Designing the object of the musical environment in the Dow. "Organization of a developing educational environment for musical education with children of preschool age in the implementation of the implementation of GEF"

Designing the object of the musical environment in the Dow.
Designing the object of the musical environment in the Dow. "Organization of a developing educational environment for musical education with children of preschool age in the implementation of the implementation of GEF"

Music objective environment in a preschool educational institution.

Boldankova Irina Gennadevna Music leader
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten number 9 "Golden Key"

Purpose: Increase the level of competence of teachers in the creation of a musical subject-developing environment in groups (mini-centers that promotes harmonious musical development and self-development of children with subsequent formation and bringing compliance with the requirements of GEF to.
1. In practice, new approaches to the organization of musical subject-developing medium DOW, providing a full musical development of preschoolers in the framework of the DOW educational program, taking into account the requirements of the GEF to;
2. Organize the developing musical environment that contributes to the emotional well-being of children, taking into account their needs and interests;
3. Create conditions to ensure different types of musical activities of preschoolers (game, motor, intellectual, cognitive, independent, creative, artistic, theatrical), taking into account gender features of pupils;
4. The collaboration of children and adults to create a comfortable developing musical subject-spatial environment.

Everyone knows and proven by scientists that music enriches the spiritual world of the child, has an impact on the development of its creative abilities. The development of musical abilities depends on psychological - pedagogical conditions and, of course, from a competently organized subject-spatial environment.
The musical objective environment in groups should be focused on the studied material and the individual capabilities of children. No type of musical activity can be fully developed at a pure verbal level, outside the subjective environment.
The maintenance of the musical developing environment should be guided by the leading type of activity of preschoolers, is systematically complicated by the ages, to wear a problem. All this allows children, acting with familiar and few familiar objects, reflect, think, compare, simulate and solve problem situations, create.

The musical object-developing environment in the DOU groups is organized by three main blocks:
Music perception
Play music
Music and creative activity.

Each unit, in turn, provides for the orientation of the integrity of a certain type of children's musical activity.
The design of musical mini-centers in the groups of junior preschool age has a plot basis, in the older - didactic.
The structure of musical mini-centers is drawn up in the form of modules that have integrity and at the same time - transforming parts causing live interest in children. Music objective environment Sabezhstabna eye, hand actions, child growth. Developing Environment benefits are kindly, aesthetic, attractive, easy to appeal, cause a desire to act with them.

Junior group
- Albums with pictures to songs learned on musical activities (or wonderful cubes)
- Flangegraph, figurines for flannelhemph (large and small animals, birds, music instruments, transport)
- Phonotheka with recording of children's songs (tape recorders of songs learned and learned with children in the execution of music leader, children, teacher, sounds of nature)
- CD player
- Attributes to musically - didactic exercises on the development of children of sound, dynamic and rhythmic hearing. For example, on the development of sounding hearing - "Bird and chicks"; Temmery hearing - "Guests came to us", rhythmic hearing - "Who is going", dynamic hearing "bells".
- Unlock tools: Balalaika, dumb keyboard with stand, harmonica.
-With: Harmoshka, drum, tambourine, spoons, rattles, rhythmic cubes, bells, singing wipes.
-Relane from 3-steps, manual signs.
-Un toys (2 openers, 2 matryoshki - big and small), handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, sultans, elements of rude.
- Noise tools - jars, mittens with buttons, bottles with different fillers: peas, acorns, pebbles.
- Wood and 2 birds (at the top and bottom)

Medium Ground pPa
- Album with pictures to the songs learning on music in previous groups (maybe several albums: at the time of year, about animals)
- Drawings of children, made at home to loved songs;
- Flamenegraph with figures of animals, birds, image of musical instruments, transport;
- Figures for speakers, additives to spread with their help on flanneliform rhythmic pictures. For example: Large and small roosters for the song "Cockerel", Suns for R.N.P. "Sunny", balls, flags, chips, airplanes, etc. (6 small and 4 major)
-Found songs learned by children in this age group, in previous groups learned at present (in gramzapances in the execution of teachers, children).
- CD player
-Musical didactic games for the development of emotional responsiveness, musical memory, musical thinking and games, helping to solve the tasks of the previous age group. For example, on the development of sound hearing - "swing", on the development of rhythmic hearing - "who is as coming" (complication due to the introduction of different types of games); on the development of dynamic hearing - "bells"; On the development of musical memory - "Speed \u200b\u200bSong in Picture".
-Heed player with plates, balalaika, violins, twin, harmonica, dumb keyboard with stand.
- Mushrooms Tools: Rattles, Spoons, Drum, Tuben, Metallophone, Rhythmic Cubes, Bells, Maracas, Whistles.
-Cakes with tools, handkerchiefs, masks, elements of omens.
- 4-steps (2 toys big and small)
-What removable rubber bands, a ton mill.
-Work signs (4 tbsp.)

