Setting the sound "Ш" to the child in stages. Speech therapy classes, video lessons, exercises with pictures

Setting the sound "Ш" to the child in stages. Speech therapy classes, video lessons, exercises with pictures
Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: Sound production [Ш]. "Merry Nyusha"

Purpose: Clarification of sound articulation [NS], sound staging.


  • Reinforce the correct performance of articulation exercises.
  • Continue the formation of a continuous directed air jet.
  • Learn "right" make a sound [NS] with mechanical assistance.
  • Continue learning to highlight sound [NS] from a number of sounds, syllables and words.
  • Continue learning to form relative adjectives.
  • Exercise in the correct use of prepositions: on, in, for, under, because of;
  • Develop attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Equipment: mirror; a toy "Nyusha" ; Pictures "Articulatory gymnastics" ; cotton ball on a thread, "Kopatych" with a gate; "Soundtracks" to make a sound [NS], "Train with pictures:" dog " , "fur coat" , "mouse" , "giraffe" , "cupboard" , "chamomile" , "cuckoo" , "baby" ; pictures for the game "Delicious pies" ; pictures for the game "Where did Nyusha hide?"

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Now we have a speech therapy lesson.

I came to visit you today "Nyusha" - cartoon character "Smeshariki" .

She found out that you will learn to hiss, and she came with you to learn to hiss.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Let's show "Nyushe" what exercises you need to do with the tongue to learn to hiss.

You need to warm up well, do gymnastics. Let's do the exercise first "Fence" (repeat 3-4 times), then "Ring" (repeat 3-4 times)... Make sure that the teeth are closed and the lips are rounded.

And now the tongue will work. Show how he can do the exercise "Pancake" (repeat 3-4 times)... Then blow on the tongue.

Next exercise "Delicious jam" , lick your lip from top to bottom with a wide tongue. Let's drink tea from "Cups" ... It should be large, wide, out of the mouth (repeat 2-3 times)... Now hide the tongue behind the upper teeth and hold it in this position (repeat 3-4 times).

3. Cultivating a strong directional long-lasting smooth oral air jet

Nyusha loves to show tricks and look at them.

Let's show the tricks to Nyusha. (The speech therapist offers the child a cotton ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, attached to a thread 10-12 cm long)... Hold the balloon in front of your lips. - Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth. Pull out your lips with a straw. Blow the balloon lightly. See how beautifully the ball flew off your lips.

Now hold the balloon up to your nose. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth. Raise your tongue in the shape of a cup to your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. See how beautifully the ball flew up.

"Nyusha" loves to play with his friends. Today she invited her friend to play football with you. "Kopatych" already at the gate. You need to score the ball into the goal. Also, lift the cupped tongue to your upper lip, blow on the tip of your tongue and kick the ball into the goal.

4. Development of phonemic hearing

To Nyusha learn "right" hiss, you need to learn first "catch" sound « [NS]» .

- Now we will play the game "Catch the Sound" and show Nyusha how "catch" sound [NS]... As soon as you hear the sound [NS], immediately catch it - clap your palms:

M-Sh-K-Sh-T-N-Sh-D-P-Sh-Ts-S-Sh (catch with claps)

HA - SHA - LA - PA - SHA;

HAT - AUTUMN - FUR COAT - CAT - Donkey - BAG - Porridge; (catching a signal)

5. Finger gymnastics. Exercise Goose.

Listen carefully to the riddle, who is this riddle about?

Walks to the river boldly

He is dressed in white

On his legs

Red boots (goose)

Let's show Nyusha what a goose is.

Bend the palm at a right angle. Pull the fingers forward and press against each other. Bend the index finger and rest on the thumb.

The goose cackles and cackles,

He wants to pinch you.

(perform with right and left hand)

5. Sound production

Now let's learn to hiss like a goose.

Let's show Nyusha how "Whistles" some water in the tap: s-s-s. At this time, lift your tongue with a spatula and listen, you can hear "Hiss of a goose" . (sound production [NS] from the sound [with] with mechanical assistance).

