Try to draw an oral portrait of Ilya Muromets. Epic hero ilya muromets

Try to draw an oral portrait of Ilya Muromets. Epic hero ilya muromets

During the classes

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Teacher activity

Student activities


-Hello, sit down!

Read the saying "The Russian land is glorious for its heroes."

–Look at a proverb and try to identify the main word in it.

Topic: Old Russian warriors-defenders.

- It is about the heroes that we will talk today.

^ 2. Work on the topic:

-Who are such heroes?

The meaning of the word "hero" is best given by a dictionary.

Bogatyrs (from Turkic bagatur - brave warrior) are the defenders of the Russian land, performing military deeds, distinguished by their special strength.

The word "hero" is found in chronicles from the 13th century.

“The hero is a tall, stout man, sturdy and prominent; extraordinary strong man; brave and lucky, brave and happy warrior, knight. "

- Having found out who the heroes are, we will try to answer the question, what are they?

What heroes do you know?

- There are many heroes in Russia. It is impossible to tell about everyone at once.

The defense of the Motherland is the defense of one's own dignity. (N. Roerich).

- The heroes of our today's lesson are very unusual characters. Let's see, guys, how the artists portrayed the ancient Russian warriors, heroes.

(On the slide is the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Three heroes").

- Ilya Muromets is the brightest representative of all Russian heroes. Ilya is distinguished by tremendous strength that other junior heroes do not possess. Physical strength is accompanied by moral: calmness, fortitude, simplicity, paternal solicitude, restraint, complacency, modesty, independence of character. Ilya Muromets' first feat was the liberation of the people from the power of the enemy, from the Nightingale the Robber.

^ Dobrynya Nikitich.

Alesha Popovich.

Svyatogor - a hero of great strength, growing taller than a standing forest, his head rested against a walking cloud. Mother Earth could not wear it. Even Ilya Muromets turns out to be so helpless in front of him that Svyatogor does not notice him.

Svyatogor is a huge giant; it is barely carried by the mother of cheese earth. He does not travel to Holy Russia, but lives on the high Holy Mountains; on his journey, the mother of cheese shakes the earth, the forests sway and the rivers pour out of the banks.

Give a verbal portrait of the hero. What about the character of the warriors?

And now, let's get acquainted with the armor of ancient Russian warriors.

What is their appearance?

Compare the heroes in the pictures.

Where did the warriors live?

- And now let's get acquainted with the armor of ancient Russian warriors.

Warriors have always tried to decorate their armor. This served as a talisman.

- A story about "The Prince's Man";

Chain mail;

Questions about the vigilante's armor.

Photos of children in historical costumes of warriors.

A story about the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Thank you for the attention! Get to work!


Children's answers.

Listen to teachers and answer questions.

Children's answers.

Listen to the teacher's story.

Consider a reproduction of a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

- brave, unshakable, strong in spirit.

Strong physique, stern face, long hair, mustache, beard.

Examining reproductions: M.V. Vasnetsov. Bogatyr (1870) and P. D. Korin. Alexander Nevskiy. (1942).

Answers study.

Watching a presentation.

Children listen and watch the presentation.

^ 3.Practical part

I propose to try yourself in the role of artists, to portray the image of a hero, conveying his character.

Independent work according to the plan under the guidance of a teacher according to your imagination.

Perform drawings.

4.Analysis and evaluation of work results

Exhibition of works on the board. Grading.

- Who managed to convey the characteristic image?

Children's opinions.

5. Lesson summary

What have you learned? What new have you learned?

1. Ideal views of the people.
2. Hyperbolic description.
3. Heroic weaknesses.

By admitting his weakness, a person becomes strong.
O. de Balzac

In the epics, a special world of exploits, fabulous transformations and opponents who are constantly trying to conquer Russia are revealed in front of us. But in such a striving they are certainly opposed by the main character of many epics, the hero, the only one who can defeat the enemy in any battle. Therefore, he is glorified and praised in every possible way on the pages of works. With the help of such images, the authors show not only the courage of the Russian people, but also the greatness of the entire state. They become like a visiting card, which reflects the "ideal of social justice." The heroes show the ideal ideas of the people about courageous and loyal service to the people and the homeland. Perhaps that is why, as a rule, they resist the enemy force alone. However, each of them has its own characteristics, which show one side of their image. Among them are such as the strongest Russian hero Ilya Muromets, the kind and brave Dobrynya Nikitich, the cunning and savvy Alyosha Popovich. But, despite such a variety, all these qualities are a generalized characteristic created by the Russian people, who in their works wanted to show the opposition to any force seeking to conquer it.

When creating the image of a hero in the work, both idealization and exaggeration are used. A similar description applies not only to the main characters, but also to those who help them, for example, a faithful horse. Such is Burushka the cosmopolitan of Ilya Muromets in the epic "Ilya-Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber": he "jumps from mountain to mountain, jumps over rivers-lakes, flies over hills."

But heroes do not only fight against dark enemy forces. They do a lot of useful things for the good of the people themselves. In their aspiration, they can not only improve the lives of those in need, but to some extent be stronger than the animals themselves. Ilya Muromets “supports Burushka with his left hand, and tears oak trees with roots with his right hand, and spreads oak floorings through the swamps. Ilya gati laid thirty versts - good people still travel along it ”.

No less hyperbolic features are used when describing the opponents with whom the heroes have to meet on their way. Thus, not so much the frightening appearance of the enemy is created, but once again the strength of the Russian hero is shown, who was able to resist him. For example, the image of the Nightingale the Robber: “Sitting across the river is the Nightingale the Robber on three oak trees, on nine boughs. Neither a falcon will fly past those oak trees, nor an animal will run, nor a reptile will crawl. " But this not only does not stop the hero, but also makes him get down to business with a vengeance in order to neutralize the enemy.

Any self-interest is also alien to the image of the hero. He does not chase after money, especially after those that are collected due to human suffering. This also reflects the aspirations of the Russian people, who sees in the hero not only a fabulous savior, but also a protector. Therefore, Ilya Muromets does not take the money that the wife of the Nightingale the Robber offers him: "They were obtained by children's tears, they are watered with Russian blood, acquired by the poverty of the peasants."

