Description of the technology of the teacher-psychologist. Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of the teacher-psychologist dhow

Description of the technology of the teacher-psychologist.  Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of the teacher-psychologist dhow
Description of the technology of the teacher-psychologist. Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of the teacher-psychologist dhow

Health-saving technology.

Purpose of the program - to show the possibilities of health-saving technologies in improving the general state of health and in the process of educational activities.


  • foster a culture of health,
  • create conditions for the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle;
  • to teach children to use the knowledge and skills gained in the classroom in everyday life.

Lesson 1

The exercise The color of my mood "

A ball is passed in a circle, and each participant names a color that matches his mood.

The exercise Breathing through the nostrils. "

Breathe in turn one nostril 3 times, then the other 3 times.

Exercise "Ball".

Sit on the rug. Host: “Let's imagine that we are inflating a balloon. Place your hand on your stomach as if it were a balloon. The abdominal muscles are tense. The shoulders do not rise. They exhaled the air - as if a balloon had burst. The stomach relaxed. Listen and do as I do:

“This is how we inflate the balloon and check it with our hand.
The ball has burst, we exhale, we relax our muscles "

Relax exercise"A journey into the world of fantasy": "You are in a big wide meadow ..."

Instruction: “Listen to me carefully and do what I ask you to do. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a large wide meadow. A lovely warm summer day. You feel the rays of the sun kiss your hands, feet, back. You are pleased to look at a wonderful, luxurious green carpet. You listen with pleasure to the hubbub of birds that tell each other the news ... And suddenly some flower attracts your attention. You are considering it. What is his stem, leaves. This is a wonderful flower. You examine it carefully and note what pleasant feelings it evokes in you ... You touch him with tenderness, as if you are stroking ... You feel calm ... You feel good and pleasant ... Stay in this state ... This place in the meadow is only yours, his nobody knows but you ... But now it's time to return. You can always come here when you are sad. Your breathing becomes deep and energetic. You have rested and feel a surge of energy. Open your eyes, reach out. You have returned from your journey. "

Exercise "Sun".

Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. While inhaling, slowly raise your arms up, gradually "stretching" the whole body: starting with the fingers and ending with the toes without tension. Hold your breath - "reaching for the sun." Exhale, lowering your arms, relax.

Classification of psychodiagnostic techniques

The technique, in contrast to the method, is specific instructions for diagnostics, data processing and interpretation of results. Within the framework of one method, there can be an almost infinite number of methods.

1. Techniques of a high level of formalization

Peculiarities : regulation of the procedureexaminations (strict adherence to instructions; strictly defined ways of presenting stimulus material; non-interference of the researcher in the subject's activities); standardization (availability of norms); reliability; validity.


  • by the form of: individual and group;
  • according to the form of answers: oral and written;
  • by material of operation: blank, subject, hardware, computer, etc .;
  • by the nature of the stimulus material: verbal, non-verbal, mixed;
  • by content : tests of intelligence, abilities, achievements, personality.
  • by purpose : determination of inferiority, psychological diagnosis in education, counseling, study of problems, selection and distribution, professional selection and professional consultation, etc.


  • personal (open, closed, half-open);
  • questionnaires.

Projective techniques

  • methodology structuring- the formation of incentives from a set of facts (objects, personal experience) and giving them meaning;
  • methodology designing- creating a whole from parts;
  • interpretation techniques - an explanation of an event or situation, often used in combination with others;
  • supplementation techniques - completion of the story, pictures;
  • catharsis techniques - play activity, for example, in children, when an analogue of a problem situation is simulated;
  • methodology learning expression- drawing on a given topic;
  • methodology studying impression- preference for stimuli in the proposed sequence of stimuli.

Psychophysiological techniques

  • without assessing the individual - diagnostics of the properties of the organism, nervous system, etc., which characterize not the personality of the subject, but the features of his state or functioning as a biological system: for example, sensorimotor reactions;
  • instrumental - diagnostics of psychophysiological features using various equipment: for example, electroencephalography;
  • "Pencil paper" - test tasks that require a minimum of additional conditions and are based on the psychophysiological characteristics of a person: for example, a tapping test.

2. Low-formalized techniques

  • observation techniques (plan and criteria);
  • survey (interview);
  • Analysis of the products of the activity.

If we abstract from the features of a particular method and technique, then psychological diagnostics as a whole comes down to creating a test task (conditions, selection of facts, etc.) and fixing the actions of the subject in response to its presentation. The test task consists of stimuli (stimuli) and the sequence of their presentation (Table 1).
Variants of the subject's response, which can be recorded as a result of the diagnosis, are presented in Table 2.
In fact, any diagnostic technique, including a computer one, can be considered as a list of stimuli and options for responses to them, which, in principle, makes it possible to standardize computer methods of psychodiagnostics. And although this harmonious system exists in theory, in practice we have many test programs with different interfaces, different ways of presenting stimuli and fixing responses, different forms of processing and interpreting the results.

