Musical games for younger and medium groups. Music and didactic games in the second youngest group of music Did games for 2 youngest band

Musical games for younger and medium groups. Music and didactic games in the second youngest group of music Did games for 2 youngest band
Musical games for younger and medium groups. Music and didactic games in the second youngest group of music Did games for 2 youngest band

Anna Melnik

i am constantly on musical classes I use musical and didactic gameswhich produced itself. Maybe someone will be interested.

Guess what I play (1) (1 junior)

Purpose. Game for the development of timber hearing

Benefits. Children's musical instruments: Rattle, Tuben, Bi-Ba-Bo Parsley Dolls, Bear, Small Shirma

Music material. "Parsley and Bear" Russian folk melody

First younger group

Guess what I play (2)

Benefits. Dudge, drum, metallophone, small shirma

Music material. "What I play" m. R. Rustamova, cl. Yu. Ostrovsky

A source. Vetlugin N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Commissioner L. First younger group

Pipes and drum (2 junior)

Purpose. Rhythm Distribution Game

Benefits. Pipe, drum

Music material. "Pipes and drum" from. Yu. Ostrovsky, m. E. Tilicheeva

A source. Vetlugin N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Commissioner L. Second younger group

Bird and chicks (1 junior)

Purpose. Game for the development of sound hearing

Benefits. Picture depicting wood and birds

Music material. "Birds" m. T. Lomova, "Bird and chicks" m. E. Tilicaeva

A source. Vetlugin N., Dzerzhinskaya I., Commissioner L. First younger group

Fun-sad (2 junior)

Purpose. Character definition music

Benefits. Two big cards with the image of a fun and sad dwarf, pictograms of sad-fun in number children

Music material. "Fun-sad" L Beethoven

A source. O. P. Radina « Music in kindergarten» part 1

Guess-Ka (2 junior)

Purpose. Game for the development of sound hearing

Benefits. Pair cards by quantity children(cow-calf, goose-goose, ram lamb, horse foal)

Music material.

A source. N. G. Kononova " Music and didactic games for

preschool children

Three sisters (2 junior)

Purpose. Play for defining character, speakers, register, harmonization music

Benefits. Cards with the image of three girls (crying, evil playing)

Music material. D. Kabalevsky "Crybaby", "Zlut", "Fold"

A source. O. P. Radina « Music development of children»

Hares (2 junior)

Benefits. Pictures - "Hares sleep", "Hares dance"

Music material music

Source N. G. Kononova «»

What Mishki do (2 junior)

Purpose. Game for the development of a feeling of rhythm

Benefits. Cards "Bears are sleeping", "Bears are walking"

Music material. Lullaby or dance music

Source N. G. Kononova « Music and didactic games for preschoolers»

purpose : Development

1. Merry or sad?

2. Dance, rest


1. Where are my kids?

2. Birds and chicks

3. Chicken and chickens

Purpose: development of a feeling of rhythm.

1. Guests came to us

purpose : Development of timber hearing.

1. Toys brought us toys

2. Guess what I play

3. Parsley and Bear


3. Think and guess



Music and didactic games for children 1 younger group

List of musical and didactic games


  1. Cheerful or sad?
  2. Dance, rest

Purpose: development of sound hearing.

  1. Where are my kids?
  2. Birds and chicks
  3. Chicken and chickens

Purpose: development of a feeling of rhythm.

  1. Guests came to us

purpose : Development of timber hearing.

  1. We brought to the toys
  2. Guess what I play
  3. Parsley and Mishka

purpose : Fastening the musical material passed.

  1. Think and guess

Description of games

"Merry or sad?"

Purpose: Development emotional perception of music.

Game Material: two flower with the image of opposing emotions - with a cheerful and sad face, red and blue.

Game traffic:

The teacher plays cheerful music, asks one of the children to take to show the flower that comes to this music, then the same with sad music (the flower listened to the song and slept, became sad).

"Dance, rest"

Purpose: Development emotional perception of music.

Game traffic:

The teacher plays cheerful music, asks what can be done under this music (dance, children dance - circling, jump, clap, etc.). Plays slow sad music, asks what we will do now? Sleep, relax (children cover their eyes and pretend that they sleep).

"Where are my kids?"

Purpose : development of sound hearing.

Game Material: three large cards and several small (by the number of playing). On large cards depicted duck, chicken, bird; On small - ducklings, chickens, chicks in sockets.

Game traffic:

Children sit opposite the teacher, each by a small card.