In many epics, the protagonist is not only the hero, but also the sovereign - Prince Vladimir. In different texts, the attitude of the heroes to him is contradictory. For example, they can appear at the first call in order to protect Russia. On the other hand, Prince Vladimir can offend a hero who is fraught with resentment, but then, in a moment of danger, he must forgive Vladimir's reproaches and actions. Or he immediately rather sharply responds to any unflattering statements addressed to him. In the epic “Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”, a third version of the relationship is presented. Alyosha Popovich insults Ilya Muromets, saying that he could not pass through the Nightingale the Robber. But Vladimir acts wisely in such a situation. He asks to show the one whom the hero could overcome. At this moment, the Nightingale the Robber went for a trick and whistled very loudly, which caused great damage to nearby buildings. Then Ilya brings his work to the end: he cuts off the head of the robber so that he can no longer harm anyone. At the end of this epic, the authors turn to one more facet of the hero's image. Prince Vladimir noted for himself the behavior of Ilya, who did not succumb to reproaches from Alyosha Popovich. Therefore, he chooses him to be the eldest in the squad. But Alyosha Popovich even at this moment is trying to "annoy" Ilya Muromets, saying that "unwashed forest de-rural areas" cannot become the head. But not the social status, but the deeds of the heroes determine their status and position in this society: "Yes, and not according to the clan-tribe, glory goes, but according to heroic deeds and exploits." This phrase expresses the understanding of the Russian people of the one who should stand guard and at the head of the squad - a man whose courage and courage is manifested in deeds, and not in words.

However, heroes in a work do not always express only an ideal idea of ​​life. They are characterized by certain weaknesses, which are also reflected in the works. For example, in the epic "Ilya-Muromets and Nightingale the Robber" this is represented in the behavior of Alyosha Popovich, who from the first meeting is hostile to the hero. First, he accuses him of lying, and then that he does not have the appropriate social status in order to lead the squad. But this behavior can be explained by the hero's youth and, to some extent, by his inexperience. However, individual features are visible in other images of the heroes of such works. In particular, in the epic "At the Heroic Outpost".

The first mistake of the heroes in this story is that they were sent to guard at the valiant outpost, but at the "bad hour" they dispersed. Such a negligent attitude to one's duties could lead to trouble, since at that time a stranger drove towards Kiev, whose horse can leave a trail the size of half a furnace.

Alyosha Popovich also appears in the epic, who receives an unflattering characterization from Ilya Muromets: “Alyosha is a priest’s family, envying priest’s eyes, grabbing hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on a stranger, envy and die in vain. " Such a description does not say that Alyosha is a bad hero, but this episode presents not only his weaknesses, but the wisdom and prudence of Ilya Muromets. In this description, Alyosha Popovich becomes a kind of contrasting image in relation to another hero. And no one says that they are both weak, they are just endowed with various human vices and dignities.

But in the image of Dobrynya, who in this epic goes to punish a stranger, his weaknesses are manifested. When the enemy began to approach him, the heroic horse fell to his knees. Dobrynya lost his main assistant, so he realized that he could not give battle to the enemy: “Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost. Comes neither alive nor dead ... ". Then Ilya Muromets decides to punish the stranger himself. At the beginning of the work, it was said only about the horse's footprint, which remained not far from the outpost, and only before the battle of the heroes was the portrait of the enemy himself presented. His main distinguishing feature is not in describing his appearance, but boasting about his strength: "He throws an iron club weighing ninety poods into the sky, catches the club with one hand on the fly, twirls it like a feather." What he saw does not frighten Ilya Muromets, he only asks his horse to help him defend the heroic outpost. He enters on a just cause and punishes the stranger not only for the willful crossing of the outpost, but also for the boast of his strength, which he paraded.

In the image of the heroes, the moral ideas of the people about the defender were expressed. They can fight any enemy. The more terrible and powerful the enemy is described in the epic, the stronger the hero himself seems, since he was able to defeat him.

The exaggerated images appearing in the work reflect rather not reality, but the aspirations of the people about those who can stand up for them and a just cause, which they consider the most important in their lives. But at the same time, in the image of each hero, individual lines are presented that speak of their character. Such a description does not detract from the strength and dignity of the heroes, but brings the image closer to a real person. Perhaps this is one of the techniques that allow one to believe that the heroes once lived in Russia and could protect its borders from any enemy who wanted not only to conquer it, but also to show their great strength.

Lesson 6

Theme: Essay-description based on the painting "Heroes".

Goals: to consolidate the idea of ​​vocabulary; teach to compose an essay describing the portrait of characters; enrich speech; learn to build sentences.

During the classes.

I. Topic message.

II. Introductory speech of the teacher about the Russian heroes.

What do you know about the Russian artist?

What works of art tell about the heroes? (Epics)

Conclusion: The epics tell about the courageous struggle of the Russian people against the enemies - nomads who attacked our country.

Who are the main characters of the epics? (Heroes)

The people endows the heroes with strength, courage, and wisdom.

The most popular hero of the epics is the hero Ilya Muromets, a peasant son "from the city from Murom, from that village and from Karacharovo." Ilya performed many feats; destroyed the evil Idolische, defeated Kalin the king, killed the Nightingale the robber.

Another favorite hero of the people was the hero Dobrynya Nikitich. He also accomplished many feats; destroyed the snake on the Brook - the river; defeated the hero Danube. Another hero is often found in folk epics - this is Alyosha Popovich. He is young, brave, sharp-witted, although not as strong as Muromets and Dobrynya.

Vasnetsov painted the painting "Heroes" for almost twenty years. For a long time he chose suitable models, studied epics, antiquities.

In "Heroes" literary heroes and images of the artist's creative imagination, reminiscent of the Slavs of Kievan Rus in their appearance, merged together.

III. Consideration of the illustration of the painting "Bogatyrs" and compilation of an oral story.

Take a look at the painting.

What do you see?

(The picture shows three heroes on patrol at the outpost).

Explain the word outpost... (The outpost is, in old Russia, the place of entry into the city, a guard outpost, a border outpost).

Why are three heroes depicted? (Three times repetition, which is used in fairy tales.)

In the person of three heroes, the whole people is on guard of the homeland.

a) Who is in the center and what does it look like?

On the blackboard, the beginning of the paragraph and the outline for describing the portrait, along the way, words are added that characterize the appearance.

In the center on a black horse .....

Look- courageous

figure- mighty, gigantic

height- huge, huge

face- courageous, calm, stern

eyes- large, focused, clear

nose- straight

lips- tightly compressed

beard- thick with gray hair

Where is the hero looking? (Into the distance)

How else to say what he is doing? (Peers, peers).

How does he look? (Attentively, without looking up, tense).

Why is he looking so intensely into the distance?

b) How is the warrior dressed?

(The hero is wearing military armor)

How is the head protected? (Helmet)

What is its shape? (Tall, with a pointed top).