Senior group pA.
-Leslanegraph, chips (long and short strips, large and small, flowers, Christmas trees, 6 small. And 4 large), pictures for flannelhemph for creating a plot of songs, dance (modeling)
- Albums with drawings for songs ("Music Cover")
- Albums with drawings to songs that love children (maybe author, with the drawings of one child)
- Attributes to the music. fairy tales (pictures for flannelhemph), for drawing ("Rack", "Teremok")
-Ckers for the development of children of poetic and song creativity (for example, to poems A. Barto) "Bee buzzing", "steamer buzzing", "dance dances", "Doll sleeps", "Horse jumps", "Bear", "Plane »" Magic pictures "
- Music microphone.
-Found with signs of songs: Sounds of Nature, Muses. fairy tales.
- CD player
-Musical and didactic games: on the development of sound hearing "Three Bear" or "Merry Matryoshka", on the development of dynamic hearing "Bells", to develop the ability to distinguish the duration of sounds (long, short sounds, dotted rhythm) "Cock, chicken, chicken" ; On the distinction of genres of musical works: song, dance, March "Three Whale"
-Heveloped tools: balalaika, dumb keyboard with stand, harmonica -3 pcs. different quantity).
In the picture: Dudge, Violin, Saxophone, Bayan, Accordion, Harmony, Flute, Whistles, Triaol.
-Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metalphone, bells, maracas, rumb, triangle, ratchet, xylophone, music. Hammers, various noise homemade tools: on a hanger, keys, bottles, markers, mittens with buttons. Cyndere jars with different fillers, somewhat identical (hoop number 3 2006, "Muses. Hands. №3 2007)
- Plastic cubes (on the verges to stick pictures on songs)
-5 -5 steps (toy B. and M.)
-Clap, masks, ribbons, elements of omens.
-Not mill, notes.
-Work signs (5st.)
-Pornet Composers D.Kabalevsky ("Bunny teases a bear"), P. Tchaikovsky ("Doll disease"), R.Shuman ("Soldier Marsh")

Preparatory Groom pPa
-Flavegshraf, notes.
-Sobody to teach children the ability to determine the form of a work.
-Cartinki to create plots to familiar songs: for prompting to poetic and song creativity.
- Breaths with the names of notes in words
- Sun with texts of flops, for which you can come up with a song.
-Cartinki with musical genres (song, dance, march) for prompting to song creativity.
- Foundation to the music. Tales
- Attributes to fairy tales and songs for their dimension.
-Found (cassettes with songs in the performance of adults, children, individual cassettes for self records of their musical poetic creativity)
- CD player
- Albums with drawings to songs learned with children in the current year and in groups of previous ages.
- Albums with children's drawings to loved songs.
-Supply pictures that encourage songs.
- Music and didactic games (the same as in the older group, but with complicated tasks)
-Hell player with plates, balalaikas, violins, swords, saksafones, harmonica.
-Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metalphone, rhythm. Cubes, bells, maraakas, casstags, ratchets, xylophone, bayan, harmony, noise on a hanger (see in the older group)
7 steps, manual signs
-Notes songs (large), not new, stripes (6 small and 4 large)
-Claims, masks, ribbons, kokoshniki.
-Ports of composers.

MBDOU №19.

Consultation for educators

"Organization of musical subject - developing medium in DOU in order to effectively improve the work of the educational field" Music "

Music director Petrova M.V.

Object-developing environment - This is a system of material objects of the child's activities, the unity of social and subject means to ensure the diverse activities of children, since the diversity of toys is not the main condition for their development.

When organizing the subject-spatial environment in kindergarten, all the teachers of the Dow are needed. Creating a "habitat" for pupils is necessary, first of all, pay attention to its developing nature. The subject world must ensure the realization of the child's need for active and diverse activities..

