Drawing on drawing hare Medium group. An abstract of drawing on drawing in the middle group "Bunny

Drawing on drawing hare Medium group. An abstract of drawing on drawing in the middle group
Drawing on drawing hare Medium group. An abstract of drawing on drawing in the middle group "Bunny

Abstract of direct educational activities in the middle group on drawing on the topic: "Bunny-shooter"


Educational:fasten the skills drawing round, oval forms; In the picture, the characteristic features of the appearance of animals (long ears, a short tail near the hare), a different inner state of the bunny (listened or relaxed) through the different position of its ears; Apply the assimiced receptions of drawing with a brush: all pile in shape (torso); lateral smears when depicting small and small parts; Drawing the end of the tassel (tych).

Developing: Secure the knowledge of the colors, the skills compositionally correctly placing an image on a sheet of paper.

Educational: Rail interest and careful attitude towards animals, independence, desire for aesthetic estimation.

Equipment: Toy bunny, tassels, sticks, stands for brushes, glass with water, tinted sheet of paper, black, gray, white, white colors.

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations and games with a toy bunny; A verbal description, reading stories, learning poems about bunnies.

Travel course:

1. The organizational moment.

2. Motivation of educational and cognitive activity.

Educator: Children, on Sunday I was in the forest and met ... Guess who?

Guessing Riddles:

Guess what kind of hat,

Fur gray ohaper.

Cap runs in Boru,

The barrels gnawing Cra. (Hare)

Educator:Yes, it's a hare! I met bunny exactly. I saw how he quickly runs, deftly jumps, and invited him to visit. Here he is a bunny! ( Puts a bunny before children.) Bunny told me that he ran away from the fox and hid under the Christmas tree. He complained: "If I were not alone if I had a lot of bunny friends, Lisa would never care for us." Children, let's help the bunny, draw friends for him - a lot of the same, like he, will be engaged in long.

Bunny, jump here on the pencils so that the children can look good for you, what form you have a torso, head.

Bunny:Let the children say, what form I have a head, torso. What are they like? (On the Egg.)What is this form called? (Oval.)

3. Fallen gymnastics.

Jincan jumped from the porch

And in the grass found a ring.

And the ring is not easy -

Glitters, as if gold.

Exercise is based on the transition from one position to another:

a) fingers into the cam, pull out the index and middle fingers and dilute them to the sides;

b) Big and index connect to the ring.

Educator:What do you think the bunny sits and silent? (Children lead their guesses, build logical chains.)He whispers me on the ear, that he is calm, he rests, so the ears lie on his back, and when some rustle or steps heard, he immediately raises the ears up, listening.

The educator invites children to start drawing, asks what will begin to create an image to create an image.

4. Demonstration and explanation of the work method.

Educator: I take a silent, Makayoy her first into the water, drying about the napkin, I score a gray or white paint on the whole pile (depending on the time of year) and draw the oval, similar to the testicle. I paint on the shape of the body. Like this. At the top of the body draw an oval head. I also paint it without leaving the contour. I am also gaining the paint of the desired color and draw a long ears on my head (sticking up or, omitted, lying on the back) with long strokes at a certain distance. At the bottom of the body of the side strokes draw long severe paws (sits). What is missing bunny? Yes, eye, nose. Rear on the back - the tail (it can be painted with your finger), eyes and nose rice in the manner of black paint. Here is my bunny ready. Do you like him?

5. Phys. minute

Jump, jump in the leaf (jumping in place)

Hares - Gray Clubs. (Hands near the chest, like paws at Zaitsev, jumping)

Jump - Skok, Jump - Skok - (Jumping forward-back, back-back)

He became a bunny on Penos. (Stand straight, hands on the belt)

All built in order (turned the torso to the right, right hand to the side, then left and left hand to the side)

Began to show charging.

