What enters the concept of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Types of ideas in the literary text

What enters the concept of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Types of ideas in the literary text
What enters the concept of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Types of ideas in the literary text

When analyzing the work, along with the concepts of "Topic" and "Problems", the concept of the idea, under which most often meaning the answer to the question, allegedly supplied by the author.

Ideas in literature can be different. The idea in the literature is the thought concluded in the work. There are ideas of logical, or concepts logically decorated general thought about the class of objects or phenomena; idea of \u200b\u200bsomething. The concept of time. That we are able to perceive intelligence and which are easily transmitted without figurative means. For novels and associates, philosophical and social generalizations, ideas, analyzes of causes and consequences are characterized, the network is abstract elements.

But exist special view Very subtle, barely catchy ideas of the literary work. An artistic idea is a thought embodied in figuratively. It lives only in the figurative implementation, cannot be set out in the form of a sentence or concepts. The peculiarity of this thought depends on the disclosure of the topic, the author's worldview, transmitted by speech and actions of characters, from images of paintings of life. She is in the clutch of logical thoughts, images, all significant composite elements. An artistic idea cannot be reduced to a rational idea, which is possible to specify or illustrate. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis type is inherent from the image, from the composition.

Formation of an artistic idea is a complex creative process. Influence it personal experience, Writer's worldview, understanding of life. The idea can be tooling whole years, the author, striving to embody her, suffer, rewrites, is looking for adequate means of incarnation. All themes, characters, all events are necessary for a more complete expression of the main idea, its nuances, shades. However, it is necessary to understand that the artistic idea is not equal ideological design, the plan, which often appears not only in the head of the writer, but also on paper. Exploring an extraordinary reality, reading diaries, notebooks, manuscripts, archives, scientists restore the history of the idea, the history of creation, but do not detect an artistic idea. Sometimes it happens that the author goes against himself, yielding initial design For the sake of artistic truth, internal idea.

One thought is not enough to write a book. If everything is known in advance what I would like to tell, then you should not turn to artistic creativity. Better - to criticism, journalism, journalism.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work cannot be contained in one phrase and one image. But writers, especially novelists, are sometimes trying to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200btheir work. Dostoevsky about "Idiot" said: "The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel - to portray positively beautiful man»Dostoevsky F.M. COLCHOVO OBS: at 30 t. T. 28. KN.2. S.251 .. But for the same declarative ideology, Nabokov did not take it. Indeed, the phrase of the novelist does not clarify why, why did he do it, what is the artistic and life foundation of his image.

Therefore, along with cases of determining the so-called major thought, other examples are known. Tolstoy to the question "What is" War and Peace "? He answered as follows: "" War and Peace "there is something that I wanted and could express the author in the form in which it was expressed." The reluctance to translate the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work on the language of Concepts Tolstoy demonstrated again, speaking of the novel "Anna Karenina": "If I would like to say with words, all that I meant to express to the novel, I would have to write the same that I wrote, first "(Letter to N.Strahov).

Belinsky very accurately pointed out that "art does not allow themselves distracted philosophical, and even more so rational ideas: it allows only the ideas of poetic; A poetic idea is<…> Not Dogmat, not a rule, this is a live passion, pathos "(Lat. Rathos is a feeling, passion, inspiration).

V.V. Odintinov's understanding of the category artistic idea expressed more strictly: "Idea literary essay always specifically and is not displayed directly not only from the writer (the facts of his biography, the facts of his biography, public Life etc.), but also from the text - from replica positive heroes, journalistic inserts, comments of the author himself, etc. " Odintsov V.V. Stylistics text. M., 1980. P. 161-162 ..