The development of musical abilities - one of the main tasks of musical education in kindergarten. The main goal of musical education of the child is to get aesthetically educated and developed, able to emotionally perceive the content of the musical work personality, teach the baby to penetrate the mood, thoughts, feelings.

Cardinal for pedagogy is the question of the nature of musical abilities: whether they are the innate human properties or develop as a result of the environmental impact of education and training. Relying on the work of outstanding psychologist teachers, it can be noted that only anatomy-physiological features can be congenital, that is, the deposits that underlie the development of abilities. And the musical abilities necessary for the successful implementation of musical activities are united into the concept of "musicality".

B.M.Plovov defines musicality as a complex of abilities "Creative imagination, attention, inspiration, creative will, a sense of nature, etc." Developed on the basis of deposits in the musical activity necessary for its successful implementation.

The structure of musicality includes three main musical abilities:

lady feeling which manifests itself with the perception of music as an emotional experience, a sensitated perception;

musical and hearing performance (includes memory and imagination). This ability manifests itself in reproduction of rude melodies;

sense of rhythm - This is perception and reproduction of temporary relations in music, the ability to actively experience music, feel the emotional expressiveness of the musical rhythm and to accurately reproduce it.

It is known that the musical development of the child is due not only to the classes with the teacher, but also to play independently, experiment with musical toys, freely engage in creative mizicating.

Independent creative activity of a child is possible, subject to the creation of a special subject-developing environment, and for the development of the identity of preschoolers near them should be a teacher, enthusiastic music that can realize the creative potential of the musical environment and manage the development of children's creativity in musical activity.

Huge knowledge for the development of independence, initiatives in musical activity have equipment, benefits that are successfully used by children in their independent and specially organized musical and creative manifestations.The subject medium must be the most secured diverse musical and didactic materials.

Requirements for the design of the music environment:

● It is required to take into account the need to develop leading children's activities. At the same time, it is important to be guided by this provision: at each moment of life, all the leading activities of children of early and preschool age (subject, game, educational prerequisites) are present at the same time, but each of them goes its own way of development until it becomes the lead.

● The environment should be aimed at the nearest mental development zone (L.S. Vygotsky).

● The musical medium must correspond to the structure of the cognitive sphere of the child, i.e. Contain both conservative (already known to the child) components and problematic to be studied.

● It should be remembered: the unrealized desire to immediately apply the knowledge gained leads to the fact that the knowledge is not fixed, and, on the contrary, the knowledge ever-used knowledge lives and enriched.

The musical environment reveals its capabilities in the process of communicating children with adults in this environment. From the competence of adult, his benevolence and interested attitudes towards children depends, whether this environment will become developing, will the child will want to master it in its activities.

Music quality criteria:

The components of the components of the medium correspond to the logic of the development of children's musical activity (perception, reproduction, creativity). Everyone provides for the orientation to the presentation in the environment of all types of children's musical activity:

  1. music perception - benefits helping to perceive works for hearing, works used in performing singing, dance and musical and game activities, as well as works specially created for the development of musical and sensory perception of children;
  2. play music - benefits that encourage the singing activities: to the perception of songs, their creative, expressive execution;
  3. benefits encouraging musical and rhythmic activities: to the perception, music execution for playing or dance, to creative expressiveness of dance, etc.;
  4. benefits that promote to play children's musical instruments: perception of music performed on them, mastering the game on these tools, as well as creative improvisation;
  5. musical and Creative Activitiesmanuals that encourage songs, musical and gaming, dance creativity and improvisation on children's musical instruments.

The solution of these tasks is provided by a variety of children's musical instruments, developing musical games and toys, visual doedactic benefits, a variety of audiovisual means (tape recorder) and a set of cassettes, disks to them and other technical means (TV, VCR, DVD player, multimediaprocket).

The dynamism of the content of the medium provides interest in musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it.

Quality structure

The structure of the musical environment is presented in the form of modules including transforming parts, which supports live interest in children. It should be organized in such a way that all types of children's musical activity be visually presented in it and conditions have been created for the active interaction of children with any benefits, musical instruments. Mini centers are convenient for deploying musical activity with one child, two children or subgroup.

The medium involves flexible complexation and zoning, providing for a complete and partial transformation of the mini-centers gaming modules, which provides a variety of functional load of children.

Functional and emotional comfort of children.

Registration of musical mini-centers for children of early and younger preschool age should be plot, and for children of the elder - to have a didactic orientation.

