Modern literature for children is 6 years old. What to read the child of seven years

Modern literature for children is 6 years old. What to read the child of seven years

But the time goes, the daughter grows and we are already reading new books that you want to tell you.

"Captain Coco and Green Glasses"

Let's start with the wonderful children's writer Lion Kuzmina. Lion Kuzmin is notable for starting writing books and poems, being a rather mature man.

But despite this, his works are unusually fabulous and magical. With the work of "Captain Coco and Green Glasses" and I got acquainted with the daughter at the performance at the Perm Theater "House of Actor". After the performance, I immediately decided to buy this book for the home library, but it was not on sale. And only a year later (in 2015) Nigma publishing house released a wonderful book with a tale tale.

The quality of the book is very good, the illustrations are also, the content is above all silence. This book is about the mysterious meridian, which can be seen only through green glass and which can be traveled to different magic countries. Captain Coco, for example, looking for the country "Valya-Forser". I wonder if he will find it?

"Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

The next book of Writer Vitaly Gubareva "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors". In 1963, the book was delivered to the same-named film, which enjoyed very popular in the USSR. This movie is better to look after reading the book so that he does not impose his imprint, and the children's imagination presented the Kingdom of the curves of mirrors in all its glory and diversity. After that, we have played a lot with the game for a long time with the game "Tell the opposite" (Olya - Yalo, Mom - Amam, Zhaba-Abaz, etc.).

At this age, I propose to start the acquaintance of children with the work of Gregory Oster. At 6-7 years, children are already understood that they mean "harmful councils" and well remember them. I liked this book not only by a selection of harmful advice (in my opinion, here the best harmful tips of the author), but also with illustrations that can be viewed by clock.

"Peppi Long Stocking"

And again Astrid Lindgren. How without it? This is the greatest Swedish writer who has works for any children's age, and they have deservedly worldwide popularity. Now we are talking about "Peppi Long Stocking". Why then in my childhood my parents did not read about Peppy. Of course, I knew about her, but very superficially: that she is redhead, with two pigtails and loves to jumper. But in the work she appeared completely different: mature, wise, fantastically strong.

She lives at all on the "Chicken" villa along with its animals: Madushka Nilson and a horse. Her father captain (later became the leader of a black tribe). Mom Peppi died when she was still a baby. Peppi has a suitcase with gold, which allows her to exist without sides. Yes, she is not a very educated girl, and does not go to school, like the rest of the children, but it is "real" and very erudite. This personality is about which it is necessary to read the children.

"Blue Fairy Fairy Tales"

Randomly bought the books of Lydia Char's "Fairy Tales of Blue Fairy" and did not regret. Good fairy tales, cute, air, sentimental. They seek the soul etiquette. Girls to read necessarily!

"Magic boiler"

And now we are approaching the main 2 books that have made a real fauror in our house. I will explain more.

We read a lot with my daughter. And I mnila already guru fairy tales. But buying the books "Magic Kickle", I realized my mistake. In these two volumes there was only one fairy tale, which we have read before. And all the rest are new, unknown and insanely interesting. Here are the fairy tales of the peoples of the world. There is east, there are Western European, Eastern European, Russian, Indian and many others.

The collection is compiled in such a way that the head is spinning from the diversity. There are fairy tales similar to parables, for example, the famous Indian fairy tale "Who is the elephant look like?" (about blind beggars). Pouring every time you do not know what awaits you in the next fairy tale. And every evening, for 2 months, daughter asked the "magic bowler, a magic bowler, a swari an interesting fairy tale before bedtime. And believe me, fairy tales have always been interesting! These 2 books are real Pearls of the Children's Library.

This is our interesting selection of books for the next age: Best books for children 7-8 years

P.S. Books I buy a labyrinth in the online store, good value-quality ratio.

At such a young age, the child can judge only how the book is tasty and convenient to use - in other words, it is placed in the mouth. Nevertheless, it is not so meaningless to read out loud aloud, as it seems at first glance. First, this is a kind of communication with the child, and secondly, listening to you, Kroch learns to speak. Especially useful poems and songs: even very tiny kids are well perceived by rhythm and know how to distinguish parental intonations.

How to read?