Time! Step everything in place. (steps in place)

Two! Arms are mashed together (hands in front of them, perform the "scissors" movement)

Three! Sat down, together got up. (sit down, get up)

All the ear scratched. (scratch behind the ear)

The "four" reached out. (hands up, then on the belt)

Five! Run and bent. (Finger, lean forward)

Six! Everyone got up again in a row, (Stand straight, lower hands)

They suggested like a squad. (steps in place)

6.Mostual work of children.

Children independently draw. During the drawing, the teacher monitors the kids to make more precisely the circular movements of the tassel, they gained enough paint, unnecessary shot of a glass of glasses, neatly washed with a brush, wedged with her napkin, did not spill water.

The educator watches the sequence of work, with the help of questions, clarifies the name of the form proportional to the ratio. Attracts the attention of children to the position of the corns of the bunny, explains this internal state of the little animals - relaxes restful, alerted or listens.

Pravit those who contributed additional elements to their work, for example, drew a bunny in another pose, changed the position of the paw.

7. Costogue.

At the end of the occupation, the teacher asks the bunny, is it satisfied that he has so many friends, because with friends and fun, and not so scary as one.

Educator: Well done, children! You are good kids, now the bunny will not be lonely. He is very happy. How can I get a bunny affectionate? (Bunny, Zainka)

Analyzing the drawings of children, the teacher builds the answers so that the evaluation of the drawn characters (the shape of the body parts, their proportions, the position of the ears, etc.).

Maltseva Irina Anatolyevna
Abstract Prediction classes in the middle group "Bunny"

Abstract drawing classes in the middle group« Bunny»

purpose: continue to acquaint with the reception drawing a tych in the technique"Dry brush".

Tasks: Learn to transmit characteristic features bunny, teach children to properly use the brush and gouache paints

Materials: Blue cardboard, white gouache, bristle brushes, black markers, jars with water, stands for brushes, fabric napkins, bunny.

Structure occupation

Educator: Guys, today we have an unusual guest. Want to know who he is? Guess riddle:

The ears are long, incompetent.

Then he is gray, then he is white.

Then runs, and then jumps,

A coat tail from a wolf hides.

Children: It bunny.

IN: That's right bunny. Let's get acquainted with him. it bunny, Call his ears. What is his ears (Long) What is his fur coat (fluffy, gray) What form of the head? (Round) What is the form of a torso? (oval) And what else has bunny? (eyes, nose.

He has long ears, a short tail and a fluffy gray fur coat. But our bunny something upset. Let's ask him than.

Bunny. Soon the winter will come, the snow will fall out, everything around will be white, and I have a gray fur coat, and all the friends of my hares gray. Will find us wolf and eat.

V. We will help you with the guys, draw a white coat. We need a white paint and brush. And the water today is not needed. So that the fur coat is soft and fluffy draw a tych method. I lower the tip of the dry brush in the paint, so that the sinks would not be swollen, otherwise our brush will quickly break and can not paint. We recruit paint and start paintFirst, paint the contour. Tassel, as if jumping on a leaflet. Then paint everything else.

And now let's play our fingers a little play and rest.

Bunny Jump, bunny Skok,

He hid under the bun. (cam hide into palm)

Under the tutor silence (threatening finger)

Only ears sticky (fingers show ears, cat. bend and extensible)

IN: Rested? Now take your brushes and start paint. Make the stumps so that the fur coat would be without holes. And that bunny winter will freeze. Now, wash your brushes a little waiting for the fur coat, so that draw Eye and spout bunny. And while the paint dries, we will play. Go out because of your tables.

Sale bunny sits

And ears mechanics. (makes the handles of the ears on the head and they chew)

Like this

And ears mechanics. (2 lines 2 times)

Bunny can sit cold

It is necessary to imitate my paws. (slaps in your hands)

Like this

It is necessary to imitate my paws. (2 lines 2 times)

Bunny stand cold

Need a bunny jump. (jumps)

Like this

Need a bunny jump. (2 times)

Wolf bunny scared.