Literary critic G.A. Gukovsky also talked about the need to distinguish between rational, that is, reasonable, and literary ideas: "Under the idea, I understand not only rationally formulated judgment, approval, even not only the intellectual content of the work of literature, and the entire amount of its content that makes it an intellectual function, its goal and the task" Gukovsky G.A. Studying a literary work at school. M.; L., 1966. P.100-101 .. And further clarified: "understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work - it means to understand the idea of \u200b\u200beach of its components in their synthesis, in their system relationship<…> It is important to consider precisely structural features works - not only words-bricks, of which the walls of the building are folded, how much the structure of the combination of these bricks as parts of this structure, their meaning "Gukovsky G.A. C.101, 103 ..

O.I. Fedotov, comparing an artistic idea with the theme, objective basis of the work, said the following: "The idea is the attitude to the depicted, the fundamental pathos of the work, a category that expresses the author's tendency (a tendency, intent, biased thought) in the artistic lighting of this topic." Consequently, the idea is a subjective basis of the work. It is noteworthy that in Western literary work, based on other methodological principles, instead of the category artistic idea, the concept of intention, some sentences, the author's trends in expressing the meaning of the work is used. This is described in detail about this in the work of A.Kompanon "Demon theory" companion A. Demon theory. M., 2001. P. 56-112 .. In addition, in some modern domestic studies Scientists apply the category "Creative Concept". In particular, it sounds in tutorial Edited by L.Chanets Chernets L.V. Literary work as artistic unity // Introduction to literary studies / Ed. L.V. Chernets. M., 1999. P. 174 ..

The majestic art idea, the more the work lives.

V.V. Kelinov called Hood. Ideate the semantic type of product growing from the interaction of images. Summarizing the statements of writers and philosophers, we can say that Hood. The idea, in contrast, from the idea of \u200b\u200blogical, is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted in all the details of the artistic whole. Evaluation, or value, aspect of the work, its ideological-emotional orientation is called a tendency. In the literature of socialist realism, the trend was interpreted as partialness.

In the epic works of ideas can be partly formulated in the text itself, as in the narration of Tolstoy: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." More often, especially in lyrics, the idea impresses the structure of the work and therefore requires a big analytical work. An artistic work as a whole richer rational idea, which critics usually are usually mixed. In many lyrical works The allocation of ideas is inconsistency because it is practically dissolved in pathos. Consequently, the idea should not be reduced to the conclusion, and seek it certainly.

When analyzing artistic work It is always important not only what the author wanted to say in it, but what happened to him - "said". The writing plan can be implemented to a greater or lesser extent, but it is exactly the point of view of the author in the assessment of heroes, events raised and should be true in the last instance when analyzing

Definition of concept

Visual examples

Recall one of the masterpieces of the Russian and world literature of the 19th century - Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". What spoke on his occasion Author: He loved in the book "Folk Thought." What are the main ideas of the work? This is primarily the assertion that the people are the main heritage of the country, driving force Stories, creator of material and spiritual values. In the light of such an understanding, the author develops the narrative of the epic. The main characters of the "War and Mira" Tolstoy insistently leads through a series of tests, to "caregiver", to introduce to folk worldview, peaceoponymia, peacefulness. So, Natasha Rostov is much closer and more expensive writer And we, than helen Kuragin or Juli Karagin. Natasha is not so beautiful as the first, and not so rich as the second. But it is in this "graphic", almost not speaking in Russian, there is something original, national, natural, which is relative to her with simply nations. And Tolstoy sincerely admire it during the dance (episode "Visiting Uncle"), and describes so that we get under the amazing charm of the image. The copyright idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and the examples and Pierre Dunzhova are remarkably revealed. Both aristocrats, at the beginning of the novel living with their personal problemsPass - each of their own ways of spiritual and moral quest. And also begin to live in the interests of their country and simple people.