Lift the tongue again by the upper teeth and make a sound [WITH], to "Went" warm air.

Well done, you learned to hiss like a goose.

See the position of the tongue and lips when pronouncing a sound [NS] (analysis according to the schema-table)... Lips shaped "Window" , the uvula is raised behind the upper teeth, in the form "Cups" .

6. Reinforcement of isolated sound pronunciation

And now "We will help" Nyusha hiss like a goose. Move your finger along the path and pronounce the sound clearly [NS]. (sh-sh-sh ....) Work on audio tracks.

7. Sound articulation analysis [NS ](according to the scheme)

What is the position of the lips?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What kind of air stream comes out of the mouth?

Clarification of sound articulation.

Lips with a "window", teeth with a "small fence with a window", the tongue is raised up, the lateral edges are pressed against the molars, warm air comes out through "Middle" language.

Physical minute.

Our Nyusha stretched

She bent down once, bent down twice.

She stretched out her arms and bent

And she stepped down the street.

8. Determining the presence of sound [NS] in words.

Merry Nyusha wants to ride a steam locomotive, ride the trailers. But only objects with a sound in their names will travel in the carriages. "NS" ... Help Nyusha choose words with sound "NS" ... Pictures with words: "dog" , "fur coat" , "mouse" , "giraffe" , "cupboard" , "chamomile" , "cuckoo" , "baby" .

9. Formation of relative adjectives.

The game "Delicious pies"

Nyusha is very fond of delicious pies. Let's treat her to pies. Look how many pies there are. This raspberry pie, it's raspberry. And this apple pie, what is it? What is this cherry pie? .. (Cherry.) This pie with pear, what is it? .. (pear.) What is this strawberry pie? .. (Strawberry.) This pie with different berries, what is it? .. (Berry.) This pie with different fruits, what is it? .. (Fruit).

10. Formation of grammatical structure

Didactic game "Where did Nyusha hide?"

Nyusha loves to play different games. She especially loves to play hide and seek. Look at the picture and tell me where Nyusha hid?

- "Where is Nyusha hiding?" ....... (under the mushroom).

- "Where did Nyusha climb up?" …….(in the hollow).

- "What did Nyusha go to?" …… (on a tree stump).

- "Where is Nyusha hiding?" …… (hid behind a tree).

- "Where is Nyusha peeping out from?" …… (from behind a tree).

- "About what did Nyusha sit down?" …… (near the flower).

11. Lesson summary.

Show Nyusha again how to hiss correctly.

What sound did we learn to pronounce today? Who came to visit us?

Shekhovtsova Nina
Synopsis of the individual speech therapy lesson "Setting the sound [u]"

Theme: Sound setting [Щ]


1. Educational:

Reinforce the ability to pronounce correctly sound [u];

2. Correctional:

Development of phonemic hearing;

Development of phonemic analysis skills;

3. Educational:

Foster a positive attitude towards occupation;

Equipment: picture (elephant, articulation profile sound [u].


I. Org. moment

Greetings. Topic message classes.

II. Main part

1. Articulation gymnastics

3. Finger gymnastics

4. Exercise for the development of speech breathing

5. Exercises to develop mimic expressiveness

6. Announcement of the topic classes.

8. Sound production.

9. Physical minutes.


Assessment of the child's activity.

Course of the lesson

I. Org. moment.


Hello. Today to us on class came here such a wonderful elephant. His name is Dumbo. Our elephant, very smart, knows how to speak, knows almost everything sounds and letters, but here sound He can't pronounce [u]. Can you help the elephant?

II. Main part.

1. Articulation gymnastics

Now we will do the exercises, we will put the elephant next to the mirror, in front of you, so that you show him how to do them correctly.


Keeping lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible.

Our Deniska is a mischievous man

Pulls the lips to the ears.

Look, he says,

I'm a frog now!

"Delicious jam"

Open your mouth slightly and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue (the tongue is wide, its lateral edges touch the corners of the mouth, making movements with the tongue from top to bottom, and not from side to side. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not "Hooked up" tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

If Denis is in a bad mood,

Deniska is eating our delicious jam.

