"The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT" Bocarnikov. Gaming forms of children's admission to musical art and creativity

"The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT" Bocarnikov. Gaming forms of children's admission to musical art and creativity

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tchaikovsky Nutcracker Composer Music

The harmonious combination of mental and physical development, moral purity and aesthetic attitude towards life and art is the necessary conditions for the formation of a holistic personality. The proper organization of musical education of children contributes to achieving this high target.

The influence of music in the development of creative activities of children is very large. Music, like any other art, is able to influence the comprehensive development of the child, encourage to moral and aesthetic experiences, lead to the conversion of the surrounding, to active thinking. Along with the fiction literature, the theater, visual art, it performs the most important social function.

Preschool childhood - the time of the most optimal attack of the child to the world of beautiful.

The senior preschooler already know that composers write music, on the basis of previously acquired knowledge and impressions can not only answer the question, but also independently characterize the musical work, understand its expressive means, feel the various shades of mood, transferred to music, to express their attitude to Songs, plays, their characteristic features.

At this age, children have an interest in musical literacy, the desire to expressly perform the song, dance, to show creativity, is more bright. Children motivate their preferences, exhibit an increased interest in improvisation and writing. The formation of a child's personality with a support for music is still a rod of musical education.

The purpose of this work is: in order to comply with children to musical art, choose a musical work and conduct a lesson with children of senior preschool age.

1. Choicemusicalworkforconversations

"Nutcracker" - op. 71, Petra Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet in two acts on Libretto Marius Petipa based on the fairy tales of Ernest Hoffmann "Nutcracker and Mouse King".

The Nutcracker is a good friend and an old friend who has repeatedly came to visit us, and many times will come ... and everyone knows his own hero, each viewer has its own Nutcracker. Someone remembers and loves this hero in the eponymous fairy tale of Ernst Gofman, someone seeing once, I forever remembered a wonderful cartoon, and someone from the bottom of my heart adores the ballet "Nutcracker", who first visited in childhood with his parents, and now he Itself comes to watch "Nutcracker" with his children. This is a fairy tale with the magnificent music of the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Anyway, the Nutcracker is familiar to each resident of the Earth since childhood, moreover - it is a symbol of New Year's magic and associated mysterious adventures. And not only because the tale of the Nutcracker takes place in Christmas - this story itself is full of wonderful transformations and magical actions.

For the first time the ballet "Nutcracker" was shown in St. Petersburg in December 1892. The performance "Nutcracker" immediately conquered the hearts of the audience. From that moment on, it became a good tradition to organize the pre-New Year Ballet Shows Nutcracker. This performance is visited with pleasure and children, and adults - after all, the magic fairy tale, told under Christmas, like everyone without exception. For each of us since childhood, there is something very close and native in this word. To deepen the skill of listening to music, we will introduce children of the preparatory group with the work of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the Ballet "Nutcracker". Materials to the ballet "Nutcracker" is presented in the application.

1. On the life and work of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

P.I. Tchaikovsky (May 7, 1840 - November 6, 1893) - a brilliant Russian composer, the pride of Russian musical culture.

Born in the working village of Votkinsk, in the family of the head of the Kamsko-Votkinsky mountainous districts Ilya Petrovich. In Native Votkinsk, Tchaikovsky spent only eight children's years, but the memories of this time were alive in the soul of the composer always. In the family of parents, music loved, mother sang well, played on the piano, music evenings were held in the house. Votkinskaya Earth he owes the strongest musical impressions. "As for the Russian element in general in my music, this is due to the fact that I grew up in the wilderness, since childhood, the earliest, imbighted the inexplicable beauty of the characteristic features of Russian folk music," said Peter Ilyich.

The ability to music appeared at Tchaikovsky early: five years he began playing the piano, and after three years he read the notes and recorded his musical impressions. In 1850-1859, at the request of Parents, Tchaikovsky studied at the school of law ward, after which it was determined to serve in the Ministry of Justice. In 1855-1858 he took the lessons of playing on the piano at the well-known Pianist R. Kündanger, who, by the way, was a low opinion about the abilities of the future composer. Only in 1861 Tchaikovsky began serious classes in the music classes of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Music Society. In the fall of 1862, he became a student transformed from the music classes of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, which he graduated with honors in 1865 by grades A.G. Rodubystein and N.I. Zaramba, highly estimated the talent of the student. At the same time, the first major essays for the Symphony Orchestra were written: "Thunderstorm" Overture and F-Major Overture, "Characteristic Dancing", Cantata for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra at ODU Schiller "To Joy" (thesis), Chamber Works. Leaving the service in May 1863, began to earn a living with lessons.

Author of more than 80 works, incl. Ten operas and three ballets. His concerts and other works for piano, seven symphonies, four suite, program symphonic music, Swan Lake Ballets, "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" represent an extremely valuable contribution to the global musical culture. In addition to adult music, he wrote a lot of wonderful musical works of children and junior.

The composer loved to travel, visited different countries and handed his impressions in music. He was not only a composer, but also a conductor of the orchestra, and also taught at the Moscow Conservatory. For the great contribution of the composer to the development of Russian musical arts of the Moscow State Conservatory, his name was assigned.

In Moscow there is a concert hall called him name. Once every four years in Moscow, the International Competition named after Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is held. All musicians of the world seek to take part in it.

And now we will get acquainted with his work - "Nutcracker".

In the ballet Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" surprisingly, the merger of expressive and visual, theatricality and the deepest psychologism occurs. The growth scene of the Christmas tree in the I act accompanies the music of truly symphonic scope - first anxious, ghostly, drawing mice and strange night vision, it gradually grows, flourishing the beautiful endlessly unfolding melody. Music subtly embodies all that is happening and in the subsequent scene: both the clocks, and the drum fight, and the military, albeit toy, fanfares, and mouse squeak, and the tension of the contractions, and the wonderful turning of the nutcracker. Waltz Snowflakes perfectly conveys the feeling of cold, the game of the moonlight and at the same time - the disgraceful feelings of the heroine, which turned out to be in the mysterious magic world. Divertisment II Act includes various dances: chocolate dance (brilliant Spanish), coffee (exquisite and languid oriental), tea (brightly characteristic, rich in the comic effects of Chinese), as well as alive, folk spirit, Russian quince; Elegant stylized shepherd dance; The comic dance of the mother giron with the kids from her skirts. The top of the divertiment is the famous colors waltz with its diversity of melodies, symphonic development, pomp and solemnity. Surprisingly elegant and thin dance Fairy dragee. The lyrical culmination of the entire ballet is Adagio (in the initial production of the Fairy of Dragee and the Prince, now - Clara and Nutcracker).

2. Abstract Classes with children of senior preschool age

Purpose:activation and development of creative imagination of preschoolers in the process of perception of musical works.


1) introduce children with the music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Nutcracker".

2) Meet the ballet genre through acquaintance with the musical culture of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

3) to educate love for music.

4) expand the horizons, bring up musical and aesthetic taste.

Vocabularywork: Composer, ballet, listener, artist, waltz, genre.

Musicalmaterial From the ballet "Nutcracker": fragments of the ballet "march", "Waltz of flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe".

Equipment: Portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; illustrations to ballet; Musical instruments (violin, flute, bell); Music Center, DVD Player, Computer, Multimedia Projector, Screen, Artificial Waltz Flowers; Posters A4 with the name of tools and musical works (violin, flute, bell, "Waltz Flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe", "March"); Albums for drawing, watercolor paints, drawing tassels.

Preparationevents Includes the following:

1) Development of the foundations of musical and aesthetic consciousness in previous activities.

2) the formation of an idea of \u200b\u200ba shaped basis of musical works.

3) Development of ideas about primary genres of music and their views.

4) Children are learning on the noise musical instruments of the Marsh play.


On the central wall a large portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Musicalteacher:So today we will go to the magical world of music! We will get acquainted with the music of the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Guys, who is P.I. Tchaikovsky?

Responses of children.

Musicalteacher: Right. Let's remember about P.I. Tchaikovsky. This is an outstanding Russian composer, known throughout the world. He was born in the Urals in the city of Votkinsk on April 25, 1840. Parents loved him very much. Mother played on the piano and sang, in their house there was a mechanical organ. Later, having moved to Moscow, he composed music and engaged in pedagogical work: taught future pianists and composers. His music pleases and worries, she is always sincere and true.

P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote many wonderful works. These are the Operas: "Mazepa", "Eugene Onegin", "Peak Lady"; Symphony works; Ballets "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" and much more.

The word "ballet" comes from Latin to "dance" when the artists of ballet are told about all the events and relationships of the heroes with each other with the help of dance.

Responses of children. Is it possible to dance fairy tale?

Musicalteacher: Still how to do! You know how many wonderful ballets are delivered by fairy tales: "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cracker-Gorboon", do not list all. Motion dancers transmit a variety of feelings. And the audience rejoice and sadness with heroes as well as if they heard their speech.

But, before listening to the work, please tell me, guys, how to listen to music?

Answers children: you need to listen carefully, in silence. You can close your eyes and imagine a picture that this product transmits.

