Formation of love for homeland through the love of nature of the native land. "Love for your native nature is one of the most important signs of love for your country"

Formation of love for homeland through the love of nature of the native land.
Formation of love for homeland through the love of nature of the native land. "Love for your native nature is one of the most important signs of love for your country"

Love for homeland is love for native land

Motherland is a house. The house where you were born, grew, from which every morning you run to school and where to return. The house in which it is easy and happily live. And it does not matter whether it will be a hut in a taiga, sixteen-story giant on the shore of a big river or yurt in a distant tundra ...

Motherland is a native house, the land on which your family lived and lives. This is the native land, its nature. All that deeply crashed into memory for a lifetime and is stored in the shower as the most intimate.

Motherland is often associated with an expensive and cute heart town. Memories of his streets and courtyards are immersed in carefree childhood. This is the time of dreams and fantasies, which is associated with the feeling of absolute happiness.

Motherland can be all: house, street, country side, city, country. However, this is not only a geographical position, but a wider concept. It is not limited to his own home or a certain territory. These are people, native language, traditions, culture, nature of the native land ... All that we present when we talk the word "fatherland". In any corner of the Motherland, it is easy to breathe and happily living - to the one who considers this corner of their native land.

What is love for homeland in my understanding?

In my opinion, love his native land means relate to her with reverence and respect. Every person should not just love his homeland, read her story and culture, but also be ready to protect it from enemies.

The future is very uncertain. It is impossible to exclude the likelihood of military conflict. Therefore, the sacred duty of every conscious citizen is to defend the Fatherland and not give the enemy to enslave their people. This is the true essence of patriotism - to be the faithful son of his country, his debris.

How does love for native land begins?

I believe that the origins of love for their native land are sorted from loving its picturesque landscapes, cute heart species. If a person does not notice the beauty of his native land and is not proud of his nature, he is not able to love his homeland - his country. I am convinced of this.

Love to the homeland of Chista and disinterested. She does not imply any conventions and akin to the love of mother, to his family. We do not choose parents, but we consider them the best, most expensive people all over the world.

Every citizen is obliged to know and respect his country. After all, this is a symbol of state independence, its identity. Even those people who for different reasons are forced to communicate daily in a foreign language daily must be fluent in their native language and do not forget it. It is also important to know the history and culture of its country.

Motherland is a place where we were born and spent the best childhood years. Every person has a homeland one, like a family, so its customs, traditions and holidays are worshiped and respected. Love your native land!

How does the feeling of love for their homeland be born in our soul? It occurs in the process of communication of a person with nature, when we open it a little beauty.

These paintings have always attracted the attention of our artists and writers who knew how to open the "beautiful in the ordinary," understood all the uniqueness of Russian landscapes. One of them was C. Powest. Nature has always been in the center of his attention. He traveled to different countries and put his impressions into the best works. One of them is the story "Meshcherskaya side." In it, the writer depicts the beauty of Russian nature with her quiet, harmonious; A little sad life.

The whole story consists of fifteen brief chapters, each of which is a small work.

They are not connected by a common story, but they have one hero - a narrator. This is a wonderful travel lover, passing by untouched corners and the wilderness of the beautiful, but wild Russian nature. In the story, the author demonstrates us a new look at life: strive by all the forces to harmony with alive, not forgetting about its existence. We see his attempt to resolve, overcome all the contradictions between the person and the outside world.

In the story, the paustovsky creates beautiful pictures of modest, but such attractive nature! And as soon as he achieves it? The author uses a magic colorful palette, extraordinary images for comparison and unusual epithets. For example, "purple bells in the glades", and the lake in the story glitters, as if "black, obliquely furnished mirror", trees macushi golden sunset "ancient gilding", "Blue crystal lights up at the Zare Venus."

But besides the variety of color, the writer draws the attention of the reader and on the sound, which, saturates the places described by nature. And here are the techniques of personification. The paustic Meshchersky land rings, and sings the most diverse voices, and noise.

