A student in the learning process. Schoolboy as a reader

A student in the learning process. Schoolboy as a reader


1. Program-methodical materials: Reading. Primary school / Comp. T.V. Ignatieva. - M .: Bustard, 2000 .-- 288p.

2. Programs of educational institutions. Primary classes (1-4). In two parts. Part 1. / Comp. T.V. Ignatieva, L.A. Vokhmyanina. M .: Education, 2000 - 318s.

3. Klimanova L.F. Learning through communication and culture. // Primary school - 1993. - No. 12. - P.45–52

4. Levin V.A. When a little schoolboy becomes a big reader. - M., 1994.

5. Kudina G.N., Novlyanskaya Z.N . Literature as a subject of the aesthetic cycle. 1 class. - M., 1994.

Currently, elementary school is taught according to programs that set the task of literary education. These are programs: 1) "Literary reading" (V.G. Goretsky and L.F. . Klimanov); 2) "Reading and Literature" (OV Dzhezheley); 3) "Literary reading" (OV Kubasova); 4) "Reading and primary literary education" (RN and EV Buneev); 5) "Literature as a subject of the aesthetic cycle" (GN Kudina and ZN Novlyanskaya); 6) "Primary literary education" (VA Levin); 7) the program of literary education "The ABC of Verbal Art" (LE Streltsova and ND Tamarchenko); 8) “Literary reading. The native word "(MG Grekhneva, KE Korepova).

The program "Literary reading" for grades 2-4 of primary school (authors V.G. Goretsky, L.F. Klimanova)

The main goal teaching - familiarizing junior schoolchildren with literature, understanding literature as the art of words. Reading is viewed both as an object of learning and as a means of mastering a literary work.

The literary reading course aims to address the following tasks:

To develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with heroes, emotionally respond to what they read;

- to teach children to feel and understand a work of art, its figurative language, expressive means;

- to form the ability to recreate artistic images, to develop creative and recreational imagination, associative thinking of students,

- to develop a poetic ear, to educate an artistic taste;

- to form the need for constant reading of books, to develop interest in literary creativity;

- to enrich the sensory experience of students, their ideas about the world and nature;

- to ensure the development of the speech of schoolchildren and to form reading and speech skills;

Expand the horizons of children through reading books of various genres, diverse in content and topics;

Work with different types of texts;

To create conditions for the formation of the need for independent reading of works of art.

One of the objectives of the course is the development of speech skills, the main of which is the reading skill. In parallel with the formation of reading fluency, work is underway to form the ability to comprehend the meaning of what has been read, to generalize and highlight the main thing.

When learning to read, children are introduced to elementary literary information: information about the author-writer, about the theme of the work, its genre, peculiarities of small folklore genres.

Students get acquainted with the works of folklore, the work of Russian and foreign writers, classics of Russian literature.

A distinctive feature of the program is an introduction to its content of the section " Experience of creative activity and emotional-sensual attitude to reality". Work on the program in this direction begins with "the development of schoolchildren's ability to rejoice and be surprised in the process of communicating with nature, people, objects of national culture, to find and notice the beautiful in the world around them." The program aims at the formation of the ability to "express in words their impressions, their vision of the subject, the state of nature and man" and it is proposed to activate "the ability of students to fully perceive a work of art on the basis of purposeful activity."

In the context of literary education, the child's creative activity is recognized, firstly, as strictly compulsory, and secondly, involving work not only on the basis of the text read, but also his own author's creativity, and thirdly, fixing attention on the form of the work.

An integral part of the literary reading course is extracurricular reading, which is conducted in the form of independent home reading and extracurricular reading lessons.

Program "Reading and Primary Literary Education" (authors R.N.Buneev, E.V.Buneeva) is a part of the set of programs of continuous courses of the Educational program "School 2100".

Target reading lessons: 1) teach children to read fiction, 2) arouse interest in reading, 3) lay the foundations for the formation of a competent reader who owns both reading techniques and methods of reading comprehension, who knows books and knows how to choose them independently.

Achieving these goals involves solving the following tasks:

1) the formation of reading techniques and methods of understanding the text;

2) familiarizing children with literature as the art of words through the introduction of elements of literary analysis of texts and practical acquaintance with individual theoretical and literary concepts;

3) development of oral and written speech, creative abilities of children;

4) acquaintance through literature with the world of human relations, personality formation.

The works are selected in such a way that the child's ideas about the world around him gradually expanded, i.e. according to the degree of complication of the literary material. Reading books implement the principle of genre diversity, the principle of the optimal ratio of works of children's literature and those included in the circle of children's reading of works from "adult literature"; monographic principle; traditional thematic principle, the principle of updating the subject of reading.

This program provides organization of independent home reading children. Its main feature is that children read chapters from the work in the lesson, and read the whole work on their own at home. the principle of holistic perception of a work of art.

The program describes the topic of reading, requirements for reading technique, shows the techniques of reading comprehension and elements of literary analysis of the text.

Target course:

1) the formation of reading skills, methods and techniques of working on a text and a book,

2) acquaintance with children's literature and, on this basis, the creation of prerequisites for general and literary development,

3) the implementation of creative abilities.

The program is developed in the system of the classical elementary school, which assumes that the preparation in the field of the native language takes place in three directions: 1) course of reading and literature; 2) writing and language; 3) oral speech and conversation.

The basis the subject is the principle of speech development, the applied orientation of speech skills. Therefore, the course "Reading and Literature" can be carried out productively only on condition that language and speaking lessons are held in parallel with reading lessons.

Specificity course is a clear distinction between training in the field of reading skills, semantic and artistic and aesthetic mastering of text and books, mastering literary propaedeutics, the ability to realize the creative potential of children. The program is built in accordance with these features. It includes: reading circle; reading technique; system of elements of the theory of literature; a set of practical techniques and methods to help master the content of works and the choice of books; speech creative activity based on reading and in connection with reading a book. Knowledge, abilities, skills are delimited by periods corresponding to the development of the younger student. The reading circle is distributed among the concentrates: preparatory and first periods- folklore, Russian literature of the 20th century, second period- folklore; domestic and foreign literature of the XIX-XX centuries, fiction and scientific-fiction, reference literature; third period- folklore, fairy tale, fiction and scientific-fiction literature in full, reference literature.

The program has a solid scientific basis and has been practically implemented. The requirements for children are quite accessible and take into account the individual development of the child.

To the training center for reading and literature in the program of O.V. Jezheles are tasked with forming reader. The practical implementation of the program is correlated with the periods of study. The principle of arranging the material by periods of study - concentric... It involves the allocation of leading sections, groups of knowledge, skills, and abilities at each stage; corresponding to the age capabilities of students and the originality of the development of reading skills. In addition, the author has implemented a mechanism for teaching reading proper, showing how and at what stage the advancement in the reading skill is carried out.

Preparatory period - with the technique of reading from the zero level to reading aloud at a rate of up to 40 words per minute with syllabic reading with the transition to reading in whole words: the formation of a reading mechanism, acquaintance with literature on the basis of viewing and reading a book.

First period - intensive mastering of reading techniques, since only the pace of reading aloud from 60 words per minute when reading whole words suggests the possibility of independent mastering of the text at the level of thought-inference and gives reason to bring the child to a deeper understanding of what is being read, purposeful formation of independent mastery of the actual content of the text.

Second period - the transition of the pace of reading from 60 to 90 words per minute and the development of productive reading to oneself: the formation of methods and techniques that help to master the content of works and the choice of books.

Third period - the formation of the ability to read aloud 90-110 words per minute and the transition to mastering the method of reading to oneself: awareness of the elements of literary theory in the system and relationships, the formation of speech creative activity on the basis of and in connection with reading books.

The tasks of each period are implemented in the system lessons different types:

Lessons that provide for the development of skills and abilities, which are a means of mastering a literary work (for example, a lesson where the reading skill is purposefully formed, the ability to draw up a work plan is mastered, etc.);

Lessons where it is supposed to work with a single literary work, the use of techniques for its comprehensive development;

Lessons that provide the formation of the ability to independently choose and read books in accordance with reading capabilities and personal needs;

Lessons, the main purpose of which is the implementation of the creative abilities of students in the study of literature;

Integral lessons.

The basis programs "Primary literary education» (author V. A. Levin) are the concept of introducing children to art, the artistic development of the child, for which certain pedagogical conditions must be created. A child can become involved in art as a reader, listener, author of his own work, etc. In this regard, in the program of V.A. Levin's "Primary Literary Education" tasks:

1) the formation of skills and abilities to work with a work, the formation of a communicative attitude to art;

2) preservation of a direct emotional and integral perception of a work of art; development of the ability to feel the harmony of the work. To complete this series of tasks, it is necessary to “just read with the children” when the adult is not reading the work. for the child, but for yourself with the child, when a child has the opportunity to empathize with the heroes of the work together with an adult, discuss what is being read, share his feelings.