Musicalteacher: Probably all of you love fairy tales. Especially if the events of which they tell are taking place on New Year's Eve. One of these New Year's fairy tales "Nutcracker and Mouse King" composed German writer Ernst Hoffman. And the Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote music on this fairy tale and the wonderful ballet "Nutcracker" turned out. And it is with passages from this ballet today we will meet today.

Music teacher tells a fairy tale under a quiet musical background.

This is a fairy tale about the amazing adventures of the girl Marie. The events of this magic ballet unfold on New Year's Eve. In ballet, heroes are divided into real and fictional. Masha, her brother, their parents, guests who are invited to the holiday, the old magician - all these are real ballet characters.

The clock in the living room struck nine times. The big owl was attracted on the clock and walked with wings. It seems that everything is ready. You can start a holiday. - Come in, children! - The Lord Advisor opened open the door. The guys in the room broke the noisy flock and ... froze on the threshold from surprise and delight.

In the middle of the room shone the lights of Christmas tree. Sweet nuts, apples and fucked sweets grew on its branches, Golden and Silver Balls were glowing, gorgeous hussars neither snow-white horses were ready for any minute to rush into the attack, and the elegant dolls watched them with admired glances.

So I hit the march, and the owner of the house began to distribute gifts.

Snowflakes fly outside the windows, but in the room where children, warm and cozy are gathered. Everyone is happily marched and dancing around a decorated tree.

Hearing. Sounds "march".

Listen to carefully, and you will be able to determine when boys march around the tree, and when girls are dancing. Music boys is really written in the rhythm of the present, albeit childish, march. And the music of girls is more elegant, rapid.

Musicalteacher: So, now we listened to the march from the ballet "Nutcracker". Did you like this work? What can you imagine, listening to this music?

Conversation with children by listened. When listening to the illustration of dance movements.

Here the mysterious guest appears in the hall - this is a watchmaker Chokeselmaler, a lady Marie and her brother Franz. In his hands toys, and among them a funny doll, able to split nuts - this is a nutcracker. New toy especially like Marie! How happy Marie! After all, this ball and flowers, and music - everything for carrying and most importantly, next to her is a faithful Nutcracker.

Festive evening ends. Guests travel around. Marie lays a broken Nutcracker to sleep, and with sadness leaves. But, she will not sleep ... She sneaks quietly to the nutcracker. Marie It seems that the Christmas tree begins to grow, and the dolls and toys come to life.

Musicalteacher: P. Tchaikovsky in his diary wrote about this: "The Christmas tree begins to grow. Music within 48 clocks goes in an endless attitude "- such a musical term, which indicates the amplification of sound. Let's listen to how with the help of the orchestra in our eyes a small home tree turns into a large, giant.

Hearing Overclocking from the ballet "Nutcracker", illustration of trees growth movements.

And so, when the tree became big, suddenly mice crawled out of all the cracks. The evil mouse troops destroys the gingerbread soldiers, between them and the dolls that the Nutcracker commanded the real war. The battle lasted for a long time, Masha did not know how to help, but in one of the moments she removes her shoe and throws her in the mouse king. Music breaks down, the Nutcracker turns into a prince who thanks Marie and invites you to follow him into a fabulous country. I downloaded to go through a winter magic forest. We listen to this fragment. It is called "Waltz snowflakes."

Hearing. "Waltz snowflakes."

Musicalteacher:Tell me what music sounds?

Responses of children.

Musicalpedagogue: (The fairy tale goes under a quiet musical background).

Here we are in place. Contenurbly - a cheerful, noisy city. The gate of this city is constructed from almond cookies. And there is a cessous grove nearby, all the trees of which are made of Cuokat. The holiday begins. Coffee, tea, lollipops, shepherds and flowers - everyone is dancing. For each resident of Contenburg, the composer P. Tchaikovsky composed his music. For example, for chocolate - "Spanish dance", for tea, which appeared in China - "Chinese dance".

There is your dance and the mistress of the fabulous sugar palace. Her name is Fairy Dragee. The dance of the Fairy Dragee is highlighted by an unusual sound of the orchestra. When the composer P. Chokovsky was in France, he heard an unusual musical instrument, which is called chest - this is a tool on which they play by pressing the keys, possessed cold, transparently silver timbre. Especially for the Party of Fairy Dragee at the request of P.I. Tchaikovsky tool was brought to Russia. When the chest sounds in the music of the Fairy of the dragee, it seems as if we hear the melodious chime of bells, overclivs of the fountains of sweet drinks, glitter of multicolored candies and sparkling jewels. She is mysterious and beautiful. Here, listen ...

Hearing. "Dance Fairy Dragee."

Musicalteacher:Did you like the work? What did you pretend to yourself?

Responses of children.


Knock on the door.

Musicalpedagogue: Oh, guys who knocks us?

Flute appears.

Look guys. This musical instrument is called - the flute. Listen, how it sounds ... You hang the inscription "Flute" on the board.

Music teacher plays a flute to a couple of music, and shows children.

Knock on the door.

Musicalteacher: Oh, guys, someone knocks again ... Who could it be ??!? ...

Violin appears.

Look. This musical instrument is called - violin. On the board hang the inscription "Violin".

Listen, as in different ways, it can sound.

The musical teacher demonstrates the violin to children, and then plays a pair of phrases as a "bear" and as a "bird".

Sounds "Waltz Flowers". Children draw music as they imagine it. The best drawings are hung on the board.

At the end of the lesson, a re-hearing of the work is carried out.

All drawings are hanging on the board. Discussed.

Musicalpedagogue: With the work of which composer we met today? Excerpts from which work listened? What do you like most like?

Responses of children.

Musicalteacher:So guys. Today we met the work of the wonderful composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, now you will take pictures and under the "march" exit the hall. I hope that you liked his work, and you have an interest in the work of the composer and the desire to know his music better.

Thanks to all. Goodbye.


So, the main tasks of this event are achieved:

1) educational: the introduction of a child into the world of art through creativity, fantasy-gaming impressions, development in the child of a personal statement, individuality.

2) educational tasks: upbringing musical and aesthetic taste; Teach children interact with each other, develop communication skills.

3) developing tasks: the development of the ability to build associative analogies between the acts of reality and sound, plastic, artistic images, captured in works of art; Development of a feeling of rhythm and meter.

The above tasks in the classes were solved in a complex and close relationship, due to the fact that the occupation had a storyline - taking, culmination and junction.

When planning this lesson, we tried to take into account the features and capabilities of children: show the culture of listening to music and its shared description, representation, guessing images; the ability and desire to improvise dance movements to the music; Children's love for the game.

With children, the following preparatory work was carried out:

- selected methodical material, benefits, decorated with "My Tchaikovsky";

- Submitted didactic material for viewing with children: Albums "Childhood P.I. Tchaikovsky", thematic album "On the pages of the composer's works";

- Manufactured gaming material: didactic games "The works of Tchaikovsky -" Nutcracker "," Seasons "," Children's album "(cut pictures). These games will help children in fascinating form to consolidate the knowledge obtained in organized activities.

Listening to music and oral analysis of musical images allows children to learn to determine and distinguish musical sounds.

The inclusion in the occupation of elementary drawing makes it memorable, and the change of activity is necessary for children, since children, as a rule, do not possess the necessary patience.

Classes were held at the Music Hall in the first half of the day with the children of the preparatory group. There were 10 children, an educator and music leader. The music hall has all the necessary musical and technical support - a musical instrument (keys, piano), a music center, a multimedia screen, a computer, a large mirror in which children see themselves and control their musical and rhythmic movements. For the classroom, the music hall is divided into zones:

- Zone for hearing - the perception of music and watching video;

-zone for musical and motor exercises and games;

- Drawing.

Such zoning helps children to move from one type of activity to another continuously.

Of great importance for solving the tasks of the aesthetic development of children is given by the recruitment of the repertoire. The main criterion for the significance of any work is its meaningful side, an accessible understanding of children. The power of the emotional impact of the executable work largely depends on how we will be able to submit it, which will tell about it, how to send the attention of children to make the work reached their heart, caused interest.

In this lesson, music from Ballet PI Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" was used. The quality of phonograms and reproductions was high and corresponded to the software tasks and the level of development of children.

the children got acquainted with the life and creativity of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, with its main works, with the heroes of these works through entertaining material, the use of information and communication and multimedia technologies, as well as through artistic creativity (drawing). In addition, the Music teacher perfectly performed the works of Tchaikovsky on the piano.

The following principles were implemented in the classes:

The principle of comprehensive development. Communication with musical art is a powerful educational and developing factor, and in the learning process is important, the selection of a meaningful, highly artistic repertoire, spiritually elevating and enriching each pupil. And the more good music he will listen, the more distinct it can be carried out between the mediocre performance and highly artistic work.

The principle of the game - to consciousness implies modeling of the game situation and through the game - the formation of a conscious attitude towards musical activity, mastering knowledge, skills and skills. The task of the teacher is to teach the child to consciously analyze the musical works, control the sound of the voice, the coherence of the game in the ensemble, to determine its advantages and disadvantages.