The objective environment should be sustabbing the eye of the actions of the hand, the growth of the child.

The benefits must be good, aesthetically attractive, simple in circulation, only then they cause the desire to act with them.

Creating a developing environment of the group, it is very important that the children surrounding the situation were comfortable and aesthetic. Beauty forms a child. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the aesthetics of the corner.

Recommendations for the equipment of the musical subject-developmental environment (Article E. Yatvienko "Musical Skinny Educational Environment Dow" - Collection "The experience of the best - children. On innovations in preschool education"):

Thus, when creating musical zones in the Dow, it is recommended to think about:

1. Opening a zone accommodation, equipment availability for children, storage.

2. Different equipment.

3. The age of the age characteristics of children.

4. Estimate design of the musical zone and benefits located there.

5. Ability to transfer equipment to other places.

Equipment classification for musical areas:

1. Material for creative plot role-playing games - Soft toys, illustrations, butthor musical instruments, Lotto type benefits, etc. (Butafor musical toys are intended to create a gaming situation in which children, fantasizing, represent themselves with musicians).

2. Children's musical toys and tools for creative musication:

With a chromatic nearby, dictional pentatonic near (piano, metalfone, accordion, flute, etc.);

With fixed melody (scarmers, organs);

With one fixed sound (twin):

Noise (tambourines, rattles, drums, maracas, etc.)

3.Muscal and didactic games and benefits:

moto Lotto, Novel Still, Lestenka, Geometric shapes for the conventional designation of parts of the work, etc. These manuals are used to develop sensory musical abilities, acquaintances with elements of music literacy (most often on the manual N. A. Vetryogina "Music Cover").

4. Audiovisual manuals: Diapositions, CDs, phonograms, audio and video tapes, video).

Approximate filling of musical areas by age groups:

List of materials for children from 2.5 to 4 years (1 and 2nd younger groups):


Shaped musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (rooster, cat, bunny, etc.);

Tool tools with fixed sound - Organizers, scarmer;

Toys tools with sound of an uncertain height: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum;

A set of inexpected figurative instruments (accordion, shoes, balalaiks, etc.);

Attributes for musical rolling games;

Flags, sountors, handkerchiefs, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, etc. For children's dance creativity (for seasons);

Shirma desktop with glove toys;

Tape recorder and a set of software audio recordings;

Singing and moving toys;

Music pictures for songs that can be performed on Cuba and in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations.

List of materials for children 4-5 years old (middle group of kindergarten):

In the music area for independent activities of children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to have benefits for the younger group (listed above), as well as additionally:


Noise tools for children's orchestra;

Baby books "We sing" (in them bright illustrations for familiar songs);

Flangegraph or magnetic board;

Music and didactic games: "Three Bear", "Find out and name", "in the forest", "Our Orchestra", "Flower-Semicetics", "Guess the bell" and others;

Aributs for mobile music games: "Cat and kittens", "chicken and a rooster". "Hares and Bear", "pilots" and others;

Music ladders (three-stage and five-speed), where there are small and large birds or a small and large nestling;

Ribbons, colored handkerchiefs, bright sultans, etc. (attributes for dance improvisations but the season;

Shirma desktop and set of toys;

Musical toys (sounding and noise) for creative music:

Tape recorder and a set of software audio recordings.

List of materials for children 5-6 years old (senior group of kindergarten):

In addition to the materials of the middle group, the following is used:

Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles, etc.;

Musical toys-tools with diatonic and chromatic sound (Metallone, Piano, Bayan, Accordion, Flute);

Musical toys Homemade (noise orchestra);

Portraits of composers;

Illustrations from the "Music Book";

Music and didactic games: "Bee". "Musical Lotto", "Find out and name", "Steps", "Repeat Sounds", "Three Piglets", "Magic Wolf", "Music Locarus", "Guess what sounds like others;

Attributes for rolling games ("dance in the forest", "Raven", "Cat and Mice", etc.);

Children's drawings for songs and familiar musical works;

Shirma: Table and Shirma for the growth of children;

Music ladies Three-, five- and seven-step - voiced;

Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances;

Multicolored feathers, multicolored gloves for musical improvisations for shirma and other attributes;

Attributes for dance improvisations for the season - leaves, snowflakes, flowers, etc.):

List of materials for children 6-7 years (Preparatory group of kindergarten):