Causal relationships

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe artwork is expressed by all its elements, interaction and unity of all components. It can be considered a conclusion, a kind of "life lesson", which makes and extracts the reader, coming to the artistic text, getting acquainted with its content, penetrating the thoughts and feelings of the author. It is important to understand that the particles of the writing soul are not only positive, but also negative heroes. In this regard, F. M. Dostoevsky said very well: in each of us, "Ideal Sodomsky" with the "ideal Madonna", "God with the Devil", and the battlefield of this - human heart. Svidrigaylov from "Crime and Punishment" - a very indicative personality. The depravant, cynic, scoundrel, is essentially a murderer, he is not alien to some times a pity, compassion and even some decency. And before reaching scores with life, the hero makes some kind of good deeds: attaches Katerina Katerina Ivanovna, let go of the Dunya ... and the Raskolnikov himself, the main face of the work, an obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming superman, we are also torn by contradictory thoughts and feelings. Dostoevsky, a person in everyday life is very difficult, reveals different sides and "I" in heroes. From biographical sources about the writer we know that different periods He played a lot of life. The impressions of the destructive impact of this detrimental passion were reflected in the "Player" novel.

Topic and idea

It remains to disassemble another important question - about how the topic and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work correlate. In a nutshell, this is explained like this: the topic is that the book is described in the book, the idea is an assessment and attitude to this author. Suppose the story of Pushkin " Stationery" It reveals life " little man"- Dysfunction, all oppressed, but having a heart, soul, dignity and awareness of themselves as part of the society that looks down on him. This is the topic. And the idea is in the disclosure of the moral superiority of a little man with a rich inner world Before those who are above him on the social staircase, but the pussy is.

Art idea

Art idea

The main idea, concluded in the artistic work. The idea is expressed by the attitude of the author to the problem posed in his writing, to the thoughts expressed by the characters. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is a generalization of the entire content of the work.
Only in regulatory and didactic writings, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work takes the character of a clearly expressed unambiguous judgment (such, for example, fable). As a rule, an artistic idea cannot be reduced to some separate statement reflecting the author's thought. So, the idea of \u200b\u200b"war and the world" L. N. Tolstoy It cannot be reduced to the thoughts about the insignificant role of the T. N. great people in history and fatalism as a representation, most acceptable when explaining historical events. With the perception of the story story and the historical and philosophical chapters "War and Peace" as a whole, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is disclosed as a statement about the superiority of natural, natural life over the false and foreign existence of those who mindlessly follows the social fashion, seeks fame and success. The idea of \u200b\u200bRoman F. M. Dostoevsky "The crime and punishment" is wider and multifaceted than the Sonya marmalade idea about the inadmissibility for a person to decide whether another right has to live. For F. M. Dostoevsky, thoughts about murdering as a sin committed by man against themselves, and as a sin, who alienate the killer from close and dear people, is not less important. It is as significant for understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe limited human rationality, about the insurmountable of the meaning of the mind capable of building any logically consistent theory. The author shows that only life and religious intuition, faith can be a refutation of goggle and inhuman theory.
Often the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is not at all reflected in the statements of the narrator or characters and can be determined very approximately. This feature is inherent primarily by many tons. post-authorized works (eg, stories, stories and plays A. P. Chekhov) and the writers of modernist writers depicting absurd world (eg, novels, stories and stories F. Kafki.).
Denial of existence of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the literature postmodernism; The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and theorists of postmodernism is not recognized. According to postmodern ideas, artistic text is independent of the will and the author's plan, and the meaning of the work is born when reading it reader freely placing the work in a particular semantic context. Instead of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, postmodernism offers the game of meaning at which a certain end sense instance is impossible: any idea entered into the work is served with irony, with removal. However, in fact, it is hardly justified to talk about the absence of ideas in postmodern essays. The impossibility of serious judgment, the total irony and the gaming nature of existence is the idea that unites postmodern literature.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .

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This book contains 2000 original ideas for stories and novels.

When analyzing the literary work, the concept of "idea" traditionally use, under which it most often refers to the answer to the question, allegedly supplied by the author.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work - This is the main idea that generalizes the semantic, figurative, emotional content of the literary work.

