The scenario of entertainment "Visiting Parsley" using the puppet theater to the International Day of the Theater. Puppet play for children: script doll performance script for preschoolers

The scenario of entertainment
The scenario of entertainment "Visiting Parsley" using the puppet theater to the International Day of the Theater. Puppet play for children: script doll performance script for preschoolers

Theater, affordable in kindergarten, and at home! In this meaningful section, many scenarios of children's performances and theatrical productions - from the everlasting classics of Russian folk fairy tales, to "old stories to the new way" and completely original staging. Work on any of the performances presented here will be for your ward this holiday, and the process of participation in the "revival" of your favorite characters and plots - genuine magic.

Real encyclopedia for teachers- "Scriptists".

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All sections | Scenarios of performances. Theatrical performances, drawing

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Vera Balanovskaya

Hello colleagues!

On the eve of the celebration of the International Day of the theater, I decided to try 2 ml with my children. Groups teach a small scene by roles and show the children of another group. I connected the preparatory group so that they show us a puppet theater on a familiar fairy tale. Wrote a script (thanks to the Internet) and got entertainment. For the first time, the children were even very good. And most importantly - all, and artists, and the audience, were delighted.

entertainment "Visiting Parsley" for children 2nd ml. and preparatory gr.

Purpose: the creation of a relaxed joyful atmosphere, the desire to speak in front of the children of the kindergarten.

Equipment: Shirma, Costfall Puppet Theater (Kolobok Fairy Tale, Gus Puppet Dolls, Decoration to Scene "Baikina Name Day": Table, Tableware, Consideration, 3 Stools, House for Heroes: Tuesuck "Honey", basket with cones , Bunch with fish.)

Children enter the hall to the music, "buy" tickets and are seated to the places.

Dear friends, I am very glad to see you. Today we are going to note a significant day - International Theater Day!

What is theater? (children's responses).

Theater is actors and viewers, scene, costumes, scenery, applause and, of course, interesting fairy tales. The word "theater" Greek. It means and place where the spectacle (performance) occurs, and the spectacle itself. Theatrical art has arisen a long time, more than two and a half thousand years ago.

In the ancient Greece, the perceptions went sometimes for several days. Spectators came to them, stroking the products. Huge crowds of people were dismissed on elevations, and the acting itself occurred in the arena located directly on the grass.

On March 27, a holiday was held in ancient Greece in honor of the god of Dionysus Winemaking. He was accompanied by processions and fun, there were many muddles. And since 1961, this day, March 27, began to celebrate worldwide as the international day of the theater.

Sound fanfares. Merry melody. Parsley appears on Shirma.


Hello guys! Y-U-y! How many of you: once, two, three ... ten, fifty.

Let's get acquainted! My name is. Forgot ... Frog? Not!. Toy ... No! Hand?. Maybe you remember my name?

Children: - Parsley, Parsley!


I am a parsley - a fair toy!

On the road grew, in the cities of Hajales,

Yes, all people, visiting guests, pleased!

To whom the fairy tale will tell who two

And who will tell me himself.

And I'll come up with everybirth yes,

And then you will beat her!

Dear viewers!

View to see if you do not want?

What then do not put your feet, do not shout, do not chlo?

(Spectator applause sound)

And if you have time to have fun,

Sing, dance and wonder

I will meet everyone without problems

I'm glad on holiday I am!

We will play together,

To bored out to run!

Offers children to play with him.

The game "How do you live?"

The lead is asking a question, and the hall responds to him by performing the corresponding movement:

How are you? - Like this! - Fist forward, thumb up.

How are you going? - Like this! - Movement, imitating walking.

How do you run? - Like this! - Running on the spot.

Do you sleep at night? - This is how the palms under the cheek.

How do you get up? - So - get up from the chairs, hands up, stretch.

And silent? - This is how - the finger of the mouth.

And shout? - That's it - everything shouts loudly and put your feet.

Gradually, the pace can be accelerated.

