The children helped each other, encouraged each other, there were no conflicts, they were attentive.

8. The beds turned out to be varied, wonderful, bright. Each work was given its own title: the most beautiful bed, bright and the like. All furniture details, attributes were present: backs, legs, mattress, pillow, blanket.

Task number 10

Theme: Gift for mom: "Needle cushion - snowdrop".

Age group: preparatory.

Place in day mode: second half.

Organization form: subgroup (3 people).

Target:-to learn how to make a gift for mom using the material at hand. - to consolidate the skills of children to cut petals from geometric shapes(rectangle, square); - to teach, to correctly place the details on the craft; - to consolidate the ability to select paper by color, achieving beautiful combination by developing the artistic taste of children; - continue to teach children to follow the instruction, pronouncing its sequence; - to bring up in children the desire to bring joy to their families by making a gift with their own hands; - to instill the skills of a culture of behavior and a culture of communication between people.

Equipment: needle bed sample, disk, different paper geometric shape, size and different color, foam rubber (sponge, braid, loop tape, scissors, pencil, brushes, glue, napkins, oilcloth, circle template, envelope with a letter.

Motivation techniques for children: artistic word, surprise moment (chest and letter).

Skill training techniques: showing the teacher, showing the actions by the child, individual work with children while making crafts, explanations.

Methods for assessing the activities of children: praise, presenting gifts to mothers.

Work progress: I: Today, when I came to the garden, I found a chest just outside the door. Want to see what's here? (I open the chest). - About here interesting things, and on top of the letter. Let's see what kind of letter (we consider the envelope). - On the envelope the address: Nagorsk settlement, Kindergarten No. 4, "Firefly" group. Return address: Wonderland, Fairy of Good Deeds. - Let's read what the Fairy wrote to us: dear children, unfortunately, she did not find you in the garden. My carriage arrived in Nagorsk only at midnight, when you were already asleep. I can't see you, but I leave you magic chest with gifts and assignments. Try to complete all tasks. If you do everything, then you yourself will be kinder and more beautiful, and the world around you will also be kinder. Do not rush to watch everything at once, do everything sequentially. The main task is at the very bottom of the chest. And I will try to visit you next time ... C Best wishes, Fairy of good deeds ... I AM: Let's go back to our chest. So, here's a card with riddles. (I take out a card with tasks). It is necessary to guess the riddles: 1. Loose snow melts in the sun, the breeze plays in the branches, The bird's voices are louder, so it has come to us. ( Spring) 2. Streams run faster, the sun is shining warmer. The sparrow is happy about the weather - a month came to us. ( March) 3. A sprout is breaking through, an amazing flower. From under the snow it grows, meets the spring before everyone. ( Snowdrop) 4. On this bright day of spring, flowers are given to women. And in kindergartens and schools, children make crafts for mothers! ( March 8). (Children guess) I AM:- So we got to the last thing in the trunk. This is a snowdrop-shaped craft. I AM:- Guys, can we please our mothers with gifts? Let's make the same needle cushion (children answer). And what is a needle cushion for? Children answer. I AM:- That's right, needles should not be lying around. The needle is a very dangerous tool and should be kept in a safe place at all times. The pincushion is a house for a needle. - The work on making the needle cushion is big, painstaking ... We were lucky that in the previous lessons we learned to cut flower petals, we cut out circles from a sponge, now they will be very useful to us. It remains for us to glue the petals and the middle, tie the ribbon. - For work, we need a disc, petals, foam center, ribbon, glue. First, let's remember the rules for working with glue. Children answer. Rules for working with a glue stick: 1. Work on a napkin. 2. Be very careful not to stain the table 3. Do not rub your eyes or lick your fingers during operation. I AM: now I will show you how to make a needle bar, in what sequence to work: 1. Take the disc and stick the green leaves on it. 2. Take a circle from a foam sponge and also stick it on the middle of the disc. 3. Next, take the petals and glue them under the foam sponge. 4. Then take the tape, cut off the tip, and glue the two ends at the top to the edge of the disc. The children are doing the work. I observe, give advice, help, to those who are experiencing difficulties, I encourage them, I explain. In the end, I praise the children for the work done.


1. Preparation for conducting GCD consisted in defining the goal, searching for material (text), making a sample (needle bed), writing, preparing equipment and material, preliminary work (making leaves and petals).

2. Everything planned was successfully carried out.

3. Everything turned out. The children were passionate about the work, there was an interest in the work, they managed to get them interested, the guys really liked to make gifts with their own hands, there was a desire to make the needle case neatly and beautifully. We were glad that they would give their mothers gifts.