Table 1
Types of test items(after Duke, 1997)

Types of incentives

Presentation procedure










On assignment

By plot

This requires a diagnostic psychologist to understand the essence of the technique used, the advantages and disadvantages of its computer implementation. The external simplicity of working with a computer and the ease of mastering the testing procedure can form false self-confidence in their abilities.
Computer and computerized techniques

According to one of the leading experts in psychodiagnostics, Professor L.F. Burlachuk, one should distinguishcomputerizedtests, where the computer is an auxiliary tool for the operation of the methodology and when it is more correct to talk about its computer implementation, and actually computer methods that are initially focused on the capabilities of modern computing and cannot be carried out without a computer.
So, for example, the predecessor of my computer methods for studying the reaction to a moving object (RDO) was a television set with built-in microcircuits for controlling an object on the screen and fixing the response time of the subject.
Remember that the effective use of computer programs, the reliability of the information received and the implementation into practice of the results of psychodiagnostic research depend on your idea of ​​the studied features, and this subjectivity cannot be avoided by any program.

Standardization of the diagnostic technique

(after O. Belova, 1997)

The objectivity of the diagnostic technique can be achieved if the following conditions are met:

  • uniformity of test procedure for obtaining results comparable to the norm (see below);
  • uniformity in the assessment of test performance;
  • determination of the rate of test execution to compare with them the indicators obtained as a result of processing test data.

These three conditions are calledstages of standardizationpsychological test.

First step consists in creating a uniform testing procedure. It includes the definition of the following points in the diagnostic situation:

  • test conditions(room, lighting and other external factors). Obviously, the volume of short-term memory is best measured when there are no external stimuli such as extraneous sounds, voices, etc.
  • Contents of instructions and the features of its presentation (tone of voice, pauses, speech speed, etc.).
  • Availability standard incentive material... For example, the reliability of the results obtained essentially depends on whether the subject is offered the original stimulus material or distorted copies.
  • Temporary restrictionstest execution. For example, the performance of tasks for intelligence tests is usually limited to a certain period of time.
  • Standard formfor fixing the results, the use of which facilitates the processing procedure.
  • Consideration of the influence of situational variableson the process and result of testing. Variables mean the subject's condition (fatigue, overvoltage, etc.), non-standard testing conditions (poor lighting, lack of ventilation, etc.), interruption of testing.
  • Consideration of the influence of the diagnostician's behavioron the process and result of testing. For example, the approving-rewarding behavior of the experimenter during testing can be perceived by the subject as a hint for the "correct answer", etc.
  • Taking into account the influence of the subject's experiencein testing. Naturally, the subject, who is not the first time undergoing the testing procedure, overcame the feeling of uncertainty and developed a certain attitude towards the test situation. For example, if the subject has already performed the Raven test, then, most likely, you should not offer it to him a second time.

Second phase standardization of a psychological test consists in creating a uniform assessment of test performance: preliminary processing and interpretation of the results obtained. This stage also involves comparing the obtained indicators with the rate of performance of this test for a given age (for example, in intelligence tests), gender, etc.

Third stage consists in determining the norms of test execution. The norms are developed for different ages, professions, genders, etc. Here are some of the existing types of norms:

School norms

are developed on the basis of school achievement tests or school aptitude tests, are established for each school level and are valid throughout the country

Professional norms

established on the basis of tests for different professional groups

Local norms

are established and applied for narrow categories of people differing in the presence of a common feature - age, gender, region, social and economic status, etc.


are developed for representatives of a given nationality, nation, country as a whole. The need for such norms is determined by the specific culture, moral requirements and traditions of each nation.

The presence of normative data (norms) in standardized methods of psychodiagnostics is their essential characteristic.

Benefits of computer psychodiagnostics

Equipment versatility
In terms of its functionality, a personal computer can replace a whole complex of devices and allows, if necessary, to connect additional equipment. Computing standards allow the developer to focus on the methodological side of the test being created, which can be used on almost any personal computer.
Ability to generate tasks
In psychodiagnostics, there is a problem of adaptation of the subject to stimulus material (for example, to numerical tables), which reduces the effectiveness of repeated research. The ability to generate test items allows you to create a large number of various tasks, introduce trial (training) attempts into the research process and use diagnostic techniques as simulators for the development of mental qualities.
Setting up experiment conditions
Controlling the program settings opens up wide possibilities for regulating the experimental conditions - the color, shape and size of objects, exposure and pause times, sound effects, etc. This allows you to create levels of complexity and adapt the methodology to a different contingent of subjects.
Test automation and standardization
The software implementation of a diagnostic technique requires a specific algorithm, which can provide for a certain sequence of tests execution, depending on the results obtained. The operation of a computer program does not depend on the duration of the study, the number of subjects and other factors influencing the behavior of a human diagnostician.
Using animation
The ability to depict objects in motion allows you to create new, more effective diagnostic and developmental techniques. The basis of such techniques is the modeling of dynamic processes and the inclusion of the subject directly in the development of the situation.
Possibility of fixing additional parameters
In the computer implementation of the diagnostic technique, when the entire testing process is controlled by the program, fixation of additional parameters can be provided that expand the complex of characteristics of the studied mental phenomenon. For example, fixing the time of an individual move in multi-pass manipulation and blank tests allows one to study the dynamics of attention in the process of completing a task.
Prompt data processing
Test automation allows you to transfer all the routine work to the computer, including the mathematical and statistical processing of the data obtained. The high speed of computer calculations makes it possible to use methods for data processing that were previously little used due to their complexity (regression, variance, factor analysis, etc.). Operational processing allows not only evaluating the results obtained, but also simulating other options for study, which is relevant in the study of compensatory mechanisms, the mutual influence of mental processes, relationships in a group, etc.
Enhanced results presentation capabilities
Computer technology provides almost unlimited possibilities for the graphic representation of results. The use of color, font, graphics, sound and animation allows you to focus on the fundamental features of the data obtained and more clearly present the results of the diagnostics.
Disadvantages of computer psychodiagnostics andproposals to reduce their impact