Primary literary education involves four stages of artistic development junior student.

The essence first (preparatory) stages of primary literary education - the inclusion of children in play creativity and communication with each other. The main condition is the child's activity, his readiness to act, participate in the game and in communication. The attention of the teacher and children at this stage of education is focused not on the result of the activity, but on the process itself (drawing, writing), the indicator of success is the child's interest in classmates and in himself. The educational material for games are folklore works: nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, teasers, as well as children's poems, built according to the laws of play works.

For the 1st stage of education, a group of games called “What we read, we play” is proposed.

On second stage there is an awareness of works of folk art (teasers, nursery rhymes, fairy tales) as literary texts.

Third the stage involves changing the position of the game to the position of the listener and reader (the student discovers the author in himself).

On fourth step, an evaluative communicative and artistic attitude to art is formed. The concept is built on a psychological and literary basis.

The series of books "My First Library" contains the best literary works - from myths, legends, legends of different peoples to the works of classic writers around the world.

V.A. Levin emphasizes that one of the important tasks of the teacher is "taking care of children's literary creativity, since the child preserves and accumulates reading experience in a special way in his" writing "work"

Program " The ABC of Verbal Art "(authors L. E. Streltsova, N. D. Tamarchenko) created within the framework of the humanitarian education of the Russian Federation. Unlike other programs, this program presents literature as an art form, the nature and laws of which studies literary criticism. The authors strove to ensure that the categories of literary science were maximally consistent with the psychological and pedagogical features of the process of teaching children, and the techniques and methods of teaching corresponded to the specifics of the art of words and the natural process of reading activity. Representations and concepts are connected with the necessary educational activities and are built in the sequence that corresponds to the formation of conceptual thinking and reading culture.

Target programs - the formation of a culture of perception of a work of art in younger schoolchildren, the education of a qualified reader.

The authors of the program believe that it is impossible to give systemic literary knowledge to a first-grader child who cannot read and has no reading experience. Therefore, a necessary link in this program is the presence of propaedeutic (preparatory) work.

In the program of L.E. Streltsova and N.D. Tamarchenko, this is the preparatory stage "Word". The authors of the program emphasize that this is the stage of the child's preliterate development, the time when he acts as listener literary work. At this stage, the oral form of artistic speech prevails in work with children - children's play folklore. This makes it possible to single out a verbal statement from the situation of the game, to understand its form, to recognize it in similar situations. The main task of the preparatory stage is to help the child make the transition from the position of a listener, a "co-author" of the text, to the position of a reader-interpreter, ie. take the first step in distance (detachment) from the text. The leading role in this is played by presenting the child with a familiar literary text in a graphically fixed form.

On first stage(Grade 1) the child moves from the position of "co-author" to the position of the reader (the reader must not only listen and reproduce, act out, but also interpret the text).

On second stage(Grade 2) the child reader, starting from his life experience, must feel both "outside" and "inside" the text, that is, learn to distinguish between artistic reality and ordinary reality. The material for classes in grade 2 is mythological stories and folk tales adapted for children.

In grade 3 ( third stage) child readers get acquainted with detailed retellings and fragments of translations of heroic poems of antiquity and the Middle Ages. The concepts of "heroic character" and "epic author" are being mastered.

On fourth stage(Grade 4) the relationship between the traditional artistic language and the author's fiction is considered. Material - plots and motives of myth, fairy tales and epics in Russian poetry of the 19th-20th centuries.

A set of books implementing this program is of great interest.

Well " Literary reading. Native word» (authors G.M. Grekhneva, K.E. Korepova) focused on familiarizing children with the origins of their native culture and learning the language as the most important component of this culture.

The program corresponds to the subject of instruction given in the title. The word acts in it as 1) a means of everyday communication (speech), 2) as a specially designed expression (work of art) and 3) as part of the cultural heritage of the people, passed down from generation to generation. In this regard, the program highlights the following sections: reading technique, work with artistic text, speech, aesthetic and creative development of children.

Goals course:

Development and improvement of reading skills.

The children receive an initial literary education.

Studying the native language as the most important phenomenon of national culture.

Active speech development of the student.

Formation of elements of a historical approach to literature.

Expansion of knowledge and ideas of schoolchildren about a person and the world around them.

Development of the creative abilities of students.

Foundation programs - samples of folklore literary works that make up the reading circle of a younger student: play folklore and children's literature, folk tales, landscape lyrics by Russian poets, moralizing stories and stories about animals. Genre-thematic principle the location of the material provides for a variety of emotional impressions and event series and focuses on acquaintance with 1) the semantic and poetic possibilities of the word (language), 2) with folk rituals, holidays and customs (folklore), 3) with moral norms of behavior in the “big” and “ small "world.

From a methodological point of view, the textbooks are focused on the ideas of developing education and the pedagogy of cooperation.

In the textbooks "Rodnoe Slovo" mix of genre and thematic principles of the arrangement of text material by sections. The arrangement of texts within sections follows the principle of targeted associations: the transition from one work to another occurs according to the similarity of features (theme, character, genre, etc.). Logical construction of the material textbooks contributes to the formation of systemic ideas about reality and literature, develops the associative thinking of schoolchildren. The textbooks take into account the principle of amusement

Literary reading program includes: 1) program content, 2) reading technique, 3) work with literary text; 4) learning the native language while studying the text; 5) speech development, 6) aesthetic development, 7) expansion of students' knowledge about the world around them.

Program author "Literary reading»OV Kubasova believes that literature is one of the most powerful means of introducing children to universal human values ​​and shaping their worldview. Hence the leading role of reading lessons in the primary education system. In order for the book to become a friend, a mentor for children, it is necessary to awaken their interest in reading, and also to help students master the book as a tool of knowledge. Proceeding from this, the goal of teaching reading in primary grades is to form a “talented reader” (S. Marshak), i.e. a reader who adequately, fully and creatively comprehends the literary heritage of mankind .

The program is characterized by an integrated approach to the implementation of the following tasks learning to read.

2. Improving reading skills: conscientiousness, correctness, fluency, expressiveness (Technical basis of the reading process)

3. Formation of the ability to fully perceive the literary text (Content side of reading)

4. Assimilation of various ways of creative interpretation of a literary text

5. Teaching the practical skills of transforming the text: determining the main and secondary, finding key words; highlighting the semantic parts, etc. (General educational skills of working with text, allowing you to process and assimilate cognitive information)

6. Enrichment of the reading experience through the accumulation and systematization of literary impressions, various in emotional color, subject matter, species-genre belonging on this basis, the practical development of elementary literary concepts (Fundamentals of literary development).

7. Mastering by children the ability to use the means of extra-textual information (cover, title page, etc.), allowing them to navigate in it.

Literary education of primary schoolchildren occupies a special position in the curriculum. Work on the attitude to reading as a creative process of communication with the author, and to literature as the art of words, begins already from the first grade.

The Literary Reading program provides for the organization of work not only with the texts of literary works, but also with books in the unity of their textual and extra-textual information. So, for example, already in the 2nd grade, all children begin to familiarize themselves with the elementary skills of working with a book (to navigate in one book and in a group of books by cover, title page, table of contents or content).

This program does not lose sight of the problem of the formation of general educational skills. So the program and the textbook for grade 2 includes the section "Plan and retelling." In grades 3 and 4, it is planned to work on such general educational skills as determining the main thing in the content, recognizing new information, highlighting incomprehensible words and expressions and finding out their meaning, drawing up a plan, the ability to retell what has been read in different ways, etc.

In addition to all of the above, the methodological apparatus of textbooks is aimed at improving the perception of works of art (first of all, at working on the recreational imagination), as well as at developing the creative abilities of children.

Program "Literary reading" grades 1-4 (authors L.A. Efrosinina and M.I. Omorokova) pursues the goal - to help the child become a reader; by reading the work and its elementary analysis, convey to students the rich world of domestic and foreign literature and, thus, enrich their reading experience.

From year to year, children's interest in reading, in classical children's literature, and in poetry decreases. The reasons for the low interest of schoolchildren in reading activities, according to L.A. Efrosinina, are:

1) strengthening the influence of the media;

2) in the first school years, full-fledged communication with books is disrupted: the reading of an adult to a child is reduced, and listening to literature pursues only narrowly didactic goals. Thus, a contradiction is created between the child's desire to listen to works, to communicate with a book and the unwillingness of adults to maintain this interest at a time when the child himself cannot yet read.

L.A. Efrosinina proposes to conduct special lessons in listening in the elementary grades. The purpose of such lessons is to teach the perception of a literary text. Artistic perception is the ability not only to listen to a work, but also to hear what the author wanted to say; it is not only the ability to trace changes in the storyline, but also the ability to see and understand the subtext, the relationship of the characters, the attitude of the author towards them.