Very attractive in the mesh and silence, when the bell of the lost tulk hears a lonely wanderer, even hundreds of meters ...

Also, the author says that the Meshchersky region is the terrain of the extraordinary fragrances of the forest and the meadow. Hands smell the "smoke and lingonberry", and the bathhouse is "apples, clean floors," the fruit garden smells not only with apples, but also "rain". At that moment, when the narrator floats from the boat, in a foggy morning, then all this remains behind. And what ahead of the traveler? "Deserted September Day", "Lost in this garden world ... foliage, herbs, autumn fading, plump waters, clouds, low sky."

Gradually more clearly performs in the work of the story of the narrator. We understand that this is good-natured, understanding all the living around, loving nature. He is interested not only by people, but also by those events that occur with them. The writer surrounds him by many various characters: shepherds, ferryrs, guard and forester. All of them are the most ordinary, ordinary people, but in each of them there is some kind of interesting, bright, memorable feature. It is very interesting to the author of a grandfather-basket, called Stepan, but many call him just a "beard on the jerdoms". The grandfather sheltered a girl who was lost in the forest and he also told the traveler with the story of past events of the Meshchersky region. The edge is rich in talented people! For example, Solotcha village - the behavior of the Graveyard, and such famous artists, as archups and Malavin and the sculptor of Golubanka. Here the traveler was met with aunt Yesenin.

The event plan of the work is represented by the hiking history of the lake and the situation with the unlucky Moscow Fisherman. In the first plot, travelers almost lost their friend, writer Gaidar. He went alone to look for a lake, with a strange name - Pogano. However, soon he was found. Gaidar went to look for a traveler. Which had a compass. Telling the reader about the unlucky Muscovite, a fisherman, the author gives the narrative of the shade of humor. The comedy image of the hero has a man reader completely not adapted to life in the forest. D and for rest in nature, the same ... awkward and clumsy, he deprives his fellow breakfast, inadvertently coming on the cooked fried, and then also tilting the jug filled with milk. Fish does not peck. When he succeeds, he still wakes it up, the pike hit the fisherman's tail.

So, in the story, the paustovsky recreates the unique pure world, the nature of the untouched person, pristine. He indicates how wonderful this simple land.

Thus, communication with nature determines the spiritual integrity of man, gives rise to our soul feeling of the motherland.

The unique beauty of the native nature at all times encouraged to take a feather. How many writers in verses and in prose melted this beauty! (Jlvotes)

Many little miracles see the eyes of the writer, and his feather creates a poetic prose, full of wonderful images. Deep observation, sensitivity helps to penetrate the intimate life of nature, listen to the uplighter of winter blizzards, the song of spring streams, ringing voices of birds, feel the hidden life of the forest.

Our village is already about four centuries wears the beautiful name - Peganovo. According to data from the archives, it was possible to find out that in the old days they were divorced in the village "Pogich" (Penter) horses, from here and the name of the village went.

Many water flowed from those distant times, but the breeding of horses in the village is still engaged.

Passing by a large field, where earlier schoolchildren sled potatoes, I saw a beautiful picture - a green field, and beautiful horses graze on it. The grass is still small, but already juicy, fine food for horses.

It will take some more time, and this field will be yellow-yellow from the blossomed dandelions, and in a week, the other will be white and white from fluffy hats. All the same dandelions. Beauty!

In the chariot of land.

Resting tired horses -

Silence on a green meadow

Book Sun head clone,

Necksery squeezes arc.

The sun was prepared for overnight

But rolled the wheels of the earth,

Because in the earth's cart

Young moon harnessed.

Horses with horse

On a cool road to Zenit.

And sympathetic Rzhana

On the meadow evenings rings.

Anatoly Martyukov.

Stone bird Pass: Collection of works of Ustyug authors / .. - Vologda: Polygraphbook, 2014. - 336 p., Il.

