Modern innovative educational technologies. Methodical seminar "Innovative pedagogical technologies as a means of improving the quality of education" - Presentation

Modern innovative educational technologies. Methodical seminar "Innovative pedagogical technologies as a means of improving the quality of education" - Presentation

All-Russian Conference on the topic: "Innovative technologies in high school."

SUBJECT : The use of innovative technologies in school as a way to prepare students when choosing a professional sphere.

TARGET: "The effectiveness of methodological forms in the educational process when using innovative technologies at school when choosing a future profession.

Short description:

The humanization of education implies a real-functioning system that ensures the unity of continuous general cultural, moral and professional development of the individual. This socio-pedagogical principle requires revision of the content and technology of education in relationship with the humanization of society. In the pedagogy, innovative technologies are considered in connection with the formation of the readiness of the person to quickly upcoming changes in society through the development of creative abilities, self-learning skills.

The humanization of the pedagogical process determines the interest in the problem of professional communicativeness and aims to apply innovative technologies in the learning process (in particular, foreign languages), in which the chief emphasis is placed on the formation of professional-significant communication skills.

An innovative school is an educational institution, the main task of which is the innovative activity of teachers and students based on the basis of copyright innovative ideas in the form of an original educational practice.

The emergence of such an innovative school is based on the platform of the usual mass school, where the specialists of innovative projects in education are developing and applied on an original technological basis one or more functions of the complex. The innovative school is a complex dynamic system with its structure of the sectors of educational services. Learning is involved in all areas of activity and can realize themselves in the full spectrum of scientific programs. This participation occurs in various forms of communication between adults and children.

The effectiveness of methodological forms in the educational process when using innovative technologies.

The introduction of innovative technologies is through the implementation of the project of the informatization program, the purpose of which, improving the quality of education by informatizing the educational process. Completed school media library, licensed programs, electronic textbooks, presentations for lessons acquired.

Use by teachers in the lesson:

    Personal-oriented training

    Information and Communicative Technologies

    Design Technology

    Heating technology

    Block-modular technology

    Game technologies.

Personal-oriented technologies in teaching the subject playing a decisive role in the innovation of education so that the child's personality personality and the provision of all the necessary conditions for the livelihoods and development of creative potential. This innovative idea of \u200b\u200beducation is manifested in individual educational programs, taking into account the age, the possibilities and needs of the child. The pedagogical team is involved in prefigurement preparation, which made it possible to create conditions for the personal and professional self-determination of schoolchildren, new training programs have been created, and elective courses are developed.

The direction is successfully implemented - work with gifted students. This work is carried out both through educational and extracurricular work, individual activities. The result of effective work is that annually studied our schools become winners, winners at different levels. The monitoring service is developing at school. So, according to the research results, there is a positive dynamics of the quality of school learning programs.

A teacher who is capable of and ready to implement innovation in school can take place when he realizes itself as a professional, has an installation on the creative perception of the available innovative experience and its necessary transformation.

An important modern pedagogical innovation in Russia is educational technologies that form a cultural portrait of a student, as well as didactic technologies as the main condition for the development of the educational process.

In modern society, many agree with me, learning children is easier than to bring up. The process of education requires a more subtle approach to the child and this is a process of constant creativity. The activity of the class teacher is primarily aimed at working with the study of the whole class. It forms motivation to the teachings of each individual child, studying its age-related features for the development and incentive of cognitive interests. However, the education of the personality should be oriented not only for the assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of the abilities and qualities of a person, allowing it to act and effectively work in modern economic conditions.

The class teacher must be in the epicenter of innovative activities of the educational institution. Therefore, from the class teacher, work is waiting for work filled with both new content and new technologies for the design of the educational process.

The widespread ICT introduction into the educational process made it possible to expand the arsenal methodological techniques that contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of pedagogical labor.

The main directions for which the school works is:

1. Anti-legal education.

2. Cultural and educational work.

3. Social and patriotic education.

4.Pizcultural and wellness.

5. Work with parents.

6. Labor activity.

Working for each direction it is impossible to do without modern information technologies. A man in nature trusts more eyes and perceives through the visual analyzer. The computer becomes a means of disseminating and sharing information between the student and the teacher, and contributes to the development of an increased interest in the child around the world. For example, the use of distance learning makes it possible to most accurately solve the tasks of the intensification of the educational process, including regulatoryly to manage quality when using remote technologies.

