Theatrical competition for the autumn ball. Contests for the autumn ball

Theatrical competition for the autumn ball. Contests for the autumn ball

Games and entertainment for children to autumn ball

Games and entertainment for the organization of autumn events in elementary school

Tatstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator GBOU NAO "NSSHI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention to the game and competitions for organizing entertainment and game programs to the autumn ball and other autumn theme events. The material can be in demand by the organizers of extracurricular work, boarding schools, primary school teachers. Games and contests are designed for elementary school children, but can be used both for preschoolers and middle-air guys.
Purpose: Use when organizing extracurricular autumn events
Tasks: create a positive mood,
develop fantasy, imagination,
develop agility, speed of reaction,
consolidate knowledge about trees, vegetables,
To acquaint with poetic works about the autumn.

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a small selection of games, contests and entertainment, which can be held in the organization of autumn events and discos.

"Mysterious vegetable"

Before this entertainment, you can spend a competition for the recognition of vegetables to taste and touch. After that, the lead says that so everyone can guess, but he can guess what kind of vegetable in the hands of the child, turning his back to him. Then he asks for the help of one of the colleagues (assistant) to inform him when you can guess.
Any child comes to the table with vegetables and takes a vegetable like a vegetable, for example, radishes.
The assistant says referring to the lead (for example, to me):
-Teatyana Aleksandrovna, solve.
-Tejana Alexandrovna, don't you feel, we are ready.
I answer:
If the child picked up tomato, the assistant can say:
- Tatyana Aleksandrovna, please call.
-Tejan Alexandrovna, it's time to guess.
I can pretend what I think, and answer:
-A tomato.
And so with all vegetables, and some can be raised twice.
Everything is perplexed and delighted. And you guessed, what's the matter?
Note the name of the vegetable and the word that the assistant pronounces the first after contacting the lead?
Radish - Sleep up, unless.
Tomato - please, it's time.
These words are on the same letter as the name of the vegetable. In this and the whole secret. Naturally, the assistant is a pre-prepared person.
After that, you will be asked how you managed it, and not only children. Sile, let it stay your little secret. Then you can also guess and fruits, berries, and animals - that the soul will wish. But it is necessary to take into account that there should be no vegetables whose names are for one letter. Potatoes and cabbage meet in this game should not.

"List Fall"

This game can be held with preschoolers.
For the game, children must sit in a circle on the chairs, but they can just get into the circle. Everyone in the hands of a tree leaf. It is enough to take 4-5 species, for example, oak leaves, cock, birch, willow. One child without leaves in his hands stands in the center of the circle. The presenter says: "Clean leaves fall." All the guys with cock leaves must quickly change places, and the child in the center of the circle should take someone else. A child who did not have time to stand up or sit in a circle, gives him his leaf and gets up in the center of the circle, the game continues. You can complicate the game by changing the movement. For example, leaves should be swapped by places, jumping on one leg, stepping on the heels, etc.
This game can be done on a walk, just leaves for this should be covered with scotch.

"Literary leaves"

The game participates 3-4 teams of 4 people. Each team member has a certain leaf. At a distance there is a presenter, and next to him a chair.
The presenter reads lines from the poems of autumn trees. As soon as the name of the tree sounds, children who have a leaf from this tree should take a chair. Who will sit first.

Circle Forests green;
Already rosyant autumn male,
And Yelnik green and shady ...

Wind in the field at dawn
Modnitsa-birch met.
The wind reanges on the birch -
And I spoiled her hairstyle!

(A. Kulagin)

After all, until late autumn
He stands green.
So the oak is hardy,
So hardened.

Trunk Slim, Dark Bark,
All summer was green he.
The autumn time came
Dressed the outfit purple maple.
(E. Shendrik)

Leaves yellow shower
The sun is lower than pines.
Whawing Iva Eve:
"Fall. Autumn soon!"

Leaves with wind demolished -
Golo and sadly.
Waiting for winter
Everything is frozen.
But look: here are worth
Dark dubs,
And on their branches are noisy
Dark leaves.

Autumn rainy
Plated birings.
In the wind Rhonyali
Golden races.

Wet roofs and bushes
The courtyard and street are empty.
Rain from the morning
Surrises scattered ...
Muffed all the leaves of the Clane
And standing confused.
(A. Kulagin)

The wind in the city walked
Kosh Vyva breed.
Fall a ribbon found
Kosh Iva worked.
(M. Meteliev)

Also with these leaves you can spend many other games. Here is some of them.

