Proponation it is in English. Pronouns in english

Proponation it is in English. Pronouns in english
Proponation it is in English. Pronouns in english

As you know, all parts of the speech are divided into independent and service. As in Russian, pronouns in English belong to an independent part of speech, which denotes the subject or is its sign, but does not call individuals and items directly. These words are not called relationships and properties, do not give spatial or temporary characteristics.

Pronouns (pronouuns) in English replaces the name noun, so they are called "instead of the name" - He, You, IT. These words can also be used instead of adjective - Such, That, these. As in Russian and in English, such lexical units are very much, but it is necessary to know and correct them. Therefore, go directly to the study.

In the value of PRONOUNS, you can classify by multiple groups. I propose to get acquainted with this classification and features of each group:

Personal (Personal) are the most important and commonly encountered pronouns. The proposal performs the role of the subject. And the word "I (I)" Always written a big letter, regardless of whether it is in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. And the pronoun to you (you, you) expresses the multiple and only number.

It should also be remembered that lexemes he (he) and she (she) use if they want to designate an animated face, and iT. - to designate animals, abstract concepts and inanimate objects. BUT "They" They use both in relation to inanimate objects and animated individuals.

Personal pronouns in English are inclined by cases. In the case when they fulfill the role in the proposal, they are in the nominative case, and when the role of add-on is in the object. In order for you to be clearer, learn the table



Objective case



I. I me. me, me


you. you you. you, you


he. is he him. him, Him
she. she is hER. she, her
iT. it, he, she iT. his, her, he, her



we. we uS. us, us


you. you you. you, you


they they are them. them, im.

Possessive pronouns

English stronger pronouns (Possessive) We disassembled in detail in the previous article. But still I remind you that they express belongings, have two forms - adjective and nouns, answer the question "Whose?" And do not change in numbers. There is also a special absolute form. Look at the table, as Possessive PRONOUNS is inclined:


the form







mine My.
His His
Hersh her
Its his / her




our Ours
Yours yours
Theirs of them

Index pronouns in English

Indicative (demonstrative) or demonstrative - indicate a face or subject. Indexing pronouns in English do not change according to childbirth, but inclined by numbers, that is, they have the forms of a single and plural. Wherein " tHIS»Call the subject that is next to the speaker, and the word" that.»It is denoted by a subject that is at a considerable distance.

In addition, "That" can be translated into Russian as "This, this". Indexing pronouns in English in the proposal can perform the role of the subject, additions, definitions or nouns.

Return pronouns in English

Returns (Reflexive) or reflexive - express a return value, show that the action is directed to the actual person itself, therefore, the return pronouns in English in the proposal in the form relates to the subject.

Their distinctive feature is that they end on "- self. "In the singular or" - selves." in plural)". In Russian, this is a verbal suffix "-" - "ourselves)" or the pronoun "herself (herself, himself)": He Cut Himself - he cut

Singular Plural
mySelf. ourselves.
yourself. yourselves. yourself (ourselves)
himSelf. yourself (himself) themSelves.

oNESELF Uncertainty Personal Shape

Uncertain pronoun in English

Uncertain (indefinite) is one of the most numerous groups of English pronouns. Proposals can replace nouns and adjectives. Undefined pronouns in English can be divided into words, it is formed from "no" (no, no matter), "Any" (any, somewhat, little) and "some" (several, little).




noone / Nobody no one anyone / Anybody. someone / someone anyone someone / Somebody. someone / anyone
nothing. nothing anything. something / anywhere something. something
nowhere nIGHT anywhere. somewhere / somewhere, anywhere / somewhere somewhere. somewhere
anyhow. somehow / somehow like you like somehow. somehow / somehow
aNY DAY / ANY TIME whenever some Time / Some Day someday

Other Indefinite PRONOUNS includes: Every, Each, Both, All, Few, Little, Many, Much.

Questionful pronouns in English

Interrogative - very similar to relative, but perform perfect other functions in a sentence, where are subject, adjective or addition: Who is there? - Who's there? Sometimes they can be a personal part of the lean. Questionful pronouns in English is also called "interviewal words":

  • wHO? - Who?
  • which? - which the?
  • wHOM? - Who? who?
  • where? - Where?
  • what? - what?
  • whose? - Whose?
  • wHEN? - When?
  • why? - Why?