How are the chest, back, arms protected? (Chain mail).

Chain mail - from the word "ringed", "ring" - a metal shirt made of forged rings.

What does a horse look like?

(Mighty, stately, huge, strong)

What suit is he?

How can you describe the pose? (Stands majestically, high, raising his head with a fluffy mane)

Generalization. Complete oral story of 1 disciple.

An approximate story.

Ilya Muromets is sitting on a black horse in the center. Confidence and power are felt in his heroic figure. Muromets has a noble Russian face, clear keen eyes, a straight nose, a strong-willed mouth with tightly compressed lips, a thick beard with gray hair. Ilya sits majestically, peering into the distance. With amazing ease he holds a heavy mace in one hand, and a shield in the other. And the horse is a match for the hero. The same strong and calm. He is dressed in an iron chain mail, a helmet on his head.

c) Tell (describe) the second hero.

To the left of Ilya Dobrynya Nikitich.

Words for information: chain mail glitters with silver, the shield burns with precious stones, smart boots, in an elegant harness.

Generalization. Oral story.

An approximate story.

To the left of Ilya Dobrynya Nikitich. He is the son of a rich prince. He is dressed richly and smartly. The chain mail shines with silver. The shield burns and shimmers

precious stones. On the head is a patterned high helmet. And Dobrynya's horse in a smart harness.

Dobrynya is not as calm and reasonable as Ilya Muromets. He impatiently grips the hilt of the sword, half extended from its scabbard, eyes peering into the distance. He is ready to rush into battle at any moment. But Ilya is the senior at the outpost, no one will budge without his order.

d) Tell us about the youngest hero.

Alyosha Popovich is depicted to the right of Ilya Muromets.

Words for information: brave, courageous, dexterous, resourceful, tight bow, beardless face, slender figure, golden belt, helmet with headphones, plate mail, psaltery on the side.

Sample story.

Alyosha Popovich is depicted to the right of Ilya Muromets. Alyosha, the son of priest Leonty, is also brave and courageous. But it can be seen not by his heroic strength, he fights with enemies, and by resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Heather Alyosha! He does not look towards the enemy, squints his eyes, keeps a tight bow and arrows at the ready. He is younger than the other two heroes. The beardless face is youthfully pretty. The slender figure is girdled with a golden belt. A helmet with earpieces, lamellar mail are rich and beautiful, a harp can be seen from the side. Veselchak and joker Alyosha.

e) How does the landscape help to reveal the image of the heroes?

Nature is beautiful and dignified, like the heroes themselves. The outpost is located in a steppe covered with feather grass. Above the rolling hills, there is a low sky with cold leaden clouds. Behind the hills Rus. Above her are the heroes who came out to defend the Motherland.

IV. Work on vocabulary.

What words did we use when describing the heroes?

Why did these words go out of communication?

Who uses them and when?

V. Structural drafting of the text.

But this will not be scientific, but artistic description.

How is the scientific style different from the artistic one?

Determine the type of text.

Prove it.

VI. Planning.

Plan. (complicated)

I Introduction

II Main part.

1. Ilya Muromets.

a) posture a) Appearance

b) face b) Heroic horse

c) clothes

d) weapons

2. Dobrynya Nikitich

3. Alyosha Popovich

III Conclusion

My attitude to the painting. What did the artist want to express?

(In this picture, the artist expressed the people's love for the heroes. The picture evokes a sense of pride in the Russian people, who entrusted their sons - heroes to defend the Motherland).

You look at the picture and believe that the artist is very fond of his heroes - the defenders of the Russian land.

Vii. Writing text

(Working on drafts with a dictionary).

VIII . Editing of essays. Recording of the final version.

IX. Analysis of creative works.









pupils of grade 7a MBOU SOSH №9

Project leaders:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Efimova E.M.

computer science and ICT teacher

Tsikova E.I.

Voronezh 2015

1.Introduction 3

2. The meaning of the word "hero" in explanatory dictionaries 3

3. Etymology of the word "hero" 4

4.Bogatyr equipment 5

5. "Heroic theme" in painting 7

6. "Heroic theme" in music 10

7.From the history of epics 11

8.The image of Svyatogor in epics 11

9.The image of Ilya Muromets in epics 12

10.Comparison of the images of Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets in the epic

"Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets" 12

11.Conclusion 13

12.Bibliography 14

In the Russian language, there are many words that have their own meaning, evoke various associations and feelings, and have their own history. Let's try to draw a "portrait" of one of them. Let's turn to the word "hero". It takes us to the historical past, to folklore, to the embodiment of this concept in painting and music. Working on the project, we conducted a survey of 59 students in grades 5-7, they were asked the following questions:

1) what is an epic?

2) what artists and composers who created the images of heroes in their works do you know?

3) what pictures and musical works about Russian heroes do you know?

4) how does an epic differ from a fairy tale?

The following results were obtained: the exact answer to the first question was given by 5 students (8.47%), approximate - 22 students (37.28%), do not know the answer - 32 students (54.23%); on the second question, 1–2 artists or composers could name 19 students (32.2%), 2-3– 3 students (5.08%), 37 students did not know the answer (62.71%); on the third question, 1 work was named - 21 students (35.59%), 2 works - 3 students (5.08%), 3 works - 1 student (1.69%), 34 students do not know the answer (57.62% ); 5 pupils (8.47%) gave an exact answer to the fourth question, 23 pupils (38.98%) gave an approximate answer, 31 pupils (52.54%) did not know the answer to the question. The results of the survey showed a lack of awareness among the respondents. This prompted us

turn to the word "hero".

Let us first find out what it means. This is the meaning you can find in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V.I.Dal.

Bogatyr - M. Tatarsk. the man is tall, stout, sturdy and prominent; extraordinary strong man; brave and lucky, brave and happy warrior, knight. Fabulousheroes , giants, beating dozens of enemies and various monsters in one fell swoop. //Heroes were called (in tver. and others) popular prints, various images for the people, Sib. punks. Yuzhn, zap. rich man, rich man.The bogatyr marvels at what a bad guy lives . Bogatyrka , a woman hero.Bogatyryonok - m. Boy-hero;bogatyrishko (bogatyrishka? ) will belittle. and humiliate.,bogatyr (heroes? ) increase. and swearing.Morel looks, and bogatyr eats porridge (cabbage soup). The grief-bogatyr is drunk with wine on altyn. Bogatyr Anika , fabulous hero; not from Anika, under Peter 1?Bogatyrev belonging to the hero;heroic belonging to the bogatyrs.Bogatyrstvo - cf. condition, property of a hero.Happiness is better heroism ... Bogatyrshina - w. heroic life, times; // fairy tales and legends about heroes.He says heroism . Be rich , to flirt, look for heroic adventures and perform valiant military exploits (7, p. 102).