Dependence of test results on equipment
Any diagnostic equipment has its own standards, which makes it possible to compare the data obtained in the operation of different devices. The results of the work of computer techniques are influenced not only by computer components (processor clock frequency, memory size, video card, etc.), but also by all programs currently running (operating system, drivers, etc.), which differ significantly from each other. from friend. The greatest significance of dependence on equipment is manifested in tests in which the presentation of visual stimulus material is used or it is required to record time intervals of less than 0.1 seconds.
In order to reduce the likelihood of obtaining biased results,

  • Do not compare the results of work on different computers (and even more so the results of computer and non-computer techniques);
  • Use for specific research only one computer and software package;
  • Use programs where it is definedconfiguration factor(hardware-software performance indicator), which can serve as a criterion for comparing data;
  • Carry out standardization (comparison with an independent signal) for each study.

The need for computer skills
The efficiency of the "human-computer" system is influenced by the level of specialized skills of the worker (perception of information on the screen, pressing keys, moving "with the mouse" and others). In my opinion, a possible solution to the problem of the subject's readiness to work with the diagnostic technique is the use of trial (training) tasks to an acceptable level of mastering the required actions.

Name: Personal developmental pedagogical technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist
Nominated: Kindergarten, Methodological developments for preschool educational institutions, Educator-psychologist

Position: educational psychologist of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten number 16 "Zhemchuzhinka"
Location: Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region

Personal developmental pedagogical technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist.

Position: teacher-psychologist, MBDOU kindergarten № 16 "Pearl", Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Modern society makes new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage - preschool education.

In our preschool educational institution, the enrichment of the content of the educational process is due to the development of new humanistic and personality-developing technologies. Personal developmental technology is implemented in a developmental environment that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO. These technologies are successfully implemented by me in the process of correctional and developmental classes with children. Humanistic and personality-developing technologies are designed to reveal the creative potential of the child and are aimed at the all-round development of the personality.

Form of activity: in small subgroups and individually.

Subgroups of children are formed according to the results of individual diagnostics, requests of teachers and parents.

Structure of interaction with children:

  • greetings,
  • main part,
  • parting.

Greetings and farewells are held with children in a circle. This enables open communication, facilitates interaction and mutual understanding. The shape of the circle creates for each participant a sense of belonging to the group, allows you to feel a special community. Interaction with children is built in the form of mini-trainings using fairy tale therapy, art therapy, games and exercises are used to reduce the level of anxiety, develop the child's emotional world, communication skills, psycho-gymnastics, relaxation. The content of the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with children does not have a strict framework, it adapts to the interests of the child himself, the initiative on the part of children is always welcome. The child is offered options for games, exercises and tasks for self-expression, the teacher stimulates the development of a creative situation with questions.

Children with behavioral disorders, with negative mental states, especially need the support of a teacher. Support is an integral part of the teacher's interaction with the child; it expresses the essence of the teacher's humanistic position in relation to children.

The psychologist's room at the preschool educational institution is equipped in such a way that the child feels comfortable in it. The soft carpet floor allows you to interact with children while sitting on the carpet in a comfortable position. Children and the teacher can take off their shoes - this gives a feeling of freedom and comfort. Sitting on the carpet, the teacher interacts with children on an equal footing, "eye to eye."

The comfort of the environment is complemented by artistic and aesthetic design, which has a positive effect on the child, evokes emotions, vivid sensations. Staying in such an environment helps to relieve tension, tightness, excessive anxiety, opens up opportunities for the child to choose the type of activity, materials for creativity.

On the wall in the psychologist's room is a "Kitty" with multicolored butterflies in the pockets of her dress. Each child chooses the most beautiful butterfly and decorates the cat's dress. This manual has a diagnostic purpose: the educational psychologist immediately sees with what emotional mood the child came to the lesson and offers the child the appropriate activity.

In the psychologist's room, children love to relax in soft chairs for relaxation and look at the bubble column to the calm music and sounds of nature. Children with impaired forms of behavior learn to feel their state of peace and comfort, learn to concentrate on their feelings.

In the room of the teacher-psychologist, light effects are actively used. The color therapy method has practically no contraindications, it has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, which largely determines the health and well-being of the child. The colored lighting of the room is used by the teacher depending on the purpose of the correctional - developmental influence. For hyperactive, aggressive children, it is recommended to use a blue, green backlight. For children who are withdrawn and inactive, you can use activating colors (for example, red, yellow).

The cute antistress toys are especially fond of children. Children perform exercises with these toys sitting in comfortable armchairs for relaxation. Introverted and aggressive children learn a benevolent and attentive attitude towards people first through interaction with an anti-stress toy (regret the toy, say hello to it, say goodbye, give the toy a "massage", etc.) and then through interaction with peers and adults.