Hence the following didactic tasks of listening lessons follow:

Development of the ability to emotionally respond to the events described by the author; foster feelings of belonging and empathy;

Formation of understanding of the topic, the main idea of ​​the work, its structure and linguistic means;

Development of orientation in the genres of literature.

It is advisable to use the lessons of listening and for the formation of reading skills, orientation in the "structure" of the book, the formation of skills in working in the library, etc.

Hearing lessons are held 1-2 times a week. In the classroom, you can use the reader "Literature for a first grader" (author-compiler L.A. Efrosinina) or pick up works according to your own taste.

In literary reading lessons, it is advisable to develop the reading skill in the process of analyzing a work from the development of a loud-speaking form (reading aloud) to reading "to oneself". Mastering reading in the first year of study presupposes 1) the formation of integral synthetic reading techniques at the word level (reading in whole words); 2) the intonational combination of words into phrases and sentences, 3) an increase in the speed of reading in the second year of study and the gradual introduction of reading "to oneself".

The formation of reading skills depends on the following factors:

From the level of mental and speech development of the child,

From the time of the beginning of the reading,

From the mental state of the child.

These factors should be taken into account and feasible requirements should be presented to different groups of students, organizing individual work with children. For this purpose, the complex of educational materials offers multilevel assignments and texts.

Program "Literature as a subject of the aesthetic cycle" (G. N. Kudina and Z. N. Novlyanskaya) is based on the idea of ​​a detailed dialogue between the author and the reader. For such a dialogue to take place, the reader must be able to solve two important tasks for himself: 1) to understand what is depicted in the work, as close as possible to what the author understood; 2) incorporate the work into your experience. To solve these problems, the reader needs knowledge of the theory, those laws of the artistic form, according to which the work is created. In the program of G.N. Kudina and Z.N. Novlyanskaya, drawing the attention of the little reader to the artistic form begins with building structural schemes for the work of small folklore genres - counting rhymes, nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, riddles, etc.

In the introduction to the methodological developments for this program, the authors write that the new subject of the school course is described through the initial relationship "author - literary text - reader", and the development of this relationship can be represented "as a continuous process of practical literary activity of the schoolchildren themselves, sometimes in the position of" author " , then in the "reader" position

The authors of the program believe that "children's artistic creativity is necessary for the child himself to develop his imagination, emotional and aesthetic sphere, mastering speech as a means of transmitting thoughts, feelings, and the inner world of a person." The program emphasizes that the literary experience itself enriches the reader with an understanding of the author's tasks and intentions, in a different way "highlights" the reading process for him. Creative activity in the position of "author" begins with observations of reality, which are fixed in collectively created sketches, continues with observations of literary texts of writers and is realized in the individual work of each child to create a text.

Thus, an analysis of existing programs indicates the following trends in primary teaching to read:

1) attention is being paid to the literary education of the primary school student, to the artistic and creative development of the child's personality;

2) the implementation of complex educational tasks (teaching the reading skill, speech development, initial literary education and development, the development of children's creative activity in connection with reading books, etc.).

Tests and assignments for lecture №2.

Analysis of modern reading and literature programs

1. The education system has three contradictions:

A) between the need for the creative development of the individual and the existing system of authoritarian education and upbringing;

B) between the need for new technologies and existing methodological developments for teachers;

C) between the need for the development of thinking and the existing teaching system;

D) between the need for the introduction of new academic subjects and subjects limited by the curriculum.

11. The program " Reading and elementary literary education"(Authors RN Buneev, EV Buneeva) is built taking into account the principles: A) artistic and aesthetic, B) monographic principle, C) the principle of holistic perception of a work of art, D) development of speech and thinking, E) literary criticism, E ) the logical construction of the textbook material, G) the principle of genre diversity, H) the principle of updating the subject of reading, I) the principle of the optimal ratio of works of children's literature and works from "adult literature" included in the circle of children's reading, K) the traditional thematic principle.

111. Analysis of the programs shows the following trends in primary teaching to read:

A) attention to the literary education of a primary school student is increasing,

B) increased attention to the artistic and creative development of the child's personality;

C) the implementation of complex learning tasks is taking place.

A student in the learning process. Schoolboy as a reader. Basic principles of teaching literature

Lecture number 3

The th stage is the Soviet period of development of the methodology in the 50-80s.

The development of literature methods is associated with the names of N.I. Kudryasheva, N.D. Moldavskoy, L.G. Zhabitskaya and others.

5th - the modern stage of development of the methodology.

In the late 80s. in the methodology of teaching literature, changes are outlined related to the development of a new concept of general secondary education, the creation of new types of educational institutions. Variants of programs on literature are published, trial textbooks are published. Disputes about the content of literary education and the methods of teaching literature at school do not subside.

Today, methodological science is faced with a whole complex of problems associated with the development of the concept of literary education, the creation of educational programs and teaching aids of a new type. A special task of the modern methodology is the return of forgotten names and traditions of the Russian school.


Ya.L. Rotkovich. Questions of teaching literature, Uchpedgiz, 1959.

V.V. Golubkov Methods of teaching literature, Uchpedgiz, 1955

V.F. Damn. Russian literature of the pre-revolutionary school, M. 1994.

At the center of the learning process is the student. He is primarily interested in the methodology of teaching literature from the side of reading activity. Education, the formation of a literate, qualified reader is one of the basic tasks of a teacher - a language specialist. Such a reader is defined above all by the reading culture.

Reading culture there is a set of knowledge, skills, feelings, allowing to fully and independently assimilate fiction. It consists of three interacting components, levels: reading consciousness, reading feelings and reading behavior.

I.S. Zbarsky defines these levels as follows:

1. The level of reading consciousness, literary erudition includes the stock of factual knowledge of the golden fund of literature (practical acquaintance with works of art), the acquisition of an extremely important circle of knowledge on the theory and history of literature, the development of the logic of analysis occurs in their generic and genre specifics.

2. The level of reading feelings, evaluative orientations includes the primary indicator: the ability to perceive specific works - and the following main indicators: aesthetic taste, ᴛ.ᴇ. the ability to evaluate works of art on the basis of conscious criteria and the presence of literary and aesthetic ideals of the individual.

3. The level of reading behavior indicates the presence and degree of development of reading culture in the practical activity of a person (choosing literature, working with it, promoting a book, etc.), the degree of involvement in creative activity, the level of mastering the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of self-reading.

The first stage in the formation of reading culture is the study of the perception of literature by schoolchildren - readers. The perception of fiction is a complex psychological process that occurs at the level of recreational imagination, figurative and logical thinking, emotional memory based on personal experience and knowledge of students.

N. D. Moldavskaya interprets this process as deeply meaningful, proceeding not only at the level of sensory cognition, but also at the level of abstract thinking, capturing a very wide sphere of the human psyche (along with thinking, moral and aesthetic feelings, recreating and creative imagination, logical and emotional memory, special abilities, etc.).

In the methods of teaching literature, the specificity of perception, due to the personal characteristics of schoolchildren, determines the reader's type.

There are various classifications of schoolchildren as readers. For example, the classification followed by the methodologist O.Yu. Bogdanova (O. Yu. Bogdanova Development of thinking of senior pupils in literature lessons. Methods of teaching letterature - M., 1979), schoolchildren, according to Bogdanova's classification, due to their individual characteristics, are divided into the following types:

1) emotionally imaginative

2) logically - rational

3) mixed.

O.Yu. Bogdanova characterizes the levels of perception of schoolchildren of different age groups in this way.

Age features of perception:

1. Younger schoolchildren are more often interested in individual vivid episodes, his judgments about the actions of the heroes of the books are categorical, sometimes one-sided, but, as it is right, emotionally colored. Younger schoolchildren find themselves caught up in empathy, especially for their favorite characters.

1) A teenager is interested in a person as a carrier of certain personality traits. From the "inclusion" in the life of the work, he gradually passes to its objective perception, among schoolchildren - adolescents, the circle of perceived moral properties of a person's personality grows, an interest in the formation of his character, the motives of his behavior appears. At the same time, a teenager is not always able to assess the personality of a literary hero as a whole, to take into account and weigh the various circumstances and motives of his behavior.

Pupils of senior school age show interest in the complex inner world of the hero, strive to learn the creative worldview of the author. In adolescence, the desire to understand a person's worldview, the essence of the moral properties of his personality, increases. Most schoolchildren in grades 10-11 are able to assess the artistic significance of a work, using a generalization of aesthetic nature in their assessments. In general, the older school age is characterized by a desire to systematize their impressions of what they read, understanding it as a whole. A number of students are characterized by excessive logic of the read at the expense of the ability to emotionally perceive the text.

Individual characteristics

Pupils of the "rational type" easily make plans, actively participate in the work of the final nature, but they work worse with assignments in the text, are less sensitive to the artistic word.