Musical instruments (maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano, metalphone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums, etc.);

Portraits of composers;

Illustrations on the topic "Seasons";

Pictures to the manual "Music Cover";

Albums: "We draw a song" or "We draw and sing" with the drawings of children in which they reflect their emotions and feelings about listened musical works and loved songs;

Graphic manual "Emotions" (cards on which individuals with different emotional moods are depicted) to determine the nature of the melody when listening to works;

Albums for viewing: "Symphony Orchestra", "Folk Instruments", "Dancing Peoples of the World", etc.;

Music ladies (three-, five- and seven-step - voiced);

A set of self-made tools for the noise orchestra;

Music and didactic games: "Three Piglets", "Three Flowers", "Music Umbrella", "Rhythmic Lotto", "Find Memickers", "Rhythmic Cubes", "Nazis Composer", "Merry Plate", "Musical Pedes" and etc; attributes for rolling games (for example, "Hello, Autumn", "Cosmonauts", etc.);

Attributes for children's dance creativity, elements of costumes for familiar folk dances (shim banks, wreaths, hats) and attributes for dance improvisations for the season (leaves, snowflakes, flowers, etc.); Multicolored gloves, dancers, gas handkerchiefs or scarves, multicolored ribbons, multi-colored feathers for musical dance improvisations;

Tape recorder and a set of software audio recordings or disks.

The development of the creative start of children largely depends on the equipment and its attractiveness. Mini centers are drawn up in one style using the materials of one texture and color scheme. Created by "according to the laws of beauty", the Wednesday contributes to an understanding of the children of the beautiful, the education of the artistic taste and an estheus attitude towards the surrounding, the development of creative abilities. Such an environment causes children a sense of joy, delight, creates emo national and positive attitude towards children, childhood institution, desire to visit it.

Originality, simplicity, attractiveness, availability, and also snapped accurate number of assortment of tools, didactic benefits (muses. Caratic didactic games should be different in content and colorfully decorated, then they will attract the attention of children, to cause the wishes to sing and listen to music), Demonstration material, attributes.

In order for children to constantly maintain interest in independent musical activity, it is necessary to update the allowances in the musical corner from time to time (1 sighted), to make new equipment.

For the manufacture of benefits, you can attract parents of pupils. Children are enjoyed jointly with RO Creativity, acquire confidence in CEBE. So kindergarten becomes a kind of "bridge of creativity", the cultural center, both for children and for their families.

Music subject-developing medium Dow.

Everyone knows and proven by scientists that music enriches the spiritual world of the child, has an impact on the development of its creative abilities. The development of musical abilities depends on psychological - pedagogical conditions and, of course, from a competently organized subject-spatial environment.

The musical objective environment in groups should be focused on the studied material and the individual capabilities of children. No type of musical activity can be fully developed at a pure verbal level, outside the subjective environment.

The musical object-developing environment in the DOU groups is organized by three main blocks:

    music perception

    play music

    music and creative activity.

Each unit, in turn, provides for the orientation of the integrity of a certain type of children's musical activity.

The design of musical mini-centers in the groups of junior preschool age has a plot basis, in the older - didactic.

The structure of musical mini-centers is drawn up in the form of modules that have integrity and at the same time - transforming parts causing live interest in children. Music objective environment Sabezhstabna eye, hand actions, child growth. Developing Environment benefits are kindly, aesthetic, attractive, easy to appeal, cause a desire to act with them.

Junior group

Albums with pictures to songs learned on musical activities (or wonderful cubes)

Flangegraph, figurines for flannelhemph (large and small animals, birds, music tools, transport)

Phonotek with records of children's songs (magneto records of songs learned and learned with children performed by music. Head, Children, Educator, Sounds of Nature)

Record player

Attributes to musically -dactic exercises for development in children of sound, dynamic and rhythmic hearing. For example, on the development of sounding hearing - "Bird and chicks"; Temmery hearing - "Guests came to us", rhythmic hearing - "Who is going", dynamic hearing "bells".

Unlock tools: Balalaika, a dumb keyboard with a stand, harmonica.

Sounded: Harmoshka, drum, tambourine, spoons, rattles, rhythmic cubes. Bells, singing wipes.

Lestenka from 3-steps, manual signs.

Any toys (2 clarops, 2 matryoshki - big and small), handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, sountors, elements of rude.

