What's the point of ending the pantry of the sun. Literature lesson on the topic "The meaning of the name of the tale was M.M. Prishvin" Pantry of the sun "

What's the point of ending the pantry of the sun. Literature lesson on the topic "The meaning of the name of the tale was M.M. Prishvin" Pantry of the sun "

Mordovian Republican Institute of Education Department of Humanities Education

  • Course project
  • Fairy tale "Pantry of the sun" MM Prishvin "The meaning of the name of the tale was."
  • Performed:
  • teacher of Russian language and literature
  • Gracheva Svetlana Gennadievna
  • MBOU "Poselkovskaya secondary school No. 1"
  • Atyashevsky municipal district
  • Republic of Mordovia
  • Saransk 2015
Goals and objectives of the project:
  • find out the meaning of the title of the work "Pantry of the Sun";
  • using this work as an example, teach children goodness, mutual assistance, love for nature and all living things.
  • to reveal the author's attitude to nature
Problematic issues:
  • What can be considered a reality in the work?
  • What does the author say with the conviction of an eyewitness?
To answer these questions, we ...
  • must find useful information;
  • must learn to analyze a prose work;
  • must learn to draw conclusions
The plan of the tale - there were "Pantry of the Sun":
  • a) The life of Nastya and Mitrashi after the death of their parents. b) For cranberries. c) Sunrise in the forest; at the Lying Stone. d) History of Weed. e) Fornication swamp. f) The Way of Mitrashi. g) Nastya's way. h) Sunset in the forest. i) Salvation of Mitrashi. j) Happy ending. Which of the points of the proposed plan could you name differently?
Group work:
  • Where and when does the action take place?
  • What already at the beginning of the work resembles a fairy tale, and what is a profit?
  • How is the story going? Who is telling the story?
  • How do you see the main characters of the fairy tale?
Complete the sentence:
  • "Pages of the works of M. Prishvin, the singer of nature, tell about ..."
  • "I, my friends, write about nature, but I myself only think about people."
  • MM. Prishvin
“Having listened to the fox rut, Grass understood the hare's run circle: from Lying stone the hare ran on Blind Elan and from there to Dry river Lying stone ».
  • “Having listened to the fox rut, Grass understood the hare's run circle: from Lying stone the hare ran on Blind Elan and from there to Dry river , from there for a long time in a semicircle to the Palestinian woman and again certainly to Lying stone ».
Geographic names
  • Lying stone
"The history of the name of the Bludov swamp" What have we learned about the Bludovy swamp from the text of the work?
  • 1. The swamp was unsafe for people.
  • 2. There are places of destruction here that have drawn many inhabitants and animals.
  • 3. You can get lost in the Fornication Swamp.
Uncover the meaning of the word "get lost"
  • In the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov:
  • "Go astray, lose your way"
Lost my way
  • Lost my way
  • Lost my way and slipped out of the way
Expand the meaning of the phrase "blind elan"
  • In the explanatory dictionary
  • living Great Russian language V.I. Dahl:
  • "A quagmire in a swamp,
  • it's like a hole in the ice "
Why was this Elan called BLIND?
  • Why was this Elan called BLIND?
Explain the lexical meaning of the word "blind"
  • 1. Deprived of sight, ability to see, blind, poor seeing.
  • 2. Indistinct, poorly distinguishable.
  • 3. Reckless, acting or committing without a reasonable basis.
Know how to discern - know how to see Remember!
  • TOPONIM is the proper name of a separate geographical place (settlement, river, lake ...)
  • TOPONYMICS - a section of linguistics that studies toponyms
“For everything that exists in the world in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and grasses - there are many good words and names in Russian”
  • “For everything that exists in the world in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and grasses - there are many good words and names in Russian”
  • K.G. Paustovsky
We have no nameless meadows and fields; as people are given names
  • We have no nameless meadows and fields; as people are given names
Geographic names
  • Lying stone
"Place names of my village"
  • 1. Make a map of the place names of your village.
  • 2. Take pictures of the geographical features of your village.
  • “Everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is
  • from a person. " M. Prishvin
  • 1. Chizhova G.I. Prishvinskoe "kindred attention" to nature in the lessons of the Russian language // Russian language at school. - 2000. - No. 2.
  • 2. Shansky N.M., Makhmudov Sh.A. Philological analysis. - SPb., 1999.
  • 3. Shevchenko A.I. The story of M.M. Prishvina "Pantry of the sun" in the VI grade // Literature at school. - 2002. - No. 4.
  • 4. School atlas - a guide to birds. - M., 1988.
  • 5. Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist / Comp. M.V. Panov. - M., 1984.
  • 6. Prishvin M.M. Nature calendar // Prishvin M.M. Collected cit .: In 8 volumes - M., 1983 .-- T. 3.
  • 7. Prishvin M.M. Pantry of the sun // Prishvin M.M. Collected cit .: In 8 volumes - M., 1983 .-- T. 5.
  • 8. Prishvin M.M. Ship thicket // Prishvin M.M. Collected cit .: In 8 volumes - M., 1983 .-- T. 6.
  • Illustrations from Internet resources


Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin dedicated all his works to nature. In his stories and stories, natural phenomena come to life, endowed with properties inherent in a living being. And although the writer himself said that nature in his work does not exist separately from man, nevertheless in his books it becomes an independent character. And this character has his own habits, his own "character".
In Prishvin's fairy tale "The Pantry of the Sun", a person acts as the owner of natural resources, the benefits that forests, rivers, fields, steppes give us. But nature does not open its storehouses to everyone: only a generous, kind and wise person deserves to dispose of the innumerable treasures that mother nature hides from careless owners.
As the author himself wrote, people are "the masters of nature", and for them it is "the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life." But it is not so easy to rule over nature, which itself sets the laws, and people must obey them. In the fairy tale there were "The Pantry of the Sun", natural phenomena become a kind of characters who help or hinder people. So, in Prishvin's "... the wind played with the house, and it all fell apart at once." As if alive, "the old Christmas trees were very worried, letting the boy pass among themselves."
In the “Pantry of the Sun” in Pryshina, there are spruce and pine trees, about which the author says: “The wind-sower brought two seeds ... Trees of different species fought among themselves with roots for food, branches - for air and light ... The evil wind, having arranged such a miserable life for the trees, sometimes flew here to shake them. And then the trees ... groaned and howled at the whole fornication swamp. "
And we, reading these lines, clearly see the "struggle" of the crippled trees and sympathize with these inhabitants of the "pantry of the sun". After all, Prishvin talks about pine and spruce as living creatures: they strive to overtake each other, fight for life and fight among themselves. And no less a real villain - the wind flies in to torment these unfortunates.
The more attentively one reads the lines of this Pshvin fairy tale, the more you find on its pages examples of the life of the inhabitants of the "pantry of the sun". They live, enjoy the sun, grieve as if they were people with their problems, passions, weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses.

Other compositions on this work

Mitrasha and Nastya Nature and man You have to be friends with the forest. The unity of man and nature in the fairy tale was Prishvin's "Pantry of the sun" Analysis of the fairy tale - were M. M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun" What did the fairy tale-reality of M. M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun" teach me? Heroes of M. Prishvin's story "Pantry of the Sun" Nastya and Mitrash Nastya and Mitrasha (based on the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun")

What is the meaning of the name of the tale - was "The Pantry of the Sun"? and got the best answer

Answer from Yodor Marchenko [guru]

Answer from [email protected] [guru]
The fact that there were deposits of peat. Or that everyone should be friends because we are all children in our souls and everyone has your "pantry of the sun"

Answer from Ўnona[guru]
In Prishvin's fairy tale "The Pantry of the Sun", a person acts as the owner of natural resources, the benefits that forests, rivers, fields, steppes give us. But nature does not open its storehouses to everyone: only a generous, kind and wise person deserves to dispose of the innumerable treasures that mother nature hides from careless owners.
As the author himself wrote, people are "the masters of nature", and for them it is "the storehouse of the sun with the great treasures of life." But it is not so easy to rule over nature, which itself sets the laws, and people must obey them. In the fairy tale there were "The Pantry of the Sun", natural phenomena become a kind of characters who help or hinder people. So, in Prishvin's "... the wind played with the house, and it all fell apart at once." As if alive, "the old Christmas trees were very worried, letting the boy pass among themselves."
In the “Pantry of the Sun” in Pryshina, there are spruce and pine trees, about which the author says: “The wind-sower brought two seeds .... Both seeds fell into one hole ... Since.. . spruce and pine grow together ... Trees of different species fought among themselves with roots for food, branches - for air and light ... The evil wind, having arranged such a miserable life for the trees, flew here sometimes to shake them. And then the trees ... groaned and howled at the whole fornication swamp. "
And we, reading these lines, clearly see the "struggle" of the crippled trees and sympathize with these inhabitants of the "pantry of the sun". After all, Prishvin talks about pine and spruce as living creatures: they strive to overtake each other, fight for life and fight among themselves. And no less real villain - the wind - comes to torment these unfortunate people.
The more attentively one reads the lines of this Pshvin fairy tale, the more you find on its pages examples of the life of the inhabitants of the "pantry of the sun". They live, enjoy the sun, grieve as if they were people with their problems, passions, weaknesses, strengths and weaknesses.

