Experimental problems in physics. Experimental work to develop the ability of students of vocational schools to solve problems in physics

Experimental problems in physics.  Experimental work to develop the ability of students of vocational schools to solve problems in physics
Experimental problems in physics. Experimental work to develop the ability of students of vocational schools to solve problems in physics

The work presents recommendations, in the form of algorithms, on the organization of experiments conducted by the students themselves in the classroom when answering, outside the school on the teacher's homework; on the organization of short-term and long-term observations of natural phenomena, assignments of an inventive nature to create equipment for experiments, operating models of machines and mechanisms, carried out by students at home on special tasks of the teacher, also the types of physical experiments are systematized in the work, examples of experimental assignments on various topics and sections of physics 7-9 grades.



Municipal competition

socially significant pedagogical innovations in the field

general, preschool and additional education

of the municipal entity the resort town of Gelendzhik

on the organization of experimental work

in physics lessons and after school hours.

physics and mathematics teacher


the resort town of Gelendzhik

Krasnodar Territory

Gelendzhik - 2015

Introduction ………………………………………………………………… ...... 3

1.1 Types of physical experiments. ……… .. …………………………..5

2.1 Algorithm for creating experimental tasks ……. …………… ..8

2.2 Results of testing experimental problems in grades 7-9 ...................................... .................................................. ...................ten

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………… ... 12

Literature ……………………………………………………………… .... 13

Appendix ……………………………………………………………… .14

4. Lesson in the 8th grade on the topic "Sequential and parallel

Connection of conductors ".

"The joy to see and understand is the most beautiful gift of nature."

Albert Einstein


In accordance with the new requirements of the state educational standard, the methodological basis of education is a system-activity approach, which allows students to form universal educational actions, among which the acquisition of experience in the application of scientific methods of cognition, the formation of skills in experimental work, occupies an important place.

One of the ways to implement the connection between theory and practice is the formulation of experimental problems, the solution of which shows students the laws in action, reveals the objectivity of the laws of nature, their mandatory implementation, shows how people use the knowledge of the laws of nature to predict and control phenomena, the importance of studying them to achieve specific, practical purposes. Especially valuable should be recognized such experimental problems, the data for the solution of which are taken from the experience taking place in front of the students, and the correctness of the solution is verified by experience or a control device. In this case, the theoretical provisions studied in the physics course acquire special significance in the eyes of students. It is one thing to come to some conclusions and their mathematical form by reasoning and experiment, i.e. to the formula, which will have to be learned by heart and be able to deduce, and to limit ourselves to this, it is another matter - on the basis of these conclusions and formulas, to be able to manage them.

Relevance innovation is due to the fact that the organization of educational work should be set in such a way as to affect the personal sphere of children, and the teacher would create new forms of work. The creative direction of work brings the teacher and the student closer together, activates the cognitive activity of the participants in the educational process.

The paper presents recommendations in the form of algorithms for organizing experiments conducted by the students themselves in the classroom when answering, outside the school on the teacher's homework; on the organization of observations of short-term and long-term phenomena of nature, assignments of an inventive nature to create equipment for experiments, operating models of machines and mechanisms carried out by students at home on special tasks of the teacher, also the types of physical experiments are systematized in the work, examples of experimental assignments on various topics and sections are given physics 7-9 grades. The work used the following materials, which present physical experiments used in work on projects, during educational activities and after school hours:

Burov V.

Mansvetova G.P., Gudkova V.F ..Physics experiment at school. From work experience. A guide for teachers. Issue 6 / - M .: Education, 1981. - 192s., Ill., As well as materials on the Internethttp://kopilkaurokov.ru/ , http://www.metod-kopilka.ru/ ,

When analyzing Similar products that exist in Russia have been identified: great changes have taken place in physics and in the education system as a whole. The emergence of a new product on this topic will replenish the methodological piggy bank of physics teachers and will intensify work on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in teaching physics.

All the experiments presented in the work were carried out in physics lessons in grades 7-9 of the MAOU secondary school No. 12, in the process of preparing for the USE in physics in 11 grades, during the Physics Week, some of them were demonstrated by me at the GMO meeting physics teachers, published on the website of the social network of educational workers website.

Chapter I. Place of experiment in the study of physics

  1. Types of physical experiments

The explanatory note to physics programs speaks of the need to familiarize students with the methods of science.

The methods of physical science are subdivided into theoretical and experimental. This paper considers "experiment" as one of the fundamental methods in the study of physics.

The word "experiment" (from the Latin experimentum) means "trial", "experiment". The experimental method arose in the natural science of modern times (G, Galileo, W. Hilbert). Its philosophical understanding was first given in the works of F. Bacon.An educational experiment is a teaching tool in the form of specially organized and conducted by teacher and student experiments.

Objectives of the training experiment:

  • Solution of basic teaching and educational problems;
  • Formation and development of cognitive and mental activity;
  • Polytechnic training;
  • Formation of the scientific outlook of students.

Educational physics experiments can be grouped into the following groups:

Demo experimentbeing a means of visualization, it contributes to the organization of students' perception of educational material, its understanding and memorization; allows you to carry out polytechnic education of students; promotes increased interest in the study of physics and the creation of motivation for learning. When demonstrating an experiment, it is important that the students themselves could explain the phenomenon they saw and, using the method of brainstorming, came to a general conclusion. I often use this method when explaining new material. I also use video clips of experiments without sound on the topic under study and ask you to explain the phenomenon I saw. Then I suggest listening to the soundtrack and finding a mistake in your reasoning.
While doing
laboratory workstudents gain experience of independent experimental activity, theysuch important personal qualities as accuracy in working with instruments are developed; observance of cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the records that are made during the experiment, organization, persistence in obtaining the result. They develop a certain culture of mental and physical labor.