Today, with the expansion of international cooperation in all fields of activity, one of the first places in the list of professionally important skills occupies knowledge of a foreign language, and therefore, intensive technologies for foreign languages \u200b\u200bshould be widely implemented in the educational process, which is done in schools.

Thus, the experience of the modern school has a diverse arsenal application of pedagogical innovation in the learning process, the effectiveness of the use of which depends on the accumulated traditions in the education institution, the ability of the pedagogical team to perceive modern pedagogical technologies, the material and technical base of the institution.


1. Aylamazyan A.K. Education and communication. Pedagogical informatics, 1998, №7

2. Angelovski K.A. Teachers and innovation. 1991

3 http.// Catalog of educational resources.

4. http.// iyazyki.. ru - Internet - the publication "Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin School."

Modern innovative technologies in school

The rapid development of information culture led to the fact that a modern person begins to master the computer from the earliest childhood. Therefore, the use of information technologies in the educational process, including in elementary school, is currently an objective and natural process, and the relevance of this problem is no doubt.

Information technology training is all technologies using special technical information resources: personal computer, audio, video equipment, Internet.

Internet technologies are an automated medium of obtaining, processing, storing, transferring and using knowledge in the form of information implemented in the global Internet.

Innovation is increasingly becoming the characteristics of educational systems. Life sets new tasks to the educational institution, to solve that it is impossible, working in the old, without the development and implementation of any innovations. Teachers, long years working at school, know what countless methods and forms of training came and went along with time. New time sets new tasks before us, inevitably requiring the search for new solutions. The main task of a modern teacher is not to give the most more knowledge as possible, but to teach the child to navigate in modern information society, independently mined and analyze information. I am deeply convinced that in the children you need to create an identity from the first days. The identity of the child is born only in the process of self-knowledge, self-assessment and self-criticism. Each child is a special world. And everyone needs cultivation and development.

Innovation is characteristic of any professional human activity and therefore become the subject of study, analysis and implementation. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation is the introduction of a new one in the goal, content, methods and forms of training and education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student. With the introduction into the pedagogical process of innovative technologies, the teacher masters the functions of the consultant, the counselor, the educator, acts as the author, developer, researcher. In modern Russian society, the flow of information every year increases. That is why it is necessary to build an educational process so as to interest the student difficult, but also an interesting "dear" knowledge. To show him the direction of the way, then arm all the necessary knowledge of providing a schoolboy to learn, the ability to self-development and self-improvement.

The use of teachers in its work of modern educational technologies ("School of Dialogue of Cultures" V. S. Biblel, S. Yu. Kurganova; "School of Developing Training" V. V. Davydova; "School of self-determination" A. N. Tubelsky; "Gifted child "N. B. Shumakova) gives good results. Organizationeducational work, which is associated with the decision of the students of a creative, research task with a prede-know-known result and involving the presence of the main stages characteristic of scientific research: the problem formulation, familiarization with the literature on this issue, mastering the research methodology, the collection of own material, its analysis, Generalization, conclusions. It is a research approach to training that makes the guys with the participants of the creative process, and not passive consumers of finished information. Moreover, the modern education system focuses the teacher not to transmit knowledge in the finished form, but on the organization of training for independent activities of the schoolchild and bring it to the level of research work leaving the framework of the curriculum. Research activity allows you to arm the child with the necessary knowledge, skills, skills to master the rapidly increasing flow of information, orientation in it and systematization of the material. The admission of students to research begins, as a rule, in junior classes.Early inclusion in the creative process has a positive effect not only on the formation of intellectual and creative abilities, but develops the positive qualities of the child's personality.

In grade 1, Internet technologies are reduced to the use of developing flash games, online coloring, passing interactive tests, viewing videos, listening to audio files. In the process of working with Internet resources, children not only perform learning tasks, but also develop technical skills to work with a computer, learn to navigate in the global network. The use of the Internet is under the guidance of a teacher or parents.