In the "Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language" by D. N. Ushakov we read:

Bogatyr (in epics a hero), a hero, a husband. (from pers.bahadur). Hero of Russian epics, primarily. performing military exploits. The most famous b. - Ilya Muromets. // Strongman, brave. "You will be a hero in appearance and a Cossack in soul ". Lermontov (22, p. 160).

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedov gives the following explanation:

Bogatyr , -i, m.

1. The hero of Russian epics, performing military exploits.

2.transferred. A man of very great strength, stamina, courage. // adj.heroic ,

Aya, th. Heroic epics . Heroic addition (strong constitution). B. sleep (very strong) (12, p. 46).

“New Dictionary of the Russian Language” by T.F. Efremova adds new meanings to the existing meanings:

Bogatyr - m.

1.a) Hero of Russian epics and fairy tales.

b) Defender of the homeland, a warrior distinguished by unusual strength, courage, and prowess.

2. A tall, strong build, strong man.

3.transferred. Extraordinary, outstanding in some l. human area (8, p. 67).

In the "Dictionary of Russian Synonyms" we find such an interpretation of the wordhero - athlete, batyr, knight, hercules, dobrynya, sled, pahlavan, raspberry, rededya, samson, sayatogor, svyatogor, strongman, miracle hero (18, p. 59).

And what is the etymology of the wordhero , that is, how did it appear in Russian? It has long been suggested that it was borrowed from the Turkic languages, where it is present in various forms: "baghadur", "bagadur", "batur", "batyr", "bator".

However, there are also opponents of this opinion: they proceed from the position that “bagadur” is not a Tatar word, but is derived from the Sanskrit “baghadhara"(That is," happy, lucky), and that therefore the Russian wordhero also goes back to the pre-Aryan beginning. Others directly deducehero from the word "god" through the word "rich". But the word "rich" cannot come fromhero , since there is no suffix "-yr" in Russian. Against the primacy of the wordhero says the fact that it is not in other Slavic languages.

Russian philologist A.G. Preobrazhensky in his "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" claims that the wordhero borrowed from Persian "bahadur"(13, p. 72).

German linguist, foreign member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Max Fasmer in his "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" casts doubt on the opinion of Preobrazhensky, saying that "the explanation of eastern words from Iranian"bayapuura"Doubtful" and that this word is "borrowed from the ancient Türkic"bayatur"(Hence the Hungarian"bator"-" bold ")" (23, p. 183).

The Soviet etymologist P.Ya. Chernykh argued that the wordhero not only Turkic. In the Buryat and Mongolian languages ​​there is the word "baatar" - "knight, hero" (cf. Sukhe-Bator, "Ulan Bator"). It is known in the languages ​​of the Iranian group. “There is no sufficient reason to consider this word as Türkic in origin” (24, p. 99).

Other explanations are historical. Some believe that initially there was a form of "batyr" and that it was originally used in the meaning of "Tatar voivode" and the title, which was put in the proper names in the meaning of "lord".

In the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron,” the private-docent of St. Petersburg University I. S. Los concludes that in the pre-totalitarian period in Russia there was no concept corresponding to the presenthero ... It only corresponded to other words in the language, for example: "rezvets", "daring", "uhar", "horobr" (later replaced under the influence of the book by the Church Slavonic word "brave"). Then his word was replaced by a foreign one.

However, the famous Slavic philologist, professor at Kharkov University I.I. Sreznevsky reports that the Old Russian wordhero found in the Nikon Chronicle under 6509 (1001) and in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 6748 (1240) (19, p. 127).

The "Etymological Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language" says that "in the Russian language of the 11-12 centuries. the words "bagatur", "bogatyr" are known. The first form is most likely from the ancient Turkic “bagatur», « bagatyr"-" hero, knight ", in turn borrowed from about 4c. From the Indo-Aryan dialect of Krorainy (Loulian), or the Saka dialect of Khotan and Yarkand. According to another interpretation, the ancient Turkic “bagatur"Goes back to the Takhar"baga- atar», « baga- etre". There is also an opinion about the original Slavic origin of the word ”(26, p. 69).

Thus, the question of the origin of the wordhero remains open.

Let's take a closer look at the images of heroes from epics. What kind of equipment did the Russian knight have when he sets out on a journey?

it onion ... A simple bow was a symmetrically sharpened stick made of hard and flexible wood - elm, alder. The bow case was calledbowling , and the bag for storing arrows -quiver ... A good bow, when lowering a taut bowstring, is capable of tearing the air and making a harsh sound. Hence the constant epithet “explosive " onion. A type of spear with a wider, heavier, double-edged iron tip wasspear ... The heavy, double-edged spearhead was calledrampage ... In the Russian language there is a phraseological unit "to get on the rampage", which means "deliberately run into trouble." Often mentioned in epicsclub - a heavy club with a thickened end andmace - a damask (steel) club, which served to defeat a warrior's head protected by a helmet, it consisted of a metal head in the form of a ball, reinforced on a short shaft. Every hero should havesword - a double-edged blade. In the beginning, it was both a chopping and stabbing weapon. Horsemen's swords were made with a curved end. One of the items of military weapons -shield ... This means of defense has been known since ancient times. Strengthening the shield in the enemy's camp was a symbol of victory over the enemy. In ancient times (10-13 centuries) the shield looked like an ellipse and was made of wood to make it easier to hold in your hands. The tree was covered with leather, over which metal strips (usually iron) passed crosswise. The edges of the shields were also bound. A convex metal plaque was fixed in the center of the shield, which was calledumbo ... Shields were also made of bone.

She defended the hero himselfchain mail - a shirt woven from iron rings to protect against metal weapons. There were a lot of rings in chain mail - 15-20 thousand, and it weighed 12-16 kg. On my head washelmet - one of the common types of military metal headgear of antiquity. The main feature of the Russian helmet is its conical end, calledpommel ... Helmet head (shishak ) did not allow the enemy to strike a direct blow. It was possible to hit only from the side; the force of the blow decreased, and only in rare cases did the case end in the death of a person. Usually the warrior received only a shell shock. Hence the phraseological unit "stun", that is, "to strike an unexpected blow". The warrior's clothing was andtegilyay - quilted wadded caftan with short sleeves and a high standing collar.

