How to draw goldfish in stages with photos. How to draw fish

How to draw goldfish in stages with photos. How to draw fish
How to draw goldfish in stages with photos. How to draw fish

So, I needed to draw a coin. The Internet turned out to be pretty poorly in gold drawing lessons. One single thing I found was not particularly impressed me, and therefore I did not use the palette offered there. Instead, I found a photo of a gold coin on a white background, which did not affect the reflexes located near things and pipette removed the main colors. Carefully examining how the light and the shadow on the surface of the real coins are arranged, I began to draw my own. To start, I made a circle basic color On top of the outline on the new layer. I painted the coin further pluging the layers all the time and therefore, unfortunately, somewhere in the middle of the process was carried away and forgot to keep a couple of stages. \u003d)

After that, I have outlined the contour of the pattern on the coin. Since my girl was a cheerful, I decided to portray two playing cubes. Also, do not forget that the coins usually have a protruding stroke (border). Without it, your money will look a little flat and not realistic.

Now I create a bottom layer from below and make a circle a little more darker color. Then drain the layers. This dark circuit will be needed to create a coin volume and maintain its ideal-correct contours. On the coin itself, I draw the cube contour, noting the place of the deepest shadow. The cube will be convex.

And I repeat the same trick to create an internal "shadow"

Now I paint the cube with a lighter tone, showing that it is a little convex and marked the bright yellow color. In the fields of the joint, the edges are usually sparkled by the light, giving the relief figure. But while, of course, everything looks very flat.

The next step I am enhanced by the light and add a slightly soft brush light color On the coin itself, making her surface as if nemonotonic. Yes, by the way, I draw a simple tough tassel, changing the opacity and pressure.

Deciding that everything looks too clearly, I decided to bite the filter all over the filter. Nothing complicated - just now the contours have become more smooth and blurred. It could also be done with a simple tough tassel, but I had small size, and especially bother with this stage I did not want, since it was not quite essential.

And here I got carried away and missed the stage. But there is nothing complicated here. At first, I darkened a little coin around the cubes, to bring them ahead and pointed the place of the flare, where the main source of light falls. She carved the hole, which was forgotten initially, because the medallion. Next, everything was done with a simple point brush. I took a brush from a set, which is called texture (curves of points in essence). In general, I really liked this brush and I added it to my set of brushes, in which there is also a couple from Martha Dalig. I applied dark and bright dots on a new layer with very low opacity, recorded them in the shadows and plin layers. Then again passed throughout the coin tool the clarifier with the same textural brush.

This stage was very small, but also very important. Gold grows to red and it is worth considering. Plus I painted the coin on the skin, which means it should take her color a little. Therefore, it caused a soft brush in mode soft light with very low opaque, a thin layer over the coin and why it became more harmonious. In my opinion of course

In general, the process comes to an end, because the small coin does not require strong detail and it is only important to me that it looks like a real one. I will pass the instrument with a very low intensity in the areas that are closer to us (that is, convex), and then we make a simple thin rigid brush with a lot of long chaotic white-colored stripes on a coin, trying to convey her scratch. This is especially not noticeable, but still it seemed to me that the coin looks more natural.

Master class on drawing for children "Goldfish"

Master class on drawing fish with a two-color smear for children, their parents and everyone who loves to draw.

Purpose: Educational or gift drawing.
Materials: Gouache, round brushes (one thin, for drawing parts), landscape sheets, palette, water, napkin.

purpose: Development of creative potential.
Tasks: learn the work skills with brush and paints without prior pencil drawing, attach children to the world of beautiful and develop cognitive interest.
In today's lesson, we will try to draw the one for a long time fabulous creatureBut, though, there are many fairy tales with this beauty, she was not born in a fairy tale, but in a real country, in China.
Not in the seas, not in the oceans,
And in the aquarium I live,
But wishes are all yours,
I can not fulfill!

Guessed about com this is speech? Of course, about Golden Fish!

Many legends are created about the appearance of goldfish. One tells about how goldfish, who lived in the heavenly palace of the gods, so broke out that they fell through the edge of the clouds to the ground. Another legend was devoted to the Ocean, which during a strong storm, threw ashore from his depths of jewelry and goldfish. Well, the third about the girl, abandoned beloved. She grunted and cried that her tears turned into goldfish.
But not gods and no power of witchcraft, and people created the amazing beauty of fish not found in nature. For more than a thousand years, it was created in China. This unique direction in art is a selection work on the removal of new species of fish. During this period, the modest Chinese crucian turned into a written beauty - a goldfish, and she, in turn, gave many breeds.

Brought from the east of the fabric, vessels, fan, decorated with goldfish, produced big impression, but no one suspected about the existence of these fish. They were considered the fruit of fantasy, like the Chinese Dragon. The appearance of living fish in the 18th century caused a real sensation. They were highly rare, highly appreciated and gave them as a jewel only royal. They hit Russia from the distant China as the gift of the king Alexey Mikhailovich. Later, Catherine The second received fantastic beauty fish from his favorite of Prince Potemkin. Now goldfish are the most popular inhabitants of the aquarium. There are 126 varieties in total - from pure-gold to black.

Everyone knows and love a fairy tale about the Golden Fish, which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote. Many times adults and children painted a goldfish, and today I want to offer unusual way Drawing fish with a two-color smear in an unusual perspectiveWhen we look at them from above.
On my leaflet, as a sample, a fish is already drawn, we will draw a friend next to it.

We recruit on the brush yellow paint, We try to dial the paint to the entire surface of the brush's tail. At the tip of the tail, we recruit the red paint and spend a long smear, applying a brush to the sheet with the entire surface and, as the smear is moving, lifting it on the tip.

From the thickened side of the smear we apply a tassel with the entire surface on the right and left. It turned out something similar to the arrow - this is the head of fish.