Near my house grows beauty-rowan. At the beginning of the summer, it stands like a bride, all in white colors, and the berries ripen closer to autumn. Clone to the ground branches, all sleeping with red bunches. At the end of September or in early October, when foliage will already fly away, the whole flocks of drokes and waxers will enjoy a juicy berry.

There is no need to walk, here it is the beauty of nature, only a hand of a long time ...

"..... as if hoping for some miracle, sadly looked out the window on the road August dirt. There, through the street dying our village, the Ryabina neighbor is visible, disjected from heavy clouds.

How much has grown berries! At the distance it fits the severity of the bunches that are oppressed by the Earth articulations. It seems that in the patient voltage of the branches, the tree is waiting for, when it will finally get a flock of hungry gray thrills. For five minutes, they devastate all this colorful wealth. Once I saw a frozard in one fell, our rowan. Birds roared berries with hasty greed, some hung on the branches down their heads and still rooted. But why is one rowan orange, another red? ...... "

Vasily Belov.

Belov V.I. Soul is immortal: Book of stories / V.I. Belov; [Prepared. S.Yu. Baranova, Artist O.A. Kozdin, compiler O.S. Belova]. - M.: Center of the book Vgbil M.I. Irudomino, 2010 - 320 p.

P. - 310. (The story "Soul is immortal")

I love to go to the forest, collect forest gifts: berries and mushrooms. Not far from our village, kilometers in three, there is a wonderful boron in which white mushrooms grow. Stand wounded in the morning, you will pass the field for dew and in the boron, you have to have time first, and then you will not see mushrooms. Knowing all mushroom places, sometimes wander around the borome any kilometer, but you never leave empty hands. Here they are - white handsome women.

"I knew one place, kept and Berg. It was for what: get there - the basket is full of challenge. One white mushrooms. Alone Ryzhikov. Climb to the hill in Pine - they will go white. Go down to the raw mohovine - pleased, the Ryzhiki Rosychy. ...

.... I remember, the morning was cool, the hands of chasters. I found Borovikov on the priest: all the roundheads, their phibes are smart, cool. Tanned fasteners on thick legs. The sun was enough of them, they were warm, I took and the palms about the hats warmed! ... "

Ivan Semiyanov.

Polisfianins I.D. Behind the Blue Bird: Forest Calendar. - Arkhangelsk: Sev.-Zap.Kn.Isd-in, 1969. - 208 p., Il.

P. - 143 (Story "Ryzhikov")

Continuing the mushroom theme, could not pass by such a beautiful mushroom - a mumor. There is a handsome man: a red hat in white polka dot, it would have picked up in a basket, but it is impossible - poisonous. Let us leave this delicacy for forest inhabitants, and especially - for elk.

Morning in the forest.

Good in the forest, to God!

In it then the trail, then Ugor.

Won, yawning, on the road

Red amanita came out.

Everything looked at a sleepy look

I looked back and forth.

No one ... well!

Sleep longer, gentlemen!

Andrei Klimov.

Stone Bird Parity: Collection of works by Ustyug authors/ Ovrove.Pisat. Egor .. - Vologda: Polygraphwork book, 2014. - 336 p., Il.

P. - 321.

I love nature very much, all blooming, fluttering, growing ... In the summer, a lot of beautiful butterflies flies in the field. They fly from a flower on a flower, with chamomile - on the burden, and fly on. It seems that they have a carefree life, fly to themselves, flush, but, alas, the century of their underworn, because many butterflies live only one summer. And I, having a camera in my hand, could not pass by such a beauty of nature, captured a small piece of summer in the photo.


I loved b a quiet jasmine

Crying a well for a song wicket,

Tea with lemon, cozy fireplace

In the decoration of shells-snail.

I loved b meek jasmine,

And night light, and Merzian lamp,

And in the basement fermentation of wines,

Alaska amusing and beds.

I loved b Gentle jasmine,

Burst would be the color of the notch.