The hero's faithful assistant is a horse. A bogatyr, as a rule, addresses a horse affectionately, emphasizing its strength: "You are my faithful and heroic horse." A heroic horse must match its master both in strength and in military valor.

Saddling a horse with a hero is a whole rite:

And then the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets

The horse has become good, and he slows down:

Put a sweater on a horse,

And put felt on the sweater,

He put the sweatpip on, but it was silky,

And on the sweat-cover he put an over-top,

I put a Cherkassian saddle on the headband,

And on the Cherkasy saddle - everything is new,

And pulled up twelve silk girths,

I put damask stirrups,

Buckles he put on red gold,

Yes, not for beauty, pleasing -

For the sake of a heroic fortress.

Silk girths also stretch - do not break,

And damask iron bends - does not break,

Buckles and red gold -

They get wet, but they don't rust! (5, c.282)

The Russian hero never chose easy roads. The hero is a powerful man endowed with an extraordinary mind and strength. They say about such a person: "He has a slanting fathom in his shoulders." In ancient times, people used their own body as a measure of length. The elbow is the length of the elbow bone, the span is the distance between the ends of the apart index and thumb, and the fathom is the distance between the tips of the fingers of widely spaced hands. An oblique fathom is a measure of length equal to the distance from the end of the big toe of the right foot to the end of the middle toe of the left hand raised up.

The "heroic theme" has been heard in Russian art for a long time. This is due to the fact that since ancient times, enemies have attacked Russia from all over, trying to take possession of our lands, to enslave the people. The image of the hero was born in Russian art as the image of the mighty defender of the Motherland, which Mother Earth so needed. There is a relationship between different types of arts, so each art created its own image, reflected the same historical events.

Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876-1942), an outstanding illustrator and theatrical artist, focusing on the original national traditions, with the help of expressive construction of the composition showed the true beauty of folk art, which has not lost its relevance today.

In 1902 the artist traveled to the northern lands. During the expedition, Bilibin collected antiques, national clothes, household items, samples of woodcarving, lace and printed cloth. Impressed by his travels, the artist began to work on illustrations for epics. In miniature painting, he managed to convey the epic and powerful images of Russian heroes - Ilya Muromets and Svyatogor. If before the trip to the North, the painter's work developed in the Art Nouveau style, then after it he invariably began to advocate documentary-accurate reproduction of every, even the most insignificant detail.

All the work of a talented Russian painterKonstantin Alekseevich Vasilyeva (1942-1976) imbued with philosophical reflections on the historical memory of the Slavic people. The touching poetic world of the artist's images is an integral part of the nation's cultural heritage. By 1974, the artist decided to create a cycle of works on the theme of "Epic Russia". Vasiliev was carried away by epic plots that told about the events that took place in Ancient Russia. In the painting "Russian Knight", a hero in silver chain mail and a red cloak stands belligerently with a naked sword in his hand against the background of a pale blue sky. The clouds flying over his head are depicted in the form of traditional totem animals of the Slavs: a ram, an eagle, a wolf and a pike. The red spots of the cloak and shield give the picture brightness and festivity, instill confidence in the defenders of the Russian land.

On the composition "On Kalinovy ​​Most" the artist used the contrast of silvery-gray and gray shades with burgundy and red colors. According to the epics, the Kalinov bridge is thrown across the Smorodina river, and the Serpent Gorynych guards this path, connecting the world of the living and the dead. Vasiliev portrayed Ilya Muromets in silver chain mail, raising his sword over the grinning

the mouth of the Serpent. A broken spear sticks out of the scaly tail of the evil, and a thin stream of blood flows from the wound onto the stones, forming a brown puddle. Between the bogatyr frozen in a decisive impulse and the wriggling Serpent Gorynych - the setting sun in a red trembling haze, symbolizes the agony of the monster.

Almost the entire area of ​​the painting "Ilya Muromets Freeing Prisoners" is occupied by the steps of the dungeon, running up from the bottom to the open doors. The air of freedom burst into the damp basement, and the prisoners reached for the light: some timidly, others - resolutely, as if this very minute they needed to get up and complete some important business.

No matter how great or daring Ilya Muromets, there are heroes on earth stronger than him. Ilya found out that the bogatyr Svyatogor lived somewhere with exorbitant power, and decided to meet with him. The painting "Gift of Svyatogor" depicts the moment when Svyatogor transfers his sword and part of his power to Ilya Muromets. A true hero, according to the artist, must combine physical and spiritual strength.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926) loved Russia dearly and was proud of it. Everyone knows his painting "Heroes". Before us is Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. They vigilantly peer into the distance and listen keenly to see if there are any enemies anywhere. Looking at this picture, we understand what the artist wanted to say: evil must be fought! Bogatyrs sit firmly in the saddle. And we have no doubt: to displease those upon whom they will unleash their righteous anger. When Vasnetsov was completing his work on the picture, he said that he wanted to write so that the picture sounded like music, sang like an epic, and excited like his own song. And it turned out that way. The spirit of heroic epics permeates all Russian art. In them, the artists saw the origins of the national character, the protection and hope of the Russian land. The heroic, powerful, truly Russian character was embodied in the images of Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Ivan Susanin, Pushkin's Ruslan and Prince Igor.

Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) treated the heroes of Russian epics with special feeling and paid special attention to them in his work. One of the artist's brightest works on this theme is the "Heroic Frieze" suite (1910), performed by him for the interior of the city house of F. Bazhanov in St. Petersburg. These canvases were carefully preserved in besieged Leningrad; such works helped the people to withstand the difficult years of the war and are the spiritual heritage of our country. On the panel "Ilya Muromets" is the protagonist of the Russian epic, who embodied the best ideals of the people, his ideas about good and evil, about loyalty to his native land, about heroic prowess and honor, therefore he is also called a spiritual hero.

In 1928, after the trans-Himalayan expedition, Roerich settled in the Kullu valley at the foot of the Himalayas. Svyatogor also dates back to this time. The hero is endowed with Russian-Indian features: Russian clothes, oriental face. Svyatogor has a Russian beard - a symbol of wisdom, and his eyebrows are exactly the same as those of the artist himself. Maybe he portrayed himself living in the Holy Mountains. Clouds and mountain peaks intertwine creating a dreamlike atmosphere. The hero is part of the elemental principle depicted

on the canvas.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel (1856-1910) in the painting "Hero" depicted Ilya Muromets sitting on a horse-bitug. This stumpy, stocky warrior is close to the folklore image of a "redneck peasant" who loves "patterned clothing and armor." The decoration of his outfit in shape and color seems to be a continuation of the landscape with intertwining fir branches and curved trees against the backdrop of a red sunset. Even the hair of a horse looks like the needles of conifers. The animal and the hero seem to be fused together with each other and the surrounding nature. The forest is primordially dense, in its dense undergrowth there are two hawks, personifying the dark forces. But the hero looks vigilantly and sharply, listens sensitively - he is ready to fight any enemy.