Teacher :( suggests to play and starts the story):

- In the same yard there were chicken with chickens, goose with geese, duck with ducks, and on the tree a bird with chips. One day a strong wind blew. I went raining, and everyone hid. Moms - Birds lost their children. The first one was the call of my children duck (shows picture): "Where are my ducklings, cute guys? Quack quack!" (sings onre first octave).

Children in whose cards are depicted ducklings, raise them and answer:

"Vary-rus, we are here" (sing on the sound of the first octave).

Teacher :( picks the guys and continues):

- Duck was delighted, which found her ducklings. Mom came out - chicken and also began to call their children: "Where are my chickens, cute guys? Ko-ko! "...

The game continues until all birds find their children.

Then you can offer children to imagine how children will answer if they frightened, having fun, or sad. In addition, you can use dancing melodies that are performed in different registers and at different pace, and the guys must depict, as children will dance, and as a mother.

"Birds and chicks"

purpose : Development of sound hearing.

Game Material: Lestenka of three steps, metallophone, three pictures depicting large birds and chips.

Game traffic:

Participates a subgroup of children. Every child has one card.

The teacher plays high sounds on the metal organophone.

Children who hold chicks should go out and put toys on top steps.

Then low sounds sound, the children put big birds on the lower step.

"Chicken and Chickens"

Purpose: development of sound hearing.

Game Material:house, Masha doll, Metallophone. Everything unfolds on the table. In children in the hands of toy birds (duck and ducklings).

Game traffic:

Children are cleared around the table.

Teacher (takes a doll):

The doll Masha lives in this house, she has a lot of chickens and chickens. They are time to feed, but they ran away. Masha, call his chickens. Listen guys who call Masha. (Playing at the metallophonere second octave)

Children with ducklings in their hands stand up and put them in front of Masha. Doll feed birds.

The teacher asks the children to sing with a thin voice, like ducklings "Vary-Varya-Kry". Then the doll Masha calls the duck -(the teacher plays on the metal fondre first octave.)

Children put a duck figure on the table in front of Masha and sing on the same sound "Vary-Kra-Kry".

"Guests came to us"

purpose : Development of a sense of rhythm.

Game Material: Babo toys (bear, bunny, horse, bird), tambourine, musical hammer, bell.

Game traffic:

Teacher :( invites children to approach him)

Children, today to visit toys should come to visit.

A knock on the door hears, the tutor comes to the door and unnoticed by a bear


- Hello, children, I came to visit you to play and dance. Lena, play me on the tambourine, I will breathe.

The girl slowly hits the tambourine, the bear in the hands of the tutor rhythmically crosses from her legs on the leg. Children clap.

Similarly, the teacher beats the arrival of other toys.

Bunny jumps under fast blows with a hammer on a metalfone, a horse jumps under clear rhythmic blows of a musical hammer, a bird flies under the ringing of the bell.

"We brought toys tooth"

purpose : Development of timber hearing.

Game Material: Musical toys: Dude, bell, musical hammer; Cat (soft toy).

Game traffic:

Pedagogue: ( takes a cat in the hands and sings the song "Sereny kitty" V. Vitlin.)

- In the box there are still musical toys that the cat will give children if they recognize them on sound.

The teacher is unnoticed by children playing musical toys. Children recognize them. Cat gives toys a child. He rings the bell tip (tapping a musical hammer, playing on a twin). Then the cat passes the toy to another child.

"Guess what I play"

Purpose: development of timber hearing.

Game Material: Children's musical instruments: Dudge, Metallopon, ratchet.

Game traffic:

The teacher calls a child to the table and invites him to turn his back and guess what he will play. Then the child turns and checks whether it was correctly guessing.

"Parsley and Bear"

Purpose: development of timber hearing.

Game Material: Children's musical instruments: rattle, tambourine.

Game traffic:

A parsley with a rattle appears on Shirma.

I am a cheerful parsley,

I have a rattle.

Music risks a rattle and hides behind the screen.

There is a bear with a tambourine.

And I am a teddy bear,

Here's like a babno paw.

To the music beats in the tambourine and hides behind the screen.

Pedagogue: No parsley no, nor bears -

Salted chalunca.

Who is playing - Guess,

Answer answer.

Children guess who played width.

At the end, Bear and Parsley invite children to dance.

Dance music sounds.

"Think and guess"

purpose : Fastening the material passed.

Game Material: Toy bear, bunny, bird.