In its innovation work, I use globallab is a secure online environment in which teachers, schoolchildren and parents can take part in joint research projects. Globallab is both a project, and a training environment based on the use of new technologies, especially the Internet. Today, the Global School Laboratory is a training platform for supporting the teaching of any natural-scientific course: "surrounding peace", "natural science", "Nature", "Biology", "Geography".

All Glotor Research Projects are built on the principles of "Civic Science", a special type of crowdsourcing (from English Crowdsourcing), which suggests that the small contribution of each participant forms a general qualitatively new knowledge.Globallab projects can be tied to the topics of the school program on completely different subjects - humanitarian, natural and engineering, and they can go far beyond their framework. The project projects correspond to the design tasks in the textbook "Envoying World" on the topics of the "Diversity of Nature of Our Territory", "Museum of Travels", "Economics of the Native Territory", "Who Protects us", "World Heritage in Russia", "Nature Conservation in our region "," Name on a globe "," The Great Patriotic War in memoirs of veterans "," our land (city, village) during the Great Patriotic War "and others.

Schoolchildren will be able to find answers. Questions: "My Malaya Motherland", "My Family", "My Class and My School", "My Pets", what monuments of architecture and natural objects are related to world heritage? How do the nature guard in my area? My contribution to the protection of nature? What objects on the world map are named after the people who opened their people? What can tell about the Great Patriotic War Veterans? Answers to these questions can be obtained not only from books and textbooks, but also during our own studies and when meeting research from other schoolchildren.

Working with projects in Globallab environment, I get a convenient tool for holding and conducting project activities in the classroom. Each project is a small study that not only allows the child to receive new knowledge and make a homework, but also makes it possible to make your own discoveries.

Training of students in the beginning of research activities is possible and fully feasible through a lesson, additional education, project protection and abstracts, scientific and educational and creative activities in the systematic application of a research approach in training.

From the experience I can conclude that using Internet technologies in elementary school, it is necessary:

Take into account the age characteristics of younger students;

Use a variety of types of information resources;

Teach children by the rules of safe use of the Internet;

Monitor the safety of children in the Internet space;

Gradually complicate the tasks of using online resource learning;

Constantly strive to improve your professional skills.

A feature of the organization of research activities in the elementary school of the school is that not only strong students, but also lagging children can take part in it. Just the level of research will be different.The main thing is to interest the child, involve in the atmosphere of activity. Research activities makes it possible to reveal the individual features of children and gives them the opportunity to attach their knowledge, benefit and show publicly the result achieved. And let the children do not make new discoveries, they repeat the path of the scientist: from nominating the hypothesis to its evidence or refutation. Students must understand how much strength, knowledge and skills are invested in each study, and therefore will try to adequately submit their work at conferences of various levels.All this gives a disciple the opportunity to express themselves, survive the situation of success, to realize yourself in other, not educational areas of activity, which is extremely important for any child, and especially for children, insecure in themselves, experiencing difficulties in mastering school disciplines.

Bibliographic list

1. L.V. Skmelkov "Design of innovation" Kurgan, 2006.-107 p.

2. Yusufbekova N.R. General Basics of Pedagogical Innovation: The experience of developing the theory of the innovation process in education. M., 2009

3. Internet technologies in education: educational and methodical manual / Abalueev R.N., Astafyeva N.G., Baskakova N.I., Boyko E.Yu., V. Boyko, Kuleshova N.A., Umetsky L.N., Sheshherina G.A. - Part 3. Tambov: Publishing House of TSTU, 2002. - 114 p.

Innovative educational technologies in modern school.

"There is nothing stronger than the idea whose time has come."

A. Goryachev.

We can safely say that the time has come the time of the activity method as the means of implementing modern education purposes.

Behind the age of industrialization remained, the time of informatization has come, and therefore, the value of education has increased. But does the level of knowledge, which gives the child a modern education system, the requirements of the new time?

Compared to the past century, conditions changed dramatically. In the modern world, every 18 months the amount of information doubles, and many knowledge is quickly obsolete. For successful personal and professional implementation in modern society, a graduate school must learn to quickly navigate in the flows of various information, to respond flexibly to significant changes, systematically improve their qualifications.