Bunny jump and ran away.

And now sit down to your places, we give the bunny of eyes and spout.

Educator: Well done, your bunny It turned out wonderful fur coats. I think in such warm and fluffy fur coats, our bunks and in the frost will not frozen and the wolf will not find them.

Publications on the topic:

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Lena Novikova

Abstract of drawing in the younger group on the maintenance of the musical game:

"Bunny white sits"

Tasks. Teach children draw a tree, a Christmas tree and will be engaged in gouache paints, transmitting the features of their structure and placing in space. Develop coordination of movements between hands and eyes. Continue mastering the shape of objects and color, as a means of figurative expressiveness. Improve drawing technique by gouashe paints. To form ways of visual examination of objects. Develop visual-shaped thinking and imagination.

Preliminary work. Conversation about animal forests and trees. Acquaintance with the structure and features of the appearance of spruce and trees (barrel, branches, crown). Consider and visual examination of artificial tree. Monitoring the structure of trees on a walk. Viewing pictures with the image of the hare.

Materials, tools, equipment. Tree artificial, hare and fox toys. Paper sheets tinted (light blue, blue, gentle-lilac, etc.); Paints gouache (3 colors, brushes, cotton wands, cups (banks) with water, napkins paper and plated.

The educator reads the children the text of the musical game and shows the scene with toys:

White bunks are sitting and chevyat ears

That's the way, so he is shelted ears.

Bares to sit coldly

It is necessary to imitate my paws.

That's the way, so you need to warm my paws.

Buns stand cold

It is necessary to jump buns.

So, so you need to jump buns.

Lisukka is running - red sister.

Looking for where bunnies?

Bunny - shoot?

Guys, how can you help bunnies? Where to hide? Yes, in a snowdrift under the tree, under the Christmas tree. Let's help the encirclements. Draw them a tree or tree.

The educator shows the sequence and individual techniques of work:

Look, what does the tree look like, and how is the tree? The tree and the tree, the trunk of a straight line (brown or dark - green, and then on the sides of the barrel of green branches - begin to draw branches on top and "go down" down: the branch on the right - the branch on the left, the branch on the left is the branch on the left; that's what a lush, green The Christmas tree turned out!

The branches of the branches look down, and at the tree: to the sides. -And how will we draw a tree?

And now we take the white gouache and draw the snowball, the crown - a hat on the tree and will be engaged. (Showing the teacher of the drawing method)

Suggest in the air hand to portray the round torso and head bunny, call the child to draw a bunny on the easel.

Guys, let's help the misses to hide from the fox cheat.

Children choose gouache, artistic instruments and begin to fulfill the creative task. Those children who quickly cope with the task can be advised to draw white paint another hare and snowfall.

After drawing, offer to children to play a musical game: "Bunny white sits", choosing among children - chanterelle.

Publications on the topic:

Hello colleagues! Today I want to offer you a children's master - the class "Bunny Sitting Sits". "Who is in a slide run, and from the mountain.

The comprehensive classes in familiarization with the surrounding and unconventional drawing in the 2nd ml. Group Theme: "Sand-bunny, bunny.

Abstract of directly educational activities on the speech development of "Boy of Serious Sits" "Sand-bunny sits" (first group of early age) Tasks: - encourage children to learn a familiar toy, relate toy with the picture,.

Abstract of directly educational activities The topic "Bunny white sits" GDDOU Kindergarten # 54 Combined View of Primorsky District St. Petersburg Abstract directly educational activities Theme.

Abstract Node in drawing in the younger group: "Ships" "Bunny white" (wild animals) lesson in the younger drawing group. Subject:.

Summary of clamping in the younger group on the topic: "Christmas tree, grow!" Tasks. Continue to teach children to create expressive stucco.