Experimental homework and laboratory workare performed by students at home without direct supervision by the teacher over the course of work.
Experimental works of this type form in students:
- the ability to observe physical phenomena in nature and in everyday life;
- the ability to carry out measurements using measuring instruments used in everyday life;
- interest in experiment and in the study of physics;
- independence and activity.
In order for the student to carry out laboratory work at home, the teacher must provide detailed instructions and give a clear algorithm of actions to the student.

Experimental tasksare tasks in which students obtain data from experimental conditions. According to a special algorithm, students assemble an experimental setup, carry out measurements and use the measurement results in solving the problem.
Creation of working models of devices, machines and mechanisms... Every year at school, as part of physics week, I hold an inventor competition, to which students submit all their inventive ideas. Preliminarily, in the lesson, they demonstrate their invention and explain what physical phenomena and laws are the basis of this invention. Students very often involve their parents in working on their inventions, and this becomes a kind of family project. This type of work has a great educational effect.

2.1 Algorithm for creating experimental tasks

The main purpose of the experimental tasks is to promote the formation of basic concepts, laws, theories in students, the development of thinking, independence, practical skills and abilities, including the ability to observe physical phenomena, perform simple experiments, measurements, handle instruments and materials, analyze the results of the experiment, make generalizations and conclusions.

Students are offered the following experiment algorithm:

  1. Formulation and justification of a hypothesis that can be used as the basis for an experiment.
  2. Determination of the purpose of the experiment.
  3. Clarification of the conditions necessary to achieve the goal of the experiment.
  4. Planning an experiment.
  5. Selection of the necessary devices and materials.
  6. Installation collection.
  7. Conducting an experiment, accompanied by observations, measurements and recording their results.
  8. Mathematical processing of measurement results.
  9. Analysis of the results of the experiment, the formulation of conclusions.

The general structure of a physical experiment can be represented as:

When conducting any experiment, you must remember the requirements for the experiment.

Experiment Requirements:

  • Visibility;
  • Short duration;
  • Persuasiveness, accessibility, reliability;
  • Security.

2.2 Results of testing experimental problems

in grades 7-9

Experimental tasks are small in volume, directly related to the material being studied, tasks aimed at mastering practical skills that are included in different stages of the lesson (testing knowledge, studying new educational material, consolidated knowledge, independent work in the classroom). After completing the experimental task, it is very important to analyze the results obtained and draw conclusions.

Consider the various forms of creative assignments that I used in my work at each separate stage of teaching physics in high school:

In 7th grade acquaintance with physical terms begins, with physical quantities and methods of studying physical phenomena. One of the visual methods of studying physics is experiments that can be performed both in the classroom and at home. Here, experimental tasks and creative tasks can be effective, where you need to figure out how to measure a physical quantity or how to demonstrate a physical phenomenon. I always appreciate such work with a positive assessment.

In 8th grade I use the following forms of experimental tasks:

1) research tasks - as elements of a lesson;

2) experimental homework;

3) make a small report - research on some topics.

In the 9th grade the difficulty level of the experimental tasks should be higher. Here's where I am applying:

1) creative assignments for setting up an experiment at the beginning of the lesson - as an element of a problem assignment; 2) experimental tasks - as a consolidation of the passed material, or as an element of predicting the result; 3) research tasks - as a short-term laboratory work (10-15 minutes).

The use of experimental tasks in the classroom and after school hours as homework led to an increase in the cognitive activity of students, increased interest in the study of physics.

I conducted a survey in 8th grade, in which physics is studied for the second year, and received the following results:


Answer options

8A class

8B class

  1. Assess your attitude to the subject.

a) I do not like the subject,

b) I'm interested

c) I love the subject, I want to know more.

2. How often do you study the subject?

a) regularly

b) sometimes

c) very rarely

3. Do you read additional literature on the subject?

a) constantly

b) sometimes

c) little, I don't read at all

4. Do you want to know, understand, get to the bottom of it?

a) almost always

b) sometimes

c) very rarely

5. Would you like to experiment outside of school hours?

a) yes, very

b) sometimes

c) enough lesson

Of the two 8th grades, there were 24 students wishing to study physics more deeply and engage in experimental work.

Monitoring the quality of student learning

(teacher Petrosyan O.R.)

Participation in physics olympiads and competitions for 4 years


“Childhood is not a period of preparation for a future life, but a fulfilling life. Consequently, education should be based not on the knowledge that someday in the future will be useful to him, but on what the child urgently needs today, on the problems of his real life "(John Dewey).

Each modern school in Russia has the necessary minimum of equipment for carrying out the physical experiments presented in the work. In addition, home experiments are carried out exclusively from improvised means. The creation of the simplest models and mechanisms does not require large expenditures, and the students take up the work with great interest, involving their parents. This product is intended for use by high school physics teachers.