The game "Nose-floor ceiling."

The lead calls in a different order of words: nose, floor, ceiling and makes the appropriate movements: adhesions with a finger to the nose, shows it in the ceiling and to the floor. Children repeat movements. Then the presenter begins to confuse children: continues to pronounce words, and move the movements correctly, it is incorrectly (for example, with the word "nose" shows a ceiling, etc.). Children should not be knocked out and showing correctly.


Dear viewers! We start the presentation! Today we will see three performances. Get ready to watch yes listen carefully.

And now our guest has real small artists - meet!

(Speech of children 2 ml. Gr.) "Scene" Baikina Name Day "

Music sounds with bird singing.

Host: on the edge on the forest

Vidded the house painted.

He is not Belkin, he is not Mishkin

This house-house bunny

(Music sounds and bunny appears)

Bunny: I have a birthday,

There will be dancing, treat!

On the door of the door

I will wait for my guests.

Host: The first friend appeared

Brown Mishenka -Mishuk!

(music sounds, bear goes)

Bear: Happy Birthday Cute Bunny!

What I brought - Guess?

Honey fragrant golden

Delicious and thick

(serves a bunny barrel)

Bunny: Thank you! I am glad!

Not a gift, just treasure!

(treats the bear with tea, music sounds, squirrel appears)

Host: Protein Pumping Skaled,

About the taikin festival assisted.

Protein: Hello, Zainka-Boyful,

Look at what a bump!

And nuts are good!

Congratulations on the soul!

(gives the hotels bunny)

Bunny: Thank you! Havory

I am fragrant tea

(serves protein tea at the table)

Host: Now herself,

Fox - Surgery Kuma!

(Lisa appears to the music)

Fox: Well, friend, Meet Fox

Fish is a delicious carry.

For you and for friends

Caught karai!

(takes a bundle of fish hare)

Bunny: You guessed fox

Fish is also useful!

Host: Glad the owner, guests are glad!

Foreign forest people!

Sing, all need to be dug!

Beasts choir: We start dance!

Beasts come out in front of the audience:

Ai-yes Zaikin Day Birth!

What a miracle treat!

We came to visit a bunny

And gifts brought

Horror we started

Ai, Luli, Ah, Luli!

Having fun with our bunny

Bailed to our!

For him we sing and dance,

Boyko dance.

We came to visit a bunny

Horror we started

Ai, Luli, Ah, Luli!

Host: We all congratulate the hare,

We wish you happiness.

Bunny: Thank you for treating,

Thanks for congratulations!

Merry melody sounds. Beasts are driving round, dance. Bow out.


Ah, yes kids.

Pleased, surprised -

And loud applause


Do you love guys, puppet theater? Do you like tales? What fairy tales do you know?

(Children's responses)


ABOUT! Yes, you are real connoisseurs of fabulous art.

And the next number of our program will be a fairy tale ... Guess at first:

From flour, sour cream

In the hot stove was a liver.

On the window he was lying

Yes, I ran away from the house.

He is a ruven and round

Who is it? (Kolobok)

Then look and listen to the fairy tale!

(Children of the preparatory group show the fairy tale "Kolobok" (Costatic Theater)


Our future schoolchildren

Talents are extremely.

So for you tried -

Praise them desperately! Bravo!

Parsley: (refers to the lead)

What is it in your chest?

Presenter: And these are dolls - "puppets".

Parsley: Why does this doll have such a strange name?

Leading: These toys have long come up with distant Italy long ago.

"Mariona" is a little Mary in Italian - so they called at that time of funny dolls.

