"Frida. Museum-Reserve A.N.ostrovsky "Schelikalkovo", Kostroma region House Frida Kalo in Mexico

"Frida. Museum-Reserve A.N.ostrovsky "Schelikalkovo", Kostroma region House Frida Kalo in Mexico

The Frida Calo Museum is located in the Koyoacan area on Londres Street, Mexico City. This is a house where the famous Mexican artist Fried Kalo once lived. If you really appreciate art, he will leave an indelible impression after visiting.

The house belonged to the Calo family since 1904. Frida Kalo lived here all his life since 1907 to 1954. The following year after her death, the house was transformed into a museum.

As in any house-museum of famous people, among the exhibits you will find the personal belongings of Frida and her spouse, also the famous artist - Diego Rivera. These are some of her paintings, books, as well as ancient furniture and a small meeting of the statues of the Precucumbian era. The ashes of the artist rests here, it is stored in a small urn made in the form of her face.

Despite his simplicity, the museum deserves the title of architectural miracle. This structure still from afar begins to attract attention with its walls painted in a bright blue color. The outer facade is decorated with Indian patterns. The windows with a height of almost all the wall, with green ram. As historians and autobiographers say, this house reflects the life of his mistress. In its area, he is very small, and its inspection will not take you a lot of time.

It is noteworthy that Kalo and her husband often visited the Trotsky himself and even once came to temporary accommodation with his wife Natalia Sedovoy. In Mexico, this fact belongs to a large trepidation, followers of the chamber of the Communist are still preserved here.

Museum of Frida Kalo - the famous artist Mexico - is one of the most visited sights of Mexico City. "Blue House", as many admirers of the artist's talent name are called, is located in one of the most picturesque areas of the city - Koyoacan. This is not just a museum, but the birthplace of Frida Kalo, she lived in it all his life.

Frida Kalo house was built in 1904, three years before her birth. The building was turned into a museum in 1958, after the death of the artist. The house has become particularly popular after entering the film-screens of the film "Frida" (2002), in which he starred.

For some time, Lion Trotsky lived in the "blue house", the elite of Mexican society and foreign guests of the city was always gathered in it.

The museum in dimensions is very small, it includes the Frida house directly and the courtyard, but his collection is huge. In addition to the personal belongings of the artist and the preserved interior of the premises, the museum keeps the richest collection of statues and items of the people of the peoples of Decolumbovy America, who thoroughly collected Frida Calo and her husband, the famous artist Diego Rivera, who lived with her in this house.

The personality and fate of Frida washed with a multitude of mysteries, but the main thing is that visitors see the strength of the Spirit and love in their country, while trying to touch the personal life of the artist, and to her life.

Museum Exposition

The Museum of Frida Calo stores the most significant for her picturesWritten by her hand - portrait of the Father (1952), "Viva La Vida" (1954), "Frida Y La Cesárea" (1931), as well as a huge number of personal things of the artist.

Interiors of premises are preserved in the house - kitchen, bedroom, workshop, courtyard, utility rooms. Each thing lies on the place where Freed Calo was in the life of Frida, reflects all the features of life.

The walls of the house are painted in Mexican National Style: A bright colors palette creates a unique color, which is immediately transmitted to visitors.

In the working office, Frida Calo stored her canvas and paints, palettes and frames for paintings, brushes and easels. Here the artist conducted most of the time, creating what subsequently became a symbol of Mexico and its national heritage.

In the museum is collected extensive collection of personal items Frida Calo and Diego Rivera. They got married when he was 43, and she was 22. All his life, Frida Kalo loved and jealous of her husband, both of them could quarrel and torture quite often.

An important part of the museum's exposition is devoted to the couple of couples: passion, love and jealousy - everything is reflected in the House-Museum of Frida Kalo. For example, one of the exhibits stuck - clock. Two ceramic watches created by folk craftsmen in the city of Puebla, occupy a prominent place in the room of spouses. The time is put on them in a special way: the first hours show the time of a major quarrel of the married couple in 1939, and the second is the time of their reconciliation. And the museum is saturated with such objects, they reflect the entire vanity and passionate nature of the artist, allow you to open the mystery of her personality.

In addition, the museum is kept rich costume collection Frida Calo in the Mexican National Style. As a reverender of Mexico's story, including her fashion, the artist often wore dresses embroidered with flowers, and hats, which have now become a separate exposure of the museum.

All his life Frida Calo and her husband, being the true patriots of their country, were collected collection of objects and artifacts of Decolumbovy America. Statues of deities, ritual and household items, clay products and reduced copies of Pyramids Mexico - This collection deserves a separate museum. Ceramics TalaveraHe is famous for Mexico, found its worthy place in the artist's house, and the idols of various tribes decorated the patio of the house at home. In combination with the riot of tropical plants and cacti, they formed a separate living exposure, which numerous visitors admire.