Experimental tasks provide students with the opportunity to independently identify the root cause of a physical phenomenon through experience in the process of its direct consideration. Using the simplest equipment, even household items, when conducting an experiment, physics in the students' minds turns from an abstract system of knowledge into a science that studies the "world around us." This emphasizes the practical importance of physical knowledge in everyday life. In the lessons with the experiment, there is no flow of information emanating only from the teacher, there are no bored, indifferent views of the students. Systematic and purposeful work on the formation of the skills and abilities of experimental work makes it possible, already at the initial stage of studying physics, to involve students in scientific research, teach them to express their thoughts, conduct a public discussion, and defend their own conclusions. This means making training more effective and up-to-date.


  1. Bimanova G.M. "The use of innovative technologies in teaching physics in secondary schools." Teacher of secondary school No. 173, Kyzylorda-2013 http://kopilkaurokov.ru/
  2. Braverman E.M. Students' independent conduct of experiments // Physics at school, 2000, No. 3 - pp. 43 - 46.
  3. Burov V. A. et al. Frontal experimental tasks in physics in grades 6-7 of secondary school: A guide for teachers / VA Burov, SF Kabanov, VI Sviridov. - M .: Education, 1981. - 112s., Ill.
  4. Gorovaya S.V. "Organization of observations and setting up an experiment in a physics lesson is one of the ways to form key competencies." Physics teacher MOU secondary school No. 27 Komsomolsk-on-Amur-2015.


Methodical development of physics lessons in grades 7-9 with experimental tasks.

1. Lesson in the 7th grade on the topic "Pressure of solids, liquids and gases."

2. Lesson in the 7th grade on the topic "Solving problems to determine the efficiency of the mechanism."

3. Lesson in the 8th grade on the topic “Thermal phenomena. Melting and solidification ".

4. Lesson in the 8th grade on the topic "Electrical phenomena".

5. Lesson in the 9th grade on the topic "Newton's Laws".

An educational experiment is a teaching tool in the form of specially organized and conducted by teacher and student experiments. Objectives of the educational experiment: Solution of basic teaching and educational problems; Formation and development of cognitive and mental activity; Polytechnic training; Formation of the scientific outlook of students. "The joy to see and understand is the most beautiful gift of nature." Albert Einstein

Experimental tasks Creation of working models, devices, machines and mechanisms Home experimental tasks Laboratory work Demonstration experiment Physical experiment Educational physical experiments can be combined into the following groups:

Demonstration experiment, being a means of visualization, contributes to the organization of students' perception of educational material, its understanding and memorization; allows you to carry out polytechnic education of students; promotes increased interest in the study of physics and the creation of motivation for learning. When demonstrating an experiment, it is important that the students themselves could explain the phenomenon they saw and, using the method of brainstorming, came to a general conclusion. I often use this method when explaining new material. I also use video clips of experiments without sound on the topic under study and ask you to explain the phenomenon I saw. Then I suggest listening to the soundtrack and finding a mistake in your reasoning.

When performing laboratory work, students gain experience of independent experimental activity, they develop such important personal qualities as accuracy in working with instruments; observance of cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the records that are made during the experiment, organization, persistence in obtaining the result. They develop a certain culture of mental and physical labor.

Home experimental assignments and laboratory work are performed by students at home without direct supervision from the teacher over the course of work. Experimental works of this type form in students: - the ability to observe physical phenomena in nature and in everyday life; - the ability to carry out measurements using measuring instruments used in everyday life; - interest in experiment and in the study of physics; - independence and activity. In order for the student to carry out laboratory work at home, the teacher must provide detailed instructions and give a clear algorithm of actions to the student.

Experimental tasks are tasks in which students obtain data from experimental conditions. According to a special algorithm, students assemble an experimental setup, carry out measurements and use the measurement results in solving the problem.

Creation of working models of devices, machines and mechanisms. Every year at school, as part of physics week, I hold an inventor competition, to which students submit all their inventive ideas. Preliminarily, in the lesson, they demonstrate their work and explain what physical phenomena and laws are the basis of this invention. Students very often involve their parents in work, and this becomes a kind of family project. This type of work has a great educational effect.

Observation Measurement and recording of results Theoretical analysis and mathematical processing of measurement results Conclusions Structure of a physical experiment

When conducting any experiment, you must remember the requirements for the experiment. Experiment Requirements: Visibility; Short duration; Persuasiveness, accessibility, reliability; Security.

The use of experimental tasks in the classroom and after school hours as homework led to an increase in the cognitive activity of students, increased interest in the study of physics. Questions Answer options Grade 8A Grade 8B Assess your attitude to the subject. a) I do not like the subject, 5% 4% b) I am interested, 85% 68% c) I love the subject, I want to know more. 10% 28% 2. How often do you study the subject? a) regularly 5% 24% b) sometimes 90% 76% c) very rarely 5% 0% 3. Do you read additional literature on the subject? a) constantly 10% 8% b) sometimes 60% 63% c) little, I don’t read at all 30% 29% 4. Do you want to know, understand, get to the bottom? a) almost always 40% 48% b) sometimes 55% 33% c) very rarely 5% 19% 5. Would you like to experiment outside of school hours? a) yes, very 60% 57% b) sometimes 20% 29% c) lesson is enough 20% 14%

Monitoring the quality of student learning (teacher Petrosyan O.R.)