And so that this doll came to know, let's say magic words with me together:

"Ding-Don, Ding-Don,

Under a cheerful chime

Our doll will come to know

Dance start! "

Theatrical game "Gus on a walk" (dolls - puppets)

(Show adults)

I am a beautiful goose! I am proud of myself! (White goose is important pulls the neck)

On the beauty of the goose everything I watch, I do not see! (Turn to the geese)

Ga-ga-ha, ga-ga, let's go to walk in the meadow! (Bows towards goose)

(R. N. Melody "Oh, Flowers Kalina", Patterns sing)

1. Go to the walking geese (go in a circle, slapped legs)

And our geese is singing. (Went around the circle, turned to viewers)

Once and two! (Bounces white goose)

Once and two! (Jershits gray goose)

Ga-ga-ha! Ga-ga-ha! Ga-ga-ha! Ga-ga-ha! (Bounce two at the same time)

Here are what geese: remove geese! (Slapped with legs, circling)

2. Here is a guys geese drink, keyman lowered. (Head slopes forward)

And look around themselves, nodes nod. (Turns around yourself)

Chorus: the same.

3. Go to the gours go to walk (go in a circle, slapped legs)

All readings are singing our geese. (Went around the circle, turned to viewers)

Chorus: the same

That ended our entertainment. Did you like in our theater?

I feel sorry to part with you,

We will be very bored,

Promise the same guys

We do not forget us with parsley!


For diligence and talent

You, our young artists,

Over the thunder applause

And ringing laughter

We want to reward everyone!

(Hands children sweet prizes and souvenirs)

(Merry melody sounds. Parsley says goodbye to children.)

Thanks for attention! I will be glad if anyone likes the material.

music director MDOU "Kindergarten № 183" Yaroslavl.

Forest stories

puppet show

for children of preschool age

D. persons:


Cat Vasily.

Cat Murka




Sparrow Chick Chirikych

Dr. hedgehog

Veda: Lived - there were a cat Murka and Cat Vasily.

(Cat and cat appear on Shirma).

CAT: I am a cat, Kotok, Vasya - a sulfur tail.

The smartest cat I am. Do you believe me, friends?

CAT: I am a kitty, guys,

I go on soft legs.

Sine I have a skin,

My name is all Murka.

Veda: A friendly cat Vasily and Cat Murka lived. They called each other in affectionate names: Vasily called Murki Kisulya, and Murka called Vasily - my cat. Here once the cat says the cat ...

CAT: Jump me, Kisulya, Kolobok.

CAT: Of course, my cat. Now I'm quick.

Veda: I got a cat Murka from the cellar flour, butter, eggs, start kneading the dough. And we will help her.

Break eggs in a bowl,Children perform in turn cotton and

Help our pussy. Boots on the knees in the rhythm of the text.

And - once, and - times

Everything will turn out from us.

And now we take flour,Children perform motion imitating

Many duplicate pies.spade flour.

Friendly rash, no regret,

To please friends.

In the dough oil we nallemChildren imitate pouring oil.

And knew to begin.

MEED DOOL OF TERM,Children "knead dough."

To be delicious.

Dough in Kolobok,Children imitate movement.

Yes, and in the stove bake.Children show how they put

bastard in the stove

(hands forward up palms).

Veda: Baked the cat Murka Kolobok and put a studio on the window.

(The cat carries a bun in his paws and puts it on the edge of the screen).

CAT: That's what a glorious bun with me turned out. Thank you for helping me guys, without you, I would not cope. Well, bunches, lying on the window, get cold.(Goes out).

Veda: I lay a bun on the window, then one barrel turned, then another. He was tired of lying, he jumped off the window and rolled.

Veda: Rod rolls, rolls, suddenly a wolf towards him.

(Wolf comes out).

WOLF: I am a forest hungry wolf,

Well byh teeth: click Yes Click.

At home the wolf is not sitting,

I am looking for how to eat.

(A bunker rushes to the wolf).

WOLF: Oh, you, ah, you! What a luck!

I go, I go, I'm looking for, looking, and it was necessary to sit down and wait - the food itself goes to my mouth.

Kolobok: Oh sorry. Hello, uncle, wolf.

WOLF: (frightened) Where? What uncle?

Kolobok: So it's you - Uncle Wolf. Hello!