Pupils of the “emotional” type work with interest in the text of the work, catch the character of the expressive means of one or another author, but it is more difficult for them to draw up plans, work on conclusions.

In all cases, it is important to preserve in the student's perception an element of pleasure that is not replaced by anything else, which is mediated by the amount of knowledge and erudition of the student, his emotionality, as well as his need to perceive works of art.

“The perception of an individual work should be thought of as a part of the whole, as an element of students' literary education, as an indicator of their mental development, conscious maturity and emotional-aesthetic sensitivity,” writes O. Yu. Bogdanova (MPL., Akademia, 1999, pp. 105-107) ...

A slightly different classification based on the results of the reader's perception is proposed by L.G. Zhabitskaya:

1) naive realism

2) emotional-figurative perception

3) aesthetic perception

Let us present in the table what each of the named levels of perception is composed of.

Perception level Reading motives Direct Perception Process Reflection process of comprehension Evaluation of the work by the reader
naive realism Not conscious I want to be literate learn history Sympathy for the hero is clearly expressed. There is fiction. Images are not controlled There are no specific techniques for working with text, thinking is based on comparison with the phenomena of reality A positive assessment, if the work meets the idea of ​​the desired, the assessment depends on moral impressions.
emotional-figurative perception The motives are of a general nature, "I want to know life", "I want to know people", "I want to know myself" Vivid, imaginative perception, out-of-context images are possible in connection with the emotional experiences of the reader Highlight the main characters. Allocation of the author's attitude to heroes and events. Possession of basic skills in thin analysis. NS. A positive assessment, if the work helps to understand something important in your own life, to make a decision.
aesthetic level of perception The motives for reading are wide. Interest in literary comprehension is diverse A vivid, imaginative perception of the entire artistic world of a work with an orientation towards a vision of genre features. Comprehension of the author's concept of the world and man Relevant in content and artistically in form.

Naive realism characterized by the fact that the teacher does not have specific methods of perceiving and analyzing a work of art, but he is emotional in his understanding of the text. In the read work, the storyline is mainly assimilated, it is possible to speculate on the images of the heroes. The “naive reader” is distinguished by a deep faith in the reality of what is written, both what is happening and what is happening (hence the letters to writers with a request to indicate the exact address of the hero).

Emotional-figurative perception differs from naive realism in the understanding of artistic convention, the complexity of the perceived images and pictures. The hero is perceived as a personality given against an eventful background. The reader is able to highlight the main idea - the idea of ​​the work. Evaluation of a work is associated with an attempt to understand the author's position and with that influence, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ the work, its images have on the reader.

Aesthetic level of perception differs in integrity in assessing the content and form of the work. The reader is well versed in the genre and generic features of the text sees the author's position in all manifestations, can talk about the concept of the world and the person of the writer.

Methodist M.P. Barhota notes that it is incorrect to strictly regulate the characteristics of perception by levels. We are talking about their interpenetration and about the constant change in the process of reader's perception; at the same time, with the help of these features, one can fix one or another stage of development of perception, determine the potential movement of the reader to the next, higher level, relying on the dominant features of each of the levels (the dominant features are the reader's interest in the storyline; empathy with the heroes of the works; attention to the style of the writer Additional, accompanying criteria: the perception of artistic detail and a sense of subtext). The first level is characterized only by the first dominant feature, this level is typical for younger adolescents.

(Education of a creative reader, M .: Enlightenment, 1981, p. 76-78)

To transfer readers to the second level, it is advisable for the teacher to rely on the elements of attention to the hero of the work, which are constantly accumulating already at the first, “fabulous” level of perception. The second level, the middle one, is characterized, along with the first feature, also by the second. This appears to be the norm for older teens and a realistic prospect for younger ones. The nature of mastering a literary work at each level is qualitatively unique and should not be overlooked or overlooked; it is extremely important to consistently master the two initial levels of perception, in order to then come to the third, actually aesthetic.

In organizing the movement of the adolescent reader from the second to the third level, it is important to educate attention to artistic detail - at the beginning in the direct characterization of the heroes, then and in the indirect one - in the landscape, the interior. mood. The third level is high. Individual manifestations of it are characteristic of representatives of different age groups of young readers. At the same time, in general, the emotional and personal perception of the ideological and stylistic originality of a literary work is a prospect even for older adolescents. In an effort to bring schoolchildren closer to this level, the teacher painstakingly instills in them an aesthetic sense of subtext.

The levels of reading perception do not destroy each other, but transform. M.P. Barhota believes that inside each of them, elements characteristic of other levels can coexist simultaneously, because the young reader is in a continuous process of literary and general development. It is important to note that the methodological principle remains relevant for the reading guidance system: “not to fix the stage or level at which the child is, but to help him move from this stage to the next, higher stage”. (Rubinshtein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology, M., 1946, p. 49). It is customary for us to understand pedagogical guidance in reading adolescents as the organization of their movement, first within a given level (for example, from a lower sublevel to a higher one), and then in the transition to the next level of perception, which is directly related to the development of the system of theoretical and literary knowledge in accordance with the curriculum.

The study of student perception in methodological science has the main goal of improving the school analysis of a literary work. BUT. Korst correlates the problem of perception of the work with the problem of analysis, emphasizing the extremely important formation of “new moments” of perception in the process of studying literature, proving it is extremely important to develop not only aesthetic sense, but also the thinking of students.

A necessary condition for the harmonious correlation of the perception and analysis of a work of art is to take into account the basic methodological principles on which a literature lesson should be based.

1. The principle of studying literature as the art of words, proposed by V.R. Shcherbina. The researcher argues that “the art of the word is more direct, more concrete, more intense than other types of art is connected with other types of social consciousness, develops in organic interaction with them”. (Shcherbina V.R. Problems of literary education in secondary school, 2nd ed. M., 1982, p. 63). At the same time, the author emphasizes the importance of attention to all aspects of art, to aesthetic pleasure and knowledge, to emotionality and generalization. Harmonious use of all these possibilities of the art of the word, the ability to see a work of art as a whole (hence the principle - from holistic perception - to holistic comprehension) contribute to the broad and full implementation of this principle. The author warns against an unnecessarily narrow understanding of the term "art of the word". The word is not only “the building material of literature”, the word is “the basis of human studies” (as defined by M. Gorky).

2. Scientificness as a principle of studying the art of words presupposes a number of specific aspects that are well known to the teacher. Relying on literary studies, the teacher strives for a combination of aesthetic, cognitive, historical-genetic, social-functional, problematic aspects. V.R. Shcherbina points out: “Just the loss of their correct ratio, as well as their simplified interpretation, is one of the basic reasons for the low effectiveness of a literature lesson, the one-line perception of a work of art in words, their illustrative understanding”.

1. Historicism presupposes both historical-genetic and historical-functional consideration of works. Historicism, on the one hand, helps to view the work as the building of a certain era, and on the other, as living, acting in the present day.

2. The unity of form and content is the principle on which the teacher constantly relies: it is one of the conditions for the full-fledged perception of works of art. Already at the first stages of literary education, students get an idea of ​​the unity of form and content on specific examples of the analysis of works of art in identifying their ideological meaning, main content, tropes, rhythm, etc. used by the author. The understanding of the harmony and proportionality of all the components of a literary text is formed gradually. Without a sense of the organic nature of any term, any particular, there is no understanding of the work of art as a whole.

3. The principle of consistency and orderliness. The teacher should clearly understand that, starting from the 5th grade, he is studying fiction as an art form, and not just reading a work of fiction on the basis of a purely emotional perception. This principle is implemented in the structure of school literature programs. Systematically and systematically expanding the circle of knowledge and skills, the student masters at each stage such an amount of material that he can independently evaluate each work.

4. The principle of the leading role of the teacher in the conscious and vigorous activity of students. As T.F. Kurdyumova, “the teacher speaks to schoolchildren not as a performer in the theater of one actor, but as the director of a wonderful and never repeating performance”. The leading role of the teacher in the literature lesson is manifested accordingly: students experience its influence, but must constantly feel the independence of searches, judgments, assessments, findings, solutions.

5. The principle of accessibility. It is extremely important for the teacher to remember about age and individual capabilities, to take into account the level of training of students. The programs of each class (selection of fiction texts, the content of the methodological apparatus information on the theory of literature, stories about writers, etc.) are consistently designed to be accessible to students of a given age and training. The emotional side of the influence of the artistic word is also taken into account.

6. The principle of visualization in teaching literature presupposes a broadly understood connection between sensory and logical cognition, an appeal to the world of direct sensory perception of works of art, to its various types, above all to the perception of the spoken word.

7. The principle of the educational orientation of the entire learning process, the strength and effectiveness of its results, presupposes the impact of literature on the reader both during the years of study and throughout his entire subsequent life.