In addition to interiors, the house-museum is equipped with special audiovisual space With the screen and a small visual hall, where visitors are demonstrated by documentaries, interviews and photos dedicated to the famous Mexican artist.

All together - exhibits and photo-video materials - help visitors to imagine and first see the life of Frida Calo, comprehend the riddles of her personality and touch the Mexican culture of different periods of history.

Ticket price at Museo Frida Kahlo in 2020

The cost of a ticket to the Frida Calo Museum depends on the age of the visitor and has a binding by time: a ticket assumes entry into the museum at a certain time, due to the high place attendance.

  • Children up to 6 years the entrance is free.
  • Children from 6 to 16 years and pensioners — $21.50,
  • adults (foreigners) — $246.10, adults (citizens of Mexico) — $107.

Prices are in Mexican Pesos and may vary depending on the month and day of the visit. The exact cost of a specific date and time can be clarified on the official website of the Frida Calo Museum in Mexico City. There is also an opportunity to purchase tickets online. They will be sent to email or are available for download immediately on the site.

To enter the museum, it is enough to print a ticket form or present it on a mobile device.

The entrance with backpacks, suitcases, food and drinks is prohibited in the Freda Calo Museum. All this must be left at the entrance in a special storage chamber at the administrator. Also recommended to turn off mobile phones. Photographing in the museum is allowed only for an additional fee.

Also get to the Frida Kalo Museum in Mexico City by car: Next to the entrance there are parking spaces, or use the services Taxi: The Uber mobile app is suitable or official carriers with a "CDMX" sign and a kilometer counter. The trip will cost cheaper than transfer from hotels and hostels.

Freed Museum Kalo - Google Maps Panorama:

Video review Museo Frida Kahlo:

Museum of Frida Kalo (Mexico City, Mexico) - Exposure, Opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

  • Tours on May in Mexico
  • Burning tours in Mexico

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The Museum of the most famous Mexican artist Frida Kalo is located in the house in which she was born, grew up and spent his whole life. Together with Frieda Calo, her husband lived in the house - an equally famous artist Moralist Diego Rivera.

Frida Kalo House Museum

In the 30s-40s of the twentieth century, this house of Vasilkovo-blue was the place of meetings of local intellectuals. A couple of years, Lion Trotsky even lived here with his wife. The situation in which the count of artists lived, was preserved until now. Today, taking care of rooms, you can see those objects used by Frida and Diego. It is an easel, palettes, brushes, souvenirs, photos of spouses, a wheelchair (Kalo seriously suffered during an accident and for a long time was chained to him).

Statuettes from red clay, souvenirs and jewels are placed everywhere: Frida and Diego collecting the objects of culture of pre-columbotic civilizations.

How to get and work hours

Address: Mexico City, Londres 247, Col. Del Carmen, Coyoacan; Museo frida kahlo. You can get here on the subway, reaching the coyoacán station.

Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday: 10:00 - 17:45, Wednesday: 11:00 - 17:45.

Login on weekdays: 250 MXN, on weekends: 270 MXN.

Prices on the page are shown in March 2020.

Frida Kalo and Rivera got married on August 21, 1929. He was 21 years older Frida, divorced and from the first marriage had two daughters. The family life of two artists was not easy, they were united by the love of art, common ideological views, but there were differences, mainly on the soil of jealousy. While Frida did the first steps as an artist, Rivera was already famous and enjoyed great success in women, and they ... however, Frida was also not sinless in this regard, as a result they divorced at the end of 1939, but December 8 1940 got married again! Diego was next to Frieda to her death, because these two were too much survived together, they were for each other more than just spouses, they were friends, like-minded people and even rivals ... In his will, Diego asked his dust to be mixed With the ashes of Frida Calo, but this wish was not fulfilled ... about the difficult history of the relationship between Frida and Diego, a wonderful film "Frida", which is worth seeing to see, by the way, the shooting took place in this very house!

Rivera collected the items of a pre-columbotic era, after death he bequeathed his collection of Mexican people. Some items are located in this museum. You see, he loved these ancient sculptures so much that he did not part with them even during sleep!)))

In the courtyard of the "Blue House", at the request of River, a small pyramid was installed

The interiors in which Frida lived with her family was preserved inside the house.
Dining room. In the corner hanging the paper figure of Judas, these were done to be burned in Easter Sunday as a sign of the destruction of the power of evil.

Here is another figure of Judas, as well as clay and glassware ...

Masks and statuettes

Kitchen. On the wall, Frida and Diego names are posted.