WOLF: UV! Scared! Is it so possible? Uncle, Uncle ... Here I am for such words Ka-a -k

Kolobok: Do not eat me, me, gray wolf, I'll drink a song to you.

WOLF: I know your songs: "I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, and from you, wolf, leave ...!" No, I eat you without a song.

Kolobok: No, I don't know such a song, I have no grandparents. Well, then let's commend you a riddle.

WOLF: Guess, so be, I am in a good mood today!


Who is cold in winter

Walks evil, hungry?

WOLF: (thinking) That's what I do not know-ou. Walk in winter BR-R-R.

Cold! Who is this?

(Kolobok imperceptibly leaves the wolf.

Wolf, grumbling under the nose, leaves).

Veda: While the wolf was thinking, he swallowed, the bun was far away. Rolls a kolobok, rolls ...

(Kolobok rolls along the edge of the screen, trees move in the background).

Veda: Suddenly he meets the bear.

(Entering the Bear).

BEAR: I live in the forest thick,

I have my home there.

Everyone who wants, come,

Bear has a swimming trip.

(Kolobok rolls along the path and stumbles on the bear).

Kolobok: Oh sorry. I was inadvertently stumbled upon you. Hello.

BEAR: Hey! And who are you? And how do you feel delicious! Here I eat you!

Kolobok: Do not eat me, Uncle Misha. I'll sleep a song.

BEAR : No, really, let's do without a song today.

Kolobok : Then let me make you a mystery.

BEAR : Valya, make out. I am in the forest is the best gaddle a mysteries.

Kolobok :

Beast Shaggy, Kosolapy

He sucks in a paw berry.

BEAR : Crocodile! Guess? Why is Kosolapiy? Shaggy? And he lives not in Berorga ...

(Kolobok imperceptibly leaves the bear.

Bear, grumbling under the nose, leaves).

Veda: While the bear was thinking, he swallowed, the bun was far away.

(Kolobok rolls along the edge of the screen, trees move in the background).

Rubber rolls, rolls ... along the edge, along the river. How long, briefly, tired kolobok, froze, wanted to cook home, and then I realized that I did not remember the road back. Stopped a bun under the Christmas tree and cried.

Kolobok stops.

Kolobok : Well, why I ran away

Would be warmed on a saucer.

Home lost the road

How to return now?

Khe-Khe-Khe! A-a-a-pchi! A-a-a-pchi!

Well, I also caught up.

Help me guys, I'm lost-ah.(crying and goes).

Veda: Meanwhile, Vasily's cat was spooky and tells Murke's cat.

CAT: Well, carry, Kisulya, Kolobok. We will play with him, roll, kneading paws.

Veda: Murka went beyond the kolobkom, and his trace was heated.

CAT: Ah, ah! Basil! No kolobka. Rotained.

CAT: How so! After all, the night soon. He can get lost and cold.

CAT: Or maybe he got lost and can't find the way back? Let's go, Vasily, Kolobka in the forest to look for.

CAT: Yes, it is necessary to search, but because the forest is so big and dense, will you find it? Let's go to the bureau of finds, ask Soroka, maybe our bun found?

Veda: Wasi Cat Vasily and Cat Murka to Sparrow. His chick Chirikych was called, he worked in the Foreskaya Forest Bureau. And, if someone will lose anything, walked to Chiciachchu chic.

Cat and cat go.

CAT: Hello, Chick Chirikich!

SPARROW : Hello, kittens - animals. What did you greek with?

CAT : The trouble we have happened. Baked me a cat Murka Kolobok, and he gave him into the forest and, back did not grind.

SPARROW: Kolobok, Kolobok ... I'll look now ... (looking for) . No, no one found a kolobka. Here they brought me a handkerchief yesterday. Sparrow from the city brought. Not yours?

Cat and cat: No, no, we did not lose handlers. We have gone kolobok.

SPARROW: Well, then there is nothing more.

CAT: Let's go, Murka, to look for a born in the forest.

SPARROW: Yes, go. I am also in the forest too, I will help you.