Other pronouns

We stayed in more detail on the main and more numerous pronouns, but there are other groups of pronoun in English:

  • Divided: aNOTHER, OTHER.
  • Negative: no, Nobody, Nothing, No One, Neither, None
  • Relative: that, Which, Whose, Who

"This" is used in many impersonal proposals, where when transferring to Russian is almost always lowered. With multiple number, everything is not so simple. But first things first.

Functions pronoun IT.

  1. As personal pronoun

    Here everything is simple - the pronoun IT replaces the inanimate noun:

    I Have An Apple. IT IS GREEN. - I have an apple. It is green.
    Give Me That Laptop. IT IS ON THE TABLE - Give me that laptop. He lies on the table.
  2. IT as impersonal pronouns

    Here the pronoun IT has much more functions. Please note that in many cases where IT is used as impersonal pronoun, it goes down when transferring to Russian.

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    • Indicates a fact or situation that is known or currently occurs:
      When The Factory Closes, IT Will Mean 500 People Losing their Jobs - When the plant closes, it means that 500 people lose their work.
      Yes, I Was At Home On Sunday. What about it? - Yes, I was at home on Sunday. So what?
    • Is subject to impersonal verb:
      IT IS Snowing On The Mountains - There is snow in the mountains.
      IT IS Sunday Today - Today is Sunday.
    • Performs the function of the formal subject:
      IT IS NOT EASY TO DEFEAT HIM - It is not easy to defeat it.
      IT IS Dangerous to Play with Fire - It is dangerous to play with fire.
    • The structure of IT IS + noun + Who / THAT focuses on any part of the sentence:
      IT Was Susie Who Painted This Picture - This Susie painted this picture.
      IT Was John Who Broke The Window - This John broke the window.
    • Speakers subject to when it comes to date, time, distance:
      IT'S TEN PAST TWELVE - Now full.
      IT's Two Miles To The Beach - It's two miles from the beach.
    • Used in a passive pledge:
      IT WAS Decided That We Should All Swim Across The Lake Before Breakfast It was decided that we all should swim on the lake in front of breakfast.
      IT IS Accepted That Research Into Cancer Has Advanced Considerably In The Last Few Years - It is believed that research in the field of cancer has been significantly advanced in the past few years.
  3. As an index pronouction.

    In this role, the pronoun IT is used in cases where in a conversation or ask about the identity of the interlocutor:

    Who is IT? - Who's that?
    Hello, IT's Jane - Hello, this is Jane.
  4. Proponation IT in multiple

    The pronoun IT is not used in the multiple number. In this case, it is used instead. They has three forms: subject to them, Them Supplement and the following their (S). They and its forms are used only as personal pronouns:

    They Study English. - They learn English.
    I GAVE THEM MY English TEXTBOOK - I gave them my English textbook.
    Their English Friend Never Liked Me - Their English has never loved me.

    Exceptions and features

    The exceptions associated with IT relate to the use of this pronoun with animated objects. There are three cases when IT is used with animated objects.

    With animals:

    Look at this Snake: it sleeeps - Look at this snake: she sleeps.
    I Love My Dog. IT IS ALMOST HUMAN - I love my dog. She is almost a person.

    With babies:

    This Baby Is Hungry, IT Hasn't Been Eating for Three Hours - This child is hungry, he did not eat three hours.
    The Baby Is Crying. IT MUST BE HUNGRY - The baby is crying. It must be hungry.

    When someone appears in the conversation or asks about the identity of the interlocutor:

    Who is IT? IT's Your Wife - Who is it? Is it your wife.

    The characteristics of the pronoun IT can be attributed to the confusion, which often occurs when using the abbreviated form IT IS - IT's (this) and the assistant pronoun ITS (it). It is important to remember the difference between them and the fact that these options are not interchangeable. Compare two examples:

    IT's An Apple - This Apple.
    Look AT This Tree. ITS Apples Are Green - Look at this tree. His apples are green.