Listers scatter on the floor. Guys divided into 4 teams. Each team must reach the chair, lifting a sheet of a certain tree on the run, put it on the chair, return to the team. Then the next participant is running, etc. Whose team to cope faster.

Leafs put a handful in the center of the room. Participants tying eyes.
Everyone must touch the leaf from a particular tree. You can agree on a certain amount of leaves.

Each child gets a set of leaves: 1 leaves from each tree. Their task is to collect a set of leaves from one tree with the help of sharing. By teammate, they begin to change the leaves with comrades. Who is the first to collect such a kit - winner.

Autumn questions-jokes.

There are a lot of joke questions that can be reformulated by giving them an autumn accent.
That's what I did:

What end all the autumn months? (Letter b)
What is worth between September and Nova? (Letter and)
Why (for what) we go to rubber boots in the fall? (On earth)
How many apples can enter the declined bucket? (None, they do not know how to walk)
In which autumn month, people eat more ordinary? (In October, because in it 31 days)
What is beginning to cook in the fall, but do not eat? (Lessons)
Where does October happen before September? (In dictionary)
Can autumn rain go two days in a row? (Not, days shares the night)
Why (for what) we eat vegetables and fruits in the fall? (At the table)
5 people in the autumn day stood under one umbrella and not wet. Why? (There was no rain)
On September 1, one student was removed from the lesson. For what? (Per door)
What is a person under his feet when he goes on the autumn forest? (Sole)
When is the day in short - in September or November? (The same)

"Mysterious letters"

This game is more suitable for the guys of 3-4 class and middle link. The presenter shows the card on which 2 letters are written. The guys need to try to guess the phrase on the autumn theme, where the first word is adjective, the second is a noun. If the guys do not guess the encrypted phrase, the winner can recognize who the latter suggested its option, or for the most witty answer. After that, lines with a mandated phrase are read.
For example: the letters of the BL guys can call such phrases as a big puddle, white swan, brown leaf, etc.

Bl - indian summer
Pavier summer has come -
Days of farewell heat.
Late sun outstage
Little flies came to life.

GD - Mushroom Rain
Hoarse in the morning
Young cocks.
Rains Lights
Mushroom falls out.

Lz - foliage gold
Skilled foliage golden
In pisosted water on the pond,
Like butterflies light flock
With a slaughterhouse flies on the star.

RD - Red rain
Red rain palls from the sky
The wind red leaves carries ...

OR - Fire Rowan
Pussy Soster
And fiery Ryabin
Comes and sow autumn
Fragrant mushrooms!

SC - boring picture
Boring picture!
Clouds without end,
Rain and pour
Puddles at the porch ...

Ru - multicolored tide
Flocks of birds fly away
Away, for the blue sea.
All trees shine
In a multi-colored dress.
(K. Balmont)

CO - Nice autumn
Nice autumn! Healthy, poorer
The air is tired of the power of Bodriti;
Ice faster on the student river
As if as melting sugar lies.

CL - maple leaf
Empty in the Stregging House -
Fucked, trouble.
And as an umbrella with hedgehog
Yellow leaf of maple.

HD - Gloomy Day
In the forest darkens early
Autumn gloomy day,
And stars in the glades
Burn with colored fire.

Up - Sad time
Sad time! Ocho charming!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
(A. Pushkin)

Merry events and positive mood!

In the fall, a lot of holidays, both real and "fictional". So, for example, the autumn ball is very actively celebrated, it also takes place in kindergarten, and at school and students. We have prepared interesting and ridiculous contests for the autumn ball for elementary school students. Moving contests, team contests - your young students have fun.

And now we go to contests.

For a start, a small warm-up in the form of the game Questions and Answers. You ask questions to students, and they answer. All this can be done in the form of the game Bray Ring. Eating divide students on the team, and after visiting the question, the teams think, and who has an answer, ring the bell and answer. Preferably the answer is more deployed, that is, with explanations.
Examples of questions:

Some birds fly south to overweight. Are there any animals that run away into the warm edges to overheat?
- Name the animal that collects and dries on the winter mushrooms.
- Name at least two types of wood, which are yellow and red leaves in the fall.
- The name of the forest, which in the fall does not throw off the leaves from the trees.
- September, October and November are the autumn months. What were they called in the old days?