Now thin lines try to stalk an eye arc. Two lines will designate lips.

Pains a round fisher taurus.

Imprint brush Create upper fins.

The lower layers draw the end of the brush with several strokes.

Now the most interesting is the tail. The smear is long, the direction of its winding. Tassel first apply the tip, then by the go of the smear, gradually omit the brush onto the sheet with the entire surface and, then, raise the brush again to the tip. We gained two colors on a brush, so smear turned out with a smooth transition from yellow to red!

We make such smears somewhat, trying to make the tail luxurious.

A thin brush on the back can be painted with dots, and narrow troughs on the tail. Black paint Let's put the point-eye.

Fish Our ready! You can draw some more fish and add algae, water droplets or pebbles so that the composition gets more filled and interesting.

By the way, in China and in Japan in reservoirs, the number of fish is symbolic. It is believed that to attract good luck to the house, it is necessary to have eight gold and one black fish. Goldfish attract favorable energy into the house, and the Black Fish serves as a charm of negative. So you can draw nine fish and hang at home for good luck and overall!
Options for compositions with fish.

For a long time I was lazy to write some lesson on drawing. Here it is time and at the same time to pamper readers merry story About drawing. In the previous lesson I tried. Today I will try. So, proceed to business. First take everything required tools For this case (pencil, paper and eraser, it is quite enough). The first step: Carefully look at how we should do, and we try to remember.

Step two: Draw a large ellipse -. In the left part of it, two small circles, which will then be eyes. And on the right there are two more ellipses, it is a future tail. What we should have observe in the picture: Stepping on. Our fish should swim well, so I will join her fins on top and bottom. To the picture turned out to be fun, and not gloomy \u003d) ah-ah! And, of course, so that the picture was plausible, still draw bubbles: Already quite well see the appearance of our future fish. Along the way will work out a little eraser to remove the extra lines. Draw patterns. And on the body, we draw a few wavy lines that will depict the scaly. Taaapa! We look carefully on the work done. It turned out to be not bad, it remains for small. We will make the necessary lines thicker, and the rest will work as an eraser. And at the end, the drawing should look like this: Look carefully at him, and now look at what happened you \u003d) dressed together) but here how I Drawn Fish.

Near fishing!

Write in comments that you think about this lesson, as well as yet. We will learn to draw together \u003d) and do not forget to view the following lessons.

No beautiful fish can be compared with gold. After all, she can fulfill desires! You can, for example, to remember the Russian fairy tale of Pushkin, where the grandfather caught here such a wonderful goldfish in his networks. And now you will have your own golden performer of desires if you draw it with colored pencils after today's master class for novice artists.

Necessary materials:

  • black marker;
  • simple pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • color pencils of yellow and orange tone.

Goldfish drawing stages:

  1. At the initial stage, we draw a body of goldfish simple lines and figures. This is an oval, which will be the main figure. I will add a fin at the top in the form of a triangle. Also, the tail and lower fins will be depicted in the form of simple arcuate lines.

  1. Deform the contour of the body. Add your mouth and eyes.

  1. Then we turn to the tail and define its contour. We will also make it with a small lower fin. Finally, you can draw arcuate lines on two elements of the tail drawing.

  1. We specify the contour of the upper fin. Draw lines. Draw the gills not far from the eye.

  1. Now you can draw the Czech Gold Fish in the form of small semi-rays. Also pay attention to the lower fins, which should determine the contours and draw small parts.

  1. Black marker draw all lines and small details in the drawing of a goldfish. The pupil on the eye can be completely unfounded.

  1. Since our fish is gold, then and for her paintwork, we take a yellow pencil, which will give the desired shade.

Everyone at least once read a fairy tale, in which the story of the good old old man, his grumpy wife and magic goldfish told the story of his grumpy wife. Understand how to draw a goldfish is not so difficult. Moreover, it can be painted from nature, because it is one of the most common inhabitants of aquariums. Of course, the aquariums are not found magic goldfish, but in their drawing you can just paint her a small crown.
Before drawing a gold fish, it is necessary to prepare in stages:
one). A handle having a black gel rod;
2). Pencil (can be mechanical, and you can and the usual, but only well sharpened);
3). Multicolored pencils;
four). Eraser;
five). Paper sheet.

Now you can move to the study of how to draw a goldfish:
1. First, notice the outlines of the ficker's body;
2. Separate the head of the fish and draw a dutched mouth, as well as the eye of a round shape;
3. Inscribe the upper and lower fins;
4. Turn the rear fin. And then depict a big tail;
5. To understand how to draw a goldfish with a pencil in stages, always worth remembering small details. For example, it is necessary to draw the scaly on the body of the fish, as well as the bodies on its tail and fins;
6. Draw a small crown on the head of goldfish, as well as several bubbles near her mouth;
7. Now you know perfectly how to draw a golden fish pencil. But so that she really become similar to the heroine of Pushkin's fairy tales, it needs to be painted using colored pencils for it.
In order for the drawing in the end, it turned out neat and bright, it is necessary to break and sketch with a handle, and then remove everything with an excess eraser;
8. Pencils of brown tones faster and mouth fish;
9. Yeolay, orange and brown shades Color the head of goldfish;
10. Yellow, orange, brown and pink pencils crown the crown;
11. Yellow, orange and brown toned the body of the fish;
12. The same pencils also work all fins;
13. Pencils of the same shades color and luxurious tail of goldfish;
14. Strike three bubbles, located near the mouth of a goldfish blue and blue pencil.
Drawing ready! Now you know perfectly, how to draw a goldfish. And for its painting, you, at your own discretion, can apply not only multicolored pencilsBut also any paints, as well as high-quality markers. The main thing is that in the end your drawing turned out as colorful and interesting as possible!