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The study of any topic begins with its foundations. The same applies to English pronouns. Yes, you can immediately rush into the outer with your head, studying all the subtleties of this topic. However, if you do not know how or another pronoun is translated or pronounced, it is immediately combined with a word with other members and make a proposal with them will be at least hard, but how much is impossible. Therefore, if you are just starting your acquaintance with this topic, let's consider English pronouns with translation and pronunciation to avoid problems in their further development.

English pronoun species

To begin with, it is worth noting that pronouns in English are divided into 9 species:

  1. Personal PRONOUNS or personal pronouns
  2. Possessive PRONOUNS or Holding Propheate
  3. Reflexive PRONOUNS or Return Primopions
  4. Reciprocal PRONOUNS or mutual pronoun
  6. Relative and Conjunctive pronouuns or relative and connecting pronouns
  7. Demonstrative pronouuns or index pronouns
  8. Quantitative pronouuns or quantitative pronouns
  9. Indefinite Pronouuns and Negative Pronouns or Uncertain Prosons and Negative Pronouns

Each view has a limited number of words that need to be remembered to express their thoughts. These words, as a rule, consist of a small number of letters and do not contain sounds whose pronunciation can cause difficulties at the initial stage. Let us dwell on each form more and explore the pronoun English with transcription and translation.

English pronouns with translation and pronunciation: value and transcription

  1. The main place among the English pronouns is occupied by Personal Pronouuns (personal pronouns). This is the only group in which English allows declining of cases. Table for clarity:
Face and number Nominative Objective case
1 l., units I. (ah) - I me. (mi) - me / me / me
1 l., MN.C. we. (UI) - we uS. [ʌs] (ac) - us / us / us
2 liters, units you. (yy) - you you. (yy) - you / you
2 l., you. (yy) - you you. (yy) - you / you / you
3 l., Units. he. (hee) - he

she. [ʃi:] (Shi) - she

iT. (IT) - this / it

him. (Chem) - His / him / im

hER. (Hyu) - her / her

iT. (IT) is

3 l., MN.C. they [ðEi] (Zei) - they them. [ðm] (Zem) - their / they / them
  1. The second most important is the Possessive PRONOUNS group or a group of attracted pronouns. She also has two forms: attached and absolute. They both answer the same question ("Whose?"), And differ in that the first requires a noun, and the second is not. Compare:

As you can see, these forms have something in common, but they are written and they are pronounced in different ways. Consider a complete list of assignments:

Attached form Absolute form
my (May) - my mine (Mine) - My
your (yo) is yours yours (Yors) - Your
hIS (HIS) - His hIS (HIS) - His
hER (Hyo) - her hers (Hors) - her
iTS (ITS) - His iTS (ITS) - His
your (yo) - your yours (Yors) - your
oUR (OUE) - our ours (OUERS) - our
their [ðeə (R)] (SEA) - their theirs [ðeəz] (Zeirs) - their
  1. Reflexive PRONOUNS or Return Primopions - a group of pronoun, which in Russian is translated in the meaning "self (a)" and "itself" depending on the situation:

The second part of these pronouns can remind you of the famous word "Selfie" (Selfie), which occurred from the word "SELF" (himself). The first parts repeat the pronouns of the two above-mentioned groups.

  1. Reciprocal pronouuns or mutual pronouns in English - a group, for the memorization of which, perhaps, will leave the least time. It consists of two words with the same meaning:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
each Other each other [ˌIːtʃ ʌʌə (R)] iC AZE
oNE ANOTHER. [ˌWʌn ənʌʌə (R)] uan Enhase
  1. The Interrogative Pronouuns group or a group of question pronoun is more extensive. These pronouns, as understandable of the name, are used to educate questions:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
what what / what wat.
who who will win hu.
which which / which huich
whom whom / to hum
whose whose hus
how. as how
why why wai
when. when vEN.
where where / where vEA
  1. Relative and Conjunctive pronouns or relative and connecting pronouns are used in complex proposals. They are not so much, but you need to know these words:

Some words of this group and a group of question pronoun are similar, but their functions and values \u200b\u200bare different.