Now cook cards with words that are characterized by autumn: rain, wind, frost, birds fly south and so on. All the cards are put into the box, and the children take turns take out one card. And who pulled out should show it gestures. Movements, but without words. And other children must guess what matters about.

Maybe the next competition is not related to autumn, but it will painfully like children, especially between the ages of 6 and 10 years. You need matches, about 20 pieces. Each participant of the game on the table is on the table. Their task is one little man to add them one long line. Try at home yourself, it is not easy at all, but very interesting. You can also ask to fold the maple house with a roof, or letters and even the word - autumn.

Competition for attentiveness.
There are several items on the table, no more than ten. All of them lie in some order. One child looks at them, the eyes tie him and change two objects in some places. Then the eyes are unleashed, and he must say what has changed. There is one point here - a red apple should lie on the table, and when the child is tied with eyes, instead of a red apple put green, but about the same size. And the child should see it and say. This is a great test for workout.

All children get up in the rank. And the lead calls the parts of the body that children should close his palm right hand. Who is confused, he drops out. For example:

Left ear;
- right eye;
- nose;
- left eye;
- Right ear;
- left palm;
And here usually on the left palm and everything come across, as they don't even think about it, and during the game they forget that they closes the right hand. And then get up in a stupor, I think - "But how can I cover my palm with his palm?"

Two people participate in the next game. They must per minute to make as many words as possible from another word. For example, from the word friendly to draw up other words. You can use only letters that are in this word. Examples of the resulting words:
- needed;
- skiing;
- puddles;
and so you can play until two participants come to the final and will not play the main prize. Naturally, each pair gives his word from which they need to make other words.

Autumnal ball for senior classes

Author: Mikhailuk Natalia Yakovlevna English teacher MOU "Novopetrovskaya SOSH" Valui district of Belgorod region

Description of the material: Methodical development is intended for holding entertainment activities for high school students.
Purpose: The development of aesthetic values \u200b\u200bfrom high school students, the development of creative abilities of students, the development of communicative abilities.
Tasks: Education of love for beautiful, nature, homeland, development of aesthetic taste.

Registration: Autumn flowers, garlands made of yellow leaves, branches of autumn trees, bunches of Ryabina.

The course of the event.

Participants in the Autumn Bala are elegantly dressed. Everyone on clothes is some kind of autumn sign, a sheet with a number is drawn. Music sounds - calm, a little sad melody of the "Autumn Waltz". Gradually she subsides.

Host: Sad time! Ocho charming!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of fading,
In the bazhret and gold dressed forests ... -
So once expressed his admiration for the autumn nature A.S. Pushkin. And I wanted to express my feelings for the words of the Great Poet
Host: And I want to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and the poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:
Forest as if led by painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Cheerful, pesting the wall
It is standing over a light polar.
Birchie yellow threads
Shine in blue lazuries,
Like tows, chips are darker,
And between maples blue
Then there, then here in the foliage
Summets in the sky, that shell.
The forest smells oak and pine,
For the summer he dry he from the sun
And autumn quietly widow
It comes to the Pierce Terem your own.
Host: Autumn ... Golden time of year, striking the richness of flowers, fruits, fantastic combination of paints: from bright, striking, to blurry-transparent halftones.
Host: But Truth, look back around, Peer: Forged gold sparkles foliage, brightly flashing multicolored lanterns Astra and chrysanthemums, blood droplets froze on the trees of Ryabina berries, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises the abundance and brightness of the stars scattering.
Host: Sad October stretches its business card, where colorless inks of the fogs are written in the brilliant Russian poet lines:
October has already come - the grove will decade
Last leaves with naked branches;
Duffled the autumn cold - the road freezes ...
And the pond has already frozen ....
Host: Outside the windows now autumn ... We call it differently: cold, gold, generous, rainy, sad ... But, no matter how it was, autumn is a great time of year, this is a harvest time, summing up the results of the field work, this is the beginning Study at school, it is preparation for a long and cold winter ... and no matter how it was on the street - cold or warm - the native land is always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom reads: "Autumn is sad, and live fun." So let the wonderful music sounds in this October day, the river is raised by the rampant hazard laughter, your legs do not know fatigue in dancing, let your fun there will be an end!
All presenters: We open our festive autumn ball.
Host: Honorary right to cut a ribbon and open our autumn ball is provided ... (a ribbon is cut, music sounds, everything is built)
Host: Now let's give the oath of the participants of the Autumn Bala.
All: swear!
Host: Have fun from the soul!
All: swear!
Host: Dance Before Walker!
All: swear!
Host: laugh and joke!
All: swear!
Host: participate and win in all contests.
All: swear!
Host: Share the joy of victory and the received prizes with friends.
All: swear! Want! Want!
Host: And now we start a competitive program. Today we have three teams. And in what team you are - it will be easy to find out on your leaves you got at the beginning of our evening.
Birch leaflets
Maple leaves-
Oak leaves -
Host: Here in this order and stay at your tables.
1 contest. Merry greetings "
People usually welcome each other in different ways: from nods to kisses. Let us dwell on the middle version - the handshake. Why do people hise each other with her hand? It's just a tradition. So, everything could be quite different. For example, Eskimos rub noses instead of kisses. So we will now welcome each other with new, unusual ways. Everyone is involved in this competition !!! You will hear dance music, children must start walking around the room (you can also jump and dance). When the music subsides, I will say the words: "Once, two, three, find a friend!" At this time, everyone urgently must find a couple of themselves and stand up with her. Then you will hear - "say hello ..." - and then call any part of the body. So in the process of the game, children will find out that you can say hello to ears, maizins, heels
Do not forget! Every time during the musical pause you should stand next to the player who still did not greet.
So! Started! Say hello
- Smes

