How to draw the protein phased pencil. Drawing proteins in the preparatory group

How to draw the protein phased pencil. Drawing proteins in the preparatory group
How to draw the protein phased pencil. Drawing proteins in the preparatory group

Especially for children and adults - novice artists: draw protein, schemes and tips.

Protein - animal favorite children, character of many fairy tales and cartoons. It is often depicted on New Year's postcards as a promial assistant Santa Claus. After a visit to the zoo or walks in the forest in the forest, the child who saw the red rosnisy on the tree, perhaps, who fed her from her hands, wants to draw it. To help him and parents - tips and step-by-step instructions.

How to draw a stages in a phased pencil for children and beginners?

Those who are learning to draw, and children are best to start drawings with geometric shapes that resemble individual parts of the future whole figure.

  1. So, for the protein with such forms, two ovals will become. One, resembling an egg, should be placed smoothly, and the other, smaller, should be placed, for example, from above, to the left of the big one.
  2. Oval smaller size (where the head) should have a slope to the left, to be located at a distance from the greater (where the body is).
  3. Now you can approach the drawing of the neck, for this smooth lines you need to connect your head and body.
  4. The next stage is on a large oval, on the body, the thigh and the rear paw are drawn, and she
    Large and stable. The front paw is small, smoothly curved, and it will be tiny fingers.
  5. The front foot is curved in such a way as if the squirrel brought to himself a nut.
  6. In the picture, the animal is already guessed, but he lacks his distinctive and most noticeable detail - the tail!
    The tail in proteins is usually higher than its very, above her head. It is fluffy, but so far it is only his contours, so it is worth drawing a smooth curved oval, from which the tail will be detailed. The tail is detailed using zigzag strokes of different sizes. This will give him a kind of fluffiness.
  7. Now you can go to the drawing of the eyes, nose, fingers on the front legs. Let them are very small, but the squirrel holds nuts in them, and such detailing will give the drawing of the liveliness.
  8. And not to forget about the ears! Ears in protein sticking, with tassels!

In order for the drawing to be lively, it is worth adding a strip on a protein taurus, which, as if separates its back and tummy, because the wool is different there.

VIDEO: Pictures Pencil, Squirrel

How to make it easy to draw protein by cells?

Cell drawings are called graphic dictates, and, in fact, it is a very exciting occupation.

  1. You can make calculation by cells to portray the animal figurine.
  2. You can try to move through the cells yourself by starting from the base, that is, from the rear paws of the squirrels, on which it sits. Further will move upwards, with the giving volume of the body and tail, go to the head and pulling the ears.
  3. In the end, you must not forget to put points in the corner of the corresponding cells on the place of the eyes and the spout of the protein.

Cell protein: graphic dictation.

How to draw a squirrel from a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan?

Squirrel in a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan is not simple. As you know, she is tentacled and a sorny man.

Figure: Squirrel from a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan.

The image should transfer the protein in motion, in a good mood, perhaps in the dance, because it sings the songs, with precious nuts understands.

  1. And in the fairy tale, the protein lives in the teremke, and such terems have a roof of the poppy, colored carved decorations on the walls and columns.
  2. It is important to draw such a protein nuts with gold shells and emerald nuclei. For example, octaransmunnels are quite suitable to portray emeralds.
  3. Figure is better to start with proteins. This time, the protein needs to draw both rear and both front paws, as if she turned the insertion.
  4. When it comes to detail, you need to try so that the eyes of the squirrel look like louguly and ignore. Maybe you have to make an attempt several times.
  5. After the squirrel is ready, you need to draw a colorful house, a pair of bags - for gold shells and for gems.

Squirrel from the tale about Tsar Saltan in Teremka.

VIDEO: Squirrel pictures. How to draw a styardly protein with a pencil?

How to draw a squirrel on a tree?

First you need to decide how you want to draw a protein - static sitting on a branch or in a jump jumping from the branch to the branch, or climbing the trunk.

Depending on what will be the drawing, you can choose from options:

  1. At first, the protein is drawn, as, for example, it was described above, and then a branch is drawn under her paws.
  2. If you want to draw a protein in motion on the trunk, then the proportions of her body need to start drawing somewhat differently, but again, starting with the schemes, and these are some elongated circles. From above - small - for the head, then body and tail. After all circles turn into parts of the body of proteins, it is detailed.
    The trunk of the tree, according to which the protein is climbing, it is better to make slightly tilted.
  3. In the end, the drawing needs to be realistic and volumetric, applying a hatching, indicating the shaded places.
Squirrel on a tree near the hollow: drawing for children.

VIDEO: How to draw a squirrel with a shishk on a tree?

Beautiful pattern of pencil squirrel.

VIDEO: How to draw a protein?