One of the children's favorite activities in the room is playing with sand. In our room there is a table specially equipped for this with lighting.

Working with a sand table allows the child to develop creativity, imagination, perception. The table has a box with small toys and plants to create a magical land on the sand. The table is also used for art therapy: children create their little masterpieces with their fingers on a smooth glass surface. If something doesn't work out, you can easily erase the drawing with your palm and draw a new one. It helps anxious and withdrawn children to release tension and increase self-esteem. The creation of a painting affects all spheres of feelings, awakens creativity, relaxes and inspires.

Pedagogical technologies based on humanization in the work of a preschool educational psychologist help to reveal the child's individual and creative potential, stimulate his creative activity, form adequate self-esteem, develop the emotional and cognitive sphere, help prevent unwanted personality traits, and contribute to the appearance of positive behavioral reactions and experiences in children.

Yulia Vatulina
Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of a teacher-psychologist

Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of a teacher-psychologist MADOU CRR - d / s No. 16 "Cockerel"

In his psychological and pedagogical activities include a variety of technologies, contributing to a comprehensive impact on the personality of the child.

The technology of my work is built on several directions:

-psychological diagnostics;

Developing and corrective work with children;

-psychological prevention;

The advisory Work.

I carry out diagnostics individually or in a group mode, also at the individual requests of parents and educators... When diagnosing a child, I use methods such as observation, conversation, standardized methods for identifying mental processes as well as projective techniques. Of course, when diagnosing, I take into account the individual characteristics and age criteria of a preschooler.

Based on the results of diagnostics, I receive information about the level psychological development of children, I reveal the individual characteristics and problems of the participants in the educational process. I develop recommendations educators, educators and parents to provide assistance in matters of education, training and development.

Much of its work, I devote to developing and corrective work... Correctional - developing work I conduct in the form of individual or subgroup lessons (or small group lessons)... Children are united into subgroups, taking into account the similarity of problems, zones of actual and proximal development, peculiarities of the emotional and volitional sphere.

For delayed children mental development, individual correction and development programs are developed, taking into account the potential and existing difficulties of the child, his individual characteristics.

The main methods of correctional - developmental impacts:

Play therapy;

Art therapy;

Puppet therapy;

Sand therapy;


Relaxation exercises.

Games for the development of sensorimotor skills and tactile sensitivity.

Play is the most accessible activity for children; it is a way to processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world.

The goal of play therapy is not to change the child and not to remake him, not to teach him any special behavioral skills, but to provide an opportunity "Live" in the game, situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

First, I use separate game moments, which are very important in pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a child care facility. These are games like "Round dance", "Catch-up" etc.

In activities using play technologies children develop mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking. I use complex gaming technologies different target orientations that help me prepare my child for school.

In developing work I use art therapy methods with children. It can be creative work and an interesting story of a fictional character. Using colored pencils and paper, children complete the tasks individually, each creating his own drawing. But it is especially pleasure to create collective works - general pictures where images created by all the children in the group are combined. In the process of collective fulfillment of the task, conditions are created for the development of the skills to negotiate, give in, make their own contribution to the common cause, show initiative, put forward proposals, defend their own space, idea.

As a result of art therapy work negative emotions spill out in children, psychological energy, which is usually wasted on ineffective stress, and children become calmer and more relaxed. Demonstration, negativism, aggression give way to initiative and creativity.

Fairytale therapy - promotes the development and correction of emotional states, relieving anxiety, increasing self-esteem, and relieving aggressive manifestations. In a fairytale form, your problem is easier to see and accept. It is easier for a fairy-tale hero to come up with a way out of the situation - after all, everything is possible in a fairy tale! And then this output can be used for yourself.

You can use the following methodological tricks:

Tell a fairy tale from the perspective of a fairytale character;

Guessing the plot or characters;

Turning into a fairy tale of any life story;

Composing a fairy tale impromptu.

In its I use technology extensively in my work puppet therapy for resolving conflicts, improving social adaptation, with corrective dealing with fears, behavioral disorders. In class, the child's favorite toy "Participates" in staging a performance, the plot of which is traumatic for him, he gets into a terrible story and successfully copes with it. As the plot unfolds, the child's emotional stress grows and, having reached its maximum severity, is replaced by violent behavioral emotional reactions (crying, laughing, etc.).

Thus, technology Puppet therapy helps children achieve emotional stability and self-regulation.

Sand therapy stabilizes the emotional state. Along with tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, children learn to listen to themselves and articulate their feelings, all types of cognitive processes (attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills are developed harmoniously, object-play activity, the development of communication skills in children).

All sand therapy games are divided into three directions:

Educational games - aimed at developing fine motor skills. Thus, the child says what he feels, thereby developing speech.

Cognitive games - with their help, I help to learn all the versatility of our world.

Projective games - with their help I carry out correction in the development of the child.

Relaxation - deep muscle relaxation followed by lifting mental stress... The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, to restore strength, and helps to concentrate attention. To this end, in work with children, I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole body. Children like these exercises very much, as they have an element of play.