2 Competition - Literary. Now the rows of Russian poets will be performed, and you call them authors. All who guess, gets Phanti.
a) Nice autumn! Healthy, Easy Air
Tired forces of Bodrit
Freshly faster on the river of the student,
As if as melting sugar lies.
Near the forest as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
Leaves to fade have not had time yet
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet. (N.Nekrasov)
b) there is an initial autumn
Short but wonderful time -
All day costs as crystal
And radiant evenings. (F. Tyutchev)
c) the sky in autumn breathe
Sometimes the sun is glitter,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise naked. (A. Pushkin)
d) autumn. Sops all our poor garden,
Leaves yellowed in the wind flying
Only in the distance they bang there, at the bottom of the valleys
Bright red wrecks ripper. (L. Tolstoy)
Fall. Forest thickets.
Moss dry swamps.
Lake Beleso.
Pale sky. (I.A. Bunin)

Leading: 3 contest
- "Who is the most hungry"
Two people are invited from the team.
Your task is the first participant who must eat the apple lying on the plate without touching it with his hands.
The second participant, you should eat cornflakes on the speed, but also without the help of hands! Ready?

Minute rest.
Guys! Let's spend the theater - imprompt!. Who wants to become an artist? Please participate! I ask the scene to leave ____ people for the execution of the buffonad.
You have postcard on your hands. On postcards it is indicated what role is your role.
I will read the script, call characters who will hear your role, please "enter the image" and depict read. So: Camera, Motor, started!
Buffonada: "Cinema is removed!"
- Once the old grandfather harness the horse in Sani and went to the forest for Christmas tree. I drove into the forest. And in the forest Autumn: the wind is noise, the foliage of the foliage, wolves spent, Filin shouts. Lonely lan ran. Bunnies jumbled at the clearing and began to drum on hemp. Grandfather arrived at the gland, the hares were frightened and ran away. Grandfather sat down on Perenok, looked around around. And around - Christmas tree grow. Santa approached the first tree and touched it. He did not like the Christmas tree. Went to the other. Touched - liked it. I touched again - I liked it very much. Touched more carefully, and this is not a Christmas tree, but oak! Spat his grandfather and went to the third. Treated her, shook - for sure, the Christmas tree! Swamped grandfather with an ax, look - and there is no ax! Then the grandfather swung like that. Christmas tree and prayed: "Not Ruby you, older, I am not fitful for you. Because the whole, as is - the patient: the trunk is scoliosis, the needles rose, the legs are curves. " Listened to the grandfather and went to the fourth Christmas tree. The trunk waste - straight, rocked the needles - and the needles are good, touched the legs - straight. Just once a Christmas tree! The grandfather swung, and the Christmas tree asks him: "What are you maddy, old? With the root of Tarya! "Grade grated for the Christmas tree, pulls, pulls, and can't pull it out. Again sat on Penos and thought. And he thought to him: "And nafiga in October in October? I will go home, I will bring the ax, with the same I will come! " I sat down on Sani and drank. End of the first series.
Wait for the continuation of the series!
I thank all the participants in the shooting, I present you to the memory of the title of deserved artists of the village of Novopetrovka. Applause!!!
Host: And we go to next fourth competitionwhich smoothly floats from the previous one. No one needs to prove that watermelon is very useful. Delicious and beautiful. I invite you to take part in the next game. It is called "pleasant appetite." Two people are invited from the team.
Before you, the watermelon. You have to feed your partner, carefully causing him: Substituting a plate for seeds, while tapping "Eat Baby! Enjoy your appetite! Condition: Hands behind your back!
Leading: Competition number 5! It is called "North Pole" is called one person from the team!
Today, the whole team will be engaged in collecting their curious comrade for the North Pole. As you know, the place is non-suckful, and they have only five minutes for charges. Therefore, the task of each team during this time is to have time to wear on a mountain researcher as many clothes as possible. Where to take it? For such a case, you have to "give the last shirt", that is, to remove some items of clothing from themselves.