One of your favorite and cute animals is proteins. They are small and fluffy, which attracts man. Also these animals are friendly and quite often come to contact, taking a variety of treats. The image of the protein love to use in cartoons what to like children. therefore learn to draw protein It will not only be useful, but interesting. Let's later find out how to draw a squirrel with a simple pencil With the help of a phased lesson.

Tools and materials:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. Eraser.
  3. Solid simple pencil.
  4. Soft simple pencil.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. We draw two identical circles with a solid simple pencil, which come into contact with the edges. These figures will serve as the basis for the bodies of the protein:

Photo 2. From the lower circle, let's start drawing a femoral part of the body of the protein. The left line will have a big bending due to the special form of building an animal body. The right line will be shorter, it comes into contact with the tail:

Photo 3. From the top circle, I draw a muzzle of the animal, and add long ears from above. One ear will go for another, because the animal sits sideways - in profile:

Photo 4. Top painting a wavy bending of the back. Add foot, with pointed claws:

Photo 5. Draw a muzzle of the animal. Add a big eye, on the edge - nose. The mouth will almost not be visible, only the outline:

Photo 6. Now draw the outline of the bottom of the body of the protein. Add the shadow and contour of the bottom of the paws. Draw the outline of the future tail:

Photo 7. Eraser remove the extra lines and leave only the main outlines:

Photo 8. We start drawing the contour of the face. Leave three little glare on the eye, and the rest will sketch. Around the eye will retreat a little empty space for the convex effect. The strokes are not even uniform due to the fact that the head consists of bends and uneven vegetation:

Photo 9. Now go to the ears and legs. Strokes are applied in one direction that will go out for the contours. Not in vain they say that protein ears in the form of brush. We will make wool around my paws, and the edges of claws make sharp:

Photo 11. Now we give the whole body around the edges, leaving the middle of it empty. At the bottom, we also leave the shadow:

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw Pushkin's fairy tale, how to draw a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan Pencil gradually. Draw 2 illustrations to the fairy tale. Tale of Tsar Saltan is a fairy tale that there are many cartoons and films. She is pretty long, that the king met the queen, she gave birth to him his son when he was in war and sent him a messenger, so that he was delighted. However, the enviousness sent another messenger and it was written in the letter that the Queen gave birth is not the sown, not the daughter, not the unprecedented little animal. The king believed and got angry. I sent with the answer of another messenger. However, the same envious, sent their own and said that the princess with the child was placed in a barrel and thrown into the ocean. Here is this episode we will draw. Then I still draw the second episode, where it is said about the protein that lives in a crystal castle and a furlupe from golden walnut.

So, let's start with the proteins and the end of the ocean with a barrel, where the prini and son sitting, which grows not by day, and by the hour.

Here is a screenshot from the Soviet cartoon, however, we will not draw the whole picture.

Draw here such a house, so that it is rovingly use a ruler. Those. We draw a rectangle, on top of it a triangle, we join the sides by the rectangle. Further on the outside, separate the columns, draw the entrance and instead of the stairs will be simply descent, the protein will sit on the upper office.

Here is the finished drawing of a crystal castle with a squirrel on the fairy tale of Pushkin "Tale of the Tsar Saladan".

Now draw an episode. When the barrel sails around the sea, and there are princess and son Tsarevich.

On the right side of the sheet draw waves.

Then barrel.

Detail the barrel, and carry out the line, because Part of the barrel is in the water.

We draw a wave, just a curvature depict it.

We wash a part of the barrel under the wave and tear off the splashes, the horizon, the wave on the left.

Now you can paint.

You can use watercolor paints or gouache.

After walking on the autumn forest, your baby wanted to draw protein, and you and you have no idea where to start? Then this small master class is designed for you!

To start, take the following tools:

  • pencil simple (non-residential);
  • erasing gum;
  • feltolsters or color pencils (watercolor or gouache);
  • white paper sheet.

To start drawing, decide on the plot of the picture. Squirrel on a tree? Protein collects reserves for the winter or just runs through the autumn forest? If the plot is understandable, then it's time to start work.

How to draw a squirrel with a mushroom

Imagine that the protein decided to go to visit his friend a hedgehog and grab hotels with him. Autumn - season of mushrooms, so we draw a squirrel with a mushroom in hand. Following this simple scheme, your child will quickly learn to draw this wonderful animal. Connect fantasy, draw clouds, sun, birds and hedgehog itself.

How to draw a squirrel sitting on a tree

Imagine that we saw the squirrel on the branch. Draw this animal is easy, the main thing is to follow the following scheme. Pay attention not only to protein, but also its habitat. Let the child draw a forest or a park, a lot of trees, because the squirrel loves to travel.

How to draw a squirrel who is going to jump from the branch

Protein is not sitting in place. This movable and agile animal moves very quickly. Imagine that the protein from the tree saw on the ground of the nuts and it urgently needs to run behind him. Let the child try to draw a bouncing from the branch protein along this simple scheme.