Veda: Let's go cat with a cat in the forest.

Cat and cat go, Sparrow flies behind them.

Veda: Go, wander, there is a wolf to meet them.

Outgoing wolf

CAT: Wolf - top, gray barrel. Did you meet where are our kolobok?

WOLF : How I did not meet, he, a simple, deceived - he was sanging a riddle, I still think. That's if you guess this riddle, I will say where he rolled.

Who is cold in winter

Walks evil, hungry?

CAT: Oh, I do not know, I will be a deposit ...

CAT : I, too…

CAT: Come on the guys will ask, maybe they will help.

CAT: Guys, help us guess the riddle.

Who is cold in winter

Walks evil, hungry?


CAT: Oh, the top, and, though it is a mystery about you.

WOLF: How? How about me? (thought) But, right, in winter, when it is cold, there is nothing, I go and be angry. Ah, cunning bun. I guess a riddle about me myself, and I did not think. Okay, so be, I will say where I saw a kolobka. He walked along the swamp along the perishes. It is looking for him.(Leaves, mumbling for yourself). Iha, all what smart ... What am I, one stupid?

Veda: Wasted cat Vasily and Murka cat along the swamp.(go). There is a bear here.

Bear leaves.

CAT: Hello, Bear Kosolapiy.

CAT: Have you met a bun in the forest?

BEAR: Ah, this bully! I'm in the forest Best guessing a mysteries. And he deceived me - the tricky riddle guess! Here we will see if you are guessing it.

Beast Shaggy, Kosolapy

He sucks in a paw berry.

CAT: Oh, I don't know again ...

CAT: Come on the guys ask. Guys, what is this beast?


BEAR: What kind of bear? This is not a bear. This ... This ... Stand, but also true: I am a shaggy and closure, my house is called Bergogo, that's just, I did not know that Sosu paw, I sleep all winter. It is necessary, what a cunning bun! I guess the riddle about me myself, and I could not guess. Probably older ... Oh-Oh-Oh! Well, okay, I will tell you where the bunkelter rolled. He rolled along speech, turn there.

CAT: Thank you guys. And you a bear, thank you!

BEAR: Yes please.(goes out).

Veda: Let's go cat with a cat along the river.(go).

Included Dr. Hedge

DOCTOR: So, hello guys! Who got sick here? No one? And I came the letter. Here it is. Who will help me read it?

CHILDREN: (read the letter).

Good Forest Doctor Hedgehog!

Rather, run to treat children, they got sick.

Give them a bitter-agrogo medicine, droplet drops into the nose and loving with a green knee.


DOCTOR: Probably he wrote such a letter. Or maybe someone is sick of you? Let's check. Let's do all together charging stand up, all ... ..

(children perform movements on the text) .

What do we need to charge? Cross socks and together heels.

We start with a trifle, stretch to the ceiling.

Bend, once and two, try, the deforest.

Slightly sat down, slightly highlighted. Here are already above the steel.

Stood up. Exhaled: "Oh!" Inhale and exhale. Again in a breath.

I moved enough and all together we will come together in place.

Together, everyone is cheerful to your nose ... So. So. Okay. With breathing everything is in order. Pomorkali's eyes ... Excellent. Do you have pure hands? Well, show! And ears? Split in the morning? Well, well done! Everything is in order. I will go treat other children.(goes out).

A wolf appears.

WOLF: Haha! Great I deceived Dr.! Here, I will not be sly riddles to make sideways.(goes out).

Veda: Meanwhile, the cat with a cat go along the river.

Cat and cat come out, moving around Shirma ..

Veda: Long go, and the kolobka do not find everything. Suddenly there is forty.

County forty.

MAGPIE: There you are! After all, I found your kolobok, got home.

CAT: Here is a joy, thank you, Matrenushka!

MAGPIE: Well, of course, that the bun was found, but the trouble is that he fell ill. I have written a letter to Dr., asked Wolf to send. And the doctor does not go and does not go. Guys, did you see him?