Participation in olympiads and competitions in physics for 4 years

“Childhood is not a period of preparation for a future life, but a fulfilling life. Consequently, education should be based not on the knowledge that someday in the future will be useful to him, but on what the child urgently needs today, on the problems of his real life ”(John Dewey). Systematic and purposeful work on the formation of the skills and abilities of experimental work makes it possible, already at the initial stage of studying physics, to involve students in scientific research, teach them to express their thoughts, conduct a public discussion, and defend their own conclusions. This means making training more effective and up-to-date.

"Be your own pioneers, explorers! If you don't have a spark, you will never ignite it in others!" V.A. Sukhomlinsky Thank you for the attention!

An experiment in physics. Physics workshop. Shutov V.I., Sukhov V.G., Podlesny D.V.

M .: Fizmatlit, 2005 .-- 184p.

Experimental works included in the program of physics and mathematics lyceums within the framework of a physics workshop are described. The manual is an attempt to create a unified manual for conducting practical exercises in classes and schools with advanced study of physics, as well as for preparing for experimental rounds of high-level Olympiads.

The introductory material is traditionally devoted to methods of processing experimental data. The description of each experimental work begins with a theoretical introduction. In the experimental part, descriptions of experimental installations and tasks are given that regulate the sequence of students' work during measurements. Provides sample worksheets for recording measurement results, recommendations for methods of processing and presentation of results, and requirements for reporting. At the end of the descriptions, control questions are proposed, the answers to which students should prepare for the defense of work.

For schools and classes with advanced study of physics.

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Physics workshop is an integral part of the physics course. A clear and deep assimilation of the basic laws of physics and its methods is impossible without work in a physics laboratory, without independent practical training. In the physics laboratory, students not only check the well-known laws of physics, but also learn to work with physical instruments, master the skills of experimental research activities, learn how to correctly process measurement results and be critical of them.

This manual is an attempt to create a unified manual on experimental physics for conducting classes in physics laboratories of specialized physics and mathematics schools and lyceums. It is designed for students with no independent experience in physics labs. Therefore, the descriptions of the work are made in detail and in detail. Particular attention is paid to the theoretical substantiation of the applied experimental methods, the processing of measurement results and the assessment of their errors.

The description of each experimental work begins with a theoretical introduction. In the experimental part of each work, descriptions of experimental installations and tasks are given that regulate the sequence of students' work during measurements, samples of worksheets for recording measurement results and recommendations on methods for processing and presenting the results. At the end of the descriptions, control questions are proposed, the answers to which students should prepare for the defense of work.

On average, each student must complete 10–12 experimental works per academic year in accordance with the curriculum.

The student prepares in advance for each assignment. He must study the description of the work, know the theory in the amount indicated in the description, the procedure for performing the work, have a previously prepared laboratory journal with a summary of the theory and tables, and, if necessary, have graph paper to complete the approximate schedule.

Before starting work, the student receives a permit to work.

An indicative list of questions for obtaining admission:

1. The purpose of the work.

2. Basic physical laws studied in the work.

3. Installation diagram and principle of its operation.

4. Measured values ​​and calculation formulas.

5. The order of the work.

Students admitted to work must follow the order of execution strictly in accordance with the description.

Work in the laboratory ends with preliminary calculations and discussion with the teacher.

By the next lesson, the student independently finishes the processing of the experimental data obtained, the construction of graphs and the design of the report.

During the defense of the work, the student must be able to answer all theoretical questions in the full scope of the program, substantiate the accepted method of measurement and data processing, and derive calculation formulas on his own. This completes the work and gives the final final grade for the work.

Semester and annual grades are awarded upon successful completion of all work in accordance with the curriculum.

The course "Experimental Physics" is practically implemented on the complex laboratory equipment developed by the Teaching and Methodological Laboratory of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, which includes laboratory complexes for material point mechanics, solid mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, geometric and physical optics. Such equipment is available in many specialized physics and mathematics schools and lyceums in Russia.


Errors of physical quantities. Processing of measurement results.

Practical work 1. Measuring the volume of bodies of regular shape.

Practical work 2. Investigation of the rectilinear motion of bodies in the gravitational field on the Atwood machine.

Practical work 3. Dry friction. Determination of the coefficient of sliding friction.

A theoretical introduction to work on oscillations.

Practical work 4. Study of oscillations of a spring pendulum.

Practical work 5. Study of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum. Determination of the acceleration of gravity.

Practical work 6. Study of oscillations of a physical pendulum.

Practical work 7. Determination of the moments of inertia of bodies of regular shape by the method of torsional vibrations.

Practical work 8. Study of the laws of rotation of a rigid body on a cruciform pendulum of Oberbeck.

Practical work 9. Determination of the ratio of molar heat capacities of air.

Practical work 10. Standing waves. Measurement of the speed of a wave in an elastic string.

Practical work 11. Determination of the ratio cp / c ι? for air in a standing sound wave.

Practical work 12. Studying the work of an electronic oscilloscope.

Practical work 13. Measurement of vibration frequency by examining Lissajous figures.

Practical work 14. Determination of the resistivity of nichrome wire.

Practical work 15. Determination of the resistance of conductors by the compensation method of Wheatstone.

Practical work 16. Transient processes in the capacitor. Determination of capacity.

Practical work 17. Determination of the electric field strength in a cylindrical conductor with current.

Practical work 18. Investigation of the work of the source in the DC circuit.

Practical work 19. Study of the laws of reflection and refraction of light.

Practical work 20. Determination of the focal lengths of the converging and diffusing lenses.

Practical work 21. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. Study of the magnetic field of the solenoid.