Game traffic:

The melody sounds: "Bunny" M. Strollomsky, "Bear" V. Krasvikov, "Varobushki" M.Krasheva. Children find out the melody and show the desired toy.

Used sources:

  1. Kononova N. G. "Music and didactic games for preschoolers" Moscow "Enlightenment" - 1982.
  2. Commissioner L. N., Kostina E. P. "Visual funds in the musical education of preschoolers." Moscow "Enlightenment" - 1986.
  3. Rota Z. Ya. "Music didactic games for preschool children" Iris-Press - 2005
  4. Zimin A. N. "Music and Didactic Games and Exercises in Malocomplete Dow" - 1999

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Music and didactic games for the development of the feeling of rhythm 2 youngest group

"How the beasts run" goal: performing the cams of a slow, medium and fast rhythmic pattern. Game Traffic: The tutor performs rhythm at a different pace, tying with animal images (bear, hare, mouse-)

"Rhythm Songs" Purpose: Strong the rhythmic rhythmic pattern of the game asked by text: The teacher welcomes the text of the poem, children are slammed. Horse. Here is a horse - a tonky (children clap the Coc Coc Coc) jumps, jumps on the track of the Coc Coc Coco Calco Cocks Copulates Coc Coc Coca invite to ride Coc Coc Coc.

"Rhythm Songs" Sparobushki has become the sun to harvest, they ware pichugu nests, love songs to spare fibrous sparrows chick chick, chick chirk, chick, chick, chick.

"Songs-Rhythms" Nevalyashki to what are good nevaleshki-kids, lowly lean, poured ringing. (SLEKL) Dili-day, Dili-day can bow all day, you bow and us bow (stupl) Dili-Don, Dili-Don.

Music and didactic games for the development of sound hearing 2 youngest group

"Bird and chicks" goal: distinguish sounds in height (up to 2 octaves) and low (before the first octave) game move: giving children a concept about low and high sounds, the educator orients children, tying sounds with animal and birds. Low Voices High Voices 1 Stage Lestenka 3 Stage Forest Bear Bird Bird Pedes Case Goat

"Cheerful cube" goal: to teach to imitate the sound of animal votes, using the possibilities of strength and timbre. The course of the game: the teacher and children stand or sit in a circle. Any cheerful melody sounds, and children pass the cube to each other. Pedagogue and children utter text: Kubyk Children Pass, who came to us guess! The child who was a cube, throws him to the floor in a circle. A teacher asks who is depicted on a cube. Children answer. If a cat is drawn there, the teacher offers a child who threw a cube to show a voice like a kitty greets ("Meow, Meow"), etc. On the edges depicted: kitty, doggy, cockerel, piggy, horse, duck.

Music and didactic games for the development of intelligent musical abilities and musical memory 2 youngest group

"Fun-sad" goal: distinguish between building music course: children listen to music and independently choose a card with an image of a cheerful or sad clown. 2 Option - listen and depict faith. "Drying Drying" - "New Doll" P.I. Tchaikovsky

"Hello, say goodbye song" "Move the children to the composition of individual intonations: Lullaby (Bai-Bai), dance (la-la)"

"Who sings like?" Purpose: Repetition of an adult for adults Traffic memory: The teacher offers its own version of the song: Dolls-Laa-la, Moms - Bai-Bai, Bunny - Tru Ta Ta, Bear - Boom Boom, Sparrow - Chick Chirik and T ..

Music and didactic games for the development of timber hearing 2 youngest band

"Guess what the bunny plays" goal: to distinguish the timbres of various musical instruments: a rattle, drum, a tambourine, spoons, shoes, bell. The course of the game: kids comes to guests with a magic box with tools. Children are guessing, what the bunny play.

"Who lives in the house" Purpose: to develop memory in children, tied the heroes of fairy tales with a certain musical instrument. The course of the game: children get acquainted with tales characters who live in a music house. Each character has a favorite musical instrument (bear - tambourine, hare - drum, a rootier - a rattle, a bird - a bell). Children remember and guess who in the house lives on the sound of the corresponding tool.

Music and didactic games for the development of dynamic hearing 2 youngest group

"Drummers" Goal: Discern dynamic shades: loud, quiet. Game Travel: The teacher plays the drum simple rhythmic pattern first loud (the child repeats), then quietly (the child repeats).

"Feet and legs" goal: change step on running with a change in the dynamics of music (loud, quietly) course of the game: the teacher sings loudly: big legs walked on the road: Top, top, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP! Small legs ran along the track: Top, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP. The educator under loud singing goes with children, high raising his knees, a small junction is performed under quiet singing. When consolidating, children perform their own under the singing of the teacher.