Abstract of direct educational activities in the middle group on drawing on the topic: "Bunny-shooter"
Educational: fix the skills of drawing round, oval forms; In the picture, the characteristic features of the appearance of animals (long ears, a short tail near the hare), a different inner state of the bunny (listened or relaxed) through the different position of its ears; Apply the assimiced receptions of drawing with a brush: all pile in shape (torso); lateral smears when depicting small and small parts; Drawing the end of the tassel (tych).
Developing: Secure the knowledge of the colors, the skills compositionally correctly placing an image on a sheet of paper.
Educational: to educate interest and attentive attitude towards animals, independence, desire for aesthetic estimation.
Equipment: Toy rans, tassels, sticks, stands for brushes, glass with water, tinted sheet of paper, gouache black, gray, white flowers. Finishing work: viewing illustrations and games with a toy bunny; A verbal description, reading stories, learning poems about bunnies.
Travel course:
1. The organizational moment.
2. Motivation of educational and cognitive activity.
Educator: Children, Sunday I was in the forest and met ... Guess who?
Guessing Riddles:
Guess what kind of hat,
Fur gray ohaper.
Cap runs in Boru,
The barrels gnawing Cra. (Hare)
Educator: Yes, this is a hare! I met bunny exactly. I saw how he quickly runs, deftly jumps, and invited him to visit. Here he is a bunny! (Puts the bunny before children.) Bunny told me that he ran away from the fox and hid under the Christmas tree. He complained: "If I were not alone if I had a lot of bunny friends, Lisa would never care for us." Children, let's help the bunny, draw friends for him - a lot of the same, like he, will be engaged in long.
Bunny, jump here on the pencils so that the children can look good for you, what form you have a torso, head.
Bunny: Let the children say, what form I have a head, torso. What are they like? (On the Egg.) What is this form called? (Oval.)
3. Fallen gymnastics.
Jincan jumped from the porch
And in the grass found a ring.
And the ring is not easy -
Glitters, as if gold.
Exercise is based on the transition from one position to another:
a) fingers into the cam, pull out the index and middle fingers and dilute them to the sides;
B) Big and index connect to the ring.
Educator: What do you think the bunny sits and silent? (Children lead their guesses, build logical chains.) He whispers me on the ear, that he is calm, he rests, so the ears lie on his back, and when some rustle or steps heard, he immediately raises the ears up, listening.
The educator invites children to start drawing, asks what will begin to create an image to create an image.
4. Demonstration and explanation of the work method.
Educator: I take a silent, my Macay first into the water, drying about the napkin, I score a gray or white paint on the whole pile (depending on the time of year) and drawing an oval, similar to the testicle. I paint on the shape of the body. Like this. At the top of the body draw an oval head. I also paint it without leaving the contour. I am also gaining the paint of the desired color and draw a long ears on my head (sticking up or, omitted, lying on the back) with long strokes at a certain distance. At the bottom of the body of the side strokes draw long severe paws (sits). What is missing bunny? Yes, eye, nose. Rear on the back - the tail (it can be painted with your finger), eyes and nose rice in the manner of black paint. Here is my bunny ready. Do you like him?
5. Phys. minute
Jump, jump in the leaf (jumping in place)
Hares - Gray Clubs. (Hands near the chest, like paws at Zaitsev, jumping)
Jump - Skok, Jump - Skok - (Jumping forward-back, back-back)
He became a bunny on Penos. (Stand straight, hands on the belt)
All built in order (they turned the torso to the right, the right hand to the side, then left and left hand to the side)
Began to show charging.
Time! Step everything in place. (steps in place)
Two! Hands are mashed together, (hands in front of them, carry out the movement of "scissors")
Three! Sat down, together got up. (sit down, get up)
All the ear scratched. (scratch behind the ear)
The "four" reached out. (hands up, then on the belt)
Five! Run and bent. (Finger, lean forward)
Six! Everyone got up again in a row, (get up straight, lower hands)
They suggested like a squad. (steps in place)
6.Mostual work of children.
Children independently draw. During the drawing, the teacher monitors the kids to make more precisely the circular movements of the tassel, they gained enough paint, unnecessary shot of a glass of glasses, neatly washed with a brush, wedged with her napkin, did not spill water.
The educator watches the sequence of work, with the help of questions, clarifies the name of the form proportional to the ratio. Attracts the attention of children to the position of the corns of the bunny, explains this internal state of the little animals - relaxes restful, alerted or listens.
Pravit those who contributed additional elements to their work, for example, drew a bunny in another pose, changed the position of the paw.
7. Costogue.
At the end of the occupation, the teacher asks the bunny, is it satisfied that he has so many friends, because with friends and fun, and not so scary as one.
Educator: Well done, children! You are good kids, now the bunny will not be lonely. He is very happy. How can I get a bunny affectionate? (Bunny, Zainka)
Analyzing the drawings of children, the teacher builds the answers so that the evaluation of the drawn characters (the shape of the body parts, their proportions, the position of the ears, etc.).