Practical work 22. Investigation of damped oscillations.

Practical work 23. Study of the phenomenon of resonance in an alternating current circuit.

Practical work 24. Fraunhofer diffraction at the slit. Measurement of the slit width by the "wave method".

Practical work 25. Fraunhofer diffraction. Diffraction grating as an optical device.

Practical work 26. Determination of the refractive index of glass by the "wave" method.

Practical work 27. Determination of the radius of curvature of the lens in the experiment with Newton's rings.

Practical work 28. Research of polarized light.

In the first chapter of the thesis, the theoretical aspects of the problem of using electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of secondary schools were considered. In the course of a theoretical analysis of the problem, we determined the principles and types of electronic textbooks, identified and theoretically substantiated the pedagogical conditions for the use of information technologies in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of secondary schools.

In the second chapter of the thesis, we formulate the goal, objectives and principles of organizing experimental work. This chapter discusses the methodology for the implementation of the pedagogical conditions we have identified for the use of electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of a general education school; in the final paragraph, the interpretation and assessment of the results obtained in the course of experimental work is given.

Purpose, objectives, principles and methods of organizing experimental work

In the introductory part of the work, a hypothesis was put forward, which contained the basic conditions that require testing in practice. In order to verify and prove the proposals put forward in the hypothesis, we carried out experimental work.

An experiment in the "Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary" is defined as a systematic observation; systematic isolation, combination and variation of conditions in order to study the phenomena dependent on them. Under these conditions, a person creates the possibility of observations, on the basis of which his knowledge of the patterns in the observed phenomenon is formed. Observations, conditions and knowledge about patterns are the most essential, in our opinion, features that characterize this definition.

In the dictionary "Psychology" the concept of experiment is considered as one of the main (along with observation) methods of scientific knowledge in general, psychological research in particular. It differs from observation by active intervention in a situation on the part of a researcher who systematically manipulates one or more variables (factors) and records concomitant changes in the behavior of the studied object. A correctly designed experiment allows you to test hypotheses about cause-and-effect relationships, and is not limited to stating the relationship (correlation) between variables. The most essential signs, as experience shows, here are: the activity of the researcher, characteristic of the search and formative types of experiment, as well as the testing of the hypothesis.

Highlighting the essential features of the above definitions, as A.Ya. Nain and Z.M. Umetbaev, you can use the following concept: an experiment is a research activity designed to test the hypothesis put forward, deployed in natural or artificially created controlled and controlled conditions. The result of this, as a rule, is new knowledge, which includes the identification of essential factors that affect the effectiveness of pedagogical activity. The organization of the experiment is impossible without identifying criteria. And it is their presence that makes it possible to distinguish experimental activity from any other. By such criteria, according to E.B. Kainova, there may be: the purpose of the experiment; hypotheses; scientific language of description; specially created experimental conditions; diagnostic methods; ways of influencing the subject of experimentation; new pedagogical knowledge.

Purposes distinguish between ascertaining, formative and evaluative experiments. The purpose of the ascertaining experiment is to measure the present level of development. In this case, we get the primary material for research and organization of a formative experiment. This is extremely important for the organization of any survey.

Forming (transforming, teaching) experiment aims not to simply state the level formed by this or that activity, the development of certain skills of the subjects, but to actively form them. Here it is necessary to create a special experimental situation. The results of experimental research often represent not an identified pattern, a stable dependence, but a number of more or less fully recorded empirical facts. These data are often descriptive in nature, represent only more specific material, which narrows the further scope of the search. The results of an experiment in pedagogy and psychology should often be regarded as intermediate material and the initial basis for further research work.

Evaluation experiment (controlling) - with its help, after a certain period of time after the formative experiment, the level of knowledge and skills of the subjects is determined based on the materials of the formative experiment.

The purpose of the experimental work is to test the selected pedagogical conditions for the use of electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level of secondary schools and to determine their effectiveness.

The main tasks of the experimental work were: selection of experimental sites for the pedagogical experiment; determination of criteria for the selection of experimental groups; development of tools and determination of methods of pedagogical diagnostics of selected groups; development of pedagogical criteria for identifying and correlating the levels of learning of students in control and experimental classes.

The experimental work was carried out in three stages, including: the diagnostic stage (carried out in the form of an ascertaining experiment); meaningful stage (organized in the form of a formative experiment) and analytical (carried out in the form of a control experiment). Principles for the implementation of experimental work.

The principle of comprehensiveness of the scientific and methodological organization of experimental work. The principle requires ensuring a high level of professionalism of the experimental teacher himself. The effectiveness of the introduction of information technologies in teaching schoolchildren is influenced by many factors, and, undoubtedly, its basic condition is the correspondence of the content of teaching to the possibilities of schoolchildren. But even in this case, problems arise in overcoming intellectual and physical barriers, and therefore, when using the methods of emotional and intellectual stimulation of the cognitive activity of students, we provided methodological counseling that meets the following requirements:

a) problem-search material was presented using personified explanatory methods and instructions that facilitate the assimilation of educational material by schoolchildren;

b) various techniques and ways of mastering the content of the studied material were proposed;

c) individual teachers were given the opportunity to freely choose methods and schemes for solving computerized problems, to work according to their original pedagogical methods.