The changes that occurred in the world over the past decade have identified a new social order of society on the activities of the education system. Without the fundamental revision of the goals of education and the system of organizing the school's school, schoolchildren are difficult to adapt to new social conditions and the "informational explosion". If, during the period of "stagnation", the priority goal of the formation was "the assimilation of the entire amount of knowledge that humanity produced", then in the new socio-economic conditions, the personality of the student, the ability of it to "self-determination and self-realization", to independent decision-making and bringing them Before execution, to reflexive analysis of their own activities.

In the pedagogical literature, there are many terms characterizing certain pedagogical technologies: teaching technology, education technology, teaching technology, educational technology, traditional technology, programmed learning technology, problem learning technology, author technology, etc.

The transition from traditional learning to new pedagogical technologies should be carried out using the reflection of the necessary theoretical material.

Thus, in front of the teacher there is a problem: how to turn traditional school training in a lively interested personality development process capable of independently setting goals and achieve them using new pedagogical technologies?
It should be noted that the mastery of new teaching technologies requires internal readiness teachers to serious work on the transformation of oneself. Each teacher knows that the diverse form and methods of work, used in the lesson, the more interesting and more efficiently the educational process is carried out.

The basis of project activities are the following skills:

independent application of knowledge in practice;

orientation in information space;

continuous self-education;

the presence of critical and creative thinking;

the ability to see, formulate and solve the problem.

Stages of project activities.

Stage 1 . Thundering the topic of the project.

To determine the topic, the teacher chooses a key scientific idea in accordance with the program of its educational subject.

2 stage . Choosing a age group of students.

Determined by the teacher, based on the educationaltopics .

3 stage. Formulation of the fundamental question and problematic educational topic issues.

The teacher formulates, given the fundamental issues of the educational topic and questions that students should give.

4 stage. Formulation of the didactic objectives of the project.

These are the goals that the student sets itself and tries to achieve them during the project.

5 stage. Formulation of tasks.

The mechanisms for achieving didactic purposes are lined up.

6 stage. Formulation of an urgent problem.

Pupils independently formulate problems (objectives and themes) of individual studies within the framework of the draft project.

7 stage. Nomination of the hypotheses of solving problems.

Formulate students. Hypotheses are put forward as possible solving problems. Then during the studies, they are inspected.

8 stage. Formation of groups for research and determination of the form of representation of the results.

Students are divided into mini-groups of 4-6 people.

Research projects are represented by the authors in different form, depending on the purposes and content: this may be a full text of the study research: a scientific article; study plan, abstracts, report, poster reports (design of visual material, text text); Problem abstract, computer presentations. The main element of projects are the conclusions to which the young researcher came in the process of working on the topic.

9 Stage . Discussion of the work plan of students.

Pupils are thinking through ways to conduct their research, outlines the action plan.

10 stage. Discussion of possible sources of information.

Purpose: Set the direction of searching for information.

Research activities implies the formation of library-search skills, skills to navigate in information flows, acquire knowledge with the help of Internet resources and computer technologies, to interview public. These are the skills of working with encyclopedias, book publications, almanacs, newspapers, magazines, specialized dictionaries, directories, etc.

11 stage. Independent work of students in groups.

Determining the task to each in the group. The teacher advises, by communion, directs the course of discussions.

12 stage. Independent work of groups.

Distribution of responsibilities among themselves in the group.

Independent activities of each project participant in accordance with a certain time.

The role of the teacher: advice, assistance, direction of students in the right direction.

13 stage. Preparation of presentations on the report on the work done.

Purpose: to systematize the data obtained. The role of the teacher: consultation, assistance.

14 stage. Protection of projects.

Each group is provided time to 10 minutes. Next, there is a discussion of the problems indicated in the project.

When protecting projects I use various forms of discussion: a round table, forum, press conference, and so on.

The importance of project technology in the development of key competencies of students:

scientific and theoretical, non-standard thinking of students;

the basics of research activities are mastered; The situation is created (the experience of joy from independent discoveries); The ability to independently find knowledge (lack of ready-made "recipes"); Development of reflection.

Thus, the project activities forms the social experience of students in labor and communication, contributes to the intellectual growth of schoolchildren, expands the horizons both in the area of \u200b\u200bits subject, and in the surrounding reality, makes it possible to better reveal its own potential.