8. The principle of connection with life. Contemporary reading of the classics, adequate reading of new works enrich the student and help him navigate modern problems, with greater responsibility to approach his own judgments and actions.

The principles that teachers constantly use not only contribute to the purposeful organization of the educational process, but also form in schoolchildren an active civic position, the activity of attitudes, tastes, and value orientations.

Lecture number 4

A student in the learning process. Schoolboy as a reader. The basic principles of teaching literature - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Student in the learning process. The student as a reader. Basic principles of teaching literature" 2017, 2018.

The problems of educating schoolchildren as readers, developing their independent reading skills, appeared long ago. The study of the literature on the topic of the research led to the conclusion that before the nineteenth century. the method of reading (classroom and extracurricular) as a branch of pedagogical science has not yet been formed. However, as G. Pidluzhnaya notes, already in the XI century. the prerequisites for the emergence of the reading technique were formed: in the sights of Kievan Rus we find evidence of the significant interest of our predecessors in the study of literature. During his reign (978-1015), the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich opened special workshops where books were copied, and later created schools for the children of the Kiev nobility. Teaching at school at that time required the creation of textbooks and the search for forms, means and methods of "book learning". This is how the first developments in poetics and stylistics appeared.

KD Ushinsky made a significant contribution to the development of a scientifically grounded reading technique in the middle of the 19th century. With all the individual differences in the methodological views of scientists, the most important achievements of practice were the foundations of the method of explanatory reading and the assertion of the need to analyze a work of art as the basis of study and spiritual development of the individual. In addition, scientists paid great attention to the development of speech and thinking of schoolchildren, expressive reading as a means of enhancing readers' interests, as well as family reading.

As noted by N.N. Svetlovskaya, the analysis of scientific, methodological, educational and fiction literature of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. allows us to conclude that the problems of the educational influence of the artistic word on the personality of the student's reader acquired at that time not only pedagogical, but also a social character: they worried not only domestic scientists, methodologists, teachers, but also progressive writers and public figures. Considering reading an important means of enhancing the cognitive activity of students and a source of their spiritual development, I. Franko, L. Ukrainka, E. Pchelka, S. Vasilchenko, H. Alchevskaya, G. Dragomanov, S. Rusova, T. Lubenets, I. Ohienko in their writings drew attention to the need to improve the content of textbooks for reading; criticized the simplistic methods of teaching literature at school; attached great importance to the independent communication of schoolchildren with a book; took care of the publication of highly artistic works for children.

In the 50-60s, after a slight decrease in interest in the problems of children's reading, predetermined by objective reasons (the years of the war and post-war devastation), the development of methodological thought continued in the direction of identifying ways to increase the educational value of classroom and extracurricular reading in their relationship. Continuing the best traditions of the past, famous scientists and methodologists S. Rezodubov, G. Kanonikin, N. Shcherbakov, E. Adamovich, F. Kostenko, V. Sukhomlinsky noted in their writings that reading should serve as a means of educational influence on students, expand and deepen their horizons, enrich the knowledge, moral and emotional experience of schoolchildren. Among the tasks of reading lessons, scientists identified the need to develop reading skills.

The growth of interest in the problems of educating schoolchildren's readers in the 60s is also confirmed by the appearance of scientific publications, which proposed the introduction of special classes - lessons of extracurricular reading. Until that time, although extracurricular reading was listed in the programs for primary grades, the curriculum did not allocate hours for it.

It was envisaged that extracurricular reading should be organized by the class teacher together with the librarian. This should have been facilitated by a system of extracurricular activities: literary matinees, games, quizzes, etc. Over time, the concern of the pedagogical community, caused by a decrease in children's interest in books, forced them to look for new ways to guide extracurricular reading.

But how do you get your child interested in a book? How to teach a child to love a book? After all, modern children do not like to read, they read little and reluctantly. But the quality of the entire learning process depends on their ability to read in the future. Without learning to read well, a child will not be able to read a math problem, prepare an essay or a message on any topic, and for a reading-impaired child it will be an overwhelming task. As practice shows, if a child does not read well enough, his literacy leaves much to be desired, oral speech is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, teaching a child to read, use a book as a source of knowledge and information, introduce students to the world of books and thereby contribute to the development of independent reading activity is the main task of a primary school teacher. To make it clear to students that reading is the spiritual food of every educated person. And with the rapid invasion of our lives by the achievements of scientific and technological progress, this task has become more urgent than ever before.

For many years, pedagogy and psychology have been looking for effective ways of introducing younger students to literature, to the art of words. This is directly involved in the methodology of literary education in primary school. The methodology is not fixed rules and canons. This is a living process in which it is impossible to create models of the child's activity and thinking in the lesson, but can only assume them. Therefore, work with a work of art cannot be subordinated to a single scheme. At the same time, the teacher's task is not to invent the latest methods and techniques of work in the literary reading lesson, but to develop a general methodological approach aimed at the formation and education of the child's personality, familiarizing him with the art of speech and the basics of reading activity. ... In modern elementary school, two types of reading lesson are distinguished: a lesson in literary reading and a lesson in reading independence, the so-called extracurricular reading. Literary reading is closely related to extracurricular reading lessons. Extracurricular reading in primary school is a mandatory part of preparing children for independent reading.

The purpose of extracurricular reading is to acquaint students with children's literature, which is part of the reading circle of a modern junior schoolchild, to form interest in the book, skills and abilities to work with it, to foster a positive attitude towards independent reading. The main form of work with a children's book is extracurricular reading lessons.

On the one hand, these are relatively free lessons, which develop the reader's interests, the horizons of children, their aesthetic feelings, the perception of artistic images, their imagination and creativity.

On the other hand, in these lessons, certain program requirements are fulfilled, skills and abilities necessary for an active reader are formed.

As noted by O. Dzhezheley Extracurricular reading lessons should be exciting, become holidays of the book, children are waiting for them with impatience, getting ready for them. Since the lessons of extracurricular reading are designed to develop schoolchildren, to educate them to be active, the structure of the lessons is extremely diverse and does not obey any scheme. Each lesson is the creativity of the teacher and students, and the more variety, the more liveliness and flexibility one can achieve in these lessons, the more success the teacher and his class achieve.

But extracurricular reading lessons are held relatively rarely, then the question of their system, of their planning for a long time seems to be very important. Usually, it is recommended to plan extracurricular reading lessons for half a year or for the whole year. Planning lessons for a long time allows you to foresee their diversity, sequence, connection between them, as well as the distribution of topics in accordance with the tasks of upbringing and development of children, seasonal interests of students and other factors.

T. Neborskaya proposes the following structure of an extracurricular reading lesson in the 1st grade.

1. Preparing students for the perception of the work (2 min). Examining the book.

2. Expressive reading by the teacher and listening to it by students (5-7 minutes)

3. Collective discussion of what has been read (7-10 minutes). Conversations, questions, illustrations, games, studies are used.

4. Examination of books: cover, title, author's name, illustrations inside the book. The cover should be as primitive as possible, without unnecessary information.

The lesson requires:

1. Special psychological attitude.

2. It is impossible to hold on different days and increase or decrease the number of meetings of students with a book and lengthen these sessions.

3. First graders are not ready for detailed analysis of what they read. You need to learn to listen and reflect on what you read.

4. Specially treat books.

To arouse children's interest in reading books, it is necessary to follow the methodological principles of selecting books recommended for children.

First, the selection of books should be guided by educational goals.

Second, there is a need for genre and thematic diversity: prose and poetry; fiction and popular science literature; books about today and the past; works of classic and contemporary writers; folklore - fairy tales, riddles; book and magazine, newspaper, works of Russian, Ukrainian authors and translations ...

Thirdly, taking into account the age characteristics of children, the principle of accessibility. So, in the 1st grade, they recommend stories, fairy tales, poems on topics accessible to children, such as the Motherland, work, human life, animals and plants. Small-sized children's books (well illustrated, with large print) by Russian and Belarusian (translated into Russian) writers.

Expanding the reader's horizons through historical stories and stories, autobiographical, documentary, essay literature, children's adventure books, books about culture and art.

The fourth principle for the selection of books for children is the principle of individual interest, the student's independence in choosing a book.

Following these principles will increase interest in reading, in the book, and this, in turn, will broaden the horizons of children.

In the classroom, lists of recommended literature are posted, they are periodically updated and supplemented. The teacher organizes exhibitions of book novelties, books are promoted in direct communication with students: in the librarian's speeches in the classroom, in individual conversations between the teacher and the children.

Individual assistance and supervision. Talking with students about the book they are reading or reading, sharing opinions, comparing a book to a movie, discussing illustrations, viewing student notes about books read, visiting the student at home and getting to know his home library, talking with parents about the student's reading.