The work of the best Russian composers is permeated with an ardent feeling of love for their native country, for their people and Russian nature. In 1875 the composerAlexander Porfirevich Borodin (1833-1887) finished his Second Symphony - one of the best works of Russian symphonic music. She was enthusiastically received by his eminent friends. The discussion after the listening was stormy: Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky suggested calling it "Slavic, heroic", but critic Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov protested: not generally Slavic, but specifically Russian, heroic. "Heroic" - this is the name of the Second Symphony of A.P. Borodin bears to this day. Listening to music, you mentally imagine the image of Ancient Russia, its endless steppes, heroic outposts - the whole image of distant centuries. The work gives a feeling of strength, vigor, light, powerful breath, scope, breadth in it. The symphony begins with a strong-willed, decisive theme, the intonations of which are close to epic tunes. She immediately attracts the attention of the listener, giving birth to the idea of ​​the mighty, simple and stern appearance of the great Russian people. This is a truly heroic image. The low register of stringed instruments conveys a cry, a call, embodies an irresistible force. Listening to this topic, one involuntarily recalls the mighty Ilya Muromets or Svyatogor, who are so firmly embedded in the ground that you cannot move him. In order to move this massive block from its place, it is necessary to swing it. And the theme seems to be swinging, sliding down a tone and revealing even greater depth and weight.

The epic heroic theme is also present in the cycleModest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881) Pictures at an Exhibition - in the play Heroic Gates. Pictures at an Exhibition is a well-known suite consisting of 10 plays and created in memory of Mussorgsky's friend, artist and architect V.A. Gartman. Hartmann created a project of the Triumphal Gate for Kiev. It is made in the "Russian style". Three semicircular arches seem to have been snatched out of the old boyar chambers. Pillars with capitals in the folk spirit. Carved kokoshnik with icons and a double-headed eagle over the central aisle. Adjacent to the gate is a chapel with a belfry covered with a dome similar to a hero's helmet. Something gingerbread, leafy is present in this drawing. Mussorgsky has departed far from Hartmann's "picture". He created a play consonant with the mighty finale of Glinka's operas, glorifying the power and feat of the Russian people. The melody "Promenade" takes on a stately, solemn tone here. A harsh theme is woven into it, reminiscent of the difficult years of Russia. And again - the bell ringing, a jubilant melody. The people are feasting on the Victory Day in the glorious capital city of Kiev. The gate of Russian heroes is a monument to the victory of the greatness and glory of the Russian people!

This is how the main thing that determines the character of any nation finds its expression in musical creativity. This is a deep love of life, a rich imagination, a sensitive attitude to beauty, patriotism and remarkable strength - not robber, barbaric, but wise and right. Epics and legends from century to century pass on to descendants the rich experience of the people. Good and evil, strength and power, reality and fiction in their endless string of artistic incarnations form a powerful poetic stream of eternal images, which are called by the great word "tradition".

The first epics - oral folk legends about the heroic deeds of the heroes - arose during the times of Kievan Rus. It was alarming on Russian soil. Pechenegs, Polovtsians attacked Russia, burned villages, trampled fields, and people were killed or taken into slavery. The Russian princes also fought among themselves, robbers roamed the roads. The epic genre was formed on a historical basis, his works were a response to specific historical events. Epics should not be confused with fairy tales. Their main difference lies in the attitude of the narrator (singer, storyteller) to his work. A fairy tale is originally a wonderful fiction. Epic is a story about antiquity, when things could happen that are completely incredible in the present. It is noteworthy that in the epics the details of everyday life, a description of the area where the action unfolds are conveyed with amazing accuracy. It is interesting that the names of some epic heroes are recorded in the annals, where they are told about as real-life personalities. The popular ideal of a strong, mighty defender of the Russian land was embodied in the image of the heroes. Bogatyrs love the Russian land, they stand guard over its borders, in a moment of danger they come to the aid of the people, save them from enslavement and humiliation. The heroes are not afraid of the untold forces of the enemy, even death itself. There is not a single heroic epic where the hero-warrior does not defeat the enemy. The stronger, the more terrible the enemy, the more magnificent the victory of the hero.

But, despite the similarity of the images of the heroes, they differ and have individual traits. Consider the images of Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets in epics.

The great hero Svyatogor, from whose tread the earth groaned, is mentioned in the epic epic earlier than other heroes. The name "Svyatogor" speaks of the connection with the mountains. Stone ledges of mountains, exposed earth rocks, destroyed and cut by water and wind, often formed bizarre shapes and figures that resembled giant giants. The imagination of the people endowed soulless stones with life. Perhaps this is how Svyatogor appeared. In the epic, the hero appears as a huge giant, "higher than a standing forest." His mother-damp earth carries it with difficulty. He does not travel to Holy Russia, but lives on the high Holy Mountains; on his mother-cheese ride, the earth shakes, forests sway and rivers spill over the banks. Something majestic, severe and even tragic emanates from his appearance. He looks like a lonely wanderer - without a home, without relatives, without companions, and even without a native land.

Much mysterious in the image of Svyatogor. He lives in the mountains, but gets stuck in the ground, as if in a swampy swamp, and cannot lift the bag, where all the "earthly cravings" are hidden. He, mighty and invincible, immediately loses his strength in a stone coffin he accidentally found. Why doesn't he guard the border of Holy Russia, like Ilya Muromets and other heroes?

Svyatogor is the son of Rod, the brother of Svarog, and the Svarozhichs were his nephews. His father is called "dark", that is, blind. Svyatogor was born in order to guard the world of Revelation and not let the dark monsters from Navi. He is the owner of colossal strength, but he has nowhere to apply it.

He goes to the field, makes fun,

He throws the damask club,

Above the woods he throws a standing one,

Below a cloud he throws a walker,

The club flies away high in the skies,

When that club descends down,

He picks it up with one hand! (5, p. 31-32).

The hero tried to compete with the great earthly power! Bylina seems to warn: in such a struggle - unrighteous, destructive - the hero will lose, because the land needs to be plowed, equipped and protected, and not compete with it in power and strength.