Answer from Oleg Zyubin[newbie]
No, I think differently)))
There gdachtoto there it is, but when you despair and did not find a choice, then in any case you need to act with your heart!

Answer from Yovetlana Tsyganova[newbie]
1.Pantry of the sun - peat in a swamp (heat source)
2. The pantry of the sun is the love of human hearts.

Answer from Maxim Krasilenko[active]
The author attaches great importance to the phrase “pantry of the sun”. Prishvin was an agronomist, biochemist, researcher, followed the development of contemporary science. In the "Pantry of the Sun" he appeared not only as a writer, but also as an educator. In a simple and clear form, the author talks about serious scientific discoveries. The sun gives up its warmth to the plants, the plants die off and fall to the bottom of the swamp, and a layer of peat gradually accumulates there. Peat is a natural wealth that life on earth has been saving up for centuries. But the healing cranberries, trees and herbs, animals and birds of this swamp are also a treasure of nature.
Originally the "Pantry of the Sun" was called "Friend of Man". M. M. Prishvin refused this name. If Prishvin had called the story "A Friend of Man", then the whole emphasis would have shifted to the image of the dog that saved the boy. But the main idea of ​​the story is that nature is a huge storeroom, and a person must learn to use natural resources wisely, without greed, not to lose the best human qualities. The name "Pantry of the Sun" is quite consistent with this idea.

Answer from Nikolay Shavanov[newbie]
MM Prishvin calls the treasure of the sun those huge deposits of peat, which were then explored and developed by specialists. As one of these specialists, Prishvin learned the story of the Little Man in a Bag and the Golden Chicken. The life story of these children later became the basis of the fairy tale. all this is written in the last chapter of the work. Modern children do not know how important peat was in those days when oil and gas were not yet produced in our country, when numerous hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants were not built. Even in cities, food was cooked on primus and kerosene stoves, and in winter they were heated, with whatever was necessary, including peat. Even the peat power plants were working. This was right after the war, in the forties - fifties of the last century. When I tell this to my children, they are terribly surprised. they cannot imagine such a thing. Therefore, apparently, the question arises about the meaning of the name of the tale - were Prishvin.

Answer from Nastya Slugina[newbie]
MM Prishvin calls the treasure of the sun those huge deposits of peat, which were then explored and developed by specialists. As one of these specialists, Prishvin learned the story of the Little Man in a Bag and the Golden Chicken. The life story of these children later became the basis of the fairy tale. all this is written in the last chapter of the work. Modern children do not know how important peat was in those days when oil and gas were not yet produced in our country, when numerous hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants were not built. Even in cities, food was cooked on primus and kerosene stoves, and in winter they were heated, with whatever was necessary, including peat. Even the peat power plants were working. This was right after the war, in the forties - fifties of the last century. When I tell this to my children, they are terribly surprised. they cannot imagine such a thing. Therefore, apparently, the question arises about the meaning of the name of the tale - were Prishvin.

Answer from Leysan gizzatullina[newbie]
There is a paragraph about this in the text.

Answer from Morozkova svetlana[newbie]
why only about peat ???

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the meaning of the name of the tale - was "The Pantry of the Sun"?

  1. New!

    MM Prishvin entered literature not only as a talented writer, but also as an ethnographer, geographer, cosmographer. However, his works were not in demand in Soviet society. Ideal for the literature of that time were works full of high ...

  2. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin in his works rarely depicts human relations, dramatic situations, life turns, conventionally depicts the characters of the heroes - this is not the main thing for him. Nature and man are subject to Prishvin's talent ...