  1. Demonstrative pronouns or pointed pronouns in English are also often found in speech. Some of them have the forms of the singular and plural:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
units. h. tHIS this / this [ðis] zys these these [Ði: z] zyz.
units. h. that. tO / T. [ðæt] sET those those [ðʊʊz] zoo
only units. h. such such sach
only units. h. (The) SAME the same sAYM.
  1. There are such pronoun in English that denote the quantity. They are called quantitative pronouuns or quantitative pronouns. These include:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
much. many (with innumerable nouns) mach
many. many (with external existing) [MENI] mani.
little. little (with innumerable nouns) [Lɪtl] little
a Little. a little (with innumerable nouns) [ə Lɪtl] e Little
few little (with external existing fewe
a Few several (with external existing) [ə FJUː] ufu
several. some [Sevrəl] savaral
  1. The most extensive group can rightly consider Indefinite Pronouuns and Negative Pronouuns or undefined and negative pronouns. Most of them is formed by a combination of pronuches, which independently serve the functions of this group, and other parts of speech:
Proponation Other parts of speech
thing [ɪŋɪŋ] one. body [Bɒdi] where.
some something (samstick) - something someone (Samun) - someone someBody (Sambadi) - someone sOMEWHERE (Samvage) - somewhere
aNY [ENI] aNYTHING (Enising) - anything anyone (Eniuan) - Someone anybody (Enibadi) - Someone anywhere (Eniva) - somewhere
no. nOTHING (NACING) - nothing no One (but Ouan) - Nobody nobody (Nobadi) - Nobody nowhere (NEMA) - Nowhere
eVERY [EVRI] everything (Evrising) - All everyone (Euryuan) - all everybody (Evurybadi) - all everywhere (Evrivea) - everywhere

As well as pronouns:

Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
other other [Ʌʌə (R)] aZE
another. [ənʌʌə (R)] enhase

These were all English pronoun with translation and pronunciation. I want to pay special attention to pronunciation. The fact is that the sounds of English differ from the sounds of Russian, so conveying how pronoun is pronounced in English is actually quite difficult.

The presented options are close to English pronunciation and added so that their understanding at the initial level is easier. With such a pronunciation you will definitely understand, however, for more correct sound, study transcriptions in English. To remember the correct pronunciation, listening to the audio with speech of carriers and the imitation of their manners of the conversation is also perfect.

How important personal pronouns in English? It can be safely argued that personal pronouns are the basis of any language, and even more English.

If there were no, even the most famous phrase I love you (Rus. I love you) could not exist! After all, there are already two personal pronouns in it: I. - Me and you. - you.

The Pronoun Is One Of The Most Terrifying Masks Man Has Invented.

The pronoun is one of the most terrifying masks created by a person.

Personal pronoun english They have a lot of similarities with Russian pronouns: they also change according to childbirth, numbers, and even pades. But there are also pitfalls that should be remembered when you learn personal pronouns on your own.

Today we will tell what personal pronouns are in English , We give examples of proposals and reveal all the secrets of their use.

Personal pronouns in English!

Comparative table of personal pronouns in the nominative and object case, English.

As you know from the course of the Russian language, personal pronouns replace the name noun. It may be the names of people, names of places or objects. Mostly, personal pronouns Used instead of nouns to avoid repetition and relieve speech.

Usually we add personal pronouns in the proposal when the name noun has been mentioned earlier, that is, when the reader or the listener knows what it is about.

For example:

Liz Bought a New Car Two Monhs Ago. She Absolutely Loves It. (Rus. Liz bought a car two months ago. She is crazy about her)

In the second sentence She Absolutely Loves It Two pronouns are used: personal pronoun she. Replaces your own name Liz. , and personal pronoun iT. used instead of a noun car .


Personal pronouns in English help to avoid in the narrative of constant repetition of the same noun again and again.

Noun, which is replaced, called anteceedent (ang. antecedent). If you know the antecedent, you can always choose the right personal pronoun, which is consistent with the numbers (units or MN. Number), persons (first, second or third), the family (male, female, medium) and case (nominative, object, ).