Children: ( (Answers)

MAGPIE: Ah Vaughn, what? Dr. Hedgehog has already come, but left others to treat! I will fly to search. And the wolf will get away from me.(flies away).

CAT: Let's go, Vasily, rather home. Our bun has been released. Yes, and help him, probably needed.

CAT: Come, Murka.

(Going away. A bunker appears and eats.

Sparrow flies and enters Dr. Hedgehog).

DOCTOR: Well, who got sick here? Who needs my help?

CHILDREN: Kolobok withered.

DOCTOR: Now we are His slate. (fromlubble )Breath! Do not breath. Paddle. Here accept the medicine.(gives medicine). Well, everything is in order. Now he will recover.

Cat and cat.

CAT: Babok, nice, are you better? How good you are found. Thank you. Dr. Hedgehog that cured our kolobok.

Veda: And on joy, everyone began to dance and have fun.

Common fun.

Veda: Here, guys, what a story happened to Kolobkom. But everything ended well. Our fairy tale is an end, and who listened to a well done!

Name: Puppet performances in Dow for children of all age groups "Garden History"
Nomination: Kindergarten, holidays, entertainment, scenarios, performances, staging, preschoolers 4-6 years

Position: Music Manager
Place of work: MBDOU № 264
Location: Krasnoyarsk

"Garden History" Puppet play for children of all age groups
Based on Russian folk fairy tales.

Dolls Bibabo: Murka (cat), bug (dog), granddaughter Masha, Grandfather, Baba, Crow, Hedgehog, Mouse.

Dolls are controlled by pedagogues of a kindergarten, being behind the screen.

Scenery.In the left corner, the volumetric repkah sewn from the material, in the right - the house, around - greens.

In the musical design you can use Russian folk dance.


(Music sounds. To children, because of the screen, a musical leader with a doll crows come out, put on hand.)

Crow. Hello!

Children. Hello!

Crow.Welcome to our theatrical studio! Guys, do you like fairy tales?


Crow.And I want to give you a riddle. If you guess them all, the fairy tale will start faster! Listen carefully! "I wish me a crown! - Loudly kits ...


Crow.Right. It's about me. And now. "Under the pines, a tangle with needles live under the Christmas tree. Who is it?



Crow.Okay. Next mystery. "Soft paws, and in my paws - the scratches" who is this?


Crow.Right. And now the hardest riddle! Yellow color, round side, lies in the garden ...


Crow.No guys, it sits firmly on the garden ...


Crow.Well done! It's time to start a fairy tale. This is what story happened on one garden. (Music sounds. Music leader is spent on Shirm.)

First action

(Shirma appears bug and Murka.)

Bug. Gav!

Murka. Meow! (Music sounds. The bug and Murka quickly run in each other in Shirma a few circles and run away. The grandfather comes out of the house. I can hear the buzzing of bees, singing a komarikov.)

Grandfather.Hello, Baby!

Children. Hello! We saw Murka with a bug worn? Play yourself in catch-up. No, to do things! Quietly, as in the garden ... Only the bees are buzzing, and the mosquito ring. (Goes to repka.) I came to see a repka. How is she growing here?

Hedgehog. POH! POH!

Also an interesting theatrical representation for children:

Grandfather. Batyushki! Passion what! (The grandfather runs away to the house.)

Woman (out of the window). What is it with you, grandfather?

Grandfather(hanging). What ... I went to spend my park. And there, from under the bush, the beast is some kind: - puffy! - So I barely ran away! Scary!

Woman. Yes, okay, tell the fairy tales. In the garden, there, I hear, quietly quiet.

Only mosquitoes, yes bees. I will go, I will give my cabbage. (Sens.) La la-la ...

Grandfather. Go-go. Go. And I'm better to sit at home. (Goes into the house, peeps out of the window. Baba goes to repka)

Woman. And what is terrible? Also me, the old bush was frightened. Where is my kale? .. Here it is, beauty. And what kind of repka is good!