  • In a quiet environment. Remove the toys that can distract the child, and turn off the TV with a TV.
  • Expressively and emotionally declamance, carefully saying all the sounds. Speak below, above, faster and slower - in general, conscientiously entertain baby.
  • Show the crumb pictures: Well, if you have different options for images of the same creatures.
  • Demonstrate the child the actions referred to in verses and fun. Foda for the goat horns, keep it over a bunch of closure and growle as a tiger.
  • As soon as the book gets bored with a baby, stop reading to postpone it on the day.

What to read?

  • Shortly stuffed poems about animals, toys and the surrounding world.
  • Poems with sound resistance.

What to buy?

  • Durable, "insensitive" and safe books toys that can be glad to gnaw, mive and even bathe in the bathroom.
  • Books with "alive" illustrations: shaggy animals, piggy frogs, etc.
  • Books with simple, bright and realistic pictures.

Bibliography 1. Alexandrova Z. "Dandelion", "New Snow" 2. Aronesson L. "Who dreams" 3. Barto A. "Toys" 4. Bergelson A. "Hurray for Komara" 5. Berestov V. "About the car" , "Merry Summer" 6. Blahinina E. "Poems for Children" 7. Skodnika B. "Winnie Pooh Songs" 8. Kozlov S. "I'm lying in the sun", "Panda" 9. Lagzdin G. Petushok, "Bunny, bunny, babes!" 10. Mayer N. "Forest Masthaki" 11. Marshak S. "Kids in a cage" 12. Moshkovskaya E.E. Zoo 13. Piculeva N. "Poems for the smallest" 14. Russian folk fun. "Soroka-Beloboka", "Bubakers, Bubareniki", "Ladushka", "I'm going to the Baba, to my grandfather", "Bai-Bayushki-Bai", "Ladybug" 15. "Rhymes Mother Goose", Children's English Poetry Translated by S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky 16. Stepanov V.A. "How do you live? What are you chewed? " 17. Serov E. "The Glorious Family", "Who lives in the forest" 18. Tokmakova I. "Summer Shore", "Seasons" 19. Chebyshev A. "Hedgehog Visiting Giraffe" 20. Chukovsky K. "Heds laugh "," The bunny went out "

Books for children from 2 to 4 years

Books for children from 2 to 4 years

Now the child already understands the words that pronounce adults, it is of interest to everything around and struggling to imitate her mother with dad. One day, you may find that the kid is very focused "reads" with an aloud to his teddy zoo. In general, it's time to proceed to a more serious and meaningful reading!

How to read?

  • Turn the reading into a pleasant baby ritual. For example, do it before bed - always at the same time.
  • If you started reading the baby a fairy tale, and he fell asleep or distracted, next time you have to start from the first page. So small children are still difficult to memorize and combine different episodes of one story in the head.
  • Do not be lazy to read the same thing about many times if your little conservative asks about it. Use the love of children to repetition to teach poems and history by heart.
  • Do not be afraid to take the texts with strangers in words. First, most likely he understands much more than you think. And secondly, the expansion of the vocabulary stock will warm the development of speech.

What to read?

  • Short fairy tales. Let a single event or several, but what is happening linearly, that is, one after another.
  • Small poems (4-12 lines).
  • Poetic riddles.
  • The animals and toys are still at the peak of popularity. But now the baby is already insufficiently a cheerful story that "Ko" graze in the meadow, "now he needs some relationship between heroes, interaction.

What to buy?