Noise tools - jars, mittens with buttons, bottles with different fillers: peas, acorns, pebbles.

Tree and 2 birds (at the top and bottom)

Medium group

An album with pictures to the songs learning on musical classes in previous groups (maybe several albums: at the time of year, about animals)

Pictures of children made at home to loved songs;

Flangegraph with animal figures, birds, image of musical instruments, transport;

Figures for speakers, additives to spread with their help on flanneliform rhythmic pictures. For example: Large and small roosters for the song "Cockerel", Suns for R.N.P. "Sunny", balls, flags, chips, airplanes, etc. (6 small and 4 major)

The songs of songs learned by children in this age group in previous groups learned at the present time (in gramzapances in the execution of teachers, children).

Record player

Music and didactic games for the development of emotional responsiveness, musical memory, musical thinking and games, helping to solve the tasks of the previous age group. For example, on the development of sound hearing - "swing", on the development of rhythmic hearing - "who is as coming" (complication due to the introduction of different types of games); on the development of dynamic hearing - "bells"; On the development of musical memory - "Speed \u200b\u200bSong in Picture".

Unopened player with plates, balalaiki, violins, twins, harmonica, dumb keyboard with stand.

Toy tools: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metalphone, rhythmic cubes, bells, maracas, whistles.

Cards with tools, handkerchiefs, masks, elements of omens.

Lestenka of 4 steps (2 toys b and m)

Five removable rubber bands, music stan.

Manual signs (4 tbsp.)

Senior group.

Flangegraph, chips (long and short strips, large and small mugs, flowers, Christmas trees -6 small. And 4 large), pictures for flannelhemph for creating a song, dance (modeling)

Albums with pictures for songs ("MUZ. SUPPLY")

Albums with pictures for songs that loved children (maybe author, with the drawings of one child)

Attributes to music. fairy tales (pictures for flannelhemph), for drawing ("Rack", "Teremok")

Pictures for the development of children of poetic and song creativity (for example, to poems A. Barto), see the store. 156 "Bee buzzing", "Steamer buzzing", "dance dances", "Doll sleeps", "Horse Rides", "Teddy "," Airplane "p. 115" Magic pictures "

Toy microphone.

Phonoteka with signs of songs: Sounds of Nature, Muses. fairy tales.

Record player.

Muz.-Did. Games: on the development of sounding hearing "Three Bear" or "Merry Matryoshka" p.76, on the development of dynamic hearing "Bells", to develop the ability to distinguish the duration of sounds (long, short sounds, dotted rhythm) "Rooster, chicken, chicken" page .90; On the distinction of the genres of the music. Works: song, dance, March "Three Whale" p.93.

Unopened tools6 Balalaika, a dumb keyboard with a stand, harmonica -3 pcs.

In the picture: Dudge, Violin, Saxophone, Bayan, Accordion, Harmony, Flute, Whistles, Triaol.

Tools: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, bells, maracas, rumb, triangle, ratchet, xylophone, music. Hammers, various noise homemade tools: on hanger Luchi, bottles, markers, mittens with buttons. Cyndere jars with different fillers, somewhat identical (hoop number 3 2006, "Muses. Hands. №3 2007)

Plastic cubes (on the verge of paste pictures on songs)

Lestenka -5 steps (toy B. and M.)

Handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, elements

Motor mill, notes.

Manual signs (5st.)

Portrait of composers D.Kabalevsky ("Bunny teases a bear"), P. Tchaikovsky ("Doll disease"), R.Shuman ("Soldier Marsh")

Preparatory group

Flanalegshraf, notes.

Manual for teaching children ability to determine the form of a work.

Pictures for creating plots to familiar songs: for prompting to poetic and song creativity.

Reburs with the names of notes in words

Figures with lyrics for which you can come up with a song.

Pictures from music. genres (song, dance, march) for prompting to song creativity.

Illustrations for music. Tales

Attributes to fairy tales and songs for their dimension

Phonotek (cassettes with songs in the performance of adults, children, individual cassettes for self records of their musical poetic creativity)

Record player.

Albums with pictures for songs learned with ka ka in the current year and in groups of previous ages.

Albums with children's drawings to loved songs.

Scene pictures that encourage songs.

Muz.-Did Games (the same as in the older group, but with complicated tasks)

Unopened player with plates, balalaikas, violins, swords, saksafones, harmonica.