The principle of systematic and sequence is manifested in the gradual complication of the repertoire. A large preliminary work was carried out on the development of the perception (hearing) of music and children are now capable of analyzing more complex musical works.

The following methods and techniques were used:

The explanatory-illustrative method includes an explanation and showing of musical works in combination with artistic illustrations or graphic images.

Acceptance of listening in the teacher's show and the analysis of the heard. Expressive performance of the work of the teacher causes an emotional response in children. They can characterize music as a whole (bright, fabulous, affectionate);

Receiving the plot and the creation of a gaming situation. Applying this technique, the execution of any vocal or instrumental work turns into a mini-performance, and here an important point is an emotional responsiveness and expressive performance with elements of theatricalization in the early stages of training; - Receiving an active listening of music.

This occupation is built so that the activities (active and passive) replaced each other to ensure efficiency, the interest of children during all classes. So, the listening of music has changed to the game, then drawing. In the preparation and conduct of classes, the music teacher and the educator worked closely, interacted with each other, as a result of which the classes turned out to be saturated with different types of activities. They performed in the role of not only mentors, but also direct participants: together with the children they sang, made articulating gymnastics, played, communicated with children in a democratic style. This allowed children to feel along with adults, be co-authors of what is happening.

The final result was the knowledge that the children of preschool age were shown during the conversation:

- The ability to express your own opinion, analyze, vividly respond to what is happening.

- Acquisition of social communication skills with adults.

But the main thing is the emergence of their interest in listening to the listening of music and the initiatives of children, independent desire to listen to the musical work. Children showed a living interest in what he saw and heard, expressed their opinions, emotional reactions were positive. They were given the opportunity to choose - everyone in accordance with his personal preferences independently thought over the artistic image of heard and executable music.

I believe that in the Commonwealth with the educator, we managed to realize the tasks. Such classes have a positive effect on the development of the musical and artistic abilities of children of preschool age.

Thus, targeted, systematic activities, the development of this lesson, make it possible to effectively implement the possibilities of musical education in children of preschool age. The implementation of this project has shown the importance of the initiative, creative orientation of the teacher and children.


1.Gogoberidze A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children: studies. Handbook / A.Gogoberidze, V. Derkunskaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 320 p.

2. Titter M.B.Muzical education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines / MB Zatsepina. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 96 p.

3.Mizization for children and adults / under. ed. Yu.V. Barachin. - Novosibirsk: Ocarina Publishing House, 2005. - 86 p.

4.Pozninsky A.N. Peter Tchaikovsky: biography. In 2 tt. / A.N.Pozninsky. - SPb.: Vita Nova, 2009. - 1232 p.

5. Bradynova O.P. Musical masterpieces. Author's program of musical development of preschoolers / O. P.Radynova. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 240 s.


March (passage)

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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tchaikovsky Nutcracker Composer Music

The harmonious combination of mental and physical development, moral purity and aesthetic attitude towards life and art is the necessary conditions for the formation of a holistic personality. The proper organization of musical education of children contributes to achieving this high target.

The influence of music in the development of creative activities of children is very large. Music, like any other art, is able to influence the comprehensive development of the child, encourage to moral and aesthetic experiences, lead to the conversion of the surrounding, to active thinking. Along with the fiction literature, the theater, visual art, it performs the most important social function.

Preschool childhood - the time of the most optimal attack of the child to the world of beautiful.

The senior preschooler already know that composers write music, on the basis of previously acquired knowledge and impressions can not only answer the question, but also independently characterize the musical work, understand its expressive means, feel the various shades of mood, transferred to music, to express their attitude to Songs, plays, their characteristic features.

At this age, children have an interest in musical literacy, the desire to expressly perform the song, dance, to show creativity, is more bright. Children motivate their preferences, exhibit an increased interest in improvisation and writing. The formation of a child's personality with a support for music is still a rod of musical education.

The purpose of this work is: in order to comply with children to musical art, choose a musical work and conduct a lesson with children of senior preschool age.

. Choosing a musical work for conversation

"Nutcracker" - op. 71, Petra Ilyich Tchaikovsky's ballet in two acts on Libretto Marius Petipa based on the fairy tales of Ernest Hoffmann "Nutcracker and Mouse King".

The Nutcracker is a good friend and an old friend who has repeatedly came to visit us, and many times will come ... and everyone knows his own hero, each viewer has its own Nutcracker. Someone remembers and loves this hero in the eponymous fairy tale of Ernst Gofman, someone seeing once, I forever remembered a wonderful cartoon, and someone from the bottom of my heart adores the ballet "Nutcracker", who first visited in childhood with his parents, and now he Itself comes to watch "Nutcracker" with his children. This is a fairy tale with the magnificent music of the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Anyway, the Nutcracker is familiar to each resident of the Earth since childhood, moreover - it is a symbol of New Year's magic and associated mysterious adventures. And not only because the tale of the Nutcracker takes place in Christmas - this story itself is full of wonderful transformations and magical actions.

For the first time the ballet "Nutcracker" was shown in St. Petersburg in December 1892. The performance "Nutcracker" immediately conquered the hearts of the audience. From that moment on, it became a good tradition to organize the pre-New Year Ballet Shows Nutcracker. This performance is visited with pleasure and children, and adults - after all, the magic fairy tale, told under Christmas, like everyone without exception. For each of us since childhood, there is something very close and native in this word. To deepen the skill of listening to music, we will introduce children of the preparatory group with the work of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the Ballet "Nutcracker". Materials to the ballet "Nutcracker" is presented in the application.

1. On the life and work of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

P.I. Tchaikovsky (May 7, 1840 - November 6, 1893) - a brilliant Russian composer, the pride of Russian musical culture.

Born in the working village of Votkinsk, in the family of the head of the Kamsko-Votkinsky mountainous districts Ilya Petrovich. In Native Votkinsk, Tchaikovsky spent only eight children's years, but the memories of this time were alive in the soul of the composer always. In the family of parents, music loved, mother sang well, played on the piano, music evenings were held in the house. Votkinskaya Earth he owes the strongest musical impressions. "As for the Russian element in general in my music, this is due to the fact that I grew up in the wilderness, since childhood, the earliest, imbighted the inexplicable beauty of the characteristic features of Russian folk music," said Peter Ilyich.

The ability to music appeared at Tchaikovsky early: five years he began playing the piano, and after three years he read the notes and recorded his musical impressions. In 1850-1859, at the request of Parents, Tchaikovsky studied at the school of law ward, after which it was determined to serve in the Ministry of Justice. In 1855-1858 he took the lessons of playing on the piano at the well-known Pianist R. Kündanger, who, by the way, was a low opinion about the abilities of the future composer. Only in 1861 Tchaikovsky began serious classes in the music classes of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Music Society. In the fall of 1862, he became a student transformed from the music classes of the St. Petersburg Conservatory, which he graduated with honors in 1865 by grades A.G. Rodubystein and N.I. Zaramba, highly estimated the talent of the student. At the same time, the first major essays for the Symphony Orchestra were written: "Thunderstorm" Overture and F-Major Overture, "Characteristic Dancing", Cantata for Soloists, Choir and Orchestra at ODU Schiller "To Joy" (thesis), Chamber Works. Leaving the service in May 1863, began to earn a living with lessons.

Author of more than 80 works, incl. Ten operas and three ballets. His concerts and other works for piano, seven symphonies, four suite, program symphonic music, Swan Lake Ballets, "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" represent an extremely valuable contribution to the global musical culture. In addition to adult music, he wrote a lot of wonderful musical works of children and junior.

The composer loved to travel, visited different countries and handed his impressions in music. He was not only a composer, but also a conductor of the orchestra, and also taught at the Moscow Conservatory. For the great contribution of the composer to the development of Russian musical arts of the Moscow State Conservatory, his name was assigned.

In Moscow there is a concert hall called him name. Once every four years in Moscow, the International Competition named after Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky is held. All musicians of the world seek to take part in it.

And now we will get acquainted with his work - "Nutcracker".

In the ballet Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" surprisingly, the merger of expressive and visual, theatricality and the deepest psychologism occurs. The growth scene of the Christmas tree in the I act accompanies the music of truly symphonic scope - first anxious, ghostly, drawing mice and strange night vision, it gradually grows, flourishing the beautiful endlessly unfolding melody. Music subtly embodies all that is happening and in the subsequent scene: both the clocks, and the drum fight, and the military, albeit toy, fanfares, and mouse squeak, and the tension of the contractions, and the wonderful turning of the nutcracker. Waltz Snowflakes perfectly conveys the feeling of cold, the game of the moonlight and at the same time - the disgraceful feelings of the heroine, which turned out to be in the mysterious magic world. Divertisment II Act includes various dances: chocolate dance (brilliant Spanish), coffee (exquisite and languid oriental), tea (brightly characteristic, rich in the comic effects of Chinese), as well as alive, folk spirit, Russian quince; Elegant stylized shepherd dance; The comic dance of the mother giron with the kids from her skirts. The top of the divertiment is the famous colors waltz with its diversity of melodies, symphonic development, pomp and solemnity. Surprisingly elegant and thin dance Fairy dragee. The lyrical culmination of the entire ballet is Adagio (in the initial production of the Fairy of Dragee and the Prince, now - Clara and Nutcracker).