  • Books with large and very simple, appropriate text illustration.
  • Look for books that allow the child to do something on their own, - stick stickers, paint pictures.
  • Prefer the lasting and inexpensive editions, the time for reading rare books will come later.
  • Bibliography 1. Andersen G.-H. "Thumbean", fire "," Tale of a rack tin soldier "2. Barto A." We and Tamara "," younger brother "3. Garshin V." Frog-free "4. Grimm." Bremen Musicians "," Wolf and Seven Goat "," Boy-C-Finger "," Snow White and Seven Dwarfs "," Brave Tailor "5. Dal V." Old Manovik "6. Donaldson D." Groforo "7. Ershov P." Konk-Gorboon " 8. SKANES B. "Bear-Thawka" 9. Kipling R. "The Jungle Book", "On the distant Amazon" 10. Levin V. "Swordy horse" 11. Mamin-Sibiryak D. "Fairy Tales", "Alenushkin Tales" 12 Marshak S. "Tale of a stupid little face", "Merry account" 13. Mayakovsky V. "That neither page, then an elephant, then a lioness", "What is good and what is bad?" 14. Mikhalkov S. "My puppy", "Stubborn frog", "Three Piglets" 15. Moritz Yu. "Roof I went home" 16. Pershot Sh. "Cat in Boots", "Red Hap", "Cinderella", " Sleeping beauty "17. Russian folk fairy tales." Repka "," Kolobok "," Teremok "," Gusi-Swans "," Three Bear "18. Sef R." Who is like someone "19. Suteev V." Under the fungus "," Chicken and duckling "," Who said "Meow"? " 20. Tolstoy L. "Fairy Tales and Stories" 21. Tuwym A. "ABC", "Where Glasses" 22. Harms D. "Amazing Cat", "Run", "Ship" 23. Chukovsky K. "Muha-Costoha" , "Tarakanische", "Crocodile", "Phone", "Moydodyr" 24. Charushin E. "Tomka", "What a Beast" 25. Yasnov M. "Soslag Collector" "The bunny went out"

    Books from 4 to 6 years

    Books for children from 4 to 6 years

    If the child has not yet learned and did not like to read - this is such a tragedy, next to which even the death of Pompeii is faded. At least, it is in this that everyone surrounding you will be convinced! In no case do not give in to these provocations and do not fall into a panic: everything will be fine - and read, and love, and even asks you to sign it in the library.

    How to read?

    • The child already decently perceives the text reading a normal parental voice. But, of course, easy intonation does not hurt.
    • Children are no longer cycled on one fairy tale as much as before, but for better perception, it still makes sense to read books several times - it is easier to remember the details.
    • Read on chapters if they are small, otherwise divide the text on separate semantic pieces. Such a "fractional approach" will help to initiate a desire to learn to read on their own. Stay literally "in the most interesting place", and then feel free to start doing your affairs: wants to know what will happen next, let him take the book himself.
    • If the questions of the child put you in a dead end, together with him, look for answers to them in paper encyclopedias and reference books. The Internet in the case of teaching reading is a bad assistant, too much temptations.
    • Cut the child in the Children's Library. Show and give to extract a variety of publications: miniature books and huge atlases or photo albums.

    What to read?

    • Adventure, full of fascinating events of stories, novels and stories.
    • Stories in the spirit of "good young lesson" - in the measure of moralitics and in no case are not boring.
    • Encyclopedias for preschoolers and younger students.
    • Training manuals for school preparation.
    • Books related to the events occurring around the child. For example, before the New Year, you can read stories about the Grandfather Claus, and before May 9 - military stories.

    What to buy:

    • Books with complicated, designed for a long study with illustrations.
    • Children's magazines and comics.

    Bibliography 1. Bazhov V. "Silver Kopytz" 2. Bernett F. "Little Princess" 3. Bianks V. "Stories about animals" 4. Volkov A. "The Wizard of the Emerald City" 5. Voronkova L.F. "Girl from the city" 6. Gaidar A. "Chuk and Gek", "Blue Cup" 7. Gauf V. "Dwarf Nose", "Story about Califa-Aist", "Story about small flour" 8. Helico P. " Thomasina "9. Dr. Sius" Fairy Tales "10. Zoshchenko M." Stories about Lelee and Mink "11. Kozlov S." Hedgehog in the fog "," in the native forest "12. Krylov I.A. "Elephant and Pug", "Crow and Fox" 13. Lagerlef S. "Wonderful Journey Niels with wild geese" 14. Lindgren A. "Emil from Lönnebergs", "Kid and Carlson" 15. Miln A.A. "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" 16. Tales of the peoples of the world 17. N.N. nose "Dunno and his friends", "Adventures of Kolya and Misha", "Casting", "fantasies" 18. Oseva V. "Blue Leaves", "Magic Word", "What is easier" 19. Oster G. B. "Kitten The name of the GAV and other stories "20. Sentin M." Forest owner "21. Pushkin A.S. "Tales" 22. Receipt of R.E. "The Adventures of the Baron Münhhausen" 23. Rodari J. "Travel of the Blue Arrow" 24. Romanova N. "Anti-Point Ant Point" 25. Russian Folknesses 26. Tolstoy A.N. "The Adventures of Buratino" 27. Wilde O. "Star Boy" 28. Uspensky E. "Crocodile Gena and his friends", "Vacation in Prostokvashino" 29. Chandler H. J. "Tales of Uncle Rimus" 30. Chaplin V. "Throw "

    Books for children 7 years

    Books for children 7 years

    Now I will define your child reading a circle not only you, but also his class teacher. Excludes a contract with a young student: every month you go to the bookstore and buy two books there - you choose one, the second one.