To maximize the effect of relaxation exercises, I select a musical repertoire. Music should be calm, soothing, relaxing, it should not strain or irritate. It could be sounds nature: the sound of the sea, the splash of water, the murmur of a brook, the chirping of birds, etc., or just some light, unobtrusive motive.

In the direction psychological prevention I use a variety of games and exercises. All games and exercises include elements psycho-gymnastics... Any physical movement in psycho-gymnastics expresses any image of fantasy, saturated with emotional content, thereby uniting the activity mental functions(thinking, emotions, movement, and with the help of my comments, the inner attention of children is also connected to these processes.

Thus, psycho-gymnastic exercise uses a mechanism psychophysical functional unity. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, removes mental stress, enables self-expression.

The main purpose psychological education and prevention is to prevent possible deviations in mental development of children and in the formation of personality, as well as increasing psychological culture of teachers and parents... To achieve this goal, I select poster information about individual differences and age characteristics of children, about the influence of family education and its types, about age crises; I develop reminders for parents; give lectures and talks with educators demonstrating effective methods and techniques work with children and parents; I speak at parent-teacher meetings; I conduct trainings for educators and parents.

I provide advice to parents and educators in an individual form. I organize consultations at the preschool educational institution as follows ways: by invitation (based on the results of diagnostics) with a preliminary agreement on a convenient time for the parents in order to understand the problem and find the best ways to solve it; on the independent appeal of parents and educators on the problems of upbringing and development of children; on personal requests from employees of the institution, as well as to respond to the current emotional state; I provide active advice to parents and educators during the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool educational institutions

As a result psychological counseling are recommendations set out in a form understandable for the client with description practical and communicative actions that are aimed at solving the problem.

All used by me technologies allow you to realize yourself and show all participants in the educational process the importance of psychological assistance and the need for the existence of this service in a preschool institution.

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1 Innovative technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist Prepared by: Educational psychologist MADOU 22 "Topolek", Berdsk Savchenko Olga Evgenievna

3 purchased equipment: 2 light sandboxes Large set of toys for the sandbox Kinetic sand Moon sand Colored kinetic mass for sculpting Manuals for fairy tale therapy and art therapy series "Clever girl" "100 flowers" "Communication lessons" Puppet theaters

4 Art therapy has advantages that make it competitive 1. The art therapy environment is psychologically safe, non-judgmental, free; 2. a product of a person's creativity is a form of objectification of a person's state, which makes it possible to give a retrospective assessment, to trace the dynamics; 3. art therapy creates opportunities for realizing one's own value and the value of others, the possibility of including a person in group activities, the discovery of collective experience, awareness of how one's own personality affects others; 4. Art therapy is a means of non-verbal communication.

5 Drawing technique - "Sand-art" (sand-painting) sand art or drawing with sand on a light table to acquaint with the non-traditional direction of fine art drawing with sand, in the educational process with preschoolers; to carry out the communicative interaction of children with each other in creative-search activity; create a favorable social situation for the development of each child in accordance with his age and individual characteristics and inclinations; to show the peculiarities of the technique of drawing with sand.

6 "Sand-art" Sand art is Sand applique Sandbox Sand painting on light tables

7 Features in working with sand on light tables: Differs in simplicity and accessibility. Sand painting is beauty. Plastic. Reducing stress.

8 Psychological problems in which it is useful to use sand painting in combination with other methods. Behavioral problems of children. Emotional problems. Family problems. Communication problems.

9 Drawing technique "Sand-art" (sand-painting) provides an opportunity for the development of Individuality; Increasing self-esteem; developing fine motor skills and increasing tactile sensitivity; development of imagination, creative thinking, spatial thinking; development of speech and preparation of the hand for writing; correction of attention and behavior disorders; correction of emotional and neurotic disorders; development of mental processes in children and adults; soft smooth recovery after injuries in children and adults (strokes, concussions of the brain injury, correction of post-hypoxic disorders and MMD); development of two hemispheres of the GM, harmonious development of personality; relieving stress and harmonizing the internal state; deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself

10 Light Sandbox Modes

11 "Kinetic Sand" is an innovative art therapy technique. Kinetic sand consists of 98% of ordinary quartz sand and 2% of a silicone polymer, which is used in the food industry as an additive (E 900). The product has the color of natural sand and within each delivered batch contains the same fraction.

13 Parents' clubs on the theme "Education by a fairy tale"

14 Kinetic Color Sculpting Dough Bubber Bucket This is a mixture of microscopic ceramic spheres and a sculpting binder from Waba Fun. A set for creativity - a mass for modeling + accessories. The development of fine motor skills, the development of personal qualities (teaches attentiveness and accuracy, contributes to the development of children's imagination)

15 Set "100 flowers" a method for developing a child's creativity and intelligence opens the door for a child to the magical world of color: heavenly, honey, cyclamen, beaujolais, tea rose .. Bright colored cards develop vision, and their diversity - artistic taste. The visual aid "A set of demonstration tables" Color and shape "is intended for the development of a preschooler in a preschool educational institution. Fields of application: cognitive development, aesthetic education. An excellent basis for getting ready for school

16 Character Education System by Fairytale is a complex solution for the harmonious formation of the character of a child from 2 years old. The system is based on the method of personalized fairy tales (one of the methods of fairy tale therapy), developed by Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili, an outstanding Russian teacher, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