I need to smear the upper lip with jam,

And lick everything with a wide tongue.

"Punish the naughty tongue"

Smile broadly. Place a wide tongue on your lower lip and, slightly nibbling it with your teeth, pronounce "Ta-ta-ta" within 5-10 seconds. Then slap your tongue with your lips while saying "Five-five-five" within 5-10 seconds.

Your tongue is a mischievous man

He doesn't listen to you.

Punish him soon:

"Five-five, five-five, five-five-five!"


The mouth is open, a wide, relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip. We slap with the upper lip on language: five-five-five. Bite lightly language: ta-ta-ta.

We get up early in the morning

We bake delicious pancakes.

A brook in a frying pan

The dough is spreading ...

Look how beautiful

The pancake turns out.

"We brush our teeth"

Smile, open your mouth with the tip of your tongue from the inside "Clean" alternately lower and upper teeth.

Open your mouth, smile

Show your teeth

We clean the top and bottom,

After all, they are not superfluous with us

"Big and small"

3. Finger gymnastics

Let's show the elephant how well you and I do finger gymnastics.

Our fingers clenched tightly

What? Interesting!

Apparently, it became cool for them,

We will cover them with a blanket.

They squeeze the left hand into a fist, and grab it with the right and squeeze it strongly. Then they change hands. Then they lower their hands and shake them slightly. Repeat the exercise several times.

4. Exercise for the development of speech breathing.

Let's teach the elephant to do breathing exercises. Inhale calmly through your nose, hold the air in your lungs for 2-3 seconds, then exhale slowly, exhale smoothly through your mouth.

"Freeze the chin"

Target: to form a long, continuous oral exhalation, to activate the labial muscles.

Pull the lower lip under the upper lip and blow cold air down under the chin for a long time, perform it silently and on one exhale.


Target: the formation of speech breathing, the ability to pronounce words on one exhalation.

1 - alternately put straight arms forward - "Catch drops" (inhale); 2 - on exhalation pronounce: "Drop-drop-drop!"; 3 - alternately put straight arms forward - "Catch the drops" (inhale); 4 - on exhalation pronounce: "Well, well, well!"... Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Exercises to develop mimic expressiveness.

Imagine now (In November) Santa Claus came to us.

Imagine we have a fluffy kitten in our lap. He purrs and you stroke him.

The grandfather and the woman blinded the Snow Maiden, and she came to life before their eyes. What do the faces of the grandfather and the woman express?

Show how Alyonushka sits and looks at brother Ivanushka.

6. Announcement of the topic classes.

Now you and I will learn to pronounce correctly sound [u]... And we will teach the elephant.

7. Analysis of articulation according to plan.

At sound[ny] lips are slightly pushed forward and rounded. The tip of the tongue is raised to the tubercles behind the upper teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is raised. The tongue is tense. The vocal cords are resting, the throat does not tremble (no voice).

Sound [Щ] - consonant, deaf, always soft.

8. Sound production.

Now I will tell you a story about a little train. We will have a tongue as a small train, and molars will be the rails. The locomotive can't get on the rails, can we help him? Well, let's go! Press the lateral edges of the tongue, like wheels, to the upper molars. Make sure "Wheels" stood firmly on the rails and in no case did not move off them (the child should feel how the lateral edges of the tongue are firmly pressed against the upper teeth). Now blow on the little engine to make it go. Well done.

Spare methods, if the previous ones are not obtained methods:

1. The easiest way setting U from the sound H... To do this, H needs to be pulled for a long time and then at the end you will hear sound u... Then you need to stretch this sound trying to speak as quickly as possible.

Attention! Do not forget to be careful that when pronouncing sound B / W, the child pulled his lips forward and raised his tongue to the upper teeth.

2. Pronounce shch together. The child's attention should be paid to the fact that when pronouncing sound u lips smile, the teeth are visible, the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth.