Thus, in the primary grades, a system of organizing independent reading of schoolchildren is taking shape, a system of educating them as active readers, lovers of literature. This system is characterized not so much by a knowledge program as by a program of skills and orientation in the world of books. It is subordinated to the task of inculcating the need to read books, newspapers and magazines, since in modern society every person must be prepared for self-education, for independent "acquisition of knowledge", for updating their knowledge.

What do the lessons of extracurricular reading in the first grade oblige us? In the classroom, children with different levels of life experience and readiness to read, that is, reading and beginners. Reading children are most often from a family where it has become a tradition for parents and children to read books aloud, to discuss and experience together. At home, of course, books are read without any system, so reading a child at home has not yet made him a reader. To fill the gap, extracurricular reading lessons are called upon. That is why, already during the period of literacy training, extracurricular reading is held every week for 15--20 minutes, since it is during this period that students' interest in children's books is formed.

J. Vilmane noted that the main thing in extracurricular work is to skillfully organize it, and in such a way that this work develops the cognitive interests of students and thereby gives purposefulness to their activities. And M. Kachurin points out that extracurricular work reveals students, they learn more relaxed, freer, willingly turn to additional literature on the subject, acquire a taste for independent work with a book.

Let's consider the concept of "reading activity" in the works of different authors.

Table 1.1 - The essence of the concept of "reading activity" proposed by various authors


The essence of the views

K. Ushinsky

Reading activity is the reader's ability to understand an exemplary work and feel it

N. Rubakin

Reading activity is a personal property, which is characterized by the presence of the reader's motives that induce him to turn to books, and a system of knowledge, skills, skills that give him the opportunity to realize his motives with the least expenditure of time and effort in accordance with social and personal need

N. Svetlovskaya

Reading activity is a personal property that allows the reader, if necessary, to habitually turn to the world of books for the experience he lacks and, with a minimum expenditure of time and effort, find in this world and "appropriate" the necessary experience at the maximum available to him or establish that the experience that interests him not yet described in books

G. Naumchuk

Reading activity is the reader's ability to use a book as a source of knowledge and information

O. Jezheley

Reading activity is the ability and desire to invest in reading "work of the soul", thinking about a book before reading, perceiving the content, thinking about what has been read when the book is already closed

S. Doroshenko

Reading activity includes the formation of the reading technique, the ability to listen, perceive and be aware of what has been read

Analysis of the table allows us to conclude that reading activity is a personal property of a student, which can be considered the ultimate goal and an objective indicator of the reading activity of younger students. Reading activity manifests itself in a persistent need to refer to books, in a conscious choice of material for reading, in the ability to effectively apply acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of reading.

For individual work, books are selected in a standard design, corresponding to the standards of hygiene of independent reading, from 8 to 30 pages, of which students individually, independently (silently) at the direction and under the supervision of the teacher read artistic or scientific-artistic works from 60 to 400 words ...

For collective work in the lessons of extracurricular reading in the 1st grade, children's books are selected in a complicated design, of which the teacher reads aloud to children fairy tales, poems, riddles ranging from 500 to 1500 words.

Thus, we see that the leading place in the complex of reading skills and abilities is occupied by such a component as awareness, understanding that the child is reading. And this is not surprising, because reading is carried out in order to obtain certain information, to learn something new, and finally, to get satisfaction from the very process of reading, from getting to know a work of verbal art. That is why the texts at the initial stage of learning to read should be short, phrases - simple, words - familiar, large font.

Reading awareness is reading comprehension:

the main meaning of the entire content of the text, i.e. reading awareness

words used both literally and figuratively.

The depth of awareness depends on the age needs and capabilities of the reader, the level of his general development, erudition, life experience and other factors. That is why one and the same work can be understood and realized in different ways by any person, regardless of whether it is an adult reader or a child.

L. Yasyukova notes that you must first give the child the opportunity to understand the text, make out it silently and only then offer to read it aloud. When a child is immediately forced to read aloud, he has to simultaneously perform two operations at once - reading the text and interpreting it. And this requires a special distribution of attention, which a first-grader child does not yet have or it is rather weakly formed, so most children voice the texts, that is, "read", and then they practically cannot repeat what they read. This means that children will not be able to retell the text and answer questions.

At first, while works are small in volume, strong learners may not realize the importance of extra-textual information. Carried away by the very process of reading the text, they easily memorize it almost word for word and retell it without difficulty. Children have the illusion of reading comprehension. Weak students find it difficult to read the text, so they also may not be up to the extra-textual information contained in the book. Both those and other children, in the case when the unity of the text and extra-textual information is missed, think about the content of what they have read only thanks to the direct questions and tasks of the teacher. They do not learn to think about a book while reading on their own, when the teacher is not around, because without questions and assignments, teachers simply do not know what they can and should think about when choosing and reading a book, but the ability to think about a book with the help of the book itself children must be taught no less thoroughly than all other reading skills and abilities.

That is why each structural part of the extracurricular reading lesson in the 1st grade should end with an analysis of the students' ability to use extra-textual information and illustrations for the emotional and full-fledged perception of the text of the read work.

For this reason, O. Jezheley does not recommend requiring a first grader to independently read children's books at home, without the supervision of a teacher, while the child is still learning to monitor the quality of his reading, but insists that this quality must be checked by all available means.

In the existing programs on literary reading, the authors approach the solution of the question of the formation of independent reading activity of younger schoolchildren in different ways.

In the program "Classical primary school" (by O. Jezheley), a special section is highlighted, which presents a list of skills and abilities that students can and should master as an independent reading activity at the end of each period of study. The implementation of this section is carried out in one of five types of lesson - lessons that provide the ability to independently choose and read books. They are conducted using special sets of children's books.

The School 2100 program (R. Buneev, E. Buneeva) provides for the organization of independent home reading for children. The main feature: children read "within the framework of books for reading", that is, other stories or poems of the authors of this section, the following chapters from the story. This is how the principle of holistic perception of a work of art is realized.

A lesson based on home reading materials is conducted after completing work on each section. The selection of works and the topics of these lessons is an individual matter of the teacher. At the end of each reading book, there is a sample list of self-reading books.

Thus, the process of forming an independent reading activity of primary schoolchildren is provided for in each of the above programs, but the forms and methods for achieving this goal are different.

O. Dzhezheley calls the leading accounting method the daily observation of the reading activity of students, the versatile study by the teacher of each child from the point of view of the dynamics of mastering the requirements of the school curriculum and the analysis of educational activities with children in the lessons of extracurricular reading.

In perceiving activity, it is legitimate to distinguish two sides. When mastering a literary work, first of all, a lively and artless, non-analytical, holistic response to it is inherently important. "True art<...>- wrote to I.A. Ilyin, - (112) you have to take it in yourself; one must directly join him. And for this you need to contact him with the greatest artistic trust, – childishly open your soul to him. " I. V. Ilyinsky expressed the same idea in relation to the theater. According to him, a cultured spectator is like a child: “The true culture of the spectator is expressed in a direct, free, unrestrained response to what he sees and hears in the theater. Reacting according to the will of the soul and heart ”.

At the same time, the reader seeks to be aware of the impressions received, to ponder what he read, to understand the reasons for the emotions he experienced. This is a secondary, but also very important, facet of the perception of a work of art. G.A. Tovstonogov wrote that the theater audience after for a certain period of time, the performance "exchanges" the feelings he experienced in the theater for thoughts. This fully applies to the reader. The need to interpret works organically grows out of living, ingenuous readers' responses to it. The reader who does not think at all and the one who looks for only a reason for reasoning in what he read are limited in their own way. And a “pure analyst” is perhaps even more so than one who is like a child in his naivety.

Immediate impulses and the reader's mind are not easy to correlate with the creative will of the author of the work. Here there is a dependence of the perceiving subject on the artist-creator, and the independence of the former in relation to the latter. When discussing the reader-author problem, scientists express differently directed, sometimes even polarizing judgments. They either make the reader's initiative absolute, or, on the contrary, speak of the reader's obedience to the author as a certain indisputable norm of literary perception.

The first kind of "roll" took place in the statements of A.A. Have fun. Proceeding from the fact that the content of a literary work (when it is finished) "develops not in the artist, but in those who understand", the scientist argued that "the artist's merit is not in the minimum" e content that was thought to him when creating, but in a certain flexibility of the image ", capable of" arousing the most diverse content. " intentions and aspirations (113) are taken to the extreme in modern poststructuralist works, especially in R. Barthes with his concept of the death of the author (see pp. 66–68).

But in the science of literature, another tendency is also influential, opposing the leveling of the author for the sake of raising the reader. Arguing against Potebnya, A.P. Skaftymov emphasized the reader's dependence on the author: “No matter how much we talk about the reader's creativity in the perception of a work of art, we still know that the reader's creativity is secondary, in its direction and facets it is conditioned by the object of perception. The reader is still led by the author, and he demands obedience in following his creative paths. And a good reader is one who knows how to find the breadth of understanding in himself and give himself to the author. " According to N.K. Bonetskaya, it is important for the reader to remember first of all about the initial, primary, unambiguously clear artistic meanings and meanings coming from the author, from his creative will. “The meaning put into a work by the author is a fundamentally constant value,” she asserts, stressing that forgetting this meaning is highly undesirable.