17 Fairytale therapy

18 Puppet therapy is an effective use of methods and techniques of puppet therapy in working with fears in children. Puppet therapy goes well with other art therapy areas. For example with music therapy

19 Mandala as an art-therapeutic means of harmonizing the psycho-emotional state the possibility of using mandalas: in order to correct the emotional state, normalize behavior in order to diagnose the current mood in order to study group relationships in order to diagnose and correct a specific problem

20 possibilities of using mandalas: In case of self-esteem problems In a feeling of internal imbalance Activation of resource states of the personality In fear of losing control over oneself With pessimism and depression In psychocorrection of accumulated irritation and aggression Psychocorrection of emotional hypersensitivity or, on the contrary, alexithymia (difficulty in responding to feelings, emotions). With a sense of a dead end in life Psychocorrection of fears and anxieties Overcoming developmental crises (age-related, personal) Accompanying adaptation Family situations Psychosomatic problems Group cohesion based on spiritual rapprochement, collective creativity Increasing concentration and internal balance (for example, in hyperactive children) Correction of fine motor and nervous disorders tension Building patience and accuracy Building self-confidence based on calmness and stimulation of creativity

21 Stone therapy Indications for playing with stones: difficulties in communication and empathy in children and adolescents; psychocorrection and psychoprophylaxis of conflict, isolation, anxiety; neurotic and emotional disorders; crisis conditions; development of your own self-image; optimization of mental development in childhood. Forms of work with children and adolescents: For children of preschool and primary school age. as stimulating material for the child's free associations

22 Phototherapy The purpose of phototherapy and photography is to expand a person's self-knowledge, to promote individual development, to help orient oneself in life. The tasks of phototherapy in preschool educational institutions is the study of past experience, stabilization of the emotional state, correction of parent-child relationships. is universal in application: it can be used as a separate method (working only with photographs), or it can be combined with other psychotherapeutic directions (fairy tale therapy, isotherapy, family psychotherapy, etc.). Phototherapy techniques are suitable for individual and group sessions for most age groups

23 Animal therapy as a psychological correction program for children experiencing difficulties in adaptation and communication includes a method of providing psychological assistance through interaction with animals and their symbols; - reveals additional opportunities in behavior and personality in children; - enriches the socially adapted behavioral repertoire through observation; - teaches and trains such mechanisms that allow animals to adapt to the conditions of life as much as possible, to be in harmonious interaction with others.



26 In the process of organizing art therapy and fairy tale therapy, the following functions are realized: 1) empathic acceptance; 2) creating a psychological atmosphere of personal safety; 3) emotional support; 4) setting a creative task and ensuring its acceptance; 5) reflection and verbalization of feelings and experiences, actualized in the process of drawing

27 Board psychological games "Rhythm and Challenge" is a collective game that requires increased activity and dynamics of the flow. That is why it contributes to the development and establishment of communication skills, non-verbal communication and is ideal for adaptation activities, initial trainings (for example, dating training) and classes with mixed groups. Also, the game can serve as a successful accompaniment for family groups, children's trainings, school activities for organizing leisure activities, competitions, a game room, circles. it is not recommended to use the game with children with increased anxiety, resentment and inability to play, as well as increased aggressiveness, excitability and general emotional instability.

28 Affirmations Positive affirmations or affirmations (from the Latin affirmatio "confirmation") are persuasive statements containing a verbal formula, which, with repeated repetition, fixes in the subconscious of a person the attitude towards positive changes in his life. This is a positive auto-training aimed at feeling healthy, successful, free, etc. The concept of affirmation is used in self-improvement psychology and positive psychology. Scientific research in recent years has shown that the impulses of the second signal system caused by the word come from the cerebral cortex into the internal environment of the body and rebuild the vital activity of the tissues of the internal organs. Listen carefully to your speech. What lines do you say most often, what do you call yourself, how do you speak about your life? If a person says "My life is a complete nightmare!", "What a fool I am!", "Everything I do is in vain!" this whole program is written into the subconscious and gives out the complete set of the loser. Our subconscious mind embodies what was said impartially and flawlessly. So wouldn't it be better to put the formulas for luck and success in it?

29 "Psychological cards as a tool for counseling, training and self-knowledge." "The use of psychological cards in the development of personal self-regulation of participants in the educational space

30 positive results Ensure the effectiveness of emotional response, gives it, even in the case of aggressive manifestations, socially acceptable acceptable forms; at the same time, opportunities open up to transform negative emotions into positive ones. Such a transformation is carried out in cases where the product of emotional response (collage, drawing, etc.) leads to the following: it causes catharsis due to the social expressiveness of the form; facilitate the communication process for withdrawn, shy or poorly peer-oriented children; will have an impact on a person's awareness of their feelings, experiences and emotional states, significantly increase personal value, can lead to self-sufficiency

FOR PARENTS (LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES): Training for young parents "Conscious Parenting" The training program will help parents (legal representatives): to expand the understanding of their child;

Section 5 Application of modern methods of art therapy in working with preschool children. Nikitina Natalya Sergeevna Educator MADOU 26, Russia, Moscow region Balashikha, E-mail: [email protected]

"Sand therapy as a means of correcting the emotional sphere of primary schoolchildren" There are many difficulties in the development of children at various stages of school education from primary school to senior level

The innovative project "Magic Sand" - an assistant in working with special children "of the municipal institution of additional education" Fantasy "for the assignment of the status of a Regional innovation platform

Sensory room The sensory room is a room with the most comfortable and safe environment, filled with a variety of stimuli for a child or adult to explore the surrounding space.