The principle of humanizing the content of experimental work. This is the idea of ​​the priority of human values ​​over technocratic, industrial, economic, administrative, etc. The principle of humanization was implemented by observing the following rules of pedagogical activity: a) the pedagogical process and educational relations in it are based on full recognition of the rights and freedoms of the student and respect for him;

b) know and in the course of the pedagogical process rely on the positive qualities of the student;

c) constantly carry out humanistic education of teachers in accordance with the Declaration "On the Rights of the Child";

d) ensure the attractiveness and aesthetics of the pedagogical sag and the comfort of the educational relations of all its participants.

Thus, the principle of humanization, according to I.A. Kolesnikova and E.V. Titova, provides schoolchildren with a certain social protection in an educational institution.

The principle of democratization of experimental work is the idea of ​​presenting certain freedoms to the participants in the pedagogical process for self-development, self-regulation, and self-determination. The principle of democratization in the process of using information technologies for teaching schoolchildren is implemented through the observance of the following rules:

a) create a pedagogical process open to public control and influence;

b) create legal support for the activities of students, helping to protect them from the adverse effects of the environment;

c) ensure mutual respect, tact and patience in the interaction of teachers and students.

The implementation of this principle helps to expand the possibilities of students and teachers in determining the content of education, choosing the technology of using information technologies in the learning process.

The principle of cultural conformity of experimental work is the idea of ​​maximum use in upbringing, education and training of the environment in which and for the development of which the educational institution was created - the cultures of the region, people, nation, society, country. The principle is implemented on the basis of compliance with the following rules:

a) understanding of the cultural and historical value by the teaching community at school;

b) maximum use of family and regional material and spiritual culture;

c) ensuring the unity of national, international, interethnic and inter-social principles in the upbringing, education, training of schoolchildren;

d) the formation of creative abilities and attitudes of teachers and students for consumption and the creation of new cultural values.

The principle of a holistic study of pedagogical phenomena in experimental work, which implies: the use of a systemic and integrative - developmental approaches; a clear definition of the place of the studied phenomenon in the integral pedagogical process; disclosure of the driving forces and phenomena of the studied objects.

We were guided by this principle when modeling the process of using information technologies for teaching.

The principle of objectivity, which assumes: verification of each fact by several methods; fixation of all manifestations of changes in the investigated object; comparison of the data of their research with the data of other analogous studies.

The principle was actively used in the process of conducting the ascertaining and formative stages of the experiment, when using the electronic process in the educational process, as well as in the analysis of the results obtained.

The principle of adaptation, which requires taking into account the personal characteristics and cognitive abilities of students in the process of using information technologies, was used in the formative experiment. The principle of activity, which assumes that the correction of the personal semantic field and strategy of behavior can be carried out only in the course of active and intensive work of each participant.

The principle of experimentation, aimed at actively searching for new behavioral strategies by participants in classes. This principle is important as an impetus to the development of creativity and initiative of the individual, as well as a model of behavior in the real life of a student.

It is possible to talk about teaching technology using electronic textbooks only if: it meets the basic principles of pedagogical technology (preliminary design, reproducibility, goal-setting, integrity); it solves problems that previously were not theoretically and / or practically solved in didactics; the means of preparing and transmitting information to the student is a computer.

In this regard, we present the basic principles of the systemic introduction of computers into the educational process, which were widely used in our experimental work.

The principle of new tasks. Its essence is not to transfer traditionally established methods and techniques to the computer, but to rebuild them in accordance with the new capabilities that computers provide. In practice, this means that the analysis of the learning process reveals losses resulting from the shortcomings of its organization (insufficient analysis of the content of education, poor knowledge of the real learning opportunities of schoolchildren, etc.). In accordance with the result of the analysis, a list of tasks is outlined that, due to various objective reasons (large volume, enormous time expenditures, etc.) are now not solved or are not completely solved, but which are completely solved with the help of a computer. These tasks should be aimed at completeness, timeliness and at least approximate optimality of the decisions made.

The principle of a systems approach. This means that the introduction of computers must be based on a systems analysis of the learning process. That is, the goals and criteria for the functioning of the learning process must be determined, structuring has been carried out, revealing the whole range of issues that need to be resolved in order for the projected system to best meet the established goals and criteria.

Principles of the most reasonable typification of design solutions. This means that when developing software, the contractor should strive to ensure that the solutions he proposes would suit the widest possible range of customers, not only in terms of the types of computers used, but also of various types of educational institutions.

In conclusion of this paragraph, we note that the use of the above methods with other methods and principles of organizing experimental work made it possible to determine the attitude to the problem of using electronic textbooks in the learning process, and outline specific ways to effectively solve the problem.

Following the logic of theoretical research, we formed two groups - control and experimental. In the experimental group, the effectiveness of the selected pedagogical conditions was tested, in the control group, the organization of the learning process was traditional.

The educational features of the implementation of the pedagogical conditions for the use of electronic textbooks in the process of teaching physics at the senior level are presented in paragraph 2.2.

The results of the work done are reflected in paragraph 2.3.

Experimental homework

Exercise 1.

Take a long, heavy book, tie it with a thin thread, and

attach a 20 cm long rubber thread to the thread.

Place the book on the table and very slowly begin to pull on the end.

rubber thread. Try to measure the length of the stretched rubber string at

the moment the book began to slide.

Measure the length of the stretched thread while moving the book evenly.

Place two thin cylindrical handles (or two

cylindrical pencils) and pull the end of the thread in the same way. Measure the length

stretched thread with uniform movement of the book on the rollers.