Svyatogor is a martyr of his own strength. He is the embodiment of an inapplicable, useless, blind power, the image of an ancient giant. Svyatogor puts Ilya Muromets in his pocket together with a horse - a typical act of a supernatural being doomed to death. The image of this death was the coffin, which Svyatogor and Ilya take turns trying on, and it falls at the time of Svyatogor. Before his death, Svyatogor transfers to Ilya only a part of the strength - the one that is needed for a person, and not for a supernatural being, and will be fatal for a person. The death of Svyatogor in a stone coffin is again connected with the earth: the hero cannot overpower the earth, and the earth cannot bear him.

The bogatyr Ilya Muromets appears to be a brave and brave guardian, aware of his duty to his homeland. More often than other knights, he stands at the heroic outpost, more than anyone else he takes battle with enemies, while he always wins. In addition to powerful strength, Ilya possesses iron endurance and firm confidence. He is an ardent defender of orphans and widows.

The epics tell about the healing of Ilya Muromets and the two-stage receipt of his strength. From birth he was "no arms, no legs", so for 30 years he was sitting on the stove. The disease was miraculously healed.

Once, when his peasant parents were in the field, pedestrians appeared in front of the windows of the kaliki and asked to drink and feed them. Ilya refused twice, citing illness. And for the third time he got up on his "frisky legs". Health and strength came to Muromets through the drink that the pilgrims brought him. He drank the spell and felt that "his heroic heart flared up", added "great strength."

After the Kalik left, Ilya performs the first feat - labor: he goes to his father's field, drives the cattle from it, fences. The bogatyr received the second strength and sword-kladenets from Svyatogor, when he was heading to Kiev, to the court of Prince Vladimir. After that, Ilya Muromets performed the greatest number of feats: he freed Chernigov from the robbers, captured the Nightingale the Robber, dealt with the Idol, beat the invader Kalin the Tsar and the Tatar force. This gives him the right to be the strongest and most courageous warrior.

In the epics, it is emphasized that Muromets is not a noble family. He is either a peasant son or an old Cossack. But the hero is always noble and disinterested. Chernigov peasants invite Ilya to become their governor, Nightingale the Robber offers him great riches. But no one can bribe Ilya Muromets with anything. Of all the heroes, he is the closest to the people. January 1 - Day of the epic hero Ilya Muromets, on this day in Russia the memory of the hero was honored. He is the only hero of the epic, whose tomb still exists in the famous cave of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, next to the tombs of the legendary chronicler Nestor, the first Russian icon painter Alimpiy and other historical figures of Kievan Rus.

Let's compare the images of Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets in the epic "Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets" and arrange them in the form of a table.


Ilya Muromets



Above the standing forest, his head rests against the walking cloud

Fits in Svyatogor's pocket

A source


Peace, nature, mountains

Physical conditioning



The earth shakes, dark woods stagger, rivers pour out of steep banks

A horse jumps from mountain to mountain, jumps from hill to hill

Earth and


It's hard for the earth

Protects the Russian land

How the epic ends


Rides in the open field

Thus, there is a lot of mythology in Svyatogor. K. Aksakov noted: “The image of this huge hero, who was burdened, was overcome by his own strength, so that he became immovable - very significant. Svyatogor is a bogatyr-element ”. (6, p. 4) Muromets is a real person, but his strength is exaggerated. Svyatogor died - Ilya stayed. Man replaced the element. Svyatogor is difficult for the earth and does not need it, since it cannot protect a person in need of help.

The epic "Svyatogor and Ilya Muromets" reflects the transition of the people's consciousness to the idea that the most important place in the life of people belongs not to the elements, but to man. That it is not God, not Svyatogor, not nature, but it is man who is capable and must defend himself, to stand up to fight against evil.

The talented Russian people have created heroic epics. They reflected the dignity and mind of the people, its moral image and soul, its historical memory. And if we know folklore, the memory of the people will be alive, the heroic Rus will forever be famous. And the simple word "hero" told us about all this.


1.Azbelev S.N. Historicism of epics and the specificity of folklore. L., 1982

2. Anikin V.P. Russian heroic epic. M., 1964

3.Astakhova A.M. Ilya Muromets. M.-L., 1958

4. Bakhtin V.S. From epic to rhyme. L., 1982

5.Bylins // Comp. V.P. Kalugin M., 1991

6.Bylins. Russian folk tales. Old Russian stories

// Comp. Anikin V.P., Likhachev D.S., Mikhelson T.N. M., 1986

7. Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. Vol. 1.

M .: Russian language, 1989

8.Efremova T.F. New dictionary of the Russian language. Vol. 1 M., 2000

9.Maslova L.P., Goryunova S.V. A music lesson is an art lesson.

M .: Prometheus, 1989

10.Manin V.S. Masterpieces of Russian painting. Moscow: White City, 2000

11. nsportal. ru./ shkola/ muzyka/ library/ bogatyrskaya- tema- v- iskusstve

12.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

M .: Russian language, 1988

13. Preobrazhensky A.G. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1958

14.Propp V.Ya. Russian heroic epic. M., 1999

15.Rapatskaya L.A. Russian music at school. M.: VLADOS, 2003

16.Russian artists of the 12-20th centuries Encyclopedia. M.: Azbuka, 1999

17.Russian folk poetry // Ed. A.I. Novikova,

Koporeva A.V. M., 1969

18. Dictionary of Russian synonyms // Ed. N. Abramova.

M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999

19. Sreznevsky I.I. Materials for the dictionary of the Old Russian language. T.1. M .,


21. Ukhov P.D. Attribution of Russian epics. M., 1970

22. Ushakov D.N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Vol. 1. M., 1989

23. Vasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Vol. 1. M., 1986

24. Chernykh P. Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of modern Russian

language. Vol. 1. M., 1999

25. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron. T4. SPb., 1891

26. Etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language. Vol. 1. M., 2010

Egorova Tatiana Leonidovna

The purpose of the lesson: we learn to perceive the content of the picture, its composition, details, to express our attitude to what is depicted in the picture; accurately use words and phrases in the text; develop the ability to write an essay based on a painting, foster love for one's Fatherland, pride and respect for its defenders.

During the classes:

1 Organizational moment. Lesson topic message.

2 “Introductory speech of the teacher.

The work of the artist V.M. Vasnetsov became the pinnacle of Russian art of the 19th century. In the Tretyakov Gallery in the Vasnetsov Hall there is a painting "Heroes". She became the embodiment of all the artist's creative ideas, his thoughts, a part of his life. He devoted two decades to this picture. He studied epics, the history of Ancient Rus, In museums, he got acquainted with samples of ancient weapons, clothes of our ancestors.