Tools: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythm. Cubes, bells, maraakas, cassays, ratchets, xylophone, button accordion, harmony, noise on a hanger (see Starb. Group)

Lestenka 7 steps, manual signs

Notes of songs (large), a tight mill, stripes (6 small. And 4 Bol.)

Handkerchiefs, masks, ribbons, kokoshniki.

Portraits of composers.

Tatyana Zhukov

For musical raising children need rich music subject-developing environment(music environmentand for the development of the identity of preschoolers near them should be a teacher, passionate musicable to realize creative potential music environment and manage the development of children's creativity.

The main knowledge and skills of the child gets on specially organized classes in the music hall, and consolidate them more efficiently in independent activities, i.e. in the group. That is why our dow teachers are very thoughtful and carefully refer to the design and organizations of musical and developing environment in groupsThey strive to make it interesting and rich. When creating conditions for musical And the creative development of children, we take into account that the situation in all age groups will first of all be comfortable and safe for the child, the benefits must comply with the requirements of hygiene, the rules for the protection of the life and health of children.

Forces of our educators in each group created subject Zones for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers. Here our pupils have the ability to fasten the knowledge gained on classes: to fulfill familiar songs, accompanying yourself in children musical instruments; Draw the plot of the loved song or stage it using the elements of the costumes. Often you can observe like children by cammed by subgroupsare divided into singers, musicians and spectators.

For organization of the subject environment, as well as in the process of developing its components, we faced the problem of lack of material tools for the purchase of various equipment, benefits and children musical instruments. No matter how paradoxically sounded, but this problem contributed to the development of teachers, parents and children's creativity, since a lot of components environments They were made with their own hands with minimal material costs.

In our opinion, the use of non-standard music equipmentmade by the hands of educators, is very useful, as it allows to provide dynamism music environment, its constant update, and this, in turn, causes interest in children musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it.

When making benefits, we try to use clean colors, items of different sizes, from a variety of materials. Often these sounding attributes allow the baby "hear" the world. They are easy to perform, require minimum of materials and functional on the tasks being performed. So, for example, for the manufacture musical The caskets are enough to take the soap box, fill it with buttons, different in size and texture, caculate it with adhesive tape. Received tool allows:

Teach a child to compare individual sounds, contrasting the timbre and color of the sound;

Raise a desire to use sounding items In various activities.

Also easy to perform "Russhukhikov", "Squeaks" etc. (linen bags filled with small items from various quality materials: Little, seeds, sand, starch, etc.)

Appearance in musical Corners of a new manual « Music mittens» , caused its children genuine interest and contributed to the solution of the tasks in the development of rhythmic perception.

Tool "Mishkin pants" (Plastic hangers with a multi-colored rustling packaging attached to them, which is sliced \u200b\u200bin shallow strip) helps to solve the following tasks:

Training of children independently and smoothly exhaled through the mouth;

Development of proper breathing skills through the nose, increasing the volume of lungs;

Coverage of children by wishes to imitate the sounds of nature, develop imagination (rustling of leaves, wind brew).

In their practice, we also use the benefits developed by the teacher musician E.. Y. Matvienko "Cheerful cubes". Cubes We made from square cardboard boxes, decorated with self-adhesive colored paper. The main thing is that the cube is easy and not attendant. Images on cubes were also performed from self-adhesive colored paper in the form of applications. The manual looks bright, aesthetic and thereby raises the desire to play with him.

Game B. "Cube-Orchestra" Allows you to feel and reproduce the metric pulse of speech and music, develop communication skills, auditory attention, elementary musication skills in the orchestra, educate interest in the game on musical instruments.

The game "Rhythmic cube" Helps to develop auditory attention from senior preschoolers, rhythm; use "Sound gestures" - cotton, slaps, clicks, triathers, etc.; fasten the skills of direct score; Call positive emotions from the game.

It should be noted that when designing and creating subject zones for the development of creative abilities of children, we try to music environment organic Neighbor with theatrical and corner of ammunition. These types of children's activities are closely related, mutually listed and seek one of the other. In the corners for theatrical activity presented different types of theaters. Children gladly play scenes of the puppet theater, small fairy tales that "Voiced" with help musical instrumentsAnd, at will, they can draw the plot of a loved fairy tale. It is gratifying to see how the doll comes to life in the hands of a child. These dolls are made by the hands of our educators with the participation of children of senior age groups. Our parents have great help.