Hedgehog. POH! POH!

Woman. Ah, Patty! (Runs to the house. It breathes hard.)

Grandfather(out of the window).. I told you! And you - mosquitoes, yes bees!

(Music sounds. The granddaughter of Masha is suitable for the beach.)

Masha. Grandfather grandmother! From whom you run here? Who were frightened? In the garden, we have quietly quietly ... only bees are buzzing, and a mosquito ring.

Grandfather. One more. With mosquitoes, yes bees. Go - go! See you!

(Masha goes to the repka, sings: La-la-la ...

Masha. Eh! What a beauty! Where is my fresh car? Yes, the carrots?

Hedgehog. POH! POH!

Masha. Oh! Who is here? Come out! Why are you scaring all? But I'm not afraid!

Now I will find you. (Looking for.) Yes, this is a hedgehog! Oh, you're a darling! And you are not ashamed to scare a grandfather with a woman? Come on the path. And I am Poland.

(Takes a watering can, sings on the motive of the Russian dance "Baryna".)

I do not regret the driver! - I water, as I can.

Grow, repka, Sadka - on the joy of grandfather with Baboy!

So, and now let's go, hedgehog. I'll grab you with milk. (Music sounds. Masha and Hedge go.)

Second action

(Music sounds. Murka and bug are resorted. Play, running each other, stop.)

Bug. So. Everything! Tired of running.

Murka. And what do you get?

Bug. What? Whether! Come on, put something.

Murka. And what will we put?

Bug. It is necessary to think. Grandfather, Vaughn, Republic planted, Baba - Cabbage. And Masha - and carrots, and a swamp. And I will put ...

Murka. Do you know how to plan something?

Bug. Sure. I saw how potatoes sledge. Loom to the hole. Put there one small potatoes and pace it. And then dig instead of one

many, many big!

Murka. What do you say bug? How interesting! Card one! And dig a lot! And I invented! I will put a ma-scarlet jar of sour cream.

Bug. And I put a bone. Here! (Sing on the motive of the Russian dance "Baryna".)

We plant a garden - the whole people will be surprised!

We plant a garden! - All people will surprise!

So planted!

Murka. And soon my sour cream will grow?

Bug. Soon only a fairy tale affects! Now we will go home. And come in a few days.

Murka. It's long. I will come tomorrow!

(Masha appears.)

Murka. And here and Masha. Let's tell her about our landings.

Masha. Murka! Bug! What are you doing here? Enjoy a repka?

Murka. We are doing things here.

Masha. What?

Bug(important). By the way. Now we need to pour everything.

Masha. Yes, what to pour something? What did you do here?

Bug. I planted the bone.

Murka. And I'm a jar of sour cream!

Masha. Well, you give! Who puts the bone, yes sour cream?

Guys! And what do you think? -

Can I plant it?

Children. Not!

Masha. Grow something from Murki with a bug?

Children. Not!

Masha. You can plant everything you want! Yes, not everything will grow! So dig and eat until spoiled. Yes, we look at the repka. And I have to dare. (Goes out.)

Murka (kind). Here it is, my sour cream - Nam Yam Yam!

Bug. Here it is the bone of my - Nam Yam Yam!

Murka. Oh, good, but little. Bringing I, I get another milk. And you, bug, here and do not cope without me. Pink roll. (Runs away.)

Bug. Karuil, so guard. I have such a job. We, dogs laid everything walked. (Walks along Shirma there and here several times.) I'm tired of something. We must relax. Perceola in the sun, I will get sick.

(Yawns.) I wanted to sleep something ...

Guys! Gav! I, perhaps, sleep a little. And if the crow arrives, you will wake me up, please. Sick: bug! Bug! Okay?

Children. Yes!

Bug.Well, thank you. Loja restructures. (Falling asleep. Crow flies.)

Crow.Car! Car! What is this repka? (Children scream.)

Bug (drying). Gav! Gav! Here I am! Kysh!