The team will win, which will be able to "warmer" to wear his hero (and it does not matter if they decided to prepare him, put on extra tie).

Leading: Competition No. 6. Our next competition is called "Vozkheby" invited three people from the team.
You are offered for speed to drink 1.5 liter bottles from the tubes. " We drink everything at once! Which team will faster cope with this task!

Host: Ah! How want to return to the summer! I think it is not difficult to fix "
Competition number 7.
Two participants are invited from the team: a young man and a girl.
Competition is called "Summer Mood" to you, girls, it is proposed to help dress up the young men who go to the beach. But at the same time everyone is blindfolded. Who is faster!
Leading: The next competition is called "solid". Two people are invited from the team. You are invited to come in touch with your foreheads, putting a napkin between them. Specify the hole in the napkin without the help of hands. Yes, the strongest to win!

Host: For the next competition, two young men and one girl are invited to the team. Competition is called "New Dress".
Boys: You get five headscarves and several clothespins. The task is to build a dress for a girl to tie a dress, you can only join clothespins.
Now check your dress for strength, girls! You must dance, and whose dress will continue until the end of the dance, the winner!

Leading: Competition number 10. Three people from the team are invited. Our competition is called "Our Family." Your family has a child and parents. Parents, your task is to block a child, put it on a cap and feed chupa-chups.

Host: It is said that autumn is sadness, solid rains, cloudy weather ... Do not believe friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. She carries his soul generosity, heart - warmth from human communication, contributes to our life a unique beauty!

Host: Autumn today completely entered their rights and we will note its arrival. We thank this fall that she collected us all on the autumn ball. Ahead of winter, spring, summer ... and then again autumn. How many of them will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will not be lit for all of us in our school. To new meetings! (Slow music sounds)

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Autumnal ball is one of the most favorite events for schoolchildren of all ages. The atmosphere of the seasonal holiday is straightely different from modern discos and parties to their children's ease and creative attractiveness. The tradition to accompany Ms. Autumn the magnificence of the outfits, the abundance of paints and the mass of competitions was rooted very deeply and, it would seem, would never leave the school walls never. From year to year, a couple of charismatic high school students open a magnificent autumn celebration, the rest of the schoolchildren with pleasure demonstrate their talents and participate in contests, and teachers and parents enjoy the spectacle on a beautifully decorated scene. Most of the public amuse unusual contests on the autumnal ball for high school students (grades 9-11), 5-7 classes and elementary schools. In the improvised game setting, the best qualities of schoolchildren are revealed, their creative talents, immediacy, the ability to laugh at themselves. Pick the best scenarios with contests for young people on the autumn ball with us!

Scenario with contests for autumn ball for youth

Scenario with contests on the autumnal ball for youth - a blank sheet for the organizer. It can be filled with any playful games, thematic entertainment, improvised or pre-prepared autumn competitions. Increasingly, participants are offered to the unusual way to dance, play a funny role, to draw a passage of a popular work, sing a famous song by one sound, guess the humorous autumn riddles, compose lyrical or comedy verse etc. Often, young people participate in rolling games with a prepared autumn props. And looks like a similar picture very funny: both for the audience, and for players.