Workshop artist

Wheelchair to which Frida was chained since 1951, after seven Operations on the spine! The spinal injury was obtained in 1925, when she was only 18 years old, as a result of the collision of the bus with the tram. The girl was chained to bed and began to draw, so the tragedy gave impetus to the development of the talent ...

Bedroom. Someone has skeletons not only in the cabinet, but also above the bed!))

And again the figure of Judas and the figurines of the Precucumbian era ...

And now we turn to creativity. Here are a few works by Frida Calo, which can be seen in the "Blue House":

"Portrait of the Freedy Family", approx. 1950 - 54.
Frida regularly appealed to the image of his family tree during a long stay in the hospital in 1950. The center shows the parents of the artist, at the top of her grandparents, below - Frieda, her sisters and nephews. The picture remained unfinished.

"Portrait of my father", 1951
Dedication inscription at the bottom of the picture says:
"I portrayed my father, Wilhelm Kalo, Hungarian-Germanic descent, by the profession of a photographer, according to the nature of generous, intelligent and elevated, brave, because sixty years he suffered from epilepsy, but never stopped working and fighting against Hitler, with admiration . His daughter Fried Calo. "

"Frida and Cesarean section." 1931.
In early 1930, due to the unireed position of the fetus, Frida's first pregnancy was interrupted. Two subsequent pregnancies also ended unsuccessfully, she could not give birth to a child ...

"Marxism will give health to the patient", approx. 1954.
On this self portrait, Frida expresses the utopian faith in the fact that Marxism will be able to liberate her (and all mankind!) From pain and suffering. "For the first time I no longer cry," she said about this picture.

"Self-portrait with Stalin", OK.1954
This picture, the artist also expresses his faith in communism.

Portrait of a girl. 1929 (Neoconated)

Portrait of Agustina M. Olmedo, 1928

Portrait of Aria Murray, 1931 (Neoconated)

Nine years ago, when I also did not suspect that I would live in Mexico, I was recommended by the film "Frida". I looked at him once, and the themes affected in it seemed to me with such relatives and clear, and the scenes - such beautiful, which in the next few months I looked at him again twenty. Then I read the lot of articles about life and work, it was an amazing couple, visited Freda Calo exhibition in Moscow, and, of course, wanted to ever be at home. Last fall, the dream finally came true. Unfortunately, I shot on the run, from the hands, with a high ISO, and it was not always possible to wait for the moment when the next group will free the room, so sometimes unknown fell into the frame. But, I hope, we managed to pass the atmosphere of this hospitable house.

"Frida and Diego lived in this house 1929-1954"

In the first two rooms on the walls, sketches are hanging, letters, and another palette Frida Calo with explanations from her diary. If where errors are in translation - tell me, and then my Spanish is completely sorely, but far from the ideal. :)

Brown:sauce color Mole, fading leaves, land.
Yellow: Madness, illness, fear, sun and moon.
Blue: Electricity and cleanliness, love.
The black: nothing happens truly black nothing.
Green:foliage, sadness, science, whole Germany of this color.
Yellow: Even more madness and secrets, all ghosts wear clothes of this color, well, or at least underwear.
Blue-green:color of bad news and successful affairs.
Aquamarine: distance. Tenderness can also be this shade of blue.
Red: blood? Who knows?

Space under the staircase in the studio, between the living room and the kitchen.

This kitchen has a traditional Mexican furnace. Although at the time when Diego and Frida lived in this house, gas stoves were common, they preferred to prepare in an old, on living fire, and used traditional recipes for prepocumba and colonial eras. Many products that decorate this space are no longer produced.

Diego Rivera and Frida Kalo revived the aesthetics of Potolumbovsky and Mexican folk art. "If we are not our colors, fragrances, our people, then who we? Nothing." - they repeatedly argued, they believed in it, so painted and lived.

And this is already a dining room, where representatives of Mexican Bohemia were often going at the table - famous artists, writers and activists.

Bedroom Diego River. In the headboard - portrait of Frida. On the right - the dismortal mask of Diego.

But why did I go to the museum: see where Frida worked out her canvases, such live and ruthless.

Diary Frida Kala

One of the numerous Corsets Frida. In his youth, she survived an accident, which damaged her.

Frida knew a lot about fashion and good fabrics. Often in his outfits she
used traditional Mexican motives.
And she preferred long multi-layered skirts.

A bed with a mirror ceiling and a picturesque view of the garden, where Frieda spent the daytime,
when no longer could walk. Here she also drawn, led the diary and sat down the puppet theater with children.
On the bed - the posthumous mask Frida Calo.

This is Frida's bedroom.

Urn with the ashes of Frida.

Collection of crafts.

Day and night bed.

And here a little seen studio.

View of the garden from the room, where Frida was a day.

And here the trailer for the film "Frida".