The indicated points of view, having undoubted reasons, are at the same time one-sided, as they signify the focus either on uncertainty and openness, or, on the contrary, on the certainty and unambiguous clarity of the artistic meaning. Both of these extremes are overcome by hermeneutically oriented literary criticism, which understands the relationship of the reader to the author as a dialogue, an interview, a meeting. For the reader, a literary work is both a "container" of a certain range of feelings and thoughts belonging to the author and expressed by him, and an "exciter" (stimulator) of his own spiritual initiative and energy. According to Y. Mukarzhovsky, the unity of the work is set by the artist's creative intentions, but around of this "core" are grouped "associative ideas and feelings" that arise in the reader regardless of the will of the author. To this we can add, firstly, that in very many cases the reader's perception turns out to be predominantly subjective, if not completely arbitrary: incomprehensible, bypassing the author's creative intentions, his view of the world and artistic concept. And, secondly (and this is the main thing), for the reader it is optimal synthesis deep comprehension of the author's personality, his creative will and his own (reader's) spiritual initiative. L.N. Tolstoy: "<...>when we read or contemplate the artistic (114) work of a new author, the main question that arises in our soul is always: “Well, what kind of person are you?<...>If this is an old, already familiar writer, then the question is no longer about who you are, but “Well, what else can you tell me new? from which side will you illuminate my life now? "

In order for the dialogue-meetings that enrich the reader to take place, he needs both aesthetic taste, and a keen interest in the writer and his works, and the ability to directly feel their artistic merits. At the same time, reading is, as V.F. Asmus, "labor and creativity": "No work can be understood<...>if the reader himself, at his own peril and risk, does not walk in his own mind along the path outlined in the work by the author<...>The creative result of reading in each case depends on<... >from the whole spiritual biography<...>reader<...>The most sensitive reader is always inclined to re-read an outstanding work of fiction. "

Such is norm(in other words, the best, optimal "option") of the reader's perception. It is carried out every time in its own way and not always to the fullest. In addition, the author's orientations to the tastes and interests of the reading public are very different. And literary criticism studies the reader from his various angles, the main thing - in his cultural and historical diversity.

Formulation of the problem. We have already stated that the ramification of the sciences, the object of which sooner or later became, gave rise to different approaches to its definition, as well as to the principles of its research. Thus, reading was considered: as an integral part of the system of social communications; as a mechanism for non-verbal communication between two or more communication actors; as a means of transferring cultural heritage from society to person, from society to society; as "a set of practices, techniques and procedures for working with text." and etc.

The degree of elaboration of the problem. The study of the sociological and socio-psychological aspects of reading takes place in the library science literature ..

But in most cases, these publications deal with typologies related to the rationale for principles of reading guidance (which, incidentally, differ in mainstream and specialized libraries), or practical issues that relate to differentiated reader services. However, such an approach to the study should still be considered one-sided, since the most thorough study of the psychological characteristics of readers does not guarantee all possible reading situations that may arise in the process of library and bibliographic services, and, moreover, in the plane of the educational process.

In our opinion, all these attempts had one common flaw.- each of them, having every right to exist, focused attention on one of the aspects of the phenomenon of reading, was based on one or another theory of social cognition and, thus, was limited to certain aspects of communication. Thus, behaviorism singled out reading as a response to a stimulus-response; symbolic interactionism considered reading as an attribute of the symbolic role of social norms of communication; phenomenalism interpreted reading as the interpretive activity of people in the spirit of "mutual understanding"; structural functionalism considered it as an element of the functionality of social communications, which was objectified by their structure; finally, technical determinism emphasized the informational aspect of reading, conditioned by cognitive necessity.

Consequently, the differences in approaches to the problem in the sociology of communication, which is explained by the lack of a common basis for studying the interaction of social and purely communicative factors, led to certain distortions in the development of an integral concept of reading as a socially conditioned phenomenon and, at the same time, as a means immanently inherent in most social communications. ...

The purpose of the article, therefore, is an attempt to define the principles of reading research, where we will try, if not to unite, then definitely take into account existing approaches and points of view.

Presentation of the main material.

Analysis of the mechanism of interaction between subjects of communication in the process of special reading has shown that this is a complex process, in which even all participants in this interaction are not always taken into account. In library science, the central problem is the interaction between the reader and the book. Out of sight is the advisory and mediating activity of teachers who, in their lectures, must competently recommend certain literary sources, and, in our opinion, not only and not so much textbooks as scientific works - monographs, articles, speeches at conferences.

Reading, in our opinion, should be understood as one of the main forms of mediated communication in the general system of social communication. It is through reading that society, its social communities and institutions, finally, social actors of different levels get the opportunity to exchange information. The concept of "reading" is inextricably linked with the concepts of "writing" and "text" and performs important social and communicative functions, among which the most common are worldview, socialization, professional, cultural studies.

But it is logical to assume that each of these functions provides for the presence of varieties of reading and specific relations of communicants, which are created in this case. Therefore, to the above-mentioned basic functions of reading, others are added, which also have a socio-communicative nature, but are more narrowed, in accordance with the sphere of social practices in the field of which they are applied. So, any printed matter in the form of texts - books, articles, slogans, aphorisms, instructions, instructions, normative documents is a prerequisite for the interaction of social actors - the communicator and the recipient.

The role of a communicator can be a state, a social institution, or an individual. By interacting in the field of social practices with the help of texts that are contained in documents of different content, volume and nature, the communicator and the recipient achieve their goals and solve their, at times, extremely different tasks. But the processes of interaction of the communicator are united by the general model, which in an extremely simplified form is reduced to the binomial “text ↔ reading”. The use of such a model based on system analysis makes it possible to single out, in addition to those mentioned above, other functions of the text and personal functions of reading.

The functions of texts mean, first of all, their social purpose, which consists in the assimilation and implementation of instructions, standards, economic, political, ethical and aesthetic requirements that are put forward by society. Under the functions of reading, in turn, considered in this context, it is customary to understand the interests, needs, goals, attitudes, and finally, dispositions, which are realized by the recipient in the process of reading activity.

In accordance with this definition, the functions of texts can be divided into two classes: social, which express the activity, and socio-psychological, personal, which reflect the direction of the recipient. Thus, the functions of the text include: organizational, value-orienting, socializing, modeling, hedonistic, communicative and cumulative. The system of a person's personal functions, which are realized in reading activity, is largely based on the system of his social attitudes.

The latter can be divided into three non-identical groups: 1) cognitive, 2) regulatory, 3) value-based. In accordance with this, the following personal functions of reading can be distinguished: cognitive, emotional and communicative, orienting, value. Let us recall that all of these predominantly psychological reading functions are determined by basic socio-communicative functions. In addition, we have already noted above that the subjects of written (printed) communication can be (except for individuals) groups, one or another community. All these subjects have a complex internal structure and, as history shows, change in the process of their development.

It is clear that with a change in the structure, functions, ultimately, internal motivation and external conditions for the functioning of the subjects of communication, the constituent systems of social communication themselves, in particular, reading, change. Let us recall that reading emerges simultaneously with the emergence of writing, as a socially conditioned form of fixing content, which was previously transmitted only in living language - "here and now." : Writing (writing) and reading make it possible to separate communicators and communicators from this situation in time and space, thus acquiring the status of specific social and communicative practices.

In the early stages of its formation, reading acted as a special activity that was supposed to simultaneously broadcast and interpret certain messages of a "higher" nature. At the same time, reading grew into a purely instrumental, activity-based component of broader linguistic practices, and also began to perform a culture-forming function. It should be recognized that all, without exception, sciences are associated with the interpretation of the initial concepts of an object and an object, functions and mechanisms, structural elements, factors of an external and internal nature. And this, in turn, introduces each of them into the plane of hermeneutic reflection. Of course, the scientific study of the phenomenon of reading is no exception to the general rules. Therefore, the fundamental point in the principles of the approach to the analysis of reading and its socio-communicative functions is the use of the requirements laid down in hermeneutics by Friedrich Schleimacher.

Trying to generalize these requirements on the basis of an examination of literary sources, the author came to the conclusion that with regard to reading and its functions, the interpretative requirements can be reduced to the following: be understandable (a kind of operationalization of concepts - N. Ch.); - the art of understanding lies in the ability to reconstruct someone's thought embedded in a read text; - the recipient must understand the author as well as the author understands himself; - the meaning of the whole is understood proceeding from the meaning of the single and vice versa; - interpretation can be grammatical or psychological (we believe that, of course, interpretation, firstly, in addition to the requirements noted by hermeneutics, should also be socially in demand, and, secondly, that grammatical, psychological and social requirements for the interpretation of the read text cannot exist separately). Continuing the study of the principles of working out reading and its socio-communicative functions, we cannot but state that culture-sociology has added a great impetus to the study of this problem, which proposed the interpretation of reading as a specific form of linguistic communication of people, mediated by texts, as a special socio-cultural practice.