1. Comprehensive program of the territorial center for social assistance to families and children "Family palette" Purpose of the program: Prevention of family problems and social orphanhood of children. Objectives of the program:

Gladinova Elena Ivanovna senior educator Tsepeleva Natalya Leonidovna educator Suvorova Tatyana Ivanovna educator MBDOU "D / S 84" Alenushka "Yoshkar-Ola, Republic of Mari El EMOTIONAL PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution "Kindergarten 20" Forget-me-not "combined type of Novotroitsk, Orenburg region" Topic: Art therapy as an effective method of health preservation

The program "The interesting world of color and sound" Section 1. INFORMATION CARD 1.1. The name "An interesting world of color and sound" for working in an interactive environment: sensory room. 1.2. Location of the program

Report on the work of a teacher-psychologist at boarding school 2 in the first half of the 2016-2017 academic year. Educator-psychologist: Zavislyak I.V. The main directions of work for the 2016-2017 academic year. Methodical topic of work

Nikitina Olga Nikolaevna Master, Head of the Sand-Art section of the Sand Therapy Association, member of the Board of the Sand Therapy Association, educational psychologist of the highest category, teacher

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type 110 Presentation of the work of the teacher-psychologist Elena Anatolyevna Bortnikova Priority area of ​​the work of the teacher-psychologist:

Relevance of the project. Federal state requirements imply compliance with the "principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils,

UDC 364.62: 364.642 N. A. Ermachenko, O. V. Zaitseva Psychological and pedagogical support of the family as a means of preventing social risks of childhood safety Abstract. The article covers common problems

Health-saving technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist Prepared by: pedagogue psychologist MBDOU "Kindergarten 20 Generally developing bell" Komarkova O.Yu. “Children should live in a world of beauty, games,

Consultation for teachers October 2016 Educator Q1 categories Dorofeeva Olga Alexandrovna. MDOU "Novomichurinsky kindergarten 1" Fairytale therapy for children and adults, for preschoolers and schoolchildren

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 97 in Chelyabinsk" Organization and content of the work of a preschool educational psychologist to accompany the family of a child with disabilities Educator-psychologist

Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of psychological correction of the child's condition in the desired direction of development. Numerous music therapy techniques include

The system of work of a teacher-psychologist of educational institutions to support foster families. Active forms of psychological and pedagogical influence. Gerasimovich Victoria Yuryevna SEO "Secondary school 16 in Polotsk"

FOUNDATION OF ASSESSMENT TOOLS FOR EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE Fundamentals of psychological correction (discipline name) 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (code and name of the field of study) Psychology

"Approved" Director of MBOU Lyceum 15 T.N. Pesotskaya September 06, 2016 Appendix 3 to the work plan of the MBOU Lyceum 15 (2016-2017) service for the prevention of suicidal behavior Form of work 1) Diagnostics of the level

Drawing with sand on glass as a means of developing speech in young children. Early childhood educator: Bystrova Irina Borisovna pgt. Zheshart MBDOU "Kindergarten 2 combined type" "Often hands


Psychological and pedagogical counseling Purpose: to optimize the interaction of participants in the educational and educational process and provide them with psychological assistance. Tasks: 1. With parents: 1.1. counseling

Experience of working with older preschoolers with mental retardation in preschool conditions T.G. Neretina IN THE FIRST HAND One of the most important and urgent areas of work with children with mental retardation

Work programs for all age groups are drawn up in accordance with the basic general educational program of MADOU "Kindergarten 4", developed on the basis of an approximate general educational program of preschool

Order 183 dated 01.09. 2016 "Approved" Director of MBOU "Rebrikhinskaya Secondary School" N.N. Shreider Prospective-calendar work plan of the teacher psychologist Yegorova E.A. for 2016 2017 The goal of the program is to preserve and

Work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2016-2017 academic year Objectives: 1. To strengthen the psychological health of children, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. 2. Create favorable conditions for

Children's development groups "I and the world around me" The first yoga center in St. Petersburg invites children 6-15 years old to children's development groups Combination of yoga classes and art therapy classes with psychologists,

REGIONAL STATE STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance "Center for psychological, medical and social support" Work report

Municipal educational institution "Mikhailovskaya secondary school 1" Work plan of a teacher-psychologist for the 2017-2018 academic year. The purpose of the work of a teacher-psychologist is to ensure a full

Annual report on the activities of the educational psychologist MBOU SOSH 1 p. Kangly 2015-2016 y / y. Educator-psychologist: Ordina K.A. Qualitative analysis of the activities of educational psychologists in the education system 1. Analysis of the set

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution "Kindergarten of combined type 145" Report on the work done by the teacher psychologist T.A. Shabalova 2013-2014 The purpose of the educational psychologist

Puppet therapy is a method of psychological assistance to children, adolescents and their families (which consists in correcting their behavior through a puppet theater, developed by child psychologists I. Ya. Medvedeva and T.L.