4. My help was required in prompting the sequence of actions.

5. For the future, I took note that you need to study more often artistic treatment materials, since this brings a lot of pleasure and positive emotions to children, and most importantly, their eyes sparkle with joy that they themselves have made a gift for their beloved mother.


Dokuchaeva E.V. chose interesting occupation for preparatory group... The content of the lesson is determined taking into account the age and season, there is a correspondence of the gift made with the spring holiday and the theme of the work. The goals and objectives are formulated clearly and consistently based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO and the program. The equipment is selected according to the actual conditions of the group. Methods of motivating children, methods and techniques of teaching skills are used competently and taking into account the tasks set, the age of the children and the form of organization.

The analysis of children's work is a very important and responsible part of the lesson in visual activity. The analysis should be based on the implementation of the program content of the lesson, the implementation of its main ideas. In the course of the lesson, the teacher sets before the children the task of not only accurately following this model, but mainly to show independence in the performance of work. For example, in a lesson on decorative drawing, the teacher suggests depicting one of the patterns of this sample or making a composition of 2, 3 patterns, or, based on the same elements, come up with your own pattern. By the end of the lesson, the teacher already knows roughly what work needs to be paid attention to. In the analysis, he will show and executed exactly according to the model, and combined, and made independently.

Works for analysis should be placed in a previously prepared place. For example, drawings and applications can be placed on a board - a stand (see "Technique for teaching drawing, modeling, applications in kindergarten" edited by Sakulina), wet drawings and volumetric works (made of clay, plasticine, natural and waste materials) spread out on tables or stands. At the stand, the works are hung on the braid.

Before proceeding with the analysis, the educator should give the opportunity to consider all the work, discuss them. The statements of the children will help in defining children's creativity.

The questions the educator will ask should be varied and aim children at a specific answer.

In some cases, the teacher invites the children to tell in detail about the content of the work, about the expressive means, offers to critically evaluate the work, pick up lines from the poem.

It is not recommended to take the same people to analyze the work, because it can lead to overwhelming the child; convince children that they are always doing better than in the previous lesson. The teacher must find in every work something worthy of attention, so that every child is sure that he can do just as well as others.

When analyzing, it is important to note not just correctly or incorrectly the child completed the task, but to emphasize the expressiveness of the solution, the beauty of color combinations, to note the nature of the composition, to pay attention to the drawing technique.

So, giving the children the opportunity to consider their work, the teacher begins the analysis, using various forms his. Their choice depends on the type of activity. If, for example, the children were faced with the task of conveying similarities with nature, then the analysis will be comparative. The teacher's questions should prompt children to compare work with nature, help to find out whether the structure of the object, its color is correctly conveyed, whether its component parts are proportionally depicted.

When assessing subject drawings, the teacher pays attention to the correctness of the image (shape, color, proportions, structure - to the transfer of expressive means).

In plot works, the teacher pays attention to the transfer of composition, movement, how the child conveyed his attitude to the drawing by color, to the relative value between objects.

In decorative works, it is important to note their brightness, brilliance, the ability to combine colors, a variety of compositions.

The analysis of teamwork begins with an overall assessment: say how the children coped with teamwork, to emphasize the ability of some children to act in concert, to help each other, the ability to independently distribute work. Then consider some of the most interesting works. In all cases, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness and accuracy of the work, to the ability to complete it at the specified time.

Depending on the type of activity, the following can be used forms of analysis:

  1. Give an overall assessment of the lesson.
  2. Among the selected works, choose 2-3 best ones and explain why they were selected.
  3. Arrange all the works in a certain sequence in accordance with the content of the topic (for example, according to the fairy tale “3 bears.” So you can find out which episode is not in the drawings, which of the 2-3 works is done better.
  4. Offer to talk about any work you like.
  5. Tell about the work indicated by the teacher.
  6. Offer to find a job similar to the sample.
  7. Compare the work with the sample.
  8. Find 2 different jobs.
  9. Find similar works.
  10. Find a job with an error.
  11. Find a job that is creative.
  12. Find unfinished work.
  13. Share your work.
  14. Offer to talk about a friend's work.
  15. Find a nature for work.
  16. Highlight the tidiest jobs.
  17. Find the most interesting work, justify why.
  18. Find work with a successful color combination.
  19. Find works with the most expressive images (crying hare, sly fox).
  20. In one lesson, you can come up with 2-3 options for analysis. Their choice depends on the theme and program content.