Signing to dances and songs in verses. Poems to dance compositions for holidays in kindergarten Podovka to Tarantel dance

Signing to dances and songs in verses. Poems to dance compositions for holidays in kindergarten Podovka to Tarantel dance
Signing to dances and songs in verses. Poems to dance compositions for holidays in kindergarten Podovka to Tarantel dance

Storm for dancing, dances and dances

Storm for dances and dances

We are not sitting on site, well - ka quickly stand in the couple,

We love to have fun. Time dance fire!

We dance and sing not too lazy, I will hit the heels in the floor,

We would dance all day! That's how the dance we are with you!

We sang and played, start dancing,

But have not danced for a long time! Just do not imagine

Go out in the circle of more, the hand was safely given to a friend,

Yes Dance fun. Rose couples in a circle

We at the holiday with friends sounded music

We spend nicely time. Fun and ringing.

To be more fun, everyone, of course, like

Our dance will be heading. Paint dance polka!

Today, such a good one is called "kids",

Everything is having fun, but we dance from the soul.

Dance, clap your hands, we will turn around, stump

And we are not behind! Do not forget to clap!

We sang and played, hey, friends, go to the circle,

And the poems are now read. Boldly, without fears.

To become our holiday more beautiful, we are today the best friend -

We are still asleep now! He who loves dances!

A lot of dancing have in the light of the legs go to the walker

And everywhere they are dancing children. Do not stand still.

Come out soon in the circle we will meet the holiday of the beach,

Heat top, yes Top! Meet the holiday song!

In our hall, in the hall our sun shines brightly,

Holiday - legs themselves dance, such a wonderful day

And we call us all around we will meet the holiday of the beach

Our big, cheerful circle. We will celebrate the holiday song.


Eh, toppin foot, these spoons are not for porridge,

Yes, it is silent with legs. Not for soup, not for one.

Walked with us you listen to our

There will be a dance with spoons. Immediately will become more fun.

Ringing, carved, like our gate

Spoons painted. The people are going.

In the hands of their children will take them, forward will miss the lodgers

Cheering guests will start! To merge our guests.

Approach to the dance "became friends"

When we wake up, we know everyone friends,

It happens, offended, it is impossible to quarrel.

But these are trivia, even they were surprised:

We got up, not standing legs. We quarreled and recalled

Applying to choirovodam

Marry all the people ah, what wonderful ringing

Quick in the city. He ran away from all sides.

In the dance, in the dance, wake up and forest, and meadow,

Yes, with all honest people, everyone stuck around.

We drink, play everything plays and sings,

And they write yourself! This is how

Sunshine calls


In dancing, games and fun every dance your turn

Joyfully and ringing dance as you can.

Running holiday carousel Spice the dance!

Each child. Come out of bold!

Dance Russian call

We are in the cheerful dance!

A gift should be beautiful
And Mama joy to bring.
Created at leisure
You give you the dance of the bougie wooga.

Podder to dance "Waltz"
We know a lot of dancing,
You can show anyone.
Well, now we offer you
Favorite waltz is our graduation.

Pairing dance
Naughty we guys
In a friendly garden we live.
We are about grandmother and mom
Songs are different.
And now it's time to steal,
Dance steam show.

Powerboard to the dance "We-Little Children"
Soon we will go to school,
Today the graduation.
We say goodbye today
Kindergarten, with you.
We are now disciples,
And proud of it.
Look our dance
"We are small children."

Powerboard to dance "Droplets"
Again autumn outside the window
Again a holiday in the hall.
We were preparing for him,
And guests called.
Rain on the street goes
But it does not give us.
Dance "Capel" now
Complete girls for you.

Podder to dance "Waltz"
We grew up big,
We go to the first class.
Today is for sale
Dance waltz for you.
Yes, the waltz is a little sad,
But he is graduation.
Sorry today
We, kindergarten, with you.

Podder to dance with moms
Well, dear parents.
Ready to support children?
Rather, go out to us,
With your children to dance.

Storm to the song
Yes, we honestly confess
What you love our moms very much.
And in honor of the holiday today
We give a song to you.