Maintenance grammatical features of personal pronouns In English:

    British personal pronouns have the only one ( I, He, IT et al.) and multiple number ( we, They and etc.);

    Personal pronouns of English are changed by childbirth in the 3rd person of the unit. ( he.- He), wives. ( she.-On), cf. ( iT.-it);

  • This type of pronouns varies on persons: 1-person ( I, we.), 2nd person ( you.), 3-person ( he, She, It, They)
  • Personal pronouns in English have two cases: nominative ( he, She, We, They et al.) and the object ( me, Them, US and etc.).

But first things first. Let's first consider how personal pronouns in english change on persons, childbirth and numbers in various cases.

Personal pronouns in English: Employmental case

British personal pronouns in the nominative case are called SUBJECT PRONOUNS.. Word subject. translated into Russian to be subject to, and the term consists in linguistics Subjective Case. (Rus. Subject case).

English subject case corresponds to the Russian nominative, who answers questions who? So what? and fulfills the role of the proposal.

Therefore, English personal pronouns in the nominative case are performed by the function of the subject.

Pronouns i, we (Rus. I, we) are the first person of the only and multiple number and are used on behalf of speaking.


Prospecting I. (Rus. I) is always written from the capital letter regardless of the place in the sentence.

Proponation You. It is the second person of the only and plural and corresponds to the Russian pronouns "you", "You", "You" (polite form). This pronoun is used in relation to the interlocutor or interlocutors.

Pretty large number of English students from scratch, trying to use English pronoun you. With the verb in the singular, but it is incorrect. Even when contacting one interlocutor, personal pronoun you. Always bears the characteristic of the plural.


You are A student (Rus. You are a student.)

You are Students. (rus. You are students)

Pronouns he, she, it(Rus. He. She, it) and they (Rus. They) are representatives of a third party of the only and plural.

As you probably already know, the verb in the 3rd face of units. numbers (that is, when used with personal pronouns he, She, IT) It has a number of features in the formation of proposals in and a number of other times.

Let's look at how personal pronouns are used in the proposal on the examples.

Examples of proposals with personal pronouns in English with translation

Object case of personal pronouns in English

Object case (ang. Objective Case.) In English, performs functions similar to those that in Russian perform the rest of the case, except for the very nominative.

Therefore, the options for transferring to Russian personal pronouns in the object case quite a lot, which you can see in the table.

Personal pronouns table in the nominative case:

As you see from the table, we can carry out an analogy between pronoun Her. (Object case of personal pronoun she.) in a sentence I See Her. With Russian vinitive, I see (who, what?) Her.

English personal pronouns in the object can often perform in the proposal as direct or indirect addition .


I PHONED HIM TO CONGRATULATE HIM. (rus. I called him to congratulate it), where the pronoun him. is a direct addition.

She apologized to me. (Rus. She apologized to me) - where pronoun (to) me used with the pretext and is an indirect addition

Personal pronouns with pretexts in English

An example of using personal pronouns in the role of a direct and indirect addition in English

English personal pronouns in the subject (nominative) case performs the role of a suggestion.

For example:

I Like Your Flowers. - I like yours (yours) flowers.

They Are Working In The Garden. - They work in the garden.

We go to the cinema. - We go to the cinema.

But with personal pronouns in the object, not everything is so simple. Consider the main functions in the proposal of object proncesses in English, and with what Russian cases they have greater similarities.

  • Object pronouns in English as direct supplement corresponds to a vinuaten case in Russian (who? What?)

Not Loves Me. (Rus. He loves me)

Do You Know HIM? (Rus. Do you know him?)