Theatrical Competition for Autumn Ball for Youth

The lead is gaining a team out of 10 people. Each participant is issued a card from the task that needs to be done without preparation. All players must go from one edge of the scene to the opposite in such a way that the audience guess the gait:

  • the person who won in the competition;
  • women with heavy bags;
  • teenager turned out at night in the forest;
  • stork on the swamp;
  • a man with a sprayed sole on shoes;
  • gorilla in the zoo cage;
  • grandmothers with an attack of radiculitis;
  • guard on the gun warehouse;
  • frogs squeezed in reeds from a stork on a swamp;
  • testoles in trolleybus

Competition for the autumn ball for youth "Maple You are mine ... fallen"

In the competition for youth "Maple You are mine ..." participants compete in two. Near each player, the presenter scatches several dozen fallen or artificial leaves and puts a basket with clothespins. . After the start declarations, the background music and participants are cling to their clothes with clothespins. Win the one who in a short period of time will become the most "lush" maple.

Funny contests for the autumnal ball for high school students (script for 9-11 classes)

Funny contests for the autumnal ball for high school students (9-11 classes) are most often carried out in the form of an improvised acting etude. Participants are proposed to play actions readable by the lead. In most cases, the picture itself is quite funny, or her ending is unexpectedly fun and humorous. For example, the presenter asks to depict the tired wanderers wandering around the desert. Then the exhausted travelers find an oasis with water and greedily fall to the stream. At that moment, the master joyfully announces the audience that the platoon of search and service dogs was built.

Competition for the autumn ball for high school students "Live Painting"

The leading Bala collects several teams out of 5-7 participants. Each team pulls the card with the name of the picture of the famous artist and tries to portray it, after preparing for 5-7 minutes (one musical pause). Spectators are trying to guess the picture depicted. All teams won, whose composition is guess faster.

  • "Prival Hunters"
  • "Three heroes"
  • "Barge Haulers on the Volga"
  • "Again Double"
  • "Girl with peaches"
  • "Morning in a pine forest"
  • "Ninth Shaft"

"Strip of obstacles" - Competition for autumn ball for high school students

  • walk along the ribbon lying on the floor of the scene;
  • bypass around the big globe;
  • cross over a basket with vegetables;
  • print under the tensioned rope;

Then the player tie his eyes and ask to repeat the same thing. But first secretly remove all obstacles. The hall is late for the participant suggesting his imaginary direction, height, etc.

Merry contests for the autumnal ball for 5-7 classes

One of the most popular competitions for the autumn ball for 5-7 classes is the competition in crafts and wall newsnets. Tabs such tasks are still unable, and high school students are no longer interesting. But all these fun classes are appropriate before and after the autumn concert. What to take students of secondary classes during the event?

Competition for the autumn ball for 5-7 classes "Autumn paints"

The presenter distributes players for 3 cards with certain colors. Each participant looks and hides a card. Then players in order of queue describe the audience their colors (without calling them) and tell me what they look like. Picturesque comparisons are allowed, but accurate instructions are prohibited.

For instance:

My first color, like a ripe citrus New Year fruit.

That is - orange.

The second color is like a small squeaming animal living in a mink.

That is - gray

Competition for the autumn ball for high school "Rainy Day"

The presenter chooses three captains and gives each large umbrella. Captains need to be collected under their umbrella the maximum number of people in such a way that the heads of the participants are in the perimeter of the umbrella. Any postures, combinations and interlacing are allowed for the maximum dense location of the participants under the umbrella.

Interesting contests for the autumn ball for primary school

Interesting Competitions on the Autumn Ball are more suitable for elementary school students without severe creative tasks and complex logical tasks. The optimal option is active mobile games with bright and fabulous autumn attributes - mushrooms, leaves, vegetables, umbrellas, etc. It is important that interesting contests for the autumn ball for primary school were prizes to winners. If the high school students are more important for victory, then for kids, at least small comforting prizes are fundamentally necessary!

Competition for the autumnal ball for junior classes "Mighty Wind"

The presenter chooses several schoolchildren who want to take part in the competition. Before each of them, he puts a crumpled newspaper sheet depicting a dry leaf of a tree. At the command, players begin to blow on their lumps, confining it to the finish line. The participant will win, whose leavek first will overcome the distance. Award - the title and medal "Mighty Wind"!

Competition for the autumn ball for primary school "on the autumn walk"

The lead chooses two players from students of junior classes. Each of them will have to prepare for autumn walk. Pupils must be collected from classmates and put on the maximum number of garments: pants, sweaters, belts, socks, scarves, caps, etc. The participant will defeat the "warmer" of the other.

Having a developed fantasy and creative thinking, any organizer will compile the contests for the autumn ball on their own. But if the imagination fails or time in the edge, you can use our billets of funny scenarios of contests for youth - high school students, 5-7 classes, elementary school.