    How to read?

    • It is time to read out loud, perhaps five to ten minutes - at night so that it slept better. The child is really time to start reading himself.
    • Read fairy tales and fables for roles.
    • Teach the baby to compose poems or, for example, writing stories that continue his favorite books.
    • Watch how young Bibliophile reads loud. Whether he is not confused in words, whether the syllables do not swallow, whether he puts emphasis correctly, etc. Carefully correct all the mistakes, and if the baby suddenly find problems with pronunciation and understanding read, be sure to consult physicians.
    • The first grader almost daily receives a homework "Read the text with such a ticket" - as a result, a pleasant thing earlier turns into a painful obligation. Do not forget to praise the student so that it does not at all lose the motivation.

    What to read?

    • Unadapted children's works with a full-fledged story and complex suggestions.
    • What "Everyone is read". At this age, children are very important to feel "their" in the team of peers, so you have to suffer a little.
    • E-books. From the technology is not going anywhere, so it is better to use them in good.

    What to buy:

    • Books from the school program.
    • Books on the hobbies of the child. If the baby loves cats, choose the zoological encyclopedia (or a feline detective), if it is fond of hockey - sports, etc. Even to cartoons and computer games that often distract children from reading, you can choose the corresponding novels or art beeches.


    1. Adams R. "Hills inhabitants"

    2. Barry J. Peter Peng

    3. Hoffman E.T.A. "Nutcracker and Mouse King"

    4. Graham K. "Wind in Iwah"

    5. Dal R. "Charlie and Chocolate Factory"

    6. Darrell J. "My family and other animals"

    7. Dickens D. "Stories for Children"

    8. Dragunsky V. "Deniskin Stories"

    9. Konopnitskaya M. "On Gnomes and Question Marys"

    10. Cruit J. "My great-grandfather, heroes and me", "Tim Taler or Laugh Sold"

    11. Carroll L. "Alice in Wonderland", Alice in the Looking Gallery

    12. Legends and myths of ancient Greece

    13. London J. White Fang

    14. Lewis K. "Chronicles of Narnia"

    15. Nekrasov A. "Adventures of Captain Lunned"

    16. ODOEVSKY V. "Town in Tabakerque"

    17. Olesha Yu. "Three fathers"

    18. Prosisler O. "Krabat", "Little Baba Yaga", "Little Water"

    19. Raud E. "Coupling, Pollottina and Mokhovaya Beard"

    20. Sathon-Thompson E. "Stories about animals"

    21. Task S.E. Mystery of red cat

    22. Twain M. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggar"

    23. Frish K. "Ten Little Unlimited Guests"

    24. Ekhatolm Ya. "Tutta Carlson. First and only "

    25. Jansson T. "Memoirs Pope Mumina-Troll", "Wizard Hat"

In order not to wonder "how to teach a child to read?", Puzzy others - "What books to offer a baby?" If you show that the literature is capable of being capable of own fantasy, the artistic word paints the familiar setting into the oscillations, it will not have to force and teach anyone. Children will remind you that it's time to upgrade the library, and bookstores will delight them much more than showcases with toys or electronic gadgets.

Children's books: Read on your own or listen to parents

While the kid does not know how to read - everything is clear: he listens to his beloved fairy tales, children's poems and stories performed by Mom, Pope and other trained literacy of relatives. But what to do, when science is mastered and crumbling and fully consciously folds letters into syllables, syllables in words, and words in the sentence, so so what and not to do comments? Many parents at this stage decide: "Enough, read - now, dear, myself." And make a serious mistake.

Joint reading is an act of delicious spiritual intimacy. Cozy with a side view, supporting body contact, you enjoy a common immersion in the space created by the writer: take off into the heavenly dashing, find yourself in the underwater kingdom, travel through the summer in winter and through the mountains to the oceans.