9. Physical minutes.

One - rise, pull up

Two - bend, unbend

Three - three claps in your hands, three nods of the head.

Four legs wider.

Five - wave your hands

Six - sit quietly at the table.

10. Anchoring the isolated sound.

Tell me did you see your mom fries potatoes? When she puts butter in a hot skillet, it hisses: "Shch." How does it hiss? Have you seen snakes at the zoo? Do you know how they hiss? Listen: "Shchshch."... Let us now repeat together how the snakes hiss.

Now let's brush it vigorously pants: "Shch-Shch-Shch - ..."

Let's talk to you tongue twister:

ASH-ASH-ASH, ASH-ASH-ASH: we bought a raincoat.

OSH-OSH-OSH, OSH-OSH-OSH: who needs help?

OSH-OSH-OSH, OSH-OSH-OSH: horsetail has grown in the garden.

USH-USH-USH, USH-USH-USH: behind the fence ivy.

MORE-MORE-MORE, MORE-MORE-MORE: we came across a lESH.

11. Development of phonemic hearing.

-"Catch sound» : clap your hands when you hear the u sound among other sounds, syllables,: tsa, re, [och], ta, sh, schi, [sa], zo, [schu], not, [ach]

III. Outcome classes.

Well done, you tried very hard today, I am very pleased with you. Elephant, he says thank you too, you helped him a lot. Tell me which one sound did we learn to pronounce today? What did you like about our occupations?

You can be free.

Natalia Volkova
Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on sound setting [Ш]

Theme: Sound setting Ш

Target: clarification of articulation sound [W], sound production


1) Educational: learn to pronounce correctly sound Ш, allocate sound Ш from a row of words;

2) Correctional - developmental: the formation of a long directed air stream, the development of articulatory praxis, the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, attention and memory, the development of phonemic hearing;

3) Educational: fostering interest in occupation, education of independence.

Equipment: presentation "Articulatory gymnastics", a cotton ball on a string, a prickly ball.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment

Now you and me speech therapy session.

Little Antoshka has come to visit you today. (boy - presentation)

He found out that you will learn to hiss, and he came with you to learn.

2. Articulation gymnastics

Smile at each other affably (Ex. "Smile") - presentation, tube (count up to 10)

Antoshka still has few teeth, but you can show off yours (Ex. "Fence")

Antoshka is very fond of round donuts (control "Ring") He eats lamb with delicious jam (control "Delicious jam"). Very tasty jam, it's a pity it's left on my lip, I'll lift the tongue and lick the rest.

Antoshka drinks jam with tea from a cup (control "Cup") - smile, open your mouth, put your wide tongue on your lower lip, raise the edges and tip of your tongue.

If the tea is hot, then blow on it. Show Antoshka how to do it. Now you need a cup "Wash" and put it back in the cupboard (put a “cup for the upper teeth).

3. Cultivating a strong directional long-lasting smooth oral air jet

Antoshka loves to show tricks and look at them.

Let you show me the tricks now. ( Speech therapist offers the child a cotton ball with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, attached to a thread 10-12 cm long). Hold the balloon in front of your lips. - Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth. Pull out your lips with a straw. Blow the balloon lightly. See how beautifully the ball flew off your lips.

Now hold the balloon up to your nose. Smile. Show your teeth. Open your mouth. Raise your tongue in the shape of a cup to your upper lip. Blow on the tip of your tongue. See how beautifully the ball flew up.

4) Finger gymnastics

Stroke my palms, hedgehog. You're prickly, but so what?

I want to stroke you, I want to get along with you!

(we roll the ball between our palms, stroke it, touch the individual thorns with our fingers)

5) Development of phonemic hearing

Now we'll play a game "Hunter"... As soon as you hear sound Ш, immediately catch it - clap in palms:


HA - SHA - LA - PA - SHA, HAT - AUTUMN - FUR - CAT - Donkey

6)Sound production

Antoshka loves to ride the little train. Shall we show him the train?