Compare the three results obtained and draw conclusions.

Note. The next task is a variation of the previous one. It

also aims at comparing static friction, sliding friction and friction

Task 2.

Place the hexagon pencil on the book parallel to the spine.

Slowly lift the top edge of the book until the pencil begins to

slide down. Reduce the tilt of the book slightly and secure it in such a

position, placing something under it. Now a pencil if its again

put on the book, will not move out. It is held in place by friction -

static friction force. But it is worth weakening this force a little - and for this it is enough

flick your finger on the book - and the pencil will crawl down until it falls on

table. (The same experiment can be done, for example, with a pencil case, a match

box, eraser, etc.)

Consider why the nail is easier to pull out of the board if you rotate it

around the axis?

To move a thick book across the table with one finger, you need to attach

some effort. And if you put two round pencils under the book or

handles, which in this case will be roller bearings, the book is easy

will move from a weak push with the little finger.

Do experiments and make a comparison of the static friction force, the friction force

sliding and rolling friction forces.

Task 3.

In this experience, two phenomena can be observed at once: inertia, experiments with

Take two eggs, one raw and one hard-boiled. Twist

both eggs on a large plate. You see a boiled egg behaves differently,

than raw: it rotates much faster.

In a boiled egg, the white and yolk are rigidly bound to their shell and

among themselves because are in a solid state. And when we unwind

raw egg, then we first unwind only the shell, only then, at the expense of

friction, layer by layer, the rotation is transferred to the albumen and yolk. Thus,

liquid white and yolk, by their friction between layers, inhibit rotation


Note. Instead of raw and boiled eggs, you can spin two pans,

in one of which there is water, and in the other there is the same amount of cereals.

The center of gravity. Exercise 1.

Take two faceted pencils and hold them parallel in front of you,

putting a ruler on them. Start bringing the pencils closer together. The convergence will be

occur in alternating movements: one pencil moves, the other.

Even if you want to interfere with their movement, you will not succeed.

They will still move in turns.

As soon as there is more pressure on one pencil and the friction becomes so

the second pencil can now move under the ruler. But after a while

time the pressure and over it becomes more than over the first pencil, and due to

for an increase in friction, it stops. And now the first one can move

pencil. So, moving in turn, the pencils will meet in the very middle

rulers at its center of gravity. This can be easily verified by the divisions of the ruler.

This experiment can be done with a stick, holding it on outstretched fingers.

As you move your fingers, you will notice that they, also moving alternately, will meet

under the very middle of the stick. True, this is just a special case. Try it

do the same with a regular floor brush, shovel or rake. You

you will see that the fingers do not meet in the middle of the stick. Try to explain

why it happens.

Task 2.

This is an old, very visual experience. You have a pocket knife (folding),

probably a pencil too. Sharpen your pencil so it has a sharp end

and slightly above the end, stick a half-open penknife. Put

the tip of a pencil on your index finger. Find such a position

a half-open knife on a pencil, in which the pencil will stand on

finger, swaying slightly.

Now the question is: where is the center of gravity of the pencil and

Task 3.

Determine the position of the center of gravity of a match with and without a head.

Place the matchbox on the table on the long, narrow edge and

put a match without a head on the box. This match will serve as a support for

another match. Take a match with a head and balance it on the support so that

so that it lies horizontally. Use a pen to mark the position of the center of gravity

matches with a head.

Scrape the head off the match and place the match on the support so that

the ink dot you marked was on the support. Now this is not for you

succeed: the match will not lie horizontally, since the center of gravity of the match

moved. Determine the position of the new center of gravity and notice in

which side he moved. Mark with a pen the center of gravity of the match without

Bring the two-dot match to class.

Task 4.

Determine the position of the center of gravity of the flat figure.

Cut out a shape of an arbitrary (any fancy) shape from cardboard

and pierce several holes in different arbitrary places (it is better if

they will be located closer to the edges of the shape, this will increase the accuracy). Drive in

into a vertical wall or rack, a small nail without a cap or a needle and

hang a figure on it through any hole. Note: the figure

should swing freely on the carnation.

Take a plumb line, consisting of a thin thread and a weight, and throw it

thread through the stud so that it points in the vertical direction not

hanging figure. Mark the vertical direction on the shape with a pencil

Remove the figure, hang it by any other hole and again at

using a plumb line and a pencil, mark the vertical direction of the thread on it.

The point of intersection of the vertical lines will indicate the position of the center of gravity

this figure.

Pass a thread through the center of gravity you found, at the end of which

a knot is made, and hang the figure on this thread. The figure must hold

almost horizontal. The more accurately the experiment is done, the more horizontal it will be

stick figure.

Task 5.

Determine the center of gravity of the hoop.

Take a small hoop (such as a hoop) or make a ring out of

flexible rod, from a narrow strip of plywood or rigid cardboard. Hang

lower the plumb line on the nail and from the attachment point. When the plumb line

calm down, mark on the hoop the points of her touch to the hoop and between

use these points to pull and secure a piece of thin wire or fishing line

(you need to pull tight enough, but not so much that the hoop changes its

Hang the hoop on the stud at any other point and do the same

most. The point of intersection of the wires or lines will be the center of gravity of the hoop.

Note: The center of gravity of the hoop lies outside the body.

Tie a thread to the intersection of wires or lines and hang on

her hoop. The hoop will be in indifferent equilibrium, since the center

the gravity of the hoop and the point of its support (suspension) coincide.