I See Her Everywhere (Rus. I see her everywhere)

  • Personal pronouns in the object can perform the role freeless indirect add-on And have similarities with a Russian pridden case that answers the question to anyone? What?:

He Have Her The Book (Rus. He gave her a book)

Mary Told US to Choose A Dish (Rus. Mary told us to choose a dish)

  • Sometimes English object pronouns perform the role of the subject In short replicas, which is typical for the spoken language, which is incurred grammatically correctly:

Who DID IT? - NOT ME! / ME (Rus. who did it? - He me! / I)

I Am Feeling Tired - Me Too (Rus. I'm very tired. - I, too)

  • The combination of pronoun S. pretext to corresponds to a duty case in Russian (who?) and performs a function indirect (indirect) add-on:

Show The Book To Him (Rus. Show the book to him)

I Sent A Letter To Them (rus. I sent a letter to them)

  • Combination of pronoun with the pretexts of BY and WITH meets in Russian, the cooling case (by whom? What?) and is indirect add-on:

This Article Was Translated by Her (Rus. This article was translated by it)

I WANT TO GO WITH YOU (Rus. I want to go with you / with you)

  • After the words except (rus. Besides) and but. (Rus. In addition), only object pronomation should be used:

NOBODY BUT HIM HELPED ME (Rus. No one, besides him, did not help me.)

EVERYONE EXCEPT ME WENT HOME (Rus. Everything, besides me, went home.)

Personal pronouns in English: sentences with examples

ONLY I CAN CHANGE MY LIFE. No One Can Do It for Me. (Rus. Only I can change my life. No one can do it instead of me).

In this section we will talk about the generally accepted rules for the use of personal pronouns in English.

When use I and Me, We and US, He and Him, etc.

As we wrote, English pronoun in the nominative case ( I, You, He, She, IT, We, They) Perform the role of the subject.

They are usually used before the verb to show who performs action.

For example:

Peter Complained to the Chef ABOUT THE MEAL.(Rus. Peter complained chef to the dish account.)

She Wasn't Very Helpful So He Spoke To the Manager. (Rus. She did not help, so he turned to the manager)

In the second proposal of the pronoun she. and he. They indicate who directly performed the action (it did not help, he turned).

Pronouns in the object case ( me, You, Him, Her, It, US, Them) are add-ons . In the proposal, they are usually used after the verb or the pretext.

Also, they can be used as short answers, mainly in conversational speech.

For example:

A: WHERE'S THE KNIFE? I CAN'T FIND IT (Rus. Where is the knife? I can't find it)

B: IT IS IN THE DRAWER. (Rus. He is in the box)

In the first sentence proponation IT. Consisted in the object case, and is an object that the action is performed (I can not find it \u003d knife). Secondly, the proposal is the most proponation IT. It is in the nominative case, and is subject to (he \u003d knife in the box)

Examples of use of personal pronouns in English

Subject pronoun Translation into English Object pronoun Translation into English
He Loves Playing Football. He loves to play football. Children Love Playing Football WITH HIM. Children love to play football with him.
THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS. They are your friends. Give The Present To Them. Give a gift to them.
We Are Going to Visit Katy at the Weekend. We are going to visit Katie on the weekend. Katy Is Going to Visit US At The Weekend. Katie is going to visit us on the weekend.
I Thank You for Help. I thank you for your help. Thank You for Everything YOU DID FOR ME! Thank you for everything you did for me!
I Called You Yesterday But You Were Out. I called you yesterday, but you were not at home. -Who Called Me?
-ME. (I DID)
-What called me?

Personal pronouns He, She, IT

Personal pronouns He, She, IT They are representatives of a third party singular, and determine the form of female, male and medium kind.

Now in conversational speech you can see the use of several pronouns, a kind of "neutral form", if the speaker is not sure about the personnel of a person to a certain kind, for example: he or She, He / She, S / HE, (S) He.

For example:

The Bank Manager Could Help with Your Problem. He Or She Will Probably Be Able To Give You A Loan. (Rus. Bank manager can help you. He or she will probably be able to give you a loan.)

It is necessary to remember some of the features of the use of pronoun "IT" in English.

Personal pronoun IT. Determines objects and is often translated as "he / she" in Russian. English pronoun IT is not only inanimate objects, but also often, even animals.