(blow hard on the tip of the tongue, do not stop. And then gradually slow down the engine - h - h - h and pull longer sound"H" which should go to "NS")

H - h - h - h - h - h - h - h, I'm driving the train,

I'm taking my friends

Riding together is more fun!

I drive a locomotive

I announce the stops. (the train stops)

What kind of air stream comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are drawn together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

Look, the tongue and lips take this position when pronouncing sound"NS". (picture)

Now say sound"WITH", and then raise the tongue to the palate and say the same sound"WITH" to let the warm air flow.

Let's show how the snake hisses. (sh-sh-sh ....)

7) Bottom line classes.

Which sound did we learn to pronounce today? Who came to visit us?

Synopsis of an individual lesson in setting the sound Ш

Purpose of the lesson: developing the skill of the articulatory structure when pronouncing the sound of Sh.

Correctional educational:

Formation of the kinesthetic image of the sound Ш (sensation of the position of the organs of articulation);

Formation of practical skills and habits of using corrected (phonetically pure, lexically developed, grammatically correct) speech;

Exercise in the correct pronunciation of the sound Sh.

Correctional and developmental:

Development of the articulatory apparatus;

improvement of fine motor skills.


Fostering interest in classes;

Education of independence.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

2. Articulation gymnastics

Static language prep exercises


We open our mouth wide

Raise the edges

Tongue - balovic,

Lowers the back.

He looks very much like a bucket,

You can pour water into it,

Hold the water, take your time

Show everyone your ladle.

Dynamic Tongue Exercises


Rested and stretched

Turned to the left, to the right,

Like this: tick-tock, tick-tock.

"Let's brush our teeth"

Open your mouth, smile

Show your teeth

We clean the top and bottom,

After all, they are not superfluous with us.


On an accordion to play

You need to lower your jaw

We do not tear off the tongue,

We play very well.

Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. She was very fond of animals. And then one day, picking mushrooms in the forest, she met Mikhail Potapovich. The bear was delighted at such a meeting and smiled ("Smile"). He was very hospitable and, of course, invited Masha to his place for pancakes ("Pancake"). They drank tea with jam ("Delicious Jam"). And Misha put the pancakes in a beautiful cup ("Cup"). Masha really liked the visit, and in return she treated Mikhail Potapovich to mushrooms ("Gribochek"). And the neighbor's squirrel took Masha home to her grandparents. She galloped along the paths so dexterously that she replaced Masha with a horse ("Horse"). Masha did not even notice how she ended up at home.

3. Sound production.

1st way With labiodental sigmatism, it can be difficult for a child to switch from the usual pronunciation of a sound to the correct one. And if the hyoid bridle is also short and the cup exercise is not given, this method works.

A wooden spatula will come in handy.

We ask the child to smile, stick out his tongue - a pancake. We put a spatula under the tongue, raise the tongue with it and press, removing the tongue into the mouth. It turns out such a passive "cup", moreover, the lips are "blocked" and do not fold into the usual position for the child. Now we ask you to blow strongly with your mouth. The result is a sound close to Sh.

2nd way With this sound, the tip of the tongue is raised to the upper alveoli, and its edges are pressed against the molars. A small distance is maintained between the tip of the tongue and the alveoli. The lips form an oval, exposing the teeth. The distance between the teeth is approximately 2-5 mm. A warm air jet of air goes in the middle of the tongue to its tip. The voice is not involved. There is a hissing sound: shhhh.

In order for the child to feel the raising of the tip of the tongue up, you can carry out the following exercises in advance: "bell" - la-la-la, "hammer" - d-d-d and "locomotive" - ​​h-h-h. When performing the exercises "hammer" and "locomotive", put a pencil about one centimeter in diameter on the lower teeth, and on it a tongue and ask the child to tap the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli. In this case, the child must blow strongly on the tip of the tongue without stopping. And then gradually slow down the "locomotive" - ​​hh and pull the sound "H" for a longer time, which should go into "W". We begin to imitate the angry goose: "shshshshshsh", while performing the figurine.

4. Analysis of articulation

What is the position of the lips?

What position are the teeth in?