Why do parents need to read out loud baby 6-7 years old:

  • Create favorable conditions for communication.
  • Field of joint experiences is formed.
  • There is an opportunity to clarify the incomprehensible child of the words and the circumstances of the work.
  • The author's text is saturated with personal (by their voice, you translate the impersonal appeals of the author to your child, make it a robust taking place).
  • A phonderatic hearing is developing.
  • Stimulates interest in reading as a method of pastime.

But, of course, as agreed by more and more books, the child reads on its own. The transition process from reading out loud to reading independent should be smooth.

  • Suggest the child sometimes change the roles "Reader" - "Listener".
  • Read baby books on roles, playing scenes.
  • Assist the young book to read you while you are busy with household chores.

How to choose works for children 6-7 years

Reading teaches goodness and wisdom, compassion and resourcefulness, friendship and responsibility. In order for these lessons to give the expected effect and forever imprinted the consciousness of the preschooler with indispensable moral principles, it is important to choose the works in which the morality is filed in a fascinating and understandable plot for the child. What is it interesting to read sixlets? "Eureka" knows.

Books about nature and animals

Reading about nature, birds and animals, the child learns to show kindness and care, carefully and carefully treat the world around. Singing masters of the artistic word The beauty of forests and seas, fields and rivers, described by these experiences of the animal world brief in the preschooler morality and mercy.

  1. Vitaly Bianki "Forest Gazeta";
  2. Nikolay Lollins "Wonderland: Stories about Birds";
  3. Gennady Snegirev "in different parts";
  4. Mikhail Privhanin "Lisukin Bread";
  5. Zoya Zhuravleva "Pull";
  6. George Skrvitsky "Forest Pradedushka";
  7. Yuri Dmitriev "Forest Riddles";
  8. Farley Moweet "A dog that did not want to be just a dog";
  9. Reddard Kipling "Fairy Tales and Stories about Animals";
  10. Archi Binz "Baster, to me!".

Children - about children

The boys and girls are 6-7 years old to read about children - their peers - useful and interesting: how they lived guys earlier and what kind of childhood lives today, which games are played by reoxois and young students, as they are friends, quarrel and laugh, as they comprehend important life lessons. . Make a selection of exciting stories about children for your reader, and we, of course, will help.

  1. Victor Dragunsky "Denisian stories";
  2. Boris Zhitkov "What I saw";
  3. Valentin Kataev "Tsvetik-Semichetics";
  4. Nikolay Nosov "Casting";
  5. Tamara Mikheev "Light Mountains";
  6. Valentina Oseev "Blue Leaves";
  7. Alla Potapova "Babushkin Science";
  8. Susanna Weber "Pasha and Dad";
  9. Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Geclberry Finn";
  10. Anne-Katarina Westley "Dad, Mom, Grandma, Eight Children and Truck."

For small integrity

Children's curiosity is a trait that you want to encourage and develop. The baby is interested in how the world works, asks you about different cities and countries, is fond of technique? Choose good children's encyclopedias for their small intelligence, focused on children of senior preschool and younger school age.

  1. Ilya Kolmanovsky "Why birds do not fall";
  2. Elena Kachur "Books on the Independence";
  3. Anton Nelikh and Andrei Atuchin "Ancient Monsters of Russia";
  4. David Makoli and Neal Ardley "How everything is arranged today";
  5. Ivan Pommo and Christoph Illa-Somers "We and our story";
  6. Dominic Volyman and Ben Newman "Professor Astrocot and his journey";
  7. Stephen Bistati "Giant Transport";
  8. Frederick Clement "Metamorphosis";
  9. Mark Ter Hist "Hi, Earthman!";
  10. Anita Ganery, Philip-style "Why and why."

And what themes are interesting to your child? We will be happy to get acquainted with your selection of the best books for a child of 6-7 years old or offer you new works for the Wishlist.

Happy and exciting parents!

An exemplary list of references to read children (from 6 to 7 years old)

Russian folklore


    "Lisa Rife went ...";

    "Chigari chok chigarok ...";

    "Winter has come…";

    "Mother's spring is ...";

    "When the sun goes, the dew to the ground falls ...".