. Abstract classes with children of senior preschool age

Purpose:activation and development of creative imagination of preschoolers in the process of perception of musical works.


) To introduce children with the music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Nutcracker".

) Acquaintance with the genre of ballet through acquaintance with the musical culture of PI Tchaikovsky.

) To educate love for music.

) Expand the horizons, bring up musical and aesthetic taste.

Wordwork: Composer, ballet, listener, artist, waltz, genre.

Music material From the ballet "Nutcracker": fragments of the ballet "march", "Waltz of flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe".

Equipment: Portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; illustrations to ballet; Musical instruments (violin, flute, bell); Music Center, DVD Player, Computer, Multimedia Projector, Screen, Artificial Waltz Flowers; Posters A4 with the name of tools and musical works (violin, flute, bell, "Waltz Flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe", "March"); Albums for drawing, watercolor paints, drawing tassels.

Preparation of the event Includes the following:

) Development of the foundations of musical and aesthetic consciousness in previous activities.

) Formation of the idea of \u200b\u200ba shaped basis of musical works.

) Development of ideas about primary genres of music and their views.

) Children are learning on the noise musical instruments of the Marsh play.

Travel course:

On the central wall a large portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Musical teacher:So today we will go to the magical world of music! We will get acquainted with the music of the great Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Guys, who is P.I. Tchaikovsky?

Responses of children.

Musical teacher: Right. Let's remember about P.I. Tchaikovsky. This is an outstanding Russian composer, known throughout the world. He was born in the Urals in the city of Votkinsk on April 25, 1840. Parents loved him very much. Mother played on the piano and sang, in their house there was a mechanical organ. Later, having moved to Moscow, he composed music and engaged in pedagogical work: taught future pianists and composers. His music pleases and worries, she is always sincere and true.

P.I. Tchaikovsky wrote many wonderful works. These are the Operas: "Mazepa", "Eugene Onegin", "Peak Lady"; Symphony works; Ballets "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" and much more.

The word "ballet" comes from Latin to "dance" when the artists of ballet are told about all the events and relationships of the heroes with each other with the help of dance.

Responses of children. Is it possible to dance fairy tale?

Musical teacher: Still how to do! You know how many wonderful ballets are delivered by fairy tales: "Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty", "Cracker-Gorboon", do not list all. Motion dancers transmit a variety of feelings. And the audience rejoice and sadness with heroes as well as if they heard their speech.

But, before listening to the work, please tell me, guys, how to listen to music?

Answers children: you need to listen carefully, in silence. You can close your eyes and imagine a picture that this product transmits.

Musical teacher: Probably all of you love fairy tales. Especially if the events of which they tell are taking place on New Year's Eve. One of these New Year's fairy tales "Nutcracker and Mouse King" composed German writer Ernst Hoffman. And the Russian composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote music on this fairy tale and the wonderful ballet "Nutcracker" turned out. And it is with passages from this ballet today we will meet today.

Music teacher tells a fairy tale under a quiet musical background.

This is a fairy tale about the amazing adventures of the girl Marie. The events of this magic ballet unfold on New Year's Eve. In ballet, heroes are divided into real and fictional. Masha, her brother, their parents, guests who are invited to the holiday, the old magician - all these are real ballet characters.

The clock in the living room struck nine times. The big owl was attracted on the clock and walked with wings. It seems that everything is ready. You can start a holiday. - Come in, children! - The Lord Advisor opened open the door. The guys in the room broke the noisy flock and ... froze on the threshold from surprise and delight.

In the middle of the room shone the lights of Christmas tree. Sweet nuts, apples and fucked sweets grew on its branches, Golden and Silver Balls were glowing, gorgeous hussars neither snow-white horses were ready for any minute to rush into the attack, and the elegant dolls watched them with admired glances.

So I hit the march, and the owner of the house began to distribute gifts.

Snowflakes fly outside the windows, but in the room where children, warm and cozy are gathered. Everyone is happily marched and dancing around a decorated tree.

Hearing. Sounds "march".

Listen to carefully, and you will be able to determine when boys march around the tree, and when girls are dancing. Music boys is really written in the rhythm of the present, albeit childish, march. And the music of girls is more elegant, rapid.

Musical teacher: So, now we listened to the march from the ballet "Nutcracker". Did you like this work? What can you imagine, listening to this music?

Conversation with children by listened. When listening to the illustration of dance movements.

Here the mysterious guest appears in the hall - this is a watchmaker Chokeselmaler, a lady Marie and her brother Franz. In his hands toys, and among them a funny doll, able to split nuts - this is a nutcracker. New toy especially like Marie! How happy Marie! After all, this ball and flowers, and music - everything for carrying and most importantly, next to her is a faithful Nutcracker.

Festive evening ends. Guests travel around. Marie lays a broken Nutcracker to sleep, and with sadness leaves. But, she will not sleep ... She sneaks quietly to the nutcracker. Marie It seems that the Christmas tree begins to grow, and the dolls and toys come to life.

Musical teacher: P. Tchaikovsky in his diary wrote about this: "The Christmas tree begins to grow. Music within 48 clocks goes in an endless attitude "- such a musical term, which indicates the amplification of sound. Let's listen to how with the help of the orchestra in our eyes a small home tree turns into a large, giant.

Hearing Overclocking from the ballet "Nutcracker", illustration of trees growth movements.

And so, when the tree became big, suddenly mice crawled out of all the cracks. The evil mouse troops destroys the gingerbread soldiers, between them and the dolls that the Nutcracker commanded the real war. The battle lasted for a long time, Masha did not know how to help, but in one of the moments she removes her shoe and throws her in the mouse king. Music breaks down, the Nutcracker turns into a prince who thanks Marie and invites you to follow him into a fabulous country. I downloaded to go through a winter magic forest. We listen to this fragment. It is called "Waltz snowflakes."

Hearing. "Waltz snowflakes."

Musical teacher:Tell me what music sounds?

Responses of children.

Musical teacher:(The fairy tale goes under a quiet musical background).

Here we are in place. Contenurbly - a cheerful, noisy city. The gate of this city is constructed from almond cookies. And there is a cessous grove nearby, all the trees of which are made of Cuokat. The holiday begins. Coffee, tea, lollipops, shepherds and flowers - everyone is dancing. For each resident of Contenburg, the composer P. Tchaikovsky composed his music. For example, for chocolate - "Spanish dance", for tea, which appeared in China - "Chinese dance".

There is your dance and the mistress of the fabulous sugar palace. Her name is Fairy Dragee. The dance of the Fairy Dragee is highlighted by an unusual sound of the orchestra. When the composer P. Chokovsky was in France, he heard an unusual musical instrument, which is called chest - this is a tool on which they play by pressing the keys, possessed cold, transparently silver timbre. Especially for the Party of Fairy Dragee at the request of P.I. Tchaikovsky tool was brought to Russia. When the chest sounds in the music of the Fairy of the dragee, it seems as if we hear the melodious chime of bells, overclivs of the fountains of sweet drinks, glitter of multicolored candies and sparkling jewels. She is mysterious and beautiful. Here, listen ...

Hearing. "Dance Fairy Dragee."

Musical teacher:Did you like the work? What did you pretend to yourself?

Responses of children.

Knock on the door.

Musical teacher:Oh, guys who knocks us?

Flute appears.

Look guys. This musical instrument is called - the flute. Listen, how it sounds ... You hang the inscription "Flute" on the board.

Music teacher plays a flute to a couple of music, and shows children.

Knock on the door.

Musical teacher: Oh, guys, someone knocks again ... Who could it be ??!? ...

Violin appears.

Look. This musical instrument is called - violin. On the board hang the inscription "Violin".

Listen, as in different ways, it can sound.

The musical teacher demonstrates the violin to children, and then plays a pair of phrases as a "bear" and as a "bird".

Sounds "Waltz Flowers". Children draw music as they imagine it. The best drawings are hung on the board.

At the end of the lesson, a re-hearing of the work is carried out.

All drawings are hanging on the board. Discussed.

Musical teacher:With the work of which composer we met today? Excerpts from which work listened? What do you like most like?

Responses of children.

Musical teacher:So guys. Today we met the work of the wonderful composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, now you will take pictures and under the "march" exit the hall. I hope that you liked his work, and you have an interest in the work of the composer and the desire to know his music better.

Thanks to all. Goodbye.


So, the main tasks of this event are achieved:

) Educational: the introduction of a child into the world of art through creativity, fantasy-gaming impressions, development in the child of a personal statement, individuality.

) educational tasks: upbringing musical and aesthetic taste; Teach children interact with each other, develop communication skills.

) Developing tasks: the development of the ability to build associative analogies between the images of reality and sound, plastic, artistic images, captured in works of art; Development of a feeling of rhythm and meter.