At the same time, if philosophy focused primarily on the study of the language and writing of the system (with the emergence of semiotics), then sociology brought into the focus of attention precisely the specifically interpreted problems of reading. Here we were talking about the conditions for the adequacy of the sender's intention regarding the perception of the meaning of the message. At the same time, the main idea of ​​communication was seen not in the address of the addressee to the message itself as such, but in the reactions that it caused in the behavior of the reader.

Then the main tasks of the organization were defined as the technical support of "noises" that can distort the necessary effect of a given message on behavior if its interpretations go beyond the permissible limits of the addressee. Another approach to understanding reading and its socio-communicative functions was proposed in the sociology of literature, where reading is treated as one of the main types of cultural activity associated primarily with reading fiction. In addition to the outwardly quantitative sociological description of reading, a model of the traditional understanding of reading was developed here as an interaction between an integrally closed work, behind which the figure of the reader appears.

At the same time, the names of the authors carry an institutional-fixed symbolic and symbolic load, indicate certain artistic directions, methods, styles.It should be recognized that in a sociological analysis proper, the interpretational and semantic side of reading is often replaced by assessments borrowed from other cultural practices and systems of reference samples. , which streamline a certain framework for the interpretation of a particular reading behavior. The focus of the study is on the cultural space of individuals as readers, reading as an activity necessary to form the status, prestige, style of a particular social agent, and reading as a cultural practice proper, aimed at identifying meanings. Therefore, both in scientific and practical terms, the task of forming new reading strategies based on the gradual ramification of its social and communicative functions in the direction of their changeability, multilevel and multidirectionality is relevant.

Taking this into account, an outstanding role in the formation of the system of principles for the study of reading and its functions is acquired by those branches of sociology and social psychology that have as their goal the study of subjects of reading, since it is not a one-sided effect of works on the reader, which is expressed in the perception, assimilation of the text, but active interaction between communicators (creators of the text) and recipients (readers). Even in the course of study, while reading, there is a "co-creation" of the author and the reader.

In this regard, reading differs significantly from other types of communication, some of which, in our opinion, are quite bold, and not always reasonably separated from reading in its classical understanding. First of all, we are talking about various types of electronic channels and carriers of texts and text-like symbols. Having purely instrumental features, these new forms are in fact varieties of media for reading, which, with the electronization of the communication system, acquiring a branched form, nevertheless retains its qualitative definiteness, as well as its immanently inherent functions. This is due to the specifics of the sign system, the elements of which exist in a spatial form, which provides for their further use, with the further possibility of storing information.

This feature turns reading into a rational way of transmitting and assimilating knowledge and values ​​developed by humanity. In accordance with his needs and interests, the reader chooses printed or computer texts, conditions, speed, technique, strategy and tactics of reading, adequate to the content of the work, as well as the goals and tasks of reading. Reading is a creative and individualizing process, which repeatedly has its many-sided effect on a person. At the same time, the reader acts as a social subject of reading, which is perceived as a regular activity that meets his spiritual needs.

Of course, the reader is characterized by a specific reading psychology, but he is a counterparty to certain practices on the part of the author, printed materials, and their other channels. Consequently, it should be stated that each of the sociological directions in the study of reading and its functions that we have named has contributed to the development of the theory and methodology of this process, primarily in terms of the implementation of some general scientific principles of research.

These include, in particular: dialectical, historical, activity (functional), structural-systemic, cognitive principles, as well as, as we have already made sure, the principle of integrity. So, dialectics does not deny the use of private scientific methods associated with the specifics of the studied area of ​​reading, the specifics of the contingent of readers, etc. Dialectics is realized through them in accordance with the requirements of continuity and consistency in methodology.

The historical principle underlies the theory of knowledge of society as an integral social system that develops in specific historical conditions. Therefore, it is clear that along with the development of society, there is a process of development and modification of communicative forms and means serving this society, including reading. The historical development of social phenomena and communication systems is characterized by a certain cyclicality, which provides for the passage of open loops of the "social spiral". Knowledge of these cycles has explanatory power in justifying and predicting new trends.

The functional (activity-based - in the terminology of T.I. Zaslavskaya) principle is used in many sociological concepts that consider society as a systemic formation. An expansive understanding of function as a purposeful activity of a person - a member of society - is in good agreement with the theory of linguistic activity. It was this principle that made it possible to explain the problems of social conditioning of communications, taking into account the individual and the social. The importance of the activity principle lies in the fact that it is directly related to the applied aspect of reading and its basic social and communicative functions. The implementation of the principle of consistency in the study of reading and its functions provides for the substantiation of the types of systemic relations in the process of reading on the basis of common or correlated features.

In the plane of sociology, using the typological method, certain types of reading and their socio-communicative functions are distinguished. The study of the interaction of social and communicative factors in the substantive and formal terms allows us to single out the so-called sociological dominants of communication - socially significant communicative categories, represented by four types: stratification, situational, evaluative and functional. These dominants can serve as the basis for an in-depth study of social communication and reading directly, which is considered in a systemic way.

As for the principle of integrity, the object is studied at the ontological level in a holistic form, then the object of research is decomposed into parts to understand its structure and functions, and, finally, taking into account the knowledge gained, the object is again presented in a holistic form at the epistemological level. It is clear that the above scientific principles of the methodology for the study and scientific analysis of reading and its socio-communicative functions are not exhausted.

Specific (specialized) research methods interact quite closely with the principles of reading research and its functions proposed above, which, on the one hand, are predetermined by these principles, and on the other hand, fill their factual basis. The experience of organizing and conducting research in the field of studying reading and its functions gives reason to believe that they will supplement the above principles of analysis and such methods of specific sociological research as correlation analysis, which helps to find the relationship between social and communicative variables; factor analysis, on the basis of which different-order factors of attitudes towards reading of representatives of different settlement, age, professional groups of the studied population are derived; analysis of variance, which allows you to assess the impact of a number of independent qualitative variables (factors) on a quantitative variable (feature).

For example, to determine how demographic factors influence the choice of a variant of prompting statements like “Reading is for you…”. When analyzing the transcripts of focus groups, it is advisable (and this is proved by the author's own experience) to use the latent-structural analysis proposed by P. Lazarsfeld, intended for the analysis of qualitative variables. So, we were asked to express our opinions on what is better - to have your own library at home (in printed or electronic form) or a powerful music center with recordings of popular performers. When transcribing the transcripts, we tried to identify really active hidden (latent) signs, for example, settlement affiliation, family traditions regarding reading, and so on. The content analysis methods used by us are also similar in content, which is designed mainly for the study of the sociological and psychological aspects of perception during reading of certain keywords that are implemented in educational texts with different frequencies and different degrees of articulation.

Such words and phrases, such as "remember", "pay attention", "repeat" and the like, are usually often found in educational literature, but the frequency of their use by the authors is perceived differently by the readers. All these methods, which are used on an integrated basis, complementing each other and leveling the shortcomings of each method, isolated from others, complement, in our opinion, the overall picture of the scientific analysis of reading and its socio-communicative functions in the plane of special and sectoral sociological theories.


So, which, based on the versatility of its functions, is inherent only in human society and its components - social groups, social institutions, social communities, individuals (individuals). Reading is part of the culture of society, and, moreover, a part of it that develops and changes along with the development of the culture itself. Reading is an element of the historical process, transforming from a tool and an obligatory attribute of a select few, from a sacred mechanism for managing a minority of the majority into a special universal mechanism of "complicity" of individuals in the life of society, the state, and the world.

Reading is a prerequisite for the existence and functioning of an extensive system of social communications. After all, it was with the help of reading that mankind, in the end, overcame the primitive limitation of communication to the situation "here and now." Reading really makes possible the mediated communication of actors of social communications, regardless of the time and space constraints that other mechanisms impose on us.

Reading is a condition and mechanism for creating new knowledge and transferring it to target groups and / or individuals who, through reading, are connected to the cognition process. Finally, reading itself provides for the transformation of the recipient into a “co-communicator”, since, unlike other visual channels, it does not, with a few exceptions, put maxims into the reader that are not subject to self-reflection, discourse, etc. Therefore, reading is one of the most important objects of knowledge, since it really exists both in the material and in the immaterial world, regardless of our will and desires.

Due to its universal properties - stratification, situationality, value and functionality - reading, at the same time, turns into the subject of reflection of a number of sciences, each of which forms it by means of abstract thinking, proceeding from the plane in which reading is considered, as well as the research methodology inherent in this science.


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