Calendar ritual songs:

    "Kolyada! Wheel! And the flaw ... ";

    "The wheelchair, the wheelchair, you feed the cake ...";

    "How the flamber went ...";

    "As in the oil week ...";

    "TIN-TIN-KA ...";

    "Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa!".


    "Brothers, brothers! ..";

    "FEDUL, that lips poured? ..";

    "You ate the cake?";

    "Where Kissel - here and sat down";

    "Stupid Ivan ...";

    "Skil-Solotil is the wheel."


    "Rich Ermoshka",

    "You Listen guys."

Fairy tales and epics:

    "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale-Robber" (recording A. Gilafding, excerpt);

    "Vasilisa is beautiful" (from the collection of fairy tales A. Afanasyev);

    "Wolf and Fox", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova;

    "Dobrynya and Snake", retelling N. Kolpakova;

    "Snow Maiden" (according to folk plots);

    Sadko (recording P. Rybnikov, passage);

    "Seven Simeons - seven employees", arr. I. Karnukhova;

    "Sonko-Filipko", retelling E. Polenova;

    "Do not spit into the well - Water useful to get drunk", arr. K. Ushinsky.

Folklore peoples of the world


    "Gloves", "Ship", Per with English. S. Marshak;

    "We went on the village", per. with the Swede I. Tokmakova;

    "What I saw", "Three Gulik", per. With Franz. N. Gernet and S. Hippius;

    "Oh, why are you, larks ...", ukr., Arr. Litvaka;

    "Snail", Mold., Ob. I. Tokmakova.

Fairy tales:

    From the fairy tale sh. Perro (Franz.): "Cat in boots", lane. T. Gabbe;

    "Ioga", Nanaysk, arr. D. Nagishina;

    "Everyone received", Eston., Obr. M. Bulatova;

    Blue Bird, Turkkm., Obr. A. Aleksandova and M. Tubovsky;

    "White and rose", per. with it. L. Kon;

    "The most beautiful outfit in the world", per. with jacket V. Markova.

Works of poets and writers of Russia


    M. Voloshin. "Autumn";

    S. Gorodetsky. "First snow";

    M. Lermontov. "Mountain peaks" (from Goethe);

    Yu. Vladimirov. "Orchestra";

    Sapgir. "Table, patterings";

    S. Yesenin. "Porosh";

    A. Pushkin. "Winter! Peasant, triumph ... "(from the novel" Eugene Onegin ")," bird ";

    P. Solovyov. "Day and night";

    N. Rubtsov. "About the hare";

    E. Asspensky. "Terrible story", "Memory";

    A. Block. "In the meadow";

    S. Gorodetsky. "Spring Song";

    V. Zhukovsky. "Lark" (in Sokr.);

    F. Tyutchev. "Spring water";

    A. Fet. "I'm the Verba all fluffy" (passage);

    Zabolotsky. "On the river".


    A. Kuprin. "Elephant";

    M. Zoshchenko. "Great Travelers";

    K. Korovin. "Protein" (in Sokr.);

    S. Alekseev. "First night Taran";

    N. Teshov. "Ear" (in Sokr.);

    E. Vorobyov. "Wire scribe";

    Y. Koval. "Rusacher-herbalist", "stoket";

    E. nosov. "How the crow on the roof is lost";

    S. Romanovsky. "Dancing".

Literary fairy tales:

    A. Pushkin. "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes";

    A. Remizov. "Bread Voice", "Gus-Swans";

    K. POUST. "Warm bread";

    V. Dal. "Old Manovik";

    P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse";

    K. Ushinsky. "Blind horse";

    K. Dragunskaya. "Medicine from obedience";

    I. Sokolov-Mikitov. "Salt of the earth";

    G. Strvitsky. "Anything in your own way."

Works of poets and writers of different countries


    L. Stanchev. "Autumn Gamma", per. With Bulgarian I. Tokmakova;

    B. Brecht. "Winter conversation through the window", lane. with it. K. Oreshina;

    E. LIR. "Limericki" ("lived an old man from Hong Kong ...", "there was an old man from Winchester ...", "I lived on a mountain of the old woman ...", "One old man with a skew ..."), lane. from English Kruzhkova.