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A new teacher for a new school will be taught in a new way based on the materials of the Intel program "Training for the Future"

The main problem How to turn traditional school training in a lively interested personality development process that can independently put goals and achieve them using new pedagogical technologies?

The psychological basis of the system of complete assimilation of the ideas of American scientists J. Carroll, B. Blum and others confirmed the dependence of the quality of the acquired knowledge not so much from the abilities and from the time spent in the class, how much of the time spent on the independent development of the educational material.

Taxonomy is a hierarchically interconnected system (from Greek. Taxis - Location, Stroy, Order, and Homos - Law) - theory of classification and systematization of complexized areas of activities having a hierarchical structure

B. Blum taxonomy The system of complete assimilation is reflected in the taxonomy of educational purposes and the levels of cognitive abilities taxonomy of educational purposes, levels of development of cognitive abilities, educational issues suggests that in the "base of the pyramid" are knowledge

Bloom Taxonomy Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Use Understanding Knowledge Thinking High Level Thinking High Level

Pyramid - 3 lower levels Level Study skills and examples Questions Knowledge Repeat or recognition of information Create a list, highlight, tell, show, call an understanding of setting (understanding) meaning of information materials describe, explain, identify signs, formulate a different use of use in a similar situation Apply, illustrate, solve

Pyramid - 3 top levels Level Training skills and examples Tasks Analysis Definition of elements and structures to analyze, check, conduct an experiment, organize, compare, reveal the differences in the synthesis connection of elements in a new way to create, come up with design, develop, draw up a plan score comparative assessment based on the basis Criteria present arguments, protect the point of view, prove, predict

Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Usage Understanding Knowledge to submit arguments, protect the point of view, prove, predict create, come up with design, develop, draw up a plan to analyze, check, conduct an experiment, organize, compare, identify differences to apply, illustrate, decide to describe, explain, determine signs, formulate differently to make a list, highlight, tell, show, call examples of tasks

Basics of project activities: Independent application of knowledge in practice; Orientation in information space; continuous self-education; the presence of critical and creative thinking; The ability to see, formulate and solve the problem.

How to develop high-level thinking? There is a direct connection between the questions we ask and the levels of thinking, which are released when answering them.

Questions Each type of question involves a different type of response, because it actualizes, involves some kind of thinking into operation. Knowing that every type of question involves a certain side of thinking, we can consciously manage our thinking.

Project activities forms the social experience of students in labor and communication; contributes to the intellectual growth of schoolchildren; expands the horizons both in the area of \u200b\u200bits subject and in the surrounding reality; It makes it possible to better reveal your own potential.

So, a new teacher for a new school will learn in a new way asking questions, develop high-level thinking. Activating the training activities of students, to form the competencies necessary for a person in the 21st century. Mastering and applying ICT in class, prepare students to activities in an informational educational and professional environment.

Modern innovative technologies in school education

Pedagogical technology - It is thoughtful in all detailsmodel joint pedagogical activities for the design, organization and conduct of the educational process with unconditional provision of comfortable conditions for students and teachers (V.Monakh). Currently, Russia is becoming the formation of a new education system, oriented into the world educational space. This process is accompanied by substantial changes in the pedagogical theory and practice of the educational process. The educational system is modernized - other content, approaches, behavior, pedagogical mentality are offered.

Today in Russian education proclaims the principlevariatives which makes it possible to pedagogical teams of educational institutionsselect and design the pedagogical process for any model, including author. In this direction there is progress of education: the development of various options for its content, the use of the possibilities of modern didactics in increasing the effectiveness of educational structures; Scientific development and practical substantiation of new ideas and technologies. At the same time, it is important to organize a kind of dialogue of various pedagogical systems and training technologies, testing in the practice of new forms - additional and alternative state education system, use in modern Russian conditions of holistic pedagogical systems of the past.

Under these conditions, the teacherit is necessary to navigate in a wide range of modern innovative technologies, ideas, schools, directions, not to spend time on the opening of the already known, and use the entire arsenal of Russian pedagogical experience.Today, it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire extensive spectrum of educational technologies. Modern pedagogical technologies can only be implemented in an innovative school.