Art therapy is a productive way of psychological work with children. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning their attention to the problem of children's health. In science there are more than sixty definitions of the concept

Areas of work Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely all-round development of each child; Creation in groups of an atmosphere of humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils,

Annotations of additional general education programs implemented in MBU DO "DOOC" Harmony "p / p Name of the program / age of participants 1 Together with mother 1.6 3 years 2 Ladder of joy 5-6 years 3 We are developing,

The work plan of the psychological service of MKOU SOSH 3 for the 2015-2016 academic year. Objectives: 1. Assistance to the administration and the teaching staff of the school in creating a social development situation corresponding to the individual

Explanatory note. The purpose of psychocorrectional work is to use different forms of interaction with students, aimed at overcoming or weakening problems in the mental and personal

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of general developmental type "Fairy Tale" Pervomaisky District Considered at a meeting of the methodological council of MBDOU d / s "Fairy Tale"

A long-term plan of work of a teacher psychologist 2016 2017 academic year The purpose of the activity: creation of psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological conditions that allow students to successfully learn and develop

Workshop-workshop for teachers "The use of gaming technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education"


Technology "Social, family therapy" Target group: all categories of families Purpose: social therapy involves direct intervention in order to eliminate obstacles that hinder full-fledged social

Additional (out-of-school) education of children ADDITIONAL (OUT-OF-SCHOOL) EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Leontyeva Tatyana Viktorovna Cand. ped. Sci., Associate Professor, Kazan State University of Culture


GBOU "Special (correctional) general education boarding school in Kozmodemyansk" Program of psychological adaptation and developmental classes for first graders Completed: teacher - psychologist GBOU

EXPLANATORY NOTE Psychological pedagogical support within the framework of education modernization is designed to optimize the ratio of development strategies, formation and correction in teaching and upbringing

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Analytical report of the educational psychologist MBOU Znamenskaya secondary school 1 for the 2015/2016 academic year. Objectives of the work: 1. Ensuring the preservation of the mental health of students. 2. Creation of favorable social and psychological

Accompanying children with disabilities in a general educational institution Psychological and pedagogical support of children with speech impairments in the educational process Compiled by: teacher


MBDOU "Kindergarten 40 combined type City methodological association of educational psychologists" Games in correctional development work with children with developmental disabilities "Prepared by: Kossakovskaya

Explanatory note to the curriculum of the CIPR group. This curriculum of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type 63", Nakhodka. Regulatory

4. Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information 1. Department of SPiSP 44.03.03 "Special (defectological) 2. Direction of training

The main tasks of the "Combined Kindergarten 16" for the 2016 2017 academic year: 1. Introduce effective forms of work on the development of physical activity in preschool children, improve skills

Dean G Subject of theses special] 5В090500 - Social work 1. State services for social work; 2. Mechanisms for solving social problems in society; 3. Ways of solving social problems in

"The role and importance of dance movement therapy in working with children and their parents" Pronina Olga Nikolaevna, dance movement therapist, consultant psychologist, educational psychologist, secondary school 39, Astrakhan

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF THE CITY OF ABAKAN "SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 4" "Agreed" Deputy Director for Internal Affairs Eliseenko I. I. "28" August 2015 "Approved"

"The use of hardware and software systems with biofeedback in the practice of educational institutions" LLC "Research and Production Firm" Amalteya ", St. Petersburg FORMATION OF VALUE

Today is a preschooler, tomorrow is a successful first grader! Developed by: Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten 163", Cheboksary, Vaneeva L.I. Director of MBOU SOSH 50 Vasilyeva I.V. Director of MAOU Lyceum 4 N.V. Konovalova ACTUALITY

ANALYTICAL REPORT OF THE TEACHER-PSYCHOLOGIST FOR THE 2014-2015 ACADEMIC YEAR Teacher-psychologist of the Lyceum Evstigneeva Tatyana Mikhailovna (higher education, higher qualification category, work experience in this position

Analytical report of the teacher-psychologist of MBDOU kindergarten "Berezka" Sorokina E.I. for 2014 15 academic year The purpose of the work of a teacher-psychologist: creating conditions for the preservation and strengthening of psychological health

P / p Content of work Terms Contingent Note 1. Information and analytical direction 1.1 Drawing up an annual plan August - annual plan 1.2 Registration of working documentation. 1.3 Conclusion of contracts

Work plan for self-education Full name teacher Leshkevich Svetlana Abramovna Topic: Interaction of preschool educational institutions and families: new approaches and technologies Purpose: Increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical competence of parents

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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND YOUTH POLICY OF THE VORONEZH REGION State educational institution of the Voronezh region for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance

MKDOU CRR d / s 10 "Skazka" Ust Katav Pedagogical project "To kindergarten with a smile" Relevance of project activities: Emotions are a part of the mental life of a person, which determines a person's attitude to the environment

The program of the circle "Little geniuses" Compiled by: LM Makarova Izhevsk 2017 CONTENTS 1. Explanatory note. 2. Passport of the program: goal, objectives, program participants, implementation timeline, work schedule