Crow.Yes, I just wanted to see. Car! Car! (Flies away.)

Bug.Thanks guys! How do you fit well! I'm going to dare then. (Runs away.)

Act third

(Music sounds. Mouse resorts.)

Mouse.That's so repka! It's time to pull it out. Guys, help! Let's call a grandfather with a woman!

Children. Grandfather! Woman! (Music sounds. Grandfather resorted with a woman.)

Grandfather.What happened? What?

Mouse.Ripe to pull off!

Woman.And, though it's time!

Grandfather. Now we are her! (Trying to pull out. Pink does not move from the place.)

Woman. Let's help. (Pull together.). We must call everyone. Guys, help!

Children. Masha! Bug! Murka! (Everyone runs to repka.)

Grandfather. Become!

Everything. Well, together, well, a friendly repack to pull us out!

Grandfather. It seems to be moved. And well, once again! Guys, help!

Everything. Well, together, well, a friendly - a repkah pull we need! (Music sounds. Everyone raise repka, take the middle of the screen.)

Everything. Hooray!

Grandfather. Thank you all for the hell.

Woman. Come twist to eat!

Crow.Yes, other fairy tales listen.

Everything. If we all take together - always achieved!

Elena Anatolyevna Antipina,

music leader, MBDOU № 264, Krasnoyarsk

In the music hall is shirma, decorated with autumn leaves and a house with a fence. To show fairy tales, dolls are used: hare, fox, bear, rooster.

Leading: Hello children! Let's see a fairy tale about how the bunny helped.

Sounds of calm music.

Leading:Standing in the field House, the house painted

And there lives a bunny-Zainka oblique.

A bunny appears from the house.

Leading: Here he is Zainkin Domishko

(Shows the house)

Well in it to live a bunny!

Safe and warm, sun looks out the window.

Winter chips carrots, shuttle with capping cooks

Lives a bunny, does not bored, and friends he waits!

Leading: But ... Once upon a time, heard about the bunny house Lisa.

Guys, see, and she.

Fox appears for lively music.

Leading:Suddenly from the forest straight Lynoka runs,

His paws warms them, they move.

Runs, spinning, turn the tail,

And on the taunie, the house in all his eyes looks.

A fox: Oh, what a beautiful lodge painted!

I would get it, if not oblique.

It is necessary to drive a hare and what to wait here!

Leading: ... And the fox became a hare to drive out (pushes it).

... poor bunny crying, tears sacks ...

... Suddenly, from the forest right, the bear sticks to him.

There is a bear under musical accompaniment.

Bear:What are you crying crying? Who hurt you?

I did not see anyone in the forest with green.

Hare: How don't I cry, tear do not pour

There is no house now. Where will I live?!

Bear: Hare do not worry, it's better to meet a rooster!

A rooster appears under musical accompaniment.

Cock: Something bunny is sad, I hung low low.

Bear: Petya, where is your braid? The hare drove fox!

Cock: The hare drove a fox ???

You do not be afraid of a bunny, we will ride

Bear: In the house there is a beautiful life of your life.

Leading: And friends headed, Lysita loudly saying:

Cock: Leave, soon fox! Where is my braid?

Bear: Go away, Fox from the road, I will give you my feet!

A fox: (coqueturily) oh! Do not beasts. Drak. I will give you a house and so.

I will not do so more.

Good, affectionate, I will.

I promise all beasts.

Bear: Okay, Lynonya, forgive. Yes myself - then do not be angry,

Better Better. (Fox bow).

Hare: (joyful):Have fun we will live! Hooray!

Bear: We will be friends tight.

A fox: We will invite everyone to visit.

Cock: No one forbid.

Music sounds, animals dance.

Leading: And here and fairy tale the end - and who listened to well done!

Title: Scenario of the Puppet Theater "The fairy tale about how friends - the beasts helped the hare"

Position: Music Manager, 1 Qualification Category
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten № 102"
Location: Yaroslavl, ul. Saltykova-Shchedrin, D.29