The above tasks in the classes were solved in a complex and close relationship, due to the fact that the occupation had a storyline - taking, culmination and junction.

When planning this lesson, we tried to take into account the features and capabilities of children: show the culture of listening to music and its shared description, representation, guessing images; the ability and desire to improvise dance movements to the music; Children's love for the game.

With children, the following preparatory work was carried out:

methodical material, allowances are selected, the "Tchaikovsky" corner is decorated;

painted didactic material for viewing with children: Albums "Childhood P.I. Tchaikovsky", thematic album "On the pages of the composer's works";

manufactured gaming material: didactic games "Tchaikovsky's works -" Nutcracker "," "Seasons", "Children's album" (cut pictures). These games will help children in fascinating form to consolidate the knowledge obtained in organized activities.

Listening to music and oral analysis of musical images allows children to learn to determine and distinguish musical sounds.

The inclusion in the occupation of elementary drawing makes it memorable, and the change of activity is necessary for children, since children, as a rule, do not possess the necessary patience.

Classes were held at the Music Hall in the first half of the day with the children of the preparatory group. There were 10 children, an educator and music leader. The music hall has all the necessary musical and technical support - a musical instrument (keys, piano), a music center, a multimedia screen, a computer, a large mirror in which children see themselves and control their musical and rhythmic movements. For the classroom, the music hall is divided into zones:

zone for hearing - perception of music and watching video;

zone for musical and motor exercises and games;

drawing area.

Such zoning helps children to move from one type of activity to another continuously.

Of great importance for solving the tasks of the aesthetic development of children is given by the recruitment of the repertoire. The main criterion for the significance of any work is its meaningful side, an accessible understanding of children. The power of the emotional impact of the executable work largely depends on how we will be able to submit it, which will tell about it, how to send the attention of children to make the work reached their heart, caused interest.

In this lesson, music from Ballet PI Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" was used. The quality of phonograms and reproductions was high and corresponded to the software tasks and the level of development of children.

the children got acquainted with the life and creativity of the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky, with its main works, with the heroes of these works through entertaining material, the use of information and communication and multimedia technologies, as well as through artistic creativity (drawing). In addition, the Music teacher perfectly performed the works of Tchaikovsky on the piano.

The following principles were implemented in the classes:

The principle of comprehensive development. Communication with musical art is a powerful educational and developing factor, and in the learning process is important, the selection of a meaningful, highly artistic repertoire, spiritually elevating and enriching each pupil. And the more good music he will listen, the more distinct it can be carried out between the mediocre performance and highly artistic work.

The principle of the game - to consciousness implies modeling of the game situation and through the game - the formation of a conscious attitude towards musical activity, mastering knowledge, skills and skills. The task of the teacher is to teach the child to consciously analyze the musical works, control the sound of the voice, the coherence of the game in the ensemble, to determine its advantages and disadvantages.

The principle of systematic and sequence is manifested in the gradual complication of the repertoire. A large preliminary work was carried out on the development of the perception (hearing) of music and children are now capable of analyzing more complex musical works.

The following methods and techniques were used:

The explanatory-illustrative method includes an explanation and showing of musical works in combination with artistic illustrations or graphic images.

Acceptance of listening in the teacher's show and the analysis of the heard. Expressive performance of the work of the teacher causes an emotional response in children. They can characterize music as a whole (bright, fabulous, affectionate);

Receiving the plot and the creation of a gaming situation. Applying this technique, the execution of any vocal or instrumental work turns into a mini-performance, and here an important point is an emotional responsiveness and expressive performance with elements of theatricalization in the early stages of training; - Receiving an active listening of music.

This occupation is built so that the activities (active and passive) replaced each other to ensure efficiency, the interest of children during all classes. So, the listening of music has changed to the game, then drawing. In the preparation and conduct of classes, the music teacher and the educator worked closely, interacted with each other, as a result of which the classes turned out to be saturated with different types of activities. They performed in the role of not only mentors, but also direct participants: together with the children they sang, made articulating gymnastics, played, communicated with children in a democratic style. This allowed children to feel along with adults, be co-authors of what is happening.

The final result was the knowledge that the children of preschool age were shown during the conversation:

the ability to express your own opinion, analyze, vividly react to what is happening.

acquisition of social communication skills with adults.

But the main thing is the emergence of their interest in listening to the listening of music and the initiatives of children, independent desire to listen to the musical work. Children showed a living interest in what he saw and heard, expressed their opinions, emotional reactions were positive. They were given the opportunity to choose - everyone in accordance with his personal preferences independently thought over the artistic image of heard and executable music.

I believe that in the Commonwealth with the educator, we managed to realize the tasks. Such classes have a positive effect on the development of the musical and artistic abilities of children of preschool age.

Thus, targeted, systematic activities, the development of this lesson, make it possible to effectively implement the possibilities of musical education in children of preschool age. The implementation of this project has shown the importance of the initiative, creative orientation of the teacher and children.


Gogoberidze A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children: studies. Handbook / A.Gogoberidze, V. Derkunskaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 320 p.

Zatsepina M.B.Muzical upbringing in kindergarten. Program and guidelines / MB Zatsepina. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 96 p.

Musication for children and adults / under. ed. Yu.V. Barachin. - Novosibirsk: Ocarina Publishing House, 2005. - 86 p.

Posnansky A.N. Peter Tchaikovsky: biography. In 2 tt. / A.N.Pozninsky. - SPb.: Vita Nova, 2009. - 1232 p.


March (passage)


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  1. Analysis of the situation.
  2. Problem.
  3. Planned results.
  4. Work system.
  5. Diagnostic tools.
  6. Conditions providing results.
  7. List of sources used.
  8. Application.

Analysis of the situation.

Global transformations today occur in all spheres social Life, Including in the field of education. The role of popular education systems belongs to the most important issues of pedagogy. The legacy of each people contains valuable ideas and education experience. The preservation and development of the traditions of each people are relevant for our multinational country. Promotion to folk traditions ensures spiritual and moral development of the person.

How did people live? How did you work and how did you relate? What pleased them, and what was worried? What did they keep traditions and customs? What decorated your life? How to dress? What games were children? What holidays? Reply to these and similar questions - it means to restore the connection of times, return the lost values. For this, it is necessary to turn to the sources of Russian folk culture, the history of Russia, to get in touch with folk art and part of the child's soul, the beginning, generating a person. In order to bring up pride in children for their people, to support interest in his history and culture, help to learn well and respect their past, their origins, history and culture of their people and the project "Development of musically - artistic activities through admission to the traditions of the peoples of Russia". The project contributes to the development of cognitive abilities of children, the formation of high morality, brings up love for the Fatherland, respect for the ancestors, interest in the original Russian culture, through the development of musical and artistic activities in kindergarten (in accordance with the content of the educational field "Music" of FGT).


Folk culture is one of the means of moral, cognitive and aesthetic development of children. Currently, due to many reasons, most of the spiritual heritage and items of material folk culture were lost. A critical situation is created, in which we can deprive the modern and subsequent generation of the most valuable treasure to regional folk artistic culture and thereby finally destroy the spiritual relationship between contemporaries with cultural traditions and the creative experience of past generations.

It follows from this that the problem of preserving the traditional folk culture acquires an important character and decide this problem should be started with preschool age. Already in kindergarten it is necessary to attach to popular culture, because in preschool age, the formation and development of the personality of the child is being developed, and the folk traditions raise the future citizen of Russia.

Russia is rich in their traditions, customs, folk holidays. One of these holidays is a large folk walk at the end of winter "Maslenitsa" and direct participation in the festival leaves a more complete and deep idea of \u200b\u200bhim. It gives children the opportunity to understand the entire depth, latitude and deep meaning of this fun and a little sad celebration. Therefore, there was an idea in holding a festive walking "Maslenitsa" by the forces of teachers, parents and guys.

Objective of the project: Formation of ideas about folk traditions in children of senior preschool age (Maslenitsa holiday).

Project tasks:

didactic: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat "traditions" is. Meet the traditions of the Russian people;

developing: promote the development of interest in history, traditions in the life of people; develop search engines, creative activity; develop communicative skills;

raising: ethnocultural competence of preschoolers.

Target audience of the project:

Music director;

Educators of the middle, senior, preparatory groups;

Parents, children from 5 to 7 years.

Project Type:

by the method: creative;

by number of participants: intergroup

by duration: short.

Planned results.

For each of the tasks of musical - artistic activity, it is planned to achieve the following results in children:

- formation of ideas about what "traditions" is, familiarization with the traditions of the Russian people;

Development of interest in history, traditions in the life of people; development of search activities, creative activity; Communicative skills;

- ethnic cultural competence of preschoolers.

Work system.

Work on the introduction of children to Russian folk culture is implemented through the educational area "Music" in accordance with the "Program of Education and Training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, TS Komarova. In addition, I use different technologies of O.L.Knyazova "The introduction of children to the origins of Russian folk culture", the technology of "elementary musication with preschoolers" T.tutyunnikova, "Technology M.V. Khazova "Gorenka", musical - literary development of the magazine "Music Palette", "Folk Holidays" Naumenko.