Task 6.

You know that the stability of the body depends on the position of the center of gravity and

on the size of the support area: the lower the center of gravity and the larger the support area,

the more stable the body is.

With this in mind, take a bar or empty matchbox and place it on

alternately on paper in a box on the widest, on the middle and on the most

smaller edge, trace each time with a pencil to get three different

support area. Count the dimensions of each area in square centimeters

and put them down on paper.

Measure and record the height of the box's center of gravity for everyone

three cases (the center of gravity of the matchbox lies at the intersection

diagonals). Draw a conclusion in which position of the boxes is the most


Task 7.

Sit in a chair. Put your feet upright, without slipping them under

seat. Sit perfectly straight. Try to get up without bending forward,

without stretching your arms forward or moving your legs under the seat. You have nothing

it will turn out - it will not be possible to get up. Your center of gravity, which is somewhere

in the middle of your body, will prevent you from getting up.

What condition must be met in order to get up? Gotta lean forward

or tuck your legs under the seat. When we get up, we always do both.

In this case, the vertical line passing through your center of gravity should

be sure to go through at least one of your feet or between them.

Then the balance of your body will be stable enough, you can easily

can get up.

Well, now try to stand up with dumbbells or an iron in your hands. Pull out

hands forward. You may be able to stand up without bending over or bending your legs under

Inertia. Exercise 1.

Place a postcard on the glass and a coin on the postcard

or a checker so that the coin is above the glass. Hit the postcard

click. The postcard should fly out, and the coin (checker) should fall into the glass.

Task 2.

Place a double sheet of notebook paper on the table. One half

sheet, put a stack of books at least 25cm high.

Slightly lifting the second half of the sheet above the table level with both

with your hands, quickly pull the sheet towards you. The sheet should free itself from under

books, and the books must remain in place.

Put the book back on the sheet and pull it very slowly now. Books

will move with the sheet.

Task 3.

Take a hammer, tie a thin thread to it, but so that it

withstand the weight of the hammer. If one thread does not hold up, take two

threads. Slowly lift the hammer up using the string. The hammer will hang on

thread. And if you want to pick it up again, but not slowly, but quickly

jerk, the thread will break (ensure that the hammer does not break

nothing underneath). The inertia of the hammer is so great that the thread does not

survived. The hammer did not have time to quickly follow your hand, it remained in place, and the thread broke.

Task 4.

Take a small ball made of wood, plastic, or glass. Make from

thick paper groove, put a ball in it. Move quickly across the table

groove, and then suddenly stop it. The inertia ball will continue

movement and roll, jumping out of the groove.

Check where the ball will roll if:

a) very quickly pull the chute and stop it abruptly;

b) pull the chute slowly and stop abruptly.

Task 5.

Cut the apple in half, but not all the way to the end, and leave it to hang.

Now hit the blunt side of the knife with the apple hanging on top of it on

something hard, such as a hammer. Apple, continuing to move along

inertia, will be cut and split into two halves.

The same thing happens when they chop wood: if it failed

split a block of wood, it is usually turned over and that is the strength, hit with a butt

ax on a solid support. Churbak, continuing to move by inertia,

is pushed deeper onto the ax and split in two.

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Slide captions:

Study of the dependence of the pressure of solids on the pressure force and on the surface area on which the pressure force acts

In the 7th grade, we performed the task of calculating the pressure that a student produces while standing on the floor. The task is interesting, informative and of great practical importance in a person's life. We decided to study this issue.

Purpose: to investigate the dependence of pressure on the force and surface area on which the body acts. Equipment: scales; shoes with different sole area; squared paper; camera.

In order to calculate the pressure, we need to know the area and force P = F / S P- pressure (Pa) F- force (N) S- area (sq. M.)

EXPERIMENT-1 Dependence of pressure on the area, with a constant force Purpose: to determine the dependence of the pressure of a rigid body on the area of ​​the support. The technique for calculating the area of ​​bodies of irregular shape is as follows: - we count the number of whole squares, - we count the number of squares of a known area that are not whole and divide in half, - we sum up the areas of whole and non-integral squares For this, we must use a pencil to circle the edges of the sole and heel; count the number of complete (B) and incomplete cells (C) and determine the area of ​​one cell (S k); S 1 = (B + C / 2) · S k The answer will be in cm sq., Which need to be translated into sq. M. 1 cm sq. = 0.0001 sq. M.

In order to calculate the force, we need the mass of the investigated body F = m * g F - gravity m - body mass g - free fall acceleration

Data for finding pressure Experiment No. Shoes with different S S (sq. M.) F (H) P (Pa) 1 Stiletto heels 2 Platform shoes 3 Flat shoes

The pressure exerted on the surface Stiletto heels p = Platform shoes p = Flat shoes p = Conclusion: the pressure of a rigid body on the support decreases with increasing area

What kind of shoes to wear? - Scientists have found that the pressure exerted by one stud is approximately equal to the pressure exerted by 137 tracked tractors. - An elephant presses on 1 square centimeter of the surface 25 times with less weight than a woman on a 13 centimeter heel. Heels are the leading cause of flat feet in women

EXPERIMENT-2 Dependence of pressure on mass, with a constant area Purpose: to determine the dependence of the pressure of a solid on its mass.

How does pressure depend on mass? Mass of a student m = P = Mass of a student with a knapsack on his back m = P =

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