How to draw a squirrel with a cartoon "Ice Age"

Many children loved this funny protein from the "Ice period". To draw it, your child will need your help, because this is an unusual animal.

Start from the head, then go to the drawing of the body. At the very end, drew the tail and acorn.

How to draw any squirrel

To draw a protein, you need to present it in the form of geometric shapes. Head and legs - circles, and body and tail - triangles. Below you will see a universal scheme that you will get to draw any protein.

Experiment with the child. Through the drawing of the protein you can learn easily the letters of the B-E L-K and A. Connect fantasy, invent funny stories to engage the baby in the process.

Drawing protein gradually. "White on the Christmas tree" master class with step-by-step photos. Drawing using paper tone.

"White on the Christmas tree" master class with step-by-step photos.

Drawing using paper tone.

Sidorova Zoya Grigorievna, Educator MBDOU "Kindergarten combined type number 8" Aistenok "Michurinsk
Description: This master class is designed for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers of additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Purpose: For the design of the room, a gift can serve as a work on the exhibition, competition.
Purpose: Perform drawing in mixed drawing technique.
1. To acquaint with acceptance of use in drawing paper.
2. Learning to depict a gouache on a sheet of colored paper splas, proteins, using different drawing techniques: Creating a sketch with a simple pencil, print, stag, print a foam tampon, drawing a brush tip.
3. Develop the ability to mix paint on a sheet of paper, on the palette.
4. Educating the ability to notice and reflect in the figure features of the animal structure, the beauty of nature.

Dear colleagues, today I want to continue the topic of drawing on color cardboard. The beauty protein lives in the green of the trees, so I decided to draw it on the cardboard of green.

Squirrel in the fur coat on the fur,
Jump and from the Christmas tree on Olhu,
Shouting on the trees jumps,
And in the double nuts hides.
A. Ganiev

Where does the protein live and what is food?
Proteins are distributed almost all over the world (with the exception of Australia). A moving mammal belongs to the family of rodents.
This typical resident of Russian forests, real beauty. Twice a year (in spring and autumn), she changes his fur coat so that in the summer to squeeze in a brightly red fur coat,

And in the winter it is not so noticeable in a gray, insulated dress.

Ordinary squirrel lives in Duples. Many animals have several such houses. In one she lives and displays offspring, and the rest uses as storage rooms.

In the hibernation in winter it does not flow, and with acorns and nuts - the main food of this rodent - during colds is quite tight. So poins the economic animal of them for a black day, hiding in the nests.
The main feed of taiga beauty is cedar nuts and acorns, its menu can be diluted with seeds of other cones, mushrooms, berries and even bird eggs.
The protein has one feature that is very useful for wildlife - their constant desire to make reserves. Proteins hide and bury the seeds and nuts for winter, and then ... forget where they hid it! The fact that they forgot to be buried, then germinate.
Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox ...
Redhead little animal
On the trees jump yes.
He lives not on earth,
And on the tree in Dupel.

Materials necessary for work:
Green cardboard;
Gouache, two brushes: pony or protein No. 1 and No. 2;
Double glass-smallest water
Simple Pencil, Palette, Foam Tampon

Green cardboard put horizontally.

We will need a foam tampon. We watched it in the water, press the excess water, we recruit yellow gouache.

The middle of the sheet is painted with a yellow gouache using a foam tampon by adjusting.

We draw a protein (sketch with a simple pencil)
Simple pencil draw a tree branch at the bottom of the sheet.

On the branch, in the center of the sheet they draw an oval - torso.

The head indicate the circle.

Circles we conceive the joints of the front and rear paws proteins, schematically draw paws.

Pain squirrel.
Draw your ears and begin to paint them.

Draw paws, the head can be painfully orange, breast and lower head - yellow.

Pain in your back, paws, top of the tail.

The bottom of the tail is done to be more dark.

Pain the brown gouache branch.

The end of the thin brush is drawing a fastener with strokes on the ears, torso, tail.

Black color clearly draw eyes, nose, additionally firm. Dark brown paint draw a bark on the branch.

Drawing needles ate.
We recruit the green paint to the foam tampon and the seal is applied to the places of the alleged needles.

For drawing the needles fir in the technique of printing, we will use a small piece of cardboard (width 2 cm) and dark green gouache, poured into a lid from Guachi (you can dilute on the palette)

To draw the needles, dry out the end of a cardboard rectangle in a dark-green gouache and often apply to the sheet.

We recruit a light green gouache on the cardboard and on top of the dark needles draw a bright needle stamp.

So look the branches of ate. You can draw a bump protein in the paws.

On top of the light needles in the same way draw dark-green needles.

Such a squirrel happened!

We will place it in the frame.