A creative group of pedagogues of the kindergarten developed a promising plan for familiarizing children of senior preschool age with people's ritual holidays in Russia. For its practical work in this direction, I use:

Developing medium in kindergarten;

Various types of folklore;

As a result, I spend the holidays.

As a result of the work on this problem, guidelines were developed for organizing and conducting public holidays in kindergarten.

Stages of the project

stages of the project

pedagogue activities

the activities of children.

preparatory - Organizational Stage

1. Formation of the problem: what traditions are. Where do the traditions come from, how and from what makes up.

1. Entrance to the problem.

2. Search activity on the traditions of the holiday "Maslenitsa" in his family.

the main stage.

project implementation:

accumulation of knowledge;

practical stage.

1. Joint planning activities.

2. Organization of activities, assistance in solving the tasks.

1. Collection of information.

question: "How is Maslenitsa celebrated in Russia? What is the meaning of the characters - "Maslenitsa".

1. Practical assistance in systematizing the information received.

2. Project execution.

1. Creating a mini museum in a group with a selection of household goods, costumes, illustrations, etc. 2. The supply and manufacture of the passenger calendar.


1. Preparation and conducting theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa".

1. Theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa" -

2. Excursions to the Mini Museum "Russian Izba"

4. Exhibitions of children's work

Project implementation

Sections of the program

Forms and methods of work


Speech development, familiarity with fiction

The study of pedagogical and fiction, Internet sources.

Familiarization of proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.

Reading fiction: the story of K. D. Ushinsky "Promotion of the old woman-winter". Crevitsky "Four-time year"; Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"; Russian folk fairy tale "About phili"

Competition of proverbs and sayings, mysteries

Registration of albums "Proverbs and sayings"; "Songs-Flying" about Maslenitsa.

Cognitive development

Studying the traditions of passenger wagons.

Study of folk decorative and applied arts.

Conversations about Maslenitsa, folk costumes, dwellings, household subjects.

Node "Maslenitsa Dear - Our Guest One-year"

Game activity

Scene-role and didactic games

Production of attributes to games, help in their organization

Theatrical activity

Theatricalization of folk fairy tales, flies, non-pieces, poems - the joint work of children, educators and parents of pupils.

Theatrical representation of the "wide carnival".

Musical activity

Studying folk songs, dancing.

Week of carnival festivities.

Heading folk musical games, dance, dance.

Physical education

Studying folk games.

Russian folk games, fun.

Productive activity, drawing

The study of traditional folk crafts, methods and techniques of their manufacture.

Exhibitions of children's creativity;

Work of creative workshops (drawings, crafts).

Work with parents

Participation in the manufacture of the Mobile Folder "Wide Maslenitsa"

Participation in the manufacture of attributes, decorations for the holiday (noise orchestra, suits)

Participation in the theatrical presentation.

Exhibition of creative works.

Tea drinking with pancakes "Sweet Evening"

Involvement B.

theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa"

Relationship with society

Interaction of the Branch of Children's Library No. 13,

With students SF SGEU

Excursion in mini-gaze "Russian hut".

Speech in the theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa"

Estimated product:

For kids: creation of a mini-museum "Russian Izba" in the group .

Exhibitions of children's activities in the project implementation process.

Final event "Wide Maslenitsa"

For teachers: development of guidelines for organizing national holidays in pre-school educational institutions;

broadcasting work on the project on the stands for parents in kindergarten.

Diagnostic tools.

The main results of musical - artistic development and education of pupils are assessed within the framework of monitoring procedures in which leading methods will be:

Child observation;
- individual conversations (with children, parents);


Various test tools,

Self-assessing judgments of children.

Diagnostics allowed us to determine the most important areas in the work on the creation of conditions for familiarizing and attaching children to traditional folk culture.
For this, several structural components were isolated, the purpose of which was:

  • Determine the level of formation of the ideas of children about folk traditions;
  • Identification of interest in the culture and traditions of their people;
  • The presence of experience in family education, traditions and customs in the family.

Conditions providing results

For the admission of senior preschoolers, certain conditions have been created to the Russian traditional traditions:

Logistical about clearing project:

  • Mini - Museum "Russian Izba".
  • Multifunctional corner "Corner of Razheny", "Corner of Privacy".
  • Room fairy tales, where various types of theaters are placed.
  • Audio with entry of folk songs and melodies, fairy tales.
  • The works of decorative - applied art, painting and objects of people's life with various types of paintings.
  • A plan of organizing and holding folk holidays, holidays of the people's calendar was drawn up.
  • The library is selected with oral folk creativity, small folk genres of fiction of the Russian people and different peoples of the world.
  • Made a card file of folk games, folk toys and national dolls.
  • The abstract activities of joint activities with children are drawn up.

Personnel composition:

  • Teachers in different areas of activity: musical folklore, folk choreography;

Educational and methodical about clearing project:

"The acquisition of children to the origins of Russian folk culture" O.A. Knyazeva, ppm Mahaneva. "Full encyclopedia of the life of the Russian people" I. Pankeev, "We live in Russia" N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova (for senior and preparatory groups), "Heritage" E.V. Solovyov, L.I. Tsarenko, "Heritage" M.Yu. Novitskaya, Eor (presentations, cartoon).

List of sources used

  1. "All year round." Russian agricultural calendar. Moscow, ed. "True", 1991.
  2. Russian folklore. Moscow, "Fiction", 1986.
  3. Aksenova Z.F. Sports holidays in kindergarten: allowance for employees of preschool institutions. -M.: TC Sphere, 2003.
  4. Baturin G. I., Kuzina T. F. Folk pedagogy in the modern educational process - M.: School Press 2003.
  5. Bondarenko Z.O. "Holidays of Christian Russia." Russian People's Orthodox Calendar: Ref. ed. Kaliningrad: KN. Publishing house, 1993.
  6. Vasilieva MA, Herbova V.V., Komarova TS "Methodical recommendations for the program of upbringing and training in kindergarten";
  7. Vasilyeva M.A., Herbova V.V., Komoyovit. "The program of upbringing and learning in kindergarten";
  8. Verasaks N.E., Komarova TS, Antonova A.V.i Dr. from birth to school.
  9. Daimedina I.P. Play, kids M., Enlightenment, 1992
  10. Zatresinam.B. "Music upbringing in kindergarten";
  11. Keneman A.V., Osokina T.I. Children's moving games of the USSR: a guide for a kindergarten teacher. -M.: Enlightenment, 1988.
  12. Melnikova L. I., Zimin A.N Children's Music Folklore in a preschool educational institution "Gnome-Press" LLC 2000.
  13. Pavlova P.A., Gorbunova I.V. "Grow healthy, baby!" The program of healing of young children M., 2006
  14. Penzulaeva L.I. Moving games and game exercises for children 5-7 years. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2001.
  15. Collection edited by V.Dalya in 2 tt. "Proverbs of the Russian people." Moscow, "Fiction", 1984.
  16. Tikhonova M. V., Smirnova N. S. Krasnaya Zaba St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press" 2000.
  17. Holiday encyclopedia. Author-compiler N.V. Chudakov. Moscow, AST-LTD publishing house, 1998.


Attachment 1.

Maslenic Week events plan for senior preschool age

Monday - Meeting

Work in the musical hall

Work on mull

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Electronic presentation "Wide Maslenitsa" - acquaintance of children with the meaning and customs of the holiday

Learning of oil-slices (senior. Preparatory group);

Horticulture "rides Maslenitsa" R.N. Melody (senior, Podgom. gr.).

Solemn meeting of Maslenitsa;

Folk Moving Games: Malechina -Kalachina, "Carousel", "Zarya";

Competition for the Best Snow Figure

Puppet Theater "Petrushechenny Comedy";

Spring and Winter Riddles

conversation "What a holiday, carnival?"

Consider the album "Maslenitsa"

Sayings about Maslenitsa

Usage verse "Maslenitsa"

Creating a mobile folder on the topic "Wide Maslenitsa"

Reception Corner "Maslenitsa Praskovka"

Tuesday - Blash

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Jumping the song "That's the winter is passed" R.N. melody; - the competition of chastushki "how at the oil week";

Horovodnaya games "And I walked in the meadow", "Zainka, Bunch"

Sledging. -

Sports leisure-entertainment "Carnival goes, damn yes honey carries"

Heading proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa.

Conversation "How to celebrate Carnival"

Heading Maslennichny Slashkin

Manufacturing along with the bars of stuffed carnival

Production of attributes for the holiday (shatulok, cracks, lunches, turbine, whistle)

Wednesday - Lakaka

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Repeat songs "How winter has met in the spring"

Horovodnaya game "Shadow, Shadow, Potten" R.N. melody.

Competition drawings in the snow.

Games - Competitions "Sly Ball", "Lucky Guys";

Acquaintance with symbols of pancakes.