"Quietly loud" goal: correlate quiet and loud cotton with text. Game Traffic: The teacher welcomes the text with the corresponding dynamic tint: the guys clap the knobs, chloride chloride quietly, clap louder, clap themselves, so clap, well, they clap.

"The doll walks and runs" goal: perform movements corresponding to the text. The course of the game: Children are heard musical instruments, the teacher is a doll. Educator: We will be loud to play - the doll will dance (children play, dance dances). We will be quietly played - the doll will sleep with our sleep (movements in the text are performed).

"Guess the tool" (Shirma is installed, there are musical instruments behind it: bells, drum, rattle, tambourine. The educator reads a quatrain, calling the name of any child from the group, Katya's doll plays on any musical instrument, children guess)
We are playing with the guys
What now sounds learn
Doll Katya play!
Quick, Olya, call!

"Silent and loud palms" (Depending on the sound of music, children clap into your hands loudly, then quiet)
We will play in the palm
Loudly, we hit loudly,
Times, two, three, do not yawny
Loud, hit loudly!

We will play in the palm
Quiet, quietly, hit.
Times, two, three, do not yawny
Quietly, sleep quietly.
"Rhythmic legs" (Children walk in the rhythm of music, then slowly, then quickly; at the same time, together with the steps, knock with chopsticks)
Slowly walk,
Raise the legs
In sticks playing
We hit together.

We quickly stepping,
Raise the legs
We play sticks.
We hit together.

"Children and Bear" (Children walk throughout the hall, play rattles under the merry music; when the bear appears, the music changes to the march, the bear playing on the drum; all children are hiding from him - squat)
Children went out to walk
In rattles to play
That's how fun walk,
We play rattles.

A bear with a drum came out,
Boom boom boom, tram - there, there,
All the guys attached,
Here and there, here and there.

"Musical Mosaic" (Children show a picture with the image, tell the verse, the child chooses the tool and depicts someone painted in the picture.)
Here is a frog on a swamp
Very fun live
You Listen guys
Kwa-kva-ku she sings!

Berloga bear came out,
Usually legs
Yes, how he began to roar,
So Mishane - Bear!

Rain drips on the roof,
Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk-Tuk,
Barely audible, barely audible
Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk-Tuk!

Sparrows slept
Severers grow up
From others do not lag behind
All peel, peck, peck.

Here is a river,
Seen his path is far away,
So murmuting, splashing,
Save tries!

"Funny balls" (On the definition of contrast in music. On the first part of the music "balls" rolls each other or in the scattering, on the second part - at the place.)
Rolled, rolled
Ball on the track,
We are like ball balls
That's what legs!

Suddenly our ball burned
Fun so jumps
We are like balls now
Completely all ridge!

"Little Musicians" (For the first, quick part of the music, children play on spoons, on the second, the slow part play on the tambourines).

"Chicken and chanterelle" (Chicken overlook, pegs pegs, clean the dogs. Then the chanterelle will run away, catches the chicken: whom it will fall, it sits down)
Here's how the trees are keeily.
Here's how the trees are keeily.

Yes Yes Yes Yes,
Pynes I replace me.
Yes Yes Yes Yes,
Pynes I replace me.
(Lischka runs out)

Music-Didictic Games Card in the second youngest group

Elena Prikhodko
Music games for younger and medium groups

Musical Games

Junior and middle preschool age

"Sparrow and Cat"

Purpose: develop expressiveness of movements, attention, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the music and text of the song.

The course of the game: the teacher sings the song, the children sink, performing movement:

1. In the nest, the sparrows live and grow everything in the morning.

Pretty in nests sit, it's time to fly to the sun.

Personal children are hiding behind chairs. "Wake up" and "fly."

Chirik Chik-Chik, Chirik-Chik-Chik to fly to the sun.

Chirik-chik-chik, chirik-chik-chik and wings warm.

2. Fly, Ptashka, take a walk, fly the grains to peck.

Such a tasty grain, grow it to help you.

Sit down and "peck" with fingers on the floor.

Chirik Chic Chic, Chirik Chic Chick, useful grain.

Chirik Chic Chic, Chirik Chic Chic, will help us it.

3. Be careful, the sparrow, cats the cat at the door.

So as not to get into the paws she fly from the cat Sparrow.

Run away from the cat, cat catches with cry.


Purpose: develop expressiveness of movements, enrich the motor experience of children, the ability to coordinate movements with the text of the song and music.