Art idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - This is the meaningful-sense integrity of the artistic work as a product of emotional experiences and mastering life by the author. This idea cannot be recreated by means of other arts and logical formulations; It expresses all artistic structure Works, unity and interaction of all its formal components. Conditionally (and in a narrower meaning) The idea stands out as the main thought, ideological conclusion and the "life lesson", naturally arising from the holistic comprehension of the work.

The idea in the literature is a thought concluded in the work. The ideas expressed in the literature, a great set. Exist logic ideas and abstract ideas . Logical ideas are concepts that are easily transmitted without figurative means, we are able to perceive by intelligence. Logical ideas are characteristic of documentary literature. For the artistic novels and stories, philosophical and social generalizations, ideas, analyzes of causes and consequences are characterized, that is, abstract elements.

But there is a special kind of very thin, barely catchy ideas of a literary work. Art idea - This is the thought embodied in figuratively. It only lives in the figurative implementation and cannot be set forth in the form of a sentence or concepts. The peculiarity of this thought depends on the disclosure of the topic, the state's worldview, transmitted by the speech and actions of the characters, from the image of paintings of life. It is in the clutch of logical thoughts, images, all significant compositional elements. An artistic idea cannot be reduced to a rational idea, which is possible to specify or illustrate. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis type is inherent from the image, from the composition.

The formation of an artistic idea is a complex creative process. The literature affects him personal experience, the worldview of the writer, understanding life. The idea can be invented years and decades, and the author, striving to embody her, suffer, rewrites the manuscript, is looking for suitable means of incarnation. All themes, characters, all events selected by the author are needed for a more complete expression of the main idea, its nuances, shades. However, it is necessary to understand that the artistic idea is not equal to the ideological design, the plan, which often appears not only in the head of the writer, but also on paper. Exploring an extraordinary reality, reading diaries, notebooks, manuscripts, archives, literary critches restore the history of the plan, the history of creation, but often do not detect an artistic idea. Sometimes it happens that the author comes against himself, inferior to the initial intent for the sake of artistic truth, internal idea.

One thought is not enough to write a book. If everything is known in advance what I would like to tell, then you should not turn to artistic creativity. Better - to criticism, journalism, journalism.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work comes out of the auditorium

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work cannot be contained in one phrase and one image. But writers, especially novelists, are sometimes trying to formulate the idea of \u200b\u200btheir work. Dostoevsky About "Idiot" wrote: "The main thought of the novel is to portray a positively beautiful person." For such a declarative ideology Dostoevsky Rugali: here "distinguished", for example, Nabokov. Indeed, the phrase of the Great Romanist does not clarify why, why did he do it, what is the artistic and life foundation of his image. But here you can hardly stand up Nabokova, landing writer of the second row, never, unlike Dostoevskynot set in front of creative topsack.

Along with trying the authors to determine the so-called main thought His work, known opposite, although no less confused, examples. Tough To the question "What is" War and Peace ""? He answered as follows: "" "" And the world "is what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it was expressed." Unwillingness to translate the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work into the language of concepts Tough Demonstrated once again, speaking of the novel "Anna Karenina": "If I would like to say with words, all that I meant to express to the novel, I would have to write the same that I wrote, first" (from the letter to N. Strahova).

Belinsky very accurately indicated that "art does not allow themselves to be distracted philosophical, and even more so rational ideas: it allows only poetic ideas; A poetic idea is<…> Not a dogma, not a rule, this is a live passion, pathos. "

V.V. Odintsov His understanding of the category "Artistic Idea" expressed more strictly: "The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary composition is always specific and is not displayed directly not only from the writer lying outside his individual statements (the facts of his biography, public life, etc.), but also from the text - from Replica of positive heroes, journalistic inserts, comments of the author itself, etc. "