Literary fairy tales:

    H.-K. Andersen. "Thumbelina", "Ugly Duckling", per. from dates. A. Ganzen;

    F. Salten. "Bembby", per. with it. Y. Nagin;

    A. Lindgren. "Princess, who does not want to play dolls," per. with the Swede E. Solovyva;

    S. Topelius. "Three rye spikes", per. with the Swede A. Lubarskaya.

    Works for learning by heart

    Ya. Akim. "April";

    P. Voronko. "There is better no native edge", Per. with ukr. S. Marshak;

    E. Blaginina. "Shinel";

    N. Gernet and D. Harms. "Very and delicious pie";

    S. Yesenin. "Birch";

    S. Marshak. "Melting a month of young ...";

    E. Moshkovskaya. "Daughty until the evening";

    V. Orlov. "You fly to us, squaw ...";

    A. Pushkin. "The sky is breathing in autumn ..." (from Evgenia Onegin);

    N. Rubtsov. "About the hare";

    I. Surikov. "Winter";

    P. Solovyov. "Snowdrop";

    F. Tyutchev. "Winter is not angry" (on choosing an educator).

    For reading in faces

    K. Aksakov. "Leaps";

    A. Freudenberg. "Giant and mouse", per. with it. Yu. Corinets;

    D. Samoilov. "Ilonenka has a birthday" (passages);

    L. Levin. "Chest";

    S. Marshak. "Koshkin House" (passages).

additional literature

Fairy tales:

    "White Duck", Rus., From the collection of fairy tales A. Afanasyev;

    "Boy with a finger", from the fairy tale sh. Perso, Per. with Fran. B. Dehteherheva.


    "Here and the summer has come and the summer ...", Rus. nar. Song;

    A. Block. "In the meadow";

    N. Nekrasov. "Before the rain" (in Sokr.);

    A. Pushkin. "For spring, red nature ..." (from the poem "Roma");

    A. Fet. "What for the evening ..." (in Sokr.);

    S. black. "Before bed", "Wizard";

    E. Moshkovskaya. "Clear old women", "What are the presents";

    V. Berestov. "The Dragon";

    L. Fadeeva. "Mirror in the shop window";

    I. Tokmakova. "I'm sad";

    D. KHARMS. "Cheerful old man", "Ivan Toropyshkin";

    M. Valek. "Wise men", per. from Slovak. R. Sef.


    D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "Medvedko";

    A. Raskin. "As Dad threw the ball under the car," "As Dad told the dog";

    M. Svavin. "Chicken on pillars";

    Y. Koval. "Shot".

Literary fairy tales:

    A. Usachev. "About the smart dog Sonya" (chapters);

    B. Potter. "The fairy tale about Jamaima drank", Per. from English I. Tokmakova;

    M. Eme. "Paints", per. With Franz. I. Kuznetsova.


    From birth to school. Approximate secondary education program for preschool education / Ed. N. E. Veracstes, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaic Synthesis, 2014. - 333 p.

An exemplary list of references to read for children 4-5 years

Russian folklore
Songs, sweatshops, shafts. "Our goat"; "Bunny-panty"; "Don! Don! Don! .. "," Geese, you are geese "; "The legs, legs, where were you? ..", "sits, sits a bunny", "Cat to the stove went", "Today is a whole day", "Barashyniki", "there is a chanterelle on the bridge", "Sun-Welshko", "Go, Spring, Go, Krasnaya."
Fairy tales.
"About Ivanushka-fool", arr. M. Gorky; "War of mushrooms with berries", arr. V. Daly; "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", arr. A.N. Tolstoy; "Zhikharka", arr. I. Karnukhova; "Fox-sister and wolf", arr. M. Bulatova; "Zimovier", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova; "Fox and goat", arr. O. Kapitsy; "Primebed", "Lisa-Lapoths", arr. V. Daly; "Cockerel and bean grains", arr. O. Kapitsa.