Powerboard to dance for mom
We will not buy my mother to buy -
Prepare yourself, children's hands.
You can embroider her handkerchief, you can grow flower.
You can draw the house, but you can dance.

Loving to any dance
In our garden talents:
Singers, dancers, musicians.
And how do we dance everything,
Show you right now.

Toddler dance
Comes dancing hour,
Look at us.
We are though kids
But we dance from the soul.

Podder to modern dance
We not only learned
Sing songs, poems read,
We can you new dance
Modern show!

Storm to the song
We are not at all upset
We smile each other.
And with a good mood
We deal with singing.

Holding to merry dance
Girls, you are your beauty
Eclipsed in this room white light,
Let's buy the ball today we will open
Merry dance, do you agree or not?

Podder to the dance "Cossack Polka with tambourines"
Only I heard music
We can not hold anything.
With tambourine Cossack Polka
We will dance together.
We want to surprise everyone
And your dance to give.

Eyeliner to the song about educators
You were us the second mom,
How will we be in school without you?
Thank you from us great!
We will sing now!

Eyeliner to the song to release from parents
Our parents stern unfortunately,
Strong hour has come!
Word parents, bolder go out
In the festive joyful hall!

Storm to the dance "Tango"
Mama, we wish grandmothers
Very firmly love us,
And we want it in this holiday
Dance "Tango" to give.

It is meant - it is not standard to declare dancing at a concert or competition to pronounce not only their names.

It is written for the "dance spring" according to the specified list of choreographic rooms.

At your concert, there may not be performances with such names, but it is easier to come up with example, how to declare those dances that you will have.

In the previous article, see - it will be clear where the master inserting the text.

Presentation (announcement) of dance

Declare the speaker and choreographer.

For example, the pop dance group "X", the group leader - ... FULL NAME.

I write a list, but declare one by one, of course.

We are small children

That small children will come to the scene, and that these kids are dancing great, we have already guessed. But if everything was simple, they would not speak in the dance spring. And they - act. And how they act! We look and applaud!


We have no airport, but this does not mean that there should be no flight attendant. Meet - "Stewardles", not on the plane, but on our scene.


Lullabies there are many and different. Let's see the "Lullaby" according to the group "X".

Sleep, my sunshine

Next number - "Sleep, My Sun". It seems that he looks like a lullaby, but what will actually happen, and who is there whose sunshine, now we'll figure it out.



"Militari" - translated from Italian means "military", and so called this dance. I will say one thing - I really want this word to remain only in the art and style of clothing. And completely disappeared from the life of people in her sad sense. Watch!


Many girls at least sometimes dream of visiting the role of princess or princesses. And some do not even dream - because they are immediately born. What kind of princess will be shown now the dancers of the studio "Y", we will find out in a second.

You fire i'm water

- - On incompatible opposites. "You are fire, I'm water." But in the dance, it seems that they perfectly complement each other.

Cheerful zebric

Who is such a zebric, we could not find out reliably. He is a kitten, then - the son of the zebra, and then suddenly - entertainment center or studio. In our version - dance. "Cheerful zebric" for a cheerful mood!


Let go

When we hear the word "let go", everyone thinks about her. Even if a specific text is attached to the Word - for example, as in the song "Ocean Elzy" with the same name. And what's the point of investing the stars today in this word, we will now find out.

Rustic fun

The younger group decided to merge us all, and we are only joy. We meet new stars!


Tarantella - Italian folk dance accompanied by a guitar, a tambourine and kastaniet. 200 years he was considered the only means of cure, imagine! And what was treated with this dance - better than you and not know. Just look and enjoy!


I am sure - everything will be wonderful. The main thing is that the goats do not get carried away and did not jump from the scene into the hall, and from there - to the street.



The turntables are different - both on the guitar, and on the kefir, and on the pike. What will be shown to us - while surprise. But I feel it will pleasantly surprise us.


On the calendar - May, the mood is the eternal spring. So why would not remember winter for a variety of 5 minutes? Especially when it will be shown so interesting.


It turns out that the obverse with the perspective is the favorite question of scanvords. And the answer, it seems, we will not say now, but dance.