Literary critic G.A. Gukovsky Also talked about the need to distinguish between rational, that is, reasonable, and literary ideas: "Under the idea, I understand not only rationally formulated judgment, approval, not only not only the intellectual content of the work of literature, but the entire amount of its content that makes it an intellectual function, its Purpose and task. " And further clarified: "It means to understand the idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work - it means to understand the idea of \u200b\u200beach of its components in their synthesis, in their system relationship.<…> At the same time, it is important to take into account the structural features of the work - not only words-bricks, of which the walls of the building are folded, how much the structure of the combination of these bricks as parts of this structure, their meaning. "

The idea of \u200b\u200ba literary work is the attitude to the picture, the fundamental pathos of the work, a category that expresses the author's tendency (a tendency, intention, biased thought) in the artistic lighting of this topic. In other words, idea - This is a subjective basis of the literary work. It is noteworthy that in Western literary criticism based on other methodological principles, instead of the "Art Idea" category, the concept of "intention" is used, some sentence, the author's trends in the expression of the point of work.

The magnitude of the artistic idea, the longer the work lives. Creators of population, writing out of great ideas, shines very soon oblivion.

V.V. Skeins called the artistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning type of product growing from the interaction of images. An artistic idea, in contrast to the idea of \u200b\u200blogical, is not formulated by the author's statement, but is depicted in all the details of the artistic whole.

In epic works, the idea may be partly formulated in the text itself, as it took place in the narration Tolstoy: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." More often, especially in lyrics, the idea impresses the structure of the work and therefore requires a large analytical work. An artistic work as a whole, which is richer than the rational idea, which critics usually are simulated, and in many lyrical works, the allocation of ideas is simply impossible, because it practically dissolves in pathos. Consequently, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work should not lead to the conclusion or lesson, and in general, it is certainly to look for it.

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In antiquity, it was believed that the integrity of the literary work was determined by the unity of the main character. But still Aristotle drew attention to the fallacy of such a look, indicating that the stories about Hercules remain different stories, although they are devoted to one person, and Iliad, telling about many heroes, never ceases to be holistic work. It is easy to see the legitimacy of the judgment of Aristotle and on the material of the literature of the new time. For example, Lermontov showed Pechorin and in the "Princess Lithuanian" and in the "Hero of Our Time". Nevertheless, these works did not merge into one, but remained different.

The holistic nature of the work attaches not a hero, but the unity of the problems set in it, the unity of the disclosed idea. Therefore, when we say that in the work it is necessary or, on the contrary, that there is more superfluous in it, then we are in mind that is this unity.

The term "theme" is used until now in two values. Some understand under the theme of life material taken for the image. Others are the main community problem in the work. From the first point of view, the theme, for example, Gogol "Taras Bulba" is the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people with the Polish gentry. From the second - the problem of the people's partnership as a senior law of life, which determines the place and purpose of man. More correct (although the second definition is not excluded in some cases). It, firstly, does not allow confusion of concepts, since, understanding the living material under the theme, usually reduces its study to the analysis of the objects depicted. Secondly - and this is the main thing - the concept of the topic as the main problem of the work naturally proceeds from its organic connection with the idea, for which M. Gorky was rightly indicated. "Theme," he wrote, "this is an idea that originated in the author's experience, suggests him with life, but nests in the capacity of his impressions is not yet accompanied and, demanding incarnation in images, initiates a calling for its design."

In some works, the problematic nature of themes will be emphasized by the writers themselves: "inexpensive", "sorrow", "the hero of our time", "Who is to blame?", "What to do?", "Crime and Punishment", "How Steel harvested" and etc. Although the title of most works directly and do not reflect the problems they put in them ("Eugene Onegin", "Anna Karenina", "Karamazov Brothers", " Silent Don."Etc.), in all truly significant works rise important questions life, go tense searches for possible and the necessary solutions them. So, Gogol invariably sought every of his creation to "say not yet said light." L. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" loved the "thought of people", and in Anna Karenina, "Family Thought."

Understanding the topic can be achieved only with careful analysis of the literary work as a whole. Not to understand the entire variety of the pictured picture of life, we will not penetrate the complexity of the problems, or the subject of the work (that is, in all the adhesion of the questions raised, ultimately ascending to the main problem), which only allows you to really understand the topic in all its concrete and unique significance.