Productive activity "Our Hut Joy is rich" (manufacture with children of grain dolls)

Workers' verse "About Maslenitsa"

Listening songs "How on the Maslany Week"

Sweet evening, tea drinking with pancakes.

Thursday - ragble

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Folk-free games "Gori, Gori, Clear", "Pots";

Learning of flowes, sayings, non-pieces;

The dramatization "as a man a cow sold" S. Mikhalkov.

The singing of Russian folk songs.

Russian folk games "burners", "Who is faster on the broom," "Two frost";

Skating with ice slide.

Relay games "Treating rope"

"Snow Tir"

"Who is faster on the broom"

Exhibition of drawings "Winter ragble";

Manufacturing attributes for the design of the holiday (iso-decorating pancakes).

Hearing songs "Song Blinam"

Production of attributes, crafts for the design of the musical hall and plots.

Friday - Carnival Wires

Work in the musical hall

Work for a walk

Work in the group

Interaction with parents

Theatrical representation of "Wide Maslenitsa"

Theatrical representation of the "Wide Maslenitsa" on the street.

Cartoon "Maslenitsa".

Conversation: "What we learned about Maslenitsa";

Festive event with parents: "Wide carnival!".

Appendix 2.

Diagnostic Card.

Music upbringing.

Can enter the character of the character, convey its nature and behavior with the help of fixed assets;

Knowledge of the various characters of music;

Knowledge of the characteristics of Russian dancers;

The ability to perform dance movements characteristic of Russian dances;

The ability to stage (in dances, dance, dance);

The ability to invent movements reflecting the content of the song;

The ability to invent movements, the elements of dance movements, characteristic of Russian dancers;

The ability to play Russian folk musical instruments, know and call them.

Knowledge and ability to play Russian folk games.

High level

average level

low level

High level - 3 points.

Middle level - 2 points.

Low level - 1 point.

"The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT" Bocarnikova S.V. Music director MBDOU D / C 12 Novocherkasska Department of Education Administration of the city of Novocherkasska Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Children's garden of the general developmental type 12

The validity of the idea of \u200b\u200busing ICT in the federal state requirements published in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009. 655 The principle of integration is put forward as one of the fundamental principles. The content of the educational field "Music" is aimed at achieving the goal of developing the musicality of children, the ability to emotionally perceive music through the solution of the following tasks: the development of musical and artistic activities; Acquisition for musical art. Essence of the idea: The use of information technologies increases the motivation of children's training and leads to a number of positive consequences:. Psychologically facilitates the process of learning the material by children; excites living interest in the subject of knowledge; · Expands the common horizon of children; · The level of use of visibility in occupations increases; Novelty ideas: The use of information technology makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the integration process, increase its effectiveness. The spectrum of manifestation of the creative abilities of children is expanding.

The relevance of the pedagogical idea when using ICTs, the development of all types of perception (visual, auditory, sensual) increases the positive motivation for students of pupils, an additional stimulus in children is created to study new material, familiarizing its perception is activated by cognitive-speech activities.

The advantages of musical activity using ICT The use of animation and surprise moments makes the cognitive process in interesting and expressive; Children receive approval not only from the teacher, but also on the part of the computer in the form of paintings, prizes accompanied by sound design (for example, when performing a rhythmic task in the game "Dress up Christmas tree", Santa Claus shows an approving gesture) a harmonious combination of traditional means using presentations Allows you to significantly increase the motivation of children to the lesson (reception: the best children's work - on TV)

Using ICT contributes to the development of integrative qualities: communication, ability to manage their behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems "Line, Active" musical activity with the use of ICT causes greater activity of children, the lively interest of "flax - responsive" the degree of emotional responsiveness increases, external emotional manifestations. "Having mastered the necessary and skills, the performers improves performers, creative skills increases interest. ICT

For the development of rhythmic hearing, I use images, instead of icons (quadruple durations-large pictures, eighth - small)), which contributes to greater interest in children. Models for the development of rhythmic hearing. Task: Understand the rhythmophormulas or play them on children's musical instruments

For the development of sound hearing, I use images and pictures instead of notes, which also attracts children, activates creative abilities. The model for the development of sound hearing is cutting, turning the "funny mouse" video method for the development of sound hearing.

In the game of children's musical instruments, the presentations used, video scores make it possible to show creative abilities. The use of ICT significantly expands the conceptual series of musical topics, makes accessible and understandable children specific sound of musical instruments.

When acquaintance with the work of composers, the use of computer programs, allows children to hear the net professional performance of classical works, compared the heard and seen. Viewing Multimedia Portrait Hearing Composer Works Watching Video Illustrations For Works Mussorgsky M.P. Prokofiev S.S.

The use of ICT makes musical material available for perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic. Thus, I am implemented in practice the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualization of children's learning. E E is traced on the example of the Symphonic fairy tale "Peter and Wolf", where children, using each individual basic level of knowledge, receives knowledge of musical instruments, the features of the sound of each of them. Violin Clarinet French Valtore Litavra Cello

In this direction, like singing, I offer children video - illustrations with elements of animation to the exercises on the development of voice, the singing range, the concept of long and short sounds. ("Lestenka", "funny droplets", "Snowflake", "where the bee flies", etc.) it is more interested in children and attracts to singing. "Snowflake" - draw a voice, cutting on the movement of the snowflake "Music Forest" for the development of the singing range.

Heading with children of songs using mnemotechnics contributes to a faster memorization for example, "Sunny" music. and cl. A.Yaranova Mnemotechnics (from Greek. Mnemonikon - the art of memorization). Systems of special techniques serving to facilitate memorization, save and play information.

Using in the structure of the enabling of the video, creative tasks, I am also a contributing to the development of children's creativity (taking into account the requirements of San Ping: watching a video no more than 5-7 minutes) 1. Musical greeting 2. View video 3. Answers to questions 4. Creative task (Images of rain droplets on the music. Tools, rustling of leaves, etc.), didactic game ("fourth extra" Find extra muses. Tool, Dorisui Muses. Tool, etc.) 5. Musical game, game in the orchestra of children's musical instruments

The use of information technology tools: became the base for the formation of a musical taste, the development of the creative potential of the child and the harmonious development of the person as a whole. allowed me to make the learning process and the development of the child quite effective: the spectrum, variability, choice (benefits) expanded. The filing of the material in the form of multimedia presentations has reduced the learning time, released children's health resources. Thus, given the visual-shaped level of thinking of preschoolers, ICTs allow me to maintain and intensify their attention. The interactivity of these resources allows the child to "manage" the situation, "impact" on it.

Source of information: Backgrounds: Photo: From the archive of Bocarnikova S.V. ..

Department of Education Administration of Novocherkasska
municipal budget pre-school educational institution
kindergarten Outhouse Type number 12

Acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities using ICT


Bocarnikova S.V.

Music director MBDOU №12

year 2013

My idea is to revive musical activities with children, give the opportunity to more colorfully and clearly imagine all its directions.

Therefore, I formulated my pedagogical idea, so: « The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of information communication technologies. "

Realizing supplied by metarget:

the use of ICT as the main means of attaching children to musical art, I allocateda number of tasks:

  • increase the motivational readiness of children to musical and artistic activities, harmoniously combining traditional learning tools using ICT;
  • use the integration of educational areas based on musical and artistic activities using ICT;
  • move accents of musical perception from verbal ideas to visual images.

In federal state requirements published in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 655principle of integration It is advanced as one of the fundamental principles.

Therefore, in your activities, I rely on the integration of educational areas allocated in 655 ordered, making the emphasis on the educational areas "Music" and "Artistic Creativity".

development of musical and artistic activities;
acquisition for musical art.

Essence of the idea: The use of information technologies to increase motivation in children in musical development and leads to a number of positive consequences:
. psychologically facilitates the process of learning the material by children;
excites living interest in the subject of knowledge;
· Expands the common horizon of children;
· The level of use of visibility in classes is increasing.

Novelty ideas:
The use of information technologies makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the integration process of musical and artistic activities, increase its effectiveness. The spectrum of manifestation of the creative abilities of children is expanding.

What is the urgency using ICT in the educational field "Music":

There is a development of all types of perception (visual, auditory, sensual); Positive motivation for students of pupils increases;

an additional incentive is created in children to study new material, facilitating its perception, is activated in informative - speech activities.

Available advantages musical activity using ICT:

  • The use of animation and surprise moments makes the cognitive process interesting and expressive;
  • Children get approval not only from the teacher, but also from the computer in the form of pictures - fading, prizes accompanied by sound design (for example, when performing a rhythmic task in the game "Dress up a Christmas tree" Santa Claus shows an approving gesture)
  • The harmonious combination of traditional means, with the use of presentations, allows you to significantly increase the motivation of children to the lesson (for example: the best children's work - on TV)

Usage ICTcontributes to the development of integrative qualities: Communication, ability to manage your behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems. In such integrative quality, as "inquisitive, active"musical activity with the use of ICT causes greater activity of children, living interest.

In the "emotionally responsive" - \u200b\u200bincreasing degree of emotional responsiveness, external emotional manifestations.