Where is the tip of the tongue?

Where are the edges of the tongue?

What kind of air stream comes out of the mouth?

(The tip of the tongue rises to the upper teeth, but does not press against them; the edges of the tongue touch the upper lateral teeth. The lips are slightly rounded, the stream of exhaled air feels warm. The upper and lower teeth are drawn together. The vocal cords are open, the stream of exhaled air passes freely between them .)

5. Reinforcement of isolated sound pronunciation

When Masha was walking through the forest, she noticed how the autumn leaves rustled: Sh-Sh-Sh-Sh. (the leaves are spread out on the floor, a rustle is emitted at each step: Sh-Sh-Sh). Walk through the leaves and imagine that you, too, are in the autumn forest.

6. Development of phonemic hearing

And now we are going to play the game "Hunter". As soon as you hear the sound Ш, immediately catch it - clap your palms:


7. Homework

Think of as many words as possible where the SH sound is heard:

At the beginning of a word;

In the middle of a word;

At the end of a word.

8 .. Lesson summary.

Today at the lesson you visited the autumn forest, met Masha and the Bear and learned to rustle like autumn leaves rustle and you did it great! What sound did you meet today? The sound Ш is a consonant, voiceless, solid. There is no soft sound paired with it in Russian. You tried very hard today, well done!

Abstract of an individual speech therapy lesson

Topic: Sound production [w]

Software content:

1. To acquaint with the correct articulation of the sound [w].

2. Exercise in the synchronous work of the speech apparatus when setting [w]. To develop kinesthetic sensations for a given articulatory structure and acoustic image of sound [w]. Form a continuous, directed air stream. Develop fine motor skills, memory, attention, holistic perception.

3. To bring up the need to learn to speak beautifully and correctly.

Organization: individual lesson.

Equipment: specialized computer speech therapy program "Games for Tigers" with equipment, tape recorder with audio recording "Leaf fall", model of an autumn forest, model of the upper and lower jaws, speech sound profile [w], articulation exercises, mirror, probe, spatula, cotton wool, alcohol , didactic material.

Course of the lesson:

I. Psychological attitude to correct speech:

What's your mood? Draw it with a sunbeam or a raindrop on our screen.

Now I invite you to take a walk in the autumn forest, where many interesting discoveries await us. Let's go.

II. Articulation and finger gymnastics

("Conjugated" exercises, united by the plot "The journey of fingers and tongue into the autumn forest"). See Attachment.

So our journey has come to an end. We returned to kindergarten again. Our guest is waiting for us - our old friend Tiger Cub.

III. Announcement of the topic of the lesson:

Today we will teach Tiger Cub to pronounce the sound [w] correctly.

Description of articulation: The tip of the tongue is raised towards the front of the palate, but not compressed. The tongue takes the shape of a cup and its lateral edges are adjacent to the upper molars. The muscles of the tongue are not too tense. The lips are rounded and pushed forward. The teeth are close together, but not closed. The air is exhaled evenly in the middle of the tongue. The air stream is warm. The voice doesn't work.

IV. Sound setting [w].

a) By imitation.

b) From the articulatory way.

c) With mechanical help from sound s or fricative p.

d) From the syllable sa.

e) From the sound of r.

V. Articulation Analysis: Tongue Position

The nature of the exhaled air stream. Voice participation. above.

Vi. Reinforcement of isolated sound [w].

Onomatopoeia games: "The ball burst", "Autumn leaves rustle underfoot", "Mouse rustles".

Physical education "Listopad" (with audio recording).

Vii. Development of phonemic hearing.

( laying autumn leaves on the table).

b) Identification from syllables: ka, du, sha, po, by, mi, shu, us, lo, shi (laying bones on the abacus)

c) Recognition from words: fur coat, cat, reed, hat, car, wardrobe, mouse, cone, lily of the valley
(hand claps).

d) Recognition from the phrase: Natasha has a teddy bear. Misha's birthday. He was given a toy car. The cat saw a mouse and chased after it (squats).

e) Recognition from the text "Mouse" (bending the fingers).