I would have grumbled, kessing with him,

... But the buried the road ...

Elena Vinogradova.

I see this world so ...: poems, stories. - V.Ustyug: publishing. House Vologdanin, 2008.- 184 p.

P. - 151.

Middle Summer ... Higheled Raspberry. I take a bucket and go to the forest for a sweet berry, it grows not far, to file with your hand. Forest rapid raspberry raised on the old deforestation, not benissed, go - collect. Berry in bucket, berry - in the mouth. Mmmm .... Sweet!

Call, call girlfriend in the forest:

Malina crept!

Friend Forest is not in interest

It does not agree.

Then - inappropriate to her, then - sick,

Fill out with excuses!

And to the dark in the forest one

I go, I wander with a bucket.

To me in the forest silence

Prying birds ...

I am in vain Malinniki not mnu:

Bush inhound dying staff

So as not to manife after me

To yourself other prospectors, -

High berries, so with stump

Lost required!

I'm walking, he trample-circling,

Taking raspberry wild

Then the brain was broadcast,

Then the song is climbing .....

Olga Fokina.

Fokina O.A.

Poem. Poems. Wreath of sonnets/ Prepared. I.A. Nikitina; Art. N.V. Lavrentiev, S.V. Lavrentiev. - Vologda: "Book Heritage", 2007. - 384 C.: Il ,; Portrait.

P. - 319.

The theme of nature in the works of writers is very multifaceted. I chose the works of writers and poets of the Vologda Territory, because no one will write about our nature as they see her countrymen.

All writers, as convinced connoisseurs of genuine beauty, argue that the influence of a person in nature should not be destructive for her, because each meeting with nature is a meeting with a beautiful, touch towards a secret. Love nature means not only to enjoy it, but also carefully treat it.

Executor: Okulovskaya N.G., D. Peganovo, 2017.

1. Features of the formation of a positive attitude towards the native edge in preschoolers.

One of the manifestations of patriotism is the love of the nature of the native land, the Motherland. This complex feeling is composed of an emotionally positive attitude, sustainable interest in nature and the desire to work in nature, transforming and guarding it.

What attractive force is that we are surrounded from childhood?

Why, even having left native places for many years, a person remembers them with warmth and love, with pride talking about the beauty and wealth of his native land. In this expression of deep love to everything that from an early years has entered the heart as the most expensive. His love for native places, to the nature of the native edge adults transmit children. It is extremely important for education began patriotic feelings.

Any land is unique. Every place has its own special, unique nature. Everywhere there are special, expensive place in place.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the person became a man only when he saw the beauty of evening dawn and clouds floating in the blue sky, heard the singing of the nightingale and survived the admiration of the beauty of the space. Since then, thought and beauty go beside, ascending and exalting a person. But this reform requires large educational efforts.

Each object of nature, bright or modest, large or small, is attractive, and describing it, the child learns to determine its attitude towards nature, transfer it in stories, drawings, etc. Meetings with nature excites the child's fantasy, contribute to the development of speech, visual, game creativity.

"The need for beautiful," said V.A. Sukhomlinsky, - says moral beauty, giving birth to intransigence and impatient to everything vulgar, ugly ... evil and genuine beauty are incompatible ... "

Thus, the acquaintance of children with nature, the teacher forms their moral attitude to reality.

K.G. Pouustovsky wrote that the admission of nature is a consequence of love for her, and the love of his native nature is one of the most relevant signs of love for his country.

Behind the mundidity of life sometimes not only children, but adults do not see the beauty of nature that surrounds us. It seems to be beauty and all the wonderful shrouded in a covering, transparent to look, but impermeable for human thought. All less often people are able to appreciate this beauty, but simply live in a mad rhythm of life, atrophically, all the wonderful feelings.

In the pedagogical view system, Ya.A. Kamensky, J.-zh. Rousseau, G. Pestalozzi, V. Sukhomlinsky Nature acts as the strongest factor of educational impact. )