Games: Teacher and Children Sing:

Rain, rain, fun, kapay, kapay, do not regret.

Splashes in the field in the forest, the grass will be thicker.

Only we are not fringed, in vain in the window are not knocking.

Children are suitable for the "rain", "catch" droplets with palms.

At the end of the song, children run away from the rain, which is a sultachik

trying to touch the guys.


Purpose: develop the coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, the ability to expressively perform gestures in accordance with the lyrics.

Game Strugg: Children fit to Mishke, sing:

Hey you, Teddy Liazebok (threaten with a finger

I slept for a long time and deeply (put hands under the cheek)

To wake a bear (swaying)

We will beat your hands (show palms).

Any dance melody sounds. Children chlo in your hands - Bear does not wake up.

We will not let me sleep with a bear, let's knock on the legs.

The dancer sounds again, the children get up and put their feet - the bear does not wake up.

Nothing happens - our bear does not wake up!

And let's step down and slap together in your hands.

Children to the music are hollow and clap. Bear wakes up, growls:

Who is hindering a bear hinders? Who dances here, who play? R-R-R ...

Children run away from the teddy bear.

"Run and Lisa"

Option 1.

Objective: Develop emotions, expressiveness of movements, the ability to coordinate movements with music and text.

Games: Children sing:

1. In the forest lawn, bunnies ran away. (Children are easily running the swarming)

Here are what bunnies, hacks-shoots!

2. Slies bunnies in a circle, dig paws. (Sit down and

Here are what bunnies, hacks-shoots! "Roat" land)

Suddenly fastened, redhead sisters! ("Fox" runs between hares)

Looking for, where bunnies, bunks, wagon! ("Bunnies" are running out, chanterelle them

catch up)

Option 2.

The course of the game: Fox sits on the pennies and pretends to sleep. Bunnies get around fox

We are funny, we love to jump and jump.

Well, a redhead fox, you try to catch up with us!

Hares are running out, fox them catch. At the end of music, hares are sitting

squatting. Fox addresses hares:

Ah, funny wish, I will not scare you!

Get out quickly, we will dance together!

Lisa and encourages together dance for merry music.

"Forest Orchestra"

Purpose: develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to musitize on children's musical instruments.

The course of the game: there is an orchestra in the forest with us, he will play you now.

You do not regret your palm and louder Bay's palm.

Bears in the tambourine loudly beat, boom boom, boom boom.

Sleep animals do not give - boom boom, boom boom.

Children play on the tambourines, pronouncing the text.

And chanterelle in Triangle - Jin-La, Dzin-la-la.

Gently, gently hit - Dzin-la-la, Dzin-la-la!

Children beat off a strong proportion of a triangle.

Bunny is fun playing, maraches shake.

Cha-Cha-Cha, Cha C-cha, the dance will be hot.

Children playing on Maracas.


Purpose: develop the coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm, the ability to expressively perform movements in accordance with the text of the song.

The course of the game: Children stand in a circle, holding hands. In the center of the circle sits "Rack". Behind the circle - "Mouse". Children, performing a song round, go in a circle. "Repka" is growing; "Mouse" goes around.

Rope-Rope, grow a lot,

Neither small, nor great, to a mouse tail. Yes!

With the end of singing "Mouse" catches "Rack". If the "mouse" caught "repank", both are dancing under any folk dance, children clap their hands.


Purpose: develop emotions, attention, expressiveness of movements, the ability to coordinate movements with music and text.

The course of the game: Children stand in a circle, holding hands. In the center of the circle sits a child depicting a sleeping bunny. Children go in a circle and sing:

Bunny, bunny, you're kid, all walk, and you sleep.

Try to guess who calls you to dance.

Children stop, the teacher offers a child to call a bunny. Bunny "wakes up" and guess who called him. If guessed correctly, then the child is dancing with a bunny, children clap their hands. Then children change places, the game continues.

"Sweet cap"

Purpose: To form the skills of self-performance of learned songs and dances.

Game Material: Caps of different colors in terms of the number of music numbers and one more for candies, cards with a task (sing a familiar song, perform dance, dance, read poems). On cards - drawings on the plot of the work or text that reads an adult. Candy - for each child.

The course of the game: children are sitting by a semicircle. Around the hall placed caps. Sad parsley comes (adult or bi-ba-bo's doll). He cooked a sweet treat, put under the cap, and under what - forgot. It is necessary to find this cap! The teacher offers parsley to approach any cap (in addition, where surprise lies, and children perform a task found under it. Under the last cap - a treat. The cap with a treat may be not only in the field of view of children, but also be somewhere hidden. This game can be held on days after festive matinee, using the musical numbers of these matinees.