The concept of the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe literary work. Writers not only put some problems. They are looking for and ways to solve them, correlate those depicted with the statements approved by them. Therefore, the topic of the work is always associated with its main idea. N. Ostrovsky in the novel "How Steel hardened" not only set the problem of the formation of a new person, but also allowed it.

The ideological meaning of the literary work. One of the common mistakes in understanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is to reduce it in all cases only to direct positive statements of the author. This leads to a one-sided interpretation of the work and thereby - to distorting its meaning. For example, in the novel L. Tolstoy "Resurrection" his main strength Make up the recipes for the salvation of mankind not affirmed by the writer, but, on the contrary, crushing criticism public relations, based on human exploitation by a person, that is, critical ideas of Tolstoy. If we are based only on the positive (from the point of view of Tolstoy) the statement of the writer in the "Resurrection", we can reduce the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthis novel to the preaching of moral self-improvement as the principle of individual human behavior and non-resistance to evil violence as a principle of relationships between people. But if we turn to the critical ideas of Tolstoy, we will see that the ideal meaning of the "Resurrection" includes the disclosure of the writer of the economic, political, religious and moral deception committed by the exploiters towards the working people.

Understanding the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel can and should flow from the analysis of all its ideological content. Only on this condition we can properly judge the novel, about its strength and weakness, the nature and social roots of the contradictions available in it.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that only critical ideas are expressed in a number of literary works. These works include, for example, the "auditor" of Gogol and many satirical works Saltykov-Shchedrin. In such works, the dice of various public phenomena It is also given, of course, in terms of certain positive ideals, but directly, however, we have here it is with critical ideas for which we can only judge the height and correctness ideological meaning Works.

7. Form and content of artwork.

The content and form - this has long been established by the philosophical thinking of the concept, with the help of which not only in works of art, but in all phenomena of life there are two sides of their existence: in the very common sense - These are their activities and their structure.
The content of the literary work is always an alloy of the writer depicted and expressed.

The content of the literary work is life, as it is understood by the writer and correlated with his idea about the ideal of the beautiful.
The figurative form of disclosure is the life of the characters, as it is generally represented in the works, - said Professor. D .. N. Pospelov. The content of the work refers to the sphere of the spiritual life and activities of people, the form of the work is the material phenomenon: directly - this is a verbal system of work - artistic speechwhich is pronounced out loud or "to ourselves". The content and form of the literary work is the unity of opposites. The spirituality of the ideological content of the work and the materiality of his form is the unity of opposite areas of reality.
Content in order to exist should be in the form; The form makes sense and value when it serves as a manifestation of content.
About the unity of the content and form in art very convincingly wrote Hegel: "The works of art that does not take out the appropriate form is therefore genuine, i.e. the true work of art, and for the artist, as such, serves as a bad excuse, if speaking, That in its content its works are good (or even excellent), but they lack proper form. Only those works of art in which the content and form are identical and are true works art.

Idea - the artistic unity of the content and forms of the work are formed on the basis of the premium of the content. No matter how great the studing of the writer, the significance of its works is primarily due to their content. The appointment of their shape and all genre, compositional and language elements is complete bright and artistic accurate transmission of content. Every violation of this principle, this unity artistic creativity Negatively affects literary work, reduces its value. The dependence of the form on the content does not make it, however, something secondary. The content is revealed only in it, by virtue of this, completeness and clarity of its disclosure depends on the degree of compliance of the form of the content.

Speaking of content and form, you need to remember about their relativity and correlation. It is impossible to reduce the content of the work only to the idea. It is the unity of the objective and subjective, embodied in the artistic work. Therefore, analyzing the artwork, it is impossible to consider it an idea outside the figurative form. The idea that in the artistic work acts as the process of knowledge, comprehension by the artist, should not be reduced to the conclusions, to the program of action, which is only part of the subjective content of the work.