Country young

Youth is always good, and not necessarily in the passport. The main thing, soul, head and legs. What will demonstrate to us now.


Curtain, applause of the enthusiastic public))


This or that way you can imagine dancing at the competition or concert. Where is a joke, where mysteriousness, where touching words. And no longer just a concert, but. Or - big. Or maybe, taking into account other things, even ambitious))

Wishes nicely surprise the hall

Before playing a scenario, it is necessary to remember that the graduation in kindergarten is not just an entertaining program aimed at bringing joy to children.

About how to prepare you, read in the item than to start an entertainment program certainly carry the room. If just ended the solemn matinee, then it is necessary to take into account that there was a large number of children in the hall (a whole group, and sometimes two), while each child was parents, grandparents, tutors, photographer and a video operator.

Parents and educators on graduation in kindergarten

This is a great event for educators, for graduate parents. They did a lot that would this event took place and they also deserve a holiday! At least they are worthy of warm words in their address.

Therefore, dear animators, during the program unobtrusively, in a game form you should repeatedly draw the attention of children to teachers, on parents, grandparents, senior brothers and sisters. Express your gratitude to them.

For what?
Firstly They will be nice and they will penetrate the sympathy to you. And it is precisely you will recommend your friends.
Secondly Parents during the solemn matinee dressed, tired. They want to get emotions, cheered up.
Thirdly This is a good educational moment. Adult participants of the holiday will be pleased to see that you lead, not just a clown, but a thinking, solid person.

Once I heard a review of a young mother. Her words sounded literally like this:
"The child was delighted. But I did not like. "
It should be noted that it was a big holiday on tickets, a rich program, then we painted chocolate on the pancakes, ate them, all the children received aquagrim and good prizes.
And what did they do at this time parents? Almost three hours they sat in one place, watching children. Of course, they were tired and wanted that they were all the sooner.

Since i always involve parents in the program! Of course, I do it in a light form, without coercion. Wishing is very much. Adults Rada To plunge into the atmosphere of joy, feel your children.

Excellent! So what do we stand? We are ready to go in adulthood. (Children become a train, grabbed each other) Let's look at our expensive parents, fading with him with a handle, wrapped the handle to our educators. Go.

Children become a train and move on the site under
Background - 3 - Locomotive Antoshka

Animation dancing

LEADING: Great rolled. From the kindergarten we released. Adult life ahead. Are you ready for her? Have you been taught in kindergarten? Show me how you can count.

Puts children in a circle. Igrotan Background - 4 - "Four steps"

Wonderful! And tell me why the day replaces the night, after the summer comes autumn? Why so it turns out? ( in the process of communication, we come to the fact that Earth Round And spins around the sun)

And who turns it? Ay-Yai-Yai, do not know. The earth is twisted by white bears! Therefore, it is spinning. Let's help our Tedras that they were more fun to twist the earth axis and we soon went to school

Background - 5 - "Bears" - an acceleration gaming

Tired? And what helps us well with fatigue? What does stress shoot? The best thing - Massage! Turn to the right, put your hands your neighbors on your shoulders and start doing a massage to him!

Background - 6 - Massage
During the pause, we ask children to turn around in the opposite direction, put your hands with a neighbor on the shoulders and repeat the massage on the second buying. Thus, the one who did a massage, now he gets him.

Rested? Then show what you have learned in the kindergarten. You studied foreign languages. Not? Does any of you plan to go to rest in the summer? And how will you communicate in the resort, if you do not know foreign languages?

Well, nothing, I will teach you alone. Knowing it you will be your person on any coast, in any company. Language is called "Juice Bachi" Someone familiar with him?

If it turns out that children know him, please show moves and say that it has long been outdated and no one uses. Show new movements: we share a couple and get up opposite each other. On the "Juice" - clap yourself on the knees. On the "Bachi" - clap on the palms of the neighbor, on "Viru" - Also along the palms of the neighbor on the contrary, but with the hands of the cross.

Background - 07 - Juice Bachi.

Excellent! This is not just a cheerful language, it is a friendship language! After all, it is much more interesting to play with a friend than himself!