Folklore peoples of the world
"Fish", "duck", Franz., Obr. N. Gernet and S. Hippius; "Chiv-Chiv, Sparrow, Per. from Komi-Permya. V. Klimova; "Fingers", per. with it. L. Yahina; "Bag", Tatars., Per. R. Yagofarov, Retelling L. Kuzmin.
Fairy tales. "Three pigs", per. from English S. Mikhalkov; "Hare and Hedgehog", from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, Per. with it. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; "Red Hood", from the fairy tale sh. PERRA, PER. With Franz. T. Gabbe; Brothers Grimm. "Bremen Musicians", it., Per. V. introduced, ed. S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers of Russia
I. Bunin. "Leaf Frals" (excerpt); A. Mikey. "Autumn leaves in the wind are circling."; A. Pushkin. "Sky in the autumn breath." (from the novel "Evgeny Onegin"); A. Fet. "Mum! Loaves from the window "; Ya. Akim. "First snow"; A. Barto. "Lean"; S. Yerezha. "Street walks" (from the poem "in the peasant family"); S. Yesenin. "Sings Winter - Aukiet"; N. Nekrasov. "Not the wind rages over Bor" (from the poem "Frost, a red nose"); I. Surikov. "Winter"; S. Marshak. "Luggage", "about everything in the world", "That's what scattered", "ball"; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Stepa"; E. Baratsky. "Spring, Spring" (in Sokr.); Y. Mokritz. "Song about a fairy tale"; "Gnome House, Gnome - Houses!"; E. Asspensky. "Defeat"; D. KHARMS. "Very scary story."
V. Veresaev. "Brother"; A. Vvedensky. "About the girl Masha, about the dog Cockerel and about the cat thread" (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Indicative child"; K. Ushinsky. "Cheerful cow"; S. Voronin. "Military Jacob"; S. Georgiev. "Babushkin Sadik"; N. Nosov. "Patch", "Casting"; L. Panteleev. "At sea" (chapter from the book "Stories about the protein and Tamoorhke"); V. Bianki. "Foundling"; N. Sladkov. "Mind."
Literary fairy tales. M. Gorky. "Vorobanyshko"; V. Oseev. "Magic needle"; R. SEF. "The fairy tale of round and long little men"; K. Chukovsky. "Phone", "cockroach", "Fedorino Mount"; N. Nosov. "Adventures are minor and his friends" (chapters from the book); D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The fairy tale about Komar Komarovich is a long nose and about the shaggy mishe - a short tail"; V. Bianki. "First Hunting"; D. Samoilov. "Elephant is a birthday."
L. Tolstoy. "The father ordered his sons", "Boy Eshek Sheep.", I wanted to drink to drink. "

Works of poets and writers of different countries
V. Top. "Considered", per. with Belarus I. Tokmakova; Y. Tuvim. "Wonders", lane. with Polish. V. Prikhodko; "About Pan Trumalinsky", retelling with Polish. B. NEXER; F. Grub. "Tears", per. With Cache. E. Solonovich; S. Vangeli. "Snowdrops" (chapters from the book "Guguce - Captain of the Ship"), per. with Mold V. Berestov.
Literary fairy tales.
A. Miln. "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" (chapters from the book), per. from English B. NEXER; E. Blyton. "Famous Duckling Tim" (chapters from the book), Per. from English E. Popper; T. EGner. "Adventure in the woods of the Christmas tree-on-hill" (chapters), per. with Nor. L. Braude; D. Bisset. "About the boy who rode on tigers", lane. from English N. Shereeshevskaya; E. Hogart. "Mafin and his fun friends" (chapters from the book), per. from English O. Exodinova and N. Shachko.

Facts about reading
1. Due to the reading, the child is developing and its vocabulary increases. The book teaches a little man to express his thoughts and understand what has been said by other people.
2. Reading develops thinking. From books, a child learns abstract concepts and expands the horizons of its world. The book explains his life and helps to see the connection of one phenomenon with another.
3. Working with a book stimulates creative imagination, allows you to work fantasies and teaches children to think in images.
4. Reading develops cognitive interests and expands the horizons. From books and periodicals, the child learns about other countries and other lifestyle, about nature, technology, history and everything that interests it.
5. Books help the child to know itself. For self-esteem, it is very important to know that other people think, feel and react just like him.
6. Books help children understand others. Reading books written by writers of other cultures and other eras, and, seeing that their thoughts and feelings are like ours, children better understand them and get rid of prejudices.
7. Good children's book you can read the child out loud. The process of joint reading contributes to the spiritual communication of parents and children, the establishment of mutual understanding, proximity, confidence. The book combines generations.
8. Books of parents assistants in solving educational tasks. They teach children ethics, make reflects about good and evil, develop the ability to empathize, help learn to enter other people.
9. It is reading that performs not only a cognitive, aesthetic, but also an educational function.