The mouse whispers to the mouse:
"You are all rustling, rustling."
The mouse whispers to the mouse:
"I will rustle more quietly"

VIII. Fixing [w] in a syllable.

Game "Talking Hands". (Right hand [w] - left hand [a] turned out [sha], etc.)

IX. Fixing [w] in the word.

Game "Machine" (computer speech therapy program "Games for Tigers")

X. Fixing [w] in the sentence.

The game "The fourth extra" (computer speech therapy program "Games for Tigers")

XI. Homework:

draw objects in the name of which there is a sound [w].

XII. Outcome:

what sound was being worked out, its analysis.

Let us remind Tiger Cub so that he does not forget.

XIII. Assessment of the child's activity in a class with a psychotherapeutic orientation:

selection of mood on the screen.

The lesson is over!


The journey of fingers and tongue in the autumn forest

Movement or static posturehands

Movement or static posture of the tongue

Once the fingers went to the forest: top - top, top - top, top - top - top, top - top - top Up - down, up - down, up - down
We came to the edge - even - even, smooth - smooth The palms are closely pressed together with the ribs, the fingers are horizontal The tongue is even, lies freely on the lower lip
There is a large tree at the edge. Here is his trunk. Here is his crown Elbows, palms connected, fingers up. Hands are connected again from elbow to wrist; palms and fingers - to the sides, while the fingers are bent "cup" The tongue protrudes and stretches tensely towards the nose The rounded edges of the tongue are bent upward by a "cup"
The crown consists of branches

leaves that play with the breeze in summer and fall off in autumn

The fingers are stretched tensely and widely spaced, then the palms are connected by a “cup”, the fingers are wide apart and alternately move; palms fall relaxed, both arms hang freely along the body Tongue in the same position

Up and down movement (tongue with rounded edges), then the tongue is relaxed down to the lower lip

There is a nest on the tree, and in it is a titmouse, which either flies out of the nest, then flies into the nest, feeds the chicks Hands are connected by the edges of the palms - "cup", thumbs then go down to the bottom of the "cup", then rise Tongue - "cup", and then - freely: up and down and alternately to the sides

The text is spoken by the leading adult ("tips" from children are desirable)

Movement or static


Movement or static


Under the tree - mushrooms with thick and thin legs A pinch of one hand shows a thick leg, and the palm of the other shows a hat. The position of the hands changes ("there are many boletus mushrooms"). The index finger of one hand is a foot, and the palm is a hat (fingers and hand positions change ("there are a lot of toadstools") The tongue is gently sucked to the hard palate, then tensely sucked ("mushroom grows")
The tree is growing. Mushrooms are growing, we collect them in a basket Hands up (towards the sun)

see the previous exercise, we intertwine the fingers: the inner sides of the palms - up

Tongue stretches tensely to the nose; suction, "cup" alternates; tongue falls on the lower lip
We go further through the forest. ... ... Imitation of walking with fingers at a given and varying pace: index and middle, thumb and forefinger, etc. Imitation of walking "
A wild apple grows, on it the fruits are apples, they are sour Hands from elbow to wrists together, palms into fists, and thumb up; wave your hand (eh!) The tongue is rounded, curved - with support on the upper lip; then you need to wrinkle and stick out your tongue slightly
But at home we will make jam from them - what time! Therefore, we will collect them in a basket. Raise your thumb up.

Interlacing of fingers, palms up, arms to the sides

Smile and lick the upper and lower lips; Language - "cup"
Through the forest ("top-top") we went to the river Imitation of walking with fingers at a given and varying pace: index and middle, thumb and forefinger, etc. Smooth movement with a wide tongue forward - backward
It's hard to carry baskets, saw the boat Palms connected by the edges of the palm below (little fingers) and open at the top (smooth movement of the "boat") Fold the tongue in half - ("boat") and pull it forward
Sailed home Connect your fingers with a "house" Suction cup - the roof of the house is flat

Dokshina A.A.,
teacher speech therapist