Smesharika theater.

Thus, summarizing the above, we can conclude that organization of a musical subject-developing environment Requires the following principles:

1. The principle of accounting for age and individual characteristics and tendencies of children;

2. The principle of functional and emotional comfort of children in environment(music Society Society Iron, hand actions, child growth);

3. The principle of systemism (periodic enrichment and update of content subject environment To maintain the sustainable interest of children to creative activity).

Compliance with these principles helps to form creative activity from our pupils, the ability to think creatively, grow creatively developed people.

Consultation for educators

"Subjectual development environment in musical education"

Before pressing the consideration of this problem, let's eat a little in fantasize.

Let's try to imagine a child in an empty room. What happens? He will make a maximum effort to leave her: it is not interesting, nothing to do.

Another variant. In the room there are many interesting toys, games, benefits, but there is nothing for the musical activity. The child will do it? Of course not. It will take care of which the objects surrounding it are suitable. Third option. In addition, two groups of children of the same age are equipped with identical games, toys, benefits, including musical activity. In the same group, the educator does not pay attention to them, sometimes even expresses a negative attitude towards them. As a result, children gradually fade interest, and they cease to engage in independently musical activities. In another group, the educator shows interest in musical games, demonstrates to children the possibilities of a musical subject matter, creates creative situations that awaken interest in musical games and toys. As a result, children often play with them, showing a creative campaign.

So, we are approaching an indisputable conclusion: For musical education of children, a rich musical subject-developing environment is needed (hereinafter referred to Creativity of children in musical activity.

In the concept of "subject-spatial musical environment" we include those objects and special equipment that accompany the child in the process of its livelihoods in kindergarten and at home and contribute to the more successful implementation of his musical development.

The most important indicators of creativity include creative activity, i.e. readiness and high level of motivation to the creation of a new product; self-expression, otherwise - a free choice of a child of musical activity, the method of incarnation of his plan; Intellect, "Music Intelligence" - the ability to perform and perceive music; Knowledge and skills (L. Ermolaeva -Tomina).

To factors contributing to the formation of creativity, can be attributed:

1 information that allows you to develop intelligence

2. Social, providing support for children in the process of their creativity, which makes it possible to communicate and exchanging impressions.

3. Emotional, causing psychological comfort and safety.

For the child of preschool age, the medium can be represented as a combination of several main functional zones:

1. Family environment.

2. Wednesday of preschool institution.

3. Socyum environment.

Speaking about the musical development of preschoolers, the subject medium is presented as a musical and educational, which consists of substantive and musical components and social.

The music component is represented by audio-music information, ie directly with music.

Everything else, including musical instruments and means of extracting music (tape recorder ...), belongs to the subject component.

The social component is represented by the surrounding child with peers and adults. And adults are the organizers of the pedagogical process.

The objective musical environment of the kindergarten should:

1. Ensure the joint musical activity of children and adults. (From the competence of an adult, his benevolence and interested attitudes towards children and music, will this environment will be educated.)

2. Ensure independent individual and joint activities of children arising from their desire and in accordance with their interests.

3. Contribute to obtaining and consolidating knowledge of music.

4. Stimulate the development of creative abilities.

5. Develop curiosity, striving for experimentation.

6. Take into account the age and individual features of children.

7. Ensure the presence of materials and equipment necessary for the musical development of the child.

8. Provide the creation of a special musical area in the group.

Types of equipment for the music environment:

1. Children's musical instruments (metallophone, drum, triangle, cassays, maracas, wooden spoons, ratchets, whistles). Receptions of games on such tools are not complicated.

2. Music and didactic manuals, games.

3. Methodical manuals for the teacher (notebook with lyrics and movements).

4. Technical learning tools:

Record player;

Video recorder;


Slide projector.

5. Various attributes for classes (handkerchiefs, flags, flowers ...).

6. Sets of dolls for the puppet theater.

7. Costumes for theatricalization.

8. Portraits of composers, children's drawings on the theme of musical works.

9. Audio and video music on the principle of libraries, which will allow parents to periodically use ready-made records for musical education in the family.

All of the above must be stored in a certain place available for children. The maintenance of the musical environment by age should be complicated.

The design of the musical environment for children of early and younger age should be plot, and for the older children - to have a didactic orientation.

The subject musical environment should be created not only in the garden, but also at home, in the family.