Proponation IT. Often used in impersonal proposals when missing subject:

    gives an assessment of any action, for example: IT IM IMPORTANT TO KNOW THIS (Rus. It is important to know it);

    indicates space and time: IT IS 10 Km To The Airport (Rus. To the airport is 10 km), IT IS 10 O "CLOCK NOW. (Rus. Now 10 hours.)

  • indicates the weather: IT IS Getting Dark (rus. Darmest)

Examples of proposals with pronouns He, She, IT

Use IT and That, IT and This

Many studies English are interested in what the suggestions are different This Is A Pen from IT IS A PENbecause both sentences are translated This is a handle.

Difference of use this and IT. Often, they often underestimate, as many believe that there are no differences and "you and so, and so will understand." But, not everything is so simple ...

Pronoun this

    when indicates a person, a thing or an object that are discussed or which are near or implied, or were recently mentioned: These Are My Pens (Rus. These are my handles)

  • when indicates that closer or currently examined or discussed: This Is Iron and That Is Tin. (Rus. This is iron, and that is tin)

Proponation IT. It is used in the following cases:

    when determines an inanimate subject: TOOK A Quick Look At The House and Noticed It Was Very Old (Rus. looked at the house and noticed that he was old)

    refers to a person or animal whose gender is not known or does not matter: I DON "T Know Who IT IS (Rus. I do not know who it is)

  • determines a group of people or objects, or abstract essence: Beauty Is Everywhere and It Is a Source Of Joy. (Rus. Beauty everywhere and it is a source of admiration)


Definition pronoun this is used in relation to a person or things about which they are talking, which are implied or about whom it will go further, while personal proponation IT. Usually refers to an inanimate thing, or used in relation to man, things, ideas, etc., taken in a more abstract plan.

There are other cases of special use. pronouns it and that in English.

1.This It is used as a definition and stands in front of the noun:

This Cat Is Black (Rus. This cat is black).

Pronoun IT. In this function it is impossible to use.

2.The presence of IT. Used in impersonal proposals as a formal subject, which is not translated:

IT IS DARK. (Rus. Dark).

If in this proposal to use tHIS , there will be no mistakes, but the point will change, since now the proposal is not impersonal, but personal in which tHIS It will be translated because it replaces the aforementioned noun: This is My Room and That Is Yours. This (One) is Dark and That (One) is not. (Rus. This is my room, and that is yours. My (this room) is dark, and yours (one room) - no)

3.The view of IT. It can also be a word-deputy aforementioned nouns and act as a subject, and in the role of add-ons:

This is a Cat. This Cat Is Black \u003d it is black (Rus. This is a cat. This cat is black. \u003d She is black)

I Will Take This (Book) NOT THAT (Rus. I buy this book, but not TU). Semantic focus on this book - tHIS , not on that - that. .

I Will Take IT. (Rus. I buy / take), semantic focus on take - will Take

Choice iT or THIS In this case, it depends on which task is to speaking:

    nessesary to use tHIS if you need to specify a specific subject in sight or allocate this item against the background of other "distant" objects;

  • nessesary to use iT. If you need to summarize without transferring the semantic load in addition, as if we were told: "All that you already know from the previous proposal, so I will not specify."

4.The presence of IT. Used in amplifying proposals as a formal subject:

Relocation answer: IT "S ME (I) (Rus. I / here / present)

The answer to the question Who "s there? When knocking on the door: IT "S me, Tom! (Rus I / this - I, Tom)

In essence, these proposals are reinforced: IT IS I WHO HAS BEEN CALLED OVER. IT IS I, TOM, WHO HAS KNOCKED AT YOUR DOOR. (Rus. This is me who you called. This is me, who knocked on the door.) In this function tHIS Cannot be used.

Also one of the differences in the pronoun under consideration is that tHIS introduces new information (ROMA), and iT. - famous information (topic), therefore tHIS always translated, and iT. - not.

Another significant difference is that word IT. Used in expressions associated with time and weather, as well as in some stable expressions, for example:

IT'S Five Past Twelve (Rus. Time five minutes first)

IT OFTEN RAINS IN OUR REGION (Rus. In our region often rains)

IT ISN't Easy To Believe Him Again (Rus. It's not easy to believe him again)

Using the pronounty they

Pronounty they Used to determine people, animals and items in a plural.