Applied files

Alternative equipment for children 4-6 years in kindergarten. Master class "Bunny"

Purpose: Perform drawing in the technique Drawing by the "Tick" method with a rigid semi-dry brush.
Tasks: - to learn to perform drawings in non-traditional techniques;
- promote the development of creative abilities in children;
- Learn to be neat when working with gouache.
Description: The master class introduces children with unconventional drawing technique - drawing with a rigid semi-dry brush by the "Vault" method.
Purpose: This master class will be interesting to everyone who likes to draw. For example, teachers working with children of middle and senior preschool age.
Materials: paper drawing, hard brush №5, simple brushes №5 and №3, cup with water, gouache and tissue napkin.
Educator: Guys, today we will draw with you! Draw in an interesting way. Look, you have everything you need on the table: and brushes, a glass with water, and gouache, and paper.

And what will we draw? Listen to the riddle:
"I cope very cleverly,
With juicy, fresh carrot.
And I love cabbage,
In vain, consider me a coward,
I admit that fast on your feet,
Dust me - long road,
Well, who I guess ka,
After all, I call my brother - (bunny).

Responses of children.

Educator: Correctly guys, it's a bunny. We will draw a bunny. What happens a bunny?

Responses of children.

Educator: Yes, in winter, the bunny is white, and in the summer gray. Listen to the poem:
"Bunny in the forest went,
Shub White changed
On beautiful gray fur
To hide from everyone
Under the trees, bushes, between
Huge stones
To both in the field and in the forest
Suffer the fox. "M. Pyudunen
Educator: That's exactly gray bunny we draw. And we will not draw it, we will not be simple, but an unusual method - the "tick" method with a rigid semi-dry brush. This method is very simple in execution. Take a sheet of paper, gouache and hard brush. Slightly dry up the brush in the gouache and "poke" to her in a sheet of paper - this is the "Tick" method. Basic rules for this method:
- Draw a dry brush,
- After washing the brush, we wipe it dry with a tissue napkin,
- Do not apply traditional strokes, but we apply a drawing "Tyach" into a sheet of paper.
Now you can start drawing.
1. Tinging the background. To do this, we apply a brush №5 water on a sheet of paper, leaving a dry edge of the sheet. Then we appline the paint and evenly located on the sheet. Background ready.

2. Take a rigid brush number 5, draw a gray gouache oval in the middle of the sheet, located horizontally. We do not forget that we do not apply traditional strokes, but use the "Vault" method.

3. Now on the left, just above the circle, it is a head.

4. Now ears.

5. Tail.

6. Paves.

7. White gouache - eye, pink spout, for this we use brush №3.

8. Now broths and mustache, all draw white gouache. This is done in order for a dark gray background, a must-clear mustache.

9. Now eating the muzzle of the black gouache, the same thin brush.

Bunny ready.

But Bunny Katyusha E.

She painted him herself, following a step-by-step photo. Only a little changed.
Bunny turned out beautiful.

Do not be afraid to try to draw! You will succeed!!!