Innovative schoolan educational institution is called, whose activities are built on the original (copyright) ideas and technologies and is a new educational practice. The innovative school is a polysisystem with educational, labor, artistic, aesthetic, sports, scientific activities, including various forms of communications and communication of children and adults. Modern innovative schools most often arise on the basis of ordinary mass schools, deeply developing and implementing one or more of their functions on the original technological basis. The following distinctive quality (criteria) of innovative schools can be distinguished.

Innovation: The presence of original author's ideas and hypotheses relative to the restructuring of the pedagogical process.

Alternative: The difference between any of the main components of the educational process (goals, content, methods, means, etc.) from the traditional, accepted in the mass school.

Conceptual Educational Process: Consciousness and use in the author's model of philosophical, psychological, socio-pedagogical or other scientific grounds.

Systemity and complexity of educational process.

Socio-pedagogical feasibility: Compliance with school goals to social order.

Availability of signs or results that determine the reality and efficiency of the author's school..

Modern innovative technologies in education

At the moment, a wide variety of pedagogical innovations apply in school education. It depends primarily on the traditions and status of the institution. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish the following most characteristic innovative technologies.

1. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in subject learning

The introduction of ICT into the content of the educational process involves the integration of various subject areas with informatics, which leads to the information of the consciousness of students and understanding the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional aspect). The awareness of the emerging tendency of the school informatization process is essential: from the development of primary information on computer science to the use of computer software in the study of general education items, and then to the saturation of informatics elements of the structure and content of education, the implementation of the fundamental restructuring of the entire educational process on the basis of information Technologies. As a result, new information technologies appear in the school methodological system, and graduates of schools are preparing for the development of new information technologies in future work. This area is implemented through inclusion in the curriculum of new items aimed at studying computer science and ICT. The experience of using ICT in schools has shown that:

but) an open-type school information environment, which includes various forms of distance education, significantly increases the motivation of students to study subject disciplines, especially usingproject methods;

B) Teaching informatization is attractive for the student that the psychological tension of school communication is removed by the transition from the subjective relationship of the "teacher-student" to the most objective relations of the "student-computer-computer", the effectiveness of student labor increases, the proportion of creative works increases, the possibility of in obtaining additional education on the subject in the school walls, and in the future a focusing choice of university, prestigious work is aware; c) Teaching informatization is attractive for a teacher in that it makes it possible to increase the productivity of its work, increases the general information culture of the teacher.

2. Personality - oriented technologies in the teaching of the subject

Personal-oriented technologiesthey put the personality of the child in the center of the entire school educational system, ensuring a comfortable, conflict and safe conditions of its development, the realization of its natural tensilers. The identity of the child in this technology is not only the subject, but also the subjectpriority; It is the goal the educational system, and not a means of achieving any distracted goal. Ppeople in mastering studentsindividual educational programs In accordance with their capabilities and needs.

3. Informational - analytical support of the educational process and the management of the quality of schoolchildren's education.

The use of such an innovative technology as an information - an analytical methodology for managing learning quality allows us to objectively, impartially trace the development of each child's time separately, class, parallels, schools in general. With some modification, it may become an indispensable tool in the preparation of a cool - generalizing control, studying the state of teaching any object of curriculum, studying the system of work of a separate teacher.

4 . Monitoring of intellectual development.

Analysis and diagnosis of the quality of learning of each student using testing and building graphs of the dynamics of academic performance.

5 . Educational technologies as a leading mechanism for the formation of a modern student.

It is an integral factor in modern learning conditions.It is implemented in the form of students' involvement in additional forms of personality development: participation in cultural events on national traditions, theater, centers of children's creativity, etc.

6. Didactic technologies as a condition for the development of the educational process of the OU.There may be implemented both already known and proven receptions and new ones. This is an independent work with the help of an educational book, game, design and protection of projects, training with the help of audiovisual hardware, the system "Consultant", group, differentiated learning methods - the system of "small groups", etc. Usually in practice various combinations of these techniques are used in practice. .

7. Psychological and pedagogical support of the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process of the school

It is assumed to scientific and pedagogical substantiation of the use of certain innovations. Their analysis on the methodical councils, seminars, consultation with leading experts in this area.

Thus, the experience of the modern Russian school has the widest arsenal of the application of pedagogical innovation in the learning process. The effectiveness of their application depends on the established traditions in the general education institution, the ability of the pedagogical team to perceive these innovations, the material and technical base of the institution.