    "The Pantry of the Sun" by M. M. Prishvin is not quite an ordinary work. This is a fairy tale, in which truth and fiction, legend and life are surprisingly intertwined. The very beginning of the work introduces us into a magical, fairy-tale world: “In one village, near Bludov ...

    Prishvin's life was typical of a Russian man who survived three wars and a revolution. The fate of M. M. Prishvin is a characteristic fate of a Russian person precisely because almost always his true life passes in the shadows. She never declares herself ...

Lesson objectives


Methodical techniques



The metaphorical meaning of the name of the tale by M.M. Prishvin

"Pantry of the sun"

(literature lesson in grade 6)

Lesson objectives : show the metaphorical meaning of the fairy tale-were; to reveal the writer's intention - to show the unity of man and nature.

Equipment : portrait of the writer, drawings-illustrations of students, presentation for the lesson.

Methodical techniques: teacher's story, conversation on issues, students retelling episodes of the story; student messages, testing.

During the classes

  1. Teacher's word ... "Pantry of the Sun" - an unusual name, a magical one. This, as the author defines, is a fairy tale. Slide 1 - lesson topic.
  2. Conversation on questions.

Where and when does the action take place?

(The action takes place in a village, near the town of Pereslavl-Zalessky, during the Great Patriotic War - "near Bludov swamp").

  1. Oral drawing.How do you see the main characters of the fairy tale? (Students' stories about Nastya and Mitrash (with illustrations). Slides 4-5.
  2. Post with retelling elements.Where did the brother and sister go and why? The student's message about the cranberry berry with the inclusion of descriptions from the fairy tale. Slide 7.
  3. Observation of the artistic means used in the description of nature and the black grouse. Slides 7-8.
  4. Homework check:retelling of episodes.

- a story about a forester, an old hunter Antipych. The main idea is the question of "what is truth, what it is, where it lives and how to find it."

- Travka's story is "a terrible misfortune in Travka's life." The main idea is why it was difficult for Travka to get used to the wild life? Slide 9.

- episode "Mitrash in Trouble". How did nature warn the boy about danger? Mitras? Slide 10.

- episode "Nastya's Adventures in the Woods". Why did Nastya forget about her brother? How do animals react to the appearance of children in the forest? Slide 11.

7. The teacher's word ... At the end of the fairy tale, Prishvin exclaims: "These are the riches hidden in our swamps!" This is, of course, not only about peat. This is, first of all, about people, their spiritual wealth. As peat is a “storehouse of the sun”, that is, life, so the human life of many generations is a storehouse of warmth and love.

What new things do we learn about children? (a story about the return of Nastya and Mitrashi to the village, about helping sick, weakened Leningrad children). Slide 12.

8. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

9. Homework: prepare for testing.

Test on the fairy tale - were M.M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun"

  1. Genre of the work: a) story, b) novel c) fairy tale d) a fairy tale.
  2. The work describes events

A) during the first world war

B) the period of the Great Patriotic War

C) today

3. Theme of the piece:

A) the unity of man and nature

B) relationships between people

C) reflections on how much nature is higher than man and human passions

4. The narration is from the person

A) Mitrashi and Nastya

B) geologists

C) villagers

5. The storytellers believe that in the friendship of Nastya and Mitrashi there was

A) perfect equality

B) the undisputed primacy of the sister

C) brother advantage

6. Elan (swampy place in a swamp) was called Blind, because

A) people, having got into it, lost their sight

B) flowers used to grow here, which people called "night blindness"

C) outwardly, it did not differ in any way from the rest of the swamp

7. In the sentence: "The mighty trunks of the pine forest became like lighted candles of the great temple of nature" - the author used

A) antithesis

B) epithet

For comparison

8. The story of the black grouse ("Kosach began to blossom in the rays of the rising sun. The scallop on his head lit up with a fiery flower. His blue chest in the depths of the black began to pour from blue to green. And his rainbow, spread lyre tail became especially beautiful." ) represents

A) description

B) narration

C) reasoning

9. The law of life in the forest, rejected by Grass, demanded that wild animals live for

A) others

B) yourself

B) nature

10. The human truth, which Antipych "whispered" to Travka, is the truth

A) the principle "One for all and all for one"

B) the eternal harsh struggle of people for love

C) the words "You and I are of the same blood: you and me"