I see you good friends. Are you educated children? Good? Bold? Good? Modest? Do you have good parents? And educators? Blimey! So many good people gathered in one place.

And let's give our parents and caregivers with us. Because it is a dance about us - the best people in the world of people!

Parents and educators go to us, get up in a circle.

Background - 9 - "I am the"

We ask adults to return to our places (if you wish, they can stay)

Children, you are wonderful! I just fly from you and invite you to fly with me.

Parachute block

Before playing, you need explain the childrenThat for this game we need to be not bold and clever, but friendly and obedient. The game will only if we all do together. If one indulges or doing wrong - it spoils the game to everyone.

I invite you to subscribe to our channel: valuable tips from the main fairies where you will find a lot of useful information.

Sign up to dance "Invite me, dad, on waltz!"

My mom recently said:
I tell you, baby, so that I knew
If you even dance perfectly,
Inviting the guy is indecent.

Well, and I do not need a guy
No of our garden.
I'm just friends with boys
In one group I go with them.

I suggest my palm
Only dad, I dream about it,
He will invite me with a smile
And around the hall the waltz will be swollen.

When cute childhood end,
And I will become a bride,
We will wash with you at the wedding
Promise, my dad is native?

We will sing and quietly spin
And to love and be proud of each other!
In the meantime, the baby is now
Invite me, dad, on waltz!

Shelving to dance "Topney, my leg"

1. Spells are not worth it,
Can you want to dance?
So, naughty legs,
Need dance start,
I no longer resist!

2 Well, and that that is small!
Girl delete!
And laugh glairlights!
All boys group
I look at me, look,
You want to dance with me!
Well, I will not refuse!
"Topni leg" dangle!

Podder to the song "Topney, my leg"

Well, and that that is small!
Girl delete!
And laugh glairlights!
All boys group
I look at me, look,
I like it want!
I'll sleep now for them
Song ring your song!

Single to the song "Dad, Give me a doll"

Dolls a lot, not read them,

Tanya is, Marishka is,
There is a curly natasha,
And with Milash's pigtails,

Olya in the Red Sundower,
Wrinking doll Anya,
Winx and Barbie too,
I say, they do not consider them.

Whole puppet kindergarten,
And every one's outfit.
All of them are girlfriends ...
But I whispered on the ear

Daddy your desire
"Dad, give me a promise
Doll new to buy?
I promise not to stitch! "

I saw in the shop window
Masha doll stood.
Sine-blue eyes,
And linen's horses.

She looked at me
And she wanted her!
It is hot in a showcase, stuffy,
Masha to save we need!

Warm dressing:
Scarf, mittens, boots ...
Hat from the drape ...
.... Do me a doll, dad!

Summer eyeliner about the sun.

Little chick on a branch sat,
The song about the sun happily sang.
Brighter with rays it shone!

And it winks it by Sparrow:
Listen I like the song Your
Hey, Sparrow, fluffy lump,
Give me a kiss I'm in a barrel!

The song about the sun is all singing,
Sun will like it, we wanted!
We really ask him today:
Smokni us, sunshine, in broths and spout!

Powerboard to the theme of pigeons.

Let us release birds today
On the ball on our graduation,
Pigeons! Fly over the kindergarten
In the lace of heavenly blue!

Pyneshushki, got rid
Taught baby doves
Rose and went to the far path,
Leaving us, graduates!

You wish the sky blue
Warm native breeze!
Future light, big,
Pigeons, fly to the clouds!

The eyeliner to the song "Fallen Milk"
Imperceptibly grow up
Soon the garden leaving
And an adult by the clock:
I can do everything yourself!

I have bought boots
Thirty six - foot size!
I deny the tights,
Only pants choose!

It is said that he is milk,
Soon falls, continuing,
But sits in the mouth stubbornly
And I disgrace me straight!

I shook him two days,
Tongue then pushed
Apple, carrot gnaw
And achieved! Here is a surprise!

Fell to the tooth, in the mouth-hole ...
So, I have time to school!
Without milk without teeth
I'm ready to go to school!

At school will be very happy:
Adult guys need!
And with milk teeth
In Yasselki, sit for yourself!