“They were my creative duty, an obligation to my native people. I had to fulfill my duties to them the way I understood and felt them. "

“I will take a sonorous, springy harp, but I’ll tune the harp in the old way, I’ll start the old-time old, the past about the deeds of the Slavno-Russian hero”.

What kinds of oral creativity begin in a similar way?

Name the heroes of the epics.

(Russian heroes Sadko, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.)

With their poetic language and poetry, Russian epics inspired the remarkable artist V.M. Vasnetsov to create a wonderful painting "Heroes". To make the work interesting, it is important to carefully consider the reproduction, to see all the details that the artist depicted in the picture.

3 Examination of reproduction:

Your impression of the painting.

How does it make you feel?

Which of the heroes attracts your attention?

Which of the three is Ilya Muromets? Why did you decide so?

Appearance: armor, age, posture, gaze, etc.

(A calm, courageous face, on a black horse, a peasant son, the oldest and most powerful, powerful, the embodiment of the strength of the people, peers into the distance. The enemy will not leave his gaze.)

At the outpost there was a hero Ilya,

Ilya Muromets, son of Ivanovich

From under the glorious city from under Murom,

Is it from the village of Karacharova,

And the horse under Ilya is like a fierce beast,

He himself is on horseback as a falcon is clear….

Nikitich. Description.

(The average hero on a snow-white horse, impetuous and noble, impatient and the horse matches him, looks into the distance, is about to leap from his place. Dobrynya is dressed richer, apparently from a noble family.

And he was at the outpost Dobrynya Nikitich - young,

That Dobrynyushka Nikitich is young

The son of a rich guest of Ryazan

And his wife Amelfa Timofeevna.

What can you tell about Alyosha Popovich?

(He is young, handsome, brave and courageous, cheerful and cunning, capable of entertaining everyone with a song, but he can also shoot his arrows deftly and quickly. He is smart, looks with a grin in the direction where the enemies of the Russian land may be.)

And there was Alyosha Popovich, young,

He is a god-brother to Dobryne Nikitich,

That from the dream of the city, from Rostov,

The son of a rich Rostov priest.

How are heroes depicted?

(Close-up, all together, shoulder to shoulder, on full alert, united in their thoughts.)

What did you feel in their looks and postures?

(Great strength, readiness to fight the enemy at any moment. The painting expresses a feeling of confidence that the heroes are invincible.)

They seem to rise above the ground. Why?

(To show how immense the Russian land is. Behind the heroic outpost the expanses of the native land are endless. The steppe is so wide that there is no end or edge to it.)

What did the artist want to show, depicting these heroes, different, unlike each other?

(The Defender of the Fatherland needs not only strength, courage, courage, but also cunning, the ability to deceive the enemy.)

(He is proud of them, admires strength, beauty. He depicted them with love, admiration.)

How can you explain the meaning of the title of the painting “Heroes?

(This is the protection of the Russian land from enemies, its strength, support.)

What colors did the artist use to show the steppe and hills?

(Violet, blue, dark green, dark brown. Feeling of anxiety, anxiety, alertness: is there an enemy lurking somewhere nearby)

CONCLUSION: the heroes are bright and elegant, it is dark and scary behind them. The contrast enhances the power of the characters in the picture. Under their intent, sensitive gaze, neither the enemy nor the beast can get through, not slip.

The idea of ​​the artist.

Nikitin's poem:

You are wide, Russia,

On the face of the earth

In regal beauty

Turned around!

Have you not

Heroic forces,

An old saint

Loud feats!

What words of Nikitin can be attributed to the picture?

(Russia has always had many high-profile deeds that her heroes performed. They brought her glory at all times. Vasnetsov claims with his painting that the heroes of the Russian land are always ready

“To stand up for your honor against your foe,

For you in need to lay down your head. "

(In the picture there are epic heroes, but we perceive them as living people, all these heroes of epics had their prototypes in life.

What aspirations, thoughts did the artist want to express in the picture?

(Glorifies the defenders, wants us to be proud of our heroic ancestors, remember them, love the land where we were born.

What kind of person could create such a picture?

(Who loved his people, his history. The painting makes you worry. Experiencing the best feeling - pride in the Motherland.)

“I never really thought about what kind of heroes there are in life, but when I saw your picture, I thought that these were the defenders and champions of the native land.” (L. Tolstoy.)

4 Drawing up a plan.

2. Main part:

A) Description of the heroes, facial expressions, clothes, postures.

B) Nature in the picture.

C) The thoughts and feelings that the picture evokes.

D) What the artist wanted to say with his painting.

3. Conclusion. The artist's attitude to his heroes.

5. Lexico-spelling preparation:

A) The meaning of the words: club, chain mail, shield, spear, harness, helmet, quiver.

B) Key words: Among the endless expanses, a heroic figure, a heavy club, on a black horse, a shield is burning and shimmery with precious stones, an elegant harness, fights with resourcefulness and ingenuity.

6. Letter of the composition.

7 Lesson summary

What did we do in class today?

Did you like Vasnetsov's painting?

8 Homework

9 reflection

Student work.

One of the most famous paintings by V. M. Vasnetsov is "Heroes". He devoted two decades to her. She became the artist's favorite painting. The painting depicts three heroes - Ilya Muromets, who embodies strength and courage, the brave and honest Dobrynya Nikitich, and the quick-witted Alyosha Popovich.

Ilya Muromets is sitting on a black horse in the center. Strength, wisdom and endurance are felt in all his appearance. From the right hand of Ilya Muromets hangs a damask club, and in his left hand - a shield and a huge spear. He is dressed in an iron chain mail, a helmet on his head. The bogatyr vigilantly peers into the distance from under the hand raised to his forehead: if there are any enemies - nomads.

To the left of Ilya Muromets - Dobrynya Nikitich. He is dressed richly and smartly. Over the chain mail - precious princely armor. The hero's right hand is already drawing the sword from its scabbard, and his horse is about to carry it into battle.

To the right of Ilya Muromets is Alyosha Popovich, the youngest hero. He's not as strong as the other two heroes. But the hero's hand confidently removes the bow, and the arrow is always at the ready.

Behind the backs of the heroes is the Russian land. The steppe, overgrown with yellowing grass, dense forests, low sky - this is a stately image of Russia.

The heroes are determined not to let the enemy pass. Looking at the picture, we feel the solidarity of the heroes, united by a common aspiration.

The painting "Heroes" is a monument to the military glory of the Russian people. You look at her and believe that there is no such force that could overcome the Russian prowess, the heroic strength.