Also, pronounty they Refers to institutions, authorities or groups of people in general.

Examples of proposals with the pronoun

Special cases of consumption of personal pronouns in English

In colloquial speech, the rules for using personal pronouns in English may not be observed. In the picture, the inscription I DO. ME TOO instead of i do. SO DO I.

Use of personal pronouns in informal spoken speech

  • You and me or you and i?

Sometimes it is not an easy choice between: You and me or you and i? It seems like both options are familiar and right. But in fact, one option is correct (and therefore standard), and the second is grammatically incorrect, but still used in informal speech.

To determine the correct option, see what a member of the sentence is this combination: subject or add-on:


(Rus. You and I will work tomorrow)

Now remove you. And we will succeed: I Will Work Tomorrow (Rus. I will work tomorrow) or ME WILL WORK TOMORROW (rus. I will work tomorrow)

The second proposal is incorrect, since the object's object pronoun cannot be subject to. However, in informal spoken speech, you can hear You and Me Will Work Tomorrow, even though it is grammatically incorrect.

Another example:

They Invited You and I

They Invited You and Me (rus. They invited you and me)

Now remove the pronoun you. :

THEY INVITED I. (rus. They invited me)

THEY INVITED ME. (Rus. They invited me)

Here is the right sentence, because subject pronoun I. Can't be add-on.

  • Personal pronouns after "than" and "as"

The right grammatical form is considered to use personal pronouns in the nominative case with the subsequent auxiliary verb:

You are Taller Than I Am (rus. You are higher than me)


However, it is quite often used and simply pronoun in the object case, simply this option is considered typical for conversational, informal style:

You are Taller Than Me (rus. You are higher than me)

I Earn AS MUCH MONEY AS HIM (Rus. I earn as much money as he)

  • Using personal pronouns in short responses

Object pronoun cannot be subject to proposal, however, such use can be found after verb to be In short answers:

Who is there? - (IT IS) ME! (Rus. Who is there? - (this) I)

WHO GAVE YOU THIS? - (IT WAS) HIM. (Rus. Who gave you it? - (it was) he)

  • "Lowering" personal pronouns

Sometimes, personal pronoun standing next to the auxiliary verb can be omitted in conversational speech.

Don't Know \u003d I DON'T KNOW (Rus. I do not understand \u003d I do not understand)

Just Kidding \u003d I Am Just Kidding (Rus. Just \u003d I'm kidding)

Understand? \u003d Do You Understand? (Rus. Understand? \u003d Do you understand?)

When personal pronouns are not used?

One of the features of personal pronouns is that they are not used after infinitive designs, if the addition is subject to and supplement:

This Phone IS Easy To Use (IT). (Rus. This phone is easy to use.)

You are Easy to Understand (You). (Rus. You can easily understand.)

But, the pronoun should use if the impersonal pronoun IT begins:

IT IS Easy to Understand You. (rus. You can easily understand)

Video about English personal pronouns

If you had something incomprehensible in our article, we recommend watching video about personal pronouns in English.

Video On Personal PRONOUNS

Instead of imprisonment:

The pronouns helps to replace a person or item, you need to be extremely careful not to confuse them, because it can confuse the listener or change the value of the sentence.

However, due to the fact that grammatically personal pronoun english Very similar to the Russians, their study and use does not cause serious problems.

We hope that after reading this article, you will easily use personal pronouns in English!

Exercises for personal pronouns in English

Fill in the skipping of a suitable form of personal pronouplement:

Sample: Who is That Woman? Why Are You Looking AT hER.?

"Do You Know That Man? '" Yes, I Work with _.'

Where Are the Tickets? I CAN't Find _.

I CAN "T Find My Keys. Where Are _?

We're Going Out. You can come with _.

Margaret Likes Music. _ Plays The Piano.

I DON'T LIKE DOGS. I'm afraid of _.

I "M Talking to You. Please Listen to _.

Where is Ann? I WANT TO TALK TO _.

My Brother Has a New Job. HE DOESNT LIKE _ Very Much.

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