"Having mastered the necessary skills, skills" - improving the performing, creative skills, increases interest

What are the computer functions in the pedagogical activities of the musical leader?

Computer is -

Visual material

Tool for text preparation, musical material, their storage.

Tool preparation of speeches.

Source (educational, musical) information.

To solve the goals and objectives, I, as a music manager, use various ICT educational tools, both when preparing for a music lesson, in class (with the explanation of the new material, learning songs, dances, repetition, to consolidate learned knowledge) and entertainment and holidays, in allmusical activities:

  • Emotional perception of music by children
  • Singing
  • Hearing and Voice Development (Music and Didactic Games)
  • Game on children's musical instruments
  • Musical and rhythmic movements

For emotional perceptionmusic: I apply such a reception as a combination of music with animation effects, which contributes to the more emotional perception of children's works.

Multimedia illustrations help determine the nature of musical works.

Animated backgrounds create an emotional positive attitude in children.

For development of rhythmic hearing I use images, instead of icons (quadruple-length-large pictures, eighth durations are small), which contributes to greater interest in children.

For development of sound hearing I use images and pictures instead of notes, which also attracts children, activates creative abilities.

For the development of rhythmic hearing, the support for clarity contributes to the development of fantasy, imagery.

IN game on children's musical instruments The presentations used, video scores make it possible to show their creative abilities to children.

The use of ICT significantly expands the conceptual series of musical topics, makes accessible and understandable children specific sound of musical instruments.

For acquaintance with the work of composers, the use of computer programs allows Children to hear the pure professional performance of classical works, compared the heard and seen.

The use of ICT makes musical material available for perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic. Thus, I am implemented in practice the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualization of children's learning.

This can be traced on the example of a symphonic fairy tale "Peter and Wolf", where children, using each individual basic knowledge level, receives knowledge of musical instruments, the features of the sound of each of them.

For learning musical and rhythmic movements and dance i offer a computer manual - mnemotable, with the help of which children will be able to perform various rebuildings or learn the elements of the dance. And as the interest in the moment, children look at their creativity from the screen.

In this direction likesinging I offer children video - illustrations with elements of animation to the exercises on the development of the voice, the singing range, the concept of long and short sounds ("Lestenka", "funny droplets", "snowflake", "where the bee flies" and others). It is more interested in children and attracts to singing.

Heading with children of songs using mnemotechnics contributes to a faster memorization of text (Mnemotechnics (from Greek. Mnemonikon is the art of memorization).Special reception system for employees to facilitate memorization, save and play information): For example, "Sunny" music. And cl. A.Yaranova.

Using in the structure of the enabling of the video, various creative tasks, I am also a contributing to the development of children's creativity (taking into account the requirements of SanPiN: watching a video for no more than 5-7 minutes).

Use of information technology:

  • it became the base for the formation of a musical taste, the development of the creative potential of the child and the harmonious development of the person as a whole.
  • allowed me to make the learning process and the development of the child quite effective: the spectrum, variability, choice (benefits) expanded.
  • The filing of the material in the form of multimedia presentations has reduced the learning time, released children's health resources.

Thus, given the visual-shaped level of thinking of preschoolers, ICTs allow me to maintain and intensify their attention. The interactivity of these resources allows the child to "manage" the situation, "impact" on it.

According to my work Using ICT in children, the level of emotional perception of music, musical and rhythmic and dance movements, elementary musitization on children's musical instruments, singing has increased.

And as a result - improved memory in children, the development of thinking, imagination, attention, curiosity.

So, the use of information technology meals made it possible to make the process of learning and developing a child quite effective, discovered new opportunities for musical education not only for the child himself, but for me.

I raised my informational and professional competence.

The use of ICT in the musical education of preschoolers is only a means for the implementation of the goals and tasks set before the teacher.

At the same time, of course, do not forget: in the case of musical education, the role of a musical leader, who will not be able to replace any computer!


Internet resources:

Perezina N.V. "The use of information and communication technologies in the lessons of music in elementary school.

Afanasyev O.V. "Using ICT in educational process"

Belyakov E.V. "The concept of ICT and their role in the educational process"

Kruglov L. "Information technologies as part of the cultural and information environment of preschool children."


To enjoy previewing presentations, create yourself an account (account) Google and log in to it: https://accounts.google.com

Signatures for slides:

"The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with the use of ICT" Bocarnikova S.V. Music director MBDOU D / s №12 Novocherkasska Department of Education Administration of the city of Novocherkassk Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Children's garden of general developmental type number 12

My pedagogical idea: My idea is to revive musical activities with children, give the opportunity to more colorfully and clearly imagine all its directions. It sounds like this: "The acquisition of children to musical art through the integration of various types of musical and artistic activities with ICT." Objective: The use of ICT as the main means of attaching children to musical art.

The main tasks are:

The validity of the idea of \u200b\u200busing ICT in the federal state requirements published in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 655 The integration principle is put forward as one of the fundamental principles. The content of the educational field "Music" is aimed at achieving the goal of developing the musicality of children, the ability to emotionally perceive music through the solution of the following tasks: the development of musical and artistic activities; Acquisition for musical art. Essence of the idea: The use of information technologies increases the motivation of children's education and leads to a number of positive consequences :. psychologically facilitates the process of learning the material by children; . excites living interest in the subject of knowledge; · Expands the common horizon of children; · The level of use of visibility in occupations increases; Novelty ideas: The use of information technology makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the integration process, increase its effectiveness. The spectrum of manifestation of the creative abilities of children is expanding.

The relevance of the pedagogical idea 1 2 3 4 When using ICT, the development of all types of perception (visual, auditory, sensual) increases the positive motivation for students of pupils, an additional incentive in children is created to study new material, familiarizing its perception is activated by cognitive-speech activities.

Advantages of musical activity using ICT

Using ICT contributes to the development of integrative qualities: communication, ability to manage their behavior, the ability to solve intellectual and personal ICT problems

Means of preparation of speeches Tools of text preparation, musical material, their storage of a computer function in pedagogical activities Muz.Rukovitel Source Source, Music Information Visual manual

Using ICT by type of activity Emotozio Nalnyh Perception of music by children Music and didactic games Music flax -Rimical motion singing game on children's musical instruments such as ICT applications in musical education of preschoolers.

Music combination with animation effects improves emotional perception of music by children

Multimedia illustrations help determine the nature of musical works

Animated backgrounds create an emotional positive attitude

For the development of rhythmic hearing, I use images, instead of icons (quadruple durations-large pictures, eighth - small)), which contributes to greater interest in children. Models for the development of rhythmic hearing. Task: Understand the rhythmophormulas or play them on children's musical instruments

In the game of children's musical instruments, the presentations used, video scores make it possible to show creative abilities. The use of ICT significantly expands the conceptual series of musical topics, makes accessible and understandable children specific sound of musical instruments.

When acquaintance with the work of composers, the use of computer programs, allows children to hear the net professional performance of classical works, compared the heard and seen. Viewing Multimedia Portrait Hearing Composer Works Watching Video Illustrations For Works Mussorgsky M.P. Prokofiev S.S.

The use of ICT makes musical material available for perception not only through auditory analyzers, but also through visual and kinesthetic. Thus, I am implemented in practice the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualization of children's learning. E E is traced on the example of the Symphonic fairy tale "Peter and Wolf", where children, using each individual basic level of knowledge, receives knowledge of musical instruments, the features of the sound of each of them. Violin Clarinet French Valtore Litavra Cello

In the development of musical and rhythmic movements I use: circuits of dance movements Photos, video speeches of children

In this direction, like singing, I offer children video - illustrations with elements of animation to the exercises on the development of voice, the singing range, the concept of long and short sounds. ("Lestenka", "funny droplets", "Snowflake", "where the bee flies", etc.) it is more interested in children and attracts to singing. "Snowflake" - draw a voice, sneeze behind the movement of the snowflake "Music Lanenka" for the development of the singing range.

Using the enabling structure of the video, creative tasks, I am also a contributing to the development of children's creativity (taking into account Sanpin's requirements: watching a video no more than 5-7 minutes) 1. Musical greeting 2. View video 3. Answers to questions 4. Creative task ( Image of rain droplets on muses. Tools, rustling of leaves, etc.), didactic game ("Fourth extra" Find extra muses. Tool, Dorisui Muses. Tool, etc.) 5. Musical game, game in the orchestra of children's musical Tools

Use of information technology tools: Thus, considering the visual-shaped level of thinking of preschoolers, ICTs allow me to maintain and intensify their attention. The interactivity of these resources allows the child to "manage" the situation, "impact" on it.

Dynamics of development of musical abilities Diagnostic tools: K.V. Tarasova 2010-2011 2009-2010

The use of ICT in the musical education of preschoolers is only a means for the implementation of the goals and tasks set before the teacher. The dominant role in musical education will always be left for the music director!

Source of information: http://www.musical-sad.ru Backgrounds: http://images.yandex.ru/ photo: from the archive of Bocarnikova S.V.

Thanks for attention!