Objective: Develop the ability of children to distinguish between the register sound and the nature of musical works.

Game Material: Soft small toys (hare, bird, doggy, horse, cat, chickens, etc.). A small puppet table with chairs, tea tableware, small bright boxes gifts for a bunny.

The course of the game. Pedagogue: Look, guys, what an unusual bunny today, even a festive bow tied. (Bunny bothes at the housework, putting toy dishes on the table). I guessed the bunny today is a birthday, and he invited guests. Here is someone goes! Listen to music, guess who will come?

The teacher includes music or feeds the melody to familiar children of songs, children will recognize the musical image, express about the nature of the music. After that, a toy appears - a guest with a gift and gives his bunny. Then the toy is planted at the table. Thus, all works and songs are consistently executed. At the end of the game, the teacher offers a bunny to give a song or dance. Bunny of all children treats candy.

Music repertoire: "Tuiferpie" m. V. Gerchik, "What do you want, kitty?" m. Zinger, Mishka m. T. Byrchenko, "Horse" by M. E. Tilicaeva, "Sparrow". V. Gerchik, "Chickens" by A. Filippenko.


Objective: Develop an emotional responsiveness to music, to educate interest in her, encourage children to transmit the nature of the musical image in the moves.

The course of the game: the teacher offers "butterflies" to learn to easily "fly" by the clearing and spinning on the spot, having fluttering the wings. He says that the sounds on the metal fonder will sound that quickly, then slowly. On quick music "Butterfly" you need to "fly", and on slow - spinning (shows how to do it). First, the exercise is performed with a consistent change of the sound of fast and slow music. The teacher then says that it will be all the time butterflies to make musical riddles: it will play quickly several times, then several times slowly. "Butterflies" will have these musical riddles to solve. At the end it is proposed to children-butterfly to dance on the clearing under the "Waltz" P. I. Tchaikovsky.


Purpose: to develop in children the ability to hear and distinguish between long and short sounds.

Game Material: Tuben or Triangle, Little Flowers: Chamomile and Vasilka (two for each child).

The course of the game: children with daisies stand in one end of the clearing, children with cornflowers - in another.

Teacher: Now our flowers will first navigate the heads, and then walk and run around the lawn. If the sounds are long, these are (hitting on the tambourine or triangle, the modest chamomile is riveted with heads, and if the sounds are short, these are (shows, then the heads of the cornflowers will be smoothed.

In different sequences, executes long and short blows into the tambourine or triangle. Children, according to sound, shake with flowers rarely, then often. Then the teacher offers "daisies" walk around the clearing when long sounds will sound, then stop. And "Vasilkov" run throughout the clearing (and between daisies too) to the sound of short sounds. At the end of the game, the teacher offers children who will quickly return to their place, raise the flowers up, forming a large bouquet.

"Cats and mice"

Purpose: develop dynamic hearing in children, the ability to act in the team.

Game Material: Metallophone, any Russian folk melody, cats "cats", "mice" by the number of children, two plane houses of different colors.

The course of the game: in different places of the room there are two houses: one - cats, another for mice.

Pedagogue: Moms-mouse and mice live in a blue house. Mom cats and kittens live in a yellow house. Sleep at night, and in the afternoon they love to walk. But the mice are terribly afraid of cats and therefore, when they go outside, they move quietly. Therefore, the sounds that call mice walk will be quiet. These are (playing). And the cats are not afraid of anyone, so their name is walking loud sounds. These are (playing). Listen carefully what sounds will sound: if they are loud, they will go to "walk" the cats, if quiet - mice. Moms-mice, mice help, do not let go away from ourselves, as soon as the music of cats hear, sit down, cover your hands with your hands so that the cats do not see and not heard the cats. And you, the cats, when the music of the mouse will sound, stay on the ground, look at the mice, but do not touch anyone. I will play music many times - then loud, then quietly. And when I will completely play and say, "catch!", "Mouses" should rather escape from "cats" in his house.

"Playing with handkerchiefs"

Objective: to develop in children a reaction to a change in dynamic changes in music.

Games: Children are sitting or standing at a short distance from each other, in their hands they have colored handkerchiefs. Under the loud sound of music, children are mashed with handkerchiefs over their heads, under the quiet - hiding handkerchiefs behind the back.