Municipal State Community Institution

Busurlinovskaya Secondary school №4

Municipal seminar

"System workforce approach as the main condition for the implementation of GEF"

Theme performances:

"Innovative pedagogical technologies of training and education as part of the implementation of GEF"

Prepared primary school teacher

first qualifying category

Levchenko Elena Vladimirovna

Buturlinovka, 2013

The use of modern innovative technologies in learning is one of the most important trends in the educational process. In the domestic education in recent years, innovative, including interactive technologies, have become increasingly used in the study of most disciplines.

The advantages of innovative pedagogical technologies are as follows:

Increase efficiency and quality learning;

Provide motives for independent cognitive activity;

Contribute to the deepening of interdisciplinary relations by integrating information and subject training.(Slide 1)

Pedagogical innovation- innovation, transformation in the pedagogical area associated with new ideas, inventions, discoveries, research, projects.(Slide 2)

In the implementation of the implementation of GEF, the teacher acts not only as a teacher, but also as an instructor, mentor, consultant, curator, manager, assistant. The student becomes an active participant in the educational process, which can think, think, reason, to speak freely. The implementation of GEF cannot be carried out without a clear answer to the question "How to teach?" The teacher should know a specific and understandable algorithm of his activity, which first, would not destroy personal practical experience, which would fit into a new idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is good for children and what will help the student to become successful in the modern world.

Modern education priorities encourage teachers to find new modern efficient pedagogical technologies, allowing to achieve higher learning and education results, introduce new educational technologies in the educational process.

What is pedagogical technology? This is the construction of a teacher's activities in which actions included in it are presented in a specific sequence and suggest achievements of the projected result.(Slide 3)

Consider the basic technology of second-generation standards used in an educational institution.(slide 4-5)

Information and communication

Technology based on creating an educational situation

Technology based on project activities

Technology based on level differentiation

Heating technology

Problem-dialogic learning

- "Portfolio"


Distance learning technology

(Slide 6) Information and Communication Technologies In educational activities, they carry out information support for the educational process, create an open (but controlled space). The schools of the school are actively used in educational and frequent activities, participate with students in the competitions of the Intel program - "path to success", preparing presentations. This technology contributes to the upbringing of independence, responsibility, allows the child to learn with interest.

(Slide 7) Level Differentiation

This is differentiation of requirements for the level of development of basic and elevated levels. With this technology, the principles are followed: the openness of the requirements system, the basic level, the obligation of its development by all students and voluntariness in the development of elevated levels of requirements, work with rolling stock groups.

(Slide 8) Training based on "Educational Situations".

The educational task is to organize conditions provoking children's action.

(Slide 9) Heating technology

The main task is to protect physical, mental, spiritual, social health. In our school, teachers use V.F. Bazar technology technology, including:

Massage rugs for blood circulation Stop and prevention flatfoot;

Visitious, motor trajectories (oplichers), removing the visual stress;

It is planned to use the contact - the change mode of dynamic poses.

Morning gymnastics is regularly held.

(Issue 10) Project activities

The inclusion of schoolchildren in project activities teaches them to reflect, predict, foresee the result, forms adequate self-esteem.

The task of the teacher is to find and organize interesting forms of knowledge of the surrounding world. In this direction, the work of circles was organized at the school: "The path to success", "I study the world."

(Slide 11) "Portfolio"

This is a way to fix the accumulation and evaluation of individual achievements of schoolchildren in a certain period of training. Students demonstrate their achievements in various fields: educational, creative, social.

(Slide 12) Problem - Dialogue Training

It is important in the lesson of the opening of new knowledge to pass 2 stages: 1 - setting the problem (stage of formation of a new knowledge), 2 - Solution Solution (Formulation of the lesson's topic or question)

(Slide 13) Research

The essence of technology isperfection research capacity and research behavior skills for students.

The teacher must clearly and skillfully lead the research activities of his students.

(Slide 14) Distance learning technology

The essence is that training and monitoring of the material is taking place using a computer network, on-line and off-line connections. It takes place in the form of working with gifted children (participation in distance Olympiads, Internet Quiz). School teachers are actively involved in webinars, scientific and practical conferences, discussing topical issues of training and education.